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Publication Date: 
December 31, 1967
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ROGOSLAVSKIT. R.Y., prof., SMOLYAK, L.G., dots.,. SEMMMK, I.F., KURATITEV, _P.M. student N kursa Intravenous urography against a bacirroupd of retrapneumoperitonous [with mumary in English]. I rnd. 11 no.1:20-22 NY-Ja 158 1. Is Gospitalluoy khirurgichaskoy kliniki imeni V.K. Bogoslavskogo (sav. - prof. R.B. Bogoslavskly) Stalinskogo meditainskogo Institutae (URIDARY TRACT. radiogrophy Intravenous urography with retropneumoperitoneum (Rua)) (PNMOPNRITONBUN, ARTMICIAL In Intravenous urogrotphy, value (Rug)) KEMAVIYIV, R.R., elektromonter. "Poemp" Now way of fa$tonlng the contact part of blades of RLII-35 discon- necting swithchess Shergetik 4 no.12:21 D 156o (NLRA 10:1) (Ilectric awitchapar) 14upav I yl,;V. S. a. M(AVIYEV, S. A. -- "Front Renistance of Winter ~%eat Under Conditions Prevailing in the Latvian SSR." Latvian Agricultural Academy, 1948 (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate of Agricultural Sciences) SO: bygetUa Ak. Nauk Latyl-vskoy SSR, No. 9, Sept., 1955 KURAVIYE", S.A.. kandidat sel'9kokhozyayatvennyMLInauk. Obtaining steady yields of winter wheat in the Latvian S.S.R. Zemledelle 4 no.8:28-39 Ag 156o (KLFIA 10:1) 1. Latviyakiy nauchno-issledovatel'skLy institut zqpiledellya. (Istvia-Wheat) KMVIYZV* S.F.; S~7,, B.I. The BUS-1 ni~t. r drilling ekon.info4 0 ; :3-5 16r,. ,i I " (Boring 1~ ,// 1!1, 'i, IllII 1i; blait holes in shafts. Bial.tekbn.- I (KIM 13:12) mchinery) 1, Do- PUTV.-Td) --III at pi ,4 00UR463903 I UI Too& fas flilivelef 403F .a I 4S -43 a- via POT ,U, 11 =:Tsir 0,0 T, 1 ..IVU3 0 a "4 , ., 'a J.0.19U2 -*Doz.$ .1 awOgTftS xwomtsZOOT Twolsermp .I te.i%do Doi Vito 2T"T w1j. .1 jew"Jem 790TIOPoev so vollo-road on ove o jecuIfts Vwv l G 01"golog OR$ ov 9941te 8~jdu , = 831069 WGI TV .1 2 9 "*Valli oftes 'S. or out 00 . 19.11do so ajol.1"you go O.Iode -00090TOI Up,p -..doo -d -A pug W~ouwjjpvy jeogifts VIC pjgo' evelov 12STOmpea jo = .01I.-II.A 'A I I " 283 9 so szoveli Oftw P.-.dej 1.0tutio6j, 30 Qjvvjquv3 -&UjqmgRs opf&u~31jvN Mau q3 Vito %I"* Aolosiow"ng tgU--:-- : -A , _ qwji"I wilopeop if po%aud ..x1.qU9z -A JO-91201 PUT -*A-OTIOA %**DOG 'POOft08l, *J.. Sud.061.4.1 114jes joi f3ove-JI-OT tyea so comeamio"T to, t'IT wwojs.~.Qd V-v 11"T40poes so "*Toot OR$ as NoTims emeto 6..Ilaof 3U J.Jjlv vi, U: py Is 61143 91 alsoweTea" of U. 3:01 1"; .%:.Ujf"oqd so welleSSIM06 .4095440ag *& *4 Pug I"%topost as 119119" 904 16610"Tel a *0 jov III vois-val .1j"Weles. so &slad 0 plea I "I "all TOAI I" r -&esix -PS&INTS&I 1, "AT so is TO lies we UT 1:0 : DTJII. 0 PUT em,1210J.&Y" 41010 wWj 4010"Top 1 00i uvql Taos -ewe~20ut 100TRduatotawo goo 106%loveor so .,Tmep .43 M%jo 0011-Toa at 6001400-b ~Tjwa pevesoviv lived .,14, .01 0) 9 1" 1043 tAWS4901210 WWW '404139010" vaeo I Putawfvtftz gooopm) a I "Six ..A -01 joevifts -Vovftj me$ T1.T QdW9o%avv you "Tobjesov j 10~1 Tqdw -IP T.wq 4% IRA I lop.900801" Tiot JO J01*11, fj.,2j S1m1v *0 .1000 ow 0t # I 'I = Wo o' " PTOS'd 40 SgI%*%p6&4*v Uo *Nod -,..A.,. - 919TOA -6 *1 ..40101008 ev so;;" pvtqdwpoA" go 91 eqowjpolauj Tolsev jig jold"Iten S vu I Iooji fu tjowdicea ze9iqdw9"sj6 so poiaed v Q & 1v4o.,L .2. O1ODTvvw* -solomftg -V *1 .-Moll rv bt4dwo Siso ut B0613,; I30IQ woontow ovots" O 4 vm.da -wo..toq 4toug.) -100000 ; TWOIUUDS, .10 0, .42111495T opsm C11-vil dd z ad '"61 'emmieasojejes I 'Ame-ev, vvZoeflo. INIV.884 ortsmobal 111"1601n& 01 1 vollm Scleavejejeov WS"govelowpo I I V0113 out so eovejoilloo 1101IM"a roe evilloolos 121414 9.064126 X101guosa ;a Olk"Twelo "a 'A &OXOR6,106 MOW Subject : USSR/Aeronautics - training AID P - 5428 Card 1/1 Pub. 135 - 5/31 Author Murav'yev, S. S., Lt. Col., mil. navigator class II Title Ways of improving the accuracy of bombing on a straight- in approach. Periodical : Vest. vozd. flota, 1, 23-30, Ja 1957 Abstract : The importance of bombing on straight-in approaches and of preparing for such missions Is stressed in this article. Attention is paid to how to discover the actual causes of various characteristic errors in bombing and how they should be discussed with the flying personnel. Two diagrams. The article merits attention. Instituton : None Submitted : No date MURAV YEV I V, Activity of 'r, goverrimen- tal agencies. NTO 5 0 163. 