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S at V-1 L."t, of o Re t -9 41 r c T~ e -tea- t',.- of Itex s f rnin t- A,V" Ljotjl,)-~ Of dor 6i 0 1.)- -1: e of t`e Tu,2 V--r, 11 -.d 10 texes ~roun v-17 Ol st:)riv, "'Pre"ti ,ted; reL-Its Of e,,: t C~ P- r 0 C, iL; Tt-.e -r')1 nrtje~- t rtj ic jr~iE~ed ,ard 3/4 -1/13 S 0 The VulcinisLtion of Syntr.e-tir, L_-,ex,~s rudiutioj. (Tjbl -es 7 a,-,d P,) ure dis--s3ed. Tr.erp ire 8 tables, 1 fi '--ire J.,'-d "3 r,~fpre.*.ces of' ii ~ _Tri6lish, 1 Jer,.iun, 1 Jl_-I.inese, 1 C!. ~7 4 30viet P'l v -te, ,;I- i,,r i 0 .7. ', r~(.(-v - (T Union Scientific-Research Institute for Synthetlc Rubber imeni. S.V. Lebedev) Card 4/4 240C 2 3/ 1 V5,1601002 /-V)6/002/026 A05i/A129 AUTHORS: Mints, S.; Libus', 3. TITLE: An investigation of the causes of 6,&I-3tive extra-tior -)' ',_~ranyl nitrate with tri-n-bi_ityiphcsp~a1.e PERIODICAL: Radlokhimiya, v. 2, no. 6, :96o, ~43 - 652 TEXTi The authors point ou~~ th&t ths~ gen4_ra_~ causes of the highly selective extraction of uranyl nitrate by Tears of tri-n-butylp)-.osphate in the presence of other metal nitrates are unknown. The high distribution coefficiente of uranyl nitrate between tri-n-butylphosphate and water are the result of the formation of electrically neutral -_-mplexes no*, containing water. The formation of these complexes In the case cf ur&nyl n1trate and their abseneq in the case of metal nitrates not extracted wiLn TPPh -w~ be explalned by the diff4ring ten- dencies of the nitrate ions and TBF~. mcle~ules tc ~:o:rdlnation with cations of both groups. The acnstany of tho~ atscrPi,)r. spe-,"rh of the transition metal nitrates In diluted aqueous solations !s gi'vpn bz pr:,cf -f t)-eir c-)mplete disBo- clation under tht 3e oond.~Ions. Tli~- -irespcnding constantq of complex- formation Card 1/6 31l8e*%_r,2 /r>06/002/o26 An investigation of the causes AO~'-/A129 were determined. Their valueR ~re IN 1~e o-,IE:r o - ~ (first ocnstamts of -1 1*' P" ' 'rrY' Z' + lor's Th,:! spe~iflc means complex-formation for U~~ +. Pu(~ of coordination of the ni trate I )ns ni th 4 uranyl Icn based 3n the anior. accu- pying two cooriinated positions Gf tn-~ cqt.1rt,, is thought *,o play an llrrpcrtant role as one of the reasons for tnij f')rnatl3n of comparatively stable uranyl ni- trate complexes, in addition to the t-lgr. -,I,rirge of the .or-,ral Ion. 7ne nitrate ion shows properties of a uni-dorar Agand witt', rispect t< the transition metals and that of a bi-donor one In :;cmpsurjs. TMS pren3menon is con_ nected with the instatility of trie four-m?-nbar chelate ring4 in the complexes of the transition metals. The stability of the four-member rings :n thevranyl complexes and the possibility of coordination of the nitrate ions by means of two oxygen atoms resulting frGm it explains the relatively great stability of uranyl nitrate complexes. In the experimental proredure the measurements of the light absorption in the visible and ultraviolet Parts of the spectrum were car- rIeO out on a Unikam Cn-500 (SP-500) spectrophotometer. The infrared spectra were measured on a Perkin-Elmer spetroph' 1 ter. The conclusion is drawn that the method of coordination of Vie nitrate Ion Is the same In both cases. The con- stants of oomplex-formation of uranyl nitrate and nickel nitrate with TBFh were Card 2/6 r 24082 3,18~ , " - /X,2 1002 102~ An Investigal;Ion f W, ~-. /V, 2 ~ meaBured In order to *.ne I r at I!, ~,j 1, ~-Aar i I )n. T,.&se v3,i',Fl? were determinel at a conats~n*, c-,irdlnatton of rii~rata lone. A survey of the methods .;.gel for dk-t,~mirilng the -,mp1qx-fcrrmt1on !-~i !~-) thp -n- elusion that only tho wc,,,J ~,~ %pp~ tr, ',"P p,irp,)- sea at hand. The urgnyi ~~ompLex ! Lulj_ h- Ii -xprt-Fe~-I :,y IU02(NO 3)2(Bu)21 based -.n th- -oordln-il. of tt.A niti-3 by meanpi of two oxygen atom.3 and or. t-?,- ,! I)-, jr-tr. lor. b-ing &,jual to 6. It was flirthe7 es'atlishid comr--y,- ~tr~ fcr*.n-,i In the in- vestigated _-olutl~ns a'. _pr*~L!r ~f TBPh. 3 lnr~. the [Tj02(N')_,)2(TBPh)j ~f 1* a gradual Inc~eas~ In 1.r.~! TPr- ,n'rj*,: equi- libria are U cl~N B. + + N,' + P_ Isobestic po-' r *. sdr-~i DM '~'K (NO (TBFh) In LUO2 3 2 Card 3/6 Z.1, ri 8 2 " ~ '- / ~,V. 'Y~ /')G2 C12i An Investigation of A-~-~ Al~,q s#ld to be vaill for th,~- F + L'. + E where E 1.9 the optical !3. .,,-)n, -%t,.trft- tions of tKa differ-6nt '~yptrs of E a:- -,i~ ---r-rm-zpcn,iing co- effients of extinctlon. F,,r '.r- wavi--~,jF%r polln~ appears the equation changes to: + + 2 since in this ?as,~ E f j! 4 + 1:3 :.t~p %jnRjy- tical concentrat,,'Cn of t,,;~ -irinyl' E (c - C ) + f C-4; 3 3 The first constant of complex formaticn Card 4/6 082 8- Itolfi-W006 1002 /026 An lnveatiga'~Icn of %-A '41^ -PF' :8-~ 2 2 WaS Chl 1.41 a *.,!-I ol~ OCT 'I' z',nc6 Is known that etch '.ow W,-, --mp~(-x4wo. 7,h,;! !~~- of -~omp!,~x averaire v!i!,ji- f-r s~v~-:,. -f r!~K-I -FIF- ,5,- a-sc, sp-ctro- pho'.oTe'~rl7a-y, Tr,- T rT, n was ;ini bA Thr- comp&ratvt auZ-F -If ttv& AKIrsk"t-n r,! ii gr-v~pr abl- 11ty ,~tftls WIth low atorr!, numr-r, Cart, L, /6 I s(A 2 An In gatlor Ar. means sf twl: -',rv value ':'f cons+.ant for 7 Sov, el anj .41 Nu c Ct-, ~Tr ~'U SUBME77 EL ID02,1321- A' 'A.2? C rr.' rx r 1w. c ard 6 /(, MINTS, Fill ing-Stat ions for Aqieftel ea3. ~or. Khr,-. Mosi L.,NO > NH NO > NaNO > Ca(NO 3 - 3 3 3 3 2' On the basis of the -urves E = f(m) the authors determined characteristi- solutions c-f various salting-out agents and also the dependence of the dispersion coefficients of uranyl nitrate (between Ly-lohexurLune and water) on the concentration of the saltina ~ut agen-. The ~ialting-out activity of the nitrates was found ~o de:reas6 in the Jollowing order: LiNO > Mw(NO > (akNO > NaNO > NH NO 3 3 2 3 3 4 3' The dispeisiDn oelf i ien*r, Ii.