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Detection of oxygen atoms in the 30031 ~131020161114-,100-,10,-,-'1'021 B140101 of atomic 0 and H is up to 2 % of the total pressure. Sin-ze the mea.5-ure- ment was made 10 mm outside the flame, the actual con.:entration of 0 and H atoms --n the flame is probably higher, Papers by V. 14. Kondratlyev (Spektroskopicheskoye izucheniye khimicheskikh reaktsi-y (Spectroscopic: Investigatlon of chemical reactions) Izd~ AN SSSR, 19A4) and V.N. Panf4---.,n-,,r. Yu. D. Tsvetkov, V. V. Voyevodskiy (Kinetika i katallz, I., no. 2, 335 (160)) are mentioned. There are I fieure, 1 table, and 12 referpnoes: 8 Soviet and 4 non-Soviet, The four references to Enclish-language pub- lications read as follows: E. J. Buckler, R. G, W. Norrish, Proc Roy, Scc..,, 167, 318 (1,938); E, R. Rawson, R. _Biz~ringer, Phys, Rev, 88, 6717 (~952); S, Krongelb, M. W~ P. Strandberg. J. Chem, Ph,;.,3 1c" J, Ultee-j J, Phys., Chem,, 64, no- '12, 1873 (,co- 0).. (-,956); C, ~. 6 ASSOCIATION: Instillut khimichpskoy f-izjkl Akademii nank SSSR i, in f: of Chemical Physics of the Academy of S-_:ences USSR) PRESENTED: May 31, 19611~ by V. N. Kondratlyev, Academician SUBMITTED: May 24, 1961 Card 3/3 IWITASH#N, A.A.; VALWDYAN ~ A.B. Determination of the quantum yield,9 chain length and its temperature dependence in photochemical reactions of methane and ethane oxidation. Izv.AN Am98SR,Khimjnauki 15 noel:3-24 162. (MIRA 15:7) 14 Institut, kbimichesko3r fizild All SSSR. (Paraffins) (Oxidation) (Quantum chemistry) MANTASHYAN, A.A.; NkLBANDYANj A.B. Photochemical mercury vapor sensitized oxidation of ethane. Report No. 3: Ratios of rate constantn of elementary reactions. Izv.A11 Arm,SSR,KhJM.rwuki 15 no*1:15-24 162* (MMA 15' 7) L Institut khimicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR. (Ethane) (Oxidation) (Chemical reaction., Rate of) AZATYAN, V.V.; AKOPYAN, L.A.; NALBANDYAN, A.B. Detection of free hydrogen, oxygen, and deuterium atoms in rarefied flames of carbon monoxide using the 6lectron paramagnetic resonance method. Dokl. AN Ar-*., SSR 35 no.j:1,23-128 062. (MIRA 16:6) 1. Institut kbimleheskoy fitiki AN SSSR. 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN Armyanskoy SSR Oor Nalbandyan).. . . '-'(Carbon monoxide) (Paramagnetic resonance and relaxation) GORBANI, N.I.; NALBANDYAN, A.B. __ Determination of the rate constants of elementary reactions of atomic hydrogen with simple saturated hydrocarbons. Zhur.fiz.khim. 36 no.8.-1757-1761 Ag 162. (MIRA 15:8) 1. Institut khimicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR. (Hydrogen) (Hydrocarbons) (Chemical reaction, Rate of) AZATYAN, V.V.; -NALBANDIANI A.B.-, TSUY ION-YUAN' [TS lui M;ng-yUan] Determination of the rate cohstant of the reaction between atomic oxygeri and ethane. Dokl. AN SSSFL 147 no.2;361-364 N 162. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Institut khimicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikcm V.N. Kondratlyevym. (Oxygen) (Ethane) (Chemical reaction, Rate of) GUDKOV S.F.; IVANOV, A.K.; KORNILOVY V.F.; LURIYE, B.I.;__Y~~BANDYANq v A.B.- RUDENKOY P.Se Plant teat of the direct production of formaldehyde from natural gas. Gaz. prom. 8 no.4%35-39 16.36 (MIRA M10) -)IF -2 AF InG ~_V-1286 j9Pk/ZPR/F.CS(f)/EWPQ ,PF(6) IEWT(mYADSIES (G) AgDC/ F. C_ Pi-Vpt-4 IM/ RP A~AIAPW 4/ps 4/P V ACCESSION DRt 03002633 S)10171/63/016/003/0201/0203 -Gershenz uan-- -AUrHCRv-'* ~Azatyan.--V, V.% on,- Yu. M.; K~ ~nd ari,--A.-V,,- Tsfui-Men-Y one TITLEs Discovery of-free hydrogen & oxygen atoms in va~cuum-flaming of mixtures of.6arbo'n monoxide & oxygen in the presence of small additions of ethylene ..,"SOURCE- -AL' ArmSSR.-1zv. Khimicheski~,e nauki v. 16, no, 3, 1963p.201-203 TOPIC TAGS: '.free:O atom free H atom ethylene., se* if -,iiombustlon --ABSTRACT:. To,ve~ify,the mecYanism of GO combustion.imthe presence of etbilene, 1-the. concentration of:free 0 and H atoms . was det7;r_Wned','by electron paramagnetic ~urement.- ne accelerates GO combustion and'lowers-the-limit, resonance mea -Etbyle- Of self.combustion; the ethylene concentration at which 0 contentis rAximum is .-:,-also the concentration at'which the-lower self-acombustion limit is minimum - about 0 _2% . -0 and H -.concentrations - incred e with etlwlene increase (to about 2.5" and s 0.:4%i' respectively), then decrease. Increase in temperature increases'O content faster than H,concentration. Orig. art. has: 1 figuro and 8 formulas. -fiziki AN SSSR ASSOCIATION: ,Institut.khimichaskoy (Lmititute of Chemical Physics, AN SSSR) '__L 16987-63 FICS(f)/EWP(J)/FH(.-)/EWF(q)/EWr~m)/P~)S AFnC/ASD Pc-4/Pr-4 RK/WW/JD/JW 149/005/011/018 7J_ LEM: Azatyan, V. V., Nallmandyan, A. B., and Tslui 11-leng-Vian AM ,.inntion of z atomic hydrogen and TITLE Deuerr a reaction te c nstants mhe t o:,-jgen react, with ethylene v _149 ~MPM The authors investigate th e reanction rate constants for reactions of t e te .miperature range 570-6GOOC on atorAc' hydrogen and oxygen with ethylene in 4h the.basis of r.,easurements of the initial limits-of spontaneous,ignition of hydrogen-oxyGen mixtures and mixtures of carbon monoxide, with-oxygen in the presence of-snall armounts of, ethylene. Vney determine al;,El a 7,200 cal. the 0 activation energy ofthe reaction -of atomic hydrogen with ethylene, finding it to differcomiderably from the corresponding values obtained at lo,,,*er tempera- -tAires,Dr.; gh-temperx-turea-the-~mr- ihanis_m_o_f_intera an es~. - . ~ 1 .1. -1 c -, ~on c h -ur ting rdactionAs that of the com- low:temperlat es~the.predominat bination - of ator-A c hydrogen with ethylene:, - a t~-low tempera -qres e-_ t th edominating. reaction. is th6.t,leading to the formation of-vinyl radical'Jand molecular hydrol Geni The actIvation energy at I&v Uermeratures for the re4ction o3" atomic oxygen with ethylene also.-is much lower than that obtaini~d by the au*.ors. There are 3 figures.. AISSOCIAVOIT: Institut I~himicheskoy f izi;ki Akademii nauk i4MR - (Institute of SACHYEN., G.A.. NA.LBANDYAN, A.B. .1 Electron paramagnetic resonance method of detection of free hydrogen and oxygen atoms in rarefied flames of hydrogen sulfide with oxygen. Izv, A11 SSSR Ser, khim. no.7:1340-1341 J1 164. (MIRA 17:8) 1, Institut khimicheskoy fiziki AN 5,9SH. TVPJIGVp O.A.; IIALBANDYA.11. li..B. Oxica lon of methane !,,,to fc.