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RODENDORF, B.B.; BEKKER-14IGDISOVA, 10.E.~ MARTINOVA, O.M.; SHAROV, A.G. Phylum Arthropoda. Class InsOcta. Trudy SNIIGGIMS no.Zl:139-1~43 t62. - I kforl , Phylum Arthropods. Class Insects. Ibid.:403-425 (MIRA 16:121) ].~ARTYMOVA, O.M.; SHAROV, A.G. Stratigraphy and the tempo of the evolution of insects. Pale=t. zt-4--r. no.l.-137-138 263. (KL-A it .411 1. Faleontologicheskiy institut A.N SSSR. (InsectB2 Fossil) (Geology, Stratigraphic) L 45966-66 E14(1)/EWT(m)__ '~CTB JKT/DD/RP/JT/GD/JXj(C,_1). ACC Nks AT603o697 sona com, Woooo/66/ooo/ooo/ooft/oO84 ALr-HOR: Cherkasov, V. K.; Ushako-ia, G. Pi 0 _Euz va,_ L. I. ; Devyatko, A. V Wkhov, V. -G. ; Solov'yev, V. it ; Portnova, K. M., D'yakonov, R. V.; Vjartynova, R. A.- -R~-tii,L -L. B. ORG; none TITLE: The possibility of using the multifunctional properties of a physical and chemical air-regen ration system SOURCE: Konferentsiya_pq__~iggmichesko-Y biologii i meditsine, Inst. mediko-biol. -Problem, 1966, 81-814 TOPIC TAGS: life support system, closed ecological system, 1964. Materialy. Moscow, space biology ABSTRACT: A physical-chemical air"regeneration" system which has been proposed for manned spaceflight is shown in Fig. 1. In tUs system CO is removed from cabin air 2 by adsorption on zeolite. The carbon dioxide then undergoes vacuum desorption from the zeolite and passes through a C02 collector to the catalytic reactor, where it is reduced with hydrogen from the electrolyzer to water and methane. The water retIMS to the elect .rolyzer and is broken down into oxygen (used 'for h'uman respiration) and hydrogen. The disadvantages of this method are the difficulties of creating a vacuum on board a spacecraft and the additional electrical energy required to operate the C02 collector. Studies have shown that specially treated B-zeolite L 45Q66-66 Cabin Oz Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of a physical and chemical air "regenera- ticn" system E le c Electrolyzer ; Itro ly-L e r -P 0 0 0 0 NQ 11 0 ollect Cat-I lytjc act_ C02~ react L--facuum eparator Iconde can be used in such a system for both sorption and catalysis, retaining its properties through a number of cycles. An improved air "regeneration" scheme using B-zeolite is shown in Fig. 2. Cabin air is purified by passing through a B-zeoli.te IL-CCTO-2/3 Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of a physical-chemical air "regeneration" system using B-zeolite adsorber. Hydrogen derived from electrolysis is then passed through zeolite in a second adsorber, simultaneously desorbing C02 and reducing it to water and methane. The water is electrolyzed as in the first system. Temperature regulation is very important for the successful operation of this system, since a 7-12C temperature T variation alt the gas conversion level by 10-15%. Orig. art. has: 3 figures.[JSI e 6 SUB CODE: Rsm i;ATE: 14Apr66/ ATD PRESS: 5086 Card 3/3 '.1 L 45966-66 ACC NRt AT603o697 FEDCHEMO, V.S.; MARTYNOVA, R.G, Preparation of structuraIly colored resins. P3AWt.masey U0.7141-42 161. (Dyes and v ing-Flastics) (MIRA 14:7) FARTYNO4,,R. P. "A Contribution to the Problem of a Relation Between Tumor Formation and the So-Called Biological Incompatibility,n Dokl. AN WSR, 52, No-5, 1946 Lab. for Study of Cancer Heredity, Central Inst. Oncology, Min. Health, RSFSR MOTYNOVA, R. P. and KIRSANOV, B. A. "Effect of Cancerogenic Substances on Mutation Process in Droaophila Malanogaoter." Ddkl. AN SSSRo 55, No-7, 1947 Lab. Study of Cancer Heredity, Central Sci. Res. Oncological Inst., Min. of Health RSFSR jUld T KiRs A IA; c v ) v . ." . Y 1 . 1-ibr. , Latc-Aory of C ncc:o, - Xlbr., Laboratory of Cqrl C e Z-n i ..