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KATIBYAN, S.G. Parity nonconservatinn In strong Interactions of strange particles. Zhur.eksp.l teor.fiz. 37 no.4:1034-1040 0 '59. (14IR& 13:5) 1. Institut fizikiLkademil nauk Gruzinakoy SSR. (Nuclear reactions) 24(0) MUM chent.c., 2. 717M The Fifth An-vato. c.nrer.o.. on Ike U~vs f_Lv_ Ties mrstures -yo S.S.Yuldoyo Miih.h"Iye, P. f"Its I" em A;Fr oer Gaper* P2210DIC41.2 Vopvk" filich-okAb nouk. mg. val 67. Rr 4. yp 145-T50 ("51) 11,3?RAC?i This eonf~roucq took pi... fro* O.Sob.r T? t slb.r 1. Ml ii It was or "IseS by the SM-1y. 2 naut kkad.cill nauk SM Or Phyoi.*- astbo"11-1 of she A..d.ay of IISS3). 'he AUd.aiya O..k Cirosln.koy 252 (1-4-y of Stq.O... ,.ru.nakays 33R), 404 She rbill..kil 6.#.dwxo%-nyy -I- vermlUt Ia. (Thill.1 51.10 U.J-#117 I..ftl Stolle). 300 from fte C f."Wo by b..! M O I.I do r, I-, . L I.C-1. S,.rd~.,.k, end 'It: her 0 by a vab.r of X.-C Chi.... 6.1-sleto l 1 l the USSR . About 50 I-t=.. or# 1 present vorkine : 4 *high I.,* 41-id*d ccorline to r ... &,gh floll.. - 1. ~j ~Wd _ Rfligp. Report@ or. 4.11-rod by the rvs..~- f lhx_ card 1jil 141mislorlys ibisklith I-P.-tur TG9 (Lb.r.1-7 for I- To.- ~ f Tbilisi Stals Unlvoraliy) under the suportialod P;Tor*# , dr.ittkash'ili: 11. S. Uak.dx.. to. . 9 ... 1.1- ok. aro_7t p in olimel. tik I., H 1 1. l I 44p-rA.n.. on the rot. :, k he I fluan .. .... cl..d by the tat. of it. 111-k -r- " Sical rate and on %be jamping of I%* asclll&llod, ori I the Irsdocrilical rmev. V. P. P*shkov (17? A% $5311 . ILSItuto for Physt.ol FrObf-.i-AS IUORT.;*to b..% Nrtner Invostl4gotions of the boundary b.sseen ouporflu" eal nom- imperfluld helium (Il.covered by himself) In a best flow. This knuAdary chowactertseg the d-sity- am.1 %-;,orsturs ump. Kus.Q. f. S. zlz:, Y*,* "d V. P. p.k. go.$ Investigations V-WITIM I To. 1. 0.5 1) ; ~hlob 9*ro *11.1-4 by She method Of She of ReI-vapor*. M-maI I. 1b. =S-,.l 0.51 - 2.07 . in* ;h ........ Of the I..p.r.turo, ~uxv ($I- O".r9d by P. L. rApIts. I.1941) 0. the b.u=4._-y of . ..1%4 (aWe got* Cu) by .*.A. j. Is M for the In.rael no, 'd-1., n.M.0-1. Szov-y... 4n4 1 C-.d 2111 hk h: : .8 other , in gat d, son, Iiscr"or v*3 di ... 1-4 In 1!.4 (20 - 82~). T. '__ 01-b,t (FIAN) Revs a report On the pho~*-noloi;icar_ 11 In %be reel*. of the A-P.jat I. .... ld.r.tici. .11 q .. *us .1r.etp (the theory ... by hi ... It on$ by I.. P. Pitayt,ilkir) 3 T rlikz- ~TAX JLN 5339 - r-SAwl. r- * Almic ~;;;. 4.?oN-t - 0.11 r.,.rl - b. lboory of phose transition in liquid us . 1. V. L-fohile "d 3. 0. S"itids. (KhFTI AN rSSH - M.r*r-~.-,--,-~y-~r7.-.t.,:,,,,- MITfu - io-00190-4 0- 2-Iti-I of solid 1. on the U.I. of L-3w. r th. N-1---14 -4 found Sh t Ili o M. eg pr..-,. .. . ~f ?.. Sidi--- at 0-5 C Th. d-li 1-1-1 it- ~f HAT MR? S G MOYED, K.B., and TSAKADZE, D.S., (Tbilisi) MAMUMZE, Yu. G. "On the Dynamics of an Oscillartor7 Motion in Nerfect Rotating Fluids Theory and Experiment." report presented at the First A3-1-Union Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Moscow, 27 Jan - 3 Feb 1960. H 0 R R G F A:' SS R. io. z, I 4 2 (1 ni Ru ia E XT. I v xis Le nc r- I a ha r 4, rz rj",, t n g P F r r rr) i a f) g v i (P h v R 1 ~~ 4 !, I Tj 711-1c. leo~. i,~ I r com, pour"! r,txlt. tl,t- 1; Ul. , LI on of th,- 1'().s V X) rn e s a n ) . The a u th,j r (I , , t`;c I ~ ut 'pi( ill It 1(; rf?. ill ~171 1~ * 7) C (- f f it OU I V i I TI 11 n 'fit- ''T-. a r 't t. tr. * t rit n pt, pa rti, I f- s on ~o t-I -i it R~- v, , v . G. I'alkt-cia, PKv- Rt t of expvrlrii-,~ i, -i,,it.A (7-ti Rfi,_hv~tvr Im lilt- Pf)v-,I" )1 11.1 P A -t r ', i c s w i I i ti f 11) ~i ~, v o L i v r , . i t 2 for A-dec,, o,;: P~v rrf ).)