-nmaldehyde Lnitiated by niturosyl chlc,- -de and n1tri-le ~:A'J-~rlde. NeftekhLmila 4 no.2:280-285 M r w-', I 161, (141RA 1718) M08MMA, R.I.; NALRANDYAJ:, P.B. Oyidation of me*'-ane in formaldehyde initia.ted -, NeftekhimJla 4 no.2:2136-2c"J9 Rr-P.P164 " !'T RA 1718) 1. Inatitut kh1micheskoy fizikl 21 335R. AZATYAN, V.V~; NALBANDYANj A&B,; TSUY MEN-YUAN' [r3lui Meng-yuan] Determination of the rate constant o? ihe reaction of atomic oxygen with methane. Kin. i kat. 5 no.2:201-210 Mr-Ap 164. (MMA 17t 8) 1, Institut khimicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR. C ACCESSION I&: ANUYJ~8~ AMOR: Azatyan, V. V.; Ma lbandyan, A. B.; Silaxhtai-fan, H. T ,-., -- --I- ~~A MIZ: Inveatigation of the reaction 'of atomic oyygiEn and hydrogen V4.1; propylene SOURCISP: All ArmSSR. Tzvestiya. Kbimiche3kiye nauki, v. 17, no. 2, 1964, 117-121 IMPIC MAO: oxygen propylene reaction, hydrogen propylene reaction, reaction rate, rate constaat, radical formation, ccmbustion limit method, combi-otion n1fa ABSTRACT: Reactiong of atomic oxygen and hydrogen with propylene vere investigated by the combustion limits method. The following equations represent the zechanism df 00 combustiou at. low pressures In the presence of propylene: 0H + 00 = C02 + H ~1~ H + 02 - OH + 0 2 0 + C)H6 = OR + C~R5 3) Card 1/4 '1 6a 6b 1 The following group of equations represents the hydrogen canbustion mechanism: OH + a - H20 + H a + 02 a off + 0 0 + % - OH + H 231 0 + C. ,,.He OH + C 3 31) El+ terminz2on a + C#6 112 + 0395 2 a + 0; i6b~ .96 03H7 On Increasing the amount of prMlene in the 2CO + 02 mixture the Ignition limit is reduced, indicating reactions 51 and 1. With a further Increase in propylene the limit is raised, ehawing reaction of kydrogea with propylene to form less active radicals reactions 6a and 6b). The Preseure fP) of the gas mixture for Card 2/h H, 2.3 (K04 T KI;I + K, o' P, 1< where K, are the rate const4mts for the respective reactions and P02 and PC-5H6 are the partial press rs Of 02 and propylene. rhe equation for the lower igbLition limit during the combustion of CO In the presence of propylene: PCO Co CO . T2.6 POP (KO) I+ (V,*.)Co - V.S toll IGISPCOPCO 1 +0 PKI 1.3 where K,PcOPcO - 10" (K' )CO. K, - Ku 4- KGb The rate constants for equations 31 and 6 for propylene at b4W were i Card 3/4 iA:,-- 1723942-~65 A.F4030383 -:7 ~-:7 ~1-3' 2 -10 K' JF vi h prow no exe- faster7 thaa idth ethyleric - Orig art oxygerat and of t has: 3 figures and 14 equations. ASIM=ON*. Institut khImic GkGy fiziki, AN SWE (3;lnstitute of Chemical. Physics, AS BSSR)' SUBM=.M: 03Sep63 Ric ~': Oc SUB CODE: xo mw oov: oo6 OTM: 002 Card 4/4 ~ACCESSION NR: Ap4ol2972 S/0020/6,4/154/004/0883/0885 AUTHORS: Balakhnin., V.P.; Gershenzon, Yu. M.; Kondratlyev, V.N. (Academician); Nalbandyan, A.B. TITLE: Measuring the concentrations of atomic oxygen and hydrogen in a rarefied hydrogen flame by the mathod of electron para- magnetic v. 154, n*o'. 4, 1964, 883 SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady*, -885 TOPIC TAGS: elementary reaction, successive reaction, stoichio- metry, stoichiometric mixture, resonator, atom concentration, atomic oxygen, atomic hydrogen, rarefied flame, magnetic moment ABSTRACT: This project relates to the finding of atomic oxygen and the measurements of the concentration of 0 and H atoms in a rarefied' hydrogen flame by the spectra of the electron paramagnetic resonance., The Jet-type reactor used In the experiment wits placed Inside the 'resonator which made it possible to detemine the 0 and H atom con- centrations in the combustion area. The projoct began with a study C,rd ACCESSION NR: AP4012972 of a,rarefied flame of a mixture containing 5% H and 95% 02* Large quantities of atomic oxygen (up to 6 x log - particles, were recorded in the flame of that mixture. The concentration of atomic hydrogen in this me lies within the sensitivity range of the in- strument (1-2 x 10 particles). The area of' preferential forma- tion of atomic hydrogen is found in mixtures containing 15% bLnd less, hydrogen. The area of preferential formation of atomic hydrogen. lies In the mixtures containing over 70% molecular hydrogen. It should be pointed out that in the determination of the absolute con-1 centration of hydrogen and oxygen atoms, the difference in their magnetic moments was not taken into account, and the resulting con- centrations of atomic oxygen were therefore 4-5 times as large. Orig. art. has 2 figures and 1 formula. ASSOCIATION: Institut kbimicheskoy fiziki Akademii ruiuk SSSR (Institute of 4~hemical Physics, Academy of Sciences MR) 2/jj '.card ACCESSION NR: 'AP4016511 S/0020/'64/154/005/1142/1144 AUTEORS: Balakhnin, V P.; Gershenzon, Yu. M.; Kondratlyev...V.N. (Academiciani; 1~a.1bandyqn,,_,6 TITLE: Discovei;-Jng a free hydroxyl in a rarefied hydrogen flame by the electron paramagnetic resonance method SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady*, v. 154, no. 5, 1964, 1142-1144 TOPIC TAGS: hydrogen flame, rarefied flame, microwave spectrum, d hydroxyl, free hydroxyl, dipole, dipole transition, hydroxyl absorp- tion, resonator, linear velocity, Oil spectrum, OH absorption, atomic! oxygen, molecular oxygen ABSTRACT: Studies made by Dousmanis, Radford and other researchers revealed that the micrGwave spectrum of OH absorption is dependent on electric dipole transitions, the Intensity of which is conaider- ably greater than that of the ordinary electron paramagnetic reuon- ance lines brought about by the magnetic dipole transitions. it. Card 1/3 ACCESSION NR: AFW16511 follows that when the pressure In the flame of H2 with 0 in low., it is possible to detect the signals of paramagnetic absor.D?ion of a free bydroxyl; the discovery of OH is Possible only when the parti- cles are placed In the loop of an ultra-high frequency electric field. Tbe reactor made for investigat.ion purposes (from quartz) was designed in such a way that the absorbing call filled the entire- resonator and this made it possible to observe the spectrum deter- mined by the electric and magnetic dipole transitions. It was found -that the OH sign gradually rise's with th,~ increasing F12 content and reaches a maximum when the latter amounts to 60%, while the H sign shows a sharper increase and reaches its maximum value at 70% H i 2- No signal of atomic oxygen was observed in our experiment as it was completely suppressed by the signal of molecular oxygen, the ampli- tude of which at a low temperature of the absorbing cells is consid- erably greater than the 0 signal. However, the 0 concentrations previously observed in H -poor mixtures have been conn-flderably greater (60-8o times) tbL the concentrations of atomic' hydrogen. Card 2/3 ACCESSION NR: AP4016511 Orig. art. has: 2 figures and 3 formulas. ASSOCIATION: Institut kh1micheskoy fizilci Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Chemical Physicsy Academy of Sciences ASSR) 050ct63 12DIar64 SUBMITTED: DATE ACQ: NCL: 0 SUB CODE: PH NO REF SOV: 003 OTHER: 004 Card 3/3 AZATYAN, V.V.; NALBAIWAN, A.B., akademik; WAIIES11AN, K.T. Reaction between oxygen atoms and methyl alcohol. Dokl. XN SSSR 157 no-4:930-933 Ag 164 (MIRA 17:8) 1. Institut kh:Lnicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR. 2. AN ArmSSR (for llalbcax4dyan~. L 2141!~.65 EW7(M)/EPF(C)/EWP(J/1 11-1-4/Pr-4. _RPL W7/-TM/;U _;_NalbandXan, A. B.fAcadamiclar AUTHOR: Azatyan,_jf._ ~K. Al I A m-"M TITLE: Discovery of atomic oxygen in the cold f4ame oridation of carbon fide by molecular oxygen SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady*, v. 158, no. 1, 1964, 17E,-181 TOPIC TAGS: carbon disulfide, atomic oxygen, cold flame oxidation, atomic oxygen formation, low temperati4re combustion, EPR spectra ABSTRACT: The low ternp4.-rature combustion reaction Df carbon disulfide with molecular oxygen was subjected to EPR studies to determine the forrnation of atomic oxygen and the dependence of its concentration on reaction conditions. 111~s2l ) at 269- 271C under ~-6 min lig f-CLIctions run with 0. 8-14 (bt ~E02 t I pressure, the EPR signal for atomic oxyger appeared atot t2. 5. in reactions a, -370C, no atornic oxygen was formed at ot -_1 2. 2; atomic oxygen tor-naion start- ed a-, o( - 2. 2 - 2. 5 and its concentration increased with increase inx. lo a mayl.- Card 1/ 2 :-,"Iugen POROYK,')'IAY A.I.; IIALRODYAN, A,,E~.