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15-1957-10-13795 Structure of the Northern Part of the Minusinsk Basin and the Experi- ment of Applying Some Complex Methods in Studying It upper Paleozoic rocks in the central parts of the basin, Separa- ting gentiy sloping anticlines and the complex limbs of anti- clinal folds. The small blocks of the Paleozoic structure do not show In the Mesozoic rocks in the central parts of the ba- sin. Large-scale asymmetrical synclines are characteristic, their axes trending In the same direction as the fault blocks. Folds In the covering rocks in the most elevated blocks agree with the general trend of these zones; they are arched anti- clines complicated by block faulting. The development of the principal block-faulted structures originated in late Hercynian time. The methods which were used in preparing a tectonic map for the northern part of the Minusinsk basin are described. Surface geological examination was combined with interpretation of aerial photographs and sabsequent visual observation from the air. The study of the relief of the Chebakovsko-Balakhtinskeva basin shows its relation to the structure. Card 4/4 K. A. Klitin AUTFOR: Krasil'nikov, B.N., ,,ossakovskiy, A A 70V-5-~9-2-2/45 TITLE: Cover-Type Foids of the Northern ?arc of the 'Minusinax Syncline and Their Relation to Ghe Caledonian Structa~e (Skindki oblekaniya severnoy chasti Minusinskoy kotloviny i ikh svyaz! s kaledonskimi .5trukturaml) PERIODICAL: Byulleten- Moskovskogo obshcriea-cva ispytateiev prirody - Otdei geo I ogicheskiy, i9'~P, Nr 2 , pp 2 ~-42 ~ It ~~SR) ABSTRAM The studies of many scientists have been devoted te problems concerning the geological stracture of ths-, Minasin3k syncline, the tectonic location of which has been explained as an inter- mountain depression in the fold sy3rern of the Altay-3ayan re- gion. Among them are V A Obru,--.rev, A.D Ar-cnangel'skiy, Ya.S. Edel sfiteyn, A.N ChUrakov, M. F.. Vc-rovin' V.A Kuznetsov, V.S. Meleshchgnko, C.1 Teodorovich, D V Obruchev, M 1 Grayzer, D.V, qbruche7. A_N Sokoi-skaya, S.1,1 Darcshko and Ye.F, Chirkova -Zaiesskaya. T V LuchirsKy, N.S. Ziytsev, V.S. Meleshchenkc and K.D KiiLin dealt w-~,~ ,r. ques' cions of the tectonic structure of the in6ividual depr~~33ijna cf the Minusinsk synciine, the morpnoiogy and origin of the structures of the folls, the importance of ruptures and 1:hr!~4.: formition, Card 1/3 B,N Krasil nikov, A A YO9SdkO'1SK!Y; VE -,' ~Iulldi Ko-.jraT yev Sl:)7-5 -58 _e _P I/ ~'l ~ n Cover-Type Folds of the Northern Part of the Minusinsk Syncline an~ Tneir Relation to the Caledonian Structure and N.P. Kheraskov recently studied the deposits of this region dating back to the middle Cambrian period. I-V Luchitskiy and A.I. Anatol yeva (1953) devoted their re3earch work to the southern Minusinsk depression. It can be con- cluded from all the studies that within the Minusinsk syncline the structure of the Caledonian foundation does nct differ in principle from the Caledonian structures of its framework (Kuznetskiy Altay, Sayany)- In the lower Paleozoic era, the region now occupied by the Minusinsk syncline and its fold framework, consisted of a geosyncline system of inner elevations and depressions, which was transformed at the end of the f ale- donian orogenic period into a syStem of linear anticiinal and synclinal folds, In the Devon~an period the Min~asinsk syncline develoned into a d1ametriual meridian Caledonian Jepression At the beginning of The "ercyn-Jan orogenic pericd trie Cale- donian foundation was divided by systematic ruptures parallel to the course of Lhe bigger Caledonian folds and a-quired a fault-block chara,_~ter_ Thas -the Caiedonlar, an-.i-,,__'yna1 zones Card 2/3 were transformed into fault-blocK rrtountAin e_1e%rqr1_-ns of a Cover-Type Folds of the Northern Part of the Minusinak Sync.Lirj~.-- and Tneir Relation to the Caledonian Structure horst character, and the synclinal zones into a i_,raben-type depression. All in all, the Minusinsk syncline has a super- imposed structure which developed on a :omplicated Caledonian fold basis. The superimposed characTer of the MinusinsK syncline did not destroy the structural elemenv;s of the Cale- donian tectonic surface, ?hey had a considerable influence on the sedimentation process in the Hercynian period and are stL11 reflected today in elevations and depressions uf that time. There are 8 charts and 15 SOVIeT referenceE 1. Go cli-gy- - MbT ti~L;.-TD-'erm"_*~aT'I -1 Card 5/3 KATS, Ya.G.; VWILONIKOV. R.N.; NDSSaOVSKIY, A.A.: SULIDI-KONDRATIM, To. D.; KIMMKOV. 9. ff. Paleozoic stratigraphy of the hinusinsk Lowland and Its marginal mountains. Trudy VAGT no.4:99-148 '58. (KM 12:6) (Kinusinsk Lowland--Goolog7, Stratigraphic) BAWSTMSKIY, I.I.; ZONENSHAYN, L.P.; KRASILINIKOV, B.N.; KMTAVTSZV, G.A. KOSSAKOVSKIT, A.A.; POZHARISKIT, I.F.; KMMASKOV, U.N. Division of the Altai-Sayan mountainoas area into tectonic districts. Biul.MOIP.Otd-geol. 34 no.4:150-152 R-Ag 159. (MIRA 13-8) (Altai Mountains-Geolog7, Structural) (Sayan Kountains--Geology, Strudtural) BELOSTOTSKIY, I.I.; ZONENSHAYN,, L.P.1 KRASILINIKOV, B.N.; KUDRYAVTSEV,, G.A. ~ MOSSAK03M _ AA-_* POZHARISKIY, I.F.; KHERASKOV, N.N. Formation and tectonic regions of the Altai-Sayan folded region. Biul. MOP. Otd. geol. 34 no.6:3-22 N-D 159. (HBA 14:3) (Altai Mountains-Folds (Geology)) (Sayan Mountains--Folds (Geology)) ZONENSHAYN, L.P.; KUERYAVTSEV, G.A.; MOSSAKOVSKIY.