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M&MVP rbstat V, Rentabillty of the operations of automobile repair shopa, and reduction of prime cost in overhauling. Tranap delo 6 no.S: 34,-38 154. 1. M-k sektor Remont avtomobiIA pri upravlania Promishlenost po transportae MIKHNEV, Ir., inzh. An electric model For deteraln-Ing the Initial capacity distribution of the tension in the w1ndings of transformers. Mashinoatroene 11 no.1413-18 V 162. 1. NIIEP. MIKHNEV, Kr,s inzh. Longitudinal capacity of trawfomer windings. .1-lashim-ostrcer-e 12 no.6t27-32 3 163. 1, NIPKIEP. "'ji it i zing 0,t:, intrafacter: re3crve~, f-jr lr~creasing tr., volume In the Stalin ~AiudcLl Ilarit .'r,, Ldr. tro~grad." T.c Tezkika Jromi5i.lcr~c~~t) :.O:)tkd' Lndex )I' L,;Ijt i:.,roFea;: CCOBL.L. 115 0. HIRMIRV. M.N.,ampirant Identifying local characteristics of curves determined 17 their orthogonal projections. 1xv.vys.uch~b.xav.:weh1nostr. no.2- 43-49 158. (MIR& 11:12) 1. Moskovskly avintsionnyy institnt. (Curves In engineering) m 1 YJI14,1?v, Fl. !". : 'last -,-~r i .--t h S, ~ (A -- `!Ii!tlinds ~~ I ~:i . -- ..- . R I ch a r aC Ler Lst. i ( s o I curv,!d I in.'s and sor t a, ~!; ~,, i v,!ii I, V i I,,- , v ,r t ho~~ ti.,t . prt)jjot I ions". mos c ow, ~ cj')') . 1 2 pp (min Iligher !,'d.,)( ISSk, :;, 3, ()~, , r i.-r 1.~!ntn Aviat fort frint iin Serj,P k . , ')0 . (YI., N, , : , . )"'), : i ) )vich; LEVITSKIY, V.S., kand. tekhn. naukv D I j:L Mikhayl( -- dots . - BMAYEVA, m -. jdj~SIIINOV, K-A-, , red., dots p retsenZOnty I;OVIK, A.Ya.., tekhn. red. L.A.: red. iZd-va; chertozy1ei. inglChtonie mashinostroit,81'r7" (ME, [14,3ebanical draw A 15:10) t,,oSkvu, Ovorongizt 1962. 172 P- l4echanical drawing) KOICC;L'KOV, V.l.;- MIUNKN~ iC)LA(IGFF), P.; X)iU",IIILII;, S.P., red. - *-'--'-"' ', , [Short Rassiar.-Spanish dictionai-i of terms in ,] Kratkil rusoko-ispariskii slovarl goomotr-f and drei-wini, terminov po nuchortatel'nol fiomotrli I chorchonilu. mici- skva, 1963. 32 p. (MlitA 1. Moscow. universit(A .,,I-azh~jy naroccv. Kafedra wicher!a- tfullnol pooi:.etrii I choruifiriia. MIKHMI R.M.-NikWov, R. M.), kand.okononauk Guinea is building a now lite. XAWM I, shyttia 1.1 no.2:57-58 F 161. (Guinea-Politics and goverment) (HIRA 14:3) .V GOLOVKO, Nikolay Kanonovich[Holovko, M.K.11 MIKHNEV. 112=n- Mi 1fhAy1axj!jLh (Mikhnlov, R.M.1; GAYDAMACHENKO, I.I.TH&id""henko, I.I.), red.; LEVCHEMKO, O.K.g takhn. red.; WYEROVICH, S.L. (Materovych, S.L.], takhn. red. (Latin American countries; brief handbook)Krainy Latynelkoi Ameryky; korotkyi dovidnyk. Kylv, Derzhpolitvydav URSR, 1962. 234 p. (MIRA 16:4) (Latin America-HandbDoks, manuals, etc.) l'I"."1)777A, `- "~?- .t, -- -, - .. Ii ~ 1. - . ., . . 1. I. - " , - k - I I v ~! Z. a.. % ..'~ : ;, , , -. , -,, - KBrMWA, my,. Restoration in dogs of conditioned reflex function Impaired by prolonged exposure to darkness. Zhur. vys. nary. 4~iat, 4 no-3, 387-395 W-Je 154. (KIRA 8:20 1. Fiztologichaskaya laboratoriya Odleaskogo nauchno-tasledovatell- skogo psikhonevrologicheskogo instituta. (DAMMSS. effects. conditioned reflex lisor., restoration of normal funct. in dogo) (REPIAX. COOITIOM, disord. cwws4 by darkness$ restoration of normal funct. In dogs) PETROVICH, Yu.A.; .1jDaIMA, -N*Yo.; VISIMVSKAYA, F.B. Secretion of bromine (NaBr82, Kbr82) in conditioned and unconditioned salivation. Biul. eksp. biol. i med. 52 no.9:69-72 S 16-1. (141RA 15:6) 1. Iz Ukrainskogo nauchno-issledavatellskogo instituta stomatologii (direktor A.I. Marchenko) i Odeaskogo nauchno- issledovatel'okogo paikhonevrologichookogo instituta (direktor A.G. Ioshchenko), Odesaa. Predetavlena doyotvitellnym chlenom AMN SSSR A.V. Lobedinskim. (BROMIDES IN THE PODY) (DONDITIOIED RESPONSE) (SALIVA) 3;, 2 3' S 247 62 012 002 003,0(A AUTHOR ',viikhneva.-N E. 1015 121~ TITLE~ Motor conditioned reactions of a dog by light and in darkness during diflicull ncrVous tasks VFRIODICAI. Zhurnal vy%shey nervnoy dyatcl'nosli, v 12, no 2, 1962, 102 10s TEXT Previous studies show that light was important in order to maintain cerebral cortical tonus. and that contditioncd reflex activity decreased in the dark Experiments on one dog. %ith clab(;rate concittio- nal reflexes, sho%cd that functional loads %kcrc easily overcome by the animal by light. but resulted in di%or- dcrs of the conditioned activity in darkness A %cry strong extraneous stimulus in the dark brought about disappearance of the reflexes and the onset of a neurotic statc, but the switching on (if light eliminated the neurotic symptoms. The inhibition in the cortical activity developed gradually %kithin threetofour da"s The author concluded that the presentation of difficult tasks to animals ~4jth a )o-Acred cortical tonus on dark ness) could bring about the development of a neurotic condition There is one table and a full description ol the method employed. ASSOCIATION- Fiziologicheskiy otdcl im. 1 11 Pavlova IFM AMN SSSR i fitiologiclicskaNa labora- toriya Odesskogo psi k honevrologichesk ogo instituta (Dept. of Physiology im I P Pavlm. Institute of Experimenta) Mcd!cinc, Academy of Medical Sciences, USSR and the Phv%i,)- logical Laboratory, Psychoneurological Institute. Odc-ssa) SUBMI-T7ED July 16, 1959 Card V I KLEPEL;HTA, Yozef(Ylcpebta, o::cf); LUKESII. I-w~l .,Inv[ TiO.- '-., '.rullglavl I inzh., doktci rLc. te~Kn. nauk, ZIMIEVICH, Ale?~r,~rdra [ tran.91 at or', ; , i-ja r a, o! v. rf..(] . [rap of the rn;~,on] Karta Lwly. 1 :-j,j-uo, r% I ' n )c, ll~:-. t7eodezil i fii, 105c). /,I ,- . ( !~i: ~A 17 : ~~ I PLUTSER-SARIX, Yu.N., inzh.; j1KIIIEVIC11, G.A., inzli.; LINVKA, V.I., inzh.; ARONOVP M.I., inzh.; BUDNIT'~`KIY, A.A. , imh. Improving the circuit of d.c.olect--ic driving for diesel locomotives. Vest.elektroprom. 33 no.1:47-52 Ja 162. (MIRA 14:12', ,L,iesel locomotives-Electric driving) h -a/AT WWI 621.313.124024,_0134#0 -AUTHORi Az;obovj M. I. Mikhnevlch G. A TITLEJ A device for controlling excitation of a dc qenerator. Class 219 iNo. -172996 -SOURCE: Byullitenl izobretenii i tovarnykh znakov, no. 14, 1965, 50 TOPIC TAM I generator, electric equipment, magnetic amplifier ABSTRACto oTh is -Author's Certificate introduces a device for controlling excitation -Tof a dc gMefierator withmcurrent and voltage limitation.- The unit contains a magne- tic am'piffier Aich feeds the excitation coil of the generator-. The master coil of the.ampliHir is connected to a tachogenerator on the shaft of the drive motor. The connected in opposition to the-master coil. Pulses with con- -trolled-vid-th.Abd ampjitude are fed to the control coil through a transistor which operates. as 4 ke'yo The device is designed for independently controlling the limi- ~atlon of ~-~rrent$ voltage and power in the generat9r. The width of the pulses fed! ,to th eol coil of the magnetic amplifier is proportional to the generator a c6nt voltagei'vh1le the amplitude'-is. pro ortional to the current. These pulses come p 65061. ACWSION-14i- 05021981 01 - 01 ERMOSUM . - 1. 