!:Lilt IS l0t l1w)d I ( a de g re t ~;i t, 1 o 0 t 0,~ r-I " g rc a t f. r1w.1 it a 1~ ! e a s surn ed, v:i-:inc,_r,,, lv, ' w (let i i;i .t- t x pf- ri m e rL, I F h v zi t !~, ,,,i d v t- i~ i,-;A % o r , t,) Ill v it ri n i v, i r C it rd I / 2 I L i oi, th-tt I e r F I j tt- 1 1 t " , Ohc t I T, !()"I :ld ~'o 1. r 7 ;I j t- to :1 ci r Card MAMAIAM, Yu.G. (TbiIi9i);.)UTjHjA4,_S.G. (T~ilisi) Hydrodynamics of the oscillations of a disk in a rotating liqaid. Prikl.mat.1 makh. 24 no.3:473-477 My-Je'60. (MIRA 13:10) (Hydrodynamics) MAMALADZE, Yu.G.; MATINYAN, S.G. Comments an the damping of the oscillations of a disc in rotating helium 11. Zhur. sksp. i teor. fi.z. 38 no.1:184-187 Jan 160. (MIRA 14:9) 1. Institut fiziki AN Gruzinskoy SSR. (Damping (Mechanics)) (Helium) BW~B014 AUTHORS: Mamaladze, Yu. G.,-Matinyan, S. G. TITLE- Damping of Vibration _of a Cylinder Located in Rotating Helium II TIO PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheekoy fiziki, 1960, Vol. 38, No. 2, pp. 656-657 TEXT: The present "Letter to the Editor" deals with a previous article (Ref. 1) which shows that interaction between a disk vibrating in rotating helium II and the vortex filaments leads to a specific dependence of the damping on the speed of rotation, which has a characteristic maximum. The solution of the system of hydrodynamic equations for an infinite cylinder whose surface is parallel to the vortex filaments shows that in the case of slight vibrations the force acting upon the cylinder surface results only from the momentum flux of the normal component. A formula (without derivation) is given for the sum of all moments of force acting upon the unit length of the outer and inner surface of a thin-walled cylinder of the radius R. A formula Card 1/3 S/056 NS8/02/55/061 Damping of Vibrations of a Cylinder S/05Y66,10AB/02/55/061 'BI Located in Rotating Helium II B006 B014 is also given for the complex wave number k. These formulas indicate that N depends on the velocity of rotation only if the coefficients of the mutual friction between superfluid and normal component Pn and a 8 do not vanish. Consequently, the rotation-dependent vibration damping of the cylinder is characteristic only of He II. Within a wide frequency range it was found that at R -I em the penetration depth of the cylindrical waves produced by the vibrations of the cylinder in rotating He II is considerably smaller than the cylinder radius. Thus, the appli- cation of an asymptotic expansion of the cylinder functions for great arguments is justified. Thus, one obtains an expression for the damping f, and in order to exclude boundary effects, the difference of the damping factors T2 - Tj is measured at two different immersion depths of the cylinder. For the ratio between the differences, once measured in rotating and once in resting He II, one obtains (t2 - TI)142 - Tdcuo-O - 1 + tj 09BB/2Q9, where ps /? denotes the relative density of the superfluid component, and B is a coefficient according