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APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700003-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700003-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700003-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700003-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700003-6 ACCESSLOI~ NRs AP40k1757 for coaductiaa in the vicinity of the melting poi:.t far the solid and liquid states was determined. The logarithm of the ratio of conductivities in the liquid and the i3olid states Est the melting point was a linear function of the melting point, On Gaoling of the compounds after superheating 20---40C ~abave the melting pointy co~nduc:� tivity changed irreversibly. This ir~reversiblr~ ch~~nRe correspanda to the region of supasrcoolir~g. 'The r~asults era in~t+nrpreted in term~~ of changes in the energy spectrum of ghe compounds and in terror of the Ya. x. Freakal' theory of the meGl~ranism of malting (Xa. I. Frenkel'+ Kineticheskaya teoxiya shidl~astey (Kiaet;tc Theory of LiquidM)~ Ixd-vo A11 SSSR+ 1945). This waxk was dune at tba 1Dnapropetrovsk Cati~ structioa Engiaaaring Institute, Ozig. art. halt 3 figures and 1 I table. A$SOCIATIONt Dnepropetxovekiy inzhen~arno�stroital'~ay*y institut (Dosproputrovsk Coartruation Engineering Ynetitute) .~ StJBHtTTED1 2SFab+53 ATD PRLSS s 30b6 BNCL s 00 ~ SU8 CODES ~+ ~ NO RBi~ 80~ r 004 OTRE~t t 003 `Cad 2i2 .. ,_,_ ___.W.__,___.___.. ~_ ._. _ ~ ,, ,'. a .. ,, A z:y~{ ih ;} ~ }'f s ~~ Y ~. ~ s ~ _ T3 .. ~: '. 1 _. t ,~ ~ .:, .:~.+_. ~ ~~ i=r .,. ~:; _.. ... ~ ._; ~. ._. .. _ .. ,,:JS. i, a .... _.,. _~"Y .e._ __. ' ~~i~'iS'.?1 ~ ...Irs`... Kc APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700003-6 r .. ~ ... ....... - -,...r...; _...~.._.ww4 a.r~~.+.. ~.., arMb.'~ri7t aC yr,,,.,, ,..~.. .. ....... ......... ~....=.--.... �~ sioo~~/6~loss/ooh/16x6/16o~~~ ~; ACCBSSxON NRs AP~eQ41757 t4itekevich, P. K.~ Bashmakova~ M. I� AUTtlORs TITLRs 'X Changes infthe electrical con~(uctivity of certain organic , ~i;~emiconducto~~ on meltin8 ~~SOURC~s xhurnal fi~ichegkop khimii, ~-. 38~ na. b. 1964, 1GOb-ibpS ' TOPIC TAGSs organic gemiCOnductog~ el'~ectrical conductivity ASSTRA~CTs A study has been made of tt~e temp'erahrncenepenhen~nthx~ene ~~ the electrical conductivity of naphthulene~ ant , p acridine~ phena~ine~ a- and B-naphtha~~uinoline~ o-phenanthroline, and benzanthrane in the gelid and tl1eiaionithetconductivitprofEgimpl.e' kaa lone bocause of the paucity of daG Dint. In the vi- ,organic smalogical ~~anstant is ;~pprox~.mal,ian o:fi' a ~veak ~'ie:t.d is nc~t applicable to Fir;steintsceruect since the cosn~ola~; term. xt is shavrn that thc3 equation of a ~,'tegdcrtwon with tz tial is a scalar deny; r , base patort- it~, i., in di1'f~;rc~nt From the ]~,le~, n~(~ordon egos,.. , ~tian f'oz~ s. scalar f'i.e1d, In the case c~i' a weak gravitational fi 't1,on ai' the eornplementary conditions alloy,, eld the ~xtiliza- ~.'IPId, thereby leadirrp~ to the appearance a2' effectivennnian o~ t1~e gravitational ~, t~iined equation resembles egu~~tion:3 o:f non-:1:lnear mesociynamics~~ity. ~c3 ob- .~w-� fors by a term that is non-linnar~ in derivatives of the potent:l.alom which it dif- Yu, K, [,~bstracterfs note; Cornplete translation Card ?_f~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700003-6 h ~~ ~/o58/b3/Or,O,'~ 1/0~/ ~ ~o A062~A101 AUT110R: M~.tskevich, TJ. V. TZ.TLE; Approximation of a week gravitational field and some general. rela~ tivis'tic field equatj.ons PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, no. 1, 19~~, 13 - 14, abstract 1$108 ("Tr . Sa.marlcandsk , un-ta" , ]962, .no . 117, 33 40) TF;1CT; In the approximation of a 4~eak gravitational field the possibility is investig~~,ted oi' carryir~, out an analogy betareen Einstein' g equation with a cos~uolo~ica:1 germ and Poisson's equation. Complementary conditions are taken in the form of liilbert"s coordinate conditions, closely connected to the harmonieity conditions ~~f de Donde-Lanezos-Pock. It is shown that the presentation of Ein- stein's equ,a~tion i.n the form Card 1/2 ~' APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700003-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700003-6 ... ACIO?J SIR: AR3p�2048 _ . ~~ __ . cT ~ o ~iv `where /~ i~ the cosmolo ~1 woak field is not ate, ~' oanstant) is not c;orreat is s~aitim fur'~her �tha,tpa~fi~ld Einsteinas e9uation ,since the app~'~an of ;~ pc3ple d~~farent �cl~'tlon whose ~ a 0�'~ologic~l, member. It ox' a k�~k ~~EVitatiozsa~1�, the ~e~-c3ordon is a sc~.Tar density, i.s iri to eXCaude tt;-e field, :and eld, the use of ~~t'ion 'for ~- sc~Iar fie~,d ~o thia lids ~ the apl,amean', oond~,tdons ~ ~ Z~ the case ._ aRuat#.on obtained ~~se~abl~s the pp�ranc~ -a~`' ~s ~~-gds~3.a~,,~ dlstin~$hed from them the ~~ntine;~,rity effect. ~I~tions off` nonlinear meso of the Potant~~al. ~ a ~~ ~~~ i-s not l,ittear ~Y~aics, boing ~~ Y'esPect to deriva#~,4e3 ATE ~~. 