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I-IIKHAYILV, A.N., doktor tekhn.nauk, prof.; SUCULCM, V.G., kand.tekhn.naul, Uve of high tumperature methods for speeding the tanning of sti-'f leather. Kozb.-obuv.prom. 3 no.12:14-17 D 161. (VIRA 15:1) (Tanning) BRESUR, S.M.; MIKHAYLOV, A.N. Effect of the methods of the basicity regulation uf chro=i= salt solutions on their tanning propertien. Kozh.-obuv.prom. 4 no.6:19-23 A '62. WFLA 15:',Jl (Tanning materials) BPMLER, S.M.; MIUATLOV, A.N. Improving the chrome e=lsion method of leather tanni . Kozh.- obuv.prom. 4 no.8:32-34 Ag 162. OaRA 15:8) (Tanning) ARBUZOV, G.A., prof., doktor tekhn. nauk; AFANASITEV, A.A., dots., kand. tekhn. nauk; UGORDVA, Ye.A.; KARZINKINA, K.D.; KARPOVA, A.A.; FURVANIME, E.M.; MIKHATLOV A N pmf., doktor tekhn. nauk, red.; KACHKO'-I.t.--I fWNOBWDSKATA; L.L., red.; TURCHENKO, D.I., red.; MIKHLIN, E.I., tekhn. red. (English-Russian leather and footwear dictionary] Anglo- rueskil kozhevenno-obuvnoi slovar'. Pod obshchei red. A.M.Mikhailova. Moskva, Fizmatgiz, 1963. 402 p. (MIRA 16:7) (Leather industry-Dictionaries) (English language-Diationaries--Faissian) STEFANOVICH, N.N.1, kand. takhn. nauk; MIKHAYLOV, A.N., prof., doktor takhn. nauk Effect of the deamination of hides and skins an their tanning with aluminm caltis. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; tekh. leg. prom. no.3:67-69 163. (MIRA 16:7) 1. TSertralinyy nauchno-issiedovatellskiy institut kozhevenno- i oouvnoy promyshlennosti. Rakomandovana kafedroy takhnologii kozhi i makha Moskovskogo takhnologichookogo instituta legkoy pronqahlennosti. (Tanning) (Deamination) BRESLER, S.M.; MIKHAYLOV, A.N. Effect of the tanning temperature on the stability of the chromium-collagen bond in leather washing with water. Kozh.- obuv. prom. 5 no.U:29-32 N 163. (MIRA 17:1) MIKRAYLOV, A. N., prof. From the reporL ef A@ !j. !likhallov "Generalization of the practices of the leather indi,stry in the usf, of wom apparatus and ways for their iurther Improvement." Kozh. obuv. prom. 5 no. 12:3-6 D #63, (MIR 17:5) MIH,'@JLOV, jliikha@-,@v, Micszkva, Lffect of roaucing @mbotancau ari t1im atmoture of callagen. Bar cipo 13 ne.61l68-170 N 163. Bp F c@ IM I;jV. A.N. . , , @3 - , -in c, f n, xnluln " .63 @ @ 1. 'w Crjangt-.Ej in ,.F, r.,,)Mpr, -=P@ef .1 clur-.g TSNIM Ir j I %!--T: A -d @ - ) RPMLF.P,, S.Y.; lj-. - rp-i a ed res is t ar - -,*, r(x. um c,nj ound!@ . f @ 3 ". . @@, -,.- -.. .;.II - . - .I . . . !. , *- n e war. @. -n F @. t o f I ea -,, p - f -. x c-d "hu -@! .. I " :11 . , --1. 1:7 TSNIKP r 11. 0.,.1 i-3@) .M I -., A't P, - I ) GOLUB"VA, "!" I -, , . r: 1 C C rt'll 3 , I.,,. F. b, , * F@F-f*r - t c' rrp *.,.y I e.; f, w@ ", - V, lei cn hp @,-,,InLng Tr,,oe7'.es r-f svyl',@-C-tlc tdl@T'" Ir"n,-1-a. -. @ nu(-- I -7 Tk-NTY.P n- . 'I I.. * @ v -i 19 - ) YFjjj(h.-j!3sj. tnid. , I ,3-5f, . Ik I ZAYDES, A.L.; KIKHAYLOV, A.N.; PUSHENKO, 0.1. Modified method of determining hydrcxyproline. Bioknizila 29 no. 1:5-7 Ja-F 164. (MIRA 18t12) 1. TSentrallnyy nauchno-ssledoratellskiy iwtitut kozhevenno- obuvn07 prom7shlennosti, Moskva. Submitted Feb. 6, 1962. L 38366-66 ACC NRi AP6019945 SCkJRCE OW, UR/0323/66/0w/()01/004210050 Sciences); Kut'in, V. A. (Candi- AUTHORS Mikaelyan, I. I. (Candidate of Technic date of Technical Sciences);__!@i"aylovp A. N. (Prof.; Dr. of Technical Sciences) ORG: Department of Chemistry and Technology of leather and Fur, Central Scientific Research Institute of the Leather and Footwear Industry (Kafedra khimii I tekhnologii kozhi I mokha, tsentral'nogo nauchno-issledovatel'skogo instituta kothevenno-obuvnoy prorqshlemosti) TITIL-i Physicomechanical properties of collagen fibers SOURCES IVUZ. Takhnologiya legkoy promyshlemosti, no. 1, 1966v 42-50 TOPIC TAGS1 collagen# fiber, tanning material, lime ABSTRACTS 11he properties of collaven fibers from clean raw hide and subjected to prolonged liming (four months) were studied. The resilient, elastic, plastic, and total deformation, tensile strength, elongation at rupture, and change In the size of fibers tanned by different methods were determined. X-ray structural analysis established that prolonged liming decreases the intensity of the interference rings of the x-ray diffraction patterns of collagen fibers. Tanning of the fibers also decreasod the intensity of crystal rings. After prolonged liming, neutralized and tamed collagen fibers whose x-ray patterns and electron photamicrographs differed Card I L 38366-66 ACC NR, AP6019945 from those of untreated fibers displayed relatively high mechanical propertiess tensile tests showed the breaking load to be 24-81 g, the corresponding tensile strength 10-35 kg/m2, and the elongation at rUDture, 10-20%. Thie curves of load vs. elongation and the curves of change In deformation at constant load for fibers subjected to prolonged liming were analogous to those for fibers limed by the method used in the leather industry. The total deformation of fibers at the same constant load for untreated fibers and those tanned with basic chromium salts and plant tanning agents was approximately the same (10-12%); the deformation of formaldehyde- tanned fibers was slightly higher (14-15%). In all the fibers testedl the elastic deformation armounted to 50-60* of the total deformation. Orig. art. haal 3 fig1wes, 5 tableaq and 4 formilas. SUB CODES U/ SUBK DATES 29M&r65/ ORIG REFS 017/ OM REFS 002 C*fd , . ,, i , . . . - . -, - :-@ .,- - @,,. - . '. ", - 11 -. " , r - , , : , ; " - . . I: - . , , .. 