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MIVKIN, D.Y., akademik. Conditions in the formation of the Carboniferous strata of the Kuznetsk Basin. (In: Akademiia nauk SSSR. Voprosy petrografii i mineralogii. Moskva, 1953. Vol. 1e P-373-381) (MIJU 7:4) (Kuznetsk Baoin--Geology, Stratigraphic) (Geology, Stratigraphio-Kusnetsk Basin) BOCHKOVSKIT, P.A.; NLLIVKIN, D.V.. akademik. Conditions for the formation of deposits in the 01 and C1 series in the Krasnoarmeisk coal bearing region of the Donets Basin. Dokl. AN SSSR 90 no.6:1103-1106 is 153- (MMA 6:6) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR (for Nalivkin). (Krasnoarmeyek Region--Geology, Stratigrephic) KARLOV, N.N.; NALIVKIN, D.V., akademik. - New data on the period and conditions of sandy deposits of the Poltava formation. Dokl. AN SWR 90 no.6:1111-1113 Je 15). (VJ.RA 6:6) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR (for Nalivkin). (Poltava Region--Geology, Stratigraphic) FRONIN. A.A.; HALIVKIN, D.V., akademik. Namurian deposits of the vestern slope of the central Ural Mountains. Dokl.,AU SWR 90 no.6:1123-1125 Je 153. (XLRA-6:6) 1. Gorno-geologicheakiy institut Uraltakogo filiala 2. Akademiya nauk 35SR (for Halivkin). (Ural Mountains-Geology, Akademii nauk SSSR. Stratigraphic) LYASHENKO, A.I.; NALIVKIN, D.V., akademik. The Molotov horizon. Dokl. AN SSSR 91 no.1:149-152 Jl 153. (HLRA 6:6) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR (for Nalivkin). (Mosolov--Gaolo&, Stratigraphic) J~UIVKIN. D.V.. akademik; HCHEDLISHVILI, P.A.; HCHEDLISHVILI, I.D. Developmental stages of the flora of eastern Georgia in the Sarmatian period on the basis of the data of sporozoa and pollen analysis. DDkl. AN SSSR 91 no..3:621-623 J1 153. (MLRL 6-7) I.Saktor palsobiologii Akademii nwA Gruz.SSR (for Mohadlishvili P.A. and N.I.D.). 2. Akademiya nank SSSR (for Nalivkin). .(Georgia,Paleobotany) (Paloobotany--Georgia) SILTAR, A.P.; NALIVKIN, D.V., akademik. Geology of Devonian deposits of the mouth-weatern borderland of the Donato carboniferous basin. Dokl.AN SSSR 91 no.3:631-634 JI 153. (MLHL 6:7) 1..Akademiya nank SSSR (for Nalivkin). (Donets basin--Geology, Stratigraphic) (Geology,.Stratigraphic- Donets basin) BEHLEVICH, H.; NALIVKIN#.D.V., Wmdemik. Blasari& siberioa Zalessky *ad leptophloam sibiricum Kr7shtofovitch. Dokl.AN owR 91 no.3:64i-642 Ji 153. (xutA. 6;7) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR (for lalivkin). (Balkhash lake region--Paloobotany) (Palsobotany-Balkhash lake region) ILIIM, N.S.; NALIVKIN, D.V., LdrAdemik. New data on the stratigraphy of the lower carboniforous deposits of tho southern part of the Sura and Moksha river-belt elevation. Dokl.AU SSSR 91 no.5*.1191-1194 Ag 153. (MLRL 6:8) 1. Akademiya nank SSSR (for Nalivkin). (Sura valley--Geology, Stratigraphic) (Geology, Stratigraphic-- Sura valley) (Moksha valley--Geology, Stratigraphic) (Geology, Stratigraphio--Mokuha valley) -----XABWVI Nell.; NALIVUH, D.V., akaAeialk. New data on the reef characteristics of Crimean mountain pastures. Dc?_I.AN SSSR 91 no.6:1373-1375 Ag 153. (MI,RA 6:8) 1. Akadomiya nauk S=R (for Nalivkin). (Crimea--Geology) (Geology--Crimea) LYASHMIXG. A.I.; IIALIVKIN. D.V.. akadem:Uc. The Voroblevka horizon. Dokl.AH SSSR 92 no.l*-139-142 S 153. MRAL 6:8 ) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR (for Nalivkin). 2. Moakovskiy filial Vaeooyuznogo neftyanogo nanchno-issledovatellskogo geologo-razvedochnogo inatituta (for Lyashenko). (Voroblevka--Geology) (Geology--Voroblevka) SEMMMOVA, S.V.; HAZAROYA, V.A.; ROSTUTS-10A. L.F.; NALIVKIN. D.V., akademik. The Turneisk and lower part of Vizeisk strata of the Orel river region in the Dnieper-Donets depression. Dokl.AH SSSR 92 no.1:147-150 S '53. (HLRA 6;8) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR (for Nalivkin). 2. VsesoymzW nauchno-iseledovatell- skiy institut prirodnvkh ga20V (for Semikhatova, Nazarova and Rostovtseva). (Orel valley--Geolou, Stratigraphic) (Geology, Stratigraphic--Orel valley) MAKSMOVICH. G.A.; NALIVKIN, D.Y., akademik. Role of atmospheric depositions in the transfer of solutes. DokI.AM SSSR 92 no.2:401-403 S 153. (MLRA 6:9) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR (for Nalivkin). 2. Molotovskiy gosudarstvennyy univer- sitet im. A.M.Gorlkogo (for Kaknimovich). (Geochemistry) (Atmosphere) ITHOMAN, A.Ye.; HAKRIDIU, V.P.; NALIVKIN, D.V., akELdemik. Lower Jurassic deposits of the Krasnooskol boas at the northwestern outskirts of the Donets mountain ridge. Dokl.Alr SSSR 92 no.2:409-411 S 133. MELA 6:9 1. Akademiya usuk SSSR (for Nalivkin). 2. Xharikovskiy gosudarstvenW uni- versitet im. A.14.Gorlkogo (for Yungerman and YAkridin). (Oskol valley--Geology, Stratigraphic) (Geology, Stratigraphic-- Oskol valley) BAWHOVA, Ye.A.; BATA , Z.G.; XALIVKIN, D.T., akademik. Now find of Upper Famennian fauna in Kazakhstan. Dokl,AN SSSR 92 no.2:413- 416 S '53. (XLHA 6:9) 1. Akademiya nxak SSSR (for Rallykin). (Kazakhstan-Paleontology) (Paleontology-Xasakhatan) SAVCHIIISK,IYA, O.V.; BIANK. M.Ya.; IULIVKIII, D.V., akadermik. Upper Cretaceous gastropoda in the Donets Busin. DokI.AY SSSH 92 no.4:815- 818 0 153. (MI'a, 6:9) 1. Akudemiya nuuk MSII (for Nalivkin). 