-. c e nr E-. C r: c c i: n!! Ministry, RSFSF., -194E- "On the ~f -Drcr c),, :.IIE! l at! Af, ecteu t -1 e-, e:.e Injec,A7.n," Dok. AN, o. Was Medicine -Bir4odity, Mvchwd" - Cancer jula k8; "Now 3hparlmental Data on the Matability of Carolhogento Substances,," R. P. Mart.-nov, Oncology I&b., Inst, of Normal and Path Morph, Aced Ned Sol USSR 4 pp "Dok Ak Nauk SSM* Vol U, No 9 Describes experiments on Drosopkdla melanogmater by injecting methyl6holanthrene and ben4yrene Inmadcas Claims to have succeeded In producing retrogressive mutation of 0 dye genetic factor In a male mouse. Submitted 28 Apr 48. 'DAIW=t tumors of milk in ok-9 tuking ths Milk fattor.- R. P. Martyuma anti L. M. Shabad. Arkh. I'dol. 11, No. 3. 40-OC f .91-Introductim of I mg of mcthylcbolwltbmnr in refined sun(lower oil (sub- cutatmously new the mamotary glands) pvt nutliguant tutnors at the isite in 67"Po of surviving animals. Of thr X2 cases. 77 were sarmnas. I sarcocarmomm, and 4 m4. lkgnant cpUbAW growths of canm ty1w. Thisisthrfir.t .Uccr.%.ful btrakdown of thv natural r~mtan,r of Black C,, mouse strain to cancerou, famatiGns by attack of c-,r. entogens. G. M. K0,01apoff z F, G ly 4t~ Ir adc- 0 SeAe -Au 0 car n i T V. -jltZlerAtja~'jjWdr 'the mqurhi ..Or ATI of t)t 4~ W,ItliliC T, 'W crqwd frotii id thi -vdr,~ 4-1 mum, 77-77-77 IV, Rik R-1 fiZ MARTT4QVA..,.Aa----(Moskva, V-35, Pyatnitakaya ul. d.12. kv.10) Influence of specific sera on the origin and course of mammary cancer in mice Lwith summary in Englishj Vop.onk. 2 no-3:295-302 '56. (MLTu 9:10) 1. Iz laboratorii onkologii (zav. - chlen-korrOBpondent AMN SSSR prof. L.H.Shabad) Inotituta morfologii AMN SSSR (dir. - akademik A.I.Abrikosov Ldeceasedj) (BRF.AST, NEOPIASKS, exper. mammary mouse carcinoma. inhib. off. of soecific antisera) (IMMM SERUMS, off. inhib. off. on mammary mouse carcinoma) .~-N I ~ V,~ I -t,.~ C , i~, --') RUDIII, V.P.,prof.; MARTY110VA. S.I.. starshaya meditsinsksyB Bestre Organizing care of patients with tuberculous meningitis. Med. sestra 16 no.11:18-21 N 157. (MIRA 11:2) 1. Kafedra ftiziatrii Kiyevskogo meditsinskogo instituts. (HENINGES-TUBERCULOSIS) 00 00 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Wis _9 0 0 0 9 9 9 it 0 , 4 , a , -~ ;- 11 L L I f. a 0, 00 00 a Preparation of "ytical solutions of tmaing extracts from Isir itifit of th h l U V Z A -00 00 s, e w i ex . ge quot &M . oiov z -00 and z, 6 Matlyntiva, A.,ihn-exiso-Obumiyu Proom V. S N R. 12, No. 4. Wi(IlKILI~; cheiiv~ Zralf. 1039, U. .00 ;N;04.- In dimolvinS 100-AM) g. of tannuig cat stbd dill). ~O 0 Go to o s to I I.. the soln. Immrim turlpid owing to the PPM '00 of phViatibrWS it is ret"timmiltA to ch%%Wvt, V, 9 '4 00 the em in 5 vols. of hot watir anti 10 hOll the Initt on a mat" 1~ath 1~ V) min t,j couttlivit -lutiou. t , tranler 11) A 00 toth'inark wlibmij wait,, 1.) ... t, th.w.,ughly, tOIIAU~111 00 4ipi to it --nd RA4 anti t,, dil wilb 1-1-9 -11-1 11, -00 A A 11-htfingk 00 00 9 -00 .00 ear Ila% -.400 00 it ~q 0 1 8 '%d 0 S- I it I it 01 INLO n A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MARTYNOVA,_ Amethyst in the weathering zone of Volhynian bnsalts. 300-303 '55- (MLRA 9:9) l.Llvov. Gosudarstvennyy universitet Imeni lvpna FrRnko. (Volhynia--Am ethys t s) KOROBTSOVA, H.S.; LISA. H.S.; HARTYNOVA. S.3.; SLIVKO, H.M., otvutatvannyy red. Lauide to the Mineralogical museum of Lvov State Universit7j Hineralogicheskil Nuzei Llvovskogo Gosuderst'vennogo Universiteta; putevoclitell.CLIvov) Izd-vo Llvovskogo Universiteta. 