1--magnetic amplifier, Fig. 2--excitation coil; 3--master --tachogenerator; 5--con coil; 4 trol coil; 6--transistor; 7--voltage transformer; 8--cur- -rent transformer; 9-- 43 s;J0--magn9tization square pulse winding DOMNINp Mes insh,l 14IXMICHs G*Aop insh, ~ - ii - t So2octing the parameters of an iskidding systems. Vest. TSIII MPS 24 no~4sl6-29 165. (HIRA 280) i I I le Nauabno-ine2odaiatoliskiy institut tyazhologo ~2*ktr=aohino- .. stroyouip, GCRUSHKIN, V.I.; KOVALIKOV, G.A.; KOZLOVSKIY, G.F.; LUTIDZE, Sh.I.; MARKOVICH, I.M.; MEROVICH, S.A.; MTKHTMUCH11J.- POPKOV, V-L; S7ZKOL'N4OW, I.S.; TAFT, V.A.; TOISTOV, Yu.G. Sixtieth anniversary of the birth of A.I. Moekvitin. Elektrichostvo no-4:94 Ap 162. (KIRA 15:5) (Moskvitin, Anatolii Ivanovich, 1902-) 3M PHASE I BOOK ED(FLOITATION SOV/2642 KLkhmevich, Grigorly Vasillyerich, Viktor Paylovich Ryazanoy, and Alezzandra Oeodeziya, ch. 2 (Geodiesyp Pt. 2) Moscowj, Geodezizdat,, 1959. 334 p. Errata slip inserted. 6,,000 copies printed. Ed. (Title pqp)- A.V. Malay, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor; Ed. (Inside book)- A.I. Vitman; Ed. of Publishing House, A.I. Shuryginaj Tech. Ed.: V.V. Rowanovs. PURPOSE: This book is intended for geodesists, land surveyors, and agricultural engineers. COMMON: This book to the.second of two volumes on problems in surveying and geodesy as related to agriculture, Volume II refers to problems of basic geodetic control for topographic and land use purposes. The first part of the text covers the principles of surveying instruments, telescopes, verniers, and other fundamentals. The body of the text Includes complete coverage of the fundamental principles and field procedures in establishing horizontal and vertical control Card 1/9 1-~IKIMEIWICII, Grigoriy Vasillyevich, doti.; HYAZAI~OV, Viktor Pavlovich, dots.; .31b1hYAKOVA, Aleksandra Dmitriyevna, dots. Frinimall uchastiye: BA"RAKCV, Yu.',., r,;o*,s.; 7ITIAM4, A.I., dots.; YMOSEEV, L-, aspirant; KORUBOCHKITi, v.1., assistent; NEKHOROSHEV, M.Ye., retsenzent; BOGOLXUL~OVA, N.S., retsenzent; 1,IKOLF-MG, "..F., retsenzent; GIMMKIIIII, L.S., retsenzent; NESHCHADIVOV, L.S.2 retsenzent; LARCHETIKO, Ye.G., prof., red. (surveying] Geodeziia. Moskva, lledrp. Pt.'s., 196-4. 338 (MIRA 17:12) 1. Zamestitell nachallriika U~ravleniya sellskokhozyaystven- nykh aerofotos"yemok (for Nekhor-oshev). 2. Kafedra vys6hey peodez,i Ornskogo sellskokhozyaystvennogo instituta (for :30golyubova, Ilikolenko, Chernukhin, Neshchadimov). 82819 310 35/60/0(y)/-)r)6/O 3`1') 3. L/000 AOO I/AOO 1 Tra-nslation f:-cm: Refe~ratlv-.),yy zhurne0l, Azztronomlya I Geod,~-zlvci, 1960, K.- 6, P. 113, # 5654 AlYI-HOP, mlkm.6vl -=Z-- N 1, 7 17LE Working Fonru-',.a-2~ for D4t.!--mlDat.on c-f Lcniultudina~", !,rLr'svzrz- and 1101.~d Llapla~~emArit.s nf an Oril*.iary PTta-r.A;S Nt~-WC7~ PF-R10,'---C;Al-: r!-. Mosk. Iri-ta Inzh. zemlev3troyst~ra, l9r..9, N. ~, pp, -91-9~ I- .EXT. Or. vh~- baol!? of the known fc~.-.M.Iae of inver-q- welgzt, r lor,gllt~adinal and displacements of an ordl,,iary 7,-w-k oqqiil.4t;qra.1 t--lapj3lE-e, the svitbor de-lvee, exprissirg as a rvimb,~- N of trlangll.A6 ir, ~~ha retwork, ni~w workiniz fo.,M. I a ~ f c, r d F, rm A n i -L (71771-17 d I SP: a -!n- le-ngllnudLria' I., -1,-!izisverse ~ and M n-1w.-,rk with an- fc~r ,".ass Df m4aj-uring o- anglr3s Ln all combl.-ia,.IoTiF, wA ar'd dlre,.,.V~ns for 4,1-; oonditlor.3 of shapse, ar-,g,~n icd 4r.?, iorrmlas lonk aq follcws~ - ~ rd I/ I 82819 3/031--/60/r)oc/006/035/038 A001/AOO', Wc-,king Formiae for DetermLnatlon of Longivadinal, lr%"verse a:-.,J Di--plaoemsnts of an OrdixiaLrT rriangle Network t - + T N + 0, 27) en- a N (0,0135 U - s N (0,C)n78 N + C), 195) M - + 3 N (0,0155 N + 0,335) If t-he angle3 are mL-a ured w!th ~laalng the level, artales co-rected for the ~!cndltlon. of horizon, the rs,~,orwended; e t - + pr, a N (0,017 N 4- 0,1781 - + 2!L s N (0,088 N + 0,15.) lo M - 4 s N (.0,019 N + 0,232 (1) and adjuntment in malA ty following formuiae ar,~ (2) Cay-i 2/3 8281g 8/0 35/60/0w/()06/r) 3"p/c, 3P. AOO 1/AOO' I Working Pormulae for Dete-MInation- of Loangitudin&I, 1ransverse and rc*-a,: Displac,ments of ~m Ordinary Triangia Nctwork where mt' is the root-meari-squa-re of angle measurev--pt, s is '1~1,ie me-L, length of a trlar-gle ,,ide. The v;iiues of t , u and M . 1 C.1 tled ty Forvala,? (--') and (2' oorrsspond, at 1.1420, to the expr~.,sslo--)q for o!'.a!-,-d fr-n k:j,.r,-vn rlRorius fornrulaa w1+*j ar r-rrcr not exon-c-ding 1-2%. A : F I k~~ a7- i-nd -3/3 MlKlfl,7-,'VICR, G. V. "An experimentAl investi&ntion of the awlidyne gniiin-ator". by "neine.,r G. V. Mikhnevich. at the Power Zngr. Inst. im KRZFI7j4JUI0V!;YIT of the Acad. Sce. USSR. 1# SO: 31ektrin"estvo. No 5. Moscow, Ray 1914? (U-5533) I 0' :c)w 111:1~ r SO Vecheryayrs Moskva SLI)-n 7 1 tUR/Rogineering - Electrical Engineering Dec 51 "On the Stability of Synchronous Generator When Its Excitation Is Regulated by Stator Current," 0. V. Kikhnevich, V. I. Gorushkin "Iz Ak lauxt SSSR, Otdel Tekh Nauk" No 12, pp 1769-1776 Investigates static characteristics, static sta- bility and dynamic stability of compounded syn- chronous generator at various values of reguli6tion coeff and discusses results. Regulation of excita- tion under certain conditions may provide for in- crease of static as well as dynamic stability and 205T22 UBP/tngincering - Electrical Engineering Dec 51 (Contd) thus increase carrying capacity of long-distance elec power lines. Submitted Acad A. V. Vinter. 205W2 14T TICH, G.V.; EMHTZHA 11Y, G.K.. akadealk. " Static astability limits of synchronous generators and a method for the sUbilivation of excitation In control systems. lsv.Al SOB Otd.tokh.nauk no.10:1456-1464 0 153. (KUU 6:11) 1. Akadentys nauk SSSR (for IrshishanovskiT). (Dynamos) (Zlectric controllers) AUTdOR: Miki.aevich, G. V. (MOBCOW). 