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MATYUSHIN, V. M. 26398 Ue6vershenstvovaniya geyometr1i r82huBhehikh zlexentov pr7aM02ubykh dolbyakov. Stamki i instrument, 1949, No. 8, s. 1-6. SO: IETOPILS' NO. 35v 1949 ,I kandidat tekhnichosklkh mak, dotsent; K&LOV, A.N,, - _ ]~I,- M!~4njf, re xeiWiit; LAPIN, M.N., reitaktor; XATVXYBVA, Ye.N., tekhnicheeldy redak-tor [Gear shving) Zubodolblonle. Moskva. Go*. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo MashInostrolt. I sudostrolt. lit-z7. 1953. 183 p. (Kicrofilal (Gearing) (Mm 7-.10) I 1" -.7 C, S bt, pox in 0 -rea 01m -tait"'v PiA an expldned, WAA illiliw- _'Vap consider'- iltdStid'.- cam 'Apro: r than the hob~~ Oit' 00., U38 Pee i KATYUSHIN9 V.M. Standards for small module gear cutters. Stan.1 Instr. 26 no-9:31-33 5 155. (MIRA 9:1) (Gearing~Stanclhrds) MATYUSHIN, V. N., Doe Tech Set -- (dies) "Basic Problems *~W~ the Za~;n of V~pmutwtlrng Intru ents for Cylln- ol 44-, drical Wheels " Nos, 1957, 31 pp, 1\41tPOILIG. (Min Higher Ed LIBSR, me IA42ms Ustr Inst Im I. V. Stalin), 110 copies. (KL, 7-58, 110) - 20 - MATYUSHIN, V. M., Cand. Tech. Sci., Docent. "Definition and Classification of Metal Cutting Tools" .-Of in Recent Developments in the Design of Metal-cutting Tools, Moscow, Mashgiz, 1958, pp.229 In this collection of articles results are presented of investigations carried out at the chair of "Tool Making" of the Moscow Machine Tool and Tool Making Inst. im I. V. Stalin. ATMIN, S.V.. in2h-; BATLUNOV, Te.D., knnd.tekhn.nauk; (RXYZER, L.A., kand.takhn.nauk; YRFINOT. T.P.. kand.tekhn.nauk; KARTSEV. SJP.. Insh.; EMINSKIT, T.H., insh., laureat Imeninskay premil; KORZIAM, V.I.. lnzh.; KOSILOTA, A.G., kand.teldm.nauk; KALOV, A.N., kand.tekhn.nank; 1!~~Tyq~H~IT~K . doktor takhn.nauk; OSTRRTSOT, G.V., kBnd.tekhn.nauk; PMCHMO, K.P., kand.tekhn, neuk; PARMOV. O.D., kand.tekhn.nauk; ROZMW MISKIT, L.A.. kand. tekbn.nauk-, RONANOT, T.F., 'Icand.tokhn.nauk; 801CM, N.M., doktor tekhn. nauk; SAIMROV, G.N., kand.tekhn.nauk; SOKOLOYSCIT, I.A., inzh.1 FRUMIN, Tu.L., inzh.; SHISHKOV, V.A., doktor tekhn.nauk; ACHERKAN. N S.,,prof,s doktor tekhn.nauk, glavnyy red.; TUDISLATLET, V.S., red. E;ec red); POZDNTAKOV, S.N., red.; ROSTOVYXH, A.Ta., red.; STOLBIN, G.B., red.; CB3RNAT&KIT, S.A.. red.; KARGANOV, T.G., lnzh., red. grafichaskikh rabot; GILIDICUBERG, M.I., red.izd-va; SUOLOVA, T.F.. (Ketalworking handbook; in five volumes] Spravochnik metallista v piati tomakh. Chleny red.BDVetS: V.S.Yladislavlev i dr. Moskva, Goe.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo mashinostroit.lit-ry. Tol.5. 1960. 1184 p. (MIRA 13:5) (Metalwork) S/028/60/ODD/05/008/027 DD44(DDD6 AUMIls MtymbI14- VOHS Tnu-. Rational Tooth Thicknesses of M=Wrd~Nnd Nozmaltzed Tooth- Cutting Tools \~ PEWDICAL: Standmirtizatzkya,, 19W. Nr 5,q pp 25-29 (UMR) MBTRWT-. The exticle Is concerned with determining tooth thiekness In standamUzed and normallmed Imtb-cutting tools. Th particular, it discusses thA XWST 1643-~.'O standard Adch specifies side clearance mrnfimd given peortimaers on bow to nake gear teeth tb3 The ebrensitioned ODST -vtmdara in based on the for=1a 4 AS .9 wbare S& in tooth thl on., 17 -hollow vidth j, n - pitchp md bbllgatox7 tooth thickening or tapering. In contrast to the 19,46 standard.. thin one gives four ovaplingo of gear wheals (f1g, 1) with different dimmalons of the guaranteed aide clearance anong which are the fo2lowlng: 1) neu- tral guaranteed side clearance (D); 2) =wma guaranteed side Card V2 clearance (Eh); 3) Increased guaranteed alde clearance (Sh). The S/028/60/000/05/OCG/027 DD4,V=6 Rutlawl Tooth Tbickmemses of 4 and awnalized Tbotb-Cuttbw Tools article then gives a detailed description bow to determine the thicbmim of flnlm~ tootb-cuttIng bwtrmanto to out cylindric.- al gear Vbw3m and tooth thielmove tolerances according to the%OST 1643-560 otandard. Tbix deacril7tim can a3zo be appUed to determim dimmions for - tools Inbended to out conical gear wheels vith toler- ances aecord1w to the OMT 1758-560 otandard (mcamical -miive - Whealm, Tolarancesm) # In conclusionp %*rWdw-poJxAwi6fAhY, Ger- 3 difL- Card 2/2 Ora2o and I graph. SEMENCMKO, Ivan Ivanovicb, doktor takhn, nauk., prof,, saal. deyatell mmilri I tekhniki;-KkTYUSHBj Valentin Mikheyl eh. doktor M tekbn. nauk., prof.; SAKHAROV, rjeo:fi~yy- iktoaJmWmev.T"Ci., Icando tekhn. nauk, dots.; SHEVCHLTIKO, N.A.., doktor takhn. nauk, prof .,,reto.; ITgOVA N.A.., red. izd-va; 13LIMI),, V.D.p tekhn. red. (Design and construction of metal-cutting tools] Proektirovanie metallorezhushchikh instrumantov. Pod red. I.I.Somenchenko. Moskva, Gos. nauchno-tekbn. izd--vo mashinostroit. lit-ry, 1962. 952 P. (MIRA 15:2) (Metal-cutting tools) ~fhfiSHIW. Viktor Ifficol- 0 cj2- IL I IN, 1. M., r4o.; TRUKHOWA, A.N. j rea.; "'ISAW, T.P.., tekhn. rbdr~ fthe jottrtAl-voucher acco"witing system in construction organizations] Zhumallno-ordernaia forma schetovodstva v stroitellnykh organizatsiisikh. Moskva., Iskusstvo., 1963. 