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SKVORTS,'~V, Gecrgiy I - , ~ ,,, --I- , r t nauk rvauchn. red.; 1.1', .1 ;.y rc-6. fTeachina the speciRl rf' in tr prftfessional technical schools5-cottun manufacturej Prepouavanie spet~~Ial naia promyshlennost'. 14G MILOVIDOV. N.N., kand. takhn. nauk, dotsent Practical value of the indice of yarn strength. Tekst. prom. 23 no,q 65-68 S 165. (MIRA 18:10) 1. Vaesoyuznyy zaochnyy Institut tekstillnoy I legkoy promyshlennosti. klulft%LK N~W/HWKJVT RN APW6992 SOURC E GODHz ACC RR:'~ 'UR/0342/65/000/009/0065/0068 ~"AIMM: Milovidayp NQ:j* (Dc~entp Candidate of technical sciences) OROt All-V pond #ion~Corres ence Institute of the Textile and Light X4Hqtff kvseaoyuznn ZaLOOMW instItUt tekstillnoy'i legkoy promyshlennosti) jTITLEt The practical value of the durability index of yarn AMCEs TekstilImp p tot no* 9, 196% 65-68 iTOPIC TAGSt textile textile industry, textile industry machinMO tensile ;13trength, fatigue strength/ AT-100-5M testing machine ABSTIMOTt Experiments were run at the Moscow Spinning and Weaving Mill ims Me VO Frunze to study the causes of the breakage of yarno The degree of correlation :,between breakage and other Indices was determined. The correlation between the in weaving and the breaking loads of yarn from spinning machines and after finishing is very low. The AT-100-5M machine was used to test the yam for ,strength in repeated stretching. The main factors in increasing the strength of :y= ares twists structure 9 the degree of straightness of the fiber4p uni- ,formityp and finishing. Evaluation of the quality of yarn merely by its breaking 1/2,__ 67T-061-001o5 Oil *40 o" 000 09. '00 "I malvaLn 1""AIPI 911*94V -P-0 P it 0 a 10 9 of a oooooewoei;" 00*00000000 0 C 0 w Am t# Too to LCITIO see Omp or. ~"ffs -OALAI eY Pee 00 00 roe Os POO Roe 00 M 'A LC U I I A It r. 4 L-1 k_A__1, T, A tip* fm OW m 'A i,., mlypinfily I" C(tPht C&PI114114 Caused bY Col4hi , i so ail c ne V. Mlh~)Avs% .,Owma e;w mlj. 1rN"t,i?Akd, 19. N - 17 M Zee , . MI , The fortmitioll of in Crepil Cos 0111arlt LY th%additiou of vq)Ichicillc w.Vj ' cuttitit. rhr ftisits ILjve sh,)wll th.vt thetv k .% Imm0wilitv J the Itrillitim, 'Noidic (-Wro ill wher axri- Z*: vuhural I.Lants IV C.111 Iw 11'ell 1.11 fill- vIr.111"ll .,f Iwar 0 I-IV1.1"i'lie GwIls.. %Iwk.4 1+ o1tt'ske't -It An i oid w Of a, 3 It it at 0 So 000 eg 04 00000000 0000 0 0 0 * 0 Mau I I I, 1 44 ,As mw~a *.,b A. It 7- III Ain, I -'a 0014 00 a ypento And ItIVISIts Ott tho plant to"I. 00 C i P~ mduVwOyj ff-2IJ(1%49P!'Tbc -is of the be~`" "d faba) were 00 v inkm=fiquiCd YP"ilc, tlllu~'Arj 94A), C The 11" Anil li:Cli.A,Cl,. truct"" of "'a 00 a tit$ WAS Oh1CfVTd After lit 111111. .111,11wl'i'm in file yfulitr alkj WAS lifiniLa to tilt I'llect of W-""' 411 tit"' "llfdr'lftw' 00 41,11, and in ~'. mv. tion is much Ustef Aful stronger With It"i'l6il" 00 the condition of theccits to hc vIlvet tit wair, 00 At w-Itiff, or I1N), "Sider lam-ure in theAtitt)(1AVC. 'nit 1111cleAr morAlion is the only relL.14C method for the 00 An-dysiv ill det. tilt rri,,j w,r c4litil-l- 0 J411 MiCk I 00 .3 4 oo Jr 01 Go Lilt.OATU*t CtAttlFKATIC40 nits, i4 i~ 0 u s AV o-AST; p K a i a ri; a a 0 1 w 0 3 d 0 T a 00000!0000000000000000000000*oooooooooo*oo -~0000 -a -000100004004111100000060000 i000000000000000000000 -00 -00 loo -00 400 It =00 too 000 Mo 110 ago told Aleo 900 goo 1.00 1100 see MILOVIDOV, P.; STORC:iOVA, J. Determining the vitality of the ergot, conilia, by means of vital staining. P. 353. (CESKOSLOVENSKA BIOLOGIE, Vol. 5, No. 6. Nov 1956, Praha, Czechoslovakia) SO. Monthly List of East European Accessians (LEAL) LC, Vol. 6. flo. 12, Dec 1957. Uncl. OOV I D OV CZECHOSWVAKWGener&1 Biology. Cytology. B-2 Abs Jour: Referat Zh.-Biol., No 9, 1957, 35o65 Author :_1%1~do~vP. Inst Title Concerning the Staining of Botanical Preparations by the Method of Inversion Gentian Violet Orig Pub: Vesmir, 1956, 35, No 5, 167 Abstract: The wide use of the Nemets method of staining botanical pre- parations, i.e. by inversion gentian violet, is recommended. Also recommended is the method of combined staining vith eosin. The duration of the staining depends on the preparation, but should not exceed 0.5 minutes. Card 1/1 -3- COUNTRY : CZECHOSLOVAN14-- CATEGORY t awneml Blology. B Cytology* Plant cytology. ABS. JOURi I RzhBiol., No. 5# 1959, No.19010 AUTHOR Milovidov, Petr INST. -or' - TITLE The Artificial Atomization or Chromatin in Vegetative Coils, ORIG. PUB, i Prenlia, 1958,, 30o No 2. 105-120 ABSTRACT Water solutlons~of P1 eraulne (in a 0,025-0.1 " orbent coneentratioA Tand sodium (in a 0.025 p percent concentration) cause an inhibition of m1tonles a pyknosis of cellular nuclei. Piperazlqo in a I percent solution produces necrosis of the tissues, a complete dooompo- sition of the nuclei and atomization. of chromatin within the cytoplasmas The maxima orfect was round to exist at a I percent con- .'s duration centrations 42 hours or the-P60tigu . and at a pS 10 , The author remarks upon the Card: 1/2 - KMVIDOVP ?I rapartance of fixing preparations, Biologia 16 ''o-41310-312 161. (ANATOff ) MILOVIDOV S.G. Tightening sawed materials for drying. Der.prom. 7 no. 6:22 Je '58. (MIRA 11:8) 1.,Odinteovskiy lesopilino-ternyy zavod. (Lumber--Zrying) BRATfSV, A.Y., kandidat mediteluskikh nauk; GRINCHAR, F.R., professorg zaa- lushennyy doyatell wwkis direktor; KIWVIDOV, S.I., doteent, direktor. Q&autltative &ctive method of serodiagnosts of syphilis. Vest.ven. i derm. no.3:34-30 NY-Je 153. (9LM 6:7) 1. Koshnaya klLlniJm 11 Moskovskogo meditainskogo instituts. imeni Stalins, (for Grinchar and Brayteev). 