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ACC Nits APGOM"4 SOUKX CCOK: UIVOOST/65/035/012/2202/22.11 POOR TITIAS Focus Ing of an Intews oloctres bow In an accelerator tWw SGUMB.: Zhurnal teMnIcheskoy f1siki, v. &11. no. 12, 1965, 2202-2211 lr9PZC,:VAGB,: Oldr-tron a4beelerator. focusing swelerstor" 91ectx tatic accelerator, -77"-77 '7 77;-`- '-d A 16.*` .,iii, qry:. rej t de,41ii.- 1,07441 Rod it.. a" 7 t str jp~ ip*bw for t 44i4ttidAn"; PC due to ,space ge'le noglacted..; waxt- Cher oo -for 7 i"11A 111~oa ~.tbe~csda cUsem-scailerating 91oldg.,aad than: scos mattes, It" secant calculation the ditto ral d1w-. jectory 48'. Itseirlood I.A., it Is assuand that the Mo of -the electron Is onall. ad terns at the second and higher order In tide displacasout -are dropped f raw the dIf forestial equation. The results of these calculs- tio as am' .presented graphically to toms of dinevalcolows variables. The case at a 1- 13630-" ACC Mits APOW2444 spatially periodic (simumoldel) accelerating field supwrimpoged an a WM.-h gtx r Constant I field'.1a then discussed. It to assumed that the period of the periodic con- at Is short, &ad the solution Is effected by separating the dependent variable (the leteral displacement of the trajectory) Into slowly-warying and reptdly-warying components. -The focusing affect of the periodic fleld Is discussed and It to skom that Aw tbommarelatIvIstic II*It the moulte are In agreement with those of A.X. Closstom:md R-Reffmar (J.Appl. Pkys., 25, 436, 19154) and " RISC TIOU (J. APPI. phyg~~j 25,101, 1954). In the Anal section then to discussed the behavier of the Lally periodic aceelerating.field which to alternately mere md twice been. M a, spot Its average value. The authors thank To-A-Abramiran for valumble dincussiameo and and assistance with the work. Orig. art. boo. 49 fomm- lax.and a flvff"- 1021 OM CCOS: 20 Dm.. Me~ ORM W: 003/ Om M: OCS/ ATb Tret-bl. 4167 ?36?2-66 V9T(M)/T/ZWP(t) IJP(c) JD r-A ACC NR% A96005218 SOURCE CODE: MVO058/65/0O0/W9/SO57/BD58 AUTHOR: Meshkaws 1. S. ; ae W90ro T. D. Wmmvagmvp~_ _zu J TITLE.9 On the debarlytion of the internal friction In solid bodies with the aid of theological mdels SOURCE: Ref. zh. Mika. Abe. 9FA9 SOURCE: Uve VmonesbAk. ffos. ped. in a -123 =t , v. 44., 1964,, 116 ;-TOPIC TAM: internal frictionp rheologic propert,.-p shear stress, relamtIon processs elastic deformation# bWdrostatic premove TRMLATION: It to shown on the basis of an analysis of experimiental remdts that to describe the relaxation of shear stresses It is necessary to use a rheoloalcal the Maxwell1an tnm, end for bulk stresses the mdel of standard linear body (with a sin4a relamt1on t1m). Xqxressions are obtained for the Internal friction (IF) and the dymmic- moftl I under shear and bulk deformationst and also far the case of a tenuion,-ccagression deforepitiou. In the latter cAme the fom or the d e, and consequently also the form of the dependence of IF, 1* detemined tV the ratio of the relaxation times, correspondivg to the Abear and to the 'VSrostatic CoWession. Certain generalizations we made for nowe complicated rheologIcal nodels. V. Vexuw SUB CODZ: 2D YRIDKAB,V.M., kandidat khimicheskikh nauk; MRSHKOV,K.V., kandidat tekhalcheakikh nauk; KARAVATLFV,N.M.. The effect of sonic and ultrasonic waves on fur processing. Leg.prom. 15 no.4:42-43 Ap '55- (K1RA 8:7) 1. Chlon-korrespondent Akademii nauk SSSR. (Fur ) (Sound waves) (Ultra sonic waves--Industrial application) MSHKOVY K.V.Y kand.tekhn.nauk Studying the use of elastic vibrations in the liquid treatment of furs. NIMP no.9-.71-82 759. (MIRA 14:5) (Ultrasonic waves-Industrial applications) (Fur Dressing and dyeing) WSHKa, L Renewing the elements of galTWc batteries. (Supplemnt) p. vil. RADIO. (Ministeretvo na poshtite, telegrafite, telefonite i radioto Tsentralniia suvet na dobrovolnata organizatalia za sudeistvie na ot- branate) Sofiya. Vol. 4, no. 5, 1955 SOURCE: East European Accessions List. (EEAL), Library of Congress Vol. 4, No. 12, December 195; 5 ME")FE971 L. Economical Dingle-circuit receiver. Q. 20. RAM'. Vo I . ~ , ri,,. ' , l'o"A Sofiia, Bulgaria S D; P.C ~": East European Accessirn3 List ( LiLrrirn, of Congress, Vol. ", No. 11 j niary 1",1;7 ASTOUOV. N.F.; NESHILOW, L.I., t-skhnik Canting armor platee mrd hydr(vApparaWparts from 01-1 ao4 OL-J alloys. Snergetik 8 uo. IZ:8-11 D #60. (MIRA 13:12) (Electric power plante-Squipment and supplies) (Founding) J9jQA.Y i 1 4, Vo,, inzho; L,I. 9 1, uth. War-wm,9fvtgx- t m%po-ta-itin ftam tol-, - ircr.s -ant ix-on. - erf,-. - _-[_ 0 ~.' . .1 1 'o %. 