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S/ 27340 0801161/034/009/002,/016 D204/D305 AUTHORS: Shtrikhman, R.A., Shoykhet, D~N., and Markovskiy, L.Ya. TITLE: On the primary and secondary processes occurring during the syntilesis of zinc-strontium-phosphate phosphor in reducing atmosphere PERIODICAL: Zhurnal prikladnoy khimii, v. 34, no. 9, 1961, 1912 - 1920 TEXT: This paper reports studies on the primary reaction involved in the formation of the mixed Zn and Sr or-hophosphate base and those reactions which are involved in the specific effect of the reducing atmosphere on the phosphor compos:.tion. The base composi- tion studied was Zn 0.44 Sr 2.56 (P04)2' Separare components of the charge were roasted in air and consisted of,,. SrHPO .1 Zn 4' Sr'03' 3 (P04)2 ' 2H 20. Differential thermal analys-'s was carried out with a Cr-alumel thermocouple and a multi-poin- potentiometer type EPP- Card 1/3 On the primary and secondary 09. The reactions involved are: 2' 1hu S/'080/61/034/009/002/UI6 D204/D305 2SrHPO + SrC0 (PO H 0 - CO 4 3 Sr3 4 2 2 2 Sr A 0 7+ SrCO 3 Sr3 (PO 4)2 + CO2 Sr 2P 20-:7+ SrO = Sr3(PO 4)2' In the 3-component mixture, dehydration of tne Zn phosphate also occurs. The reducing atmosphere used is a mixture of H 2 and N2' Heating in H 2flow alone causes the prodj2t to become blackened and lose luminosity. If subsequently roasted in a neutral gas at- mosphere at 11000C, the white color of the product is restored, X- ray analysis of produ3ts showed that the product obtained by heat- ing in H 2 (3 - 5 hours) is Sr 3(P04)2 with Zn metai impurity, with Zn3(PO 4)2* Sr phosphate forms at a temperature of 900 0C, whereas introduction of Zn into the lattice takes place at a higher tempe- Card 2/3 27 3hC- S/080/61/'034/009/002/016 On the primary and secondary ... D204/D305 rature and over a longer period of time. The reducing atmospnere may be H2 + N 2 or may be an alternating flow of H 2 - N2 and of N2' The condensate formed during the heating mainly consists of Zn with small amounts of P and Zn P 2 . There are 3 tables, 3 figures, and 21 references; 3 Soviet-bl8 c and 18 non-Soviet-bloc. The ~ MOs" recent referen.-es ~3 the English-language publi:.,ations read as follows: R.C. Ropp, R.W. Mooney, J. Electroch, Soc., 107, 15, 1960; R. C. Ro pp 9 M, A. Aia, Anal. Chem. , 31, 133, -1 91, 9 i W. L. Wan - maker, B. Bakker, J. Electroch. Soc., 106, 1027, _'959; K.H. Butler, U.S. Patent 2,898,3C2, 1959. A~3SOCIATION: Gcsudarstvennyy institut prikiadnoy khimil (State In- s,.i-.ate of Applied Chemistry) SUBMITTED: November 24, 1960 Card 3/3 i 60 0 27932 S/OBOJBI/034/010/003/016 D256/D301 AUTHORS: Yekshinev N. V.9 and Markovskiy, L. Ya. TITLE: Some chemical properties of the alkaline-earth hex&- borides IERIODICALi Zhurnal prikladnoy khinii, v. 34, no. 10, 1961, 2171-2175 TEM The authors studied the chemical reactivity of CaB69 BaB6, and SrB. produced in the course of an investigation of methods for their pre- paration (Ref. Ili Zhur. prikladnoy kbim. 31, 1958, 1293). The tests en- played consisted in treating these compounds with acids and bases and beating them separately with oxygen, nitrogen and carbon. Of these tests, only the oxidation was studied previously. The bexaborides were used in a powdery form (particle size 4C 4/A ) and analyzed as followai C&B a - 38.2% Caq 61.9% B; SrD. - 57.4% Sr, 42.8% D; BaB 6 - 67.8% Bap 31.9% B. (a) Treatment with acids and bases. The boride (10 g) was added to the Card 1/5 2793.1 S/08 61/034/010/003/016 Some chemical propertiesooo D258~0301 reagent (250 all and the mixture was allowed to stand at room temperature without stirring. The results are given in tabulated torso Boride Reaaent Percentage of dissolution after: I hr. 2 bra. I dg 2 dava 4 dels 10 days C&B6 HCI, d . 