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MURESANU, F.-T.; CZE-S)LER, Ghize-1a; 11Ar-'UTi,'J;U, Gh.; - -, I P1,7RESCUP C. Contributions to the knv.4ledge of humus dynamics, nature, and characteristics of it8 component3, in different types of soil in the western pert of Fa=ania. Studia Univ B-B S Chem 8 no.1: 507-508 t63 1. Institute of Alyricul'Ailre, T~mitioam. COWISV L., conf.; MURESEANU, T.; IGNA, M.; URCAN, S.; SERBAN, I. Staphylococcal infections in the clinic of infectious diseases. micro- biologia (Bucur) 6 no.1:21-22 Ja-F 161. COMES? L., conf.; PIRVU, C.; KWSEANU, T. Staphylacoccal meningitis. Hicrobiologia (Bucur) 6 no.1:32 Ja-F 161. 1. ClWca bolilor contagioase Cluj. GAVRILA, I., prof.; MURESANU, T.; NFGOMIREANU, T. Cortisone in staphylococcal septicemia treatment, Microbiologla (Bucur) 6 no.1:36-37 Ja-F 161. 1. "llnica bolior contagioase din Gluj. it MURESAN,.T.; URCAN, S.; BUCIU-URCAN, M. Consideratirns on the staphlococcal strain isolated In the Cluj Infec- tious Disease Laboratory Clinic. Microbiologia (Bucur) 6 no.1:51 Ja-F ,61. f GAVRIZA, L, prof.; CCRES j L. , conf.; M"HU, T., dr.; ONZSCIUC, I. , dr,; IMMKIRUM, T. , dr. Problems In the diagnosis of food poisoning. Med. intern., Bucur 13 no.4s611-620 Ap 161. 1. Luarare efectuata in Clinica de boli contagioase Cluj (director: prof. 1. Gavrila). (FOOD POISONIX diagnosis) MUR3SAYU, V., SIMIONOVIGI, X.; GUGU, Viorica A new biological !-ethod for the standardization of Valeriana prepara- tion. Rmmnia4 M. Rev. 3 no.1:89 Jan-Mar 59. (VALBRUN . standard. of prep.. biol. technic) JQJRI?PSWq Go Do .. MURWM, G. Do - "The mechanization of the tecbnological process of forest- prepara" enterprises In the Carpathian mount,,Ans of the Rumanian People's Republic% laningrad, 1955. Min Higher Education U&SR. Leningrad (,rder of Lanin Forestr7 Engineering AcMepy imeni So M. Kirov, (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences). SO: Kni2bgm J&jQqW J~,. 46, 12 November 1955. Moscow I., Cand Led L)ci -- (dirio) "Epidemiology of bacterial , . ~, -;~ - ~~ - :. I. .fK -~,f I-_ 1 dysentery intcity 1 6 ATT. 11 ~'s, 195-,, D pp, (Min of Health USSR. Central Inst Bor t,te Advanced frairine, of Physici;%ns) 200 co~7ies (Y-', 28-17.0, 112,) - 3. 1-9 - Vk- -' ~: -~" r~ ,'I "-" -T GATRILA, I., Prof.; GOWS, L.. conf.; WRESIANU, T.. dr.; BUCTU, 9.. dr. Studies or group c Salmonella infections. Red. int.. Bucur. 9 no.4:573-581 Apr 57. 1. Lucrare nfectnata in Clinica do boll contaglosse C1uJ- (SALMONRLTA TMCTIONS, case reports group C Salmonella paratypht infect. & Salmon"Ils, cholaransuls infect.1 GAVRILA, I., prof,4 MURESIANU T. dr.; SOLOVIEV, M., dr.; SUCIU, 0., dr.,- - .--- BALUW , C. The clinical aspect of Salmonella typhimLrim infecticns. Med. int~~rn. 14 no.6:653-658 Je 162. 1. Lucrare efectuats, in Glinica de boll contagioase, I.M.F., Cluj. (SAMONELLA MGTIONS) (SAMONELIA TYPIMMAIal) GRIBANOT, N.N., redaktor. [Ice formation on overhead comminication and electric lines] Gololedaye obrazovani% n& vosdashuykh linii-%Arh sviazi i elektroperedachi. Moskva, Gidrometeoisdat, 1954. 103 P. (KLFA 8:2) (Blectric lines--Overhead) (Telephone lines) (Ice) KURAVIYW. T.N. From bailing to radio dispatching. leftianik 2 no.11:30-32 1 157. (NULA 10: 10) (Petroleum industrY) FORETOV, N. S. "Characteristics of Precipitation in the Regions Where 400-Ki-lovolt Lines Pass". Trudy Tsentr. n.-i. Elektrotekhn. Labor., No 2, PP 318-326, 1954. In connection with the fact that energy losses to corona disvharges in electrical transmission lines depend considerably upon precipitation falling in the region of these lines, the author gives the characteristics of pre- cipitation falling in the zone of passage of 1400-kilovolt lines. In dependence upon the form of precipitation or other hydrometeors classification is given for the weather conditions of su=er (six types) and winter (nine types). Analysis of the monthly tables of 18 hydrometeorological stations arranged along the lines of the Kuvbyshev HydroelectriciPower Plant and the Stalingrad Hydroelectric Power Plant ot Moscow and study of synoptic maps showed that the ratio between mean yearly amounts of liquid and solid precipitations do not correspond to the ratio of their durations. Most prolonged are temperate and weak precipitations. The number of hours with precipitation or other forms of hydrometeors (fog, sleet, snowistorm) amounts to 14% of the total number of hours in the year. Proceeding from this fact one eannot compute the loss to corona under c6nditions of bad weather. In Geographical distribution the duration of weather with precipitations for the region of the Stalin-grad-14oscow Power lines decreases from north to south. For the Kuybyshev-14oscow trace the maximum duration of such weather is noted in the region of Murom. It is indicated that the zones of precipitations can encompass the entire path of the power lines only inexceptional cases. Most frequently half of the power- line path is observed to be encompassed, and this case must be taken into consideration during planning of lines. (RZhGeol, No 11, 1955) SO: Sum No 8849 9 APr 1956 WREMV, N. S. "Experimental Setup For Investigation of Icy Glaze". Trudy Tsentr. n.-i. Elektrotekhn. Labor.,, No 2, PP 347-352, 1954. Investigations were conducted inconnection with the necessity of clarifying the conditions for the formation of ice crust on 400-kv trans- mission lines where the considerable height of suspended conduits and the presence of high electric&l field strength are conducive for the in- tensification of ice deposition. The experimental setup of the Central Scientific Research Electrical Engineering Laboratory consiSto of two spans of lines 390 meters long with three 3plit-phase conduits suspended on metal supports 23.5 meters high. One of the spans is intended for operations i4ithout high tension, and the other with voltages of 400 kv. First observations in North Gaucasus have given ideas concerning a num- ber of characteristics governing the formation of ice on 400-kilovolt lines. (RZhGeol, No 11, 1955) SO: Sum No 884, 9 Apr 1956 FUOROV, Te.U.. professor; PBXDTWHRMIT, P-P-; BUCHINSM, I.Ye.; WANIMT, Go?