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ACCESSION NR: AT4019727 S/2759/63/000/005/0125/0133 AUTHOR: Zenkevich...P. R.*. Milovenov, 0. S. TITLE: Influence of re_il_eC_t~0'n'on_ the operaIt.ion of a magnetron feeding a linear electron accelerator With power feedback Input 0 SOURCE: Moscow. Inzhenernolizicheskly Institut. Uskoritell (Accelerators), no. 5. 1963, 125-133 TOPIC TAGS: reflection, magnetron linear accelerator, electron accelerator power feedback input ABSTRACT: The use of power feedback input In traveling-wave linear electron ac- celerators is highly advantageous. The power feedback input nods has special properties and strongly Influences the band characteristics of the-accelerator. in earlier papers by other authors the power feedback input node was considered to be completely matched, but at the shoulder of the accelerator there It a non- uniformity corresponding to a jump in the active impedance or in the purely re- active shunt conductance. In the present,paper a more exact equivalent circuit of the high-frequency channel of the accelerator was adopted. This allows us to take Into account the Influence of the properties of the high-frequency channel of the accelerator with power feedback input on the frequency stability of the Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: ATW19727 magnetron which feeds such an accelerator. Band characteristics are discussed for linear electron accelerators, both with and without feedback input., For the former, the frequency drift of the magnetron was derived. Or Ig. art. has: 20 formulas and 2 figures. ASSOCIATION: I nzhenerno-f izicheskiy -inatitut, Moscow (Engineering-Physics institute) SUBMITTED: 00 DATE ACQ: 19M&r64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODEz NP, EE NO REF SOV; 002 OTHER: 002 L;crd 2/2 ACCESSION NR: AT4019728 S/2759/63/000/005/0134/0137 AUTHOR: Milovanov, 0. S.; Shallnov, Ao V. TITLE: Frequency drift In a magnetron directly connected with a linear accelera- tor channel :,SOURCE: Moscow. Inzhenerno-fizicheskiy institut. Uskoritell (Accelerators), no. 5, 1963, 134-137 TOPIC TAGS: frequency drift, magnetron, linear accelerator, magnetron oscillation,7' magnetron resonator,.voltage, anode current, loading current ABSTRACT: Magnetron oscillation frequency variation, arising as a result of the inconstancy of the external conditions, is called the frequency drift. The main reasons for such a frequency drift are: 1) temperature variations-of the geo- metric ~imenslons of the accelerator wavegulde system and of the magnetron re- sonator system, 2) magnetron frequency variation variation in magnetron anode current (or voltage), and 3) input impedance variation of the high fre- quency system of the accelerator due to variation In the loading current of the accelerated electrons. Under these conditions a stability criterion is obtained for the magnetron operation in the general case ofband characteristics of the load.. Orig. art. has: 15 formulas-.*. Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AT4o19728 ASSOCIATION; Inzhenerno-fizicheskiy Institut, Moscow (Engineering-Physics Institute) SUBMITTED: 00 SUB CODE: NP, EE DATE ACQ-. IqMar64 NO REF SOV: 003 "ENCL; 00 OTHER: 000 Card 2/2 ACCESSION NR: AT40)9729 6/2759/63/000/005/0138/0145 AUTHOR; Varaksin# Ve Be; Milovanova Oe So TITLE: Internal pulse modulation of magnetron frequency when it is operating on a linepj;,.electron accelerator SOUR6E: Moscow. inzhanerno-fiziche'skiy Institut. Uskoriteli (Accelerators), no. 5. 1963. 138-145 TOPIC TAGS: magnetron, magnetron frequency, linear accelerator. electron accelera- tor, anode voltage,..electromagnetic wave. electron acceleration, radio pulse spectrum, frequency modulation ABSTRACT: The frequency variation of the osci I lat ions generatW by& magnetron during pulsing is called the internal pulse modulation, and is caused by two closely related phenomena: the Instability of the anode voltage magnitude and the estab- lishment of the frequency. The present paper gives the results of calculations .and experimen'tal observations of the internal pulse-modulation of the magn'etron frequency when it feeds a linear electron accelerator. The following conclusions are obtained: 1) the magnetron operation gives rise to a parasitic frequency modulation caused by the effects of electron mixing of the frequency and by the multiple riflections of the electromagnetic wave at the discontinuities of the CaFd I/ ACCESSION NR; ATW19729 channel; 2) the parasitic frequency modulation leads to a blurring of the radio- pulse spectrum and to the broadening of-the energy spectrum of the accelerated electrons; 3) the distortions in the radio-pulse spectrum are expressed in terms of the carrier frequency modulation index. Orig. art. has: 7 formulas and 4 figures. ASSOCIATION: lnzhenerno-fizicheskiy institut, Moscow (Engineering-Physics Institute) SUBMITTED: 00 DATE ACQ: 19Mar64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: NP, EE NO REFSOV: 007 OTHER: 001 Card 2/2 ACCESSION NR: AT4019730 S/2759/63/000/005/0146/0155 AUTHOR: Shcdedrin, 1. S. TITLE: Study of the operation of a magnetron an a resonant chamber SOURCE: Moscow. lnzhmerno-flzlcheskly Institut. Uskorltell (Accelerators), no. 5, 1963. 146-155 TOPIC TAGS: magnetron, resonant chamber. generator, resonator, load, absorbing load, transmission line ABSTRACT: In this article a method is considered for an approximate analysis of the conditions which ensure a stable operation of the generator at a given fre- quency. The proposed method allows us to obtain a more precise solution if the experimental characteristics of the resonator and the magnetron are used. The following conclusions are obtained: 1) stable operation of the magnetron can be achieved only when decoupling devices are used; 2) If we use an active absorbing load as a decoupling device. then the magnitude ~f the absorbed power strongly depends on the length of the transmission line-and-incresses with this langth; 3) the proposed analysis mothod has an accuracy of about + 10%. !LS!WION: Inzhenerno-f Iticheskly InstItut, ftscow (EnglanerIng-Physics T _C 41 4 AT5001 /27 /060fi0036/9C~Z , 0;--6.