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Cellular'structure in silicon. Piz. tver. tela 6 no.12t3736-
3738 D 164 (KHU 18:2)
1. Gosudaretvennyy nauchno-iseledovateltakiy I proyek-Lnyy In-
stitut rodkmetallicheskoy promyshlennostip Moskva.
L C~ A~(d) 131-P (w) /VP (t) 1JPW JD
-63573-65 94-( 01PIT W./44)~ T/Al
~ACCE`SSION UP.: AP: 5011922 UR/0363/65/001/003/0311/0315
~AUTHOR: Iglitsyn, H. I.; Kekelidze, G. P.; Layner, L. V.; Millvidakiz, M. G. 11
-TITLE: Some characteristics of the behavior of silicon during thermal treatment
~SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Neorganicheskiye materialy, v. 1, no. 3, 1965, 311-316
~ITOPIC TAGS: silicon,,single crystal, thermal treatment, semiconductor, lattice
Idefect, crystal impurity.
1,us-i-RAcr: The effect which thermal treatment of silicon monocrystals (at 10000C
far- - la i~o: hovmY.-has-.,om,-s n: 4fid f v6biiifty -of
pecific-, resin ft cebtlSatio he
pt-4.ncipal current carriers was.8tLdled. - and P-silicon crystals were grown in
rio, c
vacuum and inert atmosphere with ncentrations of oxygen by the Czochralski
~ n
method. The density of lattice defects\*n these single crystals varied from zero
to 1.104 per cm2. The Wall effect was used as a 1heasure of concentration and mobil-
jity of the current mriers. Specific resistancel%f both n- and p-type samples of 1-
Isilicon single crystals increases with the duration of the thermal "treatment. it 14
!postulated that durIng thermal treatment atoms of oxygen interact with impurities
present in silicon single crystals with resultant formation of either electrically
~Card -1/2
Awssaw into AP02WOP 8/0070/(14/009/002/0219/0224
AWMRSt footing To Go I44!y*ie" ~9.'Geo Grishinoig Be ?@I Do2ptakajap go Bel
Ourevicho No A*
TIMs Some structural features of high' doped aingle crystals of silicon
sourest Kristallogreflya, v. 9g noo 2# 19a9 219-226
TOPIC TAGSt silicon,, single crystal grwAh. crystal structureg metallographic
study, x ray study# crystal ptlling,, impurity content.
ABSTRACTs Metallogmphic and x-ray studies have shown several distributi6nal
patterns of impurities in the body of a silicon rod, including collisla substruc.
turoo An increase in impurity concentration substwitially affects the structure of
*the crystal andp to a considerable degree, determines Crowth characteristics, All
.-else being the sames increased impurity concentration in a malt and in the solid
rod apparently increases periodic fluctuations in growth rat* during pulling and
-produces associated periodic Irreplarities; in iqp4rity distribution* Tbass
irregularities appear In longitudinal sections and in spiral growth rings in
transverse sections* Sub h4 WU doped crystals ohm a greater tendency to grow
Card 1/2
Amssim NRt AW24989
along definite crystal faces. At a certain impurity concentrations crystals
begin to show a distinct knobby surfaces then a cellular substructuree The
general pattern of development of the cellular substructure is the same as in
highly doped crystals of Go, No dislocations were detected in the inV63tig&tod
single crystals. This and the presence of cellular structure are anomalous
features when coexisting in the same cryntalso Actuallyp the edge of a cell may
be considered a dislocation anit the disorientation angle nay give an approximate
evaluation of impurity des;Wegation along this zone. Block structure is re%Don,--
sible for this cellular develoymoub. * Orig. art. has t 4 figures and 1 table.'
LSSOCIATION: Go tvenm*y neuchno-issledovatellakly i proydctrVey institut,
reftometal 14 heskoy px ~~11141=sti (auto Saientiflo Research and Planning
Institute of the
WB OWES 88 NO MW OOVS 004 01=1 MO
63535-05 Dff(m)/FXA(c)/FJP(t) 1/34P(t) IJP(c) JD
ACCESSION N4,: AP5017851:
--a - _P _Pidtutf i _r,,
W,-L Vvidi~,M._ Gi
TITLE' Nethod of obtaining-high-alloy germa um single cryst la vith electron-typei
conductivity. Class,40s No. 171586
SOURCE: BrUlleten' izobreteniy i tov&Mkh znakov, no. 3.1, 1965, 82
Topic TAGS! gelymn
germanium single crystal, heat treatmett -
This Author'der,tificate introduces a method of producing high-alloy ger-I
maaium single crystals of electron-type conductivity by draving from the melt. In
order to obt.4in hi&-alloy single crystals with stable electrical characteristics,
the dravn crystals are heat treated for 2-4 hr at about 870C and subsequently
q Ched.
00 SUB CODE: MM 55
IMF SOV: 000 'OTHER: 000 ATD PRESS 1 405()
Card 1/1
Some features of "1,e br,.havior of silt.-:7-sn In, the C,-~,uroe- of a
thermal treatmer."'. ~zv. AN 55SR. Ssorg. mat, 1
315 My 165. (NMIPA !8.-6')
1. Gc~audar3t--remWy naunhrjo~~-ssl--iovatells'k' 4 proyektnyy
st'tu` rodkometall--cheskoy prfmysblennoili, Yoskva.
L 54818-65 LINVIVE
ACCESSION KR: AP5012496 UR/0032/63/031/005/0586/0588
AUTHORS9 Milfyids!Lij, H. Go; Grishina, S. P.; Berkova, A. V.
TITLE: Inhomogeneity phenomena in single crystals of siliccn during trans on
of infrared light
iya- -19
IJ7 --SOURCE.--,, -.Uv6d kaira,labor 1 65- .5-06-588
atCF 3 -no 5
-,"'OPIG TAGSv. 012iconfl:-s _hicroscopej._.o0ing,-
110'. 'ptal-.IR d'
-is _-p6jiid._fo studying the volume inhomogeneitisa of oil-
ABSTRACT.* A method pro r
icon single crystals by means of infrared transmission. This study of double
refractioa with an M microscope permits the determination of the nature of im-
dist 1 In particular, growth zones may be identi-
purity ribution. in the crysta
fied in longitudinal sections of silicon single crystals. The authors examined
single arystals of silicon doped with phosphorus and arsenic with concentrations
up to 1-10"3 - 1-1020 cm-3 and antimony with concentrations of 1.1CY17 - 1.1ol8
The crystals were grown b7 the Czochralski method along [111). Doping
concentrations were determined br the Hall offect# Tests were made on plated
of the degree of inhoMO9OU81ty` In highly doped single crystals, Result-$ are In
gool agreamen-G with selective chemioal etching with a lil mixture of fluoric and
chr3mic acids. The technique permits observation of periodic inhomogeneities
corresponding to variations in resistivity in noighborimg layers less than 10-15%o,
Inhomageneities do not generally show up in specimens with high resistivity
0-5 ohm cm) because even large changes in concentration have little effect or,
the absorption coex^ficient at low content of doping impurity (,4 1 1015 c=-3).
