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"OVO ov SAUVARD, Sanda; 14 11~AR, I . ; 'I"'-':~-~-,~;'U , 1 . ; 14 ~, , ~'X' , 11.1ena; (J'[ , ~'-M; 'elff'."ER, Janeta; PAWIAA, -'. Evaluation of t-e dpla ,vea -i"--c7, c:' s(,me ?.ormana, -1 Stud. cercet. encocr. A, no.~'.~:10-10~, 1(14. NUanikC,_ A. The first qa& ified fishermen in Velalulca. p. 12. Periodical r MORSKO RIMRSTV0. Vol, 11, no, 1. Jan, 1959 AGRICULTURE SO- Monthly List of East European Accessions (EFAI) LC Vol., 8, No. 4 April 1959, Uncl. MARTAAQ, R. A method for determining the effectiveness of a group of symmetrically distributed absorbed rods on the basits of the two-group theory. Bul Inst Nucl 13 no.3:21-29 0 162. 1. Department of Reactor *Pica. PAULICEK, R.; PAVOLKO, 0.; VOLAVYxA, L.; ~ ~RTINAK _Y, Technology of founding of locomotive wheel diskB and their finish-ing. Slevarenstvi 10 no.1:29--':,.O Ja 162. 1. ZIVS Marti-n. h1306 S/035/62/ooo/c10/:O9/128 AGOI/A,G: ALM11OR: MartinAk, Vladimir TTTU-': fieodimpter NASM-3 and results of its control tests PERIODICAL,: ReferFitivnyy zhurnal, Astronomiya i Geodeziya, no. 10, 1962, 33 34, abstract 00.77 ("Geod. a kartogr. obzor", 1962, V. 8/50, no. 4, 67 - Y1, Czech) =1-,T: The author describes briefly the operational principle and, design of the N"'M- '~ ~ geodimeter, as well as the order of distance measurements with this device. Control determinations of modulation frequency (quartz oscillator frequency) have shown that it is sufficient to reppat freqUency standardization twice a year. The auxiliary frequency is determined by the firm with sufficient accuracy. On the basis of results of calibrating the steps of the rough phhse delay, the author concludes that the mentioned constants can be considered prac- .tically inv,,triable during a field season with an error of +3 cm. Eight obser- vation series are sufficient for calibrating the steps p~ the rough phase delay. The results of measuring with p NASM-3 geodimeter of 14 lines are presented Chrd 112 E/035/62/C,0C,/G ! C,/ Geodimeter NASM--, and L'OSLILitS Of its CGntrr-I tests AGO:/A,01 J (6 sicies o; , triangulation neUjork, kmlong; 4 sides of the base n-t- work, 2.7 - ).4 km; 4 linps measured with Invar wires,,. 0 .3 .0 lun long) 7 t is conclude(~., on the basis their analysi6, that the rms error of one measure- ment series amounts to �~ cm at the line length up to 5 km, and not over 4-6 cir, at the 'line 'ength up to 10 il kir.. Distances up to ~O km can be measured with the N,'%SM-3 geodimeter with an error not exceeding �P cm,.and up to `5 !an with the same accuracy at good visibility and in complete darkness. M. Fatynskiy [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 212 KARTINAK, Vladimir, inz. Some experience in the electrooptical distance 164-166 Je 163. distance measument vith the ISTI-I gauge. Geod kart obzor 9 no. 6: 1. VTCP'UJ, Dubruska. STOWVA, 0., Dr.-, -.MARTI NAKOVA, A. Analysis of school health Bervice in 1955-1956 and Its tasks in 1957. Cesk. pediat. 12 no.1:75-79 Jan 57. 