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-ACC--Nlts--AP6003696-----,-~l-- SOURCE -CODE:--- CZ/M9/65/026/Wl/W1A/=8 AUTHOR: Milkova.- Eva--KMova,, Ye. (Graduate physiciat) ORG: A S. Popov.Commmications Engineering Research Institute, Prague (Vyzkumny ustav pro sdalow.aci.techniku A. S. Popova) TITIE: Cut-off frequency of trwisistors SOURCE: .51aboproudy obzor, v.-26, no. 1, 1965v 14-18 TOPIG.TAGS: transistor,, semiconductor research, signal frequency ABSTRACT: The relaticaship-between the !I%ut -6ff ftiquency of tr amistors and theli~deilga to discussed. Transistors 1vith a kmageneous base,, with a diffused basep -and with a diffused ant Intrinsic base (p-n-i-p transistor) am dIsc:ussed. The dependence of the drift, time ;Won the diffusion layer's configuration is -calculated, under certain simplify- conditions. Fbra, special cases the dependence of hole mobility an the con- Wag, jeentration of the doping atwo Is conelderedp and the maximum concentration in Ithe emitter region Is computed which gives the otplaun frequency behavior of the itransistor. It is then shown that the configuration of the diffusion layer ~plqys an IMortant role in the p-n-i-p transistorp whereas the total thickness 1 of the baoe ~ Is of ama] I IMortance., In this respect the V-n-I-p transistor dif- fers from the other transistor typos._ la conclusions, the theoretical avA experi- 'mental results 'ard -do4ared. 'Orlg* art. has: 6 figures'and 32 formulas. 'Cip1~67-- SUB CODE: suB14 DATE: 24jun,64 /'-oTH Rw: ool Card -:LA - 43 UDC: 621-314-7 GRIZMUBOV,, Me;jgW~0VA, Z.A. Detersinhag the.flneness in lim grinding. Sakh.'prom. 36 no.74043' J1-14.- (MIRA 17:1) 1~7 1. Romanskaya gruppovaya-laboratoriya. GRITSENKO, Ye.M.; GRIZODUBOV, N.I.; MILIKOV~, Z.A.; TYAZHEIDVA, G.F.; STASEYEV, Gel* Problem deserving attention. Sakh. prom. 37 no.10.-28-33 0 163. (MM 16:12) l.' Ramonskaya gruppovaya laboratoriya (for Gritsenkc, Grizodubov). -20 Voronezhakiy tekhnologicheskiy institut (for MilIkova). 3. Ramonskiy sakharnyy zavod (for Tyazhelova, Staseyev)e MILKOVIC, B. Chemical and biostafAstica.1 studies on the cow milk ef diffc-rent -0 breeds in the environs of Sisak. Bul sc Youg 9 no.4/5ilI9 Ag~ 0 164. 1. Chemical and Microbiological Laboratory of the Medical Center, Sise.k. ROMIRDTIC. Jetica, Mr.;,:IILKOVIC, Bojana, ur.; VAJIC, B., dr. Arbutus unedo, unused source of vitamins. Htgijena, Beogr. 7 no.l-.4:387-390 1955. 1. Zayod sa kemiju prebrans Plarmacoutskog fakultsta, Zagreb.. (PLANS Arbutus unedo, source of vitamin C (Bar)) (TITAXIII C 0- in ir;utus unodo shrub Oar)) 14ILYOVIC, Bolana ca'dl;); Given C~'Lltx-y: Yugoslavia D--6-MCO: Mr. Ph. Aff~,U,,~tion: ./not given, ./ Source: Zagreb, Parmacautski glasniko No 7-8, July-August 1961, pp 283-284. 71" t4 Book Reviews "An Introduction to Industrial Mycology,* by George Smith (British). 1. /I~Otllcl P q ~),O R ', 1 YUGOSLILVU, Chemical Todhnology. homical Products and Thoir H-34 I,pplication. Dyoing and Chomical Troatmont of ToxtiloB. !,.bs Jour Rof Zhur - Khim., No 3, 1958, No 10,111 ;Luthor Milkovic, Borivojo Inst i Not Givon Titlo s Calculations for Mixturos Orig Pub i Tokstil, 1956, 5, No 4, 301-304 ,',bstract t Formulas and a graphical mothod for solving tho sinplost proportion probloms which ariso in tho proparatior. of two- componont mixturos and solutions aro indicatod. Card 1/1 MILKOVIC, Ivan ims. 10 yeptro of Hydraulic Cooperatives. Gradevinar 14 no.11;494-404 N 06p. I 1. V*n Redakcionog o4tioral, "Gradevinarm. MILKOVICV Ivan$, inz. Some conments 61ft the artIcle I'llydraulic reclamation of land in Yugoslavia." Gradevinar 15 no.5-.185-187 Ap 163. 1. Clan Reda1ccionog odboras, "Gradevinar". YUGOSLAVIA/lIuman anC. lininal 1-bysiolof:y - Internal Secretion. T-7 Supreronal GLanda, Abs Jour : 11cf Mur - Diol., No 18, 1958, 84392 Author : Dozovic, Lj., 14ilkovic,. S. Inst Title : StuitiulatinC the Hypophysis of %cirenalectonizer! Rat's with ,10.rcimlin. Orig Pub : Glasnik biol. sek, Hrvatsko -prircdosl. Oxustvo, 1953 (1955), Ser. 2D, 7, 104-105 Abstract : Adrenalectoraized rats (M) were intraveriously iiijected vith adronalin (1); 5 minutes later their hypophy3nu vc-rc extracted in order that their ACTH Lr"adrenocorticotroIj:,ic horrziie 7 night be cleter-mined. It was found that I,y'~'rvy- SOS of control rats contailicul 72 e of ACTII, hypophysez of .,'%!I which were given I injections, contained 120 rof ,CTII. I increases the bloocl's ACTH content. Card 1/1 14ILKOVIC Stimulation of the hypophvsis rf! n(trninistering P,!renaEne .,~n adrenalectoinized rats. Lj.' fo.~ovi6 and - (Univ. Zngrt!b, Yttgoslavia) E*x,,)crirnI6i 10, 7~""1054)(in English).-Ilic content of adrenworticotfopk horinone of the bypophyscs of adrenaltxtoniiied rats injecud with 30 -)/ - 100 g. body wt. adrenalim. 