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N. A. 1-jynthesis of s2kinrin or~:anic compour.,is -,.-I th pirlel--Y-cr'~" (fiT'i:':ni,,. phenylene si'oxane groupS P-I-A Lheir th~nmiil -;Ln ai, y -;s -L s 4 n0.4:650-657 J-'--Ag 164 1. Ins t I tut neftekhlmi .7, 1 i V. 9 if! ~~!f , r ~ :I ~ i I 1 1'. NM-5,T K IN , 11 .S . ; , i,- I I - ) -. M.; P.1 Telomerizaticn of si'Licacyc-lobutanes. Izv. ~11' SS-S-?. Eer- n r,. 6: 1133 - I J, 14 J, o164. ( V I 1"A 17 : 1 L J, 1. Institat. neftekhimichesko.-go sintoza ba. V.A. Topciiiyava 4li SS61-1. ljtLuf , %, j " -1 -f , -- ~ " . ; A-, - , - : t -.Li . - Leukemia Acute I-eukemia. Arkhiv pat. 14, No. 4, 1952. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, December 1952. Unclassified. NAMESTEK, Ladislar Assessment of the health hazard of mines with reference to the pathogenesis of coniosis In miners. Prac. lek. 16 no.3: 107-111 Mr 164 1. Vedeckovyzk-t=y uhelny ustav., Ostrava-Radvanice; redi- tel:: inz, E. Barton* ROSMANM, Jindrich; BUBIK., Karel; N~.MMTEK.-Isdislar. Degree of carknification as a cause of difference in the biolo- gical agressiveness of black coal dust? Prac. lek. 16 no.3tU7- 120 Mr'64 1. Oddleleni Aorob z povolani KmjskD nemocnice z poliklinikou v Ostrave (vedouci: MUIYr. J.Rosmanith) a Vedeckovyzku=y uhelny ustav v Ostrave (reditel: inz. E.Bartos). IMMESTEK, Yladimir, inz. -- Central test rooms for trunk circuits. Cs spoje 9 no. 2:9-10 Ap 164. 1. Research Tnatitute of Telecommunication. --r-- -- - Kl&v,- , - . vis3ertation: "Invc.AiEzition of tric !---chnoloEy of 'iryinF of Green in I'onv~tction ijryers.11 Cand lech .)ci, :~o3co--.s 'lecimoloEical In3titute of tn-t Foo-J lridu3tr.", 1.953. (Refcratlvajy -nurnal-r-niiaija, iilu 10, 4ojco.,u, 5!4j 30: 3U.~; 318, 23 bee 1954 ,e!TSTNIKOV Aj., kandidat tekhnichookikh nauk; ADMVSKIY, I.I., in- I `;4e;r"V&~Z se4senzent; OSIPOV, A.M., inzhener, reteenzent; SDWO- VI, N.L., redaktor; GOTLIB, N.M., tekhnicheakly redaktor. [Home preservation of fruits and vegetables] Konserviroyanie plo- dov I ovoshchei Y domaahnikh usloviiakh. Moskva, Pishchepromizdat, 1954. 166 p. [Microfilm] (MM 8:2) (Canning and preserving) HAmESTNIKOV, A.F., kandidat tekhnicheskM nauk. Improving the production of canned foods. Trudy VXIIXP no.3: 4-17 '54. ()MU 918) (Canning and preserving) KJAXESTNIKOF, A.F., kandidat tekhuicheskikh nauk; SABUROV, N.V., dektor reOM8V"fakh naukprefesser, reteezzoat: IZMOV, A.K., ixzhener, reteenzant; V.ASILOYETA, G.N.. redaktor; GOTLIB, Z.X., tekhaiche- skiy redaktor. [Technology of cannixg fruite and vegetables] Tokhytslogiis. keRsor- virevm~iia ploday i oyoohchei. Moskva, Pishchapromizdat, 1955. 