*, profesaor; BOSH10. L.T.; ALISOV, B.P.; BIRTUXOT, N.Y.; GALITS07, A.Po; GRIGORITIT, A.A., ak&denik; ZTGZNSON, K.S.. prefeamor; jjj-. EMOWN, S.P.; DOGDANOV, P.H.; I&SM, A.N.: q of I8Mff3XIT# Tu.D.; SAKOTURK0, V.S.; USX&- NOT, R.F.; CEU=07. L.A.: TROTSMO, Mao; TANG=Mo G*Tao; SOKOLOV, I.?.-, STM. B.I.; UNNIZOVA, NoS.; ISAYWo Z.Av; DNITRITV# A.A.; NALYUGIN. To.A.; LIRUWAA. U.K.; SAPOZHNIZOVA, S.A.; RkKn'O- VA. L.R.-, POKROVSUYA, T.V.; BAGDASARTAN, A.B.; ORIOTA, V.T.; RU- BINSRTM. U.S.. professor; MILEVSKIT, V.Tu.; SHCHERBAKOVA, Te.Ta.; BDCMV. A.P.; ANAPOLISKAYA, L.Te.; WHAYEVA, A.V., UTISHU, A.B.; RUDWA, A.V.; WINIMO, A-I.-. ZOLOTARXV, M.A.; MSESTAN, &.Go; MIKHATIOV, A.N.; GAVRIWV, V.A.; TSOUTA, T.I.; DWYATKOU, A.M.; ZAVARIRL. M.V.; SHMETER, S.M. ; BUMO. X.1., professor. Discussion of the report (in the form of deba"lea) [of ~--he c-,wrau'5 state climatological rosearoh and methods of dovelop-ng itle Informe abor.GUGMS no.3,14:26-154 154. (MIRA 8:3) 1. Chlen-korrespondeut Akademii nauk SSSR (for Fedorc-w). 2. Glavnaya geofizichaskaya observa-bori7a im. A.I.Voeyko7a (for -Pradtechenski'r. Lebodev, Tanishavskiy, Isayev, Rakipova, Pokrovskay--ii, Orlo7a. Rubir-- shteyn, Budyko, Shchertako-va, Anapol'skaya, D-anayeva, Rudneva,Gavri:ov, Zavarina). 3. Ukrainskiy nauchno-iseledovatel'skif gidrometooro'Logicho- skiy institut (for Duchinakiy). (Conzijaued oa next -,ard) FMROT, Te.Ta., professor; PREDTF.CHENSKIY, P.P., and 311nerv. Discussion of the report (in tte form of datatei) [of th~e Current , I state clizatologiml rasearch e,.nd math-A?3 -,f de~~I-I-p'--g L,:J. infilrm. ebor. OUGMS no-3/4:26-1-54 154, (Card 21) (RTAA 8-3) 4. Vaesoyuzny7 inatitut rasteniev--ds-,t7a (for Srslyanlnov, Rudenko). 5. Bioklimaticheakays stanttsly-& Kislc-rcdsk (for 6. skiy gosudarstvenny7 uriversitet im. M.V.IAomcnoao-,-a (fo: Altsov). 7. Ministerstvo putey SSSR (fcr Biryukcv). 8. Inat',- tut ge,7,grafii Akademi'. nauk SSSR (for Ga.11tsov, 9. Gisr,- fiticheakaya komiselya Vseec-yuzrwgo geograflchegkogo obahchest-r-a (fc:~ Xygen-sor.). 10. Minlaterstrc elFIttros"aL's!~iy i eIektr-:vpromy-shIennr-3ti SSSR (for Kuretoy). 11. Leningradek-'47 gjaudars',veanyy univerattet. im. A.A.Zhdano7;;-T-far Khromov). 1?. TSentrai-Inyy skiy gid-rometeorologicheBkiy arkhl--, (for Sokol..)v. Zolotarev-). 13. G- sudarstvennyy okeanograficheskiy ins"itut (for Samoyleak,::). !4. Men~- traltny7 ins"itutv prcognvzov (for Usza!~f,-7, Sapt~zlinikt--;r-a). 1.5. Institut geografii AkAdemii nv,,ik -S-S-S.R- I Inst-Itut (f,,r Chubukov). 16. Isk-'7 Imen.' Sechen..-,-iriL, Yalta (for TrotBanko). !~. AvktI-~beiki7 nauchno-I.n.3 led., ~;-Itel I akly institut (for Vangengey-m), (Continued on nexi- card) FEDOROV, Ye.Te., professoi-; PRMECHMK--Y, P.P.. and vther5. Discussion of the report (in the form Df debates) [~,,F t~,e cwren', state of climat~logical resaarch anA- methi,le c'j deve1cping It'j. Inform.abor. GUGMS no.3/4:26-154 114. (Card 3) (~aaA 8: 18. Dallnevostochay7 'gidrumeteorologichs- ski7 institut (for Sokolo7). 19. Inatitu", ge,,~-logil I geografil AkD-t.- demii nauk Litovsko7 SSR (for Styr-)). 20. Rosto-~ikoe upravleniG gidrometaluzhby (for Temnik-ava). 21. Morsko7 gidrofizi-,heskiy lnstl- tut Akademii nauk SSSR (for Dmitriyev). 22, V'aesuyuvny7 institut, rasteniyevodstva (for Malyugin). 2j. Akademip. nauk Katonskoy SSR (fcr Liedemas.). 24. Akademiya nauk Armyanskoy SSR (for Baeasaryan). 25. Laningradskir gidrometeorologizheakiy inallitut, (for Milevskiy). (Continued on next card) FEWROV, TeJe., professor; PRUTECHMNSKIY. P.P., and cthera. Disousaion of the report (in the form of debatea) [of the current state climatological research and methoda of dereloping it). Infom.ebor. GUGHS no.3/4-26-154 154. (Card. 4.) (MLRA 8:3) 26. Gosudarstvennyy gictrologicheskiy instit-at, (for Bochkov). 27. Ka- sakhakiy nauchno-isaledovatellskiy gidrometeorologicheakly institul, (for Uteshev). 28. Upravlenie gidrometaluzhb7 Lrrqanskoy SSR (for Yer- secyan). 29. laningradakoye upravlenlye gidrometalwhby (for Mikhaylov, Devyatkovs). 30. TbiliBskiy gosudarstvenMy universitet (for Tsomaya). 31. TSentrallnaya aerologicheskaya obeervatorlya (for Shmeter). (ClimatO1097) AMER: navitov, N. S. TITLEt Organization of the Study of the Phenomena of Icing of Lines (Organizatmiya izueheniya yavleniy obledeneniya provodov) PMIODICAL: MeteorologUa i Gidrologiya., 1957., No. 2, pp. 49-52 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT: Planning the expansion of power line systems requires accurate data on external loads, e. g. glaze ice in various regions of the USSR and a knawledge of present icing conditions in ultrahigh voltage lines for the Kuibyshev Hydroelectric Station to Moscow and the Stalingrad Hqdroelectric Station to XPscow. Special features of thes lines are their high suspension and the use of thick wires about 30 mm. thick spaced 40 cm. apart in a trianVAAr arrangement wherein the danger of complete icing of the wires forming the triangle is present, Instrumental observations at hydrometeostations of icing began in 1923. Two experimental glaze ice stations were set up in 1930* Novopyatigorsk in the Caucasian foothills and Debalitsevo in the Donbas regLon; in the ensuing 25 year period, these.stations collected valuable data on the formation of glazed ice. Other Card 1A Organization of the Study of the Phenomena of Icing of Lines insulated by 3 tension strings (visible in Fig. 4). Tension exerted on the lines was measured by an 8-ton dynamometer. Other observations