'xaY~3 � 711~~ Crard 2/2 ~: '? ,, ~; }~r..r~ s d !n ~,.. s _~1.`iv~ J .~. ~M11{wr~ `~ ~. .. '~ ~~'_ ~~ ENCL; p~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700003-6 `L ~,~,~~ E~'(1~/FCC (w)/BDSf.ES(v) A,~'xfiC/A5D/ESD�3/'IJF C ~CCESS".~O~J IJRs t'~,R30020~t$ ~ (~ Pe-!~ GW so~Rc.~: ten, Astro s/a2~/63/QOO/c~o~joo721~0 ~ ~Ya. Otdel ~ 7 ~' '~ypusk. Abs. 5.5'1..0,3 ,;. AUTiIOR:, N. y, _ ~`'~U ~: ' ~ TI4'LE: Tna an ro ~ - p Eton of a weak ~~vi~at3.ana1 fi.�;.d and c reaativi4t3.o fi�id 84uat~,ons -~.-.. ~; erta~ genpz~aZ, CID SOURCE: Trudy' Sarrarkandsko o __. ___..__ ____~ un~vers3.t3.ta, no. 7 1962 39-40 TOPIC TES: weak a ._ -.--_.w__ ll , ~rav3.tY Field, Einstein eQuat;~on, Hubert ao TR1'i~iSL11T:CO1T: ordinate condit3an Possib~,it In aPProximatirln a weak g~z~~~1.t>na1 y o~ drawing betweon Einstein ~ s ~e1d, the aut~'~or studies,'t~e and. Poisson~s equation. 5 equation t~,th~ x~.bert' , odo;~rdir~ta cx~ndi,~on~menta], condit3Ar~~~ are cosa-olag~c terra harvanicit, ~ f alossly nssociat~ �$~ ~ the fog off, J It is shown that th� presen'tatiori ~a~ din ~del~bnde.~ ~nChos-Foci, ~l'1 8 eq~'~,oA3 in ,the ~ w ~ ~ _ 8~( T~~ � ~`T y) taz~ ~ ' Card ~,~~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700003-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700003-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700003-6 r ~~ "~t0 ~ttpl~~ {}'$'8Vf tat~.t)21$l '+ e The authors think it rgy Sov/5~_3~_.~�49/62 mare natural to regard th8 sum of cans>nic un~Y~etrioal) quasi-ten,eoxe of a~.l field$ a~o~e~tum density �.f the total system of as the energy.� sum of the eYtt~etrical tensor of the f~,elde olelds and not the and of the cananie uasi~ f ordinary matter a1~~nion of the author caxreesondsf the field of gravity. The bases of the eeoond quant;t~stion. P also to the generally covariant Nhich are Soviet. There are 6 referenaQs s 4 of 1SSOQI.8,2'IO~'a Dioekovskiy g0eudarstven ~' universitet (~ogoow State university) St~BMITT;CDa ~iay 30, 1959 Card 4 f4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700003-6 f ~' ~ A~cnt Grav3tat~,o~u~i Energy ~~~'/~,6_31.,~y4~/~z "peet~dotensor" ~-f the ener~~- mamentum of the total system of fields i?ntraduced by M~'lle~~ and ,~/ oG f~ C$'x'av) the value of the spfn part of the ever gy of the gravits,tfonal field derived by the authors. This quantity hair the nece$eary gravitatiana~ properties also for other fields ~invsri8noe of the integral energ~� in purely spatial transfornaa- tcne ~nc~h do not refer to tfine). authors agrees with the expression bye~evi$Civitaea soeforytti~ee total ay$tem of the fields.. Far this r�aecn the following ~y a ~ relation haldsa ~ (sym)(t+at) �~ ~ (tot) + ~~(tot) ~ Q Therefrom.. i t may be aonalud~~d that ~�~ Cf) ~ ,~�~ x ~ oG /~ ~ (gravy ~ .. (,~ (f) + u (gravy ), where ~ (f ) /- ~ ~ ~ /~ azd ~~ (g;�av) belong to orclir~ary fields in the presence of Card 3f4 g~ravitat3on and to a pure field of gravity, respectively. APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700003-6 Te~tds'~ " i ~ I~c~nt �;. Card 2/'4 Gravitational ~r~' ~c~v/5~-~7-3-4g j~2 Lorentz and Levi�Civita sug,~eeted other definitions of the ener -momentum danaity� The tensor of alldghesdnawgrsatthey ~ oonsex.`v'e suggested and which is aacurate~.y supplied a new ph3~'siio~]. importance. C. ~,~ller {Refs ~, 3) ssion and the oorreaponding exclusion proof)othertfieldsal espre ( enexgy of the sy+~tame of ~~~avitvtid~.ffioulty~ i~n~the other h~~nd, ~ritb tha g~.iminatSvn of thel abo e uantitiea are obtained by the new forntulaauthors (~etYer's theorem ~rrhioh was derived earlier byte lied to the ~,tekevich, Ref 4}) which ~~ra conserved ehen app eld, of gravity. These quant~.tias differ frentthaserderflred by fi Einstein and - as will be shown in the eras p p closely connected with the peeudoteneoraddrtr~edotherrfielcia are 1~ller. In this connection gravitatia dealt with in the same way. The gravitational field ie defined bq a metrio tensor so that ;particles wish ressiansederivedtb3- correspond to it. ital~evicha~Rei'o4)tthearelation ~i+~llsr and R. ~'� ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~~ q~ denotes the (gTe,v) is easily obtained. APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700003-6 ,~IITHODS,~ Ivanenko, D. D~, 1Litskevich~ ~. ~l. SOV~Sb-37-3-q.9 fb2 TITLEt `I'sk',in8 i~ito ~ tAct~unt gravitational Energy pERIgDI~~AL~ ~hurnal eksperimental~noy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1959, ~�1 3'~, l~r 3(9} ~ PF 8b8-86q (USS~t~ ~STRACTi The determination of the energy and momentum of the gravitational