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group, areijirimeniid.:a~'n- -_,,3f"-QQ8&931.422-074 MAYDAIIOVICII~ V.P.; TAMIAVSKIYp K.F.; FILIKINA, K.T. Results of work with Ploskirev-s medium containing, oynthomycin ir, the examination of subjects having suffezed gastrointestinal infections. Zhur. mikrobiol. epid. i 4-mun. 32 no.7:127-128 Je 161. (MIM 1515) L Iz Krannokamskoy sanitarno-opidemiologicheokoy stantaii. (DI0,STIVE oRrUNS.-DIS EASES) (C=IOIYCLTIN) (BACTMIOLOH-CULTURES AND CULTUM IEDIA) MAYD.ANYUK,, MI.; RUBANIKI V.P. Random processes in linear syBteems with delay. Trudy Sez. po teor. diff. urav. s otk1on. arg. 3:245-248 165. (14DU 19: 1) 14AMOOVSKAYA, L. p and BRUNS, B. "The Adsorption Ifeats of Hydrogen on PlBtinUW--I." Zhur. Fiz.; 13, No. 2. 1939; Pbysico-Chem. Insti. imeni L. Ye. Kerpov, Dept of Surface 17henommena; Ecd 27 May 1938. Report U-1613, 3 Jan. 1952 \.-MAYDAFDVBUYA, L.G. Aods'erption of hydrogen and some electrolytes by acphoteric metal oxides. Trudy TGU 145:43-50 '57. (MIRA 12:3) l.Rafedra fisicheskoy khimii TomBkoge gosudarstyennoge univer- siteta iment V.V. Kuybysheva. (Adsorption) (Metallic oxides) (catalysts) S/081/60/000/0 16/1005/0 12 Aoo6/Aool Translation from: Refera4.-Ivnyy zhurnal, Xhimiya, 1960. No. !6, p. 88, # 64749 AUTHORS: Maydanovskaya, L.G., Spitsyn, B.V. 11 TITLE- Hydrogen Adsorption and the Catalytic Activit of Titanium Oxide-z PERIODICAL- Uch. zap. Tomskiy un-t, 1959, No. 29, pp. 42-45 TEXT- The authors studied hydrogen adsorption on two samples of tltanl-~Tn oxide within a temperature range of -183 to 9600C at an initial pressure of 100 mm Hg. It is shown that the maximum of the isobar curve of hydrogen ads-orption on TiO2 within 200-4000C, depends cn the surface reduction of T102 tc the lowest oxide. The study included the reaction of the catalytic decomposition of ethyl alcohol at 3000C on two titanium oxide samples. It is shown that the reaction takes place at a changed chemioal composition of the catalyst surface, whl,~h manifests itself in an Increase of its dehydrogenating effect. The authors' summary "Iranslator's note- This is the full translation of the original Russian at- stxact. Card 1/1 S/10B1/60/00o/016/0o4/c12 A006/A001 Translation fr-.=-. Referativnyy zhurnal, Mitmiya, 1960, No. 16, P. 87, # 64747 AUTHORS: ava. L-r- Karan asheva. R.A., Timofeyeva. N.S., Kon- j? -Atantinova-, A.A-. TInokurtseva. 1,M. TITLE: Hydraman AdsorDtion on Germanium A PERIODICAL: Uch. Zau, Tomakly un-1, 1959, No. 29, pp. 165-169 TEXT~ The hydrogen adsorption on high-dispersion germanium pqwder was studied in a temperature range from -186 to +3000C within a range of initial pressure of 0.724 - o.935 mm Hg; and at -186 to +1000C within a range of in1*1a! pressure of 0.194 - 0.178 mm ng. Isobar curvee indicate a minimum at _1000C and a maximum at -170C. The course of the isobar curve obtained by Low (L-)u) by other exjo*rizental methods aand plotted by three experimental points, is confirmed and made more Drecise. The Isobar curve is plotted on the basis of ten experi- mental points. The values of 1/n in Freundlich's equation are calculated, which vary with changing temperature from 0.59 to 0.81. The authors show the aprlicat".1- Card 112 S/081/60/000/016/00~/012 Hydrcgen Adsorption on Germanium A006/A001 ~ of 'the Roginskiy and Zel'dovich equation for kinetics -," activa-ed hy r i tv I ~ I. adsorption on germaniwm et. 200 and 3000C, excepted for the case wh6n. saturatlor. is apprcacbed. The authcrs' summary Translator's note- IThis is the full transla-ticn of 'the original RussieLn ab- stract- Card 2/2 5M SOV /7 6- 3 AUT11011's: Spitsyn, ,., V, , t-,Lydanovuka, T I T LIE: The Thermal Dissociation of Vanntiuj!i Pentoxide (Termicheskaya dissotsi,%tsi,-,-_ pyatiol-ici vanadiya) _PE11CDICAL: Zhurnal fizicheskoy 1chiniii, Vol .