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Subject I USSR/Engineering Card 1/1 Pub. 11 - 7/15 AID P - 5256 Authors : ~., and L. A. Poznyak (Electrowelding Institute rm -Paton) Title Radiographic inspection of intracrystalline heterogeneity of sulfur and phosphorus in welded seams. Periodical Avtom, svar.,~ 1/ 4, 76-87, Ap 1950' Abstract The authors describe their radiographic research on the dendritic heterogeneity of sulfur and phosphorus in ingots and seams. The effect of cooling rate is discussed. Two tables, 11 photos (radiograms) and 1 graph4 Nine Russian references (1950-56) 1 American (1950). Institution As above Submitted No date ASNIS, A.Te.; DEMIYANCOK. A.S.; MOVCW, B.A.- POZNYAK, L.A. More on the problem of carbon di,^fusion toward the surface of Noed metal in oxyacetylene cutting. Avtom. avrr. 9 no.6:83-86 N-D 156. (MIMA 10:3) 1. Ordena Trudovogo, Krasnogo Znameni Institut elektroavarki im. Ye.O.Patona. AM USSR. (Gas welding and cutting) (Diffusion) NOYCHAII, B.A. Diffusion proc'-swes and chemical COMDOSition of the fusion ton,, in welded joints. Avtom. svar.9 no.6:87-93 R-D 156. (MLRA 10:3) 1. Ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni Inaitut alektrosvarki im. Ye.O.Patona AN USSR. (Diffusion) (Metallvrgical analysis) (Steel alloys--Welding) MOVGffAIT. 3.A.; POSHYAK, L.A. Investigating chemical heterogeneity of the fusion zone and la.rer heterogeneity in welded joints. Avtom. avir.9 no.6:94- 96 N-D 156. (KLRA 10:3) 1. Grdena Trudovogo Yrasnogo Znameni Institut alektroevarki im. Te.O.Patona AN USSR. (Electric welding) (Diffusion) USSR / Solid State f'~ysics Structural Crystallography E-4 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Fizika, No. 5, 1957 No.11596 Author iMovch&n, B.A. Inst Title Method of Contact X-ray'Microphotography of Alloyed Steels and Alloys. Ori~' Pub iZarod. laboratoruja, D56, 22, llioF, 817 - 820. Abntract 3A description of measures for improving the technique of X-ray microphotography, The unfavorable effect of the continuous spectrum is reduced by using a special X-ray tube with reduced intensity of this spectrum, and also by choosing the voltage at which the ratio of the intensity of the characteristic radiation to the intensity of the continuous spectrum is increased. For this purpose, a sharp-focus tube (constructed bv B. Ya. Pines) is enployed, and the volta,e on the t1ibe is chosen experimentally in the 'bard: 1/2 S~SR Solid State Physics / 3tructural Crystallo,.~-raphy R_4 Abs Jour .,.ef Zhur - Fizika, No. 5, 1957 No. 11596 Abstract range of 18 -- 22 kv to obtain maximum contrast. It is established that the thicimess of the investigated plate should not be greater than any of the structural com- ponents (0.08 -- 0.10 mm in individual cases 0.3 mm). The form of radiation for each case and particularly for elements that are closely located in the Mendelev table, should be speciaily chosen. To investigate the irre7 13 _,ular- ities in ailoys of iron with respect to the chromium, it is recommended to employ iron radiation, to employ cobalt radiation for manganese, and chromium radiation for niobium and titanium, 'To refine the characiter of irre-ularities, it is recommended that separate X-ray photography be employed in several oharacteristic radiations. The method is recom- mended for the determination of the suratifecation in rolling, irregularities in the L-rain of cast and overheated steel, etc., with possible substit,_ition for the method of auto- radior,-raphy, ~Iard: 2/2 KOYCHAN, B.A. ~ I ome characteristics of intercrystalline, heterogeneity and chrystal structure of the weld joint In l1rhl8H9 chromium-nickel austenitic steel. Avton.avar.10 no.4:75-82 JI-Ag '57. (KrRA 10:10) 1. Ordena Trudovog Krasnogo Xnament Institut elektroavRrki imeni Ye.O.Patonx Akademit nauk USSR. (Chromium-nickel steel-Welding) (Notallography) 25(6) PHM I BOOK ZXPE.OrTATION SCV/2555 Mauch o-teldinichdakOYe obahcheatvo prtboroatralt-11 nay PrO=y-hl*n- na'a'ti. Ukrainskoya reapublikanakOye pravienlya XOVyyG metody kontalyg I derekto3kopil ~ ma3hinoatroyerl! 1. prl- borostroyenit Edoklady Reapublikanskoy konrerent.11, ) (New Renods of Inspection &no Irlaw Detection in the Machinery and Inst~vnt- manufacturing induatrie 3 'Reports or the qonrerence Held at 911tv, 19561) mayev, Gost-knizdat USSR , 1958, 2t4 p. 4,700 COP'-* printed. Sponsoring Agencyi Akademlya nauk 11531R. Editorial Board: %.I. Ed. -. A. Amelin; Tech. Ed.; P. Fstaalyuk; Oreb.n', B.D. Grc-ln' A.Z. Zhomudskiy, a.N. Savin (Reap. Ed.), 1. D. Paynerman (Dep. Reap. Ed.), and A.A. Shishlo"kly. PUR?03K: This book is intended far engineer., scientific wor,ors, ani technicians dealing with problems of inspection and flaw det-tj.n. COVERACIZz This to a collection or scientific papers presented at a conference sponsored by the Academy of Sciences, UWrSSR, end tte Hauchno-'e"'n'ehes' priborostral-ellnoy prceyam,.__ 'e n03ti, Ukrainsk0ye Pr I niye (Ukrainle,' Branch, Sclentif-!, Technical society or tt'. Ir,ti-Atry). P&P&ra deal with aadeln ethoj. af lnap-tl~n and r%a. j,v-jj,n ua:d,tn,the machln,~ry- cu -1 t.c ad the ~se a!' T. . eta a af elt'! lulf--t.; X-ray, &--y, jgftt%.' cones, mag".t1c, -d u' trftlonlc metnod. of r1a. a--t rAdlOactivc IaOtaPem; X-ray dirrrac:ton mvtn~ada ~r metal and the use or interretalt-r- r-r I-easur-ImF lengtm -4 and det-mining the cfa rficl--t or llneax themal person Itle are m -!onrd. R ror.-A ro, .1 papers. seve7al of tne Bogdan-' V.I.. C.~dld.te Of' sk polyt,h~, Z'stl -Le) Uit-tlon or 'tu adla"tive Sources for ReQ,suring Equlp~,,t 25 Tm'1vWtA*A' Candidate or Techniz, 3cence.' InBLItut 0. ~'k_ 1 Y--O- P-tan-, Kly.~ (Ely_ Electric W~,:'.!ng D~~ettl~tc`tvjon'Aelll ye-0- Pat-). U.e or Radioactive Isotopes In the of irlaw, In Welds ~,',ud'k~Z, 41 .6 D-t.r or re,n~j_,. P ~Inl She-rl ah..chank.). Kl,,, ("Yev State Ut't--.ty ?"t a X-rAy D'"'ractiOn Kethod of,,ing pjja~,O' Card 3,19 50 AUTHOR: Movehan, I.A. (Kiyev) SCV/24-58-4-23/39 TITLE: Peculiarities in the Distribution of Impurities Between Solid and Liquid Phases in Alloys (0b osobennostyakh raspredeleniya primesi mezhdu tverdymi i zhidkimi fazami v splavakh) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye Tekhnicheskikh Nauk, 1958, Nr 4, pp 122 - 123 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The distribution of Ag, Cu and Zn between solid and liquid phases of binary Al alloys was studied by an X-ray method. High-purity alloys of the following composition were prepared: Al--Ag 4.8%, A9 7.30%; Al-Cu 3.2%, Cu 8.3%; AI-Zn 4.98%, 10.10% and 14.79% Zn. These were forged, homogenised, held at temperatures above the solidus for 2 hours and quenched. Cu, Zn and Ag have a higher X-ray absorption coefficient than Al. Hence, portions of phases rich in any one of the above elements appear as light coloured field oa X-ray pictures. The liquid phases of the above alloys were found to contain a greater proportion of alloy element than the respective solid phases. In the boundaries between phases, however, there Cardl/4 is a layer, 2 to 4 A wide, with a higher alloy-element SOV/24-58-4-23/39 Peculiarities in the Distribution of Impurities Between Solid anl Liquid Phases in Alloys content than in the respective molten phase. There is also a very high alloy-element concentration in those portions of a two-phase alloy where the molten phase is contained in a narrow gap between two adjacent solid phases. It was found that the alloy-element content in such gaps is 100 to 200% greater than in the respective molten phases. The area of these gaps in X-ray pictures is approximately 1% of the total area. During dendrite growth