taken were to explain such factors as the dependence of intensity of glazing on height of line suspension. The TSNIEL MW developed a method of compiling glaze ice data for calculating glaze loads and a diagram of glazed ice regions was compiled for the European sector of the USM. This organization also analyzed factors affecting intensity of glazing, e. g., height above sea level and microrelief. Results are all included in the 3rd issue of RTrudy TSKIEL" (Transactions of the TSNIEL) (Energoizdat, 1955). Between 1956-1958, the TSNIEL will publish a handbook on icing of lines for all USSR hydrometeostations with data on wind velocity and to giving the maximm deposit for each year. In order to make more accurate the observations on line glazing a single reporting form will be used from the winter of 1956/57. These forms will be compiled by the Main Geophysical Observatory. Under the auspices of the Tiflis NIGMI, a glaze ice regioning of the Transcaucasus Region is being undertaken, in addition to a study of wet snow which Card 3/4 Organization of the study of the phenomena of Icing of Lims is a harmful type of accumulation in this region. Glazing is also a problem in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic where soft rime deposits amount to 50-100 cm. annually (in Carpathians- Chernaya Gora). Since the winter of 1956-57,, a study of icing over the Ukr. SM has been organized by the Odessa Meteorological Institute. Studies of this kind will facilitate stringing of many aerial power lines in connection with fulfillment of the 6th Five Year Plan. The text has 5 figures; the first 4 are explained above. Fig. 5 portrays a curve of a correction coefficient (K) for making allowance for effect of height of line suspension (H) upon thickness of accreted glaze frost and soft rime (line diameter 6 mm.). The author cites V. YE. Budchinskiy (not referenced by number) for his device (see card 2/4) and for his "Atlas of Line Glazing". No bibliography is given. ASSOCILTION3 PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTM: AVAIIABIZ: Card 4A 3(7) SOV/50-59-2-7/25 AUTEOR; Muretov, N. S. TITLE: Use of Cliatolgidal Data in Projecting and Operating Power (Ispollzovaniye klimatologicheskikh dannykh pri proyektirovanii i ekspluatataii liniy eloktroperedachi) PERIODICAL: Meteorologiya i gidrologiya, 1959, Nr 2, pp ") - ~8 ABSTRACT: In projecting and operating power lines the folloving factors are to be borne in mind: stress on -vires and cables due to the formation of ice and to winds, breakdowns caused by thunderstorms, precipitation, and dense fug. In 1957, for instance, ice of 110 by 95 mm was observed in Bashkiriya, which was accompanied by a heavy gale with wind velocities up to 25 m,sec. In order to be in a position to take account of the met6orological conditions in projecting and operating power supply lines, the WIIIE is now evaluating data gathered by observation of ice formations along the wires, heavy winds, and extreme temperatures. In 1959 a handbook of climatic conditions to be found in the USSR will be compiled, which Card 1/3 will permit relevant calculati'ons. A map of the ice formation Use of Climatological Data in Projecting and Operating SGV,'co-r:Q_2-7125 Power areas in the USSR has been published. These areas are characterized by cylindrical ice formation with a rpecific weight of 0.9 -/cu cm. The formula for determining the wall thIckness of the cylindrical ice deposit of a specific weight of 0.9 g/cu cm, which, by weight, is equivalent to the actual precipitation, is given. In the VNIIE reference figures for stresses due to ice formation were determined, taking account of the whole range of different diamet,;rs and heights of the lines with different designs. (For the extent of ice formation is a function of the diameter of the line and the height at which it is Guopended). Furthermore, maps of wind. areas were rompiled. Areas were found with a calculation value of 50-55 m/sec wind velocity, and in some places 40 m/sec. These are, among others: the Southeast of the European part of the USSR, Kazakhstan, Kemerovska"ya Dblast', a:.!1 PJ_taYBk:!y 1ccay. Bexndary te"mperatures observed at least once in five or ten years were caicu.Lated for use in the handbook. In order to determine the distribu- Card 2/3 tion of winds as a function of the span width V. V. Butgadorf de-.Te,-d'.,ped a Use of Climatological Data in Projecting and Operating SC-V/50-59-2-7/25 Power Lines special apparatus for measuring the wind pressure on overhead lines. On the basis of data accumulated in the course of the last 15 years TNIIE drew up a map of the mean duration of thunderstorms during the year. It was found that the southwestern part of the European USSR to approximately meridian 40 qs well as the western part of the northern Caucasus and'Transcaucasia have the greatest number of thunderstorm-. Furthermore, VNIIE found that it is absolutely possible, in the case of the high-volta,,-e lines Moscow- Kuybyshev, Moscow-Stalingrad, and Kuybyshev - Urals, that the line is affected at the same time by rain, snowstorms, and hoarfrosi. There are 3 figures. Card 3/3 14=4TOVA, K. 14. Petroleum and natural &is industry in Rumania. Biul.tekh.- okon.inform. no-1:81-83 '59- (MIRA 12.2) (Humnia-Petroleum tndustr7) (Riunania-0se, Natural) MURENISKIYJ V. I ~yv - "Improving the tone of a loud-sneaker." Soo Radio, Vol. 3, P. 43, 1952 MUREEVSKIY, V. Amplifiers, Vacuum tube Improving the sound quality of loud speakers. Radio 29, No. 3, 1952. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, June 1952. UNCLASSIFIED. I-T,R--,VSKIY, V. "A System of Loudspeakers for Reprcduct-lrn -,-P S,eect~ Eir4~ v paper presented at the 4th All-Uni )n Conf. :-.n Accustic~, Nf~scnxj 2i) J,jay - -2 J,in 3/187/63/000/002/0()2/oc)4 A004/Ai26 AUTHORS: Khalameyzer, M. B., Murey, I. A. T=: Using control systems of discrete action for automating the condi- zions of cinematic technological processes PERIODICAL: Tekhnika kino I televideniya, no. 2, 1963, 27 - 36 TEXT- The authors present the necessary theoretical prerequisites and con- crete solutions for the design of relay-pulse controllers. As an example, they present the automation diagram for a development machine using a system of multi- channel relay-pulse controllers, and analyze problems of dependability of multi- channel installations. As a result of the investigations carried out it was found that relay-pulse controllers of automatic control can be used in most cinematic technological processes. Based on the unit system of three-position control with relay elements, an electronic relay controller for the centralized control of heat conditions has been developed. The use of this type of control apparatus permits considerable cuts in capital expenditure and operating costs for automatic systems and ensures a high control quality. A combination of multichannel electronic re- lay control systems with identical systems operating on the "limiting" controller Card 1/2 S/187/63/000/002/002/bG4 Using control systems of discrete action for ... A004/A126 principle ensures the cheapest and most universal automatic system for cinema air- -conditioning installations. Industrial designs of multichannel controllers can be used for the automation of cinematic technological objects. It is possible by using multichannel control systems to control varlous parameters, such as tempera- ture, solutions, pressure, consumption of various substances, etc, by one control- ler. There are 7 figures. Card 2/2 TOD. I . I ill- % Phowntle presses ns*4 for glul" and veneering furnitniv parts. Der. pros. 7 no.10:16.18 0 258~ (KIRA 11:11) 1. TUntraVaole wbellnoym konstraktorskays byuro Glevnogo upraylenlyn standartnago domontroysaiya., (Pover presses) (Tenoers and veneering) h 79 A au -ZLij. 10 Into N C Ali, MURGA, K. ardii general-ma7or avlataii. Fulfilling the decisions of the party. Vest. Vozd. Fl. 41 no.12:13-15 1) 158. (MIRA 11:12) (Russia--Air force) I'fuRGAtiov, B. P. Dissertation: "Some Investigations of the Conditions for the Parallel Operation of Tur- bine Power Plants." Cand Tech Sci, All-Union Order of the lAbor Red Banner Sci Res Heat Engineering Inst imeni F. E. Dzerzhinskiy, 30 Jun 54. (Vochernyuya Moskva, Moscow, 21 Jun 54) SO: SUM 318, 23 Doe 1954 kRndidat tekhnicneskikh nauk. ?rperimental investigation -,a regulotting the SVK-15(, vartirs Irwith summa17 in lnglishl~ . Toi)loenergetika 4 no.8:9-15 Ag 157 VstRsoy-uznyy teDlotekhT-.i.!,I-ieskly Institut, (Turbines) I.-U. %-4-.. -V *ntzqvr. Jo roam" &.,d -n J. TT~ dwd IW= 7% a of P-M-0j .;w-tpwT~4 . .1 j W-.-m J--,V-2-4 -n - ~Wuvl we -A-dum- P-0 T J. U% .- r. ww-4--ki UA -n J- ftl~A J-.-O 'AM=.q= -4-4 PM -pn-T-. I-As- --TJ ~ 1~ --r--w . I AA -n I- wn J. 1---XJTT -r.T. -T-6 IT--Wq J. 4MA n-.p ZTI -P-cp-.14 dc-j--Ls-i J. -~4 -9 'A I-A IT" &VT- --VZL -00 .1 -T-r- 66 -P..Zr- wl -1q-Aj -T"J-O trr-l- - -"-" qw% rr- --l ..M- wtw cq% T~ dc=l 0 "1 -7 ...... T22 ..:Zz X-.q f---7 -nz -M~"TTI-j SOV/96-.59-6-8/22 AUTHOR: _ Murganov, B.P._(Candidate of Technicai S,.:'.en,~es) TITLE: The Influence of Intermediate Volumes on the Process of Governing a Steam Turbine (0 vliyanii promezhutochnykh ob"_ yemov na protsess reguliro7aniya parovoy turbiny'/ PERIODICAL; Teploenergetika, 195~, Nr '03 pp 40-49 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The governing of steam turbines operating on high-pTe5sure steam Is complicated by the presence of voj.umes of -,tearn in the high-. and medium-.pressure parts of the tu-rbine, The stol-ed energy is high both because the pressure 15 high and because of the large volume of steam in the regeneration sy3tem., the double cylinders and the gaf, reheat system. It is important to be able to calculate the transient effects that occur when such a system is disturbed., but it is rather difficult when therle are a large number of different volumes of steam, A general tJm-,--(,,onstar.t f.--)r all the volimes of steam is onl~r applicable to the case of complete i033 of load * because the dil"ferent -,rolumes behave independently i,,-hen the changes are relatively small. A functional relationship between tfte shaft torque and the position of the governor Card 1/8 valve can be determined either in terms of tre degrees of freedom ot tne intermedial~e volu-mes or dlre~,+~,-ly b-f usirg SOV/96- *a The Influence of 1nteT-muqiate Yolurnes or, the PrCC93S -,f Steam Turbine 1~. , a the equations f,-I.r ~~hange -~f torque; -in tKe ia ~er meth-A U IL- the equatio4r.s tLat relate ILhe deg-ea of free-:1cm of tn,~, volume. to the tarql-les must be replac:ed by a dif'fer,~nt,,.al equation relating the t,Di-qu-e "*.o the golfer~,.er position. The differance between trie change Lr~ L, i,que c-n tha shaft and the corresponding flow of steaw tJirojgh tPe valves daoends on the intermediate st6am -;,-1utnjs, or. tht, t.rarc-iianr. 11un,.,t1(-.n at. the given Instant, and on k;*J:er facto-r-s . L~ --rery la--ge v--rlbines inel'tia of tne steam also impo,-tarIv. For it can iead to redistribut.i-~ir ~,-11 pressure between the stages and sc to alter-ation- t h shaft output, The experimental data quoterI b 2i'-.w Orif Im the J-mpoitanc-e Df fac.c)---. The next fneoret-~,-,]-, section ~)f the article is comerned w.1th fr~rmu-'ati,;- if the equations governing the ~,hange of output. or Cr the shaft, For the p,.,rpc,~1'es of analysl.,-, t.h.? Is considered as a number of' (,:,-,n,3entrated volujues. ea.-.~. followed by tne ocrresponding turbine stage, tc)ge~;her wl~th L Card 2/8 a number of e'ements tliat govern t~ie inertia of tlie ~--tes-m f1cw. The volumes -:2orre3pond. to Lire zapacities betwe~.r SOV/96-59-6-8/22 The Influence of Intermediate Volimes on t-he Proces3 of ~-"evernlEg a Steam Turbine stages and the inertia elements to the steam flow on the turbine blades.