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V60.11)OIdIcz j %) b it I jorzy; jjrGUSK' , JadwJgri; ?"ALE11A.T.H0, JolanLa -1- ---l-11 Value of' clectrocardirgraphy Jn thij evaluation of' therapy of pituitary hypofunction. Eridrjkr. Pol. 15 no.2: 229-236 Mr-Ap 164. 1. 11 Klinika Chorob We,~metrznych Akndeviii Miedyenej w Poninnilu (Kierownik: prof. dr. J. Roguski). 'v KRUS, Stafan.;K11KO, Lidia. Bilateral symmetric necrosis of the renal cortex. Polski tygod. lek. 12 no.16:592-597 15 Apr '57, 1. (Z Zakladu Anatomii Patologicznej Akademii Medycznej w Warazawie; kierownik: prof. dr med. Ludwik Paszkiewicz; z II Kliniki Chorob Wevnetrznych Akademii Medycznejw Warazawie; kierownik: Prof. dr med. Dymitr AlekarAndrow).WarS2awa i, ul. Chalubinakiego 5, Zaklad Anatomii Patologiczi.ej. (KIMT DISFASES Necrosis of cortex, bilateral symmetric (Pol)) 62t.072.2 : GG6182.3 *. 72i.861 V420 'Ijiid~lo J, Natewilko It. ~%Ivuntliwg Concrete Glrdrrs PvsireSsvd by -111ing CiffiviC Bland. Catites OV r rt i a' W i r!; Re ,Mont2., diwlgar6 kablobetonowych had trybunmint si-tocitiezo lo dowiska w Wars2awle". Inlynierh j Budownk-two. No. 1, 1955, pp, 113-18. A figs. A-de3cription of the rnounlin., of 52 canUlt-Ver concrete girders poststre ssed by cables.,each iveighing 4.0 metric tons. The length of the.girders Is 21 m iind cantilevering 12 m, For roofing the canopy of th e grand stand. 1100 pans were pl-aced on them bothm boom s of the girders, The successive phases in amunting the canopy camprised* making the' hoiders for liffing and transporting the girders to, moun;i1n an the grand sUnd in average distance of 120 in from thn casting site; building a 7 in hlyh scaffaidinr over the, roof of the paviflon for pro- n the stkpporting coluninsi ndjusting and tectlng the work In betweL fixing the girders In po5itloji for-mounting NylLh woodeu.Aruts and screw joined fileel biraces'- -mounting the -girder-i, and laying of pana. The entire ColiatruactIon was, nrxrnbjejI In 15 duys and the cofit wan mly 0 per cail off lfteYANP (if flity riritra!t The crane wof- king time '60 hour# only, Wilb-thc V61MIAtimial ca-~Wn-pluce teclinititio the wooden forms and shoringn would. for th13 type of -,nn.0ruction. require at least 500 ml of timber if Jt were to be used twice. NALEWAJSKI, Janusz Thor did not stop working; on the socialist labor competition efforts of the crew of the Building Elements Production Works in Lubartow. Przem mat bud 9 no.25:3 18 Je '62. NALEWAJSKI, Janusz report from the Lublin Asbestos Tile Works. Przem mat, bud no.260 25 Je '62. KLEWFIIIIAGEZI, Stanislaw; NALEWAJSKI, Wieslaw W".-I -- -- "" ", !'.-------I . Automatic syringe - a device for rapid injection of contrast medium. Pol. przegl. radiol. 28 no.6:613-618 N-D 16,4. 1. Z Zakladu Radiologii Akademii Medycznej w Poznaniu fKierow- nikt prof. dr. med. B. Gladysz) i Katedr-r Obrabiatel Politech- niki Poznanskioj (Kierownik-. doe. inz. M. Tutak). NALEZYTY, Stefan, mgr inz. Modernization of the Wo.1 paper machine in the Paper Flazt, in Jeziorna. Przegl papier 19 no.10026-330 0163. 1, Varszavskie Zaklady Papiernicse~ Varazava. SIMITNIKOV, A. V.; HALIBEIR. D. V. 9 akademike- -- -- - - - Variability in mountain glaciation of Eurasia in the late Glacial and post- glacial periods and its absolute chronology. Dokl.AN SSSR 90 no.4:643-W Je 153. (MMA 05:5) 1. Akademiya Nauk SSSR (for Nalibkin). (Glacial epoch) -NALICHAYEV,.V.N., inzh. Detter utilization of the time allowances for construction vork. Pat' i put. khoz. n0.5-.10-12 14,7 `58. (MIRA 13:3) (Railroads-Maintenance and rqpair) NALICHAYEV. V.H. Jointing rail.lengths. Put' i put.aoz. no.10.18-19 0 '59. (MIRA 13.-2) 1. Naehallnik',.-;tekhnicheskoga otdola treata "Rekputl." (Railioads--Tracklaying) =CWEV VlqdLmjr-MkQUyVvichj inzb.$- FEDUIDVO Vasiliy Fedorovich, zh.)- KANTOR) V.B*j inzb,p r6teenzent; SERGEYEVA, A.I&p inzhoj red.; USENKO) L.A., tekbn. redo [Tracklaying and maintenance of'tracks with reinforced-concrete ties; practices of track machinery poinis aid track divisionsl Ukladka i soderzhanie puti na zhelezobetoMkh shpalakh; opyt putevykh mashinnykh stantsii-i distantsii puti. Moskvaq Vses. izdjatellsko-po:Ligr.ob"edinenie M-va putei soobshcheniia, 1961. 69 p. (MIRA 14: 12) (Railroads--Maintenance and repair) (Railroads--Tiest Concrete) NALICHAYEV, V.N., inzh. In a progressive track machinery -station. Put' i put. khoz. 5 no. 1;12-15 Ja 161. NIRA 14:5) (Raiiroads-14aintenance and repaif) .4 NALICIL-MV, Vladimir Nikolayevich; .-",E'RGSYI-7VA, A.I., red. tlii-hly prc-Juctive- utilization of track machinery and mechanisms) Vysokoproiz,,roditellnoe ispolizovanie pute- vykh maghin J. mekhaniwzv. Moskva, Transport, 1964. 125 p. (MIRA 17: 10) TOLMAZOV) 41oksandr Fedorovich NALICHAyF J lnzh. Primmi .1 V~ V.N.p J-nzh.; DAIJILTH,', t1yo - . I , YO.A. p red. p r6d.; [Electric ballastersl .1965. 131 p. ElektrOballastery. Yioakvap TransPort (MIRA 18:3) ' USSR / Farm Animals. Wild Animals. Q-4 Abe Jour : Rof Zhur - Biel... No 101 1958., Iro 45269 Author : Dblimov, A. I. Inst -no rztwn-~ Title On the Feeding of Edible Fungi to Fur-Bearing Animals. Orig Pub Karakulevodstvo i zverovodstvo, 1956, 110. 5, 6o. Abstract At the fur farming kolkhoz of the Tyumen' Oblast'., an exp- eriment was carried out in regard to the feeding of edible fungi instead of meat and grain to silver-black foxes. The findings were: 10CP% of vixen fed fungi iere fertilized; there were no abortions; the output of young.was 4.65 whelps per vixen; the young foxes developed normally. Card 1/1 1, - lll~A T- T MA VA .1 L. s . - - -.1, - -1- -, ~ -.- .~ CZ.:- r Cobalt melabolism in children with. leuke=ia. Ivestsi A.r, ass.. - . biial. nav. no.1:95 -99 162. (MIFA 17:9) NAUMOVA L.S. (Nalimavap Disorders Of zinc-m8tabOlism in children with leukemia. Vestsi A$ BSSR. Ser. biial. nav. no-4:61,-66 163. (MIRA 17:8) NALIMOV.-B.S.,-P-olkovnik maditsinskoy sluzhby All-Union therapeutic conference. Toen.-zed,, zhur. no.9:90-93 S 055. (MLRA 9:9) (ANTIBIOPICS) NALIMOV, B.S., kandidat meditsinskikh nauk (Leningrad) Myocardial infarct in subacute septic endocarditie. 35 no.6: 67-69 Je '57, (NLRA 10:8) 1. Iz kafedry goopitallnoy terapii (nach. - chlen-korrespoodent AMN SSSR prof. N-S.Molchanov) Yovenno-meditainskoy ordena Lenina ekademii imeni S.M.Kirova (INDOCARDITIS, SUBACUTI ACTIRIAL. conpl. myooerdial infarot) (KTOGARDIAL INFARGT, etiol. and. pathogen. subacute bact. endocarditis) _PAWHOV, B.S., (Leningrad) Clinical and anatomical parallels in myocardial infnration. Ilin. med. 36 na.1:43-49 Js 158. (MM 110) f.'Iz kaisaty g"Os'pitalluoy'terapti (nacb.-chlen-korreepondent ANN SSSR prdf. I.S.Malchanov) Voyenna-meditsiuskoy ordenA Leninn alcademii iment S.K.Kirova.' (KYOCARDIAL IMPARCT, pathol. alln. & anat. parallefle (Run) KOGAN, A.M., inzh.; CHMWKIN, N.H., inzh.;-,NAIIAOV, L,V,, inzh.; NWWMURSDOVA, V.F., red.izd-val KOROVXNkOVA, Z.A.,; KOIMT173VA, M.A., [Instructions on conducting inspectiona, making adjustments and testing mine pumping systems] Rukovodiashchie materialy po provedeniiu revizii, naladok I ispytanii shakhtnykh vodo- otlivnykh ustanovok. Moskva, Ugletekhizdat, 1959. 