-, ~Oob iii-6 N.P- Shchedrin~ 81-_ AUTHOR, t 6t1, 6 Mnn- i*~eeiing,:ctlculatiorx--of reflectionk. in:_dig~hr~d~wavemldes OURCE: koscov. In-ifien6rnio-fizicheskir. Imat ta Vskoritelip. n 't o. 6t. 196kt ~pe d diaphragmed waveguidej,.-scattering,matrix inter- TOPIC TAW: wiodi6~yavqgui ef .,A_.ieflectioni, transkission ~matrix. a-ar theoretical aper to.& preceding experimental p a t on, by. 0. - dher and 1. 'pap q. A t1as coiled ViL -8 -Shchedrin,. 29,, AcceGgion, ii Kre. AT5001. 93 in vhi el Ca-a3phragmed waVeguides:are considered with constant dimensions and without lossewin, the walls, art assumption which is justified for the S-bando' The vgveguide with reflecting inhomogeneities: is represented br para.Uel ladmittanCei. lodated at 'different: ele6trical distances from one- another, 4 . and the ~Scatteri4ilxtrix -is determined from the tranmission matrix of the system. The'r IeflectionsIare assumed to be independent'of the frequency,, so that the bancl-pass. elwacteristicrr depend only on the variation of the electric die- If! WVANO V , ; Lljl',-[FFjR I I,;, T .0. u the pnrformance of a magretron rn a system of paired 4. f-r-..,3cn.rttors. Uskoritali nc.6-65-70 '64. (141RA 18:2 ) MILOVANOV,,S,._, gvardii Pc4polkawnik Lekhnicheskoy aluzhby Operation of an aircraft radar station, Vest. Vozd. Fl. 37 no.1:70-73 J 155. (KIRA 16:8) (Radar in aeronautics) Subject USSR/Aeronautics A ID P - lo6o Card 1/1 Pub. 135 - 14/24 P, Author Milovanov, S.,', Guards Lt. Col. of Tech. Service Title Operation of an aircraft-radar station Periodical : Vest. vozd. flota, 1, 70-73o Ja 1955 Abstract : The author considers the range of the detection of ground targets as a basic quality of aircraft.;-radar stations. This quality depends mainly on the power and sensitivM of the station, which on the other hand depends on its technical maintenance. The author analyses this kind of maintenance. He outlines standard Instruments and com- ponents of radio location stations. Institution : None Submitted : No date Subject Card 1/1 Author Title USSR/Aeronautics - air navigation AID P - 5430 Pub. 135 - 7/31 Milovanov, S. P.0 Lt. Col., mil. pilot class I Air navigation in stratosphere Vest. vozd. flota, 1, 36-39, Ja 1957 Periodical : Abstract : Some peculiarities of piloting the aircraft in strato- sphere, the meteorological conditions there, and how various landmarks look when observed from high altitudes is described in this article. The article is of inform- ative value. Institution : None Submitted : No date MATUSEVICH, M.G.p kand. ekon. nauk;,gUDVANOV,, N.A.,, kand. ist. nauk; NIKITIN, G.A., kand. geogr. nauk; GURVICH, G.Ts. kand. ekon.nauk; GOLUBEV, B.F., nauchn. sotr.; KRUTILINA, T.N.,, nauchn. sotr.; MIKHNEVICH, L.M.,, na- uchn. sotr.; GIORGIDZE, Z.I., kand. ekon. nauk; RAVUN, I.I.# kand. ekon. nauk; OKUNI, N.V., kand. ekon.nauk; KOVALLIVSKU i G.T. , -kand.. skonom.- nauk; VIROM014.. P.k. , d*tor ekonome nauk# uauchvWy red.; red. iM-*aj. ATIAS, A.p -%Mm. red... . [EcononV of White Russia during the period of imperialismp 1900 - 1917] Ekonoiika Belorussii v epokbu imperializma, 1900-1917. Minskj, Izd-vo AN BSSR, 1963. 1+20 P. (MIRA 17:3) 1. Akademiya navuk BSSR, Minsk, Instytut ekonomiki. 2. Institut ekonomiki AN BSSR (for all except Leonenko, Atlas). MOVANOVP V. P. Yeteors Determining the coefficient of correlation between the color and speed of meteors. Izv. Turk. fil. AN SSSR No. 1, 1951. so Monthly List of Russian Accesaions Library of Congress, jL= 1953. Unclassified. 71 ;, "Acheivements of Soviet 131.olo;-ical Science in,:Aock breeding," Illoscow, ljll'G. oxe "Significance of the Teaching of Academician L P. Pavlov in the Development of the Biology of Reproduction of Agricultural Animal " Gqvertx~M Zootekhniye, 6 (4): 18-32., April 1951 Milovanov, V. K. (Prof. Doctor of Biological Sciences, Laureate of the Stalin Prize, All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Animal Husbandry) M-ILOVANOVP V. K. (prof .) "Applying the Doctrine of litality to Agricultural Animals," Agrobiologiya, No 3. 1952 Vsesoyuzrrjy institut zhitvotnovodstva, g. Moskva MDVANOV, V. K. STOCK AND STOCKBREEDING Ways to increase viability of farm animals. Dost.sellkhoz. No. 9, 1952. MoAth 'ne -1. a#, Library of Congress, December 1952. Unclassified. MILOVANOV, V. K. "Fertilization, Vitality and Sex of Agricultural Animals," Journal of Gen. Biology (Dzhural Obshchey Biologii), Vol. 13, No. 2, Press of the AS USSR, Moscow, 19,r-2. 1. 1 a-LOVANOV, V. K. 2. USSR (600) 4. Impregnation, Artificial 7. Results of scientific research work on artificial inscmination of fam animals. Trudy Vlq"h 20, 1952. 9. Monthli List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, March 1953. Unclassified. MILOVANOV, T.K.; SOKOLOVSKAYA. I.I. . , The present status of the problem of fertilization of farm animals. Zhur. ob. biol. 16 no-5:383-396 5-0 155. (KLRA 9:3) (STOCK AUD STOCKEMING) (70TILIZATION (BIOIA)GY)) NILOTANOT akedeolk; SOKOLOVSI~YA. I.I.; doktor biologichookikh L.P.. kandidat Stalogicheskikh nauk; MPA, N.V.; KMMWVA. T. G. 2%ree now atcrorespirovisters for studying the metabolism of small biological specimens. Dokl.Akad. eel I Vhoz.21 no.11:17-21 056. (" 9:12) 1. Vvesoynsay nauchno-Iseledovatel'skly InstItut xhivotnoyodetva. (Respirmeter) (Spersiatesea) (Babryelogy) C 0 U I. TRY I J.'") S R CATEGORY Pam AmIrnals - Goneral Problems. -A B-"- I Rz"Biol-, 140- 3, 1959, VTO- 19 AU TD F, DIST. T 1T' L The Problem of the Neuzohwioral Regulation of Repz1oductive Processez in Farm Animals. ORIG 1"j-D - : 11 fib. : Vopr. fiziol. s.-kh. zhivotnyldis M.-L. it"! SSSRI 1957, 229-238 : On the basis of I. P. Pavlov's teach_JrW,, an imalynis of the nervous system's leading role in processes of reproduction of farm. an-inals is presented. Sex reflexes originate In Ve;o vi,rys: through external stimuli riffacting the poripher-A nprves, hnd through Ir-ner otir!mli., thri ftormones of sex glawls. Unconditioned re- rlexes, the copulatory and the ajacii1atory reflexes, belong to th~, f."irst groun. The rj6cond group consists of conditIoned reflexes whose stimill act froza a dista-nee uoon :,,anso- USS R C. ~ T -`G 0 L-.' - ~ .A B 7) j 0 r RzhBlol. 