-, the -ombination is represented in Fig The simplifying assumptions that are made in deriving the equations are explained at length. The case of a turbine without reheat is considered first, Tc determine the change In steam flow from the first and suc2essive intermediate volumes it is assumed that th.e steam velocity in these volimes is proportional to the eAlia-1 component of the velocity in the stages and is a ltnear function of the heat dr--o on the grouL) of stages. it will be realised that thi's coneept cannot be directly applied to systems with reheat. The equations of motic~n of the st,--~am flow In t;~,P fi7St workAng sect,.or (cylinde-) of the Uii-bine are used to determine the onange of fl,-'r f'rom the first volume, and equations are deriured for change of power on the first stage. Similar equations are formulated for the SUI~CeSS17e stages and then appropriate allowance is made for reheat. Ultimately thre Card 3/8 system of 9q (10) is obtained for the variatior, 'Lin turbine powei, on the -)c~currence of a distui~ban~?e. A SOV/96-59-6-8/22 The Influence of Intermediate Voluumas orl 'he Process of '~,),jer'a~ag a Steam Turbine structural d-lagram of the tuArl.)Lne syst.':~Jr, correspund.~ng ~Io the system --f Eq (10) is gJvan In F".F a S I nc, e !~ 1 D s ked I.- --.u I t, -s ax a p,-f, e s e nc, i n th '- s s v s L a m I possi b1,, that d. 1 s lbafi.-,es m --'-gh.t provoke p -_ewer T os-,illati3ns, -,~~&n sh.)vr, that If the steam jae-r,",ta is negiigiuie.. pe-,'lodic :omponentsz- cannot Le in the tranziont and in t~:_Is :~~ase the twn equati~'-.--_ 4_'l the 3i3t9m assame tfie form gj,~e,) ir expres.s ion (11.) ~ &per--i.mental. tests, were ma.29 a turbLne 'Vypp, SVKII--O !)f the Leningrad Meta-' Wor'dls(LAN'_-'J.)~ tr~, tl'ip. pow-ar- -~.zrque at r;tjnstant. speed) a-- a -,ano.~5 r)f f-"~P.'Z-'tLOn of steam flow vith a sirule dis-.u-IL the syst9m, The system. was disturb9d by altering tlie ~iow of stoam w4tL the set woikin'g' Paralle-i w~lth the power systlem, The steam flow waS: altered by rapidly ~Iosing the go,~erno.r ~a_i,'e, example, DY manu..-tlly operating trio overspeed trip. A:-, the generator was oDerating on a power system trie sretrl. Card V8 remained constant, which stmp!Ified i_nterp'r-etat,,.(;Y_1 of *.t'rl results, A s.:,,hematic circuit diagi-am of the tu-~Iinc- is SOV/96-59-6-8/22 The Influence of Intermediate Volumes on the Process --f a Steam Turbine given in Fig 3. It will be seen that gas reheat is used; also, that on the two return lines there are dis&iarge and by-pass valves which are mechanically interco:ui"cted., During the tests these valves were operated by the turbine prctectivG system. WIner, large suddeD disturban,~es occur the disch-arga and by-pass valves are operated by a signal propc rt iona 1 to the acceleration of the set, and the inflience of the reheat steam piping is small beraLz3.~3 this steam does not pass through the medium-pressure cylinder of the turbine. When small disturban,,es :)~icu_' these valves do not operate and all the steam in t;he reheat pipework passes through the medium-pressure cylinder, it is necessary tc distinp fist b9tween t~.,ese two cases when making t~ie test-q. Tes-~ results obtained vith the reheat system in opeTa"10C. a-9 given ir. F,-'gs 4 and 5- Fig corresponds tc t1le case- olll' lOSS Of steam supply with the normal protective system in operation ', and Fig 5 shows the corresponding c-arves Card 5/8 with the valves !)r, t~.e medium-pressure inoperaL-L~io, ThE? improvement that res--altzs in "ne fLr3t SOVf/9~ 2 The Influence of Int,errnediate ~~clurne3 c,n the Pri-D,-ess cf a Steam Turbine .~!ase frDm opo!'at-'an ~.f these valves is quiti~ ev'',~nl- 6111milar mad,~ with t~ie regenerd.'.on disconn6cted F--*,- and connected ~`ses Fag ~b) In b,)t' cas--1-,:3 the reheaT, remaine.'- -.onneozed un-i -'Le diffe7;~n;~H5 i-1-, Vae !,-ar--E!-ent pr,)::t-.sse-s were orly stiaam -.-onsi-mpi.o,~ ~firl(-r 1,1~,- -irbine ~~pe-ates w`ttt regene--~a'Lor- F'artL.1z;,- "es', iata for th-. ab~)%,e ca:3es In part.-Jo-1-a- -nw- c--ut,,x;-ts aT,,d tnan~:-erl' f-.LE-~5 L 1, -) W - - - - . . are tzbulate---t, it, i-_ Cound tlial; tLe t:,me at ~~he- start of ti-le p-ro:.,,,1,3-Q --'- snrach affe,7;tei b-,,-- of tl~,a lrj,~ermed-iat.~- -p*--essu,-.9--~y1inder vaive5; h e increast~ ir ti--e --,~)ns*~ant for the t;%,-,;t Fig 5 probably iresul.t-, ff-oni rl-,,-.,~-~.e--..J.~nr of ~he systems. F-:-om tnis and ot~,e-- :~,Dnsiderati.:,ns- concluded 15-t-tar. 'U'ae experlmcini~al data cor-.firm t~ic, -',ff Ue~-- of the iriertla of '-.1-e -.tstam -"Icw on tha t.-ansiont The thooreti,~al ana experimental processes ave trHt compared, For tnis purpose the turbine SVK-150 wjt~i Card 6/8 1 interm9ldiate pressure--~zylinde-j~ valves i's SOV/96-59-6-8/22 The Influence of Intermediate Volumes on the Process of Governing a Steam Turbine considered to consist of two intermediate volumes and one inertia element. In order to determine the stati,-, coefficients in the requisite formulae, use is made of curves of the adiabatic prcCO33 of steam expansion in the turbine stages at an output of 75 FLW, constructed from test data of the All-Union Thermo-Technical Institute, and shown in Fig 7. The --onditions are not the same as in the loss-of-load tests given in Fig 5 but this provides a further check of the validity of the equations. Numerical 7alues are then introduced into the -various equations and solutions are obtained in the form of expressions (14), (15) and (16). Graphs of those solutions are plotted on Fig 8 and a graph of tho experimental results from Fig Is given for compar~_,.