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MIKHAYLOVA, I.G.; KKNAROKOVA, L.I. Studying the regeneratlys ability of uterine walls In white rats. Vast. ZOU 15 no.9:122-125 060. (MIRA 13:4) (UTERUS) (RIGINERATIOR (BIOLOGY)) Rtmyump I*qj. ASTAFIYEVA, L.A, EgporimntaLly induced inflammiation in the placenta of white rats Vest.IAU 15 no,21,n3-118 160. (Mcenta) (Inflammiation) (Phagocytosis) ,-14IKHAYLOVA9 I.G.; FRA;DNIKOVv le.V. (4~- Regenerative poosibilities of the placentp-in white rate and white mice. Arkh. anat. gistA embr. 38 no.1:31&37 J& 160. (MIRA 13:7) 1. Kafedra, embriologii (sav. - prof.B.P.Tokin) Leningradskogo gosudar- stvennogo universitets. im. A.A. Zhdanova. Adres avtorov: Leningrad. Universitet. Biologopochvennyy fakul-ftet. Kafedra embriologii. (PIACENt4 (REGEENZIMON (BIOLOGY)) Role of the symaytial trophoblast of the placenta of a vhits rat in regenerative proceeseso Bauch. dokl. vym, shkoly; biol. rouki no, 104-57 161, (KMA 3-4:2) lo Rokmendovans. kafedray. embrinlog" IAniwadskogo gosudaretvennogo unioveroiteta in, A,A, Zbdan4mm, (TROPHOBIAST) (REGERRATION (BIOWGT)) HIUIAnOVAq I.G.; PRAZDNIKOV, Ye.V. Morphological reactivity of mantle tissues in Mytilus edulis L. Trudy MMBI no.3sl25-130 161.- (MIRA 15s3) 1' Laboratoriya sravnitellnoy i eksperimentallnoy embriologii (;av. -B.P.Tokin) Murmanskogo morskogo biologicheskogo institute. (Lamenibranchiata)(Inflammation)(Phagocytosis) PRAZDNIKOV) Ye.Vj GROKHOLISKIY, 9.A.1 KMAYLOVA, I.G. I Characteristics of "optic inflomation in the skin of white rate following repeated resectlonse Vest,I&V 16 no~9t24O-UA 161* (MIRA 11+15) (SKIN--IM?IAMTION) MIKHAYLOVA, I G.- FRAZDITIKOV, Ye.V. - Morphological changes in the placental tissues of the white rat following local freezing. Dokl. AN SSSR 136 no. 3:709-711 Ja 161. (MIM 14f2) 1. Leningradskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni A.A. Zhdanova. Predatavleno akademikom N.N. Anichkovym. (PIACENTA) (COLD-PITYSIOLOGICAL EFFECT) MIKHAYLOVA I.G. Response of placental tissues in albino mice to the introduction of an infected alien body. Nauch. dokl, vys. shkoly; biol nauki no.2: 68-71 162. iMIRA 15:5) 1. Rekomendovana laboratoriyey oravnitollnoy i eksperimentallnoy embriologii Mlu"mamko o morskogo biologichoskogo instituta AN SSSR. (PLACENTAI (IMMUNITY) HIMUYLOVA, I.G.; HWDNIKOV, Ye.V. Inflamatory reactions in mussels (Hytilus edulim L.) of tho Barents ba. Trudy NMI no.4:208-220 162. (MIU 15:11) 1. Laboratoriya oravnitelluoy i eksperimentallnoy embriologii (sav. - B.P. Tokin) Hurmanskogo morskogo biologicheskiy institut. (Barents Sea-Mussels) (Inflamation) HWDNIKOVp -Ye,V,; MIKHAYLOVA, I Maracteristics of early inflammatory reactions in Boas Coelenterata (Staurophora merterwii Brandt,, 1835j, Surelia aurita L,, Ber" cucumis Fabr.). Trudy MMBI no-4:221-228 162. (MIM 15:32) 1. Laboratoriya sravnitel'~Oy i eksperimentallnoy embriologii (zav. - B.P. Tokin) Murmanak4*o morskogo biologicheskogo instituta. (Coelenterata) (Inflammation) KIDUYLOVA. I.G. (Murmansk); PRAZDNIKOV, Ye.V. (Murmansk) *Elmotron microscope studies of semml and somatic cells" bir I.B.'?dkin. Reviewed by I.G.Mikhailova, E.V.Prazdnikov. Vest. IZU 17 no.15:ij.6-ng 62. (KRA 15:8) (CELLS) (ELECTRON MICROSCOPY) (TOKIN, I.B.) PRAZDNIKOV, Yf,.V.; fjLK~qL.OV.A,-J.G. Morphological reactivity of the tissues of the mussel mantle in some stages of ontogenesis; materials on the problem of exbrycnic immunity. Trudy MMBI no.5:194-225 164. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Laboratoriya sravnitellnoy i eksperimentallnoy embriologii (zav. - B.P.Takin) Murmanskogo morskogo biologicheskogo instituta. FELAZDNIKOV, Ye.V.; FISHKOVA, E.S.; CHENTSOV, B.V.; MHAYIA)VA, I.G. - Antimicrobial properties of the inflammation focus of the mussel. mantle. Trudy KffiI no.5:232-243 164. (MIFA 17:4) 1. Laboratoriya sravnitellnoy i eksperimentallnoy embriologii Nav. - B.P.Tokin) Murmanskogo morskogo biologicheskogo instituta. Mlig1kYLOVA, T.G.; PRAZDNIKOV, Ya.V.; PRU:7.VICH, T.O. MorphologJcal changv-,- In fl:3h tisnues around the larva". (if' ,Ir,.m,3 parasitic worms. Trudy *01 no.-f,:251-264 '64. (M-11U 1_. raboratoriya srevnitellac-i ', ek.-~perimcntallnoy cabriologit (?.av. - i3a.,rokin) lk~jrmanjkopo morakogc t1clogichnsko'go iratitian. PRAZDNIKOV, Ye.V.; MIFJIAYLOVA, I.G.; UPPOVA, Ye.S. Methodology for the establishment of the antibiotic activity of an Inflammatory focus in man. Antibictiki 9 no.7:614-616 Jl 164. (MIRA 18:3) 1. Kafedra embriologii (zav. - prof. B.P. Tokin) Leningradskogo universiteta. PRAZDNIKOV, YO.V.; MIKHAYLGV.~Y, *'I.(;.. .- .1 --- ------ - Somo protective ti3sue :-eacliuno of UP oil p.Jnk salmon, DokI. 21 SSSR 164 no,5:110/4--1196 0 165, (KRA 3.8:10) 1. Muzmanskiy morskoy bicloptchoskly institut Kollvkcgo filiala im. S.M.Kirova AN SSSR. Submit.tod Decembor 7, 1964. KI-7~1tTLTIA, 1. 1- Exl:erlence with advEinced ir,-3thodn nt tim hercr mill. ~'ooakva, Gon. nivichnotakhm. lzd- vo le-;,ol trimyshl-, 1950. 22 j.. (Ot.!ren reredwym ojytor!~) (52-~8010~5) I TS175, - 245 KL'YYER, N.P.; MIKHAYLOVA, I.L. ; SAZONOVA, I.S. Ghemical adaorTtion of gases or, tit-anium diozide and its so.14d .5olutions having different electric properties. Kiri.i kat. 5 ric.6:1086-.1094 14-D 164. (MIRfi 1-80) 1. Institut kataliza Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR. MIKHAYLOVA, I.L.; SAZOI;OVA, I.S.; KEY)FER, N.P. 1- -1-11, 11 . I Oxidation of carbon monoxide on titanium dioxide anA -,t-z SCI-id solutions with tungsten and iron oxides. Kin. i k-at. 6 n-,.4:704- 709 Jl-Ag 165. (,,.IIFLA 18:01) 1. Institut kataliza Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR. Profilaktika i lechenlye srortivnykh povre~,hdeniy (Prophylaxis ani melical treaUnent of athletic injuries, by) ~. 11. Landa (and) 1. 1-1. Ylikhavlova. Leningrad, "Fizkulltura J Sport", 1953. 