2. KharIkovokly goandarutvennyy universitet in. A.M.Gorikogo (for Savchinskaya and Blank). (Donets Basin-GasteroDoda, Fossil) (Gasteropoda, Fossil-Donets Basin) OBUT, A.M.; MALIVKIDI, D.V., akademik. ------------ Graptalites: Graptolithina Bronn, 1846, emend. Lapworth, 1875, em.auett. Dokl.AII SSSR 92 no.4:831-834 0 '53. NLRA 6:9) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR (for Nalivkin). 2. Leningradskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. A.A.Zhdanova (for Obut). (Plankton. Fossil) GROSSGZYM, V.A.; GLUKOVA, A.N.; MIVKIN, D.V., akadamik. Pollen and spore distribution along the arons-oeotion of the Khadum horizon and Maikop series of the Belaya river. Dokl.AN SSSR 92 no.6%1205-1208 0 153. (MLRA 6:10) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR (for Nalivkin). (Belays, river--Pollen, Fossil) (Pollen, Fossil--Belaya river) I KRASNYY, L.I.; NALIVKIN, D.V., akademik. Discovery of Devonian faans, on the Shanter Islands. Dokl.AN SSSR 93 no.2: 333-334 H '53. (MI-RA 6:10) 1. Vaesovnznyy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy geologicheakiy institut (for Krasnyy). 2. Akademiya nauk SSSR (for Nalivkin). (Shantar Islands--Brachiapoda, lossil) (Brachiopoda, Fossil- Shantar Islands) MAKSIMOVICH, G.A.; MIVKIN, D.V., akademik. . -, li?-~-ia Chemical denudation of the Barth. Dokl.AN SSSR 93 no.4:697-699 D 153. (MIRA 6:11) 1. Akademiya nank SSSR (for Nalivkin). 2. Molotovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. A.M.GorIkogo (for Maksimovich). (Chemical denudation) MUZYLEV, S.A.; KOLOSOVA, L,,P.; HALIVKIN, D.V., glavnyy red. [Geological map of the U.S.S.R.] Geologicheakaia karts SSSR. Sostavlena pod rukovodstvom S.A.Mazyleva i l.P.Kolosavoi. Glav. redaktor D.V.Nalivkin. Leningrad, 1955. 10 1. (MIRA 12:3) 1. Leningrad. Voesoyuznvy geologicheskiy institut, (Geology-Kaps) MUZYLEV, S.A.; XOWSOVA, L.P.; 141VKIN, D.Y.,,glqvnyy red., [Geological map of the U.S.S.R.] Geologichaskais karta SSSR. Sostavlena rod rukovodstvom V.N.Vereq~chagina, L.P.Koloeovoi, vkin. Leninigrad, 1956. i9 1. S.A.Muzyleva. Glav.rodaktor D.V.Nal,~ 2 (MIRA 1213) 1. Leningrad. Vsesovuznvy geologicheskiy institut. (Geology--Maps) NALIVK114,.D.V.; PUSTOVALOV, L.V., otvetstvennyy redaktor; PERMINOV, S.V., r~ Ma8r izdatell stva; ZENDELI , N.Ye. tekhnichaskiy, redaktor [Facies science; geographical conditions of the formation of deposits] Uchenie o fateitakh; geograficheskie usloviia obrazovaniia osadkov. Moskva, Izd-vo Akademii nauk SSSR. No.l. 1955-534p. No.2. 1956. 393 P- (HLRA 9M 1. Chlenp-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Pus'tovalov) (Geology) (Sedimentatio"n and deposition) 15-57-6-7557 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geologiya, 1957, Nr 61 p 44 (USSR) AUTHOR: Nalivkin, D. V. TITLE: Time and Place of Orogenic Activity Judged by Piedmont Conglomerates (Vremya i mesto goroobrazo- vatellnykh dvizheniy po konglomeratam podnozhiy) PERIODICAL: Tr. Soveshchaniya po tektonike altpiysk. geosinklinaltnoy obl. Yuga SSSR, Baku, AN AZSSR, 1956, pp 9-15 ABSTRACT: In determining the time and place of orogenic movements, the deposits of piedmont areas or 11molasse" are of decisive significance. The are quite varied in form. Only conglomerate deposits Tsynonyms: Nagelfluh in the Alps, and fanglomerates in America) are considered. These are large alluvial fans which Card 1/4 form in a long, narrow strip at the foothills of Time and Place of Orogenic Activity (Cont.) 15-57-6-7557 ranges. In c-crossection they are easily recognizable by their thickness, since Earth offers no other instances of conglomerate strata with a thickness greater than 200 m. Characteristics of their lithology: along with a preponderance of well rounded pebbles we find poorly rounded boulders and huge blocks, as well as layers of sandy-argillaceous nature. The initial formation of the conglomerates at the foothills coincides with the beginning of the mountain uplift. The fundamental mass of the fans was accumulated during the period of maximum uplift when the mountain ridge was above the snow line and was covered with ice. Later the conglomerates diminish and, after the uplift stops, the deposition of gravel is replaced by deposition of sand. The author considers examples from Kopet-Dag and the Caucasus. In Kopet-Dag he distinguishes three layers of piedmont detritus: the Oligocene- Miocene, basically sandy (400 m); the upper Sarmatian -- typical alluvial fan conglomerates (up to 1000 m); and the upper Akehagyl, presenting alternately conglomerate and sand-clay layers (at least Card 2A 15-57-6-7557 Time and Place of Orogenic Activity (Cont.) 700 m)* Alluvial fans are no longer being formed at the bas 'e of Kopet-Dag. The upper Oligocene range was not very high and did not rise above the snow line; the post-Sarmatian possessed all the features of a high (5 to 6 km) range such as the Alps or the Alay Range; the post-Akchagyl range was covered with snow to a lesser height and lay somewhat more to the south. For Kopet-Dag three continuous phases of Alpine orogenic movements can be clearly distinguished. In the Kurinskiy depression there are a few conglomerate deposits. Their interrelationship is more complex than in Kopet-Dag but here, too, three periods of orogeny are rather'clearly marked. In the Oligocene, riedmont conglomerate strata developed only along the southern border of the depression; there is no indication of the existence of mountains farther north than the Kura valley. The post-Sarmatian conglomerates were'best developed (1000 m to 2000 m) while the mountains supplying the material were situated considerably farther north in Kalchetia and Kartalinskiy Khrebet. From there the disintegration Card 3/4 SHCHIUMAKOV, D.I., akademik; SHATSKIT.R.S., akadenik;MIRCNOV, S.I., akademik; STRAKHOV, H.H., akademik; KORMINSKIY, D.S., akademik; BETKKHTIN.