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MIKHRINAO YO.H. ... Allt- -, I Anount of free mWar In rye. rspirt. prort. 24 no.214-5 58. (Rye--Analysis) (Sugars) (KIRA 1113) j'UTHORSs Mikhrina, Ye-N,. and Timofeyeva, M.Ya. SOV/71-59-2-5/26 .ITLEs Determination of Pentose in the Presence of a Great quantity of Glucose (Opredeleniye pentoz v prisutetvil bol'shogo koli- chestva glyukozy) IERIODICAL# Spirtovaya promyshlennost', 1959, Nr 2, pp 12-14 (U~,SR) ABSTRACTs In order to determine the presence of pentose the Meybaum method, modifted by Lyubimovaq can be used, which method is based on the orcein reaction of Biall. Orcein-methyl-resorcin CHjC6H3 (OH) +H 0 is obtained by dry distillation of ornellin 1kov ent time th Kha tof At th o cid r ki l) (d - . oxy- a es e r s uy e p y zavod khimicheskikh reaktivov (Kharlkov Plant of Chemical Reagents) has started production of synthetic orcein. The orcein method has the advantage of permitting direct dtitermi- nation of pentose without recurring to any preliminary dis- tillations. However, this method is j2ot applicable in the presence of large quantities of hexose and oligo-sacche.ride, unless these are first removed by fermentation. The article deacribes the procedure in detail. Table I shows results of determination of contents of sugar and pentose (iny) ir hydro- 1yeates, in accordance with the orcein method and with the in- struotions pertaining to the technological control of alcohol production. In order to prove that the presence of unferment- ed glucose has no notable effect on the accuracy of determi- Curd 1/2 nation of pentose in hydrolyeates, a number of experiments SOV/71-59-e-3/26 Determinatlon of Pentose in the Presence of a Great 4uantity cf Glucose were made with small additions of glucose. In te3ts male with 10~ of arabinose and 5, 10, 20S Slu~ose the error amounted to +2.5%, +6.4% and +15.2% respectively. Table shows the results of analyses of mash made from various grains, such as rye and wheat, and mixtures lil of both. In the event of glucose contents amounting to 40A, the quanti- ties of pentose, determined in the mash, equaled the quantity of pentose determined in the same mash after secondary formenta tion. There are 2 tables and 2 non-Soviet references, Card 212 RUKIIUMEVA, A.P.;- MIKHRIMA, U.S.; aiUCH.NA, 1.1i. Accuracy of the polarimtric- &thod for detcrmining the 3tarch content of grain. Trudy TSNIISP no. 8-.89-98 159. (MIM 14:1) (Grain) (Starch) VERIZILCV, V.F.; MIKHTELEVA, L.A. Effect of gibberellic acid on the growtit and fertility -,f remontant strawberries. Biul. Glav. bot. sada no.1;1:93-97 163. (MIRA 170) 1. Glavnvy botani(,hmqki,,, 3Rd AN 93SR. 'kCC NR1 AP603294.3 SOURCE CODS UFV0026/66/000/009/0105/0106 MUM. Kikhtfileva, L. A. ORGo Main Botainical Gardon,AH SSSR, Moscow (Glavnyy bo-tanichookiy aad AN SSSR) TIMEt Gibberollin arxi yield of berries SOURCEt Priroda, no. 9, 1966, 105-106 TOPIC TAGSs horticulture, plant growth, food technology, plant ecology, hormone ABSfRACTi The effect of gibberellic acid on the yield of plain and remontant straw- berries has been studied at the Main Botanical Garden of the AN SSSR in Moscow (Glavnyy botaLnJ.cheskiy sad AN SSSR) for five