1. 1 . lo / I - - - - . . . - 11 - :, . I i -- .. . .1 1 .. I -... , - r. - :7 . 1.- . - - I I I . I @ 1 3 . . . - MMAYZW, A.M., kamd1dat tokhalchoskikh aauk. Heating packs of vemeor in hot presses. Der. prea. 4 so.11: 10-11 N 6515. (MULA 9 12) l.TS@ztrallnyy lustitut fasery i usbeli. (Teasers and veneering) TZMKINA, R.Z.; MIXUIWV,A.N.; IZRAILSVA, I.R.: TACHINA, T.T. Adhesive carbamide resins with fillers. Der.prom. 5 no.11:9-12 N 156. (91aA 10:1) 1. TSentrallnry, nauchno-iseledovatellskiy inatitut fanery i mobeli. (Urea) (Fillers (In paper, paint, etc.) (Glue) FILIPPOVA, N.B., Lush.; HIIHAYWV, A.N., doktor tekhn.nauk, prof. Chromatographic determination on paper of resorcinol contained in novolak resins synthesized from resorcinol. Izv.v7s.uchsb.sav.; tekh.log.prom. no.5:3-5 6o. (MIRA 13: U) 1. TSeutrallnyy nauohno-issledovateliski7 institut koshevenno-obuynoy promyshl4nnosti. Rekomendovana Imfedroy tekhnologil.voloknistykhmaterialov. (Paper chromatography) (Resorcinol) (Resins, Synthetic) MIKHAYLOY, Alekoev NikolaYevich, dots., kand. tekhn. nauk; SIN !TaIAN, G.M. , st. nauchn. sotr., kand. tekhr.. nauk, retL:enzent; NEKBAnD'., N.O., kand. tekhn. nauk, C'OtE., retsenzent; ViLSECHKIN, Yu.V., dots., kand. tekhn. n&ux, otv. red.; FILONENKOv K.D.1 red. [.,.ole of pressure in the technological process of the tion of gluing materials; lecture in the course "Technology of the production of gluing materials and boards" for students of the Faculty of the Mechanical Technology of Wood h,)!' dav:e- niia v tekhnologicheskom protsesse izgotovleniia kleenykh mate- rialov; lektsiia po kurffu "Tekhnologiia proizvodstva kleenykh materialov i plit" dlia studentov fakullteta mekhanicheskoi tekhnologii d;-evesiny. Leningrad, Vses. zaochnyi lesotekhrin. in-tJ, 1964. 34 P. (MI 1@-A 18: 3) PhOKOPYEV, Nikolay mlkhaylovicLi MIKRAYLOV, A.N., iots., kan,-. tekhn. naul. retsenzent; ArJ-KSf-.-'cT6t6. ' kand. tekhr.. nauk, retsenzent; NEKHAMKINI N.C., dots.,, kand. tekhn. nauk,; ANPII.OGOV, A.V., red. (Fundamentals of the standard'-zation of the t6chnolcV@cal p!-@ires- ses of mechanical wcod processing; technology of the of u-ticles from wood (for students of the Fac,."ty of thi, @' ical Technology of Wood)] Osr,ovy tipizatsli tekhnologichec@.ikf, protsessov mekhanicheskoi obrabotki drevesiny; tekhnologiin pro- IzvodsLva izdelii iz drevesiny (dlia studentov fakullteta rrierha- nicheskoi @ekhnrjlogii drevesiiV). Lektsiia. Ler.inf@rar,, Vses. zaochrWi lesotekhn. in-t, 1964. 56 p. 1@: 3) RITOV, H.H. - MMIATWV. A.H.; DOROIIIN, I.Ts.; K&IIAKIII. N.V.. reuktor; HALIKOM7 W.T.g Talumlchnnkiy radaktor (Progressive methods of bulldozer work] Paredovys matody bull- dozerrqkh rabot. Mosk7a. gauchno-takhn. izd-vo avtotranaportnot lit-r7, 1954. 34 p. (MIBA R:6) ('Bulldozers) BOYTSOV, V.I., inzh.: fiIXHA A N. inzh.; SAYMIOV, Y.N., takhnik; - 8 * LHSNYAKOV, ?.I., red.; @ G.D.. tokh,.red. (Technical specifications for overhauling of the D-265 motor grador] Takhnicheskie wiloviin na kapitallnyi remont avtogrel- dera D-265. Moskva, Hauchno-tekhn.izd-vo H-va avtomobillnogo transp. i shossainykh dorog RS?SR. 1959. 93 P. (MIU 12-12) 1. Moscow. Veasoyuznyy dorozhnyy nauchno-inaledovatelliskly institut. 2. Sotrudniki laboratorii akspluststBii i remonta dorozhnykh mashin Gosudarstvennogo vaesovuznogo dorozhno.,,o nouchno-inaledovatell- skogo instituta Glavdorstroya Kinisteratva transportnogo stroitellstva SSSR (for Boytsov, Mikhaylov, SefrELnov). (Graders (Earth-moving machinery)--Knintenrince and repair) KIKHA17.0V, Aleksey Nikolarevich- SCLORATIN, V.I.. red.; GANYUSHIN. A.I.. . zd-va; DOUSKAYA. G.D., [Operating t D-370 mixer and the D-371 loader) Zkopluatatalis amesitelia Dt70 i pogruzchlka D-371. Moskva, Nouchno-tekhn.izd-vo K-ve avtomobillnogo transp. i shosseiny1ch dorog R%WM. 1960. 65 p. (MIRA 13:12) (Road machinery) ram I D= CUWMT-ICN SM/4414 *W-b@k p- smt@Wy (9-4b..k mm-s. ussucia. 1960. T23 P. 1@ta *I v imms,M64. .6,000 copl" pnot'd. Q.1. Pag@di-Almk-y-, D-+- f pr@r--; :;4. f - ' I ,.I.: A.N. L-1., D-t- af P-f--; T4. f r-@Ll..1.4 lasso: V.I. ftbak-. Emp-r; T.@. 24. @ I.?. W-." ". f- i Isfamim"Im Lltsmt-e (k@hgll): I.X. M@ Trskir. ftZlnoor. is tzt*bde4 rZ Lft-4 -'d 'Xt@l- -gi@ PUXPaUt This bocA "-, I aMklt@ts, and otbor pDm-s Lnts@sstod is tb. vrvml.. c b@dj=@4 COWM=l TblA lff,::* f@@.b of 4 4-l-s ffandbocA @ Ks,-@lm,-B-@IjUn4 KAt-c:- V.X@ % Us- -@W@ WtsbL. f- - 1. @- .. b@,U=4 - is attwr c-st-@A-l arpUmti-s. Tontlo, -4. pl^Ati,, -lc, sad al.