-A.G., akademik.- NALIV KIN, D.V.. akademik; POIJIAN(F, A.A., akademik; AFANASI- Yff, G. D. ;'ft -WW46.~CIIUMOV, F.V.; WK ITSKIY, 0,D.; PAVLOVSKIT,Y~OVO, professor; 13ARSAROV. G.P., professor; YMIIOV, A.D.; IVANOV, B.V.; YABLOKOV, V.S.; ARDASHITIKOVA, S.D, Academician Vladimir Afanastevich Obruchev, hero of socialist labor; obituary. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser.geol. 2.L no.6:5-10 JS'56. (14131A 9:10) 1. Chlon-korrespondent Akademli nauk SSSR (for Afnnaulyev, Vlamov. Chukhrov. Levitskiy). (Obruchav, Vladimir Afnnitslyevich, 1863-1956) NALIVKI . )mitriy Vasillyevich, skademik; SKVCRTSOV, V.P., redaktor; ~rw, '- q0hnicheskiy redaktor -AMEITAT, , -- .!".*V, [Brief outline of the geology of the U.3.S.R.] Kratk-ii ocherk geologii SSSR. Xoskva. Goo.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po geol. i okhrane nedr, 1957 *143 Pe NLRA 10:9) (Geology) 622 .151 //6~ / vxm /) - 1, " D,V. Nalivkin Uningrad. Nauc ino-isaledovatellskiy Institut Geologi~ Arktiki. Geologiva sovetskoy artiki geology of the So-eit Artic) pod obshckey red. Moskva 1957 519 p. (its trudy, tom. 81f NALIVKIN, D.V. - -11-:11., - Trends in the development of stratieraphic studies in the U.S.S.R. Sov. geols uo,60:26-38 157. (KIRA 11:3) 1. AN SSSR. (Geolog.v, Stratigraphic) BIRLYAYEVSKIY, N.A., red.j YMESHCHAGIN, V.N., red., KRASNYY, L.I., red.. LBROVICH, L.S., r6d., MARKOVSKIY, A.P., red*, MMYLEY, SPA., red., _iNPLUKIN D.Y. NIKOLAYEV, V.A., red., OVURKIN, JI.K.. red., red., Jr., red., ROSSOVA, S-.H., red. izd-va,; SMMOVA, M.V., red. izd-va.; BABINTSEV, N.I., red. izd-va.; GUROYA, O.A., (Geological structure of the U.S.S.R.]Geologichaskoe stroanie SSSR. Moskva. Goa. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo lit-ry po gaol. i okhrane nedr. Vol. 1. [Stratigraphyl Stratigrafiia. 1958- 587 P- [Supplement] Prilozbenis- 3 fold. maps. Vol. 2. [Magmatism] Magmatizm- 1958. 329 p. Vol. 3. [Tectonics] Tektonika. 1958. 383 pF (MIRA II.-II) 1. Leningrad. Vsasoyuznyy goologichaskiy Institut. (Geology) At- I V Ki HH 0. :0 Iq 1:3 i a .9 f" VA AUTHORs None Given 11-1-26/29 TITLEs General Meeting of the Department of Geologic-Geograph- ical Sciences of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Held on the Occasion of the 40th Anniversary of the Great Socialist October Revolution (Obshcheye sobraniye otdeleniya geologo- geograficheskikh nauk AN SSSR, posvyashchennoye 40-letiyu velikoy oktyabrlskoy sotsialicheskoy revolyutaii) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Geologichoskaya, 1958, # 1, p 117 (USSR) ABSTRACT: On October 29-31, 1957, a general meeting of the depart- ment of geologic-geographical sciences was held in Moscow, commemorating the 40th anniversary of the Great Socialist O,ctober Revolution. The meeting was opened by the Academi- cian-Secretary D.I. Shcherbakov. The meeting heard the following reports: 1. Academician D.V. Nalivkin - Boundaries of Geosynclines and Plateaus on Geologic Maps. 2. Academi- cian of the Azerbaydzhan SSR M.M. Aliyev - Development of Geologic Science in Azerbaydzhan During the Soviet Regime. 3- Member-Correspondent of the USSR Academy of Sciences I.I. Gorskiy - Biostratigraphy and Geochronology of Continental Card 1/2 Deposits. 4.. Member-Correspondent of the USSR Academy of 11-1-28/29 General Meeting of the Department of Geologic-Geographical Sciences of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Held on the Occasion of the 40th Anni- of the Great Socialist October Revolution SciencesK.A. Vlasov - Genetic Types of Deposits of Rare Elements- 5. Academician A.A. Grigorlyev - Several Basic Problems of Physical Geography. 6. Member-Correapondent of the USSR Academy of Sciance L.A. Zenkevich, Professor V.G. Bogorov, and Professor V.I. Usachev - Regularity of Distribution of Living Beings in the Ocean- 7. Academician of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences V.G. Bondarchuk, Pro- fessor P.N. Shullga - Atlas of the Paleogeographical Maps of the Ukrainian and the Moldavian SSR. AVAILABLEs Library of Congress Card 2/2 AUTHOR: Academician (Leningrad) 26-58-6-5/56 TITLE: Geological Catastrophes (Geologicheskiye katastrofy) PERIODICAL: Priroda, 10,58, Nr 6, p 27-32 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The article deals with unusual, sudden and enormous changes in the geological structure of the earth's crust, caused by strong winds, gales, sand storms, floods, tidal waves, earth- quakes, etc. Geologists distinguish between slow and sudden changes on the earth's surface, but both are closely related to each other, as slow accumulations are the cause of great catastrophes. Card 1/1 There are 2 Soviet references. 