years. Test plants were sprayed 2~1 times with 0.005% gibborellic acid solutions at 5-7 day intervals and compared wi th control plants.. The experimental results show that 1) sprayininof "Krasavitsa Zagor'] ya" specimens after the flower buds havo been formed in-creases the berry yield by 120% and the average berry'weight to 7.95 g against 5.5 g produced by the control plant, 2) spraying lixireasee the berry size of "Krasavitea Zagorlya" specimens and the berryl quantity of Musomolivi" specimens, 3) berries of sprared specimens havo a higher con", tent of sugar and vitam' 0 than those of the control plant and, consequently, taste 4,'jrd WZ.~_ UDC 1 04.1/.7 ACC MRsAP6032943 better, 4) the spraying effect Continues through the following year awl promoteis higher berry uields without further spraying,, and 5) s:praying reduces the two fruit bearing periods of remontant strawberries to a single fruit bearing period with a more desirable ad richer yield of berries. The results obtained provide pirfectly good grounds for assuAdng that the application of gibberellio acid in the cultivation of strawberries under comercial ocaditioas viU mdoubtedly,hslp to obtain higbor y1eldl Orig. art. bass 2 figures and I table. SUB GOD3061, 021 SUM DAM ame KI]WITUA, N.A.. Materials on the rqcoflors of the Kuba-Khachmas massif in Azerbaijan. Irv. AN Azerb. = no.12:117-131 D '56. (KM 10:4) (Ruba rogion-Fungi) (Khachmas region-Fungi) B---'12~Ai:CV, V.A. C [Wanp ', uni? ch'ar.L; ; % .-'. -1 , IT VIR7A-'CV Zi, Yl,'IJ:1-T.IJj u "uLr. t 'a i KIV jJ71 Ib; UA ",,' -.'I al'KAY A, Ye.ll.; A.A.; E. ; NGUYEIII, DII; TY; FAT... -A, 1 ME ~'E% , V.1i. S0h01,UV A, Ye.3. ; 30LM 'YM-, M. 1. ; Y!'.Cll-GKL' , T. I~Ifl L, A. 111-OcuctiOT. Of A-IVPeron: an,~ KO-me~-cms in interaction.- at an onerF_.- of 7-8, be%-l lssle~ovanie ::ot.e~- ~;ov razhdeniia i y O-rrezor,(-v v -Tr -p- vzaimD- Liei.9tviLakh pri enerfrii 7-8 ;-v. rl. ..] .~(' F. \A-',L,A 0 ns (I~yf-e -cn~ ) 21(8) AUTHORS: Mikhul, A. K., Petrashku, M. G. SOV/20-124-1-18/69 TITLEs 238 - 233 - The Fission of U by eL-Mesons (Deleniye u 6&-mezonami) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 124, Nr 1, pp 66-6e (USSR) ABSTRAM The possibility of such a fission was predicted by U. A. Wheeler (Ref 1). In princi le, the following 2 processes may compete with each other: a~ Capture of the negative muon on one of the optical trajectories and the following transitions to the states 29 - 2p - la, In which an energy of about 7 Mev (i.e. more than the fission threshold value) is liberated. b) Nuclear capture, in which, by the reaction 6C + p -4 n + I an excita- tion energy of the nucleus of about 15 Mev is obtained. Short reference is made to several previous papers d4aling with this subject. In the present paper 26,975 processes of stopping negativ,e muons in plates prepared with uranyl were investigated. Kethod of investigations 200 NIJEFI-R micron-plates were at first saturated with water for 25 minutes, after which they were kept for 40 minutes in asstarated acetic-acid uranyl solution. They were then dried for one hour and irradiated Card 1/3 with negative muons for 3 hours; this was done in a The Fission of U238 by LIA -Mesons SOV/20-124-1-18/69 