-ited for several solutions, differ cons.Aerablv dnd it an 60 dSAumed that their activity is not limil:ed to disturbing the equilibrium of complex-format'.on of urtinyl tons and nitrate 1 ns but that the salting-out effect plays an iinpDrttint part. There are 9 figures, 1 table and 9 references: 4 Soviet-bloz: and 5 non-Soviet-bloc. The four references to Card 3/4 299 3 S/186/61/003/002/003/018 The it-,ti,-n of salting-out E142/E435 Engli,h language read as followt i.jenkins, H,M,-Ka,y. Trans,Farad.Soc., 50. 1, 10-7 (1954); H.McKay, A ~ R, Wt t Ii i es3n. Trans.Farad So~.. 47, 4, 428 (1951); J.Currah, F.E.Beami3h, Anal.Ch#~m. i -) 8. 6og (1947); R.J.P.Williams, SUBMITTED February 29. 1960 Card 4/4 s/o6 62/024/005/005/010 Bi 06YB1 86 AUTHORSt Lebedev, A. V., Mints, S. Y., Rakhlin, P. I., Zinov'yova, M. N. TITLE: !affect of vurious factor5 on the low-temperature strength of synthetic latexes. 1. Pffect of changes in the aqueous phase Kolloidnyy zhurnal, v. 24, no. 5, 1962, 565 - 571 TEXTi This paper is the first :.n a series of systematic studies on the freezing strength of rubber-liki; polymeric latexes such as CKC-5Gfl(SKS-5GP) and -_W,(.-65r-r1 (SKS-65GP) as depe~Aont on the compounding formula, polymeriza- tion conditions, and other fact.)rs. A juantitative method was worked out for determining the resistance )f' d"vinyl styrene latex to lowr temperatures. The percent content of dry coagulate in tho latex polymer serves as a measure of resistance. ixperiments with variation of single factors at otherwise equal conditions gave the following resultai The frost resistance of latex depends on the nature of the cations and anions of the emulsifier; it decreases in thf. order of the cations K+> Na+,-.>NH+ and in 4 the order of the anions paraff'.nate:>N9kaI:;>Dresinate (salt of di3proportionate colophony). With addition of emulsifiers to the finished Card 1/3 3 '06-, '62/ Effect of virious factors on ... B106/B186 latt!x, its frost resistance irv:re-,,.,,,.i m,riotonouslj witr, tht,~ ;ix.~:,unt -f Pmullsifi(--r ~iscd in potassium and qmmini um soaps , whereas it paqs-c's a maximum in the case of NoKal iind i~- J i u in L r u v inate (with 50-blj~ sat1jr9t'.,_r) of tne adsorption layers). N i t r, troi use (if soups of different weivr,ti; as emultifiers, tt,e f ro n I of latex decreases witti ttis! mo 1 erullar -eight increasint; f ro m I t A ~i d i t 1 o ns -) f Bma 1 . i n * t un i v~ilent metal salts or of Leuk ~ no I *. , t ne aqueous 'cri;,s,, slit n'lly im~ r-,,v" the fro6t res13tance of latexi t:.e effect of additions of non-iDnic emulsifiers depends on the n1itur-- of tiie latex poljm~,r and on trie hydrophile-lipopnile balance in ~ne emu'sifier. The frost resi.tance latex is ir,dependent of its concs!,Aratt"n, and increases *ith tt'e PH C'! tiie aqueous phase. H i C, h re F i,. t an c e to fro 3 t i s reac tied by i n t rod u r t i Dn aminonia, xricn facilitates tr;.ciscrt hn, stora6e in winter. There i~re A. fi6ures in;! 5 tables. The most ~mortant English-language rL-ference5 aj Pi h. Ii. WaJK,~r, j. Phys. boll. Chem. 51, 451, 1947; R. J. Orr, Rubb. P1,1st ;,ge 41, 1027, 1960; T. r,. llanie13, W. H. Watson, F. C. White, Rubber fini Plast. Aj~e 40, 1057, 1959. ASSOCIATIONs Nauchno-issledovatel'SKiy iristitut sintetichoskogo kaUCnUKa im. S. V. Lebedeva (Scientific Research Institute of Synthetic Card 2/3 Rubber imeni S. V. Lebedev, S/06 62/024/005/005/010 Effect of various factors on ... B106YB166 SUBL'ITT6Ds June 15, 1961 Card 5/3 !.,." I I S/069/62/024/005/006/010 B1C6/B186 AUTHORSs Lebedev, A. V,j MirA89 S. M., Rakhlin, P. I., Zinov'yeva, M. 14. TITLEi Effect of various factors on the low-temperature strength of synthetic latexes . 2. Effect of changes in the polymeric phase PERIODICALt Kolloidnyy zhurnal., v. 24, no. 5, 1962, 572 - 577 TEXT: The effect of the compos:.tion of the polymeric phase, of' the plasticity of the polymer, and of chan6es of the polymer during storage on the low-temperature strength of synthetic latex was studied. The de- crease in frost resistance ("agIng") of latex on long storage can be de- layed considerably by excluding oxygen or by adding antioxidants. A styrene content of more than 60,1)": in the polymerization mixture of tho monomers reduces the frost residtance of divinyl styrene latex. It *as shown by the example of divinyl nitrile latex that latex proauced with soaps of the molecular weight 1:?0 as emulsifiers was, under otherwise equal conditions, more resistant to frost than latex produced vith Nekal. Divinyl nitrile latex is much lose frost-resistant than divinyl styrene Card 112 S/069/o2,'C24/OC5,~~ 36,"C I,-- Effect of virious factors on ... B106/B186 I i~ tex , kin u ages c or,H I der a b I y v. n on a to ro(i .C rut nt-oti i n ;, i wl t I ~ I ty , f.1 1 v i r,./ styrene latex practicalli Go i,ot affect the fro~;t rusIntance. The rvrulto are used fDr proposin-~ an appropridte co.-,~-ulation mechanism fur ti,t, freezin6 and thaving of lutex. :;ome induatrial rrocesses are recomrzende'l for increasing the frost rtisist,:ince of latext (-K( -50vi (3Y,-"-50N) latex can be made frost-re8istant to -100C by introducin6 kmmonin up to jAi I'~ Ij. The frost resistance of divinyl styrene latex for dyes can be improvd by reducing the styrene content ir. the morkomer mixture frDm 6Y/~ to by increasing the amount of soda lye to 0. 