5 min. before killing was sig- nificantly higher than that of -.1ectotnized individuals which received control inivrtiotis j. t0% NaCl - D. S. Farner -NP rate. Piz Atck. ism) a the drudal a- dwiftVil days and 0.5% 1 wbdCh nor- lmd the h pestfuphv r4 the th my In rats. m.. ol-ta M Intact rato nOf On the size of the -- fzl IL-- A " y i fl, : -7j - . - I . i - - I YUGOSUj,VIA / General Biology. General Histology. B-3 ,'j,bs Jour v Rof-Zhur - Biol., No 11, 1958, No 47543 author :Milkovic-Zulj, K. Inst Titlo : The Effact of Stroptomyoin on the Growth of Fibroblasts in Vitro. Orig'Pub :Glasnik Biol Sok Hrvatsko Prirodosl Drustvo, Sor 2B, 7, 266 (1953) (1956) -',bstract :Al statistically reliable stimulation of the growth of cardiac fibroblasts in cultures of 11-day-old chick embryos under the offoot of stroptomycin is reported. In the opinion of the author the data indicate the possibility of a direct action of stroptomyoin on the fibrous tissues in tuborculos. Card 1/1 7 MIUWVIC-ZULIO KarmelA - ~L~owcon~centra~tion of streptomycin, and their intluence on the isolated fragments of the tissue and organs of the chicken embryo. Biol glas 34 no.1/2:1-11 061. 1. Zavod za biologiju, Medicinskog fakulteta Sveucilista u Zagrebu. MILKOVIC-ZLILJ., K. Functional activity of the pituitary-adrenal endocrine axis in the first postnatal period. Bul sc Youg 8 no. 1/2: 27-28 F-Ap 163. 1. Zavod za biologiju Medicinskog fak-qlteta, Sveucilists, Zagreb. MrLIKMCHI M. . ~t,- Measuring soil moisture by drying a teat sample. Meteor. i gidrol. no,807 Ag 165. (MIRA l8t7) 1. Gidrometeorologicheakoye upravleniye getsialisticheskoy Respubliki Serbii. i YUGOSLAVIA/Human and Animal Physiology (Normal and Pathological). Internal Secretion. General. Abs Jour: Ftef Zhur-Diol ., No 17, 1958, 79697. Author Milkovich Stevan Inst Title Influence of Vitamin C on Preputial, Glands and the Thyms of Intact and Castrated-Adrenalectomized FdLts Orig Pub: Olasnik biolo sek. Hrvatsk"o prirodool. drustvo, 1953 (1955), Ser. 2D, 7, 265. Abstract: The introduction of ascorbic acid (1) decreases the weiebt of the thymus (T) In castrated-adrenalecto- mixed rats (=). This Is probably conditioned by the prevention of hypertrophy of the T after adrena- lector.W. Participation of ACM vas not excluded; Card 1/2 YU00SLAVIA/Fern Aninals. - Small Homed Stock Q-3 Abs Jour i Rof Zhur - Biol.j No 69 IM, No 2617o Atithor :Millkovich V.__-- Inst sNot.-Cdvan Title The Importance of Sonon Diluonts and of the Number of Spermn- tozon 'In the Artificirl Insomination Iof Shoop (Znccheniyo razbeviteloy spormy I chialki spormatozoldov pri iskusstvannori osomenonii.ovots) Orig Pub s Acta voterin., 1957, 7, No 2, 75-93 Abstrnet : By diluting rt-vis semen with warmed vowts milk rnd with yolk- citrated or glucose-phosphate diluentp 70.2v 66-79 rnd 63 per- cent of fertilizations were obtainod, rospoctively. A mini- run number of spomatozor, sufficient to obtainfron 61 to 68 porenot of fertilizations whon uningoilk rs the semen diluent, i1vto ~0-1* million in 0.5 ml. A the introduction of the nornon into the cortix. The incroose of the nuabor of spomatozoe over 40 nillion was not augmenting the percontego of fertil- ization substrntially. The artificinl inewination of shoop Card S 1/2 MILImEnD . 601. 2K-1)00 boring rig. Shakht.strol. no.,5,19-20 MY 157. (MM 10:7) (Boring machinery) --mmmOVITSKIr, S.I., inxh. Shaft sinking by boring. Ugoll Ukr- 3 no*2:48 7 159. (MIRA 12:3) (Shaft sinking) TAVORSKIT. Boris Mikhaylovich; DITLLY, Andrey AntQnovich- VP AZA.-- TIMps nownA a2-- - SMIM , Georgly Petrovich; S11INA. K.1.0 red. Isd-va; SHLYK, M.D., (course of'lectures on physical Kurs lektali po fisike. Tol.1 CKSchanics, wlecular physics, and thermodynamics] Kekhanlka, molokullarnala flzlim'i towdinamika. Moskva, Goo. lzd-vo "Sovetskata nauka-w 1958. 176 P. (MIRK 12:2) (Phyllics) TATORSKIT# Boris Mikheylovich; MEn", Andrey Antonovich: NIMOVSKAU,,--- TA Ly, Bron ?a, YU.B., starshiy pWp-odaystelle. red; USIM Sol-,"lWd*lsd-ve; YORONINA, R.K., [Lecture course in phpicsj Kars lektsli po fizike. Moskva. Goo. Isd-yo "Tysshale shkola." Tol.2. [Blectricity and magnetism] Ilektrichestvo i magnetism. 1960. 421 p. (NMA 14:2) 1. Kafedra f1siki Moskovskogo energaticheskogo Institute (for Gorbatov). (Blectricity) (NBgnation) YAVORSKIY, Boris Mikhaylovich; DETLAF, Andrey Antonovich; 4,.Lidiya Bronislavoyna; SERGEM, Georgiy MILK~~VSKK Petrovich; PERKOVSWA_,_7r.Y_e., red-. (Pbysics course] Kurs fiziki. Moskva,, Vysahaia shkola. Vol.l. Izd.3., 1965. 375 P. (MIRA 18:7) 'nUOVSKI, !:~. flPrinted charts in radio sets." p. 27 (Radio I Televiziia) Vol. (, no. 12, 1957 ofila, Bulgaria SO: Monthly Index cf East European Accessions (EEAI) LC. Vol. 7, no. 4, April 1958 "On the sowing of early spring crops.,,, p 11, (KOOPERATITIO M=,.PLIEI Vol 6) "1/2 Jan/F(,:-b 1951, Dalcaria) East European Vol 2 #8 50.1 Monthly List of IRmwOm Accessions 2 Ubrary of Congress, August 1953, Unc MILYOVS-I, I "Sowing the late spring cultm-ed plants", p, 74 (YOOPMAT111-10 Mn-MFIIE, --70-1 6, #3, Mar. 1951) Bulgaria East European Vol 2 #8 August 803 Monthly List of fUUM Accessions Library of Congreass 1953s Unc MITI XOVSKI ~ - T. "Takina Care of the Cotton Plant During It!3 Vegetation. -. 