-A..A- Analysis of Paleozoic geological formations in the-eastern Altai-Sayan area and their tectonic features. Geol. J geofiz. no.12:13-23 160. (MIRA 14:5) 1. Voesoyuznyy aerogeologicheakiy trest, Moskva. (Altai DrAmtains-Geolo (Sayan MotmtAbs,-Geolo:~ K44&0-P=".A.- Pro-ftwitian 41scontinuit7 and angular unconformity in the De- vonian cof the Minnsinak depressions. Dokl-AM SSSR 132 no.6s 1391-1394 Je 160. (MIRA 13:6) 1. TsesoyuzWy aerogeologichaskiy treat. Predstavlquo akademikom A9L.Yanijbinym. ,(Minusinsk region-Geoloar, Structural) MOSSAKOVSKIY A.A. Tectonics of the Batenevskiy Range in the Kuznetsk Ala-Tau. Sov.geol. 4 no.9.-135-143 S 161. (MIRA 14:11) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitat imeni 14.V. Lomonosova. (Batenevskiy Range-Xte*Uff, atructural) MOSSAKOVSKIY, A.A, Tectonics of the Ymmetsk Ala-Tau. Jzv.AII SSSR Ser.gec-'. 26 no.12-,3G-36 D 161'. (1-URA 14-~12) y aerogeologichaskiy trest Ministerstva geologil 1. Vsesoyuznr, i ol-h-rany r,6-li S3SR lvfoclczra. 'Kuznc -,re % -+,sk Aia~ Tan- ' oiogy, Structural' MOSSAKOIISKIY A A Dissertation defended in the Geological Institute for the acadendc degree of Candidate of Geologo-Yineralogical Scierces: "Tectonic Development of Minus Trourhs and Their Pocky Framework in the Pre-Cambrian and the Paleozoic.11 Vestnik Akad Nauk No. 4, 1963, pp. 119-145 lll.'141..- ~, I . I , -. !~ . 3-.--- k' . YANSHIN, A L~j akademlj(, adn. nauk, red. , Zk nauk: red.,; geol.-miner. naux. re,l. A A , [Tectonics of tl-i~ ETI f I a-- fC- MI. and prospects f or f ', r. ; ~ni- 4,,mi tj i j 7EkLoll~y'q iuga Sibirskoi p-' Ft If em-Ly ~~L e.- Ka 0 3 K Va Nauka, 19~,5. t' T I 1. Akaderclya nb~.LK 1~' S 0 (1 ti r't I U zemnoy kory. --~, Cti,en x. tT SSSI, fr- 1405SAKOVSKIY, Alekeandr Aleki3androqch IIOV, A.A., prof., __ - - ; BOGDA r e cT.-; IR UIR A, M., red.izd-va; GUROVA, G.A., (T,)ctonic development of 14inusin2k Lowlands and their mountain margin in the Pre-Cambrian and Paleozoic] Te'.,cto- nichesko6 razvitie Minusinskikh vpadin i Ikh gornogo Db- ran.leniia v dokembrii i paleozoe. Pod red. A.A.Bogdanova. Moskva, GosgeoltekhizdDt, 1963. 215 P. (MIRA 1602) (Minusinsk Basin-Geology, Structural) KOSSAKOVSKff, B.T. (Kossakovalkyi, B.1.3 (Dnepropetrovsk) Design and construction of hatches causing no stress concentration in spherical shells. Frykl. aekh. 5 no.4:371-378 '59. (HIRA 13:3) 1,Dnepropetrovskir gosudarstvanuff unIversitete Mastic plates and shells) 't ~ / /4/ -t ~ e: I` S_ / HOS3AKCVSKIY,V.I. Pressure exerted by a circular punch on an elastic semispace. Bauch.zap. RIA VvIv All URSR 2 no.1:9-40 '53. (14LRA 8;11) (Punching machinery) (Elasticity) (Dies (Metal-working)) MossakovAil, V, 1. On estimation of displacements, in Spatial cmanct prf" lems, .%!~aii Nijuk y~jp -~jsi;jjj) Whet) tilt, distrilwtvd jwv~mwv, p kit a rom:wt surfare j, 1,111ml;' flit, prolslvtp to 1,110 flic do(ormatioll '111(t dw fe. -tits i'.' .1 comp Irmi"Ay "f:%. probli-syl. or kilmVI) valite (if t1jc lit1cface defolmatioll, thc forlo., 'mil two"mi-1113 cqu bit ob!"!J11ol from tho ti (111thf. jojw~ I ~jqw~rj ,4til-filre it,d f 11o "tulbor 1.4-41113 out di;a 1((v tt~-M'It" Givilml;u, wvve- v,%04-v )tl ilMov.(.1 by L A. C'Ain In another ovilv. ni:iJ; Ov MIS MOSSAKOVSKIT,V.I. General solution of the problem on determining pressure under the base of a circular cross-section punch-die, not accounting for frictional forces. Mauch.zap. MA LIviv.fil AN URSR 2 no.1:41-53 '53. (KLRA 8:11) (Dies(Metal-working)) (Slasticity) MOSS A K ssakova T ffieoteji~j -L. Application of a redpro ty eotem, to, the determination ot reaultan fomes and moments la jr . Jr- ZV -spatial contact problems. Prikl. MaL Meh 17', (1953). (Russian) A- die with surface r=fr(xy) is pressed in to an elastic half-space. When the &essure-distribution under a plant die of the same form is known, thefinding of the resultant ry surface pressure and its Moments dri a die with arbitra dc to Integrations. W. ff. Utiller (Amsterdam). red e-s C,k V EOSSAKO V. I I USSRAaRyAlmatics Mixed problem in elasticity FD-653 Carr! 1/1 Pub. 85 - 8/20 Author Mossakovskiy, V. I. (Dnepropetrovsk) Title Fundamental mixed problem in the theory of elasticity for a half-space with circular lines of separation of the boundary con- ditions 12, Periodical Prikl. mat. L mekh., 185,187-196, Mar/Apr 1Q54 Abstract Solves the basic mixed problem of elasticity theory for a half-space where on one part of the boundary (inside the circle) are given the components of the displacement vector, and on the remaining part are given the values of the components of the external stress. The author gives an example of the use of his method by solving the problem of the symmetric pressure of a planar circular