2. 11 Koskovskly seditsinakiy institut i=ni Stalin& (for Milovidov). (Syphilis) LZBEDEV, D.D., professor; MISPICH, K,I,; HILOVIDOV, S.I., direktor; PROKHO- 1~1 1 --, .2 ROVICH, To.V.. glavuyy vrach. Course of scarlet favor In different conditions of hospitalization and therapy of pationtse Sor.mods 17 no.3:22-24 )V 153, (NM 6:6) l.,7hkul'tetskm,y& detskaya kliniks R Xoskovskogo maditainskogo institut& imeni LV, Stalins, n& bass dotakoy kl1nichookoy bollmitay (for Lobodov, Nisevich and NIlovIdov)~ 2, Detakays, kliniohookaya bolinitsm. (for Pro- khorovich). (Scarls,tim) KRATCHNKO, Petr Tefimovich, kand.tekhn.asuk; MILOVII)OV9 S.Sof proros reteenzenti ITWOVICH. G.N.. inxh.. reteenzent; RADINOTICK. SoV.. red.; AMOSKINA, K.I.. red.isd-va; SMYK, N.D.., (Fatigue strength] Ustalostnals prochnost'. Moskva. Gos.isd-vo 17yashmis shkolm,' 1960. 103 P- (NDU 13:5) (metals--Fatigue) MILDVIDOV.- Sep-g-a-Sergeyevich, prof., zasl. deyatell nauki i tekbulki RSFSR; IWDE14KOp R.F.,, prof., doktor tekhu, nau j, retsenzent; LEVITBKIY, N.I., prof.., doktor tekhn. nauk,, retmenzent; GUZENKOV9 P.O., dots., kand. tekbn. nauk, retanzent; SHMOV# N.I., red.; MURASHOVA, V.A., tekhn, redo (Machine parts] Detali mashin. Moskva,, Goo. iod-vo "Vyssbaia shkolap" 1961. 613 p. NIRA 15:4) 1. Rukovoditall kafedr7 detaley mashin Vaes9yumcgo saocbnogo politekbaicheskogo instituta (for Levitsklypo (mechanical engineering) SOV/97-59-1-12/18 AUTHOR: Milovidov, V.A., Engineer kTLE: Cement Storage Built from Precast Reinforced Concrete (Sklad tsementa iz sbornogo zhelezobetona) PERIODICAL: Beton i Zhelezobeton, 1959, Nr 1, pp.39-40 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Building Trust Nr 144 built a cement storage from precast reinforced concrete, of 2 500 t capacity. The silos were designed with wooden partitions, rectangular in plan, 3 x 3 m in size, 9.5 m high, resting on monolithic reinforced concrete foundations and columns. The whole length of the storage is 30 m and the width 6 m. Three storage types were compared, to find out the material requirements (see table). It was found that circular silos constructed from precast reinforced concrete are the most economical. Fig.1 illustrates longitudinal and cross section of the storage, which had ten silos. It was decided that rectan6ular-type storage should be superseded by a circular de3ignp consisting of ten silos, each made up of ten reinforced concrete rings. Fig.2 illustrates assembly of rvinforcement of the rings. Card 1/2 The rings are 905 mm high with walls 100 mm thick. 'The SUV/97-59-1-12/18 Cement Storage Built from Precast Reinforced Concrete reinforcement varies according to the position of the ring in the silo: for the lower part, double reinforcement, and for the upper part, single reinforcement. Reinforcement of 8 mm and 6 mm diameter is used, and it is weldect together in the joints of the rings. The finished rings wore transported by lorries YaAZ-210A and assembled with Grane SBK-1M (see Fig.,3). The whole construction of the storage above the ground was completed in 150 man-shifts. Material requirements were: 23.8 t of steel, 200 M3 of concrete and 15 M3 of timber. There are 3 figures and 1 table. Card 2/2 IGLOVIDOV V. A insh. _- 9 IN Demonstration building of an apartment house in the cltjr of Yurgi. Zhil.strol. no.12:6-8 159. (MM 13s4) (Turglw4partment houses) (Precast concrete construction) -Ik* KOVALEV, Yu.G.-, MILOVIDOVI.V.K. - New procedure for casting stator plates for turbodrills. Lit. proizv. no.4:42-44 Ap '62. (MIRA 15:4) (Molding (Founding)) (Turbodrills) KOTILINIKOV, N.A.,Inzh.; MILOVIDOV, V.V.,Jnsh. Delivery of working plans to the nhipyard design office. Sudostroente 24 nool2:39-W D 158. (MIRL 12:2) (Shipbuilding-Jquipment and supplies) 'i, ZHU 2691'1~ R, if -'J 'J" .14 ij; 4 E to pal I I !dil .3 Oil A .4 nil a MILOVIDOV, V. YE. Kidney-Tuberculosis Isolated renal tuberculosis., Probl. tub. no. 6, 1951. MO thly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, March 1952. UNCLASSIFIED. MZOVIDOV, V. lie, Dissertation: "Clinical Course and Treatment of Gunshot 'Wowids in the Pelvic I(egion." Dr Mled Sci, Acad M;ed Sci U351t, 21 May 54. Vechernyaya Moskva, Koscow, 11 MaY 54. SO: JUM 284, 26 Mov 11,154 KILOTIDOV. T.Te.. daktor maditainakikh nauk ~V.p ~ 0 - - Cavernotomy in renal tuberculosis. Probl.tub. 34 no.6 supplement:28 N-D f56. (KIRA 10:2) 1. Is Instituta tuberkulesa (dir. Z.A.Labedeve) AMR SSSR. (TUDARCULOSZS, RUAL, surgery, cavernotomy (RUB)) MILOVIDOV, V.Te., doktor med.nauk Consoryntive resection of the kidney in tuberculosis* Urologlia 23 no.3:27-32 W-Je 158 (MIRA 11:6) 1. Is khtrurgicheakoy kliniki (zav, - prof, L.K. Boguh) Institute tuborkuleza (dir. Z.A. Lebedeva) ANN SSSR. (TUBBROULOSISt FaNAL, surg, partial naphrectomy (Run)) (NBPHUECTONY. in various dis. partial, In renal tuberc. (Rus)) KILOVIDOV. V.Yn., doktor.mod.nauk. Gavernotomy in renal tuberculosis* Urologiia 23 no.4:33-39 Jl-Ag 158 1. Ix kh1rurgicheskoy kliniki (zav. prof. L.K. Bogush) Instituts tuberkalesm. ANK SSSR (dir. - prof. %.A. Lebed"a, zameatitell direktora nauchnoy chnRti - vrof. N.A. Shmolev) I 4-y gorodskoy klinicheskoy boll- nitay (glavW vrach N.Y. Ivanyukov). (MMOIYWSIS, IDIIIAL, surg. cavernotomy (Hus)) KILOVIDOV, T.Te. (Noakva) Classification of urogenital tuberculosis. Urologiia 24 no.4:54-56 JI-Ac '59. (TUIRMIDSIS, URDGRNITAL) (KIRA 