15711 CMOPF-RALTIVIM zn-EDE?"IE) ., No. 5, May 1951, Soflya, Bul-- ia. Vol. 37 :, Ir SO: Monthly Li~xt of East European Accessions L.C. Vol. 2, No. 11, Nov. 1953, Uncl. I~ULKUVSKI, 1. I Milkovski, I. Technological quality of fi:)er in the various types of cotton ir. our country. p.10. Vol. 4, no. 7, 1955 UKA PI'(0,,LTSHLTU'OST Sofiya, utagaria SO: Monthly List of Last European Accessions, (E'4"), LC, Voi. 5, No. 2 February, 1.956 __ Z1LKeV6K1-._I. ; DRAGOEV, X.. Research on the spinning-technological qualities of fibers from the new sorts of cotton. P. 40, (Lika Promishlenost) Vol. 6, no. 1, 1957, Sofia, Bulgaria SO: Monthly Index Of East European Acessions (EEA1) Vol. 6, No. 11 November 1957 -- MILKOVSKI, lordan Cotton production in ailgqrla. Pr1roda Rulg 1-3 S-D '~'4, I'ILYC-'SYI, T. T. Auto transform-er connection in the high-frec ency cycles. p. 16. -U Vol. 5, No. 9, 1956. RADIC TECITCLWY Soffia, Flulgaria So: East European Accession, Vol. 6, No. 3, Ya!rch 19117 so MILKOVSKI, Y. National Cotton Conference. Leka Promishlenost (Light Industi-f), #5:46:y,ay 55 MILKOVSKI, YOR. Concerning the Technological Properties of Fibers from High Quality Cotton Spread in Our Country. Leka Promishlenost (Light Industry), #7-12:9: July-Dec 1955 .KILKOVSKII. Mikbail Antonovich; ZEYWT ) M.B.9 red.; KONARDOVA. T.F.9 red, iia--va; LDBkW7f-,A-.Ye., tekhn. red& (Mastergs handbook for 750-ft. logging railroads] Spravochnik ma- sters. lesavozrWkh uzkokolairykh zheleznykh dorog kolei. 750 mm. Moskva, Goslesbumizdatp 1961. 14 p. (MIM 14: 11) (Lumber-Transportation) (Railroads) SKU, SrA- A- Iffect of Infrared rays in disinfection of grain for planting; preliminary communication. Act& microb. polon 5 no.1-2tl33-135 1956. 1. Z Katedry Mikrobiologii Rolnej WSR w Krakowin. (INFRARED RATS. effect grain disinfect. (;001)) (ANTISEPSIS AND ASEPSIS, Infrared grain disinfect. (Pol)) (aRAIN, infrared difiinfect. (Pol)) POIAND /Soil Scionco. Ydnoral Fortilizore. j-4 Abe Jour :Hof. Zhur - Biologlya., No 17, 1958) No- 77418 Author :Snyk, B.;_14LIkovskao A. Inat :Socond Cracov Agricultur-al--Sohool Titlo :Influonoo of Minoral FortilIzors and Shoop Manuro on Soil blioro-Flora of Alpino Panturos Orig Pub :Acta microbiol. polon., 1956, 5, No 1-2, 165-171 Abstract :The Dopartmont of Agricultural Ydarobiology of tho Secondary Agricultural School in Cracow establishod that the intro- duction of N5OF6OK80 significantly strongthons the microbiological activity of alpine pastures; still bettor is tho effect of mineral fertilizers, togothor with animal oxcrations when, during ono night in a corral there is 1 shoop per 2m2. -- Z. I. Zhurbitskiy. C ard 1/1 30 WUSS, Karlan; J(IIKOWS&4. Ali!U&_ KOZINSKA, Karia Conservative treatment of scollosis. in the light of aloe trozVographic data. Ghir. narz. ruchu 22 no.2:197-209 1957. 1. Z Kliniki Ortopedyesnej A. K. w Waresawis I so Szpitala Chirurgii Komtnej w Konstancinie lisrownik: prof. dr-A. Gruca Z Zakladu leczniczego Uspr&wniania A. W.,F. w Waresawie Kisrownik; x-ca prof., kand. nauk N. Wales Z Centralnej Poradni Miedxysskolnej w Warssawie Klerownik: dr K. Sokal. Konstancin k/Warssawy, Szpital Chirurgil lostnje. (SCOLIOSIS, ther. conservative. based on electronWographic data of mMsc. fanct. (Pol)) (ALICTRONYOGRVHT, in var. din. scoliosis. value of data on masc. fmnat. In con- servative ther. (Fol)) )aLKOWSKk, Aliaja laww"We -- -- . -- V1. -.I.% Report frost the course on soil microbiology held in the Pasteur 1 ' Institute in Paris during So tember 1963. Wisdom botan 8 no.,A/4- Suppil Biul ogrod botan no.314&267-268 164. _KMKOWSKAj--J&dwiga Medicinal plants in the Lublin Province. I. Ann.Univ.Lublinj sec-D 14:321-354 1.59. 1. Z latedr7 Botaniki Farmaceutycznej W~dzialu Farmacoutycznego Akadenii Modyenej w Lubli-nie lierownik: sast. prof. dr Tadousz Szynal. (PLANTS MEDICINAL) MnMWSKA, Jadwiga ------- Histochemical investigations of sulphhydryl groups in me-ristematic plant celle. Am. Univ., Lublin sect.D 16:1+41-1+45 161. 1. Z Natedry i ZWdadu Histologii i Embriologii Wydzialu Lekarskiego Akademii Medycznej w Lublinie Kierowniks prof. dr mod. Stanislaw Grz.voki. (SULPHrDRYL COMPOUNDS) (PIANTS) GRZYCKA, K.; ~qLKOWSKA, J. The dwarf birch (Betula nana L.) iki the Botanical Garden of Maria Curia-Sklodowska University in Lublin. Wiadom botan 6 no.2:178-179 162. MILKOVISKA. Jagg Aa;-~ Histocbemical and histophotometric investigations of protein- bound SH and SS groups in the meristematic root cello. Ann. Univ. Lublin seat. D 193441-453 1 64. 1. Katedra i Zaklad Histologii i ftbriologii, It4jdzial Lekarski, AM w LublInie (Kierownikt prof. dr. med. Stanislaw Grzyckl) i Katedra i Zaklad Botaniki Famaceutycznej, Wydzial Farmucautyany, AM w Luhlinie (Kierownik: doc. dr. Tadeusz-Szyna.I.','-. mur.010KA, Jadwiga Protein bound SH and SS groups in the meristomatia root calls of ImpinuB luteus L. kin. Univ. Lublin seat. D 19479-487 164. 