57-J-42 parts by weieht of the monomers, and by adding antioxidants to the latex. There are 4 fie-ares and 1 table. '2he Lnglish-language references ares H. W. -lialker, J. Phys. Colloid. Chem. 51, 451, 1947i '''. G. Rochow, 0. .1.1. 'Wason, Industr. and -'-nfng. Chem. 28, 1296, 1936; E. Cramp;,y, M. Gordon, j. Taylor, J. Chem. Soc. 12, 5925, 1953. ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-isaledova,.ellskiy institut sinteticheakogo Kauchuka im. S. V. Lebedeva (3cientific Research Institute of Synthetic Rubber imeni S. V. Lebedev) SUBMITTEDt June 15, 1961 Card 2/2 LEBEDEV, A.V.; MINTS, S.M.; FERROR, N.A. Agregate stability of synthetic latexes to the att-ack of various acticns. Kauch. I rez. 22 no.11:14-19 N 16). 411RA 17s2) 1. Vsesolliznyy nnuchno-Assledovato3l'skiy institut sintAticheq~)go kauchuka im. 1! Iff"M -.4.74 994dalmi MIS co.andcroad1ructufoanditifth"kw prorrugs at ki IF; boad a 1 '1.,o s.. it. A 1941, %.,t tor uwd tis a :awwd w thrill crystAl Ims in blowu =Tb-c Awy, o 3r) '0., Poo **a 1w N, Alk'y. bm%P' the blabint b"Okula '41"Sth at bo.11.6 ,,.d u~"Jjy the li4boot willpor"m -ti,ii6th AM,, J 1 21, cal M. Mu, at Cu to the afloy Al W-1 113, Fc 4 41% J- nut finpru" its worl-tnt- A44u, -i 1 2', .1 Cr tu th, &Jlw M 94 03. It 4,o makesitsmourtur. Ult*tk Ica 1"t 00 Inp but flilly %Lghtly affecu its lumb 4twitir, to c 11 A Ar too 00 0 q 0 fee .00 000 fee 6 6 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 000 * 0 0 fell toooooo -00~ C *,K -Wnjo-o 0 0 a 14 & I. w IV I I Is .1 Is .4 it ; IM . 14 11 is A 1, . -4 -1, JI-A %Q I I I,' I I 1 0 0 lill U ,I I -so~ c 09 -06 5(ructuff of 64&t-goaiffftat isuaftnide suet kinsitice ad ~111 Is of Pf h. h -00 A In, girsilis atooth and the Solution of carbides it, 21-69aftel -00 I I Must, --i G % Ahmm-'s, . an beating 4 ,j . r " S 48 . 1w, 41(li#45) nw kiwitiI,, 'I- f. ..)I. Is _ ~ -00 l- A. '-. Is,. .w- 1-- 1). A m ,Will . "UN, -H .4 a, at I ths, -an .4 t-all'"kis in if - A XOD fail. 00 an', carbigh, A".1 I I. dutat".. tw.v,.g "., I- -j- an'l J%l W Ir"Ift, .1-1 -Ilf 1-1"~ k 1 13% St . . . " . S. isful 0 111, .11KI't f b".. Immil '-v t. ,Of. Xfi, oit.rl during - 4 4 .00 . ' ;,, . ;'i s -00 ". . I- . ..I fil- -tml~ lial-it, it, Ill. ns I&MIA , 1, is s 14;. -1 1------ .. I aii, "'a I I.., -w, 1 0 6~411 1. -;- I h. , ~ I, I I ~J- m."I, . ~ -I, "Oh. , 1 4 it'. -f 1. it'. 11- 1 ....... 1.,.- .4 4 " . AIN., hm . 1o 1.1 olI 1, 11,411 lamp lo 1 -I- Wit" -.1 PO* st"d ..... 1. 00 l"Is, ..... .. .I. . A."I J111 L .13 6w ~vj )I IL T 00 0 14 Oil Re Is IS Is Is is III %41 : : : ; : : * : : : 0 A A f 11 A A a L a a, r v, It i i, -A to A it ifutt... .4 d'.0.1-1116C heal 1.4ist."I 04-01 pfce"04 in-"ul-i in lb* &4;1 1 hardened ZI Ov Ole.1 l, , It"!, A -111-heat'd At 11".. 00 Im It A. I1 1. 1. h. I 00 ~* h.m" .11-1 ric Imirly 00 he Ih, twl""n 111, And 11,41, 'ample,& kd.., 00 Ill- I 1,--l Mail. [it Vill. I he k., 1". % .I Vi, W. *0 IV$- It the cAtbulir, at, ,,it -ilplirtely b. hir Ill.- .)I.b will Wer 400 A, , thev AlIT Ih' 14-1 lillible It all the I-live I'l- W111,11 psit -t 'luring aging will .-I .,It - . -- .,able their-11, _I .1A.,how -4 W. at htgb je,np. I I.- grx-~l -file .-I .. m-li t. t,ftrw grain. 00 A, 1-1 till f1-14 -,,, it riv fule craitiM carbild" .1 high lhl-r-d .-I. litir pplu 4 m, 00 u.ten't, "Ifil-14,41 (I.MPICA1001- 3.1 go 40 00 do '04 *0 4 so I a 4.1 1. Is o e 0 0 0 0 0, 0 0 0 00 000 I: is, 7- L. A 1 :2. ion 19W Detection, I-Ray "t&lo - Liquefaction "An I-Ray Method. of Determining Interorystalline Llq- usfaction," To. L. Hints, 4 pp "Zavod TAbor" Vol XIV, No 1 Shown that Interarystalline liquefaction could be determined by X-ray struntural methods. Develops nothodo for obteAn' close interferon a lines which can be used In adcrophotmetr,, Results or micro- photometry permit derterminati.on of quantitative dis- tribution of cor.oantrate in crystals, also determl - %Ica of progme of diffusion in Metals. lm 62VA MINTS, V., inzhener. Hydraulic jacks used ~n erecting structures in zoving forms. Kulr.-elev.prom. 22 no,4:30-31 Ap '56. (XLRA 9:8) 1. Glavzagotatroy. (Hydraulic Jacks) (Concrete construction-Formwork) SC-V/---l -58-8-9/13 AUTHORS; Voronko, Ye. A. , L~ints B. and 7oznesersiciy, 7. A. , Engineers TITLE: Investigations o:. Deformation, uracl- Formation and Slastic Propertios of Shell uoncrete ~Issledovaniya deformativnosti, treshchinostoykosti i uprugikh svoystv armotsementa) PERIODICLL: Beton i ZhelezobeWn, P)58, ir 6, pp 5U8 - ~11 (USSR) LBSTRACT; Shell concrete cDuld be used for mokin~, various facing slabs. The sheli concrete is actually a slab formed from fine-concrete mi.x reiii1oi-ced with steel mesh. In 195'/, a covered markei place was constructed usinE spherical "shell concrete" 31abs spanning 1'-) m. The All-Soviet Institute Orgen(.rgostroy designed spherical shape shell concrete slabs :ipannin.6 12 m., and also slabs for warenouses and other buiid~.ngs spanning 24 m. Various tests were ca-rried out to ascertain the physical and mechanical properties of tuese concrete slabs by the factory for pre- cast reinforced concrete of the Kuybyshevgidxostroy. The test samples were 1 200 x 4?5 Mm in plan and 10 cm thick. Altogether, 30 various testing samples were investigated, Cardl/4 ranging in thickness from 8 - i6 am reinforced with 6GV/c)?