- ,, Photo ",!Pmical oxidsation -" Propane In the prest-rc,~- of Cll, Kin. i kat. 6, no. 6:9182-J989 N--,T) 165 19,A) 1. Thatitut khImicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR. Sutritted MaTcli 209 la, 6 5. OGANESYANJq KiT.;.IIALBANDYAN, AiB. Determination of the rate constants of reactions of atomic hydrogen with propyl and butyl alcohols. Izv. AN Arm. SSR. Xhim, nauki 18 no,3t237-243 165, (KIRA 18:11) 1. Institut khimicheakcy fiziki AN SSSR. Submitted September 2v 1964. OGANESYAN, K.T.; NALBANDYAN,-..A.B., akademik; PARSAMYAN, N.I. Determination of the rate constant of H atOm reaction vith C21150H molecule. Dokl. AN Arm. SSR 40 no.3,.159-163 165. (MIRA 18:12) 1. Institut khimicheakoy fiziki AN SSSR i Laboratoriya, khimicheskoy fiziki AN ArmSSR. 2. AN ArmSSR (for Nallbandyan). Submitted November 18, 1964- - . 'o'A.- OGAI,TESYA?i', akudemik Determination of -,he rate con3trant3 in the rea--~tic;:,s r,*.-- :., and 0 atoms with the kff'3 molecule. Doll., AN SSSR 160 no.i .: 162-165 Ja 165. (MIRA 18:2) 1. AN ArmSSR (for Nalbandyan). Y~~-.Mopf NAIDANDYA."I. A.B., alraar%ml,~; 6.A. rcaonance -~pectram- cf- a A~ lr'lwnna. Dok... A~ kl,l--,RA '1538) 1. Institut khlud.~;h:;Pkoy fizi?L AN S:""'R, 2. AN flaltaruyan). POROIKOVA, A.!.; NALBA171)Ypll, A.P., Yjryrai,!,~-n cf al-chclv In thin, :-.f by AN 163 rc,51114-5-11.68 49 '~5- (MIRA 1819) 1. :Lietltut kh!TO-choolr.7 fizlki AN 85SR. 2. All Irrz.3R (f-~~r LIL822-66 EW','(j0/VNP(J)/T MV/JW/NE/RM ACC AP6014401 SOURCE CODE: UR/0426/66/019/002/0083/0088 AUTHOR: Poroykova, A. 1.i VoXevodskiZ, V. V.; NalbandZan, A. B. ORG: Institute of Chemical. Physics,ANI SSSR (Institut khimicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR)/5 TITLE: 9xidation meghanism of iLropanelin the presenc 'e of hydrogen bromide'and bromine. 77-Iffe -reacdion of propyl and isopropyl hydroperoxides with hydrogen bromide ..and bromine in the gas phase SOURCE: Armyanskiy khimicheskiy zhurnal, v. 19, no. 29 1966, 83 88 TOPIC TAGS: hydrocarbon oxidation$, reacficn mechanism,-combustion -ABSTRACT: It.wasJound that'isopropyl hydroperoxideand n-propyl hydroperoxide react with-HBr-and- Br2_at room temperature to form respectively, acetone and a mix- ture of propionaldehyde and n-propyl alcohol. The reaction between isopropyl hydro- peroxide and RBr follows second-order kinetics; the reaction rate constant In the range 18-62C is 3 RY. cm :The investigation of the reac.tion of hydroperoxides with Br2 is complicated by the Card :1/2 UDC: 541.124+542.943+547.213 L ~3_823-~66 EW. EVIP ( j )/T/ET-C (m) -6 'ffQ/J'N/tVE/RM ACC M AP6014402 SOURCE CODE: UR/0426/66/019/002/0089/0095 AUTHOR: Poroykova, A. I.; Voyevodskiy, V'. V.; Na2!2tg,, A. B. ORG: 'Institute-of Chemical-Physicst AN SSSR.(Ins'titut khimicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR) TITU: Qxidatiod~egrhani Of p o aneli -the p sm _L _p n resence of hydrogen bromide and -bromine. 11-Evaluation of the rate constant of the reaction of the R02 radical with hydrogen bromide ''SOURCE: Armyanskiy_khimicheskiy zhurnal, v. 19, no. 2, 1966, 89-95 TAGS: hydrocarbon oxidation, reaction mechanism, propulsion ----------- ABSTRACTf~_-_- -o --propane,- f.- -initlateUby'Wition--of -smaIL:_ amounts of hydrogen bIromide (0.5-5%~ was studied in the temperature range 150-240CO .'Acetone was found to be the main product of oxidation. The small amounts of acetal- dehyde formed in the course of the reaction easily undergo further reactions under the experimental conditions employed. The fast stream method used made it possible to measure the amounts of acetaldehyde formed and to determine the ratio of the re- -action ra~o-cons-tants for reactions _(l) and (2): (C"JICI~Oj+ HOr 0 (C"j3C1i01H + Or CHjC0C" + Or + H10 of CH3COCH 3+Bi+H,,O (2) (C"430103 cHic"o + CH,10. Card 112 11nir 541,124+542,9434,547,213 ... L 23824-66 EWT ,m)/1TNP(J)/T/ETQ.(m)-6 W'N/JW ACC NRj AP6014403 SOURCE CODE: UR/0426/66/019/002/0096/0110 AUTHOR: Poroykovas-A. I.; Vdyevodskiy,.V. 11albane p1h S ORM Institute of Chemical Phvaics. AN.5_9SR (Inatitut khimicheakoy fiziki AN SSSR) TITLE: The mechanism of ..,xidatioq in the presence of hydrogen bromide and bromine. III. Photoch-smical oxidation of propane in the presence of Br2 SOURCE: -Armyanskiy khlmicheskiy zhurnal v. 19 no. 2~ 1966, 96-110 TOPIC TAGS: hydrocarbon oxidation, reaction mechanism, combustion The photochemical-oxidatio -h of propane,-initiated by addition of Br2,'Was :ABSTRACT:: ,studied In the temperature range 160-240C. In the early phase of the reaction, when HBr is present only in negligible amounts, acetone was found to be the predomi- nant reaction product. This observation, together with a number of kinetIc relation- ships, a9vell as the absence of CH30H in the reaction products, indicate that the formation of acetonb can best be explained by the following reactions alone: '.,jC,Hj03Hj+Br itjo1-CjH,0j+HBf %CH3C0C1fj+ Her+ 0"; laii~~311.0"-vC^ 1t30-C,H,0H C3"" HOF 30 card 1/2 ~UDC:__541.124+542.943+547.213 L 23824-66 ACC NRs AP6014403 ZZI toji~o tf and the mechanism of -tion %.1s6--Cs",9j+ Bf*, C i+HEk+BrW The possible reac acetone and KBr formation,; which is in good agi~diment -wit the experimental datapare :,examined, orig. art., has:-.,- 6 figures.. [VS) 016/ OW REP: 025/ ATD PRESS: I S/ ORIG REPv SUB CODE 21/ SOH DATM Mep6 L 23881-66 - --- SYT(l) -- -IJP(c) MYGG -'ACC NRi AP6014404 SOURCE CODE: UR/0426/661'019/002/0135/0139 AUTHOR: Sachyan, G. A.; Nalbandyan, A. B. 4~ 9 :ORG: Laboratory of Chemical Physics, AN ArmSSR (Laboratoriya khimicheskoy fiziki AN ArmSSR) q TITLE: An EPR a ud of the behavior of hydrogen atoms, oxygen atoms, and reaction products in a,raref ed hydrogen sulfide flame-- SOURCE: Armyanskiy khimicheskiy zhurnal, v. 19, no. 2, 1966, 135-139 -TOPIC TAGS: free radical flame study, combustion ABSTRACT: The oxidation of hydrogen sulfide is governed by a branched chain mech. anism. Rarefied hydrogen sulfide flames were subjected to EPR measurements. The -Fig. 1. Dependefice~o'f-the concentra tion of' .S02, H2.0, H and O*on the composition of the' :reaction mixture at an initial pressure of ;5 mm. The ordinate represents the ratio of: 'the amount of the product obtained Q to the; amount of starting reaction mixture Q0. The! !maximum concentration of hydrogen atoms was 3 particles/cm , that of oxygen atoms pArtiClqq/ 7 Card 1/2 UDC: 542.943+546.11+546.21+546.221.1 -- --.-- - - I V~-111~~MI94--lF Ve~. . - . .- - 1- z - ~ - - -- - --- - - - - - :7 - - - - -- - - - - -- ---- - -- -- ACC NR: AP6014404 0 1 L 22~ ~-66 ENT,r~~ F.Vl'(,J)/T iVW/JW/JWD/WE/RM ACC Nfl~ AP6014405- SOURCE CODE; UR/0426166101911-102/iOT507~10156 AUTHOR., 6ganesyan, K.'_ T.; Na jban&an,", A.-B. ORG:.1 LAo rato of C heinical Physics, AN Ar mSSR (Laboratoriya khimicheskoy fiziki AN ArmSSR) TITLE: The reaction of,atomic hydrogen with dimethylamineland trimethylamine -SOURCE: -Armyans~iy khimich eskiy zhurnal, v.-19,'no. 2, 1966, 150-156 !TOPIC TAGS: frec~kadical,.hydr6gen oxidation, combustion ABSTRACT: The effee't,of dimethylamine And trImethylamine addition on the combustion of koichiome.tric hydrogen-oxygen mixtures was investigated. It was shown that tri- ~,,methylamine is a-better inhibitor than dimethylamine. The following values for the 7. effective rate constahts of H + amine were found CM3 e Molo 3 .10 (1,22:h 0.45) mole 1, .:sec, I--.Comparison of rate'constants indicates that:o'n changing from dimethylamine to tri- UDC: 546.11+547.233 L 23825-66 L,26001-66 h4T(m)/EWP(J)/T DS/WL/RM ACC NR, AP6015616 SOURCE CODE: UR/0020/66/168/002/0386/0387 .