1. GeoloUa-USSR 2. Earth-Structure 3. Storms-Application 3(8) SOV/26-59-2-5/53 AUTHOR: Nalivkinq D.V., Academician (Leningrad) TITLE: An Important Reserve of Mineral Resources (Vazhnyy rezerv minerallnykh resursov) PERIODICAL: Priroda, 1959, Nr 2, pp 14-15 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author stresses the important role of basins of concentration in the process of formation of mineral deposits. Their study is usually neglected and, ac- cording to the author, the conditions of exploita- tion, as well as the search for other deposits, are rendered more difficult. The author advises a systematic study of all kinds of basins of stagnant or running waters. There is 1 photograph. Card 1/1 3(5) AUTHOR: Nalivkin, D. V Academician SOV/20-124-4-48/67 TITLEt The Age of the Saliferouz Strata of the Russian Platform (Vozrast iolenosnykh tolshch Rueskoy platformy) PERIODICAL: - Dolcl-ady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 124, Nr 4, PP 898-899 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Al-though we tend to identify only one waifej~ous mass in different districts o f the Russian platform, the-re are, as a rule, two such masses. Thus the salt in -the east, in the Volga-Emba salt dome area is undoubtedly of Permian age, that in the west, however, of 'Devonian. The author.opposes the adherents of a theory according to which the Devonian sediments were float-or berg-carried to their present sitea from some other place. He considers this theory utterly unrealistic. The sheets of Yevlanovakiye (Upper Devonian) limestones in the mantle brecchia of the salt domes point to a Devonian age of the saltin the Zavolzhtye (Trans-Volga area), Donbass, and in the Dueprovskaya vpadina (Dnepr depression). The problem is far less complicated in the central parts of the Russian platform: there (Plavsk, Kaluga, Moscow, Redkino) both Famennian and Middle-Devonian salt strata were found in the same bore holes Card 1/3 Ref 1.). Similar interrelations in the Dnepr-Pripyat' depression The Age of theSaliferous Strata )f the Russian Platform SOV/20-124-4-48/67 have led'to heated discussions. Mrs. Ye. 0. Novik (Ref 2) wanted to extend the theory, correct in itself, of the Middle-Devonian age of the salt in the domes of Romny, Isachki, and Pcltava to the salt of the Pripyat' depression. A. V. l'ursenkto could Drove the Famennian and Upper-Frasnian age of the Pripyat' salt, and E 'd not extend this age to the Dnepr salt domes. Thus in the Dnepr-Pripvatl depression the occurrence of the two salsiferous masses encountered in the central areas has been prcved. In the Donbass the well-known salt deposits date back to the Devonian and Permian ages. Several exposure bore holen in the north of the Russian platform yielded salt masses from the Devonian and Permian ages, ovex a wide area. By way of summary it can be said that there are mainly 3 salsi- ferous masses on the Russian platform; Middle-Devonian, Famennian, and Lower-Permian. In many districts 2 such masses are developed, in a small. number of districts there is only ones or all 3 of them. This distribution does not preclude the occurrence of other masses of different ages a-nd less importance. The above mentioned distri- bution is of interest as it has developed under conditions that favor the formation of petroleum and combustible gas,-There are Card 2/3 2 Soviet references. ~`N c. ---,~ornv of the U.S.S.R; a short ou'u-iiae. 'lork, L,3;~-don, .,Ljj S..C~C,2: f XII, 170-, p. laps iraps attacleci) 4, Tv~-In."dzn the E0.9cow, 10,57. B3LYAYEVSKIY, N.A.; VAKMWWEV, V.A.; GORSKIY I.I.;'\NALIVKIII, D.V.; OUCHKIN, H.K.; SOKDLOV, B.S. ------------ Results of the AU-China Stratigraphic Conf"ance; Poking, November 13-21, 1959. Sov. geol. 3 no.2:149-160 r 160. (MIRA 13:11) 1. Ministerstvo geologii i okhrany nedr SSSR AN SSSR. (China-Geology, Stratigraphic) =IVKIN, D.V.9 akademik Meeting of geologists in Copenhageno Vest.AW SSSR 30 no.12:55-57 D 160. (MIRA 13:12) (Geo logy-Congre as a a) NALrffdN - D Problem in the stratigrapby of the U.S.S.R. Zap.IGI 37 no,2:3-20 160, OMA 15 -.7) (Russia-Geology., Stratigraphic) ------ - I------- - NALIVKIN, D.V., akademik ,,, IW ------ *"-." Bright page from the geological history of Asia. Friroda 49 no.8: 35-42 Ag 160, (MIRA 13:8) (Par Saot-Geology) VALIVEN, D.V. Twenty-First Session of the International Geological Congress. Izv.AN SSSR. Ser.geol. 26 no.1:3.18-3.27 Ja 161. (MIRA 15:6) (Geology-Congresses) AFANASIYSV~ G.D.; BAR4ANCrV. G.P.; VIASOV, K.A.,- KCRZHINSK.IY# D.S.; , PAVDDVSKIY, Ye &; FZYVE, A.V.; HIRCHM, M.F.; NALIUUN-. D,V., V MMNGV,t V.I.; ffR-AJMV,---Nj-f.; 6HUKMOV, F.Vo; SHCIMWKCV, D.I.; YABUXOV, Vese Oleg Dmitrievich Iewitakii; obiturary, Izv.AN SSSR.Ser.geol. 26 no,6.-Ilo-lU Ja 161o (MIRK 34:6) (Levitskii., Oleg Dmitrievichv 1909-1961) - SISA ~IF-NX . -,ak-a&f,-i-k; MINT --S A ~FT`V -,-K . T-.; -a I m-d i m-i k -KYA akademil, FRUMUNP A.N., 4kadeinik; SHRIYAKUT, 14.11., akademik; SOBOIEV,_ S,L,~ akademik; SHULEYKIN, V.V., akademik-; BITSADZE., A.V.iMEWhlKOV,, It'.V,, KHOVSTOV, V.M.; RGMASHKIII, P.S.; ABDULLAYEV, Kh.M.; DADMJ- V.P.9 doktor biol.nauk; OBOLENTSEV, R.D.,, doktor khim.nauk; PONOMARPX~' B.1%; BLAGONRAVOV, A.A., aka,demik; ARTSIFLOVICH., L.A., akademik; KPSTENKO, M.P.., ak~deli~-- NALIVKIN D.V., akademik Diqcussion of the report. Vest.All SSSR 31 no.3,.27-47 Mr 161 (MIRA 140) 1. AN Kazakhskoy SSSR (for Satpayev). 2. Ohleny-korrespondenty AN SSSR (for Bitsadze., Mel7n;-kcr7,-Fhvostov,, Romashkin, Abdullayev, Ponomarev). (Research) 1, D.V,-q akademik The future of.Soviet geolopy. Priroda 50 no.,10.167-74 0 '61. (MIRA 14:9) (Geological research) NALIVKII[p D.V., akademik Flysch as continental deposits. DokI. Ali' SSSR 141 no.4:942-945 D 161. (MIRA 14:11) (Flysch) NaUvkinj Drnitriy Vasillyevich Geologiya SSSR. Moskva, Leningrads Izd-vo Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1962. 