-_)r_ It will be seen that agreement is very good over n,,st cf the process, The difference that is observed in respecu of the periodic component is briefty explained. The case of interruption of steam supply with normal o&eration e 4 Card 7/8 of th ~ntermediate-pressi, valves (Fig wa-q then conside--ed ir, the same way and the theoretical aw SOVI/96-59-6-8/2-2 The Influence of Int6rmeulla-,e Volume3 on the Process of Q,--:;ern-ir.,~ a Steam Turbine experimental curves are plotted in. Fig 9. In again there is vary gcod agreement wit'i the theore-~,(~al and exporime!ita, of the translent confirming botli the -11near -epresentati,)n -Df the regulated anl tne ~~on3iiprabie influenc-a -,f the 3-ne7'~,J& of the st-3arr. flow, AIL11-lough, tli-j work shoul,-] cr)v.LOu.L;1v be continued.. Iery useft~l in-f,DrmaT:1-*on has already been obtained about tne dynami-.~,s c;f go~rarning Lar.-ge turbines . Thera are 9 figures, I table and 7 Soviet references. ASSOCIATIONg VsesoTd~znyy teplot~~kIr'nicqeskiy ins,itlit (All-Un-ion Thermo-Te=L~,,al Ii,,.Stitate) Card 8/8 'ri. " R,'~ - 14 --`4 1 L . P. j d ~ t, e- ', , , , ,I,, ~ -.j . .. - , li - t ~ f S~r, a ~ -a - - - , . - . S~ I ~ - n - , . i~ '- z a I 1~ w - F, , : , -, :.'./S - !: 11 . - _rl r- C X. " . ~, - f;,ner, - , ~' .. r. f a , 'i'-, . -: ,- V , , 11--. 1, - ~(j I , - 0. ~ IAlp"! 2,~, P) NRz AX-6013324 gwk I I SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/66/000/008/0156/0156 INVENTOR: Murganov, a. P. ORG: none TITLE: Automatic-control device [for a primary enginel.Class 60, No. 132072 SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 8, 1966, 156 TOPIC TAGS: automatic control system, engine control system ABSTRACT: An Author Certificate has been issued for a device for the automatic con- trol of primary-engine output. The device contains: an electric generator output sensor; a sensor for controlling primary-engine operation; a hydraulic-control-system slide valve, activated by the sensors and equipped with a flexible feedback; and the enginels main servomotor coqtrolled by a slide valve. To provide for the static con- trol of primary-engine output relative to generator output, a.slide-valve servo with a small time constant for closing the working-medium feed valves to the engine and a large time constant for opening-these valves is used. A device for measuring workins medium pressurLAIn the control stage of the engine is used as the sensor controlling primary-engine operation. This measuring device is equipped with a damper which partially limits the 6peration of'the generator-output sensor should an inbalance in generator and engine output,occuro' [LB1 SUB CODE - 1~3, 14/ SUBM DATE: 03Dec59/ ATD PRESS: ~card LIU N, MURGAS, I. Inflamngtions of the gallbladder in children, I~ozh';. ch'r. " no.10:703-707 0 165. 1. Chirurgicke oddelenie nemocnice s pGliklinikou v Kemarku (veduci MUDr. I. Murgas). MURGAS, I. Remote femoral abscesses of appendicial orgin. Rozh-1. chir. 42 no.6:401-404 Je 163. 1. Chirurgicke oddelenie UNZ v Ciernej n. Tisou, veduci MUDr. 1. Murgas. (FE24UR) (BONE DISEASES) (APPENDICITIS) (ABSCESS) (ANTIBIOTICS) (APPENDECTOMY) (FOCAL INFECTION) MakGAS CUXU)bUIVAIIA JMC, Vj MUPGAGg I laeutuu at Lft*wrlml*aF ble"k Aeadow of fimls~r CO.- -A-2 idw uatw Slewemdwj dLsdsmft)g aws"flaft (for amsiglav% ftausle"ke jfkuft so It jamu"y 19661, pp 4T-62 -lat"W"m st ofte" mms"m of uw plut tiest do ks Awtaff w4fim"Iss et the krpvwl~ In rateew NIZIHRAWKY9 Josef,; MURG.AS9 Karol; SIMKOVAq Vism k- Studies of the bemolympbatic organs. V. Notes on the lymphatic circulation In the spleen of the white rat. Biologia 15 no.llt832-638 160o (MAI 10: 5) Histologicky ustav Talmrskej fakulty University Kmenskeho. Bratislava. (HI04OLYWH) (SPLM) SVORAD, D.; MURGAS, K.; SOMOGyI, j.,. KLIMENT, P.; BORANOVA, A. Teleautootimilation of the brain. Bratisl. lek. listy 43 Pt 2 noo7-.1+16-418 '6L 1. CSAV - Ustav experimentalnej mediciny SAV v Bratislave, riaditel clen koresp, SAV J. Antal, Dr. Sc. (BRAIN ELICTROPHYSIOLOGY) SVORkD,D., MURGAS.,K.;SMTESKOVA,A.; SOMOGYI,J. Remote c,)n*lrcl autostimulater. Activ. nerv. sup. 6 rc.lt5(-51 164. KLD-[Ell'lp,P.; SVC,9AD,D.; tMRIGASX. Apparatus for the autornati- (," microelectrodes by means of electroly3ls. Actlv. n~r-7. sul,. ~ no.1253 164. i~- L 33517z66 ACC NRi AP6023507 SOURCE CODE: CZ/C)049/65/000/011/(-.)06,.-/,~e,,D6 AUTHOR: Murgas A Karol--Murgash, K. (boctur; Br,,tislaval~; Jone-., (Doctor;-'n jratislava (Endokrinologicky ustav SAV' ORG: Institute of Endocrinol TITLE: Distribution of ascorbic acid in the adrenal cortex of rats under acute cold induced stress SOURCE: Biologia, no. 11, 1965, 862-866 TOPIC TAGS: adrenal gland, ascorbic acid, histology, rat, central nervous system, heat biologic effect, biochemistry ABSTRACT: The concentration of ascorbic acid decreases under the conditions discussed. It was found that under stress the number of granules found by histological methods is directly proportional to the decrease of the content of ascorbic acid. When the content of ascorbic acid was decreased by means of various influences acting upon the CNS, there was no direct proportional connection between the two phenomena* Origs art. has: 8 figures and 1 table. [JPR51 SUB CODE: 06 SUBM DATE: 25MaY65 / ORIG REF: 002 / OTH REF: 005 Y-,. G 0 S LA V IA P', i:AC, I HURGASKI, S. c t. v e n tv e VL'tT--tTb-V`j--',Med i C i (I TI St i L; I C z a pr eve j I L 1 vnuv Belgrade rLfert of E,,~virorunvnt al,d Densiy ()I Po-,IaLi(~ri in pi, I - 1i I IH C s u I L !, 0 f F a L t e n i v,:; S ,~ :,-I e Q; u j I i ra d 0 , V - t C. r i na r s k i G I'l " I ~ i K , Vo 1 2 1, S C t Eng I i sh sunim a r~ mc, ~.i i i -~,d EL'-'V GE SUiCabil ~.,tticed floors in hog pens C(, replace '-ne usual cold ,.hat slotted floors cons;sLentlf gavk. rL:SUItS i TI L wLiOtl as well as feed of ill the sLandard size box. 7 tablcs, 2 ~i,ited Status r(-.