-,AUTHOR: Poroykova, A.ti.; Voyevodskiy, V. V. (Academician).: Nalbandya n. A. B. (Academician AN ArmSSR) ORG:. Institute of Chemical Physics-. Academy of Sciences SSSR (Inatitut khimicheskoy f iziki Akademii nauk SSSR) 7 TITLE: Quantum yield of acetone and length of the reaction chain in photochemical oxidation of propane in the presence of bromine SOURCE: AN SSSR. Dollady, v. 168, no. 2, 1966, 386-387 TOPIC TAGS: photochemical oxidation, propane, acetone, quantum yield, chain reaction Ainetics ABSTRACT: Bromine-initiated photochemical oxidation of propane has been studied to -determine quantum yield 0 of the main product, acetone, and the length of the reaction chain, V,- 1/20. Oxidation was carried out in aljet,vacuum apparatus at 202C with illumination by a mercury quArtz lamp under given partial pressures of reactants. of conv6rsion was small and the rate of acetone formation Constant.. The formula I d (CHsCOCHs) was used to calculate quantum yield, where ID is the rate of initiation and Card 1/ 2 TMr- q/11 -7 ACC NR. AP6019532 SOURCE CODE: URIO020/66/168/004/0851/0853 AUTHOR: Gershenzon,.Yu. M.- Glebova 0. N.; Azatyan, V. V.: Balakhnin, V. P. Nalbandyan, A..B. (Academician AN ArmSSR) - --. 6 ORG: Institute of Chemical Physics.Academy of Sciences SSSR (Institut khimicheskoy fiziki Akademii nauk SSSR) TITLE: Detection of the Oil by the EPR method in the rarefied flame of carbon monoxide in the presence of small amounts of hydrogen SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady, v. 168, no. 4, 1966, 851-853 TOPIC TAGS: carbon monoxide combustion, carbon monoxide flame, hydrogen donor, hydroxyl radical, EPR method 3 ABSTRACT: The basic processes of the propagation and branching of combustion of CO in the presence of a small amount of H2 are the following: ,GO + OH GO% +,1f; (1) *11 + 02 Oil + 0: pq 0 +11, -*OH+H. rd 1/4 L 34cj42-66 ACC NR: AP6019532 For small amounts of H ' reaction (III) is rate determining. Earlier, the EPR method was applied to ietect noticeable concentrations of oxygen and hydrogen atoms in-the rarified CO flame in the presence of hydrogen donors such as 112, CHO C2114, H20, etc. For direct detection and determination of all three active species, i.e., hydrogen and oxygen atoms and the OH radical, the absorption cell was specially made to fit completely into the space in the resonator and was placed in close proximity to the reaction furnace. Measurement of the absolute concentrations of CH radicals was made with respect to molecular oxygen according to the formula: No. *-~ No. Qo1t where N is the concentration; Q is the numerical coefficient varying with the absorp- tion bands, e.g., ranging from 40 to 200 for oxygen; and f+ and 1+ are the space factors for the magnetic and the electric fields, respectively.. The results of the measurements are given in the form of two graphs which indicate the dependence of the concentrations of active centers on the time of contact and the amount of added H 2' Card 2/4 ACC NR' AP6019532 Particles/cm3 pa,rtjcles/cm:3 a _L L 2==I==~ 1 w,-, 4/2 414 W 418 ON OqU CEK 401 401 40J 494 QOJC9,t,' IFig. 1. Dependenice' of-conc--eii'r'ation of a"Eli've centers on the contact time (T = 923 K, P 3 mm, Hg; H2 = 6%) a - Calculated; b - experimental. ia.rticleq/cd-, 19j 1w 1w a 10 1Z 14 IhOL 1'01'1 F~gure 2. Dependence of the maxi- mum concentration of active cen- ters on the addition of hydrogen,'' (T - 923 K, P - 3 mm Hg, W - 30 tc 40 cm3/min. Figure 2 indicates that the oxygen concentration passes through a maximum, contrary trJ the monotonically increasing concentration of If and 011. This is explained by the as- sumption that in the case of small amounts of adued H2, reaction (III) is the rate determining step, and in the case of high H2 concentration.,reaction (II) is.the rate 34042-66 ACC NR: AP6019532 determining step. The OH concentration is the amallest because-the rate,constant of reaction (1) is,the largest. Orig. art. has: 2 figures;,. SUB CODE: 21, 07 SUBM DATE: 30Aug65/ ORIG REF: 0091 OTH REF: 008/ ATD PRESS:,6-d/q 4 L L"WIF .ACC NR: AP7000470 SOURC& COD3: UR/0074/66/035/004/0587/0618 ALBANDYAN,..-A B-"Institute of Chemical Ph.YsIds; Aoadbmy;'-6~f 616noes USSRttlitut khimicheakoy fizUd AN SSSH) Study of the Kinetics and Mechanism of Branched Chain Reaotional n the Gas Phase" owe Uspekhi Xhimil, Vol 35* No 4P 1966s PP 587-618 Abstracts This review article discusses the basic results of research conducted ohieflyat the Institute of Chemical Physiesp! 'l ist ti' e, io'six years the koademy of Sciences USSR In the a v field.of branched chain reactions, based.'on'the theory of N. N, Semenov. The mechanisms 'of comp'iex chemical processes have been verified and new systems have been-.studied with the aid ofi new techniques such as electron paramagnetic resonance and the I c use of electronic oom uters, The main topics disquased are the, study of the Inetios and mechanism of oombustionikof hydrogenlk' and carbon m' Dnox1G_ the electron paramagnetTo-resonanoo methodo Including atudies of hydrogen oombusion at low ~res- sures and the combustion of carbon monoxide\~in the preasnoe of small additio mathodA ~he . of - hydrogenj j rate constants of elementar3r reactions of hydrogen and oxygen atoms with various compounds, including citations of the values of the rate constants of elementary reactiors of hydrogen and oxygen atoms with various molecules; the use of the 1/2 L 06525-67 ACC NR. AP7000470 electron paramagnetic resonance method to establish the site of attack of atomic oxygen on a complex molecule;. and the investi.-ation of certain rarefied flames by the electron paramagnetic resonance method, including the reaction of sulfur vapors with oxygen, rarefied flames of carbon disulfide with oxygen, and rarefied flames of hydrogen sulfide. Orig. art,.has: '22 figbres, 12 formulas and 5 tables. A TOPIC TAGS: electron paramagnetic ;osonance, chain reaction, reaction mechanism, chemical reaction kinetics SUB CODE: 07-/ SUBM DATE: none ORIG REF: 077 OTH REF:,- 029 2 ACC NRI AP6034758 (Alfi) SOURCE CODEI UR/0020/66/170/005/1117/1120 AUTHORi Balakhninp Ve P,; Kondratlyev; V. N.,(Academician); Halbandyan As D.0 (Academician AN ArmSGA); Gershenzon, Yua M. 41 ORG: Inatitute*of Chemical Physics, Academy of Ociences /SSSR (Inatitut khimicheakoy fiziki Akademii nauk SSSR) TITLE: Quantitative study of the hydrogen combustion mechanism in the vicinity of the lower limit of ignition SOURCE: AN 888R. Doklady, Y. 170, no. 5, 1966, 111T-1120 TOPIC TAGSt hydrogen, brdwwge= combustiony reaction kinetics, reaction mechanism 1A:4AZD_V_ I ABSTRACT: A calculation has been made-of the rate constants of-certain elementary reactions in the mechanism of hydrogen combustion at ' 900-1052K using absolute concentrations of active centers measured by EPH spectroscopy as a functiorr of flow velocity. The amount of water formed was determined by freezing in a calibrated tray. The concentra- tion of molecular oxygen was determined by direct EPR spectroscopic measurement at the exit of the reaction zone, The following rate con- stanto were calculated at several temperatures in the range 900-1052K: 4 ACC NRI AP603h756 k19 kIg k39 and kwall for the reactions, ""k 0. 