813 Po illusev diagrsaj maps, ports., tables. Bibliography: P. 789-810. At head of title: Akademiya Nauk SSSR. VOLKOVAI I.B.; NALIVKIN D SLATVINSKAYAt Ye.A.; BDGOMAZOV, V.M.; GA~= ICH, A.B.; MUDROV, A.M.; NIKOLISKIY, V.M.; OSHURKOVA, M.V.; PETRENKO, A.A.; POGREBITSKIY, Ye.O.; RIUNBERG, M.I.; BDCHKOVSKIY, F.A.; KIMt N.G.; LUSHCHIKHIH, G.M.; LYUU:R, A.A.; MAMDONTSOV, A.V.; SENDERZON, E.M.; SINITSYN, VA; SHORIN, V.P.; BELYANKIN, LA; VALITS, I.E.; VLASOV, VA; ISHINA, T.A.; KONIVETS, V.I.; MARKOVICH, Ye.M.; MOKRINSKIY, V.V.; PROSVIRYAKOVAp Z.P.; RADCHENKO, O.A.; SEMRIKOV, A.A.; FADDEYEVA, Z.I.; BUTOVA, Ye.P.; VERBITSKAYA, Z.I.; DZENS-LITOVSKAYA, O.A.; DUBARI, G.P.; IVANOV, N.V.; KARPOV, N.F.; KOLESNIKOVp Ch.M.; NEFEDIYEV, L.P.; POPOV, G.G.; SHTEMPEL'p B.M.; KIRYUKOV, V.V.;-tAVROV, V.V.; SALINIKOV, B.A.; MDINAKHOVA, L.P.[deceased]; MURATOV. M.V.; GORSKIY, I.I., glav. red.; GUSEV, A.I., red.; MOLCHANOV, I.I., red.; TYZHNOV, A.V., red.;fSHABAROV, N.V.p red.; YAVORSKIY, V.I., red.; REYKHERT, L.A., red.1zd-va; ZAMARAYEVA, R.A., tekhn. red (Atlas of maps of coal deposits of the U.S.S.R.)Atlas kart ugle- nakoplenila na territorii SSSR. Glav. red. I.I.Gorskii. Zam. glav. red. V.V.Mokrinskii. Chleny red. kollegii: F.A.Bochkovskiy i dr. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1962. 17 p. (MIRA 16:3) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Laboratoriya geologii uglya. 2. Chlen- korrespondent Akademii nauk SSSR (for Muratov). (Coal geology-Maps) BELYAHKIN, D.S., akaderdk; BETEMITIN, A.G., akademiki BORISYAKs A.A., akademik; GI(IGORIYEV, A.A., akademik; NALIVKIN D V akademik,- SHATSKIY, V.S., akademik; VLASGV, K.v ICHUMPIKOV, Yu.A.; ORLOVI Yu.A.; FEWROV, S.F.; KUMETSOV, I.V., red.; MIKULINSKIY, S.R., red.,; KUZNETSOVA-YFJOIOLOVA, Ye.B., red.; IMUCHKOVA, V.11.j, tekhn. red. (Russian scientists; sketches about outstanding workers in natural sciences and technology; geology and geograpbyl Liudi russkoi nauki; ocherki o vydaiushchikhsia deiateliakh este- stvoznaniia i tekhniki. Geologiia, geografiia. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo fiziko-matem. lit-ry, 1962. 579 p? (MIRA 15:3) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii nauk SSSR (for Vlasov.. Zhem- chuzhnikov, Orlov, Fedorov). (Geology) (Geograpby) ,,YALIVKIII,-Dmitr-iy~Vasi-l-lyevichp_akademik; MURATOVO M.B., prof.., otv. red.; D0124ATOV, P.S.p red. izd-va,,- SKIFITOVA, A.V.., tekhn. red. [Geology of the U.S.S.R.]Geologiia SSSR. Moskvaj Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1962. 813 P. (Geology) (MIRA 15:12) --- ---------- N.ALIVKIII, D.V., akademik, glavnyy red., OVECHKIN, N.K., red. [decep.,ged] Bulletin of the Interdepartmental Stratigraphic Co-=ittee. Blul. MK no1.5:1-48 162. (MM 17.-12) 1. Predeedatell Mezhvedomstvennogo strdtigraficheskogo koffLiteta (for Nalivkin). 2. Zamestitell predsedateA'ya Mezhvedomstvennogo stratigraficheakogo konAteta (for Ovechkin). SHCOWALKUVp D.I.., akadevU# glav. red.; YEROFEYEV) B.N., otv. red.; IIALIVKDI, D.V., akademik, red.; ALITGAUM, M.P., red.; re NOZESON, D.L.; LEVCFMIKO, S.V., red.; GRAYKOVSKIY, V.K., red.; SHEM3WI, V.S., red. izd-va; DOROKIIINA, 1.14.-,; LAUT, V.G., [Geochemistry, petrograpby, and mineralogy of aodimentary formations] Geokhimiia, petrografiia i mineralogiia osadoch- nykh obrazovanii. Moskva, 1963. 457 p. (MIRA 16:12) (Rocks, Sedimentary) glav. red.; VEMHCHAGIN, VA... zam. glav. red.; MENNERp V.V *; zam, glav. red.; OVECHKIN, N.K., zam. glav. red.[deceaBed); SOKOLOV, B.S., zam. glav. red.; SHLITSER, Ye*Voy zam. glav. red.; KELLER, B.M., otv, red, toma MODZALEVSKAYA, Ye.A., red.; CHUGAYEVA, M.N., red.; GROSSOEYM, V.A.,, redaktor; KIPARISOVA, L.D., redaktor; KOHOBKOV, M.A, red KRASNOV, I.I., red.; KRINGOLITS, T.Ya.j. red.; LIMOVICH B.X.p 'red.; LUPPOV, N.P., red.; NIKIFOROVA. red.; RENGARTEN, V.P., red.; STEPANOV, PdLKANOV, A.A~, re-A. [de,: eased I' D.L.,, red.; CHMTYSHEkIA, N.Yu., red.; SHATSKIY, N.S., red. (deceased]; EBERZIN, A.G.,, i-ed.,-,GOROKHOVA, T.A.9 red.izd-va; GUROVAY 0'.'A.,, tekhn. red. [Stratigraphy of the U.S.S.R. in fourteen volumes] Stratigrafiia SSSR.v chetyrnadtsati tomakh. Moskva, Gosgeoltekhizdat. Vol.2. (Upper Pre-Cambrian) Verkhnii dokembrii. Otv. red. B.M. Keller. '1963. 716 p. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Chlon-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Sokolgv). NALIVK-I-N 0--,D.V. - - Preparation of expeditions to t~entral Asia. Och.po ist.geol.znan. no.1100-33 163. ? (MMA 16 - 7) (Vernadakii, Vladimir Ivnnoviah, 160-1945) (Radioactive substances) NALIVKIN, D.V. _ Aeolian origin of loess, Och, po iota geols znane nosl2t 79-82 163, (MIRA 16sIO) NALIVNIN, D.V., 4k&demik -~~ , - Geology of Asia,.Priroda 53 no. 12s2-13 164. (WRA 18il) NALMIN D-3L,[Nalyvkin, D.V.19 glav. red.; BELYAYEVSKIY, N.A. VI A I zam. glav. red.; TIKHOMIROV, V.V. [Tykhongrov, ~.~Ij zam. glav. red.; ASSOVSKIY, A.111. (Assovslkyi., 0.1-1.1, red.; MELINIKOV, O.D.[Me1'nykov,, O.D.1, red. [deceased]; PEYVE,, A.V. [Peive, O.V.], red.; YANISHIN, A.L.[IAnshyn, O.L.], red.; MALAKHOVSKIY, V.FJMal0hnvs'kyi, V.F.], red. vypuska; YURK, Yu.Yu., prof.,red.; MESYATS,Y.A. [Misiats', 1.0.], red.; BASS, Yu.B. red.; 14ALAK11OVSKII, V.F. [14alakhovslkyi, V.F.], red.; NEZRASOV, G.I.[Nekrasov, 11.1.), red.: QT.AVUTSKIY, M.B.