OrIg. art. hast 2 figures~
Gosudarptven#7y-nauchno-ineledovateliskiy i projrektmVy inatitut
Leskoy proaVehlennosti (State Scientific-Research and Planning
the Rare-+btal TmdustryJ--
;I b~)~
VT (1) /W (i /M (h) /EWA (e) /T/Ew (b) /WP W UPW CWAT/JD
AP5.0221TI UR/0032/6s/03i/009/1095/io96
621-315-592 cn
G. Oevenskiy. V.- 1~,-
Berkova A. V., &IIIIIAAdakix, V7
VY j') (q
Detection of nonuniform distribution of impurities in gallium arsenide
Zavodskaya laboratoriyat v. 31, no. 9, 196% 1095-1o96
.as: semiconductor single_~staX, gallium arsenIde, single crystal growth,
impurity, etched crystal, impurity segregation, segregation detection,
gation patterns in gallium arsenide single crystals either by oriented crys
tallization or, -.W -the- Zzochralski pulling M'hnique, Thus far no reliable technique'
~has been available for control of the Uniformity of impurity distribution, in the
1bulk of the crystal. No etching solutions, 1-1 H2S04 or saturated (UH02620 were,
,used as electrolytes. The operating conditions (anodic current density and ttm,e)
[Were optimized in both electroWea Using n-type GaAs crystals vith 5 x 1016 to
~6 x 1018 c~1-3
carrier e6neentrations. The optimum conditions varied widely depending-
ae detection-, anodic etching
ABSTRACT: An anodic etching t.echnique has been
reveal impurity segre-
-7- -'7-
L 64766-65
_VddEjk6k~. NR*:
n I a chemical treatment.;
carrier concehtration~ After etching 1:1 HZS04. solution,
in polishing acid aAures was required to remove a thick anodic film which
fered with abservation of-the etch*patterns. The anodic etching technique revealed,
so-called "growth striae" in the GaAs crystals grown by either one of the two tech-
iniques. The "growth striae!' show- the patterns of impurity distribution in the bulks
lof the crystal. These patterns make it possible to evaluate the form of the crystal-
Ilization front at any moment of the growth process. Orig. art. has: .1 figure and
11 table.
ASSOCL4,TION: Gbt3udeLretvennyy'nauchno-iss"Ledovateltaki3r i proyekthyy ijlstitt~t red-- -
ikometdllicheakoy promyshlennosti (State-Design and Planning Scientific Research
JnstitA4 of the Rare Metals In
SOV, 0
INO P 0=,R: 001
~k~Ck;_APCO'33586 CODI-;:--Vn/ol6l-/66/008/0101313513138
AUTHOR: Rashatskaya, Ye. P.; Flutull, Y, I.; Millyidskiy, M. G.
ORG: State Scientific Research and Design Institute of the Rare Metal Industry,
Moscow (GosudarstveaW nauchno-issledovatellskiy i proyektnyy institut
redkometallicheskoy promyshlennosti)
TITLE: Effective mass of electrons in gallium arsenide
SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, Y. 8, no. 10, 1966, 3135-3138
TOPIC TAGS: gallium arsenide, effective mass, ir spectrum, carrier density, light
reflection coefficient, conduction band, thermal emf, electron scattering
ABSTRACT: This is a continuation of earlier work on the effective mass of the
electrons in GaAs (M Y. 7, 3488, 1965). The present paper reports on a systematic
investigation of the dependence of the optical or inertial effective mass of the
electrons on their concentration by means of infrared reflection spectra. The samples
were n-type GaAs single crystal doped with 6, Se, and Te. The measurements were made
with an IYX-12 ape'ctrometer at room temperature. The optic effective mass as a
function of the carrier density (2.1 x 1018 - 1.23 x 1019 cm-1) was determined from
the reflection-coefficient curves by a standard procedure. The effective mass
Card 1/2
increases with the density, starting with -- 3 x 1018 cm-3, and is independent of the
doping impurity. The shape of the conduction band is determined from the experimental
values of the effective mass and are found to agree with the theoretical values. It
is also shown that the measured effectiye manses can be used in conjunction with
thermal emf data to deteraine the scattering parameter which enters into the expreseb
for the thermal emf for a nonparabolic but Isotropic band. Orig. art. ban: 2
figures, 7 formulas, and I table.
SUB CODE: 20/ SM DATZ: 07Apr66/ ORIG FIEF: 005/ OTH MW: 007
Card 2/2
lu"'StigatiOn Of thruft, forees, occuring in the forming,, vskaniing and
cooling Of formed artic2" from hard rubber Kbmm and on force calftlations of lock
Report presented at the Third All Union Conference on Automation and
Mechanization of mejor rubber production processes,, Dnepropetrovsk,,
2-6 act 62
PLkTF,, A,F.; Vf1'V*T7*17)'1AYA"' YE"m-,
Oxidation of allyloycloperitane with selenious acid and preparation of 2 -cyclopentallyl
alcohol. Uch. zap. Mosk. un., No. 132, 1950.
Monthl-v List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress October 1952 UNCLASSIFIED.
S/06 60/000/012/0111/020
B01 3YB054
AUTHORSt Pryanishnikova, M. A., Millvitskaya, Ye. M., and Plate,A.F,
TITLE: The Problem of Producing Cycloheptatriene
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye khimicheskikh nauk,
1960, No. 12, pp~ 2178-2183
TEXT% The authors studied the possibility of producing cycloheptatriene
from cyclopentadiene and acetylene in one step without separating the
intermediate bicycloheptadiene. The experiments were conducted in a con-
tinuous system (Fig. 4) at temperatures of 390-4150C and pressures of
5-7 atm. It was found that a temperature increase raises the yield in
cycloheptatriene, but reduces that in bicycloheptadiene. At higher
pressure, a better result is obtained at lower temperatures. 2o% of
cycloheptatriene, besides 20-25% of bicyclo-(2,2,1)-heptadiene-2,5, is
formed at 400-4050C and 7 atm acetylene pressure, The yield also depends
on the rate of supply of cyclopentadiene (Fig. 2), At a slower supply rate
(12 ml/h instead of 23 ml/h), the cycloheptatriene yield rises from 13 to
2ea. At very fast supply rates, -y,?lopentadiene has not sufficient time
Card 1/3 IV
The Problem of Producing Cycloheptatrionc- sjo6 60/000/012/011/020
B01 3YB054
to react. The effect of acetylene pressure on thermal isomerization of
bicyclo-(2,2,1)-heptadiene-2,5 was studied in the name continuous system
at 3970C. Experiments without acetylene were conducted for comparison.
Results are given in Fig- 3 and Table 2. It was shown that acetylene
pressure reduces the decomposition of bicyclo-(2,2,1)-heptadieno into
cyclopentadiene and acetylenej and gives higher cycloheptatriene yielda.
At-3970C, a pressure increase from atmospheric pressure to 7.2 atm
increased the cyclohoptatriene yield from 34.8% to 53-5% referred to
bicycloheptadiene. The contact time is another important factor influen-
cing the cycloheptatriene yield, The yield increases with increasing
contact time, During thermal isomerization of bicycloheptadiene, resinifi-
cation is negligible; it is at most 0.1% at acetylene pressure, and even
less at atmospheric pressure. There are 6 figures, 3 tables, and 19
references: 5 Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Institut organicheskoy khimii im. N.D. Zelinskogo Akademli
nauk SSSR (Institute of O;ganic Chemintry imeni 11, D.
Zelinskiy of the Academy of Sciences USSR)
Card 2/3
The Problem of Producing Cycloheptatriene S/062/60/000/012/Oll/Cj2O
August 8, 1959
Card 3/3
Structural Isomerism of c7chlabeptatriene under conditions of
the Diel"dler reaction. Zbur.ob.Wdm. 32 no.8:2566-2576 Ag
162. (MIM 15:9)
1, Moskovskly gomidarstyeanyy universitet Imeni M.V. Umonosova.
(Cyclabaptatrions) (Isomerim)
Isomrization of hydroearbons of the bIcyc1o-(2,,2,1)-heptene .
series in the presence of silica gel. Nefterhi-iia 3 no-1:4047
za,-i? 163. (MIU 16:2)
1. Moskovskiy gomidarstvennyy universitet imeni IAmonosova,
(Bicyclohaptene) (Isomerization)
Isawrization in the presence of silica gel of some bi- and
tricyclic hydrocarbons containing a three-membered cycle.