1-0. 1959, ;o. !TL-l' OR 1 Cr , PUB, A 3 TR-k C, f ry organs, namely 1~~comotive, secretory and vasonotor reflexes,Some stimili rmy lead to an inhibition of sex reflexes. The atithor i-~iakes the distinctio., between a protective inhi- bition, an extinguishing and it differential-Ang,- Inhibition. The reflexes of the gametogenesis rogulation. in maIns and femalan belong to the third group. The activity of semen fornation in males doei not only depend upon. dietznry conditlonn, but is also regulated by the CA.n): Cou"IlRY u .13 SR CATEGORY AB5. JOUR. t RZhBiol., No. 1959, klo. T.1, TL I,- 0.- l7r Pu i nervous syst(~m depundinp- upr-i froquenc.,; of )Y ttior.-.. Tho forip-lo sr-x roi'lox iri. w,~ Is I.,, mo I, ar, wic-mi I' t I onel only to lnltluti.,! tt-.c mul-e. Un-,lor com-litions in which ccvjs art,~ i-:,ra buils anu kept toE;eth-3r -..,;'Lth Jeveloc now ccnuql.tior.~~,ul rt,-flfjxes. Tcc !".rmation of I;hi3 facL mmy I-,,r, fowid In t~w ~A-ymogrwns of conditiowai rt-A",,,x mctv,-,rerl~.q (~-f' c-ow3l vagina which wort. ~-,bteinerl in i-,atu- C-rd: q %0 f,T -t)ey-,,nr')Xo jf)U -aJ i0 'JOT4 ULML9*a -EvacianT-T ot-ov,u Tqv-j-ji.-- uT tzu~jru -LUTO-~,TTnJ-3 Til Emi lCom su Oujq-, jua E;TTT LT J I,,* V, 16S 6. Wj 1) T GV'Z'~, USSR/Fam tinimals - General Problems. Q Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 17, 1958, 78667. Author : Mil2M&qX,_YK.; Smirnov-Ugryunov, D-V.; --'Te-l'chaninov, V. V. Inst Title On Belated "Refutations" of Artificial Insemination. Orig Pub: Zhivotnovodstvo, 1957, No 9, 7-19. Abstract: Objections are critically analyzed which have been raised against the expediency of the use of artificial insemination in animal breeding. S. S. Perov objects on the principle of the "sex selection" of Darwin. According to A. A. Mashkovt- sev, the method of artificial insemination is con- trary to the teachings of Pavlov on conditioned reflexes, decreases fertilization, and impairs the Card 1/3 USSR/Farn, Animls. General Problems. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Diol., No 11, 19581 78667- function of reproduction. P. K. Anokhin could not show the presence of heriditary-signal sti- =Iators in adult mamvils. N. A. Flegmtov and Shipilov consider that in artificial insemination of cows, low fertility is observed (not over 55%). The authors of this article refute the objections raised, and defend the method of artificial insemination both on the basis of data obtained and from the viewpoint of Pavlov's teaching. In England the fertilization of cows (1 million) in first heat is 68rp'; in the USA -v7O%; for the UrSSR in 1956 the average for the first heat was 76%. The rapid formation of conditioned sex reflexes in cows, the dura- Card 2/3 USSR/Farm Animals - General Problems - fibs Jour: Ref Zbur-Diol., No 17, 1958, 78667. tion of their preservation and their great changeability is pointed out. Card : 3/3 Q 2 USSR/Farm Animals. General Problems. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol-, 1958,110 17, 78666. Sokolovskaya,, 1. 1. Author : Milovanov,.V Inst :'=-Mon Academy of Agricultural Sciences ineni V. I. Lenin. Title Achievwents of Soviet Science in the Diology of Reproduction and Artificial Insemination of Furm Animals in the USSR. Orig Pub: Dokl. VAShbNM, 1957, No 10, 34-42. Abstract: No abstract. Card : 1/1 MR Ams AUUMU. Owsm]. Us JOUr 3 110f ZbVV - 31010906, So 50 IMS No. 23178 Autbar hat VT-~fttlf 10 Bftf&Mh lmtltut* CC AnImal Mile YWtlUta+,Ift of Peru Animals at rts kWdm Orig Pub S Mr* Tom* a*.4# IRAA ablVotneVadstva.. 1957j. 210 14-3i Abftmt 2 TbO SPOM CC J6108 VbC SU ratims vltb predoWUMU7 w4kin f68& absorbed am* qg" and its fertility VM pfttw than the spem ct UtUm who vwe gjvqu tubw-omb"V6 raticese A lack ct capouce, in the COMPOSItlen ot foldw lods to a Unulptim of sexual tuactims in 00610110 MA femLl"o Mw moOlumme fernmts vblob is utilized at the I or fwtl3.lzatlm for lxwovuw the amditLan or the imam or sexual cart 1A MILOVANOV. V.K.. akademik; SOKOIDVSXLYA, I.I.. prof. Cft* Achievements of Soviet science biology of reproduction and arti- ficial insemination of farm animals. Dokl. Akad. sellkhos. 22 no.10:34-42 157. (KIRA 10:12) 1. Isesoyusn" nauchno-inaledovatel'skly inetitut ahivotnovodetva. (Artificial insemination) ,W- jo MILOVANDV Y.K. akademik: SYTIM, M.F., kand.biol.nauk: KULASHOTA, T.G., nsuct'W sotrudnik A method of preserving semen without chilling by Immobilization of the acids. Zbivotnovodstvo 21 n0-3:64-78 Mr *59- (MIA 12:4) 1. VeasoyuznWa akademiya sellskokhosyaystvearqkh nauk iment V.I. Lenin& (for Hilovanov). VessoyusMy nauchno-issledovatel'skly institut zhivotnovodetva (for Kuleshova). (Seeman) -,MIIA)VAROV, V.-K.,akudemik; SYTINA, M-V.,kFLnd.bjol.nauk; KULESHOVA. V.G. Effect of Increased Oxygen sizpPly to*male progenitors on their spermatogenesis, fertilizing capacity. and posterity. Dokl. Akad.sellkhoz. 24 no.2:32-39 '59. (MIR& 12:2) 1, Vseaoyuznyy nauchno-iseledovatel'siciy institut zhivotnovodetva. ...1'(AWLIFICIAL XITSEIIINATrw) (cm'Ym--PHYSIoLoGI= EPMT) '.(RA13BIT BIMMING)' _J6 MIIDVABOV, V.K.. akademilc; STVIRA, M-V., kand. biolog. nauk; KUIJCSHDVA. V.G. .- Effect of feeding on the oxidation-reductlon reaction of semen. DDkl. Almd. sellkhoz. 24 no.7:41-43 159. (MIRA 12:10) l.Vsesoyusnyy nauchno-inaledovatellakly institut zhivotnovodetva. (Semen) (OxIdation-reduction reaction) MILOVANOV. V.K., akademik: SOKOLOVSKATIL, I.I., doktor biolog, nauk Theor7 of the temperature sbock to the 9]permatozoons of ma=als. Dokl.Akad.sellkhoz. 24 no.8:3-8 159. (1411bt 12:11) 1. Vsesoyuznvy nauchno-iseledovatellskiv institut zhivotnovodstva. (Spermatozoa) (Artificial Insemination) Milo TW VARIDY ; SYTIZIA, M.T.. kand.biolog.nauk: K SHOVAp V.G. Alternating the feeding of male breeding stock. Dok1.A)md.ssI'- khoz. 24 no.12:29-32 '59. '(MRk 13:4) 1. Yeesoyuznyy nauchno-iosledovatel'skly Institut zhivotnovodstva. (Feeding) (semen) KIWVANOT. Viktor Konstantinovich., akademik; SOKOLOVS)LAYA, Irina Ivenovna, doktor biolog.nauk; KATSMM'SoN, S.M., red.; ATROSHCHMO, L.Ye., (Artificial insemination of farm animals; the significance, present-day status. and future application of artificial insemi- nation of farm animals] Iskusstvennoe osemenenie aellskokho- ziaistvannykh zhivotnykh; znachenie, sovremennoe sostoiania i perspektivy primenaniia iskaostvannogo osemeneniia seltskokhotiai- styennykh zhivotnykh. Koskva, Izd-vo *Znanie,4 1960. 