[Slavutslkyi, M.B.1, red.,-NIKITENKO, E,L.g red. [Study of the geology of the U.S.S.R.) Geologicheskaia izuchen- nost' SSSR. Kiev, Naukova dumka. Vol.33. No.l. 1965. 68 p. (mIRA 18:6) _ NA~IVJKjN,-I.B-- Conference on the coordination of research in the field of cotton growing. Izv. AN Uz.SSR. Ser. biol. nauk no. 3:87-89 157. (MIRA 11:8) (Cotton--Resoarch) NALIVXIN, I.B. Scientific conference in Bostandyk. TJzb. biol. 2hur. no-5:72-73 '60. (MIRA-13:11) (Bostandykakly District-Botany, Economic) NALIVKIN, I.B. Anniversary of tho member of the Academy S.S.R. Uzb. blol; zhpr. no.4:69 161. (KOROVIN., LTGENII PETROVICH, of Sciences of the Uzbek (I-IJ:IA li, 10) 1891-) NALIVKDI, V., inzh.; KARSHIN, V., inzh. Voltage stabilization of transistorized converters. 41-43 -81 '61. (E'lectric current convertors) Radio no.7: 0,1911. 1,,,: 10) NALIVKIN, V. A. NALIVKIN, V. A. -- "Investigation of the Marginal Wear and Repair Profile of the Cams on a Distributor Shaft." Min Higher Education USSR. Moscow Automobile and Road Inst imeni V. M. Molotov. Moscow, 1955- (Disserta- tion for the Degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences.) '30: Kn1zhn&ya letopis', No. 4, Moscow, 1956 NALME4, Vladimir Alekseyevich; PROKOPYEV, Ivan Iosifovich; ------rTMTKSZT, Boris Vasillyevich; KOST121A. V,, rod.; LUKASHEVICH, V-1 tekhn. red. (Reconditioning parts by automatic building-up and weldi~gl Vosstanovlenie detalei avtomaticheskoi naplavkoi i svarkoi. Saratov, Saratovskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1961. 85 pe (MIRA 15:7) (Electric welding) , I. - "Relation between Sedimentation Zones and Foldirg Zones of the ~-.esbern Slope of the Urals in the Upper Paleozoic," Dokl. All SSSR, h5, No.2, 191,4 IIALVMN, V. D. "Pliddle Carboniferous Formations in the Sout;hern UfA Amphitheater," Iz. Ak. flauk SSSR., Ser. geol., Ylo.2, 1949 NALMIN, V. D. PA 162T46 -USSR/Geology.- Chusovoy River Basin Jul/Aug 50 "Sloping Overthrusts in the Environs of Chuso- voy," V. D. Nalivkin "Iz Ak Hauk SSSR, Ser Geol" No 4) PP 154-158 Identifies strata making up slanting overthrusts along banks of Chusovoy River from main fauna and lithological characteristics. Detailed map shows geological structure of the Chusovoy Basin. -T. 162T46 15-1957-10-13532 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, GeOlogiya, 1957, Nr 10, pp 8-9 (USSR) AUTHOR: Nalivkin, V. D. TITLE: The Stratigraphy and Facies of Vne Upper Paleozoic in the Environs of Plakun Rc~ik on the Chusovaya River (Stratigrafiya i fataii ver1chnego paleozoya okrestnostey kamnya Plakuna na r. Chusovoy) PERIODICAL: Geol. ob. NITO neft. VNIGRI, 1955o Vol 3, PP 7-32 ABSTRACT: The Middle Carboniferous sect-i= begins with the upper layers of the Bashkirskiy yar-as (stage), which consists of silicified limestones wit"h inclusions of ahert and limestone fragments. The age has been determined provisionally. The Moscovian stage is more completely rep-resented and may be divided clearly into two parts. From below these are 1) 11he Martlyanovskaya Bvita (series), go to 70 m thick, eorresponding to the iipperl Kashirskiy and to the Nyachkovskiy gorizont (horizon). The age is determined by the discovery of the roraminifers Pseudostaffella sphaeroidea (Ehr. Card 1/5 15-19b7-10-13532 The Stratigraphy and Facies of the Upper Paleozoic In the Environs of Plakun Rock on the Chusovaya River (Cont.) emend M811.), P. gorskyi (Du*tk.), P. krasno~olskyi var kyselen- sis Grozd._.and7LeE_._,__a_n_ff OzawainelTa rhomboidalis Putria-T-7-F-e- Tr-ansition to Upper Carboniferous Nepogits is j-radual. The Lower layers of the Upper Carboniferous consist of 1) fine- grained gray limestones, with chert nodules, foraminifers, soli- tary corals, and rare brachiopods; 2) yellowish gray and light' gray porous dolomitized limestones,.with fusulinids and~rare brachiopods and crinoids; and 3) gray dense massive hydractinian limestones, with rare brachiopods, crinoids, and solitary corals. The Upper Carboniferous deposits in the upper part of the sec- tion, corresponding to the upper parts of the Triticites and Pseudofusulina horizon, consist of reef and inter-reef facies. The inter--r-e-eY formations, 40 to 50 m thick, are formed of al- ternating layers of organic-fragmental limestones; dense black, generally bituminous marls; thin-platy dark-gray and yellowish- gray marls with fucoidal markings; and greenish-gray shales. The inter-reef facies grades along the strike into the reef Card 2/5 15-1957-10-13532 The Stratigraphy and Facies of the Upper Paleozoic in the Environs of Plakun Rock on the Chusovaya River (Cont.) facies,, consisting predominantly of massive-bedded and indis- tinctly bedded hydractinian and crinoidal-fusulinid limestones 100 to 150 m thick. This facies contains the foraminifers Triticites baschkiricus Ros., T parvulus var. ischimbajevi Ros., Fusulinella Pulc a Raus-.: the bryozoans Fenestella vis- cherensis Mikit. var. embolica Trizna n. sp., F. aff. subvirgosa 'F-.