111+09- flog+ 11 Homogeneous chain_ initiation 14 If,+ Os-2011 -1110+11. i. oil + III Chain pro gation.and branding 3. 0+111"011+11 wall 011" Stable molecak Heterogeneous c h a i n . Etable.11019mees'. brgaki-ii *wall 0 -Stable. -Aolsoxles: The optimum Values of these and some other conotanto were selected by varying then and comparing the results of an electronic-computer solu- tion of the appropriate system of-equations with the experimentally measured maximum active-center-concentrations and degrees,of combustion ACC NRs AP6034758 It was shown that the maximum active-center concentration (in the region of greatest intensity of the combustion zone) are not affected by longitudinal diffusion. A similar result was obtained on varying the initiation rate constant. From the value of the induction period 'in beat agreement with the experimental value of contact time, reaction (0-') was selected as the moot optimum process and its constant was k- 1 101.2. 4 e- 39000/RT CM3. mol-I - sec 0 Variation of values of the rate constants of reactions which are the reverse of chain branching and chain propagation (1, 2, and 3) showed that the best agreement of calculation and experiment is obtained when all three.rev~erse.reactione are taken into account, although H + 02 *- 0" + 0 has the greatest effect on maximum concentrations. The maximum concen- trations of It, 0, OH and the concentrations of 02 and H'20 obtained by polTIng the system of equations were compared,with experimental values. ACC We AP603hT58 The best agreement was obtained for the following values of rate con $tent&$ k, 2-10-10.8-wwnT cm3 I Mol -see mol-I sec-1,; ka Op jO_i*,,._inwnrcm"3 mol-I see-I.' It was shown that variation of the values of the rate constant of reaction (I wall) has no effect on the results of the solution; there- jore, its rate constant cannot be determined by this methods The optimum values of probabilities of heterogeneous destruction of H and 0 atoms were en (2,4 � 0,8) - 10 4,8) - W- - e-~~Wfr. EVA-681 SUB CODEt 219 OT/ SUBM DAM 05Apr66/ ORIG BEY: Oil/ OTH RM 006 _ACC NRI AP6034T5.8 (AIX) SOURCE CODE: UR/0020/66/170/005/11IL7/1120 AUTHOR: Balakhning V. P.; Kondratlyev; V. 31, (Academician); n A.. B,,_(Ac~demician TH-ArmSSR); qershenzonp Yu._M.- --r ORG., Inatitute*of Chemical Physics Academy of Sciences /SSSR (Inatitut khimicheakoy ki Akademii nauk SSSR) TITLE: Quantitative study of the hydrogen combustion echanium in the vicinity of the lower limit of ignition SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady, v. 170, no. 5. 1966, 1117-1120 TOPIC TAGS: hydroeen, hyrPror*n combustiony reaction Xinctics, reaction mechanism,1 lj~Z_t ABSTRACT: A calculation has been made-of the rate constants of-certain elementary reactions in the mechanism of hydrogen combustion at. 900-1052K using absolute concentrations of active centers measured by EPR spectroscopy as a functiorr of flow velocity. The amount of water formed was determined by freezing in a calibrated trap. The concentra- tion of molecular oxygen was determined bry direct EPR Bpectroscopic measurement at the exit of the reaction zone. The following rate con- stanta were calculated at several temperatures in the range 900.!-1052K: Card 1/4 NRI AP6034758 k Is k2 31 and kwall for the reactions, 2 0, 111 +* Os flog + 11 Homogeneous chain A ' : initiati6n (Y. lit+ Ol- 2011 i. Oil + Ill 1110 + 11 , Chain 2;11+0;-A' OR+ 0 gati a-and 0 .0 + Il 3 " Oil + It branding . l wall OH Ot able aoleciAzz ` ' ' ' - - JI s .~- Heterogeneou all chain' 1-+ Btable:mo1=L1as'- O-Stable"'zo3a all The'optimum values of these and some other constants were selected by varying them and comparing the results of'an electronic-computer solu- tion of the appropriate system of equations with the experimentally measured maximum active-center concentrations and degrees of combustion card---2/4 ACC NR, AP6034758 It was shown that the maximum active-center concentration ('Ln the region of greatest intensity of the combustion zone) are not affected by longitudinal diffusion. A similar re'sult was obtained on varying the initiation rate constant. From the value of the induction period In beat agreement with the expqrimental value of contact time, reaction (01) vas*selected as the most optimum process and its constant was k- 1012. 4 e- 39000/11T CM3. mol-I - sec-1. 0 Variation of values of the rate constants of reactions which are the reverse of chain branching and chain propagation (1, 2, and 3) showed that the best agreement of calculation and experiment is obtained when all three reVerse.reactione are taken into account, although H + 02 4- OR + 0 has the greatest effect on maximum concentrations. The maximum concen- trationo of H, 0, OR and the concentrations of 02 and H20 obtained by oolving the sy9tem of equations were compared with experimental values. ACC NRI AP6034758 The beat agreement was obtained for the following values of rate con- ptants: 3 k, 2. 1 0-io. C--minr c M mold aec ka 1,7 - 10-10. e-'vWnrcjA 3 mol-l'sec-k! k3 0,0. 10-10. e-1 MOW cm3 -m0-1-1 see-1. ,It was shown that variation of the values of the rate constant of reaction (1'vall) has no effect on the reqults of the solution; there- ,fore, its rate constant cannot be determined by this method. The optimum values of probabilities of heterogeneous destruction of R and 0 atoms were en (2,4 -+- 0.8) - 10 (8,0 =E: 4.8). 10-1. e-"nr. (WA-681 SUB CODE: 21,1 OT/ SUBM DATE: 05Apr66/ ORIG REFt 0111 OTH REF: o06 I U'T -Ca-rd 4/4 17 ACC NRs AP6011688. SOURCE CUffk: DA/6 /6 AUTHOR: Azatyan, V. V. (Candidate of chemical sciences); ~j ~bdyan, A. B. (Academici I AN ArmSSR) dl, _17 ORG: none TITLE: Determination of the rate constants of elementary reactions by the flammability limit method SOURCE: Vsesoyuznoye khimicheskoye obsVr3aeSt-vo, Zhurnal, v. 11, no. 2, 1966, 162-168 TOPIC TAGS: chemical reaction, reaction rate, reaction mechanism, flammability limit ABSTRACT: In this article the authors survey and discuss various methods of determining the rate constants of elementary reactions. Using the method of flammability limits, the authors state that at the flammability limit the differential equations describing the change of concentrations of the reaction components can be reduced to algebraic equations describ- ing the boundaries of the region of chain com~bustlon. By the simultaneous solution of these equations with the use of the values of the limiting concentrations of the starting substances it is proposed to determine the rate constants of the reactions participating in the competition Card 1/2 UDC: 541.036 ACC NR- AP6011688 of the branching and breaking of chains. In this case it is necessary to know the mechanism of the process, i.e., the totality of the basic elementary reactions, but there Is no need to know the concentrations of atoms and radicals, which is one of the virtues of the method. Until recently the rates of elementary reactions were determined by the method of limits only by studying the combustioA\of hydrogen-oxygen mixturehontaining additions of various substances. In such mixtures the rates of branching and breaking of the chains are determin( only by the reactions of atomic hydiogon. 'Ilia atoms 0 and radicala Off enter, for all practi- cal purposes, only Into the reaction of chain development . 