1. W44941FAHM I . ~ I il ri-, - F j - -orubolorical I'eatureF of the larv,?' qr~ DC4 of their larvae ir. '~- xi,~,q ol Lpr~~ncrarl r o,,r. nce. !-'an',hl.,, List of Aussia~: -k!ceqs-i ons, ldl rar-, o HESHKOV. H )4. -.1 1 '--- .-~! Black spottiness (Noodiplostomatoots) in fishes of the Pskov- Peipus body of water [with summary in Inglish]. Zool. shur. 38 no.2:285-286 7 159. (KIRA 12:3) l.Chair of Zoology, Pskov Pedagogical Institute. (Nkov. lake-Fishes-Diseases and pests) (Psipus, lake-Fishes-Diaeasee and pests) IZUS, S.I., prepodavatell.; MESHKOV, M.M., red.1 TIKOFEYEV, V., takhn. red. [Bird taxidercW] Izgotoylenie chwhel ptitag Pskov, Izd-vo gazet7 "Pakovskala pravda," 1960. 23 p. (MIRA 14:10) 1. Pakovskil podagogicheskiy inatitut im. S.K.Kirova (for Leus). (Taxidern7) KORCIIAGINA , O.A. ; I-ESHKOV, M.M.,- PiOnIKHOV, F. I. F~-equency selection of oceanic sto= =.crosei---.a . izv. A'.- '-& :~~ Ser. geofiz. no.6:771-775 Je 162. (m~~t 1-- :6) 1. Akadeudya nauk SSSR, Institut fiziki Zemll. (Microseisms) VESHKOV, N. Tr#jnscrlp'1,:,i vi ' * Se:~1,35 M'!gr-Qt'-: t&pe -F,- :- ~e-g, Zt:.4:, nc).5t36-3'7 My Ij-'. X.L~A 13 1 z , m WSHKOV, N A) ., , kand, tckhn nauk I de:,'jRswd , . I - I- - -1 Tt,zhni::al and tionomic lndi..c frr motor-w-n--ir- A-n,- Avt,prom- 30 no 2, '-; F ' (-.4 1 U4-, I- Vorcnezhskly pedagogichebkly institii* " 0 .42 C 47 - I t- Q_ IL "7- (; MESHKOV, N. D. Cand Tech Sci - (diss) "Study of starting of tractor dieselFengines under winter conditions." Minsk, 1961. 19 pp; (Academy of Agri- cultural Sciences Belorussian SSR, Belo Scientific Research Inst of Farming); 200 copies- price not given; list of author's works on pp 18-19 (10 entries3; (KL, ?-61 sup, 241) MESHKOV, N. V. "The Effect of Heating the Soil on the Growth of Some Agricultural Fl,,ntz," Dok. AN, 62, No. 3, 194b Timiryezev, AgriculturAl Academy, -c!946-. 90 4 tv II-C 00 So :0 00 f S 0 00 00, SO U P A IL-L-1 IiF "o ~iplfl -00 The lasso" of Asaftbactu so the yield oj cultivated l t -00 -0 an o to tM exodadme by roots. N A 0 1 j="?, No. -11y u,ing tw SUN tum tec Mcesud Ii t f i .& -I Imm llc - W.- and cam werv studbcd in solm.cultures. fle-riu.1-a-v urg oub*tAnceethAacma.3.9toG.Stiuws"ni~h M-ri SUINtAnCtS Me CILU114311 When ills CUItUre WWU 1. 11L-j-1 mil cultum with tpqwkwbr&t an.1 tii,t.l.sitt -.- ii- Utol with AfA*A&4v. An lawmaw to yield l-11-1 AlIdus. Of gim-om to the Asela&&Irf culturv, ndu-1 -1j. virki. It is PtAistal out th4t Ax,4aP~j, 1- -pi,k =00 4~ coo j! LITIG&TURI CLAIUFKATWO WON* W OpIS is 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * ;:4611696666006094660*00 000 40* age see Joe tree $I'll, OUR 0 a 5 v I -T~ 4 1 a 9 do I IN a I to 6 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 9 o 0 Sig 0 a o 0 0 0 0 0 0 i Its, a Its is 2 IL- I,a.1KA id V -I k. 14 tf. W Ill Ia _k T, Me oducu f'd I% podablued am%* upsta bcatme -00 1949. st its, -ti rt- J-n,q,u 041- 400 00 al 00 so OW1 goo too too uuAV 61 K (I 0 0 40 0 0 00 0 A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0ol: 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 . 6.4 M&SHKOV, mV. I" d andin ol on ad ago m &PdwmW OM116"Willd adelood~ two 'I&IOW Its) Aintracts.4thwu .P-ba-M u-, P-" trst~i 14w thew vf6ect as Ow gfuwtta of wwro-olganuam khs.,. tract I bdml t 'lu'r to ustout (d IN4 f4tateddl in 1w4 Ottilml jKtivithum C 1) It surTH 4 kw bactert4l grawth As USSR, Y6(~rj -44 00 0 1.0 OS OM tit "0 '10 -~,4 0 ~4 6% ~0- 0 0 S d 0 IA 0 00 g *00 0 0 s I vp 9- 0 A A%4 yp ~ . 0*04 0 0%0 0%0 0 0 A ~.4 'rc- A I -'Aq 'S a0 0 'A 0 .4 0 A 41~ ,4 go 0 %04 0 ,A jj ;A A 0 104 5 "A 0 ~A 00 0 A .6 $40 V, 0- 0 0 0 $4 0 ;0% 'A 00 0 ;A O~r 4? 1~ 0 Op A,~-l , a r,"$ 0 A A 6 0 00 0~4 -AO IL . % A0. 0 0 4,4" 0 'd 40 40 0 4 .4 0A 0,, jA .4.0 10 *0 ;r4 0 ;A 0 00 p0 VA HIMOV.N.V. Stella method of raising a hl&er plant In a cloned water systom. Trudy Inat.fiziolrast. 9:324-331 155. MRA 8:8) I* lastitut m1kroblologil Akademli nauk SSR. (Plants--Assimilation) (Plants--Soiless culture) MISMOV, N.V. - KHODAKOVA, R.N. -- Bffect of the deepening and cultivation of the plow layer on the distribution of micro-orgmises In the profile of turf-Podsolic *oil*. Trudy Pochv.inst. 49:129-151 '56. (Km 9:8) (Soil micro-organions) (Podsole) (Flowing) NESHK,Oyv IN. T. Effect of thiamine and biotin on the development of certain soil microbes. Nikrobiologlia 28 no.6:894-899 N-D 159. (KIRA 13:4) 1. PachvemWy institut in. T.To Dokuzhayeva AN SSSR. (BIOTIS pharmaeol. ) (TITAKIN Bi pharmacol.) (SOM microbiol.) MESHKOV N.V. Deepening the plow layer of turf-Podsolic soils w0 its after,.ffect