- rhoghnIH-~_71Mt, and. o.thers; and the brachipods Schizophoria juresanensis Tschern I Chonetes cf. uralicus Moell., and Productus jDicty0clu-Stus) laths TscEern The Lower Permian rocks are represented by the Schwagerina, the Tastubski and the Sterlitamakskiy-horizons, The lower part ofitN' Mic w1agerina horizon is composed of reef or organic-fragmental lim-e-s-Eo-nes up to 600 m thick. The reef limestones are subdivided into three principal types: 1) massive light-colored hydractinian and bryozoan limestones, in which are found the fusulinids Pseudo- fusulina ~aragregaria var. ascedens Raus., Schwagerina pavl-ovi Raus., and IS. Cf. -Pavlovi Raus, in addition to an abu ance oT bryozoans a5d bracElopods-; 2) gray, bedded, dense limestones Card 3/5 15-1967-10-13532 The Stratigraphy and Facies of the Upper Paleozoic in the Environs of Plakun Rock on the Chusovaya River (Cont.) with foraminifers; and 3) massive and bedded organic-fragmental limestones, containing numerous crinoids and fusulinids. Tile upper part of the Schwaeerina horizon contains fewer organic re- mains. It consists of fusulinid and hydractinian limestones, argillites, sandstones, shales, clays, and siltstones. A sand- stone-shale sequence 400 to 500 m thick lies on the reef lime- stones.with an assumed break; it consists of alteenating green- ish,gray calcareous argillites and fine-grained polymict sand- stones. Brachiopods and fusulinids are occasionally found In individual layers of silicified limestone. The paleogeograp)lic environment during the upper Paleozoic is described. The car- bonate beds of the Moscovian stage were formed in an open sea, apparently of moderate depth. The presence of fusulinid and hydractinian limestones in the lower part of the Upper Carbon- iferous indicates a decreased depth of the sea. The appearance of reefs in the second half of the Upper Carboniferous was as- sociated with shoals. The development of reefs was accompanied by an accumulation of inter-reef argillaceous-calcareous rocks, Card 4/5 15-1957-10-13532 The Stratigraphy and Facies of the Upper Paleozoic in the Environs of Plakun--Rock on the Chusovaya River (Conto) which are characterized by a different group of fauna. This distribution of facies environments was disturbed at tile end of the Schwagerina time interval because of the uplift of the en- tire eastern part or the region. Subsequent submergence led to the accumulation of thick beds of sands and clays in this area. This environment of se(Ament accumulation continued into Tastub . and Sterlitamak: tdmes. Card 5/5 V. A. Chermnykh i Vpp ROZANOV, loll*; FOTIADI, E.E.; YEGOHOV, S.P.; YEITGURAZOV, NALIVKII jr KOVALEVSKIY, Yu.S.; KOZACHMIKO, A.A.; KOIMRATOYEVA, H.G.; KUZIIETSOV, G.A.; KULIKOV, F.S.; LOBOV, V.A.; SOFRONITSKIT, P.A.; TATARINOT, A.G.; PRITUIA, Yuri.YAlaksandrovich, redaktor; DAYEW-, G.A., vedushchiy redaktor; GEMIAD'YEVA, I.M., takhnicheskiy redaktor. [Volga-Ural oil-bearing region: Tectonics) Volgo-Urallskaia ne neftenoonaia oblant'. Leningrad, Goe.naucImo-tekhn.izd-vo neft. i gorno-toplivnoi lit-ry, 1956. 312 p. (Leningrad. Vaesoiuznyi neftianoi nauchno-iseledovatellskii geologo-razvadochnyi inatitut. Trudy, no.100) [Microfilm] (HLRA 10:4) (Volga Valley~-Petroleum geology) -_ (Ural Mountain Region-Petroleum geology) NALIVKIV, V.D. Geolog a'l structure and oil-bearing prospects in the northern part of the eastern slope of the Urals and adjacent exploratorT areas. Avtoref, nauch. trud. VNIGRI no.17;79-93 156. (MDU 11:6) (Ural Mountains--Petrole'um geology) (Ural Mountains (Ural Mountaine--Gae, Natural--Geology) .114 - - Vi- ---n- - T'Tkl~IVXT "Latest Data on the Geology and Gas and Oil-Bettring Possibilities of the Northwestern Part Gf the Weet Siberian I'lains." PI 309 Geologicheskiy sbornik, 3, (Collection of Articles in Geology, Vol- 3), LeniWad Oostoptekhizdat, 1958, 471pp. (Tzv4y, vyp 126., Veesoyuznyy nertyawy nauchno-issledovat,ellskly geologorazvedochnyy institut) NALMIN, V.D. Oil and gas potentials of the western part of the West Siberian Plain, Trudy VIIIGRI no.132:72-77 159. (MIRA 17:1) N&LIVKIN, V.D. - MOBOZoi~ and Cenozoic tectonics, of the western part of the West Siberian Plain, Trudy VNIGRI zo,140s234-295 159. (MIRA 13:6) (West Siberian Plain-Geology, Sturctural) Dislocations in the area of Malyy Atlym in the ObI Val-ley. Trudy VNIGRI no-158:265~266 160. (MIM 14:3) (041 Valley-Folds(Geology) i.. I p ! 4 " ------ HALIVKIN, V.D. Principles for maldng tectonic maps of oil-bearing platform areas. Geol. nefti 1 gaza 4 no.8:14-18 Ag 160. (MIRA 13:8) 1. Vsesoyuznyy neftyanoy nauchno-isoledovateltakiy institut. (Geology, Structural-MapB) DEDEYEV, V.A.; NALIVKIN, V.D.i SIMOMIYO, T.N.; SOKOLOV, V.N.; SHABLINSKAYA Structure of the Pre-middle qurassic basenent of the West Siberian Plain in the light of new data. Sov. gool. 5 no.7:26-1+0 il 162. (DURA 15-7) 1. Voesoyuznyy, neftyanoy nauchno-issledovatellskiy geologoraz- vedochnyy institut. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy geologicheakiy institut i I-lauchno-isslodovatellskiy institut geologii Ark-tiki. (West Siberian Plain-Folds (Geology)) NALIVKIN, V.D. korphologic classification of platform structures. Geol.mfti i gaza 6 no.8124-28 Ag 162. (NIRA 1519) 1. Vaesoyuznyy neftyanoy nauchno-issledovatellskiy geologorazve- dochnyy institut, (Geology, Structural) NALIVNINP V.D, Cyclic rec=enc4 in geological history, Geog,obor, no,152 188-197 162, (MM 15312) (Go ' gy) OR I/ GURMI, F.G.; KAZARI]XV, V.P.; MIRONOV, Yu.K.; AALIY~ J'Y.D.; HESMIOV, I.I.; OSYKO, T.I.; ROVIIIN, L.I.; R05TOVTSEV, N.N.; RUDKIETIGH, M.Ya.; SIMOIMIKO, T.P.; SOKOLOV, V.H.; IROFDIUK, A.A.; CHOCHIA, N.G.; ERVIYE, Yu.G.; OMBYSH-KUMETSOV, S.O., red.; LOKSHINA, O.A., [Geology and oil and gas potentials of the West Siberian Plain, a new tank farm of the U.S.S.R.] Geologiia i nefte- gazonosnost' Zapadno-Sibirskoi nizmennosti-novoi neftianoi bazy SSSR. Novosibirsk, Izd-vo Sibirskogo otd-niia, 1963. 