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TSUKERMAN, I.S.; I.IlLoliCIV, II.P.; FOG02,711-111, G.'~,*.; I.P-IR7. .1 ..,. , Prospects for t~,e une of S,;PIOrts MRde or nt-I.i ir, the Klzel Basin. flauch. trudy Permlillil no.6:103-114 1-1'4. (1-111RAP 18:2) MiIf)NOV.p N.P.; VOSKVIN, V.A.; ANTONOV, M.N.; TSUKUM~%N, I.S. Efficient use of a metal, pliable, ar::hed support. t:-I:dy FermNTUI no.6:115-122 164. (1/,.-PA 18:2) MILONOV. 0.B. '.0 am ww^A*WW4"- Nchinococcum of the parotid gland. Khirurgiia. no.11:79 N '55 (MLRA 9:6) 1. Iz kliniki fakulltetakoy khirurgii pediatrichaskogo fakulltets (zaveduyushchiy professor B.V. Petrovskiy) II Moskovskogo maditainakogo instituta imeni I.V. Stalins. (PAROTID GIANDS--HYDATIDS) MILONOT. O.B. Congenital artarlovenous aneurysms (with wommary in Inglish, P.1551 TestAbir. 77 no.3:10-18 Mr 056. (MM 9:7) L, Is fakulftetakoy khirargicheskoy kliniki (say. prof. B.Y.Fetrovskly) 2-go Noskovskogo asaitsinskogo institute, imeni I.T.Stalina. (FISTULJ, AEMIOVU()US congen.) MILONOV, 0. B. Cand Ned Scl - diss) "Long-Existlng Tral-Atic ;S!14110 XXKMMM Aneurysms and Theirz;*W"-.,l Most 1957. 14 pp 20 cm. (First Moo Order of lanin Medical Inst Im I. M. Sechenov), 200 copies (KL, 25-57, 118) / I/ I 9k -4~- KILONOT , O.B. Traunatio aneurysms of long duration and their surgical treatment. fwith summery in Inglish, o. 1501 Khtrurgila, 33 no.1:38-45 A 157 (MLRA 10:4) 1. Iz kliniki fakulltetakoy khirurgii (zav.-prof. 3.Y. PetrovskQ pediatrichookogo,fakullteta 11 Moskovskogo goaudarstvennogo meditainskogo inatituta imeni Stalina i 2-y goroclokoy boignitoy (glavnyy vrach A.I. Khromova) (WOUNDS AND DMURIMS. compl. aneurysm, Burg. ) (Rue) (ANSURTSM, etiol. & pathogen. poettraum.. surg.) (Rue) MILONOV. 0.B., (Nookva. u1. Granovskogo, de5s, kv. )J). Gas content of the blood in old cases of arteriovenous aneur7sum. IIov.khIr.arkh. no.1:44-47 J&P-1 158 (MIRA 11:11) I' Safedra gospitalinoy khtrurgii (sav. - deystv. chlen AM SSSR p;of. B.V. Petroveirly) I-Cp Moskovekogo meditainakoge Institutas' (BLOCOD, GASES IN) (AMWSNS) 0 KIU)NOT, O.B., KATOROVA, LvAe Character of changes in cardiac activity before and after surgery for protracted trausatIc arteriovenme anowyesis (with su:mmary in Ingilah). Shirurglia 34 no.8235-45 Ag 158 (KIRA 11: 9) 1; Is gospitalluoy khtrurgicheskoy klinW (dir. - daystvitellay chlen AM SSSR prof* BeTe Petrovskly) I Koskovskogo ordena Lenina, maditsinakogo inatituts Imeni IeKe Sechenovae' (FISTUTA, ARTIRIOTWOUS, etiole & pRthjgsnO' tram*, off. of surge on cardiac activity (Run)) (MtW, physIolo actIvItyO off. of surge In traum, arteriovenons fistula Otan)) MILONOV, O.B. I ~ -&-N "Peacetime heart vounds, their diagnosis and treatment," a surve7a Thirurgiia 34 no.9:127-132 S '58. (MIRA 12:4) (IMART-VOUNDS AND INJURIES) HILONOV, O.Beq (Moskva, 9, u1. Granovskogo, d6*5, kr*33) ~The 'value of oncillography and angiography in the dingposis and treatment of traumatic aneurysmse Vest,,khir.' 81 no99: 133-138 3#58 WU 11: 11) 1; Is fakalltetsicoy khirargicheskoy kliniki (saw. - Prof. 3.V; Petrovskly) pedistricheekogo falmllteta 2-g0 Hoskovskogo maditsinskogo instituta Imeni N.I. Pirogova I gorodskoy bollnitsy 11o.2 (glawW Yrach - A.Z. lbromovs). (ANGIOGRAPHY, in various disseases traum. aneurysms of extremities, value in ding. & ther. (fts)) (ANZURYSH tr;;;. aneuryBms of extremities, value of angiography & oacillography In ding. & ther. (Rua)) (OSCILIDUMY, oseillography in ding. & ther. of traus aneurysms of extremities MAD 413. kXCLRPTA MEDICA Sec Vol 12/10 Gen eral Path Oct 59 'D THEM VESSELS 3042. MORPHOLOGY OF LONG-LASTING ANEU11YSMS AN I (A-ifislan itext) - hl i4ronov 0. H. and Krig,.)y T. F. - ARKILPATOL. 1959, 21/3 An examination was made of 21 aneurysms, 19 of which were of traumatic origin (bullet wounds). The preparations were obtained by surgery and were of medi-im- sized arteries, which were examined at various sties. Aneurysms are t4ssues not yet completely organized. The wall consists of 3 layers. (1) external fibrous layer. (2) intermediate layer composed of hyaline structureaand (3) intima. It is very feeble, the more so as dystrophic processes follow. Arterio-venous aneurysms show a special structure: the wall of the vein has been thickened by muscular hypertrophy. proliferation of el%siin of the intima and sclerosis. whereas the wall or the supplying artery has become thinner as a result of atrophy of the muscles Uraadt -Berlin (V, 18) to XIWXOT' O.B. 0 kand. mad. nauk Congenital arterlovenous aneurysm of the upper extremity. 