157 P. (MIlLA 13:1) Vsoooyuznyy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy I proyektno-tokhno- logicheakii institut ugollnogo mashinoBtroyeniya. (Rine PUMPS) KOGAN, A.M.;,Hawov. L.V.; RAKIMIN, I.V. Prospects for the use of plastics in the sanufacture of coal nining machiner7. Plast.masay no.10:32-38 160. (MIRA 13:12) (Coal mining machinery) (Plastics) . MAITMDV,- ".ukhta Provldeniyq) Universal measuring device based on the TT-1 apparatus. Radio no.7:52-54 -TI '60. (MIR& 13:7) (33ectric masnrenents) NALIMOV, N.F*; DOL.GCRUKOV, Yu.A.; PANKRATOV, D.I. Operation of Public Designing Offices. Ognsupory 27 no.713O6-- 307 162. (MIRA 15j8) (Refractories industry-Equipment and supplies) (Design, Industrial) JULIMOV, P.A. Interference method used for the detercdnation of densities of weak water-alcohol solutions. Trud7 VMIM no.11:11-36 '50. (MIRA 11:6) (Interferometr.v) (Idquids-Density) ~ i w - -- ~~ A - - ~ - - NALIMOV, P.A. New standard set of densimeters. Trady TNIIM no.2Z:98-107 154. (Hydrometer) (MM 10:12) P.A. ~- . _L Thermostatic metrological device for measuring the density of liqaids and solids. Izm.takh. no.4:72-73 Jl-Ag 156. (NLRA 9:11) (W&Ai -itmsfits),(Thermostat) (Liquids-Zensity) . . _Fing inoti 24(0)1 5(4); 6(2) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/2215 Vbeaoyuz"y nauchno-lealedovatellakly Institut matrologil imani D.I. Xondeleyeva. Reforaty nauchno-insledovatellskikh robot; abornik Xo.2 (Scientific Research Abstracts; Collection of Art1cles, Nr 2) Moscow. 'tandartsizz, 1958. 139 p. 1,000 cop-as printed. Additional Sponsoring Agency: USSR. Ksaa_4tet standa.-tov, mar I Imeritel-nykh priborov. 34.s 3. V. Reshetina; Tech. Ed.t M. A. Kondratlyova. PURPOSEt These reports are Intended for sc.entisto, researchers. and engineers engaged In developing st~andards, measures. and gases for the various Industries. COVERAOEs The volume contains 228 reporta on standarox or measur*- most and control. The reports were prepared by Scientists or Institutes of the Komltet otandartov, mar I I=er-Ital-nrkh priborov pri Sovete Kinlatrov SSSR (Conv4salon on Standarda, Measures, and Measuring Instruments rxder the USSR Council or Ministers). The participating lnati=tes are: VXIIM - Vaexoyuznyy nauchno~loaladovatellakly metrologli !men.' D.I. Mandoleyeva (All-Urlon scientific Research ins-ii-tute or mat- rolozy Imeni D.I.-Mendeloyev) In UnInZ~ad; Sverdlovsk branch of this Institute; VHIIK - Vaeaoyu=iyy nauchno-issl6dova-.91-skly Inatitut Koalteta atandartov, mar I J=erItel'nykb pri-borov (All-Union Scientific Research InstI-=e of the C4=11salon on Standards, Measures# and Measuring Znstr%umenta), created from MGIMU - Mookovokiy goaudaratvennyy Institut nor 1 IzmerItel'nykh priborov (Moscow state institute or Measures and Measuring Instruments) October 1, 1955, VXZZr-RI - Taosoyurnyy nauchno-inaledovatel-skiy !Mstitut r1.=Xko-Zekbn1- cheskikh I radio tekhnicheakikh J=e--*miy (All-Uft--cft SclentIrLe Research Institute of Physic ot echnical and Measurements) in Xoacow, KhGIMIP - n-1kovskiy gosudarstvenn" Institut mar 1 I=eritellnykh priborov (Xhar-kow State Institute of Measures and Measuring Instruments); and NOZIC? - Movosi- birskiy gosudarstvenyy 1notitut mar - IlzmeritelOn7kh priborov, (Novofil"r" State inatitute of X6azur4x ar-- Xzzz~~-..Z n"q), No peroonsaities are mentioned. There &-'a no references Oorodetaki and A 3 S 4.1 VjLrIat no :f!R'-.-a3-jnhgn.=LfIXM~ Nllveap-nom). St"a'Ing th a Car Scales 0 Reasons and 26 MQ'*hod for &heck2,3-N- Chernets (xhalxX,). 'Tg~e Developing a 31-plirld jhta Used n Kali 2 -IqQr- Mum Themostatic Appa-a-_v_ for Me- .roInsical U d and Solid Density measuroxacz~a TIne and Prequency Measurements (7bvahIg_*chko 29 3 d data Of Technical Sciencenj Tkhorzhevzk~--y, 0. j.'.3.. Editor. Can. 200hftlaal Sciences) Cxz~-Ldate or Tov CI;21g0fnthc-'--'L (V"'IM)- Studying ASt-cnosiesj, per-~,Las 'Etalon ' Plant and Reducing =a Variations Prom Their D412Y Rate to + -003 Seconds jalox--~'~A I'WIIM). Temperature tud4oz or 32 Pendulum Cl*cks of the AChl Type 3 _ Card 7/2f 33 ,-=aMQY.jL-E,A*,p--~tekhn.nauk; KREMLFVSKIYt F.P.t kand.tekhn.naukt red. POLISKAYAv R.G.r tekhred, [Alcoholometric tableol Alkogolometricl2eakie tablitay. Moskvap Goo '. izd-vo standartov "Standartgizp" 1959, 357 p. (Russia(1923- U.S.S.R. Komitet standartovp mer i izmeriteltnykh priborov, Trudy institutov Komitetaq no, 41) (MMA 14;2) (Alcoholometry) NALIMOV P,A, Fxperimental investigation of the 4usity of water-alcohol solutions. Trudy inst. Kam. stand.., mer i izm. prib. n 0 181-192 0 ~ *' 16.1. (MIRA 16:~ 1.'Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-isaledovatellskiy imatitut metrologii, im. Mendeleyeva. (Alcohols-Density) VASILOYEV, Yu.S., dots., kand. tekhn. 6auk; VELIKER, Kh.A., dots., kand. tekhn. nauk; GRIDUS, D.O., inzh.; GOLOVACHEVSKIY, N.I., dots., kand. tekhn. nauk; GR0143V, A.I., inzh.; DOMANSKIY, L.K., inzh.; ISAYEV, Yu.M., inzh.; KULESH, N.P., dots., kand. tekhn. nauk; MIKHALEV, B.N., dots., kand. tekhn. nauk; HDROZOV, A.A., prof., doktor tekhn. nauk (deceased)j NA~ ~MO -S.M-, at. nauchn. sotr., kand. tekhn. nauk; REZNIKOVSKIY, A.Sh., kand. tekhn. nauk; SVANIDZE, G.G., doktor tekhn. nauk; TANANAYEV, A.V., dots., kand. tekhn. nauk; KHAZANOVA, A.Z,, inzh.; CHERMATIN, I.A., at. nauchn. sotr., kand. tekhn. nauk; SHCHAVELEV, D.S., prof., doktor tekhn. nauk; YAGODIN, N.N., at. nauchn. sotr., kand. tekhn. nauk; LEONOVA, B.I., red. [Utilization of water power] Ispoltzovanis vodnoi energii. Moskva, Energiia, 1965. 563 p. (MIRA 19:1)' Aln1,11nov, -3-4' Subject USSR/Engineering Card 1/1 Pub. 35 - 12/20 Author Nalimov,, S. N. Title operation of flat gates in winter AID P - 2123 Periodioal Gidr. stroi., no. 3, 33-35, 1955 AbstFact The author reports on observations made at both Niva Hydro-Power Plants on the operation of gates during severe winter conditions. Some defects in the con- struction are listed. The author recommends the use of sector gates in the northern part of the country, like the gates at the Tuloma Hydro-Power Plant, in order to better cope with the freezing-up of the gates and mechanisms. Institution None Submitted No date MALINOT, kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk. Q-L--L~ slug exporlpace operating suction pipe gates of hydroelectric power stations. Gidr.stroi. 25 no.2133-37 156. (NLRA 9:8) ~Hydroelectrlc power stations) PW u al .-A- T 'A L ALI -L1'-&'- I a a 00 0 :0 00 - - ------- - 41TALLU11116VALtITIM 47L 141CLASWICATICH 14. I vYA 'A Is 4 1 0 of q do foolovewwwwww;'Wie 11 u if ma IS If SO to 41 it It of "Ile 1 4 96 0 -00 _00 won of m4 sawtor taw oel*ctsic offoct 40 fma allall V. V. Nalinbuy Un. V. Titu4dtrv. =00 J "Ikys. %lax, j,h,,t.- 10 when 4 X W-f S. 00 i's prormost lirr ur Aullam sm on Na. I'Iwrr is ow o L40 0 U AT 10 It V, L.1 A #14 I ; "*I 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 e 00 a a Cox OW V 111, 4 by I'll o* dean tw At 00 0 wimiti 0 of 11"llf f 06 00 00 of 0 Aj se vily it,- ..a., 1, to it v a j 00 a 0 00 0 & 0 0 0 0 0 w 0 ~0404,1 o 0 0 & 0 0 a 0 o * of 0 * 0 0 b I. Or is -1. AA N M It I d um sulfide and cesium sillselde Photocathodes Itilli'lerv all-I V. V. NWillifty, J. TO. Pby'. -0o S, R.) 6. ore lift-INI. ! Ilmillt Ing 11,14 4w 11,24C Inm evacumett bullw follfg. mir"wit. itnil Ilion distg. Cs voplies trow the A1,14 -00 surface. The most sensitive tAmpa are Ihi"x Them,%%. -00 firs Iwilwtvit 'INXI and 44111 A. At nw. son- , -00 .,O 4.0111MV4 14 RIP11111 "'. A It" C. I" Ifir t r i, a iv l,xv.4 Ollie rallwe Ill"Ir 101114 rvnl,tl f 400 *111144f. 11 11, 11,11hillmill 000 x00 a* 0 0 0 ago '00 wee #,,I I 41W 42.v at I it 1- -1 14 H #1 11 1 110 n 1 1. 4 1, rw 0 0 9 1 1 it 9 is 3 q 0 v 0 * 0 Ole 0 a 0 0 9 0 do 0 411 0 0 0 4 0 0 9 0 * 9 0 0, a o 00 o it Op 0 9 04 0 00 40 0 0 000,1.000 0 0 * 0 o! on-in Role of dlffuji PC no occ~ 'Eno "Cu tno- IMIUM . ......... ::: nut" plult-G. z IR ;A7ffjrj 7 lew OUMC literattife 0( the effeci the IFirM;;;.tI6' d ent'! rognov, C.A. 46,5479i, 47,31710. To reduce drastically the effect of third elements it is neces- to destroy the crystal lattice, i.e., to melt the sample. T il, to Prevent oxidation-reduction processes on the surface of the sample it sh Id either he completely oxidized or comp letely ;;;iuced ederickson anVChurch 11, Sptdro chins. Ada S, 807tiv Ho, :b 4. !l 1., 1, _- -, IONOVA,K.I.; NALIMOV,V.V. Statistical study of the precision of spectrum analysis of unalloyed steel. Izv. AN'SSSR. Bor. fiz, 19 no-1:129-130 Ja-F 155. (KLPA 8:9) 1. Kazakhakiy metallurgicheakiy zavod (Spectrum analysis) (Spectrometer) GENSHAPT,S.A.; NALIMOV,V.V.; PINES,V.G. Use of mathematical statistics in the study of the reproducibility of chemical analyses of unalloyed steel. Znv.lab.21 no-7:877-880 155. (MLRA 8:10) 1. Kazakhskiy metallurgicheskiy zavod (Steel--Analysis) - -- --- - --- ,I -.