~, !~r 1, Tip 11('-lb'~ (USSR) ABSTRACT: The thermal dissociation of V 205 has already beeii dctermined a number of, .Ames (.refs .11,e d-!terminations .%rere not yet carried out, however, on conditions apl-,licablo to In the case in point, the invcstiC~aLiuns -;ere carried out under conditions of vapor-phase oxidation on vanadium catalyzers, i.e. at 370, 412, 432, and 4660C. A vacuum arrangement (Ref 4) was used and two types of samples, pure V205 and V2 05obtained by the decom-)ocition of ammonium variadate, were examined (Ref 5). The inve.-tigation result.; obtained (Fig 1) show that the thermal dissociation of V 205 proceeds in the form of s-shaped curves, typical of topo- chemical reactions. The decomposition velocity increases with a temperature rise. For a better evaluation of the temperature Card 1/2 influence and the dissociation velocity, the velocity conotant The Thermal Dissociation of Vanadium Pentoxide SOV/76- 33- 1 - 30/45 was calculated using the Yerofeyev-Kolrogorov equation(iief 6). The equation was in accordance with the experimental data (Fig 1). The activation energy was calculated from the velocity constants(Table 1)using the Arrhenius (Arrenius) equation (8.6 kcal/mol). The structural c1a'anL.;e of V205was examined by X-rays, according to Laue, by white Cu-radiations N = 30 kv, I = 12 ma)(Fig 3). It was found that no structural change takes place on heating (20-4600C)(Yia 4). Ethanol oxidation, however, causes a structural change 01~'ig 5). In conclusion, gratitude is expressed to V. !,. Zhdanova. There are 5 figures, 2 tables, and 9 references, 6 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATIOV: Tomskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Torsk State University) SUBMITTED: July 8, 1957 Card 2/2 SEAEBREINIM, Viktor Vasillyevich; AISK.S.EYENKO, Lyudmi3a lxseril~evna; MAYDAWSKAYA, L.C., dots., red. [Course in the chemistry of rare earth eiements; scandium, yttrium, lanthanides] Kurs khimii i-edkozemellnyYh elementov; skandii, ittrij, lantanidy. Tomsk, lzd-vo Tomskogo univ., lcie;3. 437 p. (MIRA 17:7) --- --- ---- Aw -ACCMM: 51651 t 57, 17 W flo L~, Ltmvel . . . . . . . . . cj k"' cm -ORO '1572".- 1963 ads --plUtim- iuAd' bydkiken adsorp. ion d- rlD L -Al .-b--- Dab, id" a 0. nwo" f _0554"U5Mtoii y presm Ado orp xp~. -a "Ai6bgra. re" o t4 as 1e loom, ]Worpt~~ liiit ilia -thq. f t3w citdw_ I kcia/no-ii. C ov&6ilit~r.. of thin--: aft- or-b ent.-by -)W&bgen :;bebie thw eliDitricil.. all .'of ALIma, a,tedo Cohn~ticn on, ~as ti"m,:,Pro P*ert&, be tt ;AD"dioamaelle F 7. r, ACCESSION NR: ATWIM4 S/3051/63/ODD/000/0212/0217 AUTHOR: Maydanovskays, L. G. TITLE: The pH of the Isoelectric point of amphoteric catalysts SOURCE: KatalltiChe5klye reakstil v zhidkoy faze. Trudy* Vsesoyuznot konferentsli. :Alma-Ata, 1963, 212-217 TOPIC TAGS: catalyst, amphoteric catalyst, dehydration, dehydrogenation, iso- electric point, metal oxide catalyst, catalyst isoelectri.c point, hydrolytic ad- sorption ABSTRACT: Since knowledge of the isoclectric point Is essential in controlling the catalytic and particularly the selective action of amphoteric dehydration and de- hydrogenation catalysts, the author used the hydrolytic adsorption technique to determine the isoe)ectric point of ZnO + 10% Cu20, Zr02, ZrO2 + adsorbed 02, BeO + 10% La203, A120i,,BeO, A1203 + adsorbed H2, ZnO + 1% La203- irradiated and degasi- fied ZnO, ZnO, + adsorbed H2, irradiated ZnO + adsorbed H2, BeO + 10% NaOH, and ZnO + 107. KOH (listed approximately In ascending order from 4.8 to 12.0). in this technique. the change in pH of an electrolyte solution (mixtures of KC1, KOH and HCI or of NaCl, NaOH and HN) following adsorption with the olide catalyst Is ,gra. TA ga;nst the Initial pH of the solutldh, the pH at whlc~ there Is no change Graph T72a ACCESSION NR: AT4010614 being taken as the Isoclectrif point. The results are tabulated. Orig. art. has: I graph and I table. ASSOCIATION: Tomskiy gosudarstvenny'ry universitet Im. V. V. Kuyby*sheva (Tomsk State Vniversity)- SUBMITTED: 00 DATE ACQ: 25Jan6k ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: CH NO REF SOV: 018 OTHER: 003 card 2/2 . a ~z -_ ~i ,- . 11 _0 .-- z - I . ~. - , , ~tvemlxxor =,Vera, t 0l 0m -A-the th I V d'- V4 The --elea 3,1 As and in ..,#al___Qb7nduct:_ n er t-41 *IRR oeasurod~ A, :7gi~uo pressures WA tamp ed A Gaaw.. coar96. gala secti6n, 0 1-7 iablit -A, J -a- i.,;njuotano,z~ ef vamadium j.,, the reactj-~n rf cxAat~or. Of me-~~Yl Yin. kat. 1'()mski.y gosudarstvennyy imenj Kuln ,by,3i,F,.va ACC NRt AROW762 SOURCEM COM': U-1/0076/66/040/003/0609/0612 4&YDANOVSKAYAs 'Le 0 , KIROVMAYA,'I. A... Tomak State UrAveralty LUS311 V Y (fo-=W gosudarstvenrwy universitet) allents of Adsorption of ftses on Semloonduotors of the Zino Slende 2YPs" Aosoow, Zhurnal Fisloheakoy Kh1mil, Vol 40, ]NO 3- maroh 1966, pp 609-612 d hydrogem kbstraote j7he Iffe ntial heats of adsorptio Of 0 an and rmanlvn I Wir- oxygen on Illum arsenide no -Gelenldep at DODD r bromide re eteralned. C010 tion of the he to of kdoorption on e basis of the Clapeyron-Clauslus andL Bering - Serpinskly equations led to reliable results, while satisfaotary results could not be obtained by applying a simplified Nernst, equation in the calculations, The values obtained 1rAloated that the heats of adsorption changed in &.regn1&r_mumsr with tho degree at flUlft~ef the surface, Ori.-. art. has: 7 formulas and 6 tables. 1PHS: 37,177,7 TOPIC TAGS: adsorptiong, germanium, gallium arsenide, zinc compoundq copper compound SUB MD7&s 07 / SUBM DATE: l4Jan65 / ORIG REF: 020 / OTH ROF: 002 Card I/ I UDC -. 541.183 ^on -A I t7 MELIX-GAYKAZUN,, I.1a.; MkTDANOVSXM,, M*D. Defects in KC~, Or solid solutions. Izv.vya.uchob.sav*; fiz. no,1:1?4-175 r6l. (MM 14 0) 1. TomBkiy pDlitakhnichaskiy institut imani S.M.Kirova. (Potassium chloridegWtala-Defecte) a got ) (Potassium bromide orynt4jo-De ecte (Solutions, Solid) MAYDANOVSKIY, A.S. Analyzing the work of a Junction trimsistor self-oscillator under conditions of undervoltage. I7,v. Sib. otd. AN SSSR no.3:35-4J+ 162. (MIRA 17:7) 1. Sibirskiy fiziko-tekbnicheskiy nauchno-issleAwatal'skiy institut pri Tomskom gosudarstvennom univerBitets. 21509 S/139/61/000/002/004/oi8 E032/E414 AUTHOR: Maydanovskiy. AS TITLE: Calculation of Currents in an Alloyed Semiconductor Triode With Arbitrary Voltage Amplitude Across the Junctions PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchabnykh zavedeniy, Fizika, 1961, No.2, PP.34-41 TEXT: The relation between the emitter and collector currents on the one hand and the voltages across the triode Junctions on the other can be found from a simultaneous solution of the continuity and Poisson equations, subject to the appropriate boundary conditions at the Junctions. In the general form, the complete system of equations cannot be easily solved. In order to simplify the problem the present author makes the fG11owing assumptions; 1. The semiconductor triode is looked upon as consisting of three regions (p, n and p respectively) separated by plane parallel junctions. The diameters of the junctions are assumed to be much greater than the width of the base w. The thickness of the emitter, the collector and the width of the Card 1/10 21509 S/139/61/000/002/oo4/olB Calculation of Currents E032/E414 base satisfy the relation do