1. Kinisterstvo zdravotnictvi, odbor pece n zenu a dite, Praha. (SCHOOLS med. sf-rv. in Czech. (Cz)) i " , " j , 7 A ') ) I - I , ) i ,,/' /. / i STOLOVA, Olga, MUDr.; MARTITIAKOVA. Anr)a School health service in the school year 1956-1957 and the tasks for the year 1958. Cesk. pediat. 13 no.1:64-67 5 June 58. 1. Odbor Pece o zenu a dite mininterstva zdravotnietvi, Praha. 0. S., Praha 12, tr. Wilh. Plecks, Q8. (SCHOOL H&kLTH. in Czech. (Cz)) VURTINkKOVA, Anna Placing children In hospitals and health resoz-ts. 1',v no.147:178-183 '61. (PEDIATRICS hosp & clin) STOLOVAS Olga; MAPTINAKOVA, Anna Analyais and reffults of care for school children. Cesk. pediat. 17 no.5/6:54"'-545 Je 162. 1. Odbor pece o nenu a dite ministerstva zdravotnictvi v Praze, vedouci MUDr. 0. Stolova. (CHILD WELFARE) KOCKOVAJ M.~ tA-AiTFv-'--KOVA, A. &alysis of the re5ults of school health serrice for the period 1962-1963 Cesk. pediat. 19 no.7t644-~1,45 JI'64 1. Ministerstvj zdravotni~.-tv-i., odbor pace o zenu a dite. MARTINASEK, Leopold; HRUSKA, Otakar. Cast-iran pressure rnpep anI pip, fitt'Ings. Normnal!zac-e 12 204 J-1'64 1. Kral odvc)rs.-, e zelezarn7 Nati,, Krahiv D%rur. IF , ", //. -Iyj HARTINA)~TIS. B. Lithuanian S.S.R. Avt.transp. 35 no.10:21 0 157. (MIRA 10:10) l.Ministr avtomobillnogo transporta I shosseynykh dorog Litovsk-oy SSR. (Lithuania-Transportttion, Automotive) KAIRTINAYhS, V.P., lazbener; SHAPIRO. G.I.. Jushemer. Widening and reinforcing feumdatleas of roads in the fall and viat*r in Latvia. Ayt.der.18 se.6:8-10 0 155. (MLRA 9:2) (Latvia-Reade-Matatemence and repair) fi2 /.' /, , / F_ / ) " -! V " . I I. MARTINAYTIS, V.P. Road system of the S~,vie- _L~ .',a. Avt.d-,r. 20 no.9(179):6-8 i . 1. Hinistr avtomobil'nogo tranF7ortk i shosseynykh dorog Litovskoy SSR. (Lithuania--Ronde) MARTIRAYTIS. V. F, A year of vorking under nev conditions. Avt.transp. 37 no-3:31-32 Mr 159. (MrRA 12:4) 1. Ministr avtomobillnogo transports i shosseynykh dorog Litovskoy SSR. (Lithunnia-TrFinsportation, Automotive) WTINAYTIS, V. Tnward new b-o-nit;ries, Av*.transp, 10 nc.4:3-4 Ap ( ,.. 7 ?, - ~ 1. Ministr avtomclil Inoge transporta i shos,-;ejnykl, ~-4 Litovskoy S3R. i,Li Trnnspor tFi "ion, Jk',it,,-)Tr,~- * I-- - *' MARTINAYTIS, V. [Martynaiti2, V.] Development of r)RsqenF,,er rrqffic in the Lithuanian S.3.R. Avt. transp. 42 no.1;11-12 Ja 164. (FJRA 17:2) 1. Ministr --ivtomobillnogo trqnsportq i shosseynykh doro.7 Litovskoy SSR. MARTINA Yl",S, V P, , inzh. ; KEVOSTiK~'V , V.V. , ilah. ; 'fATSK)"V:;': :~ , -:.Y;i - , 1! ',h. work o:-gan I zat I or, nas red uced Lne tlirj~- rf b.- 1 rliye crr.,E*.:--,- '. -'- r Avt, dor, 28 no-4:11-13 Ap lb~. ( m 7 :-j, . ;~ ; , -;--AP = NC~Fx r. Approximative solution 1 f Innf-foldinf, srppths and cvlindr4(-al she '-. P. 105. (Slovem-ka aka( emic vi(,('. 