- .-- - ---- . . - - - -.- - T k,! NALIMOV V. V. Cand Tech Sai -- (diss) nDifferentiated study of errors in M J spectrw and chemical analyses wiV,. the application of methods of mathematical statistics." Len,1966. 21 pp 20 am. (Comraittee of Standards, Ueasures, and .D,z \1 I C'.Q 5 Measuring J+p&P&*w under the Council of Ministers USSR* All-Union Soiza Inst of Metrology im D. I. Mendeleyev), 100 copies (KL, 7-57, 106) ,,?6 SEDIAR, T.V., YALIMOV, V.V. L-- ' TonW'c"c*m'f'sr'anco on spectroscopy. Gookhimiia no.8:80-82 156. (Spectrum analysis) (IMU 10: 2) NAM MOV, V. V. - MuNdo"Mit" Systematic and random errors In chemical analysis. Zhur.anal.wx. 11 no.3:341-350 W-Je 156. (KLRA 9:8) (Chemistry, Analytical) (Irrors, Theory of) Category : USSR/Optics - Optical Methods of Analysis. Instruments K-7 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 2, 1975, No 5174 Author Naaj=v. V. V2..- Title do-acerning the Problem of Standardization of Methods of Emission Spectral Analysis Orig Pub Zavod. laboratoriya, 1956, 22, No 5, 621-624 Abstract Several measures are proposed for improving the state of affairs with stand.axdization of methods of emission anjilysis. Card 1/1 Application of the anAI79ts of diapervina to the evailiatloa of the determined res-.j-l*.s [with summary in English]. Zhur.anal.ldilm. 12 no.2.-157-165 Mr-Ap '37. NIRA 10:7) 1. Vsesoyu2n;vy Institut nauchnoy i tekhaicheskoy informatsii Gostekhniki SSSR. 2. Akademiya, nauk SSSR. (Chemistri, Analytical) (Mathematical statistics) AUTHORS: Nalimov, V. V., and Nedler, V. V. TITLE: Tenth Conference on Spectroscopy (X soveshchaniye po spektroskopii) I PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya Laboratoriya, 1957, Vol. 23, No. 1, pp. 119-122 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT: The conference was held in Lvov from the 4th to the 14th of July, 1956. It was organized by the Spectroscopy Commission of the Sec- tion of Physico-mathematical Sciences of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. About 11500 delegates attended and there were 325 reports. The work was divided into two sections: section on molecular spectroscopy and section on atomic spectroscopy. The names of the principal persons making reports are given along with the subjects covered by them. The authors recomend more appear- ances without reports or discussion urging the use of conferences to solve organizational problems and for the formation of scienti- fic schools. ASSOCIATION: PRESETITED BY; SUBMITTED: AVAILAME: Card 1/1 NALIKOV, Y.Y. Using methods of mathematical statistics In research. Zav, lab, 23 no.5:515-518 157- (KEM 10:8) (Research, Industrial) (Mathematical statistics) f - J- IGUOVA, X.T.; NAILIMOV, V.V. Statistical study nf the ezactitude of unalloyed steel "ctro- graphic analysis. Zav. lab. 23 no.5:58&591 157. (KtM 10:8) 1. Kawakhokly metallurgicheskly sayod. (Steel--Spectra) (Oorrelation (Statistics)) V- V- AUTHORt Nalimov, V.V. 32-11-31/6o TITLE: The Problem of the Reproduction of the Spectral Analysis of Slag by Applying "Fulgumtors" of Various Construction (K voprosu o vczproiz- vodimosti spektrall nogo analyza shlakov pri rabote a full guratorami raznykh konstruktsiy) PERIODICAL: Zavoaskaya Laboratoriya, 1957, Vol. 23, Nr lit pp. 1351-1355 (USSR) ABSTRAM In this paper a table shows 16 various types of "fulgumtors" , i.e. devices by means of which solutions are subjected to spark discharge for the purpose of spectral analysis. On the basis of the numerous descriptions of these devices available they are described and com- pared. Yor the experiment a sample ww taken of open-hearth slag, which was dissolved by the method developed by 0Nikitina (4), viz- 0-1 9 of slag was melted at a temperature of 1000 with 2 parts soda and 3 parts borax and was leached out and dissolved in water up to 100 ml. It was leached out in 75 ml hydrochloric acid. Diohromio acid potassium salt was used as inner standard in the spectral analysis. The source of ex- citation was a generator " -211 with a distance between electrodes of 3 mm- When using the capillary electrodes a special vessel made of abonite with a rubber socket, which was drawn over the carbon eleo- Card 1/2 trade, was used. According to the "fuj~urator" type selected, various 32-11-31/60 The Problem of the Reproduction of the Spectral Analysia of Slag by Applying "Fulgurators" of Various Construction errors occurred which are shown in a table. The beat results were ob- tained with a capillary "fulgurator" in the case of a corresponding inner diameter of the capillaries and the surface of the upper eleo- trode. In conclusion it is said that the beat reproduction of the analysis can be obtained by carbon elootr)des with a capillary "fulguratoe , in which case the results obtained are equal to those obtained by means of revolving graphite electrodes. The latter are, however, given preference, because they offer the possibility of dealing also with concentrated solutions, oils, and emulsions. There are I figure, 2 tables, and 6 references, 5 of which are Slavio. ASSOOIATIONi YaLzakh Metallurgical Plants (Kazakhskiy metallurgicheskiy savod) AVAIIABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 53-2-8/9 AUIPHORSs Koritskiy, V.G., Nalimov, V.V., Nedler, V.V., Payskiy, S.M. Rusanov, A.K., Fill-monov, L.N. TITLEs A Short Survey of the Development of the Emission Spectral Analysis in the USSR ( Kratkiy ocherk razvitiya emissionnogo spektralinogo analiza v SSSR) PERIODICALt Uspekhi Fiz. Nauk, 1957, Vol. 62, Hr 2, PP. 435 - 454 (USSR) ABSTRACT% A voluminous investigation of the flame spectra from a Bessemer converter (bessemerovskiy konvertor), was published in 1876 by D.K. Chernov. D.K. Chernov furthermore found several inter- esting laws with respect to the relation between the flame spectrum and certain stages of the Bessemer proces.(bessemerovs- kiy protsess). All these laws, however, were of an entirely qualitative character. First publications on spectroscopy were published in the Soviet Union at the end of the twenties. 1931 B.G. Landeberg turned his interest towards practical spectral analysis, and together with his students lie started the system- atic elaboration of the practical applications of the emission spectral analysis. From 1931 to 1950 about 1000 investigations were published in[the scientific Journals of the Soviet Union, Card 1 and this number doubled up to tho present. This indicates a 53-2-8/9 A Short Survey of the Development of the Emission Spectral Analysis in the USSR very wide range of the research dealing with this subject. The majority of this papers were published in the journal "Zavod- naya laboratoriya" (Plant Laboratory) and "Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Fizicheskaya". The first section of this sur- vey deals with apparatus for the spectral analysis., In the machine-buildng industry spectral analysis is utilized for the control of the casting of iron and non-ferrous metals as well as for the control of semifinished products, single parts and finished Iroduction parts. By these means the metals deliver- ed to the plants are also controlled. Spectral analysis was empbyed to a special degree in the automobile plant "ZIL". In iron metallurgy the spectral analysis in used for the express- analysis of steel during its production and for the final ana- lysis, the so-called "marking analysis". Further possibilities of application in iron metallurgy are enumerated. In the metal- lurgy of non-ferrous metals and in iron metallurgy as well, the semi quantitative methods of analysis are employed with success. The spectral analysis also makes possible a fast and practical- ly simultaneous determination of the chemical elements contain- ed in the mineral raw materials. There are 13 figures, 3 tables Card 24~_ and 75 Slavic references.. 