23 n0.10:73-77 0 159. WRA 13:2) 1, Is kafedry gospitallney khtrurgll (saveduyushchly - daystvitell- nyy chlen AM SSSR prof. B.T. Petrovskiy) I Noskovskogo ordena Leni- na maditstaskogo instituts, Imeni I.N. Sechenova. (FISTULA, ARMIOVVWS came reports) (APX blood supply) MILONOV, O-B-, (Moskva,, K-9j, ul.Granovskogo,,A-5,kv-33) Relapses from traumatic arteriovenous aneury=s. Nov. khir. arkh. no.1:75-77 Ja-F 160, (MIRA 15:2) 1. Kafedra, gospitallnoy khirurgii (sav. - zaslushennyy do tell muki , deyetvitell4*y chlen AHN SSSR prof. B.V.Petrovskiyrl-gp Moskawskogo meditsinskogo instituta imeni I.M.Sechenova. (ANEURYSMS) MILMOV, O.B., (Moskva, ul. Granovskogo.. d.5j, kv.33) Surgical treatment of old trat=tic aneurysms. Veat.khire no.602-59 161. (KM-A- 15:1) 1. Iz gospitallnoy khirurgicheskoy kliniki (zav. - prof. B.V. Petrovskiy) 1-go Moskovskogo ordena Lenina meditsinskogo instituta ime I*M. Sechenovas (ANWRYSMS) PZTROVSKIYO B.Tev prof.; MITLOVUL-0-pe,; ERYLOV, V-S-v kand.modonauk Fhwtic prostheses in the surgical treatment of aneurysm of the peripheral vessels* Xhirurgiia 37 noo537-12 My 161 WHA 1495) 1e Iz gospitallnoy khirurgicheakoy kliniki (save - deystvitell- myy chlen AM SSSR profe BoVe Petrovskiy) I Moskovskogo ordena Lenina, meditsinskogo institute, imeni I.M. Sechenova. (BLOOD MEW-SURGERY) (MMEYMB) NAMLISHVILI, G.A.; 1,~IICJNOV, O.B.; KISEI,~:V, V.M. Contrast examInatlon in trAumatic itnearysms of peripheral vessels. Khirurgiia 40 no.11:22-28 N 165. (KIA 18:7) 1. an4oitalinaya kh!rurglcheBkaya klinika (zav. - prof. B.V.Petrovskiy) I Meskovskogo ordena, Len.lna meditsinskogo instituta Lmeni Sechenova. I-111LOYkV, F. A. MILONOV, F. A. -- "The Clinical Course and Treatmnt of Delayed Complications of Gunshot Fracturps offBones of the Pelvis With Injury to the Urinary Tract." Sub 4 Mar 52, Central Inst for the Advanced Training Physicians. (Di,,--el-tatJ.on for the Degree of Candiciate in Medl*r,al Sciences.) SO: Vechernaya Hoskva January-D~,cember 1952 MILONOT. ?.A.. dotsent lAte results of surgery in cholocystitim. Zhirurglia 32 no.6: 43-49 Ja 156. (MLRA 9:10) 1. Is kliniki fakulltetskoy khirurgit (zave - prof. N.A.Blagove- shchanakiy) Ivanovskoge aeclitsinskQgo instituta. (CHOLICYSTITIS, surg. remote results) I I- C, A,"O V F 4 M&NO'Y" P.A., doteent Unusual came of ectopia of the ostium of the ureter. Urologiia 22 no.4357-58 J14g '57. (KIRA 10:10) 1. Is urologicheskogo otdeleniya fakulltetskoy khtrargicheskoy klimilki (zav. - prof. N.A.Blpgoveshchenakiy) Ivanovskogo seditsinakogo instituts (dir. - dotsent Ta.K*Romanov) (UNSTEM, 'abnormalities, ectopy of ostium, unusual case (Rue)) MILONOT, P.A.. dotsent Presacral novocaine block in the treatment of priapism. Urologita 22 n0-2:57-58 Mr-Ap '57. (MIRA 10:7) 1. Is fakulltetskoy khirurgicheskoy kliniki (zav. - prof. N.A. Blagoveshchanskiy) Ivanovskogo zeditsinskogo instituta (dir. - dotsent Ta.M.Romenov) (FROGAIM, ther. use block in prispism) (FRIAPISM. ther. procaine block) MILONOV) P. A., Cand Mcd Sel (cll,3s) -- ~-,ffect of penetratin,,, radiation on the origanism under various temperatur,-2 conditions". Kharlkov, 1960. 14 pp (Min Hoalth llkr SSR, Kharlkov State Med Inst), 200 copies (KL, ?io 14', ig(,.o, 138) MIL0140V ~ _k-_AI__ Combined effect of total irradiation and variable temperature on the body. Voen -mod. zhur. no.6:37-39 Je 161s (MIRA 14:8) iRADIATION-PH'MIOLOGICAL EFFECT) (TEWERATURE-PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECT) MIUVIOV, P. ,,_dotsent k Sliding obturative hernia of the bladder* Test.khiro no.5: 108-109 162. (Km 1511.1) 1e Tz urologieheskogo otdeleniya fakul'tetskoy khirurgicheskoy, kliniki (save - profe M.A. Blagoveshchemki-y) Ivanoviskogo medi- tsinskogo instituta. (BLAD=~--MWIA) MILONOV, P.A., dotsent (Ivanuvo obl. u1. Kuznetoova, 42132, kv.31) fly-pernephroid cancer in a double kidney. Vest. khir. 92 no.5: 90-91 My 164. (MIRA 18:1) 1. 