to Hall and Vinen. The authors thank E. L. Andronikashvili and the Card 2/3 Dekmping of Vibrations of a Cylinder Located in Rotating Helium II 3/05Y698?Vt8/02/5/5/06 B006 B014 co-workers of the cryogen laboratory of Tbilisskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Tbilisi State University) for their interest in this investigation. There are 8 references: 6 Soviet and 2 British. ASSOCIATIOWs Institut fiziki kkademii nauk Gruzinskoy SSR fPhysice Institute of the kcademy of Sciences. Gruzinskava SSE SUBMITTED: November 20, 1959 Card 3/3 88454 S/056/60/039/006/0461/06- 0 B006/B063 AUTHOR: Matinyan, S. G. TITLE: Determination of the Sign of the Mass Difference of Ko and KO Mesons 2 PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1960, Vol. 39, No. 6(12), PP. 1747-1755 TEXT: The experimental method suggested by I. Yu. Kobzarev and L. B.Okun' (Ref. 1) for determining the sign of the mass difference Am - m 1- M2 of Ko and Ko masons makes use of interference phenomena: A beam of Ko meson 1 2 2 S penetrates two plates with different nuclear properties. The different types of interaction of the strongly interacting component of Ko mesons 2 give rise to a K 0 wave in the latter, which has a non-vanishing phase 1 difference,Ay. The sign of Am is determined from this phase difference between the two coherent states. This experiment has been proposed by Kobzarev and Okun' when using thin plates yielding a small number of KO Card 1/5 ?014? Determination of the Sign of the Mass Difference S/05~6i N/006/046/063 of Ko and K* Mesons Bb06 06 1 2 mesons to the right of b (for a given number of Ko mesons). In addition 2 to a theoretical description of the effects, the present paper presents a discussion of modifica- tions of this experiment and of other methods 0' 16, ke, for determining the sign of dm. First, the author discusses the problem of choosing the plate thickness so that the KO meson yield reaches a maximum. In doing so it is assumed that the number of Ko 1 mesons leaving the plate Fs a function of the plate thickness X is mainly determined by an expression of the form 1-2cos(6mt/t)exp(-t/2p 1) + exp(-t/tT,) (x - vt; v - Ko meson velocity which is taken to be constant during the passage of the beam through the plate; t - time of flight; T Ko meson lifetime$ 1/ r1--v-V ~-c-l ). This expression has a maximum 1 for x > 1 = vc v (e.g. for 40-Mev mesons the maximum lies at x2lcm,l =1.2c4 1 From this point of view, the "optimum" thickness of a can be chosen. The consequences of taking into account the finiteness of the plate thickness is studied next. It is shown that the sign of Am can be still determined Card 2/5 88454 Determination of the Sign of the Mass Difference S/056J60/039/006/046/063 of Ko and Ko Mesons B006/BO63 1 2 even if the K 0meson yidld is increased. After extensive oaldulation, the 1 following equation is obtained for the number of K 0 Mesons (per incident 1 K0 meson) flying in the same direction to the right of plate b in the same 2 direction as the K 0meson: NI,=.exp IN. (a,. + a.) 1. + Nb (ab + 0b) t,]j jr.