coring begins when the growing secondary (and higher-order~ arms form a narrow gap which attracts alloy atoms. X-ray analysis shows that the concentration of the second component in the interstices of the above alloys, obtained by relatively slow crystallisation down to a temperature somewhat above the solidus line and subsequent quenchi%., may exceed the maximum alloy-element content in the liquid phase, as given by the phase diagram. This is due to peculiarities in concentration in narrarw gaps. X-ray analysis has shown that in a number of cases a melt Card 2/4 SOV/24-58-4-23/39 Peculiarities in the Distribution of Impurities Between Solid and Liquid Phases in Alloys which is considerably richer in alloy-element content than the remaining molten ph"e, penetrates into the cracks formed during solidification. This effect is particularly pronounced in alloys with a columnar grain structure, e0g. in peripheral zones of Al + 2.6% Cu ingots. An enriched melt penetrated into the initial crack. Subsequently, as the columna crystals grow so the crack, filled with the enriched melt grows. As a result 'veins* or "strings' with a ]Ugh alloy-element content form in the solidified metal. The peripheral zones of the ingot have a higher Ou content than the central zones, i.e. liquation in the reverse direction takes place. The above range of phenomena is associated with the existence of concentration layers at the boundaries between phases and concentration characteristics in the "gaps" under the conditions equilibrium and non-equilibrium coexistence of phases. Card 3/4 SOV/24-58-4-23/39 Peculiarities in the Distribution of Impurities Between Solid and Liquid Phases in Alloys There are 4 figures mud 6 references, 4 of which are Soviet and 2 English. SUBMITTED: May 12l 1957 Card 4/4 TITIR. Oonfaroace on Crystealisation of krIstallizataii aetallov) FMODICLL; IsTostija Akedeall fis" --SR. OtdoleAlle Tek-o-cZaaxiXt go". 195a, Nr 4. PP 153 - 155 (U=) AB&MCTi This conference was hold at the Inatitut mosbinovedsolya All NOWNS (Institute of Mechanical Stiginsering of the AC.SC. ~) no Jw)e 28-31, 1956. About 4M people par-t*cIpxtftd AM SkA P&rt1CIP&atS Included specialists In the fields of femadry metallurgy crystallography. phydics, wejdjzg~ heat, ;iysicaa chemistry, jLathsa&tlcsl pbysics and a-her relat*d oubj*cts. In addition. to Soviet Participam-a forel" visitors included Professor 3). Caitl (last i;;cxzy) mad 9.1. Chrorizov (Czechoslovakia). This coursronce on an tallisation of set" was the fourth. confax*~s relat4 ag to =. Se"ral problem of _the tt"ry of foundrl processes. of Ron-f*rrous 1~etala. N.5. Balouaor azd tasir f &per Investigation of-fEt amoollisation and tts roport-*s of Son-forro.s Metals caw Gooditiocs at Applying Pressure*, preaented results of wqparimants on prcducl." CAStIGgs which crystallize mader pressure from all sides and piatonfres.4urob:1thla a vl&o range of specific loods. The rag ts f %. Lawast3gation ravldo materiaLl for Improving exletLr4 methods f 1; urg to Influence the cryotallinatiozi of a2le'ra. the i2lipances of the conditions of crystall- Imation. an tbm casting and sech-cal propertLea a- &I-Intun &"eye, at aoro&l and at elevated tooperatureb, "to 4tiecussed in tba paper* of I.?. Kolnbnev and A.10~jomaov- The resulta of 1mv*stigations zf tr.* 44011tiona of crystallisation of alualwua alloys d,4ring oostlemous casting were presented in the paper of N.L. Pok"vokiy and D.Ye. OX._jjezxo UraAA0 dealt with the fes.turso-aT-CrystealizatLoo. or various Sab-fOrrOUS SALIQYS end the qbYAiC*-Cft*mnC&l phan"'na &CCQWaAjLAg this precess. "- tallisation of hatals In the 01.11dlpa Both. fto QLAWRIAg papers were roaa: A.A,-jU==an - at Us ls&turO* of the KIcr0sC-aFrC-C-wVZ=Va N'Oz-uDAfcrs,ity La Alloys'; G.L. Potgvw - 'Cryst&.1111sation acd law-sal - PWOM :01ata*; M.jr-1. ah2.~or., rA V-2- 6041kh - "Influence of Son-un.19oraitLes of CV1fftff=*&%loz In the gold Bath an the formation of aot Crooks.. Cr2mallization of Ntt&ls In An Ult-r&-QIM~s Arle lr4. the Ac~S.. TAS 10AA00ind papers were road; - JbISMOslaA SUR ff. S. Sira t&, Te. L, _14 b.&a &~d 2-2- SIDGITAreako - *CrystallisatiFE of blet,is "j &.Llcys I& rjald- -, t. 1. _Tj;kft,~a - - Laf,-,* f SIMAtle Oscillations on the Processes of Crystal, Loatlo, AM OA tS'hQ0lC9lC&1 properties of Alloy L. L,- IU; _, _a ond A.L. TsrDk;tLin - '11foct of Ultras.ulc:%. Cr,otll-"Irld Card9/10 &W IS IM"Old Both-. .30V/24--5'1')' -10-20/34 AUTHOR:-Id (Kiyev J, TITLE: Poly-onisation of Cast Metals and Alloys (Polip-,or.~,,zaLr;i7a 0 litykh metailov i splavov) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii naulk SSSR, Otdeleniye teld~nicheskikh nauk, 1958, Nr 10, pp 122-123 + 1 plate (USSR) ABSTRACT: Various theories exist as to the shape and size of primary crystallites in cast metals (Refs.i, 2, 3, 4), The author of this paper has shown that a change of shape of primary crystallites occurs even in metals and alloys which do not undergo a phase transformation. Pure nickel and --opper ingots weighing 500 g each were melted in a laboratory vacuum furnace and slowly cooled at a rate of 2 to 30C per see just after solidification. A mirror surface suitable for micro-.examination was obtained. The cross-section of the in- gots consisted of nearly equi-axed crystals, with somewhat elongated crystals at the periphery, Primary dendrites were visible at the ingot surfaces, The dendriuic forms of growth on the ingot surface cross in random d4.rections the new straight boundaries cf nearly equi-axed crysuallites (Fig.1). Very frequently a straight boundary in the ingot surface has the appearance of a micro-cracic which narrows down into the depth of the specimen, Thin straight boundaries in the ingot Card 1/5 cross-section reach, in the majority of cases, to the surface 'iOV/24-5'- -- C, r_ Polygonisation of Cast Metals and Alloys crossing the dendritio fcrms of groWt.h. A similar change in shape of the primary -rystallttes cccurs in synthetic binary and commercial mult-.--~~ompone_-_t alloys cf tl'ie Jron, nickel and copper base solid sclution type wftich do not undergo a phase transformation daring c~coling~ Fig.2 shows the micro- structure of an indastrial ingot. cf stainless steel of the chromium austeni-tic type Kh1__If;NLO. Qwii_.,- to tne dendritic inhomo-eneity, t~_e micro-stru,:~ture simultaneously fixes the primary dend-r--tes and the bcundaries of new crystallites. The breaking down cf priwry -rystallites occurs immediately after completion. cf the 1--rvsLali-i-sation of a metal or alloy. The following characteristv-, pe~uliarit,,es o" ttke brea-king down process are- 1) A c-Lange 'in shape. cf t~ie primary den- drites occurs in alloys of tb.-, solid solution type with a narrow-solidification range (sec- Kilrr.3). As tide solidifica- tion ran-e W4'dens the break'Lqg down of crystallites becomes less and less evident and fi-naLly as ~-np micro-defects and the dendiitlc innomogeneity increase, In alloys with a Card 2/5 11olygonisation- of Cast Liezals and large component content t!-.e t-~undar_Les cf .ae new cry3tall- ites become very non-Iniform in width and 7aay stoo entirely at individual micrc-defe--ts (Fi,~,-.4). As t~ie- c:)-,(-,:tiCration increases further the brea-ii:ing dov.T. uf tne priia~: 'ry crystall- ites ceases, 2) i change in the snape of ~%rimary (broken down) crystailites occ tirs on slow cooiin~; fr~)m the solidifi- cation temperature of metals and alloys. as weli as on fast cooling. 