222 p. (KIRA 17: 3) h' *0 rb t io "of Of ."bf "A g- ntic-iiiiis,,'? p'theintibbe particle.' ~SPAV t"t di !"cate, b ",41,iffic "6: ries, conh6cted haimb Ii d- &.~~par vo ta es:a e e TM16AW --;1" Th aqe-. en;y.,,. e,~.~Oupp y~,,vo-,- age ~i -raise -an the', PIP 14 - Or.suppl e Ic f t identica op, ately 3.6 lp ,i.- fiel er~zn&: a .,.,e -ear, ng ~of 41 A inn 'Wnnp-!'C-ti6n.:4j t,:td t p m; i d- t h ~'s e r' e ho:cUrrent 1~ the: same,.: Aaf-iieasurei6nii'~"x4i` miadd,~4--"ihri -66~&ar ~~ffidibnc -or the However"At As ointed~out p U;w6ly lows electric: a wr6~ mist d a epusly~- qra 3L t b" th- qii~ '~ u -, P~ , Vply Thii'multi-- .g ~Z'O. ~i -... WA61'. 111. e 6, uration or .camp jL7 TO- 'MiA as.v ","?m - - - - - - - - - - - - Itip F -S,3URCE--CODE-:--UR/0120/66/000/005/0075/0078 AUTHOR: Hatyushinp A. T.; Matyushin, V. T. 0k Joint Nuclear Research Institute, Dubna, (Ob'yedinennyy inatitut yedernykh - q: is'Aedovaniy) TITLE: A symmetric system of wire electrodes in an isotropic spark chamber SOURCE: Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenLa, tic). 5, 1966, 75-78 TOPIC TAGS: spark chamber, cosmic ray paTLicle, wire electrode ABSTRACT: The tracks of charged iarLi,1,J~-F; rrinvinp at arbitrary angles to the directiom of the electric field can be recordeu iii an iSoLrOpic spark chamber with a symmetric system of wire electrodes. To ebtain the struamer conditions of operation, high- voltage pulses with a steep leading edge and of controlled duration and amplitude are applied to the wire electrodes. 6oth tne i-miledance of the electrodes and the possi- bility of optimizing the structure ol tlie s~)ark chamber are analyzed. A special spark chamber was constructed to te:;t- tfie efficiency of the wire electrodes. It has the following parameters: a - 1.2 moi, r, = 0.05 nun, 1) - 300 am, where a is the space between the electrodes, ro is the raciiijf3 of Lile wires, and D is the discharge gap. The chamber was tested with cosmic ray j)arLicles. It was found that a symmetric system of electrodes is capable of operation n an isotropic spark chamber; coronas were, not observed on~the wire electrodes when voltage pulses of up to E0 - 7"0 Card UDC: 539. ACC NRi AP6034221 kv/cm were applied. Coordinates of the particle tracks, especially of the "Z-projec- tion", were determined with high accuracy. It is indicated that in some cases an isotropic chamber consisting of ttio or three equal symmetric gaps can be more advan- tageous. The difference in the luminosity of the particle tracks was not strongly expressed. This is attributed to the influence of the shape of electrodes. Orig. artw-has: 5 formulas and 3 figures. SUB COM. 14,20/ SUBM DATE: 07Aug65/ ORIG REF: 008/ OTH REF: ODS 1 .01 YERIMOV, A.V., MkTILEK"NI. re.o. Seudautowtic machine for asseqmlbI2~ng and mulUelentrod& waldlTig of grid articlese S,;e2,Lo proizvo no.908-39 .9 '64. ()CF.A 171121 I. Vsesqyuzriyy nauohno-isalsdavatellfkiy institut elektroevarc,chnogo obor-adovardya. L 4U-34-66 )VTF, ~Ul Ll ACC. Nks AP60256o8 SOURCE CODR: uR/o4l3/66jc30/013/o049/0050 INVE11TON: Mirkin, A. M.; Matyushin, Ye. G. 6RG: none TITLE: Att hment for multispot resistance welding. Class 21, No* 18329 X - SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye Znaki, no. 13, 1966, 49-5o TOPIC TAGS: welding, spot welding, multispot welding, honeycomb structure Jj;jMaicate 4,ntroduces an attachment for multi- ABSTRACT: This Authj;~ i spot resistance vela rily of screens or honcycomb structures., The attachment (see Fig. 1) consists of two rows of electrodes, witR the upper row mounted in vertical holders and the bottom row (1) in horizontal holders, and a mechanism which holds and moves the structure' during welding. The bottom electrode row is mounted on common base (2) which can be withdrawn from its working position. To simplify the design, the structure-holding mechanism is equipped with clamps 5 621.791 ACC NR. AP6025608 mounted on rod 4 and a drive for moving the workpiece for a preset distance equal to the multiple a.Lectrode-pitch. Orig. art. has: 1 figure. [DVI SUB CODE: 13/ SUBM DATE: o6jul62/ ATD PRESS:T,4 1 - Itorizontal holders-of bottom electrodes; 2 - base; 3 pne=atic cyl- inder; rod; 5 clamps. Fig. 1. Attachment for multisiDot resistance welding. GRABLIOSElY, V.N.; KULISH, Ye.Ye.;_,MATYUSHIHA, N.A*.; POPOVA, G.L.; POTAPOV, S.P.; SAVITSKIY, P.S.; TEREKHOVA, V.F.; FRAIM, G.K.; LABA2307, V.I., red.; VLASOVA, N.A.. tekhn.ree.. (Isotopes. radiation sources, and radioactive materials, a catalog] Izotopy, iatochniki izlucheniia i radloaktivnye materialy; katalog. Sost. avtoreld-r kollaktivom: V.N.Grablev- skii i dr. Moskva. Izd-vo Glav.uprav.po ispol'zovaniiu atomnoi energii pri Sovete Ministrov SM, 1959. 269 p. (MIRA 12:12) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Glgvnoye uprnvloni,ye po ispollzova- n1yu atomnoy energii. (Radioactive substances) ~~IIJA N.A.; FIROKU' GJ DYKHOVA, Z. I.; 12mtz - F IYEV; KHARLAII-TOV, V.T.