- -t.,Lu A ifttost.. e tb.- - -1-1 -1 1- - tbLir pbjl..d .d --hs= -1 - 1. - Handbook on Mach-tae-Building Materials (Cont.) SOV/4419 Electric insulating materials and articles 319 Zbonite articles 319 Electric insulating materials made from soft rubber 321 Ch. VI. Paint Materials (Belovitskiy, A.A., and V.I. Ivonin, Engineers) 32@ Cellulose ester enamels, primers, and lacquers 323 Enam ls, primers, and lacquers based on various synthetic resins 323 Enamels and primers, oil-resin type 323 Cil-resin lacquers 464 Awdliaxy materials 476 Solvents, diluents, and thianers 494 Solvents for paint materials 498 Ch. VII. Leather (In4iLkEnhalloy A.R. Professoi; Doctor of Technical F. Ra-;v*e Sciences, and L. ';;va, Engineer) 503 Ch. VIII. Textile Materials (heydeman, I.Yu., Candidate of Technical Sciences) 508 Oaa"/115- MIKHAYLOV, Aleksey Rikolayevich; ZUBKOVA, M.S., red.; NIKOLAYEVA, L N. , - - -- ---t4Ahn. @i&o [14aziual for bulldozer opera'ors] Pamiatka mashirdstu bLI'dozera. Monk-va, Nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo M-va avtomobillnogo i transp. i sht'a- seinykh dorog RSFSR, 1961 31 (MIRA 14:11) (BuliLzerX MIKH-AYLOV, Aleksey Likolayevich; ZUBKCVA, N.S., red.; NUCLAYEVA, U@*., tekhn. red. [1nstructions for the bulldozer cperatorl Pamiatka :,u-"- dozera. Moskva, Nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo M-va avtorobillnugo tranni- shosseinykh dorog RSFSR 1961. 31 p. (MIRA 1@1:11) (Bulldozers) ?Industrial safety) MIKMLOVA Raise, Etdtriyevna; MIKHAYWOV Aleksey Eikolayevich; IVANOVSKAYA, K.M., red. - @WI47 @p. G.D-. 0 Uenrf. red. [Curing concrete with the use of film-forming materials) Ukhod za betonom s primeneniem ple-koobrazuiuahchikh ma- terialov; posobie masteru. Moskva, Avtotransizdat, 1961. 42 P. (MIRA 15:7) (Concrete iuring) (ProtectIve coatings) KRIVSHIN, Aleksandr Pavlovich, kand. tekhn. nauk; k@IKHAYIPV., Alel,!;qy Nikolayevich, inzh.; KAMIAUIGIOV, V.M., retsenzent; GOTUSHIN, i-.I-.,--red.;-ULAKTIOI,OVA, YeA., tekhn. red. [Repairing motor graders] Aemont avtou'reiderov. I-loakva, flauchno- tekhn.izd-vo 1,11-va avtori;obillnogo transp. i shusseinykh dorog. RSFSR, 1961. 132 p. (MIHA 15:2) (Graders (Earth-moving machinery))---Maintenance and repair) - Loading materials in continuous acti,in mobile units. Avt. aor. 24 no.10:11-13 0 '61. (YJ.RA 14:11; (Loading and unloading) (Concrete mixers) @UKFAYLOV, A.N., inzh. Mechanizinp the sorting and was@inp of gravpl materials. Avt.uor. 25 no.3-9 Mr '62. (MIRA 1@@: )) (Gravel) (Road machinery) MIKMlLOV* A.N., inzh. Increasing the output of i.!@e S.-r4,3 concratA mi-xing plant. Avt-. dar. 26 no-5;3--5 MY '63- (PURA 16.-7,' (Conrroto mixern) NOVIKOV, Ivan Vnsillyevich; AY..'Ll-'FV S@tepar, A.ex,,ie- @,vi-n; P ? P,IKWLOVI A.U., red. [Reconditioning parts of road m:;--niner-y, 4. @, detalei dorc,zhnyk-h maBhin. , 7r-:rL.-.port, 'Ll Or @'. "., ; . 11-11:tA IP:z.,11 Alli" F. y Ey Ali S,*:'R TF,5 nc,..4:`5-1-851/ b 0 f, Gc,j L 210am WT(d)/&T(n)jSWP(v)/=(x).6 lip(c) 'WW/M 7CCESSION NRs AF502MO UR/0373/65/000/004/0129/0130 AUTHORI MikhUlovI A., P. -(Novosibirsk) / I IVG TIThEs FluttelVDf a thin elastic simply supported rectangular panel under the action of ahearing and comprensiveedgeloaA SOURCM M SSSR. Izveatlya. Mokhanlka# no- 49 196@, 129-130 TOPIC TAGSt panel flutter, supersonic flow, Galerkin method, pressure distribution ABSTRACT: A numerical analysis in made of panel flutter under supersonic flow with ohear and tension-compresslon loads. The panel is simply supported, and the govern-@ ing equation for small oscillations is_expresued by + h DV sto - N11 T4j - jVn +2Njj j-, VAP 'T where p is the aerodynamic pressure on the panel calculated by the linear piston theory. The proposed solution of the above differential equation is given as a double siumation of sine series. For definitiveness$ a numerical example to given and the sine series estimated up to M w 5 and n 2. The results shor that the specific shear load reduces the critical flutter rate significantly, Orig. art. has% 4 equations and 2 figures. Card 112 L 21020-66 ACCESSION HH: AP5021718 49 ASSOCIATIONt none sumn,rTED: OlFob62 ENCLt 00 M COM ME, Ar, NO r" sovt 001 9 Card 2/2 ' / 4. arm s 001 v 4 ALAKSIM. Dnitriy Mikhaylovich; MIKHAILOY, Anatcliy Fqtrvich; LTU'BI- NOT, N.H.. prof., doktor ekonom.nauk. red.; SHCHM-11UN, T.D., red.; PAVLOV, A.G., red.; ROKMOVA. U.I., (Buropean Coal and Steel Commi-ityj Zvropeiskoe ob"adinenie uglia i stali. Pod red. N.N.Liubimova. Kogkva, Izd-vo In-ta mazhdunar.atnoahenil, 1960. 