3) In metals and alloys with llistificb textural growth, which is exDressed by columnar crysualli-Ues with uniform orientation, new crystallites also possess columnar orientation, The new bou-ndary can bcrder onuo a few primary crystallites. In the absen,:e of a strict textaral growth, new boundaries form crystallite shapes which are close to equi-axed. 4) There is no change in the shape of primary crystallites in 2-phase alloys In which the second phase forms during solidification or after solidifica- tion, In most cases the boundary appears as an etched groove (Fig-5a). In some portions the boundary consists Df a chain 0 of etched grooves (Fig.5b) or possesses a more complicated structure. The indicated pecullarities of the grain struct- ure of the new crysGailit-,es agrPe well with the dislocation Card 3/5 "del of the boundary of ~wo r3ifforent sprains (Ref.6). There- ,iOV/24-58-10-0/54 Polygonisation of Cast Dietals and Ail-ys fore, the point-like etch figilres in tne boundary, simiiar to those shown in (,a-n'D be conside:-ed as Lhe result of linear dislocauions, which ~,re perpe%dicular to t1- -..Iicro- 0 specimen area. havin me to tne ~urfae~e The measured and calculatad relative deflection an.61:~s fGr adjacent crystall- ites a6ree sa'Lisfa~.t:)rily ~f -Le degree of d,.sorientation is small. Fi,-,.a.O-a and 6b show trie giain structure of a nickel in-ot whict, can be -,)n_:-Lde_-ed as a -x-rbination of linear and screw-type ais.Icca'iDns. AS r-q-? feSUL-, cf analysis, it can be said, that in -.Ds' :ietaiS ar~G Scii_(~ solution., tne -iovement an~,J. '~-'roupLn~'- at n_Lzrn tr-mLera- t u r e s 1 e,-L S. 'j 't ) ~._rld a In thLe pres- en(--o of a r rf-j -V3, J"~ r, C' defects is n,) clliat;~-u c-1 of Lna 1)rlmary cry_-itall- iW3~ Tl'llti~.:,, LLe atove clians?-~, pilij.ury cry:3~aiLiUes in crist m-z!tals a-d all~lyc~ r,a1,-. be classifie,1 as a proce;.;~3 of poly~,onisaui)n of .rIr:rLj:3 a! 'L('Yi tl _- C -) 7, '),'1 rU ',%i 6 ~i ~"Ie u-sual pr;~ce-.-~7 _,i uf a-Ll().7s as cn,~ result of Card 4/5 SOV/124-58-1,~-20/34 Polygonisation of Cast I-Aetals an.-JIL Alloys phase transformations., straightening of boundaries and collective recrystallisation. It is quite possible that the polyrronisation process cccurs also in high temperature monophase regions of alloys wiiich at lower temperatures undergo phase transformations. There are. 6 firy.ures and 6 60viet references. 6UBUITTED: May 14, 1958. 'lard 5/5 T4: :cvchan, n I ~;atim cif i t v'- h CIA, Went ;-nsi n 2*y Crys :11 -lid i4 o G ~-u 1" d e t r- rI. t4 w! s rv r, r I i? lar. -It iT ~r ce v boj n,i!i 1- 4 I'l V a; -1 C t I r. c o p j~ e;- cas L ng t :,e -1,', L: f The :olygon:;zation of Ca2t -Lulq aril -Ilo.Ya of' the snate of pr--mury ~ryst~~,Ilitps -,;as cbs;~r;erj -r, hnj ~.Idu;.Lviul -Ilo~yv vrit'n L-ver liar E~: ~' u ull e L had rint been sii'cje~,ted -n na.-,e t-*,onr, during tbe proce~io of coolini-, '!oxt, folitsireo of, Lh.;,' Of JWi:.!LLI-V and tiloys -evo 'j"ilis p-()c,.,_:.,-~ inti.; o" -..t,tygonizntiui-. of ci-st m-t:_,l, ~n.! 1.L.9 t-w3t to C-r,.I~i "'y q-r_nulation u-r* ii,),- bv tn~- equalization of boundar_;- n. -are 4 f;6-,irciL an- ry sz, 1zat i t~ 7n s t i tk1 Q k t r o s va r:-. a c r.;,. ri.~ t i tu t e c! I" cc'rIclul .,elding I I rdy 1 ~j I c r u F_ rj ~T,k 74 ,rd 2"1 MOMM, Boris Alekoeyevich [Hovchan, B.O.1; STETSNIIKO. Vnevolod Ivanc-11rich: MCHUNOVA, 0., red.; PATSALr-X, P.. (Technical uses of radioactive isotopes] Radioaktyvni izo- topy v tekhnitsi. Kyiv, Derz)i.vyd-vo tekhn.lit-ry URSR, 1959. 183 P. (MIRA 13:1) (Radioisotopee-Indtistrial applications) jP( AUTHOR: -ovchar -~nrlir-te of me cl~lnic-- I T I nr the Qe,,-).sonP r.nO V7,,- "echnnism of "relds "Nt~, One M-e Auptenite 'tructi-m- T, KIODICA- IT, A.V+on,,-ticI'-.eP'r,,, 10rQ ya svarl~.- Vol I . , , 7-p 49-66 -,.e rLutl-= states, t'-'at P strict tl7eory o~ 1-o- crack- ing in vields with one rhese austenite F+r,ictl,~!-e does not exist. 'oviet and foreign speciali-ts rare 4isp- ,r,reej-ng on the .vorkinT- hypotheses on the reFon nn! e- cnanism of hot crn,-cking. The 7oviet sreciplipt~ '-I 7~abkin, T.T. --unir (Ref.1) and leter on -1.7. -,~~-~ovr~,r (Def. 2), 7.r. Lashko and -.V. Tasnko-'vn.-.y,?,, ef -,rd otl-ers found a basic re,-ularity of '-,Dt These regulnrities are estRblis~-e,] by of A. Pocbvar (Def. 4, 1) Fird ot'Prg). tors of intercrystal deptruc*ion show more co--,-'c-t- 7 the hypotheses of intercrstal durabilit Card I/r !-~y N.Y. Prokhorov(?ef. -he autl= -141ifil-, e - r v / i ') C: - , - - -- -, / 11. On V,,e Reasons and the "echan-sm of Uot 'r~~,ck--'-g ir Phase Austenite -trucutre v,,hole Droblen- of tI-e ,,!eldq ~o-r cr--cl,-ir-.- into rn--P 1 ) TTot c-,Pclrin,-, in ,,,,eldp, -,,I-ich crystalize in ore- ,)hpse austenite rpgi,)n and hot crpckir:,7 I~oints, which crystnlize developin,~, a t,,.,o-T)-,,-r- 0,- more compound qysten. The author discusses clusions of PJ , Iruk ("Ief . '6') and A.. quan"ity and quality of inner crystal I-eter-r~n,,----- on the structure and composition of interc?-.,.---!-,'-, zones. The experiments on polyponization t~,at in cast metals and in one-nhpse ;7!.I1o,!FI of cr,, stallitps without phpsp trclngformatio., pl.:ice. (T)e-P. 31 ) . '"his ef 4ect occurs imrne~j f. final 'gardening. Tt was clr--sRified as of cast metals and alloyr, -. -e-ltz sticates tl-.e possitilit,'/ Of a. C C UM 1A 1 1 t 1 0 tions after hardeninp. The lest,-d vieId5-! con-,~-.-!- 19-26,1 ri, 16-18d Cr, f',A5-n.9r` "n, n,~-z-r Card /5 P.Je n r. -re .018-n.0244 OF - r- t`e Pepsone and t-e of "ot in ne T'h,r,.-e Aus'enite under 'lux type m',l,e cin-liti.)rF T TI . -")r--7P V; V 7/h. 0 r-dio-c~ive tl-e P+ruc'.,.ir(~ of 1-: cm,st,).ll;.z!-,tior. front in ,vel.-~e,I jo~lnts of cl~ro-e n~- ckel ster'l invPstir.,r-,,te,9, -1-e niclel con+.Pnl-.q. r)f t~!-!s -9teel .,!ere ~il*-Prent, Qsn c-r~nr, r' TT V - -'itions -iere: T -.aA P Tl-.e electrode of type meter of 15 mm. Tn t~-e center of tl-e plnte, --here `e iopctivp :,e ~Fil in- Weldinp tonk place, piece of ral er ted .mhe insertion v/ a r, P r e p irt r e r! n q ma 1 of the corresp,)ndir,~ steel. %. radio-c'iv- isot.-P of suinhur .,,,as '~rou-t in. 'I!hiIe ~I~e Prc f-oep over t-.e insert, t?~e liquid -e+-l, con'-'- radioactive sulj.~ur, separr-tes. T"r-4- +-70 plies rr- -forme~. TI-e upper ore con+-ined ti-e r,-idlio;~7,,cl-i-,,e 4~o- r d. 5 pe. The car-;'l-,,fy effect Pt crystplliz~-~-ion- of -,11-7 On the Reasons and t~e I'ecl-,,ini2m of "ot lr.,ickini, in Phase Austenite structure was investigated. Two str~ges of macroscopic!~! --efec-z in one-phase %-ields must te distinruisl7e~: V --p pos- sibility of formin,~,'a certpr of intercrystal tion at tl~e limit of polygo-,.ization in t?~n+ p-rt of' 11,,~ie P i- rw t u 11 w h i c-. Y, om F, rd i n of crys tall i7ati or, ,-i~iich joins vilt~, t"e JiC-.111 r",.,- of "-~e tub, ;~) ~~ie r)ossitility of c r!,'cking by some foreign siitstances durin- t of tI-e later devel,)pment of t-e crys--,~111 There are two pospi~ilities to stabilize --_ -i,,eldp of pure austenite structure against '-ot cr~--ckini-: plementary alloying of V,e weld vi-Lt' -lemer,".9, ---c decreape tre diffusion motility of tI-e of sic ~,lloy. "olyl,`enwmi, Tungsten, I'hrome e~c, cp.r used. 11) TncrepsinF tI-e overhenting oil t-r- -:PIdinF There are 13 photnrrnp~s, 7 granhs and /7 r(~farer(~c,!-, Card 4/5 37 of which are '-soviet, 15 Vnglish and 1 '.ernman CT the Reasons and the "echaniFm of 'Tot ('rpckirr, in 71ells v!it', Prp Austenite 'tructure !-.