127 P. (Cannizi; and preserving) (mLRA 9:4) NAMES,Pfl UA.L , kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk.;RABDM, N.Ta., kandidat . tekhnicheakikh nauk.:SKOPCHWKO, G.A., starshiy nauchw sotruclnik.: KHARIM, Th. S., mladshiy nauchn,77 sotradnik.;1COXOSHOSKAYA, V.T., m1adshiy nauchnyy sotradnik. New varieties of canned vegetable appetizers. Ref. nauch. rab. VNIIKOP no.3:3-6 '55. NLRA 9:11) (Vegetables) VOJKOV,-YG,N STZPCHKOV, K.A.; NgESTINIKOV, A.Z. gi~iam'a, 0'~!U,m -te-and.its.use In-canned.foodB and food concentrator. s ~Iqus, i_ov..prom. 12 no.4:4-5 Ap '57. (MM lo..6) 1. Yae�oovuznyy nauchno-iseledovatellekly institut konservnoy i ovozhaheaushil'noy prozqshiennosti. (Glutamic acid) (7ood, Canned) ITAMESTNIKOV. A.F. Improving equipment and methods of producing canned vegetable apperizers; materiRls of the conferonce held In KrAsnodAr in 1957. Xons.i ov.prom. 12 no.6:25-27 Je 157. (MIRA 10:7) 1. Yeesovuznyy nauchno-ionledovatellskiy inetitut konservnoy ovoshcheaus,hilinoy promyshlennooti. (Vegetables--Preaervation) NAMESTNIKOV, A.F.; SAMSONOVA, A.N. Improve the technolog7 of canning and preserving of fruits and vegetables. Kons. i ov. prom. 12 n0-7:4-6 J1 '57- (MIRA 12:4) 1. Voeooyuznyy nauchno-iseledovatellski7 inatitut konservnoy i ovodhchesushillno7 promyshlennosti. (Canning and preserving-Congresses) -NAMMTIIIKOV, A.F. Types of canned fruits and vegetables manufactured in the U.S.S.R. and in people's democracies* 3ne. i ov.prom. 12 110-7:12-15 JI '57- (MIRA 12:4) 1. VeesoyuzW Aauchno-iogledovatellskiy institut konservnoy i ovo- oheheaushillnoy promyshlennooti. (Food, Canned) 'NAMEN11 IxPK,,A4-: Two cookbooks Vuullnnry art And the Hungnrinn kitchen' by I:Iek FaFyar; "Culinnry Art And the Rumanian kitchen" by Snnd Mnrin). Reviewed by A.?. Nnmentnikov. Kona. i ov. -nrom. 13 no.1:41-44 Mr 159. (Cookery (Hungnrian)) (Cookery (RumqniAnY (MIRA 11:4) SAMSONOVA,-Anna Nikoloyevna; ROGACHEV, V.I., kand.tekhn.nauk, retsenzent; STHIKOV, A?F., kand.tekhn.naiuk, spetered.; RESH, G.S., red.; red. (Manufacture of fruit and berry juices] Proizvodstvo plodovo- iagodnykh sokov. Moskva, Pishchepromizdat, 1959. 82 p. (MIRA 12:12) (Fruit juices) HAMESTNIKOV_,, Aleksandr Fedorovich, kand. takhn. nauk; BELOUBOV,D.P., inzh.; VOLKOV,Ye.N., kBnd.tekhn.navk; LIPOVSKIY,M.S.. inzh.; SAYMRG,V.E., red.; BALLOD,A.I., [Collective-farm cannery] Kolkhoznyi konservnyi zavod. Mo- skva, Gos.izd vo.sellkhoz.lit-ry, 1959, 275 P. (MIRA 14:5) 1. Nbuchno-issledovatel'skiy institut konservnoi i ovoshche- suahillnoy pronWBhlennosti, Moskva, Novoslobodskaya, 7 (for Namer,tnikov) 2. Gipropishcheprom, Butyrskiy val. 68 (for Belousov) (Canning industry-Equipment and supplies) NAMESTNIKOV.