282 p. IYIRA 13:6) (10uropean coal and steel community) ..... AYLO." da t X 9.1 6 W64 - - - - - - - - - - * 7 wir raso gas@ ow, reL yer@p a.. y ynam ca :t4' SSSR.' t".O@Use lor-Iffi-lify- fie ib AM& "6f&tf6 -Wj b f *t Y_ P "t jjLj,t as th' -1 U16i;_16i&d. hi "P, @Pqe, y-gormla rcur@iflxi4iii@_ uitt'a und an rs 0 -_@ I - - '-1 -1 z 'At as OW S: aSSUrfx6d- that -thia ItijI, I@i j. L sp Pcement 6 the -,@Ia _Pend A t0n Cv@ o, dht all a ubhov -@w omdo ,rl t rtdr alge b -raic, e-quat o th' l I o eousi@sys en ns.:* T IXL are,-, d b h4.`Dan4lefp1w e -e,:c aractti d6t d vAlues L'.6 the @ma z L yzq - y lus m !.V #iq@ Ve id dete ffii3d.- rljt@'-."axt loc ty a@ 2. t 7 -2;2, S na., -equa o @nauk SS R- - Acaidemybfsdl@A6ei -SSSRj r Lrf'do- COIM P MOSHKOV, H.S.; MIMAYLOV, A.P. Effect of ultraviolet radiation rin the dark phase of the ac'.ino- rhy-thmic reaction in plants. Dokl. AN SSSR 15e no.4:990-992 C (MI'-A l-,: . I) 1. Agrofizicheskiy nauchno-ijpledovate.1'skiy institut, D-ningrad. fredstavleno akademikom A.L. Kursanovnn. E li FLY IN, A; OV F. Kii y UV, r,:,@ H ANtiV. n s Kaza'KK. @j..R.3o r. ge, GRIGOLYUK, E.I.; RIKHAM-VI-A@.P. Kutter of a ttzee-layer,@l aircu@ar 7!anic-al shell. Dold. Als SSSR 2.63 no.5taa00-1103 4 (MIRA 18-8) 1. Vy.@hlslltellnyy tswitr Slblrskc)gfc, otisianiya AN SSSR. 2. Chlen- korr6spordent AN SSSR (for G--Lgolyuk). ZISHAN. L.K..inzh.: MIKHKYLOV, A.P..tnzh.; HOSMO, L.V..inzh.; STAVITSKIT, A.Te.,Inzh. Grcmp nontrol of the excitation in hydraulic generators by means of a central regulator. Xlek.sta. ?9 no.11:34-37 N '58. (MIRA 11:12) (Electric generators) (Automatic control) BOEIROV 9 1. 1. 9 inzb.; DOLGOPOWV, V.M, , Inzh. I ZISMAN, L.M. , imb.; RAISEVICH, B, I., inzb.; IMMAYLOV, A-..P,,,-inzh. Recording frequency meter and power register device. Elek.sta. 32 no.9189-91 S 16).. (1.',IRA 14jlD) Frequency measu-om-.W; ectric power -Equipment and supplien) Z SHUPIKOV, 1I.A., gornyy inzh.; MIKHAYU)V, A.F., gornyy Inzli.; HUROV, gornyy Inzh. Steep Blopes In the Buur,lii pit. Gor. zhur. n o .'; 11 -@-- 1 @ 3'bl. (KIRA l6t7) 1. Diurdinikly rudnik, g. Frunzo Kirgiznk-y SSR. ( minirig) (Blitsting) MIKUYLOV, A. P., dotsent TransforamtIon of c(--)mF).ex exfr,@sslonr using a g-rid nomogram technique. Izv vys ucheb zav; ene-g 7 no. 1:35 40 a 164. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Leningradskiy Lel tllti,.yj ;ns@dtut imeni 6. M. Kirova. Predstavlena kafo, oy @llek*-rotekhn'ki. M- @ I-' % li, 1, , A ! ; r. ,. rl . . @- , ': "r. , , ; ... , ili V tA , r) M- . I... I v . . - - 'i - I I . 1 @ 0, . . ,t. !I , '. r.@ @ @- : - *: . @. .1 I , '. 1, , N , , r , , - 4 - . . I . ACC M AP6002623 SOURCE CODE: UR/0258/65/005/006/1087/1091 AUTHOR: Ctigolyuk, E. 1. (Novosibirsk); Mikhaylov, At Ps (RavosIbirsk) @ORG: none VU TrTLE: Flutter'of cylindrical sandwich shells .-SOURCE: Inzhenernyy zhurnal, v. 5, no. 6, 1965, 1087-1091 :-TOPIC TAGSf-sindwich shell'-flutter, cylindrical autdvich @hall, cylindrical shell cylindrica, L. shell C@etsbllttyof an elastic thin sandwich.shall In a S" flow Is ABSTRACT: The 44cussede LtAs assusod that, the aerodynamic pressure variation Is In accordance., or small-impli, of circilax cy@. %@":equatton f tud,e vibrations Awlindrical shells'. previously: derived b the,:Atithoi.(Izv.,-MSSSR,,Yakbaalk&LuashL-, y t -.nIye no i 6 --1964), @ an e A es' acenoint components. nos roy4 quation which Interrel t 'thot displi .and the box.ondary conditions. are used in analyzing the flutter behavior of the shell* The-@ ah411 laces. ar'i - 01Wly su'pportedg and there are neither circumferential. displace- mdots . nor. marldlonal @stresises - -:La - the shell. The, B.ubnov - method is used in determining the 1. vibration mod" @ and In evaluating the effect of the. tranaverse-shear rigidity of the core and of the geometrLit and mechanical shell parameters an the flutter speed of IthIe gas-flow past the shellS A formula for the critical (flutter) Mach number H f to derived, and the depthdance:of Mf on the rigidity parameters of the core and faces to Car4 1/2, - @UDC: 533.601.342 1. .. 0, 1 1 C.M - 212-1 - - . 1: , '. ANNATNT, R.O.; KAKATIV. S.; NIVIATU)V, A.R. Studying Nernst (Utingshausen) and Hall effects in two-couponent copper-nickel alloys. Izv.Al Turk.SSR no.5:3-8 156. (KLBA 9:12) 1. Institut fiziki i mofizik-I kkademii nank Turkmenskoy 33R. (Copper-nickel alloys) c. c:,-rs:-E-.t,-nqnzusen thermcimaSnetic effects in the system., ^,-ayev, G.I-Isnailov. Tnur7a; conductivity, thermoer-f and electrical conductivity of AISD, *;C (I . a . -f,:@ w;th sulfur. Ya. Agayev, A. R.-M.Khalilov. V-- - :--vestigacion of the galvanornagnetic properties of solid so'.uzions in the system In?-InAs. A. Allanazarov, Ya. Agayev. 1:4;czrica) and ga-1vanomagnetic properties of InSb in the rCS:GI o-. :n:r;nsic conductivity. 