-58-8--9/l3 Investigations of Deformation, Lra_e Fo:-matiuzi and Bla~~tic Properties of Shell Concrete 300 - 500 kg/m 3 of shell concrete. Portland cement Mark 500 was used for thesc, teStS I M~ kF) cei~-erit/m3 of sand was used and the watery'cement ratio was 0.2-0.3 (GOST,3100_~i)' Wo~ten steel mesi, w,,s used as a reinforcement. The wires were of 0.'/, 1.2 a:id 2.4 min in diameter and the mesh sqjarps x 8 mm. The ave-age strengtl. of t1.e mesi, is 56. kg/MM 2. Slabs werr~ cast into metal moulds and the con- solidation of the '~(Dncrete was carried out by vibrator I-/ for a period of 3 to - milnutes. after which the surface was trowelled by cemert grout. Some of the testing samBies were --ured for d 13urs at a temperature of 55 - 60 C and some were haxdenec under normal conditions. From the mechanical properties of the shell-concrete, the tensile limit ol elasticity in bending was determined. The test sample was loaded by four forces and the ex~erim-nts were carried out in a i:,pecially prepF-red rip c,-insisting of a load-bearing framo on whi,~t. wi.,re placed Pross pieces, iitli P supporting shafts whict, transmit the loads. T17e loading Card.2/4 on the specimen wa8 achieved with heavy rollers coni,ected t)y Investigations of Defzrmatil-n ' Cr;,~K F1,:-z.~'t;__,n a:--, Sla-c-ic Propert-Les of She)'L Concrete Card3/4 a system of wires eria --ulieys t-j ti.e ioadin~ arm Lo a d inw was -arried oal, by e~,jal steps ca-_;sint a stress of 10 - 1 2 2, -r 1 12 kg/_:m lip 1~') --A ~f 20C k~m which the stem wa~4 in -, r~-Ps ;el -a ~ Limes I ts evio~_~ s 91,ze Ea,~~L --'ep wis Lelrl, f21- .0 --inutes vii.en and 15 minutes w~.en i~n:cad,.nF_ The Wbb examinf-t bind Measuremeri~ irtj,~f- ~' tL~- ot _-'ap-e in the Z.-ine b-1-wer-, te,e exT,:,e.-.e in accordance wit~i the ~f i-: cr _er-ii *,,,,,it ccncrete reinfor,-~ed witi. me_-L. a 2 400/500 kg/m' behaves as a 1-11LO,; 'ei.eo'-is mate:aai, all calzuiations were made by met:_jls - 1. 11,,~rmuiae de,jeioped for such materials. Itie rela--ion betvipei, the deflect-ion and the load is linear in the first statues of the experiment, showing that the material is sti.11 in the elastic regime, From the deflection., the moaulus of elasticity can be derived. The modulus at certain limiting stresses remains constant, which confirms that shell--concrete, as a homogeneous material, behaves elastically for stresses which in certain ~4. Investigations of Deformati.)n, Crack Form-a't."cn a-L~d Elastic Properties of Shell Concreti cases can rea,~h i)O kg/r-.mgn. Moieover, the region if' constant modulus - -ncreases as its absolute value decreases, The m-1dulus of elasti,-.ity increajes as tne diameter of the roinfor~,.n~, wire decreases. These deductions can ait in the -hoice of sheli-concrete for the building unde- cor.9,-leration. Thus, "or example, "cr stru~-tures where -iEidity and stability are tLe criteria, a high modulufl sh,-1i--,.rt,.rete must be used reinfor(,ed with thin stee.' m.-slL. The relnt,-on between ti.e width of the -.ra.::k and he s-~ress is a1sc. discl,ssed in detail Initially, the .,-.-c-w1y t,lit later new cracKs appear wh--Ie the r,ne~-, d(, nct grow wider. Shell- con,rete is E~atle t~- f,-rm-at---cn. Ti-.e 1-ra~,.;ks deve-r;p paia~el t,, eict, t:,~insverHel.-/ to the reinfcrc-iriL7 w,,-re ;,t q i~31.hnce nne Ir, m e-,,a. to that between tl~p w.,re, 1' ti,C- Me~311- S1.el.---oi,,--rete is m(.re ela!;t.. 1, tn *, e :~crete,- ar-e and 2 tables. Card 4/4 ALASYUK G. Ya.p inzh.; KUCHiRYAVBKO, Ye. Te.9 inzh.j KINTS, V.B., inzh.; fmvlTSKIY, A. Ye., inzh. Reinforced panels for hydraulic structures. Trudy Inst. Orgenergostr i no.104,131 159. (MIRA 14:3) (Hydraulic structures) (Concrete panels) MINTS, Y.M., inzhener; KAUFMAN. I.M., redaktor. [Innovators In the buIldJng industry; bibliography of recommended reading] Novatory stroite,11noi tekhniki; rokomendatollnyl ukazatell literatury. No. 1. [Urthwork, masonry and plastering) Zsclianye, kamennys I shtukaturnya raboty. Moskva, Profizdat. 1952. 56 p. [Kicrofilml (KLU 7:10) 1. Mosoow. Publichnaya b1blioteka. (Bibliography--BuLlding) (Building--Bibliography) MINTS, V., inzhener. Improve the quality of cowitruction vork. kuk.-elev.prom. 21 no.3: 30 Mr '55. (KIRA 8:5) 1. Glavzagotatroy. (Grain elevators) kPrecast concrete construction) MlYT"S,V.. inzhener Some building practices i:,t foreign countries. 14uk.-elev.prow.21 no.8:31 Jl(Ag] '55. (KLRA 8:12 (Con.,,rete construction) MINTS, V., Inshener; ARITILI, I., Inshener. Grain elevators and their construction in Poland. Huk.-elev.prom. 21 me.11:30-32 N 155. (WaA 9- 4) l.Glav%iLg*ts troy. (Poland--Grain elevators) HINTS, V. - ~11.; Blimiaate mlat&keo In plAaming nor@ rapidlr. Muk.-olov.prou.22 o.2:28 7 156. NLRA 9:6) : .Glavsagotstroy. (Food mills) KINTS. V.. inshener. Reinforced concrete warehouses constructed in the U.S.A. (from "Ingineering news recordw, nos.2-3, 1955). Kuk.-elev. prom. 2Z no.8:31 Ag '56. (KraA io:8) (Warehouses) (Reinforced concrete construction) 1KINTS. V.. inshener. 14" WNW Dangs to eley&tor silos In the United States. Muk. -elev. prom 22 no.9:32 S '56. (W.RA 10-8) (United States--Grain elevators) MiNT" V BARDTSHAV, G., inzheneri MOTS, V., inzhener. Using Ionizing radiation to increase the stability of grain and flour. Muk.-elov.prom. 23 no.1:30-32 A 157. (MLRA 10:5) (Radiation--Industrial applications) (Flour) (Grain) MINTS, V.. Inshener. -11 New plants for processing hybrid and certified need corn have gone into oper&tion. Kuk.