- CPIRKOV3, Ye.F.; FODOR, G.; FILIP, 1. (Radioactive i3otopes and labeled coz.pounds; a catrlogj Radioaktivnye isotopy i soedinenlia; katalog. Moskvat Atomizdat, 1964. 341 1). (MIRA 18:1) 1. Sovet ekonomicheskoy vzaiziopoinoshahi. Postov~iriraya ko- missiya po Ispollzovai)iyu energii v mirnykh ts6lyakh. SCROUNAV IN.Ye.; MXTYUSILINA, K.I. Particle boards with veneered brames. Der.prom. 10 no.10: 28 0 161. (111RA 14:9) 1. Suratowkiy dorevoobrabatyvayuahchiy kombinat. (Hardboard) (Veneers and veneering) 28-58-2-7/41 AUTHORS t Smolyarenko, D.A., Candidate of Technical 5ciences, Itatyushina, N.V., Kaplan, A.S., Engineers TITLE: The Coordination Order for Technical Specifications for Pro- ducts of the Ferrous Metal Industry (Poryadok soglasovaniya tokhnicheakikh usloviy na produkteiyu ch1Jrnoy metallurgii) PER10DICAL: Standartizatsiya, 1958, Nr 2, pp 21-23 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Information and comments are given on a new regulation deve- loped and approved by the Central Scientific Research Institute of Ferrous Metallurgy at the Gosplan SSSR in agreement with the Komitet standartov, mer i izmeratellnykh priborov pri Sovete Ministrov SSSR( Committee of Standards, Measures and Measuring Devices at the Council of Ministers of USSR) and the Gosplans of USSR, RSFSR and UkrSSR. The tekhnicheskiye usloviya (Tech- nical Specifications) will be a standard bi-lateral document valid only when approved both by supplier and consumer, and can apply to single suppliers and consumers as well as to en- tire industry branches. The specifications will be set up only for new, experimental, production not yet inclided into state standards, or for production that is specific for single con- Card 113 sumers. The regulation indicates the rules of coordinating 28-58-2-7/41 The Coordination Order for Technical Specifications for Products of the Ferrous Metal Industry and approval of the specifications with obli5atory partici- pation of the Sovnarkhozes and Scientific Re3earch Institutes which are the bases of separate industry bra.-aches. All spe- cifications will be registered at the Scient1fic Research In- stitutes where they will be provided with a number making them valid. The Institutes will examine the specifications for correctness of form, correspondence to standards and already existing specifications. They will have to reduce the quan- tity of different metal grades, select the bi?st, organize information exchanges between plants, and give recommendations to consumers. Approval of technical specifications has to be the logical final step in development of a work. As one such instanr,.e there is mentioned the specification for converter steel blown through with oxygen - the result of research work done by TsNIIChM Jointly with Zavod imeni Pet.rovskogo (Plant imeni Petrovsk-iy). The Dnyepropetrovsk Sovnarkhoz approved for the process a temporary specification designated Card 2/3 ChMTU 1-57 " (valid until 1959). The last part of TsNIIChM 28-58-2-7/41 The Coordination Order for Technical Specifications for PToducts of the Ferrous Metal Industry the regulation concerns the numbering system for the speci- fications (illustrated by examples in the article). The ori- ginals of approved specifications will be kept at the corres- ponding 3cientific Research Institutes. ASSOCIATIOD: TsNII chOrnoy metallurgii (Central Research .*-.nstitute of Ferrous Metallurgy) AVAILABLEs Library of Congress Card 3/3 1. Metal industr7--Standards 2. Specificatiors-Standardization 3. Standardization-USSR SOV/28-58-5-9/37 AUTHOR: Smolyarenko, D.A., Candidateof Technical Sc:-ences; Kaplan, A.S. and Matyushinaq N.V., Engineers TITLE: The Technical Conditions for New Types of Production in Ferrous Metallurgy (Tftkhnicheski3eusloviya na novyye vidy produktsii v che"rnoy motallurgii) PERIODICAL: Standartizatsiya, 1958P Nr 5, PP 37 - 39 (USSR) .._W' ABSTRACT: The article reviews br!Lefly the characteristics of the tech- nical requirements for a number of production groups and now grades of steel and alloys. ASSOCIATION: TsNIIChERMET 1. Steel--Standards Card 1/1 SMOLTAROKO, D.A.; MATYUSHINA, N.Y.- KAPLAR. A.S.; GORZHEVS:AYA. A.T.. Prinimali uchastlye: ULINSEATA, Te.I.; BARYSOTA, I.T.; ROKAS, F.D.. AVRUTSKATA, R.F., red.1zd-va; ISLMNITRYA. P.G.. tekhn. red. [List of specifications in effect for products of ferrous metallurgyJ Perechen' doistvalushchikh teklmichaskikh uslovit na produktsiin chernoi wtallurgii; po sostoianiAu na 1 ianvaria 1959 g. Koekva, Gos.nauchnc,-tekhn.1zd-vo lit-ry po chernoi I tevetnol metallurgil, 1959. 115 p. (MIRA 13:2) 1. Moscow. TSentrallnyy nauchno-lealedovatellskly Institut chernoy matallurgil. 2. Laboratorlya standartizateli TSentral'- nogo nouchno-iseledovatellskogo institute chernoy matellurgii (for Smolyaranko, Katynehine, Kaplan. Gorshevskaya). 3. Ukrainskiy nauchno-iseledovatellekly trubnyy Institut (for Ulinskaya). 4. Na- uchno-iselodavatellskiy institut matiznoy pronyshlonnosti (for Baryshava). 