1956. ill p. (MMA 11:6) 1. Lvov. Universytete HineralogicheBkiy muzey. (Lvov-Mineralogical museums) KLDRIN, L.N.; SIVKOVA, A.S.; MART-JWA, S.S. Chemistry, composition, and minor elements of moUusk shells. Min. sbor. no.15:362-367 161. OMA 15:6) 1. Gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni Ivana Franko, Livov. (Shells) KUDRIN, L.N.; SIVKOVA, A.S., MARTYNOVA, S.S. Fluorine, phosphorusq and traee element concentration in bone remains of fossil fishes and dolphins. Dokl. AN SM 142 no.4:930-02 F 162. (M:RA 15:2) 1. LIvovakiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. I.Franko. Predstavleno almdemikoin W.M.Strakhovym. (Geochemistry) (Bones, Fossil) OSTROVSKIY, M.I.; RARTYNOVA, T.A. Study of magmetic proportion of rocks of the Kursk Magnetic Aasmaly. Izv.AN SSSR Ser.gsefiz. ne-3:349-356 Mr 156. (MLU 9:7) l.Akademiya nauk SSSR, Geofizicheskiy institut. (Kursk Province-Rocks-Magmetic properties) KOPAYEV, V.V.; MkRTYNOV&, T.A. Magnetic susceptibility of ferrugineouB quartzites from the Staryy Oskol iron ore region of the Kursk Magnetic Anomaly. Izv.Afi SSSR.Ser.goofix. n0-7:988-997 J1 160. (MIRA 13:7) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR, Institut fisiki Zemlie (Staryy Oskol region--Qaartzite--YAignetic properties) (Iron ores) KOPAYEVY V.V,j MARTYNOVA T A I ~~- Using the results of laboratory determination of the magnetic properties of iron quartzites in interpreting magnetic ano- maloies of the Kursk Magnetic Anomaly. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. geofiz. no.4:553-566 Ap 161. (MIRA 14:3) 1. Institut fiziki Zemli AD SSSR i Kurskaya geofizicheskaya ekspeditsiya Ministerstva geologii i okhrany nedr SSSR. (Kursk Magnetic Anomaly-44agnetic prospecting) (Quartzite--Magnetic propertieB) BEZUGLAYA, L.S.; MARTYNDVA, T.A.; PETROVA, G.N.; RYBAR, R.S. Determining the origin of the magnetization of rocks Ly comparing the stability charocteristics as exemplified by iron-bearing quartzites in the Kursk Magnetic Anomaly. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. geofiz. no.4:514-523 Ap 162. (MIRA 15:4) 1. Institut fiziki Zem2i AN SSSR. (Kursk.'4agnetic Anomaly--Quartzite--Magnetic properties) WTYNOVA, T.G. 42641. Vllyanlye Diatericil Na Regultrurishchuyu Funktatyu Gemato-Antsefalichookogo Bar' Tara. Trudy Uzbek Goe. Wouch-Issied. In-ta rizioterapit I Kurortologit In 7 Semr-shko 9b. io. 1948, S. 54-67, %bi. (pril.). '411AR-D VI, T.G. 36872. Pezervnaya schchelochnost' krovibollnykh gipertonicheskoy boleznlyu, lechennykh otritstellnoy ioni7,atslyey ili radono,~7ml vannami. Trudy TJzbek. gos. nauch.-issled. in-ta kurortologii i fizloterapii Im. Semashko, sb. lit 1949, c. 270-76 SG-: Letopis' Zhurna"I Nykh Statey, Vol. 50, Moskv%, 1949 MA P TY 1,11, i'~I, I t. , ~-p ~'uay Of '.r!e K'rjney funt-~ ~!~ I r- 1;1,1 ~ - e - T,-- r, -- ~ - r . T- . ; . - . - I . 'Ss], inst.kar. I f~z - r 5_ -, C,.- I ~ ~ iz ter. 13. 1 '! ;, ~., - ~l A , -, - ~ ), MARTYNOVA, T.N. Stress-deformation intensity dependence in some metastable alloys. Vest.Moek.un.10 no.12:29-)6 D '55, (HLHA 9:5) 1. Kafedra teorli uprugosti. (Alloys) (Deformations (Mechanics)) SOV I 24-57-;-~,Q41 Translation from: Referativnvv zhurnal. Mekhanika IQ5-, N!- Z~ pT'SS R AUTHOR: Martynova, T. N. TITLE: To the Calculation of the Syn-imetrical Deformation uf a 'rhi(k-\k,il1v(l Tube Made of a Metastable Alloy (K raschetu simmetrichno\- deformalsii tolstostennoy trulj\ iz metastabit'nogo splava) PERIODICAL: Tr. Voronezhsk. un-ta. 19~)6. Vol 42 Nr -', pp 15- 18 ABSTRACT: Bibliographi( enLry Card I/I MRTYNOVA, T.N. (Voronezh) Repeated loads on a plastic material in connection with Prager's Law of strain hardening. Izv.AN SSSR. Otd.tekh.nauk.Mekh.1 mathinostr. no.5:178-180 S-0 160. (MIR.A 13:9) (Strains and stresses) MARTYNOVA, T.N. (Voronezh) Discontinous solutions to space problems of the statics