rF + 6;'-meson beam on the synchrocyclotron of the Ob"yedinemyy institut yadernykh issledovaniy (United Institute for Nuclear Research). The negative pions (150 Mev) were filtered bymeans of n copper block. A total of 59 cases of finsion was found. In I cases the track of the meson ended in a star with 4 rays. The upper limit of the admixture of negative pions was estimat- ed at 0.002 + 0.001. In the case under investigation 0.5 fis- sions out of~_a totaL of 59 were ftused by negative pion@. The probability P, with which a negative muon which wan stopped in the plates caused f4sion, is equal to (2.2 + o.3).io-3. In all cases the rangea'bf the fission fragments were measured with an accuracy up to + 1e . A histogram shows the ratios of the ranges of the two fragments, and another shows the differ- ences of the distances between the fragments. Analysis of resultsi the experimentally determined probability makes it possible to calculate the fission probability P f from the ratio Pf - P/0-4 P0 if certain conditions concerning the probability PC of the capture of a negative amon by an atom are made. PC was calculated according to the Fermi-Teller law Card 2/!; (Ref 12) and on the basis of experimental results obtained by The Fission of U238 bye-41esons SOV/20-124-1-18/69 J. C. Seas et al. (Ref 13). In these two cases the values 0.08 + 0.01 and 1.13 + 0.14 are obtained for P f* Discussion: A rigorous analysis of the fission of uranium by negative muons is impossible because experimental data for atomic capture in the case of large Z are not available. On the basis of the afore-mentioned histograms it might be concluded that the initially mentioned process a) occurs in 20% of cases. In process b) the value 0.06 is found as a rough estimate for the fission probability of Pa258. The authors thank Kh. Khulebeyj V. P. Dzhelepov, A. Ye. Ignatenko, and V. M. Sidorov for th,ir constant interest in the present paper and for useful discus- sions; they further thank M. kntonova and V. Vasilenko for their help in looking through the plates. There are 1 figure and 17 references, 2 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Ob"yedineanyy institut yadernykh isaledovaniy(United Institute for Nuclear Research) PRESENTED: August 29, 1958, by V. I. Veksler, Academician SUBMITTED: August 26, 1958 Card 3/3 ~1 t7) UV/", ~' - * " -, - - I , / , % - ,2 A UTHORS s Pet rash ku , M. G. , Mi'~hu It A TITLE z The Fission of Th 232 Njcl(,i by a n 1 A -,':, es u r-- s- - niye yader Th 232 otritsatel Iiiy7.i /IU- -M. z u! 1 , .-I) I PERIODICAL: Doklady kkademil naik S55q, 1)5), Vol 12b, Nr Pp 752 - 754 (US.SR) LI)STRACT: In the intro(laction, two ki:.ds of fisL;icn of n4?av,/ nuclei by ~L--mesona are describee,: 1) The nucle-as to excited in the optical transition 2p - ls of a IV-meson in th,! ~,ejic atom if the transition energy exceeds the photofissicn threshold. 2) Absorption of a me3on by the nuclr,ar nucleons ,,cccrdi!.g to the reaction ~C + p -4 n +,j . 1). F. Zaretskiy focused Bttenti~)n upon the radi,--ition-free excitat:-oz. 3ccordin_" to thr f4rst method. The aiL of thr prejur.t ;~aier is statec to be t~,e ir.