-~'--OCIATTON: Ordena trudovogo 'crf-pnr,)~7o znf,.meni institut elek~ro- svarki imeni Ye.r. T~atona A" TT--" ( Tn~-ti'u',? o' T'lec- t ri c We I`J- ng imeni Ye. rl. 7~~, + on 7kr of t I p of tl-,e T~ed Tlanner of TP.Ir o r 3UT-!,,`ITT7D: "~-,,rch ', 10F0 Card 5/5 25(1,7) SOV/125-59-8-2/18 AUTHORS: Movchan, B.A.. Rabkin, D.M., Gurevich, S.M., and T~~ge5`enyuk_,__ S.D. TITLE. Some Technological Features of Electron Beam Welding in a Vacuum FERIODICAL- AvtomatLcheskaya svarka, 1959, Nr 8, pp 12-17 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This article describes an apparatus for electron beam welding in a vacuum developed at the Institut elektro- svarki imeni Ye.O. Patona (Institute of Electric Weld- ing imeni Ye.O. Paton), and work done to determine the relation between parameters of the welding process and characteristics of the melt obtained. The au- thors first describe the IES-L1 laboratory device for electron beam welding in a vacuum, consisting of.. 1) a vacuum chamber with rotating table and an external drive; 2) a vacuum system using a VN-461M lamellate- stator pump, a high-vacuum steam-oil pump TsVL-100, and type VIT-1 vacuum gauge; 3) electrical equipment consisting of 8tep-up and filament tranuformers from Card 1/4 a GKT-250 X-ray apparatus, a KRM-1~O kenotron, LATR SOV/125-59-8-2/18 Some Technological Peatures of Electron Beam Welding in a Vacuum autotransformers, and controi and measuring equipment, Construction and outfitting of the vacuum chaLciber is described in some detail. The half-wave kenotron rec- tifier is rated at a consumed power of up tp 1 kw, Voltage during welding can be varied in iimits up tc 10-15 kV; this range is below that at which X-ray radiation becomes a problem. Welding current up to 150 ma is available. Vacuum is no less than 2 x 10 mm of Hg. In the experimental chamber circular, junc- tion, and over-lapping seams can be made. Welding speed is smoothly regulated from 2-28 m/hr. During experiments to determine the influence of the para- meters of the process of electron beam welding in a vacuum on the melting of the basic metal, the relation .oetween the depth and width of the weld and the amount of electron current, anode voltage (that between the cathode and welded object), welding speed and posi- tion of the cathode in relation to the plates being welded was studied. The basic metal used in the ex- Card 2/4 periments was industrial titanium M. Fusing was SOV/125-59-8-2/1-2 Some Technological Features of Electron Beam 'Welding in a Vacuum performed on a plate 5-6 mm thick under various weld-- ing conditions. Basic parameters of the process P-re triven. Computation of the required degree of rarefac-- tion in the cham er is outlined. A higher than usua,' vacuum - 2 x 10- mm of fig - was used in these exp-r,.- ments to assure quality results. It is stated that at pressures higher than 3 x 1o-3 mm of Hg the elec- tronic process can easily become an ionic one. Resul.ts of the experiment are illustrated (Figs 5-8) and briefly outlined. It was established that an increase in current causes a noticeable increase in the depth and width of the weld. Voltage also has a significant influence on the melt of the basic metal. In contrast to electric arc welding, a voltage increase substant- ially increases the depth of the weld. The width and depth of the melt can also be controlled by varying the welding speed. Card 3/4 SOV/125-59-8-2/18 Some Technological Features of Electron Beam Welding in a Vacuum There are 1 photograph, 1 schematic diagram, 2 struc- tural diagrams, 4 graphs and 3 references, I of which is Soviet and 2 English. A630CIATION: Ordena trudovogo krasnogo znameni - Institut elektro- svarki imeni Ye.O. Patona (Order of the Red Banner oLf Labor - Institute of Electric Welding imeni Ye,O. Paton) Asi ussR (AS (Jkr SSR) SUBMITTED: May 14, 1959 Card 4/4 18(7) SOV/32-c"-1-29/51 AUTHOR: Movchan. B. A. TITLE: Method of .Zuantitative Absorption Microradiography of Cheinical Heterogeneity in Alloyn (Metod al,norbt.,tionnoy koli- chestvennoy mikrorentgenografii khimiclieskoy neodnirodnosti v splavakh) PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya Laboratoriya, 1959, Vol 25, Nr 1, pp 68 - 70 (US5R) ABSTRACT. The essence of the present method is that .. stardard lamina of the metal forming the basical component in the alloy is placed on the finely grained photofilm to.-ether with the lamina of the alloy to be inventigated. Spots of various densities appear on the photofilm after developing. Basing on the film density, which depends on the passa,,e of X-rays through the sample on the on! hand, and on the 3tandard sample on the other, an equation for the calculation of the solved component concentration can be obtained fro- come mathematical derivations. In case the alloy con3ists of three components, three different radiographs must be t-iken. By Card 1/2) the use of the microphotometer MF-2 or MF-4 and a t-JIrty- Methoil of 4uantitative Absorption Yicroradiogr-iphy of Chemical Heterogeneity in Allo5ra ASSOCIATION: fold rnac~nification of tKe -)rojector, the !en~-'ty of a plane of 0.005-A 0.1 mm can be determin-?d. The X-ray tuhe BSV was em~)loyed and some elements were determined 'T.Ct,,e). T-;e ph:)"ofilm NIKFI with an emulsion of the MK type features a ltnear section in the se-sitometric curve within t.,;e der-sit, r,,L-: ~f 0-3 - 1.0. The method was tested on binarY and tertiary alloys with an qluminum and co-~~er Izase and a determination accuracy of + 10 - 15a was found.Th,:~re is 1 table. Inntitut eleVtro3v,r'-i im. Ye. C. Patona Akale-vii n:-ul-. USSR (Institute for E' imeni Ye. 0. Paton of the Acade,-,/ of S--ie:.c(--:, JkrS.j.~) Card 2/2 50) kUTHORS: Movehan, B. k., Dzykovich, 1. Ya. SOV/20-125-2-32/64 TITLEs On the Selective Penetration of' Dissolved Elements From the Liquid Phase Into a Crack (Ob izbiratellnom proniknovenii rastvorennykh elementov iz zhidkoy fazy v treshchinu) PERIODICALs Doklady kkademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 125, Nr 2, pp 354-355 (USSR) 40 : Z :5-Y ABSTRACTs In the present paper direct determination of the concentration of the liquid enriched in the crack formed on the boundary between the phasesis carried out. The experimeits were uarried out on alumimn-copper- and aluminum-zinc alloys, wl-ich had been produced from pure components (99-995 ~46). Carrying out of experiments is described on the basis of a ac'nematical drawing. The authors operated by means of the qual,t1tative and qualitative absorption-microradiography. T~e essential feature of microradiography is based on the simultaneous microradioscopy of the sample (small plate) to be investigated and of a pattern on a fine-granular film. The following photometrization of the microradiograph,-1c pictures Card 1/3 makes it possible to determine the chemical ccmpositioa of the On the Selective Penetration of Dissolved Elements SOV126-12c;-2-32164 From the Liquid Phase Into a Crack given micro3tructure. The accurai~y of the methcd cf quantitative microradiography _Js +(10 15'1~ of the quantity to be measured. Accordine to the results determined by this method, the copper- and ziac-content in the crack L is considerably higher thar. tie avera6e value cf this content in the corresponding alloya. A m.'