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"APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0 Problem of soll imu~us a ~d coat::mporary tasks of its study. Mic~pbiolo!~iya. Vol. 22. No. 3~ P. 3h!:, 1953. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0 0c.c-~rrence off A~o~ab~er APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0 ~13B~3TIli, Ye.~l., pro�easor. The mfcrobiolog~caI factor fm ~he development of pI~ts an~ the proble~ of ' (Ba~~alolo~) (Kfcroor~ntsza)' APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0 %'ol. 3 No. /+ Apr, 19~/+ AgricuIture ~362'. Mlcr..r~tnnl..,, nmi .~.ll fYrlllll~. (H.~.~:,m~ K. N., Mi~T~,,~III[. ~rfr~/a, v. ~2, no, lO, Oct. ~5,L p. 2d-fl2. ~ ~{~ncficia[ and [,am~u[ mic'tnrirgani~m~. De~cri[,~ pre- parat~on~ which act{x'ate mfcrol,{ologi~[ pr~t.~. Graplt. dia- gram. p[into~apll~, micro~raph;. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0 EU[ITS][IY, )J.P., redaktor~ M05~'TICEE~Ao ]f,[., ~ekhniche~kf4r re- [Xlcroorganisma ami se'If-puriffio&tiom of the' soil] I(lkroorganiz~, ~ ~a~oc~tahchenie pochvy. Moekva, l~d-vo Akadem�1 nauk ~5R, i9%~. 6~0 p. l. Chle~ko~eapondent ~ ~SE (for Imsbene~). (So~ microor~nis~ ) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0 Hieb~etin,' E, N, ~ F~mb. CorresP. o� Acad. of Sc. HSSR of the soil Conference in Czechoslovakia or. t~e mtcrobiolo~r veer. U~ $SSRS, 6~68, Aug 195~ Report by t~e Soviet delegate on the conferenc~ on soil microbiologY, held at the Academy of Agricultural Sciences of Gzechoslovaki~ in February195~ Inst~tution : ...... Submitted : ..... APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0 ~o~ere~e on soi~ .icrobioIog~ in CsechoeIovAv~a, ?est. ss~ 2~- ~:.8:6~-68 ~g '5~. (~ ?'''~) L, Chlen-korresl~on4ent ~k~iea�� ~zmIc. a/.eme-..C, secb. o s Io re'cie.) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0 US&R/Scientific Organization - Conferences Authors Title I Mishustin, E. No~ and Iyerua~l~ekiy~ N. De ~ At the International Congress of Microbiologists in Rome An account is given m~inly of the sight-seeing and social features Of tbs biological con~.;ess in Romee It is noted,' however, from papers read thz~ outside of the Soviet Union the action of biotic substances is studied mainly from the vi~point of curing dtseases~ overlookin~ their application .in the industrial preser- vation of food.~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0 ~{ologY "-' l~.eteriolo~, Au~hor~ peri~lc~X I Priroda~ 4~/9, ~2-55, Sep 1954 ~ The article de~s with a convention that was held ~ Czech~ Abs~t slOva~a ~ Feb~ of 1954, w~ch was attend~ ~ ~0 del~ ~s ~ at ~ ~ p~S we~ read pert~g to ~cz~o~ ~ t~t ~e :~ s~e w~ co~ected with ~ic~t~, e~ther ~ p~. p~ite.