- vestigation of the fis3ic-n of thoriaii by ),-- qnd Tr--m,-on capture. The investi6ation mcthods and the irradiation by A-- and X--mejor~n are explained, after which c-):jerimental rt- sults are disc,ojed. First, fis `-icn of thcriuz: by R--mevrn Card 1/3 capture is dealt rith. 1107" stops were observed, and t~,e 252 -1'11~~ I ? f, , - " The Fission of Th 11.1 r- I C- i tl ~' N ---- t~'.j t 17 SO distribution of 20,17 cl-,itaro is ;iv(-n. B- cor:,:,ari-on wilh other data, the fraction of tLePC L9 ill tilt' P - S -'-.t Ca.3 P is estimated as amounting to The f of thoriuii. in X -nieson capture was inveqti,~fitvd in th- cas.- 3f 11."'7(' stoils For both kinda of fission the pijt!~ Icni;t), i!3 v.,n, ,rid in the course of the discussion of rv.iults, the pro:)rihil4t f the capture of mt~3ons by thori,4;-. is cilcula'.ed ac~; rtifv. to Ferzi-Teller. It vla.9 furthcr foune thqt thp ral i,, ~,f fi!;Ci',11 probabilitii.~s of thorium and ur%niu-i ig ( ual lo the ratio of the correspondiri, cro~,-q se(Aiur..n of :hotofi.,sion. T~.,' ; r- bability of tide fission of thoriuff. by)k--metiurif is dealt with last and the ratio or the c-robzi~ ilities of rqdintion-free ex citation and that of tho emi-isic,n of a r-quant~m in tli- trarlsi- tion 2p - le is Uiv,,r, as amountirq; to 'N 0 Wt 0 - 1+0-07 . Thu IlUt~iorq thai k PI-ofeSanrS J:j, I j j Lzhelepov , B . U. Pon',,,k-~rvo , V . -" - ~, i~,orov , A r~ko, and S. Ioneri~u for t',eir (~oiiit~Lnt intcr-e~nt in tl.itj ijivvotigll- tion rind for their idvice, and lie firt:ier tjjaj.'A-q Lj. :j. Card 215 va and L. K. Vasilenko for tlit~ir helj~ ir. th- 1~ - The Fii3sion of Th 232 Nuclei hy fle';ative ),- -an,', R-Mesons SOV,I~o- - 1 ' '62 There are lo referi~ixes, 5 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATIONt Oblyedinennyy institut yadernykh issledovaniy ',joint Ir.-Ptit'-e of Nuclear Resptjrrh) i,./ PRESMITEDs February 10, 1959, b.Y V. I. Veksler, Academici,in SUBMITTEDs January 24, 1959 Card 3/3 AUfHORS: '3o~achev, 17. P. , Mikhul, A. K. , Petris:.I-.-.;, 11. 3i~orov, V. I'll. T I'I'LE On the An,,,ular Distribution of' he Positive onc Generat,~! by a (ir-,u)-Decay (0b ti-lovom raspredelenii p --nozonov cit T--,u)-raspada) PLRIODICAL: Zhurnal Ek3~,erimentallnoy i'~oy Fizilr,i Vol 34, lir 2, pr~ 31 - 532 'U:33R) A'.JSTRACTt ~'irat the authorz3 mention sever,tl earlier works de~,Iin,-, ~iit`,. the same subiect. '-'he :resent work dives the results of the 0xilillination of 10.000 (7r-,g)--dacay proces3e.9 of iositive i.1jons which cai.-Ie to a otand3till in an 1.10 K~0 e-.-,ul.3ior the P type. Tho enuloion3 were irradiated in a po3itive of the oynchrocyclotron of the Laborutorj fr)r Nucl,3ar Problems (Laboratoriya yadernrkh problem) an,, rJurin,- :, expoourc thej -aere encased vii-,hin EL steel screen -;;',.ich -r)- .ected them a[,-ain.3t the action of the exterior mat-netic Ohe ( Ir-/A)-docay procoones were oboorvod by ncana of -.r. C, Card 1/" nination with the 1,1614-5 microacopo with about 1(X--f(,Id oi.- t e d ii On the Angtilar Diitzibution of the Po.,jitive 11~yons 'ener- D- - cay lar-oment. 2he angular distribution resultin it(-,Iy in inspection ij ahoan in a diaCram. The asym7ietry coefficient of this anCular distribution is b - - 0,040 + 6,C-0. hen the authors shortly report on the estim.