24-6-8/24 TITLE: Regilation of the excitation Of a group of syncn-ronous alt.,rnators in a power station which are parallel conitected. (Regulirovaniye vozbuzhdeniya j~ruppy par-ilellno rabotayushchikh sinklironnykh generatorov elektrostantsii). PERIODICAL:"Izvesti,ya Akademii Nauk,Otdeleniye Tekhnicnes&ikh Nauk" (Bulletin of the Ac.Sc., Technical Sciences Section), 1957, No.6, pp.43-J48 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT: Analysis of the stability of regulation of the excitation of synchronous alternators of a power station is usually effected on the basis of a circuit in whicn the group of alternators of the station is substituted by a single equivalent alternator. For remote power stations connected with the receiving system by means of a lone-, transmission line, it is necessary to evaluete the aamissibility of substituting a group of alternators by an equivalent alterna- tor if for controliin6 ttit. excitation deriv8tives of the currents, of the displacemeat an6les of the rotor axes and the voltages are applieci. Some of tne problems involved Card 1/3 were investigated by VeniKov, V.A. and Litkens, I. V. (1) and Gertsenberg, G. R. and Satrafyan, Ya. N. (2). The 24-"/24 Re6ulation of the excitation of a ~Toup of synch~ronuus alternators in a po-nHr station which are pbrbllel con-nected. (C;Qnt . ) results of the analysis are applied to a quantitative evaluation of the mutual influence of systems of excitation regulation as applicable to the Kuybyshev-Moscow transmission line. Two systems are compared, one with two alternators in the equIvalent circuit and one with a single alternator in the equivalent circuit. Analysis of the stability for a concrete example leads to the conclusion that consideration of the additional ccuplings which are characteristic for a group of parallel connected alternators leads to a reduction of the calculated stability limit,of the anCle S, by 5 to 15 degrees (& bein6 the displacement angle between the axis of the alternator rotor and the voltage vector on the busbars at the receiving end. On the basis of ttie obtained results it is concluded ttiat stability calculations obtained for a circuit comprising & single equivalent alternator way yield,for a group of parallel connected alternators, results which are in excess of the real value of the static stability. If the excitation control tem is stabilised b- means of Card 2/3 derivatives of the angles lyssubstitution of a Ep"Oup of alternators by an equivalent single alternator will involve 24-6-8/24 Regulation of the excitatton of a E;roup of synchronous alternators in a power stbLion which are parallel connecteu. (Cont.) tile least changes in t!ie conclitions of' stnuility. However, if the excitation contrul Ls effected by means of derivatives of the voltage or tile current, it is necessary to take into consideration the inter-relatiun between th~- systems of excitation control of tne pbrallel connectea alternators. There are 4 fiLrures, I urid 3 Slavic refer#~,,,ices. SUBMIMD: May 4, 1956. AVAILABLE: Caxd 3/ 3 AUTHOR: -~~i~hnevich, G. V., Candidate of Technical Sciences 105- 58-3-29/31 TITLE: Transactions of the Conference of Elec*.rical Engineers of the Roumanian People's Republic (Konferentsiya elektrotekhnikov Rumynskoy Narodnoy Respubliki) PERIODICAL: glektrichestvo, 1958, Nr ', pp. 94-94 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The Department for Power Engineering and Electrical Engineering of the Scientific Society of Engineers of the Roumanian People's Re ublic (ASIT) held a conference in Bucharest from November t 11 h to 14th. More than 700 scientists, engineers and technicians from Roumania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, the USSR, Yu.r-oslavia and from the ODR were present. 5 lectures were held in the plenary meeting, dealing with a statement of accounts on research activities and a formulation of future tasks. Addresses were delivered by: the Deputy Ministers for ileavy industry N. Georgiu and T. Abrian, the Deputy Minister for Transport and Postal and Telecommunication Services D. Simulesku, teputy Minister for the I~Iineral Oil and the Chemical Jndustry I. Velea and the Corresponding Member of the Academy of Science Card 1/4 of the Roumanian Peoplets Republic Professor M. Berkovich. Transactions of the Conference of Elec'.rical Engineers of the 10 58-3-29/31 Roumanian People's Republic 70 lectures were held in the sections of the conference. Engineer I. Iordenesku and Engineer T. Berinde held a lecture on the results of the investit-ations of autosynchronization of synchronous .-enerators and compensators in su ply systems. Engineer M. Denila held a lecture on the a-.plication of the model method for the selection of protective equipment for sub-stations against atmospheric excess voltaees. Engineer A. Nagi held a lecture on practical criteria of the optimum distribution of reactive power. Engineer Zh. Gero and Engineer Sh. Felldman reported on the behaviour of Induc tion motors at an automatic repeated connection. Engeneer C Naku reported on the improvement of the electrio drive of paper producing machinery. The Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of the Roumanian People' Republic Professor Marinesku revealed results of the the retical and experimental invest Cations of electric machinery with a ntroke action, Engineer G. Aslan and Candidate of Ttichnical Sciencen Frannua revealed the results of such investit-ationa of' a universal Card 2/4 machine without a stator winding, Enrineer hi. Bireeoanu of a Transactions of the Conf,--rence of Electrical Engineers of the 105-58-3-29/31 Roumanian R*ople's Republic synchronous generator with a rigorously sinusoidal voltage, Engineer V. Bunya of a I-enerator with 8000 cycles/eecond. Engineer S. Donich and Engineer Mikheyesku reported on the Roumanian electrotechnical Oarborunduml En,ineer M. Nedesku and Engineer L. Likhtenbaum reported on the production of insulating laquers in Roumania. Engineer Ad. Somliyen j,ave the results of the investigation of the new error compensation method for current transformers. ilrofe03or Pl. Androneaku lectured on the sensitivity of the heatstone brid,,-c-. The Corres,)onding I*mber of the AcadL-my of Science of the 3oumanian People's Republic Professor Aur. Avrameaku,Sngineer G. ku and Engineer D. Mekhedinto reported on the equipment lor the testing of permanent mai-,neta. Enginoor Ov. Chentya and Engineer V. KiiqWah roported on a harmonic analywr Engineer Ion 1(ott locturoo )n the itaLroduation of electronic relay stations in Roumania Xn6ineer Aur lectured on the selection of types for automatic telephone 3tations in Roumanian towan. Engineer 11. Shtenfenesku reported on tho Card 3/4 automatic control of parameters of electric machines in pulse Transactions of the Confurence of Electrical Enfineers of the 105-58-3-29/31 Roumanian People's Republic systems. Engineer G. Ioanin lectured on the alUebraic foundations of discret systerns with contact and relays. Engineer Eg. Khoppe gave results of -,-;orke for the creation Cf an instrument for measuring the humidity of looae materials. Card 4/4 SERGITEMKO, S.R.; KIKHNDVSKATA. A.A. Chemical nature of high-molecular-weight monocyclic aromatic hydro- carbons of Romashkino (Devonian) petroleum. Article 36.19. Trud7 Inst. neftl 12:116-146 158. (MINA 12:3) (Hydrocarbons) W0.8(o) PHASE 1 0009 EXPLOITATION saw/wn Akadowlya naus 3558. Knorgettaboskly InstItut Clettr norgettka. vyp. I (Electric Poser gagirsvering. Or 1) Moscow. 