for the conversion of i;hese fi�ld (which is es~recially necessary and momentu~ of other fields) haf; met ne th rgy e e quantities into with serious difficulti�s already since the foundation of the general theory of relativity. The ctifyiculties are due to tY~e f eantinaity gets the ~ahysical mean:ing i on o fact that the equat sual, of a divergence brought at-out by the dvrs~d e f c of law the enate but not covariant divergence. The oath conservation in the disap~~earanae of the usual divergence a:n exactly f th " e o eaaet law of conservation., The "pseudotensor mentum density of the g.7^avitational fiQl~d donserved energy mo introduced by Einstein isV en the one hand� no generally covariant quantity, on that other, th eselec'I~oneofnthe~reference e quantity con+~ide~rably dep~anda on 8ysteti~e whiah are- in aonni~ottci a l ly v Card 9 ~4 this reason, ~ox i,me ariable t n ooordi:sate transformation~a a APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700003-6 - roc iv-zi~ ~ - C The Nonlinear Vacuum Effect in t1ic~ t~ravi.tation Theory !~G`Jj 5~~-;~-.~~~,`? for the coQmolobical conotrznta In the fa11~;x~ng the adcliticn~~1 scattering of gravitons in the Schwarzschild :field by vacuum scalar. particles ie- investi~;atedP It was found that this effect is theoretically comparable with the nonlinear effect in the classical tY~eery at low gravittxtion energiea.~ Forr-ulas are given for triG; cross s�etiona at msO and m~U~ For the cZ~ritical graviton wave length at m~0 Acs (8~ Ii~krnL) is abl;aineda The author finally thanks D a D o Ivanenko, ~i o tt r. hgiri anashvil ~ and A o ~ ~ Brodskiy f .~r their interest ire this vro~�k and far discussions, and he also thanks A. Da DPnilov far hie help in carrying out calculations There are 14 references, g of which are Soviet. ASSOCI9TION: Uzbekskiy gosudaretvennyy univexsitet (Uzbek State University) SUBb7xTT~:L: October 1 ~, 195 Card 2~~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700003-6 24 (5) AUTHOR: TITLE: PERIODICAL: Mitskevich, U~ V~. sctr j~~ r 3~, . ~i _. 3~/~ The Nanlinear Vacuum Effect in the Gravitation Theory (Vakuumnyy nelineynyy eff'ekt v teorii gr~avits.tsii) ~hurnal eksperimental~noy i taoreticheek,,~y fiziki~ 1~~~. Val 36, ldr q., pp 1207-1211 (USSR) ABS'YRACT: In the present paper the author investig�ltee the problem oi" the interaction of g.ravitation~ and scals.~,r field wat!i:~n. th!~ framewark of a unified nonlinear field tr,eory and compares the bare and the vacuum nanlinearity of gravitations On thy: basis of the results obtained {Refs 9 .~ 12) it Ys shown th�~t the second quantization leads to a new interaction t~etwc~cn the gravitons by virtual quanta of other,fields,. In the cc.�~e of a scalar field of a slowly varying met,i�ic a vacuum additional term of the type of a co� term occurs in the gravitation I,agxangian ~ ~'he latter ie investi~;rated by means of the Scha~inger method and an e;rpresslen is derived 00 rg ~3 _m2~ Yor the vacuum LagranGian ""vac(x) ~ ---2 dT t e Card 1 f 2 3211 To APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700003-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700003-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700003-6 The C~nsequenQe~ of this Demand of Znvaril~ce oY the snv/~~~~~~=�J� 9~3~ L+~g~angf.ans in the General Cogariant Fis;td Thsor.~es than paetu~.Rted� and ~r~,th ,its help the Lagrangians 4:af the gx~avf=, tst~.ona]. field and of the ~e~.ectacamagnetic Field are than de~~ termined. Thais prir~oiple of simplioity reads as :~ollaws: 9 ~ L must be a fur..ation of the ;aainimum possible number of variab~,ea. 2 L must be a of the 1aRee~: order of these variables. ~~ The mass term (wh~.ah is ~:he term not dependent on the deri.~~a- tives of the potentials 3a om~.tted if it is not necessary 9'or invarianoe. In the case of the gravitational Lagx~angianp it is possiblev without ,asiz~g th~s ser~ond derivativea~ of the metrisl teneor4 to 0�oonstru~at'4 only one vanishing in~~ax:iantF which 6-qual;j ~erca. Exprs~sione are then ar:itten down for 'kh~.e f~~rdamental quantities of the gra~ritationa2 f~.eld: spin,, spin-~energy9 syrm~, metr~.c;, oano:~ical quasi,~tensar. For f-1ec@ trod namic~e * - ~; 0 ~,x!d ~G, ~ a II ~i ~�~` gp~ ho3.ds. ~ ~.~ ~~ u~3 ~~ ~~~c a~+~ Also for the eleotrra~nagne�i.o Held expreso:Ions e:xe wra.tten clawza. - for the genera~.i~ed aping the ep3.n~energy~ th� symmetric.�. ens-rgy-~ momentum, and the ~�anonioal quas~.tensor. Attention ; s Card ?~I4 drawn to the x~onlinear~.ty ap~;earing in a, paper bar Do Ivanen~.o APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700003-6 b8ol~. The Consequenaea of the Demand of Invariancea of Lagraa~gian~e in the ~ienaral Coeaxiant Wield Thsa~-tes SOV/55-59-3-9/'2 general-invariant foam bei;ag first determined. The author finds a natural c;~assifiaation o;f these IaWS and also derives eeve~ral new lama of conservation. !ohs field equations and the equati,ona ,. s 'SL bL cif the gravitatiosaal ~'ield~~read . - ~ . 