of a granular material. PMTF no.1:140-144 Ja - F 161. (MIRA 14:6) (Granular materials) 48 e S/04 1/025/006/016/021 D299~D304- AUTHORS: Ivlev, D.D., and Martynova, T.N. (Voronezh) TITLEt Compressibility and the theory of ideal plastic materials PERIODICALi Prikladnaya matematika i mekhanika, v. 25, no. 61 1961p 1126 - 1128 TEXT3 The effect of the compressibility of ideal plastic materials is considered. The von MieeB theorem on the aosociated rule of plastic flow, is generalized. An isotropic plastic body is conside- red, subjected to a load. The stress components are denoted by clip the strain components - by eij- Thereupon dA = cr ij de ij = 0',Jde ij' + 3dde, (1-3) where the prime denotes the compcnents of the deviator tensor. Fol- lowing von Mises, the extremum of (1-3) is sought, assuming that only the stress components vary. Thus one obtains Card 1/3 Compressibility and the theory of F &D av &D 491~ 21'~V S/040/61/025/006/016/021 D299/D304 F d). dt Hence the following theorem is formulated: If the associated rule of plastic flow is determined on the basis of the extremum. condi- tion for Eq. (1-3), then the components of the deviator of the strain rates are directly proportional to the partial derivatives with respect to the stress components, whereby the expression (1.8) for the associated r~ule of plastic fiow is entirely independent of the law of compressibility. As an example, plane deformation of an ideal plastic material is considered, under plasticity conditions O~K - (),, 2 Y)2 + 4Txy 2 = 4c , (c = const). (2.1) It is found that compressibility has no effect whatsoever on the stresses. It is noted that if no restrictions are imposed from. the very outset on the compressibility, the associated rule of plastic flow is expressed by ~.. = I ij To. (3-1) Card 2/3 ij "n It '-s furthei, r r, t 8 " an h bp considerea ae i n d c- p E r.,; I-, .,harac- ter.' ze vc~ume deforma~lf. Y~, S o v J e h - : an g u ag e b 1 and 9 V1 b i -- a t 1 o r, 3 rLt i -,a a W LP E- ,-2 uf limited Ccmpress2.r.1,:~y, A.3 X 7;,- A,, B- 1")',7, 1-h 77~ P: age. 3 u Bh: i " TE N". cari -1, ~ MARTYNOVAJ, T.N. (Voronezh) Penetration of rigid bodlea into a weighable looige medium. Izv. AN SSSR.Otd.tekh*nauk*j*kh,i maahinostr. no.2t84-91 Mr-Ap 162. (Plasticity) (MIRA 15:5) L 1842~_63_ LW(k)/EWP(q)/EWT(m)/BDS AFFTC/ASD W-4 E~V JD/HW ACCESSICH IRRt AF3002812 8/02D7/63/000/003/0102/0104 AUTHORSt Ivlev, D. D.; Marty*nova# T. N. (Voronezh) Tr7LEt Condition of total plasticityfor an axi-symetric state SOURCE: Zhurnal prikladnoy mekhaniki i teklmicheskoy fiziki, no. 3, 2963, 102-104 TOPIC TAGS: plasticity, plastic flow, statically determined, approximate eauation axi-syrmetrie state ABSTRACTt In the study of problems of plastic flow of an ideal-plastic substance, great simplification in solution is attained by consideration of the use of piece- wise-linear approximations of the conditions of flow (condition of Trask, conditioa of maximal reduced stress, etc.). G. 0. Genki (0 nekotory*kh statichesId opredelivy*kh slucheyakh ravnovesiya v plasticheskikh telakh. Sb. "Teoriya plastichnosti," M., TL, 1948.) has shorn that if the stressed state corresponds to the edge of a prism, interpreting Tresk's condition of plasticity in the space of principal stresses (condition of total plasticity), then the problem of determining stresses is statically determined. The authors consider relations of an a--d-svm- metric problem of a rigid-plastic nonroving substance when the stressed and deforrr"ed states correspond to the edge of an arbitrary, pieceriBe-linear surface of flow Card 1/2 L 18429-63 ACCESSICH M E3002812 interpreting the condition of plasticity in the space of principal stresses. They show that in this case the problem of finding the stresses is also statically determined. The solution of axi-symmetric problems under a condition of total plasticity (conditions of correspondence of the stresses and deformed states to the edges of piecewise-linear conditions of flow) makes it possible to find upper and lower bounds of solutions. Orig. art. hast 13 formulas and I diagram. ASSOCIATITt none SUBMITTED: 2IJan63 DATE AM l6Jul63 Eli Us 00 SUB COM AP 14 0 RV SOV: 005 OTHER: 000 Card 2/2 7 !n V, D.D. (Vorone?,I-.'