101-v0 AN S=. L959. 159 p. Errata slip Inserted- 2.600 copies printed. '"* of House, 1, 11, 0garka, a" 1*, 0, Gr4,1111 ?.h. r'N Ad.3 To. T Editorial Boards G. Tolatow. Doctor Ulankov Tu. or Tocluncai Ulanno 1A. ad.), I. A. R.40o'ch. at I a 'giskal Technical Se ancoo. 1. S. -nikov, Doctor of Technical 3at- am**, P. 1. Zubkov, Candidate of Tochatc.1 Soleness: 0. W. 111khmovich, Candidate or Technical So 14=02. 7 1. Leattov. 1, j Candidate of Technical Sciences. and It. . Sol-shum 5mnrmt&ry FL2M&z ThAs collection of articles Ia Intended for specialists to the various fields of electric power ongimertae treated to It. COVEWS3 Th* fIrmt Lam* of the collection of du~ticlad~ Ia April 1959. It to publimhod by 1112 iment 1rchtchanowskLy of the Academy of -icL*v%c*s. U339. The articles tu this issue are based on research and mark by the authors under the ausploom of' EXIN. Th- mJ`tIcI** mr* 00 . high Uwcrftlc&l end toChnIcAl level AM represent orAC14.1 contribu- tions to various present-day problems in electrical angirmartrA. Reference& are given after most Of the Articles. "OsInt"'r- and 0 , M Equivalent Circuit or Gaiworstor. Lq.toj*;~t,~'.100 Rk&.1st*rs 96 Th* author presents a method of representing a gr=V Of A station ganerstort by two Identical gerArstors ez-a-valent to the group In their statt~ characteristics. The -thod to used In &tUdYL216 ~t&tIG stability &=1 the natux* of Of station smoor*torm. There "a 4 references, all S.-Iot. QoNv!iXLzk.-V-L- Applt"ttat or the method of Socz,,stive, App~xl- -gitlanis rc~ Calculating Complex Electrical Notworlts 105 There are 7 r%r.-.*.a. all Soviet. GgIftaliv~ Jj,,A. Transfo~.tton of a Single-Phaso 37stee Into 6 -Thr-ph... Uat,,g Stti. L.,i-. A--dInz to a D.-I'a-.-I by P. A. L. A. T-,%11= 114 The method used onsists in 4nPloYlng -P-Ito- In the circuit- Th. author derives to-14s tr- I- formation. There are 3 .1, Aronton. $- Z. Properties of a Certain Type of OacUlatory Circuit 117 go are gi.- 0oI*t4av' R. A. Appil-tt- of a Sort- of ror t~.l D.ri-tica or F-d'. r V-1- N-1-1 Ordinary Difrarenti,si equations Izo There am ) W--.. .11 3-1.t. 3tmjol,njko., 1. 3. -he -1-h..js. or Dj..h~g. In Large Gap Spacings r~-r Alrbriitt.g C- ... I Th. Author, . sre.1.1tat W probl- Of 110t.Ing protoction. lnvoattgate4 the mechanism of dtac~~rge at In- dustri.1 r-q..ncy n.1 at various p..I.g. of t~,& air 6~9. 42.1 Or them having Pr.Otl.*l ppli..tio.j. Do the beat. of so-oral elpr1monts. .81" serious types of ctr..Ita -d varying the paremotorv. the author amcludet. VL4t the *I"- trio strength of a given spacing in not subject to aub- stsmitLal ahango when circuit parameters A- -r-ad. There Arm 8 referRoomal 2 Soviet, & Kr,,rltsh and I Cor,%=. ~q-' ! rz. ~011 It, INN SOY I Irl -Vo-' AUTHORS: Koz1ovskiy G,F. and 1-11khnevich GIV, (Candidates of TP TITLE: Analysis of Stati-. Stability by Mleans of an Modelling Dovic;i (Amlizz statictheskoy ustoychlvnstl pi- pomosh.-h.1 elektronnogo mod.~111i-iyush,-hego ustroyst.~&) PERIODICAL: Vestnik 331-3- "ISSR) ABSTRACT: In designing mode:r. typ~-s ~f f equipm-3nt f -.: alt.eri)a1.o:s it is -'Lrj)c,rant tr. study the stabilir;y of the mathine sc as tD a~,,,id burit---ng. Stablllsy are very Od arlI 5 .,';,:,T'dirkgly and computers are 1%9-,ng -used fai- Uils ~.ind of wc-l~, Tr, i former a-a --ry ~.vcduse it. is easy t~-, the variatL,~-s, ari.--' thp, a.:-,:u.-a --y .-,f thp re5uir is by the acca..-a-7 of taq analcgug, S ~!-': 1e these means m yivijed ntjw jLil, -,i es t ing inf ormt " -t ri sy,!- - . , - L ~ I a-atomatic fial-1- zm. s f -,,D m wh L U. - ! . ~-i r,oncl usions ~;an t-1 dravc.. Tte analyEls ~,f sra*,, stability on an anallogur. is tnen The art~,,le '-~Qn"3"n-, tw syst,,-a, provided witli doep field cont,--~" in~ si;pp-lying f Card 1/4 J. A infinite power, Thl~ in~t a. sy- SOV/110 -- 59 -- 1-912 8 Analysis of Static Stability by Means of an Electronic YlodeiiinE Device equations, taken from a previous work by one -,f the authors, is given In a form convenient for setting up the problem on the analogue, Eq (1) applies to the first generator and an analogous equat2,on to the second one. A schematic diagram of the problem set up on the anaioguP is given in Fig 1~ With this circuit it is possible to solve a number of problems, including the problem uf ttic, static stability of a station with a number of gets. When the characteristics and operating r;onditions of the different generators in the station are the same, the characteristic equati.on for a number jf generators ran 11"e reduced to two simpler equations, one of which describes the basic motion of the generatoi rotors and the 5econd their relative motion. The station with a number of sets can be replac-G-d by two identiral generators equivalent in static characteristic:s. In this case the basic, and relative motions of the rotors are described by thG systems of Eq (3) and Eq (',) respectively. When the stability of 6ach type of motton nan be considered Card 2/4 separately, use ~an be made of the somewhat simplified circult In Fig 1, Here the resistors that norrespond to SOV/110_59 -1-9128 Analysis of Static Stabliity by Means of an ElectToruc Modelline Device the linkage betwPan generators are considered inf i- :"i _t and the Input Impedanr as are : e -airanged to su.L trj& coeffl(,Ients of the appropriatc- eqaatlow. Investiga- tions on an ele, --'troni- analogue showed that the possibility of stabills4ng a con+r-il syst~em is ne,-.-sEa. ily limited If dlffe:antial!~ of c.nly c!,Airent or roltage a~E' used. By way of example3 F1.g Z sl~ow!F tfie region of basic motion for different, r:ondllrion~~, it. will be se--in from this figpirH thiat th(4 slIze of the region of !~tabUil"i depends very iwi,..h on the maximum values of the r,.ontzrol coefficient, The influence of circuit ~Ionstants on stability Is then ~-onsldered, It is sbown that under certain clrcumstanc-~s the region of stability can be di5- placed In the plane of the regulatJon coefficients &M this greatly affect the statir, stabIllty A nizatw c,f studies were made to determine the Influenco ol th-~ synchronous reactancls it was found tbat when the synchronous reactance was increased by a factor of fou~- the maximum output -raried by on-ly 2.5%. Values of tbe Card 3/1+ MaXimum output and the ::or responding ~values of the a,m f. Analysis of Static Stability by Means of an EiectrQnic Vcda.1:ng Device and the angle 6 are given in Table '2'. 