on the development of soil aicroflora. Trudy Inst. mikrobiol. no.7t69-81 160. (MIRA 14:4) 1. Pochvennyy institat imenj V.V.Dokuchayeva AN SSSR. (SOIL, HICROf'RUNISMS) (TILIAGE) MESHKOV N V Total amount of carbon in root excretions of plants grown in sterile alltures with permanent and varied nutrient solutions. Iqw. AN SSSR Ser. biol. no.3:352-361 MY-Je 161. (MIRA 14-5) 1, Soil Institute, Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R., Mo3cow. (ROOTS (BOTANY)) (ORGANIC MATTER) (EXUDATION (BOTANY)) JWHW. N.V., professor; QAU1M. L.K.. assistan'- wwww~. ".: ,I 4~~ " ftthological anatomy of infections catarrh of the rteptratory tract In cattle. Yeterinarile, 30 no.11:27-30 1 '53. Ou2k 6: 11) 1. L'yovskly wetertrarno-sootokhnicheekly Institut. KlbWIOV, N.V., professor; KOCHSTOVA, Te.F. o 'U'$-, - 6"Wg.'r'. Kaliguant form of foot-and-mouth disease of cattle. Veterinarlia 31 no.1:41-43 Ja 154v (KT-RA 6:12) 1. L'yovskiy vaterinarno-zootekhnicheakiy institut. USSR / Human and Animal Morphology, Normal and Pathologic. S-2 Nervous System. Peripheral Nervous System. Abs Jour : Rof Zhur - Biol., No 18, 1958, No 83674 Author : Mushkov, N.V.- Romanov S.S.; Kravchuk, L. M. Lo- Y Inst nary Institute Title Changes in the Urinary Bladder after Impairment of Its Innervation. I Orig Pub 5b. nauclui. tr. L'vovsk. zoovet. in-t, 1956, 8, 143-149, Abstract The spinal cord in rabbits was cut in area L3-L4, comple- tely lesioned at level Th5-Th6, or impaired in the lunbar area by puncture with a surErLcal needle. Most animals showed ulcers in the urinary bladder with blood clots in the cavity or fibrin deposits on the surface of the peri- toneum. There were sharply pronounced viscular luaions ten- largement of capillaries, hemorrhages, hemostas18 rind throm- boses); as a consequence, there appeared necrosis of the riucosa, beginning in the epithellum and spreading to its own layer Lip to the muscular sheath. Vascular lesions play an important part in the mechanism of the development of ulcers Card 1/1 in the bladder. -- N. T. Tsarapkin. 23 N3=OT N T pro-resmor. Chronic hematuris, of cattle in Transcaryathia. Toterimarils, 34 no.5: 4~-54.ffy 157. (um lOr6) 1. L'yovskly soovetorinarnyy inotitut. (Tmnsoarpathia-Momaturia) (Cattlo-Disoames and posts) HNSMOT. N.V., prof.; SHUNMETA. 9.A., kand.mad.nauk Work of the Lwov Society of ftthoanatomists in 1957-1958. Arkh.pat. 21 no.6-91-93 '59. (KM 12:12) 1. Predsedatell L'yovskogo obahchestva patologoanatomov (for Yeahkov). 2. Sekretarl Llvavskogo obahchastva patologoanatomov (for Sheremeta). (LVOV--PATHDANATORICAL SOCINISS) MMOV9 N.V.O_pof.j SHEREMETAP N.A., kand.maditsinakikh nauk Work of the Lvov Society of Patboanatomists in 1959. Arkh.pat. 22 no.5:89-91 160. (JURA 130) 1. Preclasdatelf L'Yovskogo Obahchostva patolaipanatomov (for MOshkov). 2. Sakretarl Llvovskogo Obshchestva patclagommtomov (for Sheremeta). (LVOV-PATHOANATOMICAL SOCIETIES) MESHKOV) N.V., profo Pathologipal anatomy of mycoses in cattle. Yeterinar4ia 38 nn.8z42-47 Ag 151 04IRA 18 t I ) 1. LIvavskiy zooveterinaxnyy Institut. MHKOV, N. V. (Llvov) ftthological anatomy of mycogsin in cattle. Arkh. Pat. no.9:52-59 161. (MIRA 15:6) 1. Is kafedry patologichookoy anatomii Llvovskogo sooveterinamogo instituta. (MrCOSIS) (CATTLF~-DISUSZS AND PRSTS) =HKOV. N.V.; GLEZER, I.I.; PAJIOV. P.V. (Mosk7a) Changes in the kidneys following the a:~ticm of diethyl mer- cur7. Arkh. pat. no.2t53-59 163 (MIRA IL-:11) 1. Iz patomorfologicheskoy laboratorii (zav. -prof.N.V. 149shkov) Instituts, gigiyony imeni F.F.Krismana (dir. A.F. ShitskovEL). ACCESSION KRs AR4022434 S/0058/64/000/001A02GA026 SOURCEs RZh. Irixika, Abs. lA268 AU7HORSs Meshkov, N. V.1 Nesterov, P. V.; Smirnov, V. I.; shima&- skiye As pf-e- TITLE1 XOMOvY unit for multidimensional 16000 channel analyzer CITED SOURCZ: Tr. 5-y Mauchno-takhn. konforentsii po yadern. ra- ;diowlektronike. T. 2. Ch. 2. X., Gosatemizdat, 1963, 62-71 20PIC TAM: mewry unit, ferrite core memory, multidimensional analyzer, magnetic tape data reduction, ferrite core matrix, reading .amplifier* magnetic commutator, address current TRAUSL&TIOns A 16#000 address ferrit&-coro memory has been dev*lope& This mmory can bo used in a sultidimonsional analyzer or serve as a sorting block for the reduction of information from a magnetic ACCESSION NRx AR4022434 tape. The memory block is made in the form of a 128 x 128 x 16 matrix of X-260 ferrite cores measuring 2 x 1.3 x 1 mm. To increase the reliability, the matrix, the reading amplifiers. and the mag- netic commutator for the address currents are placed in a container where a (jS � 1)C temperatute is maintained. The memory capacity is 128 x 128-16-digit binary numbers. The dead time is 200 micro- seconds. The circuit contains 300 vacuum tubes and a0proximately 200 transistors. The operating principle is analyzed and block diagrams of the main units of the memory are presented. Yu. Semenov. DATE ACO: 0314ar64 SUB CODE: CP, SD ENCL: 00 Card2/2 34779-66 EWT(m) ACC NRI AR6o172O0 SOURCE CODE: tm/oo58/65/OO0/O12/AO33/A033 Alf".M: Andriashin, A. V. ; Geras1mgyJ~, _Ya. ;, Yekatov.,- - A. BIv!;1henko.,__Y - Ye~.