7.-ASX X D= EaZOTTATZON SOVATOO 31aterialy X Vaesayusnago soveshahanlys. pa 094ktroakopll. 1956. S. X11 Atoona, spektroakoplya (Materials or the 10th All-Chlon Cour Spectroecopy. 1956 Vol 2: Atoale 3Ps6trO-P7) L-wevskogo unlv., 58. 568 V. (Sarlest Its: i. 7Ix1 *aksj aboralk, v".4(9)) 3,000 **plea printed. Additional Sponsoring Agencyt Akadeadja nauk 33M. Zoodealys pa spektraskopil. Ultarial. Wards G.S. r-ndaborg, Acadecticlan. (Reap. Md.): X.S. loporent. Doctor of rhymlc&l and Mathematical 3almnew X.Z. Vabollmskly, Doctor of Ptysical " Mathematical Sciences; V.A. ftbrIkantv Doctor or rhysicaa and Mathmatical 3410=42, T.G. Koritaklyj Candidate of Technical 341anceal S.M. Rayakly, Candidate of Physical and Technical SclarceSS L.K. XlLz0TdkAY&. Canadate of Physical and Nathe"tlaal Sciences; V.3. PtIlyanchuk (Deafamed), Water of rhyalca.1 and Mathematical Soleness; A~Te- Glauberman, Doctor of Physleal and Mathematical Sciences; S.L. Oaxerl Tech. Ild.z T.V. 3aranyuk. - -~ K M~l This book is intended ror scientists and researozurr* ili the field of spectroscopy. am well " for technical personnel UALCA spectrum analysis In various Industries. conmas ftla vol=e contains 177 sclantlfla and technical studl*x of atcalo spectrography presented at the 10th All-Unlon C;onfez- on** on-ftectromoopy In 1956. The studies were carried out by Iftembers or scientific " technical Institutes and Include wManalve bibliographies of Soviet and other sources. The studies cover many phases of spactroodopy4 spectra or tat earths. Q1OCtrQm&9nOt1C radiation, phySICOChemleal 44thode for controlllng uranium Production, physics and technology of as& discharge. Option and spectroscopy, abnormal dispersion In metal vapors, spectroscopy VA the combustion theory, spectrum analysis or ores and alnerLlaj photographic methods for quantitative spectrum analysis of metals and &Iloys, spectral determination of the ' hydrogen content or zot&ls by means or isotopes, tablos.,and B Or spectral lines, spark ap*ctrograph1c analysis. atlas: t , stati CAI study of variation in the parameters or calibration Curves, dOtOrldn&tion or tracos of metals. spe4truaL analysis In tanurgy, thermachemistry in metallurgy. arA principles and pmatloo of spoltrochmical analysis. Card 2/31 materials of the IOUL All-union conrerence tuons.) &rove T.K. Spectrum, Analysis of Lithium In Drina* 512 rsvlyuchonko, R.N.. V.X. Kkulovich, and 1.0. FIIOnOv- Spectral --gatermination or xicrool onto in Mineral 3iata 516 partsov. O.A. Use Of XmIssion Spectrum Analysis in Chemical Avagint Industry 519 Kaftlin-ah, R.Ya., A.K. Paegle, and Z.A. SIlln'sh- use or nostrum Analysis In-Urrric AC14 rroduKlon 521 Palatnlk. %.I. Determination of Calcium Oxide In Fluxed Inter by Means or a Sty2onvt*r 522 pleLrewl, V.D., and T.I. I.MAOVL. QPOnchInd Of CY&n*ggn 3"& in 3p*atx%m Analyst$ -ar 3-olutlans 524 Native V.. " K.I. zon~va. Statistical study or Variations - arax*zore a!' Calibration Curves in a:r 528 Card 29/31 5(2) SOV/75-14-4-2/3o AUTHORSs Shevaleyevskiy, I. D., Falimov, V. V., Vaynshteyn, E. Ye. TITLE: Investigation of the Errors in X-ray Spectroscopic Analysis PERIODICAL: Zhurnal analiticheskoy khimii,1959,Vol 14,Nr 4,PP396-403 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The errors of X-ray spectroscopic analysis were investigated by quantitative X-ray epectrographic determination of zir- conium and hafnium in minerals and ores. The authors ascer- tained the relations between the parameters of the calibra- tion curve on the side, and changes of the working conditions during the analysis and the development of the spectrogram on the other side. Contrary to optical spectroscopic analysis where generally both parameters of the calibration curve change in the course of time, only a reciprocal parallel displa- cement of the calibration curve occurs in X-ray spectroscopic analysis. This fact permits the determinations on the basis of a single constant calibration curve, the position of which is controlled with the help of a standard with not too small a content of the respective element. The straying of the re- sults can be split up into three componentst 'R - error due to lack of reproducibility, characterized by the straying of Card 1/4 the results in relation to an arithmetic mean which was cal- Investigation of the Errors in X-ray Spectrosccpic SOV/75-14-4-2/30 Analysis culated for a short periodl a Ei - error caused by the in- stability of the process of rubbing the sample into the anode; dT' - error car.ed by other uncontrollable factors which change in the oourse of time. The most important of these factors is the lack of oonstanoy dvring the development of the film. At known values of a V (I Ei and 6T' Ithe constant calibration curve must be displaced parallelly only if the point which corresponds to the control Ptandard sample, is further away than a'2 d2 4- 2 R _ + Ei (m - number of parallel rubbings, n - nm m number of parallel determinations of each rubbing), If this parallel displacement of the carve surmounts the limits 2 + dE2i 2 R Card 2/4 + 2 = + Ct , the results are uncertain and the Investigation of the Errors in X-ray Spectroscopic SOV/75-14-4-2/30 Analysis determination must be repeated. When using an anode with four slits for increasing the exactitude of the determinations,it is suitable to choose m - 2, n. 2 for the sample to be ana- lyzed as well as for the standard. When using a constant cali- bration curve for rapid determinations, without the use of a control standard, an increase in the number of exposures for each rubbing is of little consequence on the rerlts ' since the error in the determination depends mainly on a + CC, which Ei T quantity is not reduced thereby. The accuracy of the determina- tion, when using a constant calibration curve, cannot be in- creased even by a periodical check of the calibration curve. The error analysis is fully discussed in the paper. There are the followini'tablest 1) and 2)1 Results of the examination of the hypothesis of a normal error distribution for errors in the reproducibility, and for the straying between the re- sults of X-ray spectroscopic analysis and chemical analysis; 3) and 5): Compilation of the calculation data for the invea- tigation of the straying which is caused by the influence of Card 3/4 one factor (Table 3) and by the influence of two factors Investigation of the Errors in X-ray Spectroscopic BOV/75-14-4-2/3o Analysis (Table 5)j 4); Root aquare daviaticris and. the straying coefficients in the deteripin3tion of hafnium; 6) Re3U1t5 Of the analysis of error strayinds, which was carried out by the determination of zirconiuml 7) Relation between the quantity of the errors in the determination of,&S on the one side, and the number of rubbings (m) and the number of parallel deter- minations (n), on the other side. There are 9 figures, 7 tables, and 12 references, 7 of which are Soviet. ABSOCIATIONs Institut geokhimii i analiticheakoy khimii im. V. I. Vernads- kogo AN SSSR, Moskya (In3titUte of Geoohemistry and Analytical Chemistry imeni V.. I. Vernadskiy, AS USSR, Moscow) SUBMITTEDt June 12, 1958 Card 4/4 =lMOVI V.V.; -IONOVA, Kole --. 