38 P. (Vae- soiuznoe obshchestvo po rasprostranenilu politichookikh i asuchnykh znanii. Ser-5. Sel'skoe khoziaistvo, no.9). (MIRA 13:6) 1. Daystvitellnvy chlen Vaesoyuznoy ekademii sellskokhozyaystvennykh nauk imani V.I.Lenina (for Kilovenov). . (Artificial insemination) akad.; PARSHUTIV, G.V., doktor biol. nauk; SOKOUNSiCHA, I.I. doktor biol. nauk; OZHIN, F.V.; TSITOVIGH, Ye.V.; TRUBKIN,G.D., red.; CHUBENNO.N.S., red.; TSVETKOV, I.V., red.; YERZINA,Z.K., red.; ME- SHCHOMA.. A.B.,, red.; SUTUIDI, L.D.,, tekbn. red. [Album on the artificial insemination of livestock) Al'Isom po iskus- stvennomu, osemeneniiu, sel'skokbosisistyennykb zhivotzUkh Moskva, Izd- vo K--va sell.'khqz. RSFSRO 1960. 134 P. ~MIRA 3-4: 10) 1. Russia (1917- R.S.F.S.R.) Glavnoye upravleniye plemennogo dela i plemsovkhozov. (Artificial insemination) (Livestock) MILOVANGV., V.K.; SOKOLOVSKAYA, I.I.; CHUBENKO, N.S.; TRUBKIN.. G.D.: --------fSVETX0V, I.V.; BAYEV, K.D., red.; LEMIA, L.G., tekhn, red, [Operating methods of stations for the artificial insemina- tion of farm animals] Tekhnologiia raboty stantsii po iskus- stvenzomu osemeneniiu seltskokhoziaistwenmykh zhivotrwkb. Moskva, Izd-vo M-va selt.khoz. RSFSR, 1961. 145 P. (MIRA 15:2) (Artificial insemination) JUMVANOV, V.K., akademik Present state of the problem of neurchumaral regulation of reproftative processes in animals (to be continued). Zhivotnovadetvo 23 no.8%68-75 Ag 161. (MRk 16:2) 1. Voesoyuznayn akademiya seliskokhoxyaystyaw7kh nauk inifi Lenina. (Reproduction) HILOVANOV, V.K.,, akademik; KUZIMICHEV, A.V.,, red.,- DOBYCHRIA, I.N., red.; MMOVA, N.N., tekhn. red.; PEVZNM, V.I., tekhn. red. I [Biology of reproduction eud artificial ineemination of live- stock; biological-zootachnical monograph) Biologiia voigproizve- deniia, i iskusstvennoe osemenenia zhivotzWkh; biologo- sootekhnicheskaia monografiia. Moskvas Sellkhozizdat, 1962. 695 P. (MIRA 15:6) 14. vaesoyusnara, vskakho st'venaWft sauk im. V.I. Lenina (for Milovanow).' (Reproduction) (Artificial ineemination) MILOVANOV. V.K. Present stage of the problem of neurolr=or&l regulation of the reproduction processes In animals. Analele biol 16 no.2:82-94 Mr-Ap 162. --A, MILOVANOV, V.K. Present state of the problem of neurohumoral regulation of the reproductive processes in animals. Analele biol 16 no.3:64-72 W-.Te 62. 4- MIWVANOV, V.K.,- akademik International exchange of the semen of best breeding bkLuse. Zhivotnovodstvo 24 no.9:89-.90 S 162. (KM 15:12) (bemen) MMIrA]K)V,,T.K, Ma-Unies Sclentifia Researich Institate of Aulmal rambandry, good Repwt to be autedtted for the'13th International Conference Wolfs Aa~U-iag 29 Aug-I Sep 63. MILOVAVCYV, V. K. Prospects of the development of biological reproduction and artificial impregnation of animals. Analele Agric zooteh i, 17 no.6:113-122 V-W63. 0 MILOVANOV.. V, K. , it Implementors--A New Class of Synthetic Media for Semen." report presented at the 5th Intl Cong on Animal Reproduction & Artificial In- semination, Trent, Italy, 6-13 sep 64. All-Union Inst of Animal Husbandry, Moscow. -- MILD ;-. Attachment to tho welding jaw vise. Avtou.teleu.i ovias' 3 no.10:42 0 '59. (NUA 13:2) 1. Sturshly inshener po kontrollno-ismoritellrqm priboran Batayskoy distantali si&alizatail svyazi Severo-Kavkazekoy dorogi. (Welding) L 23732=fk -ACCNR. AP60148b SOURCE CODE: UR/0367/65/001/002/0329/0337 AUMOR:' Derdsov. Fo P-0; WM22X~z R. A.-Latipova,.Rv A@; Hi1qvanov,...jj_F_,&,, 30 Cherenkoi,_. P. AO' MWOMM arm ORG: P)wsics Institute -in's Pe No Laboday. AN SSSR (Fizichfisikiy institut AN SSSR) TITTZ: Cascade mchanism of high-energy nuclear rea Total Inelastic cross sections.. angular energy distxibution of particles Son& Yadernwa fisika, ve 1. no. 2. 1965, 329-337 TOPIC TAGS: inelastic resonance, nuclear reaction, angular distribution, proton. fast particle ABSTRACT: The interactions of high-energy protons'with nuclei have been calculated at -the basis of the cascade theory of nuclear reactions, The nuclear eactions uced 55 by protons with energies of 150, 340, and 660 HEV on 51~0, (AgHr)41 , and Au were consideredo The nuclear diffusion surface-and refraction and reflection ofnualsons in the process of the escaping of the nucleus were taken into account* Comparison of the calculations with the experiment allows one to conclude that the initial princ#43 table T suppositions.of the cascade tjpqz7 a valid* Origo art* has, lifigures and 1. LBased on.authorsO Enge, absij LWJFR; 0~ SUB CODEr 2 SM DATE s 28Jul& 'ORIG REFt OTH HEF: 015 Cum VIL.. LOXTAYEV, V.$., kand.tekhn.nauk, dotsent; IULOVANOV, V.P., inz,h,. Manufacturing printed circuits of foliated paper-filled phenol- formaldehyde resin by means of the raster-chemical method. Trudy MLTI no.52:73-79 161. (MIRA 15:4) (Printed circuits) ~ L-39&36~--0---a8'W-(aVT oanz- 0 2/006/1042/ 1 ACC7-j-r,-Tr301 51 5OURCL CODS; UR/0357/65/00-----i-101~31 AUUOR: Doninov, F. P.; MUovanov, V. P.; Laty yova, R. A!; chqimk--o-v,- ~P-A-.- ORG: Physics Institute im. P. 11. Lobodov,_An _gSSR Fizichoskiy institut AN SSSR) C TITM: Distribution of knockod-out nucleons with respect to tho nuclear %olum arli oxcitation energies and momantum distributions of nuclei in the cascade process Llbis paper was given at the 14th Annual Conference on Nuclear SPec:LKC!ScgEX, Tbilisi. February 19647 SOURCE: Yadornaya fizika, v. 2, no. 6, 1965, 102-108 TOPIC TAGS: nucleon, excitation energy ABSTRNCT: The discussion of the results of calculations describod in a previous paper (Journal of Nuclear Physics, Vol 1, p. 329, 1965) is continued. This discussiori concerns the distribution of the Imocked-out nucleons in the volumo of the miclous, the excitation energies of tho residual nuclei, aryl the momontu, distribution of U10 rocoil nuclei. Orig. art. has, 7 figuron and 3-tables, /-Based on authors, Eng- . abstj LI'7- j I, SUB COMt 20 SUR-1 MEL: O6Apr65 ORIG REFt oo6 ON REF: 002 Card 1j1 DOIBRUSHIM. Y.A.