stamp on an elastic half-space in the presence of cohesion. Acknowledges the helpful comments of N. A. Rostovtsev and the computational work of Miss L. I. Vekshteyn, student at Dnepropetrovsk State University Institution Submitted February 4, 1952 /,wo-s-5,~9"ro V51f-l Y, ;1,2-. MOSS"OVSKIY V.I. (Moscow) Pressure of a near-circular cross-section die on resilient semi-spar-e. Prikl. mat. i makh. 18 no.6:675-680 N-D '54. (KM 8:3) (Dies (Metal-working)) MOSSAKOVSXIYO V. 1. MOSSAKOVSKH, V. I. "Some Spatial Contact Problems in the 7heory of Elasticity." Acad Sal USSR. Inst of Mechanics. Moscow, 1955. (Dissertation for the Degree of Doctor in Physicomatnematical Science.) SO Knizhnaya letopi3l No 21 1956 USSR/Mechamics - Elasticity and Plasticity FD-2491 Card 1/1 Pub 85-18/19 Author : Mossa 0v .1%1 1. Title : On modelling the first fundamental problem of the plane theory of elasticity for multiply connected regions Periodical : Prikl. Mat. I Mekh., 19, 383, May-June 1955 Abstract : The author presents a method for modelling the first fundamental problem when the main vectors of the external stresses for some contours are different from zero. He states that in this case it is sufficient to conduct experiments on three models prepared from materials with various Poisson coefficients in order to determine the stresses. Institution: -- Submitted : December 20, 1954 4 t\ Call Nr: AF iio8825 Transactions of the Third All-union Mathematical Congress (Cont Moscrv, t ijul '56, Trugy 6 aty~ tjo All JSSI~Joscaw, 1956, 2 kn a J'% -17 pp ,n3 zdi n e 0 ema ome r 6,13Vk v nM M . . o . seyev, Precise Theory of Stabilized Notions of Heavy Liquids. 2o6 Moiseyev, N. N. (Rostov-4i&-Donu). Motion Problem of Solid Body Containing Liquid Masses With Free Surface. 206-207 ~k _ (Dnepropetrovsk). On the Rolling M",ga o kly, V, X. of-Elastic Bodies. 207 Mushtari, Kh. M. (Kazan'). some mathematical Problems of the Non-linear Theory of Flattened Shells. 207-208 Nemytskiy, V. V. (Moscow). On the Nature of Stabilized Conditions in Multidimensional Dynamic Systems. 2o8 Nudellman, Ya. L. (Odessa). Some Problems in the General Theory of Elastic Stability. 2o8 Mention is made of Novozhilov and Ishlinskiy. Card 69/8o SOV / 124 - 58 - 5 -5669 Translation from: Referatit nyy zhurnal, Mekhanika. 1958, Nr 5. p 106 (USSR) AUTHORS- Mossako ski V.-S, - T IT LE: On the Pressure ol a Annular--shaped Die on an Elastic Semi- space (0 davlenii kol'tsevogo shtampa na uprugoye polupro- stranstl)o) PERIODICAL: Nauchn. zap. Driepropet.r. un-t. 1956, Vol 45, pp 171-175 ABSTRACT: The problem concerris the pressures developed underneath a rigid, flat-base die with a plan -tiew configuration of a circular ring. The proposition is reduced to one of the linear -stress relationship problems with the aid of a method suggested by V. 1. Mossakovskiy (Priki. matem. i mekhan. , 1954, Vol 18, Nr 2, pp 187-196, RZhMekh. , 1955, Nr 1, abstract 317), A linear second-order differential equation is indicated for the solution of the linear-stress problem obtained. N. A. Rostovtsev 1 Dies--Press,ire 2. Stress analysis Card 1/1 3 Ma~hematics--Appiications AUTHORS: Mossakovskiy, V. I., Makarevicn, O.P. and Rudyakov,Z.Z. -0XWV-r6-p -efr-W skT_. 2k-5-19/25 TITLE:Dependence of the adhesion coefficient on the speed of rollinE. (0 zavisimosti koeffitsienta stsepleniya ot skorosti kacheni.ya). PERIODICAL:"Izvesti.ya Akademii Nauk,Otdelenive Tekhnicheskikh Nauk.", (BulleTin of the Ac.5c., Technical Sciences Section), 1957, No.5, pp.126-129 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT: The problem of rolling of a wheel along an elastic semi-plane has been considered by Glagolev, N.I.(l) and Fromm (2). The assumption was derived that friction between the contacting surfaces obeys the Coulomb law and that the friction coefficient does not depend on the speed. These authors solved the problem for the case that the elastic constants of both bodies are the same. It was establisaed that the contact surfaces can be sub-divided into two parts, namely, a coupling surface without slip and a slipping surface. In this paper an attempt is made to evaluate the influence of the speed on the change in the adhesion Cardl/2 coefficient assuming a linear dependence of the friction coefficient on the relative speed of the points of the contacting surface and also that the elastic constants of Dependence of the adhesion coefficient on the speed of rolling. (cont.) 24-5-19/25 the two contacting bodies are equal. Utilisation of the derived formulae is illustrated by the calculation of the movement of an electric locomotive along a rail, assuming that the driven wheel,of 60 cm radius, carries a luad of 11 tons. The calculated maximum traction force as a function of the speed is graphed in Fig-3; the results Caxd 212 are correct only for rolling speeds at which the relative speed at the contact area does not exceed 5 cm/sec. There are 3 figures and 4 references, 2 of which are Slavic. SUBMITTED: February 11, 1957. AVATLA L : j AUTHOR: Mossalcovskiy, V. I. (Dnepropetrovsk) 24-11-21/31 TITLLe: On the