285 P. illus., diagrs. "Literatura": r.. 281 - (286) SO: N15 644.8 J2 L 54955-65 EW (1) /EWA (J)LEWkCbja~Z_ Rn/BW/JK ACCESSION NR: APS014293 UR/0016/65/000/006/0101/0105 576.851.553.094.093.3 AUTHOR: MikhL --mlova : 1. M. ,TITLE: C1. botulinwn F. lReport I: Morphology and.cultural properties SOURCE-. Zhurnal mikrobilgii, epidemiologil i immunobiologii, no. 6, 1965. 101-105 TOPIC TAGS: Clostridium botulinum, botulism, botulinium toxin, bacteriological culture ABSTRACT: C1. botuZinum F was first isolated in Denmaric in 1958 from 5 persons who, became sick after eating a meat pie. The clinical symptoms were typical of botu- ilism, but the causative agent was none of the familiar types (A, B, C, D, E). Al- though no cases of disease caused by this type have been reported, the author studied it because of the need to prepare sera against all types of botulism. C1. botulinum F is a short rod with peritrichous flagella. It forms spores, is Gram- positive and grows under strictly anaerobic conditions on either liquid or solid nutrient media, releasing a large quantity of gas. Colonies on liver agar have a jCard 112 L 5493343 iACCESSION MR: AP5014293 smooth margin, while those on blood-sugar agar are stellate. The microbe releases a hemolysin foT~human red cells. The toxin of C1. botulinwn r partly resembles that of type E, but is not antigenically related to the toxins of types A, B, C and D. Spore formation is accelerated by high temperature (24 hours at 370) but slowed by lower temperature (4-5 days at 180). Steam under pressure at 1100 for 10 rrdnutes kills both the spore and non-spore forms of the microbe. Orig. art. has: 3 tables. L 14060-66 WMAWA-6 9 Ro AW MKI SOURCE CODEs UR/0016/65/000/010/0039/ 043 AUTHOR: Nikhaylova, 1. M. ORG: Moscow Institute of Vaccines and Sera im._ff2chD1kqYa Moskovskly institut vaktzin i syvorotok) TITLE: Cl. botullnum- Repor', II. Biochemical properties. A study of toxin and toxoid formation SOURCE: Zhurnalmikrobiologii, epidemiologii i immunobiologii, no. 10, 1965, 39-43 TOPIC TAGS: Clostridium, microbiology, toxicology ABSTRACT: Type F. Cl. botulinum possesses marked proteolytic properties. It active- ly digests forcitmeat and egg white, coagulates milk, liquifles gelatin, and releas-: es hydrogen sulfide. The organism possesses saccharolytic properties. It forms acid and gas in the fermentation of glucose, arabinose, galactose, xylose, levulose.'_ rhamnos.e, raffinose, isodulcite, mannite, salicin, sorbite, and starch. Toxin formation Is greatest In liver broth with boiled forcemeat (the strength of the tox- 'in was 7000 Dim in I ml on the 7th day of cultivation). Optimum grow h temperature .576.851.553.097.29 Card 1/2, L 14o6o-66 ACC MR: AP6003599 ;is 280. Type FIbotullnus toxin Is heat labile. Storage in a refrigerator at 40 for 3 months completely inactivates it, elevation of the storage temperature hast- ens markedly the destruction ofthe toxin. The use of 0.2-0.8% formaldehyde at 370 changes the toxin into toxo1d. which is safe and Immunogenic for animals. Orig. Art. has: 2 figures, I table. SUB CODE: OG/ SUBM DATE: 07Feb64/ ORIG EMF: 004/ OTH REF: 012 Card 2/2 7 KLYA-.LUG. U.S.; Results of investigating a i'=fecti!=us. r~esc ogenic, and immunogeaia properties of dry preparations of living attenuated parotitis vacclue. Zhur.mikrobiol.opid. I immun. 28 no-7-69-74 Jl 157. (MIRA 10:10) 1. Iz leningredskogo institute imeni Posters. OWMPS. Immunology, vaccine, infect., reactogenic & immunogenic properties of dry prop. of living attenuated vaccine (Run)) (T,,ntJ! orl Ortto I -er L,,51)) -L-., I' in" r-d A'."(1-1my of MInMLOVA, I.M. Clostridium, botulinum. F. Report No.2: Biochemical properties, Study on toxin and anatoxin formation, Zhur.mikrobiol., epid* i immun. 42 no.1009-43 0 165. (mum 18: 11) lo Mookovskiy institut vaktsin i syvorotok imeni Mechnikova. Submitted September 7, 1964. KVYATKOVSKAYA, A.N.; KAYEOVA, A.S.; MIKHAYLOVA, I.N. Disordero of tyrosin metaboliom in coLlagen diseaseis. % t H .1. por 10 Terap.arkh. no.7t58-65 JI 162. (MIRA 15:8) 1, Iz kliniko-biokhimichookoy laboratorii (sav, - prof, AeNs Kvyatkovskaya) Instituta revmatizma AMI SSSR (dir. - deyetvitell- n7y chlen AMI SSSR prof. A.I. Westerov). (COLLAGMI DISEASES) (TYROSIN IN THE BODr) SIGIDIN, Ya.A., kand. med. narLI3 MTHHAYLOVA, T.N.,, kand. med. nauk (Moskva) Rewiew cf the book "C4,11ager, d1seases and rheumat-la faTee; "Trudy" of the First Moscow f4edloal Institute vol.13,, 1962. V-,P. reym. 2 no.4890-92 0-062 WIRA 1734) BIBIKOVAP T.I.; SIGIDIN, Ya.A.; MIKHAYIDVA, I.N.; KULESHO", Z.S.; MBAYEVA, L.V. HoroDne and drug therapy in rheumatic carditis. VOP reym, 1 no.203-39 AP-Je 161. (MIRA 16:4) 1. Is Gosudarstvennogo nauchno-iseledovateltakogo inatituta revantizza. (dir. - deyetvitellnyy chlen AMN SSSR prof. A.I. Nesterov) Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya RSFSR. (RHEUMATIC HEART DISEASE) (HORMONE THFRAFr) (CHEMOTHERAPr) A"Ool-Op &M4/ Physics - Ceramic strength IA. Pub. Id4 - 6/14 dim Authors i Polyakoval,, R. L. and Mikhaylovas 1. P. with h clay content Utle o Mechanical strength of ceramics Periodical i Stek. i ker. U/3 16-19,,Mar 1954, Abstract A study to made of the making of ceramic parts for various purposesp including,.the Insulating parts of spark plugs* It to found that, the larger the amount of crystallization of the material used# and the smaller the amount of the amorphous part remainingg the greater the strength,, and that this end is using a larger percentage of clay in the mixture and raising the temperature of firing. Figures are presented to prove these findings. One Russian reference; 1942. Graphs; tables. institution: -Submitted: aRAuRRMN. L.A.. kand.tekhn.nauk.-,. 14IKWWVA, I.V. - SLIZOVSKIT, I.M.. Insb. Intensifying the operation of basic equipment of rargarine wtions. Khal.-shir.prom. 25 no.4:28-29 '59. OGRA 12:-6) 1. Vs~soyu,zM7 nauchno-lealedovatel'skly Institut zhirov (for Grauerwn K~klhaylova). 