-.Alsksandr,)P~~grovich, kand.teldm.neuk; KOSSOVA, O.N., . -.1 W, - is~ red.; GOTLIB, E M.1 red. (Home canning and preserving of fruits and vegetables] Konservirovanie plodov i ovoshchei v domashnikh ualoviiakh. Izd.3., iapr. i dop. Moskva, Pishchapromizdat, 1959. 213 p. (MIRA 12:9) (Canning and preserving) SHRIAPUTIN, V.I.; IIMSTITIKOV. A.F. Bibliographic manual on refrigeration. Xons. i ov. prom. 14 no.5:46 My 159. (KIRA 12:6) (Food industry) (Refrigeration and refrigerating machinery) j4AMbTlUAUVj Aeft; OM11OUVAS WO&S Manufacture of new types of canned baby f ood. EDns. i ov. prom. 3A no.6:10-11 Je '59. (Kn 12: 8) l.TSentrallny7 nauchno-issladovateliskiy institut konservnoy i ovoshche- suBhillno7 promyshlen4osti (for Hamestnikov). 2.Mookovskiy ordena Lenina pishchevoy kombinat im. A.I. Hikoyana (for Smirnova). (Food, Canned) (Infants--Nutrition) APT, F.S.; KOSTROVA, Ye.I.; MATROZOVA, R.G.;IIEKHOTETOVA, T.I.; ROGACHEVA, A.I.; NOSKOVA, G.L., kand. biol. naukp retsenzentj SYCHEVA, M.Ye., mikrobiologs reteenzent; DAMEXIIIKCFV) A-F-s-k~. tekhn. nauk, spets. red.; MURASIEVA, 0.1.., red-.; -AUKOLOVA, L.A., tokbn. red. [Microbiological control'in the canned fo6d) concentrated food and dried vegetables industry] I-likrobiologichookii kontroll konservnogo, pishchekontsentratnogo i ovos.hehesushill,nogo proizvodet-va. Moskvaj, Pishchapromizdat, 1961. 114 p, (MIRA 14:11) (FOOD,-MICROBIOLOCM) NAMESTNIK k r Fedorovich,-__IZOTOV, A.K.., inzh., tekhnolog, retsenzent; FUKS, V.K... red.; SATAROVA, A.M... tekhn. red. [Preserved fruits and vegetables; innovation in assortment and technology] Plodoovoshchnye konservy; novoe v assortim-ente i tekhnologii. Moskva, Pishchepromizdat, 1961. 141 p. (MIRA 15:6) (Canning and preserving) MOLCHRIOVA, O.P., prof.; LOBAN011, D.I., prof.; MARSHAK, M.S., prof.; GATTESTSKIY, I.D.; 31MIN, IT. I., laureat StalinsIcov premii; KOIVNIKOV, A.G., laureat Stallnskoy premil; LIFSHITS, M.O.; WLITSKIT, L.T., doktor sallskokhoz.nauk; HMSTIIIKOVA kand.tekhn.nauk. Prinimali uchastiye: AM ~IYEV, A.A.; GROZNOV, S.R.: YRFIMOV, V.P.; KIKNADZE, N.S.; NIKASHIN, F.P.; PMOGOV, N.M.; SKRIPKN-, G.M.; TSYP=OV, IT.P. SIVOLAP, I.K., red.; WJRIKHIN, M.A., red.; BETSOFEN, Ya.I., red.; DAMASKINA, G.B., red.; FRITYKINA, L.A., red.; KISINA, Ye.I., (Book. on tasty and healthy food) Kniga o vkusnol i zdorovoi pishche. Moskva, Pishchopromizdat, 1961. 423 P. (MIRA 15.2) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AMN SSSR (for Molchanova). (Gookery) KOCHETOVA, L.T.; MOLCHANOVA, O.P., prof., retsenzent: NAMESTNIKOV, A F kand.tekhn.nauk; FUKS, V.K., red.; SA~-k~~VAA. ~., .