1 t wa s f o and that if the inertia constant is mu3h reduced it is mor,~ difficult to obtain stable operation for large values of the angle 6 . The effect of the time (-onstants of Card 4/4 the field and controiler are briefly ~-onsldered. There are 4 figures. 2 tables and 6 Soviet referen--ec.. SUBMITTED: July 14, 1958 8(5) SOV/105-59-5-3/29 AUTHORS: Mikhnevich, G. V., Candidate of Technical Sciences, -ro-z-ro-v-a-2Ty--,7ffT_-7T-, Candidate of Technical Sciences TITLEs The Optimal Way of Regulating the Excitation of Synchronous Generatora (Ob optimallnoy strukture zakona regulirovaniya Yozhithdanija sinkhronnykh generatorov) PERIODICAL: Elektrichestvo, 1959, Nr 5, pp 10-13 (USSR) ABSTRAM This is a description of the principles by which the different regulating systems can be evaluated from a general point of view, and a method of determining the law of regulation can be worked out in consideration of the basic and relative motion of the generators of a plant with several units (R?fs 2,4,5,6). figure 2 shows a generalized circuit diagram for the regulation of the excitation. This wiring is described by a linear equation system (Ref 5). The analysis of the stability and of the charac- ter of the transition processes consists in the analysis of the processes in a system of several circuits. The generalized cir- cuit diagram permits an explanation of the characteristics of regulation as functions of different parameters and their Card 1/2 derivations to be found. The results of the analysis of circuit SOT/105-59-5-3/29 The Optimal Way of Regulating the Excitation of Synchronous Generators properties and their relations between each other are not described in detail; only some outstanding properties are point- ed out.- In conclusion it is said that the system for the regu- lation of a synchronous generator should be regarded as one with several circuits. The described method of a synthesis of the structure of a law of regulation by the derivations of the operation values permits the properties of the system to be utilised, and a great extension of the range of stability to be obtained. The stabilizing system which offers high character- istics, both for the basic and the relative notion must be based on the use of derivations of general as well as of individual operation parameters. There are 4 figures, 1 table, and 7 Soviet references. ASSOCIATIONs Energeticheskiy institut im. Krzhizhanovskogo Akademii naut SSSR (Institute of Power Engineering imeni KrzhishanovskLy of, the loademy of Sciences, USSR) SUBMITTEDt January 5, 1959 Card 2/2 MIXMINVICH. G.V. tMoskya) Nature of the complex motion of a set of synchronous generators in an electric power station. Izv. AN SSSR. Utd. takh. nauk. Energ. I avtom. no.5:43-49 S-0 159. (MIRA 13:1) I.Xnergeticheskiy institut AN SSSR. (Blectric generators) KOZOTSKIY, G.F. kMosk-va); MIKHURVICH, G.V. kMoskva) Structural characteristics of the automatic control 078tOm fOr V,~ excitation of synchLronous generators. Izv. AN SSSR. Otd. tekh. !-,a .,:,. Xnerg. i avtom. no.566-76 S-0 .59. kMIU- 13-1) (Blectrie generators) (Automatic control) NUUMVICH. Gennadly Ylktarovich, KOZLOVSKIT. Genrikh Frantsevich; KOSKVITIB, A.I.,; GRIGORIM. U.N., red.izd-va; ASTAYIYUA, G.A., [Quality and stability of transient processes in the excitation control system of a cultiunit electric power plant) Ustoichivost' I kachastvo perekhodnykh proteessov sistemy regulirovanila vos- bruzhdanits mnogoogregatnol elaktrostanteii. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSM. 1960. 97 p. (KIU 13:8) (Blectric power plants) MIKHMICH# G.V.; KOZIDVSKIY9 G.F. Feattires in the study of the processes of a multiple-unlt 160* generators) stability and properties of transi-Snt station. glektroenergetika no,2:79-87 (MIRA 14:3) (Electric S/024/6o/ooo/o4/oai/0l3 2194/E484 AUTHORi Mikhnevich, G.V. (Moscow) TITLEi -'ihe Static Stability and Natural Frequency of Oscillation of a Power System with Two Degrees of Freedom PERIODICALiIzvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye tekhnicheskikh nauk, Energetika i avtomatika, 1960, NoA, PP-29-35 TEXTi In practical calculations of static stabilityPoit is usual to consider a system with two generating stations. in analysing automatic voltage control systems for alternators, it is usual to introduce the simplification of considering the receiving system as a busbar of infinite capacity, In the solution of a number of problems, it is necessary to consider an equivalent circuit with three generating stations. The three machine circuit may be used to solve problems of stability and nature of transient processes for power stations that operate on two large power systems or through transmission lines with intermediate synchronous compensators. A further typical example is that of the stability of a power station where the operating conditions are such that it must be represented by two separate generators, For the three Card 1/ 7 V/ S/024/60/ooo/04/ool/oll, E19VE484 The Static Stability and Natural Frequency of Oscillation of a Power System with Two Degrees of Freedom machine system, the circuit of which is shown diagrammatically in Fig,l, in which the generators have voltage controllers. the main equations may be written in the form of Etq,(I) to (6) and it is convenient to convert Eq.(1), (2) and (3) to the form of Eq.(7) and (8). 9q.,(4) to (8) mar be used to solve stability and transient problems of a power system but they are so complicated that it is not possible to obtain a conception of the basic properties of the control system from general analysis of the equations or to determine the design principles of the field control system of a multi-machine arrangement. To simplify matters in considering a system with three alternators the loads are represented by constant impedances and transients in the stator circuits are neglected. The procedure for analysing the properties of a three machine system given below permits approximate assessment of the effects of automatic field control of the generators. The method adopted introduces assumptions by which analysis of the three generators system may be reduced to analysis of a system with two degrees of freedom. The limiting -Card 2/ 7 S/024/60/000/04/ool/ol3 B194/Z484 The Static Stability and Natural Frequency of Oscillation of a Power System with Two Degrees of Freedom stability for a power system with two degrees of freedom is then considered and Eq.