12:12) VLASOV, V.N.,, prof.) MILOTIDOV., V.Ye.,, prof. Treatment of ureterovaginal fistulas. Nsuch.trudy Chetv.Mosk. gor.klin.bolt. no.1002-306 161. (MIRA 16:2) 1. Iz Wfedry alcuoherotya i ginekologii 2-go Hoskovokogo goeu- daretvamogo moditainskogo instituta Imeni N.I. Pirogova (sav. kafedroy - professor A.A. Lebodev) i gienkologichookogo otdoloni7a Moskovskoy gorodskoy klinicheskoy bollnitay No.4 (naucbm ruko- voditell - Prof. V.N. Vlasov, glavnyy vrach - G.F. Npko (MTULA, VESICO-VAGINAL) MIUWTDOT, V.Y6.,p prof. Results of treatment of kidney trauma. Nauch.trady Chetv.Mosk.gor. klim.boll. no.1088-392 161. (MM 16:2) (KIMSYS-SUROM) (KIDVEYS-WOUIIDS AND 114JURIES) MILOVIDOV,, V.Yv., prof. Cinical aspect of the kidney Echinococcuse lauchotrudy Chetr, Nbak.gorekliz.bolla no.19383-387 161. (MIRA 16:2) (KIDNEYS-HYDATIDS) MILOVIDOV, V. Ye., doktor mod. nauk Immediate and late results of nephrectomy in tuberculoEis and the further prospects for this operation. Khirurgiia no.4: 101+-3-11 162. (MIRA 15:6) 1. Iz 4-7 Gorodskoy klinicheskoy bollnitsy (glavnyy vrach - kandidat maditainakikh nauk G. F. Papko)., Moskva. (KII)=S-TUBERCULOSIS) (KIDNEIS SURGERY) VIINOKURSK.TY, S.A.; RABINOVICH, N.E.; MILOVIDOV Ye I - OURLMETS, V.-S. 1-1 ~ ) .-6j, Testing of differential recording machdnes. Nov. med. tekh. no.2:168-170 164. (MI-PA 18:11) GUZZIM07. N.F..insh.; MILOVIDOT. TeoL*,inzh.; SHIRNOT, LeA.,inzhe Suspended asteppinewired scaffoldings for brickla7ing. Ilek. at&. 29 no*11:63-65 N 158. 011A 11:12) (Masonry) MIWVIDOV, Yu.I., inzh. ------ Use of the hydraulic clutch as a drive for the auxiliary units of diesel locomotives. Vest.TSNII MPS 20 no-8:31-33 '61. (KIRA 15:1) (Diesel locomotives--Hydraulic drive) MILOVIDOV Yu I inzh.; TROFIMOV,, V.I.j, inzh.,- BARANOV, N.A., inzh. j ~ratem of automatic regulation of the water temperature of a diesel locomotive engine. Vest. TSNII MPS 22 no.3t25-30 163, (MIRA 16t7) Diesel locomotivea-Cooling) mperature regulators) M MILOVIDOV., YU.I., inzh. Use of the hydraulic clutch as a driva'in the systems of automatic control af-th6-auxillary units of diesel locomotiyes. Trudy TSNII MPS no.254:105-119 163. (MIRA 16;6). (Diesel locomotives-Equipment and supplies) (Automatic control) MILOVIDGVI Yu. I., inzh. Character-ist"66- of t~e by--rat:--, i -- :-L---tr,-h during variable filling. Vest TSNJJ MPS 23 no. 11:1.9-50 164. (MIRA 17:-c,) "ylle' "/~4; A'Ap KIWVIDOVA, A.N., dotsent 44. -dz e,-", Treatment of burns of the eye. Vest.oft- 70 no.4:45-50 Jl-Ag '57. (MIRA 10:10) A-A.Kolen) (ser. 1. Kafelre glazqykh bolesney - prof. Novosibirskogo meclitainskogo institute. (AYS, wounds and inj. bums. ther.) (BURNS eye, ther.) --MILoVIDOV19, tw. Gr. USSR/Aedicine Veterinary FD-1316 Card 1/1 Pub 137-16/22 Author Rairnov, A. M., Candidate of Veterinary Sciences; Elina, Z. N. and Kuzueteova, L. T.., Senior Veterinary Physicians; Makusb, A. L, Acting Senior Veterinary Physician of the Sovkhoz "Udarnik;" Milovidova, E. G., Student Title : Treatment of calves that are ill with dyspepsia of A-hypoviteminosis etiology 21 Periodical : Veterinariya,19, 49, Sep 1954 Abstract : Natural gastric juice of horses vas successfully used in the treatment of calves that had dyspepsia of A-hypovitaminosis etiology; its use as a prophylaxis prevented the development of dyspepsia in calves born vith symptons of A-hypovitaminosim. Combination therapy, consisting of natural gastric Juice of horses and either sintomycin or disulfan, is recommended. No mortality van recorded among calves that were treated with gastric juice of horses. Inst#ution : Ieningrad Veterinary Institute Submitted ,,KILOVIDOVA, G,L., After work-on the marchl Zdorovle 7 no. 4:25 Ap 161. (~JJRA 1/,: 4) (MOSCOW.-WALKING) MILOVIDOVA, _ G.-L.- - The community protects our rivers. 7.,Iorovlp- P, no.4:19 Ap 162. (~a -,A 15: 4) (WATER--POLLUTIOII) MILOVIDOVA, G. L. This has to be seen. Zdoroyle 8 no.7:16 -Ti 162. (MIRA 15:7) (TOURISM) MIWVIWVA, G. L. (Drekbovo-ftyevo) Red pamant. Zdorov's 9 zlo-3219 Wr 163. (MIR A 16 a 5) (ORMOVO.ZUYKV06-PUBLIG HMTH) TADE, A.A.; KOSTYUKOVA, T.D.;-KW-U-D03M,-LA. All-Union conference on pigmented and vascular tumors. Testa oft. no.1:8347 162. (MM 15:11) (TUMORS) KRASIOV, M.L., pro:%; GRISHIVA, V.I.; SIVOSHUSKIY, D.S.;_kE1LO[ID0V-lj JAGIFLA111W, V.Z.; GULYAYEVA, B.G.; ROINTAROV,-K.D. Clinical method of diganosing intraocular tumors usin.g radic- active phosphorus, Vest.ofto no.3:3-9 1~y-Ja 162. (MU 15:8) 1. Kaffedra glaznykh bolezney i kafedra neditsinskoy radiologii Mentrallnogo instituta usovershen.9tvovaniya vrnchey (for Krasnov,, Grishinag Sivoshinskiy). 2. HDskovskaya glaznaya klinicheskaja bollnitsa (for Milovidova). 3o Vrnsoyuzn)-j naucbno-issledovatell- skly instituta meditsinskogo instrumentariya '- obonudovanlya (for Agranat Ckilyayeva Kolontarov). (E'YE,-.TLJMORS5 (PHOSPHORUS-ISOTOPES) YRSAYST, A.D.; RATTMA, V.A-; RUDVIDOTA, I*Be Agropyrou remosum (Trin.) Richt, In the artificial limans of the trans-Volga regione Uch, sape Sar* gose pedag* inst. no.27:-111-125 (.., __ '57- (Volga Valley-Agropyrou) (MIRA 11:7) MIIA)VIDOVA, I. B. Significance of temperature for the ability of the flora of artificial limens to survive flooding. Hauch. dokl. vVe. shkoly; biol. nauki no.4: 127-130 '59. (MIRA 12:12) l.Rekomendovana kafedroy morfologii i sistematiki rasteniy, Saratovskogo gosudaretvannogo universiteta im. N.G. Chernyahevskogo. (Plants, Iffect of water on) (Plants, Zffect of temperature on) (Irrigation) MILOVIDOVA. I,B, . Effect of basin snow-water Irrigation of smidesert and steppe vegetation, DokLAluid,sellkhoxe 24 no.gt2g-j) 139. (MIRA 13:1) 1. Saratovskly pedagogicheskly institut. Prodstavlena uIcadomikom I.V.I&riWm. (Irrigation farming) (Steppe flora) -0V MILOVIDOVA, I. B. Cand Bio Sei, Dias -- "Vegetation of the artificial estuaries of Zavolzhlya and processes in its formation". Saratov, 1961. 