- . MAT '711( ', . - ~q. 1 Voronc. 7.0 I s*a*.P- of '-: I , ur.-Jer to shpar an~', se,-arri**. - ; .'.V Mekn, 7r4- 115 J I- Ag 163. -P - c' : '- rut s!.,n!~E T.r. r. -, . Z. -. (MlliA :-:4) IVLEV, D.D. (Voronezh); MARTYPOVA, T~N~ (Voronezh) TheOr7 Of Compressible ideally plastic media. Prikl. mat, makh. 27 no.32589-592 MY--Je 16L (MIRA 16a6) (Plasticity) (Deformations(Mlechanic8)) !!YXCVT,'ZVq 0.1. (Voronezh); IVLEV, D.D. (Voronezh); MARTYNOVA, T.N. (Voroneah) Theory of the axiaymmetric state of an ideally plastio material. PMTf no.51102-108 S-0 164o - ,*MAA 18 14) BYKOVTSEV, G.I. (Voronezh); 1VLEV, D.D. (Voronezh); MARTYNOVA, T.N. (Voronezh) Properties of general equations in the theory of an Isotropic ideally plastic body with piecewise-linear potentials. Izv. AN SSSR. Mekh. no.1:56-63 Ja-F 165. (KIRA 18:5) D.E.; ~'r o pe r Dc,,- 1. Ali' 1065. i.*---.~."Y~,~ !~A, 1'. -". : 41,,: -1,.- - ', !It 1 ,~- ii ~: !- C - f i n~-- -, I . - 4~ r1 - - .- - : , " P -~ I r t) ~i ~~ , 71 -o . , , I' - '. MARTYNOVA, T.8. Hyacinths Hyacinth propagation. Sad i og., No. 4, 1952. Mont List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, June 1952 'MCLASSIFTED. 25917 SOURCE CODE:UR/0205/65/005/665/0659/0661- M.Bl6khina, N,'D,; Ma T. ~!~ova, T ...0RG::N6he- -issledOVKte]lskcgO instituta i hauchno-iseledavatellskly institut reaWvykh i latekerykh izdeliy. (RUBBM-TESTUIG) (DRUGS.- FRESERVATIOV) MARTYPOVA V A , starshiy nauclm- -- xand. farm. nauk, LYUKSH&KOV. I Lft!" Y7 -; MELINTY01;_ 3.K.9 star2."-,.- 7-a~;,z:~nyy sotrAriA., kand.tekbn.nauk Study of the effect of rubl-r?r corl~~; made from specimens 1-51, 1-54 and 2~P on tLe quality and preser7ation time of acid and ne-atxal injection solutions. Sbor.nauoh.trud. TSAVII 2t76-84 961* (MIRA !~~z) 1. Laboratoriya tekhnologil leka---tvenrykh form i galenovykh preparatov TSentrallnoeo apteel-aicqo nauchno-issledovatel?Argo instAuta i Ilauchno--isglc-d:;vatLgll,-Y-1-y instltait rezi-norykii i nyldi isdaliy. (RUBBER~--TFISTTIJ~) -- UkRMOVA, V.A.,,- kand. farm. nauk Development of antisepsis and asepsis it the preparation of medicinal forms in apothecary shops at end of the nineteenth and the beginning of the twentieth centurion. Apt.delo 9 no.lt74-78 Ja-F 160. (MIRA 13:6) (MGS-SPIRIMUTION) KUDAKOVA., N.A., dotsent,, 14ARTYNOVA, V.A., starshiy nauennyy sotrudnik, IID,-ILEVSKAYA. IN,M., studen%ka V !~ursa Method of calculaUng the isrAcnir -oncentration of solu~Aons of medicinal preparations. Si)or. nauch. trad. TSANIT 3-103-1-11"1 162. (!~" 1 13 1. Kafodrn toklinologi I lnkars!v galerjo%- ykh preparttt,)v I :-.nskovsk~,~o Ordena Len-,na mwii-.siriskogo nsf."tuta imezir. I.ILI.Ser he. nova labora- toriya tekhnologUL lekarstvennykh form 6alenovyk.,. Irepara*-ov "Serl- tral'nogo aptechriogo nauchnc--'--?sledovateI'skogo institu".a. MARTYNOVA, V.A.; MELINIKOVA, G.K. Current status of the problen of the effect of rubber =-j medicinal preparations. Apt. delo 1-1 no.2*67-72 Mr-Ap '62. (MIM 15 - 5) 1. Laboratoriya tekhnologii lekarstvennykh form i galencrvykh preparatov TSuntrallnogo aptochnogo nauchno-Issledovatol'skogo inutituta I Nauchno-issledovatellakogo instituta rezinovykh i latekisnykh izdeliy. (RUBBER GOODS--TESTING) (DRUGS) MkR7YNOVA, V.A. Study of the sta!,e -.f na~ura-- -In some. diseases. Probl. pemal.. 