__; 1~. V. ; Smirnov, V. 1. ; Chernukh1n, V, L, T]YLE: Multidimensional analyzer with preliminary processing of the Information arid With combined-ty-pe memory SoMWE: (cf. -.h. Mika. Abe. 12A317 RFF WINCE: Tr. Nauchno-teklin. konferentoll po, yadern. radloclektron. 1'. P. M., Atomizdat, 1965, 1.4-r_1,)9 '011C TAG": multirhannel analyzer, alow neutron, neutron spectrum, rin"lar distribu- tjoll, ferrite col,c ricinoryt nagnetic recording tnpe,comjniter component, (_ A, C A' 6 J' ritj rv 1 0 0 r,0j.V AV'.,TRACT: '11in atil.ho-n flosrribe, a nPilt I di menu Ional ftnalyzer, Intended foi- the tnventl-' 17rition of enerfZr and angular d1stributions of jq1ow neutrons./Illic recording unit nf Hie arirtJ,,/, consists of a ferrite-core memory and a mngnetle-tape of 6.2j min width with four-track recordit4,,. -be combination of integrating and non-integrnting memory devices makes It possible to construct a flexible memory system having large capacity as well as permitting the exercise of control over the course of the experiment, pre- liminar-j adjustments, preliminary processing of Information, etc. The analyzer con- sists of the following fundamental units, constructed entirely of semiconductor and magnetic elements: a) Input rnit; b) ferrite-core memory; c) magnetlc-tape memory; d) equalizing unit (intermediate ferrite memory); e) unit for Insertion and processing Card 112 L 34779-66 ACC NR. M6017200 of data. Depending on the chosen operating conditions, the functional connection be- tween the blocks is changed by means of switches. The analyzer Is constructed in the form of four Individual racks with Individual power supplies and control P&nele. L. S. (Translation of abstract) SUB CODE: 20, 09 ki 2552-M L M AC=ION nR.-: _AF5=338 _the-conduct~of an.experiment., Preliminary automatic,data processing includes the functions,of-collection, sort certain calculations, and translition ing .-.for computer: input or f*om -printer and osoillop aph output. - Basic units of the lhiz4wro are:. s) the input unit, b).co me a) magnetic tape memory, and ro MrY, th6:output,-'and data processing unit 'All units are built from semiconductor .band magnetic,elements. The basic core memory has a capacity of 2048 16-bit words eature to give a slower recording rate at provided.with a opeed,monitor f _~Inptit loading* Block diagrams are includedg showing the.flow of information system during data collection, sortings transformation, and "_through the composite continuoux4rocess control. Particular information on cycle tires and recording speedrAs.given. For neutron tra6kbg experimentag-data pass throu#,h de- .,signal -amplification, phasing,- and time-.conversion- into machine .::Code. Thepasnage of information from each detector is parallel and independent. -Specific-informition on'msasuremenV time interval. limitations in given. F,=c- ~tional block,diagrame Of. the input-. unit, high speed:. intermediate memory, and mg- -shown and'-disoussed,*.", Nta uiy be processed ~netic. UpS.'recording unit. are prior ~~.-to butput'lor obtaining. the. double differential :,'soctian of - neutrons. The formulae used In the cilcidlations are gil Tb~'Iiuthqrs:+%-JrA~.. V. ArArjoehIn von, - Bo.Yao ,~, 4~'j STEPANENKOV, Roalld Vasil~yev-'--h, I-F.SRKCV, (.I., red.. USANCVA, N.H., tekhn, red- [Efficient baliasting of a tank vesselj ?.atslonal'nala bal- lastirovka tankera. Moskvn, Izd-vo "Yorskoi trnnsport," 1963~ 80 P~ (MIRA 16-,11) (Tank vessels) (Ballast (Ships)) TIMOFUEV, Pavel Kirillovich; TOPALOV, Valerly Pavlovicb;-BATRASHEVSKIY, I.M., retsenzentj MESHKOV, 0.1., red.; TIKHMVA, Ye.A., tekhn. red. [01*tation of nawl radio direction finders] Ekspluatataiia audovykh radiopelengatorov. Moskva, lzd-vo "Morskol tran- sport,* 1963. 84 p. (KIRA 16:7) (Radio direction finders) (Electronics in navigation) K&LIESKIY, Igor' Sergeyevich; red.; USANOVA, N.B., tekhn. red. [VRM-5 and "Kcngol" sectoral radio beacons] Sektornye radiomaiaki VRM-5 i "Konsol." Moskva, Izd-vo ffMorskoi transport," 1963. 