'Ilia reactions of chain breakage with the participation of these particles in the mixtures, which are not poor in hydrogen, do not play a substantial role. Tberefore only the -rate constants of the reactions of hydrogen atoms wore determined by the method of limits. The authors propose to study the reaction of atomic oxygen by the method of limits by solocting a system in which these reactions determine the magnitude of the rate of branching or breaking of the chain. As such a system the authors select a rarefied plane of CO and 02 mixtures containing small additions Of 112 or other hydrogen-containing substances. The rate constants of a number of reactions which the authors determined by the method of limits are given In tabular form. Orig. art. has: 2 tables, 5 figures, and 14 formulds. SUB CODE: 07/ SUBM DATE:t4a-qe/ ORIG REP: 027/ OTH REF-. 023 -- -- - - OSYAN, A.K.-. AKHINYAN, Iffect of fertilizers on the activity of asotobacterin. Izv.AN Arm. SSR. Biol. i sellkhoz. nauki 9 no.9:51-55 S 156. (MM 9:11) 1. Sektor mikrobiologii Akadamii nauk Armyanskoy SSR. (AZOTORACTER) (MTILIZERS AND MANURNS) usmi/cativatoo, -,a,mts. FruitS. :3orrius. AIDS Jour Rif ~,hur-Biol. No 15, lc",),j, 600375 Author Mimsyan, A. ls~ Makrosynn, G. Yo. I., I S Arrionim Sciuntific Ilosearch instituto of Viniculturc, 1"im., -Lirocluction, antl Fructicul- turo, Title Tho Effect of F~~rtilizars on the liicr~.)biolo- --1 Activity of Vineyar~ Soils. Ori~ :Vb 11yul. nauct-mo-tokkin. infor!'!. Arl-i. n.-i. in-t-i vinogradarstva, vino.,,1oliya, i iloOo- vo(~stv,~, 19579 Wo 17 17-20 Abstract Azbtobacter is coT.,non evoryulacro in -the Soils of vineyards of the Araks-~ Lol.-:lanC, an-7. alsog th,D atmos-;~hL:ric N is fixantuC- intonsivoly on Card 1/2 188 30M AV71MR31 Afrikyan, 3. J,%. K. Candidmus, of 3dologlWal TITLX: us. of Atiblail.0 In luat C.111,at~cn (pri.-centy. -tI- rsat.nly.vo POZC=CALZ T#.tnJeAk.d..L1 conk 251~ t959".. Or,'I',t Vp 142-143 (VS=) n ABSTRACTs A conference . d.aliv& th took ploo In Ye thl me from a 10 13 Catch-,, 19531 IS bAd.%...n &llat 1-w the Zn-Utut zikr.bIal.g:Lj Z.Uk SSS1 (916"ti-1-91041 1-11"t% t air the Aoadqzy al'ScIoneps V=),' the ToGsOYQ&tqY inautut r;iLkrabIal.jII YLEMIZ (A21-V-1 far A.9.~15:ilt~rxl Ulamblology of the TA-==L) oad tho-Saktor mikivabivIcEll Akad*3LU miuk Arr4"-k;QT --T p ... % for Xior.bfol6ey of the A..d. of 44..--- A-y-.k4y. 'X~~ rk. &ban% I*r*lk* blah promote the .. % f.hjCbr,V%sAt-e -1 - r 1* '-'* " Parted an Ib'sesleati-as of .".ral joure t8 " as" f--&%6 1 l v v9 E.F.M. .1 , by rkr.AuL.A -q-- f1sm and the fi&h% acalams admIsultural plant ,~Itb th.*uSI.11-11" of tb. 41,46tso. P.tLt-t- &r,4'.9- OUor eiriculturs.1 breeds. tb dacratleme Of r b -I- report deals -L%b 11, 0 F...... ...... " thistle. th % ..~; carriers of potato wart dt-660 and 6API"" In *&Lee' of yak. about th- uILU"U" Of an. flahting Potato rtM "t "4 -.&.a b.ol.rf. In vabb".. f- r,yortod on the effect ar Pr-P&MUSSO fraWk to pro-oul, "ll of %no sotta& W..k. ~P. b ~ %&.=~ Card 2,r& . spoke of several b~afttori& multim"s. "A P.A.t. -111. asat r.1 ft"Cu. 4A.-P.. 1. ~k..W in or oil V%. u1skizarl- 1. ftdh%IW d1assoo mirriji 1. b%.b.. and it 'y L, lja!j~ 3ES.1 ~Io I. ft . d F-purAUUMS as a loops afalmot in Cightts, 'I I 1.#,t" r~ZUli=ktjjLdoo bod tho lavov%14&110& R-ZLUX~~ spoke ob"S the sm or U. pr.yereAlou. -CrIseciral-rIn- me etrikhost%sts. Out `%b.Ir at. fact on funem. sairms" of diese. as in aml6bode. wboaL &s& .star A~~crl*4 on results a.bleved La the uILSUsatles, "P.Ixv,4 021* ..tha. .1%h 9 -..tlon of Phyt.V1iisA "al.tant to tlbt, l , r, ....Jbd - -%be& of rapt, of %he offset or act1blot1g. on VZxj&. Tb. Partl Pont- I- the found the oft earned uet I. this field 1. the V331 Th. org4saigaties, or . Indu strIal productIon of ant1blatice and x2oral.. pro.-J'auums, r., the Far"$. of their leirge-od.l. P..Zlo,2 I. agrlo.lture -.. SwLutod wt " nee-eary. The soose"t, , an Lot ""'IT-110a of j :Int of 4b. girselb Ottesal, t l d U. d .lopwaa f p -to %jr I_bla DrIgin ous rutbar or PQ'At'd 0-t- Th' "P'rt"-' Ot' -0-rdlostl" Of -ark for of "..or.h and OftillemAl.n at 1. V.I_,t s. the hldJAC of V-2atts.2 ttl b I NALBANDYaN, A. D., Cand Bio Sci. - (diss) "Bacterial AntagonisLs of Fusarium molds And the Possibilities of aieir Use Aeainst FlaBariosis of Wheat and Cotton," Yerevan, 196o, 25 PP, 150 copies (Departirent of Bia~.- logical Sciences, AS Armenian SSR) (KL, 47/60, 100) MINASUN,.A.L, kand-.biologicheskikh naukt NALBANDYAN, A.D., kand. biologicheskikh nauk microflora of semidesert stony "Kirovu soils and their change under cultivation, Agrobiologiia no.6z842-W N-D 161, (MIRA 15:2) (micro-Organimp) (Sandy soils) MINASYAN, A.I.; NALRANDYAN, A.D.; KAMPETYAN, O.A. 14icroflora of the root system of grapevines under conditions prevailing in gravely semidesert soils ("kirs" ). Izv.,UN Aim. SSR. Biol. nauki 14 no.9:39-46 S 161. (MMA 14-- 9) 1. Lixboratoriya pochvennoy mikrobiologii Instituta vinogradarstva-, vinodeliya i plodovodstva 14inisterstva sel'skogo Ichozyaystva Anayanskoy SSR. (AIVENIA-GRAPES) (RHIZOSPIME MICROBIOLOGY) DIALBAN'DYAN, A.D. Toxins from F~,sarjup wilts and their inactivation. Vcr. no.2:295-312 16,/. -1P,:3)' NALBANDY,-~`, ~efn~rm' nation of' ~!.e ani-ty-.)m -.m in f) r iT , r V 1 zv. A..'I Arm. rNol. ml~ikl, 18 no.1:11-14 N,r 165. (?,! I R A 1 $ 1, ~~ ~ ~ PETIYAN~ E~O. TANDYAN, A.D.; KHACH] KYAN, P.YA.; Antagonlstic p-rcppertl.--3 of actlno=7netea isolated from Be~r-'- desert soils of Amenia. 17v, A, Am. 5S.Ti. Biol. nauki 18 no.8,161-68 Ag '65. (MIRA 18:9) .1. Potan~-ch-skfy AN Artriyanskoy SSR. MINASYANP A.I.j NALRANDYAN, A.D. ~~:- --- Effect of azotobacterin on the rooting and growth of grape cuttings. Dokl. AN Am. WE 1+1 no. /+-.251-255 165 (MIRA 191:1) 1. Botanioheekly institut AN Armyanskoy SSR* '!L 27T24~_66 EWTW/T JK )kCC Nil AF(016B89 SOURCE COM UR/0298/65/018/003/OOU/0014 AUTHOR: Nalbandyan, A. D. FORG: Armenian Research Institute of Viticulture. Wine4lr_king. and FYuA Culture 0- (Armyanskiy nauclmo-,issledovatellskiy institut*vinogradarstva, vinodeliya I plod I'vod'stva) :,TITIEw.,Uso ofcoUodibn tubes to study antagonism among udcroorgazdsms SOURCE,; -!AN ArmSSR* Iveat1yat SerIya bio:Log1cheB1dkh nank, v*' 28, no. 3. 1965, n_14 TOPIC TAGSt fungus.. ba6teria, bacter!Lology ABSTRACT: .,Tne use "of. collodion *tubes makes It-possibfe-to cul'ti*vate micro. aanisms'- ant g i3ts and test objects - simult liquid culture. rl agon ancously in a _ o --ka~h-um'and to observe the growth of both. After sterilIzationt the tubes -werainoculated with the bacterial antagonists of Myc. globiforme (189)9 'Pa. li.qupfaciens''(393), Pa. fluorescens (394), and Bac. magatherium (414). .Some of the test tubes were Inoculated at the same time with the conidia.of the fungus Flisarium (first series of experlments)p sonic wore left to be .Anoculated with the fungi after a,2-day growth of the bacteria (second series4 'UmLe the'rest were not inoculated with the fungis but were subsequently -used -to.