1z urologicheskogo otdcleniya fakulltat..gkoy khirurgicheskoy kliniki. (zav. - prof. M.A. Blagoveshchenskly) Ivanovskogo me- ditsinskogo instituta. MILONOV, V. M., INZH. TSENTRAL'wyi NAucHma-13SLECOVATELISKIY INSTITUT PROMY5HLENNYKH SOCRUZHENIY (TsNIPS) DmiTRitv, A. S., KANO. TEKmN. NAUK. ST. NAUCHN. STOP. I UspeRIMENTALINOTE IZUCHEtilYE KimpiCHYKH ODCLOCHENNYKH STEN. PAGE 37 50; SBORNIx AWHOTATSjy NAUCHNO-ISSLEDOVATELISKIKH RAmor PO STROITELISTVU, Moscow 1951 141WHOV, V.St., kand.tolthn.nauk Coapression strength and strain of refractory brick structures at norw^l and high temporaturss* Trudy IIIIZRB ro.6.257-283 159. (Firebrick) (Strains and stream*@) (NDU 12:10) MILONOT. V-14.. kandAnIlin.nauk: SWNOV, A. I.. kand-telffin.nauk ""ftmofts Compression strength and strain of clrq brick structures subj"cted to beating. Trueq NIIZHB no.6'.2PA-306 159. 09M 12:10) (Bricks) (Strains and stresses) MIWNW, V.K. kand.t"khn.nauk-, SIiJNOV, A.I., kand.tnkhn.nauk MI-MOMM M- - Analyleing temperature stresses in brick flues. Truce, MUM no.Miom4l 159. OOR& 12:10) (Flu"o-Tooting) (Bricks) to Himmy, 1-1w, kand. tekhn. nauk$- MURASWO V.I. 9 doktor tekhn. naukv prof. p red- Ldeceasedj; YEGOROVAq N.O.9, re4. izd-va$- OSENK09 L.M.9 tekhn. red: (14esb,.reinforced brick smoke stacks; investigation of the laying process and of methods for designing stacks] Armokirpichrqe dymovye truby; inaledovanie raboty kladki i ratod rascheth trub. Pod red. V.I.Murasheva. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo lit-ry po etroit,q arkhit. i stroit. materialamp 1960o 110 pe (MIRA 14:9) 1. Deystvitellnyy chlen Akademii stroitell i arkhitektury SSSR (for Murashev~ (Bricklaying) (Chimneys) ZHLTKOV, V.V.,, iD7.h.-0 MIIDNOV, V.M., kand.tekhn.nauk Action of temperature and loading on two-hinCod frames. Bet. i zhel.-bet. no.5:213-218 My 161. (MIRA 14-6) (Reinforced concrete) (Structural frames) XCUOV, G.S. , MIWNOV V.M.; IDEMSIMEVICH, Yu.V.; BUYJMIN, Ye.V. - Now heat-resisting ferroconcrete lining for a methane converter. Khim.prom. no.5:377-379 My 162. (ITIRA 15:7) (moth ~ ) (Converters) PEKSHSVqTu.A.; L]KNSKIYgB.V.;AVSElfoVtYu.U.;I~II~WOV V.�.;KISVYANT,9EV,L.A.;TELRGIWq Ya.I.; POTAPOVp V.I.; NMUSOV`v A.A.-7j-7707,-pA.A.; KUDIN, B.M.;MAKSI- MOVAv A.P.; NIKOLAYENK0. zb.r.; voixoy, ii.y.; sHirwy, wa.; PLAKS31N, S.V~; POPOV, N.N.; KARSHINOYp L.K.;.TAKINOVAg T.A,- SHALASHOYt T.F.; VISYANIN, Yu.L.; PLASROVp L.V.; PUSINKOVv N.19.; IVANOTy N.L-p red.; ZOLDTARSVp V.I.p red.; SLADKOVSKITI, M.I.1, red.; LUNIKOVA, Ye.9 redo; XCROLEVA9 A.p mladshiy red.; NOGIVA, N.p tekbn. red. f3conomic development of the people's democracies; survey for 1959] Razvitie ekonomiki otrm narodnoi demokratii; obzor za 1959 god. Pod red. K.I.Ivanova i dr. Moskva,, Izd-vo sotsiallno-ekon. 1960. 305 P. (MIM 34:6) 1. Moscow. Nauebno-issledovatellskly kon"yukturMy institut. (Europe, .3astern-Economic conditions) MILONOV, V.V. Czone in the teahnique of purifying drinking water, Uch. zap, Turk, gos. un. no.22:31-32 062. (MIRA 18:11) C V MILOhOV Yuriy Konstantia v ZABALUYIV. N.A.. spetsialInyy red.; YURCHINICO. HIRIO.A.P.. [Building wteriale in Magadan Province; notes of a research man] Stroitellize materialy Magadenskoi oblasti; sametki iapytatelis. [Hagadan] agadanakoe knizhnoe izd-vo. 1957. 71 P. (MIRA 11:2) (Magadan Province-Building materials) ZVORYKIN, A.A.; MILONOV, Tu.K., otv. red. (History of technology) Istoriia tekhniki. Moskva, Jzd-vo sots.-ekon.lit-ry, 1962. 772 p. (MIRA 16:9) (Technology) HILONOVA, N. ~ ~- ~,. 11-1paai-Om-ftWA9*--*-:l -1 . Window hot house. Zhil.-kom.khoz. 6 no.4:23 156. (KLR& 9:8) (Greenhouses) MILONOVAP NIP, .. I .- - - -z' I - I Now Rhamnus berk preparation. Farmatsev.zhur. 19 no.lt6l-65 164. ()G RA 18 15) 1. Kafedra farmakologii Kharlkovskogo meditsinskogo instituta (zaveduyushchiy kafedroy - prof. M.S.Kharchenko). I 05Y. , t't' t - . Sychev, P. and Mlopollskiy, IN. "Ex-,)crience galntd in a checkup", (an the une of scz-----p and waste in nonferrous Tqctal-lurgy enterprises), VestrLik Co--. 'Xontrol~m, I,). L-), ;:. 21-23. SO: U-23,38), 12 Feb. 53, (Letop.Jvl Zhurnal ln~,kh Stal.ey, No. 2, 19J,)). qP MILORADOT, B.A. (Rybinsk) vowft"Omu P;ovi*tha theorem of three perpendiculars. Mat. v mhkole no.5: 42-43 S-0 158. (KIRA 11-.10) (Geometry) MILOR~ ~OV, (R~binvk) Some problems from the 10th grade geometry course. no.4:64 il-.Ag 960. (Ooometry, Solid) Kat.v shkoln (KIRA 13:9) I ILOI ".- civ, E L. (Ry*uii--ul:) PI'O*.~Iell IrUl -,U cotrz;c ior the IC-th . at. v old-mla io. ' "-D '~C. (.