1. Katedra i 7Aklad Histologii I Rabriologii, Wydsial Lekarski AM w Lublinie (Kierowniki prof. dr. mod. Stanislaw Grzyckl) I Katedra i Zaklad Botaniki ftm&aeutya&nsjp WyxIsI&I Famnami- tyarsny AM w Lublinie (Kierowniks doe, dr. Tadouan Supal). MILKOWSKA, M.: STATKIEWICZ, J. The effect of the load on the life of relay contacts in a railroad signaling system. Archiw automat 4 no-3/4:281-293 '559- (EELI 9:7) 1. Politechnika Wroclawska Katedra Teletechniki Loczenlovej i Centralny Osrodek Badan i Rozwoju Techniki. Kolejnictwa. (Railroads) ,j!LU~OdS?,'Aq Maria. Electric contacts and contactor materialal a conference in Moscow in 1959. Archiw automt 3 no.2:273-278 160. (EW 9:10) 1. Politechnika Warssawaka, Katedra Techniki, Lacteniowej. (Electric contactors) MILKOWSU6jL44MMIzWICZv J. Sintered contact materials for relays of railroad signaling equipment. Archiv automat 6 no.1:79-91 061. (EM 10:5) 1. Politechnike Wroolavska, Katedrs. Teletschnild lacsonlowej. (Automatic control) (Railroads) (Ilectric contactors) (Powder metal processes) (Palays) ba:ZWKA, Maria., prof, dr; PIATKWKIP Antonis, mgr inz. Simw3l ied callin selectors for MB telephone party lines. - I Przegl kolej elektrotech 15 no.7:180-185 J1 163. DOZANTSKA., Celina; Ponuta lrit.~-Ait;al vinuien 4r, vater vril :3(iwages. Rooml j-'r-st7w zak-I hir-, 24 no.2:10-t-178 163 I. Nyartmml. of 1-111rdriPill Ilvgiene, State InotituLe of Ilygionot lbirr"tiv. HA?AjIN, Stefania; MRIOWSEA-JANKINSKA, Danuta; ZIEMINSEA, Vtefanla Application of brilliant green bile broth in tests con- firming the presence of coliform organisms in water and .soil. Roczn panstw zakl hig ".5 no.1:79-84 164. 1. Department of Communal Hygiene, State I.stitute of Hygiene, Warsaw. Head of Department: prof dr J. Just. MUAUAKIO Alf-)= Issuance of judgwnt on pensiono in c"ex pendilag in court. Fraca sabesp spol 5 no.2sl4-17 F 163. L Okragowy Bad Ubespleesen Spoleczrqch, Szosecin. AILKOWSKI, Marian The Malpasset catastrophe in Frejus. Przegltechn 81 no.24;15-16 Je 160. ~11-1 -; ZYSYJ., E. IdLYCWSKI, W.; ZYSYA, B. Laboratory researches on fireproofing mine til'Ier. HULIJYN. p. 29. Vol. 11, No..12, Lec. 1955 PRZKLAD CORNlC;LY TECIINOLCGY Foland So: Last Luropeon Accession, Vol. 5, No. 5, Pay 1956 t ccts. lea Bituminous cold 11" ' cutnb,lstibt"' w dust vinti in d,d ~d H.O 'f twocic- rat, tPIVO . f" T lit -All and 1 2fu - / "110 - " [1 2 11'r hil UrIlla, All 011--ibit"r th.o j) %CC coals the Atr vt!"'!) ,,, ellocAl'Cly Ull r: T,:,,0 JOUR. : RZK! i:un. 19-19, No. 88087 W. ; Olpinski , W.; Zyska~ B. rA : Milkowski, : ~IETF-Mis-M.-H-ew Mining ni 12 L lestinc, of Preparations imparting Fire- Resistance to Bracing Lunber C,, 71 1PJF Frace Glown. inst . gorn. 19--81 A, No r_`23, 30 s i1 T R A 01 T Description of' production technology of q new prk Paration. Experiments have shown that lumber lmpregn-.ited with I.-his preparation Is not ignited by fire even at a fairly high temperatwre. In addition it Is resistant to furtgi which attack bracing lumber In n1ines. From authorts summary. miummis W. ftosibilitiew of precipitating sumpensions in turbulent systemse Biuletyu, P. 2 3* PEZROW GORK=To (Stowarsyssenia Naukovo-Techitiewa InsynIerow i Technikow Gornictua) Kalmdee, Poland, Vol@ 15, no. 9a Sept. 1959. Monthly list of East Europe= Accessions (EUI) W# Vol* 9,, no. 1. Jan. 1960. uncle 310811621000102310861120 B144/P166 P AUTHORs Mi.kkowskip Wkadyelaw TITLEs Use of polar substances to improve the corrosion resiatance of hydraulic oils PERIODICALs Referativnyy zhurnal Khimiya, no. 23, 1962, 596-597, abstract 23,14224 (Przegl. gbra., v. 18, no. 4, 19621 Biul. Gj6wn. inst. g6rn., v- 13, no. 1, 5 - 8 I-Pol.] ) TEXT: It is shown that the intensive corrosion observed in hydraulic and pneumatic-hydraulic mechanisms in shafts is due to insufficient protective properties of hydraulic oils (HO). Of the.15'polar substances added to HO, which were studied under laboratory conditions, additions of glycerin di- All stearate M (97.3 % and of glycerin monooleate 98% reduction) most effectively reduced corrosion. The optimum concentration of I was 1.75 - 2.0 %. Additions of I reliably protect steel against corrosion in soft and hard mine water, %iith pH 5 - 8.5 and in 0.1 N HNO 3 solution. Test under underground conditioils confirmed the high efficiency of I. [Abstracter's note% Complete teanslation Card 1/1 1 MILKOWSKI Wladyslaw, mgr.,inz. Corrosion of iron and steel in faine surrounding@. Prxegl gorn 18 ino.3%180-185 162. 141L.KUP St akad. (Rumania) Achievements and proBpdIt*.,t%-,. in science in t4m Amanian People's Republic. Spisanie BAN 6 no.3:92-95 161. MILKU, Sh. M.; TSDIELI . Go; PETRYA, I. Effect of some cytostatic preparations on the endocrine system (experimental study). Vop. onk. 8 no.3:86-92 062. (MIRA 15:4) 1, IneUtut endokrinologli im. No I, Parkhona,, Bukharest, Adres avtorov; Bukharest, Inatitut endokrinologii im. K. 1. Parkhona. (CYTOTOXIC DRUGS) (VIDOGRINE GLWDS) JULKU- ShL.M. '- [14ilcu. S .14.1; PETRYA, I. [Petrea, I.]; FTFTF:';i'(j, C. rStatescu, 0. ]' L Preliminary results of cyluoautoradiographic studies with eleczron microscopy. TSitologLia 6 no.ltllO-113 Ja-F 164. (WRA 17:9) 1. Laboratoriya olakti-onnoy inlkratskopil. Institutti oridovrlnologll AN Rumynskoy Narodnoy Respubliki, Blikhat-est, Riunyniya. MIUM, Sht. (Milell" St.]; SR."fouEsn' ltl. (SIMiona.9cu, 11.] Histological changes in the hypophysis, adrenal cortex and o7ary in female sterility connected with the Iteenko-Cushing syndrome. Probl. endok. I gorm. 11 no.5:38-41 S-0 165. (IGRA 19:1) 1. Institat endo)a-lnologli Rumynskoy Narodnoy ResivbUki., Bukharest.. Submitted June 16, 1964. RZUGIDLA Le $ 1-t[LKUIASZL?K E. I WALEGKI 11, .91imnia im~~Xczm adanqch fom paUcs)d darmajo B /lammoctmdeca Investigation oa variation forims of 841mamU4 'Whg Had, dow, mikrob. 