11~;_- - Btatistical consideration of the fluctuation of parameters of calibration curves. Fiz.9bor. no.4:528~63? '58-(MIU 12:5) 1. lazakhakiy metallurgichaskiy zavod. (Spectrum analysis) NALIMOT, V.V. using~nathematical statistics in analytical work. Fizosbor, no.4:546-549 '58. (KM 32:5) 1,1azakhildy metallurgichaskiy zavod. (Spectrum analysis) (Errors. Theory of) A) b I is Bib -ai5 3 OV//75 -13-4 -1/29 AUTHORS: Nali dlcr, V. V. 2~ ~110 ~~Nc TITLE: Estimation of Lhe Ilesults of tl-,e Semi-,uantitativc 15j)cctro- -craphic Analysis by 1,1eans of Poissonts Distribution (Otsenka rezulltatov polukolichestyennogo spe'r-troE;rdfi- 7 ches'4ogo analiza pri pomoshchi raspredeleniya- Puissona) PERIODICAL; Zhurnal analiticheskoy khimii, 1958, Vol. 13, Nr PP- 379-387 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Generally the results of the semi-quantitative sp~--ctror-- -)hj.c an--~ljs~;s are aiven by me-ins of spfciail~ ,i nuf%ct-ircct scalon for Ciscrete vala". Trcm titic varietj of t~v? ---,-.3 l ts of analyses, however, nnd from th;- Grett o~.carrin- here it can be conol"ded thAt results of the analyses do .~t fall to a normal Gauss distribution. If the law for thu Eis- tribution of errors, however, is not known, it is riot -)o.,3si- ble to m,-.!cc iny definite stitement concerning the freju,~r.::.; of occurrence of one or the other deviation on the basis of tile 0-OLI-ArO error. In -tccordnnce with Ljapuriovln Card 1/4 thu C~ntral value a norwal ci3tribution uirl SOV/75 -13 V-29 :.stim--itio.- of the lzes,~lt3 Of t-.-e by Means of Poisson's Distribution. pected if the effects of the arbitriry factors w.-.ic-.1 -re Cis- tribated at random --re summed up. This is only true uzn(~cr. t1he cone-it on that none of them, surpasses the value of majority of the.-trest of the quantitics. Taking the entropy !is 3 ure for the stray1w, of the arbitrarj qu,ntitie% it becoi'J.& evident that the normal distribution of ~Jl possibl(--distri- butions corresinomis to the hi_lhest di~,oro~.r. The C.-;3- tribution is the oistribution of continuous val.ics. in ~~r%c- tical zorl., howcwur, all macinurin- resilts r-re mo.-i.; or discrete, an on the one h,nd thuy c-in only be obtained "s multiple of the smallcst unity iwaicited by the iaeasurin-:; instrument and as on thu othEr h-,-nd the comput~ktiuns are al- ways rounded. In the ouantitative ar.,.lysis the dc-7ree of this separation is lower than the ob2Qrved modification of the value x to be measured; therefore this factor can be negglect- ed in 6ood approximation and :., can be rc,7--trded as -. contin- uous (lanntity. In the semi-,,u-tntitative annlysis thin:,,s ure different an the row7hly caiibrated scale han tri i:uportant Card 2/4 inflaence on the distribution of the resalts of the analyses. SOV/75-13-4-1/29 Estimation of the Results of the Semi-quantitative Spectrographic Analysis by Means of Poisson's Distribution This influence is the preponderating factor. A systematic error enters the unordered normal distribution, and the dis- tribution becdmes essentially discrete. Thus the conditions for a normal distribution are not satisfied. In this case a Poisson distribution can be expected, which can be regarded as a special case of the normal distribution (Ref 7). Poisson's theorem reads: &M.e_X Px, ( M ) - ml where,k denotes the average number of the points falling to the range t, m. w 0,1,2 .... and 1)L (m) the probability that m points fall into the measuring range t. If Poisson's dis- 2 tribution is satisfied with accuracy 6 ..k holds. In the course of the investigations known quantities of 9 different elements were semi-quantitatively determined. It became evi- dent that the frequency of the distribution of the experi- mental results agreed well with the values to be expected Card 3/4 according to Poisson's distribution. It was interesting that SOV/75-13-4-1/29 Estimation of the Results of the Semi-qutntitative Spectrographic Arzlysis by Means of Poisson's Distribution the frequency of large errors (m.2, m=3) - inevitable in semi-quantitative determinitiono - corresponded well to the freq~Vencies computed after Poisoon. In order to be able to judge objectively the probability of deviations of the ex- perimental frequencies from the computed ones, criteria were set up for the conformity. This paper is a detailed account of the whole complex of problems. There are 1 figure, 3 tables, and 12 references, 8 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut nauchnoy informatsii AN SSSR, TsNIGRI, Moskva (In- stitute of Scientific Information AS USSR and Moscow Central Scientific Research Institute of Geological Prospecting) SUBMITTEDt February 18, 1957 1. Spectrographic analysis-Errors 2. Data-Analysis 3. Random distribution 4. Mathematics Card 4/4 AUTHORS: Nalimov, V. V., Neporent, B. S. SOV/53-65-3-8/11 TITLE: Systems of Documentation of Molecular Spectra (Sistemy dokumentataii molekulyarnykh spelctrov) PERIODICAL.- Uspekhi fizicheskikh nauk, 1958, Vol. 65, Nr 3, pp. 521-540 (USSR) ABSTRACT: On the basis of numerous photocopies the authors discuss the various systems used in Western oountries (eapeoially in the USA) for tabulating the spectra of individual compounds including all known data. The codes in use as well as punched-card systems are discussed and compared (for instjince the DMS and NBS systems). Photocopies are reproduced of all systems discussed. There are 16 figures, 2 tables, and 15 references, I of which is Soviet. 1. Molecular spectroscopy 2. Data--Analysis Card 1/1 SHATEVICH, Aron Borisovich; NALIMOT Y T., kand.tokhn.nauk, retsenzent; KORITSKIT, T.G., red.izd-va; TURKINA# Ta.D., takhn.rod. 0(sthods of evaluating the accuracy of spectral analysial.Metody oteenki tochnosti spektrallnogo analiza. Sverdlovsk, Goo.nauchno- tekha.izd-vo lit-ry po chernoi i tBvetnoi metallurgii, Sverdlovskoe otd-nie, 1959. 54 Ps (HIU 13:3) (Spectrum analysis) 16(2-), 5M SOV/48-23-9-38/57 .AUTHOR; Nalimov, V. V. TITLE: --Sta~~S~tudy ~During the Analysis of a Substance PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Seri.1ra fizicheskaya, 1959, Vol 23, Nr 9, PP 1137 - 1138 (USSR) ABSTRACTs One of the problems of mathematical statistics consists in the concentration of information and in representing it in forms that are suited for transmission, for storing, and for further utilization and treatment. This applies particularly in connection with the continuously increasing quantity of investigation work. Besides, many editors of periodicals are forced, on account of the large quantities of publications, to reduce the volume of articles considerably which may lead to the loss of the most essential part of the information con- tained in a paper. The demands made in connection with 'the abridging of papers for the purpose of maintaining their infor- ~mat,ionajj,i.. value are then montioned. According to these the exactitude of analyses, the characteristic data of samples, analysis results, and the complicated parts of an analytical Card 1/3 process must be contained even in abridged papers. Next, the Statistical Study During the Analysis of a S 011/4 8 -2.'