Neftekhlmiia 3 no.2:18S-197 Mr-Ap 163. OGRA 16i5)
1. Moskovskiy gasudaretvennyy universitet imeni Lomonosova.
(Hydrocarbons) (Cyclic compounds) (Isomrization)
XILIYACEMO, G.I., inzhener.
Planning of year's work in housing and civil engineering. Gor. khoz. Hook.
27 no.5:12-14 My 153. Off.RA 6:6)
YAKOVLEVSKIY, VA., inzhener; MIL'1!!1.MNKO inzhener.
Industrial methods for major house repairs. Gor.khoz.Mosk. 28
no.1:3-10 Ja 154. (KTRA 7:2)
(Building--Repair and construction)
Decisive role of living conditions'In the pbylogenic development
of the food reaction in young rook. Trudy Toes.0-va fistol,blokhts,
I farne 2:13-24 154. (KLIA Bi?)
1. Otdol fistologil nervni* sistemy Instituts fistologit.
conditioned reactions
conditioned reactions
to environment In yowW birds)
to environment in young birds)
Relative permanency of the componssition process In the cardiovascular
system following pusumonecto~W. BLul. eksp. b1ol. I sod. 40 no.11:
20-23 N 155. Ou'RA 9:1)
1. Is fisiologichookay 1&boratorii (s&v.-dsystvit*l'qyy chlon AN
SM Prof. P.K. Anokhin) Instituta khtrurgit Imeni A.T. Vishnevokego
(dir.chlen. korrompondent ANN SSSR prof. A.A. Wishnevokly) ANN
am. Moskva.
off. of pneumonectomy)
(LUNGS, offset of excision)
on cardiov&sc. system)
MILYAGIN Ya. A. Doc Biol Sei -- (diss) "The determining effect of ecological
factors upon the embryogeneols of unconditioned reactions." Moo, 1957.
23 pp (Acad Med Sci USSR.) 200 copies (KL, 6-58, 100)
CATMORY I General Biology. B
:in0nt. '&ibryonic. DevelOTIT-u3nt.
Individual D6V5lo*,,
: RZhUoLl 1101 281959, NO,
AUTHOR I 111ilyagin, Ya,,_A&--
WST. I ro-acow-v-e-turinary Academ7,
TITLE 3 p,30logical Conditioning in the Ehbryogonesis
of positive Reactions of the Anim4l Org8nismo
~ORIG, PUB. t- Tre Mosk. Iret. Akad.,o 1957j, 20. 51-57.
APSTFUT i The idea of unity of the aniinal organism Yrith
its environment is concratoly exemplified by tho
rolationshl-o of the embvyogenasis of positive
reactions to the postnatal adaptation of the
nowborn, The thesis iB illu3trated by a com-
.)ari,qon of -brood, ax).d ne.,it"Ung forms (rooks
chiclien). xhs intensified concentration of the
exanion (30 contractions in 1. -minixte) in tho
erabryo of a rook facilitateo the introductJon 6f
vitelline nattor Into ~ho blood stroam and I.,j
CARDs 11L!.
rr1101;J-0nn Or _W10 aralion (3-7 contract-ions in 1.
ninixte) nre recorded In tho chick, WUch is
related to the frequent :-jop3Tj()rjts of the (_;,nibry(~a
CARD: 211L
lAbs. Jour
10rig Pub.
lAbstract heads feet and wings. In the chicken embryo
an advanced development of the motoneurons
Of the lumbar segnent.,3 as compared to the
brachial segnent was obsorvcd; this ratio
was revf*irsea for the neotling roo"k, As an
Oxamplo of compatibIlity of eirbryonal
dovelopinont to conditions of postnatal
Oxistorlce$ the dnvoloprqent of tfie fooel. ro-
action is given. In rooks the se~lucnca
effecting the reaction to fooo by' stjyjujcMt3
(blowing, shaldng of nest, the "kaarll soun,i)
Petr KusOmich Anokhin; on his 60th birthday. fi2iol.shur. 44 -1
no,4:273-280 Ap '58, (MIRA 11:4)
(ANOKHZN, P = = #HIGH, 1898- )
MILTAGIN, Ta.A. (HDskva)
Studies on compensatory, nechanions of cardiac activity following
excision of one lung. Wsper.khIr. 4 no.4:49 JI-Ag 159.
(MIU 12:11)
(PN"ON19CTCKT exper)
(HUM physiol)
Physiological analysis of the development of the auditory analysor in
nestling rooks. Trudy 1-go MM 3.11185-195 161. (MIRA 15(5)
1. Laboratoriya obahchey fisiologii tsentrallnoy nerwnoy sistemy
(zav. - prof. P.K.Anokhin) Instituta normallnoy patologicheskoy
fiziologii ANN SSSR,, Moskva.
Morphophysiologizal clial-Rcitexistles rif the organization of in-
born reaeticns. Trudy IfIr l5t8048 '62 (MIRA P 0)
1. Tz kafedry n(,mtLllrioy fiziolog"i Silolenskogo gosudarstven-
nogo meditsInskogo inotttiita.
MILYAKH. A.N., koadidat tekhatchookikh nauk.
Devefopmeat of the operational method for Investigating transient
processes In compound circuits. Sbor.trud. last. onerg.0 URS zo.3;
41-46 148. (MLRA 9:1)
(Electric circuits) (Differential eqmationg, Linear)
Milyakh, A. N. - "Thle vectorial rule in the electrical machine theory," Sbornik
nauch.-t.--khn. statey (tkkad. nauk Ukr. MR, In-t elektrotekhniki), Issue 2, 1948,
p. 9-18
SO: U-4355, 14 August 53, (Letopis 'Zhurnal Inykh Statey, No. 15, 1949)
.JLYAidi , A. 11.
37311. Osnovy teorii manhin s elaltromafmitnyin polon, vrashcilayushchin5ya
v trekh izmereniyakli. Sooi-,-dk nauch-t,)Idin staty,3y (akad. nauk ukr. ssr ,
in-t Elel-troteidu-dki), vYp. 3, 1949, G. 3P.-A2 - Abliogr: 5 nazv
SO: Letopis~ ZhurnallnyVh Statey, Vol. 7, 1(M
"Introduction-Capacitance Transformer as an Element of Automatics," Report
submitted at the Second All-Union Conference on Automatic Control Theory, Moscow,
sum 1467
AUTHOR: Sergeyev, A. S., Docent -105-58-'r -25/37
TITLE: Dissertations (Dissertatsii)
PERIODICAL: Elektrichestvo, 1958, Nr 4- PP- 81-85 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: For the DeCree of Doctor of Technical Sciences 1954-1955.
B. I. Nikitin, on April 23, 1954, at the Scientific Coun7--
oil of the Moscow Institute for Energetics (uchenyy sovet
Moskovskogo energeticheskogo instituta). Ifinvestigation
of the Optimum HydroenerEetic 1.1ode of Operation of Hydro=
electric Power Stations in Mixed Energy Systems Consi=
sting of Thermal Power Plants and Hydroelectric Porer
Stations". The official opponents were: Doctor of Tech=
nical Sciences Professor T, L. Zolotarev, Doctor of
Technical Sciences Professor 11. A. Kartvelishvili and
Doctor of Technical Sciences I. M. Markovich.