5. Ukrainskiy institut metallov (for Rome). (Iron--Specifications) (Steel--Specifications) ADRIANOTA, V.P.; AlIDUM. T.T.; ARANOVICH, H.S.; BARSKIY, B.S.; GROMOT, N.P.; GUREVICH. B.Ye.; DVORIN. B.S.; YUMOLAYST, N.Y.; ZVOLINSKIT, I.S.; KABLUKOVSKIT, A.Y.; KAFELOTICH, A.P.; KASHC 0. D.S.; XLIMOTITSKIT, N.D.; KCLOSOT, M.I.; KOROLIT. A.A.; KOCHINET, Ye.T.; LESKOV, A.T.; LITSHITS. N.A. -.. N#Tp;~II NA. N.Y.: MOROZOT, A.N.; P(ff&UKAROT. D.I.; RAVDILI, P.G.; ROKOTYAH, U.S.; SMOLYARWO, D.A.; SOKOLOV, A.N.; USIMIN, I.N.; SWIRO, B.S.; RPSHTEU, Z.D.; AVWSKAYA. R.F., red. izd-va; IARASW, A.I., [Brief handbook on metallurG7, 19601 Kratkii apravochnik metallur- ge, 1960. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-takhn.lzd-vo lit-ry po chernol I tevetnoi metallurgli, 1960. 369 p. (MTRA 13:7) (Metallurgy) S/028/60/000/008/007/010 B013/BO54 AUTRORSt Pridantsev, It. V., Levinzon, Kh-Sh., Matyushina, N. V. TITLEs Thermally Treated Plate- and Wide-strip Carbon Steel PERIODICALt Standartizatsiya, 1960, No. 8, PP. 37 - 36 TEXTs The Teentrallnyy nauchno-isaledovatellskiy institut chernoy metallurgii (Central Scientific Research Institute of Ferrous Metallurgy) and other scientific research org nizations found during investigations that the use of thermal hardeninggis well convenient in metallurgical mass production. Preliminary calculations have shown that its economic profit will much exceed the costs of its introduction into mass produc- tion. The Komitet standartov, mer i izmeritellnykh priborov (Bureau of Standards, Measures, and Mea d d ,turing Instruments) approved a new stan ar rDCT 9458-60 (GOST 9458-60)P "Thermally Treated Plate- and Wide-Btrip Carbon Steel. Technical Specifications". It comes into force on October 1, 1960. It comprises plates and wide strips from 6 to 40 mm thickness produced from one metal sort. The same mechanical properties are established for all thicknesses. The mechanical properties of Card 112 Thermally Treated Plate- and Wide-strip Carbon S/028/60/000/008/007/010 Steel B013/BO54 thermally treated steels tire mainly determined by 2 faotores the carbon content, and the plate thickness. According to GOST 9458-60, consumers are entitled to demand the supply of thermally hardened steel for welded con- structions with a carbon content of no more than 0.20% and a sulfur con- tent of no more than M5* GOST 9458-60 has a limited running time of 2 years. Afterwards, it will be modified and defined more precisely on the basis of experience collected. Card 2/2 SHOLYAMM, D.A.; MWEISMIlk. N.V.; IAPLLN. A,13. TA-,hnical specifications for now kin" of ferrous metallurgy prod.zcts. Standartizatsils, 24 no-3:31-35 Ur 160. (MU 13:6) (Steel-Classification) XAL27USHINk, N. T. '-~ I - Requiremente of United States stwAards f or structural carbon and alloyed steels. StandartigatAla 24 no.10i?0-74 0 160. (XML 13:10) (United States.-Stisel, Stractural-StwAarde) . ) 0 M- s- H-m-, N. V. Requirewnts of United Stateli otandards of corrosim-"mistant and heat-raoiotant steelo. Standartizataila 25 no. 5-.60-U MY 161. (MMA 14:5) (United States-Steal-Steel-Standardo) I X&Tm v ": Wcrklmg comittes %chanical Metal Testing.0 Standartimtsiia 25 fao.3.1.-52-53 N 161, (mm 14: l1) (Metals-Tob%img-Standards) YIATYUSHINA, N.V. ---------Tr-endW-intbe standardization in metallurey. 5tandartizatsiia 26 no.1:30-34 Ja '62. (FJRA 15;1) (Metallurgy-Standards) BIJKMOVSM, Igor' Lavrentlyevich, kand,. tekbn.nauk,, kapitan dallnego plavaniya; MATYUSHINA S.Pm ---A.; KLMSDVA., T.F. j, tekbn. red. [Radar methods for preventing co.Llisiorm at sea] Radiolokatoion- mye metody preduprezbdeniia stollmovenii sudov T more. Moskva# Izd-vo "Mokskol, transport,," 1962. 135 P. (MIRA 3-5:5) (CoMsions at sea-llrwention) (Radar in navigation) NMYUBINI, Vitaliy Yakovlevich; MMUSHMA, S~ red,j TIKHONOVA#Ye*A., tekhn. red. X_ [Amu Darya] Amu-Darlis.. Moskva,, 124-vo *Morskoi transport,* 1963. 130 p. (MIRA 16s6) (Amu Darya-linvigation) ASSOROV, Felike Goorgiyevichl, PONOMAW,, Ivan Makarovich; 3HPIKOV, Boris Izraylevich; MATYUSHOA S P red.; TIK30NOVA, Ye.A.v tekhn. red. ~?-~ [Fire extinguishing on merchant ships3 Tushenie pozharov na morskikh sudakh. Moskva, Izd-vo "Morskoi transport," 1963. 94 P. (MIRA 17:2) PONOMAREVt Ivan Makarovich; MATYUSHINA, S.P., red.; TIKHONOVA, Ye.A., t9khn. red. --- [Fire prevention in the merchant marine] Pozharnalu profi- laktika na morskom transporte. N'oskva, Izd-vo "Morskoi transport," 1963. 167 p. (MRA :.6:6) (Merchant shipB-Ftre and fire prevention) SOYAGIN, Lev Nikolayevich; MATYUSHINAp S.F., red. (On the tracks of marine catastrophes] Po sledam morskikh katastrof. Moskvap Transport, 1965. 254 P. (MI-RA 18:4) FAVLDV, S.A., doktor tekhnicheskikh nank, professor; HATTUSHINA, TO.V.. kandidat tekhnicheakikh nau Change of hair properties of sheepskin far during dressing and dyeing. Log. prom. 15 no.11:2P,30 N 155. (HLRA 9:2) (Hides and skins) VIC- KATDSHIUS Ye.V.,, kand.tekhn.nauk Method of determining fur hair damage by the amount of nitrogen and sulfur in volatile compounds. Naueb.