0 and T�~ - T�'~ + a~,H ~~e t ~ + T~~ Q, r~a$peutively; the conservation of T is given by T�~r' ~ Q. The spin energ;r is used fcr the symmetrization of the canonical quasiteneox. The density of the scalar curvature may be aubdiv~,ded intro two summands one of whia,h has the form of a divergenaerQ and the of-her contains no second de~�ivatives of the metric tensor. Theses tt~o eum,aands are affine scalar. Several ner- aoerdinate trax~eformationa of various complexity lead to laws of aoneervation for "bimomente", "multimoments"p eta. If the aseond derivatives in the Lagrangian are linear, and ' if their coefficients represent no derivatives of the potential. bud only the pott3ntial, ~.t8~11~`p the equ~-tione repulsing h8refrom are of no higher than of the Ipecond order. Therefore9 the grsvi~ Cara Z/4 tatianal field is an e~cample. The principle of simplicity ie G~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700003-6 ~`!- 7`t~ "~ ~gp ~t~HOB: ~.tskev~,ohfl ~. ~. sov j55~5~-'39/32 -~~- . TITLE: Tie Consequenaee of the Demand of Invarianve ref the La ra ,ian in the General Covariant ~~ield Theories y~ g ~ s PERIODICAL. Vestnik ffioskovskogo universiteta. 3eriya matematiki9 mekhan:kki9 aetronomii9 fi~ikif ~h~.mii~ 1959Q Nr ~~ pp 63 ?Q (UB~R) b~BTRACT: The author first endeavors to ~xp~'@g~ the of a Cl~r~ fain potential funatioan and of its first derivatives as well. ae the invariance of Mahe metr~,c tensor s~nd its first two d8rive~~~ fives analytically. The field potentiale~ are denoted by A , ~hsre the index B runs over all nave functions, the conditDic-n for the invariance of the function L(AP~ ADyai g� Val S ~ a~)9 ~L ~g~-0- may be trritten doAn in the form ~ � 9 ~ a# ~ ~6 L + a - ~Lbxa) ,~ 0� where L . ~ /`�B L holds, The operations b and b are defined. The ~~bvious~.y sufficient necessity of the invariance of L'fpr the in~rsriance of the action integral is proved. I~extA the consequertces rQSUl+ing from this invariance Card ~/4 of the Lagrangian a~�e inveeitigatedr the laws of conservation APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700003-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700003-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700003-6 The Scattering on a Scha's.rtzschild Field in the Quantum Theory (5hvarteshild} field - has a purely non-linear char~~.cter~ The author uses the usual expressions for the commutation relations of all fields, including the gravitation field, The matrix elements of th,e indifferentiaprerosargectionsven explicitly and therefrom the of the scattering of the quanta of a aca.lar, sp~nor, electro- magnetic and gravitr~ti.on,fieldare derivedC The~e~cross-sections symmetrical gravitation i:ield the spin for become egt~,metaanother (;independently of small angles and for zero rest mass of the quanta But for non-zero rest masses and also for large angles the different tenser dimensions of the pgtentiaistence of aamass enlarge9t oroe~rsections. ~er~exall;y, the ex s in the the .cross-eeot~.or~e r~,r?d t~l~ref.ore the mesa fig equations has gravitritianal propf3rtiesa the inter~sttilnrlthin A.'~.Ivanenko and ~,~Ie~diriana~ahvili for papero There are ~ references 3 of which are Soviet, Card 2/3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700003-6 SO'Y/~- it ..~_,;S/1 ~ ~iUTHOR: 1litskevich, N. y� ---- TITLE: The Scattering en a'~ch~&rt~ehil1daPvek~antovay tec~rii) eary (gasseyaniye na pole Shva PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimental'ncy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, '95$~ Vol. 34, Nr 6, pp. X656 - ~b58 (USSR) 9BSTRACT: In-restigating a metric whivh is similar to the Galiiei Metric, it may ba written roo _ f~~ ~~22 ~y � = S~v � kY�U3 k= 16nK ~c; d = o (~" ,~ g V ~ _ ..633 1. This makes it passible to expand the Lagrangiana �f each field With respect t� the ernth~nscalarx(pgeudos~alar)~ of these expansi�ns are g~.ven fo means spinor, electromagnetic and gravitation fields. By �f the`~e f�rmulae, expressxona may be derived or the cr�ss- sectione of the sctering~paleeravit~ti~nefieldta of these fields on the etai;ic spher g �y ~ � ~ ~~ -.Mk~~n~. One a~' tYter~e Ystatie~ Ystatic~de~�; tistatia~. ~ n the Schwartzschild Card 1/~3 effects - the scattering of a graviton o APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700003-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/23/'1'1: CIA-R~P86-00513800'1'134700003-6 ~~ti'~'tY � (1117, ~:L@~ B'~ tiea~ pbysice~ - foxy of ~s Gi~~~~eoxe Meld Theory ~ ~0 4829 ~~ . ~,zilea., too 3 a 19?,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ x ~ 7ti ~ ~'~ i ~ ~ovuc : PeY ~.he f ,~~ .