- . ~ - -4. , (Gaonetr.,---~;tvd-~ -.rid teachin,g) MORADOV, Miloradd ins. (Beograd, Zarka Zrenjanina 32a) Navigation problem at the Besdan sluice entrance of the Danube-Tisa-Danube Canal, Brodarstvo 4 no.l5s673-675 Ap-Je 062o MILORAWV, Mnoraci---. -,- -- I-- - Model tooting of the water capture on the Danube-TlBa-Danube hYdrooystem near F4zdan. Saop Inst vodopr Cerni 9 no.23: 45-50 162. IMORADOVA, N. L. Miloradova, 11. L. "The startInc, mpterial for the selection of durim wheat unler the con4itions of the Trans-Volga region." All-Union Order of Ldnin Academy of Agricultural Sciences imeni V. T. Lenin. All-Union Tnst of Plant Growin Leninprad, 1956. (Dissertation for the Degree of Biological Sciences7l Knizhnaya LetoDis' No. 18, 1956. Yoscow. C, /C /),P 6, V// 9 All 4, USSR / Cultivated Plantsi Cereals. M, Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 8, 1958, No 34625 Author : 'I'Moraclova, K. L. Inst Orlot gIven Title : Appraisal of Raw illaterial For Stability in the Selection of Summer "J"heat. (ITesistante to Pests and Disease). Orig Pub : Zashchita rast. ot vredit. i bolezneiy, 195r, No 5, 21-22. Abstract : None Siven Card 1/1 USSR/Diseases of Farm Animals - General Problems. R-1 Abe Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol.., No 10, 1958) 45364 Author : Logiinov, D.D., Yurko, A.D., Osmchkin, S.P.,_X1gradavich, A.F. Inst : Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute of Experimental Veterinary Medicine. Title : On the Surgical Treatment of the Acquired Constriction of the Teat Canal. Orig Pub : Byul. nauchno-tekhn. Inform. Ukr. n-i. in-t eksperim. vaterinarii, 1957, NO 3, 9-10- Abstract : Ho abstract. Card 1/1 2 MILORADOVICHV.,A.F. A rapid method for microscopic diagnosis of cattle trichomoniasis. Veterinarlia 39 no.12:63-65 D 162. (KRA 16:6) 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut, eksperimentallnoy voterinarti. (Trichomoniasis) (Cattle--Diseases and pests) r Yll*-C,F-~Vllvil'i~ Pl. "I. ?A 4-;IT32 DUMSE, X.G.j XIWMWVSX&YA, Ye.A. spIdmidagical. effectiveness of Immnization agalimt drsentery with Ismanogent Shur.m1krobiol., spidem. I 1~. 27 no.3:12-35 NO 56. (XLU 9:7) I. Is GorIkovskogo institute, vaktols I eyvorotok I GorIkoveimy Wrodskoy sanitarno-spidmiologichmelmy stantsiL (DMZr=Y, MCILUff. prevention and control. I~Rogen (Box)) -NIIARAVA, N.P. Certain moments pointing to the particular property of contradiction in the process of knowledge. Soob. AN Gruz. SBR 32 no. 10-10 0 1636 (KRA 17t9) 1. Thilisekiy pedagogicheskiy institut imeni A.S. Pushkina. Predstavleno akademikom Sh. I.Nutsubidze. USSR / Microbiology. Microbes Pathogenic to Man and Animals. Pathogenic Fungi and Actinomyces. Abs Jour : Ref. Zhur - Biol., No. 21, 1958, No. 95225 Author : Sichinava, G. N-;-J~-i~ InBt : Medical Society of Abkhaziya. Title : Cases of Candidiasis Connected With the Use of Antibiotics. Orig Pub : Sb. tr. Med. o-vo Abkhazii, 1957, 1, 187-196. Abstract No abstract. Card 1/1 Abs Jour.- Referat Zhur Khimiya, No 9, 1957, 31435 Author : Bil Milos Title : Concerning the Practicality of Production of Electrolytic Lead in Czechoslovakia Orig Pub: Chem. pruWl., 1956, 6, No 9, 388 Abstract: No abstract. C ard ILA HILOS, D. Why the quality of blueftsh is deterioratirq~; enforcemient of cc)ntr~,!- -,. L,6. GLASIITIK, Vol. 6, no. 31h, 1954, ,cAgra,-;--, Yuf-,oslavia) OD: XIonthly 1-list of Laot Buropean Accessi..-is, (EEAT ), LC, Vol. 4, No. 1 Jan. 1955, Uncl. MILGS , D. Success of the Yugoslav-Fishing Industry in foreign markets. p-183 MORSKO RIBARSTVO (Udruzenje morskog ribarstva Jugoslavije) Vol. 8, no. 6, June 1956 Rijeka, Yuoslavia SOURCE: East European List (EEAL) Librnry of Congress, Vol. 6, No. 1, January 1957 I-ILOS, D. 17 FILOS, D. Do we need more fishing boats? p. 2C.6. Vol. 8J. No. 7, July 1956. MCPSKO RIBARSWO AGRICULTURE Rijeka, Yuroslavia So: East Eixopean Accession, Vol. 6, No. 2, February 1957 MILOS) :).-- Development ofthe fish-processing industry. P. 15F MORSYO RIBARSTVO. (Udruseinje morelkog ribarstvw Jugoslavije) 4jeka, Yugoslavias Vol. Up no. 8, Aug- 1959 Monthly list of East European Acceosions (EEAI) LC Vole 90 no* 2 Feb. 1969 Unclo I :.~TT C,,:~ 3'p Considerations on Imisediats and late technical and clinical results f oll t:j =icoa severamis of adhesions (Jacob&*us) on 2000 case@. Rum..