~ or ~ the fo~ of ~- ~o def~ scientific ~o~ati~ Xnsti~timm s . � .. � APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0 ~e2ber. Oorrespondent of the U$$~. Acade~ of Sc~encee Report given at Ju~ilee helcI oh June ~1, 195~ ~ honor of .Sth a~ive~a~ of fo~dation of Inst of ~c~biolo~, AS ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0 UeSR/~gricu~ture . pl&nt Ecology Card 1/1 Pub. Author : ~ishustin, The epiphyte microflora of esparsette seeds and increasing its yield Title : Periodical : Izv. AN SSSEo Set. Biol. 2, 8-18, March-April' 1955 ~icroflora such as Bact. herbicOla, musual Abstract : In addition to e t pseudomonas etc. i of two fungicides, b~s growth and decreases its yield. The effect and granozan found to be the authors, lowers the rate g Tt4TDS and INUIF-~ or granozan, w~s investigateG more effective against this fungUS. However, best results against Alter- naria are obtained by a treatment of seeds with the fungicide, photO- graphs; tables. Nine references, &il USSR (ail after ~9~O)- Institution: Institute of Kicrobiologykcad Sci USSR and the Institute of Farmin~ of the Central Chernozem Belt fme~i ~. �' Dokuchayev- Submitted : November 20, 195h APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0 ~mt~c ~t~ ~bttnecofth~P~ � Y :' rain ' . ~ .* ~. c ~.,_ -~*U tn the ~il to thet ~tnt ~t wh~h the ~o~h ~ ~tton p~;~u ~- ~-~ t ...... ........ ~- lhul ~au~ng a m~lflg m u~,. ~ -- ~ --owth ~'Xa~J ~ . p~yttq)ara~Jt� wh~h ~t~ o~tOfl APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0 York off sc�entiff[c research ~ns~�tut�o~s off the Chidese P~ople~a ~bI~c ~n the fieI~ of m~crob~oI~. ~ob~oI~ifa 2~ no,,~: APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., I{o LS, 1958, 67932 Author : Misustin, Inst : Czechoslovekian Agricultural Academy. Title 0r%6 Pub : Soil Microbiolo~v in the Scrvicu of Eigh Yields. : Sbor. Ceskosl. akad. zoned, red. Rostl. vyroba, 1955, 28, No 3-4, 165-174. Abstract : 1{o ~bstract. Card 1/1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0 MISHU~TIN~ Ye. N, "Stud~ oE the P~crubfa~ l~octat2or~ 2n liofls~,~ � p~p~r presented a~ tim 6th IntmrrmtionaI Soil Science Congress, Paris~ 28 Aug ~o 8 Sep %6. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C&teEorf: USSl~/Geue.-~.l Divi~ion. 8efentf~e I~titu~o~. Author' : ~shu~tln, E.N. ~t : ~ Title : ~c~biolo~ in t. he C~ne~{e Peoples ReF~b~c G~E ~b: ~r~, 1956~ No 5~ ~-73 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0 Abetrtc~: No APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0 . -i'*-:~::' ~';-~?~'?:.:*Ii~L:?.~�:.~:','; JL"~ ::~:""-::': :" ---;---' ;'~?.~'..'.*L:i'~-: ':- ' ~'' '.'-i:'*~:..:*~ .* -.-.:~_-..~.~'.'"....-~. ...... ' .... ',: ............... - .....� '- ~pI ~-P l~zo ~ ........ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 ~ ' � ?t-'.'-: '?,-" -5�.' .-~.:-~ : -* ;~. ~ * � ._ * _ . ....~:. . . . .- ;** .~ - ,. � ..... ~' /_ '. .: : :~..'" ... ..... - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0 ~. Ch/e,,-ko~e~pon~en~r .tlmd. em~,~. ~r: (m,~ 9:8) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0 1. Ghlen-kor~espondent it; ZS~R (fo.~ (Beoteriologr, &grioultura L) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0 [Development of f. ra~n sc�ence in the U,$.S.R.; a collect[on of articles] Razvit~e naukt o zerne ~.P.Eoz~m~uo[. Mos~a, [z~-vo tekha.~ ekon. l[t-~ po vopro~m ~omoI~no-~nof [ komb[kcrmovo[ pro~shl. [ elevatora~ ek~dakogo khoz~fatva, 1957. 