~ determine the titer of the antifungus substance (third series)# rn .,.the fir,st series (combined cultivation of bacteria and fungus), the weight of the inycel ium in the control (the fungus alone) avers3ed* 115 Mg., whereas Caid 11Z L-:27124-66 ACC NRj AP6W889--- 01 'ih he s mycelial growth vas weak 17-52 mg (fungus -with t ot er variant bacterial antagonists). In the second series, the weight of the mycelium in the control was likewise,115,mg. But the other variants shwded a marked difference from the first series. When culture 189 (Myc. globiforme) ,was used, the fungus did not grow at all and In the other variants dia mycellum weighed 10-19 mg. 7he third series Involved tenting the titer of fthe antifun-us substances it was found that the different bacteria released .isubstances that acted on Fusarium In various ways. kbreover) the antifungus j es-of the same culture did not have the same effect on Fusarium ~-.Isubstanc :culmorum and,Fusarium linis 7he author concluded from his experiments that .~the machanism.of suppressive action of the bacterial antagonists on fungus rowth-is based on their elaboration of antifungus substances.' 0* . ...... .... rig6 art# has: g M_ - -1 _T __7 table *e 6 s 'iind'! fi 5PAS -n 6T qumt nviv., MIMI D170. M-2 qTTR rnnP L-8 4ND y;4 ivj I'MAliscellaneous Communications card 'A Pub 133 10/20 -Authors. . Naibandyan, B. G. 'Title How we improve means of communications in agricultural regions Periodical Vest. BvYazi 7, 18-19, Jul.V 1954 .Abstract Report by chief of Tambov regional communications office on the progress made in developing,and improving communications media (telephone, tele- graphp radio)-of agricultural regions under jurisdiction of the Tambov office. Regional Communications Office,-Tambov NALBANDTAN, --B.G. - - .. Advancement of women as heads of district communications offices. Vest.sviazi, 16 no.3:23-24 Mr 156. (MlRA 9:7) l.Nachallnik Tambovekogo oblastnogo upravleniya ov7azis (Teleco"Minication-4pployass) SOV111-58-2-15/27 AUTHOR: Nalbandyan, B.G., 'Chief of thz AdminiztrstiOn TITLE: Some Operational Problems with flew Intra-Rayon Communication Equipment (Nekotoryye voprosy ekspluatatsii novoy tekhniki VRS) PERIODICAL: Vestnik svyazi, 1958, Nr 2, pp 18 - 19 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Dial telephone exchanges (ATS) with a capacity of 20 or 40 numbers, and semiautomatic telephone equipment (UPTS) were introduced into the intra-rayon communication system of the Tambov Oblast' recently. Considerable difficulties were encountered in developing interconnection systems between the dial telephone offices of the intra-rayon communication system (manufactured by the plant "KhTKZ") and the automatic town telephone exchanges of types "ATS-4711 and ''S-2911. The circuits of the 20-number dial telephone exchanges of the intra-rayon communication systeml developed by NIITS, pro- vides a joint operation of such stations with only manual telephone exchanges of type "MB" and "TsB". It was necessary to connect lines of dial telephone exchanges of the intra- Card 1/2 rayon communication system with the automatic exchanges of SOV/111-58-2-15/27 Some Operational Problems with New Intra-Rayor- Communication Equipment Tambov and Michurinsk. For this purpose, Engineer N.S. Varnashin, from the Michurinsk Dial Telephone Exchange, developed a system which permits the interconnection of a 20-number ATS VRS (manufactured by "KhTKZ") with the town exchange "ATS-4711 as shown by Figure 1. Another connection system for telephone exchanges "ATS-4711 and 11-2911, was de- veloped by A.G. Yozlov and V.F. blarkushin, Technicians of the Tambov Dial Telephone Exchange. This system is explained by Figures 2,3 and 4. In addition, some maintenance and repair problems of the telephone exchange equipment are mentioned. There are six diagrams. ASSOCIATION: Tambovskoye oblastnoye upravleniye svyazi (Tambov Oblast Administration'of Comminications) Card 2/2 AUTHOR: Nalbpnd,,-Pn, E.G. , V*Pna,,7er TITLE: The'Experience with the Introduction of Semiautomatic ':-.uip- ment at the Tambov Long-Distance Telephone Exchange (Opyt vnedreniya polunvtomatiki no Tambovskoy MTS) PERIODICAL: Vestnik svyazi, 1958, Nr 11, pp 14-15 (US'3,R) ABSTRAM The author reviews the experience obtnined through the opern- tion of the Tnml)ov Long-Distnnce Telephone ExchnnVe after the introduction of semiautomatic equipment on the Ylloscow-Tambov line. For this purpose, factory-made equipment (IVT-11) for two-frequency semiautomatic long-distance communication was installed. This equipment was developed by TsNIIS and its efficiency was proved during three years of operation. The engineer of the Tambov Long-Distance Telephone Exchange, Orlov, developed simplified circuits for connecting this Card 112 equipment with the local telephone channels. The author SOV/111-59-11-12/76 The Experience with the Introduction of Semiautomatic -7,uipment at t~..e Tambov Long-Distance Telephone Exchange makes some recommendations for the further development of such semiautomatic equipment as nu-tomstic tifne counting de- vices. There is 1 sketch. ASSOCIATION: Tambovskoye oblastnoye uprnvleniye svyazi (Tpmbov 0',lastl Directorate of Communications) Card 2/2 NALUNDW* BOGS Delivery of rail to postal boxes which are equipped with call buttons@ Test, svI&zI 20 no,4;26-27 Ap 160. (XTU 1317) 1. Rachallnik T&mbovskogo oblaetnogo upravlatiya syyazi. (Postal services) HLLUNWAN, B.G. Testing deVice for YRS automatic telephone stations with a capacity of 20 numbers. Vest.sviazi 20 zio.6:15 Je 160. (MIRA 13:17) 1. Nachallnik Tambovskogo oblastnogo upravleniya svyazi. (Telephone, Automatic--Te6ting) NAL13ANDYAII - B~ 0. Probleir4s concerning the further development of rural telephone commuAications. Vest.svia74 21 no.10:13 0 161, 0~~-I 14:10) 1. Nachallnik Tambovskogo oblastnogo upravleniya ovyazi. (Telephone) NALBAND'4& , .... I Use of a6mmimication meani and radio broadcasting In the villages of the Tambov Province. Vest. sviazi 24 no.10:19-20 0"64. (MIRA 17:12) 1. Nachallnik Tambovskogo oblastnogo upravlaniya avyazi. NALBAITDYAII?~ P. _ - - ':_ 4., . ~' , .- Some problems in using new techniques in district-wide telepbona service. Test, Ariazi 18 no.2:18-19 7 158. (MIRA 11:2) 1. Naohallnik Tambovskogo oblastnogo upravleniya evyazi. (Telephone, Automatic--3quipment and supplies) GRIGORYAN, Sarkis Ovaepovich, inzh.; NALBANDYAN, D.B., inzh. Experimental studies of a system with controlled characteristics using an experiment electric locomotives Izvevysoucheb.zave; elektromekh. 4 n0-8:48-60 161. (IURA 14:6) 1. Leningradskiy institut inzhenerov 2heleznodorozhnogo transports. (for Grigoryan). (Electric locomotivea) k NALILMYAN, D.B., inzh. .. . I Approximation method for cbnotructing an angular velodit~-curwe of a motor with Independent excitation in transient operatioUi Trudy MINT no.175:66-73 161. (NDU 15M-) (Electric drivine) NALBANDYAN. D.Bo, Inzh. Ficperimental Investigation of the transient processes In the networks of electric locomotives with controlled characteristics. Trudy LI1ZHT no.176:i6-35 161. (MA .15:5) (Electric locomotives-Testing) NOR-AREVYAN, N.G.; SEMERDZHYANP S.F.; NALBANDYAN Dzh.M.; ATAYAN, R.R.; AVAKUN, TS. 14. Effect of the gibberellin solution concentration on the penetra- tion of radioactive phosphorus into pea sprouts. Izv. AN Arm. SSR. Biol. nauki 16 no.5:95-97 My t63. (MIRA 17:6) 1. Laboratoriya biofiziki Armyanskogo instituta zemledeliya. SEMERDZ HiAli, S.P.; ~I~IIANDYAN, Dzh.M.; NOF,-AREVYANY N.G.; ATAYAN, R.R. Effect of r4bberellin nn the incorporation of radloactlye phosphorus-p32 into various phosphorus conpounds. Fizliol. rast. 12 no.4.