0. Mosanovi Ya. Agayev. k-r,--,2n@cd by Ya. Agayev--15 minutes). qepo:-. iresented at the 3rd Nlational Conference on Semiconductor Compounds, Kishinev, 16-21 Sept 1@63 -@@ - - 1 @@. - '; ACCESSION MR: AP4044252 S/OZOZ/64/000/004/0103/0105 AUTHOR: Agayev, Ya.. Mikhaylov, A. R. TITLE: Heat conductivity of AlSb monocryetals SOURCE: AN TurkmSSR. Izv. Ser. fiziko-tekhnicheakikh, khim. I geol. nauk, no. 4, 1964, 103-106 TOPIC TAGS: aluminum antimonide, semiconductor, monocrystal, heat conductivity ABSTRACT: Aluminum antimonide is a typical representative of semiconductors of the type A11113V. Although a number of papers have been written on its heat conductivity in a narrow range of temperatures, no study has been made of the heat conductivity and other kinetic effects of AlSb alloyed with sulfur. It has been shown that the presence of impurities generally decreases the heat conductivity of AlSb, and that the heat conductivity of AlSb decreases with increasing temperature. no authors investigated the trmperature dependence of the heat conductivity of pure monocrystals and AlSb and monocrystals of AISb alloyed with sulfur in the temperature range 120-620K. Ile heat conductivity was measured by the absolute method In a stationary heat field, as first described by Kh. 1. Amirkhanov (Izv. AN UzSM, 4, 39-59, 1949) and Improved by Ya. Agayev and A. R. Mlkhaylov (Izv. AN TOSR. No. 3, 1964). Measurement errors did not exceed 5-13%. Card 1/2 CACCESSION NR: AP4044252 The samples had a cylindrical form, 12-13 mm in diameter and 9- 10 mm in height. It was found that the heat conductivity depends mainly on the heat conductivity of the crystal lattice, and that sulfur admixture has little effect. In the temperature range 170-620K the change in heat conductivity conforms to the law x-*Fl; below 170K, this relationship is less regular. "In conclusion, the authors thank M.S. Mirgalovskaya and 1. A. Strel' nil-cova for kindly furnishing the samples, as well as Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences L. S - Stil'bans, A. V. Petrov and Kh. M. Kullyev for making It possible to carry out control measurements at the Institut poluprovodnikov AN SSSR (Institute of Semiconductors, AN SSSR)". Orig. art. hasz. 2 formulas and 2 figures. ASSOCIATION: Fizico-Lekhnichesirdy institut AN Turkmenskoy 6SR (PhyBicotechnical Institute, AN Turkmen 6SR). SUBMITTE D: 26DecG3 ENCL- 00 SUB CODE: 7D# IC NO RE F SGV: 007 071TER: 001 CardZ/2 MIKHAILOV, A.S., kapitan Work practices of experienced specialists. Vest.protivovozd.obor. no,2:64-67 F 161, (MIRA 14Q) (Radiotelegraph) ZHUKOV, A. V.; MIKHAYLOV, A. S.[deceased]; NIKULIN, V. M.; RKDIN, N. S. Using the method of coimentional accounting units for measuring labor productivity in refractorv enterprises. Tnidy Voat. inst. ogneup. no.2,.170-179 '60. (MIRA 16:1) (Refractorias industiy-labor productivity) MIKHAnOV, A.S.; TAZIBA, M.M. Experimental determination of the reduced moment of inertia of the moving parts of an engine. TRUDY TSNIDI no.39:3-7 IbO. (NaRA 15:8) (Diesel engines) (Moments of inertin) MIKPATLOV, A.S. Investigating the effect of thermal insulation of -! p1qton crovn on its thermal state and performance at heavy pr"ssure cnstrging. Trudy TSHIDI no.37:22-51 161. (YdRA 1518) (Menol onginos) (Pistono) KARYAGIIJ, I.P.; mlyliAYLOV, i,5. Fourth Plenum of the Main Aaministration of ti,e Scientific and Technical Society of Ue i,ower Industry. Prom. en@-rg. 18 no.8: 55-56 Ag ',"J. (141T,'t 16:9) (Powcr AUTHOR: I kha, 006 AD 6/ A V, I TITIE: A metnod of argon-arc welding titanium with alum'num SOURCE- 3hornik izobretenty: nvarochnaya tekhnika. Kom. po deLam Izohr. i otkrytiy. Moscow, Tsentr. byuro tekhn. Inform.l( ')61, 42. (Authors's Certifirato no. 1,-10881, cl. -,)In, JO 12 ; no. Y15464 of March P,,, TEXT: in the proposed methcxi titanium Is welded to alu-ninum without a filler metal. The welding arc is displaced from the weld towar,d the titanium side and only the aluminum is allowed to melt. An argon-are welding torch with tungsten electrode is used: it is Pquipped with a tip for the argon supply to the cooling welded joint in orde t., protect the heated metal against inter- action with air. A 2opper or steel backing plate with a groove should be used to assure the formation of the lower scam surface. The weld should be placed In a shielding gas medium. Mplting of titanium can not be admitted, as it leads to the formation of an intermetallic compound and to brittleness. Welding is Card 112 s/86c,/61/coo/'Ix,c/c,c i/c, @, A method of argon-arc welding titanium with aluminum Aoo6/AIO1 performed on d-c of reverse polarity (;)Ius on tiie electrode) . The gaps between the edges to be welded should not exceed 0.2 - 0.3 mm. The method is recommended to be introduced in the Leningrad sovnarkhoz. Card 212 VZMWVTSEV, E.V.; PROMMSHKO, K.K.; MIK&YLOV. A.S. Affect of the speed of pouring on the quality of steel ingots. Yop.proizv.stali no.7:74-81 '60. (MIRA 13:8) (Steel Ingots) (Metallurgical planta-40iality control) PROKHORFINKO, K.K.; VERKHOVTSEV, E.T.; KONYUKH, V.Ya.; MIKHAYIDV, A.S. Slag conditions in the scrap process of steel malting. Vap.proisve, atali no.8-.78-87 14. (Mn- 14.