- ._.._?Jan fty 57. (00 tione statiste), MILOS, Jozefa Flame-photometric determination of sodium in aluminum and aluminum alloys. Ohem anal 7 no.2:373-380 162 1. Laboratorium Huta, Aluminirm, Skawina - OOW MILOS, Matefto (Eng.) and RAGIB, Sokolija (Eng.) "The coal supply of the thermal electric station Kakanj" SO: ELEXTROPRIVREDA, May - June 1955 BfLA, K.9 MD; MIL06, P. Czechoslovakia Faculty Transfusion Station -- brno (Fakultni transfusni stanice -- brno); Head Physician: J. VACL , Dr. - Cfoi LU N Prague Vnitbni 16karstvi, No VIII-12, 1962, pp l27i-T2M-' "The Preparation of the Leukocyte Suspension and its Clinical Use." AUTHOR: Hilak-Ughn CZECH/37-59-1-23/26 a.~, TITLE: Letter to the Editors The Influence of a High Frequency Field on the Homogeneous Positive Column of a d.c. Glow Discharge-0 PERIODICALs deskoslovensk~ Casopis Pro Fysiku, 1959,Nr 1, p 11L~ ABSTRACT: The experimental arrangement has been described in Ref 1. Striations appeared in the homogeneous positive column when a high frequency field was applied. The striations spread like a stationary damped wave towards the anode. The mechanism of this phenomenon is probably similar to that discussed in Refs 3 and 4. There are 1+ references, of which 3 are Czech and 1 is Soviet. ASSOCIATIONs Katedra vysoke' frekvence a vakuov4 techniky, Karlovy university, Praha Card 1/1 (Chair of High Frequency and Vacuum Engineering, Charles University, Prague) SUBMITTED: August 169 1958 PCGAN, ;Ypont; MILOS, Statsm ". . Conditions for preparing rolled Wires by the ProDerzi method in 4a Mcawina Aluminum Plant. Koh lap 96 no.11011-524 W263. ~emipari 1. Kutato Intevet, Skswina. MILOS, Stefan, mgr inz.; POCUM, 7ygmunt, mgr inz. Experiments in Froduction of aluminum wire by the Properzi method. Rudy i metale 9 no. 1: 26-31 Ja 164. GALANTY, Adam,. ogr inz.; MIIA)S,_Stefan, mgr inz.; SKOWROh-EK., Stanislaw, Almiln~z slab casting. Ft. 2. Rudy i metals 9 no.10046- 550 "'.0.064. 69890 z/oo8/60/000/05/013/014 6.,A0 E034/E416 AUTHOR: Milo; Tich~ TITLE: Spectroscopic Estimation of Hydrogen Bridges and its Application in Stereochomistryl PERIODICAL: ChemIcke listy, 1960, Nr 5, PP 5o6-551 ABSTRACT: Th determination of the intramolecular hydrogen bond fo;ms a stereochemical tool of great value. In this review typical applications of this method to diverse stereochemical problems are discussed. The topics include the followingz the geometry of the hydrogen bond, the relationship between the stereochemistry of the molecule (steric conditions in the molecule) and the strength of the hydrogen bond, the applications of A"40H values to problems of configuration and conformation. The values of AMOH for about 600 compounds are tabulated. The tables are arranged according to the character of the hydrogen bonded moiety (eg OH ... OH, OH ... N etc) and further according to the separation of the two groups engaged in hydrogen bonding (1,2-, 10-difunctional derivatives). In every table the Card 1/6 compounds are arranged according to the character of the 69890 z/ooB/60/000/05/013/014 19034/F.416 Spectroscopic Estimation of Hydrogen Bridges and its Application in Stereochemistry carbon atoms carrying the hydrogen bonded groups, ie aliphatic, alicyclic, aromatic (phenols) and heterocyclic. Compounds of one type (eg homologous .J 19 eries) are, wherever possible, given under one heading. Values of 4"OH are given for the fundamental region and the first and second overtone. In the introduction, methods are broadly considered (Ref 57,io6,123,19,6,28,50,51,54.95,JL46,152,37)- The position of the group bound to the hydrogen bridge (1.1) Is then considered (Ref 9,21,41,59,100). then the distance of the interacting groups (1.2: Ref 54, 68), the geometry of the.hydrogen bridge (1-3: Ref 54,25, 113, and at*ructures I to IV) and the geometry of the other parts of the molecule (1.11: Ref 116,134,132936#71)- The determination of the hydrogen bridge with the aid of infrared spectroscopy is then considered (2. :Ref 12,26, 122,27,43,67,86,111,121,9,17i23,38,93,108,47,89,70,87,96, 68,7,61,114,120,35,40,45,129,80 and Eq (1) ). The effect Card 2/6 of steric relationships in the molecule on the strength 69890 z/oo8/60/000/05/013/014 E034/E4i6 Spectroscopic Estimation of Hydrogen Bridges and its Application in Stereochemistry of the hydrogen bond in then considered in more detail (3.). The subsections deal with aliphatic compounds (3-1) and in particular with substances with (3.1.1: Ref 68,70,117,55; Table