-Iosl.trudy NIIMP no.9:12-23 159. (MIM 14: 5) (Fur-Testing) IAATYUSHINA, Ye.V- , kand. tekhn. nauk; 1121ILSHEVSKAYA, G.S. , iumd. tektui. nauk- Method for the anmIlys-I's of dire--t b.La-::k dyes durfl-I.- proce-cs of dyeing of sheep pelts. Nauci.. issi. trudy NIIII-T ro.12-.FS-lG3 '63. (MIRA 17:11) HATTUSHIM, Z.V. W.Ow, I V ~ Xqrly diagnosis of tuberculous meningitis in adults. Sov. mod. 19 no.10:27-31 0 '55. (MLRA 8:12) 1. Iz W terapevticbeekogo otdolonlys, (zav.--prof. 1.B. Sorkin) Moskovskogo oblastnogo ratuabno-issledovatellskogo tuborkuleznogo instituta. (TUBr,MUIDSIS. tTEMNGUL, d!:agnosle early) Case of successful use of AC79 In hypersensitivity to PAS. Sovemed. 22 no.9:133..135 8 158 (KIRA 11:11) 1. Is terepevt1cheskogo otdelentys (sev. - chlon-korrespondent Akodemil meditsinskikh nank-83SE -prof, 19A* Shmelev) Instituta tuberkuless, AM SSSR (dir. - kand.sea.mank 2.A. Lebedeva). (]PARA-AMINOSALICYLIC ACID, Injoeff. hypersensitivity, ther., ACE, (Rum)) (ACTS. ther. use PAS hypersensitivity (Rua)) HATYUSHINA, Z.V., aspirant Use of adranocorticotropbic hormone for eliminating the side effects of antibeCterisl oreparations in tuberculosis (with al-try in Prenabl. Probl.tuh. 36 no.1:28-33 '58- (MIRA 11:4) 1. 1z terapevticheskogo otdeleniya (zav. - prof. N.A.Sbmelev) Institute tuberkuleze ANN SSSR (dir. Z.A.Iabedeva) (TUBMCUU)SIS. PULHOKARY. ther. obamother., with ACTH for elimination of side-effects (Rue) (ACTH, ther. use tubere., pulmo, for elimination of side-effects in chemother. (Rns)) MATYUSBI14AO Z.V., Cand lied Sci - (diss) "Use of 4ft adreno- corticotropic hormone (A;Tl) in tuberculosis.(Clinical and erimental 4tudy).Il ITw, 1959, 18 pp (Acad Med Sci USSR) -P 04 ~ 200 copies M, 33-59, 121) POFAKOVA., L.A.; K&MISEDA, Z.V. Significance of Thornis oosinophil test for the diagnosis of the-funational state of the adrenal cortex In-patients WU tubermdoois. Probletub, 39 mo,1210D-103 164; (MMA 14:1) I,% Is kliniko-diagnosticheekoy laboratorii (zave - kimdemedonaife U#Ds Timanbeva) I torap6vticheakogo otdeleuiya Instituta, tuber- Weza, AMN SSSR dira - eblen-korrespandent AM SBSR prof. N.A. Sinelev. (ADRMML CORTEX) (TUBMUSIS) Us phewistry'-,' Selenium ~~Org*blc Jul-&:U9153 Coupoundis, .,."Interaction of Methylene Bases of the Benz- ,Ooleiazol Series With Halogen Compounds," F.S:. ftbichev, A.M. Matyushinets, D.P. Mironova,. Cbairl ~of:Org Chem, Kiev State U Xhim Zhur, Vol 19, No 4, pp 405-412. 10estigated the reactLow of 2-methylene---*e"__-_' ',.beniselenazoline and 2-aiethylene-_3,5,6-ti1m6*i_1 ,:be0zoelenazoline vith methyl iodide, ethyl. iodf4i.,~ the,~',ethyl eater of ioddacetic acid, and. be.nzdy1 :~e.hibride.,,Describes the.prodIucts obtained. MATMR as .Whales and vhalers. Tokrug ovets. no.6:22-26 Jo '53. (KLU 6:6) (Vwing) NOVOKMTKA, D.A.; MATYUSHINSKIY,.A3.V-; MOKHOVA, V-S- Synthavis of diphenylolproPane b7 a2kv2ation of phenol with methplacetylene. Zhur. VKHO 8 n0.5:593-594 163. (MIn 17: 1) 1. Usichanskly filial Gosudarstvennogo nauchno-issledovatell- skogo i proyektnogo inistituta asotnoy prorWablennosti i produktov organicheiskogo sintezaO HATYUSHKIR A H - SOXHDI,, F.A. All,Unicm Congress on the Philosophical Problem Comerning the Physioloff of the Higher Nervous Activity and Fdychology. VOP. poikbol. 8 no.4:172-'182 Jl;-Ag 164 (Mm 16: 1) (PSYCHOLOGY-4ONGRUSES) (MVOUS SYSTEM) ,6 IGRATOV, K.V.. tekhn.s. LNVIII, Ye.M., takhn.; WiWUSHKIN, A.M. m ",-- - ~ Making sectional worm and thread-milling cutters. Hash.Bel. no.4:102-111 157. (MIRA 11:9) (Screw-cutting nachines) MiTYUSHEIV, Potentials for the increase of labor productiTity In agriculture. Vop. ekon. no.1:69-76 Ja 160. (MINA 13:1) 1.Fervyy sekretarl Xrasnodarokogo kraykom Kommunlatichaskoy partit SOVOt9kD9O S07UZa. (Krasnodar Territory-Agriculture--labor productivity) JW-YUMIN, D.M.; SMWDDVA, R.I., red.; SAYTANIDI. L.D.. [Rapid expansion of poultry raising in the Kuban) Ptit3evodetTo Kubani na krutom pod"eme. Moskva, Izd-vo N-va sel1.kho:i.R&?3R, 1959. 33 p - (I(IU 14:1) (Kuban--Poultry) i. mmustmm, D. PC 2. USSR (600) 4. Vvedeaskiy, Nikolai Evgenlevich, 1952-1922 7. Literature for the 100th anniversary of N. Ye. Vvedenskiy's birthday. Fiziol. zhur. 39, No. 2, 1953. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, APril -1953. Unclassified. KKWMHKIN, D.P. -_ Reflex after-effect (after-discharge) In nearal centers of the spinal cord. Flziol. zh. S=R 39 no.6:689-698 Wov-Dec 1953,, (CUM 25:5) 1,, Department of Norval Physiology of ?trot Leningrad Medical Institute iment 1. P. Pavlov, KATFUS ~ u DIP, Functional state of spinal nerve center* Inreflex after-potential Fisiole shur. 40 no.6:681~-690 N-D 054. (KM 8; L') 1. Kafedra nomallnoy fiziologif I Leningradskogo meditelaskogo Institute, In. X.P.ftylova. (MVIS. SPIRAIL, pbyelology. after-potential) MCEMA ISDICA Sec.2 V61.10/2 Physiology.6te feb37 816. MATIUSHKIN D.P. Dept. of Normal Physiol.. Ped. Med. Inst. of Lenin- grad. *Unconditioned oriejlation reflex to sound and its fading in rabbits FIZIOL . 