2vA 1950 po 323-48o 2e Of the 11atiorml Institute of Hyglarm and of the Institute of H&Ucal Microbiology of Warsaw Medical AosdamV. OLML Val. 209 Noo 10 Oct 19-911 KrUMMOV. D. - , I MILMM9 D. Research on certain elements of ordinary prestressed concrete for floors and otber constractions. po9e Vol. 3., no. A, 19A5. moi7mmot sonut mumu. SOs Monthly List of Bast Smpean Accessionst (EUL)# LC, Vol. 5v no. lot Oct. 1956. a "ILKUNOV, D. "Comr.uting large panels for d-dollings without framework. It STROITE-ISTVO: Vol. (), 11o. 5, 1959; Soflia, nilg-ria Yonthly lirt of -r,'!ST :,:URC---'-'-! ---',ID2:( Libr-.ry of ConLTress, Vol. 81 1-10. 8, August, 1959 Unclassified KAFUSTINSKIT, A.F.; WLITSET. &.K.; MILLI, B.V. Zow-taxperature form of sulfur. Zbur.neorg.khim. 3 n0-2:506 ir 16o. W" 13:6) 1. gookovskiy khimilco-tekbnologicheakiy institut imeni Me Mendeleyeva. (sulfur) 5/665 Q7,Q376i/oo6/oO5/0l1/01l 4 9132/z56o AUTHORSt M11111 B,V. and Noumova, I.I. 11____-~ TITLEi Syntheses in the system Y20 3- Fe2o 3- H20 PERIODICALt Krixtallogr&fiya, 1961, Vol.6. No-5, PPA00-803 TEXTi Although as described by J. W. Nielson (Refs.1 and 21 Phys. Chow. Solids, 5, 202, 1958; J. Appl. Phys., suppl. to, 31, 5, 51S, 1960) yttrium iron garnet (YIQ) can be grown from the melt by slow cooling from 1250 to 9008C it in also known that garnets can be made hydrothermally at about 600-700% from the mixed oxides. this method was tried for YIG usinx a pressure of up to 2000 atm. The autoclave was closed, the pressure being supplitd by the water vapour. Temperatures from 300 to 550*C were tried at 500 intervals. A range of ratios of Y.0 /Fo20 were employed with 5-15% of various additives such a8 N2011, UCI etc. After heating, the solid residue was boiled in nitric acid and the undissolved parts examined microscopically. Out of some 100 trials the following phamoswere foundi- YIG I YFeO , magnetite and haem&tite there were also some specimens for whicA the X-ray powder photographs could not be identified. YIG was not obtained below Card 1/3 26653 Syntheses in the system 5/070/61/006/005/011/011 9132/9560 5000C. 9 out of 11 runs at 550*C contained YIG. Magnetite crystals up to 1.5 mm in size were found in association with the YIG crystals which reached only 0.4 mm. The successful solutions were those of NH4Cl, LiCl, C^Cl, and NaCl and the coefficient of filling of the bomb was 0.4-0.6. The crystals obtained were rhombic dodecahedra. YF%O was formed in the interval 350-550*C when the ratio of Y203 to 1020 w 3a1 to 112 using solutions of chlorides, H38039 Na28407, NaOA aa'd5 Na2COY The crystals were in the form of orthorhombic prisms. Magnetite was obtained from 450-550% most profusely in the came of NH4Cl solutions and less efficiently for the other chloride solutions. The magnetite apparently cam* from the corrosion of the vessel. Acknowledgments are expressed to P. V. Klevtsov and A. A. Shternberg for assistances There are 5 figures and 10 referencest 3 Soviet and 7 non-Sovi*t. The gnglish-language references read as followas Refs. I and 2 (quoted in text)i Ref.5t M. W. Shafer, Rustum Roy. J. Amer. Ceram. Sot., 38, 11, 563, 1959; Ref.6t R. Schmalz. J. Geophys. Ron., 64, 5, 575, 1959. Card 2/3 0, -) 2 6653 Syntheses in the system S/070/61/006/005/011/011 E132/E56o ASSOCIATIONSa Institut kristallografii AN SSSR (Institute of Crystallography AS USSR) Institute neorganicheakoy khimii Sibirskogo otdoleniya AN SSSR (Institute of Inorganic Chemistry of the Siberian Section of the AS UbSH) SUBMITTEDs March 11, 1961 Card 3/3 KAIIUSTF---,SXIY, A.F. (d3cepced]; MALIU2', HILLI, B.V. Investigating brown and green w-Lalysis at low temperatures. 161. (S.oxur) mdfur 'by d:!.fferential thert:al TrudylllaiTl nc-.35:77-M (I -,IRA 24:10) KLLI, B.V. gydrothernal synthesis of yttrium ferrate. Kristallografiia 7 no.4s644-645 JI-Ag 162. (WRA 15:11) 1. Institut neorganicheskoy khinii Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSM. (Yttriun ferrate crystals-Growth) .ACCESSION NR., AP4041152 S/0020/64/156/004/0814/0816 AUTHOR: MLll'v B. V. TITLEt Hydrothermal synthesis of garnets containing V3+, In'3+9 and Sc3+ SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady*, v. 156. no. 4, 1964, 814-816. roPIC TAGS: garnet synthesis, hydrothermal garnet synthesis, fCa3V2S13Ol2, Cd3V2S13O121 CdqV2Ge3Ol2# Mn3V2Ce,30'12, C33Sc2Si3O12P Cd Ge 3 In2Ge3O12, 31n2 0 12 . i"adium containing gaj~nst,, indium containing Ca3 garnet, scandium containing garnet ABSTRACT: This article describes the synthesis of Ca3V7Si3Ol29 !,Ca3V2Ge3Ol2, Cd3V2Si3012, Cd3V2Ce3Ol7, and Dln3V2Ge3Ol2 garnets 0 garnet co,ntaining scandium and tcontaining.vanadium, Ca3Sc2Si3 12 1 0Ca31n2Si3'O1'2, Ca31n2Ge3Ol2, and Cd31n2G83O12 garnets.1~`(ihi~Vthe ioctahedral positions are fully occupied by indium. Hathods described ~in a prevf:64i article (B. V. HL111j, 1. 