I giving the values of 6,4(cm-l) for threo-diols of type R-CH(OH)-CH(OH)R and Table II those for type R2C(OH)-C(OH)R ) and without (3-1.2; Ref 115,13,130,126; Fig I giving the change of value for &*OH with number of C atoms in chain for polymethylene-a,w-diols where n is the number of C atoms in the chain) vicinal substituents. Allcycllc compounds (3.2) with cyclopentane (3.2.1: Ref 114,68,70,18), cyclohexane (3.2.2: Ref 26,68,69,72, 21,114,4,128,71,33; Table III gives values for IAV(cm-1) for stereoisomeric 2,3-diols of cis- and trans-decalins whilst Table IV gives them for diols with chair and boat conformations), cyclohexene (3.2-3: Ref 3, 99; Table V gives values for for certain vicinal derivatives of tetraline and cyclohexene) rings Card 3/6 as well as substances with the 9110-dihydrophenanthrene 69890 z/oo8/60/000/05/013/oi4 Eo34/E4i6 Spectroscopic Estimation of Hydrogen Bridges and its Application in Stereochemistry skeleton (3.2.4: Ref 84,85; Table VI gives A*J(cm-l) values for cis-diols of 9,10-dihydrophenanthrene type), rings with more than six members (3.2.5; Ref 69,114,73, 74.29,103; Fig 2 shows the change in ITIOH value with ring size for cis- and trans-cycloalkane-1,2-diols (lower curve) and for cis- and trans-2-aminocyclanol (upper curve). Threo- and erythro- indicate values for isomeric 2,3-butan-diols or 3-amino-butan-2-ols; n is number of carbons in the ring - Ref 114). Spirane compounds (3.2.6: Ref 20,42; Table VII gives the &q(cm-l) values for diols of type XXVII) are dealt with,also aromatic compounds - phenols (3-3; Ref 8,30,32,65,107, 136,137,76,135,94,9), heterocyclic compounds (3.4: Ref 77, 117,18, 14 3, 118 6Fig 3 shows the spectra of cis-3-hydroxypiperidine, cis-2-methyl-3-hydroxypiperidine and cia-2-methyl-5-hydroxypiperidine in the 3 4 region - Ref 117 - (tetrachloroethylene 0-005 mol/1)) as well as interactions between hydroxyl and IT electrons (3-5), Card 4/6 eg interaction with isolated multiple bonds (3.5.1: Ref 91, 69890 z/oo8/6o/ooo/o5/ol3/0l4 E034/E416 Spectroscopic Estimation of Hydrogen Bridges and its Application in Stertochemistry 112,90,54,46,ioi) and with aromatic systems (3-5.2: Ref 30,65,104,137,112,98,19,,149,127; Fig 4 gives the spectra of 2-hydroxydiphenyl and 2,21-dihydroxydiphenyl in the 31L region (tetrachloromethane) after Ref 104). The use of hydrogen bridge detection in the resolution of configuration of compounds is discussed (Ref 131,34, 139,2,81,15,124,117,118). The conclusion (5,) says that the most typical applications are considered, Section 6 deals with the measured values of 8V QR- The tables contain about 600 results from the literatu--e up to December 1, 1959. In the main, data on intramolecular hydrogen bridges in molecules with enolic hydroxyls (P-ketoesters, P-diketones, a-oximinoketones etc) are not given. Abbreviations used in the tables are: - absence of band; n value not given; (g) measured in the gaseous state; ? value may be erroneous. There are 4 figure3, 7 tables (excluding tables in Section 6) and Card 5/6 152 references, 3 of which are International, 9 German, 69890 z/oo8/60/000/05/013/014 E034/E4i6 Spectroscopic Estimation of Hydrogen Bridges and its Application in Stereochemistry 1 Scandinavian, 11 Czech (including foreign language publications), 4 French, 1 Soviet, 3 Swiss, 8 Japanese and 112 English. ASSOCIATION:Chemick" /stav ZSAV, Praha (Institute of Chemistry, y U Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague) SUBMITTED: December 12, 1959 Card 6/6 mi- I ParoVairal nocturnal hemoglobimria. 1. Review. Gas. lek. ceek. 96 no,36:1143-1146 6 SePt 57. 1. Interni oddeleni OM Uovy Bydzov. (WOOLUB11MIA. PARLAYSM&L. hocturnal, review (Cs)) MILOS, Vitirlic-1--ol- Wtiv.; to highnr prr,'itnb'Lll.ty rf* prrAwAtor, P(An orF 19 no.r'-: I 19~ 1.97 My 165. 1. Manager of the Produntion Fr!cnoluc Unit Sfinx, Ceske Budfjovice. STRYANOVIC, S.; KIWSAVIJEVIC, A. I Acute Mopathic thrombocytopenia; case report. Srpski arh. celok. Isk. 83 no.7-8:840-845 July-Aug 55. 1. 1 Interm klintka Modicinskog fakulteta u Beogradu. Upravnik: Dranislav Stanojovic. (BTDOD PLATMM, thrombopenta, Idiopathic acute, diag, & ther, (Ser)) L 0.~s A VL TF- V / 0 A, STSFANOVIC, S.; JJjUj'jAUjLvIC1 A.; IWIDIC, R.; BAWG. B.; GMIUA. D.; F FILIPOVIC, Ostoomyslorsticulosis; qrsloid metaplasia of the spleen; sysloflbrosts. Lijec. vJes. 78 n0-3-4:124-131 Mar-Apr 56. 