S. V. Klopov, on April 29, 1954, at the Scientific Coun=
cil of the Institute for Power Engineering imeni Krzhi=
zhanovskiy of the AS USSR (uchenyy aovet Energeticheakogo
instituta im. Krzhizhanovokogo.All SSSR). "Control in the
Formation and the Joining of Electrooner-otic Systems
Card 1/4 tion.9.11 The
With Predominant Hydroelectric Power Sta
official opponents were: Doctor of Technical Sciences
Professor M. A. Mostkov, Doctor of Technical Sciences
V. G. Ayvazlyan and Doctor of Technical Sciences F. P.
V. G. Kholmakiy-Lukashenko., on June 7, 1954, at the
Scientific Council of the Kiyev Polytechnical Institute
(uchenyy sovet Kiyevskogo politekhnicheskogo instituta):
"Foundations for the Calculation of Electric Networks
Iiihen Using Adjustable Transformers-" Official opponents
were: The Honored Scientist and Teohnician Doctor of
Technical Sciences Professor M. D. Kamenskiy, Doctor
of Technical Sciences Professor I. A. Budzko, Doctor
of Technical Sciences Professor 1-1, 1. Groben' and Doctor
of Technical Sciences Professor V. A. Venikov.
A. IT. Milyakh, on October 27, 1954, at the Scientific
'e V -A I, LVIT-6r 10 Kiyev Polyteclinical Inztitute uchenyy
sovet Kiyeval:ogo poiite1:hnichco1coC,,o institutj. "Founda.
tions of Adjustable Tranciformora With Three DeL,,,,roes of
Freedom of 1.1otion." Official opponents were: S. A. Lobe=
dev, Member, Academy of Sciences, Real Member of the
Card 2/4 AS Ukrainian SSR A. Yu. Ishlinskiy and Doctor of Tech=
nical Sciences IA. M. Postnikov.
N. A. Karaulov, on December 2, 1954, at the Scientific
Council of the Institute for Power Engineering imeni
Krzhizhanovskiy Ail USSR (uchenyy sovet Energeticheskogo
instituts, im. Krzhizhanovskogo AN SSSR): "Energetic Foun-
dations of a Local System With Predominant Role of Hydro.
electric Power Stations (Theory of the Energetic System
With Forced Operation of the Energy Sources)-" Official
opponents were: Doctor of Technical Sciences Professor
V. V. Bolotov, Doctor of Technical Sciences A. G. Zakharin
and Doctor of Technical Sciences M. P. Menkell.
N. Ye. Lysov, on Way 6, 1955, at the Scientific Council
of the Moscow Institute for Power Engineering (uchenyy
sovet Mockovskogo energeticheskogo instituta): "The Heating
of Electrical Contactsll~ Official opponents were: Real
Member of the AS Ukrainian SSR A. Yu. Ishlinskiy, Doctor
of Technical Sciences Professor M. A. Babikov and Doctor
of Technical Sciences Professor V. V. Usov.
G. T. Adents, on May 3o, 1955, at the Scientific Council
Card 3/4 of the Institute for Power Engineering imeni Krzhizhanovs=
Dissertations 105-58-4-25/37
kiy AS USSR (uchenyy sovet Energeticheskogo instituta im.
Krzhizhanovskogo All SSSR): "Complicated Asymmetric Mode
of Operation of Electrical Syetoms (Theory and Caloulation
Methods)". Official opponents were: Doctor of Technical
Sciences Professor G. I. Atabekov, Doctor of Technical
Sciences Professor D. A. Gorodskiy and Doctor of Technical
Sciences Professor E. A. Meyerovich.
JAL. DU. SbVenchanskiy, on June 30, 1955, at the Scientific
Council of the Moscow Institute for Power Engineering
(uchenyy sovet Moskovskogo energeticheskogo instituta)s
"Operation of the Heating Elements in Electrical Resistance
Furnaces". Official opponents were: Doctor of Technical
Sciences Professor P. D. Sisoyan, Doctor of Technical
Sciences Professor A. V. Donskoy and Doctor of Technical
Sciences Professor P. D. Lebedev.
AVAILLBLEs Library of Congress
1. Electrical engineering-Reports
Card 4/4
XILYAIH Alskmandr,.Nikolayevich; NISTIRMO, A.D., otvatstvannyy redaktor;
ZILIBAN, M.S., redaktor izdatel'stva; SIVACHIINK0, Ya.K., tekbnj~.
cheskly redaktor
[Fundamentals of a therory of electrodynamic systems with three
degrees of freedom] Oanovy teorit elektratinamicheskikh states
9 trimia stepentami svobody dyishaniia. liew. Izd-vo Almdenii nauk
Ukrainskot SSR. 1956. 182 p. (MLRA 9:10)
1. Chlon-karrespondent Al USSR (for Nesterenko)
(Blectradynamics) (Blectric transformers)
The monograph presents the general theonj of an electrodynamic sjstem ih its
ap.,lication to an electric mach!Vne irith a spherical rotor, rotating around a
poiht. On the basis of the generalized principles of dynamics in vector form the
theories of three-dimensional rotating transformers is stated, and the particulars
of their construction are described.
The book is intended for engineers and scientific workers working in the
field of electric machines and theoretical electrical engineering
Sum 1360
Significance of the Great October Revolution for technical progress.
Avtomatyka no.3:1-8 157. (KIRA 10:10)
1. Inatitut elektrotekhniki Akad*uii nauk URSR.
SIGORSK17, Vitally Petrovich; MILTAKH, A.N.,,doktor tekha.mauk, otv. red.;
KISIFA. I., red. Ye., tekba.rod.
[Motbnds for analyzing electrical networks with multipolar
elemests] Xetody analtza elaktricheakikh ekhon s szogo-
pollusWmi elementaul. Kiev, Izd-Yo Akad.sauk Ukraingkoy
SSR. 1958. 401 p. (MIRL 11:12)
(Electric networks)
NISTARMO, A.D.,; LIBBMV. 3.A., aki3demik. red.; TATELIBAUX,
SoIoo redo[dq"asedl.- TSUIRMIX, L.T.. kand.tekhn.nauk. redo;
N-7.- %r W~r kand.takhn.nauk, red.; KMSHCHOTA, Te.V.. kand.
,tikhfionauko red.; XISIJIA, I.. red.isd-vas, YNYINOVA, M.I.,
(Problems in magnetic measurements] Toprosy magnitnykh Issm-
renil, May, 1959. 117 P. (MMA 12:8)
1. Akademlya nank UMWO Kiyev, Institut elektrot ekhniki.
2. Chlen-korrespondent A USSR (for Nestereakop Tetallbsum).
(Magnetic measurements)
. AnatolLy Dmitriy4vIck4--XILTAKH, A.N.O doktor tekhn.nauk.
' i~~` '1'-'MMTAROYA T.Ts.. takhn.,; KISINA, I.T., redA To 0
red.; KATINCHUK, A*A,s,
Ermdayoutals for calculating the balancing cirmdto of electric
measuring devioes] 0snovy reschats slaktrolzmeritellnykh skhem
uraynoveshivanlis. Isd.2., perer. I dop. Kiev, Isd-vo Akad.USMt.