~te of oystematic .1 arrors. The probability of the observation of a (IL -~A)'-de --~IY proceaj decreases within the range of small valUeS Of the ani'le 0* between the final direction of the positive rion and the initial direction of the positive :.,,iron. 2he Jigtr4 `_-U- tion deter-mined bj direct observation was corrected takin , into account the reg-istration probability an] the experiment- ally determined distribution of the anj,lea b-~?tween the ini- tial direction and the final lirection of tie positive pions. The corrected distribution of positiv,-. myon.3 tlhro~,,~; the projections of the angles io shown in a Jia-r,im. '.'he 7o- effici(.,nt of asymmetry of this angular di3tri6ution is b - + 0,009 � 0,018. 'i'berefore tbu anCular distribution of that part of positivo myona _dch are generalod ;y the 7 had come t,, a atar.J- 'r-,U-decay of the positive piona which still is isotropic. 'rho cause "or the asymme-:ry nt,,served in some aorks can at least partly be connected ~iith a syste-i~- Card 213 tical error investigated in th:-a work. 2here ar.- I fignirej, Or. the An,-,-ilar -Distribution of the Positive ~lyons Generated by a, cay and 5 references, none of ahich is 31,tvic. AS3GCJA2IClTi United Institute for Nuclear Research (Ob"jedinerm institut yadornykh isslodovanly) 3UB:.: TTTED t December 4, 1~57 AVAILABLEt Library of ConGress 1. Myons-Scattering 2. Synchrocyclatron-Applications 3. &nulsion irradiation-Processes Card 3/3 apIplied'i. the CA* The v6 tI. All to~.the` should lie rents must a ;ard 214.1 C/026/61/017/005/001/006 500004 yperans ro r!eXperiments with coamic:rays* A butane bubble chamber Z4 liters In 14kitt"aixt Magnetic field of.13700 sausa man used.. The chamber was ir- &L"'.dt megani with MoMenturna of 7000 MeWc and 3000 MOW C. Tha~- 75, NO negatives obtained recoidn momentums of 6800 t 600 0 Uev/ C'' of lCmesonso.. A - three -dim,en.s.ions amplifier and projector were jhe 114itives- twice and 19'om~% negativefif, are traced three times. In the 4is,16se"ev'sute which could be cl&_4S'ifiG4:.*tthS_hyperon decay scheme 40-4 P IC + D. by ap2earance -were: selectiede T. he following standards were 46terrnfrMtfOn Of hyperi-ohs: (1) mug-t coincide with kinematics of-the- .. * P + lt-- (Z) - The refraction paiia must be within the AO decay plans. ntum of X-Meiio& a;id proton N. which came -from A* decay relative.- ineq*11brim, -(S) The decaypartidles JIL's ilaie foarLmad by particle* A, and, B,.+ C4) At. the refracti.0n, point, the and 3 partic Ldziit~~, of iiirticles A ta be in equilibrium. (5) The idify kinematics of '-'hyperon decay gchesixte . . ........ 0 + 5 WU /006 Prim. by OAk IWACOVISMe.thalre were:U events *hich.satisfted all S stan4ards. Three events ide, vmi.