2. Treat "Inargonaladka* (for Slizovekty). toll industries-Squipment and supplies) (Oleomargarine) GRAUMAN, L.A., kand.takhn.nauk; MIKKAYLOVA, J.V. Use of extrusion-type coolers In the Usnufacture of margarine. Hanle-shlrepron, 25 no.12:30-32* 159. MBA 13:4) 1, Teesoyusnyy nauchno-inaledovatellskiy institut shirov. (oleomargarine) ICKOLIOVA, M. P. W-KA A YI.-CY-f A I Y-,,. - O'"A's-!YA, C cArpp-rative, --tudy of' in .? whi to-- ra ~s Fa rm. --' t lkz3 . 29 n , .3 '3124- (direktar l-.Zhe!eAav') eridgrilologill- I mlk-robiologil -'.Range3rwa), Sofiy-a. ACC NR, AP02911~6 30114(,N, T.,tl/ool6/65/000/011/0667/0673~ YU,; MI-03.0va, 11, Stoyanov, D. 11. --C*/ AUTOR-. Ltldiaylova, 1w Z13 "j- -,; 1 d ORG: 11odlainal Chemistry Research Tn,,;i-,,jt1jt0 /diroctod by Prof. Lo Zhol~yazlcov/, S fia 01anchno-izoladovatolsId 1d&d1co-farr&ntrjovUchnn institilt); E Idordoloirrv and Hin"ei- 1~ biolor, /diroctod by St. HAnrnlova/, ';Of 21'-Iauchno-itc).,n(lovotelgIci. ,V Ronearch Tnstit , la Tt Anstitut po opidnidolo(7~yn i nM-ro1Ao1.o!-31Y,%) TITW: liffact of some dritgo on nxpnrirnnfVL1 Athoironn1oroals 13 1-915, 667-473 OURCE-s Suvremnnna moditsina, no. 11, B TOPIC TA(',S: drug, effect, exporimont atdjvtl, onrdlovnscular system. provantiva modicine, therapeutic medicine A13STRACT: Study of effects of linotol (othyl entnr of higher unsaturated fatty aoi(IS!, of cottonseed oil). hyposterol. (phonylothylacatavtWo) and the pure naponin escin, and! the total aqueous extract of wild chostnut, on experimental atherosclerosis in rabbita and rats. All of the above proparAtions showed vaT7ing doexoon of effect either pro- ivo pig. art. ban: 2 figures and 1 tablo. vont 1y, therapeutically or in both ways. P I ,CB&soci on author's zng. abstff D-PRS1 36,5991 SUB CODE: 06 / SUB14 DATE: OOSep6lf / SOV RRF: 009 / OTH MFs 012 C- _A77 7 - -77--E-- - - 15(2) AUTHORS: Kukole-., G. V., Mikhaylova, K. A. SOT/131-59-1-7/12 TITLE: Influence of Some Additions on the Sintering of Highly Alumini- ferous Substances (Vliyaniye nekotorykh dobavok na spekaniye vysokoglinozemistykh mass) PERIODICAL: Ogneupory#1959i Nr 1, PP 39 - 44 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Pevzner, Berezhnoy, Frenkell, Poluboyarinov recommended various additions. The authors of this article examined the influence of various additions and their combinations with P 205t A. P. Kochetova taking part in the experiments (Ref 1). The chemical composition of raw materialst the refractorinesB and the results of the sedimentary-metric analysis are indicated in tables 1 and 2. Petrographical investigations were carried out by L. I. Karyakin. The authors used Na 20, CuO, TiO 2P MnO, SrOp CaO, MgO and their combinations with P 205 in the quality of additionev the total quantity of additions in all cases amounting to 1% of the weight of the mixture of technical Card 1/3 alumina with clay. The specific weights of the samples burnt Influence of Some Additions on the Sintering of Highly SOV/131-59-1-7/12 Aluminiferous Substances at 1500 0 are shown in figures I and 2. Table 3 indicates the true and apparent porosity of these proofs, and with an addition of P205~ On the strength of the investigationeg fireproof clay of two compositions 65/35 and 80/20 with an addition of MgO wasproducedt the density of which is shown in table 4. Tables 5 ind 6 show the characteristics of the samples burnt at 15000. It follows that the density of the burnt firebrick products 80/20 and 65/35 at a low burning temperature and without additions is greater than that of fireproof clay at high burning temperatures. The introduction of -sintering addition into the substance reduces porosity and increases the mechanical resistance of the samples. For the greater part, the temperatures of deformation under stress have even increased for these products. Refractoriness of the test samples decreased by 100 only. Creeping remained unchanged. An addition of magnesium oxide makes it possible to reduce the burning temperature of a high aluminiferous fire clay for obtaining mullite and mullite-corundum products Card 2/3 of high quality. There are 2 figures, 6 tables, and 14 refer- Influence of Some Additions on the Sintering of Highly SOV/131-59-1-7/12 Aluminiferous Substances anceeg 13 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Ukrainskiy nauchno-isaledovatellskiy institut ognsuporov (Ukrainian- Scientific Researah Institute for Refractodes) Card 3/3 S/131/60/000/05/09/016 B015/B011 AUTHORSi Kukolev, G. V., Mikhaylova, K. A. TITLE: The Influence of Surface-active Substances7on the Pretin- ability and Elautic Aftereffect of Refractory Maticca PERIODICAL: Ogneuporyo 19609 No. 5, pp. 222-226 TEXT% In the article under review, the authors investigate the effect 0_1 surface-active additions on the compression of refractories when submit-ing these to half-dry pressing. Also the causes and the effect of elasti--, after- effect up6n the density.of the samples after pressing are studied. The surface-active substanges used were fatty acid (Q~-Cj))9 11mylonaft", PetTOI-=~UM, crude benzene, sulfite-alcohol slops, and a combioatv4on of the acid C 7-C9 with petroleum. These additions d reased hardness and thus sped u1; thr.