~,~ ~ x care txan~form~wtians ~ neca.f;lc ~oma~etice ~ t~ ~,tter ~e euth~ net' d't~o~�1 rsna cloct �~r]..I .~ ~; Bonet � $ ~. ~r ~~ of tb8 gs~'cxpreeaiona~ ~rer gair~Inante for the wing thexeb~ Vi'i` ~, aiiaPLic indicated ~ie3.a, c car'~41~ ~t~cone3.usi~u ~.'~ i~ vb.'ra~,na~. if one e~ ~i.~~~nt � In ~, '~gran~an fox n ~rec1 ~ build up density ~ then to tt~e in,~,.nr,~,~ce ~ inor t if thi8 method is ~e3 ~, scalaxt~e Meld in tY,e aPprox- b ~eld that is de ~ ns a~ o~-tya,ined for tivit5~ � � _ -� � G � K~~rd nop].i.neox~ ~e special the:ory of rely ima'tion o Card. : 2~2 -ti- APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/23/11: CIA-RDP86-005138001134700003-6 E!':ST GEFd~`,NY~~eoretical Physics -Theory of Relatility. t,�nifie;~ -2 Fi�ld ~eory ��. l-bs Jour RELY Shur - FYzika~ No 3, 1~j~, No X829 !.arbor ; Mizk~ewitsch Nikola~ Inst ;Moscow State U.nivers Title ConcE3rn:ing thE3 Invariance PxopE3rtieu of Lagrangian ;;'unctions oP Fields Orig Fub ::Lnn a Physik, ~ 195, 1, No 6-8, ~? 9-i ~ lbvt~'act It is shown how i~~ { s Po.=s:.`~~e;, in t~:s general theo~z~y of relativity to obtain :.c,wrr of coaservation, startin@; not with the invariance ox' the integral of action, as is dJna in the proof of t'_Ze Neter theo~^em~ but merely starting with the invariance oP thQ I~gxangii~n. Tha author gives, a classi� fication of tine qu^nti+.i es ghat axe conserved with respect to the types of t,~,~ ;r.;~:.i. ~esilDt.11 t?~,na~a~t-.ttons c;~f Lip coordinates. If the^rgi~z contc.~r -J.r~?:ivativE:~s of poten- tials not higher �~.n second o;rdcx, ~i~en rho cones, ~~ed gaanti= ties may bE: the energy, moment~~m, ox bimo~tentum. ~;,orreaponding Card ]. f 2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700003-6 t~n ~ ~r-~ ~ ~. ~ i c X11 n~, ~, -~~~ U33R/Nuclear ~?hysicg - Nonlit~ar theciry Card 1/~. Pub . 146 � 13/2$ Author Mitsksvich, N. V. ~~~~. Title Scalar field of a neutron at rest in the nonlinear theory Periodical Zhur . eksp . i tear . f iz . , 2y, U.eptember i.955, 3>~ -3~ ~- Abstract : The author qualitatively investigates the properties of a nonlin- ear spherically symzneetrical sce.lar potential. k'or tt~e investi~a- tion he employs the method of C'haplygin and taking it into con- sideration he constructs an ap~-roximate numerical solution. He obtains a relation that re~.ateEG the ze~i~ mass of a nucleon with its charge � He thanks Professc-r D. D. 7vanenka, whc~ Posed the present subject, and a.1sQ Professor A . N . Tikhonov e~.nd V . V . I,ebedev. Nineteen references: e.g� D� t~�AIv a~l~`, DD.KIvanenko, aidze, S. Zarin, DAN SSSR, $8, 245, 1953> > Kvantovaya teoriya polya, GTTI;, 195, S. A. Chaplygin, Novyy metod priblizhennogo integrirovaniya differentsial'nykh uravneniy [New method of approximate ~.ntegrat~lan of differential equations ], GTTI, 1950� Institution Moscow State University Submitted May 12, 1954 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700003-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700003-6 ;~i~T~:~k~l:i: C~1 ~ ~~. J~tl ~:~ USSRf Phys~.cs - i"~isce:L:~ar~eot~:s r'Frori Current Iater~tur. err Usp ~'i.z t~Atzk, V�1 5Q, ?'0 3, x~p 43 a-,47~ Sdriters (usual:~.y by initia?.s ozz~.~r} reviet~r c~~ir~~ent no~-~- ~ vist 1it~~r�~.ture ot~: 'rSpectrur:~. of ~.ecoil Atoms at K-~C�~;}tllre--; --ion:Lz~stion of K-~Y~E17. o:~ ~ec:~i.l Att~r;~:z th~r3..~:~; A1.pha-Decay of Poloniumrr ~ nCross Sections of reactions Prociucef.~ bit 'eutr~ris ~:~.' L!,.. ~ rev Energy"; %Close Stars on Photo Pl~.tes E~cposec~ in the S-~r~tosni:ere--? --A ~i:,l.;.e~.ti~. of Cherenkov fz~ect to Qbserva.tions of Pratozis aaad ~'esons-r by Id. ~',itskevicii; -'Probier, of the Resolving Pobler in Diffraction on ,~~icrescc>r~y-- by G. Rozerberg; -'iteaurer~er~ts of Angular Dia.~eters a� Discrete Sc~uz�ce;7 oi:' Cosr~L~c ~.acli~tiar,. -- 262 10~. APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700003-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700003-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700003-6 ., , ~ .33 0o s/OS1,,/~ ~~c~oc/orMi~ ~; F~ a:Q~f~~;0~ AUTHORS Mitskevich9 N~ I - _ _ ~ OhcherbakY L I TITLE: Dehydrogenation in di ente P ne a.utr>xadatior~ PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zriurnal. K1,imiya. i;o ~~~ '`'~~ ~~ 4>G, ab~trs~ct 17M6(Sb,; nauchn~ rabc~t, :[n-t Fi7 -or~~~n '~Y.i;~ii 9N AS~~R no~ B, !9~4, 205208) TEXT: I'he dipen.tene (I~ used i'or the ex EI o p riments h~a.d a ho.i li3~g poznt of 72 - 7z-,5 C at 20 - 2?. mm H~; n~C ~ ,47~C,. 