04,L~ I,-.1) 1. Zamestitel; pradsadate-lya nauchno-takhnologichel3kogo obahchestva, Glavnogo 1,4pravitirilya Fjo mezhres pub! lkansk I'm postavkam avtomobiley., trakt)r,ov, Ele-'L!3~.-..~kilozyayst,vc-, mashin IL zapasnykh chastey k nim. BELAKOVSKIY, Ya., dotoent; BUZKOV, V., prepodavatell; MUR.AVIYEV, V. Use of polyamides In the boo-Ingo of propeller shafts. Mor.flot 25 no.6.31-32 J1 145. (KRA 19:1) 1. Odeoskiy Institut inzhenerov Morskogo flota (for Belakovskiy, Buzkov). 2. Glavnyy mekhanik Odesskogo sudoremontnogo zavoda No.2 (for ffurav'yev). ACC NRt AP60275-73) SOURCE CODE: UF/O(-)18/6-67o-oo-/oG-~-fCO74T=6 A~ThOR: Nuravlyev, Ve (Major) OW: Nono TITLr,,. Firing at targets moving in water SOMM. Voyennyy vestnik, no. 6, 1966, 74-76 TOPIC TAGS& ground force training, conventional warfare AWTRACT: The training technique and procedures used by an artillery battery for air-ing and 10irine at targets moving in the water are discuszed. A fire control trainer was used for training, and a method of combined observation was applied. 7he fire control teaz consisted of a battevf commander, his aid, two plotting calculators, two observers, ona- .elephone talker and two radiotelephone operators. Their relative positions at the con- trol post are schematically shown in a figure. Their individual functions and the cor- relation of their actions are explained. The training of firing platoons is conducted first separately and then together with t:he fire control team. The targets are sinallated either by special motor 'boats or by passing vessels. Topograpl-de, ballistic, meteorologic and other conditions are carefully studied before starting the firing exerciseso Various orientation means are applied including astronomical observat~onso Me problem of errors is discussed and sobie recommendations for avoiding them are given includine errors in aiz- j 2/2 ACC NRt AP6027573 ing, and in using, sights and instruments. Zia ballistic errors are also mentioned. Regular checking of weather conditions and the proper use of various instruments are recommended. Orig. art. has; 1 figure. SUB CODE: 05, 15/ SM DATE: None LURAVIYEV, V A Beets and Beet Sugar Influence of the degree of ripeness of sugar beet on the resistance of the roots against rot. Sakh.prm., 26, go. 1, 1952. Mon List of Russi Accessions, Library of Congress, April 1952. Unclassified. SKIPOR, A.A., inzh.; MURAVIYEV, V.A., -; _% I ,-; -- Experience in the comir6ralon verized fuel to natural gas, inzh.; SHCHELOKOV, Ya.M., inzh. of boilers from operation on pul- Energetik 12 no.lltll-131 N 164 (MIRK 180 KURAVIYEV, V3,adlmir Branislavovichl TOKARZVp S*Ao . doktar istwo nauk# red.; BURLAU, M.P. , tekbn. red. (Stakes of forgotten patba] Vekhl zabytykb putsi. NosImp Goo. i9d-To plogr. lit-ryt 1961. 61 p. (KERA 14: 8) (Kastreng Natias Alskmandre 1813-1852) (Russia* Nortbern-Native races) ZHUKOV, A.H., Inzh.; OCHUGURMWO, A.P.. dotsent, kand. takhn. nauk: inzh.; TIVAROV, G.A., doteent, kand. tekhn. nauk; FXDMOV. V.S.. insh.; SHISTAKOV, D.I., dotsent Investigating combusting.puloations during burning of Eashpir shale in furmces with shaft-type impact mills. Ixv. v7s. ucheb. zav.; energ. 2-no.10:53-59 0 '59. (MIRA 13:3) I.Kuybyshevskly induatrialinyy institut imeni V.V. Kuybyeheva. Predstavlena sektslyey prikladnoy teplotekhniki. (Oil shales) HURAVOYEV, V.D.; ALEKS-EYEV, N.A.