- I grinding of various refractoriesrThe introduction of surfacu-act.ivr~ ki- ditions, especially of acid (C 7-C9) in kaolin maSses with a high f*ire-.1-_.,iy content had a favorable influence upon- the oompri,i~sion of the sa-ple.5 Card ,13 The Influence of Surface-active Subst,,,nceD on the S/131 I'66/0CO/,~-,/ 016 Pressability and Elastic Aftereffect of BU15/BO11 Refra~,tory Masses pressing and burning (Table 1). As may be seen from table 1, there occurs a Considerable reduction in the porosity of burned samples from masses rendered hydrophobe,.an-increa 'se in their weight by volume and mechanical strength. Fig. I shows 'the dependence of the weight by volumu of the qamples on the number of pressings. Th~ in'tioduction of surface-active additions in highly aluminoug:silliman.ite*samples ij shown in to~ble 2,."The pressing and mea~urirg o f the -Me~-ight of * the samples wom conducted JlYb y means 'of the device and *the method b~ P. S. Mamykin and A.47~ Ogarkov. Invest-igations of the-elastic aftereffect showed its*direct.connd'ction with the hydroph6be character and with the final--density of the samples,.Next, a number of possible causes underlying the decrease of elastic aftereffect*of the masses under the in- fluence of surface-active.additions*are specified and explained. Grain sizes of fractions below 0.02 mm, were determined using Figurovskiy's method. Pig. 2 shows the dependence of the aftereffect of hydrophobe and non-hydrophobe masses on humidity. Pig- 3 shows a water drop between polished fire-clay plates. The authors s *tati'~~n.Qonclusion that by introducing surface-active additions -into the re'fracto,ry-masses,.,brick clays.and burned products can be Card 2/3 The Influen*ce of Surface-active Substances on the S/131/60/000/05/09/016 Pressability and Elastic Aftereffect of B015/BO11 Refractory Masses better condensed at the e:kpense of the elastic aftereffect on pressing. There are 3 figures, 2 tables, and 8 Soviet references. ASSOCIATIO143 UkrainBkiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut ogneuporov (Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute of Refractorieg) Card 3/3 S11311601000100910061ooalXx B021/BO52 AUTHORSt Kukolev, G. V. and Mikhaylova, K. A. TITLEs Intensification of Sintering, and Properties of Kaolin Fire- clay Products PERIODICALt Ogneupory, 1960, No. 9, pp. 422 - 428 TEXTs Results are given on the reduction of the sintering temperature of fireclay and on the examination of the properties of its products. The work conducted here concentrated on sintering in the solid and liquid phases. The authors also examined the effect of various admixtures on the Bintering of kaolin, and the ;ommon effect of peptizers and mineralizers. A. P. Kochetova participated in this study. Refractoriness and chemical composition of the raw materials, its granulation, and the water absorption of the sintered samples were determined. Thermal and petrographic analyses were conducted by L. I. Karyakin. Na, K, Mg, Ca, Cu, Al, Fe, Ti were added in the form of oxides and carbonates. Kaolin samples with various admixtures were sintered at 1350OCfor two hours and then tested. Sintering Card 1/2 Intensification of Sintering, and Properties S113116010001009100610081XX of Kaolin Fireclay Products B021/B052 was improved by all admixtures except for Al203. With 0.5 - 0.75% of MgO, g1cm3. the volume weight increased from 2.26 to 2-40-2.43 Combined admixtures of 0-5% metal oxide +P 205had the same effect. In summing up it is stated that single (MgO, MnO2) and combined admixtures were found which have a favorable effect on the sintering of kaoline. It is expedient to add magnesium oxide when producing of aompact fireclays of raw materials containing kaolin. Admixtures together with peptizers intensify the sintering effect. Highly refractory kaolin products can be obtained by such additions to the fireclay. Thisp however, remains to be tested under commercial conditions. There are 1 figure, 9 tables, and 34 referencess 33 Soviet and 1 British. ASSOCIATION: Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut ogneuporov (Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute of Refractory Materials) Card 2/2 KUKOLEV, G.V.; IUKUYLOVA, K.A. Xffect of surface-active substances on the compressabi2ity and elastic after-effoot of certain refractory masses. Ognsupory 25 nojs222-4~26 160. (MM 140) 1. - 4--kiy nauchno-in.aledovateltakiv,institut ogneuporcv~. "(Refftetory materials) '(Surfs:6e, active agents) MMAYLGV&_KJk,,,- YASENYAVSKAYA, L.E. Standards and specifications for aluminosi-licate bricks. Standartizataiia 26 no.7:54-55 J:L 162. (PaRA .15:7) (Bricka.-Standards) t -,L 51526-65 ACCESSION NR: APS015323 Ult/0286/65/000/009/0077/0077's 335.885.5(099.9) /0 AUMOR: Vinogradov, G. E.; Zavodchikov, G. I.& Talltevskly, 1. A.; Kolonlyteov. Yu. V... uboyAtY.A- Yu. M. Mikhaylova-1 K. A.i Kudryartsev, X. P.; Per-yahkovq W. tv S.; Rofedov, B. G.-, 1. V. t Samurov, L. A. TITLE: A photoelectric autocollimation tub*. Class 42, No. 170707 SOURCE: Byulleten' izobr*teniy I tovarnykh xnakov, no. 9, 1965, 77 TOPIC TAGS% collimator. optical equipment, photocell ABSTRACT: This Authorfs Certificate introduces a photoelectric autocallLeation, tube which contains an optical system for projecting an Image of the working slit on a reflecting autocollimation, mirror. The optical $yet" then projects the euto- collimailon Image onto photocells which an connected In an electric measuring circuit. This circuit puts out a signal which corresponds to the position of the eight axis of the optical system with respect to the autocollivistLon mirror. The instrument In designed for rollable operation and simplified constraction. The working slit Is is& up of Wlsoting flssl,e~.g.q mirrove, festemed to a ttampe- 'Catil 1/2 L 51526-65 ACCESSION MR: AP501S323 0 renz plate in the focal plane of the main Ions of the project Lou system. These reflectors direct the autocollimation Image of the working ~Ut along ausillary optical channels to the photocells which operate on an cin-off basli. The photo- cell located in the main channel, which receives the autocallimation Image passed by the working slAt, also operates an an on-off bsaia.