(9) and (10) are written for small changes in the system. The equations are simplified if the third generator is of infinite capacity and expressions are then obtained for two alternators working on infinite busbars, When the third generator is of commensurate capacity, additional terms are introduced and the values of the partial differential coefficients in Eq.(9) and (10) are given by 3q.(1l) to (16). After appropriate conversion, Eq.(18) is derived for the natural frequencies of the system, it will be seen that two types of rotor oscillation of the first and second alternators are possible, either In phase or in phase- opposition. From consideration of the characteristics of compl-~-x motion of a group of three alternators, it is shown that the usually accepted idea that the natural frequency of a system in a mean value of the natural frequencies of all the alternators is erroneous. If alternator 3 is replaced by busbars of infinite capacity, the higher of the two frequencies corresponds to motion of the rotors in counter-phase and the lower to motion in-phase Card 3/7 s/o24/6o/ooo/o4/ooi/oix E194/&484 The Static Stability and Natural Frequency of Oscillation of a Power System with Two Degrees of Freedom Fig.2 gives curves of the frequency of natural oscillation of the generators of the Stalingrad tlydro-glectric Station under normal conditions determined for the case of constant e,m,f. beyond the synchronous reactances, Thp operating conditions of this station are such that its equivalent circuit includes two generators, one connected to the 500 kV busbars and the other to the 220 kV The two systems are connected together by an auto-transformer see Fig.3. The frequencies given in Fig.2 are somewhat lower than those which are observed in practice and the reasons for this are discussed, For the simple case of a generator supplying infinite busbars, the limiting stability 15 considered to occur when the synchronizing torque passes through zero however for a system containing several alternators Eq.(18) can give a more gene,-ral approach to the problem of static stability, To determine the instant of apertodic instability in a system with several machines it is necessary to start from the general principle that this instant corresponds to the passage through zero of the natural frequency of the system The system stability condition may be Card 4/7 S/024/60/000/04/ool/ol3 E194/E484 The Static Stability and Natural Frequency of Oscillation of a Power System with Two Degrees of Freedom expressed mathematically by &q.(21) which is considerably simplified if the third generator may be replaced by busbars of infinite capacity. The conditions of stability of a system with two degrees of freedom differ from those of a system of a generator operating on busbars in that there is not a unique relationship between the limit of stability and the generator conditions. Simplification of calculations by replacing several generators by one is of essential importance for complex systems where the design of field control systems is very difficult without preliminary simplification. In principle, it is possible to replace analysis of the stability of a complex system by analysis of the stability of its components, each considered separately. For this purpose use must be made of the concept of normal coordinates. The results of applying the normal coordinates to the analysis of power systems is then considered and the equations of motion in normal coordinates are given in 99.(24) and Eq.(25) which may be expressed in terms of the coefficients of Eq.(9) and Card 5/7 V/ s/o24/6o/oOO/O4/ool/O13 2194/E484 The Static Stability and Natural Frequency of Oscillation of a Power System with Two Degrees of Freedom (10) in the way shown in Eq.(26) to (29); finally, the equations for normal components are written in the form of Sq.(30) and (31). The validity of using normal coordinates in this way is then considered. The use of negative feedback in the field control system of alternators makes it difficult to obtain independent equations of the type of Sq.(30) and (31) so that is is difficult to determine the effect of the field control system on these components. However, this may be done indirectly on considering the behaviour of the system as a whole either on electro-dynamic models or with analogue computers. Analysis of stability and transient processes of generators of the Stalingrad Hydro-Electric Station on analogue computers when the station was represented by two generators, allowing for voltage control, showed the great importance of preliminary consideration of the properties of this system with constant e.m.f. When the field control system was designed only with allowance for oscillation of rotors in-phase, which governs the nature of the transients, it was found that oscillation of the generators in counter-phase was inadequately V/ Card 6/7 S/024/60/000/04/001/oi3 E194/E484 The Static Stability and Natural Frequency of Oscillation of' a Power System with Two Degrees of Freedom damped. Additional control signals had to be introduced into the voltage controller to prevent this. Similar results have been obtained in tests on models. There are 3 figures and 6 Soviet references. ASSOCIATIONt Energeticheskiy institut Akademii nauk SSSR (Power Institute of the Academy of Sciences USSR) SUBMITTEDs April 2, 1960 Card 7/7 HIMNEVICH, G,V. Triangulation adjustment &I wngles and directions. 'ndy MIN no.10%59-74 160. (MIRA 16:12) MIYJINr-,v ICU, G. V. Choice of a cirz-ult 'for the excitation of large ti -. -,--q;enere*-D-z; with direc-, cooline of the windings. Elaktroenergetika no.4:206- 27 It!. MiA 14:8) (Turbogencrators) 32063 S/024/61/000/006/015/01'9 M,Y000 E192/E382 AUTHOR: Mildinavicb, G.V. (Moscow) TITLE: Stabilization of automatic control of the excitatioii ()i a system of synchronous grenerators of comparable jiov--cr- by the derivatives of absolute angle.9 PERIODICAL: Akadetaiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Otdeleniye tekhnicheskilch nauk. Energotilca L avtomatilca, no. 6, 1961, lo6 - u4 TEXT- General characteristics of an excitation control systom, based on a function of the absolute angular deviations, are investigated, the control system consisting of a group of syn- chronous machines of comparable powers operating in parallel. Tlie system can be regarded as conservative (Ref. 6 N.O.Krylov, 1931 On the numerical resolution of equations which determine the ffeqi(ruv of small deviations of material systems in technical problems.A5 IS4b The equations of motion of the rotors of all the generators of thp systet-ii have the following structure, Card 1/8 3206 3 S/024/61/000/006/015/019 Stabilization of .... B192/E382 n jIp%A8, + V SI, A64 19- k-I n Nh 0 J,P2 A6.1 + ""82k L 14-w k- I . . . . . . . . . . . . J,P, AN + IS.,, A6k k-I wh Pre J i are inertia constant; of the generators 6 are the absolute angular deviations of the rotors api ap a6k a6i vrh er e P are active powers of the gronerators. The quantities S6 are determined on the ba!