18 pp, 20 am (Saratov Order of Labor Red Banner State U imeni N. G. Chernyahevskly), 200 copies, Not for sale, 10 works0bo the author listed on p 18 (KL, No 9, 1961t p 180, No 24313). Z61-548 8 MILOVIDOVA, L.I.; PELEVIN, N.F., kand. fil. nauk (Translation of English botanic tems and names into Russian; author's abstract of a di.-Bertation for the degree of Candidate of Philological Sciences] 0 pere- vode angliiskikh botanicheskikh terinirov i nazvanii na russkii lazyk; avtoreferat dissertatsii na soiskanie ucbenci stepeni kandidL-a filologicheskikh nauk. Lenin- grad, Leningr. gos. univ., 1964. 22 p. (MIRA 18:9) MILOVIDOVA, L.M.; ROZHDESTVENSKAYA, Ye.I., red.; KUZNETSOVA, O.L., tekbn. red. (Through five repub3les byautomobile] Po piati respubli- kam na avtomobile. Moskva, 1962. 7 fol. p. (MIRA 16:2) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.)Glavnoys upravleniye geodezii I kartografii. (Automobiles-Road guides) USSR/Plant Diseases. Diseases of Cultivated Plants. 0-2 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 6) 1956) 25334, Author Milovidova, L.S. Inst Title Clover Diseases in Tomskaya Oblast' and Means of Ccntrcl- ling Them. (Bolez ni klevera v Tomskoy oblasti i mery bor'by s nimi). Orig Pub: V. ab.: Vopr- bor'by a vredit., boleznyami i sornyakami a.-kh. rast. v Tomskoy oblasti Tomsk., Un-t, 1957, 54-58- Abstract: About 16 species of clover disease instigators have been registered in Tonskaya Oblast'. The most wide- spread of these are anthracnose, root rot, blossom mold, rust, the parasitic fungus Erysiphe graminis, Card 1/2 USSR/Plant Diseases - Diseases of Cultivated Plants. 0 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur Biol~) ~o 1, 1959, 1995 Author :.,,Nlovidova., L.So Inst : Tomsk University Title : Problen of 15i6eases of Clover in Tomskayn Oblast' Orig Pub : Tr. Tonskogo un-ta, 1957, 141, 103-106 Abstract : Daiaping-off of clover in the early spring period is due to root decay caused by f~uiLd of the Fusariun rgenus. Infection takes place in the spring with the sowin[; of contarAnated seeds: during the course of the veGetative period it proceeds through the sAl Clover of 1 year- old plants, and 2 and 3 year-old plants in particu-lir, was subject to illfeCtiDn lof the roota by the fuiigrua. -- G.D. Uspenskaya Card 1/1 0 : ~. H I .' ::I- -~-* -to 0 0 9 st 11 v 13 M is 16 " is it a is, ji a it NUNN A 11 _JL_S -k-K-A-L-L. _K_* -P 2 It A A_11A -A_l_L_JAA_IM_(9_W K A M --b 1-~ P-0011% )04 IL e V/D _V4 M , K. I Us""* A louv*" 1. L. Kahn '10 IM-1109M pr6al U Irrovirry from Intense miswular wnsk The 0 c&pNeily ,j tile vrnotto lAnIx! jirsalually falls to The resting fewl, tint the livittre 010 "t". $t fkxt fixes, reach"S mss. In 3 min., 041 and finally falls, the mat. evwrequnding with the min. 00 vable.4 the 0 uptake CNWR. It. C. A. so *0 j: log 60SI i, - NUM04410"M 11. 0 0 4-~. ..0.a I" CITtak- LiTIOAT"I CIA$$IFKATIC- lee A T as OL 1 0 10 1- dr __411 A-11- 4'-")- 1 9 u 1 49 00 it 00 000 0 'as* 'a 0 0 00 ..410 .00 .00 Nos logo '00 WOO '00 woo Joe ~91'00- -`a '90C vv"Wp nail 31!90 P4641441 , . I I T cm AT- a a C 1 6 a 0 0 t. SIPSOALSO ovals TW" Ist &6o m tiff#* -t!- awl." Wn* a son IF modIr too Ope il= L" W en P64 -P Rowimm (Am It Z POP) MD111POW Paim "Pon -mmavvio ags of a Sao" 00 .R1 -Ur""A PAP*ftl OR, I POVINfUlp aq, p oil- a%% 10 ---p dMilis m nam m 01 PIP 041 04 41 UPMJA P SM-1 "-!uj;=ql 01 113002"D 0 mmunn an Oftexpq IM Njim "s ap NJ H. p WO "wpm" 640 J11 W% sam"m PW I" jvXWA -"M po p1p MR Sqj 1. 00 "P Wiftaw P" -" su -WF P" mi ono Ip 09 -M IL (ft'l " OIMP ON) mm memn vi sum3 ftmA On PW A** Ap p ""N" It wpm"" too 11-9 mv It tir"Alm,r) * i::;r!, ms"") "-*"moo -H 'N N 'M '-MPPWP.i *9 'A 'Oft PIW*Jd P 00- 00. 00. 00, INA40.0411 Owl Wfs -4 'r 000 91 0 0 0 9 0 0,0 0 0 0 0 0 1. SEWRIN S. Y6. HUMP-00 My BEKINA ReM. 2. USSR OW) 4. Roart T. Effect of carnosine on the phosphorylation in the heart swele. DoU. AN SSM 86 no. 5s 1001-1004 0 152 -roWIS 09VA11-AeLe - /Af . 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, IRWalmy 1953. Unclassified. USSR / Human and Animal Physiology. Hoart. T Abe Jour ROf Zhur - BiOl-i 110 15., 1958) No- 70140 Author :kdlovidova, Pi. K.; Sovorin, S. Yo. IT,Bt :Ac-a&OM-of-SqIonwe USSR Titlo :Tho Influonco of tho, Dipoptidos - Carnosim and Ansorino - on Oxidativo Phosphorylatim In tho Ygocardial Tissuos 01-ig Pub :In tho colloction, Probl. fiziol. toontr. norvn. sistoiwj, bbscov-LoningradY AN SSSR, 1957, 365-373 Abstract :No abstract givon Card 1/1 MESHALKIN, Ye.N.; MILOVIDOVA, M.Ye. Experience in the use of synthetic oubstanceB for preparing the surgeon's hands. Xhirurgiia 36 0o 7199-104 Je 160. (MIRA 130-2) (ANTISEPTIGS) iSURGEUq OPERATIVE) GERASIMOV, 3 B.A.; 031ITSKAYA, Ye.A.; MILOV1DOVA N.D., red.; STRELITSOVAY Ii.P.0 red. [Pests and diseases of vegetable crops grown outdoors] Vrediteli i bolezni ovoshchnykh kulltur v otkrytom grunte. Moskva., Kolos, 1964. 46 p. (MITU 18:1) ZHUKOVA, K.P.; KILPKOVA, Ye.A.; KASJKHIN, A.N.; KOZLOVA, V.I.; MILOVIDOVA, N.D., red.; STRELITSOVA, N.P., red. [Corn pests and diseases] Vrediteli i bolezni kukuruzy. 2. izd. Moskva, Sellkhozizdat, 1963. 