&MILOVANOT. T.S.; KARPOTA,N.L.. red.; KHITROT. P.A., takha. re . [Bibliographical guide to the publications of the State Publishing House for Railroad Transportation Literature. 1950-19591 Biblioirefichookii oprsvochnik isdanii trans- zholdorladats, 1950-1959. Moskva, Toes. isdatellsko- pollgr. ob%dlnonle N-va putel soobahchanila. 1961. 345 p. (KIRA 14:5) (Bibliography-Retlroedo) MIIA)VANOV, Ye. 54 combine works without shockers. Tekh. v sellkhos. 20 no.6.-27-28 is 16o. (MM 13:10) (Combines (Agricultural machinery)) DRANRIKOVV A.B.; MILOVANOV9 I. Utilization of intre~factory trackless wheel transportation. no.2:1-7 F 161. (MIRA 14:3) 1. Nauchno-issledova~ellskiy inot*itut tekhnologii aytoprom. (Tranaportationg Automotive) .4.11 ACC ARG034935 SOURCE CODE: Ull/0285/661000/00810021/0021 AUTHOR:' Milovanov,,Yu. M. TITL.'r- Operation of the a-c transmission of a gas-turbine locomotive SOURCE: Ref. zh. Turbos troy eniye, Abs. 8. 49.124 REF SOURCE: Tr. Kharlkovsk. in-ta inzh. zh. -d. transp. , vyp. 82, 19G5, 57-63. TOPIC TAGS: generator, turbine, synchronous generator, gas turbine locomotive, induction motor, traction turbine, locomotive ABS TRACT: The combined operation of a traction turbine, a synchronous genera- Lor, and induction motors is discussed. The problems investigated include start- incr and acceleration of induction motors as reflected in various sectors of mechanical curves, as well as the operation of the system with deviations trom preset synchronous generator voltage or turbine power. [Translation of abstract) SUB CODE: 10/ C.rd 1/1 UDC: 621. 438:623, 313. 1/. 3. 001. 5 ACC NRs AP6032404 SOURCE CODE: UR10089166lo2ilOO31020210202 AVTHOR: Milovanov, Yu. P. ORG: none TITLE: Concerning an analysis of transient processes in a reactor near prompt criticality SOURCE: -Atomnaya energiya,-Y. 21, no. 3, 1966, 202 TOPIC TAGS: subcritical reactor, reactor transient, slow neutron, prompt neutron, reactor neutron flux, kinetic equation, approximate solution ABSTRACT: This is an abstract of article no. 97/3652, submitted to the editor and filed but not published in full. The kinetic equations, with allowance for delayed- neutrons, are written down for the case when there were no neutrons prior to the transient process in the reactor. A function characterizing the growth of the neutro flux is introduced and it is used to solve the.kieetic equation in approximate'form. The introduced function simplifies the analysis of the kinetic equation and yields in some cases simple approximate expression for the characteristics of the transi*ents in the reactor (especially when operating in pulsed mode). Orig. art. has.: T formulas- SUB CODE: 18/ bVM DATE: 17Mar66 um 621.039-512 AZC_Mr,__AP6o2453T ,AUTHOR: Subbotin, V. I.; Ivanovakiy, M. ORG: none 8 CE CODE: uiVoo8g/66/021/00.1/001T/0022'i N.; Milovunovp Yu. V. TITLE: Diffusion-chemical and phase resistance in the condensation and evaporation of alkaline'metals._1V1 SOURCE: Atomnaya energiya, v. 21, no. 1, 1966, 17-22 TOPIC TAGS: liquid metal, alkali metal, nuclear reactor coolant, heat transfer, pres- sure effect, physical diffusion, heat balance ABSTRACT: The authors analyze in greater detail the now-current scheme, whereby al- kaline metals evaporate by surface emission of monoatomic molecules only, and that dimerization takes place only after the evaporation. An analysjs of the thermodynamic equations and comparison with earlier experimental data (Teplofizika vysokikh tempera- tur v. 2, no. 4, 1964) show that this scheme is valid only at higher pressures and that the evaporation or condensation of alkaline metals at supersaturated-vapor pres- sures of I - 3.00 mm Hg must proceed via surface emission (or absorption) of both mono- at9mic and diatomic molecules. At these lower pressures the dimerization (or dissoci tign of molecules is a result of a chemical reaction occurring on the surface of the li4uid. The existence of a transition region between high and low pressures, in which th,'e condensation coefficient changes from zero (at high pressures) to unity (at low pressure), is proposed. The diffusion-chemical resistance depends on the kinetics of 2 uDc: 621-039-517. L 06457-67 ACC NRs Ap6o24537 the dimerization reactionp but there are not enough experimental data to describe thluf dependence in detail. It is proposedj nevertheless, that the coefficient of heat transfer at near-atmospheric pressure is quite high, even when thediffusion-chemical resistance is.taken into account, and that at lower pressures the resistance is practically zero. Orig. aft. has: 2 figures, 32 formulas, and 1 table. suB com 18, 2o/ suB DATE: 2oNov65/ ORIG REF: 005/ OTH REF: 003 Card 2/2 L 5375445 OWT(m) /ERA( -J)1T1EV?( -4)/6-M u) Pf -4 )ACCESS1011 NR: AR5008M S/0137/65/000/001/1072/1072 669.15.018.85 J? I? SOURCE* Ref. zh. Me,tallurgiya, Abs. 11476 Z" -Ye~. ovanovj; Ytr. F, AUTHOR.'- Glukhenkc, kil, So-k1a-1-k1o1v:,--Yei M~ Yakhontov, A. G, Inves ga on--o :srystal~'lattide imperfactions in-EI-M- steel after aus- TITLE ti forming 47 6' :riot Kaf6dry obshch., fiz.: Kirgo un-ta Issled. po, fiz. tverd. .CITED. SOURCE2 TOPId TAGS-:'-metallu'rgy- ferrous metal, metal structurei metal testing, heat rming TRANS LATION. ~connec ion was found between hardness and elements of the fine structure, the size of:*tfie elements in the mosaic structure, microdistortion of the cxyatal lattice and grain disorientation. EI-'Bl alloy (0.34-0,41% C, 0.3-0.8% Si, 7.5-9.5% Mn, 11.5-13.5% Cr, 1.0-9.0% Ni, 1.25-1.55% V, 1.1-1.41 Ho, 0.25-0.45% Hb, Card 1/2 W.LV-11 ML All U411C %A= ~LIJ&MCLL.LV-11 UIM UVUQ~ ~.LO %.WJ.