1956, 42/8 (039-647) nius.5 (Russian text) Ear movements of rabbits in response to sounds of different intensity, pitch and duration (frt)m 1-5 see.) were kymographically recorded with mechanical trans- mission. There In no consistent relationship between the extent of ear movement@ and the phynical characteristics of the sound. Removal of the cerebral cortex does riot almlish this reflex, and delays its fading on repetition (in intact animals about 3 to 4 repeats, in operated animals about 12 repeats). Simonson - Minneapolis. Minn. ~,'IMTYUISWn, D.F. AwaYsing the strength-duration curve constructed for the excitation of the motor area of the cerebral cortex. F121ol.zbur. 46 no.81933- 940 Ag 160. (MIM 3.39 8) 1. From the Chair of norima physiologyp Paediatric Medima Inatituteg Leningrad., (CERNBUL CORTEX) (=CTROPHISIOLODY) MATIUSiawi, D.P. Presence of phasic and tonic neuromotor units in the oculomotor apparatus of rabbits. Fiziol. zhur. 47 no.7--trjr"b n 161. (MIRA 15:1) 1. From the Department of Physiology,, Paediatric Medical Institute, Leningrad. (BU~-MUSGLES) (BUXROEYOGRAP10) (OCUIAXMQR EERVE) GI,EBOVSXIY, V.D. fjonjugrad);_~~kTYUSHM, D.P. .(1~9ningracl) ,, otor visceral reflexes in their phpiology Review of the collection OY and clinical aspects." Fiziol. zhur. 48 no.IsIO6-107 Ja 162. (REF1MES) (VISCERA) (Km 15*-2) MATOSHKIN, D.P. Characteristics of the motor neurons of the nucleus of the trochlear nerve innervating the phasle fibers of the musculus obliquus oculi superior. Fiziol. zhur. 48 no.2:18&194 F 162. (14LIA 15:2) 1. From the Department of Physiology, Paediatric Medical Institute, Leningrad. (EYr~~CLES) (OGULOMOTOR NEHVE) MkTTIUSHKIN. D.P. MDtor innervation of the tonic muscle fibers of the oculonotor apparatus. Fiziol.zhur. 48 no.5:534-539 Vq 162. (KIRA 15:8) 1. Rafedra normallnoy fiziologii Pediatricheakogo meditsinskogo inetituta, Leningras. (OCULOMDT,OR NERVE) (EYE-MUSCLES) MATYUSHKIN, D.P. Use of a photgrapl#c attachment vith a cathode oncillograph ras a photokywgrapb. Siul. eksp. biol. I mod. 53 no.4021-122 Ap 162. (MIRA 15:4) 1. 1z kafedry nornallnoy fiziologii Leningradakogo pediatricheskogo meditsinskogo institute. Predetavlena deystvitelln~m chlenom AMII SSSR V.M.Karsikom. (KYMOGRAPH) (CATHODE RAY OSC~LLAGRAPH) I., MATIM -,.o motor C, mo 7: ': r -a 5 ~, a s*"!~te::3 in Tne a~,Uq of FJ o-' . zhur no '63 - Och,~ 17; Kafedra rcir-mal'noy IfL!z'lo'Ic.,,,i I `fiiidiatricteskogo ir,ptiluta, )A2,,4ngra,i. MATYUSHKIN., D.P. Variations in tonic muscle fibers of the oculomotor appar-atus in rabbits. Biul. eksp. biol. i med. 55 no.3:11-6 Hr '63. (14116 18:2) 1. 1-. kafedry normallnoy fiziologii (vv. - prof. 11.G. Kvasov) Leningradskogo pediatricheskogo meditsinskogo instituta. Sub- mitted January 22, 1962. MhTYUSHKIN, D.P. Development of phasic oculomotor units in rabbits during postnatal ontogenesis. Fiziol. zhur. 50 no.8:1045-1051 Ag 164. (MIRA 18:12) 1. Kafedra normallnoy fiziologii Pediatricheskogo meditsinskogo instituta., Leningrad. ACCFZSION 0: 04013W5 S/M81/64/006/OD2/0402/0408 AMORS: Yoremenko, V. V.; F1 TItLE: Spectral dependence of photoconductivity in crystals of cadmium sulfide during steady and pulsing excitation SOME: Fizika tvardogo tela, v. 6, no. 2, 196h, 402-08 TOPIC TAGS: photoconductivity, semiconductor, cadmium sulfide, ISSh 500 lamp, MM 4 megolimmeter, light absorption, diffusion length, UM 2 monochromator, 10 4 oscillograph ABSTRACT: The light source for photoelectric excitation was an I&Sh--~500 la.V. The signal was recorded by an 10-4 pulsed oacillograph, and the steady photocon- ductivity was measured by means of an 1-01,11-4 megolvaneter. ResulLs showed that the ratio of the initial amplitude of the segment of slow decay to tho full amplitude of the pulse declines sJuLrply with decrease in wavelength of the exciting light. The segment of slow decay in the long-wave zone is better dofin&d by an exponent than the short-wave zone. The spectral dependence of the Afull amplitude of the photocurrent pulse and the initial mplitude of the long-wavo segment, like the Card V2 kCCESSION UR: AP4013495 spectral distribution of steady photoconductivity, have a well-defined maximum. The relaxation time, even at low temperatures,, is sharply dependent on waveleneth of the exciting light. It was found that el, 77K, the maximums of spectral depen- dence (for amplitudes of photocurrent pulses) correspond to maximums of the absorption coefficient, even for samples that exhibit minimums in the same parts of the spectrum for steady photocurrent. Investigation of pulsating photocurrent at low temperatures and a comparison of the spectral dependence with the absorption spectrum permit the determination of both the exciton and elir-tron parameters of diffusion length., the rate of surface annihilation (recombination), and the coefficient of diffusion. "In conclusion., we take this opportunity to express our sincere thanks to Professor B, 1, Veekin., corresponding ir=ber of the AN Ukr&cu~ for his interest in the work and for his support*" Origo art. hass 6 