34 p. (MIRA 17:4) NIKIFOROV, A.M.; ZARING, P.V.[d6o*aBed); . D jz~pjpj_m,_yed-j* :L STRELITSOVAV W.P.0 red.; YANTOROMVICMH, A:O.VPA.o tekbn. zed. (Pests and diseases of sugar bests] Vrediteli i bolezni zakharnoi svekly. 2. izd. Leningrad, Sellkhozizdatj, 1963. 34 p. (MIRA 17:4) 7_4y,rsEVA., Ye.N.p kand. b1ol. BYLOIJ, karid. biOi- . LITSOVA, N.P.p I"ILOVIDOVA. N.D., rad.; -S~'E red. [Tulips; the best varietiesl TP114pary~ lu-,)1131110 aorta, I 04111A 18:7) Moskva,, Kollisp 1965* 126 p, k 4114-0411 Goa** go 00 4 6 0 IF *-IV-* *-4- * A -C 0 1 a * Ojo 6 . _ 044006000006 F - 0 6 9 is A " a a Is a as V 0 "'M if If IS Id a Is IF Is Is 1, 41 41 41 41 V.0 A 11 F I I V a 0 k !,s. - - f 4 uwcury m4 104016M Of CSIM*04 SAMMINISS. ls~. PANT"SM AMP rd&b" mro". mobr And Assumprk, bs~ S. S R. rpow. &si, .00 [NNW if 1 44(1101) -The bill-ming ~k~f ".111two wrfr 4 1 the winUrt-kivIl creksekillif 11111f W41.70 all 0, in"Glipled: A I) 144k" Sm"Ime 1 " "m I"M It"' 01" M WIV 41) 4110111111H d 11 l 00 4 % Ovvf an 11 . PrA P11 1 ; mithd to. p. AT 66" Initial b Im" 141so sp "W mw eved" tax-Aim CA 0 %I A va ur ivt" P 00 al. i , V ; T 192 . . . . -, .p , M p An limmolismse wrve distd. into five frairtium- (a) briling Cism W'. (b) (1 016'. (c) 93-MV. (4) 132-M)" anti (e) 150-tNIN)". Tlbcw fractinsai h l W W wit ifird nwt% wm Us ed with HS w0abe, wenedivig to Tatiot (slightly n%wi ) m d l l f h h f t I ett ow aw nos, o e Ifactunts, arm s mann. T w t th1wimmir ammitim w Kau S 00 J; IwIner the alsowt twr%t"wnt4 Thr I nom ist unirratril gamilines wrir fnr (1) (b) W. iv) 96, (J) RD and W 73; f(w (3) (a) M, (b) 11:1. (0 M. td) K4 and (V) MC lig 90 5" fl,. (d) 4911- (0,L &lc;; front (3) (a) IM%. &mtslr "Innytil frim" (%(b) 76%. I 00 j (0 t41%. (d) I %~(#) ?A , go 141 Wevanate ma W"r Ior (1) q 1 4) IN ) 44) t 1XI It 4n th t 3 12 l I (31 M 67 S 4 4 ns O 4 m . 1. apt"v% a ) ) . . je . 40 . ( I , (-) K ( O)w thiewirmnstr ads vis"sirwiml thfirs-oilly 411.0, Its 0"401.- .." 11W 1 1-farkrif jit"4111" U4148 *IV drWIS1.4 is. OWAII 411.1 IAW. 0 611.1 1114S1.41110 GOV 41VVII 00 S A A how"mmaL 0 ago Wes boo o 0 "factuff6k4t tiffeaft,61 t3 lie Ii woo L Is f to of , 4 0 owl I 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 IiI 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 40 0 #14 0 a a 0 0 0 a a a 0 0 0 0 0 a a 0 a 0 0 a 0 0 a a a a a a a 0 a a * 0 a ei 40660606*0 p see 0 0 0 0 0*0040*04 IN WTI 4L ~t ; 10 it to 0 "re ale 1 Ckam"stks of poolises obistwd in tho ditecructive tic"Noisalwo of opvOiato for . 1. It Ruj%,14.11 , Aki- N % K"'Urtil m. 1.4f%-'- IVIll"H41410 141.. l1w lg~46.. ..'ailonk.1 , w .11wir hydowAllft'sks 'Uth A. t .16, 1 16hir, .-. . mid p-CJlJ4ts and appourntly Phlt. Aiming the un%Ald. klituPcb., thow with Ci b$ Cil with a duut)k bond at the C al'ons Weer ultnoti..1 I l1r, jl"-tw~ of 5. And 411.1 0 1,11,4,v *0 3 00 600 too.. $l.,0411. V I-V to u s AV 40 1-10 _V mavl$ Won It" n 1 :20 0 0 f!0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 lee ~.Ov low000 "lli 0 0 : 0 : 0 :!* * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 Cf 09000 0 0 0 0 0 a 9 0 0 0 0 V odft owX v-1 Itelas "Ong 0" ommovad vTmRdvcu!tg!tw uljpuW 9aMv= VauMqo umqmoozptq vo%vznwm (immo) UOT%*vz4zz - Zzsmpgoqo/wm Vlopt 00-9 v %U66646a I?Uw a-md **,E-86 IM volzmv-ji IMTA %*Qd90X SM Uj-, JftkVMA4. t4md om If owl%miW ftMl!p# nM: Mai s%vZq*v L=ozm tq pKind" Is 9 an um lazal.-SOM dd if/C JE ~woppvjTK -,L -11, uMd4y U*CLjbQbXP4. U!aMna; QV~ ~41tj:4VTV MUDD Neoax V-,E VU6*'owmnv;g To; mis j=VTATM'JO TV OD V Dotennination 0( unfiatprated con pounds In he 1 It fft--alon from solid frAt tio r. ut 0, - --Milovidova and D. IM. avo,w Ti-N-3v l ectrum- c=pds were detd~ by e 42 8701h t + i i C 4 I b S tr c thrat 3 and - . on (d, Du o ) ti wag, , with O.WN KBrO. + KlIr (KBrOj 17AI + K Br 70 .g. .). AO ~~g. sample was dissoly lnlIOml.G:am t. contg. tAcial AcOlf 80, MeOH 7. CC14 16, Oly HVS04 2, d 10 g1c. HgOs 2 nis cleMometric method , a min. of sut"titutton reactions and is simple and i ! ~ M. flosch - m P, d 77 Q 60oo !Vit moo= MIMS. B*H4 ldot~ N*Vo-WW Tecbml. scr., o3i. 5o ii6lo), 19A TZT,-37WI cdarr. In Chm Ab -dew a The pJlot plznr, awnthests with iron-copper eatalys prlouuWd vii Ch pok~~~ 8111gQU mw offectod undor a PrassUre at 10 atV~ at 210-40', ,rd a speco vol--i-Ity of a0-1001bDur. Fractional disLillarlon, fomation -~f WmPlexos from ethvlm&hvlkot.,)no. reactlon vilm inUmm 2113o ER PUCTS 07Ft mic IrmAodf NM lRoll LYSM BertcrION CF CIUMH 'TA 7.1 Ali ~,Tl 19% 13. ra. TcichwL Topliva TIED.- T-Wral. rucl. mscz;17 in Chm. AbsEr., 1954r), vol. 5A 15UA). Re. c -; ~n on -, sef-..l -IndusEr fal nnrhon nowxido am fly tr~)g~n in Ilyzic crlv Lcd ~--- r. ~ - I f--- , A - "I -- ~, ~ .; , - -__-: - . - m "V - ,0 540b AUTHORS: Rapoport, B.M., Milovidova, N.V. and Chernyak, S.M. (V.N.I.I. NP). ' TITLE: On group-chemical composition of kerosene-gas oil fractions. (0 gruppovom khimicheskom sostave kerosino- gazoylevykh fraktsiy). PERIODICAL: "Khimiya i Tekhnologiya Topliva i Masel" (Chemistry and Technology of Fuels and Lubricants), 1957, No.2, pp.. 3-11 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT: A method of determining group-chemical composition of kerosene-gas oil fractions using chromatographic separation is proposed. The analytical scheme is as follows:- 1) the determination of bromine number in the starting product by bromide-bromate electrometric titration method: 2) Separation of the product (4-5 9) on a small silica gel column (0.5 m) into the