~ -9 -3 )8/5 7 liubstance classification of methodical errors, the application of sta- tistical methods in experimental planning, if, the evaluation of results, and in characterizing conditions under which a normal distribution, a Poisson distribution, or a binomial distribution may be expected, are discussed. The fact is taken into account that the general theory of analytical processes is based upon the probability theory, in which mathe- matical statistics is used. There follows a classification of the errors occurring in analytical methods: 1) Errors of measurement occurring in a laboratory during experiments with- in a short time. 2) Errors of measurement occurring in la- boratory experiments carried out within longer intervals of time. 3) Errors of measurement existing with respect to the results obtained by different laboratories. The comparison of results obtained by different measuring methods is then discussed, after which the carrying out of emission-analyses with the constraction and application of calibration curves is dealt with. The necessity of short and comprehensive informa- tion is pointed out, and the principles to be followed for Card 2/3 this purpose are given in form of three points. The applica- Statistical Study During the Analysis of a Substance tion of mathematical statistics in plotting calibration curves in the case of a given number of samples and the interval of the possible values depending on "he number of samples, on the interpretation of experiments, and on the root-mean square error are outlined. In conclusion it is stated that the planning of experiments, working out the re-- sults, and the representation of the material must be carried out accordin- to standards. Furthermore, as standard measure for the straying of measuring values only the root mean- square error is recommended for use. Card 3/3 16(2)t9(5) SOV153-69-1-2111 AUTHORS: Vleduts, G. E.t Nalimovt V. -V., Styazhkin, N. I. TITLEs The Scientific and Technical Information as a Problem of Cybernetics (Nauchnaya i tekhnicheskaya informatsiya kak odna iz zadach kibernetiki) PERIODICAL: Uspekhi f izicheskikh nauk, 195% Vol 69, Nr 1, PP 13-56 (USSR) ABSTRACTt The material of this instructional article is taken completely From Western# above all American# publicationB. The authors point out that the further development of scienoe,~ takes place exponentially. This is illustrated by means of diagrams: Figure 1t beginning from 1900 up to 1955, shows the increase of the total number of scientific works abstracted in "Physics Abstracts", figure 2 (in semilogarithmia scale) shows the also exponential increase in scientific periodicals and abstracting periodicals. Of the first there now exist nearly 1009000, the number of abstracting periodicals is near 300. The abstracting periodicals.published by the Institut nauchnoy i tekhnicheskoy informataii AN SSSR (Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of the AS USSR) contain abstracts from works published in 11 - 12,000 scientific periodicals. This number Card 1/3 does not include social science periodicals. Further details nearly The SQientific and Technical Information as a SOV/53-69-1-2/11 Problem of Cybernetics all concern the USA..Chapter 2 concerns mechanized and statistical methods of abstracting articles. It is pointed out that the Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of the AS USSR at present has 12,000 special abstracters. In view of the exponential increase of scientific work, this number ought to increase to 129000,000 after 100-150 years, which confirms the necessity of mechanizing the work of abstracting. The mechanical-statistical method is described according to Luhn (Ref 12). Chapter 3 deals with documentation by means of punched card systems. In principle, the Eastman Kodak Minicard System (USA)(and the Filmorex System (France) are described, and the DMS Great Britain, West Germany) System for the documentation of molecular spectra are discussed and demon- strated on the basis of numerous examples. Chapter 4 is devoted especially to documentation in the field of chemistry and gives a large number of examples from the USA. In this connection also a memory machine constructed by the Laboratoriya elektro- modelirovaniya (Laboratory for Electrical Simulation)of the Card 2/3 VINITI AS USSR under the supervision of Professor The.Scientific and Technical Information as a SOY/53-69-1-2/11 Problem of Cybernetics L.-I.. Gutenmakher is mentioned. Chapter 5 occupies itself with the representation of results obtained by experimental work in a form corresponding to that of the punched card system. Chapter 6 deals with descriptive index-bindingg which is explained on the'basis of some examples from the USA. In connection with the algebra of logiosq the comments by Professor S, A* Yanovskaya, to reference 67 are mentioned. Chapter 7 is-devoted to the attempt at creating an artificial language-of information for the mechanized search for information. Examples (taken from Machine Literature Searching) (Refs 56, 57) are discussed. Chapter 8 deals with the attempt at establishing a logical-mathematical-theory of a system of searching for information, which is based on references 56, 579 and 60. The references mentioned as being "Soviet" are mainly translations of western publications published in the USSR. There are 24 figures, 2 tables, and 70 references, 12 of which are Soviet* Card 3/3 PH= I BOCK ROWITATION SOV/4071 Nallamp Vasiliy Vasiltyevich Primenenlye matenaticheskoy statistiki pri analize veshchestva (Application of 14athenatical Statistics to the Analysis of Natter), Moscow, ri=atgiz, 1960. 430 P. (Seriest Fiziko-matematicheakeya biblioteka iazhenera) 8j,000 copies printed. gd,,: A. L. leshchin kly; Tech. Ed.: V,, 1, Kryucbkova. PLIMMs This book in Intended for engineers., physicists, and chemists varking in analytical laboratories. It can be used an a reference book on the application of mathematical statistics to the analysis of matter. COVZRACSt The book attempts to systematize and glaneralize recent results In statistical analyses c6unected with the analysts of matter. Fundamental theorems from mathematical statistics are explained by examples taken from vorks pertaining to the analysis of matter. The book studies only those otatistical methods already applied to the laboratory analysis of matter vh1ch have been brought to light in periodical literature. Tlnw the book discusses the application of mathematical statistics to chemical and physical methods of analyzing matter., sad pays great attention to the Application of Mathematical Statistics (Coat. SOV/4071 physical lnt~rpretation (ri the remats of statiirtical investigations. The mibjact matter Is illustrated by numerous exanTlas accouvwying =Wrical compitat."Lons. The vork. of foreign scientists in this field 'is discussed In detail, .No personalities are mentioned, There are 183 refermces: 64 soviott,*(6 of vhich are tranolations),96 migushq 14 Germ.. 8 Prench.. and 1 Polish. TABIX OF CONTWB: Preface 7 Ch, 1. Prdblew of Wthenatical Statistics 3.1 Ch. IL Classification of Analytic Errors 18 Ch. XIL - Rmdam Value and its Characteristics 34 1. Distribution of random values 34 2. Mean value of a random value and dispersion 38 Mean value of a random value 39 Dispersion and man square error 42 3. -7.wulng the dispersion by the current measurements 49 Card 2/9 S/074/60/029/011/002/002 B000054 AUTHOM Nallmov, V, V* TITLE3 Statistical Methods of Investigating the Optimum Conditions for the Course of Chemical Reactions PERIODICALs Uspekhi khimii, 1960, Vol. 29, No. 11, pp. 1362-1387 TEXT3 In the present paper, the author describes a new method of determining the optimum conditions for the course of chemical'reactions. This new method, suggested in 1951 by Box and Wilson (Ref. 1), makes use of modern mathematical statistics for the planning of experiments and the evaluation of their results. The number of experiments to be carried out and their arrangement in the multidimensicnal factor space are determined on the basis of certain mathematically founded rules. In con- trast with the classical methods of expe.rimental arrangementy in which only one factor was changed in each experiment, all factors concerned are varied In the new method at the same time. The specific way is of great importanceg which makes it possible to carry out the first stages of investigation with a small number of experimente which show the Card 1/3 Statistical Methods of Investigating the S/'074/60/029/011/002/002 Optimum Conditions for the Course of BO05/BO54 Chemical Reactions direction for the further experiments. The new metbod reduces experimental work considerably. Information is obtained not only on the basic effe'3ts but also on the effects of mutual influence which are not covered by the ordinary classical methods. At the final. stage of