~ ASSOCIAT1010 none SUBMITTEDt 06JU163 6000091. cc 00 REF GM 000 OTMI, 000 AUTHORs Mikhaylovat K*Ao 20-119-6-12/56 TITLEs The Entrance Problemior Direct Products of Groups (Problems. vkhozhdeniya d1ya p7amykh proizvedeniy grupp) PERIODICALs Doklady AkademiVniuk.,PSSR#19589Vol 119vNr 69pp 1103-1105(USSR) ABSTRACTs The strong entran6 problem for the group fts Does there exist an algorithm which can answer the question for each word of Cc and each subgroup of OL generated by a finita-,.namber of words whether the word belongs to the subgroup or not? The weak entrance problems Do there existq for each subgroup of ft generated by finitely many wordog algorithms with the aid of which it would be possible to decide whether an arbitrary word belongs to the subgroup in question or not? If the algorithm (or the algorithms) exists, then the entrance problem is called sovable for &o Theorems For a direct product of two free groups, each of them is given by two generators, the weak problem is not aolvWAeo Theorems For abelian groups tha direct product with an arbi- trary group,for which the entrance problem in solvable,remains the property of solvabilityo Theorems 4X is assumed to have the property that each subgroup Card 1/2 of at is determined by a finite number of generatorso For ft The Entrance Problem for Direct Products of Groups 20-119-6-12/56 let the strong problem be solvable. Furthermore let * be a group for which the weak problem is solvable. For kx* the unaolvability of the weak problem cannot be proved. There are 3 referencest 2 of which are Soviet, and I Swedish. ASSOCIATIONsMookovskiy gosudaretvennyy pedagogicheakiy institut imeni VOI. Lenina (Moscow State Pedagogical Institute imeni V.Is Lenin) PRESENTEDs December 17t 1957# by I.M.Vinogradov, Academician SUBMITTEDs December 129 1957 Card 2/2 MIEHAYLOVA, K.A., Cand Phys 'Math Lici - (diss) "Entrance problem for straight and free group products." Mos, 1959, 5 pp (Mos State Pedagogical Inst im V.I. Lenin) 150 copies (n, 36-5~,113,) k , L~-- - 8 - 16(1) AUTHORs Mikhayloya K.A. SOV/20-127-4-4/60 TITLEs The Entry Problem for Free Group Products PERIODICALs Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959,Vol 127,Nr 4,pp 746-748 (USSR) ABSTRAM The strong entry problems construct a,-,. algorithm which permits to decide for every word of the grolj~ and for every subgroup generated by finitely many wcrds of the group, whether the word belongs to the subgroup or riot. The week entry problems prove the impossibility of the existence of a subgroup generated by finitely many generators, for which an algorithm Is impcee1ble which decides whether a word af the group belongs to th.-Le aubgroup or not. Theorems Lot be given a free product of two groups. In each g-oup the strong (weak) problem is sclvable. Then the strong (weak) problem is also solvable in the free product of both groupe. There are 3 references, 2 of which are Soviet, and I Swedish. ASSOCIATIONiNauchno...iasledovateliskiy ekonomioheskiy inst'itut Gosplana SSSR (Scientific Research Eccnomic Institute of the Gosplan of the USSR) PRESENTEDs April 24, 1959, by I.M.Vinogradov, Academician SUBMITTEDi April 9, 1959 Card 1/1 __MIKEAlla"k (Kraonoyarsk); SHKREUO, P.I. (Kiyev); I LA* I- . ly9vt Poko"kaya obLwt); YUN SU-GON (Shaktersk, ; 2MMAITISO I. iZSMiWSg J.1 (ISIAn") I . . 34,41m mil. Mat. v shkole no.2&46-51 Mz-Ap 163. (MIRA 16s4) (Mathematics-6tudy and teaching) INN lit tow A&orbim =fwW.--, 17(k cum: trlmlAtlm).L-&q C.A, 48. Wk. H. IL. ILIJ I.*!; it i,*,, V .;;. 1, . method of r?pIln- -,31nntng --2ckcirez of' wet yrrn. To'--zt. oror. 1~ k:.v I Cr, . f, , , ~,.T I-.. f 7s -.!-. ! MIKHATIOVA, K.K. Nev automatic loom for linen veaving. Tekst. prom. 18 n0-2:37-38 P 15 8. MRA 13:3) (Illsovsk-leow) (Idnen) MIZUTLOVA, K.K. , nxucbq7 votrudnik; KOINAKOVA, T.S., inzhener M-130 rd roole Toket.prome 20 no.5:34-36 *f 160. (MIRA 130) 1. ftentrallzWy nauchno-looledovatellakly LvAtitut labyamWkb volokon (for Mikhoylovs). 2. TSentralls"s nouchno-issloftvatelf- sk" laborstorlpW 11nokombinata Imeal T,I,Ioulns (for Kolmkovs). (Re*ls(Tsztile machinery)) mjMUYWVA, K.K., mladshiy nauchny7 sotrudnik; KOLMAKOVA. V.M., inzh. Now loom. Taket.prom. 20 n0.7:32-34 i1 160. (MIRA 13:7) 1, skeperimentallnara laboratoriva T'sentrallnogo nauchno- I eledovatellmkogo instituta promyshlennosti lubyan7kh volokon (for-Mikhaylo'va) 2. TSentraltnaya nauchno-looledovatellskaya laboratoriya K-ostromakogo l1nokombinata imeni 14,nina (for Kolmakova). (Looms) MIKHAn,OVA . N. K. Device for checking the depth of holess Mashinostroitell noe7.*27 JI 162. (HIM 15'.7) . (Meavuring instrmsnts) ACC NR, AP603589~ SOUPCH CODE: UR/0413/66/000/020/0131/0131 INVENTOR: Cavnanov. A. G.; Dmitrivev.-V, A.; Luginets. A. .: Mikhavlova. K. Kp; I r- Panteletev, . L... Smirnov, L. P. ORG: none TITLE: Gravimeter for measurement of gr~!.vt!y during motion. Class 42, No. 187337 [announced by the..All-Union Scientific Research Institute of1p hysical Methods (Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-iseledovatel'skiy institut geofiziches metodov razvedki)] SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyve znaki, no. 20, 1966, 131 TOPIC TAGS: gravimetry, gravimeter, geodetic instrument, surveyin instrument 1) ABSTRACT: An Author Certificate has been issued for a gravimeter for the measure- ment of gravity during.motion. The device consists of a gravimeter with double optical-mechanical damping and two flexible quartz sensitive systems on a single armature immersed in a damping fluid. To increase measurement accuracy and work productivity, the flexible sensitive systems have equal products of time constants for each system on the scale division. SUB CODE: 08/ SUBM DATE: 23Apr65/ ATD PRESS: 5106 XIUWlDVA;,, K.K.:,-GSTROVSKAY.A,, I.I.S. (Krasnodar) uEducittional conferences' ii Siberia. Mgt. v shkole no.5t83 S-0 -- #63, - (MIRA 16:11) ITZINBARG. KsK.j KIUIATIOTA. X.L. Hydrographic charactorletics of Avers In the area of the Transcarpathlan Runoff btatles (RIlm Assin), Trudy UkrWIGKI no.15:94-202 158. (KIRA 12:7) l.Upravlonlys g1drawtoorelogichoskey oluzhby USSR. (RIka Valley-ffydro&%Vhy) SIMONOT. Ya.P.; SHMOVA, A.I.; SMIRNOTA, A.I.; SMTSOTA, Te.M.; KIKRATLOYA, A.D.; UFD40TA, K.A.; HOROZ, T.F.; GUK, Tu.I.; NIKCLA17YA, Z.A.; AYZIIBIRG, ROGOTSKATA, Te.G.. red.; TOLKOT, N.Y., [Agroolimatic reference book on Nikolayev Province] Agroklima- tichaskii spravochnik po Mikolaevskoi oblasti. Leningrad. Gidro- meteorAzd-vo, 1959. 