1. Naumove, Kristallograftya, ;Card 1/3- iACCESsr.oM1-,NR:',1AP40411S2. Iv. 6, no*.'5','*l961, 800) were used for synthesis. The crystals of Isynthesized substances had a rhombododecahedron (110) form,charac- !teristic of garnets. Crystals were investigated with the.aid of a imicrose6pe and x-rays. The dcnsity was determined pyanomiitVically ,at 25C id-benzdne. It-was noticed that the excess of bivAlefit cations :favord-the synthesis. The synthesis was also affected'bi'the' structurii I y lof the &oMponeAts of thii~mixture. In the case of Ca IjArhe"WIP.- BO-tter jresult6'w4re'obtAined when Ca2*1- was introduced in the-fl'im"'o , "C03 0 iinstead-6f Ca(011)*.' Tfi~ largest crystals were obtaidid If6f:'HAjVjGG301i it was,found that Ca31n2Si3Ol2 and Ca31n2GO3012 Possess the biggest llatti~e constant between the,known aillca-to-and_gpr_manium_garne,t,s,.- Orig. art. has: I table. ASSOCIATIONt Institut'neorganichesi*oy khimi'i"Sibirskogo oideleniya Akademif'niu'k SSSR (TAitituta of Inorganic Chemistry', Siberian 1 !Division, Academ~ of sctances~SSSR) :ACCESSION NR: AP4041152 7 ,SUBMITTED: 16Jau6j ..SUB CODE: IC coij ATD PRESS: 3064 NO REP SOV: 003 ENCL: 00 OTHER: 004 _`7 57868-~65 WO EYYKOWA(m)~-~/EVIA(6) Pm-4/Pn4Po~-4/Pf..4/ge!~/Pi-4~/Pl-4, SrTO/',r~P(c) WG/JD ACWSION. NRI- AP5016122 UR/0192/65/006/00 4 4 3/0 71/0 5h2.65 V TITLF.:-,.,., Bynt4esis garnets,+ containing ME3+ and Rh~3+, ions SOURCEv. 1hurnal struktumioy khimif,' _V. 6j no 3, 1965, 4Tl--v4T3 -syn hes a um, garnet anium garnet!7 r o um: germ TO M~ -garnet t i m ganese german othe application 14 q?( 3M~Ge Pj.~2 i -and Cd3Rh2Ge:Pj2::garn % have 2GiA -Pa~M#043 71: 3Mn et d b _U_ e__ and -che 1 ' --of e _~f rst y- Crysta a i1i een-prepAre a --tvd-. -garnet 6 bave7 been*.siyn~hes i zed hydrothermally. The preparations were undertaken to verify the sssumed~feasibility of substituting magnetic Ma 34' and diamagnetic Rh 34' ions for Ge _66taliedthl-positions:+ in the Hydrothermal synthesis -garnet-type structures., Was ~carried -out ~~at -300w-550C and 1300 atm in aqueouasolutions of ammonium, calcium$ or -ca&dum:--chiorid.e9 #::.,&s described earlier by the author [Dokl. AN SBSR, 1561 4, i 814, 19641 The- ef .fects of molar composition of the charge tad of the nature of isolvent . on the yield were investigated. The crystals of Mn3 garnets up to 0.2 mm Jn size were obtained and their morphology and lattice constant were determined c6rd ,__~ILL'j B,V, Synthesis of garnets with large cations. Dokl, AN SSSR 165 no.3:555-558 N 165. (MIRA 18:11) 1, Institut neorganicheskoy khimii Sibirskogo otdelenlya AN SSSR. Submitted April 9, 1965. L W25 IJP(e) JDIJGGIGG -66 L~i 1Z4r Oft) ITIW ATI ACC NRs AR6025T65 SOURCE CODE: UF~16C-i-5896-fO-0-0-/004-/AOTT-/AOT7- AUTHOR: -Mill', B. V.; Xlevtsov, P. V. TlTL-E: Experience in the study of the conditions of hydrothermal synthesis of iron garnets of yttri= and rare-eartb elements SOURCE: Ref. rh. Fizika, Abs. 4A647 REF.SOURCE: Sb. S ozium. Protsessy sinteza i rosta kristallov i plenok poluprovodnik. materialov, 1965. Tezisy dokl. Novosibirsk, 1965, 21 TOPIC TAGS: yttrium,irongarnet, rare earth element, gspae-t hydrothermal synthesis, pressure effect, temperature dependence ABSTRACT: A study was made of the conditions of hydrothermal synthesis of yttrium iron garnets (YIG) in solutions of iron chloride in the interval Wo -- 625'. In the FeCl3 solution, in the absence of priming centers, the garnet is produced only under reducing conditions. In the absence of reducing conditions, the synthenis occurs above 520* when priming centers are introduced. Optimal conditions for the synthesis of YIG in FeC12 solution are found to be 450 -- 625* for mixtures with excess of iron oxide and 525 -- 540* for stoichiometric charges. The kinetics and the influence of the pressure on the synthesis of YIG in FeCl 2 solution are investigated. [Translatioi of abstract). SUB CODE: 20 Card ill mjs ACC NRs'---AP603-29-50~-----.-.-S701iltC*l~--d-O'D-i~-s-~l~-/O~3-63-/'66-/"!-/'6-fO/1-861/1864--'I AUTHOR: Hill% Be Ve; Z~dneprovskLy, G. H.; BakakLn, V. V, ORG: Institute of Inorganic ChemLstrjsS0 )Academy of ScLences.SSSR (InstLtut neorg"icheskoy SO AkademLL nauk SSSR) TITLEt Nov compounds with girnatiletructure SOURCE: AN SSSR. Isvestiya. NoorgauLchookLys matsrLaly, v. 2, no. 10, 1966. 1861-1864 TOPIC TAGS! ceramic material, crystal lattice structure, garnet, arrLt*. gallium garnet, Iran garnet I0&VP-f"1'eqA_ 67094Z -, o"t ABSTRACT: Fifteen new compounds with garnet-type structure were synths- sized by standard ceramic technique In the search for less expensive substitutions for rare earth* In garnet-type compounds to be used In uhf technology or In lasers. The new compo%nd;;. without any expensive :Zmponents, belong to three type:' (Ca3),H +M 1 (:3+)0l 2(l)- where + - TL, Zr Hf. or Sn, HS+ u T or Mb, and M3+ - aa or F + 3 M4 1; '(Ca3)(M!4 k'N.~)012(11), where + - Zrv Hf, or n and M3+ - Ca or Va. I - and (Ca2.sMtVM ](G&3)012(111). where M4+ - Zi or Hf. The synthesized compounds of all three types say be derived from the rare-earth element forrites or Sallatee by substituting to LajMj*012 Ca2* or C02+ &ad M4+ !