1.19 0.5 015 1.7 108 113 115 $I B2 s04, d 1.84 d t d n o t. d e c o a p o a a HNO 3, d IA2 91.5 97.3 100.0 - - - NaOH, 50% 2.2 2,2 210 2,4 2,2 2.6 N112 C03P 50% 0,3 0,4 0A Oo2 0,3 015 SrB BC19 d - 1,19 0.7 008 1,4 115 lo2 1.5 . "2S041 d - 1.84 d i d a o t d e ca a p oa e HN03, d . 1.42 98.5 100.0 (Table is continued on Card 3) Card 2/5 Some chemical properties@** SrD6 NaOHO 50% 0.8 of Na 2C0 3' 50% - DaB6 HCI, 4 - 1.19 0.8 is H 2so4f d 1.84 of HNO3 , d 1.42 94.0 N&OH, 50% 1.2 Na 2CO 39 50% 0.6 27911 S/0130/61/034/010/003/016 D258/D301 1.2 1.6 1.4 109 119 - 1.3 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.1 116 2.0 2,9 3.0 d ! d a o t d e c o a 1) os e 98.8 10010 - - - 1,2 1.9 1*7 1.8 1.9 1.2 1.4 1,2 1.2 1.4 No hydrolysis occurred on treating the borides with boiling dil. HCI and no boranes evolved. (b) Stability on beating with 02* The compounds were placed in a quartz boat and heated at 500oC to 12000C in a stream of dry 02. Experiments with CrB 2 , Ti B2 and ZrB2 were included for comparison. Fig. 3 shovs a fair rate of oxidation at 650 0C and ever. Experiments Card 3/5 27911 S/080/61/034/010/003/016 Some chemical properties*.* D258/D301 conducted at 9000C showed that the oxidation is proceeding at a fair rate during the first 30 min. but attains a limiting value after 2 hours (39% for CaB.9 42% for SrB,, and 46% for B&B.). This was explained by the for- mation of a protective film of borates which, however, vanishes at higher temperatures. (c) Stability of heating with carbon and with nitro gen. I s I mixtures of borides with graphite were heated at 1700 0C to 2000 0Ci also, borides were heated in a stream of N 2 at 800, 1000, 1200 and 1400 C. The products were analyzed by chemical and X-ray analysis. No nitrides or boron carbides were shown to be formed. Conclusions: The hexaborides of Ca, Sr and Ba are shown to be even more inert than the borides of transition metals. This fact is said to confim the author's previously expressed view (Itef. 15: Zhur. neorg. khim. 34, 1957, 2) that the stability of a boride increases with the number of boron atoms contained. There are 3 figures, I table and 15 references: 7 Soviet-bloc and 8 non-Soviet-bloc. The reference to the English-language publication reads as follows: H. Moissan, A. Williams, C. r., 125, 629 (1897). Card 4/5 2791i S/OBOJ61/034/010/003/016 Some chemical properties... D258/D30I ASSOCIATION: Goandarstvennyy inatitut prikladnoy khinit (State Institute of Applied Chemistry) SUAMITTED: ~:Pebruary 28, 1961 Fig. 3. Depesaence or the rate of boride oxidation on temperature A - rate of oxiWiaiiom (% of oxidized boride witbin I br.); E3 - temperature of calcination (0c). Card 5/5 600 800 IM9 1100 ~-. 3n1111GHM0CTb CHOPOCT11 OtMcne- 11HO ru-~PUROD OT TeMt10PnTYPW. 14.ArR-8-21 nPOWMIM H-H (-C). I - can., 2 - SrD., J - BaB.. 4 - CrB,. 5 - T1%. 