-P (I.) exp + 'b + 1- 2 + r'bP (tb) + 2rrb [C v., t.) Cos (Aq) (to + tb)) t S (t., 1b) sin Aq) + exp b) P 2TTI where is the total interaction oross section between K 0 (it0)Mesons and nuclei of plate i (i - a,b); 69 9a qlb' The time-of-flight functions obtained are defined by Card 3/5 88454 Determination of the Sign of the Mass Difference S/056 60/039/006/046/063 of Ko and Ko Mesons B006 B063 2 I - 2 cos (21, t) exp I- - ' j+exp I- [(~2)'+ ']71, P(t) = 2TTI -to ;_51V5) _yr"' am - Cos t.)e COS 1b C (to, tb) =[ (12) A 1a+fbjj[(A1M\9+( 1 )2]-l Cos + Q) exp I- 27v,v 2Tr, S(t.,tb)= in(_!~M_t.)exp -sin(-~T--tb)expj- 'b IS T I- - M 2TTj 2TTI sin A Va - 1b) exp AM (Aram I- , 11104 )' + (TA i-. )T' - 7 2yVj (ii) is discussed in detail and analyzed for 40-Mev mesons and different experimental conditions. N I as a function of x 0 (plate distance) and xb is graphically shown for a number of different cases. The other possibili- ties of determining the sign of Am, which have been discussed in this paper, are based on the determination of the hyperons formed in plate b as ~ function of x , and on a study of the lepton decay of KO and KO,, as 0 e3 3 ~ function of xo. The author thanks I. Yu. Kobzarev, L. B . Okun', and B. Pontekorvo for advice and discussions; Z. Sh. Mandzhavidze, N. N. Card 884.54 Determination of the Sign of the Mass Difference B/056/60/039/006/046/063 of X0 and Ko Mesons B006/B063 1 2 Roynishvili, G. R. Kbutsishvili, and G.-Ye. Chiko-vani for their interest in the work; aad G. 1. Lebedevich, D. M. Kotlyarevskiy, and A. N. Mestvirishvili for computationa. There are 6 figures and 4 references: I Soviet and 3 US. ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki Akademii nauk Gruzinskoy SSR (Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences Gruzinskaya SSR) SUBMITTED: July 9, 1960 Card 5/5 L4 - S/058/62/000/004'/O.'8/!60 A058/A1O1 AUTHORS: Matinyan, S. G., Perellman, M. Ye. TITLE: On the anomalous connection of spin and statistics PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, no. 4, 1962, 45, abstract 4A350 ("Sakartvelos SSR Metsniyerebata Akademiis moambe", 1961, v. 27, no. 1, 25 - 32, Gruz.; "Soobshch. AN GruzSSR", 1961, v. 27, no. 1, 25 - 32, Russian) TEXT. The authors examine the possibility of an anomalous connection of z;pin and statistics (when the field with integral spin is quantized with the aid of anticommutators while the field with half-integral spin Is quantized with the aid of commutators) for strange particles. They suggest experiments in setting up K-meson and hyperon statistics and analyze the experimental consequences of anomalous statistics. They show that anomalous statistics lead to violation of the SRT theorem if weak interactions are also included in the investigation. r S. M. LAbstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 1/1 URRASHVIM., L.V.;, MATINYAN, S.G. Single-meson contribution to the photoproduction WIT- -mesons on protons. Zhur.ekep.i teor.fiz. 41 no.1:272-275 n 161. (NIRA 14s7) le Institut fiziki AN Gruzinskoy SSR. (Photonuolear reactions) (Moons) (Protons) Ha3mm) BOGS 0 0 Sign of the mass difference of X1 and K2 mesons and their leptonic decay. Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz. 41 no.5-1503-1506 N 161. (MIRA 14:12) 1. Institut fiziki AN Gruzinskoy SSR. (mevons-Decay) 26719 S/056/61./041./005/054/058 B109/B102 0 6 &' 7/ 1,5- 3 Sj AUTHORS: Matinyan, 3, G., Tsilosani, N. N, TITLE~ Transformation of photons into neutrino pairs and its significance in stare PERIODICAL: Zhurnal ek--.perimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 41, no. 501), 1961, 1681-1687 TEXT: The cross sections of the processes y +A -* A +,) +~ and y + y + i are given and discussed in connection with the luminosityand the eneigyru--moval mechanism of stars. Denotations: & ikl - antisymmetric unit tensor of the .0. third rank, &)- the frequency of the gamma quantum, q - the momentum imparted to the nucleus, ek - the polarization vector of the photon, p, and p-, respectively, the four-momenta of neutrino and antineutrino, u and V -5/M2, M _ v - the corresponding spinors, G =10 p the proton mass; h= c= 1, (A) Cross section of the process I +A - A +v +_V (Fig. 2). Starting from the nonrelativistic matrix element of the transition amplitude Card 1/5 26719 S/056/61/041/005/034/038 Transformation of photons into... B109/B102 aZG 1 F- 2xj-,, I TI ik1 i k[; (PI) 71 (1 + YO v (- P7)] and after averaging over all directions of polarization of the neutrino and the antineutrino and integration over the ~ and V directions one obtains a, - (7/576 115) Z2a2 G2w2 for the total neutrino pair production cross 2 52 2 section according to Fig. 2. In the case of (j-250 kev, (Y, -0.4Z . ic cm , i.e., aside from conditions as in stellar interiors, 6, is insignificant. (B) The approximative expression o 2 -j(a2G2/2n5),4w, is given for the cross section of the process y +y - V +; (Fig. 3a; the double line indicates an intermediate vectorial boson of mase M). w and wl are the frequencies of the incident photons. The energy transfered from photons to neutrino 3 pairs per am per sec in a Y +A -A +v +v process is q(1) ~ a n dn. . 3.4-10-8 1 T 6 (6), V f1j 1 nucl V 3 where n nucl denoteb the number of nuclei per cm , Q - the mean densii:,. Card 2/5 2 1 8 105iWI1110411005103411038 Transformation of photons into ... B109/BI02 I/V - YC Z 2/Ail C the weight concentration of an element, Z its atomic number, A i its atomic weight. The sum goes over all elements -ccurring in the considered stellar matter. T is given in kev. Eq. (6) shows that the energy liberation in a y +A -A +Y +v process is considerable as soon as there are almost no nuclear fusions and the stellar matter is characterized by a large Z. The rate of energy 2 8 9 liberation by y + y -+ V + ; is approximately q( 1. 8- 10- T . Denot ing V the specific energy liberation rate determined by G. N. Gandellman and V. S. Pinayev (Ref. 4: ZhETF, IL, 1072, 19591) by %, one has q(')/q -2-5* 102 T3/2/Q for stars consiBtinj of only Mg24. This indicates V (1) 5 that qX) >q, already at T> 50 kev and Qa:010 . For the neutrino luminosity )z L.")=~q.(')dv=3,4-10-- -'4n~pPr'd,, (8) V 01 Card 3/5 ~6 S/056 61/041/005/034/038 '~B Transformation of photons into... B109 B102 (R stellar radius); relative to Lv (Ref. 4), L (2) (process Y + 7 + and L 7 (photon-luminosity) one.has L,"'IL, 10-np,2/vVhr,-5, (10), L',"ILv 1,3-102p,TC'-&/p,, Lv("1L,;z; 5,82. 