1. Chten-korrespondent AN SSSR (for APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0 ~R / Soil nolence. BioLogy- of' 8oils. Aba ,Tour : Ref; Zbur - BioLogi~-~: ~o 17, 19~, No. ?7396 : YAahuatin. Ye; N]t Yd~z0yeva, ?. A.; ?ostr~r, Z. S. t Influence of 0ultivation of Cbernozem Soil b~ the T~ S. Mal.tsev Metb~i c~ Its Mlcroflora aml BlodImumics Orig l~b : I:~v. AN SSSR, asr. biol., 1957, No ~,, 466.1~79 Abstract : Tbs biological activity of chernoze~s cultlv~tec~ at & depth of 50 cm a~i of the same soils oultlvated by the usual metho~ at a depth of 2~-30 ca was compame~ at the Shadmi~ Erper~m~ntal Station (19~3-i9~6). S-mples were taken of soils that were in a fallo~ state -~ of those occuDie~ by crops of spring whea~ an~ vetch-oat m/xture. It. is shown that deep nonbank/ng cult�va~ion of the soil activ~es the course of the microbiological processes in the soil. Conditions ~re create& for the development of 1/2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0 Kikrob:[oI~[~a APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0 I. ~alen-k~rreaponden~ Akade~� aau~ ~$~/~ (for ~fshus~in). APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0 The theor~ of so~l =icrobe assoc[ation~ an~ its d~eI~nte 1. ~stitut ai~obioI~ii AK SS~. (SOIL. microbioIo~, microbial assoc., ~evi~ (~IORO~AXIS~, in eoiI, aicrobiaI a~soc., review(~a)) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0 HiS}TGSTi,"-}~ Ye. I'[., ~%r. of the AS U$SR "Soil Microorganisms." scientific report presented at the Plenary Meeting of the EeFart~mnt of Biological Sciences, Acad. Sci. USSR, 16-L7 June 1958 ('Zest. AN SSSR, 1958, No. 8, pp. 57-6[~) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0 AUTI{OR: TITLE: PERI ODICAL ABSTRACT: Card 1/2 SOV'-26-58-9-,d/42 Eishustin, Ye.I~., Eember Correspondent, AS USS~ Soil Cultivation and Harvest (Obrabotka pochvy i urozhay) Priroda, 1958, Nr 9, pp 25-$2 According to a project worked out by the, XXtH Congress of the Soviet CP~ the gross grain harvest is to be 11 billion Doods by 1960. One of the unquestionable prime factors is soil cultivation~ especially ploughing~ Breaking up of the virgin soils in the east of the USSR has demonstrated that the yield of the soil increases with cultivation, i~e. maximum harvests are not obtained from untouched soilo This was also proven in practice on the dark-brown soil of the "Kcmsomol'skiy" sovkhoz in the Akmolinsk Oblast'~ New suggestions with re- spect to ploughing depth and the upper soil layer were made by VoP. Bushinskiy, V.P. Mosolov and other researchers� K~I~ Boltyan, IoV. Katyshuk and other researchers were concerned with the investigation of the organic remains in the soil. The distribution of the root systems in the soil were studied by P~A~ Genkel', VoA. Frantsesson, IoV. Matyshuk and other investigators� Ye.G. Petrov showed that deep ploughing yielded increased harvests in steppe soils~ Deep ploughing APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0 ASSOCIATION: Soil Cultivation and Earvest SOV-26-Se-9-4,/42 