figures. ASSMIATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheekiy. institut nizkikh t emperatur, AN UkrSSR, Miar I kov (Physicotechnical. Institute of Low Temperatures AN Ukr&c;R) suB&TTmo 2Sjul63 DATE ACQt 03mar64 EX Lt 00 SO CODEs DO, SS Card 2/2 NO RM SM 014 OTIMR t 008 ~-"- `------;F - .. ... ~t -.. - - ~: -~~ ~ - - , .. ACC NR' AP7001974 SOURCE CODE: GE,'/0030/66/018/002/0683/0686 AUTHOR: Eremenko, V. V.; Ma Petrov, S. V. ORG: Physico- Technical Institute of Low Temperatures of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, Kharlkov TITLE: Study of energy transfer from 3d to 4f electrons in antiferromagnetic crystals of manganese fluoride doped with europium 3 ions SOURCE: Physica status solidi, v. 18, no. 2, 1966, 683-686 TOPIC TAGS: crystal," electron energy, doped crystal, energy transfer, manganese fluoride, europium ion ABSTRACT: In order to determine the effect of magnetic ordering of the spins of e.ccited Mn2+ ions on the efficiency of the energy transfer from 3d electrons of Mn2+ to 4f electrons of Eu3+, the spectrum and luminescence intensity of the antiferromagnetic crystals MnF2 :Eu3+ are investigated ex0erimentally for temperatures between 20 and 90K. This range includes the magnetic ordering temperature TN0~ 6810. At the temperature TH(Q:~ 0. 5TN), corresponding to the - 1/2 ACC NR' AP7001974 spin ordering of the excited Mn2+ ions, the luminescence intensity due to these ions shows a sudden increase while the luminescence intensity due to the Eu3+ ions suffers a sudden decrease. This indicates that an anomalous change occurs in the transfer of energy between the Mn2+ and EU3+ ions due to the condensation of the local magnetic vibrations of the optically excited Mn2+ ions. Orig. art. has: 3 figures. [Authors' abstract] [DWI SUB CODE: 20/SUBM DATE: 13Sep66/ORIG REF: 003/OTH REF: 0071 M &ry q ~s /) /i ~ M _1q - AUTHOR: Levin, B.M., Ignatov, K.V. and Matyushkin, M.A. -E- 20 zW2~ TITIE: The manufacture of built-up hobbing cutters (I ov.L n- iye sbornykh cherVachnykh frez) PERIODICAL: "Stanki i Instrument" (Machine Tools and Tools), 1957, No.2, pp. 28 - 29 ZU.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT: Some details of production based on the experience of the Minsk Tractor Plant (Minskiy Traktorniy Zavod) are reported. The hobbing cutter has longitudinal slots in which cutting racks are inserted locked in the slot by a wedge. The whole assepbly is secured by ring nuts at each end. The body is made of ch=mium tool steel and heat treated to 30 Rockwell C hardness. The cutting racks are made of 18% tungsten high speed steel. The machining set-ups for cutting the slots and for sharpening the cutting racks in a stack are illustrated. The maching allowances are given. Two set-ups for milling the cutting racks are shown depending on the size. A machi-n- ing sdt-ixp and details of wedge machining and the assembly fixt-Lu,e are illustrated. There are 8 figures. AVAILABLE: 1/1 HATYUSHKB, B.I., kand.istorichoskikh nauk,, dotsent- Gcommist manifesto of today. Izv. MIA no.3s7-19 161. Of-B-A 14:12) (Gewunism) ~nd. is to r. nauk Socia.11st nations on the road to coummism. lom.llooruzh. Sil 3 no.23sl3-21 D 162, (MRA 16.-2) (Russi"rmed forces) (Nationalities) ,,MATYUSHKIN, N.I., kand. istoricheakikh nauk, dotsent Science and comnmist ideology are inseparable. Izv. TSM no.40-15 163. (MIRA 17tl) 85-58-7-25/45 AUTHOR; Matyus~j~-.,_XrSenior Inspector-Pilot, Tul'skiy oblasi-n-of'romitet DOSAAF (Tullskaya oblast' DOSAAF Committee) (Tula) TITIZ: Tula Parachutists Are Getting Ready (Parashyutisty Tuly na starts) PERIODICAL: Kryllya rodiny, 1958, Nr 7x P 17 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author claims that credit for the well-organized training program of parachutists at the Tul'skiy aeroklub (Tula Aeroclub) goes to Its large staff of public instructors headed by N.V. Breykin, Master of Sports. Three new parachute towers will be completed in Tul'skays, oblast' during the current month. There Is 1 photograph. ASSOCIATION: Tullskaya o"rlast' DOSAAF Committee Card 1/1 1. Parachute jumping--USSR 2. Parachute jumping--Training dkvices rJMWSOVo (6V-; WMM9~j ls,L~ ftow leopard goes bunting. Priroda 51 nool2a65-67 (MM 15:12) 1. Moskovskiy goaudarBtrannyy universitst " M.V. Lmonoscma. (Talas Ala-Tau-.,%ow leopard) 962, MATY'JE-TiTINP YeONG --- to,es on Lire f&ll mig,-at,!.,n -,f ibnul,_'pers In the Vol-a iaata. - - --c Astrozaps ro.81295-3U7 163. (,4:P.A KULESHOVII, L,V~; M.MUSHKIN, Ye.N.& G.V,, 0=080-OWAMM Ornithogeographical mview of "he Khokbtsir Pmnp-a OrLur Vall~y)~ Oxmitologiia nr.7,97-107 9 6,r . (141L,,~ ~, F,- Txrlswt I.I.; FROXHOROV, A.V.; XXTYUSWNk. A.P. 111DIMAtion of sulfate turpentine during the production process. bum.pron. 29 no.6:23-25 Js 154. (NLRA 7 - 8) 1. Sagexhakly tsellyulosno-bwashnyy kombinst. (Wood pulp) (I!urpentIne) KATYUSUIUA. Antonine Petrovaa; PANMSHOV. A.P., red.; POMMISKAYA, -- ~--i SK. [Sageshda Order of Lenin Woodpalp and Paper Combine] Segethskil ordene Lamina teelliulozno-bumazhnyl kombinst. Petrosavodsk, Goo.izd-vo Kerellskoi ASSR, 1956. 