10-nY4,,8p,1bp (16), L!,') / LV(') ;z:: 0,48vr, / p,. (17), where I/Pe = 'FCiZ,/A,,, b - the Kramers coefficient for the photon path in the stellar,interior ( -1 for Mg). To and Q., respectively, denote tem- perature and density in the center of the star. The considered procesBes play a considerable role at high temperatures and densities. The energy liberated in the process V+A --A +v +; of I g of substance amounts 7 10.1f erg/g-sec at Q. 105, T- 42 kev (5-1080K), and Z - 12. This value is above the energy eiitted via photons. B. H. Pontekorvo (ZhETF, ~6, 1615, Card 4/5 S/0151PN/041/005/034/038 Transformation of photons into... B109/BIO2 1959) and G. M. Gandellman and' V. S. Pinayev (ZhETF, 31, 1072, 1959) are mentioned. There are 4 figures and 12 references: 6 Soviet and 6 non-Soviet. The four most recent references to English-language publications read as follows: G. Gamov, H. Schoenberg. PhYB. Rev.9 ~Ip 539, 1941; R. Feynman, H. Gell-Mann. Phys. Rev., M1 9 193, 1958; H. Y. Chiu, R. Stabler. Phys. Rev., 122, 1317, 1961; M. Gell-Mann. Phys. Rev. Lett., 6, 70, ig6i. ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki Akademii nauk Gruzinakoy SSR (Institute of Physics of the Acauemy of Sciences Gruzinskaya SSR) SUBMITTED: June 24, 1961 Fig. 2 Fig. 3 Card 5/5 S/05 3/61 /,-,-7 z' / D -- 1 /* B0061B05.6 AUTHORS: Andronikashv1li, E. L. Mamaladzp, Yu. G , M~t'anyari. S G Tsakadze, D S~ TITLE: The Propertle3 of Quantized Vorti.-eq Rr Helium II PERIODICAL: Uspekhi fizi--heskikh nauk, 1961, Vol 73, No pp 4- TEXT: A detailed review is aiven of experimental and, above all, theoretical investigations on the hydrodynamics of '.~scillat,.ons of zl-li-is suspended in rotating He II. Progress achieved recently in this field is of special importance for problems of superfluidity. The present review gives no new material but merely an explanation of the present stage of research work in this field, the authors mainly discussing their own publications and the results of their own investigation. The paper consists of four parts. The first part deals with the transcritizal properties connected with the rotation of He II, the superfluid and ncrm~--- components of He II, the hypothesis by Onsager-FAynman on the formation of vortex filaments and the variational problem conne-ted hercw--`,h. Card 1/3 The Properties of Quantized Yort,~c~es Occurring in Rotating Helium II B006/PO56 velocity distribution in moving vort ce.. -f a superflu:i experiments 'hy Hall and Vinen (mQasurem;in!. ~f the F,- T' The second part deals with th,: c~-~Ilaticns of a solid '-n r,1-.1,---tinC. the following problem!-, are d4--u:-,ed 'n deiail: rpqOts, ~y F,1 and Vinen, the energy prrp(--r! ioii ','OT't[?X 5yS' ('MG, (1XporIM-n1al "Ard theoretical results obtained by AndrrnAashvili and Tsakadze, a d:* k. -r rotating He II, the effective dens-,ty c~f the superfl-.iil ---.p-n---.* function of the rate of rGtatiDni c-,mparisor of th-? :-05111tS Hall with those of scientists f 1hp gTz~up (th- - -f ;i sclid ir. -tatIng Fe II. -e -1L-.- L'-- the damping of cs`llaticn~ -. by experimental investigations -arr-.-rJ c)u+ a' the Cry~,ge` s La" ~-atorl of TIlissRiy universitet (Tbili-~4- Univ(-T,.-, I ~,a7 P d~-rement of cscillat4ors as fi func'-1,.,.- r londitions, temperature 1.7pteni, :.-e ( f i damping and osc4liation frequen-y: the rate depend;nce of damping .-f 'cr:,-onal deals with the hydrodynamics -f ro-atJng II; several result~3 obtainoi ly ~~heorefical r y 1~ C n rl 2) The Properties of wuantized Vortices Occurring in Rotating Helium I! B006/BO56 I. L. Bekarevich and I. M. Khalatnikov, as well as by Yu G. Mamalaiz~, S. G. Matinyan are discussed. In the fourth part, the theory of small oscillations of axial ly-symmetri c bodirj3 in rotating, lie IT 17, expla--rit'l. The hydrodynamic equationr for the cane of small oscillation amplitul"s. aro linearized, and methods of .iolution are diocussed. Severuil npt!eial -rA~tt- are discussed. I. P. Kaverkin, L. D Landau, P. L. Kapitsa, 1. M- Chkhi~'-!