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300210 3/020/61/141/001/001/021 Stability in the case of a neutral ... C111/0222 There are 2 Soviet-bloc references. PRESENTED: June 2, 1961, by M. V. Keldysh, Academician SUBMITTED: May 23, 1961 Card 4/4 L 637-66 ZkUW/5Vm)j'r GW 37 ACC@ NRt Ap6oi5603 SOURCE CODE: @UR/0020/66/166/002/026470_2W AUTHOR: Kolchane-vt A.. K. ORG: none ITITLE: Resonances in multifrequency oscillations SOURCE: AN SSSR. Dokladyj Y. 168p no. 2p 1966t 284-287 XV TOPIC TAGSt RlanetuT orbit' planetary satellitet osoilliLtiont parametert vector ABSTRA02: Wtifrequency oscillations of the following fo= are studied.: gF (I. q, where S is a small parameter; 1 (11 @Iky - a-:,ra- - slow var iables; and fg) are fast, (phase) variables. The concepts introduced Ewe illustrated by the example of resonances in the solar system, In space I of slow variablesy the over- whelming part of the points are points that do not lie on any of the resonance surfacei 4. W) njWtM + + MW(M .=0 if the integral vectors nIq ne are linearly independentl then there exists an L 37637-66 A(:C Nit' AP6015603 integral biorthogonal system &,j *os a blo #sop b. ouch that the vectors n,j #say r`6 are obtained from the vectors a,j a. by the integral trlan6abr transformation at Titat + Tfta2, . . . . . . . . . . . 0. == T,'iat+ Taft + ... - + Analysis of tha resonances of the planets and their satellites leads to the following conclusions: 1) the rule of maximum resonance as applied to all satellite systems and to the planetary oyatem is that the number of resonance relations is equal to one less than. the number of phases; 2) systems with a small number of members are fairly homogeneous; 3) the system of Saturn and its satellites shows a clear tendency toward the creation of a heterogeneous structure. This paper was presented by Academician Us V. Keldysh'on 26 August 1965o Orig. art. has: 8 formulas and I table,. so CODE: 0'6)1'L/ sm DLTz: 26Lug65/ optia REF,t oo7 12 . vmb MoLcHMOVS &.ff. 2. usm (6oo) 4. Social,S.ciences .7. Accounting on a co=ertial basis in constructionand bank control. Moskva., Goofinizdat.1952 9. Ma athlylist of Russian Accessions$ Library of Congress,, March,,1953.Unclasaified. MOTXMMOT,, Aleksandr Mikolayevich; DUIMtSKIT, D.,,; - --T,- -.: t., re .izd--va; LRB=. A., EUDIC coatrol in, coastruationj Bankovskii kontroll v stroi- teltstva. Noakwa. Goefinisdat, 1960. 76 p. (KIU 13:10) (Banks and banking) (Construction industry-finance) MOLOWOV, I.Y., referent; MOICHOOT. N.G. Nodelling of temperature distribution in a blast furnace hearth (Tram; 'Journal of Iron and Steel Inatttutew no. 1. 1955). Stait 16 aa.1:82-83 156. (KLRL 9:5) (Great Britain--Blast furnaces) (Heat--Tranamiasion) HOWUNOT, L.K. . I I . Flexure Of plates reinforced by end stiffeners. Sudostroanie 28 @ Ar .9620 (MML 151:6) 11 15ais- (Naval architecture)) LKONID071 @Ha @ Determining the size of runners for pig iron and slag. Stalt 24- rto.1:1&21 Ja, f64. (KMA. 17:2) 1. Gosudarstve=yy soyuzMy inatitut, po proyektiravaniyu metaM"gichookikh zavodor, IfawHaov A.P, -7`4`7 @--, Heavy infestatioa of ascarlds in a chilct. Zdrem.Belor. 5 no-7-.63-61P J1 '59. Ulm 12:9) 1. Iz kuremetalcoy aellakoy bollaitay (ClavW vrach G.A.. Bolkovalaya) Ifolodechaeaskoy oblaati. (ASCARIDS AIM ASMRIASIS) MOLCHMV., A. P. MOLCHMOVt A. P. .1 ItTransitory processes. in certain systems of frequency discrindnators.11 Min Higher FAucation USSR. Leningrad Electrical Engineering Inst imeni, -V. 1. Ulf-yanov (Lenin). Leningrad, 1956. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate in Technical Science). Source: Knizhnaya letopis' NO, 28 1956 Moscow HDLOMMY, A.F'..- FRDIDT. G.L. Yarrow-band amplifiers with vibration galvawmeters. Frib. It tekh. sksp. no.1:89-90 JI-Ag f56* (MMU Ia.-2) (Amplifiers, Electron-tube) @MOLMMOV A F. CMG FAM YUNG, KCROLKOV, D. V., WANG SHOU MN, tMIZABMAN, E. G. t r E ewr@: I and SALCKONOVICH, A. E. "Preliminary Results of Hadioastronomical Observations of Annular Solar Eclipse, April 19, 1958" paper presented at Symposium on Radio Astronomy, Paris, 30 JrI - 6 Aug 1958. SOV/58-59-9-2io44 Translation from: Referativnyy Zhurnal Fizika, 1959, Ur 9, p 234 (USSR) AUTHORS: Molchanov, A.P., Gyunninen, E.M., Mellnikov, AN., 14olchanov, Al.P., Myasnikov, L-L-TRYsakov, V.N., Skripov, F.I., Filippov, m.M. TITLE; Results of the Observations of the Solar Eclipses of 1952 and 1954 at a Wavelength of 3.2 em PERIODICAL: V sb.: Polnyye solnechn. zatmeniya 25 fevr. 1952 g. 1 30 iyunya 1954 g. Moscow, AN SSSR, 1958, pp 331 - 332 AB3911ACT: The authors give the results of the radio observations of the solar eclipses of 25 Feb. 1952 and 30 June 1954. The residual intensities of the sun's radio emission amount to c@. 4% and 0.98% respectively. Card 1/1 6"6 V, 3/035/60/000/01/04/008 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurn&l, Astronomiya i Geodeziya, 1960, No. 1, 49., AUTHOR: Holchanov, A. P. TIEMS Distribution of Radio-Brightness over the ZUQ!s Disk From Observations of Total Solar LValipses at the 3.2-cm W&-v--FT-FM&%h. PMUODICAL. V sb.: Folnyye solnechn. zatmenlya 25 fevr. 1952 1 30 iyunya 1954, Koscow, AN SSSR@ 1958, PP. 333-335 TEXF., An attempt was made to obtain the distribution of radio-brightness over the Sun's disk on the basis of observations of several eclipses at the 3.2-cm It Is pointed out that, observations of different, years, at longer wavelength. A. wavelengths could not have been utilized, since the state of the corona changes considerably with time. The brightness distribution presented is similar to the distribution obtained by Alon, Arsak and Steynberg in Mar-ey by means of an interferometer. A possible error of the calculated radio-brightness distribution .is estimated. There are 5 references. N. S. S. wv/58-59-4-W6 Translation from: Referativnyy Zhurnal Fizika, 1959, Mr 4, p 232 (USSR) AUTHORS: Yqygig,_q.S., Kushnir, V.F., Molchanov, A.P. T =11: Results of Observations of Shift of the Effective Center of Solar Radio Emission'@'at a Wavelength of 3.2 Cm PERTODICAL: Solnechnyye Dannyye, 1958, Nr I - 2, pp 108 - 110 ABSTRACT: The authors submit curves showing the results of measurements of tILe shift of the effective center of solar radio emission at a wavelength of 3.2 em for the period December 4, 1956 - July- 30, 1957. The observations were .carried out with the 4-m paraboloid (Main Astronomical Observatory). Measurement, errors did not exceed 11. Card I/i 69859@ SOV/35-59-9-7128 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Astronomiya, i Geodeziya, 1959, Mr 9, p 42 (USSR) AUTHORS: LuYan, MoIchaacy, A.P., Petrcn7a, N.G., Skripcv, Fj, TIM: The Observation of an Annular Eclipse of the&'M on April 19, 1958, at the 4.5 cin Wavelength PERIODICAL: Solnechnyye,dannyye, 1958 (1959), NP 8, pp.70 72 ABSTRACT; There is a citation of the photometric curve of the eclipse and the results of its analysis. The local source connected with the group of spots Nr 188 which were observed on the disk the day of the eclipse, pro- duced an increase in the.emission by approximately 14% in comparison with 'he source, if one is to the emission from the quiet Sun. The area. of t judge by the moments of its being covered by the eclipse and unacovered again, is near to the area of the visible group. The brightness temperature related to thia area amounts to f"I 1,9,lo6 degree K. Two possible explara- tions