2O d4 d�844:. Cr.,(C~i_rraoj ,�4H ~ served as s;n initiator o.f autoxdation of I at 6C., 5`'~ `i'ha ct)s wa.; ~ analyzed with a '3T1~-2(VTI-2 y e.tperiment was terminated Aq much. as 5-~~ of gaseous producte~.lrefexrehen the oxygeny amon them CO CO and H were sQ $ to the amount of abscrbed 8 29 , 2y pasted in the autaxidation of I under the experim$nta,l oondit.ions.. Hydro~~en f.s s~~parf.tocl iri ~~ rel~tiv~l,y larger amount if there ir:~ no ani.taatcr~ its amount being r~zr�~;'t~.y ~~~ropox~:i,rr~? to the amount of the absorbed oxygen,. Th~a r, , products increases a ontenr of CO and ~;,0~ i.n gF~seou:~ Car$ 1~2 pAreciably ire the pre:~ence of ~;ol;,al.t a.cPt,:te I1; ;v-;:, APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700003-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700003-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700003-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700003-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700003-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700003-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700003-6 ~~~~,~ S,~a~z/~o~~oo~{~~/vy~~/c; A046/AOO1 T~raz:alati~3n frcmo Referativnyy zhurnd3., Khirri~,ya~ i~b0, Nc~ 20, pu E # ~2y AUTHORS, Mitskev3ch,., Shaherbaks L.7:. 'TTTI.Eo 0n Df,meric Products it Autoxid2~tion of C~re:lohex~sn~ i PERIQ~?'CALo ~S'yb`~. nau}c~hn, rabat, In~'+~ fiz ~ -organ , khim .1. AN BSSR~, 1959; N4. 7 U -k~A ~ 33-~T~ ~~~ During oxidation of cyGlohexene ir.~r~iared w:ltra C~l(CH~COO;~~~~H~C ~~"~50.3�C atmCSpheric. pressare of 0�) e, res.i.n-like v:~~~r m~~=~:~ i~ rG~,xra~=~~:3. J !~' ,~ .... 4 out ~~f the reawtion Fr~,duatss which c,lrr~es~oncls by we ~gh~} a~ ? G~ - :~~~ �::. to a dieter of cyolohexene hydrogen peroxidA, On th?: ha~~. ~:: ,~n a-~a.1;~~.~ = c'' ~F,7F= oxidation ~roduets during extende:~i s}~~~rage ~~; ~.~ cti~r^?ude3 f~ha~~ ~.~:~- d~~7~~r- ~.~ ~~,Y~,~ ed from the hydrogen peroxide and i,~, ~.h~ pro:~uct~ ~, f ~ ~ ti ~:.'..,;~-;~F : ~ z :,.~ , i~, Mil~~ut:~.r:ska~y� L notes This is the full 'ransla~:':c~~^ ef` ~.he or-1gfn.~.1 Ru~~ ~~Y ~:I,w ~' ~ x~ ` . Card 1/1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700003-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700003-6 1 r+ ~ n, rr ~ ~' ~ ~ ` ~ , ~~ ~o , ~~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~~ e~ ~ ~ ~ V ~ ~ y ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~~ s ~ ,~~ ~~~ ~~�3 a ~~ ~w ~ ~~ ~'~~ ~ ~ F ~ . tali # ~n ~ ~~ ~ ~ !! ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~g ~~ I } ~~ A M ~i ~ ~ ., ~ ,, , ~,~ ~~. ~,~ i~~l,~,~~ ~~ ~~ is ~ '~ s~ ~~~ �~ ti' ~ ~1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ $ ~ ~ N y .a ~ ~ ' Q M~ 7i i~ J T , i~~M 1 ~ ~'~ ~ t~ vw t ~ ~ ~t ~ ~ ~ a~ .~ ~ t ~ .s .. ~ I .. . .~ . _..~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700003-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700003-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700003-6 Co~ctioc- of Scientific Work+~ (Cont.) ~~t7~t/7.d~3~ Kamamv, ~'.S. Study of Equilibrium Curves cri' a Binary Po1yc~~er-Solution ~.6~ Mixture f~orotkavf K.N.. (deceased') and Yu.P. Klyuye~r. Conv~crsions of K~ _Pinene 17~} ~adsx the Action of gaseous Baron Pluox~.ile Klyuyev, Yu.P. Inmestigdtion of Co~aversia~i Products ai' d, ~~'i,ir~ene in _ ttae PrGSenesl oi' Ortho-phospharia Acid i7``~' Yero~eyev, B.~'. and S.~'. t~muaova. Inhibitory Ef"~eat of Hydroq~~i.nane. an the Fc-lymerix~tion of Methyl. Methacrylat~~ i"~` Yerof+rr, B.P. A.N. Bskh's Peroxide Tl~eor,Y in the I.i,ght off' ~f~adsrn Studlag ~~~ ~~ Wyk, V'.C. FCinetics of P'hotopolymerizatio;n of Vinyl Acetate in the Presence crf Benzoyl Peroxide 23~~ �1'd~sko}~,, Yu.A. Reactions of aom~a Ailr,~l.~-, ASYI,~-, egad Acyla~;.y Re~1.caJ.e ,7 in ?,iquid. Phase r_LE_, Card. ~+/~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700003-6 Colleetio~n oP Scieatific Works (Cont. ) sc~vl~.~s5 F'ilono~v, ;~.4, and M.M. Pavy~.yuchetzkka. Detezmination of Copp~~r~, Lithiwn end Rubidium is Mineral Salts by Spectrum Analys~.t~ 9 Ps>tivlytYaha~n~o, M.M., V.M. Akulovich, K.V. Du'~bvik, anti N.N. Bul;ygo. Trees J&leloea~sts (B, Mn, Sr, Zn) in Batts alf Sterobinskoy~e ~estor~~zhdeniye (Dspos~,t) and Their $uant,itative Spectram Analysis 102 Ale$, ~. M. Separation o~ Sylvixtite 4ras in a Sydr~~cyclons 115 Krivchik, Z.A. and. N.P'. Yermolenko. Structv~re and Acigorbabi:l.i~Ey o~ Peat Ct~ercoala. Pert Ii 12fi I4ovikova, Ye.N. said N.F. Yermo],sxako. 