-L:re;.cL!s Aanuscript received 28 Apr 66. Murgeanu, G.; ratrulius, D.; Contescu, L. The cretaceous Flysch . in the Valea Tirlu.Fului, r~stern 6arp~ithian basin. p.'. ZJT'k)DII SI Ci!RCV,'T.,,'d L)E CnUIA~,Gh- .3uciires Li , :iur ar.4 -i .. ;,, ..Q. 1, i", 59. kont~dy llist of r1ast '!-uropean Accessions ~Eh;,,dj i.G, ',q'oL. 9, No.1 Jan P~6k,. Uncl. ICRGSANU G acad.; GONTZSCII, L.; MIHAILESCU, N. Stratigraphy and sedirn ntology of the complex of red marlg in the basind of the rivers Dimbovita and Ialomita, and problem of the Cretaceous-Paleogene limit. Studii cerc geol 7 no.2:21-3-239 162. -aranct),; i n- L'i r 7e r r i-A GAINGINSCHI, Alexandrina; PETREANU, Vioricm; TIMOSCA, Sofia; RSM, C.; NJ-RCOVKWU, Constanza; IWESCO, Michaela; MURGESCO, Tanta!. Dissociation of the BCG strain under tire action of heat. Arch, roumo path, expo microbiol. 23 no,3:617-622 S163 1. Travail de l'Academie de la Republique Populaire Roumainei Section de Biomorphologie at do lInstitull Madico-Pharmaeouti- que de Jassy; laboratolre do Hicrobiologie. MURGESCU, C. "Economic works* by Dionisis Pop Martian. Reviewed by C. Murgescu. Problems econ 14 no.8:141-143 Ag 161. 1. Membru al Colegiului de redactie, "Problems economics." (Martian, Dionisia Pop) (Economics) HERBST, C.; IANOVICIP V.; MANESCU, M.; MIHAILESCU, V.; MORARIU, T.; MURGESCUP C.; STIEMY H.; VIAD, C. Geographical monograph of Rumania and the support of the Soviet geographers for its achievement. Analele geol geogr 14 no.2:110-116 Ap-Je 160. 1. Membru-corespondent al Academiei RJ'.R. (for Manescu, Morariu). I FAICA , 1-1. ; ::A'~:~,' , :,., :;- ; ~,c; - '' FA , .,k, I , Tanta; DUCA, Fug ; . .. , 11 ~ I I ~ BFR~IFSCII , F'-'Fdhf~th y n wr., i c 9 , f ar 1, 4 ' ,-: i f 1 ~ ' , - ~ ~, ~ , ~ -;, - ., ~!.:- 4 r.", !,r.p -. - - ; ~ r. - , Dn - I i re~'ererice 17-,munr~ S. ~- r ~,. i ? I e 5 1, 11"' 1! ~ (i r,,' 't. .;, ! ~-, y - - ,I strain. FUA. '5 ".. . . . . . . . . . . . qu r e Vi t Orel. -.95paqu --F U, I ~ A(, Won l6ffine' Ad 9M _ in r Tr i l ffl Fit i i h - l L E 1l An mnl zlo~ . . Stud. ce, 4 7 11c. 1-2 ias-190.- - (Romanian Rtissian $tL 6'(1966) , , arij FTench sunimcixies) T i e r h s 16 a itudy of spa"s with(in g ne al non~svnimetric) fine iection in two it -dirn~Tlons A~),' wMebaft it ti tio of ih l Q V 1e no n. e j' Oftwo7directiong ' g ( ng the-following condition. 1):ItAs inde- h-of pendientof the lend thin idem of the a4le, Thereto Q is b6 oug 6f degree zero in Al- '0.11) It is in-- mcgene variant -ander ~transforbiatiohs of coordinates in (A JII) It, is.znultiplied ~by a factor, - -fmiction of xi-when, transpor 9 In 1611okys that wd by paralldi ni, Fro this The c4n0tration the'residting system of linear Partial- fferen di ti3l. e ua n. tions in ~ the unkifovifi fundio 0 lead to frlljoj~i g s the throe: solutions. a) Spaces.(A~)' AN11th absolbte parallelism for which 0 _V. i=401 Z), Zxf _(A 2) which )'Spv p b Add of M ~b fections ariid .~T k-_ low Certain Invariants Related to a Tensor or a Space With Arm* Connections A) 7~07: this length an expression found previously by A. Haimo-! : Murgescu, Islorel. Sur quelques invariants &Rabb vici and J. Kanitani. A un tenseur dans les espaces A connexion affine. Acad. Other results are: (1) Spam As which admit a Riemaw R. P. Ronitne. Fil.~l Stud. Cerc. ~ti. Mat. 7 (1956), nian metric (Le., for which A is the square root of a no. n- Riau an and French sum- quadratic farm in ut, ist) am equiaffine, Le.,. they satisly- man ) the relations Dq=RWA-0; (2) spaces As which admit the Let A, be a space with affine connection having the notion of length of a vector, satisfyu*18 2he conditions coefficients rod. and V a vector at the point 0, 0, - - -, (a), (t), (c). (d). admit at last one field of parallel vectors.' xs with components vi. vi. - - -, vs. Let the 'length' of V The author then considers a modification of the abow be defined by the analytic function A(xf, v1) (i= 1. 2. - - -, problem by substituting for condition (b) the condition: %) having the following properties- (a) It is homogeneous (b') Under parallel transport of V, A changes by a factor of degree nonzerowith respect to the vil; (b) it is invariant I P=P(xl. A - - - - 0). under parallel transport of V from 0 to xf +dxd; (c) it' Finally the following problem is treated: Given in an As expression is Invariant under coordinate transformations; a covariant symmetric tenwr field ru. to find a function (d) it. is uniquely determined by the preceding conditions. F(z#,,rjj) invariant under parallel transL)ort of the tes"", It is shown that the length thus defined exists if the from x4 to zd+dx4. Various forms of F and the corm- Poisson brackets of the system expressing condition (b) sPonding fundamental invariants are given. are independent, and that it depends not only on the R. Blasts (Saskatoon, components of V but also on the components of the curvature tensor of As. In the case n=2 one obtains for -HURGS AffGff-,-*-.-,1eator (Iasi) On the introduction of a metric in tr.e affirie plane. Gaz rmt fiz 14 no.1-1/12:381-58? N-D 162. FISANKO, S.F. [pysanko, S.F.], kand.takhn.nauk; MURGIA-YE'LORSA,,.N.A... [ML"hia-Elorsa, N.A,], kand.sellskokhoz.-h-af*9 VFRKHOVSIKIY, V.M. (Verkhovslkyi, V.M.1, inzh. Using hydraulic drills in growing farm crops. Mekh. sill. hosp. 14 no.4:13-14 np 163. MIRA 16:10) MRGIA-YhWRSAJ, N.A., kand. sellskokhoz. nauk; NECUTAYLO, I.P.; SEI-EIJOV, V.M. Preparation of manure-isoil composts on narrow strips. :~emledelie 25 no,9:68-70 S 163. (MIFUt 16:9) 1. Vaesoyuznyy nauclobia-issledovatellskLy inztitut mukhanizatsii sellskogo khozyaystva. (Compost) TS. "Industr-'Ud Develo-nent In Folan,11', P. 1r-. (~--cGWtHIA, lo'. ~'., :.:C,. ", 'L?',4, so"iya, BLIL,-!ria) 30. 'lonthly List, of -ast ~~uro,,-,-,an Acc-g3jcri3, (.:,-AL), &;, 101. .., ..0. 