rolling of a wheel pair. (0 kachenii kolesnoy pary). PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye Tekhnicheskikh Nauk, 1957, No.11, pp. 169-172 (USSR) ABSITRACT: The problem of rolling of a wheel on a rail was considered by means of method based on the theory ef elBsticity and described in the papers of N. I. Glagolev (Ref.1) and H. Fromm (Ref.2). The relations derived by these authors can be applied directly only in the case of rolling of a fully symmetrical wheel pair. In this article the problem is considered of rolling on rails of a wheel pair consisting of tinro wheels of unequal radius fitted on an axle. In the same way as the above mentioned authors, it is assumed here that the material of the wheels and of the rails is the same and the problem is solved as the synthesis of two plane contact problems of the theory of elasticity, the wheel and the rail being considered as elastic semi-planes. In the first paragraph the dependence is established between the angular speed and the traction force. The solution is based on using the Reynolds assumption that the contact line is sub-divided Card 1/2intO two parts, namely, the coupledpart and the sliding On the rolling of a wheel pair. 24-11-21/31 part. The graph Fig.2, P-171, shows the changes in the traction force I as a function of the angular speed w for a concrete case of a steel viMl and ~ rail for R = 60 cm, P 11 t/cm, VL = 8 x 10 kg/cm , I = 0.3, k = 0-33, v 10 M/sec. The graph pertaining to slightly differing wheel radii R = 60 cm, R - 60 *1 cm is shown in Fig.3, P.171; the totil traction f9rce as a function of the angular speed is shovm in Fig.4, p.171. If the radii differ considerably the T vs. w graph also shows a horizontal section for which T = 09 Fig-5, p.172. There are 6 figures and 4 references, 3 of which are Slavic. SUEMITTED: July 24, 1957. AVAILABLE- Library of Congress. Card 2/2 AUTHORs /4 r~ Mossakovskiv- V_1,_(Dnepropetrovsk) 40-2-P-1-11 1.11 TITLE: The Pressure of a Circular Punch on an _7 lanti,. !Tlalf -,pac;_- With dn Elasticity Modulus Which iEi a Power Function of' the Depth ~Davleniye kruglogo shtampa na upryg-,ye poluprostritngtvo, modul~lprugosti kctorogo yavlyayetaya stepennoy funktsiyey glubiny) PERIODICAL% Prikladnaya Matematika i Mekhanika, 1958, Vol 22, Nr 1, pp 123-125 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the short notice the author c:onsiders a problem of Korenev [Ref 11 and generalizes it In certain points. Kcrgney investi- gated the pressure of a stamp which presses on a basis with variable modulus of elasticity. For the case ahich is symmetric- al about an axis the solution could be reduced to Bessel func- tions. In the special case of a nondepending modulus of elasti- city of the elastic half space the solution becomes particular- ly simple and passes over intc well-known results. In this paper the author directs to some wants cf ~-~Iearness of the s-)- 111tion of Korenev and solves the problem in a qom-~whai; mora suitable way by applying a system of coupl=d inteGral equa- tions. The solution obtained in general form ~s applied to the Card 1/2 The Pressure of a Circular Punch on an Elastic Half 40-2-2-1-11/15 Space - With an Elasticity I&d4lu's Which is' a Power Functinn of the D6pti case of a circular stamp with constant axial Fcr ~-ra pressure distribution below the surface of the pun-h rzsii1ts are obtained which deviate from the results cf Koran(-.v. Ther,,a are 2 3oviet referen:~es. SUBMITTED: June 17, 195", Card 212 MW--SAKOVSKIT,-V-I.I-.--(Dnepropetrovsk)-, RVACCHEV. VA. (Bedryansk) Problem on the horizontal hydrodynamic impact of a sphere. PrIkl. mat. I mekh. 22 no.6:847-84 M-D 158. (MIRA 11-12) (Hydrodynamics) I ~,Wlll ---.OWL 7711' TIE it.. C. V. jr: J,?r "j: V ir Eq Fr. am 19 A a lot H u IS $1--!- R1 If r lit ~u $1 am -Fli a r A -IL A V--l r 0 S/179/60/000/02/012/032 E081/3241 AUTHORS: Golub, V. K._, and Mossakovskiy, V. I., (Dnepropetrovsk) Circular Plate on an Elastic Half-Space TITLE: Bendinf~%f a in the Presence of Adhesi6-n- PERIODICAL. Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye tekhnicheskikh nauk Mekhanika i mashinostroyeniye, 1960, Nr 2, pp 88-94 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The paper is a continuation of previous work (Refs 6, 7). The problem under discussion is that of a circular plate of constant thickness h lying on an elastic half-space. A given axially symmetric load q(F) acts on the plate, and reactive normal jp(i)j and shear [t(i)j stresses, also axially symmetric, act between the elastic half-space and the underside of the plate. Considering the equilibrium of an element of the plate the overning differential equation is obtained as (1.1) and M2), where r - ~/a, w(r) is the vertical diSDlacement of a point on the middle surface of the plaie, D the cylindrical rigidity of the plate, a the radius, Nr and No are respectively the radial and Card 1/4 circumferential forces in the middle plane. These forces Lll~_ S/179/60/000/02/012/032 E081/E241 Bending of a Circular Plate on an Elastic Half-Space in the Presence of