-elev. prom. 23 no.4:8-9 Ap 157. (MIRA 10:5) 1. Rosglavkhlebostroy. (Krasnodar Territory--Corn handling machinery) 14NTS, V., Insh, Using sound waves for oliminAting arches Of Flour in silos. JOuk. elev. prom. 23 no.12:30 D 157. (wrRA no (Flour- St oraea ) GALIPERDI, L.Yu.; ZUSSEA, A.P.; IOFFE, M.I.; ~' N SIZOV, A.A.; _1_7SIJA4~ STARO-VCYTOV, I.F., red. izd-va; FULIMA, le.A., tekhn. red. [Exlxirience in the design and erection of bruildings by elevat- ing the stories]Opt procktirovaniia i montazha zdanli meto- dom pod"ema etazhei. Leningrad, ~,osstroiizdat, 1962 : 147 (Precast concrete const-uction) C:oisting machinery) - MINTS, VJ.; ANTONEVICH, V.S. Homograph for determinIng the feed per minute of milling machines. Mashinostroitell no.7:39 JI 162. OURA 15:7) (Killing machines) LNTONEVICH, V.S,; HINTS, V N Efficieni kmirling conditions. MaBidnostroitell no.):3'1 s 62. (MIRA 15:'-, (Metalwork) ANI(,NhVICH, V.L., Ln,,h.-, j-.. - # . .1 1 . Superfinl!~ti o I ~,-- ~ : ;iu: " - :11 ~ '/I,(; ~,ri: - , :- 1:". " - . . PANTS Ylil.'V' , Y-,; .:1. k,zrifj. na I, i. Y11. j , r, f " ' ~' - r f Aei: "'arl In P-FAi tr; c r~~s - . gastroduodena. i-ir. .,cv. med. n, i.: Kafe,ira !,ws; I t;I i 'z, y zav i, r ya I c t, e brjog o f i, kA, I I L #1 t a:!-s t tit Imen I N. I se r 7-n 'n X. - - I . . . I I . E . I . I f - VM/MMIclne - Womds, qlosed -Jar,/ftb 49 Neurology Ofturosomtic Vegetative DI&turbancea in the Early t- Parlod of Closed M-11 Wound in Wartime," Docent E, C" Ta. 1. )Unts,- Clinic, T-urol Hoop, Kiev rsycho- ,4 wor 1 Tust, 6j pp lievropatol i Faikhiat" Vol XTIII, No I Data on hundreds of cases in this and other clUics lead to conclusions that pathological pzwesses, arising in the nervous system after a closed vound, we characterized by pa=ological impulses to the innervated apparatus, organs, and Ma 149T76 UM/ledicine - Wowmds, Closed JM/P*b 49 (Contd') systems. Weaker organs ahov first reaction. This may explain relapses occurring long after contusion. Chief, Clinic, Neurol Hosp~ Prof B. N. Man:kovskiy, Active Mm, Ac&A Md Sci. Dir, Kiev Psychoneurol Inst- P. S. Tarasenko. 4MP 149"r, 1 . 14ANIKOVSIKYT, Docent YINTS, DGcpnt Ya. ' A. - RAYUCRODS'KA, L. Yu. 2. USSR (600) 4. Nervous System 7. Pathological changes In the nervoui syjte., '-n .,ri.)-)e. : edyc.,,. zMr. .12, No. 1, 1952. 9. Monthly fist af Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April -19",3, S/C 30 BC 1 6XBO 58 AUTHORS: Gerchuk,-Ya. P., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Mints, Ye. L., Candidate of Ec(nomic Sciences TITLE: Mathematical Methods in Economic Research and in Planning PERIODICAL: Vestnik Akademii nauk SSSR, 191)0,-,No. 7, pp. 108-111 TEXT: The Otdeleniye ekonomicheakikh, filosofskikh i. pravovykh nauk Akademii nauk SSSR (Department of Economic, Philosophical, and Legal Sciences of the Academy of Sciences USSR) Jointly with the Sibirskoye otdeleniye (Siberian Departmert) of the Acadeny held a scientific conference in Moscow from April 4 to 8, 1960. It concerned the subJect mentioned in the title. Scientists, economistn, mathematicians, statisticians, and engineers attended. In the introduction, V.S.Nemchinov mentioned that the use of mathematical methodii and electronic computers for solving many topical problems of planning and economic practice has lately caused great interest. These methods and machines may considerably raise the level of socialist planning. The leoturer pleaded to transform Soviet economics into an exact science studying also quantitative rules Card 1/4 Mathematical Methods in Economic Research and 5/030/60/00C/OC7/011/'~11 in Planning B016/BO58 The practice feels an urgent need for elaborating sufficiently letailed economic models comprisit.o- virious trends of accialist economy and permitting a mathematical solution of problems of national economy 1. S. Bruk Director of the Institut elektronn:rkh upravlyayushcbikh ma8hir Akademli nauk SSSR (Institute of Electronic Control Machinery of the Academy of Sciences USSR) discussed several pr.ictical problems in t is field, L. V. Kantorovich dealt with the applicition of mathematical methods for the justification and selection of optimum plan solutions According to V. V. Novozhilov, the next speaker, the errors of economic calculations based on m-a-T Tematics are due to the incongruity between the mathematical means used and the planning Froblems. The ap~,lication of the balance-chart method of planning the national economy was the subject of a lecture by P. S. Mstialavskiy. 2! persona participated in the discussion. They stressed the importance of the subject mentioned in the title for socialist economics The thevis by L, V. Kantorovich was most disputed. He has put up the conception of "objectively con- ditioned estimates". A. Ya. Boyarskiy, A. Kat:sp and others raised their objections against it. -At N. Kolmogoro discu3aed several topical problems of optimum planning The imDortknce )f determininp,- the criteria Card 2/4 Mathematical Methods in Economic Research and S/03 60/000/007/011,'011 in Planning B016YB058 of optimum conditions was underlined by A. A, Dorodnitsyn. A.G.Aganbigyan explained the problem of elaborating methods of optimum planning for the solution not only of local production problems, but also of general problems of economic planning, which at presert cannot be solved by the methods of linear programing. Ya. A. Kronrod stated that the coordina- tion between mathematics and economy has raised several principal problems, so that one may speak of the develorment of a new science The conference was divided into six sections which dealt with a total of 54 lectures. The most important problem is the elaboration of such