-Uj.VIA Uj. LLM a I. X-U,-- ture is reduced until there is almost no noticeable interference line broadening at 11500. Elimination of lattice imperfections with increased temperature is ac- I compan-ted by softening of the material. With age-hardenia& hardness is increased to a constant magnitude (290 kg/mm2) and is independent of deformation temperature Bibliography, 8 titles. Do Samarin. SUB CODEf ~Mm ENCTj: 00 gl ,::__L 2126~-66.1 EWT(I)/EWT( ACCESSION NR: APS025359 UR/0181/65/007/010/2890/2893 AUTHOR: Starostin, K. L.; Tuturov, Yu. Hilovanov, Yu. P, TITLE: The contribution of point -defects and defectclusters to changes in bility and concentration of carriers in n-Ge during irradiation with fast neu rons o m -SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 7j no. 10, 1965, 2890-2893 ment, germanium, TOPIC TAGS: radiation effect, radiation damage, neutron bombard defect, Hall effect,.semiconductor point defect, defect cluste The changes in mobility and the Hall effect in n-type Ge were investi- ABSTRACT. gated during irradiation with fast neutrons. Samples with an initial concentratiol.'~~""; 1015 c1d- 3 of electrcns of about 2 x were exposed to a flux of neutrons (60% of A the neutrons had an energy in excess of 0.6 Hev) at 308 and 100K. The applied Wignetic field was 1090 oe and Its direction was changed at afrequency of ~~i NO.-3 sec-1. The variation of the Hall constant and the relative change in mobility as a function of the Integrated neutron flux are shown In Fig. 1 of the Enclosure. The formulas derived by J. It. Crawford et aL and H. G. Juretschke - A etaL(lournal of applied physics' vi 30, 1959, p.'1204 and v..27, 1956, p. 838, J 9 respectivell~,were used to.calculate the contributionof.point defects and groups, `6rd 1/3., M L_2126-66- ,ACCESSIuN NR: AP502535 9 !of defects (disordered regions) to the changes of the Hall constant,and the ~Mbility. Analysis of data in Fig. I shows that the average size of the disorderei region produced during irradiation at lOOK is about 1.6 times larger 'than that ''produced-at 308K. It was established that the contribution of groups of defects to changes of the Hall constant and the mobility -is much greater at 100K than ten? Th mobility at room perature. e of electrons in the lattice remained constant, -at least until the fraction of the volume occupied by I:re gions of the space charge reached 0.45 (y -'3#101':.n/cm2) at :((P.,k:561013 ~/c t 308K and 0.0 m2) a 100K. Ori ~ art. has: CS] 3 figares:.,tind.5 formulas. ASSOCIATION:. none SUBIaTTED: 26Feb65 ENCL. 01 SUB CODE. SS YP NO REF So: ow'. I OTHER:' 000 ATD PRESS: -2/3- C ard iCCESSION NRI APS025359 ENCLOSURE: 01 A w: $4 6S 42 -14 10 n/cvr2 x ng. 1. Vari Otto f the Hall cons o tant~ RM and ~mobilit y , as a function of R the integrated flux during irradiatio n. f m * n 2. irradiated at 308K; Rm ~ 3 R 4:, , rra iated L d at 10OK , . 4 Card 3/3- -k DRNISOVp V.I., dotsent; HIWVANOVAp A.G., norairovshchik -1 Following the initiative of the brigade named after the 22d Congress and the CPSU, Takst.prou.' 22 no.U:44,..27 N 62. (MIRA 15sll) 1. Moskovskly toketillnyy'institut (for Denisov). 2. Khlopchato- bumashuWa fabrika iment, Oktyaor'skoy revolyutell Moskovokogo oblastnogo soysta narodnogo kbipsyaystva (for Milovanova). (Moscow Provineb-Toxtile factories) MILOVANOVA. A. Raising the standards for pediatric medical workers in rural areas. Zdrav. Ras. Feder. 5 no.9:11-13 S 161. (PaRA .14:9) le Rayonnyy BelokaUtvenikoy rayonnoy bollnitay (glavnyy vrach O.Ye.Chernotskiy). (PEDIATRICS) CHEWIETSKIY, 0. Ye.; SHEPOTINOVSKIY, V. I.;.MILOVANOVA, A. Kh. Our experience in providing drugo without a preveription to patientB of a po2yelinic. Zdrav. RoB. Feder. 6 no,6:23-25 Je 162. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Belokalitvenskaya rayonnaya bollnitsa (glavnyy vrach 0. E. Chernetskiy) Rostovskoy oblasti. (HOSPITAL PHARMACIES) CHERNETSKIY, 0,Ye.; MIWVANOVA, A.Kh. Statistical reports of the medical and obstetrical station. Zdravookhranonie 6 no.3tl4-17 My-Je'63 (MIRA 16:11) 1. Glavnyy vrach Belokalitven koy rayonnoy bollnitay, Ros- tovskaya oblastO (for Chernet:kiy). 2. Rayonnyy pediatr Belo- kalitvenskogo rayona, Rostovskaya oblaott (for Milovanova). 4 14P KH;-,YA;T6, L.B.; YWAZANUV, M.I.- LMNAN, HZIMINOVA) I.I.L.; SLAVIRAP ~~h.M.; VASILOYEVA, A.V.; DUL6hilOVA, A.S. ta Typhoid-paratyphoid-totanus chemically sorbed vaccine. (ap~-riment 1 study, reactogenic properties, epidemiological effectiveness). Zhur. mikrobiol., epid. i imm. 32 no.9:18-25 S 161. WILU 15:2) 1. Iz Moskovskogo instituta vaktsin i syvorotok imeni Mechnikova, Taslikentakogo instituta vaktain i syvorotok, Turkmenskogo instituta epidemiologii i gigiyony i Kazakhakogo instituta epidemiologiip mikrobiologii i giSiyeny. (TY.PliUl FEVER) (PAiLAMHOID FLIF,,:h) (TEDUWS) (VACCRES) MILOVANOVA A. S.; BORISOVA, L. A.; USACHEV, Yu. S. Data on the epidemiology and reduced morbidity of diphtheria L-1 South Kazakhstan Pro7inee. Zdrav. Kazakh. not6l-,66 162. IRA 15:6) 1. Is Kazakbakogo inatituta opidemiologii, mikrobiologii i gigiyany (nauchnyy rukovoditell - professor Kh. Zh. Zhumatov) i Yuzhno-Mazakhotanskoy obleanepidstantaii. (SOUTH KAZAKHSTPIT PROVINCF,--DIPHTHERIA) KROPACREV., A.M., prof.; PROTOPOPOV, A.N., dotsent; MILOVANOVA, A.Ye. Chronic diffuse interstitial pulmonary fibrosis in children. Vest. rent. i rad. 40 no.6:34-37 11-D 165. (MIRA 19: 1) 1. Kafedra propedevtiki detskikh bolezney (nauchnyy rukovoditell prof. A.M. Kropachev) i kafedra rentgenologil i radiologii (zav. prof. V.N. Shtern) Saratovskogo meditsinskogo Instituta. HILOVANOVA, G.A. Hatnrlals on thn biology of the greater titwouse during the period of nestIng. Trudy Prioko-Terrevape no,1:266-286 '57- (MINA 12:7) (Oka Terrace Preserve-Titsice) S/136/62/000/003/001/008 E021/E435 AUTHORS: Milovanova, I.B., Kreymer, S.Ye., Rozov, V.N. TITLE: Extraction method of purifying a nickel electrolyte from impurities PERIODICAL: Tsvetnyye metally, no.3, 1962, 38-42 TEXT: The possibility of changing the existing methods of purifying nickel electrolyte from iron and copper to an extraction method was investigated. The conditions were worked out in the laboratory using the salts of fatty acids of fractions CIO-C13 as an extracting reagent. These are practically insoluble in the electrolyte and regenerated to take part in the reaction many time,W. The method was then proved on large-scale tests. The preparation of a nickel soap is a simple op'eration consisting of loading into a reaction chamber fatty acids, nickel solution and soda solution. The mixture is heated to 65- 700C and mixed for 20 to 30 minutes. Stratification is all;wed to take place