are put forward as to the origin of another local source discovered from the anomaly of the shape of the curve, and which is not related to t7he visible groups of spots. In one of the explanations the source is cormected- Card 1/2, to an active region located at a height of 0.08 Ro < h 14- 0.25 Ro (Ro is 6985@ SOV/35-59-9-7128 The@ Observation of an Annular Eclipse of the Sun on April 19, !95558, at the 4.5 Wavelength the radius of the photosphere) above a group of spots occurring on the day of tIe e0lipse behind the disk. In another explanation, suggested by U.S. Soboleva, and V.14, lkhsanova., the local source is connected with the Ur. 147 group of spots, existent in the precedLng rotation of the Sun; in the place of this group on the day of the ealipse, an er-1- =ced brightnesa'of the coronal line at X 5303 was observed. The processing of the section of the eclipse curve in the vicinity of the maximum phase has shown the presence of a bright limb contributing -@6% to the total amount of the radio emission. With the width of the li-ib being 0.06 Ro its brightness must exceed the mean radio brightness of t'he disk Tay 60%. A.Ye. Salomonovich Card 2/2 AU@@9ORS: Iaolclaanov, A. IP. , C h e n 7a n - ,, i in SOV/30-58-9-14/:-,l TITLE: Anrular of the @Iu:i f,-.olItseobrazno,,!e zatmeniye soIntsa) Joint BmAjition of Soviet and Chinese S-,ientists (Sovmestni@ya ekspeflitsiya sovetskikh i kittayskik-h ucheny1n) PERIODICAL: Vestnik Lkademii nauk SSSR, 1958, ".',r 9, pp. 66-69 (LISSR) A.BSTRACT: The eclipse o,@ the nur took place on :.pril 19, 1958. 22 ex- p(arts from the Soviet Union and 31 from China took part in the observations. The ex 'uedition was led by it. F. Kolchhnov .from the AS ITSSR and by Ohen F,-@n-yiin from the AS of the Chinc-ac. People's Republic (KIIR). For securing the execution of the expedition's work a spe-ial co=,ittee was formed under IJ Yuy-syun, Vice-President of the I.-S of the Chinese People's Republic. in the USSR the organization of the expedition wao directed by A. A. Mikhaylov, Chairman of the AstronomicheB'-1111 sovet, (Astronomical Council). Radionstronomical ObservatioAs (Radioastronomicheskiye nablyudeniya) Card 1/3 The expedition was equipped 'with 7 r,,diotelescopes. '2he obser- Annular Eclipse of the Sun. Joint Erpedition of Soviet and SOV/30-58-9-14,/51 Chinese Scientists vations were carried out in a wide frequency range. The opera- tion plan was elaborated under S. 2. Khaykin, Chairman of the Kommissiya po radionstronomii Astronomicheskogo soveta Akade- mii nauk 'MR (Comiliesion. for Radioastronomy of the kaitlronomi- cal Council of the AS USSR). Groups of collaborators of the Glavnaya astronomicheakaya observatoriya (Mazin Astronomical Observatory) under A. -?. Molohanov, D. V, Korollkov, of the Fizicheskiy institut ism. P. I.T. Lobedeve, ('Physias Institute imeni P. 11. Lebedev) under A. Ye. Salomonovich %nd of the Byurakarsk"M observatoriya Akademii nauk Armyanskoy SSR (Byura.kaa observmtory oil the AS Armyanskaya S!-:,F) under E. G. Mirzabekyan p@:rticipated in the expedition. Nearly all the equipment was of original design.For the disposition of equipment for rave leneths of less than 3 cm the d-1--trict of t1he city of eanlya (isle of Khaynan') was chosea. The ob- servations were successfully carried out in thu wave ranee of 0,8 to 5,1 cm by all types of equipment. it will not be poseible to estimat --- the final results until the analysis of the measured vaLues has been carried out. But it can a!- ready be concluded that there i@@ a dazzling limbus on the sun.- Card 2/3 The results ol a provisional evaluation vrere dircus@:ed in -a Annular Eclipse of the 'Sun* Joint :Eypediltion of Soviet and Chinese Scientiz..,to aeminar, .,,-hich for three Jlays- anti vaa organized bT the A3 of the Chiivuoe Pcople-'s Republic in Peking. The re- stilts of the observatiz,,n@@ were repcrt@-.d to the branches o' the AS in Guanlch@@hou, @@hr;-nghiki, 1@pnking and at a meeting of the Presidium of the .Icadem,, in Pekinr. Pro- vious to the )rork, in Pekin,- courses were held general problemn of tho astrophysics and rLdioantronomy -d oractical trainirg -.@ia-u given in the place of observation. There are 2 figures. .ard 3/5 ,AUTHORS: Vyatkina, Y. 11J., Ivanova, Z. A. SOV/108-13-to-7/13 o"Lolchanov, A. P. TITLE: Phage Discriminator (Fazovyy diskriminator) PERIODICAL: ReLdiotekhnika, 1958, Vol 13, Nr lo, PP 39 - 44 (USSR) ABSTRACT: One of the principal requirements placed upon phase- discriminators is stability of balancing. A circuit is investigated which according to assertions by the author, exhibits a high stability. Formu-;ae for the computation of a high balancing stability phase- discriminator are dedueed. The discriminator characteristic and the stability of this circuit are compared with a bridge circuit with the same parameters. For this purpose the bridge circuit is investi.-ated in a similar manner with a trapezoidal -tbst signal., The. -phase discriminator is investigated experimentally, the results of this work being presented in this paper. There are 11 figures and 3 references, 2 of which are Soviet. SUBUITTED: March 26, 1957 Card 1A I Translation from: -pp. 53-54, # 6276 83h4o 8/0 35ra 0 AOO /00 7/00 7/0 G' 8 AOOl/A0O1 Referativnyy zhurnal, Astron omiya I Geodeziya, 1960, No. 7. AUMOR: Molchanov, A.P. TIM% On the Possibility of.Forecasting Appearances of Some Sunspots From -k, Radioastronomical Observations (Preliminary Information'7- PM11ODICAL: Solnechnyye dannyye, 1959, No. 4. pp. 82-83 TEXT: The author holds it for p--ssible to forecast the app;_-arance of optical- ly visible sunspots from the observations of the shifts of the effective center of solar radio-frequency radiation. 'The given method is based on the results of visual and radio-observations at a wavelength of 3.2 cm, carried out by the LIX Glavnaya astronomicheskaye. observatoriya AN SSSR (Main Astronomical Observatcry AS USSR)'at Pulkovo since December 1956. The method of correlations obtained is described In detail. Twenty forecasts for groups with the area Sp '@ 200 were made in the time from December 4, 1956, to March 23, 195T, during which'the shifts of the,emission effective =ter exceeded considerably the errors of measurements. The number of correct forecast@5 amounted to 75%, the number of tbe groups forecast Card 1/2 83440 S/035/60/OW/007/W7/CO8 AOO 11AOO i On the Possibility of Forecasting Appearances of Some Sunspots From Radio- astronomical Observations (Preliminary Information) to 95%, The forecasting of groups emerged with Sp :;P 100 yielded 95% correct forecasts and 70% of the- correctly predicted number of groups. The instants of sunspot appearances were predicted, by approximate estimates, 1q5 in advance, not earlier. The author holds that r6gular forecasting of the appearance of sume sunspot groups is possible, provided the frequency of radio-observationts afid their accuracy are increased. This will aid in estimating the arem occupied by radio-emitting formations or t-heir altitude over the opaque, for a given wave- ,length range,-level of the solar atmosphere (fr6m the magnitude of advance fcee- casting). It is also poisible that the area of the g-oup, near the Sun's,11sk edge will be determined more precisely from the magnitude of the shift of rJ-.e emission effective center. T.V. Krat Translator's note: This is the fiall translation of the original Russian abst-ract. Card 2/2 20979 .11 t 7 7@O 00YI) // 7-41 7) 3/058/61/000/004/034/042 6, N17 AG01/A101 AUTHOR: Molchanov, A. TITLE: Increase of radio brightness at the solar disk edge at 3.2-cm wave- length PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Fizika, no 4, 1961, 415-416, abstract 4Zh592 ("Solnechnyye darnyye% 1960, no 3, 68 - 69) TEXT: The author estimates radial distribution of relative brightness temperature of the Sun I (r@ ) at the wavelength 3.2-cm from the magnitudes of relative residues of fluxes F r . the letter were measured during observations of eclipses in various years aV;he instants of.