6, June 1955, Unc'. MURGIN, TS. Industry in the People's Republic of Albania. p-13. GEOGRAFIIA. (Bulgarsko geografsko druzhestvo) Sofiya. Vol. 5. No. 5. 1955 SOURCE: East European Accessions List, (EF-AL), Library of Congress Vol. 4, No. 12, December 1955 'D Vy 4nrlustn in ec -e's of I [A, Conth1v List of LzF3t ruro,,,(,nr, .. opsolonst ..:I-] c j,'7 C, I,,.S I tMIN, TS. Indi-stry in thc, J:-)'--. j). 14. Vol. (" No. G E Cc I i I ;. G E CC, R!, F II. YS: I r F Y Sofiiti, BuirariB So: 'Eas+ Furooean Accessi..,xi, Vol. U', '.'c. 2, letruary lg--~7 I,7JRGI':A-Y-ELO-RSA, Ili. A., Cand of ~~7riu -,(,i -- (diss) "53iochemical an-l 7~oo- technical !: aractertsticq -)f sil-)%.- prepare .1 Cro-n -.rassas whlc'v. are rlif licut to dry in 3ilos." "-).q,--o,,i, 1957, 20 pp (Xloscovi ieterinary Acalemy; All- 'Jon Scientific fiesearch Instit~jte of Animal Husbandry), 140 oopies (K4 30-57, 111) ilLRLIANIA General and Speci,-.iized Zoology. Insects. Systematics und Fauni3,.i,_'3. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biologiya, No 16, 1958, P10- 71355~~ Author : Nargoei,_A.; Botosaneanu, L. Inat :7--. -I.Parhon University Title :The GenuB Annitella Klap in Rumania (Trichoptere.) Orig Pub :An. Univ. "C. I. Parhon", Ser. stiInt. natur., 19'1:7, No 13, 139-148 Abstract :Two 3pecies of caddis flies of the genus Annitella are distributed in the RPR: A. transylvanica sp. n. and A. Lateroproducta Botosaneanu. There is a totalled description of a nev species and it is compared with other species of the genus. A key for the identifica- tion of all F known 3pecies of the genus is inclucLed. Card 1/1 . UIVen Cowntryt Rumania Academic Degrees: -Conf. Univ.- Affiliation: -not given- Smwce: Bucharest, Stiinta si 'rehnical No 9l Sep 1961, pp 32-3.). Data$ "On the Life of Social Insets-" r,Po 981643 MURGOCI, Adriana Contributions Lo tiat: --Gwll,~,:~,, of tno 3ob'-e3o,~Idae ~,onorjterygii or.ier) ir; trolt. Bl~i(-K 3~,a. Stud:. -r b... ol zool 16 rio.5;37)-382 '64. ANTONIU, R.; MIRAIL, M.; VAICUM, L.; MURGOCI-0- C.; CUTE, E.; HINCU v S. ; 131j~'~' 1.1 .'-, Th.; TALAU, V.; ARDELEANU, I.j .VSU-PANDELESCU, M.; PARASCRIVESCU, A. Studies on the possibility of irallroving the sani.tarl conditions of the lakev surroundim, BAxwest. 3tudii prot epur apelor 5:263-3312 164. 'lotp oi- Tri , ~op+ era re, i,)n oll' ili.xiw~4a. Vol. i rc t-. ~:.a~,l u ro ne &r i ra r. ".;l. o . L St 1": RIPAN, Raluca; M"U. Gh.; -n.BGU. Gh. Application of the method of ar~lysis by g radiation reflection in industry. Rev chimis Min petr 13 no.10s612-614 0 162. 1. Univervitatea "Babes-Bolysi", Cluj, Catedra de chimie anorganica si analitica. -a rins i w 6 -,i.-,r LUO Ih U I on c f and Pr, 14ARCUP Gheorghe; KURGU, Gheorghe ^alysis of sodium hydroxide solution by the method of -radiation reflectim. Studia Un i v B~B S Chem 8 nc.D107-112 6P6 3 1. ItBabes-Boiya:~*Un ire rs I ty, CLuj. MWIA/Diseases of FaxT-i Anii~nis . Diseases Caused by IL-UUnths. Abs Jour:Eef Zhur-Diol., No 15, 1958, 69492. Author : Vladutiu, 0 .; Lungu, V.; Mur I Dlidaru, T. '-- !IrNU, .; Inst : Institute of Agronol.V "N ~5n ~cesc~u Title : Surgical Treatment of Coenurosis in Sheep. Orig Pub- Lucrarile Sesiunii stiint. Inst. agron. "N. Dnlcescu", 1955. Ducuresti, 1955, 1, 379-391- Abstract: No abstract. Card : 1/1 NILCULESCU, Ch. ; MAA'OL-L;S("!-', F~r. Al -ina; Lucia Acute toxici ty and nf-uromuscular bock'"n.- eff"ect of mycino Fiziol, norm. ;:at. 6:507-.;12 164. 1. Facultatea de frimvi~-ie, I'lateir% de medico-farmareiilu; -, LH--ur-t.l. IAIIOVICI, V., prof. dr.; GURAU, A., geol.; MURGU, IM., ing.; HINGULOV, A.,ing.; SIF,IF,KI, B., ing. Principles and methods of estimation of the prognosis reserves. Rev min 14 no.5:185-189 My 163. SILASY I... ing.; GURAU, A., geolog; MURGU, M., ing.; RADUTA, T., ing.; MERCEA, E., ing.; BADULP.SCU, I., ing.; BHA?JISTt!;, r., geoiog Considerations on the choice of the most favorable distance between the exploration works of ore deposits. Rev min 14 no*7:269-282 J1 163* GRUIA, Mlgnon~ EIRANPZCTJ, Wola, BOTIS S., BIIJ-~T, SIgTiil ~AMUEI., I.- 0 P,mb--t. tahni-I MURGU, Maria lrjfr,ctio-u-qnes9 of ribonucleiz ac-ld Extracted from KMR) '! and ROBO 9 vimses. Sk,ud. carcet. ;,If`THMlcrcbio-i. ib no.'W-~5'1 If)". PUSCA, V.; COCIASU, G.I_K7RGU, 11. Srnthesis of su7fosalicylic acld. Rev chimie Mir. petr :3 -1c.1: 49-50 Ja 162. HE -17lu'r, . Continuous i,,. i-al,e .-f R=ri -,~, 's ( - 17" Rev chLn'f! Mir. 1.,7tL. 14 r .10: ~- 7 SEIMCIU,I; GREOGA,E.; URICARU,V.; CD4PFa'U,R., MLIRGUN. nbtaining pure phenacetin by ion exchanging resins. ReT chimie Min petr 14 no.IV12t688 W-Dt63. 1. ~ 1"T , - . ; KITTI, N, fir. 1 a 'I I I I ~. . - - -In With ralil,XIC qf:ll" 'HqgThM). w- ahlrAti I~Irl pfi", ., 1 757-78 D ".4. CORLATEANU, Vasile; MURGU, Zaira; STIM , Vasile Diagram of the current in asynchronous motors in short circuit. Rev electrotechn energet 4 no.2:275-293 '59. (EEAI 10:1) (Electric motors, Induction) (Short circuits) SAVIUC, Victo.-O CORLATEANU, Vasile, prof.; MURGU, Zaira Transitory processes ii coupling the single-phase transformers. Studii fiz tehn Iasi 10 no.2:159-176 159. (EEAI 9:9) 1. Comitetul de redactie, Studii si cercetari stiintifice, Fizica A stUnte tehnice, Filiala Iasi, Academia Republicti Populare Romine (for Corlateanu) (Electric transformers) SAVIUC, Victor; CORLATEAKU, Vasile, prof. KJRGU, Zaira Transitory processes during the connecting and disconnecting of single- phase transformers functioning under a capacitive load. Studii fiz tehn Iasi 11 naL.1:39-50 960. (ELAI 10:3) 1. Ccmitetul de redactie, Studil 51 cercetari stiintifice, Fizica si stiinte tehnice, Membru (for Corlateanu) (Electric transformers) (Electric switchgear) SAVIUC, Victor: MURCU, Zaira The functioning of a saturated coil In alternating current. Studii fiz tehn Iasi 11 no.lslll-117 96o. (Ew 10:3) (Electric coils) (Electric currents)