Adhesion are determined by (1.2) and the compatibility Eqs (1-3) and are given by (1.4) and (1.5). The horizontal displacement of a point on the underside of the plate can be written in the form (1.6), where the first term corresponds to bending and the second to deformation of the middle surface. Using previously published results, the displacement of a point on the surface of the foundation under the action of a distributed load p(rl) is found as (2.4), where r. r1, R and are shown in Fig 1. A detailed mathematical analysis then leads to (3.24) and (3.25) for the vertical and horizontal displacements of a point on the surface of the foundation under the action of normal forces P(xl y), where ko is Poisson's ratio.To solve the problem of the elastic plate on an elastic half-space, it is necessary to find the unknown functions p(r) and t(r) (the reactions of the foundation) in the system of differential and integral equations (1.1), G 6), (3.24) and (3.25). This is done by expressing Card 2/4 p~r) and t(r) as series of modified Legendre polynomials S/179/60/000/02/012/032 E081/E241 Bending of a Circular Plate on an Elastic Half-Space in the Presence of Adhosion (4.2). In the case of a uniformly distributed load over the whole plate, this leads to Eq (4-5) for w(r). Numerical calculations are carried out for a h/2a) - 0.3, J,,(. Poisson's ratio of plate) = 0.3, Poisson's ratio of foundation) = 0.35, (Eq (4.2)) - 2.4, m (Eq (4.2))= 1.3, k (= flexibility index) = 2 and 10. The results are tabulated at the foot of p 93 and show the effect of calculating with and without allowance for radial force N. and frictional force t(r); the calculated values are for the centre of the plate. The left-hand of the Table reads: Allowing for Nr and t(r). Without allowing for Nr- Without allowing for Nr and t(r). From Tables (Ref 3). Comparison of the first and second lines of the Table shows that allowance for the force N gives the following differences: for the momenEs Mr 4 to 17%; for compressive stresses (Or) and tensile stresses~ (-Or), Card 3/4 22 to 45% and 21 to 74%, respectively, The calculated S/.L79/60/000/02/012/032 E081/E241 Bending of a Circular Plate on an Elastic Half-Space in the Presence of Adhesion values of the third line were obtained by P~ I. Klubin's method and give higher values for both moments and stresses, The fourth line in the table gives values taken from the tables of M. I. Gorbunova-Posadov (Ref 3). The present values of Mr and Or are close to Posadov's. the difference being smaller for small flexibility coefficients. In particular, for k - 2 the divergence between the maximum compressive stresses amounts to 4%. Thus for calculations on a uniformly loaded plate working equally in tension and compression, the tables of Gorbunova-Posadov may be used without change. There are 2 figures, 1 table and 12 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION. Dnepropetrovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Dnepropetrovsk State University) SUBMITTED: March 69 1959 Card 4/4 GuBF.Ny,o, V.S. (Dnepropetrovsk); (Iluepropetrovsk) Pressure of an axisy=tric annular stamp on an elastic se-mispacP-- Prikl. mat. i mekh. 24 no. 2034-340 Mr-Ap 160. (14IRA 14;5) (Elasticity) GUDRAMDVICH, V.S..(Daepropetrovsk); WSSAKOVSKIY V.I. (Dnepropetrovsk) L --.- 1.-.-,, 1- . - 0 Contact problem for a flexih.le ring reinforcing a cyclindrical shell. Izv*AN SSSR.Otd.tekhnquk.M9kh.1 masbinostr. no.2:113- 156 Mr-Ap, 161. (KM 14:4) (Elasticity) v c r. L-c -nc. 1ACCESSION WRs AP3003236 1~1 S/0040/63/027/003/0418/0427 AUTHORI Mossalkovskiyg Ve 10 TITLEt Compression of elastic bodies in contact (p'xially symmetric case) SOURGEt Prikladnaya matematika i mekhanikaj ve 21,, no. 3, 19630 h18-427 TOPIC TAGS: elastic body identation pracess, semi-infinite surface ABSTRACT: The details of comprGS31on contact between axisymetric elastic bodies have been studied under the assumption of slowly increasing load,, with no dynazaio. effects, and the stressed state of the body as a direct function of the loado The identation process of a smooth and absolutely rigid press acting on an elastic serid-infinits surface is considereds, and the problem is solved for the case of large cohesion between the two surfaces in contacts, with no slip. The case is then generalized to include two ax1symmetrie bodies with cdi6act surfaces small compared to a linear dimension* The particular case of two spheres in contact is discussed and the total load deternined. Orig. art. hams 50 equations aid I figure, C.,d 1/2 ACCEW1011 NRt AP30032i~----, :ASSOCIATION# none SUBK=ED I IM0062 WE ACQo ARUOV 'SUB CODEs AP No mw Sm 009 ZWL 00 arm 003 Card 2/2. MOSSAKOVSKY, V.I. (Dnepropetrovsk) "Solution of some miAed problems of the theory of elasticity and the theory of potential for a half-space by reducting them to au;xiliary plane problems." report presented at the 2nd All-Unicn Congress on Theoretical and Applied mechanics., Moscow, 29 Jan - 5 Feb 64. S/01981641010/003/o2gi/oz96 kACCESSIOX NR: AP4037991 iAUTHOR: Mo~sg4ovffl,! (Mossakovskiy, V. 1. (DnIpropetrovs1k Kbarkiv); 0ny*s~cherr6,V.