following groups: methane-naphtheaes, aromatic (mono-, bi- and tri-cyclic) and resins: 3) The determination of bromine number in the methane naphthene group in order to obtain the proportion of unsaturated hydrocarbons of aliphatic and cyclic series: 4) Determination of the bromine number of aromatic hydrocarbons in order to obtain quantitatively the content of aromatic hydrocarbons with an unsaturated Bide chain. The method was demon- strated on three fractions of hydrogenated oils of Card 1/2 On group-chemical composition of Ir-lerosene-gas oil 54oc fractions. (Cont.) petroleum oil origin, containing from 25 to 38%00f unsaturate compounds and oiling at 200 to 250 , 250 to 300q and 300 to 39C respectively. Using alkaline permanganate oxidation at room temperature, the presence of alkene radicals in side chains of aromatic mono- and bi-cyclic hydrocarbons was established. The following acids were isolated from the oxidation products: formic, acetic, phthalic, and naphthalene bicarbonic acids. Experimental results are given in tables. There are 11 references including 10 Russian. 10 tables. Card 2/2 '~.~'U'IIHORS: Kheyfets, Ye.' Zelk7anslsaya, Ye. Bi,-B. I; Yudakova, R. H; Rapoport, 1. B. TITLS: The-Preparation of Detergents From Olefins, (Polucheniye -moyushchilch veshchestv iz olefinov) PIMORIODICAL: Khimiya i Tekhnologiya Topliv I Yasel, 1958, Nr 9, pp 48 - 54,.(USSR) ABSTRACT: G - 0 olefins are used as raw materials in the prepara- tT on oja secondary alkyl sulphates. These compounds are marketed in the 'Uest under the trade name Teepol". More raw materials become available whei, CS unsaturated hydrocarbons ate utilized. The latter are obtained in considerable quantities during the Pischer-TrOp3ch pro- cess 4nd'during the cracking of paraffin. These olefins can be polymerised to dl- and trimets over Mo-and Ni- catalysts. Preliminary investigations confirmed litera-ture data on the,possibility of preparing olefins boiling be- tween 1500 - 30000 by dehydrogenation of paraffins boilinp within the same limits. Thus it was possible to use paraf- f'; obtained durinp the carbamide deparaffination of diesel oil for the preparation of "Te'epols Olefins obtained in this way occur In a mixture with Card 1/4 saturated paraffins and are treated with sulphuric acid. The Preparation of Detergents From Olefins. During this process dialkyl sulphates and polymerised olefing are formed (Ref-18). The yield and quality ().r. the products is influenced b7 the concentration O'E' H2304, by the molar ratio H2304-olefins, the temper-ture and length of the reaction,'by-the conditions of mi.-inp, the raw material and the rearent6, and by the condl-'Aons of.neutralisation and hydroly sis. This method was used for the preparation of detergents from different startin~7 materials-containin varyinp.- amounts of unsaturated hydrocarbons. . 1. --rri-f-Pin and gynthesis gas, cracked pb d6kydrotenated paraffins viere used as starting materialz;- Their co5tent Jfi unsaturated hydrocarbons varied between 7 and 66/o (Table 1). Process conditions '-fere such that minimal side reactions of polymerisation and forr:%tion of ,hieved. These products were dialkyl sulphates were ac sulphonated in a glass apparatds (Fig.1), and contacted with H230 for 20 - 70 secqnd~. The reaction products were neutfalised with a 35A solution of NaOH and the formed dialkyl sulphates hydrolised for t-ao hours at 700. The unreacted hydrocarbons and formed polymers were separated from the aqueous alkyl sulphate solution Card 2/4 by settling and extraction. They-lere treatedwith The Preparation of Detergents 2rom Olefins. SOV/65-58-9-10/16 Na2003 and'concentrated over a water bath. The final producto'depeftding on the concentration of the active substancep appeared as a powder (containing about 20% of active substance) or as a paste (approximately 501g of active substance), Aqueous alkyl sulphate solutions of tiven concentration viere also prepared (Ref.10) Results of tests carried out on the sulphonation of narrovi frqctions containing mainly 010, 0l2,TOjj and 0 017 fractions,are tabulated (Tab e 2). a e 3: diia- on the preparation of detergents from olefins con- tained in the 1800 - 3200C ftaction made by synthesising the same over Fe-Cu catalyst. The largest rate of con- version was'achieved when the molar ration of CnH2n H2SO - 1*2. Sulphonation e7periments on various raw Mate4jals'(Table 4)'proved that the q6pth of conversion in one operation amounted to 73 --815. The remaining 19 - 27% 6f olefins can be used for a second sulphonation operation. Further experiments were-carried out on the 180 - 3200 fractions containing 32% olefins in order to separAte thd excess H B04 and re-use of the same in the cycle. According,tolhe conclusiohs of A. Yu. Rabino- Card 3/4 vich and M. S. MVIn of the Moscow Branch of VIIIIZh The Preparation of Detergents From Olefins. sov/65-58-0-10/16 the Prepared detereents showed good surface-active proper- ties. The most satisfactory re8ults were obtained i7ith solutions prepared from narrbv~ fractions containinp mostly C 2 and 015 - 0A7 hydrocarbons and from the 230 - 3200C f action. The etergent action of aqueous soluLions can be further improved by the addition of c,,Lrbo-.yr,,1etbyl- cellulose. There are 4 Tables, 1 Figure and 19 Referon- ces: 5 English, 1 French and 13 Soviet. ASSOCIATION: VNII NP 1. Detergents--Preparation 2. Detergents--Materials 3. Ethylenes--Polymerization 4. Methanes--Fractionation Card 4/4 YTLOVIDOVA, ".V., Cana Ghen Sci -- (diF;133 of in- dividbal N-alk-.ns and I-allconos C5 ,Los, 1959. 