103 p. (KIRA 13:2) 1. Kiyev. Gidrometeorologicheskaya observatoriya. 2. Nachallnik otdola agrometeorologii Kiyevskoy gidrometeorologicheskoy observa- torii (for Salepova). (Nikolayev Province--Crops and climate) JKIS,IIZ-NKO, A.A.; SALLFOVA, A.I.; SI-JR1110VA, M.; SYRTSOVA, Ye.M.; MIKHAYLOVA, A.D.; GUKY YU.I.; NIKOUIYET,*~, Z.A.; AYZFIIijE?.,GJI N.M.; EIKHOLUA, -K.L.; USHAKOW., T.V., red. (Agroc2imatological manual for Stalino Province] Agrokli- maticheskii spravochnik pe Stalinakoi oblasti. Lenin rad,, Gidro,meteoizdat, 1959. 101 p. (IMIRA 17:8~ 1. Ukraltie. Upravloniyu gidroirmtenrologichoskoy 2. Nachallnik Otdela agrometcoroloiji KiyQvskoy gidro- meteorologicheskoy observatorii (for Salepova). SIMONOV, la.F.; SALEPOVA, A.I.; %IIRfIOVAj A.I.; SYRTSOVAI Ye.M.; ABOVIGH, P.B.; AYZENBERG, M.M.; USHAKOVA, T.V., red.; SERGE M , A.H., tekhn. red. [Handbook on agricultural climatology in Zaporozhlye Province] Agroklimaticheskii spravochnik po Zaporozhskoi oblasti. Le- ningrad, Gidrometeoizdat, 1959. 111 P. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Ukraine. Upravleniye gidrometeorologicheakoy sluzhby. SOV/81-59-16-58538 Translation froms Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, 1959, Nr 16, P 415 (USSR) AUTHORS: Kruglyy, I.M..0 Makeyeva, Ye. D.0 Voyoman, S.G., Mikhaylova, K.M. TITLE: Bentonite Lubricants as Substitutes for Lubricants of Solid Oil and Konstalin Type PERIODICAL: Tr. Vass. n.-i. in-t po pererabotke nefti i gaza i polucheniyu iskusstv. zhidk. toplivav 19589 Nr 7, PP 378-389 ABSTRACT: The method and the technologJ-ial system is described for the pro- duction of bentonite lubricants on the base of Askangel clay (Georgian SSR) which has been aminated by octadecylamine, and di- .ste.-yldimethylammonium chloride and.bromide; the industrial oil 20 served as oil base. The effect of the degree of dispersion of the clay in suspension, the quantity of amine used for precipita- tion and the pH of the medium on the effective viscosity of the lubricant were studied. In the samples which were prepared accor- ding to optimum prescriptions the effecSive viscogity was deter- mined in the temperature range from -20 C to + 50 C (speed gra- Card 1/2 dient D - 1,537 see- ). The syneresis of all Bamples containing SOV/81-59-16-58538 Bentonite Lubricants as Substitutes for Lubricants of Solid Oil and Konstalin Type 15V6 of aminated clay (6 - 9% of clay + 4 - 6~4 of amine) does not exceed 1.1%. In spite of the low pH index (for some samples 4-3) the lubricants do not cause corrosion of steel plates.. Lubricants with optimum viscosity are obtained from a clay suspension in which the mean size of the particles :a. 0.2 mm. Changes in the optimum ratios between amines and clay deteriorates the quality of the lubri- cant. S. Rozenfelld. Card 2/2 ACCESSION MR: AP40149TI S/0065/64/000/002/0030/003b AUTHORS: Mak*yeva,, Ye. D.; Blyudov A.P.; Veysmanp 3.0.; Mikhaylova,, gg.j Taronovas N.V. TITLE: Plastic lubricants based on aminated bentonIte clays SOURCE: Xhimiya I tekhnologiya topliv I masel, no. 2. 1964v 30-36 TOPIC TAGS: bentonite clay, lubricant", animated bentonite clay, hydrophobic property, oleophilic property, hydrophobizing agent,, dimethylbenzylalkylammonium chloride, modified bentonite clay ABSTRACT: The modification bentonite clays with high molecular organic animes to Improve their hydrophobic and oleophilic proper- ties was Investigated. Of the native bentonits clays (Askansk, Gumbrinsk., Oglanlinsks 011'abinsk,, and Kilsk-Kry*m)p the Askansk is the most suitable for lubricants In view of its cation exchange capacity or about 100 mg. equiv./100 gm. of air-dried clay. DI- mothylbenzylalkylamonium chlorides are better Vvy9jobixing agents b than dizethyldialkyla=onIun chlorides in that tKey-121-ye products Card 1/2 F ACCESSION NR: AP40149T1 with high effective viscosity and maximum strength. About 2% &as- tone In an effective dispersing agent, imparting maximum stability to the bentonite-dimethylbenzylalkylammonium chloride system. The mixture is effectively homogenized on a disk grinding mill. Addi- tives which may be incorporated in the bentonite lubricants Include sodium nitrate an an anticorrosive, phenothiazine as an antioxidant and molybdenum disulfide as an antiwear agent. Bentonite lubricant VNII NP-226 showed better properties than lubricant YaNZ-Z on an auto wheel testing unit GAZ-51- "Work on. Investigating clays was conducted jointly with the scientiric institute AN SSSR under the direction of N.I. Gorbunov." Orig. art. has: 4 figuresp 5 tables and 2 equations. ASSOCIATION: 'None SUBMITTEDs 00 SUB CODE: MAj, PL DATE AOQ: 26Feb64' NO REF SOVt oo4 !21CLi 00 Card_?/? OTHER: 002 MIKHATTMA. L., inzhener; GRIOORIYV, N., inshener. Suspended sieve for removing shelled grains from noving ear corn. Mak.-elav.prom. 23 no-3:25 Mr '57. (NE&A f015) 1. Odeasksys, oblastnaya kontors. UIrglavzorno. (Corn-handling, machinery) NISNAYWYA, L., Inshener; GRIGORIYET, N., inthener. Mobile drier for ear corn. N*,-,elsv, pros, 23 no,6:23 A 157. (KEU 10tg) 1. Odeemkoye oblaotnoye upravlonlye khleboproduktow. (Corn (Maize)-Drying) GRIGORSINT, N., insh.; MIMUTIOVA, L.v insh. Squipment for the mechanized ~sndling of sar corn* N&-010v. prom. 24 no.6:26 Js 158. (KIM U: 7) 1.0deaskoys oblastuoys upraylonlys khleboproduktove (corn (Kalze)) MIYMYLOVA, L. A. ~IIKHAYLOVA, L. A. "Some metl7ods of iron therapy of anemia." Second Moscow State Medical Inst iveni I. V. Stalin. Moscow, 1956. (DISSERTATION For the Degree of Candidate in I'ledical Science.) So. Knizhnaya iletopiel, No. 18, 1956 0 a 9 a 0 :* 1- ;.6116 G:ot::o a 2 v , IL a 0 * Or e 40 0 e -0 s- 0 s -. 