6 - ZrR'. 2/CW/,~~4/LAf,/Cjl 2 IvO 203 ealr yatl zua structure of boricies ros~-,kovaya .10.4, lj62, 3 -45 4 0 j T;-- a,: a;.d Dractica..~ ll~:jortance UlAt :IaZ 30 1 ar .10- L-ata-l- The author i...vestigated the lly,,~-OIY313 ol t;ic Ljor-,ues of "eta-La c,.' t;-c- of the pemocilic systez-, ar-I of 1117e L.,,-tal3 -L-, '.-iot6 ..Cl ao-at-01-3, a;- ;',a.;.---I,y .1i, oxy,;eii, nitroLen azrld carboi. at cievatad te--,ieratui-cs, T.'-x 13 ~rLWi, tj~p_,, lyhe strei.,-th of ~-"'e '0017J;I-.0 0 r0". "d oozoi,_Ctal '~,01"s -:3 .cat-y ~y rhc crystal utnactLxc of the z)ori-'es, a"! jix_-c:aaed wit.. the iA. --he co-po-a4d. Tivire are 6 flga,cs wd 2 ta~lcs. Godsudarstvc._i,,y urt~c_a I2:%,iovoC,) Zr --ai ll,_-titut pri4ladLo;_. Order of the ked ~iw-,acr of Labour Card 1/2 6/266/62/WO/OG4/005/012 The cheuical staLality ... 1W3/1203 institute oi SUL-UTTrO: Jaiiuary 15, 1-jul' v Card 212 S/07 62/007/003/0'15/01c; B1 10%138 AUTHORS: Markovskiy, L. Ya., Smirnova, R. 1. TITLE: Reactions accompanying the production Of 7inC selenide tv interaction of zinc sulfide with selenous acid PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganicrieskoy khimii, v. 7, no. 3, 196', 1~1.b TEXT: In previous papers (Zh. neorg. khimii, 2, 2752 (1957)i ibid., 2042 (1960); Tr. gos. in-ta priki. khimii, _41,-128 (1960)), the authors had studied the followin,- reactions between an aqueous suspension of 'ZInS and F12Sao31 ZnS + If &0& - ZnSe0, + 11 3S ZnSo0a + 112Se0s - ZnSe0j. H2Se03 ZnSeo,,. liSeo, + US - 2ZnSeOs + INS 11,SoOz + MaS - So + 2S + 3H20 0~ 2ZnS + 3 11 3SoOs::; _M&0, + 28 + So + 3 11 0 The reactions taking place in the roasting charge are examJned more clo,oly here. The orange-colored mass obtained by the strongly exothermic reaction Card 1/6 Reactions accompanying the ... 5 /0 7 6/6 ? A-0 7 /0,-, r) B110/Bl;'8 of ZnS (Zn 66.11j" and S 32. ec) und H SeO (-20 g Of Soo per 100 i- oil E,D) 0 2 3 2 was dried at 100 - 120 C. The heating curves were taken on an (FPK-54) pyrometer at a heating rate of 15 20OC/MM. The powder patterns of the roasted powder were taken with Fe K radiation. Taking the rRtio of 1 mole of ZnS/1 mole of H 2SeOV which is the optimum in ZnSe production, the reaction reads: ZfiS !- 1131;eOs - 2/3ZnSPO, + 2/3S 4- 1/*3So + 1,13US + 11,0 (2) Beating curves with the ratios Zn.-j : H 2SeO 3 = 1: 1 and 2 3 display endothermic. melting effects at 12000, for S and 220 0 for So and strong exo- thermic effects at -4000C. Here, ZnSeO 3 is probably reduced by S or ZnS as followst ZnSoos+S; ZnSeO.+ZnS; Zno+ZnS; ZnO + US + So; ZnSoO, + SOz; ZnS + SoO3: (3) Card 2/6 ZnSoiDa - ZnO.+ SeGs b/078/6?/007/Q03/-1C"'/3j'-'. Reactions accompanying the... B11O/B138 As the SeO 2 content of the charge rises, so also do the rernentni -,,e of "'o, sublimation, and the Zn content in the solid phase. ZnS : F 2Seo yields the maximum ZnSe content. FurtLer increase in li,seo cllusoq h decrease in ZnSc. Zn7) : B 3eO 2 : 3 (63% by weiEht of '-7e0 ) -ii' 11~: 2 3 21 . of Se). This can be fittrilutpd to the oxidizinC ---fffi-t of which is formed at or above 6000C. If ZnSe mixed with Zn'-,eO or i!; 0 0 5 roasted at 800 C, starting from 600 C it is almost quantitatively trans- formed to ZnO. The exot)--ermic effect at 6000C is based on ZnSe oxidation, and the endothermic at -7000C on Se evaporation. 