106 p. (MIRA 16:7) (Radio beacons) SEREGIN, Mikhail Petrovich; 0.1.,- red.; USANOVA, N.V., tekhn. red. (Navigational methods of calculating the el-wents of tides and tidal currents] Shturmanskie metody vychislaniia sle- mentov prillva i prilivo-otlivnykh techeRii. Moskva, Izd-vo "Morskoi transport," 1963. 133 p. (MIRA 16%7) (Tiles) PCLIN, Leonid Yevpenlyevich, kapitan dallneg(-, piavaniyn; 1~~aoV, 0.1- - red.; IISANCVA, N.B., tekhn. red. (From the Baltic t6 the ?,,i A -~cri; Ue t . vinp !f it floating dock) Baltika - Chernoe more; peregon plavuchego doka. Moskva, Izd-vo "Morskol tranaport," 1963. 139 p. (MIRA 16:10) (Floating docks) (Towing) BARANOV, Yurty Konstantinovich; MESHKOV, 0.1., red.; TIKMNOVA, Ye.A., tekhn. red. [Use of radio in navigation] Ispollzovanie radiotekhaichookikh aredstv v sudovoshdenii. Moskva, Izd-vo "Morskot transport,* 1963. 147 P. (MIRA 160) (Radio in navigation) GOTSKIY, Mikhail Vladimirovich (deceased]; red.; MHOROVA, Ye.A., tektm. red. (Practical navigation) Pmkticheskaia navigstsiia. Isd. 2., dop. i ispr. Moskva, lzd-vo 414Drokoi tmn3port," 1963. 340 p. (MBU 16 16) (Navigation) aARANOV, Yurl.y KonstanLinovich; LESKOV, Mikhail Mikhaylovich; !.,E. red. I :.Collection of problems on the use of radar In the prevese. tion of ship collisions] Sbornik zadach po ispollzovanilu radiolukatora dlia preduprezhdaniia stolknovenil sudove V,oskvag Transport, 1964. 60 p. (MIRA 18:6) i LA 4 rig r, rs ti i k L L 't-4 . 0:- V 'K I I hrl. L,,-.ada!, 47 IVANOV, Konstantin Andreyevich, kapitan dallnego plavaniia; .MESHKOVO 0.1., red. (Manual for the reading of English nautical charts] Po- soble dlia chteniia anglilskikh morskikh kart. MOBkva, Transport, 1965. 67 p. (MIRA 18:12) BAKL.ANOV, Than Mikhaylovich, kapltan-naotavnik; i ~':i P- .:1,:h , Ivan Purltele-,ev-lch) kapIt&n-mi3Lv-nlk; ' .,., red. r , t')aiiinp tariPers to th,3 Antarctic), '~Pyt v Antarktiku. Moskva, Transport, 7i. i,. (!- I i~ A i P.I LESKOV, Mikhail Mikhaylovich; GAVRYUK, Mikhail Iyanovich; MESRKOVP 0.1.,, red. [Errors of navigation determinations) Oshlbki naviga- tsionnykh opredelenii. Moskva, Transport, 1964. 135 P. (MIRA 17:10) KONDRASHIBIV, Vladimir Timofeyevich; RAKHOVETSKIY, Anatoliy Nikolayevicb; KRASAVT&7V, B.N., kand. geogr. nauk, red.; MESHKOV) 0.1.) red. [Astronomical ship joaition finding and compass correc Ion] AstroriorUcheskie opredeleniia meota sudna i popravki eon- pasa. ~oskvap TranBport, 1964. 125 P. kMIi,,A 17:9) STEPAIMKOV, Roalld Vaoillyevlch, assiDtont; KRIMMOV, Aleksandr VaBiltyevich; MESHKOV, 0.1., red. [Cargo handling operation on the "Pekin" [nPeking""' - type tanker] Gruzovye rauoty na tankere tipa "Fekin." Moskva, Transport, 1964. 122 p. (MIRA 1. Kapitan tankera "Judapesht" (fur 1 rl-ionu;~cv). BERKUTOV, A.; MESHKOV, P., aspi-rant The main thing is economy. 5razhd. ay. 21 S I .-*:I,/ 1. Nachallnik otdela mat.,, ri&l 'no-tekhniahesk.Lgo .-p! Severnogo territorial InoFo up~avlcriya Ifcr --. institut narodnogo khozyaybtva imeni -- i %' " - ''. Z"OVIYAV, Vladimir Andreyevich; GUKOV, I.T., inzh., rateenzent; KARKEWY. B.A., retsenzent; M=HKOV. P.L. Inzh., red.: SAVEL'YET. ye.ya., red.izd-va; GHiMiOIr,"rdIn- red.; UVAROVA. A.F., tekhn-red. [Theory of mechaniame and machineej Teorila mekhanizmov i mashin. Izd.2.. ispr. i dop. Moskva. Gos.nauchno-takhn.izd-ve mashino- stroit.lit-ry, 1959. 188 p. (MIRA 13-1) (Kochanical engineering) ZINOVIYEV, Vladimir Andreyevich, prof.; FRISHEDIKO, Nikolay Av-tonomovich; VILINITS, Sa=il Avseyevich; RUZHENTSEV, S.K., prof.; MESHKOV F I inzh., red.; NINITIB, A.G., red. izd-va; MODELI I r_ - r z (Machine parts] Detali mashin. Pod red. Vl.A.Zinovleva. Moskva, Maohgiz, 1960, 327 ps (Machinery-Design) (MIRA 1515) ACC -NR, AP60U052 6/6 SOURCE CODES UD/041 6/000/004/0050/ AUVORS klashkov. S. fBrigadier general, Member of engineering corpap Chjefj KgLin directorf-To-r-aw-ties service) ORM Ministry of Dofonve (Hinisterstyo oborony) TITM Cominity and public aerrice facilities in mijitM garrison settlemnts SOURCEt Tyl i anabzheniye eovetlkikh vooruzhennykh silt no. 4j 1966j 50-54 TOPIC TAGSs nardtationt public welfaroo oivil onginooring ABSTUM A general progross in tho dovolopmont of living quarto", public util-ition and recreation facilities in the mil-itai7 gurrison settlements is reviewed. It in mentioned A. at 20% of houace were recently repaired and thousands of bvIldings wore equipped with th central heating. Gas-fired boilers and kitchen ranges wore installed in military messes and 53,000 apartmants. Boiler roams mid wator-pumping inatallations wore rooonatructed