-,is of ',!~e Card 2/8 3?06~ S/0211/Gi/ooo/oo6/oi5/()iq Stabilization of .... E192/E382 control such that the necessary static characteristics aro achieved. The particular solutions of Eqs. (1) at-e iii the form: ,6()1 = C1ejwt) 410a = C2ejwt ... 6t, = C e J,-, I wh er eC and w arc ~ -stants. combinin EcIs t original system of equations, a set of ordinary hor'loge'llowl- equations is obtained: S11 2 k .2 S T, S~ ,2 k Ck J~ J~ Card 3/8 Stabilization of .... ~'!~63 S/02li/61/000/006/015/019 F192/9382 from which it is ponsible to determine C E(Is. (3) give C an different from zero only %.,rhon the determinant of EcIs. (1) A =0 The m1ution of Eq. (4) can be found by mean!4 of modern co-1,,titot-i. Tile relationship between the angular deviations is definv(l 1),,-: Ab, ~ K,, Ab, A6, K,,, L%b,,. A6, = K,,Ab, (7) %.,,I) or e Kji are tile amplitude-distribution cc)-fi'icir!nts respect to the angle Lb I for t;ie j-tll fre(plency. T'.,.c- m"tiiol angles are thus defined by: 0 K,) A81 A62 A6,, 0 K,,) A6, A:I A6, . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . 1 A6,11 - 0 A% Card 4/8 3 ~c,(, Ij S/O-,1i/61/Ooo/OO",/o1 Vol StabilizA I )n of El 2/E-132 The f'jo- E,,-~ ( I I . ~I- I V.1 t I N" I n c E s III I 2 Ab - 6 6 12 1 K- 3 I K AL 6 ni For a t-,/!3tcm wit:i excitation conLI-f-)l E(j. (10) roi,i ~lppi-oxinuxtel, tile F3i~lllal structure since lt~; di-itribitl c k) v('1' Lc i ent,,, d e'wjid on opei',kt I nc md I t I oil .. C) fl 5 yst em. Eq. (10) defines tile si.Lnal of' the second uoiiv,itivo the absolute angular deviation, the si~rnal can he r I d e. a ~w i,ortion of . derivative of a t:Ie si~~nal of the ,ecoric' , i.-aitual an-(les. Tho coefficient K '!(.t orrnini !; 11 11) 1) v t w c on t I I o 111;l, 1) 1 1 Il (I f'..; () I t wt _il.~ I !t Cara I,/,, Stabilizzltiwl of 31063 S/02'i/61 /000/00'-,/(- 1 E 1 ;'-'/ E-) 8 2 t:Le Colltributioll 'I- t *,(I MI so I ut- Ic ,I I eviat I )it 1:1 -t it u,--, i ~i ii~,u I a r d -v ) :! L i )n Tht, ii,)..!,~lLtLldV LIf t'lo it, )1,,o (le:'ondent. M] ti:,- ol~~vll rr(,pl(.lIrv I- I 'I(' I e c I at 1.011~ f t : , - 5 y." t "I , f ;: ~I 1 " " 1, 1 t V o F I, C. crjl:li lit, f a I I ! :, (-, ~, ~- . - C r o . I - e:,. I ctuaL I u r] r e L- ta I solut I 'i L 'j V:i t i o art I c I I iA 1 1 L I j I I S 6 c c c Th e n I'li o e. I I e-1.1, 0 IL ~'arac t -rist Ic '. (_ IL 11 1 1 LI I t .1 er t vat i v o,i -i I tit i L, 1. it -1 Ov I t t k 11.9 p1 I V:I 011'~ 0 L Ei;io I I I . ."., " f-ol V Ca r d ~ J1 2 ()() 3 s/L,24/6 1/ooo/oc),Vo 1 7 A, j Stabilization of E I ') -- / E~ c") L' t lie va III es of 6 12 11, t 1) (, f 1. r st ra n8 c , f r o-:i 0 0t ) ;0'' the i-otor--. of Lli,- &eiierators ",)-,ic i1 ]at(-" i~, ant i-I L' ot 1101- llall(2 . f or bil) > goo ;w rotors; w;c j o a - It is foun,,' tlizt if th, ,3y!4t(-!:i is --;tabil i z e (11crivatives of the mutual an6iilav deviations 61 ~3 i ~, n a I (I o c!i riot becoi~i, :-, -I u i i~c - it,,; t udc i L -I of Lite an~,lc 6 111 t'll ~' C'!~;e t I, it I I 11 L o ild I L I o rvi a r c, (1- t 1-;;i I Ii o ' 1) ~-, t 'I (, I it 11 -11 1 "'j. I elic i Cs of tilt' Syst 0;,.) ark, ' oro r it o fori;iu I i i,, r e:-npl o y cd t u anal ys e t it e Is t ab i. I i t ) o f an e~;c i t I t 1 t 1 1 s ed o I I t 'I f? c! or i va t i v es ci f t; I c a li -i c) I I I te ang:: I i r- o v the as-,~utnpticiti tliat the turytes WILI .owers of It It cui-%( it n(-I, .11 jiWeperident of L-uraii8ular v(!Ioc i t i c~; k 16-f I - VA V , :i I ';~ I,, El ec t r om ec nanic al t rans i ent s i I) e 1 ec t r i c a I -s y , t r~m:~ L P I I i a d , G El , 1) 5 8 ) - Iii . Irticular 'I Systeni of I en er.i t ors , wh er f,. t 1i e exc i t a t i L) it -,; L ab 1 1 1 Za t 1 L) ri is ac I ev t iie d,-~r ivat ives o f t ., e ang 1 es 6 UI a Ii (I b u ft Card 7/,-, 3 S/G A I /000/oou/c I I Stabilization of El,l-l/E38L, vectors u I a II d U, i.,~ analyzE-d -it is cimclijd-d fr,,ri L'iat L:,c- C":citation t L-1:1 --i I ~ , -i , . , I . t 11 e r i v :i t I v e s (.) f the ab!~L)lut e n rid th(, .iiitual iii.-l I i I t~r (I liz- Iderably III the stabil I z I I I p f oc t ~ 'r, - L , - i t c, d er i v a t I v o!' i o al, -i I i;: 1.1 -1 1 d,v 1 1 t I C I 'i t I v C, I T I, T j r. r e I AS 5 OC I AT I JN' IC :1 V'~ I In I t 'it Power- (,:I , I I I (! r I f, j 1 11" 1 G . M ~ 1%, 1 /,: I I z I I a n C) V.- I SUBIMITTED X a r c 'I 18) ig6i Card 8/8 MIMTLTIGHj, G.V.; K0,-IPVSrIY, G.F. Choice of a relationship for the reg-~Iation of the excitation of two synchronous --achines in parallel operation. Elektrichestvo no.8:31-35 Ag 161. (MMA 34:10) 1. Energeticheskiy institut AN SSSR. Electric generators) ectric power distribution) M MIKI:I,"'VIQU G V , kand.tekbLn.nauk (Moskva); KOZLUVSKII, G.F., kand.tekhn. nauk (McsIva' Special fop-%Lreo of the automatic excitation control system of the generatc.-s of a rcwar plant feeding two electric power systemB. 'LluxtrichoiWo no.2:1-5 F 162. OIIRA 15:2) (Electric power plants) (Electric generators) KOZLOVSKIY, G.F.; MIKHNEVICH, G.V. Certain special features of the cemplex mcticn of the rotors cf synchroncus generators in electric pcwer plants. Elektroenerbretika no.50-13 162. (MIRA 15i4) (Electric power plants) (Electric generatcrs) MIKHNSVICH,- G. V.; KCZLOVSKrY, G. F. Antmatic "gulation of the excitation of Mchronous genera- tors in an electric power ffystem with several generating stations. Elaktroenergetika no.6:1-21 162. (MIRA 16:4) Electric power distribution) Clectric power plants) 8 HUHNNICH. 0. V. (MoBkva) Analysis of the natural oBeillationB of a complex electric power a7stem. Isv. All SSSR. Otd. takh. nauk. Knerg. I artom. no.6:17-26 N-D 162. (MIRA 16:1) (Electric power distribution) lawalcli I G.V. (14D9kva) Dete~~~ of specific damping m~,..entB iL a cromplex rogji-- electrio power system. Izv. AN SSSR. Otd. takh. nauk. Energ. i transpo no.1&13-23 Jak-F 163* (ICRA 16:5) (Electric power distribut-Ion) MUNEVICH, G._V,_; KOZLOVSKIY, G.4 Structural characteristics of an automatic excitation control system containing several regulating stations. Elektrichestvo no.415-10 Ap 163. (MIRA 160) 1. Energeticheakiy institut imeni Krahizhanovskogo. (Electric generators) (Electric power distribution) - MKMMVICH, -G.V. (Moskva) Dynamic systems of a autcr-atically controlled power ff7stae= containing synchronous compensators. Izv. AN SSSR. Energ, i transp. no.6:694-703 N-D 163. (MIRA .17-.1) MIKHNEVICH... -tv..; KOMMY11119 G.F. Study of the interaction of automatic excitation controllers irk- stalled on parallel opeaRMAg power plants. Elektroenergetika no. 7:3~-53 163. (MIRA 16:9) MIKHa,viGH# G.V. Study of el4ctromagnotic moments created by currents of the trans- verse, rotor stages of synchronous machLines. Elektroenergetika no. 704-71 163e (MM 160) TO LSIVV Yu.G., cioktor teklin. rviuk ;.rof., otv. r~-d.; kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; or 1u.. nauk, prof., red.; red.; Ja;Sj:C*.7Dl,~ AEC',', !