1966. n5 P. (MIRA 13:5)
(Blectric measurements) (Bridge circuits)
Proble= concerning electrification and automation as viewed in the
liot of the decisions of the 22d Congress of the CPSU. Avtomatyka
nc'0104 162. (Electrification)(Autonation) .. I (KM 15s2)
t 6 C)j S/102/62/000/004/006/006
AUTHORS: Milyakh, 0. M., and Shyd1ovs1kyy, A. K. (Kiev)
TITLE: A'three-phase filter for symmetrical components
based on a multi-phaee transformer with rotating
magnetic field
PERIODICAL: Aytomatyka,'no.,4, 19.62, 60-70
TEXT: The authors describe a three-phase filter for symmetri-
cal components based on a multi-phase transformer acting as an
asymmetrical filter. A unity transformation coefficient is as-
sumed, a symmetrical voltage system being-applie'd to the input and
~ symmetrical load at the output. Owing to the symmetry of such
~ system, one phase only is mathema-tically and experimentally'
analyzed and expressions derived for the determination of filter
-parameters. The asymmetrical filtur-transformer consists of a
three-phase asynchronoua motor with phase braking of the rotor;
the axeb of the phase windings of the latter are shifted with
Card 1/3
A three-phase filter... D201/D308
respect to the corresponding stator windings by 90
grees. The filter may be used for separating out symmetrical com-
ponents of the direct and reversed phase sequences. A system of
voltages of the separated sequence is obtained at the filter out-
put. The symmetry of this sequence is independent of.both the
value and character of the symmetrical load. Owing to the magnetic V~_
symmetry of the multi-phase transformer windings acting as an
aeymmetrical filter, the unbalance voltage is practically independ-
ent of manufacturing errors. It is concluded that there is a pos-
sibility of designing a new class of filter for direct and reversed
hase sequences. The advantages of such a filter are as follows:
easy and simple adjustments; (b) the possibility of reducing
to zero the unbalance voltage due to the assembly inaccuracies,
which makes it possible to disperse with additional elements of
control; (c) stability of the filter parameters, irrespective of
whether it works with direct or reversed sequence; (d) independ-*
ence of the symmetry of the system of the magnitude and character
of the symmetrical load;. (e) easy design for any power, voltage
Card 2/3
A three-thase filter... D201/D308
or current, which makes it possible to apply the filter in power
installations. There are 8 figures.
SUBMITTED: March 20, 1962
Gard 3/3
-MILYAKH A.N. [IdIlakho O.M.] (Kiyev); SHIDLOVSKIr, A.K. [Shydlovolkyi, A.K.]
A static converter of a single-phs" system to-4 symnstrical
three-phase system. Avtomatyka 7 no.6t4O-47 162. JKM. 16si)
(Phase converters)
One principle for realizing three-phase electromagnetic deviceB with
nonreciprocal characteristics. Dop. AN URSR no.9:1207-1209 162.
(MIRA l8s4)
1, Institut elektrotekhniki AN UkrSSR.
t,,: ~.
(jltl;~LrOtokh. j."oul,
muji-,Jp~.aee (MIRA ?7.110)
- - ; ~, Y ','I'
.: A.
: i I j p r
Ina -rent
for ? e -q;
I~MYAKH Aol, LMiliakbp O.M,); SHIDLOVSKIY, A.K. [Shydlovalkyi.. A.K.)
Reciprocity of the single-phase equivalent of a three-phase
ff.mmetrical circuit. Dope AN URSR no*6:765~-768 163 (MIRA 17M
1. Institut elaktrotekhniki AN UkrSSR. Predstavleno akademikom
AN UkrSSR KOK. lhrenov~m (Ehrienov, KOKO]*
MILYAKH.-- jkq&A"jkoja --KUi3YSHIN, Boris Yevgenlyevich;
. -yevich.
[Inductive and capacitive converters of voltage sources
to current sources] Induktivno-emkostnye preobrazovateli
istochnikov napriazheniia v istochniki toka. Kiev,
Naukova dumka,, 1964. 303 P. (MIRA 18:1)
1. Chlen-korrespondent AN Ukr.SSR (for Milyakh).
PUKIINIK, L.V., doktor tekhn. nauk, otv. red.; KACIIANOVA, II.A.,
kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; doktor tekhn. nauk,
red.; KHRUSHCHOVA, Ye.V., kand. tekhn. nzzk, red.
[computer technology in the design and operation of electric
power systems] Vychislitellnaia tekhnika v proektirovanii i
ekspluatatsil energosistem. Kiev, lzd-vo 1111aukova dumka,"
1964. 126 P. (MIRA 17:7)
1. Akademiya nauk U111.1-R, Kiev. Institut elektradinamiki.
MILYAKT, A.N. [14iliakh, 0.1,1~1; LIPFOVSKUY. K.A. FLypkivslkyi, K,O.)
.t. 1 11 - I I I L.
Method for eljm~~.natjng a minimum cirne-L in the 'cad cl' a mu,,retic
amplifiers Dap. At! URSR no-5:593-596 165.
0AIRA 18:5)
1. Institut clektrodinamiki All UkrSSI?. 2. Chlen-korrespoTident tirl
UkrSSR (for Milyakh).
-~. LM,lial-1; O.M.1; TONKA-L', V.Y~. -1 .. .- j I
Kq~j,L-KB4 i II V. 11 . I
S tat I- c frequency CCjTI7%lertP- T' U, , lj,~ ~ 'I f-- ',~ ,-')' I- -e ~tz. Don.
AN UIRSR no.6!727-730 16 5. .; . .1- !, ..:*.-- t'. :~ ~le- n( Pi 14.18:7)
1, Inst-Atut elektrcdIr-aml;~11 AN 1JR-r.3,SR. 2. Vh'~er--korrs3pondent
Ali UxrSSR (for Milyakh).
MILYAKH, A*N* (Miliakh, O.M.]; LIFKOVSKIY, K.A. (Lypkivslk-yi, K.0.1
Magnetic wide-range voltage regulator. Dop. AN U r.SR no.7:876-
878 165. (MIRA 1818)
1. Institut elektrodinamiki AN UkrSSR. 2. Chlen-korrespondent
AN UkrSSR (for Milyakh).
_~ILYAKH. A.K. (Miliakh, O.M.); SHIDLDVSKIYP A.K. (Shydlovalkyi, A.K.)
_-.. -1-1-.1-1-11
Theory of a two-phase electric circuit. Dop. AN LJRSR no.8:
1046-1049 165. (14IRA 18: 8)
1. Institut elektrodinamiki AN UkrSSR. 2. Chlen-korrespondent
AN UkrSSR (for Milynkh).
ACC M AP6005549 SOURCE CODE: UR/0030/66/000/001/0051/005,1
.AUTHOR: Milyakh, A. N. (Corresponding member AN UkrSSR)
ORG: Institute of Electrodynamics, AN UkrSSR (Institut clektrodinamiki AN UkrSSR)
TITLE: Conversion and stabilization of electromagnetic processes
SOURCE: AN SSSR. V.-.stnik, no. 1, 1966. 51-54
TOPIC TAGS: electromagnetic energy, electromagnetic Interaction
ABSTRACT: Several devices developed by the Institute of Electrodynamics,
AN UkrSSR, are briefly described. Parametric voltage -to-current converters are
ba-sed on the resonance in a-c LC-circuits and have many applications, they use a T-
or bridge circuit and have linear characteristics. Such converters may be used for
charging storage batteries, for supplying power to a welding arc (0. 5-15 amp,
0. 5-3-mm arc length, t 5-15% supply-voltage variation), for supplying induction-
type mine lamps, for rr track circuits; a polyphase gyrator-type converter turns
primary voltage into proportional secondary current, input conductance Into output
-resistance, Inductive load into capacitive and vice versa, etc. The same type of
Card 1/2 UDC: 538. 30
ACC NRt AP6005549
converter can be adapted for filtering po,91tive and negative phaiie-sequence
components and can operate as a single -to -three-phase transformer. Another devicell
developed Ly the Institute is an automatic contactless reverser based on either a
ME-gnetic element or a transistor switch; such devices are Intended for reversing
current in electroplating cells. Also, new flash lights for mining application have
been developed by combining miniature Bemiconductor devices with electrolumines-
cent panels. Orig. art. has: no figures, formulas, or tables.