29 p. (KIRA 1): 11) (S8g82lla--Paper industry) YXIPISMWI I.I.; ULT &jja me Sava "-woRov, A.V. Norimethod of purifying sulfate turpentine. Bum.prom. 31 no.6: 22-23 Je 156. (MA 9:8) 1. Segezhakiy tsellyulozno-buvwzbnyy kombinat. (Turpentine) c-MMSHKIM, A.P.; FEMONIO, V.N.; KOMSHIWV. N.Y.; KATAM, A.I. Stearins from tall oil pitch. Bum.prow. 33 no-11:19-21 N 158. WU 13:8) 1. Sagezbskiy ordena Lenim teellyulomo-bumazhoj~f kambinat (for MatusbkIna, Pet'ronlo). 2. Isboratorlya Issokhimit Earellskogo filiala AN SSSR (for Nomehilov. Utayev). (Stearin) (Tall, oil) MATYMMKINA., A. 1'.. inzh. Paper Uchnicians of Karelia improving the equipment and economics of the Iroduction. Bum.prom. 37 m.3:5-6 A, 162. (14M 15:3) (Karelia-Paper industry) VASIL'YEV, Ye.A.Jq red.; YER.M.-V-OV, V.I., red.; KALUZJISKIY, N.A., red.; KOMISHILOV, N.F.., red. ; red.; KIKD;OV G.V., red.; RAYEVS= V.S., red.;'-~ p SHCMIELEVA, A.V., red. [Materialp of the Conference on the Overall Use of 'iloodll Materialy Korferentsii po kompleksnomu ispollzovaniiu drevesirrj. Petro2sai(,dsk, Karellskne knizhnoe izd-vc, 1964. 306 p. (mn-4 -18: 1) 1. Konferentsiya pr, kov.pleksnomu Jspoilzovanipi drevesiny, Petrozavodsk, MI. MATYU.911KINA P hntonirvi Fetruvna; TRLIDI'.~ , 1-1- 1. , red. [What forest chemistry has to say; discussion on he woorl- pulp industry of Karelia, a constituent part of "b-, chemistry"] Movo lesokhimii; beseda. o tselliulozno- bumazhnoi pronVshlennosti Karelil - sostavnol chasti "boll- shoi khimii.1' PetrazavodBk, Karellakoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1964. 49 p. (Ml IV, 1-1 - 10) V. A, MATYUSHKINA,-M.; SMMOV,K.B.; TRUBITSYNA,G.A. Physiological analysis of thermoregulation of the body during exposure to cold combined with physical exercise. Opyt lzueh.reg. 54. (KLRA 8:12) 1. Fiziologicheakays laboratoriya Kursov usovershenstvovaniya ofitserov po fizicheskomu obrazovanlyu I Laboratorlyn ekologicheekoy fisiologil Institute fixiologii imeni I.P.Pavlova Akademil nauk SSSR. (BODY TEMPKRATURE) (COLD--PHYSIOLOGICAL EMOT) (MERCISE) U911ftiology Physiology FD-2250 Card 1/1 Pub 17-1/20 Author Smirnov, K. M.; Matyushkina, N. A. Title Physiologic characteristics of the pre-starting state. Report IV: The effect of preliminary musdular work on athletes under various prestart- ing state conditions Perio4ical Byul. eksp. biol. i med. 3, 3-5, Mar 1955 Abstract Investigated the relative effects of muscular activity and the quiescent state on the response of athletes to the starting signal. In ccnnection with the above, studied variations in the amount of oxygen consumption in a group of trained athletes under various conditions in the labora- tory and gymnasium, before training and before athletic contests. Six references, all USSR, 4 since 1940. Institution: The Military Institute of Physical Culture and Sport imeni B. L. Lenin Submitted : 10 March 1954. Presented by V. N. Chernigovskiy, Member of the Academy of Medical Sciences USSIV ,MAT-~(ASHKIIVAI /V, GSsRfifuman and Aniral Physiology - Neuro-MasculAr V-11 Physiology, Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., Wo ly 1958p 4361 Author : N. 14%tyushkina Inst, : Title : Thermoregulation Characteristics in VAn under Conditions of ]Dosed and of Masimal, Tension Work. Orig Pub : Fiziol. zh. sssR.. 3956, 42., no 11, 939-945 Abstract : Body temperature changes alter work (rise of 32.5 cm 20 times in 1 min during 10 mizutes) indoors (30-34c) and outdoors (4()PI vere about the same in the same per- sons., but different in different.persons. They were less marked in accLinatized people,, and especially so In non-acclimatized 'rtsmen& Changes were a' st spo absent in native isjprtsm(.,n. Experiments were also car- ried, at an air tenperature of 36-380 in the shade and a ground temperature of 60-700) on people having lived Card 1/2 YATYUSHKIU 19 A i Imnd.biologichesldkh nauk; TIEHOWN, A.M., kand. =~da;~;cbfieiskikh nauk Features of work in light protective clothing (without artificial zaicroclimate) on dry lod and under water). Voen.-med. zhur. no.11:48-52 N 161. (MIRA 15:6) (CLOUIDIG, PROTECTIVE) (WORK) (mmicim, mmrrmy) A, .00 VLYDN-T,~-DUIPLCAT IN , '- ; ItATYU-SHY-ITZA , ". ~ . -7lf ec . L ~- ~ 1, 1 - o' r-n,te disturbarce, -,f tn~ - ~ - i ol. rIt, a r. f ,, -, I a , functions --.n Tn;-,nls occij:-atimal t~ - * ' *Jc,-,. r.3ik,.rl. .7,11-Ag 164. Wl',~;". '. ~-*zlcheskcv ki-`*~vry 1- . . I .! ,tf,) , - - ,e n j r; rad . 7-7 /E AND S/ 4-Sto .0 00410061/006S 30 ol __'I'~1.11 n MR- toment ir V*' h46 lougat'l- Phi iiaiii Ctlrba4an. Ron C_Y__,_ rp uman a l _.b 4' duvrj a1 t .11- 41W --re- _tu'dI6d" t d AV! a 0-t# -Ire to. litu -6v Lfwg~ 60 dats-402-ta 1*_A'~ thw;' aecomplish-f a ow by, -1 on gri p ab y ".-'fol 6*4ing. v S -Ance periods !Data :0 list& lira -it`sk o-a- A-t-A-ft f m A 014%, Kawlw.-.UUF.,L r.CILIPLT- Lowerwo Las -.vorKj _77 l2ev or ` 1~ -.1- -,-,,'' ;--- -,-, ~ -1- ~ ~~.: - . - . V-- '-7-140 liitbijsk~ I -*Av - * Im ~ -t7 .."