and automatod and the use of gas and oil (instead of wood and coal) was considerably in- creased. Asphalt and cement floors :in buildings were replaced by wooden ones (302000 aq m). Improvements and deficiencies in decorating apartments and in equipping them with furrdture are reviewed as well &a the beautification of houses, streets, oidowalkD, ate. Many deficiencies covering various failures in heating, gas, water and olootric systems are citod as examples. Some rocommendations am presented and the activities of various garrison organizations are praised eo-jeoially in the Baltic Military District. Some other mil.itar7 districts are also mentioned. Orig. art. hass 1 photo. SUB CMOs 1% 15/ SM DAM None SfMIERGCR, T.D.;. MES KOV, S.I. Description of the backLrround of internal friction during torsional vibrations. Fiz. met. i metalloved. 13 no,6,.817-822 je 62. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Voronezbskiy tokhnologicheakiy institut. (Internal friction) S/207/62/000/006/oi6/025 E031/E492 AUTHORS: -kte_~hkov, S.I., ;11,c"iergor, T.D. (Voronezh) TITLE: On the temper i ! r (- df!pendence of tho internal friction Of a torston:, -rirjulum PE It 10 1) 1 CAL -Zhurnal r- I k I Pd W)I. 11-kilaniki i takhnicheakoy fiziki, no.6, 1992, '01 174 TEXT- Assuming W"all. 01-111mfions, distortion of transverso sections of the pendUlurn n as it twists can be neglected. The equation for the osciliqt1ous is solved by using the integral Laplace transform. The foirri of the solution depends on the character of the roots of a rabic e(Itiation the discriminant of which can be written in the torm D = q2 + M3 n n n Damped oscillations occur If Dn Is greater than zero. The cases mn greater than zero and m. less than zero are considered. If Dn < 0 the motion of the pendulum is &periodic. The temperature dependence of internal friction is measured by the tangent of the angle of phase shift between the stress and the deformation. It is shown that the expressions for the tangent calculated from a rheological model and from the above solution Card 1/2 S/207/62/000/006/016/025 On the temperature ... 9031/13492 almost completely coincide, so that for the analysis of experimental data the rheological model can be used. Both methods give the saine value of' the temperature at which the oscillations cease to be periodic and beconio aperiodic. This temperature depends on both the physicaL properties of the material of the pendulum and on the geornetry of the system. There are 2 figures. SUBMITTED: May 3, 1962 t, Card 2/2 L,1;*98-63 f;WP(q)/Z1WT(m)/VdP(B)/BDS AFnC/ASD JD ACMSION Na: AP3002800 S/0207/63/000/003/0020/0025 AINHORS: Meshkov, S. I.; Shermertor, T. D. (Voronezh) TITLE: Hiii~-temperature interior friction,xinder prolonged oscillations SOURCE: Zhurnal prikladnoy makhanikL I teknicheskoy fiziki, no. 3, 1963, 20-25 TOPIC TAGS: oscillation, homogeneous isotropic rod, t;emperature, friccion, 'interior friction ABSTRACT: The authors solve the boundary value problem 'of prolonged oscilla- tions of a homogeneous isotropic rod, one end of which Is fixed and the other end of which is subject to an Impulse force. The spatial part of the tensor of stresses is described by the method of A. Yu. lahlinakiy with time of relaxation -t~'2 (standard linear body) and the shift by Maxwell's method with time of re- I Jaxation They show that the temperature dependence of the interior frictioq" .of such a medium under prolonged oscillations gives a relaxation peak and back- ground, where the latter grove to infinity, after which the oscillations are changed by an speriodic process,. The solution of the boundary value problem Is compared with computation of the corresponding rheological model. In the region Card 1/2 L 19498-63 1 ACCESSION NR: AP3002800 not adjoining the point of passage to &periodicity, the results of both methods coincide except for the region of the relaxation peak, where the rheological model gives somewhat lowered results. In the region adjoining the &periodicity, where the frequency begtns to decrease sharply, the rheological model is inconvenient for computation since changes in the frequency of the oscillations are not taken into consideration. It is shown that for a K/Kw - 0.1 (K is the modulus of the pressure on all sides,,a K = K(&/- co) - K(ta - 0); (AJ is the frequency) tha lidak stipulated by the 4patial relaxation appears only forr, 103. For 2 . -'I the spat'l as fX:,',~41axation does not appear and the temperature curv 2 . o of the interior friction,undet' prol uged. oscillations must be the same as for torsional oscillations.' -ITM '!