__I. tDnipropotrovs9k, Kharkiv); Rvachoir, V. L. (Rvachav, V. L.) ~(Dnipropetrovslk, Kharkiv) TITLE: On the use of Green functions to solve a compound problem In the theory or jelasticity for a half-space ISOURCE: Pry*kladna mekhanika, v. 10, no. 3, 1964, 291-296 ITOPIC TAGS: Green function, elasticity, half-space, stress, strain, boundary valuq! 11problem, boundary condition, Kelvin function, problem compound. !ABSTRACT: A compound problem of the theory of elasticity for a half-space is 1i !,reduced in the end to finding two functions which are harmor4c in the half-space 11for the compound boundary conditions.' For the case where the line of separation ~of the boundary conditions is a circle, this problem was solved In a previous larticle by expansion of the unknown functions into trigoncimetric series, but cbLl- ticulation difficulties rose with increase in the numbers of harmonics. Tn the jp~esent article. tv Inversion. a Green matrix Is constructed which permits obtain- Card lA iACCESSION NR: AP4037991 ~Jne a general solution of the problem in quadratures. The functions Kif used in 11 the formula are harmonic and should satisfy the assigned boundary conditions. By introducing auxiliary axiAlly-sy=etric functions Fi and utilizing inverse transvl !,formation, the solution of the problem can be reducei to an already axially- j,symmetric problem of potentials theory which is solved by being reduced to a planar! '1problem. As a result, the unknown functions Fir, and consequently also KW are i,obtained In the form of integrals from elementary functions. Orig. artic 4 has: 53 formulas. ASSOCIATION: Drdpropetrovs I ky*y derzhaviW*y universy*tet (Dnepropetrovsk State University); Kharkivs # kyfy insty*tut girny*chogo mas1i5r*nabuduvanxWa, avtomaty*W 11ta obc17*s2,yuvalncyi tekbrdlq* (Kharkov Institute of Mining Machine Building, ':Automation and Computer Equipment) 1;summw 19Nov62 DATE ACQ: lUun64 ENCL: 00 SUB CCDE: AS, ME NO-REY SOV: 003 orm t ooo C~.~, d -2 YDSSAKOVSKIY,,Y.I.; RYBKA, M.T. (Dnepropetrovsk) Attempt,at evolving a theory of the strength of brittle zaterials based on Griffith's ideas.about the energy state of solids. Prikl. mat. i mekh. 29 noe2t291-296 Mr-AP 165. (MIRA 18:6) ~ne~,rope Lrr)v3k. f 0 "UK 1 y Effect of a I oua Ei :fini-, ol~ J under the base oC a t 1. rinepropetrovskly meta Ilw-, 5y c b', p" 7 MCSSAKOVSKIYI V.I. (Dnepropetrovsk); FOTI'YEVAj N*N. (Dnepropetrovsk) Impression of a symmetric stamp in an elastic semispace in the presence of a cohesion a-long the line of contact. Izv. &N SSSR. Mekh. no.6:67-70 N-D 165. (MIRA 19:12) MOSSAKOVSKIYI Ya*V. Economic efficiency of increasing the rate of drifting in the Donets gaqin mines. Nauch.trudy MI no.30:75-89 160. (MIRA 14:3) (Donets Basin-Coal mines and mining-Costs) .- MOSSAKOVSKIY, Ya.V. Problem of lowering direct, standard costs in conjunction with 11 rates of drifting. Much. trudy 14GI no. 34-101-110 16. (MIRA 14;4) (Coal mines and mining-Costs) MOSSAKOVSKIY, Ya.V., kand.okonom. nauk Planning tfie cooL of 6rifting horizon~.U mine workings. I-auch. trudy 14GI no.43:13-18 ,62. 16:9) (Mining onginuoring-Coots) 3TARZY1451' I, Stefan; BiSKID, Miroslaw;-MOSSAKOVSKA, Bibiana Giant-call tumor (osteoclastoma) developing from a phyllode tumor of the breast. Novotwory 11 no.3/4:431-441 161. 1. Z Zaklalu Anatomii Patologicznej AM it Warszawie Kierawaik: prof. dr mod. L. Paszkiewics i z Oddzialu Chirurgii Szpitala Miejs1ciego Nr 7 w Vanzattie Ordynator: doe. dr ned. ',' 'ii (Bit,"AST NLOPLASMS case re orts) (CYSTOSARCOMA PHYLLODES case reportP) (GIANT Ci,,LL TUM102 case reports) MOSSAWMA, Bi*Asna, Traumatic hip dislocation in a 2-year-old infant. Chir. narzad. ruchu ortop. pol. 29 no-103-55 164 1. 21 Oddzialu Chirurgii Dzdeciecej Miejskiego SzpIta1a Bie- lanskiego w Tarszavie; ordynator: dr. med. J.Radlinska. )t- MOSSAK04KA.. E.; NINLOOMI., H. Obtaining sterols from waste from rapeseed oil refineries. p. 510. PRZEMSL SPQVM2X. Warszawa. vol. 9, no. 12, Dec. 1955. SMRCE: East European Accessions List (EEAL) LC, Vol. 5,no. 3, Mar. 1956 * z ~ '- - " f .' t JYJ Z7 VV1 -S A' /1) Di6tra 4F4. V Uo~safwwdul Zofl& Conce W force la tue Mtemr- dutto fit" 4_ Arch. Mech. Stos. 10 (1958),~ 233-251. and Ras- sian summariest :The authorstudies the problem of determining the 'it md id-, a transversely isotropic semi-space under a point, concentrated 12AI-Three types of boundary coa- 'ditioni. -are considered: - (1) 'zero stress; (2) mixed coa- d,itions. (3) zero d-isplacements. The author proceeds in the 1 0 f H manner. He ~ introduces the six second order al- Werential equaOcas satisfied by the components f 9 the dispUcem6at vector. It is stited that them e tions can be replaced by-SWgIe sixth order partial .1ler- ential equations for the three components of it new "displiciment" vector. The physical displacement$ and streism. am then determined in terms of the new "dis. placement" vector. By choosing two components of this. vector to be zero, the author reduces the problem to the, ir w1utfora -of it single fourth order partial differential, equation which is solved by use.of a double Fourier Z.' .2 29289 1121 'L(ool 4Y'17, Ikul, P/033/60/012/001/008/008 D250/D302 AU AIW: klossakowska, Z-of iFt (-Warsaw) 2ITLE: One-dimensional dynamical problem of thermo- elasticity for an anisotropic medium liu,10DICAL: Archiwum mechaniki stodowanej, v. 12, no. 1, 1960, 137-146 TEAT: Expressions are derived for the displacement field in an anisotropic semi-infinite medium (z-~-O) due to the sudden application at t=t, of a plane source of heat or temperature on z=c. The displacement field, the temperature and the stress components are exiressed as u, = (a, t,". + as al. 6,1 + au M.) 0. 