'I~ie Relationship of So:rp~tion and Deteri~aration Px~e~ntion by xnhibitars ixt the Oxidation b;~ Rubber 1.3~ Levina, S.A. and N.F. Yermolenka. Adaorbabi.lity end structure of Sesquioxid,e f3elg in Relation to their Thermal Treatment 1~5 Starobinets, G.L. and V.S. Ko~narov. The Motlelin8 of Systems: High Paly~ner �- Binary Mixt~.u~e crf Components oi~ Jet Molecular Weight ~5~ Card 3/ S APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700003-6 Collection of Scientific Worlas (Cont.) S(nT~12~5 TABrE 0~' CAR'PET'S Vol ~k~hteyn, F.F. Some Prob]~tps in the F~satro~ ~eory of Catal.yets on 3esrieondnctors Yex~ofeyev, B.Vl, aad V.A. Protashchik. Study of Contact Concii,tions Between Particles of Cobalt Formate and l~feta]1ic Cobalt Wirth the Aid of the Isotope Co ~. Markevich, S.V. Attaohtsents for the k6S-2M I~IaBS Spsctromneter for Studying f#aseous Phase Depterium F7cebtang+~l Reactions on Solid Suxfaces Osinovik, YerS. Study of th0 Formation �f ~aaitial Reaction Centers in the Induction Period of Ther,~al. l3ecompoei,tion oP BariUm Axids Mitgkevich~B..L, T.S. Soroka, a~,d B.V. Yarclfeyev. Con~uBated Deearboxy- ~~"on in the l~toxidation og Abietle Aoi.d Yerof`eyev, B.V. atad S.F. Rav�ova. ' 4rganie Su1Pur Cc~ounda Curd 2/5 Thera~odyn~a~aics of Soas~ . kteaa~tiona of 39 ~ r' 59 r,~ B~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700003-6 5(3) F'gABZ I BOOK ITATIt~ ~'/~5 AkademiQa nauk Be3:orusekoy 538. Tnstitut khimii ~~'bo~aik n~-chnykh rabot, ~vyp. 6 {Collection of Scientific Works of the Institute oP' (~emie~tYy, Herlorassian SSR Act of ~Sciences,l~' 6) Nliask, Izd-w Ali ~ Beloxv~sskoy 938, 1958. 271 p+ 1,100 eapiee pxiated. Bd.: Yerofeyev, B.V., Acade~miciea, 88SR Acaidm~r of Sciences; Tech. Fd.: Volol~anovi~, I.. ~ The book is intended for chemists ~mgaged in research in specialized fields. COVESAC~: The book is a collection of scleni~ific articles desling With varied subjects, each as problems in electron th~Wry of sem~i.conduetors, catalysts, autoxidation of e~bietia acid, thexm~adyrcam~lca of sofas react,ict~ of eulfbx~ orgaz~,c com~ot~nde ~d reaetiot~s of allkyl, ~a'Y1, ~Yl~~' red~,cals in the lic~id p-has~. PersonaJ.itims are ~aentlanadl in the individul~, art7,alee-. There are 3~1 references, of which ?15 a~i Soviet, 75 ~ngl:teh, 3O Merman, 10 ~c~h, and 1 Finnish Card 1/5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700003-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700003-6 Ct~zju~~ztc Lcca.ruo~.d~l~~ti~~~t off' th~.:;utoo.:~.~as~tit~.. ~~~ _ ,'r ~ `~,,'`-,~~ rro+~jrlberi$ene in a ::i::ture ':; it;?~ I''atty ~c.ic:s. :;~eecl of isak~ro~-~U lb~ nzanE zs .~bvat fa~;.r t:..,c--:; .~~ , .t:y ~.. ~ , cc of art acid t~t:.~ri ::~itho:zt o,n :xci~"..Thc i;:itf..~. ;t, :{~~! , ,. , it decreased.l~~b.1 s'; the ~.rzluez".ce of ti"t~ :~Cicl. ~.;~.;..., ~- thi:, Fpeed.idc:ition of 1,0~ ~� o`_` i~.o:aut:~~:ic ~oyc'~�-- ._ ,.., _ - :i~:ure than f'oux~--icild.i~ux't;h~:r acl.:itiu:~s c.~f ~~ci~: ~.~:~ i~ta l.~l,, ~'::, .. , ~_.: the a:~tount of o;:y~cn absorbed ~.t c,11.:.o~~tvcr, ~t~~ ;.; t' _ , increase ir. tho cievelok~i.r~~; CC,, ,: o~~o~ tr art ~.i..~~'c;ld,at rt : r_.1.,'.. ~,. - ~. ch~zr:.~ed a::i,ourtt o~ :at~~~oxbed ex~-en.T'he e;,~t r~: ultr> c,~ ~:~c , ,.~ .,:~ ~ _ _ oz isoy~ro~~;~~lb~;rt~, !~~ ire a :~i,.t:~re ,rith -.:�wdic;~cti~r~ ~zc:, .f ~.~; n,~~8ated Demob Ac,i,i ~Y1,at~o~ Dur~B the Aut~cidation of~ De CBI. ~yCira~,bietic B9a~, ,~~~: No ~~ j N ~8 1~�l35 tP~b~,3e ~ sit ~ ~~" (Publ~,shed in n )1 Vents i AN Abetract~ T~ has b Bel,orus$~~ ~ eetabl~,shed that 3o~s accamPen~ed by decax-box ,],a~uta~idation of dehYd~biet Y~e~,de ~,1~ ~ Y ~a~~- tin is acid, tb~ sum pY~'aac~d, " ~rh~,ch ie e 8 colophpn~y ~3 hours at va~e~y~aab~et~c ao~d 3'~e1de T t'~J mid ysts of ~a~~~ ~ ~~ ~~70� Autcaxida~ic~ , ~P 17~~T7~,~o ~~ydrol 5 ~a8 ~ io the �~ T is carried out ~~;ram alcohol, basE~ ~ T presence o#` Co~,cetate ~ r~~phthalens at )� The apparatus described . (TTY (one percent b d 1/2 .LmeviouslY (Refer~at Y ~e~ht Zt3u~ 4 K~.miya, ,;,~~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700003-6 ;; y �� ~�~ ~. "~ ., ~ .~ k ~ v iMt ~. .~ b ~ ~' ~ a W M #~ r1 1. ~. ~. n~ o~ m~a ~~Qca~ ~~~ ~ ~~ m ~, ~-~~> a~ v ~H ~ ~~ g G~ -1~ r~j-11, H H p M W~~~" ~. QfM~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~q~~p M p �~~ t~1 w ~ m~ a '~ US ~QT ~ ~ ` ~ C~ ~~ z ~ w ~~ ~ N M t~ ~ ~ ~ R ' .. "! .. ~ ~',~ M ~ ~'"'' NA A ~ ~ ~ '"`~ ~ =. "' r. I ,~ ~~~ ` w ~~~~l~ U ~i~u~~'~ w4? w t(j Q ~~~ d ~~~~ ~ ~ ~. ~ ,~ ~ �. u�~~~~ U 4~+ ~j~~v +- ~ ~~~~ i~ O v .~ ~~~~~~ R r.,4 ~ w ~.:~? ~". ~ ~~ ~~`~~ N APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700003-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700003-6 I~~ITa~rV"~GH, I`~. ~. ~~ ~~ `~ ~~~ ~~ ~`.~~~ ,. ~~~ ~~~~ ~a~ a~~ W ~p~ i~~ t7W iy ~ !'~" `F~3 ~ ~: ~~ ~ ~ ~. ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ,~ ~. `~ t ~. ~~ d~'~~~~ M ~a~ ` ~~~ ~a ~ p K}H~~ '~ ,~ ~ (D ~ M y M ~. ~ ~~~~ ~rwy iY ~ ~ ~~ ~ n~/ ~ A ~ n,~QW~ W`� ~~Q, a ~ ~ ~`~~' pp ~' ~' ~, can � y m M "~ rt tp W ~ ~` t8 ~~~~~~' p~~~ ~W~FFby ('~ m ~~ . ~~ ~~~ .~ ~` ~ ~ = y ;~ ~~~~ �~ ~s W ~ a~~~ ~i ~~~~ ~ ~~ N 4~ M W ~~ ~ ~~ ~~' M ~~ ~.. ~~, cD r ,~ ~ ;. a~ ~~~~ ~ s~ p 'z; ~ ~ X31 -'"' ~ ~- y t'F }-', O ~ ~ ~" ~~`~~ ~ ~~,. . ' ~~~~. ~~ ~~~ ~~ ~.