11stav slrv, ~rictva arc!Atrkti~ry. - R.' '~ ) JQ(a (publisheO 19W Bratislava. C7c-choslovakia) Monthly Indpx of East Fur-ean Ac,-(,E, ic-,r- (,I AT) 1,C. V . no ~, 9 O-L. 7, February --95b MARTINCIK, G. Dynamic nondestructive methods of testing the quality of concrete. p. 292. (Inzenyakre Stavby. V-)l. 5, no. 6, June 1957. Praha, Czechoslovakia) SO: Monthly List of East FuroDean Accessions (7EAL) LC, Vol. 6, no. 10, October 1957. Uncl. MARTIKCEK, G. Symposium on nonhomogeneity in elastic and plastAc theories. p. 3. STAVEBNICKY CASOPIS. (Slovenska akaderda vied) Fratislava, Czechoslovakia. V 1. 7, 0 1 no. 1, 1959. Monthly list of East European Accessions (F~-~AI) LC, Vol, 8, no. 10, Oct. 1959. Uncl. rt I G-ustav -/12411/63/'GOC,/"_,j-_,"--4-', Lj 0 D234/ 30 tilc velocit~-Cs OL ',c-.! cra-cj-v~iyy, 1902, c sun-,,arics i.11 .,ul. Linu oi' of wvc vOluc--*-L:y in SoLi(~ n cv ncr c c oncrc o-.7 --,-M~)u Is( ~:C:,, on, r.,,,:in o-- tc) sm,.! ',c arcvic'..', in CO! U IVL~ -voystvL! "'Crilyl--h orc,,. Cal 01- roc,-.:~ ~1-,: ~-s C. "; 1: 1: atci whicil ~-r~ cue-.-.cics o;- the rod') clo t erminc -zac -)ivO,,:,:ll velocitv 0, C, ll~. 3.1c 1,(~ I-'. ,~;_-rd 1/2 +163/6 off ul e mc, c OL ~.Ac L;-1t;C 1'es""luss, fon-.,-~Iatoc; as a:-I i-,Lverso for a n'.,.e,7 i.C-t s c t o zo n~ 1e orL'L ,cr ns L c C) . nc: cic-ce VCI_OC--,:,, C)f )""Ota, vclc)c-:t-,, ".CI, ".1at Of t an in-,-i i-,:o ,~-,bstruct:cr's noto: o n KkRTINGU, Oustav, inz., G3c. uVibration analysis and design turbl.nesO brj Alaxander Major. cas 2-1 no.5:360 163. of fr.,uadrtions f.-z ma;-:-izep Tu),v.'--wuci by riuetlav MARMCHKY Gustav, inz. CSc. Dynamic solution of shutter plates. Stav cas 12 r.,,.31 2.44-164 164. 1. Institute of Building and Architecture, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava. STAROBINETS, G.L.;-MARTINCH1K, G.S. Separation of mixtures of vlka3i metal ions and isolatiin jj- magnesium by Pluent chromatography. Zhur.anal.Phirr. 16 no.5:538-_543 S-0 '61. (MIRA 14: 9) 1. Institut of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Academy of Sciences, Byelorussian S.S.R., Minsk. (Alkali metals--Analysis) (Magnesium--Analysis) ACCESSION NR: AT4001413 S/3029/63/000/000/0020/0024 AUTHOR: Martinchik, G. S.; Starobinets, G. L. TITLE: Sorption of alkali metals by !on-exchange In'zirconium polyphosphate SOURCE: lonoobmen I sorbtsiya iz rastvorov. Minsk, 1963, 20-24 TOPIC TAGS: chromatographic analysis, column chromatography, ion exchange, cation exchange, adsorption, sorption, selective adsorpt-l'on, cation separation, alkali metal cation, synthetic cation exchanger, inorganic cation exchanger, zirconium polyphosphates, inorganic polymer, preparation, ion exchange equilibrium, uilibrium constant, temperature dependence,-ion exchanger composition e q ABSTRACT. In view of the lack of information In the literatur6 on ion exchange on inorganic cation-exchange resins, the authors studied the effect of tempera- ture on the selectivity of -the equilibrium exchan7e between arnonium ions and the alkali metals (LI, Na, K) between 0 and 90C, at P-'= 0.1, on zirconium polyphos- phate obtained from either zirconyl nitrate or zi'rconyl chloride by the method of Larsen (J. Phys. Chem. v. 64, no. 11, 1960). "Tbe polyfunctional resins ob- tained from the nitrate and the chloride had