-aoincidences of the lunar and so- lar centers: I0Q @ 6 Fres/ LSresp where PG is ratio of visible radii of the Moon and the Sun, Brea is uncovered area of the radio disk;A Tres 4nd A Sres are differences of respective quantities at different 1@ The processing of obser- Vation data from eclipses of 1950, 1%-1, 1954 and 195%'leads to the value of radio diameter equal to 1,035 R. Q . The presence of brightness increase at the solar limb, obtained by tUs meLthod, agrees with the data of interferometric observa- tions (RZhFiz, 1964, no 3, 3013). A.S (Abstracter's note.- Complete translation.] Card 1/1 23939 3/035/61'/000/006./o22,/c.,44 7-Z A00I./AlOl AIUMORS: Wang*Shou-kuan, Kuo Jou-hsun, Dravskikh, A.?., Kumhnir, V.F., Mol- chanov' A P Tavasi@sherrna, K.N., Wu Hual-wei, Huang Wei-k'ung, EFe--n-'F-a-=S--;L, Yang- Chien TITIE Obzervat-ions of the ann-alar eclipse cf the Sun on April 19, 1958, a:t, the 3.2-r-m wavelength r-ER.IODII,*AL-. Referati-myy zirurn-2-1. Astr=-omiya i Geodeziya,, nc. 6, 1961, 44, at@- stract. 6A378 ("SoIne*hnyve dannwye", 1960, no. 4. 69-72) TW"L- The resulne of otservat.lone of the eclipse at the 3.2-cm wavelength are presented. DurirZ the e;51ipse the radio emission flux was measured, The pGsi- tion of the ra4@c emission effe@-,@@ive oen-,.-s-r and devia-AO-n of radio dlst@ribu-i-ion over 4,he solar disk from circular symmetry was meas-ared. As a result of processing the cbaerv%@.-ionrxl data @*,h-:-- 117,01lowing reFLults were ob- tainedt residual fl-,jx at @he InEtant of maxlm@m ;h-:Lsc- amounted to 23% of '-he fIU-x from the quiet S=; -rbe fIOUX frc@fr, gro-Ap nc. 188 was tc 6% of the flux from a 1:,oat-ea at the edge of +he dizk 4% (7). The 1--'rightness temipera- - re Df a s, unspct Sr - up war-- 17 x 10-OK, effe-@.-tlve tempi--raT,,.Lrs cf the quia-,@ S-an Card 112 Observa-z-Ims of -the anrealar eclipse 23239 S/"C35/6 110001006iIO2?,'O" AOOI/AIOI was 21 x 1030K. The eouxce at the edge. of ths- solar d1sk was identifled, by me%- suring @'hi@ shift of ths radtc C-MiSSICn effeot'_Ive c-enter, with groip no. 11LI which was a eoume of zt-rons ra:dl.o smtesion diuring the preceding mta-lm of -,he Sin. Ellipticit*7 turned ou-, t.o te less -,han 1.1. N. (Abstra-:-.7er's note: Complete tranzlat!@_aj Card- 2/2 20980 3f 171.0-N i It- 24t /I -L7) S/058/6 l/0W/004/035/042 4g,cr*( 7. A0011A101 AUTHOR: Molchanov, A.?. Mrs.$ The spectrum. of a local radio emission source on the Sun PERIODICALz Referativnyy zhurnal. Fizika, nO 48 1961, 416, abstract 4Zh593 ("Boineahnyye dannyye",. 1960, no 4, 72 - 75) TEM The author discusses the results of measurements, at different wavelengths, of the flux from & local source related to sunspot group No. 188, which were aonduated during the solar eclipse of April 19, 1958, by the joint Soviet-Chinese expedition (P2,hFiz, 1961, M520) and in Japan (RZhFiz, '1960, no 6. 15084). @ Using the obtained'data of relative fluxes and considering the data on 4- the fluxes from.the quiet Sun in the obdervation day, the author plo.s the abso- lute speetrum of the local source having a peak at the wavelength of r-,,,6 am. The drawn that the source observed can not be aonsidered as thin one also at X - 3.2 am which agrees with the high value of the source effective tem- '66 ). perature (r-4.7 x 10 K Hence the conclusion is drawn on the possible directi- vity of emission from sources already at:;L= 3.2 am. The spectrum obtained is cm ared with that following from the Waldmeier model. A.S. bstracter's note: Complete translation.] P Card 1/1 20982 3,17 io (low 1/ 24, it 2,7) S/058/61/000/004/057/042 AOOI/AIOI AUTHOESt Molahanov, &.P., Dagkesaman skiy, R.D. TITLE: Dependence of radio emission flux from local sources on their position an the solar disk PERIODICALt Referativnyy zhurnal. Fizika, no 4, 1961, 416, abstract 4Zh595 ("Solnechnyye dann.,,ye% 1960, no 5, 73 - 77) TEXT: The authors present; the result of processing various obaervations of the solar radio emission at the 50 - 3.2-cm wavelengths; these observations were.aarrial out in order to clear up the question, whether there is dependence of relative fluxes from local sources i(S) - Fu(G)/Fu(O) on the distance of the .source from the disk center. Various methods of processing were employed, among which were the following: 1) correlationtof the observed displacements of the radio. envission gravity center with instants of sunspot groups; 2) observations of fluxes:from individual sources by-means'of unilateral directional radiotele- scopes; 3) measuring mean fluxed in days during which sunspot groups concentrat- resence ed either in the central part of the disk or in its-periphqral part. The p Card 1/2 20982 Dapendence of radio emission flux ... 3/058/6 1/(YJO/()O 4,4037/042 AOOI/AlOl of dependence i(e) was proved for 10 am (on the basis of displacement@s of radio emission griLvity cen@Eer and correlation diagrams for various rings on the solar disk), as well as for )-. 3.2 am. The dependence-i(8) for wavelengths 3.2, 8 and 15 am proved to the approximately the aame and close to cos 0, although in the case of .3.2 am the relation is somewhat less pronounced. There aro 11 references. A. S. fAbstraater's note: Complete translation.] Card 2/2 3, -37945 S/035/62/000/005/040/098 A0551AI01 AUTHOR: Molchanov, A. F. TITLE: on the mutual correspondence of the results of radio astronomical and optical observations of the chromosphere PERIODICAL: Referatiw~Tf'zhurnal,.Astrononiya i Geodeztya, no. 5, 1962, 43, abstract 5A332 ("SolnechrV-ye dannyye", 1960,(1961), no. 11, 64-66) TM: The author estimates the density of hydrogen filaments, at Which the refraction index on the 0.8-cm wavelength becomes zero and the filament proves to be a reflector. It is pointed out that the density 2 - 1013 CM-3 is <o- gether reall and that it is possible to obtain a good agreement between the radio astronamicai data and the optical ones. There are 9 references. N. S. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 1/1 85991 s/i4l/6o/oo3/oo4/Ol7/Ol9 @i N17 E032/E514 AUTHOR: Molchanov, A. P. TITLE: A Method f@r Measurl-na the Flux of Radio Emission Due to the Moon and the Stm PERIODICAL:Izvestiya vysshikh uchebaykh zavedeniy, Radiofizika, ig6o, Vol-3, NO-4, PP-722-723 TEXT: Absolute-measurements of the flux of radto emtssi@n du-e- to the'goon and the%lun are complicated by calibratlofi difficulties. ..The use of @ an absorbing surface to obtain a calibration point (Whitenhurst, Mitchell and Copeland, Ref.2) simplifies the measure- @ments to some ext@ent but it is still nece-asary to determine independently the equivalent solid angle of the main lobe o .f the receiving antenna 11. Further simplification of the measurement of a radio fluxes involves the introduction of two calibration points obtained with the ald of a plane mirror. Thi's mirror should have angular dimensions 12' equal to the dimensions of the measured source 11 and alternately reflects Into the amteang of the radio telescopJto be calibrated,the radiation in the direction of the zenith (T and the radiation from a bleck surface at the temperature of,the surrounding air T air Under these conditions Ae@ Card 115 S/141/60/005/004/01-7/019 E032/E514 A Method for Measuring the Flux of Radio Emission Due to the Moon and the Sun a calibration of the radio telescog consists in measuring the radiatlon In the direction of the zenith, I.e. Tal @ Tzm + Te+ Tatm (I - M) and then the radiation from the black body T&Z = Tair Pa + Tt + Tatm (I in these expressions T I is the temperature of the antenna, T is the temperature Of the radiation entering through the side 14bes of the antenna, Ttm. is.the temperature ofthe radiation due to the Earth's surface. oL is a coefficient which accounts for the dimensions of the main lobe of the receiving antenna and diffraction effects at the mirror, and P is a coefficient describing the "quality" of the black body. During the calibration, the receiving antenna is fixed and after rotation of the mirror-one has , = k(d d T T (T T aa &I air z 2 1 Card 2/5 85991 sli 41/60/00 3/00 4/017/019 EG32/E514 A Method-for Measuring the Flux of Radio Emission Due to the Moon and the Sun where di is the cbf1ection if the pointer of the recording instru- ment and k is a constant for the particular radio telescope. The process of measurement consists of two stages, namely, (1) the determination of the temperature of the antenna with the telescope pointed at the source, in which case K W AE Ta3 = Tsm y + TZ + atm where y is a coefficient describing the absorption in the Earthts ,atmosphere. and (2) the determination of the temperature of the antenna In the absence of the source, in which case Ta4 = Ts + T' atm, Since the position of the antenna dur-ng the actual measurement differs from its position during the calibration process, the quantities which are liable to change due to this effect are indicated by an asterisk. From the above equations one finds that Card 3/5 85992. S/141/60/003/004/017/019 E032/E514 A Method for Measuring the Flux of Radio Emission Due to the Moon and the Sun @T5Y (d 3 -d4 )/(d 2 -d1j) (M/Mx)(T air@ - TZ) (3) .InAhe centimetre range this formula can be simplified to read T Y d d )/d - d (T (5) 3 2 air If theabove formula is used to determine the radio flux due to the Noonv the. solid. angles of the soxxrce and the mirror should be chaser- to be equal and the mirror should be located so that mle is clise to unity. If this is not possible cc /IoLK, -can be determined empidcally, using the above method of calibration, for a number of distances between the antenna and.the mirror and assuming that cc/mK tends asymptotically to unity. The low temperatures of the antenna in such measurements can be accurately determined with the aid of molecular amplifiers, which are already being used in radioa*ohomy (Giordmaine et al., Ref.3). Calibration carried out in accordance with the above method can easily be'repeated under different Card 4/5 85992. s/j-4i /6o/oo 3/00 4/0 17/019 E032/E5L4 A Method for Measuring the Flux of Radio Emission Due to the Moon and the Sun, conditions. Acknowledgments are expressed to S. E. Khaykin and --V, S, Troitskiy for valuable discussions. There are 5 references: 3 Soviet and 2 English. ASSOCIATION: Glavnaya astronamicheskaya observatoriya AN SSSR (Main Astronomical Observatory AS USSR SUBMITTED: April 4, 1960 Card 5/5 S/058/6 1/000/1002/012/018 AOO 11AO0 I Translation fromr Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, 1961, Ma. 2, p. 4(34, f 2Zh506 AUTHORr Molabanov,- A.P. - TITLE: Observations of Displadements of the Gravity Center of Solar Radio Emission at the Main Astronomical Observatory PEFIODICAL: "lzv. G1. astron. observ, v Pulkove% 1960, Vol. 21, No. 5, PP. 114 - 127 (Engl swrimary) TMMt The author considers the method of observL-.g solar radio emission using the swinging of the antenna diagram. He derives quantitative relations as- observational results with the source distribution over the Sun and the location of gravity center of its radio emission. Preliminary results of observa- tions of ellipticity in solar radio emission are presented, as %ell as associa- tions of displacements of the radio emission gravity center with instants of the sunapots. The author describes obzervations of emission sources during an annular eclipse and makes an attempt of forecasting the rising of auntpots on the basis of observations of displacements of the radto, emission gravity center. Tranalatorts note-. This is the full translation of the original Russian abstract. Card 1/1 MOWWOTt Andrey Pavlovichl LUKITANUCt A.A*f tekhn. red@ [Couroor on radio and electric engineering) Kure elektrotekbniki i radiotokbniki., Kookya, Oos*- izd-vo fiziko-matem. lit--17, 1961, 5C/4 P41 (MML 14t6) ("tric engineering) ("-'ia) 37943 3/035/62/000/005/038/098 3, A0551AL01 AUTHORS: Molchanov, A. P., Kaydanovskiy, N. L., Feterovp, N. G. TITLE: observations of local sources of solar radio emission with the aid of the great radio telescope of the GAG.(Main Astronomical Observa- tory), on the 2.3-cm wavelength PERIODICAL-' Referativnyy zhurnal, Astronomiye i'Geadeziya,no. 5, 1962, 42, abstract 5A327 ("Solnechnyye dannyye't, 1961, no. 3. 68-69) TEXT: The authors reproduce the preliminary results of the processing of 15 recordings of emission on the 2.3 am wavelength, obtained with the aid of the great radio telescope of the Main Astronomical Observatory, the Acadeny oil Sciences of the USSR (width of the.main lobe of the diagram 1!8). The dimensions of the observed sources do not exceed the distance bet4een the outer edges of t the nuclei of the remotest spots in the corresponding group. The height of the sources over the photosphere was (0.06 + 0,02) R E)@ f-ir the source linked with the group no. 594, and did not exceed 0.077 R(9 for"the groups' nos,596,597. The flux of the radio emission from the sources did not vary considerably when the sources moved from the edge of the solar disk towards its center. rAbstracterts note: Compl4te translation] 1. Gosachinskiy I Card 1/1 S/035/62/000/006/010/064 AOO1/A1Ol AUTHORS: Molchanov, A. P.. Korol'kov, D. V. TITLE': Radioastronomical observations of the solar eclipse of February 15, 1961, carried out by the Main Astronomical Observatory PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Astronomiya i Geodeziya, no. 6, 1962, 43, abstract 6A335 ("Solnechnyye dannyye", 1961, no. 4, 62-64) TEXT; The authors describe the program and the main results oX radio- astronomical observations of the solar eclipse of February 15, 1961. Observations were carried out with seven telescopes of 2-4 m in diameter at wavelengths 2 - 21 am. as well as with the Pulkovo great radiotelescope at wavelengths 3 and 8 cm. The following data were recorded during the eclipse: total flux, circularly- polarized flux, displacement of the gravity center of solar radio emission, and ellipticity of its disk. One of the main results of observations is determina- tion of' angular.dimensions of a local source related to sunspots (group No. 41) in the wide range of wavelengths. There are 7 references. N. Saboleva (Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 1/1 S/169/62."000/007/131/149 D228/D307 AUTHORS: Molchanov A P. and Petrovat N. G. TITLE: Results of observations of the solar eclipse of 15 February 1961 on the-wave 4.5 an PER10DICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geofizika, no. 7, 1962, 8-9 ab- stract!7G55 (Solnechnyye dannyye, no. 12, 1961 (19'62), 55-57) @_Abstracterls note.