.croradi;,gram of a sample having a crack recorded by means of iro-i radiation is shown in form of a diagrara and the result3 oc the quantitative radiography are given in a In the cracks, which are in contact with liquid aluminiu:~-copp-r alloys with 2 - 9 and 7-8 ~ Copper the -.opper content is ajout equal to eutectic concentration. This also agrees well with the results obtained by metallographical aaaly3is. The alloy filling the crack is Of eUteCtiC structure. With an increase of the zinc- and copper content in the respective alloys the tundoncy towards forming surface cracks diminishes. The .9elective penetration of the dissolved elements into the crack may be explained by a tendency towards establishing an equi-librium between the phases. The copper- and zinc-content in the cracks Card 2/3 agrees within the error limits with the concentrations On the Selective Penetration of Dissolved Elements SOV/20-'.25-2-j2/64 From the Liquid Phase Into a Crack determined from the liquidus of the diagrams mentioned. There are 2 figures, I table, and 9 references, 8 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATIM Institut elektroavarki im. Ye. 0. Patona Akademii nauk SSSR (Ins titute of Electric Welding imeni Ye. 0. Paton of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) PRESENTED: December 7, 1958 by A. A. Bochvar, Academician SUBMITTEMs December 2, 1958 Card 3/3 -1P. V00 2~4) SOV/125-60-2-15/21 .AUTHORS: Movehan, B.A. and Kushnireako, B.N. TITLE: The Welding of Austenite Steel With Independent Filler Wire PERIODICAL: Avtomaticheskaya svarka, 1960, Nr 2, pp 89-91 (U3SR) ABSTRACT: Information is given on the results of experiments with automatic welding under flux, using the automatic double-are 'IDTS-24" welder and powder metal filler wire. The welder was slightly altered to separate the second welding head from the welding current circuit, thus making it "independent" and melting by the heat at the metal pool. The fil ;er wire was kept 5 to 12-mm from the are at a 40 to 45 angle to the electrode (see drawing). The following problems were studied: 1) The influence of decreased superheating on the crystalline structure, and the tendency of high alloy compositions of the "KhMN18" and "Khl6N24" types to J'i IV tV Card 1/3 67706 SOV/125-60-2-15/21 The NeldirN,, of Austenite Steel Jith Independent Filler dire form cracks. The feeding of neutral wire (empty tube or powder wire filled with CaF 2) into the tail pnrt of the pool improved the crystalline structure. The =,xmber of hot cracks (their total length) decreased by 40 to 60%. 2) The summary effect of cooling the welding pool and modifying with the aid of modifiers (cerium~,Izir- coniumlAcalcium)'O Cerium decreased the columnar struc- ture and nearly completely eliminated hot cracks in "Kh16Nl8" steel. Zirconium gave somewhat worse results. 3) The summary effect of cooling the welding bath and a supplementary alloying of the welds in austenitic high alloy steelswith molybdenum and tungsten introduced in- to the "cold" part of the bath by means of a powder wire. It greatly influenced the crystalline structure, the crystal boundaries, and the tendency to form hot cracks. The critical content of molybdenum for "KhlM8" and "Khl6N24" steel was found to be 1.4 to 1.6% and 2.3 Card 2/3 tIr 67706 SOV/125-60-2-15/21 he Welding of Austenite Steel Nith Independent Filler Wire to 2.5%. The polygonization was completely suppressed, the colilmna structure became much finer, and hot cracks were absent. Experiments were also conducted in which the simultaneous effect of cooling, modifica- tion and allyoing were checked. In this case, the powder wire was filled with ferromolybdenilm with a small addition of cerium. The experiments gave quite satis- factory results. The results of the experiments make it possible to recommend the described welding method for improving the crystalline structure, and for di- minishing the tendency of the weld metal to form hot cracks. There is 1 diagram. Card 3/3 I jjS -4;81 rl F. 3r Ig pr Rn -dk a. 41 1 io :, Fj si I 521B -~ ,/-.,14 ~-- -/ -~ /, 14 1 MOVCHAN, B. A. Doc Tech Sci - (diss) "Microscopic non-uniforaity in cast alioys." Novosibirsk, 1961. 4'1" pp; with illustrations; (Academy of beiences USSR, Siberian Division, Joint Academic Council for Physics-Math- ematics and Technical Sciences); 220 copies; price not Fiven; list of author's works on pp 41-43 (18 entries); (KL, 6-k--1 sur-, 212) , Borls ~aksoyevlch.,* LUFANDINp I.V., red.; MATUSEVICH, S.M.,, - ~~VC~71 (Microscopic heterogeneity of cas-k alloys] Mikroskopicheskaia neodnorodnost' v litykh splavakh. Kiev,, Goo, izd-vo tekbn. lit-ry USSR,, 1962. 339 p. (MIRA 15:3) (Alloys-MetallograpbV) 696-55 8/18o/60/000/02/011/028 A?. ?,5~2 0 AUTHOR: Movehan, B.A. (Xiyev) TITLE: Concentration Layers at Inter-Phase Surfaces in the (Crystallization of Alloys 1410 ' 2 "%' PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR,Otdeleni/e4"t(L~inicheskikh nauk~ Metallurgiya i toplivo, 1960,Nr 2, pp 72-78 (USSR) ABSTRACT: As was shown by the author in earlier work (Ref 1), the normal approach to the calculation of possible dendritic heterogeneity using equilibrium diagrams involves assumptions that make it unsatisfactory, for the study of microscopic distribqtion. , The aiithor now gilTOs results of experiments with')AI-Cu,' A1-Zn,-!Al-Sn,~JCu-Sn, 7An-Sn over wide concentration ranges and some Sn-Pb,~Sn-Bi,And A_I-t,&~~lloys. These showed the peculiaritfei of distribution of components between phases associated with concentration changes at the inter-phase boundaries. For studying the distribution between solid and liquid phases in isothermal holding, forged, homogenized alloys were Card kept above the solidus temperature (controlled to t 0.50C) for 24 hours in air or in vacuum and then cooled under a water jet. With such heat treatment concentration layers 411' 69655 B/180/60/000/02/011/028 Elll/E135 Concentration Layers at Inter-Phase Surfaces in the Crystallization of Alloys were detected by micro-X-radiography (Fig 1). Figs 2, 3 and,1+ give for Al-Cu, Al-Zn and Al-Sn, respectively, the difference between the concentration of components in the capillary channels and in the bulk of liquid as functions of liquid-phase concentration: all the relations are similar, with a maximum corresponding to differences of about 19, 11 and 26%, respectively. For studying the influence of concentration layers on component distri- bution during non-uniform crystallization, partly- crystallized alloys above the solidus temperature were quenched with a water jet; the cooling rate and average speed of crystallization before quenching were determined from cooling curves obtained with a type MPO-2 oscillograph and 0.25 mm diameter chromel-alumel wire thermocouples. Fig 5 shows a microradiograph for Al-Cu 0 (3.2% Cu) crystallized at 650-630 OC at 0.085 mm/sec. Card From this and similar studies of other alloys the author 2/1+ concludes that as soon as the growing dendrite axes from capillary channels selective penetration of components U111, 69655 S/180/60/000/02/011/028 Ell I/E_13 5 Concentration Layers at Inter-Phase Surfaces in the Crystallization of Alloys begins, forming concentration layers at the inter-phase boundary on isothermal holding; as dendrites divided by narrow inter-axial zones grow further enrichment occurs, and the final concentration can exceed that of the last portion of 'Liquid as calculated from the equilibrium diagram (an example of this effeot is tabulated for Al-Cu and Fig 6 gives the copper concentTation in the last portion of liquid without and with allowance for capillary effects), The inter-axial spaces are a few micrcns wide and can have various c~rystal structures (Fig ?). Fig 8 shows a photom6tric curve of a micro- radiograph of Al-Cu (2.9% Cu) peaks corresponding to inte.