9,, T=(a~icr.+aua,,Idl+a2461.16tl+a,,,P,).p=at. 17 (M.-IAII'Mt T. (1.4) Card 29289 P/033/60/012/001/008/00 One-dimensional dynamical problem ... D250/D302 and tP (z,t) is obtained in the usual way by solving the equation for its Laplace traxisform W (Z,P). IPI)O P) 1 12.3 ka-,-,' (1.11) where W is the transform of the heat source distribution function. The initial conditions are that the fields of displacement, velocity and temperature are everywhere zero at t=O, and the boundary condi- tions on Z=O are taken in turn as the four possible combinations of zero temperature, heat flow, traction and displacement. All four boundary conditions are taken both for the case of a plane heat source suddenly supplied and for that of a suddenly applied tempera- ture, and full details of the solutions are given. These agree with previously obtained solutions for isotropic cases. There are 4 references, 2 Soviet-bloc and 2 non-Soviet-bloc. The reference to Card 2/3 One-dimensional dynamical problem ... 29289 P/033/60/012., D250/D302 the En~,)-Iish-language publications reaus as follows: H. S. J. C. Jaeger, Conduction of Heat in Solids, London 1948 ASSOCIk2ION: Department of Mechanics of Continuous Media, Polish Academy of Sciences SuBLIITTED: September 7, 1959 Card 3P~ KOSUKOVSKI, Jap-, OUSINSKI, vla4yalaw Elepa,to-Ilema syndrome according to noderm literature and according to observations at the Second Surgical Clinic of the kca4paW of Medicine* Polski tygod. lek. 9 no.11:327-331 15 mar 54. 1. Z 11 Klialki Chlrurglasnej Aks4a=ll Modycznej w Warstaviel kierownik prof~ dr JAosaakowski. (LIM, diseases. hapatollanal synd., surg.) (SPLUM. surgery. hepatollonal synd., surg.) (AISKIA. HICKOLYTIC. surgery.) KOSSAKOWNI, Jan; OLISINKI, Wladyslaw Second Surgical Clinic of the Academy of Medicine. Polski tygod. lek. 9 no.15:455-459 12 Apr 54. 1. Z Il 121niki Chirurgicznej Ak. Ned. v Warssawle, Klerownik: prof. dr ned. JAbseakowski. (LIM, diseases, hepatolienal die.) (SPL = . diseases, hapatolienal die.) powiefullnit VI'N'a" VIA 0 Kon- III rze w P"All'i %VY.14-n 114.1 frolp~vga (The I"fl,"lue M ""mular '~"Vlo' il, 77 p 2:17- 111 P-1; I., in 1-~Ali lkt,rmif.Vi,;;j .I 0~- ;'Iflu'V. !H;.' ; - 1, .601 ti!~ it:li'iI."I Go ull '~'k uwd f!.f -it, ill;i"il( It: I Simply :,I pi ~ It,d 7.t fll.a I elp'-~ ;I, a ~~Aj ti! I'f M /Pi ;ijow n . sitm iu-ji U, ~ va), I sh~urin g (w cc!,- Aiifltnr~ f4m,"I ak~j flutt 501U6,41., (dinuflu, r.Natillisk"i f"Intfliff variml., rd two'hviv fiuwtiom~, Ilwy 1mrpow eltov ~tivfy and talmiali'm OtL-5" ftmfliow~ /'1705. Cywiriska, Z., Rnd Mo~sai~ow~lu, itiffu-mce surfues of all 7t-hatrgpic -.S~Tnjrfwif~ 'tL!2 j 1'. Ito- Plo."d i".11, bolummit .11. 1 ~mdvd In A t. L-1 i, I II deflef 'Jiml ill a VIA).-d "Will 1.-valvv li,i;i i, "1'l) . ....... 1-1 mh- H I OSSAIKOWSKI, J. Some special solutions in the theor7 of anisotrople plates. p. 159 Vo-'. 2, no. 4, 1954, BULLETIN, Dep't of Technical Sciences, Polish Academy of Sc)(iences SO: HONTHLY LIST OF EAST EUROPEk'4 ACCES310ilS, (EEAL), Vol. 4, No-9, 1C, Sept. 1955, Uncl. I Z-7 7777~77 Are a ab) , -~~Ths ptoblerit of a pis n-la t it c ad llu . i . ~Aot of, At - - . ~' , il .I - If 4sd"iis."glc atinlijigni of the tlepi, ta"eced sknm type 0. alu" ~ to the utlaft of A d arbittat Is toosidere4, caticiattated roted, Authqr repremm cbe solution of the.probjtfla In tb~ ICI!Cb *I it slob arthe -el + "Y AL9 coo tha omplax riat fficlem Pi chawtedsoc equalati of the fm~ith dtr tat ta -woom4lic v1sati alvd tha ~iiamtttis A,j, orc AtIJAA4 from irtittical ana baundury cobdi-; tion a tL. Froblm -q is cbe ordinate of the. point of icdca of The geaoA' nd compsti lofm ol~he aalwi-aetlp~lcjl obwal- it teflem ~f partieuUt lauzarei -in tha cacet of artho tXOPY mAd".1nicompy, The nolmlan Of the pj;t)bltm of a kat OLCtIns th,a ~as -t a u e. 154 gialso i~pfc plan 7 Two ourftericat,examplex show cozentist dlfltr~cvices bttweia the stress diotribtiricala isotropic ond ardwtople.plates, cancemits 'imotioa of com leglo in p"ctJar the coaft presqctl W4 wq vi. The date of i-Ismommmmak -Jote &W to a coiicenh*W wwce ofb=-L 'Arch. Nech.-S-tdM(1957),565-577. __aitd RimWaa KOSSAKOWSK I (Warsaw) Buckling of circular lates with cylindrical orthotropy. p Archiv mach 12 no.5 -.583-596 169. 1. Vetnrtment of Mechanics of Continuous Media, Institute of Basic Tedhnical Problems, Polish Academy of Scienev. FILIPOWICZ, Maria: KOSSAKOWSKI, Hiroalaw GlInblastosts dlffusa. Maur. &c. poiska 5 ao.6:653-662 Nov-Dec 55. 