2,1 pp -;,il-li gnaphs (All-Union Sci J Res Inot of M, A,,uid t%=A Proce.,-:siiiC 'Petroleum and Cc-is Al I-TITITITI-) -150 copies (n, 38-510, 114) KBEYFErs, ye.H,,. IUUffM9Ax N.V.; RAPOPORTs, I.B.; YUDAKOVA, R.N.; ZELIVUWKkYAs Ye.B. Synthesis of secondary alcohols and their esters from olefins. Neftekbimia 2 no.1:91-99 Jb~-F 162. (14M 15:5) 1. Vsenoyuznyy nauchno--isoledovatellskiy institut po pererabotke nefti i gaza i polucheniyu iskusstvennogo-zhidkogo topliva. (Alcohols) (Esters) (Mefins) KHEYFEETS, Ye.M.; 1,4LOVIDOVA, N.V.; YUDAYOVA, H.H.; ZELIVYAIISKAYA, Ye. B.; RAPOPORT, I.B. Obtaining detergents (secondary alkyl sn1fates) from olefins. Trudy VNII NP no. 9:81-94 '63. (MA 17:6) L L lf)V; M-111.1WL)MAp N,,V,,3 ORLITIM2 T,K,-, ROZANITI, F..". E,q*afLb'LlA-'ng erosion z;,nns ,'-n Prafilnie, rz-7~ Vsf3.s~ C-sog. ob-qa Tj na.534iT-J1,26- 3-ri 1-65. !C,.;',.!) LIDOV, V.P.; MILOVIDOVA, N.V.; ORLOVA, VA. &osion processes of turf-Podzolic aoila in the southern Smolensk Province. Pochvovedenie no. 12&79-90 D 165 so (MIRA 19:1) 1. Moskovskiy gos-udarstvennyy universitet i Teesoyuznyy gosu- darstvennyy proyaktno-izyskatellskiy Institut Soyuzgiproloskhoz. Sutmitted February 22, 1964- ALEKSEYEV, G.P.; ANDONIYEV, V.S.; ARNGUID, A.V.; BASKIN, S.M.; BASHMAKOV, N.A.; BEREZIN, V.D.; BERM, V.A.; BIYANOV, T.F.; GORBACHEV, V.N.; GRECHKO, I.A.; GRINBUKH, G.S.; GPDMOV, M.F.; GUSEV, A.I.; DEMENTIYEV, N.S.; DMITRIYEV, V.P.; DULIKIN, V.Ya.; ZVANSKIY, M.I.; ZENKEVICH, D.K.; IVANOV, B.V.; INYAKIN, A.Ya.; ISAYENKO, P.I.; KIPRIYANOV, I.A.; KITASHOV, I.S.; KOZHEVNIKOV, N.N.; KORMYAGIN, B.V.; KROKHIN, S.A.; KUWYABOV, L.I.; KUDRYAVTSEV, G.H.; LARIN, S.G.; LEBEDEV , V.P.; LEVCHENKOV, P.N.; LEMZIKOV, A.K.; LIPGART, B.K.; WPAREV, A.T.; MALYGIN, G.F.; MIRONOVv P.I.; MIKHAYLOV, B.V., kand. tekhn. nauk; MUSTAFIN, Kh.Sh., kand. tekhn, nauk; NAZIMOV, A.D.; NEFEDOV, D.Ye.; NIKIFOROV, I.V.; NIKULIN, I.A.; OKOROCHKOV, V.P.; PAVLENKO, I.M.; PODROBINNIK, G.M.; POLYAK01, G.Ya.; PUTILIN, V.S.; RUDNIK, A.G.; RUMYANTSEV, Yu.S.; SAZONOV,, N.N.; SAZONOVO N.F.; SAULIDI, I.P.; SDOBNIKOV, D.V.; SEMENOV, N.A.; SKRIPCHINSKIY, I.I.; SOKOWVP N.F.; STEPANOV, F.P.; TARAKANOV9 V.S.; TREGUBOV, A.I.; TRIGER, N.L.; TROITSKIY, A.D.; FOKIN, F.F.; TSAREV, B.F.; TSt?SULIN, N.A.; CHUBDV, V.Ye., kand. tekhn. nauk; ENGEL', F.F.; YUROVSKIY, Ya.G.; YAKUBOVSKIY, B.Ya., prof.; YASTREBDV, M.P.; KAMZIN, I.V., prof., glav. red.; MALYSHEV, N.A., zam. glav. red.; MELINIKOV, A.M.v zam. glav. red.; RAZIN, N.V.,, zam. glay. red. i red. toma; VARPAKHOVICH, A.F., red.; PETROV, G.D., red.; SARKISOV, M.A., prof., red.; SARUKHANOV, G.L., red.; SEVASTIYANOV, V.I., red.; SMIRNOV, K.I., red.; GOTMAN, T.P., red.; BULIDYAYEV, N.A., tekhn. red. (Continued on next card) ALEKSEYEV, G.P.-(contlnued). Card 2. (Volga Hydroelectric Power Station; a technical report on the design and construction of the Volga Hydroelectric Power Sta- tion (Lenin), 1950-1958] Volzhskaia gidroolektrostantsiia; tekhnicheakii otchet o proektirovanii i stroitel'stve Volzhakoi GES imeni V.I.Lenina, 1950-1958 99. V dvukh tomakh. Moskva, Gosenergoizdat. Vol.2.(Organization and e"cution of constrution and assembly work] Organizatsiia i proizvodstvo stroitellno- montazhnykh rabot. Red. toma: N.V.Razin, A.V.Arn olld, N.L. Triger. 1962. 591 P. MRA 16:2) 1. Deystvitellnyy chlen Akademii stroitallstva i arkhitektury SSSR (for Razin). (Volga Hydroelectric Power Station (Lenin)--Design and construction) WP 411P., 7857-66 -Eff (GVEPAW-2/94T MVIUP~WME_ PA 0-2 C-C, t.-AP5028130 MIA(h) jjp(c) JD/ BOURCS CODE: UR/0048/65/029/011/2101/2103 aG/WH AUMOR: Zhuk~v, O.K.; Milovidova, S.D.~P Chirkin, ia. ORO: Voronezh State University , oronexhakly gosudarstvennyy universitet) TITLS: Concerning . temperature autostabilization of ferroelectric ceramics ffloport, jq~rth Ail-Union Conference on Ferro-electrlc!~X hold at Rostov-on-the Dan 12-16 September .1964Z SOMM: SSSRi,.,AxvestAy*- Seriya fixicheskaya, v. 29, no. 11, 1965, 2101-2103 TOi?1C:4A6-." fekt trio material,_q6ran Material, solid solutlon,,bari titanate, t-*-- Curie point, dielectric constant dielectric loss heatin 1.4, Ixatlon zj, qq~ ABSTRACTi The tea-pe' ature stabilization of ferroelectric materials by dielectric heat Ing_at a 'temperature slightly above that at which the dielectric loss is maximum,. first obsdrved_by L40A.Shuvalov (Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. fiz. 24, No. 11, 1416 1960)) In triglycifte sulfates'was Investigated in a series of ceramic solid solutions of barium a6d strontlum titanates, Ceramic specimens containing 20, 15 and 20 % by weight SrTiO3 and having.Curle points of 87, 67, and 470C, respectively, In the form of 5 mm diameter,.2 ma thick disks with small central 'recesses to receive thermocouple June- tions for temperature measurement 'were provided with fired on silver electrodes. The 'Alelectric" constants 'were measured at 15 kilocycle/see with a bridge; the imaginary L 7857-66 e-71 ACC NR, AP5028116 (2 0 of . the dielectric constants showed sharp maxima at temperatures 4-5 below the rlespectl:44~'Cuile'pcibits. The- specimens were. dielectrically heated with- a 200 W, 15 0 kilocycl4/44c'. audio'- o'scillator while there" temperatures were measured, -to 0.01 with a ih6rmo-stA-,w.;- 1*ti":-s- tabilization was'obtained at a temperature 1-2 0 above'that at loss wag maximum 441c below the-Curie point).