--axial areas. When the segregating component does not form concentration layers the enriched zones are of different, frequently spherical shape (Fig 9). With very Card pronounced enrichment non-equilibrium structures can be formed, e.g. eutectic. Such a non-equilibrium structure 3/4 can also be produced by other heat treatment (Fig 10)~ / 69655 S/180/60/000/02/011/028 3111/Z135 Concentration Layqrs at Inter-Phase Surfaces in the Crystallization of Alloys The author recommends further experiments to delineate possible equilibrium and kinetic effects at the inter- phase boundary under his experimental conditions. There are 10 figures, 1 table and 8 referencesp of which 6 are Soviet and 2 English. Card 4/4 LK SUBMITTEDt June 23, 1959 S/659/62/009/000/07,0/030 1003/1203 A.UTHORS ~B.A. - rid Dzykovich, I Ya TITLE The possibility of influencing the distribution of crystal lattice defects in highly alloyed casting alloys SOURCE Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut metallurgii. Issledovaniya po zharoprochnyrn splavarn v 9. 1962. Materialy Nauchnoy scssii po zharoprochnym splavam (1961 g.), 243-248 TEXT The authors tried to find out whether it were possible to avoid the formation of a mosaic struc, ture in crystals of single phase casting alloys by increasing the rate of solidification and by decreasing the mobility of dislocations in the matrix of the solidified alloy. The data of X-ray and of metallographic analysis of X161-120 (Khl6N20) and X2OH80 (Kh2ON80) alloys, with and without additions of Mo and after various thermal processes, indicate possible ways of regulating the structure of casting alloys- A formula is given for the time at which the process of formation of the mosaic structure for prelimmarly hardened alloys takm. place I = (()e U There are 4 figures and 2 tables WT_ Card 1/1 S/135/62/000/004/004/01,6 1'Y 30() A0061AI01 AUTHOR: Movchan B A Candidate of Technical Sciences TITLE: The correlation of physical micro-heterogeneity and hot cracks in weld joints PERIODICAL: Svarochnoye proizvodstvo, no. 4, 1962, 6-8 TEXT: The author analyzes chemical and physical micro-heterogeneity developing during crystallization. He discusses the arising of physical hetero- geneity in non-equilibrium crystallization of weld joints. One of the extreme caF~es, is the appearance of hot cracks in single-phase alloys along the riev,'op- Ing polygonization boundaries. This type of intercr-jstalline failure is in *.he first order connected with physical micro-heterogeneity of austenite type stee'Ls and alloys. For the purpose of eliminating the formation of hot cracks, metal- lurgical and technological means should be developed to reduce the total amount of defects in the crystal lattice, to Inhibit their shift, and to prevent partially or fully the polygonization process. An effective inhibition of poly- gonization in single-phase weld joints of the austenite type can be achieved by reducing the diffusion mobility of atoms of the metallic base in the high Card 112 S/1 35/62/OC'0/CK-j4/X';/C,1 6 The correlation of physical micro-heterogeneity ... Aoc6/AIOI temperature range. This can be brought about by additional alloying of welds with elements which strengthen interatomic bonds and consequently increase the heat resistance of solid solutions with a face-centered cubic lattice. (The additional alloys can be chromium. tungsten, molybdenum, tantalum, rhenlum and others). The author mentions a method developed by Movehan and Dzykov1ch (Ref'8) for rapidly determining the! effect of alloying elements on the mobility of defects in the crystal lattice. The effect of additional alloying with Mn, W, Ta and Mo on the magnitude of activation energy of polygonization U for several alloys is given in the table below: Composition of alloy ~U in kcal/mole There are 3 figures, 1 tab-'le and 8 references: 6 Soviet-b'Loe and Xi&~20 (Khl6N20) + 2.5% Min 68.3 2 non-Soviet-bloc. I / 106- 20 (Khlo'N20) + 2.5'9 W 70 1 X 106-2-0 (Khl6N20') + 2.5% Mo 76 / 1_~-135 (Khl3N35) + 5% Mo 76.5 ASSOCIATION: Institut eleKtrcsvax~,i X 13 :35 OCM3N35) + 2.5% Ta 84 imeni Ye. 0, Patona, I AN USSR (Inst'rute C"i 20,-8o (Kh2C)Nbo) + 10% Mo 75 !X 2OH80 (Kh2ON80) + 14% Mo 80 Electric Welding imeni Ye. 0, Paton, AS UkrSSR) Card 2/2 S,~ -. 2; "', 6 C'100C.11,009/0C4 017 A16i A AUTHORx Movchan, B.A. TITLEs Microheterogenelty of Welds PERIODICALt Avtomaticheek&ya evazka, 1960. No. 9, pp. 24-52 TEXT6 The article presents the jc!ntento of a tep.)rt read at a :-onference on the occasion of the 90th birth ar ,714 7ereary %:~f Ye.O. Paton. The mi.-roacopio and chemical heterogeneity of weld m4t&l --nd 'te 4~ffait ii discussed with referenoes tc existing data (Ref. 1-~7) axid the meane to :,ontrol it are suggested. It bad been pzov-en tKat '.P- erperimente vith qctra'1-3hed liree nets work on X.6H 20 (Khl6l';20~' itet-' voldg wil-h 2.4% Mo -~)nteijt, held in 500-, 6000C that polygoLzation deve!,)ped J~2rlng, heatiag, a definite depqnclence exigto bctween the plyg,~mlzatlcn ~.,taz-,. t1ma aRd tamper~~Lture and ~tln be 6K-- pressed as li- RT Card 1/5 .4 J S/ 12 5/60 0 0 0/ 7 Microheterogene.-.y -.f Welde k)61/A130 where u Is th- ictivatt --.r, energy :,10 the, ',,c-,jn1&ry 11"eparati ~n" :it 11 76 k~,&!/ mol for the Kb-'6N2O alloy with 2.41% Mt~ T - _soth,;:rzi~ 9~,aklng temperature (in absolute R - a ~ionataj3t. R - 2 This dependenie ie 2hovm gTipKic-a- ,ly for tw_~ alloq-3 (FIg. 3) *hEre u, and u 2 is tbe PolygonIzation a'ati,,ration r-Aer#rf of the alloy?, and the arr~~w6 indi- oate the ninimum cooling rat,~A at wh!-;h P-D b~,undaz_'ee would "Separate". Poly- gonization can be sappressed by tvi meangi . by using fa5ter -looling by means of a high- temp,,~xrature range (bulb 3arefully oh~csing an optimuz rate in order not to apeed lip polygonizat',3A by abruptly forming tenei_-n stresses), and 2. by additional &`llaying wilb. elemrantg rais-Ing the acti7ation energy and braking the polygonizatior, pr.3aeqq fully cr oompletely. It follows from data obtained by SwaLln, Marti-a &ad Olson (Ref. 13) shat tungsten and molybdenum ha-re a braking effeat in dialcoations in the lattice of nickel alloys. Experiments with auatenitl_:, i~~gh-_alloy etpal. -.3nfirmad this (Ref. 14, Shorshorov). In otber experiments incIuding authc~rls own, 12-14% go in nichrome alloys were sufficient to prevent polygonlization and raise the hot cracking reeistanoe, Al,,Lminum and t1taniam are no% suitable for alloying; Card 2/5 33 / 12 5_/ 6-0/c 00 /0 09/0041/01 -7 gibroheterogene:Lty )f Welds A16,//A130 in the author's laboratiry titanium arad pazt'_-~uiarly alumin-am in a quantity of 0-8 to 1-5% Slightly ra.'sed the aracking tanden,~y in steel. Apparently, atoms of chemical impurities (sulfur, phosphorus) it a solid solution grid bend portions of arystallitea giving way to now dislocatione (Ref. 16, 17). It oan,therefore,be expected that their lvw ?ontent will reduce polygoniza- tion. A commercial nickel weld is an exampLe.. 1". had cra~_-ks. Clear polygonization boundaries aould be seen in the microstructure (Fig. 5, a), and 0.010 - 0.012 % sulfur was revealed In a a-,lid solution; the addition of cerium in a small quantity bound the sulfur In the 'Liquid pool Into fine disperse particles of oerium aulfide "Fig. 5, b), and the sulfur was practi- cally absent in the solid sclut_'an and alac iL the polygonization boundaries. Another prsventive mean-3 is the austeal'ic. ferritt:% weid metal stru~,ture which prevents hot aracking and Interoryatalline _,orroe,-n by rad-leally chaagilag the nature of physical heterogeneity. The follc~wl_ag are made'. 1. Nonequilibrous crystalltza*.1on of the welding p,)cl ~.auaee chemial and physical heterogeneity. 2., Thia heter,)geneity etrongly affecte the strength of the weld metal in the prz~_-.eq_-3 Df ',tii formatlkon and the physical and che- mical properties of welds in 3erv'_~e. There 19 a -.1oge. relation between Card 3/5 S/'25/60/000 Y0091/C04/01 A - 6 Microheterogenell.1y of WsIdFi the chemical ard physical m~-_.