~:-' Kiknadz6 and Tkemaladze are mentioned. There are 17 figures and references: 22 Soviet, 2 Dutch, 5 Us, 1 Italian, and 5 British. Card 3/3 S/825 62/QOO/000/002/002 B102yB1a6 AUTHOR: Matinyan, S. G. TITLE: The sign of the mass difference of Ko and Ko -mesons 1 2 SOURCE: Voprosy teorii sillnykh i slabykh vzaimodeystviy element&rnykh chastits. Fiz. inst. AN Arm. SSR. V. B. Berestetskiy. Yerevan, 1962, 186 - 190 TEXT: As I. Yu. Kobzarev showed (of. P. 175), the possibility of measuring the absolute value of the mass difference between the two KI-mesons, but hitherto there has been no experiment to decide.the sign of Am. To do this, it is necessary to determine the interference terms containing odd functions of Am: (the terms e imit andtve'm2t yield even functions of,6 'm). One suggestion as to how to determine the sign of Am has been made by Kobzarev and Okun' (ZhETF, 39, 605, 1960). It is based on investigating the passage of a KO wave through t*o tnin plates, x-vt apart, where v is the velocity of the Ko-meson. Another possibility, requiring only one 2 plate, is suggested here. It is based on observing the decay modes Card 1/2 5/825/62/000/000/002/002 The sign of the mass difference... B1021B186 0 + 0 e- + e + n + v and X + 7t + in the beam passing undeflected through a plate of thickness x. The number of these decays is equal to N+ '~.! +xr exp(-t/2-r ).sin(+ - b mt); ;t refers to e+-; t is the time of 2 - 1 flight from the plate to the point of decay, and tan y - Imlf(O) - 7(0))/Re Cf(Q) - 7(0)], where f(0) and 7(0) are the zero-angle elastic scattering amplitudes of K and ~;. It is easier to determine the sign of 9 than that ofA9 in the experiment using two plates. From elastic scattering data, y can be estimated as ;~4+300. The effect can be considerably magnified by increasing the oscillation amplitude and, as in the experiment using two plates, by choosing plates of optimum thickness. The sign ofam can be determined uniquely from that of R - (N+-N_)I(N ++N Such an experiment using one thick plate is technically possible. There are 2 figures. Gard 212 S/102/62/0001/005/001/003 The use of analog comijutcrs ... D201/D308 analog computer m nT-9(MPT-9). The obtained graphs of trans.ients S11017 that direct determination of transients for tile nominal and perturbation cases have no dractical meaning since, owing to the a-nalog inaccuracy, Jit iss inpossible to distinguish the nominal transient from that obtained with a changed magnitude of feedback. At the same time the sol.ution of the perturbation equations result in a curve which clearly shows the resulting changes in the tran- sient process. There are 5 figures. SUBMITTED: I-lay 10 9 1962 rt~ Card.2/2 MkTINYAN, S.; CHEYSHVILI, 0. Polarization ar12ing ill the elastic sc#~ering of fast deuterons on protons and nucleon-nublion interaction. Trudy Inst.fiz.AN Gruz.SSR 8:95-101 162. (MM 16-&2) (Deuteroi"oattering) (Nuclear reactions) IAFERASHVILIJ, L.V.