Card 7,2 vmb
L 5433-66 (1) Gil 65/ OW0 35
I&a-bb- (A0 SOURub 1'U
;7CC NRt AT6020422
AUTHOR: Milyakh, AP N_; Kravchenko 9A, N. 54-1
ics, AN UkrSSR (Institut elektrodinamiki AN UkrSSR)
ORG: Institute of Electrodynam
TITLE: Three phase rators t industrial frequencies
zovaniye I stabilizatsiya elektromagnitnykh protsessov
SOURCE: AN UkrSSR- Preobra tromagnetic processes). Kiev, Naukov& dumka,
(Conversion and stabilization of elec
1965, 27-35 ctric transformerl electromagnetism,, SHF, ferrite/ AcAm m~t-
TOPIC,TAGS: gyrator, ele ctrical
called a gyrator, has been added to the usual ele
ABSTRACT: A Afth element, acitance C, and mutual inductance
circuit elements of resistance R, inductance L, cap
L2. The gyrator is, in principle, a passive element, since it satisfies no mutual-
ity principle. Gyrator use has become widespread in the past 10 years in super-high
frequency engineering of waveguide elements with nonreversible gating properties.
Ferrites are usually used as gyrators in the super-high frequency range. It is ex-
tremnly attractive to make a nonreversible electromagnetic device of the gyrator type
to function at the industrial frequency of 50 cps. The article proceeds to describe,
one of the possible principles,involved in building multiphase nonreversible devices
and also describes their basic properties. The field of a device consisting of two
L 45433-66
ACC NRI AT6020422
three phase concentric windings in air (an air transformer) displaced by an aPpdrior--
priate angle 1 0
was investigated. Two operating conditions were established. Electro-
magnetic excitation Was transmitted to the rotating magnetic field in theasa estab-
ection in both cases, resulting in different trajectories for each case,
lishing the nonreversibility of the transmission process, so that three phase de-
vices with rotating magnetic fields can be called nonreversible devices. Electro-
magnetic processes in the air transformer are no different from those occurring in
the transformer consisting of a three phase braked wound rotor Induction motor,
field excitation conditions being the same. The processes occurring in the latter
are examined. A method for making a three phase transformer with nonreversible
properties, consisting of a transformer with a rotating magnetic field and conden-
sera, is described and is suggested an a three phase gyrator at industrial fre-
quency. Org. art.- has: 3 figures and 13 formulase
SUB cODE: og, 2o / sum DAm 26 oct 65 / CRIG REP: 006
5831-66 - EWW
ACC NR' AP6030582 SOURCE CODE:* UR/0413/66/000/016/0064/0065
INVENTOR: Milyakh, A. N. LShidlovokiy, A. K.
ORG: none
TITLE: Converter of single-phase to three-phase currenAclass 21, No. 184965
SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 16, 1966,
TOPIC TAGS: current converter, single phase current, three phase current
ABSTRACT: The proposed converter of single-phase to three-phase current in
Fig. 1 is in the form of a transformer with single-phase and three-phase current
windings which produce a rotating magnetic field. To obtain a symmetrical output
voltage with a symmetrical layout of phase windings having an equal quantity of
loops, the axis of the single-phase winding is shifted 90 electrical degrees in
relation to the axis of one of the phases of the three-phase winding. A resistance
whose value is equal to that of the reciprocal induction between the rotor winding
and the corresponding phase winding of the stator (their axes being coincident) is
connected in each phase of the three-phase winding. The single-phase winding is
1/2 - UDC: 621. 314. 254
L 45831-66
connected between the power line and the terminal of one of the phases of the
three-phase winding. In a second variant, the proposed converter is equipped with
a second single-phase winding whose axis is shifted 90 electrical degrees in rela-
tion to the axis of another of the phases of the three-phase winding. It is connectet
between the power line and the terminal of the second phase of the three-phase
winding. A third variant of the converter provides for'a switch in the circuit of
single-phase windings. A fourth variant provides for equipping'the converter with
four single-phase windings. The axes of two of them are shifted 90 electrical
degrees to one side, and the axes of the two others are shifted at the same angle
but to the opposite side in relation to the axes of the three-phase winding phases
with which they are linked. Finally, a fifth variant provides for a saturation choke
in the single-phase circuit. Orig. art. has: I figure. (Translation) [DW~
Fig. 1. Converter of single-phase into
three-phase current.
1 -Three-phase winding;
2-resistances; 3-single-
phase winding
Card 2 2 /V
SUB CODE- 09/ SUBM DATE: 02Mar62/
L 05883-67 E7dP(k)/E74P(h)/gA]T(d)/7,4T(I)/94P(v)MfPtl) GD
~'AUTHOR: Milyakh, A. N.; Barabanov, V. A.
445-,' 7~/
IORG: Institute or Electrodynamics AN UkrSSR (Institut elektrodinmiki AN UkrSSR)
TITLE: Idealized physical model of a three-dimensional electric machine /~~
SOURCE: AN UkrSSR. Preobrazovaniye i stabilizatsiya elektromagnitafth protseasoy
(Conversion and stabilization or electromagnetic processes). Kiev, Naukova duoka,
1965, 3649
TOPIC TAGS: electric generator, electric theory
ABSTRACT: An idealized physical model for a three-dimensional machine (or a machine
with 3 degrees of freedom in rotor motion) is constructed by analogy with an ordinary
machine on the basis of replacing discrete elements in an actual machine (discrete
distribution of conductors, geometric faces in the magnetic system) with continuous
structures. This procedure makes the resultant model accessible to investigation by
analytic methods. The machine and its model are considered in a spherical coordinate
system rigidly associated with the stator. It is assumed in constructing the ideftliz,
physical model that: 1. the permeability of the material for the stator and rotor In
infinite,~ 2. the Internal cavity of the stator is bounded by a sphere and completely
encloses the rotor; 3. the actual windings of the machine are replaced by equivalent
Card 1
L 05883-67
ACC NRt AT6020423
current layers; 4. there are three mutually perpendicular current layers on both the
rotor and stator. It is shown that calculation of the electromagnetic field In the
air gap of the machine reduces to determining the field components of a single arbi-;
trarily oriented current layer. EKpressions are derived for calculating the electricl
and magnetic field components of zero and first order. The proposed model in designed
for studying the dynamics of the machine. A model,closer to the actual machine soy be
constructed for studying*stea0y-state conditions., Orig. art. has: 3 figures, 33
SUB CODs: o9/ sum DATz: 26oct65/ am mw: 009/ BOTH RIF: 002
ACC NRl AM5010311 Monograph UR/
Milyakh. Aleksa kolayevich (corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of
the Ukrainian S.S.R. ; is Yevgenlyevich; Ko~1kff,,_Xgqr
Kubphin, Bor 2_yXgmjrqvjcjL
Inductance-capacitance converte f voltage sources to current sources (Induktivao-
yemkostnyye preabrazovatell. istochnikov napryazhenlya v latochniki toka) Kiev,
Naukova, dumka, 1964- 0303 P. Illus., biblio. (At head of title: Akademiya nauk
Ukrainskoy SSH. Institut elektrodinamiki) 2,300 copies printed
TOPIC TAGS: voltage regulator, electric capacitance, elaatrLa Inductance, e1actrIQ
power engineering, thermoelectric converter, electric current, I---- electric
device, electric energy conversion, nonrotary electric power converter, rotary
electrid pqWer converter
PURPOSE AND COVERAGE:' This book describes circuits of inductance-capacitance con-
verters which make it possible to obtain constant current regardless of wide range
variations In load resistance. It contains calculation methods for converters,, calcu-
3ition examples, tables, and curves required for carrying out the calculations. It
ii shown that the employamt of the converters is preferable to that of parametric and
compensating current regulators used in power engineering and automation. The book is
intended for scIent1fIa,,.*ng1neerIng,, and technical personnel specializing in coverter
engineering,as weU as for,aspirants =d students in unLversities specIalizing In
these fields of study.