the expeT!mentg resulta are obtained in the form of equations for determining the optimum con- ditions for the process with a change of a number of factors, e.go, the p:roperties of the initial pr~duota. The major part of the present paper is an abridged and revised translation of Chapte:, 11 of t-be American book "The Design and Analysis of Experiment-ell by 0. L. Davies, published in 1956 by Hafner Publishing Co., New York (Ref. 2). If thoroughly explains the Box-Wilson.method, and -Illustrates If by examples. Thie abridged translation is divided into four sections3 description of the method; determination of the almost steady range; experimentation Jn this range; the case of a large number of independATIt 1!arlablr-a. For practical applications of the method descr-lbed it 1.9 neoeasary to be familiar with dispersion analysl-,:i, regreqq4Ve analysis, and also the matrix algebra. For this reas,;n, a r1operation between chem.sts and mathematicians is deairable for a successful applicatton of the methods Card 2/5 StatistIcal Methods of Investigating the S/074/60/029/011/002/004- Optimum Conditions for the Course of Chemical B005/BO54 Reactions The Box-Wilson method is st-'6.11 unier development. The material published in the present paper should give a clear concept of the basic idea of the method. At the end of his paper, the author gives, for reasons of completeness, a short survey of papers dealing with the application of the method described. The method is already mvch in use in the UK and the USA. The author points out that a mutual. Integration is achieved by the new system of planning and interpreting the experiment, -.)n the one hand, and the theoretical notions well known among chemists, on the ether. With the aid of theoretical considerationeg the general framework cf tile experiment is laid down, the factors to be varied are selected, and the levels for the variations are determined. Within this frameworkq the new statistical method described gives thA optimum conditions for the process. There are 12 figures, 18 tables, and 26 references3 I Saviet.. 19 US, 1 Dutch, and 2 British. Card .3/3 NALIMOV, V.V.; NEDLER, V.V.; MENISHCVA, N.P. Metrological evaluation during the detection of small concentrations by emission spectral analysis. Zav.lab. 27 no.7:861-865 161. (MIRA 14:7) 1. Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy i proyektnyy institut redkometallicheskV promyshlennosti. (Spectrum analysis) BEIUISHTEYN., L. Ye.; FAWKOVAj, O.B. Planning of an experiment and presentation of its results In the estimation of the precision and accuracy of spectral methods of analysis of geological specimens. Zav.lab., 27 no.10:1254-1260 161. (MIRA 14:16) 1. TSentrallnyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy geologorazvedochnyy institut I Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy I proyektnyy inotitut redkometallicheskoy promyohlennooti. (Niobium oxide--Spectra) VLASOVA, IS.; DENISOVI A.F.; ZIMINA, G.V.; MARMUNA, N.I.; NALIMOV, V.V.; .SU1910V P G. V. Application of consecutive analysis to radiometric measure=ents. Zav.jab. 27 no.10:1261-1264 161. (MIRA .14tlO) 1. Goeudarstvennyy nauchno-iosledovatelfalcly i proyektnyy institut redkometallicheskoy promyshlennosti. (Radioisotopes)-.': RALB40VI VIV. Establishing standards for the presentation of experimental dinta. Zav.lab. 27 no.lOt3L268-1273 161. (MIRA 14:110) (Mathematical statistics) NALI,VjrjV, V,V.; NEDLER, V.V.; ARAJKELIYAN, N.A. Increase in the sensiti-vity cf emission spectrum analfeis using information on the line contour. Zav.lab. 28 no.3:324-329 162. (MA 15:4) 1. Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy i proyektnyy institut redhometallicheskoy promyshlennoati. (Spectrum analysis) IMLIMOV) V.V. ifethods r' -vbernetica should be used in laboratory practice. Zav.-lab. 28 no,7:771A,~72 162. WRA 15.-6) (Cybernetics) (Engineering laboratories) NALIKOVY VIV. Statistical methods for an experimental planning in the - mathematical-description of processes. Zav,lab. 29 no.1:5-7 163. (KIRA 16:2) (Experimental design) (Mathematibal statistics) (Chemical engineering) AUTHORS: S/032/,63/029/001/014/022 B104/B!86 Granovokiy, Yu. V.9 dhernoval No A.p Adlerp Yu. Pot 11alimov, V. Vo, Komissarova, L. No, and Spitsyn, Vik.,I. TITLE: A mathematical model for the extractive separation of hafnium and by tributyl~phosphate PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya laboratoriya, v.-29, no. 1, 1963, 60-65 TEXT: Improvement of the conditions for separating zircon and hafnium from nitric acid solutions.using tributyl phosphate is studied b~'the Box-Wilson method (Go E. Box, K. B * Wilson, J.,Aoy Stat. Soc.-(B 13, 1 (1951)). The following independent vari.abl6s were selected: X 1 is,the concentrntion of the metals for the sum of Zr(Hf)0 (gll); X ih the 2 2 concentration of.the acid in the aqueous initial s6lution-(gramm equivalent/liter); )( is the' concentration'of the tributyl phosphate in o~-xylene (volume-%); X4 is the phase rati6 Vo B- The optImization Parameter is the separation factor y. Different series of experiments Card 1/3 310521631029100110141022 A mathematical model for the B104/B186 show the appropriate programming matrices with the results. These are used to determine the direction in which the independent variables must' be varied. For the separation factor the regression equation 13,3478 - 0,1496X, + 1, 5036X,- 0. 6393X, + 0. 2635X, + 0, 1078X 2 1,3422 X2 + 0, ()200X 2 2 - 0,7798X2 3 4 -0,0181 XIX2+0,4756xlxa+ + 0, 6432X,X, - 0, 1431 X,X,- -0,050GX,X,+O, 1931X,Xs. is obtained, where X (X X ) X. , Xt is here the value of the io 1A 1 natural variable, * Xio and XiA are the values of the reference point in the phase space and the variation interval. This equation describes the experimental reault,s. By displacement along the coordinate axes Xif separation factors (22.8 and 28.2) could be obtained which were larger than those hitherto known. Further, the model can be used to compensate C ard 2/3 S/032/63/029/001/014/022, A mathematical model for them... B100186 uncontrolled changes of one or sevpral variables by changing other variables arbitrarily. There are I figure and 4 tables. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet i Gosudarotvennyy' nauchno-iseledovatellakiy i proyektnyy rodkometallichookoy promyshlonnouti (Moscow State University qnd State Design and Planning Scientific Research Institute of the Rare Metals Industry) Card 3/3- S/032/63/029/001/015/022 B104/Bla6 AUTHORS: Komissaroval L. N.0 Granovskiy, Ytv., V., Prutkova, N. M., Adler, Yu. POI.NA-1-imov, V V., and Spitsyn, Vik. I. TITLE: Determination of optimal extraction conditions for microquantities of hafnium using tributyl phosphate PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya laboratoriya, v. 29, no., 11 1963, 65-68 TEXT: Optimum conditions for extracting microquantities of hafnium from. 4itric acid solutions using tributyl phosphate are sought by means of the Box-Williams method (V. V. Nalimov, Uspekhi khimii, 29, 11, 1362 (iqk), Zavodskaya laboratoriya, v. 29, no. 1, 1963,~6o, G. E. Box, K. B. Wilson,. J. Roy Stat. Soc. (B), 13, 1 (1951))- Arameters: X 1 is the concentration of the nitric acid in the aqueous initial solution (N); X is the concen- 2 tration of tributyl phosphate' in o-xylene (volume-percent); X is the 3 phase ratio (Vo : V B); X4 is the extraction time.~mib;)-- -,Thb:oPtimiza~ion pa-, rameter is the hafnium distribution factor y. Working from an arbitrarily Card 1/2 S/032/63/029/001/015/022 Determination of optimal extraction B104/B186 chosen point in the Xi space and using programming matrices with the results of three test series, it is determined how the test conditions must be varied, in order to achieve an optimum distribution factor. In the three series it was possible to obtain distribution factors of 44,0, .160,0 and 303,0 respectively. There are 5 tables. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet i Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy i proyektnyy institut redkometallicheskoy promyshlennosti (Moscow State University hnd 3tatc-'Deiign.-,-.g7icrePla6fiifig SciEr,- tilcResearch Institute of Rare Metals Industry) Card 2/2 4 AUTHORS: TITLE: B104/B186 Khomyakov,.P. Masterova, A. P., Adler, Yu. P., and Nalimov, V. V... Optimization of chloridizing a,titanium-containing concentrate PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya laboratoriya, v. 29, no. 1, 1963, 68-69 TEXT: In investigating the chloridization of-h titanium-containing concentrate the ferrous chloride yield y was chosen as optimization parameter,this being closely related to the components of the melt. Temperature concentration of the alkali metal chlorides and the production rate of FeCl in the reactions MO + C + 2C1 = 2FeCl + CO- 2 2 2 and 2FeO + 2C1 2 = 2FeCl 2 + 02 influence'the stability of these. compounds. Independent variables: X is the concentration of ore in the, melt M, X2 is the temperature (00, X3 the concentration of KC1 in the melt W, X the concentration of carbon in the melt (%). The 4 experimenter knew that y was close to an extreme. The object is to find Card 1/2 S/032/63/029/001/016/022 Optimization of chloridizing a ... MOW the maximum of y with a minimum of work. The interactions X1X' 31 X2X 3- and X3X4are regarded as the most significant of the factors influencing the process. To obtain the interaction effects on the chloridizing process a minimum of eight tests was necessary. Considering the fact that y is close,to an extreme, the conditions where y has a maximum are, determined in eight of the programming matrix. The initial levels were: X1= 7-5, X2 . 725, X3 ~.65, X4 '= 4. The variation. interval of X is 1, of X 25, of X 10 and of X 1. There is I table. 1 2 3 4 ASSOCIATION: GosudarBtvennyy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy i proyektnyy instit~t redkometallicheskoS, promyshlennosti (state Design and Planning Scientific Research Institute of Rare Metals Industry) Card 2/2 S/032/63/029/001/018/022 MOW AUTHORS: Khomyakov, P. P., Adler, Yu. P., and.Nalimov V. V. TITLE: Investigation of the factors influencing the chloridizing properties of titanium slags in the melt PIRIODICAL: Zavodskaya laboratofiya, Y. 29, no. 1, 1963, 75-77 TEXT: Using the method by-G. E. Box and K. B. Wilson (J. Roy Stat.,Soc.* (B), 13, 1 (1951)) with programming matrices for experiments, the influence of the following factors on the cfiloridizing rate of titanium slags isinvestigated: chlorine consumption,:temperature., carbon concentration, concentration of titanium dioxide in the-melt,p compos'ition of the slag, composition of the melt. -Iri 16 testa, 15 variables.of the, system were varied 'within so c~oaa a zerge'that. the results could be described by a polynomial of first order. It was possible to increase the chloridizing rate to 3-5 times the values hit,herto knowg by using program- ming matrices and by neglecting effects of interaction. There is I table. Card .1/2 S10321631029100110161022 Investigation of the factors ... B104/BI86 ASSOCIATION:- Gosudarstvennyy, nauchno-issledova'tellskiy i proyektnyy institut redkometallicheskoy promyshlennosti (State Design and Planning Scientific Research Institute of Rare Metals.Industry) Card 2/2 S/032/63/029/003/011/020 B112/Ble6 AUTHORS: Granovskiy, Yu. V., Nikishova, V. V., Adler, Yu. P., Nalimov L.-V-.V., and Komissarova, L. N. p- TITLEs Sifting-experiments for investigating the extraction of zirconium from tributylphosphate YPRIODICAL: Zavodskaya laboratoriya, v. 29, no. 3, 1963, 321 326 TEXT: Those influences which predominatingly affect the process of extract tion of zirconium from tributylphosphate are selected by the method of random balance. The following vrriablo-s are codified: concentration of the metal (A), concentration of the'acid (B), concentration of the reagent (C), volume.of the restricted phase (D), extraction time (E), revolution velocity of the mixers during extraction (P), volume of the re-extragent (G), number of re-extractions.(H), re-extraction time (I), revolution velocity of the mixers during re-extraction.(J), time of phase separation after extraction (K), time of phase separation after re-extraction (L). The results of the experiments are represented in the dispersion'diagram (Pig. 1). The selection of the predominating effects A, B, C, AB,.BC, and CD was obtained under conditions at which 78 effects (12 linear and 66 pair Card 1/2 S/032/63/029/003/011/020 Sifting experiments for ... B112/B186 interactions) could be of importance. There are 6 figures and 5 tables. ASSOCIATIONs ?4oskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet i Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy i proyektnyy institut redko- metallicheskoy promyshlennosti (1doscow State University and State Scientific Research and Planning Institute of Rare-bletal Industry) Card 2/2 S/032/63/029/003/012/020 B101/B186 .AUTHORSt Komissarova, L. N., Granovskiy, Yu. V., Prutkova, N. M., Adler, Yu. P., andUalizo4-,~ 11TLEs, Application of mathematical experimental programming methods to studying the extraction of zirconium PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya laboratoriya, Y. 29, no. 3, 1963, 327 - 330 TEXT: For extracting zirconium by means of tributylphosphate (TBP) three 4+ possible reaction equations~are written downt Zr + 4NO + TBP~~Zr(N~)-TBP; 4+ - + 3 .4 2TBI, + 2TBF ;-2Zr Zr + 4NO 3+ 2TBP;=-Zr(N0 3)4* Zr4+ + 2H + 41103 (NO34 -2TBP + H 0. The equations for the apparent extraction constants K are 2 e linearized to; log D log K + 4 log X + log T; log D - log K e H e 2 + 4 log X +_.2 log T; log D -log X^' + 6 log X + 2 log T. Here X is the e H H equilibrium concentration of the hydrogen ions, T is the concentration of Card 1/3 S/032/63/029/003/012/020 Application of mathematical experimental ... B101/B186 the free TBP in the organic phase, D the distribution factor. The follow- ing independent variables were chosen for programmingt X I - 1092XH - 1-5- and X M 2 T + 2-5). The dependent variable is y The re- 2 (log2 log2D I 2 gression equation y - -4.2230 + 3.609236x + 0-7768862X + 0-7814312X 1 2 1 2 + 0-5988127X2 + 0-000725X1 X2. The extraction was performed using TBP diluted -5 95 with xylene. The distribution was examined with 1-10 mole/l Zr . The value of X was varied from 1-053 to 7-50 and that of T from 0.108 to H 0.250. The center of the experiment was close to X 2.63, T - 0-177o Results: None of ihe three reaction equations describes the extraction process correctly. The data obtained from the regression equation do not agree with the experimental ones. Sidereactions, as e.g. the formation of different solvates and complexes (such as the complex H ZrO(NO are n-2 3 n likely to occur. Nevertheless the regression equation can be used to estimate.D. Here the error is four times the experimental error. There are 2 tab2es. Card 2/3. B/032/63/029/003/012/020 Application of mathepatical experim&ntal.a. 3101IB186 ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (moscow state University); Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy i proyektnyy institut redkometallicheskoy promyshlennosti (State Design and Planning Scientific Research Institute of the Rare Metals Industry) Card 3/3 KHOKYAKOVI P.P.; ZHELTOVA,, V.I.; ADLER, Yu,,P.j NALIHCV~ V.V. Study of heat conductivity of diotillates formed duft4 chlorination of titanium slag in the melt. Zav.lab. 29 no.3:330431 163., (KrRA 16:2) i. Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-isoledovatellskly i proyektnyy Institut re0kometallicheskoy promyshlennosti. (Titanium compounds) (Chlorinatlon~ (Heat capacity)