molar %atlos t ~Zr02/1)20~) of 1.3 and 1.24, and exchange capacities of 4 and 3.24 meq/g, respec ively. T e resilts presented in Figs. 1, 2 and 3 of the Enclosure show that the 5electivity co- Card 1/6 ACCESSION NRt AT4001413 ,efficients were significantly affected by both the temperature and the composition of the ion-exchange phase; both the selectivity-coefficient per se and the effect of temperature were greater for the resin obtained from the chloride. The results indicate that the ammonium form of zirconium polyphosphate may be useful in the chromatographic separation of the alkali metals. Orig. a rt. has: 3 figures. ASSOCIATION: none I SUBMITTED: 00 DATE ACQ: 21Nov63 ENCL: 04 SUB CODE: MA, CH NO REF SOV: 002 OTHER: 005 C.rd 2/6 I . .. "! I I ? : I . I .. . . MARTITICIC) Andre.i The moss f-.o,-& of F,. 1. B' - . !--is- ~ ': 31,-.-~ 1. Biclopi-. of the 'In,ve.-A-7 -f fi!.S~ Submitt-ed 3:, 1964. MARTINGIC, Dusan, inz. M leftw~ppwpwwvw~W-141-0*0 Plastics in building industries. Nova proizv 14 no.3/4-.200- 208 3 '63, MARTINCIC, Dusan, dipl. inz. (Ljubljana) Bitumen and bitumen emulsions. Nfova proizv 3,/4:15c~-68 164. I-IARTD'CIC, M. "The pAh-Dlo~ic-h--stAo-'cal o' ~h: ce!.tral nerv-ius syatia ~j-. the eTi]-ic ho.-- cholora." Vr.t. A. 15 (') 21-:4-C, L94-5 I MARTnicic, !,i. "Haernaturia in ec-att) 9. " Inst. )l n-~tho-an -.I V -t. Fn,~. U. oll Za :mb. Vet. Archiv. 23 '. 159-162), 191`3 )f Far.,, ,nii-As. D-iseasus (-.used ty Viruser ind ,'.bs Jour Ref Zhur - Bi:)l., No. 17, 195~, No. 78920 ,.utlior Dist Not given Ti tle Results of md Patholu-L~ic,,.l- Histological Investi.--~.tions of Horses Durin,-, an Epizo)tic of Infectious in 1946 in Cr,7)--ti-. Ori6 Pub Vetern. ;lasnik, 1955, 9, No. 12, 836-850. "abstract No -,bstract. Card 1/1 9 MRTINCIC, Nikola, dr., potpukoynik On a little knovn observation in intravenous urogmphy with ureteral compression. Voj. san. pregl., Beogr, 11 no.-S-6:181-182 YALY-June 54. 1. Vojna bolnica Zagreb-Roudgenolooka odeljenj*. (URINART TRACT, radiography ureteral compression causing spasm) F-RANCISKOVIC.V.; KUIS,M.; KARTINCIC,K. Our results of reBection therapy of pulmonary tuberculosis. Tuber- kuloza,Beogr. 11 no.2:211-214 '59. 1. Vojna bolnica,Nla. (PNZJMONZCTOMT) MARTINCIC, Nikola, sanitetski potpukovnik; BACIC, Tomislav, kapstan, MT Marking roentgen films. VoJ.8an.pregl. IS no.5:509-510 W 161. (RADIOGRAPHY) KUIS, Milan, dr.; FW4.NCI3KOV1(;, Vinko, dr.; 1-=INCIC, Nikola, dr. Intralobal pulmonary seque,;tration. Lijec. vjes. 84 no.3:259-263 ,62. 1. Iz Vojne bolnice U Puli. (LUNG6 abnorm) MARTI Elkola; KUIS.Nil&n; YRMISKOVIC.Tinko LNM The problem of routine application of bronchography. Tuberimlosa, Beogr. 11 no-3:371-374 159. 1. Vojan bolnica.Pula (BRONCHI radiogr.) WT ."mir, KUDr, asistent kliniky ~k Preventive application of penicillin in obstetrics. lek. listy. Brno 9 no.19:442-445 1 Oct 54. 1. Z I. porodnicke a gy-nakolcgicke kliniky KU v Brne. Pre(Inosta prof. MUDr L.Havlasak. (LABOR, penicillin in) (PSNICILLIN, therapeutic use, in lal)or) MLRTINCIK, Jaromir; SCIMIBHR, Redrich The incidence and diag-nosis of thromboembolic complications after gynecological operations. Gesk. gyn. 231371 no.5:343-348 July 58. 