Card 1/3
A'C NN Al-15010311
TABrz or Comas [abridged):
Introduction - - 3
Part I. Theory of inductance-capacitance converters
Ch. I. Two-terminal pair network in a voltage-source to current-source converter
system - - 9
Ch. 3:1. Single-phase and wAltiphase converters of voltage sources to current sources
- - 33
Ch. III. Special operating conditions for voltage-source to current-source convert-7,
- . ers - - 5T
Part 2. Selection and calculation of basic elements-of Inductance-capacitance coa-
Ch. IV.. Optimal efficiency conditions and design calculations for the converter
. elements - - 74
Ch. V. Methods for calculating the processes taking place In-circuits with ferromag-
nets - - UT
Ch. VI. Design ca~culatlons for liiductance-capacitance converters and their elements
Part 3. Application of Inductance-capacitance converters
Ch.-VIZ. Converters for feeding devices with highly variable load resistances - -~24,1
Ch. V33X. Inductance-capacitance converters for supply1m railway track circuits witA
stabilized altumUM current 257
ACC NRs M15010311
Ch. IX. Converters for feeding devices with steep volt-ampere characteristic 267
Ch. X. Current stabilizers b"od on indactance-capacitance c0i2verters 273
APpenA' - - 288
Bibliogruphy - - 299
SUBCODEt 0?/IFUBK DATE I 23oct64/ ORIG REFt 087/ OM JOW 1 015
_6/r_2/E,.,jA(d)/Evjp(w)/EWP(t) EM/MV/J013
T.. 1061 8-6 -EV[r(m)/ETC
'_R~4 6008070
XCC NR, CAI). SOURCE CODE: UR/0032/66/032/002/0235/0236
AL711OR: Yomin, V. V. Miumo'xi It
-'ORG:.- Murmansk Higher Navigation School (Yiurmanskoye vyssheye 6
nicrekhodnoye uohilishche)
,.,,MT1E:' Test ing materials-for resistance to erosion i7
SO'URCZ*. Zavodskaya laboraloriya, v. 32, no. 2, 19660 235-236
TOPIC-TAGS: cavitation,- marine engineering
ABSTRACT: After teviewifig.,magnetostriction. and water jet blast methods
discussed in other Soviet papers
(references given), the authors de-
scribe their own water-jet device
for testing the erosion effect on
metal surfaces. (See diagram). The
device consisted of a tank (1)
equipped with jet nozzles (4) and
a disk (2) carrying two samples (3)
and-rotated by a 3000 rpm electric
motor (5). By usin a special
speed regulator the samples
were tested at 40, 60j 80 and 100
m/seo. Martansits steel,was tested
UDG: 620s17
- -- -------
V 18866-66
ACC NR& -AP6008070
at 100 M/sec while the tests of austenite steel were conducted at
80 m1sec. The 60 m/seo speed was used for steel of lower qualities.
The comparative test of various steel samples was conducted at 80 m/sec.
In some cases, the destructive of f ect was so strong that it was dif f icult
to compare it,with the arosion.effeot observed under normal operating
conditions. A worko-out of standard methods for testing the erosion
effect was rb~oommendad. ' It wasmentioned in the article that the serv-
ice life of sorew-propellers made of'25 L steel was from L,5 to 2 years,
PosBibility of an interferometric determination of alcohol In
water-alcohol solutions. Ferm. i spirt.prom. 31 no.3tlO-ll 165.
(MIRA 18.5)
L Voronezbskly tekbnologicheskiy institut.
VERBITSKIY, Ivan Ivanovich; MILYAKOV, Vladimir Vasillyevich;
(Manual for logging amp tructor operators] Spravochnik
traktorista leBprovkhoza. Moskva# Izd-vo "Lesnaia pro-
wishlermost'," 1964. 205 P. (MIRA 17:6).
M=AKOVA, NAdezWaT.efim.qv.,- ; ZAGORSKUp Go, redq FAVIANA9 So#
- - -ve k a-A i -A, -,
farmrs work vith extbuslawl Zhivotmovody tru-
diatsia Ydokbna"uuo. Moskn,, Hook.rabochiiv 1962. 1,7 P.
(MM& 15:10
1, Glavvy sootekbui sovkhoza Imai LCII o"yesda KomunieticheakoY
partii Sa"takogo Sayusa Volokolam ogo rayona (for Milyakova).
(Volokolamak District-Stock and stockbreeding)
OMININA, Kaleriya Viktoroyna;- Lmo-u&;--
MASHKINA, A., red.; SHLYK, M. P tekhn. red.
reproduction of the herd) Rasshirennoe Tospro-
izvodstvo stada. Moskva, Mook. rabochii, 1963. 39 p.
(MIRA 16:6)
1. Direktor Volokolamkoy goWarstvennoy stants1i po ple.-
mennoy rabote (for Ominina). 2. Glavnyy zootekhnik sovkhoza
im, XXII soyoxda XFSS (for Hilyakova).
(Dairy cattle)
MILY0 1. L
Chudciiil i
bat. .
Vol. /~q N6,
Apio 26 1934 1
'Theftf not lower 14' titer:
t Activity In
FA t
(is tkq Owtno
system, esped:
the Ox 'P
W 041mods laiien the tropk
Otutrid, acriong dYstem -t
o the Internal
t liv"; tkicby I*wetla4 the pro.
'~ I L.Y '; ~ 1 (-."V"")' !" I Y , I G * ) - .
, - - t v asndr;int
17a,,,-diim cleaning, of rrtLIr,. 1-1 IF
I ., 1 1.
1. Vsesoyi.lzny.-f instit,ut veterinanic,.7
san Ltar i i .
Use of antiseptics for washing t~e udder of coRv, Veterinariia 41
no.4,07-99 Ap 165, (MIFA 18:6)
1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledavatellsHy institut veterinarnoy
M.r LY A NOVSKII A 6. nauchnyy KFRAPOV, N-11KOL'S.KlY,~ &.A.-.
O;ndl-i~ionq, for ~mprovlrg -.-he hyg"Lenlc quality of mt-lk.
V,-~'Ierinarlia 42 no.506~--98 My 165. (MIRA 18-.6)
A.. Vss9ay-aznyy nauchnc-insledova'~Pllskiy ve-terivarnoy
sar.-I'Aar.U (for Mllyanovskiy). 2. Glavnoye upravienlye vel.-arinarii
Miniaters4wa bellsk~go khriyaysiva SSSR (for Kinrapov., N-Lkcilokiy,
"The Significance of FntOMOP112~rCS for the Number of Certain Gbno)dcus insect.5
in A',-k2zin, 11P.-iroda, 110. 11, jqhq.p_(.q-~_,-
Lepidoptem of Abkhazia. Trudr Zool.inst. AN Grus.SR 10:299-306
051. (KMA 7:7)
(AbkMals-Lepidoptera) (l~pldopt*r&--Abkh&vi&)
y U t'_` 0 R
Illumot tvid Mitti ro.-ita.
r;,,35. JOYA.., ac." Zhpr -W-oleigiya , :Io , !j 4 NO
Mllyanorskiy, Ye.S.
Sukhuml Zonal ETP -Strdtior, of Psaential Ou
T I A,Z TJJ rrhm 111t,aptl af~j ,.I L(,. , iethod I o- r1he
jit-vi,,ri IA.Y o,~' . u I ti r) Li oi-.,
Tr. sjjEhjkr
,sk. zonalin 0-0-t.