-'. Complete transiation.2 Card 1/1 33211 S/-14,1/61/004/004/017/021 E032/EI14 AUTHORSs MolchanoV, A.P., ani Caremyachenskiy,-, S.S. TITLE4 On the use of radiatio.. pattern stanning in some radio astronomical obse:rvations PERIODICALi Izvastiy4 vysshikh, uchabnykh zavedeniy, . Radiofizika, vA, no.5, 1@61, 972-975 TEXT4 The scanning of the directional diagram of the antenna of a -radio telescope provides additional information about the source of radiation and is currently used in rad,lio a3tronamic&I observattc@ns. The present authors report some quantitative relationships which are necessary for the efficient use of the method. Thus, the power of the received signal is expanded inti_- a Fourier series and formulae are derived for the expansion coefficie;Mts. Results are then re-expressed in a graphical form which is tonvenient for practical appliszationz. There are k figures and I Soviet-bloc referen@@6. ASSOCIATIM r2lavnaya astronomicheskaya obserTatori-la. AN SSSR (Main Astronomical Observatory, AS USSR) Card I/I SUBMITTED8 Deaember 31., 1960. Efrbot of a valtage with stepwise, vai7ing phase and frequency on, a tuned amplifier. Radictakhnika 16 no-4:22-26 Ap 161. (MMA 14:9) 1.@ Deystviteltrqy chlen Nauchno-tikhnicheskogo obahchastva radiatekhnik:L i olektroavyazi im..LS6 Popova. (Amplifiers, (Eleatronics)) N&16 s/o53/61/038/005/004/015 9133/E433 AUTffORi Molchanov, A,P. TITLE@ The spectrum of local sources of radio emission PERIODICAL; Astronomicheskiy zhurnal, V,38, no,@5v 1961, 849-854 TEXT,- At the present time, reliable absolute tueasures of the spectra of solar radio sources are not available, The author has therefore set out to investigate the ratio of the absolute spectrum to the spectrum of the undisturbed component of the solar radiation (denoted by FCA(k) /Fo(-k) ) @ He uses the observations of the solar eclipse of April 19, 1958. Russo-Chinese observation& were made at 0.89 29 3.29 4.5 and 5.2 cm (Ref.l@,A,P.Molchanov and his team, Paris Symp, Radio Asbr...Stanford-univ, press, 1959y, Ref.2@- G.B.Gelcfreykh and his team, Solnechayye dannyye,. ', no.5, 1958,, Ref-33 N.A.Amenitskiy and his team', Solne--hnyye dannyye, no.7. 1958- Ref.4. Lu Yan and his team, Solnechayye dannyye, nc@8, 058, Ref.5z Pang Shou-Kuan and his team, Solnechnyye dannyye, no@4s 1960) and-Japanese observations were made at 3,,2, 8, 15 and 50 cm (Ref.63 H,Tanaka, T.Kakinuma, Rep. Ionosphere Res-, Japan, 12, 273, 1958)@ The sunspot group No.188 was observed as it was covered by the Moon, A: maximum of the ratio F,, Card 1/5 A/Po was observed'in the 308i 9 /005i/004/01-5 S/033/61/03 The spec;trum of local sources E133/E435 region 5- 6 cm, Assuming that the radiation is thermal, this maximum can be ascribed to a diminution in transparency of 4Z.h.t source, rKM may depend an the digtan,--e of the &our--,--e from the centre of t e solar disc, This dependence is known for X .-- 10 @-m (Ref.94 M.Waldmeier 9 Z. Astrophyz@, v.32@ 116, 1953, Ref.103 M.B.Vanquois, C.R., v.240, A62, 19553@ A corre-@,tion for this- effect can be derived from routine meaauraments of the solar ' stlers an radiation flux (Ref.11-; 1. G. 1. data on atmospherics, wh- d solar radioemtssions,, Tokyo, 1959). The dependen--e on rad;.us does not change much for A. in the range-.3-15 cm, Using the data given in Ref.6 (as quoted above) and Ref'.12 (A.Ye.Salomonovich and his teamg Solnechnyye dannyye, no,9, 83, 1959),, Ref.13 (K.M.Strezhneva and his team, Solnechnyye dannyye, n--.7, ?1, 1958), Ref.143 U.N.Piddington,-, Astron, J,,. v.,119, 531t, 195!0.@ R6f.15-, (B.N.Whitenhurst, F,H.@Utchell,, Proc, IeR,-E- V@44.j 1879. 1.956) and Ptef.16 (C.W.Allen,, Monthly Notices Ray, Ast--on, Soc., -,117, .174 1957) for the spectrum of the quiet Sun-, it was found that FWM + constant,. The relative -spect-rum was a-'sc. derived from th!:@ measurement of the displacement of the effeative centre for solar radio emission (see Ref,---8% A.P.,Molchanov, Izv, GI, aE,.ron, cbsar-f. Card 2/3 N816 S,(035/61/038/005/004/015 The spectrum of local sources ... E13519455 v Pulkove, no.164, 1959). From-the observations at 2 and 3.2 cm, it was found that the absolute spectrum did-not depend greatly on the-wavelength for X @ 3 am, &'similar rdsult has been obtained in Ref.l9.(V.V.VLtkevLch, L.I.Matveyenka, Izv. VUZ, Radlofizika, 3, no.3, 551, ig6o). The author conclud:eer that, in the rang4w. am < < 5 am, the radlo flux diecreases rapidly, but that for < 3 am th4r rate of deareas-e is leaw. Such a spectrum can only be explained in termz of thermal radiation in a magnetic field. It in astimated'that H > 760 gauzz. The author thankff S.S.Khaykin for his assistance. There are-5 figures and 20 references: 11 Sdviet-bloc. and 9 non-Sovlet-bloc. The four most recent references to English language-pubILcat:Lons are- as follows: Ref.6: as-quated'in text; Ref,8: K.Akabane, Annals Tokyo Astron. Observ. Sea.- ser:Les,--VI, na.2, 57, 1958; Ref.ll:: as quoted in text; Ref.16: air text. ASSOCIATION: Glavnaya antronom-idheakaCywobservatoriy& Akademii nauk SSSR (Main Astronomical Observatory AS USSRI SUBMITTED: July 28S j-96o Car& 3/3 MOLCHMT, A.P.., inzh.; NIKULIN, K.K., arkhitekt; SHAMRIKOV, N.I., 1EWW DuU4:Lng a now shop for the Sinarskaya pipe plant. From. Stroi. 39no.8-.9-12,f6l. 14:9) (Sinarskays.-Construetion industr5r) S/214/62JO001002JO01/002 1046/1246 AUTHOR: Molchanov. A. P. TITLE: Spectra and magnetic fields of local sources observed an the sun during the February 15, 1961 eclipse PERIODICAL: Solnechnyye dannyye, no. 2, 1962, 53-58 TEXT: Spectra of the radio-frequcncy emissions were obtained at the GAO AN SSSR (Main Astronomical Observatory of the AS USSR) for the flacullus at the center of the solar disc and for spot groups no. 41 and no. 46 (classification of "Solncchnyye dannyye'). The slowly varying component of the solar radio emissioa is mainly of thermal origin. Working formulas for the magnetic field at the source and for the "measure of Iemission" expressed in terms of the spectral quantities show that the concentration of electrons in spots is quite sufficient (N, 1010/cm3) to produce optical effects. If said effects are not observed, the assumption concerning the thermal origin of radio emission will have to modified for groups of sun spots, taking "brems- strahlung!