~ a ~ 4 ~ ~ ~.,, �~ ca ~'~ i~o ~ ~,~ ~.,~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~-~ ~ ~n~.~ ~. a ~... Y ~~~ . ~~ r� Y~ 9 l/ 1 ^~ V + }..+ N ~ i..l, (7 b ~~~; H `~ � 'd ~ ~i ~~. ~ y ~ ~ b A ~ ~ r ~t. ~� r q i 'r yi 07 ~ ~I ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~� ~ ~ r ~ ~ t) ~, ~ ~' APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700003-6 }~i3~S~f~~"RICH, I~. ~:, APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700003-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/23/11: CIA-RDP86-005138001134700003-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/23/11: CIA-RDP86-005138001134700003-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700003-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700003-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700003-6 MI~SB~PxC$s ~.I. vice far determining normal atrei~8ee ire the f~r~ee ~at~ging of met+~leo Sbor.nauch.trud. ~'is.~tekh,~inet.A~ BSSE na,~~;2~~36 �55. {Strain gauges) (~'arging) (I~IIRA IOa I j APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700003-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700003-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700003-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700003-6 Aspects of Electrical Erosion of Porous :Electrodes SOV~137-57_ip_LO152 steel E. The measurements are made for direct and never. sed palarity with fluctuating and aperiodic types of discharge, the contour l~arameter�s bcai;~ chosen so that the amplitude values of the c~~rrents in oscillating s~ncl apr_riodic tlibcl2ar ~e remain identical� It is fowici tlxat the magnitude of EE of ~~ steel E work2n ~ i2i conjunction with a porous one is vi2�tually independent of tlje caxnpos2t2on f the porous E. However, the magnitude of the EE of the parou,s E declines as the Cu contents of the E rises and becomes negative, meaninf~; th~it the weight of the E increases. Study under the binocular microscope of ,~ st~i�facNS s~2l~,1+"~-tt~r.l tc~ lT~; shawl tl~e pQre~ of the ~ t~> h~"c'cyYt7r~ f111~~d with f'tt ~t�ci tr~ets.l loth f2'orr2 th~~ o osir2 and from the porous E ~f:selt As this secure, irregularities are sinaoth d overg somewhat, and a crust consisting of a mi~,;ture of materials from both E is formed It is shown that a rise in the number of di,~charges results in further change in the E surface consisting in a reduction In pore size and fornna~tion of a protect2ve layer which is spongy in structure, camprising a mixture of materials from both E. The mechanical impulse transmitted to the porous E i,~ greater than that of the solid. The difference in the results far oscillating and aperiadic d2sc17ar Jes is only quantitative. It .is Bated that as they porosity of E dtaelines , their EE ends to approximate the EE of solid E. Card Z %L L ~ , APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700003-6 Translateon from: Referativn z SC>VI137-57-10-u015z yy hurnal,;Metallur~;:ya, l~r'r7,Nr 1~,p ~~7 !~'SSR} AUTHORS: Nekrashevech, I ~ G . , Bakutc~, I.A.. , Mits;~cevic TITLE; Aspects of Electrical Erosi~~ra of Parotte ;I~leatra yakh elektr;c~,esk~y eraxii parietykh elek~trodav)de$ (~~a os~~bet'riast- PERIODZCAL: Sb, nauch, tr. Fez. -tekhn. in-t, AN E~SSIt, 1956 r 227-233 N ~ ~ PCB ABSTRACT: An envest~gat;ion is made of electrical erosion E t'rode.s {E~ used as tools in electric-spark rnachiniEg^of porous ever E are made by extrusion of (; ti-Pb and Cu-F~~ olii rnix The pazous particles are fiat r.lassified key size, and i~~areous mexturures. The To obtain E of approximatel}r identical poi-osi.ty, equal in tis.i volu d of chip axe taken, and they are reduced tc~ identical volume b themes press. Before testing, the extruded E are held for several hours in kerosene, which is used as the working medium. Investi t~tion of the behavior of the E on the �ipark descliaxge is performed on a b;al_ iestic range. Measurement is made not only of the rnechanice~l .im- pulse coxnmunicatcd to the E upon a single? dif~charge, but of th _ Card 1 /Z nitude of the anode and cathode EE of Qxtruded E an e mag d of the apposing APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700003-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700003-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700003-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700003-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700003-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700003-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700003-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700003-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700003-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700003-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700003-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700003-6