-6) (Steel-Metallurgy) (Slag) 5/129/62/000/004/008/010 ZIP C, E027/EI35 AUTHuRS M.Lkh " I o Engineer, and Krylov, B.S. , Engineer TITLE: :siisceptibiliLy of welded joints in titanium alloys to delayed cr.-.xciiing I@LZZILPDICAL.: Metallovedeniye i terr.@Icklesliaya obrabotka metallov, nE).4, 11)6@-', 40-53 TEXT The reasoris tor (jelayed cracking in welded joints of titanium alloys werr- !@tuiiied. A constant-load berid test was used. Ireliminary exj,t@ r ime tits showed that loading to 6U*,. or 1.10% of the yield stress in the outer fibres had no effect on the time to fracttire and further expetinierits were carripri out using 8o% of Lhe yield stress tor tne initial loading. If the specimens OV (lid riot break after a curL,iin tItTle t.he Joad was increased every day. Pre-heatiiig to 65 oC for 6 hokirs had no effect on cracking and the tests were carried out at room temperature. Th e ina t (:, r i a I r, e x a iii i n e d w P r e 4 1 ng I e a 1 1) 11 a 1,11. 1 ti e a I I o y .9 , B T I ( VT I -@ T 5 ( VT 5 ) a 11 d Ti A 13 S 11 11 , a n d a n a I pf i a - b e t a pi i a s r A I I o y 0 -T' OT4 After vacuum annealing the alloys contained 0.00025o H2- Batches Card 1/3 '-)/I ,,)/0;-,/oOo/0 Wt/ ooh/o I o Susceptibility of' welded joints ... E027/E135 W I t It t I ie fo I I OW I I I @g li@'t I I-():' n t: orl I v 11 L .1i we re pre po re d b y the rma 1 I ng 0. 00' L) 10 (1 . 0 3 () it nd0Wiy t r I I)s 0 9 jam L Ii i c k w e r e hit t t w e I d e d it s I ny, it r F, o nit r c pr- o c e t III r e w i t It no filler metal. The spec-imons were ii min %vide and 60 inm long. The susceptibility to crackiiiv, incr-(-@tsed with inCremb.1rig hydrogen content. The time for crackiny, varied with hydrogen content from 6 to 40 dilys. All the alloys 5howed a coiirse acicular structure in the wel,!Pd joints. At 0.03)0'. If.) dark iriclusiozj.-:i ot titanium hvdride could be observed in the VTI, VT5 and OT4 alloys. No t.Ltariixim hydri(io could he found in TiAI36Till. The t itanium hytiride was I-inely di-sLr1hi,t,-d In tne weltl(-d joint and coarsely ,listributed away from th(- Jif-It -iiferted Zone. Hytirogen appearFi to be responsible for cracking tinder constant beiiding. III titanium itIloys the followin,, processes associated with diftusion of hyGrogen can occur at room temperature: 1) the precipitation of hyaride can uccur; 2) tiydroger, can be redistributed between the phases. Precipitation of hydride at grain bouiidaries and along certain crystal logra phic directionm causes loss of ductility. Cracking is due to: i) the above mentioned loss of Card 2/3 Suscept ibi lity of welded joints S/129/02/000/0oVo08/olo 9027/EI35 ductility; i I ) St rf-SS concentro t I ons it t hydr I (I e prec I I) itate a i.i.i ) we I (I in g therma I stre-@-;.,ies .6low cooling after welding promo ted cr,-Lck ing -Aitic k- I.irger hytir i tic prec ipi tat es were I urme(i at grain hounda r ies In Ti,%l3SnlI hydi-oFen prob a b I y segre6ated to lattice delects. Nitrogen and oxygen increased the susceptibility to crack- ing by rendering the metals less ductile. The heat affected zone was the most susceptible part of t.-Le welde@l joint. There are 3 figures and 2 tables. Card 3/3 ACCESSION NR: AT4007034 S/2598/63/000/010/0144/0150 AUTHOR: Mikhaylov, A. S.; Kry*lov, B. S. TITLE: Effect of hydrogen on the tendency of titanium alloys to delayed fracture SOURCE: AN SSSR. Institut metailurgii. Titan I yego splavy*, no. 10, )963. Issledovanlya titanovy*kh splavov, 144-150 TOPIC TAGS: titanium alloy, VT-5-1 titanium alloy, TiAl sub 4 Sn sub 6 Cu sub 2 alloy. OT-4 titanium alloy, VT-4 titanium alloy, OT-4-2 titanium alloy, AT-4 titanium alloy, VT-6 titanium alloy, VT-14 titanium alloy, titanium alloy strength. titanium alloy ductility, titanium alloy delayed cracking, titanium alloy hydro- gen content, titanium alloy weld strength, titanium alloy weld ductility, weld delayed fracture ABSTRACT: The present work was carried out because no data are available on the tendency to delayed cracking in Ti alloys. Delayed cracking was st'@dica on un- welded and welded specimens by the method of prolonged bending. Three modifica- tions of this method were tested. in the first the bending produced stresses in the external fibers of the specimen equal to 0.6 times the modulus of elasticity during bending. In the 2 other modifications, the intiial bending produced stres- ses In the external fibers equal to 0.5 times the modulus of elasticity, the Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AT4oO7O34 stress being increased every 24 hours by 0.1 mm in the second modification and by 0.2 mm in the third. The second and third modifications proved more sensitive. The relationship between delayed cracking and the H content was investigated after vacuum annealing, when the H content dropped below 0.0020%, and after saturation with H up to 0.005-0-03%. Saturation with H was carried out by the