4. peral. krov! 8 no.12:',7-21 L 163. (AURA 17r9i 1. Iz bakteriologicheskoy laboratoril (Zav, prof. K.M. Dvolaytskaya-Baryi3hova) TSentral'noFo ordena Len-,na instituta gematologii i perellivaT.-Lya krovi dotcjen,~ A.Ye. Ministerstva zdravookhmneniya MAR714CIVA, V. A.; BADU,~- ',"A','A, zl*ud-.- cf ex, e ff. a n:7., NY I ~u MARTYWOVA, V.A.; VISSARIONOVA, V.Ys. - Mechanism of the bect4-ricidel activity of huhlan sera in ri-lation to gram-negativ,- ml6robps. Zhur.mikrobiol.., t-pidl. i i=wn. 42 no.2:124-127 F 165. (MIRA 1&0 :1. TSentralln~7 ordena Lenins ifistitut gefastologli i pprelivaniya krovi Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya SSSR. ANTIPOVA, Angelina Vasillyevna; POPOV, K.M., doktor ekon. nauk, prof., otv. red.; ROFASHOVA, V.D., red.; MARTYROVA, V.A., m1ad. red. [Canada; nature and natural resources] Kanada; priroda i eatestvemye resursy. Moskva, Wall., 1965. 318 p. (MIRA 18:7) MARTYNOVA, V. A. StarsKiy nauctmyy sot:-adn~k, kanti. farm. nauk; IIELINIKOVA, G.K., s,.ar!jhIv naiclinyy i3utrudnix, ktin-]. tekhn. nauk; LnGINTSM, G.A., labo ant. Devplopment of rulbb,~:r inij~:ri,,,tions and a study of tholr influence on formalin, hy-;ro,-,en peroxido aol.~tions, ammonia and potassium perrririn!~anat,-. -,bor. nauch. tru,i. 7:;ANI.1 ):94-1102 162. ('flRA 10:11) a. laboratoriya ltjKir.:tvc-inykh form igalenovykh ,ugo nauchno--i3sladovatellskogo pr,, Daratov en tr a " I -. I ins--Luul notitut rezinovy!*::. I 3atek-snykii izdtilly. FISH, Gennadiy Semenovich; SMIRNOV, V.A., red.; M9TYNOVA, V.A., mladshiy red.; GLEYKH, D.A., tekhn. red. (Hello, Denmark! Hermit of the Atlantic; travels through Denmark and Iceland] Zdravstvai, Daniial Otshellnik Atlantiki; puteshestviia po Danil i Islandii. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo geogr. lit-ry, 1963. 511 p. (11CRA 16-8) (Denmark-Description and travel) (Iceland--Description and travel) CAf /Ir The, reaction of aromatic mercury compounds with di-&,- methy aWline hydrochloride M Xf m.j %' I- N Iml ytku, a ~ t,-,4 m V.,,t St., i~ Pvdi., I 1-t , f .... Ch- V '~ 5 H 10, 11354VIi4g)~F,W t"n~Wim` s., ( .4 44. 2~43d F I k' Cl# Reudom of armatic derivabires of mem-uq with di Mothylactillne bytimckiloride %I M K-,ton mid V F mart"Ova Zhur ObAkhrl Ahim Ij (kit. Client 1 19. 1141 -30949). Heating o ri s Phllf tth 0 5 g %t,-, .NPh.11C] in arriptils " hm to ") prld* a r,,4,1 4,. (pirobably an analog of Crystmil Vittlet). C.11s, (I V, 11g. II&XI.. and 48-27'i, lig(ligC10 i i-lAt"I A. INS); a 6-hr. run at 150' gave 42'~ 11g, 'M V ' ilg .nd 2?1.5 fix ' *; I Cuillp),lix imiUrly m.-- 1 .1 hf, ~'l lig, 25.7 , '~ fig *. 72.4'", lig ' '. ~l :50' 9.71 fix '. MP,'- fig and 17'. Ilit wet, A, tAuted. AMiL:f heating 'Alth ligCll M., jt~~e the -h-l dye. withut fornuitim of lig iw llgicl" but A ~lt. (('J/;, ligC],atI50-1:34" -i hr-) gave -- W',, Hit, HICI,, am) smne W th. vitilri dyr The trat-tion is ttelieved (it procced vmdi- i, of the anutir-11CI. with the IICI cleaving R.lig mt., KII And 1120, And the taittry r"eting with %I,,Nlllt to the dve in at) axidatitni-miurtion reactim 1'. M K A M Wwak",4~.