~~A/2 VDCe 549o73 AP6032950 for Ln3+ (Ln w rare-earth element or y) or by Partially substituting M4+ , M5+, or both cations for Fe" or G04. The Fe garnets and certain Ga garnets of type I could not be made single-phase. only five Ga garnets of this type were prepared as a single-phase ceramic material. The Tas+ contaLuLn 14enzte I were synthesized for the first time. Apparently, the V5 containing I garnets cannot be formed, but five now garnets of the 11 type were prepared, In which VS+ occupies tetrahedral vacancies. Only Ca-garnets of this type were single-phase. The two Go garnets/of type III were prepared as single-phase ceramics by slaterinallhe mixtures 3C&CO + 3M4+02 + CaZO3 or 2*5C&CO, + 2.50+02 + 1,5G&203, where M4+ a Zr at At, These two compounds offer the first ex:mplea of the octahedral In addition to hexahadral coordination of zr + and Hf4+ and of the Implantation of four valent cations to general Into dodacah*dral vacancies In the garnets, This implantation to limited by the relative also of Cal+ and Zr4* as was show by the ussue cossful attempt 'to prepare ga-garsets containing even nor: Zrl*+ is dodecahadral vacancies than is fora*14 Ills The feasibility should be !xPlored of preparing a continuous series of solid solutions is the LAI *2xCa3gM4+)M*+O12 system* where K4+ - Cog go Tb isad HS+ - as of Ire* OrIg, at to Cass I tables SUB CODFs l1/ SUBM DAM 28AuS651 ORIG R97s 0021 OTR RRYs 0071 M JD ACC Mskp_6032951 SOURCE CODE: UR/0363/66/002/010/1865/1869 AUTHOR: Mill', B. V.; Klevtscyv, P. V. ORG: Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, SO Acadenrj of Sciences,SSSR (Institut neorganicheskoy, khimii SO Akademii nauk SSSR) TITLE:. Hydrothermal synthesis of yttrium-iron garnet SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Neorganicheskiye materialy, v. ,TOPIC TAGS: crystal growth, hydrothermal method, ferrite, yttrium ferrite, garnet, yttrium, iron, inorganic synthesis 2, no. lo, 1966, 1865-186, rare earth element ferrite, ABSTRACT: The study of hydrothermal synthesis of yttrium-:~ron garnet (YIG) crystals has been continued to define more accurately the optimum conditions and the chemical mechanism of crystal growth in various hydrothermal systems. This study is part of a broader study by the same group of authors of the hydrothermal synthesis of rare earih element ferrites with garnet structure, which have valuable magnetic properties. Hydrothermal synthesis of YIG crystals was studied in the Y.O.- Fe 03- H20 - NaOH, Y20 -Fe20j- H20-FeC13, and Y203-Fe2O3- H.0 -FeCl. systems. Cryst;f formation, reac- t102 kinetics, and yield of YIG crystals were investigated at variable charge com- position, temperature, and pressure. YIG was synthesized at 450-550C from 5-50% NaOH solutions in floating platinium inserts in the autoclave but only from the charge rich JiA Fe203. Formation of YIG crystals in a FeC:L:j solution was detected within the 400-600C range at about 1500 atm., and with the charges of composition varying within 3:1 to 1:6 range of Y203/Fe 203 molar ratios. YIG crystals obtained from FeC13 COrd 1 /2 UDC: 546-723-,.61;1--31 : 549-73 51 solution without seeding, but only in a reducing medium, i.e., in the presence of Fe2+. Magnetite and orthoferrite crystals were forrwd simultaneously with YIG under these conditions. In the absence of Fe2+, YIG crystals alone were grown from FeC13 solutions only on single crystal seed in hermetically sealed titanium inserts and at above 520C. The seed crystal increased by 200-300% in weight. Synthesis of YIG in FeC12 solutions was pc~ssible only from the charges with 3:5, 1:3, and 1:6 Y203/Fe2O, mol. ratios. The product always contained some magnetite which was formed in the reaction of FeC12 with the Fe.03 of the charge. The simultaneously producted FeC13 plays an important role in the t~ynthetic process. High yields of YIG were obtained in FeCl solutions in4fthe 450-625C range from the Fe203-rich charges and in the 525-546r range from stoichiometric charges. The maximilm size of the crystals was 1-1.5 mm in FeC12 solutions containing FeC13 and 1.5-2 = in FeC13 solutions.- The crystals formed in FeCla solutions were better in quality4~ Recrystallization on a seed was not possible from FeCl solutions because of decomposition of YIG in these solutions. Orig. art. has: 3 hgure and 1 formula. SUB CODE:0~0/ SUBM DATE: 28Aug65/ ORIG REF: 008/ OTH REF: 004 2 11N - ------------ -41 tr. AkaO Extim tW teotVIC41 ractors "md Lnat Elio aptlow Imi for Eumel mcorts aw 2?-2t% tor Sea, ;tv* Call GORDI*, A.Yu.; MILLI. L.A. - I --Wft~ Industrial training shop@. Politakh.obuch. no-5:11-17 MY '59. (AIRA 1227) 1. Srediwaya shkola 36*5114 g.Oloxkvy. (Moscow-Hanual training) OORDIN. Students' wages. Poll teldi, obuch. no.9:9-14 8 159. (MIRA 12:12) 1. Srednyaya shkola NO-544 g.Moskvy. (Moscow--Nducation. Cooperative) (wages) LWANDOWSKA# Krystyna; MILIA, Jan A cass of mediastinal pneumothorax during the course of whooping cough pneumonia and septicemia. Pediat.polsim 35 no.2:211-215 7 060. 1. Z 11 Kliniki Chorob Dzieci A.M. v Posnaniu. Klerownik: doe. 0. Szesepoki. (SWTICIKIA in Inf.& child.) (PWMONJA in Inf.& child.) (WHOOPING COUGH compl.) (PNMOTHORAI in Inf.& child.) not giV0113 Konrad I it of the Veterinary School in Lyon- Anniversary "200th et ~rja~rn4~1 no We" in , .4,e ~dc n~ Warsaw-Lubl 316-318. Vol 13, No 9. Sep 6' 9P founding of the Vgterinal'Y A brief story Of til10 S.00 son tion :Ls mode Of its Ab tracts founder% co ill in Lyon and its f veterinary Sci9n the p ro0c) ti on S sent from ;Olitribution tO U140 included of gre4ting school on the p.3.pnd, and "I't -t 16 the Lyon Vetal-inary School in Warsaw to 000&sjon. zulu.L--n schools of learnin.