of the layer of grass sods was studied by L.P. ~elyakova and I.N. AntiDov-Earatayev in 1954 and under the direction of the latter in the grey earth of the Vakhshskaya pochvenno-melio_ rativnaya stantsiya im. V.V. /uybysheva (Vakhshskaya Soil Melioration Station imeni V.V. Kuybyshev). The problem of annual plants in soil cultivation was studied by P.G. Aderi- khin and Ye.N. Titova. There is I photo, 1 drawing, 6 tables and 9 Soviet references. Institute mikrobiologii AN SSSR/McsMva (The Institute of Microbiology of the AS USSR/Moscow) 1. Agrf~ulture~USSR 2o Soils Card 2/2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0 "~he theory of the mlcrcbe as$ociati ns o� the soil% report presented at a Joint Session of the i~io]ogical ~ept. of AN USSF~ an4 Biological and ~'~dical �epts. ~N G~ziya SS[~ Tbilisi~ 2~ Sept - ) Oct 1957. ~/est~ ~ad. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0 [];ndica~�ons off th~ san.ltarF cond~.t�on off the ~o~ off po~a~e~ pIaeas] Po~zateI~ ~ta~ogo sosto~sn~ta po:~ na~eIe~ 1. Deystv~tel%yy chle~ JdG[ ~SR (for Sysin). APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0 I. Znat[tute off X~crob[olc~', ~cexte~r off Sciences off the APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0 (t~[JDIlr, Koro, doktor b�ologonaulc-. Prfnim~la uchaat;lye: DAI/IY~0V'A, [,.To, kand:b:f, olog:n~.ulct .I~I[3HU3~IN, re,~_.~_., doktor b�olog:.nsulc, naucnn~ red., QUREVIG~I, Z.3., redo~ TU~FIMA, M~I~,., tekhn.~ed.. lin ~ha wori~ ct* invisible beinga~ album] ~ ~ire nevidimykk; si%om. ~oatavlen M.[.~olt~fn~m pti uchastl� ll,7, Dsnilovc�. I960. I~. plates (tn por~folio), (~ 13:I2) I. O~e~korreapon~nt ~ ~R (for Mls~tin). APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0 [Nia~obiolo~y of ~rain ~n6 flaur] ~tkrobiologtia zerna i ~aki. Noakva, Izd-vo tekh~.i ekon. lit-ry po vopro,a~ khleboproduktov, 196o..06 p. (~I~ Ohlen-korrespondent iii ~b~ (for ~ehuatin) (Grain) (Flou~) (liicrobiolo~,) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0 [R~portm of 3oviet ,o�1 ec�en~iats to ~ha ?th [m~ernat�onal Congreea in the U,S.A.] Doklsd~ ~ovetskikkpockvovedov h �1~ Mefh~unaro/tnom~zkongreseuv 3~hA. Roskva, ~d-ve Akad.naul:$S~R, 1o Tu~erna~�onal Congr~ee of Soil Science., sko7 ~ (for ~ipov-Eara~a~v). ~. Pochven~y ina~ftu~ Do~c~yava ~demii ~ SSSR, ~s~a (for~lpov-~ta~ev. [Con~inue~ on next car~) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0 ZUBRILIN~ A.A.; ~tiISHUSTIN, Ye.N~ ~gent problems in the theory and prac~�ce of feed ensLIage, Izv. AN SSSR. Ser~ biol. no, 4:574-591 Jl-:~g I, Institut mikrobiologii Akademif nauk S~qR, (~.~) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0 KISHUSTiN, Ie.N.~?XINSKAYA, O.I. Ecological and gsoi~aphieaI factors governing the distribution of microscopic soil fungi. Izv. A~ ~SR. Set. biol., no.5:64i S-O '60. (MIRA 13:9) I. Institute of Microb�ology,~ A?ademy of Sciences o� the USSR, Moscov. (son, ~c~o-o~nA~m~S) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0 Tillage and effective soil fertility, no.7~?-17 !60. 1. Instftut mikrobiologii AN SSSR. Trudy Inst. mlkrob~ol. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0 ZENKEVICH, L.A.; F/SHUSTIN, Ye.N. "Marine microbiology (deep-sea)" by A.E.ErLq$. Reviewed by L.A.Zenkevich, E.N. Misk~stin. Usp. so~V. biol. 49 no.2t260- Mr-AP(M~NE'y~O. }{ICROBIOLOGY) (K[~,ISS, A.E. ) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0 MIMHU~TIN, ~e.N,; PUSHKIN~KAYA, O.I. F~asures promoting ~ ~ m~~ fo~tton ~ p~ ~. ~ ~er co~itions prevaii~ ~ the forest s~ zo~ of the U.S.S.R. I~. ~ SSSR. Set. biol. 26 no.5:7~Tf6 S-0 '~. (~ 14:9) 1. ~stitute of ~cro~iology, Acade~ of Sciences of the U,S.S.R, MOSCOW, APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0 Biological methods for increasing the ef�ective fertility of soil., Trudy Inst. mikrobfoL no.1l:3-16 '61 (MIRA 16:11) i. Institut mikrobiologii AN SSSR. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0 Susceptibility of humlc acids to attack by soil microflora. Mikro- biologii~ 30 no.5:841-848 S-O '61. (MI!~ 14,12) 1. Institut mikrobiologii AH SSSR. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0 MIS}~USTIN, Ye.N. Microbiology and agriculture. S '61. Vest.AN SSSR 31 ~o.9:61-64 (mit i~:io) 1. C~len-kerrespomdent AN SSSR. (Micro-organisms, Nitrogen-fixing) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0 $~OVi, t~ina YdJchaylmmal ~[[S]~_]~_IIL~[e~L ~ otv. red. B.K.~ red. �zd-va; ~HItTi, P.5.~ tekhn, red. [~cot~ophy of voody plants]HiEotrofiia dre~esnykh po~i. Moskw,. ~z~-vo Aka~. nauk SSSR, 1962. 374 p. fMTRA 15:9~ ~ Woody ptants~ (~ycorhiz&~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0 Nature of the action o� bacterial fertilizers (azotobacterin, phosphorobacterin) on farm crops. Izv.A~ SSSR.Ser.biot. no.5:?09- 717 S-O '62. (MIRA 15:10) 1.' Institute of Microbiology, Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R., Moscow, (AZOTO~C~R) (BACTERIA, PHOSPHORUS) (FE/{TILIZERS AND M~.NURES) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0 MISHUSTIN, le.N.; NAUMDVA, A.N. Bacterial fer~flizers, their effectiveness and mechanism of action. Mikrobiologila 31 no.3:543-555 My-Ce '62. (MIP~ 15:12} (AZO~O~O~m) (~Cm~, m~s~o~s) (FERTILIZERS AND MANURe) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0 "Trends ~n soil ~icrobloloo~ l~ports ~ ~ ~t~d for t~ Co~e~e on Glob~ I~ac~ off APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0 Tdmmdiate tasks :h~ atudytng eotl fert:Llttor and ways for Ets. increase. Pochvovedente no.lsS-20 Ja '63. (lilRt 1612) (Soil fertility) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0 O.o~gFessw [.~ontreals 1962, ].':.';, :zN ~-2'.:i. :~eP, biol, no.2:J2'~-~30 b~-Ap '63. (~.~I~& 1';:5) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0 FEDOROg, Mikha�I ~fastl'yav�ch, prof.; I{JS~TI~I~,_, red.; ~YA, I.g., ~d.; SOKO~VA~ N.~., tek~. red. [[~=~biolo~] gikrobiolo~ia. Izd.7. Pod red. sh~fna. Mos~a~ Sel~ozizdat, 1~3. '~ P. 1. C~en-korresponden% ~ SSS~ (fo~ ~shus~in). APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0 1. Mikrobiologicky uatav Akademie red SSSR, Moskva. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0 ML~HUSTIN, Ye.N.; NAUMOVA, A.N. kand. biologichesk~kh nauk; MA~:~E.~(O, V.G.., A~otobecterfn and its effectiveness. Izv. TSKHA no.&:~2-5~ '63. 1. Institut mfkrobiologi� A~ SSSR (for M/shustin,. 2. Chlen-korrespondent A~ SSS~ (for Mlshutfn). APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0 SHASKOL'$~yA, N.D.~ red.; VYAZ~TSE~A, V.E.~ red.lz~-va~ DOROk~TINA, I.No~ [Microbes and grain] Mikroby i zerno. Moskva, lzd-vo AN SSSR, 1963. 291 p. (~-[LRA 17:1) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0 MISHUSTIN, Ys.N.; MIRZOI~A, Mtcro~ioIog~cal p~fnciple~ o� ~he control o� ~.e ensi~ ~o~e~~. ~v. ~ S~. Set. biol. no.6,78~~D '6~.~ 1. Ins~it~ of ~c~o~ol~, ~de~ of Sciencee of the U.S.S.R., Mosc~. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0 MISHUSTIN~ Ye.N.; TEPPER~ Ye.Z,, kant. biolog, nauk, dotsent Effec~ o� comtiauou~ crop rotation~ monoc~c~,~ ~ fer~i~- $iem ~ t~ co~osl~ion of soil microflora. !z~. ~c ' � ~A no.6:gS- 1. Ghlen-kor~ondent ~ SSSR (for Mishust~n). APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0 Determination of the biological activity of logii~ 32 no.3~+79-483' l~y-Je'63 (MIRA 1. Institut mi~robiolo~ii AN APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0 ~acterfal fertilizers and their e,~fectiveness. Mikrob~ologi�a 32 no.5:911-917 S-0'63 ~ (MIRA 17:2) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0 G~ASiMOV, I.P.~ akademik, ~tav. red.; RODE, A.A.s red.; Ye.N,s red.; ~R~J2~OV~ N.i.~ red.' i~.O~iNA, A.A.~ re~.~, [p~sics~ che~st~ biolo~ a~ m~eralo~' of the soils rt at the Eighth international of the U.S.S.R.; [e~ _. ~ ~ =~-~a kh~fas biologila Con~ess of ~il ~cient~s~s~ "~ ~ ' i ~nera!ogiia pochv ~ doklady k ViII kon~essu pochvovm or. Mos~a, ~a~a, 196~i~9~ P' bshchest~o pochvovedov. 2. ~ezident Vse- 1. Vseso~zno~e o ....... ~f~n ~r~sizov). 3. Poch- so~ogo obshchestvg pocn~u~ ..... __r (for ~ti~v- we~. ~,~titut ~. V.V.Dol~ch~ev~ K~ata~ev~ ~r~ov). 4. Institut ~obiologii Mos~a (for Mis~stin). APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0 Effect of herbicides on the micro~olo~c~ r~-~c~es ~, Izv. ~ ~R Set, biol. no.2:l~ M~-A~'~ (MI~ 17:3) 1, ~sti~ of ~crobfelo~% ~ademy of Sci~ces of the APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0 ~HACHIK~M[, L.A.; MtSHU~TI!~, Ye.~., rukovoditel~ raboty Dfstrfbution of cellulose-decgyin~ actino~ycetes ~ semi- desert Atomy soils of the Armenian S.S.R. Izv. Ail SSSR. Set. biol. no.5:TAO-744 S-O '64. (MIP_~ 17:9) 1. Armyanskiy nauchno-iasledovmtel'skiy imstitu~ vimc- g~darstva~ vinodeliy& i plodovodstva, Yerevan. 2. korrespondent AN SSSR (for Mishustin). APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0 Visiting sc!entif~ c Sero hlolo nooS.~Tg9-?~,9 S-~) '64. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0 MIShTJSTIN ~ ~e. ~.,'. Chem/caltzabion o� a~riculture and the objectives 0� soil biology. Izv. A~; SS.~R. Set. biol. no.6:~09-~20 ~:-D m6&. 1. /nstitute of liicrobiology~ Academy o� Sciences o� U.S.S.R., Moscow. (MIPS. 17:11) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710004-0"