- pxrp-, -intlic ;ry mg t is oxid 4"N 30 jig VV- lam W. XMN, M.H., KARTYWVA, V.F. ii - Reactions of symm~-rical aromatic compounds of mercury with phenels. Izv.AN SSSR Otd.khim.nmik 86 n9.6:1063-1070 97-155. (KL,RA 9: 4) 1.Institut vysokomeleknlyarnykh soyedineniy Akademil nauk SSSR. (Mercury organic compounds) (Phenols) URT7NOVA, V.F. iNSMALW-M Interaction of 7n-altraphonol with symmetric mercury compounds. Zhur.ob.khin. 26 ne.3:89"97 Nr 156. (KLaA 9:8) 1. Leningradskiy pediatricheskiy seditainskly inatitut. (Mercury organic compounds) (Phenol*) MARTYNOVA, V.F. Marcuration of aldshydes by di-p-azinephanyl mercury and di-p-tolyl mercury. Zhur.ob.khim. 32 no.3:962-964 Mr 162. (MIRA 15:3) 1. Laningradskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. (Aldehydes) (Mercury compounds) w. RTSDvA, V.F. Reaction of.di-p-aminophenylmercury,, dibenzy3mrcury, di-p- Meth- enylnerc . and di-p-toly2wrcury with metals (Fev Cu. Al. Zn). Part 12. Zhur.ob.khim. 32 no.8:2702-2705 Ag 162 iMercury) (Orpnometa3aic compounds) (MIRA 15:9) ALITSHULER, lu.G.; TATARENKO, A.S.; LOSHAKOV, L.O.t~mtasmzent; MASHAROVA, V.G., red.; BELYAYEVA, V.V., tekim. red. [Low-power s obratnoi 1963. 295 backward-wave tubes) Lampy maloi moshchnosti volnoi. Moskva, Izd-vo "Sovetskoe radio," (MIRA p. 17:2) TSEYTLIN, Mikhail Borisovich; KATS, Allbert Markovich, MASHAROVA, V.G., red. (Traveling-wave tube; problems of theory and designl Lamps. s begushchei volnoi; voprosy teorii i rascrhta. Moskva, Sovetskoe radio, 1964. 310 P. (MIRA 17:12) DUDKO, G.K.; IIEZNIKLV, G.ij.; IWIjVWVA, V.G.# red. [Doppler devices for the measurement of speed and drift angle of an airplane] Dopplerovskie izmeritali skorosti i ugla snosa sai.,oleta. Moskva,, "Sovetakoe radlop* 1964. '7, - 3,43 P& (MIRA 17:6) t ETKIN, Valentin Semenovich~ GFRSI;ENZON, Yevganly MiihayloviA. Prinimali uchastiye LAVUT, A I .; LYULffl-'~UVA, TJ. ; SOINA, N.V.; UOTUNTSEV, Yu.L.; ROZFXOVA, G.I.; KA--','O'ICVA, Ye, .,; S*TRUKCV, I.A.; VYSTAIJKIN, A.N., retsenzerit; A.-LONIA', V.L., retsenzent- MASH.LtOVA V.G.p red. [Superhigh-frequency parametric syS'.er,.S "t-.1'.",nductor diodes) Parametricheskie sistenW SVCh na j-Au: diodakh. Moskva, Sove~.skoe radio., 1964. 351 j- NIKOLAYEV, Andrey Grizorlyevich; FERT~~W. Sergey Viktorovich; FERESLEGIN, S.V., retsenzentl FEDIN, V.T., retsenzent; KRASOVSKIY, A.A., prof., doktor tekhn.nauk, nauchn. red. MASHAROVA, V.G., red. [Radar detection of thermr--! rauiation; passive radar] Ra- dioteplolokatsiia; passivnaia radiolokatsiia. Moskva, So- vetskoe radio, 1964, 334 p. (M~IRA 17:12) VENDIK, Orest Genrikhovich;,MAS-HAROVA, V.G., red. [Electronically scanned antennas; an introduction to the theory] Antenny s nemekhanicheskim dvizheniem lucha; vvedenie v teoriiu. Moskva, Sovetskoe radio, 1965. 359 p. (MIRA 18:7) VAS1LIYEV. V~N,~, SLOBODENYUK, G,I,, TRIFOFOV, M.; KHOTUNTSSEV, Yu.L.; MIGULIN, V.V., re.,'.,- PLASHILROVA. V.G., red. I [Regenerative trans Ile tor.1 zed parametric amplifiers; problems of theo7r and des-ign) Regenerativnye poluprovoA.. nikovye parametri-heskie usiliteli~ nakctorye voprosy teorji I rascheta. Mcskva, Sovet.9koe radio, 1965. 447 p. (M1RA 18:8) IAVRDV. M., doktor tekhn. nauk. pref.; MARTYMVA, V.H. Determining the chemical efficiency of underground gas producers. Fodzem. goLz. ugl. no.4:5-7 '58. (MIRA 11:12) l.Institut goryuchikh iskopayemVkh im. G.M. Krzhizhanovskogo AN SSSR. (Coal gasification. Underground) (Heat capacity) 5 (1) AUMORS Korsh, M. P., Candidate of Technical SOV/67-59-4-6/19 Sciences, Martynova, V. M., Engineer pwo TITLE: Catalytic Purification of the Crypton - Xenon Concentrate of Hydrocarbons PERIODICAL: Kislorod, 1959, Nr 4, pp 29-35 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The crypton - xenon concentrate present when rectifying liouid air in ordinary technical plants is dontanUilated by the small amounts of various hydrocarbons contained everywhere in the air. After hydrocarbons reach-a given conadntration in a liquid oxygen mixture, the mixture b6comes explosi-ve- It is therefore at first necessaly to free the air to be liqtL6fied from these substances. The