-, MATIRAN, S.G. Analytic properties or the scattering amplitudc mW lifetime of-ID-byperons. Trudy Inst.fiz.AN Grus.SSR 80.61-172 162, (MRA 1632) (Hyperons) MATMAN, S.G. , Formation-K bypernuclel in collisions of particles with nuclei, TmAy Inst.fia.AN Gruz,,SSR 8sl73-181 'q* (MMA 16a2) (Byp*rons) (Collisions (Nucloar pbysics)) ZWT(*)/ DS AFFTGASD - Rl '14 437- ~~$b -;-A -'buts: Grazinsbmr: 7779r s,broader ivli~-~belig -due ~-t6. ell -coaxial--: Atal...oiie, Olinder &-mith.~t1~6:"6=erimmentaL. ok~-Pb3r--ics, - --�- ---' --- " - 4' _ - , " I -t- fl.~ ~: " , ~~,; J - -~ -- , '.,* I , ;, k ~ -. " :; ~;: ~ ~ : :-, I., ~ -. ~ . ,- ~; , . . .. , -. , , -, I ~ "i ACCESSION NR: AP4037583 S/0056/64/046/005/1700/1714 AUTHORS: Verdiyev, I. A.; Kancheli, 0. V.; Matinyan, S. G.; Popova, A. M.; Ter-Martirosyan, X. A. TITLE: Complex asymptotic expressions for inelastic processes amplitudes and singularities in the angular momentum plane SOURCE: Zh.eksper. i teor: fiz., v. 46, no. 5, 1904, 1700-1714 TOPIC TAGS: asymptotic solution, inelastic scattering, Regge pole, moving pole method, high energy particle ABSTRACT: A previously developed momentum integration technique for a small number of particles (ZhETF v. 46, 568 and 1295, 1964) is used to calculate the total cross sections for the production of n particles (ora groups of particles having a low particle enerc in jy . the c.m.s. of each group) and the'energy distribution of the particles in high-energy inelastic collisions. The values previously obtained Cord 1/3 ACCESSION NR: AP4037583 for the most important "genuinely inelastic" collisions, correspond- ing to the contribution of an isolated vacuum Regge pole, are used to determine the asymptotic amplitudes. It is assumed that all par- ticles are identical and have no isospin. It is shown that for any inelastic process there is a definite particle momentum configura- tion making the most significant contribution to the amplitude. The distributions of these particles with respect to the logarithms of their momenta Are determined and are found to depend on the behavior of the vertex functions. Unitarity in the s-channel 'for the zero- angle elastic-scattering amplitude is shown to be violated if these vertex functions do not decrease with decreasing squares of the reg- goon momenta. The dependence of both halves of the s-channel uni- tarity condition for elastic scattering at nonzero angle on the mo- mentum transfer is investigated, and it is shown that the right half of this condition does not represent the Regge asymptotic ampli- tudo corresponding to the vacuum pole if the terms corresponding to the production of an arbitrary number of particles are taken into Card 2/3 ACCESSION NR: AP.4037583 account. The momentum-transfer dependence can be duplicated only if all asymptotic contribution from all the branch-point singular- ities on the right of the vacuum point, condensing toward the point j = 1, are taken into account. Orig. art. has: 48 formulas. ASSOCIA'L:,,'-.: Institut teoreticheskoy i eksperimental'noy fiziki (In- stituLe of Theoretical and*Experimental Physics); ;nstitut fiziki A.kademii nauk Gruzinskoy SSR (Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences.,Georgian SSR); Institut yadernoy fiziki Moskovskogo, gosu- darstvennogo universiteta (Nuclear Physics Institute, Moscow State University) SUBMITTED: 03Sep63 DATE ACQ: 09Jun64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: NP NR REF SOV: 004 OTHER: 003 Card 3.13 -tutbation: th' dory -C 1-hte-radt- -etWep ---ah