1. Z Instytutu Psycboneurologicznego w Pruszkowis. Dyrektor: prof. dr. Z. Kuligovski. t I KlinW Neurologicznej Akad. Red. w. Wansku. Kierowntk: prof. dr. Z. Majewska. (GLIOBLAST014A %MTIYORMA) KOSSLKMKI, Mlroslaw; R&DZIXOWUI, Gzaalaw. Canis of brachlaW& In maligmant vietastases from the cervix uteri. Polski tygod.lek. 10 ILO-45:1473-1474 7 lov 55. 1. Z Kllnikl Chorob Norwovych; dyrektor: prof. dr. Kajewska Zafi& I z Zakladn Anatonii, Patologicenej kkadeall Modyezuej w Gdansku; dyrektor: prof. dr. Oxarnacki. 74Lkl. An&t. Platolog. A.M. w Gdanska (NIRVIS, BRACRIAL PLUUS. diseases, compression by metastases from cervix uteri) (CIRVIX. UMINS. neoplasne, causing compression of brachW plexas) yo miroslaw of diof-,eminatcd vn-n,,,,tor li,;,)rder3 with si-litaneoln, -qrnlv-il nf thp lower extre,itir- me-ts' dlsordo?rs. 119-!U Mn7y-June 57. '74il-Indii Ristonnt^io-li Ukladu Herowern ?An 4 'kirsznwie Kier"' T ik-: nrof dr Tned. A Onp"51-i. -NAL 1;0'!'), di2,?:;qes, or-wanin le-Inn Ath disseminptei vq:~nnrtor ~:isnr-~. . 73,lrnlrnis -)f Pxt-amitteq & -!ent. dinonf. (,"01)) 77elorpthir. with vn!;omotor It -ient. lisor4. c,,se rpnorts, .r,re Iona --h ie, with vrtsciv)tor di,.inn.. cn-e resnortl, Y-i s c mc t or u lath i,-. -w i th me n t. df)r,,. --, na rTi 9 in ') f I-,),.,!er (P-,'.)) HOSSAX w Dissemination of multiple wjelona through the cerebrospinal fluid. Neur. &c polska 10 no.2:2-19-229 Mr-Ap '60. 1. Z Zakladu Histopatologii Ukladu Herwovago Polskiej Akadenii Nauk (Pracownia v Warszawie) Kierownik: prof. dr med. A.Kunicki. (MYELONA PLASMA CELL case reports) (CEREBROSPINAL FLUID pathol) MCSUKONSM9 Miraslaw EMezents of mesodermal origin In cerebral and cerebellar astropytomas. Pat. polska 12 no.2sl5l-159 161. 1. Z Ukladu Mouropatologii Polskiej kkademil, Nauk lierawniks prof* dr mad. A. Kunicki (EFAIN NWPUSM pathol) (ASTROCYTa4A pathol) MOSSAKOWSKII Miroslaw; JEDRZEJOWSKA, Hanna A case of co-existing rare styliform glima of the spinial cord and spinobulbar i3yringmyelia. Pat. polska 12 no.1:57-65 161. 1. Z Zakladu Neuropatologii PAN Z Kliniki flourologicznej A.M. w L Hausmanowa-Petrusewiez. j (SPINAL CORD neopi) (SEUNGOMYELIA Kierownik: prof. dr A.Kunicki Warazawie Kierownik: prof. dr (GLICt4A compl) compl) OSETOWSKAj Ewa; ZELMANO Irmina; WWAKOWSKI, Miroslaw A transitory form of disseminated and diffuse s1clerosis of the brain. Pat. polska 12 no-40381-390 '61. 1. Z Pracowni Warazavskiej Zakladu lieuropatelogii PAN Kierownik PracowUt doe. dr E.Osetowska. (MULTipLr.; scu,"is pathol) (BRAIN pathol) MOSSAKOWSKI, Miroslaw; KRASNICKA, Zuzanna; IWANOWSKI, Lech Neuropathological syndromes in laukanias. RoZpr. w7dz- nauk med. 7 no.1:157-184 162. .1. Adjunkai Zakladu Neuropatologil PAN. (LEUKEMIA) (BRAIN DISMES) DAMBSKA, Maria; CZOCHANSKA, Jagna; MOSSAKOWSKI, Miroslaw A case of Wantile type of amaurotic idiocy (Tay-Sachs). Neuropath-o- logical and histochemical studies. Pat. polska 13 no.2':159-la 162. 1. Z Pracowni Warszawakiej Zakladu Neuropatologii PAN Kierownik: doc. dr mad. E. Osetowska Z Kliniki Diagnostyki Chorob Dzieciecycy A14 w Warszawie Kierounik: prof. dr med. Z. Lejmbach. (AMAUROTIC FAMILIAL IDCCY pathol) POLAND J:-:DRZE;,T01vSKA, 11anna, MOSSANO Miroslaw, and RAJSZYS, szard; Seurolo ical Clinic Klinika Vburolo~-,Iczna) (-irector: Prof. Dr. med. I. 1!0UT-1A_N0!iA-PETRUSE!vICZ) and Departwent of Medical Radiology (Zaklad Radioic,-,ii Lekarskicj) (Director; Prof. Dr. med.sci. IV. ZAWAUOI,.~SKI), both of the AM LOicadeniia Medyczna, Medical Academy] in 1%,arsaw "3oontaneous 3ilateral Arteriovenous Anastomosis between Inter- nal Carotid Artery and Sinus-Cav3rnosus. Case Report." I . ~,arsaw, Polsici TModnik Lekarski, Vol 13, No 31, 29 Jul 63, PP 1153-1153 Abstract: [Authors' English summary] Authors report a case in the title for a 66-year old woman. Bilateral exoplithalmos and partial paresis of motor nerves apoeared within two months, and patient complained of headache and tinnitus. Correct dia- 11110sis was facilitated by arteriography of carotid arteries and kinoma to graph. Authors calL attention to rare incidence of spontaneous bilateral carotid-cavernous anastomoses and discuss the possible pathol-eneS *LS Of the disease. All 11 re- ferences are to English and French sources. 1/1 MOSSAKOWSKI, M.J.; WOLOWSKA, J. A rare form of diffuse glioblastosis. Pat. po-1. 13 no.4:455-466 '~-2- 1. Z K-liniki Neurologjcznej AM w Warszawie Kierownik: prof. dr med. Irena Hausmanc-wa-Petrusewicz Z Pracowni Warszawskiej Zakladu Neuropatologii PAN Kierownik: doc. dr mad. Ewa Osetowska. (GLIOBLAST0,14A MULTIFOME) J'EDHZZJOWSKA, Hanng; MOSSAKOWSKI, Miroslaw; RAJSZYS, Ryszard Spontaneous bilateral arteriovenous fistula between the internal carotid artery and the CaVernOW Sinum, Poll. t79- lek. IS no.31:1153-1158 29 J1 163. 1. Z Kliniki Neurologiemej AM v Warszavie; kierownik: prof. dr mad. I. Hausmanowa-Patrusevicz i z Zakladu Radiologii lakarsklej AM w Warazawie; kierownik: prof. dr nauk med. W. Zawadowaki. FISTULA, ARTERIOVENOUS) VERNOUS SIMS) M (CAROTID ARTERY DISEASES)