*730-731 Jl-Ag 165. (MIRA 18:12) 1. Laboratoriya biofiziki Nauclino-issi.edoltatellskogo institLita zemledeliya, Echmiadzin. Submitted February 4, 1964. L 37')06-66 E Vi T1 (Fil RM '4CC NR' AP6014416 SOMCE CODE: UR/0062)/6E 010a AUTHOR: Vasillyev, R. F.; Nalbandyan, D. M, ORG: Institute of Chemical Physiqs Academv of Sci.ences SSSR and jdjztjtute of Agriculture ArmSU- (Institut khimicheskoy fiziki Akademii nauk SSSR i Institut zemledeliya ArmSSR) TITLE: New chemiluminescent reactioA. interaction of dicy lohexylperoxydicarbonateland'N.N-dimethylanJ.linelI SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya khimicheskaya, no. 4, 1966, 773 TOPIC TAGS: chemiluminescence, chemical reaction, organic nitrogen compound, secondary amine, peroxy organic acid ABSTRACT: The reaction of dimthylaniline and dic5,clohexylperoxydicarbona;e in benzene at 200 is accompanied by chemiluminescence in the visible range of the spectrum, and is visible to the eye if reagent concentra- tions are 0.2 M/1 and the reaction is run in the presence of oxygen. The reaction will go inthe absence of oxygen; the luminescence is then less intense and is maxiw at,~he instant of reagent mixing and decreases according to r Y= I0 ivcf within a certain range of reagent concentrationa. This led to the conclusion that the reaction goes 1/2 UDC: 543.422 661-729 547-333 ACC NRs Ap6ol4416 - 4::!~ 1 through an intermediate complex before the formation of H-cyclohexyloxyi methyl-N--methylaniline. Orig. art. has: 1 equation. SUB CODE: 07/ SUBM DATE; llFeb66/ ORIG REF: 001. 2121VZ-1,61' NALBANDUN, M.G. , uchitell Method of making marks in datermining the growth rate of plants. Biol.v shkole no.4:88 Jl-Ag 160. (MIRA 13S7) 1. Sredz;7aya shkola No. 25, Tbilisi* (Growth (Plants)) - ---------- NAMPUIDYAN 11,G. ucbitni ---------------------- Experiments and observatlons for tle course of hu-.An anatcMY, physiology and hygiene. Biol. V sbk.41s iw,,A:35-4:L j'!-D 161. WMPI a4:11 Srednyaya shkola iro.25., Tbilisi. (Physiology-:-~Study and teachinp,) NALBANDYAN- M.G. Summer assignments in botany for the fifth grade students. Biol. v shkole. no.2:19-25 Mr-Ap 163. (MA 16:4) 1. Shkola No,25j, Tbilisi. (BotanV--Study and teaching) 0546D SOV/120-59-3-31/46 AUTHOkS: Karabekov, I P., Avak-jan, V. V,,, and,Nalband.y4A,_;!. A. TITLE: On the Characteristics of the GK-7 Hodoscopic System (0 kharakteristikakh godoskopicheskoy sistemy GK-7 PERIODICAL: Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, 1958, Nr 3, pp 130-132 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The GK-7 hodoscopic system has been investigated experi- mentally with the aim of using it in a maGnetic mass spectrometer. The main characteristics of the GK-7 "cells" are given, as well as an analysis of the factors which limit the application of this system in the region of small pulses (less than 10 v) from Geiger-Muller counters,, The effect of thLmagnetic field on the working of GK-7 is also consider . A typical hodoscopic "cell" of the Gkl,,7 system is shown in Fig 1. A negative pulse from a G,M. counter is,applied-to the cathode of an MTKh-90 tube, This leads to aA increase of the silent discharge current between the control anode an- the cathode. A master pulse 2-:.3 jis long then appearset the main anode of the MTKh-90 and if it coincides with the current pulse in the control anode circuit which is produced by the pulse from the counter, a discharge is triggered between the Card 1/2 main anode and the cathode. This leads to the appearance 05460 SOV/120-59-3-31/46 On the Characteristics of the GK-7 Hodoscopic System at the cathode of the first thyratron of a coincidence pulse which triggers the next part of the "cell". This circuit differs from the usual coincidence circuits in that the pulses to be selected should be applied to it not simultaneously but with a certain shift in time., Fig 2 shows the time diagram for coincidences to occur with the MTKh-90 thyratron, Curve a is the pulse from the counter, curve 6 represents the potential at the cathode of the MTKh-90 when the current pulse appears and curvel-9 shows the master pulse. It is shown that the pulse from the counter must be greater than 10 v in order to achieve stable characteristics. It is further shown that the maximum magnetic field in which the system will work under normal conditions is 50 oersted, A. V. Khrimyan is thanked for directing this work,, There are 4 fiFures and 6 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Fizicheskiy institut AN ArmSSR (Physical Institute of the Academy of Sciences., Armenian SSR) SUBMITTED: March 179 1958 Card 2/2 NAIIAWYAN, N - A RESEARCH 117T0 TILE NATURE AND 5PECTRA OF PARTICLES PRODUCED ff HIGH ENERGY NUCLEONS A. I. Alikhanov., A. V. KhrirVan, V. K. Koemachevsky, V. L. Avakyan, K. S. Egiyan, Yu. P. Korotkov,, N. A. Nalbandyan The nature and the momentum spectra of secondary particles produced in lead by fast cosmic nucleons were studied at an altitude of 3,,250 m. above sea level by means of a magnetic mas8-spectrometer, five-layer proportional counter and five-layer sointillation counter. The momentum spectra of 'q -mesons, K-mesons, protons and deutrons., generated by the charged and neutral components of cosmic radiation, are presented. The spectra of'lr !-mesons produced by neutrons do not differ from the spectra of,._-*--me30nS produced by fast charged particles. The NVN- ratio for F-mesons it generated by protons differs ftm that for 17'-mesons generated by protons differs f rom that for 41- -mesons generated by neutrons. Among the products of stars with momenta up to 720 Mev/c' the number of K-mesons is of the. order of 10% of thef-mesons. In the 720 - 1,000 Mev/c range, NkINp.> 0.2. In the momentum range up to 1,000 MeV/c, an increase in t e number of K-mesons is observed wipt (P., r'1 y nAcrea in momentum, An eyaluation of the rati was under- taken where C n aresthe cross sections of K-meson productio neffrons and protons. Data are presented onthe number of neutrons and protons of different energies in cosmic radiation flux at an altitude of 3,250 metres tove sea level. Report prosented atthe International Cosmic Ray Conference, Moscow, 6-11 July 1959. Awip,101 A',,"T-. MRS tKhriryan, A.Y.. KoarAchevskly,.V.K., Avakyan, V.V., Gorodkov, Yu.V., Yegikian, X.Sh., Nalbandyan, N.A. T1 T12 Investigation of the nature and spectra of particlen produced by high-energy nuoleon3 PERIODICAL: Referatlynyy zi-Arnal, Fjzjka, no. 10, 1961, 97, abstract 1OBr,07 Mir. Mezhdunar. kon6rents-ii ro koamich.. luaham, 1959, v. I", Fosew, AN SSSR, 1960, 183 - 187) T2:xllt The au thors present the results of'Investli;eting pdrtlclc:s with M-o- rion'a up to 9W May/c.prcduced in lead by high-c-nergy nualcons of cocmic radia- ,Ion at an altitude or 3.2oo m above sea level (the kra~Zats countaln, Armenia), Trv~ Ionizing capability or-Individual rArtiolea wa3 data=ined vith an ayerasq- aa,!uracy of _t 14% by means of a gas counter. end of t IPX by meann of five scIri;; tillation counters.- L. Dorman [Abstract6r's notef Completa translation) Card 1/t I , 1., 11 LrTAIT, A. V. , NALBANDYAN, N. A., MANI K. SH., PL.~;SHKO A,. P. , F_IRII AVAKYAN., V. V., Untlani, o , "The Composition of the Flux of the Cosmic Ray NUclear-Active Particles of Momenta Higher than 1.8 Gev/c at the Altitude of 324.0 m Above Sea Level." report submitted for the Inti. Conf. on Cosmic Pays and Earth Storm, (IUPAP) Kyoto, Japan 4-15 Sept. 10,61.