-teteT :gF~Peltyr r;n tne -ie 91da and the hcal cycle, compceltion, magnitude and gr_-twth of !.enston r3tress,~e In welling pro- cess on the other. It is poE-91,ble to -intro._ the -.~hemi:,al and phyeical microheterogene,-ty of welds In certain,f-te by 3ontroilllng these fact;_)18. 4. Further studies of this ~f fact,~rs ars nec-eesary, There are loh arc- 5-,,-J1et ELad 4 Eng'Leh. 6 figures and I" referencee of wh' ASSOCIATION, Ordena Trudo7,-~g~ Krasn:,oz.,, Zriamen! 'natltu,. elektr3evarki ix. Ye,O. P&toaa AN USSR Electr.~; W~,Iding Ins,_-~at& "Order f the Red Banner cf Labor" ~-If the A,~,Ademy _--f gciencea of' the UkrSbH) SUBMITTED4 April 23., 1960 Card 4/5 6/125/62/000/006/002/013 D040/DI13 AUTHORj: Movchan, B.A., and Nerodeid~o, L.'.1. TITUL: New data on cm'-;tallite boundaries in austenitic welds PDZIODICAL: Avtomaticheskaya svarka,,no.6, 1962, 1.3-16 TEM: The formation of polygonization boundaries was studied on specimen.-, of welds onX 161/20 (KhIM20) steel during isotherinic heating at temperature, between 500 and 7001C. lipecimens were taken from butt welds in KIAEGN210 steel with 2.5-2.6% Mo, and additionally alloyed with Ho by feeding alloying poiller wire into the cold portion of the welding pool; this prevented poly,-onization and hot cracks. Xicrosections, prepared after soaking at-different tempera- tures for different times, were studied metallographically. Gradual formation of boundary sections was observed usin- a heatin,- electron beam in a vacuum, and the boundary pattern was the same as is usually revealed by electrolytic etching after heat treatment. Coordinate networks of fine scratches made oil polished nLicrosections and distorted in electron beam annealing showed local microturns and shifts proving that polygonization is connected with the re-u- lation of dislocations. X-ray diffraction confirmed this. The observed regu- Card 1/3 i/125/62/000/006/002/013 New data on crystallite boundaries ..... D040/DI13 larities indicated that the time necessary for the start and end of the poly- gonization process in preliminarily fixed (quenched) &lloys is U RT t = t0e where U is the activation energy of polygonization depending on the cheiiLical composition of the metal; to - a value depending on the cooling rate and the relative disorientation of adjacent parts of the metal; T - the temperature of isothermic annealing; R - a constant equal to 2 cal/mol. The activation enertZ, of Khl6N20 steel reached 76,000 cal/Inol. Conclusion: 1n order to reduce the diffusion mobility of atoms of the metal matrix in the high temperature range, so as to inhibit polygonization in single-phase austenitic welds, the welds should be additionally alloyed with elements strengthening the interatcciic bond. forces and hence increasing the refractoriness of solid solutions with a face-centered lattice. Such elements include chromium, tungsten, molybdenum, and tantalum. There are 4 figures. 'lard 2/3 5/125/62/000/006/002/013 New data on orystallite boundaries ..... D040/DI13 ASSOCIATlON: Ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni Institut elektrosvarki im. Ye.O.Patona XN USSR (Electric Welding Institute "Order of the *led Banner of Labor" im. Ye.O.Paton, AS UkrSSR) SUBMITTED: September 9, 1961 ,y , Card 3/3 Carl 3ft Vrl I AMP 1,2 Xua: dd~ mold. ACCESSION NR: AT4013928 S/2659/63/010/000/0052/0057 AUTIIOR: Movehan, B. A.; Dzy*kovich, 1. Ya.; Nerodenko, L. M. TITLE: A new approach to analysis of the mobility of imperfections In the crystal lattice in alloys SOURCE: AN SSSR. Institut metallurgil. Issledovaniya po zharoprochny*m splavam, v. 10, 1963, 52-57 TOPIC TAGS: crystal lattice, crystal lattice imperfection, alloy, alloy crystal structure, crystal lattice imperfection mobility A USTRACT: Mgh energy nuclear radiation, plastic deformation and rapid cooling of alloys from high temperatures (not exceeding the melting point) often lead to imperfections In the crystal lattice. The most Important feature of the proposed approach to the amilysis of the mobility of imperfections in solid solutions is the fact that the diffusive motion of the dis- locations is considered in continuous connection with the chemical composition and, conse- quently, with the type of atomic action in Uxe alloys. Data on the mobility of dialocations allow one tojudge the relative mechanical properties of alloys at high temperutures witb- out employing complicated and lengthy tests. The described method of estimating the Card 1/2 ACCESSION NX- AT401392& diffusive mobility of dislocations on the basis of a wedge-shaped casting is distinguished by simplicity, rapid analysis and clarity and may be used with success for finding heat resistant alloys on the basis of solid solutions, for selecting satisfactory welding alloys, etc. Orig. art. has: 2 figures and 1 table. ASSOCIATION: Institut Metallurgil AN SSSR (Metallurgical Institute AU WSR) SUBMITTED: 00 SUB CODE: UL Card 2/2 DATE ACQ: 27Feb64 NO REF SOV: 005 ENCL; 00 OTHER: 001 NNCHMiB.A.. DZYKOVIGH, I.Ya. 4hapid method of selecting one-phase alloys with satisfactory weldability and heat resistance. Avtoiw, avar. 16 no.2.34-40 F 163. OURA 16;4) M 1. Lwtitut eletroavarki imeni, YajWatona AN Mjv e (Alloys.-Metallography) (Welding- esting) 0 PATON, B. Ye. I WVCHAN .,,B. OZlectro Beam Radial Heater3 for the Fusing of Metals.0 Report to be submitted for the International Conference on Electron and Ion Beam Science and Technology in Toronto, Canada, 3-7 May 1964. Kiev Institute of Electro Welding 4 I za ~'_ittv-zbis, i ...4,tsiblee and. 9 fi- -none,''' :_M' m CODE, 19- -01 9h -40 llr,,lw 3 mom -rig Via . . . . . . ..... . L 722995-66 Nit's ATW(45, ' S O M M E ~.presented in graphs axid table4,(ied Fig. 1)0 0 0 O W N Fig.~'I. Chdnge of atr4a and .,gth 11a it (2) W Y S . i o A s f i3lobium as ~ a orkabill~y (1), unction,of the 411:1,liclOm elements, 43 50 cou tent -7 W M E M O J Sum-t of All It iris found', tbALt ,r allWing of niobium increa'ses tJ* ,-of.-the latter- thb InCi4M9 being..proportiona3k to~~thij one. a a text ~the Of Ailobitai to -dqi 4~ - In Ahe, lattiee:Parejs6tivi for -nloblun ve was '14nes N g. nik?x IQ& Bu COW. SUB w -1 ~ . I- . I - - - I - - -,-" 1 -7 . - I I L 078,'13-67 NNT(m) /[W(t) fi7,.Ti/,-~WP(k) 1.1~(c) JYJ(,1Gj) ACC NRI AT60344 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/66/000/000/0099/01041 ,AUT11OR: Movcha_n,__B_._ A.; Mnla.nh.enko, 1. 5. ORG: none TITLE: The strength and ductility of some single-phase and two-phase electron beam-melt ed niobium-base alloys '4 1) SOURCE: AN SSSn. Institut m'etallurgii. Svoyatva i primeneniye zharoprochnykh splavov (Properties and application of heat resistant alloys).11oscow, Izd-vo Nauka, 1966, 99-104 TOPIC TAGSt niobium base alloy, carbon containing alloy, tungsten containing alloy, zirconium containing alloy, alloy microgtruccure, alloy mechanical property ABSTRACT: The microstructure and mechanical properties have been investigated in electron beam-melted binary Ng-0.1% C and Nb-0.15%C alloys, in ternary Nb-16.5% 14-0.1% C and Nb-16.5% 14-0.15% C alloys. and in a quaternary Nb-16.5% W-0.1% C-0.5% Zr alloy. Carbon in an amount of 0.15% increased the susceptibility to brittle failure of niobium and Nb-W solid solution at room temperature. Generally, the addition of more than 0.1Z C led to a complete loss of ductility of all tested alloys. However, at temperatures higher than 0.45 of the melting tem- LCard 1/2.