1. It 1, 111 1 IT Interne Klinike Madicinskog Fakulteta u Beogradii. (ANWIA. LEUIWEMHROBLASTIC, case reports osteonclerosts myelofibrosis (Ser)) E~ MIWSAVLJRVIS.,,__Ajek~~4s; STIFANOVIC, Stanoje Results of the treatment of acute leukemias at t 'be I Internal Clinic In Belgrade. 1945-56. Srpskl arh. calok. lek. 84 no.5: 585-595 Now 56. 1. Interna klinlka Medicinskog fakultets, u, Beogradu. Upravulk: prof. dr. Branislay Stanojevic. (LIMNIIA, therapy. hoop. report (Ser)) STANDJEVIC. B.; WURIC, D.; MILOSAVIJLVIC. A. Poncet's disa"es with specific tuberculous arthritis. Srpski &rh. celok. lek. 84 no.6:810-816 June 56. 1. 1 Interve klinika Kedicinakog fakulteta u Beogradu. UpravnIk: prof. dr. Branislav Stanojevic. Staclonar studentske poliklinike u Beogradu. Sef: aatstent dr. Dusan Djitrice (TUBIRCUIDSIS, OSTIDARTICULAR. tuberc. rheum. with specific tuberc. arthritis (Ser)) ~' A , t , ~ I j L ~ i L ' .. I IVI I . - j 11 - I I f -j x STEMOM, SiaimoJo; RAIWIGIG, Bozidar; MIIWAVLnfflC. &l!1jo; RUVIDIG, Rajko; ANTIC, Atlovan; TAJKOVIC, Petar; PDftRGKr-.V1odrag*.-WbLIG. Jul1jam; TWICIC, Kilouir. Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura; clinical & laboratory data on 87 Patients. 8rpskI arh. celok. lek. 85 no.5:55"87 Mar 57. 1. Interns klinika A Medicinskog fakultsta u Beograda. Upravnik: Branislom StanoJovic. Interna klinika 3 Nedicinskog fakultsta u Beograft. (Uprqkvniks Smd1voj Berovic. Interns klinika VoJuo-medicinsks Wmdouljo u Beog'ridn. Vacelulk: puk. Milan Areenijavic. (PUNRA THROKBOPOIC, case reports Idiopathic (Ser)) RLWJlCIGj.,dr.; KIIWAVIJETIC.A.,dr. Beograd Hodgkin's disease (lymphogranulonatos Is). Ned. glasn. 13 no-5: 307-310 yo '59. (HODGKIXIS DlSXAGR case reports) STVANOVIC,S.; MILOSAVLJIVIC,A.; STEFANOVIG,R.; VUKOTIC,D.; PASTRAKULTIC, N.; PERIM-VT. --,GUZLTA,D.; ROWVIC,Z. Clinical significance of the determination of coagulation factors. Acta mod. iugoal. 13 no.2:164-196 160. 1. Clinique Hedicale A do la Faculto de Medecine do Belgrade at Centre do la transfusion sanguine do Belgrade. (BLDOD COAGUIATION) MILOSAVLJEVIC, Aleksije U" of anti-hemphil-ic plasm in the treatment of hemophilia. Srperid arb. celok. lek. 98 no.10:981-987 0 160. 1. Interna klinika A Medicinakog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu. Upravnik: prof. dr Branislav Stanojevic i Ohkoleski institut Medi- cinskog fakulteta Universitsta u Beogradu. Upravnikl. prof. dr Marija Vienjio-Frajnd. (HWOPHILIA ther) (SEROMMM) GUZINA 9 D, ; PANTELIG , M. ; _~ILOU VLJF&VIC-,,-A,,; BUGARSKI, M.,- ZIVKOVIC, S.; jorips, s.; NEsCOVIG, B. Use of radioactive iodine in the treatment of hyperthyroidism. Prim. radioaktiv. izotop. 2 no.'3:69-72 D 161. 1. Onkoloski institut Medicinskog fakulteta u Beogradu Upravnik: Prof. dr. Marija Visnjic-Frajnd. ' (IODINE ISOTOPES THERAPEUTIG) (HYPERTHYROIDISM) y PANTELIC, M.; ZIVKOVIG, S.; JONUr s.; NESKOVIC, B.; MILOSAWEVIC, A Use of radioactive iodine in the tre&tment of thyroid carcinoma. Prim. radioaktiv. izotop, 2 no-3s73 D 161. 1. Onkoloski Institut Medicinskog fakulteta. u Beogradu Upravnik: Prof. dr. Marija Visnjic-Frajnd. I (IODINE ISOTOPES.THERAPEUTIC) (THYROID NEOPIASMS) SAVINY Stevan; MILOSAVLJMC, Ajeksije On a case of acute thyrolditis. Srpoki arh. oelok. lek. 89 no.1-I.- 1345-1348 N '61. 1. Interne klinika A. Medicinakog fakultsta Univerziteta u Beogrsdu Upravnik: prof. dr Branielav Stanojevic Interno cdeljenje za primenu radioaktivnih isotope Onko3oakog institute, Upravnik: prof. dr Marija Vionjic-Frajnd. (THYROIDITIS case reports) IMASAVURVIC, A.; NESKOVIC, B.; BUGARSKI, M.; PANTELIC, M.,- GUZINA, D. Irradiation of myelofibcrosis with radioactive iron. Bul so Toug 7 no.1/2:12 F-Ap 162. 1. Onkolooki institut Medicinskog fakulteta, Beograd. MILO'SAYWEVIC I Alek'sijol'GUZZIU, Daks-, PANTELIC, Mladouir; BIYGAME,, Mied-rag; NESKOVIC, Blagoje Measurment of blood vol=8 in po;Lycythemia. Srpski arh. celok. lek. 90 no.4:421-428 Ap '62. 