*ithors thank-1-S. Postnikov and D. D. Wev for their discussions of the-resuiii." Orig. art. has: '2 fipuwei and 26 formulas. ASSOCIATION: none SUB.HITTED: 24Dec62 DATE ACQ: l6Jul63 -::SUB CODE: MH NO RU SOV: Oll OTHER: 001 P Z I Card 2/2 _AXMVk9i__.". !3h- etftsrqgm~. nterna friction, TED M=Cgr--- Sb.--Relake atw*--yavlaniya-v.-met---i--oplavakly.~- -K- C l met~14;gizdat- '1963 '46-52 Ift6kMal- ri n _.stress,.shdar resistancei ~a -car aknalys Le 0. -tilia-'awelal T L t;L C_ men' o' Ib gi SCr P On 0 -high-teMPeVatttft: ternal frittion (1P) I in presented 0'- F696logical models are comidered'and It is alhown that: in it4i of tilleLr Ginpliel -and Clarityr, be recom- Sp they canno -7- 5 SHZRMF,RGOR, T.D.; MSHKOVP ~. .I.. Temperature dependence of the damping coefficient for a Maxw1lian body. Inzh.-fiz. zhur. 6 no.5:114-U8 Yq 163. (KCRA 16:5) 1. Tekhnologicheakiy institut, Voronezh. (Polymers-91-astic properties) WSHKOV, S.I. (Voronezh); SHFRMERGOl, T.D. (Voronezh) Temperature dependence of internal friction in forced vibrations of a Maxwell torsion pendulum. FM`rF no.1:68-75 Ja-F 16/. (FIRA 17:4) MESHKOV 0 & '; POSTNIROV, V. S. (Vororezh); SII~RME,'CCH, T. D. _~. (Voronezh, 1: (Voronezh) Temperature dependence of the internal friction of a standard linear solid under heavy damping conditions. Izv. AN SSSR. Mekh. i mast.inostr. no-3:~0-95 164 14y-Je ' Mlv~ ric )/ Mr~-AIKOV, ~Vcron-,r,,-, `,iffRM-EPC(li, T.D. (V.)ronezt~' T( (f t.rt3 duz.,-irg -,i.1 cf a : bod-f. Tew. AN Mekr- n~.'AC-3-'~'t. I':'- ~, ' ~ 5. v I I- A ACC NR; AUTEOI~: Pon-Lnikov, V. S. - Yel'kin, Yu. :,eshkov, S. I. OPG ; Voronezh Polytechnic polite C'.e'~,".1y -11 TLE :Internal friction in face-ce-'-c-rc-L' cu1)ic metals ~he co-rZ,~ s',' ag SGU-~iCE: F-Lzika tverdu~;o tela, v. no. 12., I.,";C6) -2612-1614 TOPIC W~Glo : intcrnal fr-Iction, melal tl~cformation, te-,-Silc 3, crystal lattice structure ABSTIViCT: -1hA5 is a continuation of earlier work (in: I,,sledcwan-'ya .-1*---c; splavov [,T?e~;carcli in Steels and Alloy.,;], p. 376, Nau,,.a, X. 1901 ) , de -, 1-- ternal friction in samples stretched at a constant rate. The prese;.'L -f*..'c:L -:L dcvoted to the calculation of the second component of interral into account the additional energy dissipation as a function of the rate rf --'L-fr,:-7,.a- tion. A solution of the differential equations for the deformation an a 3f the time shmis that the actual deformation consists of the linear part On Vr--'ch an elliptical hysteresis loop is superimposed, and the effect of this loop on the friction is evaluated. Numerical examples.are given for aluminum by way of ild"ctra-, tion. Orig. art. has: 2 figures and 8 formulas. SUB CODE: 20, n/ sum DATE. 13jun66/ ORIG REF- OOl/ 0-~ri REF.. OC)5 TRIFONOV, Tr. MESHKOV, 3t. Distribution of -'asnia pisiformis in dogs and Gyeticercus p"el"ormis in harea In the Burgas District. Ixy khelmint lab BAN 9:135-139 164. I Ow, Fru - V7, Chdaynturr arid VA E 111 AAX'ov . j j, , 14 V d A~rxals jlk Opmkfen t i of Abipl N k j . . . or a a !t- - an j y ' toftMagam of on. day wexe (Ouvid to be prewnt, '.-Zsp.' W dic -.1 All - ir ab l AWT M i Iv l l n. e tea a au IS, e it ), ca'a s ad ' - R l i d cm on at i Ze"e In.), 1.6 km. awily lrom the lali.e nut a quartz v(-In 20 tnc~ mst 3ide of theAidp (27 K140 fliZ R -the kidge mid tit appevx. Ofy, ra. friau the top 0 thd acte velti) hn C-Ofit;ac~t with rwiraffin tA:m uintainmg and Tl~,,-J' 1 -4 Qli~r 1-0 0"': wtjiulucu~sa ~Uw -mt1j;31.x -ff." OVA --- --- - 1; 114)D P7I/1 6, v, i -j GRUZIN. P.L..kand.fiz.-mat.nauk; MLSHKOV, V.I. r, "--- Self-diffusion of tAntalum. Probl. metn1loved. J fiz. met. no.4:570-573 I ~tj. (xw 11:4) (Diffusion) (Tantalum) P;r\.~ U:v .It Sf, RIN m M7 USSR/Physical Chemistry. Crystals. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, No 5, 1957, 14511 Author P. L. Gruzin, V.-I. Meshkov 'gnat Title Self Diffusion of Tantalum Orig Pub: Probl. metalloved I fiz. metallov, sb. 4, 1955, 570-573 Abstract: See Ref-Zhur. KhIm. 1956, 15394. No Abstract. Card 1/1 rdISHICOT, T. I. Activation energy of self diffusion and the malting points of metals. Izv.vya.ucheb.sav.; chern.met. n0,5:93-98 060. (KIRA 13:6) 1. Altaiskiy politekhnicheskiy institut. (Activity coefficients) (malting points) - K35HKOW. V.I. Volum changes during melting and the smount of self-diffusion activation energy in liquid metals. Izv. vys. ucheb. sav.; chera. not. no. 1108-91 160. (NMA 13:12) 1. Altayskty politakhatchaskiy institut. (Liquid metalr) (Activity theory) MESHKOV, V.I. Gorrelation between the heat of fusion and the heat content of solid metal at its melting point. Izv. vys. uaheb. zav.; chezh. met.7w.1:52-55 '64. 