- kinsm'stics. of Z- decay. aad. have been el"Gified withE hyporano :cc inc 1~0 ~onxt 'On'o - "s obtained by the buiullovi rhosons with 6800 Mev/c and Of all 2, hyp then were. obt 4ed bi the bundle of Ir', Madows with..8000- Mav/ Co. The, results of this ex- periment &to listed- in four tables: ~ (1) Table I lists, data, of defined 3-3-o AUthesedata [:were'aveFage~4alues which were obtained by itstag a microscope to measure two -four ~'_tim a indejiie~dentlyt' -it also lists the decay one rgy Q and lifetime of all hyperons 46undli theirl-4wil c,ciardinate system* -(Z) Table'-Z lists & concerning the primary -,.stars. These st"s, have been analyzed as the source of V7 hyperons. (3)Tabla3lists ,the-M,ow". zp*,iiial.t.Nmang,c,enter.,systemo.vortical*.momentum*pI andprojecting (suppose, hyperons *w irei produc ed by the im 1 -mesons angle 6r, oL h~psrons pact of T -to free nuclei), The, average vertical raomentuza of E- hyperon-Is equal to 318 3S Bow*~,:!Ihkis,vidue is roximate. to the, verticaL motnentum of.protomand hyperon. This table-iasor iist*A he characteristics of thefollowh 2& anglis: (a) &'/10 Is the projecting w-projected au am,:,- h 0' -angle of Ao,.whbi::hAi t fr, r", ype, a decs~y process under its equilibrium Card 114; 096L 'OS -T-qUO%dWj A'u v I I U--jV.Xqo -1014TIDOM q It" U.I.dcq R-41. 4,91:1-9. t . 0l Cq -.AdZq 9;0/V ... ... -,j-V-d - - - dfl,- %-It% P9,O) :-t, 61 I P-IJT -VI -q, . ..... Iqv k9 ig Td i C, 'o Isk V_ :"JL f-r-T .... ...... tiL tq6t C;, .7,31:01ju -.Zj. cj,-r..A -',PC 1*7_1-wmi I GIZR=v 9 9 ,=ZZ vv-c. VAN MUM [10 Y Wang); VEKSLER, V.I.; DU YUMI-TSAY [Tu Yuanns-ajl,~UADNITSKAYA, Ye.N.; KUZNETSOV, A.A. A, V.I.; SOKOWVA, Te.S.; ; 11GUYEV DO TY; PUT tjKI1UL$ SOLOVITEV, M.I.; SARAIIT9:VA, V.R.f ;~khn. red. [Generation of A Ko and Koko pairs in 5T _P interactions at --meson energies of 7-8 Bev/c.] Izuchenie rozhdeniia -4 Ko i K0K0 7_ -par v _1T P - vzaJmodeistviiakh pri impullse -T1 -mezona 7-8 Bev/s. Dubna, Ob"edinennyi in-t iadernykb isaledovaniit 1962. 15 P. (MIRA 15:6) 1. Institut Atomn fiziki, Bukharest.(for 14ikhu-1). (Mbaonsl (Nuclear reactions) --1,. 7.. z A, 1. `7 7 :oi r 1, t i 0 h f~4 k I c t o r, q A. A 7 K K 4- i r ro i, r. T-A. C. L ."ll In 'r r I t L -f .rill I "r, a I, r" ~"y m r, A t Z. t 0 rA C.1 fli, n, 17) r, t fo, t r b.1 t C. n I t t~ t r 3 o:. r, t;,. -:.Lr vi J L 14t I c) f. r I it t,6o_- j1 n !- f it IL~f X! '.,tiz A t T r, I o J-11 r0 ri. I nv.i~ ti ,at Ion of und . . . BIJ2X'1~;4 JD11't :;;C. ar a.3-cr. ina.1tuto of A.,=Ic ?riy Z' I a 3 . B., C." ~:-i 3 n' April 11, s/r,5 62/043/003/31,/G63 Gard 5/) 8/056/63/044/002/007/065 B10213186 AUTHORSj 3*lyak,)v, I- A-, Wang Tuna Ch'ang, Vskoler, V. I.. Viryaciv, go No, Vrana, I., Tu Oan-tolais Kim Kht Tings 1.1adnStakaya, To. N., Kusnoteov, A. A., Mikhul, So Nguyen a r&, L - , PO no v , V - N . - a - . gelov 'yov I M. 1. , Khofsokl To , Chong Un(I-yen, likhul 9 4. 0-4 TITM Investigation of A-hyporon and K soon production processes in a 9 Interactions at 7-0 Dow VERIODICAU Mumal oksg4rimentallnoy I toorstichookol flelki, v. 44, no. 2, 196)o 431-443 TEM The o.n.o. oomentuve omd angular distributions determined for the A and X0 particles produced in ap interactions are alvea and discussed. The measurements wore made u6ing a 24-litor propene bubblo chamber In a field of 1),100 a*. The total momentum spectrum of the A-byporons produasd In the reactions Card 1/7 S/05 63/044/002/007/065 InvostigatLon of A-hyperon ... B1 02YBI 06 tire ohown in Fig. 1, compared with thoo;qtical results. As it way be se,qn the statistipal theory describes the oxyorloontal curve very -all If the Isobar. an4,lho cases with p p-p " A