199 P. (14IRA 17: 1) leGisHzt, F.A., MNISMCH, V*V*, WMV31ar, L.G., ASHIEMY, I.A. ULTWIN, N.A., HIRCEM, N.Y., MSTAYINDT, A.W., 11ILLIMN, V.D. OaAMEXT, G~Wop NOVWIN# L'oles TMrDM# A.A., vNew oil and gas regions in the WHO Abstract. In the Introductory part of the report I he pro. graphic Cho racteditics and specific features of oil and gas gress in geological oil and gas exploration work in the bearing capacity have boon considered. A brief descrip. USSR. objectives of 6i1 and gas industry in the *cu"mnl lion of some newly discovered oil and gas fields from the Seven-year Plan and in connection with the perspective point of Wow of the;r posWon, in the general tedonic plan plan up to 1980 inclusive have boon briefly described, have boon givenj a brief lilhologic characteristic of rods- Further,'Charaderistics of new oil and gas regions and collectors and conditioos of occurrence of all and gas now fields have been cited. Now all and gas regions of (types of frops) hot been brought In. Azsr~al- The report points out the Importance of each now oil and o-U th Pe mian P l shkir ASSR Tatar ASSR B e r r ra a , , , ion SSR, wittern part of Kazakh SSR, Turkmen SSR, Uzbek gas a- and separate fields In the light of perspectives SSR, Siberia and the For East, have been reviewed. Todo- of further geological owplarallon work and Increase in nic position of each of these regions as well as their straii. all and gas production. report to be Imboitted for the' 601 Woru Yetroiew Congress, W*W*fW4# West varowir, X946 Jww 2963 NALIVKIN P. - '.; ' -. - Grabenlike troughs-ln-the eastern part of the R .ussian Platform. Sov. geol. 6 no.-IT40-52 Ja 163. (MIRA 16W 1. Vsesoyuznyy neftyanoy nauchno-issledovatellskiy geologo- razvedoobnyy institut. (Russian Platform-Geology, Structural) NALIVKINJ, V.D.; KULIKOV, F.S.; MOROZOV, S.G.; SLEPOV, Yu.N. Now big graben in the east of the Volga-Ural region. Geol. nefti i gaza 8 no.3:14-17 Mr 164. (MIRA 17:6) 1. Ufimskiy neftyanoy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut. NALIVKIN, V.D.; RONOV, A.B.; KRAIN, V.Ye - MKOLAITY B.S.; DOMRACHEV, M".4-.; TIKHIY, V.N.; POWER, V.M., FORSH, N.N.1 TffUTKEVICPp Ye.M.; SLAVIN, V.I.; SAZONOV, N.T.; SAZONOVA, I.G.; SHUTSKAYA, Ye.K.; KRASNOV, I.I.; KALE210VA, G.N.; VINOGRADOV, A.P... glav. red.; (History of the geological development of the Russian PLat- form and its margins] Irtorila geologicheskago razvitiia Russkoi. platforn*r i as obramleniia. Moskvav Nedra, 1964. 251 P. _ (Maps] Karty. 981. (KIRA 18:4) INIAIJIT~'Illf V.D.; KHAUN, V.Yc,-. Me thod 3 f or pl(yt 1 - 1 rg Pa" 0 t c orl c !F,~j P~- . Me d . nc.lt2l5-227 164. z NALFIEN, V.D., OSTIRTY, TARUTS, PHABLBSKAYA, N,V, Disjunc*,-Ive 313'.urban,~ria in ther, 5!edl-mentary C~ver 0!' t!-,e West Plateau. Dckl. Ali S3SR 159 ro.6;1329-1332 ci 164 . (jjTRA 17~,22)j 1. Predstavleno akaderdkom A.A. TrofJmukom. NPLIVKIN V.D. Classification of tr, st-iletwer. Geofck-torlkm m.3j 14-19 ?-tr-Ja 165. (MIRA 18 6) 1. Vsesoyuznyy neftyanoy nauchnc-issledovatellskiy geclogo- razvedw.hnyy institlut, Leningrad. NALIVKlN, Y.D.; DEDEYEV, V.A.; IVANTSOVA, V.V.; HATS, Z.Ya.; KRUGLIKOV, N.Y. LAZAR$V, V.-S,-; SVrMNY!')V. G., P.4 CHERNIKOV, K.A.1 SHABLINSKAYA, N.V.; Prinimal u-clhistiye-.,Zll&Bm-;.4-.P.; ROZANOV, L.N.; SOFROIfITSKIY, P.A.7 ,:. 'Nq SOKOLOV, V.N.; YAKOVLFV, O.N., gidrogpolog KHAIN) V.Y' SIMONENKO T. [C6#afatl,~" an~lksI6 df- thp 6il, and gho 6f-thn wist-SilpriAh'and Turhn4d~thinn 0;8'tformr'sl 8jijVnlt~j-f'fiyi comNim-.- gizohoisfiosti'i tpkt6niki Zqpadno-~Siblr~kof-i'Turano- o'l'p'lit-*-Len`ifi&8d'j N~dris-,-1965,-322 ~.- (Lphingra"d.' Vse-soiiizfiyi ri'efti-a'fi6i-nauchno-issledovatellskii geologorazvpdochnyi institut..,Trudy, no.236) (MIRA 18:6) Some phenomena of crystallization and deformation of minerals in metamorphk rocks. Zap.Tses.min.ob-va 83 no-3:262-264 154.(MM 7:11) (Mineralogy) POLO VINKINA, Yu.1r.; NALM Pkistence of the Podolia charnockite-norite formation. Informf abor. VSEGBI no.1:12-17 '55. (MLRA,9:12) (Podolia--Cbarnockites) (Podolia--Norite) NALIVKINA, E.B.; PALAKARCHUK, S.F. ------------ P&~ , Pseudotachylyte in the Bug Valley. Hat. VSDGZI no. 21-81-88 '57. (MIRA 11:7) (Bug valley-76OWlyte) ;4. I NALIVKITIA., E.B. Hibschite from the Bug Valley. Zap.Vsee.min.ob-va 89 no.6:734-718 ,61. (Bug Valley.-Plazolite) OMIRA 15,15) NALIVKINA, E. B. Genesis of charnokites in the southwestern part of the Ukralnia-n Uyatalline Shield. Trudy UIEGLI 91-3~-57 163. (MIRA 170) NALIVKINA,E.B. (Charnokites of the southwestern part of the Ukrainian Crystalline massif and their genesis] Charnokity iugo- zapadnoi chasti Ukrainskogo kristallicheskogo massive i ikh genezis. Moskva., Izd-vo "Nedra," 1964. 212 p. . . (MIRA 17:5) VALIVONAP E.B. Kerataphyre-spilite formation in the Southern Yenisey Range and the possible.natu.-e rf the Kasskaya Magnetic Anomaly. Geol. I geof-4z. no.14169-1?2 165. (MIRA 18s6) 1. Vaesoyuznyy nauabno-issledovatel'skiy geologicheskiy institut, Leningrad. NALIVKINA, E,B, --------- Stratigraphy of metamorphic formations In the Kan block of the Yenisey Range. Doklo AN SSSR 261 no.42907-91.0 Ap 165. (MRA 18:5) 1. Vseaoyuznyy nauchno-issledovateliskiy geologicheskiy institut. Submitted December 19, 1964.