5711- (KrRA 17t2) 1 1. Altaynkly politekhnicheskiy inatitut. ~4~13HKGIV, V. J-, Inzh. Remova-I of -R,ag from slag and ast. pulp in triermai e'r.~txle- power p.1 am ts .EnergeLik 12 no.4i5 AT, 164 (mk,~L ; 717, V~, ~ ~ , , 1: , , , , I r. 2,f. . A ~, 4 i,. h I . ~- _. .; - a 1 .13 r. , 1. -: -I r. r.. .- I -, .-El "-_ M-~-( 1411-11Y AIajv-F7WA1r1A(4WCe-f KALOV. Vladimir" Sergeyevich; MRSWOVI 7s 4x rwoolapilwyli-4- 7,MLIDZON, I.M., radaktor; SKVCRTSU7-,-T-.-W., tekhnichaskly redaktor. (The control rooms of electric power aretems] Dispetcherskto pun;cty energetichaskikh sistem. Koskva, Goo. onergeticheakoe izd-vo, 1955. 271 p. MRA 8:3) (Mactric power distribution) -HISWMx...JLJL,,tnzh. ro"W~ Creation of a unified power system and problems of organizing dispatcher control. Elek. at&. 29 no.10:47-50 0 '58. (KEM 11:11) (Power engineering) GOLODNOVA, O.S., inzh.; DEGIL', G.S., inzh.; PANCHEENKO, A.U., inzh.; TUROS, A.E., inzh.; MSSIIKOV, V.K., inzh. Concerning the seals of hydrogen cooled turbogenerators. Elek. sta. 33 no.8:60-69 Ag '62. (KRA 15:8) 1. Rostovenergo (for Golodnova-). 2. Glavnoye upravlaniye energeticheakogo khozyaystva Donetskogo bassej-na (for Degill, Panchenko, Turos). 3. Moskovskoye rayonnoye upravlenije energeticheakogo khozyaystva Glavtsentroenergo Ministerstva elaktrostantsiy SSSR (for Yjeshkov). (Turbogenerators) BURCISL,C)HF, V.V, d-,ktor tekhn. n8,,k (Moskva,; ~iE~F-N71 '- lnz~. -), ; -.A. , ?.anc. nauk I Mosxvrl) ; K I'-- UN: - .' , '. , nzt.. (Moskva)' Melting of ice r!mista on 400-5C0 kv. lines. Flektrlchestvo no. 2;'7- 10 P '0"). (WRA ]R;I) MESHKOV, V.K., Inzh.; SOVAIOV, S.A., k&nd.tckhn.na4; r-URINA, V.A., inzh. Coverage of peak power loads in the cor!!clidnted alec'PA-ic Dower system of the European part of the U.S.S.R. Elek. sta. 34 no.11:4~-57 N 16'. (MIRA 17z2) LIDOV. I.P.. dotsent; MNSHKOV. V-V-. kand.meditsinskikh nauk; STKPANSKIT, O.A.. prof. - ---- - The Great Hedical lwyclopedia to a valuable aid for the military physician. Voen.-med.2hur. no.7:83-90 J1. '59. (MIU 12-11) (MEDIC IM4-DICTIOYARIES) ZAVALISHIN, N.I., prof.; LIDOV, I.P., dots.; LITOVCHENKO, I.G.; K&SHXCU-,- V.V_..t dots.; MOBILINITSKIYp M.B.j kand. med. nau ; ARTEY,'M, S.G., red.; BULIVYAM, N.A.# tekbn. red. [Organizational principles in providing medical care for troops] Osnovy organizatsii meditsinskogo obespecheniia voisk. Moskvaq Modgiz, 1961. 219 p. (MIRA 15-2) (RUSSIA-ARMY-44EDICAL CARE) MRISHKOV, V. V. and ZIMIN, V. A. "W~thod of conducting training. in the organization )f the work. -)f' *~;e calta-lion TRdical point" - p. 3' Voyenno Meditsinskiy Zhurnal , No. 3, 1 )62 MESHKOVI V.V., polkovnik meditsinskay sluzhb:~, dotsent; ZHULM, V.A., polkovnik - a- me lUsinskoy sluzhby Organization of modico-evacuation measures during a motorized infantry attack. Voen. - med. zhur. no.1:22-28 '63. (M-T.~U 17: 8) mgSlIKOV, V. V., PROF USSR/Electricity Electric Power Scientists May 49 "Professor L. 1. Sirotinakiy (Seventieth Birthday Anniversary)," Prof P. C. Zhlanov, Dr Tech Sci, Prof V. V. Meshkov, Dr Tech Sci, Prof G. N. Petrov, Dr Tech Sci, Docent, A. S. Sergeyev, 1 p "Elektrichestvoff No 5 Gives details, in brief, of Prof Sirotinskiy's early education and his part in setting up various electrical engineering laboratories. Most of his activities, in high-voltage techniques, took place at Moscow Power Inst imeni Molotov. Lists most important projects (Dneprostroy, etr.,.) in which he participated. PA 55/49T29 KULEBAYIN, V. A., NTLFV-PF, PA., MAYZELI, S. 0., G-PSHUH, A. A., MFSHKOV- V. 7. 11 SOKOIOVV M. V., KA-YAKTN, N. A., S&MSONOVA, V. Electric Engineers Prof. B. F. Fedorov. Sixtieth anniversary of his birth, and thiftieth anniversary of his teaching and engineering Activity. Elektrichestovo no. 6, 1952. Monthly List 2f Pussian Accessions. Library 'of Congress, Novemb-r, 1952. UNCLASSIFIED 1. W.~3W6LVj - IVANOV,- A'. P.s KIRILLIN, V. A.: OLAZUROV, A. Ao PARTYUNINO V. 3.t ZOIOTAREV, T. L.: BABIKCVq Y. A.: FABRILINT, V. A.: ZHDANOV, G. M.2 PERENALIM, v.A.: KOMAR, V. G.: TALIT3KIY, A. V.. 2. USSR (600) 4. Kagmov, 1. 1. 1902- 79 Fmfessor I. L. Kaganov; fifieth birthday aanivernary. Elektrivhestvo, No.11, 1952 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Februar y -1953. Unclassified. MMEKOV, Vasilly V.Asillyevich. 1893- ; SOKOLOV. I.I. [Illwaination technology course] Kure oovetitel'noi tekhniki. Ize. 4.. impr. i dap., Goe.enarg.izd-vo. 1953. 248 p. (Wah, 6:8) (Light ing)