therraodiffusion method at 700C. It was proved that an increase in the H content may cause delayed cracking. The resistance to cracking of the welded specimens was generally lower than that of the basic alloy. only In the VT-14 and T-4 alloys was this resis- tance higher for the welded specimens than for the basic metal. All alloys test- ed of the a and a + 0 structures showed delayed cracking above a critical H con- tent, depending on the presence of the hydride phase of Ti. It was found that de- layed cracking of the alloys VT-5-1, TIAIl4Sn6Cu2, OT-4 and VT-14, used for weld- ed construction, can be predicted by reducing the H content of these alloys be- low 0.015%. Orig. art. has: 2 figures and 3 tables. ASSOCIATION: INSTITUT METALLURGII AN SSSR (Institute of Metallurgy AN SSSR) SUBMITTED: 00 DATE ACQ: 27Dec63 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: ML NO REF SOV: 002 OTHER: 003 Card 2/2 &,'i:,JV, b.b. (L.-ilirigrad); A.b. (Lenlirigrad,' j@ffect of hydrogen ori thu teridency of tl taniLm &llo-l-e rc it , i I;racking. 1,7,v, All, @ o@l. jA@ ie,.,h. i,@@,k. 4 1. - 1 .1 .Ja-F 76J. t - . I @C, 'ent I MIKHATLOI. A.S.; KitYLOV, @.S. I - - .. a . . c .3 1., @ I: I-. . aj'P- I Ef Cec t ( :' :. ., @,- ,,eri (,,. -,e:iLiency -:' -- J *a - , - @nivkillj!. TII-Iri I lip't 1" Irivy " ). ( ".1 : @A i '," -I ) MIMAYLOV imh.; A.--:., lnzh. deld i rig of t 1, t:@ rd um al I oy@@ L,) (- ol i proizv. nc.8:1-3 Ag 165. HM L 25461-66 EWP(k)/tk(d)AWT(m)/EWP(h)/T/EWP(I)ZEWP(4)/EWP(t) J ACC M AP6022219 SOURCE CODE: UR/0423/66/000/006/0055/0055 22 INVENTOR: Kopelevich, S. 1(h.; 111khaylovi A. S.; Tumanoydi To. A, ORGI none TITLE., A manipulator for making annular weld joints. Class 21, No. 179864 SOURCE: Izobretenly promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 6, 1966, 55 TOPIC TAGS: welding equipment, welding ABSTRACT., This Author's Certificate Introduces a manipulator for making annular weld joints. The device contains a base with two stands and a frame placed on the axes of these stands for holding the article to be welded. The unit Is designed for welding annular joints in toroidal tanks made up of separate curved tubular sections. In the center of the base is a curv d collapsible rotating tube with hoses passing through it. This tube is connected to a carriage for holding the welding head so that the tank may be rotated through more than one revolution during welding* UDC.- 621.791.039-462 .71 Card 1/2 ACC NRs. -.-uuaac.Lv 1"collaps Ibis: tUbe 2-kcs4s; 3-cam - rIM, 1"tank bli L SUB CODE JL3/, SUIN bAIM I l3Nav6l$/ ORIG REFs 000/ OfH REFt OW Card 2/2 ACC NR. SO URCE CODE: UR /0413/66/000/012/001W0062 AP6021798 Q_@] LVENTORS: Kikhaylov, A. S.; Oleshchuk, M. F.; SloniLwkiy, Ye. V.; MaGn' tsk-'y, 3. N. ORG: none TITLF: A chamber t'.r hand wb'-ding in a controlled atmosphere. Class 21, No. 182810 SOURM Izobreteriya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 12, 1966, 62 TOPIC TAGS: weldirg, metal welding, welding equipment, welding tochnolocy ABSTYLACT: This Autlaor Certificate preren+.3 a chamber for hand 1/rAding of chotvdcally active materials in a controlled atmosphere. The chamber consists of a casing with a lid (see Fig. 1). To provide for turning the welded product iz.@,o a position (necessitated by the technical requirements and the shape of the object) without opening the lid, the chamber is provided with a mechanism for turning the welded ob- ject horizontally, and also with a mechanism for turning the casing through a certain angle in respect to the vertical axis. f ,L Card 1/2 UDC: 621.791.753.9. 9. ACC NR, AP6021798 1 - casing of the chamber; 2 - holders; 3 - hand-operated reducer; 4 - worm axle; 6 handle gear sector; 5 Orig. art. hass 1 figure. SUB COLE; 131 SUBM DATEs 2IKay64 Card 2/2 AQTEURi SCV,'-1? -5 1 -r, 14 TITLEt Some Charactjristic Features of the U'eoche@,,iatry of Molybdenum in the Soils of Central Kazakhstan (Nekcjtcjryye osobc-nnosti geo- khimii molibdena v iochvnkh Tsentral'nogo Kazakhstana) PERIuDICAL: Geokhiajiya, 1959, Nr 59 PP 02 - 436 (USSR) 2 ABSTRACT: In lugust-September 1953japproximately 20(i km of the granite intrusion re,-ion of 3okhta, 80 km in the east of t@ie town of Karksralinsk, Central Kazakhstan, were invest4jated ritli re- spect to aureoles of tiolybdenum. The results are entered as isoconcentration lines into a map 1:100000 (Fig 1). A part of the region was investi,rsted again in Jane-July 1936 and con- sideral@le deviations vere found. It is imponsibl r- t'',at t@.,@se deviations are cau-ced only by meas,ring. crr,.,rs -rr-fale r'ig 2). Tl-.e investi6ation :-,howed that tie uz.-er part of tht- relief contains only a small quantity of molybdc:num-, a @ ro x i:-a t e'@' 5;-', of the total ,iantity, vallt:ys and othcr nepative for-.ns of the relief contaia _p to 1OMj of t-e total .iantity (up to 0.01a,', Mo). Slopes have a centra.' position. Moljbderum ozcurs Oard 1/2 I in soluble form; the content and the distrib,tion de-:end on I Some Characttristic Fcatures of the 3eoche:7.istry 3L7/7 -51 @ - 5 - :l: , / 14- of l4olybdenum in Vie Suils of Ctr@tral Kazakhstan the precipilatioTt. Thi rc are 2 fi,,urps and 7 Sov@.