economic-mathematical models as make it possitle to conduct plan calculations, as well as to correct the plana later during their carrying out. Economic-mathematical branch models are also necessary The elaboration of models reflecting the distribution of the national income is said to be of great importance. The problems of the methodology of drawing up such balances were discussed in the section of inter-branch balances. A uniform nomenclature is to be elaboratod The Teentrallnoye statisticheskoye upravleniye ~ri Sovate Ministrov SSSR (Central Statistical Administration at tte Council of Ministers of the I~SR) has already started to draw up--tTe--i--nTe-r--Er-a-n-c-E--'fi-aT-a--n-ces Card 3/4 Mathematical Methods in Economic Research and 5/030/60/000,'007/011/ /oil in Planning Bo16JB056 usable for this purpose. The section of linear programing dealt with problems of the application of mathematical methods for drawing up optimum plans. A. N. Neemeyanov, President of the Academy of Sciences USSR, spoke at iNe-T-i-nall-ple-na-r-y session. He stated that the contact between economics and mathematics has importart scientific consequences It is therefore necessary thkit the contacts te.ken up between mathematicians and economists should be develc-ped at the pace dictated by the development of national economy. The cc,nference adopted a plan for the coordination of scientific studies in the field under discussion The network of the scientific institutions concerned is to te widened Card 4/4 KARTY'NOVA, Z. 1. ; MINTS. Z. L , kand. georal. naulc Agricultural mp of Noscow Province. Geod. I loart. no.7:61-6) J1 160. (MIRA 13:9) (moacow Province-Agrioulture-Kaps) Mfi-ISEETC, F.L. Strains !in,:i 3tr, sf:es Cb , - -,' -tinc the kii i . , - , E e.: --' - ; e ~ -I- -. :-, : 5 --,- e - -- : stal-; . , !udv :, r.. ; ~ 1 it- , . :.5t . ., r . . , - Monthi- ~ ist cf I uss i-~n AC'Cess iot,5 , 1~ i ur; tj .,f' CongreS3, ~ ' '. '., :L;) AUTHOR MINCBERG, H.L. PA - 2215 TITLE On the Problem of the Torsion of a kalf-Spaco (Russian). PERIODICAL Prikladnaia Matematika I Makha-nika,1957,Vol 21,Nr 1,pp 116-116 (U.S.S.R.) Received 3/1957 Reviewed 4/1957 ABSTRACT N.A.ROSTOVCEV solved the problem of the determination of the -shifts and stresses in an alsatic half-space. 1his half-apace is subjected to torsion in consequence of the turning of a rigid, cylindrical stamp (which is in contact with the boundary of the haJ-f-space by friction or by coupling). The present report shows that this problem has a very simple and geometri- cally clear solution if certain elIJ.ptical coordinates are used. First, CERRUTI's formulas, which were used by the author, are explicitly written down as also the harmonic f-anctions occurring therein. Likewise, the functions valid on the boundary z - 0 are given. The author introduces a harmonic function which vanishes in infinity and becomes equal to zero at z - 0. Noxt,' the derivation of this harmonic function Is mentioned in short, and the behavior of the deri,ration is shortly discussed. The author reduces the solution of the )roblem to the determination of the two harmonic functions f - aF/oz an, I g - c)G/&z from the corresponding boundary conditions. A.I.LURIE, Priklad-Mat.i Mekh.5, Nr 3 (1941), supplied one of the solu,-- tions oL this problem in the special *~liptical coordinates x , + a z - asn. The surfaces a V, coo 4, y I? const. are flattened rotation ellipsoids which at s -+ 0 degenerated to the disk z - 0. The solution of the here investigated problem is as fol- Card 1/2 BUZBNICHENKO, Nikols7 Arsenlyevich; KAN, %eniamin Lipmanovich; HOTSEERG, Beniamin Llvovich; MOROZOV, Valentin Ivanovich; BUTICNIN, N.V., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof., retsenzent; NIKITIN, N.N., kand. fiz.-mat. nauk, reteenzent; ZAKHAREVICH, A.F., nauchrWy red.; SHIRNOV, Yu.1., red.; TSAL, R.K., tekhr,. red. [Problems on theoretical mechanical3bornik zadach po teoreti- cheskoi mckhanike. Leningrad, Sudpromgiz, 1962. 559 p. (MIRA 16:1) (Mechanics, Analytic-Protlems, exercises, etc.) KAN, Veniamin Lipmanovich; KELIZON, Anatoli) Saulovich. Prinimall uchastiye: MINTSARG, B.L.j USHAKOVA, G.B.; MitENEV, G-V- , kand. retoer-ent; EERM, D.?., drjktor fiz.-mat. naukp retsenzent; ~to=,'GOZ, N.M., red. [Theory of proportional navigationi Teorila proportsionall- noi navigatsii. Leningrad, Sudost:-oenie, 1965. 423 p. (milu 1g: 10) : , - .. I. & i I -I - -1 --~ - N O-C M BLTUGER. A.Y.; GAGAYMB. A.Z.; DAKHOTM, S.Tjj.; MINTSINGOY, L.A.; RATENBKRG. N.S.; CHARKTT. S.D. Comparative results of the "a of DII)era2ine-adipate and oxygen in the treatment of ascariasis Lwith aujawry In Ingliahj. Ked.paraz.t paraz.biol. 26 aa.1:77-80 Js-F '57. (MLRA 10:6) li Is kafedry lafektsionavkh bolezae,j (zav. - doteent X.M.Budshe) Rishakogo neditsinskogo institute, 12stituta ekspertmentallnoy wedt- tainy (dir. - prof. P-Ta.Gerks) Akadgeti nauk Letviyakoy SSR. Rirhzkoy gorodalroy sanitarno-epidemiologichescoy stantaii (glaynyy vrach M-M-Pop?ATaC)AR1AS1S,..th9r piperas adipate & oxygen. co=arison) (PIPIMINE5, ther. use piparazine adipate in ascartests. comparison with oxygen ther.) (OXTORN. ther. use ascerissis, comparison wtth piperazine adipate ther.) BURTUTEK, E.M.. BLTUGTM, A.F.. MINTSENGOF, '.