1 i i a IL 'A A t! 41" 0 oo* fe"fis"s AAO 0-mealles most 0 ~ l c ti 0 A. U&~, )CA. lN " V ,,41V 3() 1W. is pqW. km sq. sae. by Ul, 0*0 M. I&wb -00 * b b " v T -.. j 004 -00 0.0 .00 004 400 064 SOO .400 0*4 so OOW Z Soo 00 00 so 46 goo moo 10 Aso.n& ORTALL~A& I~vm Twt CLAIWCA+ goo $"O too - - leadea M S 9 4mv aim dw Ow &I& , Ll mv 10 0 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 :4 7 7 4 I ~ 0 00 0 .0 * s 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0- 0 00 0 VIKHAYLOVA, L.A.; DURAYIPSEATAt K.A.; YMMMOVAo L.N. Using the papir chrowtography method for analyzing sugar*. lob. delo 3 no.4:24-25 Jl-Ag 157. (MIRA 10:8) 1. Iz Yessayusnogo instituts 'ichimicheakikh reektivov, Koskva. (SUGAR-ANALYSIS AND TBSTING) (CHRONATOGWHIC ANALYSIS) AVMRS: Mikhaylova. L.A., Partashnikova, M.Z. 32-ii-47/6o TITUt The Determination of the Boili Taverature of Organic Liquids by Means of a SIMI* Muniometer74redelenlye tesperatury kipeniya ortanicheskikh shidkostey pri pomoshohi prostogo ebulliametm) PM=10&U ZaTodskq& Laboratoriya, 1957, Vol. 23, Mr 11 , pp, 1388-1391 (USSR) ABSUAMs * In this paper the applications of various devices are compared, and It me fa=d that the *uIlioneter suggested 'by W. ftenteelawski (lbulliamstrio Measurements N.Io , 1950) and Impsaw by LeA.Mikkaylova and A.A* Pryambnikov Is beat suited for this purposet but that the Davis apparatus and a similar device developed by Ambsevuld4amenev was described as being ftulty. ?be advantage offered by the dmlUo- aster mmusiste In the fact that It In more sensitive and Is well appli- cable for determining the boiling point of mixtures. As an example a tolumme-beasene mixtare me used, on which occasion certain qmantities of one of the components were added for control purpose@ and the boiling point was newly datemined. In the chapter dealing with the method of determining the boiling point of orgiudo liquids In an obulliameter this experiment Is described, After a sultsble preparation Card 1/2 50 al of the liquids to be examined were introduced into the opening 32-11-47/60 The Mormination of the Boiling Ta"rature of Organic Liquids by Means of a SIW2~ Munlameter of the appantus, after which it we closed. Two cooling devices and a burner were put Into opermtion. As soon am the liquid begin to drop down the flames were regulated In such a mmer Oat 60-aO drops were p- mimte. (This applies to boiling temperatures of AAMM ale lems, than I I In the as&* of a higher boiling temperature It In recommended to Increme the outflow of the liquid up to 100 droys per I Me, After a bolling tIm of 10 minutes temperatsim me masured every 2 mdautes. As seen " the Lot 5 results were found to be eqml --a-- were stopped. The experlont m stopped as soon as the boIUM poftt we f a and to be unahmaged., The taimpamtsm values found won corrected aooovding to valme at noma pressures Than are I f1garst 3 lablest mW 3 referencest I of wbich Is Slayloo -its ASSWIATICEi Boleaftfle Research Institute for Chemical R to 4ftuabno-isels- dovatel'skly Institut khWakeskikh reakti"v) AVAILDLIe Library of Congress Cast 2/2 MEEM.Mmz UWARI, L.S.; OTCHMIKOTA. Ye.A.; KOZTREVA, G.T.; -- --SANElRC+.q.TO!.; TAFREMOVA, L.R. 9 Reduction of u-sitrosalicylic acid In n-aminovelicylic Xcid. Zhur,prlkl.kbiu, 30 no.4:623-629 Ap 057. (KUtA 10: 7) 1. Institut khtatcheskikh reaktivov Akedemil mmk SSSR. (Salleylle said) MIUATLOVA, L.A. I MARKOVICH, I.S. I 4-apboyl.-If-wadleme of high purity, Trudy IREA no,22:126- U; #.". (Butadien*) (14IRA 3,486) a .. MIKHAYLOVA..- L.A, i 14AMVICH 0 'I.3. High purity an-4.1--isvne. Trudy nM no.22:1.16;.~5 158. (MIRA 24:6) (Anth.-acens) MIKHkrWVk, L.A.1 DUKAYEVSKAYA, K,A. Prepar&Uon of mannoss by the decomposition of mannoss phsay2hydrasone with aostone. Trudy IREA no.22:136-138 158. (MIRA 14:6) Mannome etoZ M MIKHAYL40VA L.A. Ilethodo of determining porosity. Uch.zap.Kazakh.un. 37 no.4: 145-148 158. (MM 154) (Porosity) KIUUYWVA, L.A.; GWBUS. R.L.; IASTOVSKIY, R.P.; IXJNArNSKAYA, I.A. Preparation of P-terphemwl of high parity. Tmdy IBU no.23:11-13 059. (JOIDA 13: 7) (TerphezWl) YBIRMTA, 14,N.; MANISHNIEDY, A.A. Pr"ration of trbamose. T=4r ML no.23.,67-73 '59. (MINA 133 7) (Rhammome) SOLOVIMAp V. It , KARWHOVO D. A. 1 MASHINA, M. A,; MURINA., I* so KgTAPPA' L. A. Phenol-rubber adhesive of bigher elasticity. Plant. memy no.iii44-46 162. (MIRA 16:1) (Adhesives) (Phenol condensation products) NR, AP6033646 (A) ATMOR: Mikhaylova, V. L. ORG: none TITLE: Antivibration mitteiis SOMICEs Ilaahinootroitell, no. Ot 1966t 34 50n, U~; (XID-": U:,./o j 'i TOPIC TAGSt industrial hygiene, protective clothing, vibration isolation, mechanical vibration ABSTRACT: To prevent the harmful effects and disease caused by handlina instonaively, vibrating electrical and pneumatic instruments, antivibration mittens have been developed by the All-Union Central Scientific Research Institute for Industrial Safety VTsSPS (Vsesoyuzyiyy toentrallnyy nauchno-iocledovatellskiy institut okhrany truda WeSPS). These mittens consist of outer layers and of inserts (shown on photographs). The materials used in the various parts of the mittens are listed and described, and the method cf their manufacture is explained. The insert should have specific weight of 0.1--0.14 g/m3t should resist cold down to -15C, have roughness not above 3-5 kg/mm, and should weigh 39--40 g apiece. Manufacturing specifications are presented, and some plants making them (or capable of making them) are listed. 