-t rt:fer- (:ncE.s . ASSOCIATION: Tnuntr3l'naja Kazakhst-tinknja i@eufizic!,esl@aja (C,@iitral Kazakhstan @eophy.-@ical Expe(lition) SUBMITTED: Oc*ober ?0, 1'f5) Card 212 MlKffAYLCYV, A.S. Experimental studies of electrochemical oxidation and solving of molybdenum. Geokhimiia no.9:818-825 162. (MIRA 15:11'j 1. Siberian Scientific Research Institute of Geology, Geophysics and 1,11ineral Raw Materials. - (Molybdenum) (Oxidation, Electrolytic) KIKHAYLOV, A.S. Formation ol 463,ybden"m containing iron hydroxides. Geo- khimiia no.10:425-928 162. (MIRA 16:4) (Ko3ybdonum) (Iron hydroxides) MIKHAYLOV., A.S. formation of the 41.0s of dispersion of colybdeam and we estimation of their potential.' Trudy SNIIGGI145 no.25t287-19,4 162. (WI-4 1634) (Molybdenum) (Geochomistry) m I n WE, - A Jx , Geochemistry of molybdenum Ln an oxidaticn zone. Ge-AhimilLs no.ilill7l- U81 N 064. (YTRA 18:8) MIKHAYLOV, A.S. Trace elements and the problem of trace-element fertilizer in Western Siberia. Siul. nauch.-tekh. inform VIM no.2:17-22 163. (MIRA 1F: 2) 1. Sibirskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy linstitut geologil, geofiziki i rminerallnogo sy-rlya. @,: r _- - .,--. -. . . - . r, '. (, ,, I, U r .. - - A. .. . - . I I I I .-. . I I BAKUMENKO, S.P., inzh.; 14IKHAYLOV, A.S., Inzh.; TOLKACHEV, A.F., inah. Double tapered Ingota, Stall 24 no.12olIlO-1112 D 164, (MIRA 18:2) 1. Ishevskiy metallurgicheskiy zavod. tan t a LUM'@ Cowc, x ar man we ;i, A -1@@ Zc*f. W MA! T-7-, Bob Iced-., t a urels'occurridj s:t.ty 41, Kho an gird .:T 16 t @@Ct' a 1,@ t tic pp6v alldy t -6 rue t Ut'e-i;..:.4 'Xt; cf, u -'cf P'p o.r. Te -M .1 q@ CM A J.;- H, MIKHAYLOV, Aleksandr Timofeyevich; KUZHELEV, N.S., nauchnyy red.; BRAILOVSKIY, V.A., red. isd-va; GURDZHIYEVA, A.M., tekhn. red. [Proportion in production and how to achieve it under socialism and communiam]Proportsionallnost' proizvoatva i sposob ee do- stizheniia pri sotsializme i kommunizze. Leningrad, Ob-vo po rasprostranenilu polit. i naucnh. znanli RSFSR, 1962. 58 p. (MIRA 16: 1) (Fbassia-Economic policy) KTKHA V. A.V., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk, laureat Stalinakoy premli. .@, (Head-gate systems for filling navigation locks and their calculationj Golovaye sistemy pitaniia sudokhodnykh shchliusov i ikh raschet. Mosicva, Izd-vo Kinioterstva rechnogo flota SSSR, 1951. 171 p. (MLRA 7:4) (Locks (Hydraulic engineering) MIKHAYUS,A.Y., kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk. laureat Stalinskoy premli; inzhener, redaktor; SAFOROV.F.V., redaktor; FMON. M.N., tekhnicheskiy redak-tor [Boat locks] Sudokhodnye shliuay. Moskva, Goe.izd-vo lit-ry po stroitelletvu. i arkhitekture, 1955. 383 P. (MMA 9:1) (Locks (Hydraulic engineering)) MIKHAYLOV.A.V., kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk; KkLKYK(N,V.T., inzhener Placing concrete on foundation tops in frozen ground. Bet. i zhel. no.6:207-210 5 155. (KIBA 8:9) (Concrete construction--Cold weather conditions) A GAP OV. D.S.; ARTIBILOV. B.N.; VIKTOROV. A.H.1 GINTS, A.B.; GORIKOV, A.Y.; GUSYATINSKIY, N.A.; KARPOT. A.S.; KOLN. I.I.1 KOKMVSKIT, T.T.; KaRTAGIN. A.I.; KRIVSKIY. N.V., KRATNOV. A.G.; EMST11ROVA, I.N.: OBJIS, L.S.. kandidat telchnichaskikh nauir; SOSHOVLKOV, K.S.; SUKHOT- SKIT. S.F.; CHLANOV. G.O.; TUSOV, S.K.; ZHUK, S.Ta.. skadamik. glarn-7 redaktor; KOSTROV. I-N.. re4aktor; BAROURNKOV. A.V.. profosr-r. doktor takhnichaskikh nalik. redaktor; KIRZHUIR. D.N.. profoosor. doktor takhnichookikh nauk. redaktor; SHZSHKO. Ya.F.. professor. d,,ktor tekhnichaskikh naLik, redaktor; AMIN, N.D., inshaner, radaktor Cdaceased); GORIKOV. A.T.. inzhener, radaktor; KOK&UV6KIT, V.T.. inzhener, redaktor; ROGOVSKIT, L.V.. inzheaer, redaktrr; SHAPOVALOV, T.L. inshener, redaktor; RUSSO, G.A.. kandidat tekhnichaekikh nauk, redaktor; YILIXOHOV. N.A.. inzhener, redaktor; VOLKOV, L.N.. inzhenmr. redaktor; GRISHIN. N.N., professor. doictor takhnichaskikh nauk. redak-- tor; ZHURIB. V.D., professor, doktor talrbLnicheakikh nauk. redaktor; LIXHACEUAV. V.P., inzhener, redaktor; KOMEV. V-X-, kandidat tmkhat- cheskikh nauk. reda ktor- H111HATWV, A.V.. kandidat takhn1':@hesktki3 nauk. redaktor; PSTROV. G.D., lazhener. reaarr5r; RAZIN. N.Y.. radektor-. SQBOIAV. V.P., inzhener. redaktor. YXRINGa, B.P.. inehener. radaw, r, TSTPIAKOV. V.D., insheaer. redektor; ISAYEV. N.Y.. radaktor; T13TROVA, O.N.. redaktor; SXVCRTSOV. I.K.. tekhnicheakiy redaktor [?he Volga-Don Canal; technical report on the construction of the Volga-Don Canal, the TSinlyeaskaya tWdro development and irrieation works (1949-1952); in five volumes] Volgo-Don; taichnicheskit otihet (continued on next card)