1. 1. nor. an. klin. MU v Brne, prednosta prof. Dr. L ffhvlaBsk. J. M., Brno, Stalingradake nam. 15. ("MMO]MOLISM, etiology & pathogenesis P_vn. surg.. incidence & eiag. (Cz)) (GENITALIA, FRMAL3, surgery postop. thromboembolism, incidence & diag. (Cz)) MARTINCIK, Jarom1r; SCHREIBER, Bedrich Acute renal insufficiency after gynecological ODerations. ^.eek. gyn.25[391 no.8:585-591 0160. 1. 1. g7n.por.klinika, Brno, Drednosta Drof.dr. L.Havlasek. (M-SCOLOGY surgery) (ACUTE RENAL FAILURE etiol) ~,,MARTINCIK, Jaromir- POLACKOVA, Marie r- Preaperative and postoperativf- exercise therapy in prevention of thromboembolic disease. Ceek.gyn.26[401 n0.1/2:93-96 F 61. 1. 1. por.-gyn. klinikR University J. Ev. Purkyne v Brne, prednosta prof.dr. L.Havlasek. (THROMBCFNBOLISM prev & control) (SURGERY OPERATIVE compl) (EXERCISE Tt[ERAPT) MARTINCIN, Jaromir Diagnosis of thrombosis of pelvic veins. Cook. gynek. 26 no.9:6qg-7-3 N 161. 1. 1 gyn. por. klin. UJEvP v Brne, prardnosta prof. dr. Havlasek. (PELVIS blood supply) (THROMBOSIS diag) SCHNELLEROVA, M.; KARTINCIK, J.; KONECNA, D.; VTBORDVA, L. The fate of children vith perinatal injuries. Cesk. gynek. 27 no.3: 231-234 Ap 162. 1. Novor. odd. fak. por., prednosta dr. M. Schnellerova, I por gyn klin. UJEvP v Brne, prednosta prof. dr. L. Havlasek, II por. gyn. ~IiV4 UJEvP v Brne, prednosta doc. dr. M. Uher, psychiatr. klin. UJEvP v Brne, prednosta prof. dr. J. Hadlik. (BIRTH INJURY statist) I KNOBIDGH, Ferd; EDUTSKY, Zd.; KARTINCIKOVA, R.; RIEGROVA, M. Cbaracteriatics of neuroses In Czechoslovakia. Coo. lek. cook. 95 no.41:1144-1148 12 Oct 56. 1. Psychiatricka kliniks v Praze (ambulance fakultni polikliniky) prednosta: prof. Dr. Zd. Myslivecok, F. X., Praha 2, Kfirlovo nam. 32. (MMOSES. statist. in Czech. (Cz)) C 2: ECKS LOV,'~K' A . . KIOBLOCIIA, .4. TljNOVA, F. affilli,iar. Abuve." f'pesults of -'.~ioical oi reurctlc& in Prag-as, Act :.e.-ft,ta St4-j:-atior. 4.-%j X. L-2ktion e;3, np 36-43. A'-,St-,Bct f eia to c-.. i '~,)14 treated at C~i- I'hor.ppital ior or i-~; C-Iods used, ane, of .-Y ayc-, sex, lurstl - of cli5eas+,,, crlterl,, of improv--mont beirig -voir. sna scored by ph,,.I:iar~ End t-, ta-e ppt!l-T:tr' independently. Resull~i confirm th2t cptratior. ia wurthWhLle; and W ,tb experie-tice are gaLtiTig ':~4~LEI' till. Sl:W UI-AtS, Z' 8 Czec~. an~ 2 Westc-n ri4ere-icc;i. HWINCSAK, I L. Designing models from the point of view of mass production, P. 52, BOR- ES CIPOTECHNIKA, (Boripari Tudomanyos Egyesulet mint a Magyar Tudomanyos Egyesuletek Szovetsege Tagegyesulete) Budapest, Vol. 5, No. 3, June 1955 SOURCE: East European Accessions List (EEkL) Library of Congress, Vol. 4, No. 12, December 1955 1, 11 . i I I Excerpta Nedica 1/1 sec 17 Jan 55 Pub. Health. Social Medicine & 6t 227. MARTINC.SEK A. - A (,g6szsqt1g~ j2\,ik,,rjatjj)6j. (A v6dft6 iskolaeg6.