at the same temperature for 20 to-30 minutes. Soaps with different nickel concentrations can be prepared; in the present experiments the nickel concentration was 25 to 30 g/l and the solution had a Card 1/3 S/136/62/000/003/001/008 Extraction method of purifying ... E021/E435 viscosity of 4 to 9 centipoise at 600C. Extraction purification was tried on an anolyte of the following composition: 60 to 65 &/l Ni, 0.2 to 0-3 9/1 Co, 0.4 to 0-5 g/1 Fe, 0-5 to 0.6 g/l Cu, 150 to 16o g/i S04", 40 to 45 9/1 Cl pH 2.2 to 2.5. The iron was in the divalent form and 505% of the copper in the monovalent form. The soap was added to the electrolyte solution with a 10:1 ratio aqueous:organic. The purification from Cu and Fe took place in 3 to 5 stages. The solutions were mixed for 30 to 40 minutes and then transferred to a separating funnel where stratification took place. The aqueous solution was poured back into the reaction chamber and a further quantity of soap added. A study of the kinetics of the reaction showed that the iron was removed to a trace in 10 minutes. Preliminary oxidation of the copper intensified its extraction. The copper was also more efficiently extracted with soaps containing higher concentrations of nickel. After purification,. the anolyte contained 0.003 9/1 copper. After the usual chlorine purification from cobalt the solution contained 6o to 65 g/1 Ni, 0.02 to 0.005 9/1 Co, 0.003 to 0-001 9/1 Cu- Card 2/3 S/136/62/000/003/001/oo8 Extraction method of purifying ... E021/E435 Electrolysis was then carried out using a soluble nickel anode and a steel matrix for the cathode. The current density was 220 A~m2, the temperature 62 + 20C; the process was carried out for 10 hours. The resulting nickel was analysed and came within the specification for nickel type H -1 (N-1). There are 8 figures and 1 table. Card 3/3 GELIFERIN# N.I.; FEBALK, V.L.; ROZOV, V.N.;ASSMUS, M.G.; MIIDVANOVA, I.B. Extractive purification of nickel solutions from Iron and copper Impurities. TSvetmet. 36 no.2:37-42 F 163. (KERA 16:2) (Nickel-Electrometallurgy) (Electrolyses) (Extraction (Chemistry)) GELIPERIN, N.I.; PEBALK, V.L.; ROZOV, V.N.; ZAMYSHLYAYEV, V.G.; KLOVANOVA,, I Extractive refining of a nickel electrolyte from iron and copper. TSvet. met. 37 no.9t19-22 8 164. (MIRA 180) GELIPERIN, N.I.; PEBALK, V.L.; ROZOV, V.N.; ZAMYSHLYAYEV, V.G.; SOKOLOVA, T.O.; MILOVANOVA. I.B.: YEPISHEVA, M.S. Fractional reextraction of metals from complex metal soaps. \TSvet.met, 38 no.10:41-49 0 165. (MIRA 18:12) VOLIFF,NZON, I.I.,insh.; MIIA)VANOVA, I..13.,Inzh. Substances used in hair streqgthening; bibliographic survey. Hasl.-zhir.prom. 24. no.11:22-25 '58- (MIRA 12:1) 1. Vseooyuznyy nauchno-issledovatel'skly Institut sintaticheakikh i naturallnykh dushistykh vebhchestv. (Hair--Care and hygiene) MILOVAHMA, I.V. -- -- p Now and interesting diatom* from the Neogene of the ?aman Peninsula (Iovae A curios&* Diatomeas peninsulas Tamanj aetate neogenae). Bot.mat.Otd.spor.rast. 10:69-72 Ja 155. (KLRA 8:7) (Taman Peninsula-Diatoms. Fossil) 16(1) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/1921 Milovanova, Lidlya Nikolayevna Funktal-i I Ikh issledoyanlys (Functions and Their Study) Moscow, Izd-vo Akad,pedagog.nauk RSFSR# 1958. 122 p. Errata sli3 inserted. Series: PedagogIchaskaya biblioteka uchitelya 17,000 Copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: Akademlya podagogichookikh nauk RSFSR. Institut metodov obuchenlya. Ed. (Title page): P.A. Bezsonov, Professor; Ed. (Inside book)t G.G. Gualkov; Tech. Ed.: R.Ya. Sokolova. PURPOSE: The book in intended for mathematics teachers In secondary schools. i COVERAGE: The concepts of a function are given, a series of elemen- tary functions in studied, and their graphs are constructed, using algebraic and trigonometric methods. The limit concept, CaXd*215EE;~~ Functions and Their Study SOV/1921 the fundamentals of differential calculus and their application to the study of functions, and the construction of graphs are presented.- In addition, the book discusses questions not In- cluded in the teaching prograp, such as the are of a curvilinear trapezoid, derivatives of a higher order, and Nowtonts bluoulal formula. No personalities are mentioned. There are 13 Soviet references TABIE OF CONTENTS: FUNCTION 1. Constant and Variable 3 2. On Functional Dependence 3 3. Designating a Function 4 4. Computing Particular Values of a Function 5 5. Domain of a Function T Card 2/6 IKILOVAIIOVA, L.N. (Kookwa). Program of mathenstles curriculum and review of algebra textbooks of French secondary schools. Mat. v shkole no.I.&60-72 A-F 158, (Irance-Hathevatics-Stu4y and teaching) (NINA 1111) (Trance-Algebra-Textbooks) MILOV44PYA, Lj~.-(*qkva) Aaidl~ Teaching higher mathematics in ancondary schools of the Gernan Democratic Republic and France. Mat. pron. no.3:213-220 '58. (141RA 11:9) (Germany, East-Mathematics-Study and teaching) (France-Mathonatics-Study and teaching) Teaching of algebra in British secondary schools. list. v shkole no. 4:65-75 Jl-Ag 158- (MIRA 11:7) (Great Britain--Algebra--Study and teaching) - l4ilovanovn4L. 11., Berznitskaya, 6. A., -futskaya, L. K., Kostenllco, 0.. -`.' I isl-.chayf, o-l.--YTI-., Filosofova, T. and Shelchtor, A. q. N Study of the effectivi-nens of aptivo imr,linimation in ;ft,oPini- rou,: h. .1) 1 1 -T ~ i" aterialy nauchnykh knoferentsiij Kiev, 1959. 2h8pp (Ki,riskiy Nauchno-issledovatellskiy Institut Epidemiologii i llikrobialoCii) Pilovanova, L. P., Shekhter, A. B. ;)nd Filosofova, T. G. ImmnoloCica.1 changes in Persons, vaccinated with the whooT)in(.; caugh vaccine. p. I l-';at-rialy nauchnykh konferentsii, Kiev, 1959. ?~~bpu (Kievskiy liauchno-issledovatellskiy Tnstitut EpidemicloCii i Nikrobiolorii) FILOSOFOVA,. T.G.; MILOVANOVA, L,P, Studiegs on the duration of immunity in porsons vaccinated againat vhooping cough for the determination of the time of revaccination. Zhur. mikrobiol., epid. i Jwnw, 33 no.7:59- 62 J1 162. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Ix Kiyevskogo instituta epidemiol*i I*ikrobiologii. HILOTANDYA, L.Y.. KOSTAKOVA, S.A. Operating experience of P.I.Brastoy, best spinner. lhim. volok. no-3:65 160-- (JM 13:7) 1. Klinskiy kombinat. (Kliu-Bayon spinning) _00 F_ Blichindca-ilteraflons of the grapo'Jai-n- onroot fiaaing' V. Milovanova and INt. S. Zhura v_t:f . Vigodelie i Vino. rs 16, No. 4, 32-O(Is43).-Nonroot feed- t 4(spraying4l times in 10 days) with solos. of HIS XCI, 1% KtSO4. 1%-NaHM. or 15% Ca(111104)~ gave finproved flavw, and, in the cut of-KCI, a inorc uniforin and intense colorl.Ift 10. pe varieties. Ciml ayape flavor was derined as gluco.-AMI'm"etsic Index (ratin of sugar cnoteat fit % to t1tratuble sci(LIty In g.11.) 8.5 or over. In nonroot feeding ye with 1.5% NHXO~ solits. the ripening of early and iniddle ripening varieties was slowed and the flavor Rod ax. wt. of tlierA clusters was somewhat lowered. With this exception nonroot feedivir Increased the energy of plant photosynthesis and the wt. of the clusters. Nonroot feeding t.-aused con- siderably increased hydrolytic activity of invertase (i.e. ripening), especially with K and P svits. N anti P-teeding i lowered catalase -dctivity in 3 of 5 varieties tc~tctl, while feeding of C490j. XCI, and Nal-10:6 lowered It In all 5. K feeding (mused soute Inciense- in vitaufln C. This proccs3 was expected to give greater crop yields. A. W. Daly . *1 - MIIDVANOVA, L.V., ANMIYIIVA. Ye.I. Use of washing compounds in bottle washing mchines. Spirt.prom. 2.3 no.8:14 157. (MM 11:1) 1,Laningradekly likero-vodochnyy savod. (Bottle washing) (Washing powders) LETOKHOVJ, V.S.; VATSURA, V.V.; PUKHLIK, Yu.A.; FEDOTOV, D.I.; KOSOZHIKHIN, A.S.; ZHABOTINSKIY, 14.Ye.; DASHFVSKAYA, Ye.I.; YDZLOV, A.N.; RUVINSKIY, L.G.; VASIN, V.A.; YURGENFV, L.S.; NOVOMIF01"A, I.Z.; PETROVA, G.N.; SHCHEDROVITSKIY, S.S.; BELYAYFVA, A.A.; BRYKINA, L.I.; GLEBOV, V.M.; DRONOV, M.I.-, KONOVALOV, M.D.; TARAPIN, V.N.; HIKHAYLOVSKIY, S.S.; ZHEGALIN, V.G.; ZHABIN, A.I.; GRIBOV, V.S.; MkLIKOV, A.P.; CHERNOV ,V N AYIATNOVSKY9 V.Ya.; VOROBIYFVA. L.M.; . - ZARI V KULIKOVSKIY, L.F.; GONCHARSKIY, MILOVANQ ..,M PO .A.; TYAN KHAK SU Inventions, Avtom. i prib. no.1;78-80 Ja-Mr 165. (MIRA 18:8) - MILOVANOVA, P.B. [Mylovanava, O.B.] (Kiyev) Determining the Poiason's coefficient by the curvature of a bent biam.,-,Frykl.meIch. 7 no.2:197-9~202 161. (KM 1414) 1. In4tii4t,mekhaniki AN USSR. (Elastic rods and wires) Wfects NOT 48 "70slotexioan =eccta of Thermal. Radiati= SiMitary ConeLitions in lot Mhchint, Industry Tlante,' Lorpn (decoazed), 0. V. Mlovancma, Inst of Labor BySiene, WsMS, 3 pp "GIs I Saxiw 1. r, 11 Basin pol&,,o In d&terzdLing effect of themmall*rsala. tion on Imman orzemAsm are: intensity of g-c23N'sq cm Poe %Li, -.msnituda of exposed mxrface, az& le~wbl mA Irterral;tior. of a %forking day. Observatiom m those Vointo were =do In various loxgo plantq. 49/49T78 0=/)bdi cine-Radlat ions, Iffects lqc-m 4 8 (Cc,-'W - - - - ' ~) -- i- - Maitin actiw-Awterr (Wibrated according to engstrom, timits) was used in this test. 49A91% 2)731 S/057/61/031/006/015/019 C/1 0 B116/B201 AUTHORSs Chistyakov, P. N. and _-M-ilovanova, R. A~ TITLE: Value2 of Vv H. and If for a molybdenum cathode in argon PERIODICAL: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, v,. 31, no. 6, 1961, 746 - 748 TEXT: A study has been made of the condition of a metal-cathode surface in an inert gas on the condition that an accurate and reproducible value Of VK H. of the cathode voltage drop was obtained in advance, The work function,p has been chosen as the quantity characterizing the condition of the cathode surface, In view of the fact that a cathode with a temperature of about 200C was submitted to investigation, the authors applied the photoelectric method for detecmining 44). Mo was used as cathode material, and Ar as the inert gas, The experimental apparatus is Card 1/6 23731 Values of VK . HL and S/05 61/031/006/015/019 B 11 6YB201 5~ shown in the accompanying fig-ure. The piston was made of 3 C - 5 OS - molybdenum gas4 The window 0 made of fused optical quartz was solder6d onto the piston with the aid of transition glasses.. The cathode and anode, flat disks 20 mm in diameter, were made of 0.2 mm molybdenum sheet containing at most 0.031/1,6o Impurities. A hole (5 mm in diameter) was cut out in the center of the anode. Through it, the light from the mono- chromator bit the cathode surface. The distance between cathode and anode was 6 mm and was chosen such as not to give rise to a potential drop at the anode with the argon pressure used in the system. The latter was evacuated to 12 mm Ug for about 30 hours, filled with fresh argon and sealed. The system was then treated with a glow discharge, first with alternating current of 80 ma for half an hour, and thereupon with pulsating current of 100 ma. An opaque molybdenum layer (C region in the figure) formed on the piston walls around the discharge space during treatment (due to sputtering of the cathode). At the same time, V W-H, dropped rapidly at first, then very slowly, and after 10 - 15 hours it stabilized on the level indicated in the accompanying table (V K K Card 2/ 6 23731 B/057/61/031/006/01=J/019 Values of Vk and B116/B201 measurements were made at 8 ma with a 0,2-grade voltmeter). At a pressure of p - '2 mm Hg, a V K.H, value of 100 1 1 v was obtained for Ar-Mo with all devices. The potential gradient between cathode and anode was taken as Vk with the anode being situated in the Faraday dark space at a distance d '~-- 0.5 dcritical (d critical -distance at which a potential drop takes place at the anode) within the range of currents of a normal giLow discharge (the range in which V K is very little dependent on I). The instability of V K in time was checked with a potentiometer for 30 hours.. and was found to be less than 0.1%, The inclination of the volt-ampere characteristic-9 w.,thin the range of nurmal glow discharge wash very small.. For currents ranging from ? to 6 ma.. the mean differential resistance was 50 ohms at most. The spectral characteristics of the photoelectric currtint, wero nitatourod by a monochromator with quartz optics in the waveAeneth range between 2"100 and 3100 R. A~i c-valuation of characteristics yielded the photoeffect threshold for a mean% 306o Card 3/6