* and magnetic radiation into account. There is I figure and 2 tables. Card 1/1 &.40 ld.'sr4 AUTHORS: Barsukov, Yu.I.9 Mandrikov, Nagnibeda, V.G. TITLE: Ar@ificial radiation-source calibration PERIODICAL: Leningrad. Universitet. Vestnik. mekhaniki i astronomiit no. 33539 S/043 62/000/001/009/009 D299YD303 V.I., Molchanovt A.P-p and for radiotelescope Seriya matematiki, 17 1 it 1962v 166 - 167 TEXT: An artificial radiation-source is described, used by the De- partment of Astrophysics of Leningrad State University. This "arti- ficial sun" is characterized by high brightness temperaturer almost equal at all its points, and, when placed in the wave field of the radiotelescope antennap it has angular dimensions equal to the di- menaions of the sun. As radiation sourcep plasma in gas-discharge tubes was used. The electron temperature of the plasma attains 104- jo5 OK, and the size of the tubes is fairly large. In using only the radiation from the middle part of the tubes, it is possible to obtain a source with evenly-distributed brightness. The artificial Card 1/3 33539 S/043/62/000/001/009/009 Artificial radiation-source for ... D299/D303 sun incorporated 20 ordinary gas-discharge tubes (of day-light) ;;C -30 (DS-30)- The tubes were placed in one row, whereby the radia- ting region formed a rectangle (O.F x 0.5 m). The source was placed in the wave field of the radiotele6nope antennat at a distance at which its solid angle equalled the solid angle of the sun. The sig- nal from the artificial source was comparedp by means of ordinary telescopes, with the signal from the sung at 2.Or 3.6 and 4.5 cm - waves. It was found that the artificial radiation-flow was 0.15 to 0.20 of the solar radiation. Hence theradiation temperature of the tubes was about 2000 - 40000K. By putting a screen behind the tubest the radiation flow was increased by 1*5 times approximately. In the experiments already carried outq the tubes were supplied by altern. current; a d.c. supply would somewhat increase the radiation flow. 1K Hence the use of a screen and direct current# would lead to an ef- fective temperature of up to 4000 - 80000K approximately. T-4e effec- tive temperature could be further increased by ensuring adequate optical thickness of the irradiating region (by adding tube rows, for example). The artificial sun can be calibi:ated by means of an absolute black bodyo It was found (by experiment) that some special Oard 2/3 33539 E;/043/62/000/001/009/009 Ax%tificial radiation-source for ... D299/D303 types of resins are absolute black bodies in the cm-rangev having a reflection coefficient below 0.5 %. Another method of calibration consists in using a funnel -- directed towards the zenith -- which is alternately covered by the black body and by the artificial sun. There is I Soviet-bloc reference. SUBMITTED: August 6, 1961 Card 3/3 . . HOLCHANOV, A.P., inzh.1 TITAKOV, A.I., inah. Konitor tops over pipe-drawing shops, From. strai. 40 no.3., 116-19 f62. OCRA 15:3) (Pipe mills) (Raofs) HOWMMVS, A.P.T inzh.; N@MINr K. f arkbitektor; TIrAKOT,. A.I., imho new-*'tr* of building for tube-ftwing prodacti=w Pro=* atro:E. 40 no,7:16-19 t62. (KM 15:7) (Factorie:@.-Desigtx and cowtruction) (Katalwork) MDLCHANOV A.P., inzh.; NIKULIN, K.K., arkhitektor; TITAKOV, A.I., inzh. Designs for prefabricated buildings of pipe drawing mills. Sbor. trud. NII pa stroi. ASiA [Sverd.] no.8:17-28 963. (K[FA 16.- 10) MDLCHAN0714 A.P., kand.fiz,-matemnauk; TAVASTSHERNAY K.N.t kand.fiz.-matem.- preliminary results of radio observations of the annular eclipse of the sun. Vast. AN SSSR 33 no.308@-IPP Kr f63. (KIRA 160) (Eclipses, Solar-1962) 2L-525-65 C 3(A(d)/EKC-& AWO b)/$W BSD RAEK(&)/LFMW=(-t)- dir/W-' ACCWSIM RR =4/05539b@ BWK EXPWITATICK S/ VOMil"Y"t 7- po; Gnevy*ahem. 9. lf.; Dbmwatgkir. 0. Trt rrat, T. A.1 Narkar, To Sharmar, If. va I, Isd-w -i&Wmw, 411" bibUo indices. 2,150 cogagr pribUd. IG Tmc asi6piquics" et*uar an TAArZ Of COnMM. (sbrldVdjs rorpwczq put 1. The Sun Ch.I ratrod=tica -'24 Ch* U. Lizicar kmatrt= of the am Ch. III* Structwe of the photosphm; pamaau=,, opw,.aww -,41 Ch. IT. -Chrcacaphm - 69 Ch, T. FrolAbeiances - UA Ch* vr. Cl=mo WOO 'w- Chillro 801W awma 144 I MOLCHANOVP AGP* ------ Slowly varying comonent af aclar radio emisaion and Its investigatioa in the micraw&ve range. Uch. Zap. LO na.323tlO7-IU t64. (MIRA 171-12) VDLCHATIOvt A.P.; VTATKINAP V.11. Anienna system for the radio astronomic.1 solar service. Izv. GAO 23 no..1:162-168 164. (MW 17:11) MOLCIIIANOVI A.P. - Application of the antenna diagram scanning to the observation of radio emission of the sun. Izv. GAO 23 no.3:215-232 164. (MIRA 1:7: 11) MOIOURQV @A.P Some results of radio-astrontnical observations of solar eclipses. Izv. GAO 24 no.1:38-56 164.' (YOUk 18:3) ACC., 101. A -CODE.- UR/O -�6609450 SOURCE@ 000/65/000/000/028 9/02 V, WTHOR Eoloban0v4 A*- P,,,, Labutin, ORG :.Scientifid'Council on-the Comnlex Eroblem of-g2bernetics AN, SSSR Kiberrietika AN SSSR) !@Naucbnyy.sovet po.k6mplekanoy problems ,TITLE*. On the frequency selectivity peakirg mechanism of the hearing organ.- _12 SOURCE: AN -431SR. Nauchnyy sovet po--kob 1 ek obleme Kibernetikas `7@ a@ l9S6n5oY2r9_ Bionika- (Bion 297 iaimi_c SO 4 Moscow., Izd-vo Nauk TOFICTAGS: audition, frequency selection, bioinstrunentation, a.utonomic-nervous system, logic circuits electronic circuits dendrite AB3TRACT:_ Anelectronic model simulalln-&-frequency selectivity.of the - ear-bas-been developed by the autW`�rs.,;Tbe model is based on Huggins abd-Lindlickerts hypothesis (1951),',wbiab-states that excitation of neuron eMings of the ear-is proportional to the amplitude distortion of the tympanid@membrsnef and further processing of signals of the primary neurons-1s reduced to calculating tbe-derivative from theenvelopeof amplitude distortions along coordinate X.,representing the distance &long the membrane from the base of the eoeblea, It is assumed tb at CC3, L 205"- ACC MR. dif-ferentiation is real-I zed by nterve ondirg differenoos. The tympAntt Imenbrene is considered a converter that converts a frequency coordina-to i Ach8nnels) leadin rrom@ 1-nto a -spade coordinate. In figure-3a the lines I . - ' i'@i@-e-'-tonv-er'fer represent -- spirelgan -.neuron dendrites; nerve excits.- f i I '@ I- - Clio, . i ti-or" f roii; a set' of tbree dendrites converges on eacb@ neuron. The trans-'. imli-sion coefficient of the middle channel Is two times bigher than.thoso'L sof the two-adjoining-ebannels-and its,output sign Is opposite (see iFlgq 3b). Tbe model represents a tbree cbennal amplifier@vlf:b one osaill !Iatory c1rcult in ea-cb cbsnhel. A diode detector ia conneated to eac b @Icbannel output. Detectors with hirb Inertiol -properties are used to Isvold suppr6sairin of weak signals by strong signals, A te-Minal stage !ba3edon scathods follower witb pen-todes is used to reduce output -near elements, tl as Despite the presence of nonli ie thr cbgnnal- circuit ayatem ensures. increased frequency :aolectivity in tbe modaY.simulating the tympanic membrane of-the ear, Orig, art*. bast. 9 figure3 and 8 formulas., C063 ZUB CODEt ORIG REP o6/ SUBKDATE.- 266 t65/ 001/ OTH REF-w -001 AM PRESS.--q.12.5@- 8K L 3CO12-65 FED/EWr(l)/b6(r)/MC-4/kEc(t) Fe-5/rq-0aa-2/h@4 GwAs ACCESSION NR.' APS005782 AUTHOR. Abbasov, A. R ; Grehinakiy, h. Duresava, K. S rvanov, V. A Holchanoy '.toy. Y.. I. !