2 ZnSeO 3 + 5S roasted in N2 atmosphere for 30 min yielded 2D.0% ZnSe at 400 0C, 67.2 0C at 60,00C and 69.1~ at 8000C. The ZnS, also formed at 4000C, results from the s(-.condary reaction: ZnSe + S 0 ZnS + Se; ZnSO 4 forms in a yield of 30~c after 30 min roasting of ZnSeO 3 at 450 _ 500'C in SO2 atmosphere according to the reaction 2ZnSeO 3 + 2S02 ----,~2ZnSO4+ Se + Seo2 . At 800 0C, it changes into Card 3/6 .1 '--7 - I - - - 5/07 2 ,' G -17 Reactions accompanying the... P1103 58 ZnO via oxysulfate. Zinc sulfite reacts with zinc splenite ZnS + 2ZnSeO3 4 2ZnO + ZnSO4 + 25e at 20P111 selenite content and + 7n-'~~O 0 ZnSe + ZnO + 502 at 450 0C. Since 2:LnO 4ZnS 0 3Zn + 'iO., it, oilly thermodynamically Possible above 15000C, S02 and ZnSe formation (140 and 38 kcal, respectively) can only be achieved by adding Se. Most of the ZnO is therefore converted into ZrSe. In 2ZnSeO 3+ 2S + Se, ZnS binds tLe formed ZnO. Therefore, in the ratio ZnS i E2 SeO 0/ 1, only slight ZnO impurities are formed, which do not influence the luminescence properties of commercial sulfide selenide luminopbores. Without Se, ZnO will form by sublimation with a slow temperature rise. Forced temperature rise and average charges are therefore best: Card 4/6 S/107 62/007/003/005/0110 Reactions accompanying tYe ... B"OYB138 2ZnS A- 3112Se(-)j- 2ZnSP03 + 21,; -~- So 4- 31120 ra,t; o 4/3ZuSeO3 + 2S + So - 4:3ZnSo + 2S0, 4- So 2,lZnScO3+ 2[3S02 - 2,;3ZnSO4+ 1/3So + 1/3SeO2 213ZuSe + J/3SoOj - 2;WnO + So 2/3ZnSe + 2,f3ZnSO4 ~ 4jUnO + 2113S0, + 2i,3So Cyklma Pilo Ilmeem: Tot a L '. 2ZnSoO3 + 2S + So - 2ZnO + 2S02 + 3So Aim mux7u tA, uonytiennoft no penKunu US + lf%SeO3 - 2i3ZnSP03+ 21&q + i/3Se + 113ZriS + HgO r-t Go 4/9ZnSeO. + 2i3S - 4,'9ZnSo +2M02 (4) 2/9ZnS + 219ZnSoOs - 2/9ZnSo + 2/9SO, + 2/9'LnO 2/9ZnO + I/9ZnS + 3/9So - 3/9ZnSe + 1/9SO, CYMMaPHO umeem: Tot ~2 L 2/3ZnSeO3+ 213S + t/3Se + 113ZnS ~ ZnSe + S02 Card 5/6 S / 07;,1 /L 2 AO 0 7, / C, C, Reactions accompanying the ... B110/B1381 The side reactions modifying chese "ideal schemes" depend on experiment'--ij conditions. M. Z. Aleksandrovi is thanked for assistance in the experiment's. There are 3 figures, 7 tables, and 13 references! 9 Soviet and 4 non- Soviet. The reference to the Englinti-language publication reads as followst G. Crosby, U. S. Patent 2B183910 December 31, 1957. ASSOCIATION: Gosudarstvenny institut prikladnoy khimii (State Institute of Applied Chemistry) SUBMITTED: November 1, 1960 Card 6/6 S)aRNOVAP R.I.; MARKOVSKIY, L.Ya. Reactions taking place in the interaction of carin-um sulfine dry povders with selenious anhydride. Zhur.neorg.khim. 7 no.6:1366-1369 Je 162. (MIRA 15:6) (Cadmium sulfide) (Selenium oxide) S L110 5. 2- 2. 46 0 32392 S/08 62/035/001/002//013 D24ND304 AUTHORS: Vekshina, N. V. and M arkovskiy, L.-Ya. TITLE: Study of reactions taking place during the preparation of hexaborides of alkaline-earth metals by reduction with carbon PERIODICAL: Zhurnal prikladnoy khimii, v. 35, no. 1, 1962, 30-37 TEXT: Using chemically pure materials, the authors made a detailed series of studies of the reactions which occur during the prepara- tion of Ca, Ba and Sr hexaborides by heating mixtures of varying composition of the oxides with graphite and B. The primary sinter, liquid and gaseous products of hydrolysis and insoluble residues were analyzed. The possible interactions are discussed. Using a charge of optimum composition (CaO + 3B 203 + 5C), it was found that,,A up to 15000C, the only reaction was between the metal oxide and boron to form borates. Reduction with C commenced at 17000 but, at this temperature, the products were boron carbide and graphite. The optimum temperature for the formation of hexaborides was found Card 112 Study of reactions ... 