~., kanc.. k.nn. nark, rt~.; . 1, STEKOL .1 K~A' S. A *' 0 r tc kha". llaai~. 1,0 1% 1 re Ll ope rit t I nf, M')' 1", 9 synchroriou:3 mac i.i nes i~e zE irW lirovl-.nie sirikhr,nrykh masnir.. te'- s anc-I r-. rab~)ty J-~oskvri, Nauki~, 19('. 150 1. Moscow. EnergeticLeskiy inotIltut. Pennadiy Viktoroyich; ViOSKVITIlq, A.I., doktor tekhn. nauk,, prof.P otv. re7d.; GRIGORIYEV, Ye.U., red.izd-va; WHINA, P.S., tekhn. red. (Synthesis of the structure of automatic Oxcitation control systems of synchronous machines) Sintez struktury sistomy av-tomaticheskogo regulirovaniia vozbuzhdeniia air, khronnykh mashin. Moskva, Izd-vo nNauka,ff 1964. 231 p. (MIRA 17:3) MIKIINFVICIIY C,.V. - (Moavvft: - -~V IcB"Y Flp.ctromr-cnP-r,i-a- e-~ -.-., a-c~n*. r(,prf-,.sen*,atlor. I., a!! e,: Wl -, -F.. Energ. '. 'rarsp contro'le-d rater --p;ter.. -zv. AN -7,S~3 210-219 Yr-Ap'~L, (MIPA !-:f MIKHNEVIC14, G.V. (Moskva); FIALKOV, V.M. Effect of damping circuits an the automatinally controlled electric no.4:10-15 Ap 164. (Moskva) dyTamic characteristics of an power system. Elektrichestvo OGRA 17:4) MIKIINEVICH, G.V. (Moskva); FIALKOV, V.M. (Mosk-va) Automatic control of compensating units in electric pawer SyStez-0. Izv. AN SSSR.Energ. i transp. no.3:31-42 W-Je 165. (MIRA 18:12) 1. Submitted March 12, 1965. HIKMVIZ,_L. F.., kand. tekhn. nauk Main reoulto of inveotigating on modslB the chamcteriBtics of a hydrotrenmitter of reveroe. Sudostioenie 28 no 10: 21-25 0 162. (MM 16:1~ (Ship propulsion-Transmission devlcea) (Oil hydraulic machinery-14odels) 14MiNEVICII) I.P. Boundary between Silurian ,.nd Dewnian sediments in the western wing of the Zhaman--Sary-Su antielinori= (central Kazakhstan). Trudy VSEGEI 74:7943 162. (MTRA 15:9) (Kazakhatan.-Paleontology, Stratigraphic) VOMESENSKIY., V.D.) MIKIINEVICH I.P.; MENASHEV, Yu.F.; NILOVA, N.V. Structural unconformity in Upper Silurian sediments of the Zhaman- Sarysu anticlinorium in central Kazakhstan. Izv. AN Kazakh. SSR. Ser. geol. nauk no-5:55-59 '63. (MIRA 1721) 1. TSentrallno-Kazakhatanskoye geologicheskoye upravleniye, Karaganda. MMMICH 0 K. P. European Translation Center. NTI no.7.37-38 163. (MIRA 16:11) Y ;,i L qljd~ t topilghni cheek i A I t~ t t", nWak i - T. d, a!, i flu, t: ILI to r,',, a, r.4 1, - 0. Olt%: MATUSEVICH, M.G., kand. ekon. nauk; MILDVANOV9 V.A., kand. ist. nauk; NIKITIN, G.A., kand. geogr. nauk; GURVICH, C.Ts. kand. ekon.nauk; GOLUBEV, B.P., nauchn. ootr.; KRUTILINA, T.N., nauchn. sotr.; MIKHNEVICH, L.M., na- uchn. sotr.; GIORGUZE, Z.I.0 kand. ekon. nauk; RAVUN, I.I., kand. ekon. nauk; OKUNI, N.V., kand. ekon.nauk; KOVALPSYM G.T., kwW. skouom. nauk; MOMOV' P.A.j d9jdor ekonom. nauk, aauchsgry red.; L KO.-I., rod, i9d,-vaj ATLAS, A., tekbn. red. [Economy of White Russia during the period of imperialism, 1900 - 19171 Ekonoiika Belorussii v epokbu imperializma, 1900-1917. Minsk, Izd-vo All BSSR, 1963. 420 p. (MIRA 17:3) 1. Akademiya navuk BSSR, Minsk, Instytut ekonomiki. 2. Institut ekonomiki AN BSSR (for all except Leonenko, Atlas). MIMMICH, L.N., kandidat tekhaichaskikh nauk (Dnepropetrovsk) -.- -MOMISO&V Now textbook for technical schools on railroad stations aRd JuActions (Railroad stations and Junctions.* I.IU.Skalev. Reviewed by L.Y.Mikh- aevich). Zhol.der.transp.37 se.4:94-96 Ap 156. (KLRA 9:7) Otal lroads-Stat ions) TUSHCHMO. N.B., doktor takhn. nauk prof.; MIKHMICH, Vznd. tekhn. nauk dote.; SHAFIT, Ye.H., kand. tekhn. nnuk dots. Some aspects of organization in moving large earth masses by rail. Trudy DIIT no.28:5-33 '59. (WRA 13:2) I.Nachallnik Doopropetrovskogo instituta, inshenerov thelesnodorozhnogo trans rta (for Tushchanko). rRailroads-Parthvorks) (Rarth work) HIMEVICH, L.B.. kand. tekhn. nauk dots. Reconstruction measures contributing to an improvement in nakine-up, dispatching, and moving heavy trains stations of ore and coal basiLs. Trudy DIIT no.28:51-64 '59. (MYRA 11:2) (Railroads--Yards) MIKIDWICH, L.N.. kand. takhn. nauk dots. Possibilities and @Kpedlency of using conoentrated braking om ciechanzied humps. Trudjr DIIT no.28:150-183 159. (MIRA 13:2) (Railroads--Brakes) (Railroads-Hump yards) 14rKMVICII. L.N., kand.takhn.nank (Dnepropetrovsk) Degigninp w hunpe to be operated on the principle of continuous 4IRChArre. Zhol.dor.tranap. 41 no.1:68-70 Mr '59. 04IRA 12-6) (Railroads-Tards) ~Ii A. ' , t7. , k,t. ~,. toki.n. , A. * r sp, of t~ - - - I ' - arJ aro, I y t i :,F, ' r-,f~Th j -' n I '. :r, ' - 7.,, I -, capacity fill type umps, -,", n0./,3:. .. .. TIKHC MIROV I'G prof., doktor takhn.naak (Gomel'); LITVINCISM G.A. (60mel;;; MAFIT, Ye.M., kand.tekhn.nauk (Dnepropetiro'vsk~; MIKHIF,VICH, L.N., kand.tekhn.nauk (Dnepropetrovsk) New textbook on railroad stations and junctions. Reviewed by I.G.Tikhomirov and others. Zhel.dor.transp. 45 nr-8:93-Q5 Ag 163. (MIRA 1b:9) 1, Glavnyy Inzh, Kiyevgiprotransa, Gomel' (for Litvinoyskiy). (RAilroads-Stations) USSR/Physice - Coercive Force Aug 52 "Problem of Determining the Coercive Force of Non- uniformly Magnetized Samples,a A. 1. Bulanova, M. N. Kikhnevich, V. B. Perets - '"Zhur Tekh F1z" Vol 22, No 8, pp 1325-1333 Ballistic methods vere %uplied to measurements of coercive force of nonuniformly magnetized cylindrical samples. Compares exptl mental and theoretical re- sults. States that choice of the correct method of measurement is dictated by conditions and purpose. Indebted to Prof R. I. Yanus . Received 28 Jun 50. 226199 r"ruittl4a ad ~C. -~21 Ilikhnevich- L V*,ktjt imd hyt 40 duTtf-I tel I -4)vcr f am dalzebld pea r WHte RUM , nd truiU)- remwirl -0.53, Q(bt" y to6a additY 0 hractex VA the fmits tz ,4 rz: STUBAROV, AlekaeyYefimovich; STUBAROVA, Emma Petrovna; KHABENKO, Kirill Kalinkovich; VOLUZM, Anatoliy Grigorlyevich. Prinimal uchastiye MIKEMICH N.I., mladshly sotr.; KMCMWOK, V., red.; KAIZCHITS, G., U . red. (Promiaing fruit and berry varieties of the White Russian S.S.R. and their regional adaptation] Raionirovanrqe i perspektivnye oorta plo- dovykh i iagodnykh kulltur Belorueskoi SS'-i. By A.E.Siubarov i dr, Minsk, Goo. izd-fo BSSR. Red. sellkhoz. ~~t ry, 1960. 321 p. (MIRA 1419) (White Rueeia-Frult-Varictles)