- or of veterinary practice of which six are Polish, French. orierin %,.,ho generally in Poland. four are tauglat in Polish hi-hor contributed to the advance There are 11 reforonces, Gerran, and one is L.yl PO LA': L !Y,~,-',~o-nradj Center for the Ilistory of' Veterinary "Odicine T -0 -s- Yodolc MstorLi .'.'edycyny '--.etorynaryjnej) "First of `.aster of Vetcrinary Sciences _-ranted in li"7 to Robert Sticlial by ti-ic -~~edical Council of the Polish I ft Kin-:dom. I,' Vol 19, No 6, Jim ;.arsaw-Diblin, Mcdycyna 1.-~'etprynaryjna, 63, i)p 340-34:3- Abstract: [Alithors French and Russian smimarios] Au the r describos the procedure of awarding veterinary diplomas in the first half of the 19,th coribiry in the 1Kin,,,,,,dow of Poland, prcsonts a photo-raph and coiiiplete description of the first diplonia of ".aster of Veterinary Arts awarded by the Kingdom s N-edical Council to Robert St.Lchel, and -,ives a blography of the recipient. References are to nine (9) publica-Lons and four (4) documents, all Polish, with the exception of one publication in ~-zerman. MILLAVARI, Jozsef, dr., MAV tItkar-.jogtanaeaos, foeloadc. Some disputed questions of the practice of arbiltration commissions concerning official council rvports ari-I certifJcntei~ Kozleked kozl 20 no.47:709-773 22 N 164. 1. Law Office of the Hungarian Stal,o Failways., MILLER, A., kand.kh1m.nauk; 10KHANNES, E. (Johanneo, E.) Coseparation of nickel and co'rAlt Irf caimium im-l"ide in the presence of qodium diethy1dithiocarbaimte. Izv. Zst. -SSR. Ser. fiz.-mat. i tekh.nauk no.4:421-426 164. (MIRA 1814) 1. Acadeny of Sciences of the Estonian S.S.R., Institute of Geology. 24262 C/1 13d a - L:~~ AUTHOR: TITLE: PERIODICAL: Millea, Aurel, Engineer R/005/60/000/001/004/004 D264/D301 On some propertAies of curved waveguides TelecomunicaVii, no. 1, 1960, 34-36 TEXT: Because of difficulties in solving problems of curved wave- guides, the author tries to find a solution for equations of the electromagnetic field in curved waveguides - at least in the sampler cases - by a method similar to that applied to straight guides, i.e. by finding some elementary transversal-electrical and transversal- magnetic waves, with a sinusoidal distribution along the guide's axis. The author first establishes the necessary condition, on the basis of which elementary TE or TM waves should exist in a curved waveguide of a.certain constant section along the guide. Then he proves that TE as well as TH waves always exist at the critical fre- quencies of the curved waveguide, deducing for this case a very sim- ply shaped scalar equation. Considered is a curved waveguide with a constant section and with perfectly conducting walls. The axis Card 1/3 It 24262 R/005/60/000/001/004/004 On some properties of curved waveguides D264/D301 of the guide represents a plane curve r. In this case, a system of orthogonal coordinates can be used, consisting of the s arc along the r- curve and plane cartesian coordinates 5 and 9 in the normal planes of the I- curve, the origin of these coordiiRates coinciding with the intersection of the r curve and the normal plane. Select- ed is the coordinate t in the plane of the F curve. In case of M type waves, the author deduces the equation ~e &U . 0 (16) Y 6'7. in which Y is the propagation constant. This O-qua-ion may be ful- filled if: V = 0, ), - oD , or 3U/a7 . 0. In the first case, the curved guide degenerates into a straight line, the second case cor- responds to a critical frequency of the guide, and in the third case all components of the field are zero. Thus the following important property results: In a curved waveguide of a certain constant sec- tion along the guide, transversal-magnetic waves cannot exist with a sinusoidal distribution along the guide, except at critical fre- quencies T = oD. In case of TE type waves, the vector potential is selected as follows: E : jwb, (17) 11 rot b Card 2/3 24262 R/005 ,/60/000/001/004/004 On some properties of curved waveguides D264/D301 with the condition div b a 0. (19) Contrary to the TM waves, in case of TE waves a case exists when they can be propagated in the curved guide at every frequency above the critical one. For TE waves, the following property results: In a curved waveguide of a certain constant section transversal- electric waves cannot exist with sinusoidal distribution along the guide, except at critical frequencies, )r = aD. There is a single exception, i.e. waves of TEmo type which can exist in the curved -uaveguides of a rectangular section. The critical frequencies of the curved waveguides may be defined as frecpiencies at which the r-ield intensity does not vary with the 'Is" coordinate. For M type waves, the author deduces the relation: a2F 2 2 + A-F EF + k F z 0 12 h 43 (29) 'a. in which F z hEs, For the TE type waves, an identical equation is obtained, F being equal with hHs. There are 3 references: 2 Soviet- bloc and I non-Soviet-bloc. Card 3/3