---- L 07843-67 ACC NR' AT6034441 J-1 perature, the addition of 0.1% carbon effectively strengthened the alloy i matrix. Alloying Nb-16.5% 14-0.1% C alloy with 0.52 Zr increased the Istrength and ductility characteristics of cast metal, e.g., the tensile Istrength from 51.3 to 59 kg/mm2 and elongation from 4.8 to 10%. Zir- I 'i rconium additionplso reduced the anisotropy of the mechanical properties )of cast Nb-11--c'alloys, After hot deformation and annealing Nb-C alloys at 1150C foi'Yhr and Nb-14-C alloys at 1400C for 2 hr, the alloys had a recrystallized stt;ucture with a respective grain size of 5-6 and 7-8 (on the standard scale) and with uniformly distributed globular carbide particles.I~Recrystallized Nb-16.5% 14-0.1% C-0.5% Zrillloy had a room- 2 itemperature tensile strength of 70 kg/mm , an elongation of 27.8%, a reduction of area of 55.6% and a tensile strength of 35.0 kg/mmz at 1200C. Thus, complex alloying of niobium with elements of the Na and Vla groups within the limits of solid solutions makes it possible to obtain high-strength compositions with a satisfactory ductility at room temperature. Orig. art. has: 4 figures and 2 tables, ISUB CODE: 1l/ SUSH DATE: lOJun66/ ORIG REPS 008/ OTH REN 009/ !ATD PRESS: 5102 2 / 2 ---be ACC NR3 AP7OC2311 SOURCE -CODE UR/01-26/66/021/003/01,1.8/01.51 I.AUTHOR: Ylovchan, B. A.; Nerodenko, L. M. ''ORG: Institute of Electric Welding im. Ye. 0. Paton, AN UkrSSR (Institut elektroavarki I;TIT183.: Equality of activation energies for delayed fracture, steady-state cree and zclimb of dislocations/in high-alloy steels i~SOTJRGE: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, v. 21, no. 3, 1966, 448-451 TOPIC TAGS: crystal dislocation, creep, high alloy steel, material fracture -.ABSTRACT: 7he authors studigs the interrelationship between '~~oij~dohizatlon parameters Inl-cast high-alloy steels for strength. and. creep properties at temperatures 5,c.$' above the melting point ,~mder relatively hIgh stresses. Equality Is established between, "the activIatIon energies for polygonlzationt-delayed fracture ahd steady-state ereep. The resultant data are treated from the, ,~slvarApRint of the mechanism of thermally activated dislocation Zalmb as determined from the rate at which t a processes studied . ** ~11 I t~ljca plaoe. The alloys studied were Khl7Nl71(0.05-0-07% C- eo'&-o-7% SI, 16.5-18,% Cr. 16 5-17-5% N1. remainder--iron) and '~"L15N37 (0-05;0 0- -0 7% Si- 37-0-38-0% NI- 15.o-16d' cr, I 07% C1 6 30 irAer--ir ni additionally alloyed with manganese, tungsten 2'i~iybdezum. The anorins elements were added in Identical Itard 1/2- UDC: 48.0:53,9 -~CC NR- AP7002311 v the effeat quantities (1-7 and 3.4, at.%) during malting to stud, *f these.elements on the mobility of defeats In an Iron-chromium- fp4,kal- zolid solution. Caot specimens of standard size were used meohanioal tests of delayed fraotvre. Me t2sts for M-aML? WoYs were oonduoted at T=6000 with 0-=25 kg/zm . while tafte Ma3N37 anoys were oonduated at T=6500 with d*=23 kg/m i"arto has: 5 figures, 1 formula and 1 table. 1JPRSt' 37,4151 SUB ODDE: U, 20 SUBM D=.- 27Xar65 CRiG w. om oTH REF: ool vc-. - cWd ?Z2 r4oVCHAN, B.N. Polarimetric s~u-JY Gf ,he NGr- 6523 and the open --IuEt-e- NGC 6530. Uch.zap. LGU no.326 4,+-.2 '64. (MIU 1815) cc, AC GL 1100 11% 701-- SOURCE CODE: [JR/2960/651000/003/0048/0054 AUTHOR: -Rodionov, S. F.; Movchan B. N. ORG: scatt ainqu her -t ~inin- he t p e t TITLE: Application of the theory of multiple ligj the effect of anomalous transparency SOURCE: Leningrad. Universitet. Problemy fiziki atmosfery, no. 3, 1965, 48-54 TOPIC TAGS: anomalous transparency, direct solar light, ultraviolet spectral range, aerosol, spectral transparency, light scattering ABSTRACT: The effect of anomalous transparency consists of an increase in the rela- tive atmospheric transparency for light of shorter wavelengths when the sun nears the horizon. This effect can be detected by observations of direct solar light in the ultraviolet spectral range of the ozone zone at 2950-3260 X. Several theories have been offered in explanation of this phenomenon. S. F. Rodionov (S. F. Rodionov. Prozrachnost' atmosfery v ul'trafioletovoy oblasti spektra. Izv. AN SSSR, Seriya geogr. i geofiz., t. 14, No. 4, 1950; S. F. Rodionov, Ye. N. Pavlova, Ye. V. Rdultov- skaya, N. M. Reynov. Selektivnaya prozrachnost' atmosfernykh aerozoley. Izv. AN SSSR, Seriya geogr. i geofiz., No. 4, 1942.) explained anomalous transparency as resulting from specific atmospheric layers consisting of aerosols and appearing near the earth's surface in the morning and evening. SpErtral investigations of atmospheric transparency showed Card 1/2 AT6007609 similarity to the spectral transparency of aerosols at the wavelengths 1125 X and 3250 A. The daily rate of the aerosol absorption bands with an increase of trans- parency at noon and a decrease at evening correlated with the daily rate of humidity changes. This could be considered as support of Rodionov's theory. r. V. Rozenberg (0 granitsakh primenimosti zakona BuRera i ob effektakh obrashcheniva, anomal'noy prozrachnosti i selektivnoy prozrachnosti atmosfery. DAN SSSR. t. 145, No. 6, 1962.) and G. P. Cushchin (K teorii effekta anomal'noy prozrachnosti. Izv. AN SSSR, seriya geofiz., No. 8, 1962.) hypothesized tht innmalniis transparency as a result of multiple light scattering in the atmosi-Iii,re at a low position of the sun. An attempt was made to support this hypothesis by -+servations at sea level, but the results of the observations werecriticized. In 1962, photometric measurements in the Spec- tral ultraviolet ozone zone were carried out at a height of 4250 m above sea level. The goal of these measurements was to examine the possibility of applying light scattering to anomalous transparency. The distribution of brightness above the solar4, disk and the aureole near the disk were measured at sunrise and sunset, and the resultsof the measurements were represented graphically in the original article. No increase of brightness in the solar aureole was found for various zenithal distances of the sun at the moment of development of anomalous transparency. Light scattering cannot be considered to be the reason for anomalous transparency. Orig. art. has: 5 figures. (EGI SUB CODE: 04/ SUBM DATE: 07Feb64/ ORIG REP: 010/ ATD PRESS: Card 2/2 Xr- STEREOMEN, Tu.A.: MOVCHO. H.S. - I--- Some aaumes of lov toughness of vertIcal seams on lov--alloy steel. A.vtom.avar.6 no.6:11-19 " '530- (MM 8:4) 1. Institut elektroavarki im. Te.O.Patona Akademii nauk UM - (Steel-Welding) 90VCHAN. B. S.; PATON, Boris Ye. ; "Radical S'lectron. Beam Heaters for Melting of Metalsm. Report to be submitted f-r the first International Conference on Electron and Ion Beam Science and Technology, sponsored by the Electrothermics and Ketturgy Division of the I Electrochemical Society and 'he I~Ietallurgical Society of The American Institute of Mechanical Engineers (AIMN). 3-7 Mar 64, Toronto, CavAda. 1. MOVCHAV, F. F., - Eng. 2. USSR (600) 4. Floors 7. Machines for polishing parquet floors. Biul. Stroi. takh. 9, no. 20, 1952. k" 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, January# -1953. Unclassified. BI,ILTKOV, N.A., JQVq1W1. F.F.; KWUGRR. Tu.V., mdaktor; CHNBTSHNA, Tq.A. tekhnlc [Use of machinery in painting] Mekhanizatatia maltarr7kh rabot. Moskva. Gos.izd-vo lit-r7 po stroitel'stvu I arkbitekture, 1953. 151 P. [Microfilm] (Painting. Industrial) MOYCHAIL I?-P-- inzhener, redaktor; BEGAK, B.A., redaktor; ~UOMZV, L.Ta., takhnicheekly redaktor. [Now methods for the interior finishing in high-storied 'DUildingSl Novye metody vnutrannikh otdolochnykh rabot v mnogoetazhnom stroi- tallstve. Moskva, Goo. lzd-vo lit-ry po stroit. i architakture, 1955. 78 P. (MIRA 8:4) 1, Moscow. Tsesoyuznyy nauchno-iFteladovatellskiy institut organiza- taii i makhanizataii stroitells-".-a. (Bul2ding)