1. Ohkoloski instAut Medicinskog fakultsta Univerzitsta Beopadu Upmvniks prof. dr. Marija Vimic-Frajnd. GUZINA, Djoko;,Ml 'LOSAVLJ'HVIC, Alokdje; PANSKLIC, Mladmir; 11JUATOKI, Miodrag . -- ` - - - ~ ' ' ' Studle- on tho blood, erythrocytes, plasma volume and survival o'~ er7Wccytes in .3plencmegalic forms of liver cirrosis. Srpski aiii, celok, lek. 92 no 9:869-877 S'64- 1. Onkoloski institut Medicinskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu (Direktor: prof. dr Marija Vlsnjic-Prajnd). IIILOSAVLJF,V-IC. Aleksijt, dr.; GUZINA, Djoko; BUGARSKI, Miodrag; PMITELIC, FEa`d;~ i3~. Anemic and latent hmoly-tic syndrome in 2 cases of splenomegalic lymphogranuloma'.osis. Srpski arh. celok. lek. 92 no.10:1003-1008 0 164 1. Onkoloski institut Medicinskog fakulteta Univerzlte~,a u Beogradu (Direktor; prof. d-,,. Marija VIsnjiv.-Frajnd); Inte-mmo ode1jenje zza primenu rudloakti'vnih izotopa (Nacelnik: dr. Aleksije Milosavljeunic). MIMSAVLJEVIGp AbAsije; PANTELIC, IRadomir; BUGARSKI, Riodrag; GUYINA-, Dbko -111 Ct-iteria for the evalutation of congestive spleen diseases u8ing radioactive chromium (Cr-51). Srpski arh. celok. lek. 92 no.12:1165-1174 D 164. 1. Onkoloski institut Medicinskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beograda (Direktor; prof. dr. I'LLrija Visnjic-Frajnd) Interno odeljenje za primenu radioaktivnih izotopa (Nacelnik: dr. Aleksije 14ilosavljevic). B. Some problenis of cooperption. p. 1 As POLJOPRIVREDA. (Dru--tvo polionrivredrlh inzenjera i tehn-icara Srbije) Beograd, Yugoslavia Vol. 6, no. ~, Auc- 1956 Monthly list of Zastern European Accession -.rLni--x (~,',,AI) W, vol. 8, ~;o. 11 November 195 1 1-9 Uncl. MILOSAVLJEVIC. Dgbr *' PETKOVIC, Spomenka -- imajo.; Globulin fractions of serum proteins in tuberculous patients. Tuberkuloza 15 no.3:393-395 Jl-D 163. 1. Institut za tuberkulozu SR Srbije, Beograd. Direktor: prof. dr. Milic-Grujic. MILOSAVLJEVIC, DRAGOLJUB Milosavljevic, Dragoljub. EksperimentaIna fizika. 2. prepravljeno izd. Beograd Izd. Centralnog udruzenja studenata tehnike, 1947. (Experimental physics. Vol. 2. Geonetrical electricty optics; university lectures. illus., bibl.) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions L.C.p Vol. 3,, No. 4. April 1954 00 A A 9 sea *of 09 it O*d god 0042 04's 004 1 9 illf! 41 tits by Qu a age - _j -4 4- 0 l a -. - I _*f 9 1 - 1 : I-es ! foe sidL At proww" IL 00 madwd is wbq~*A Iff IM, lk 67-lft~-4bPes IL T. low t U 0 119 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *_2 lx* ;.Zvw go a",' as 6""I ca ft- Aft w an L s a I a a 0 a I w 9 a 4 1a v 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 roe 0 0 0 0 0 0 w !no e1 g e 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 VjlosavU6vi D. Deviation vers IlEst dans I& c bute Bull. Math. Phys. Serbie 63 -69 (1949). (.Serbian. RutsvAn and French %um- -4-1 SOurcOf Hathematteal Reviews, Vol NQ D. MILOSAUJUIC "Methods of LduDichler and Rubtnstein for Determining the Optimum, Fj~IT TY deduction Points of Steam in Her-tin.a Feed Water. p. 25" ZBC ... IRADECIA, V o1. 24, 110. 4, 1952, Beograd, Yu-moslavia) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, L.Co, Vol. 2, Lo. 11, Nov. 1953, Uncl. D. MILOSAVLJEVIC "Determining the Optimum deductior Points of St--am in Heating -Feed Water on the Basis of an Increase of Entrony. n. 20" ( ZBOUIVI. RADOVA, " 1. 24 No. 4, 1952, Beograd, Yugoslavia) do SO: Monthly List of East EuroDean Accessims, L.C., Vol. 2, flo. 11, Nov. 1953, Uncl. D. "Method, of Laupichler and. Rubiw-tpln for retermininf- Optimm. Deducticn P,0jnt5 or Steam in Heating -Fecd W&.ter. 'o. 15." (BULLETIN, Vol.. 9, ~o. 3 i953), Beograd, Yugoslavia ) SO; Monthly Lipts of Fast Buropsen Accesgions, L.G., Vol. 2, go. 11, Nov. 195", uncl. to's Au L-1-f Vo eta Ong 91 GC6 -00 V~ V "0 -0 '93 vq~ 6. M.0 a A, 0,10 .100AN.4 IS go 060 a :1 0~ g"2' 0. lix, a Vistr 41 t V carrier gas stream. Milo W III anei6, E J l a D ord i v u b iLOIQ. je & IMYUCV Mj L ;g 9 IUM k - - bt1jTa4C) 111, (ICSUUUtZUMW- t iron between 1380 Initial and 1250' a gray cas final teznp.-~ 'qH8 Ir by Injecting into It Nj orI as carrying Wdized lime a0 and aduor 4ruts..d SM and FtsO# + (with 85.2% C. Als0s) or serpentine powder from 0.5 to 1.5 wt. % (bised on Iron) removed from 20 to 60% of 8 and Improved the; hardness and tensile strength of the Iron. The flulif faing devim and Injection tube am described, N. PI&VA 16-! STAMVIC, Ivan; MIIOSAVWBYIC,__ im., The problem of horizontal bemisnoptas. Srpski arh. celok. lek. 83 no.5-6:629-637 Xw-June 55. 1. Klinika sa ocm bolesti Medicinskog fakultsta u Beogradu. Upravalk: Djordje Nesic. Neuropsihijatrijoka klinika Medicinskog ,fakulteta u Beogradu. Uprawnik: Uros. Jekic. (HMIANDPIA, horizontal, need for surg. (ser))