~jzsLs- 9 Ugy T-?Tr", h (' 1) F,I i I I ( e ) f h v g , e n e, The SL hool sanita - r %, w o z k ) ~ I h v ~, ( h ~ ,, I - n u r s e t~ 9 PEG 9SZS 9C, VG. y 19.5 3, 3 4 ic) (2 4 7 - 2 4 9) The i n) pu rta nt pa rt ,f ~- 11,,~ ~ 1 - n ti rs c, i i,. ,,i , , , Ij I .\ p (4 1( a t (,il ()f s,Ai,),, I c h i Id re n i s e m - phas,zed. Vit6z - Bildapest I MARTINENAS, Balis; GRICIUVIENE, St., red.; KARVELJS, V., tekhn. red. [Technology of the manufacture of knit goods-Irikotazo technologija. Vilnius, Valst~)rbine polit. ir mokslines lit-ros leidykla. Pt.l. 1962. 209 p. (MIRA 17:1) HUMARY MARTINCSEVICS, Jozsef, Dr, district veterinary, Hegyfalu, ZS!rMOND, Las-Llo, -D-t,Megye chi-3f veterinary, Szombathely. "Practical. Observations on the Effectiveness of Fowl Fever Immurdzatlon of Hens and Newborn Chicks." Budapest, Ma~~yar Allatorvosok Lapja, Vol 6, No 18, June 63, pp 254-2,'6, Abstract: [Authors' Hunjarian sm-inary modified] Inhalation immunization of newborn chicks resulted in losses Chile adininistration of Fl Virus on the conjunctiva was carried out without complications. This lattermethod gave good i=unity up to 12 weeks. These ariimals were immunized again at 4 months by Ingestion of the B virus and showed strong resistance to the disease. The authors advocate 1he immunization of chicks by this successive administration of B, virus. Reference is made to a previous article by one of the authors. 3 Hungarian, 3 Western references. 1/1 ~'AIEINKli,N, , I.. 3ome obspr7at onq on rp,-,airinf-. -,j, I', (Arioile 11'ntriel. V02. P, ( 1ir), 372, Mar. lQ5?. brucuresti, Rumania) Se: monti,ly List of Ea-t Zurk,o-an -.ccessi-ns (.~,KA1) Lc. Vol. 6. ~o. e~. ~uF 'In.-I. MARTIM, Arnost, MUDr. Analysis of working incapa,!Ity in industry. Cesk. zdravot. 5 no.2:109-110 Feb 97. 1. Vadouct lekar zavodniho zdravotnickeho strediska Adamovakych strojiren. (WORK. incapacity in Indust. workers. (Cz)) r ha c zc,;-' 601.,rce L- st -:,=c-- Ij -L JI t Ir :-~. 9 , .. r I . , I . . . . , i . ; !, - - I .. - . . - . - I . . . . . I., . . . , , . I. - . . . . 9 . . f ) , I I . . - TO AT NM IW Wd jor. 39 D Ali dbW f 7 0 me MIA- b_4 Mtn-in M,',RTINa,, J.; HOVORJ~A, 7. "Colorimetric determination of cobalt with -furil inorio-Ame. In Cerman." p. 246 (COLLECTION Cv CZECHOLd-LOVAK C1'.a-1JCAL C4ECKHO.'iLOV,T.-:IIKP KHYICHESKIKH RABO7. --:raha, Czechoslov-;ka,) Vol. 22 , .:0. 1. Fe,. 1957 SO: Monthly Index of H~ast European Accession (EKAI) L.C, Vol. 7, 5, :--v 1c58 MARTTI-ri,.C, J. Water manarement at the Bmsseln -orld FnIr. p. 99. VCDNI HOSPODARSTVI . (Ustredni sprava vcx4niho hosp(XIIarstvi) Praha, Czechoslovakia No. 3, Mar. 2959. Monthly list of East European Acessions (a-AI), LC, Vol. 8, ro. 7 ITUIY 1959 Jncl. MARTINEC, Jaroslav,- inz.,, C.So. Medium -amge forecaBtz of river f3low in the Dd-re - Vodohos, cas 10 no.3.257-274 'U. 1. Vyzkumny ustav vodohospodarsky, Praha. KREJCIK, Milan, doe. inz., doktor technickyah ved; MARTINEC, Jan, Inz. Problems of the length moasurement of rolled stock. Sbor VSB Ostrava 9 no.5:729-740 163. 1. Agher School of Mining, Ostrava (for Krejci.