catalytic oxidation of the*hydrocarbons into carbon dioxide and water at higher temperatures proved to be the only method technically possible. The respective device is shown in figure 1. Even witb it the combustion of methane in very low concentrates (0.02-0.1%) is a difficult process. The possibilities of a catalytic oxidation of the hydrocarbons had already been repeatedly investigated. B. A. Zakharov and L. I. Durynina Card 113 (Ref 3) used cupric oxide plus manganese peroxide (at 300-8000); C,,!ktalytic Pu--ification of the Crypton - Xenon srjV/67-59-4-6/19 'Concentrate of Uydrocaxbons !I. V. Mikulina and Ye. N. Shtern (Ref 4) worked with cupric oxide at 8500. The best investigation results were yielded by cupria oxide according to GOST 4468-46, by catalyst Nr 16 (10'/L CuO, 101/la NiO, 1% Or203), and by active alumina. Excellent results were also obtained with a catalyst (manganese - silver) developed at the Institut fizicheskoy khimii AN USSR (Institute of Physical Chemistry of the AS UkrSSR). The authors tested a number of oxidation catalysts as to their efficiency in eliminating the microconcentrates of hydrocarbons contained in the air. The best results were found to be offered by the use of pure active alumina as a catalyst. The best working temperatims for the latter are at about 550'C; an increase in the volume velocity yf the air conveyed over the catalyst of from 7 to 400 hour- has no influence on the degree of oxidation. In practically pure oxygen, the oxidation of the hydrocarbons occurs mainly in the gas phase at 700-7500. At temperatures above 7000C, the catalyst serves merely as heat propagator, by which the gases are uniformly heated. The paper under review further discusses Card 2/3 the investigation results obtainef- ht the laboratories of the Catalytic Purification -of the Crypton - Xenon SOV/67-59-4-6/19 Concentrate of Hydrocaroons VNIIPDDZEMGAZ (All-Union Scientific Research Institute for Natural Gas) and in the laboratories for rare gases of the VNIIKIMASh (All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Oxygen Machines). There are 4 figures, 3 tables, and 9 references, 7 of which are Soviet. Card 3/3 REYSHAF.l-lR:T, L.S.; MARTYNOVA, V.N.; TIHONOVA, Z.1. Oxidation of trilon B on a rota,`ng dsk platinum mode. Ves-.. LGU 20 no.4:14t-147 165. (MIRA 18:,) KRASSUSKIY, V. K. and MARTYNOVA, V. N. "The Effect of Acids Contained in Silage (Lactic Acetic and Butyric Acids) upon the Movements of the Isolated Intestine," Zhur. Fiz., Vol 28, No 4, PP 36o-o'61 194o. Lab. of Normal Physiology (Head: V. K. Krassuskiy), Inst. of Zootechnics and Veterina--j Medicine, Voronezh. MARWNOVA, V. N. Martynovav V. N. "The regenerFtion of hemoglobin and erythrocytes in inbred and self-bred sheep of the Prekow breed"., Soobshch. Tadzh. filiala Akad. nauk SSSR, Issue 9. 1948, p. 22-25. SO: U-.3042, 11 March 53, (Letopislnykh Statey, No. 10, 191.9). MARTYNWA, V.N. Martynova, V.N. "Heticulocy-tes in the peripheral 11lood of sheep", Soo)-.shch. -,;~dzh. "iliala Akad. nauk SSSR, Issue 13, 190, p. -,3-"'5. SO: U-~ll, 17 July 53, (Letopis' Zhurnal 'riykh ~;tate~, No. 20, 19493 1. MRM-NOVA, V. N. 2. ussn (6oo) 4- Stains and Staining (blicroscopy) 7. Staining reticulocytes of the peripheral blood of farm animals, Soob. TFAN SSSR, No. 23, 1950. 9. Monthl List of RUBSian Accessions, Library of Congress, April, -11953, uncl. ARAV, I.M.: HARTYNDVA, V.N. 03ygen-binding function of the blood in Karakul sheep at the, different altitudes. Dokl. AN Tadzh.SSR nr,-5:35wtM '52. (MLRA 9-10) 1. Institut zhivotnovodstva AN Tadzhikskoy SSR. (Blood--Analysis and chemistry) (Karakul sheep) - - - - - - - - - - eri. qu, pmiprl attl v op.- 4w 44116- AVA