~.A., RAMBERG, N.S., KLZTM, G.I. Experimental matpri~l ar. a ',)apia for the clIn-,Rl use of phenorymeth7l- peni,~illin [with sumar-y In Y~'iF3hj. Vest.khir. ~Bl no.8:'I7"-1 Ag '58 (grRA 11:9) 1. Rlzhakiy meditsinakly institut, Institut orgnnirheqkogo ainteza AR Latviyokoy SSR, RizhFikAya i-,oroesk~tya infektsionnnya I)olInItBa (glavMyy vracb S.D. Gharn3rf), Rizhskiy zqvoO. mPditsIn0-Ikh preparatov. (Micrui-N) NECHELYUSTOV, N.V.; POPOVA, N.N.; MINTSER, I-F. Distribution of admixture elements in the process of hypogm ic mineral formation in tin-zine and copper-molybdenum deposits of the Kara-Mazar Mountains. Trudy IMGRE no.50-42 161. (WFLA 150) (Kara-Mazar Mouritains-Ore deposita) ACCESSION NR: AT4028288 5/2677/63/000/010/0125/0135 AUTHOR: Nachelyustov, N. V.; PopovA, N. N.; Mintser,_E.__F._;_Belevitin, V. V.; Razina, 1. S. TITLE: Selenium and tellurium in lead-zinc deposits of the Alty*n-Topkan ore field SOURCE: AN SSSR. Institut mineralogii, geokhimii i kristallokhimii redkikh elementov. Trudy*, No. 10, 1963. Redkiye elexicaty* v sul'fidny*kh mestorozhdeniyakh (rare earth elements in sulfide deposits) 125-135 TOPIC TAGS: selenium, tellurium, galenite, lead-zinc deposits, skarn, sphalerite, pyrite, chaleopyrite, sulfide, effusion ABSTRACT: Certain regularities in the distribution of selenium and tellurium in the deposits of the Alty',"n-Topkan ore fields in tlie Karamaza araa o;" tile USSR. as well as probable conditions and the method of entry of these elements into the crystal lattice of galenite are examined. The authors describe the types of minerals and composition of the separato ore fields in that area. The selenium and tellurium content oi sulfides of the various field,; are listed in tableb. The primary minerals of the various ore fields are galenira, pyrite, chalcopyrrite, sphalerite. Samples used in the tests were taken from six different ore fields in Cardl/2 A-C-CESSIO" ',,R. AT4028288 the area. The selenium and tellurium distribu4ion in galenite in the various fields are listed in graphs. The authors also describe the influence of impurities on the distribution of selenium and tellurium as well as the influence of the depth of formation of their distribution. In the high temperature stage of the process of ore formation, selenium and tellurium accumulated touard the end of the stage and were fundamentally concentrated in galenite. The selenium and tellurium content and the Se:Te ratio in galenite differs sharply in specific samples of the same deposit and corresponds to a known degree to the content and ratio of these elements in other sulfides of the same samples and ir the deposit as a whole. Some influence of a number of cations of the admixture ele.ments (bismuth and silver, to a lesser degree antimony and thallium) in galenire is rioted, which seems to facilitate zhe isomorphic entrance into its lattice of the anions, selenium and tellurium. The authors point out the undoubtedly practical' valu-i of selenium and tellurium in galanite of the 6karn-ore deposits of the Alty'Ven-Topican ore field6. Orig. art. has: 4 figures and 5 tables. ASSOCIATION: Institut minerologii, geokhimi.'.i kristallokhimii redkikh elementov, AN SSSR (Institute of Mineralogy, GeochemiBtry and tic Chemistry of Crystals) I-, ZED: 00 DATE ACQ: 16Apr64 EXCILs Oo SUP. C37,--- r-, a NO OTAEa: OG'~ ,:c,rc; 2/-', MIfiTM. Leoniya, aspirant,,(Rumy-nakaya Narod. Wa Respublika) Serum diagnosis in Lalmonella B iafOCtiDaR using specific monodiagnostics. Zhur. mikrobiol. apid. i inmm. 27 no.2;65-69 F 156. ()(LRA 9: 5 ) 1. 1z irafedry milcrobiologii Leningradekogo @ant tarno-giglyent cheakogo maditsinskogo tantituta. (SAMOUILIA BlYNCTIONS. diag. serodiag. with specific earodiagnostice-) ~- ~ , ~- k. ~ k. 'k,I SHAFLICR. S. ; MINT81R. L. ; BXla:SH, S. Obtaining attenuated and i=unogerilc st-ains of intero"'acterlaceae. J~hur.mikrobiol.eoid. i immun. I'll no.9:9-14 AF 'c,". (MIRA 1l:;) 1. Iz laborstorii po izmenchivosti nilcr)))ov Inrtituta imeni I.Kantak-uzino (Bukhtirest) (RAGT~6RIA . Xnterobact~sriacoa;j, attenuat,d & Immunovenic stratns (Hus)) '17 (4) 'TP - MR3: Shefler intser- 2, ITLE.- The -'-'ffect of '.'u t r _i en t -'r)n r er t r,,,Lt 2.: r-~ - ne 1,a~:tcse bY .`-almorEllae F~idOb I CAL! Doklady rl,ku-k S-`~R. 26, "r 4 810-8~2 ( IT3:,R) A-~ qACT Tne -tuthors wanted '~~ t*~,nd -,-z . whetr,er t ~.e m It- f oiu,-i I.)- thera accordim-, t,, V&. . c~. the cc.;zicentr Lt ir!n I avors the o-.cuTrence iuid the -uuritity (.,C the F3ae.-Iexose fermenti.ig yea.13t-3 Oaf I ) ~Overnp 113,-, rither blolzig)c;a) Por this Purp,me tne above t(~ui-. vi&B irivestigate,l. il,io iermeritation !-r-)-.eed5 rather easii y 13)r different 'almone) -ae spe,-ies fo'Lloviizi,~ Lt previous c:e ..L)ti,-,se fer--aen"~ation. .!~e leraentatiji" was ~ttr,rled out by t~,e soerir.,~,, of ort ,k half-gyrithetic Jactoge- -ortajnii4~ The posit,,ve variunts were 0,er. isolated or a .,,seal 3triJ.n was ,3CPV(n 0.-1 a ;,Iixture of 0 .05(y, LE 1 lob,-c,se ~tad - .'~) , I actose .Yire t then lactose feruent,-~j. .~e -t! r~ tiie ~)*almonella 3t,,ai'Lc-y, .,. - - .;1-strup, ind S . aiinriesota. Tatle ' s,~--mS 'lie reBuItB raule Card 1 /3 explains the d.rati,..,-. -f famientat-L )n in Ilayp after the The Effect of ffutrient Concentration on the SOV/20-128-4-54/65 Fermentation of Lact,~se by Salmonellae addition of 10 lactose-positilre cells. The results obtained show that the lactose concent-7ation directly influences the rate of oicurrence of the lactose-positive variants of the Salmonellae investigated. The effect of the lactose is here apparently specific, for the saccharose does not exercise any influence in equal concentrations. The lactose effect on other phenomena of the microbe variability should be Investigated (resistance to chemotherapeutic substances and bacteriophages, biochemical changes, etc) in order to prove the specificity of the lactose effect. In the case of cellobiose neither the increase cf the lactose concentration nor the increase of the callobiose quantity influenced the rate of occurrence of the cellc,biose-positive variants. In conclusion, the authors state that they succeeded in observing a direct influence of the substrate concentration (in the frequencP of oc,:urrence of the lactose-positive varianti; of Salmonellae. This agTees with the iesults obtained by experiments with yeast. There are 2 tables and 5 referenceii, I of which is Soviet. Card 2/3 The Effect of Nutrient Con.