&,at zevag ik P. ; MyAgqtkoy. V, 1. Pank, G.; Y ov TITLE: Rgd1oastronomic observations an the @entimeter wave of the solar eclipse an 21 July 1963 SOURCE., Leningrad. Universitet. Vestnik. Siriya matamatiki, makhaniki. I astronomfi"no. 1965, 102-109 TAC9*1' solar eclipse, solar atmosphere, residual radiation, terrestrial at- mosphere, radio emission, suanpAl, '4a expedition went to Simushic Island to observe the time of the see-and ABSTRACT: and,third radio contacts of the solar eclipse of 21 July L963 for detecting the height 'of rapid changes! In the solar atmosphere during the period of weak solar ac- tivity,and for measuring the residual radiation flux during the period of total cover of the Sun. . The -detection of local sources of radio emission. froa to Sm during =l.ecHp(F41- oRd'iteasuceidents-cf. tho taith-'s own atmospheric radiation were also ta the expediti6dfit.task6 The aoldr disk vas@eovered with two groups of i % smfilpots,- of which one persisted only two days Including the day of the eclipse. The refractlams abaorptioa,@ and proper the Earth's atmosphere In- fLuenced observation data.i The absorption and atmospheric radiation were -specLall and after the eclipse. Strong fluctuati a of-the solar radio emis measured before on -*nd second contacts were recorded on 3.Z- and 10-CM wave- siou between the first tengths@ , The amplitude, of fluctuaftona diminished with the Increase of solar height-, dad did ant de tveen the optical Vend on wavelength. ;& difference was observed be and radia, contact times. ;The residual radio emission corrected for absorption in the terrestrial atmosphere: 1i given In a table in the- original article. An emission of local Cources has been tecorded'on 4-s# 5-i and 10-cm waves. The localsource U_-% Ideotiffed with the apot &COU0 which lasted only two days. The height of the 000 kim above local ccurce was detetainad to'be: in a space apan ;frcn 7000 to 20, thl, 201"r surface. Orfg.,arEi h4s:- 3 figurea.:7 tiobiles, and 4formulase- ASSOWT1031 none A T SUB 0009c AA e SUMULTM). 21; 002 NO 004 ATD PIM i 3196 - Cara AA 0837z-67 EW(l), GW/WS-2 ACC """6028148 BOURCE.CODE., UR10058166100010051HO631HO63 usbkinsk& AUTHOR: Apmh skirx. G. P. Kolchanor, A*- F. 'TiTLE: Radioastronomic observations of the solar eclipse of 30 Kay,1965 at wave- 'lengths f._2T aud 3.21T czm -SOURCE: Rif zhe.Fizika, Abu. 5M451' -MT. BOURCEI solnechn"re dMwe, no. T, i@965, 61-65 TOPIC TAGS: solar'eclipse, radio astroncmy antenna'directivity, antenna temperature ABSTRAM: Results are presented of observations of the total solar eclipse of 30 yaw 1965.oa the Manuae Island (0 = -1901514T'v X w -158*5T,W) at wavelengths 1.2T and .3.2T ca. The'ratio, of the lunwr radius to the solar radius was 1.048. The widths of' the lobes of the directieLty pattern were 1.2* and 0.8* at 3.2T and 1.2T cm, respec- tively. The effective antenna temperature for the unobscured sun was 1500 and T50K;- thevidth of the recording track was 25 and 5K respectively at these wavelengths. The time constant for recording was approximately 1 second. The ratio radius deter- mined from the obaervatioda was (1.010 0.002) solar radii at 1.2T cm, and (1.03k 0.003) solar radii at 3.2T cm. This has confirmed that at VaTelentha shorter than 2 cm. the radius decreases fr= 1.03 to 1.01 solar radius, and in the region of 1. 2T ca it apparently is independent of the wavelength, and'r 1.01. The existence Card 112 ACC M AR6029495 CODCr UR/0137/66/0001006166A@/DOWN Alt "AUTHOR z Azarenko, B. sbevskiy, L. Ye.; ff. r.; Molebanow, A. F". 11 pie M* .,TITLC-. Study of the tube drawing voctes, on a continuous drawing stand t rURCE: Ref. xh. Ketallurglya,, Abs. 6D239, r Tr@ -Vsea,. n.-J. L PmLektno-konstrukt. Ln-ta net# U mashinoitr., sh. is., 1965, 26-41- rOPIC TAGS: 'metal drawing, metal tube SLATION., A study was made on the continuous drawing of tube, as carried out an a ...constructed MVTU stand. The drawing capacity of the single-thread, continuous = ,iy awing, stand at drawing speeds of 50,mfmin was 2.8 time& greater than that of an ope- ating 7*S tube chain stand in the Koscov, Tube Plant (at speeds of 75 m1kin, it was .2 times greater). The high produetivity of the mill was due to the lov friction (loss to 10%) In the auxiliary operation, to the decrease of the metal. con-, umption coefficient during the triming of plugged up tube ends; and to the, use of gher drawing speeds. The drawing speed was not limited by the strength of the tube and could be much higher than 75 ajuLn. The continuous process permits the elinina- tion of tubst awmaLing after weldLug, the jaming and cuttigig of tube endst and pic)cl- UDCt 62L.774.001 C4CXfd I /I MDANOT, T.Y.; REBARBAR, T.M.; MOLGRUOV A S. Goritintulausly operating delaq network using RC loops for automatic #Uver thickness control systems of drawing frames. Izvvysucheb.zsv.; tekhtekst.prom. no&'5:130a-137 t6l. (YMU 14 --'11 le Moskovakiy takatil2nyy inatitut. (Spinning machinery) (Antda&U*,ccntroI) S/194/62/000/005,/'022/157 D256/1508 AUTHORS: Gagarskiy, A.P., Molchanov, A.S.t and Zavilevichp'M.L. TITLE: Blements of the electrical circuit for automatic control of weight irregularities of ribbons PERIODICAL4. Referativnyy zhurna". Avtomatika, i radioelektronika, no* 5. 1962t abstract 5-2-101 d (Nauchno-issled. tr. Tsentr. n.-i. in-t prom-sti lub. volokon, 1961, 15, 42-54) TEZT: A detailed description is given of the elements of an automa- tic system devised for the weight irregularity control of ribbon on 'he A -1-JI (L-1-L) ribbon machine under development for 'the spinn- ing industry at TsNIILV. The operation of the device is based on changing the 'speed of the pulling rollers according to the thickness of the ribbon entering the feeding rollers; consequently the regula" tor is a servo system. The automatic control system consists of pick-,--@Iii-- ups measuring the ribbon thickness, an integrating linkt which-adds voltages to the pickup [Abstractor's note: Probably a misprint of @Ifrom the ng the signal arriving from pickups') delay unit memorizi C ard 1/21 3/194/62/000/005/0@2/157 @Elements of the electrical circuit D256/D308 the integrator for a period during which the ribbon passes from the point of measurement to the point of extensiont an amplifier link, a control motor (rotating the pialling rollers), a fAdback coupling link comprising a tacho-gencrator driverr by the control motor. An inductive pickup is used for continuous measuring of the ribbon thicknessy consisting of a W-shape transformer core with two secon- dary windings connected tn opposite phase. The delay unit includes a phase shifting arrangement, the phase-shif"t being proportional to the time of delay.'It consists of four R-C links with cathode-follo- wers in between. For the amplification of the signals a DC'ampli- fier with strong hegative feedback is employed. The driving motor VIH -5 (PN-5) is used, the velocity pickup is a tachogene@rgtor type 3T -7/110 (ET-7/110) - Technical specification and detailed calcula- tions of the elements are presented, 13 figures. IA'istractorls note-.- ComDlete'translationj- .Card 2/2, 1,11 41,C A/ f/ Ii 14-S, GRDINL, Tu.T.. ctoktor tekhnichaskikh nauk. GAMIAROT, Tu.T., kandidat tekh- nicheakikh nauk! --.- Fastening rail& on reinforced concrete crane beams. Strol.prow.34 no.12:21-24 D 156. (W.RA 10: 2) 1, GIs;vW Inshener otdola kapitaVnogo, atroltel'stva. (for NoIcha- nov). Wranes. derricks, ate.). (Girders) KHAVKIN, V.P.; KOTACHMOV, A.S. *,CM-,--, M"- Transmission functions of the drafter. Report Ill'o.2. - vys. I uchebip za;v,,,tekhtekst., prom. .'no. 6tl36-1" t65 (MM E&tg) 1. VkGsQ3Uznyy nauabna-isslAiivatelt'skiy institut legkogo, i tekstillhogo mashinostroyeniya, i Moskovskiy tekstiltnn in- stitut, KOICENCY. A.S.,zaaluzhennyr vrach RSFSR (Koakva) ----nith All-Union CGaferance of Therpneutists. Terxa.arkh. 10 no.2:73-81, F .158. (KIn 11:4) ^t ( ZrM-DISUSXS;, KOIGMOV, A.S., zasl=hsnnyy vrnah RSYSR. . .