71xperiments carried out with experimental mittens have given positive results. Orig. art. has: 2 photographs. SUB COM 06, 13/ SUBm, DATEs none card UDC: 613.644 MOST IKIT, W.A.; IGIATITIff, G*N.; NIXUTIONA L.A.; SNIMOVA. N*P.. rodaktor, BAIUWA, N.V., lWa-fic-fielskWI-r9daktore [Antheleff of Oyeleal geagra0y; Atria&, America, Australia, AntomtIca; Sesober's masmij Krestmatile, po fislebefk*l geogrmtll; Afrika. Axerlka, Avotrall1a, Antarktida; posolmis d1la uchitelel. Moskva. Q9s.vzbsbao-p*deM.lsd-vo Minister- stva proevesbaboalla IBM. 1955- 503 P. (MIA 9: 5) (Awsleal gsdbraow) 15-1957-10-13750 Translation from., Referativnyy zhurnal, Geologiya, 1957p Nr 10, p 51 (USSR) AUTHOR: Mikhaylova, L. A. TITLE: The Problem of the Age of Modern Landscape Zones as J~cempllfied In the Sahara (Problema vozrasta sovremen- nykh landshaftnykh zon na primere Sakhary) PERIODICAL: Vestn. Moak. un-ta, 1956, Nr 1, pp 177-182 ABSTRACT: Changes in several components of landscape in the Saharap chiefly In the Tertiary and Quaternary, have been traced f rom da ta 'I n the 1i tera ture. The principal conclusions are the following. 1) Deserts have repeatedly existed in the latitudes of the modern Saraha. 2) An important change in natural conditions occurred during the first half of the Tertiary, then a savanna zone extended into the Sahara from the south. 3) Considerable tectonic movements occurred In the second half of 'the Tertiary and at the beginning of the Quaternary. These movements. Card 1/2 formed the m9dern morphological features and the geolo- 15-1957-10-13750 The Problem of *he Age of Modern Landscape Zones as Exemplified in the Sahara ' i. gical structure of the Sahara, At the same time, a sharp in- crease in aridity occurred andp as a consequence, In the Kiocbne the savanna zone gave way to a zone of tropical desert. 4) Repeated changes in the landscape zones occurred during the Quaternary in the Sahara. During pluvial periods the tropical desert was replaced by subtropical savanna. 5) The natural "drying-up" of the Sahara began in the Riss-Wdrm interglacial period, i.e. about 50,000 years ago. The modern climatic des- ert conditions were established approximately 3000 years ago. Card 2/2 N. A. Shpolyanskaya MIXHATIA)VA, L.A. lkl- - - - - ---- a-*- -I--- xw"-W-~-- Principle types of deserts in the G"ra and. their geographical distributiob.' Top. gooe. no.40tlll-118"57. Mm 100) (SaMrs-Physidal'Ce"phy) (Deserts), MIKHAYLOVA, L.A. International meting o: geography students. Geog. i khos. no.1:54-55 158. (KIRA 12:1) (Moscow-4oography-Congresses) FACHATSCHEK, Fritz:(1876-1957); KRIVOLUTSKIY, A.Ye.(tranolatorl; MIKIIAYLOVA-9 L.A.(tranalator)- [Earth relief; experiment in the regional morphological description of the earth's aurfaco]Rellef zerai; opyt re- gionallnogo morfologicheiskogo opisenila poverkhnosti semli. Moskvaq lzd-vo inostr. litiftp 1959- 1 v. Translated frou the German* (Zartb-Surface) (MIRA 15,-9) 411.HAYLOYAO Lyudzila Alsksayevna; TARASOV, Konstantin Georgiyevich; MJN. Nikolay Alsksandrovich; SKIRNOVA, I.P., red.; AMMMA, K.A,, red.kart; KAKHOVA, N.N., telihnaed. (loadings In physical geography (Western Jurope); a manual for teachers] Khrestonatila po fizichaskol geografli (Zapednaia Ivropa): posoble dlis uchitelei. Kooky*. Goa.uchebno-padegog. Izd-vo, X-va prosy. RSFSR, 1959. 344 p. (NMI 12:4) (Burops. Western-Physical geography) I GVO=TSKIT. Mikolay Andreyevich; IGNATOUT, Grigorly Mikhaylovich; KIMYWYA, LyuAmiIa,Al9kssyeYw; SUMOVA, M.P.. red.; Vow, red.kart; MAKHOVA. I.N., (A reader in physical geography: Africa America. Australia, Oceania. Antarctica; teacheral textboo;j Khreatomatiia po fisicbeakoi geografil: Afrikas Amerika, Aystrallia, Okeanlia, Antarktida; posobie dlia uchitelai. Isd.2.. dop. Moskva, Goo. uchobno-podagog.izd-vo X-va prosv.R-WM. 1959. 605 p. (MIRA 13:5) (Physical geography) RYABCIIIKOVO A.M.; IGNATIIEV, G.M.; MIKIIAYLOVAg L*A, Main trenis in the atudY Of the nature of foreign countries. Veat.Hosk. un. Ser. 5s Geog. 17 no.10-7 Ja-F 162. (MIRA 160) 1. Wedra fizichaskoy gsc~grafii zarubashnykh stran Hoskovskogo uniTersiteta. (Physical geography) ALMLSANDFOVSKAYA, Wataliya Vitallyevna; YERAMOV, Ruben Artemovich; IGNATIYEV, Grigoriy Mikhaylovich; LUKASHOVI, Yevgeniya Nikolay"na; MARKOV, Konstantin Konstantinovich;; RYABCHIKOV, Aleksandr UMHALL-CM kyAmU4, A~U ka eyev Maksimovichp prof..-. SHAGIROVA, I.M.,, red.izd-va; YEZHOVAq L,L,, tekhn, red, (Physical geography of parts of the world] Fizicheskaia geografila chastei sveta. [By] N.V.A2eksandrovBkaia i dr. Moskvap Gos.izd-vo wVysshaia shkola." 1963, 51+6 P. (MIRA 17:1) -Alekseyevna- TARASGV, Konstantin Georgiyevich; DLIN., Nikolay iffeAksaiEtivich; I?ISHCWVA, T.V., red.; ZAYTSEVA, K.F.J- red.kart; M&KHGVA, N.N.2 tekhn. red. (Reader in pbysical'geography; Western Europe] Khrestonatiia po fizichaskel geogmfli; Zapadnaia Bwopm. Posobie dlia uchitelia, lzd.2.p pwmro i dop, 14oskva, Uchpedgizp 1963. 379 PO (MRAL 17: 1) (Europe, Western-Pbysical geography) ,.:IY I hAELOVA-, L. h. -N/ ~' 725.4 Biologicheskiya osnovy kul'tury kapusty (Biological Principles In The m6 Growing Of Cabbage) Moskva, Akadenkniga, 19.54. 72 P. inus., tables. "Literaturall: P- 71-02) S/205/63/003/001/oig/029 AUTHORs, ",:Toreshchonko O.Yaot Selyaraya yo.M., and ~Ikha 1 analysis _of,~Uver-' proto _7.__ -Ans-An. radiation J.11nons .'P.ERIODICALs Radiobiologiyaf -v#3j no* Lt. L9650 93-98 TEXT: The authors have used,the Ouchterlony Sol diffusion', technique.for the study of changes in the antigenic structure of lioar protains'.occurring ai. a result of.X-irradiation in a doso~ :of 6.5o r.- The iexperiments were carried out an 122 irradiated and .103 control rats. Antimera, were prepared in rabbits, which were ...,immunized with extracts of liver from treated and control animals. The total soluble proteins were extracted by homogenization with saline.of livers or rats killed 3 and 7 days -were also made of the After Irradiations and preparations cytoplasmic granules and hy&2oplasm. In.Sel diffusion tests, -with total extracts and the rabbit antiwara 5 - 9 lines were :obtained.with control materials,which usually fell intothree c~xin groups*. With material from irradiated animals, spurs Card 1 2 ZRARKOV, Yu.A.; FEDOPOVA, T.A.; MIKHAYLOVA, L.F. Excretion of thymidine with urine by rate following whole- body X-ray irradiation in varying dozen. Radiobiologila 5 no.5t675-680 165. (MIRA 18ill) "00%