-entratior -,n the -'c,-j/'-r,-.29-4-54/65 Fermentation nf Lactoaa by Salm-r-nell-ic ASSOCIATION: Inatitut Im. Kant aklxz' n -., Buldarest, Rumyniya (Institute Imeni Kantak-uzin,), Bukarest, homania) PRE-LNTEID: Airil 2q iq5q, by T. ' . Lysenko, icaderaicJ-vi SUBUITTkM-. April 25. 959 Card 3/3 DOMP)ISK I Y, T. ; Z;k v "itAKOVSK TV Toy!,! pi t. ,'4 r. r, Ka t i, -i P., t ;i!'d ~f 1,LltJ,'jLV, D. P.R. Slave.-.k,.v; new dr,,7!uT,,-nts and raata:-i&l. Spisanie !A'l 6 nc-3- 1~,,1-108 161. 1 Tl)(- ~',e 'Prpn(7- -) " - h- - ~L' ~ 1) Ir, [A tF- I I r . ~ L 4 11 r, --i: - in, -(~ r ! :-,. - , -,.. : L-1 - 1 ' . : . : -. - :- . ' - ;, it. Prp-vir in, - t i rl ~~o,jy ,,' a ~ I io' , Tr ob ~ ; ~,m, ~-no-r in.,, : z, I::%, r. " R. ~he. , --iA- Pr,*,,.nt !a! I.n --;. E;n~-Ineor4n~-, MIIITSIS, M.Ya. Automatic control of a pumping statioa. Prom. envrg. 15 no.12: 20-21 D 16o. (KIRA 13:12 ) (Pumping atationa) (Aitomatic control) HAZALOV, A.N., inzh.- -MINT,~U~ M.1a., Inzh. Automotive dus-collector. Mekh.1 avt3m. proizv. 17 no.2:35 P 163. (MIRA 16:2) (Dust collecLors) L 02331-67 T.TF,((,) J- ACC NR- AP6030547 SOURCE CODE! UR/0413/66/000/016/0024/0024 INVENTOR: Molochko, V. A.; Miptskovskiy, A. Ya.; KuEdyumov, G. M. .Z ORG: none TITLE: Equip _7~nt for purifying liquids by low temperature zone melting. Class 12, No. 184812 lannounced by the All-Union Scientific Research -Institute of Cherni-c-al-Me-agents and Ultrapure Chemical Substances (Vsesoyuznyy nauchno- issledovatel'skiy InBtitut khtmicheskikh reaktevov i osobo chistykh khirnicheakikh veshchestv)] SOURCE: Izobretenlya, promyshlennyye obraztsy; tovarnyye znaki, no, 16, 1966, 24 'romc 'rAGS: liquid purification, purification uvit ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate Introduces cquipment for purifying liquids by low-temperature zone melting. A purification unit equipped with a hestrr nnd cooler mounted In series in plared In a vertical holy filled with heat- Insulating material. In order to maintain arid regulate the temperature of the cool sections of tile piirificat-io-n I'linit, tile lattvr In built in the form of a metallic cylindvr vquipped wit)i a vetiael for the coolant and an openIng duct, The body of tile metallic rylinder LC.rd 1/2 1JDC: 66. 067. 05 ACC NRi AP6030547 has slots for mounting the frames of the heaters. The slots are uniformly spaced along, the opening duct. In order to keep the inside ampoule In the solid state before and after the purification process, a reservoir with the coolant in mounted in the frame of the equipment directly under the opening-duct. Orig. art. has: I figure. (Translation] SUB CODE: 14/ SUBM DATE: 19May65/ Car,,4 2/2 . . 6 1.. 1 ~~ L ..' 6 v - I i . , , . I . I . ~ pal I.- , - - 'I- . .. I . - . . !!h~ i. I i:". , Ir. , . - * . .1 . .- -- - 1, 1. -. IFIANISIMIKOV. P.1.; MINTSKOVSKIT MAIL- VAYNIJARG, D.V., doktor takhnicho- skikh nauir, r_ed_a7ror: 7NOVSkIT, B., r-2daktor, GARSH"OV, A., telchaicheakiy redaktor [Constructing buildings over mines; wLth V-shaped foundations] Stroitellstvo zdanii nad gornymi vyrab:)tkami; n& klinovi4nykh fundamentakh. Pod red. D.V.Vainberga. Kiev, Izd-vo Akademil arkhitaktury USSR. 1952. 132 p. (KLRA 9:9) (Building) (Foundations) USSR/Geophysics Foundations of Buildinos ('n I N'T& Kr) VS I M - 1~6. 11 Jul 52 "The Bearing Capacity of a Centrally Loaded Wedge-ShaTed Foundation" M. Sh. Rintskovskiy k.Ak-Mmak SSSR'~ Vol 85, No 2, pp, 281-4 Wedge-shaped foundations (fundaments) find anplicatior, in the oonstruction of buildings which are located over mine vorkings, as In the Donbaiis. The author derives in brief J'L~-94" of the supporting capacity form the solution of the problem concerning the detas of,& centrally loaded X" ich transmits preoijure to cohesive ground, with certaln assumptions. by Scadi A. 1. Nekrasov 13 May"10152. A-1, J~ iR" fS_HM &&;VT -kandidat telchnicheakikh nauk; NUT kandidat tokhalchesklkh muk; MARTSXUTEK.fa-.. redaktor; ZAaM- KOVA,Ye., takhnicheokiy rolaktor (Designing structures for mining purposee in the Donato Basin; instruction@] Proaktirovania zd&nit nad g:ornymi vymboticaut v Donbass*, ukazaniia. 2-e iapr. L dop. lad.. Kiev. Lzd-vo Akadenii arkhitektury URSR. 1955. 62 p. (KLRA 9:3) (Donets Basin--Coal mines ej2d mining) F r I r. ~ :,I - ii,~ri fr jr-n :R v! (- r,, A t.' F H OR Mint sk,)% skiv M S h L: Appri) Analvsis W,(k~t s lvmi~ Uridurv,r-llnd M1111- NA*1)1-k.t)g, rivkh ltindamcrito% idarii% -,I I),,: So V 1.' -4 - s - ~"j 8' 7 cd F,,;; n d.t ti v r P r.','i / h t r, I I % 'K I PER!UDICAI V ,h.: Nw-%c N, T K t; po t r - . u i I rkliti (-K t,i re A hS FR AC F: Flic awh,)r (-xamiries I thc''rcl'' I it I, I ri... )f ~lrmmd ret cs,i,ri dur I., jtidvr-~~! i.-i .,x,r t~, I !it r.t 1), rc still s,App,,rit-d ht- !I' :I,! '!T~ I !,.I, I c rm -c li, ir- , I I -I I t d, I ri . t ti, vr. t r.i p,,r, i,,r, V , r i. :, i r T, Ar~ 1*'