-- Kinutes of sessions of the Kascaw Society of Therapeutists. TarRp.arkh. 30 ao.6.,96-98 ;* 158 (KIU 11-0 (TMMUTIGS) [K=,ANOT, AeS&F saalrzhenyy vrach RSrSR (Koskra) - W - M--" T enth All-Union Conference of Therapemtiets. Terap.arkh. 3a no-10:83-92 0 '58 (KIRA 11M) (TURAPMICW- -CONGUSSES) MOLCHLNOVF, L.S., zaaluzhennyy vrach qSFSR (Mook7a) First All-Russian Congreog of Therapeut@@4," 32. no.4: (KM 14:5) 79-84 Ap -,(THERLPEUTIGS-CONGRESSES) GAGGARSKIY, A,P., m-ladshiy nauchnyy satrudnik; HQTQHAIIOV A , mladshiy nauchrqy sotrudnik; ZA-VIUVICH, M.L. Elements of the electric circuit for the axto=tic control of 'the nonuniformity of the sliver weight. Nauch.-issl.trudy TSNI1LV 15:42-54 t6l. (MIRA 18:4) 1. Rukovoditell laboratorli avtomatiki TSentraltnogo nauchno@ issledo-rateltskogo instituta promyshlenrosti lubyanykh volokon (for Zavilevich). 1?!'ER, Yti.'.,.; F:'@A, ti crllitnictl-r.@ fla-,,drawing fracleo- !,-7v. vys. ucrob. zav.; '.i-ilri"Lltnyy inotit-ift ', TSontrfillra:T-@, dovatellskiy lubyanylkn volokon. MOLCHANOV,, A.S. Evaluating the quality wf controllod dratting rochanisms. Izv..". ucheb.zav.; takh.takstprom& nof3dl.Sw-125 163# (mu 16:cj) 1. Mookovskiy takatil(w institut., (Spinning machiuary) KUVKIN. V.P.; MOLOHANOV, I.S. starshiy naucYLayy sotrudri& Practical mathod for detarm@ the ftrequency characteristics of drafters. Tekst. prom. 24 no.7:46-51 -jl 164.@ (MERA 17 '. 10) 1. Zaveduyushchiy laboratoriyey Vaesayunogo nauchno-isaledovatelt- skogo instituta lbgkogo i tekstiltnogo mashinostroyeniya institut promysh-lennykh lubyanylkh volok-on (TsIMUT) (for Mblclwanov). MIOWHAIIIIOVP A.S.; V.i,. I" amission fur,;,'Jc@- c.T the drafltc-r duripg the lor-a! bmeakin6 J. ran 7- .@- of fibers. lzv.vyv.urhab.2av.; tr-,kh, no.3:220-12-4 965, (MIRA 18:8) 1. Hoskovskiy teks"J"Ai,71y institut I Vaesopizn@y nauchnc-issledc- vatellskly institut hgllrogo i teks.tilvnogn@ m@3H-nostr-qjuniya. KHAVIKig-,V.P..; MOLCHANOV. k.S.. Dynamics of t". drafting process in the nonlacal, fibe.- splitting. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; takhe tekso ram, no.6,.99-104 165. (MIRk 19:1) 1. Roskovskiy tekstilInyy institut i Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-isslede- vatel'skiy inatitut legkogo i tekstillnogo mashinostroyeniya. Submitted September 23, 1964. MOWMOV, La V. @ I .I 1. @ KThe Tichnolow. of Complex an(I Mixecl Fertilizers. 11 R Te. Pestov, Nauvh last TJdobr i Ineektof,=g Iin ra. Saomoylov. 1919-1939. PP 59-71 (1@39) Ehin Referat Zhur 194-0. Yo 6, Pp 8809 (last. Insect/yuuc. in ra. T. SaMOYI(M) SO: U-237/49, 8 April 1949 MOLO WOV,@ A.; T. "Mixing of Fertilizers." 21. To. Pastor Chemizatim Socialistic 4V. 1940, NO 5, PP 59, Khim R ferat Zhur, 1940, Ro 10-11. pp 45 Inct. Insect/Yung-., ta 'fa. V. SartV.,lov) SO: U-237/49. 8 April 1949 MoLuix-ov, A.. v. (See Brezobrazov, Tu. H.) "The Physical an(L Physical-chemical Properties of F4rtilizera.fl N. Te. Festov, Rauch Inst Udobr i Insektofung im Ta. V. Samoylov, 1919-1930,. pp@ 62-3, Khim Referat Kh-ar, 1940, No-, PP 89 (ME: Inat. Insect/Yung. in Taw! V. Samoy-lov) SO: U-237149,.8 April 1949 MOMEnOT, L. V. mThe Ancla of Flow or*Riat of Fertilizers, either Fre&@y Poure(L Omt or un&er Fressure,4 N. Te. Peator, Ag T. Hironava, Zhur Xhim Prom IVIII. No 10, pp 19-22 (194@) (lust. Ingeat/Pubig. -in. ra. T. Samoy'lov) SO; U-237/49. 8 April 1949 2046 4 V- 4F ,-1 40 0 -0 -.41.1 -16. Pfacts"ll Ala PROP011fit; (21"1 NOW d V to - u @.,,t 'dgfined did the crM. "tiXt. obtafeed by Actochem. h b W I e IRVU SOMM U CDWW and CMt9. t ClIkWinalion Of "a as prod" of ".Lmofoos Inekkat to the prooems. - A pradtletion of WwWorocyclobe- was@ as fed thmgh the top of a` tfkd ca a tab Q11 wafe . . g MwnuwbIkCIymsupp1 throughtb* bottom, The Slip rue at kvdwx U was reguiated so as to suinAy tomwill for VI th M h b I e SS ts exte in ut to prrmt raw in# wit QH* b a CCU W the 6 Ohms cutated t i JI O - c r & I. at 60-4' lexachforocydahezatiet was " t tht tcov . . . p at a Mte whkb' tt h h b d b om e o t contimtoistly temoyr t roo4 Insured Its dc*td emm. W the drained liquid. The god rwfl t. was histilated by a 1-kw. limp, From = roe the tapped liquid was diverted to a 2ad thi. a with the CI d t 00 W o ret coluinn where the Wand was cituse it contained in soln. but am yet reacW, From, the 2od colutim, the mixt- was 41reded to am traporotor where COH& was driven ad in the prttence of HsO. Unreacw S go# The condensed CAU440 was cooled and wpd., and tbc@ CjEorcturacdtathelotcoluma. Afterdrivingog" the remaini,%besschiorecydahexane of any COGAM im poured to add 1W where It was airrad sdWiried. The ptoduct was tUterect, washed to a nentrat rewion, old dried at ala-WO 24 brs. In tbegO C%PtA:: approx. GA% CA abAv the theorttkal qMtItY re"ised 1% Is talken to ox Of this ap CJIX4 was tised f Woo . . or d tat firmationo(COC4. c !*loss and the maisehar , v tbe. ellk@ based an CI was 90.9 and In these cqK1@ Oae@ L A Sn&UVMCAL a, foseh M 6 c goo . baxed an 1 o!ft . n % S~ 04 1 11VA410-MIT 016V dot 414421 an FO-W all 'T 'A 'A I. S 1 04 0 01 a 'I IN a S A 00 0 _ @o 0 T& 0-o a - - BEZOMZOT.,Yu.N.; KOWHAOT,A.T. . fl,-.~z".-.~,:-~~l"!...~~-,..-,--,.. :@- Patting the experimental and production plant "Hexachlorand'g I-ata operation. Rhin. prom. no. 2:56-57 F147. I (wM 8:121 1. YauabVy rnfftitut, po, udobreniyem i insaktafungisidan imeni Sm- moy-lova (Chemical plants) (Benzene hexachloride) ho-M�RW "Automatic removal of. dust from the dry filter of the DT-54 tract,,or." MHANISAGE, ZEMMMSTVI, Praha, Czechoslovakia, Vol. 5, No. 20, October 1955. Monthly List of Ea@-,t European Accessions LC, Vol. 8, No. 9, September 10,59. Unclassified. GAR, K.A.;. MOLCHANDY, A.T.; BEZQBRAZOT, ru.N.; DOOVITSKIT, A.M. Using the ash from Cottrell filters of electric power stations as filler in preparing dusts. (Trudyl ffIUIr no-156173-89 r55, (MM 9:10) (Insecticides) (Ash (Technology)) ,All (I t414 Ivo (/" A v, HA"wiAud-xwA&slVyevich; GAR, BRUBRAZOV, IKurir Kikolayevich;,,#QJC Konataatin. Arka(L'yevich; RMARSKI'r, U.S., red.; SHPAK, Ye.G., [Hexachloran. Ita characteristics, its manufacture, and uses] Geksakhloraa, ego, avoiatva, poluchenie i primenenie. Nookia. Goa, nauchno-takhn. izd-vo kh1m, lit-ry, 1958. 315 p. (MMA 116) (Benzene hexachloriO 50) 06215 SOT/64-55-6-T/28 LUTIEORS t Molchanovt L. f., Bazobrazovf ra. N., Lbramyanj re. P. TITLEt Enrichment of Nexachlorane by Means or Repeated Lpplication of the Mother Liquor PERIODIGILLt Khimicheakaya promyshlennoott, 1955, Nr 6, PP 46T - 490 (USSR) ABSTROTt The most,widely applied and.most economical nethoda for the separation of the f-isomer of.hexachlorane,(w commercial hex&- chloro cyclohexane.@, which is an active insecticide, are ex- traction methods. ..,They have, however, -the -disadvantage of yieldhg,& prodixot containing.a, maxiaux . of.,70% of the isomer only and a by-product of inferior-.qualIty.-These shortcomings can be eliminated by- using the nother liquor which remains after the filtration of the main product instead of the pare solvent. The mother liquordissolves the f-isomer and the readily soluble components. of.,hexachlorand,-Mkorea&.~~,tbe difficultly soluble components can be,.-fi-Itered off. Lfter the mother liquor has-been used 4-5 times-as extraction agent it is, evaporated, and a, product ia obtaInad which (as the above mentioned filtrAtion residue) eontains-only-little -is aaer and S is processed,. aIr-used-for the p-rodaction of 6-isome (Ref 6). Card 1/2 L scheme (Fig 1) of the separation of hexachlorantinto the main product (with about 95@ of r-iaomer), the filtration residue,