3239 S/080762/035/001 002,~O!') D245/D304 to be 19000C. The tendency to form MC4B2 increases from "a to Sr to Ba. Optimum conditions for obtaining nearly stoichiometric yiems of the hexaborides are shown intabulated form. There are 1 figure, 4 tables and 8 references: 5 Soviet-bloc and 3 non-Soviet-bloc. The references to the English-language publications read as fol-- lows: H. Blumenthal, Powd. Metal. Bull., v. 7, 79, 1956; A. St~)ck, 'Hydrides of Boron and Silicon' (1933); P. Blum and F. Bertaut, Acta Cryst., v. 7, 81, (1954). ASSOCIATION: Gosudarstvenny institut prikladnoy khimii (State In- stitute of Applied Chemistry) SUBMITTED: April 5, 1961 Card 212 S/08 6 2103 /003/004,,'0'-),: D258YD302 A'JTIiORS -and Bezruk, Ye. T. T I T i, E' The chem icai otabili ty of son, e trariai ti(,)r,,.,3 im,, t ~1 boridet, (II). PERIODICAL: Zhurnal prikladnoy khimii, v. 35, no. 3, T 1-" X TIn continui-ition of e~irli,,r work the authurs, L mical stability towards acid hydrolysis of the different bur!(if-_ f,' Mn, Cr, Fe, Ni and Clo to establish a relationship between stability towards hydrolysis and boron contents of the co-_-'Dun~i. -2,j th,is end, Mn 2B, MnB, 1-In3BV',,InB2, FeB, Fe2 B, CoB, PO 2B, -,o',i-5' N i4B3 PI, i2B, Ni3B, CrB, Cr5B3 and Cr 2B were synthesized elements, treated with a 1:2 HU solution, and their reaction pr~)- ducts analyzed for diborane, tetraborane and hydrogen. It was sh3wn that boranes and hydrogen were formed in each case. The gradual -1-n- crease of B contents in every group is connected with a sharp de- crease in the rate of decomposition, as well as in borane formation. nardl/2 S/Oo 016 2,-"'0`:7,/0 J The chemical stability D258/-D302 The stability of i.,-,ostriictL1r,11 borideu increased fror.,i ~,r tf,) -in,-,rcased stability of b.')ron-rich compoun,is was termo of corres,,ondingly increasing strength of B-3 bund,;. are 2 figures, ~ tables and 20 references: 10 Soviet-bluc i!.' non-Soviet-bloc. The 4 most recent references to the guage publications read as follows: Binder and B. i'ost, Act!j stallo raph., 13, 356, (1960); S. Rundqvist, Acta chem. Scarld 1196, ?1959); H. Blumenthal, Powder Metal. Bull., 6, 48, (1')51~ Newkirk and D. Hurd, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 77, 241, (1955). SUBMITTED: April 5, 1961 Card 2/2 3/080/u 2,10-5 5/ 004 /002, '0_2 D204/D301 Jtu'THORS: 11-:arkovsLki Ya. and Kaputovskaya, G. V. TITLE: Certain chemical properties of Ilig borides an'; 1~`-eir role in preparing eiemental B by a magnesiot,~.err~_.all me thod 10 D I C A.1i u rn a IDrikladnoy kiiinii, v. 35, no. 4, lq6_21, 723-7"19 '_E~XT '.!he in-.eractions of 11g borides with aerial 0.,,, N2 and C were siudied. Preparation and anaiysis of the borides and of amorphous :d 3, which was also tested for oxidation resistance, are briefly aen- wer,e .ioned. 1-g-samples of the powdered materials (99-100c/,