-, A~stablllzatlon cr 14"'iia...6mblient temperature and t lig, the specimen tempdrature) of 5 was Curle:polfit or: the rangO - 20 ~. 4 T -, < SOOC'. and -Iwa'materlals. ',The at'alitilzatlon factor'was alwaisi gritatest fdc t'. Is a luded that dmbilent,: texpeFat-Ure.d. not otay trftiYatne sulfate in't-IO'crystals bxit also:barlui titanate'base ceramics can be temperature stabilized ___Ie-po by dielectric heating, and It-Is suggested.that similar expert- ar tho'Cur Int an.tis,Flie,Pair-f o!Fed Ic ceramiles.'5The authors thank"I.S.Zhe:4dW other forroelectr so 1A_.1,6-_As"164"G111dr;-theIe thierest In the work MA ior valuable rewarkme. Origo art. table's WCODN-.~ -93, 79, SUBM.DATS: 00/ ORIG. FW: 002 OM. RKF: 001 Card 2/2 j,lkU2-,66 EWP (e)/EWT (m)/EWP (w)/T/I:: VIP (t)/I'-[ Iljp(.C) JU/111i ACC NR, AP6013467 SOURCE CODE: UR/013�16616WOW0151-10153 AUDIOR: -Zhukov, 0. K.; Milov1dova$ S* D. ORG: Voronezh State Univers (Voronezbskiy gosuniversitet) TITLE: On temperaturerself-stabilization of ferroelectric ceramic of the barium titanate - tin dioxide system L SOURCE: '*UZ. Ahka, no..2. 1966, 151-153 TOPIC TAGS: barium titanate, tin containing alloy, ferroelectric property, ceramic dielectric, thermal stability, Curie point, temperature dependence, dielectric loss ABSTRACT: The authors investigated the self-stabilization of a ferroelectric ceramic by heating it with an external electric alternating field to a temperature slightly higher than~he rimum of its dielectric loss at a constant ambient temperature. When so he _dI 'change in the ambient temperature has a minimum inf"uence on tbe propertie;fif the ferroelectric. Three batcbes-of BaTiOa-SnO~2 were tested, with Curie temperatures 92.6, 8T.5, and 78-5C. The temperature dependence of the dielec- tric loss was measured for each of these batches with a capacitive bridge. The heating was at 20 kcs from a sound generator. The ambient temperature was maintained constant accurate to O.lC. The temperature dependence curves of the three batches showed a reasonably flat character in the range from 10 to 60C, the stabilization being better in the lower part of the range. The tests have thus demonstrated the self- staUlization property of BaTi03-SnQ2 ceramics. Orig. art. has: 3 figures and I table. MM CODE: 2q/ sm DA2z: impr651 ona REF: oo2/ oTH Rzp: ool MMVn0VAv S. S. Dissertation: "On Hemopoiesis Durimg Protracted Septic Endocarditise" Cand Ned Sci,, First Moscov Order of Lenin Medical Instq 13 Sep 54. (Vachemaya Mo*vam Moscow, 5 Aug 54) SOs SUM 393t 28 Fab 1955 MILOVIDDYA,,S., kandidat maditsinakikh nauk. . it 1 0 41 1 Rhemmtlou and its tro&tment. Nauk& I zhiza* 23 me.4:62-63 Ap 156. (Rhe-tion) (NMA 9:7) MILOVILOVA, S.S. Use of chloracizine in chronic coronary insufficiency* Uch za, 5 ; 17,a khimioter.AMN SSSR no.2t283-287 160. (MMA 1 05o 1. Gospitallnaya terapertleheakaya klinika (say. - prof. P.Ye. Lukomskiy) 2-go Moskovskogo, weditainskogo instituta. (CORONARY HEART DISEASE) (PHENOTHIAZINE) MILOVIDOVA S S Use of chloragisine for patients vith cbronic coronary insufficiency. Say. mod. 25 no.3slO4-109 Mr 161. (MIRA 14:3) 1. Is goopitallnoy terapeyticheskoy kliniki (diraiOr - Prof. P.14. Lukawkiyj II Noskawskogo meditoinskogo instituta Imeni N.I.Pirogava. PIMOrHIAZINS) (GORONARZ VESSELS-DISUSES) 'So WLOVIDOVA, S.S.. Erinit treatment of patients with chronic coronary insufficifolcy. 26 no.ls2l-23 Ja.163. . (MIRA 16SA) 1. Gospitallnoy terapewticheakoy 4iniki (dlr CV4~n- korrespondent ANN SSSR flf. P.Te.Lukomakiy) ii-Mookovskogo instituta imeni N.I.PirdPVa. (VASODILATORS) (CORONARY VESSEIS-DISEASES) f b" d 1 7,7 -ar: E'o, 1~ r. .4-3- '65, '~MIHA 1C.121 A. .3 af.idra i.nrap-- za,;,. Ir 7i hle NIN --of. F,yf~~ a kov.-Ik -;r r Z5.FO 11,10ti,~,u.~'a Y.0 .Y I-- POLYAXGV~ I.M.; VLADIMUL5KAYA, M.Ye.; IL'IKA, M.N.; KMGVIDOVAj T.G. Effectiveness of soil ftmigation in the -nntrol of the clubroot of mustard famil) plants. Trudy VIZR no.20 pt.1:3-6 164. (HM 18zlO) I'Dynaraics of '-he Skin Thermrj~:-eter, Capill.,ro~:co-e, :inrll .eter Durlin - '.Vhro.-.1-ophleb*tia of t, a 7,'-tre.-.1' Car.-! J 3ci .1 Jcnin.-rad Sanitary-19 -'-Jlc,)l Inst, :'Ln E alth 231:33, lenin.--rad, 19,55. (1'L, :o 12, --:ar 55) SO: Suri. No. 670, 29 S ~p ~:----31irvey of Sclontific alld Tecli:dcal Dlssert-itio;i~ -~--fended at T,33? Hi.,her 3ducati :wil Ins"itutions (15) MILOVIDOTA, Y.M., kandidat maditsinakikh nauk i oleo MOM M-W 1. Changes in skin temperature and of capillaroscopic and chronazinstric data in thrombophlobitis of the extremities. Test.khir- 77 no.9:66-73 s 56. (KLPA 9: 11) 1. Iz kliniki obahchey khtrurgit (zav. - prof. I.M.Tallman) lonin- gradskogo manitarno-giglyenichaskogo moditainakogo Instituta (THROKOPHLIBITIS. phystol. skin temperature ohanges, relation to capillaroseopy and ahronaximetry) (BOY TJKPIRATURS skin temperature. relation to capillaromeopy & chrowximtry in thrombophlobitio) (CAPILIARINS, in various dim. thronbophlebitim, capillaroscopy. relation to body temperature & chronazinstry) M VAS, in various dim. thrombophlobitis, chronaximetry, relation to bocy temperature & capillaroscopy) MILGVIDOVA, V.M., kund.medite.nauk; PASHKOVA, L.A., kand.medits.nauk Severe carbon monoxide poisoning with multiple necrotic foci. Trach.delo no.2:189-190 7 '59. (MIRA 12:6) 1. Bollnitsa, No.4 g.Laninabada. (CARBON MOMCZZIM--PMIOLOGZCA.L "J=T) (NECROSIS) MILOVIDOVA, Ye. Red Cross - Austria Following the "recommendations" of the American hed Cross. Sov. kras. krest 3, No. 2, 1953. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, June 1953. Uncl.