ORIG PTj 1957, vYp. 2, 85-98
'T Ex-
ork viti, Liz~L~,
ca-_~-iod on for I'( ynar~-.. T, 1,~ a S
-one of' 17a1 re-taized j.cij A a t..r CA:
'70 c%,, abow.,, and 12 below. T-o the base of
the funnel the-re v:!ts hu.La-_~, a --,?tal :~urj ~,-)-wI~ ai n-
10,.-) - 200 1I-jenz-'_.-.,:_~ -aE;o -,u i-,h in-
ova tne 1:Lg t fel
(1) flying t
Source of h_C111t; Was a lamip ot, volt.->,
n r- all The i into thp beri,linek
c/,RD 1/3 *Bearing Crops
C;,TZGC)RY ; (.,ENEfiAL&SPEf'.7001-OGY.iNSECTc
ABS. JOINt : fief Zhur -Biologlya, No.4 1959, No.
ABSTRACT :were e-xtric-ated and snread On n,,aT'-eP. The
coloring nnd intactness,of the coat of I were
preserved axter dr.7inr. It sttttlonary Ii usunll,~
functloned the year rowid, witp. 'uhe excertion,
of rainy pi;r,hts axid ttie freeMacc period, L i o
contriv~7.-nce for &,Lel-,Arlim7 tl,p:,
jrld fo_-ce of fjyjrj:~- of w1rioun Idlids (.~f1
-lblp. to fc;3:etell in tii,-e a.rrjparal--.(; of
i-armful stnf-es of I. espe,7.ially of species in
co z
No 1959, No
A% !'10 1'
T I -C L Z
'if it r i C~ 0 S -
only 4" J
s an
t -1 v
f "Ciprltl~.T e b c
t t oil.
o I e
e in
A.P. Adrianov
CARD :5/3
MILYAKOVSXIT, Ye.g.; UMU. P.Aa. doystvitella" chlen.
Tint post Phassus, shaWl Chro, in Abkhasia. Soob.AN Gruz,SSR 13 noolO:
609-910 132, (NM 6:5)
1. Akadoulya Sauk Grusinskoy WIL Institut soologii, Tbilisi (for Nil-
yanovskly). 2. Akademiya Nauk Grasinskoy XSR (for Zayts*v).
(Abkh&si&--Grmpo-vin* silkwors)
Large Caucasian swift moth (Phassus schamyl Chr.) is a new enemy
of viticulture In Abkhazia. Ent.oboz. 32:82-83 152. (MWA 7:1)
1. Sukhumskaya sonalinaya opytnaya stantsiya Glayparfyumera.
2. Abkhasskays karantinnaya, laboratoriya.
(Abkhazia--)4oths) (Moths--Abkhazia) (Grapes--Diseases and pests)
Zmang-horned beetles of Abkhasla. true Zool.inst.AN Gmz.S= 11:
209-223 053. (Abkhasla--LoWcorn beetles) (KM 9:7)
"In the subtroples of western Georgia.* V.D.Kiellskov. Reviewed
by E.S.Millanovskil. Bot.zlmr. 39 to.6:920-921 N-D 154.Mu 8:2)
1. Sakhumakaya zonallnaya opytwWa stantelya.
(Kieliskov, V.D.) (Georgia--Botany)
1-711- Yq A"'O v S, 't- ,Y, M A
awwm~~ --
411moptability of local Insect species to introduced subtropical plants
In the humid subtroplas of the Black Sea littoral. Zool.zhur.34 no.l:
101-110 Ja-T t55- (MlRk 8:3)
1. Sukhumskaya sonaltna" opytnays stantelyao
(Black Sea region-Insects, Injurious and beneficial)
Some remarks cozoorning F.S.Pillpenke's article entitled 'Now data
on the formation of species and varieties of eucalyptus'. Bet.shur.
40 ne.5z746-751 8-0 155. (MLRA 9:4)
1.3ukkamoksys, opytnaya stantsiya Qlayparfyumer.
(3kcalyptus) I
.%&pww%"Lww "
Fauna and flora of the "PItgunda* relict grove. Pr1roda 44
n0-5:104-106 NY #55. (JURA 8:7)
1. SiMuseksys, sonallmays opytnaya stantelya
(GaVT--Botarq) (Gagry-Forest f way-)
I - I
Stalactitic caves of Abkhazia. Priroda 44 no.10:110-111 0155.
(KLHA 8:12)
1. Sukhumskays. zonalluaya opytnayn stantaiya
.= 7- TANOVSYTV -- --' - '' ----"!&'hv#!P-
Butterflies (Macrolepidontera) of Abkhazia. Trudy-gool.inst.AN
Gruz, SSR 15-51-110 '56'. 'A (V12A 10:8)
01-00 - - ---,
Causes of the absence of certain Top1deptorm, In the Black Sea region
of Abkhazia [with ftlish summary In Insert]. gool.shur.35 no.8t
1170-1176 Ag '56- (KM 9110)
I.Siftmskayot sonalInays opytnays stantelyme
TJ3,3R / General and 3peoial Zoology. Insects. General P
Abe ;our: Ref Zhur-Blol., No 1, 1959, 2131.
Author :-Milyjnovskiy~A-~~-
Inst : Sukhua..Zonal Zxperimental Station of Volatile
Oil Bearing CulturesO
Title : A'New Method of Protecting Insect Collections
Orig Pub: Tr. 3ukhumak. zonalln. opytn. st. efiromes-
lichn. bU'tur,' 1957, vyp. 2, 99-100.
Abstraot: The polymer of formaldehyde - paraforaaldehyde
(poly-oxymethylene), which precipitates during
long storage of formalin, is dried out well.
The paraformaldehyde, poured in the bottou of
the collections together .-jith naphthalene,
completely checks the development of various
Card 1/2
USSR General -"iC. L~),jcializod ZooloMr. In,;Qet;;. Insoct and
Mite Puztz.
Abs Jour :Rof L',hur - Biol., No 10, 1950, io 44~;421
Author :Milyanovskiy Yo.
11 Un on Rosearch Instituto of S~,nthetic and Natural
Inst 4a"4.f~-Un KnRaso~arc
Title :Posts of Volatile Oil Culturos and 116thods of Their Control
Orig Pub :Tr. Vsos. n.-i. in-t sintotik. i. naturalInykh dushisty1ch
vashchostv, 1957, VYP- 3, 103-136.
Abstract :Reco-mondations are given for dustinG with DDT and HCCH aLpinst
tho bollworm., Vla saga and goraniw cutworm moths; dusting with
DDT - aCainst.tho gamma-moth and the opalescent May beetle on
patchouli; DDT - against the Tjps.- 3ilkworm and rarely- found
lwronyetr- rumici's L., on the lemon aucalyptus; a 0-05-0.1
parcont emulsion of thiophos or pyrophos, a 1.5-2 percent ISO
lime-oulphur docoction, a 1 -purcant solution of barium poly-
Card 1/2
More on the capricorn beetle. Friroda 46 no-3:127 Mr 157.
(NLRA 1013)
1. Sukhumskays, opytnaya stantelys, ofiromaelichnykh kulltur (for
Milyanovokly) (Longicors beetles) (Trose-Diseases md pests)
Aa~ifii -a6oration In the adult and caterpillar stages of the
hank moth Celerlo vespertilio 'Map. (Lopidoptera. Sphingidae).
Ikit.obon. 38 no.1:223-224 159# (MINA 12:4)
-%makays, opytnaya stantelya
Sukhumi,, i
(Koths) (Tor of Insects)
Some notes on the collection of artilces NPIant introduction and
landscape gardening." Bot, shur. 45 no.3.1:1704-1705 N 160.
(NEU 13112)
lo Sukhumskaya opytuaya stantelya ofiromialichzqkh kulftur.
(Aromatic plants)
Cand Biol Sci - (diss) "LepidODterons of Abkhazia, their ecology,
and economic significance." /Eukhumi7, 10,61. 24 pp; (Ministry
of Agriculture Georgian SSR, T~eorgia-n Order of Labor Red Banner
Agricultural Inst); 150 copies; price not given; list of author's
works at end of text; (n, ?-61 sup, 228)