=zi-14 tekhn. red. (Production of canned food for children]Proizvodstvo konser- vov dlia detskogo pitaniia. Moskva, Pishchepromizdat, 1962. 104 P. (MIRA 16:2) (Canning industry) I (uopvAjes oij-pooj-.XqdujBoTTqTa) (091 Ylliw) , C91 4U 6C-8CtC*Ou ?T omoidOA0 T 'OUOX &OTVUJnOf U2TGJOJ ;0 seRud moij alf"l, xi - AOXI WN - NAMESTRIKOV, A.Fo Use of antioxidants in the freezing of ;rpod productijfrGm Vrosted Food ViOld,m 34, no.5, 1962). Kons. I bv.prom. 18 no.4137-38 Ap 163. - (MIR& 16:3) (United State T-Food, Frozen) NAMESTNIKOV,__kjj,_.__ In the canning plants and Institut of the Fermentation Ind*try of the Polish People's Republic. Kons.i ov.prom. 18 no-5:34-38 Yy 163. (KIRA 16:4) 1. TSentralinyy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut konserynoy i ovoshcheaushillnoy pronqsblennosti. (Poland-Canning Industry) NAMESTNIKOV, A.F. ~ --1- ~--- ~:-4 -". From pages of foreign journals. Kona. i ov. prom. 18 no.8.-43-45 Ak !63. (MIRA 16:8) (Canning and preserving) VOLIPER.. lzrall' l,AM-l,'.STNlKOV Ad kand. toklm. nauk.. re-Isonzontv 1737-51.7,ri7i, (Ghemistry in the Tond Andustryl Khlmlla v pishchevol. promysblennosti. Hoslnrap Pishchevala proinysblennost', 1965- 87 p. (MIRA 18:8) NAMESTNIKOV, Aleksandr Fedorovic.h., kand. tekhn. nauk; TIKHONOVA, T.V.p red. (Home canning and preserving of fruits and vegetables] Konservirovanie plodov i ovoshchei v domashnikh uslo- viiakh. 4., ispr. i dop. izd. Moskvap Pishcbevaia pro- myshlennostlp 1965, 230 pe (MIRA 180) GRABOVSKIY' V.A.. dote.; ILUMTNIKOV, Ij ,.,Inzh..; TAROTSKIY# Bel. Rapid washing of sulfate pulp in diffusers, Bum. prom. 33 no.4: 16-18 Ap 158. (MIRA 11:4) 1e Leningradskly tekhnologicheakiy institut (for Grabovskiy, Namestnikov). 2. S7etogorskiy-teelWozno-bunq hnyy kombinat (for Yarotekly). (Woodpulp) (Diffusers) MUMWIMOV, I. V., Cand of Tech Sci - (diss) "Inten.,iification of the Process of Washing Sulfate Cellulose in Diffusers," Leningrad, 1959j 15 pp (Leningrad Forestr7 7 gineering -C bbftliffl Academy im S. M. Kirov) M, 5-60, 126) GRABOVSKIY, V.A.. dote. - ITAKESTNIKOV, I.V., inzh. Effect of certain factors on the washing of sulfate pulp in diffuser tanks.Bum.pron. 34 no.6:2-4 Je 159. (MIRA 12:10) 1. Leningradskiv tokhnnlogichaskiy institut tsellyulomo-bumach- noy i~ronyshlennosti. (Woodpulp) MAKSIMOV, Vladimir Fedorovich; RAIESTNIKOV, Igor' Vaoil_!yevJab,- SOKOLOVA, 011ga Ivan;vm-;-RTIM7-,V.Ta., red.; JalOTIKOVA, Ye.S., red. izd-va.; PACMARIA, A.H., tekhn. red. [Methods of inspecting working conditiono in the enterprises of the voodpulp, paper, and woodworking industries]Metody kontrolia uslovii truda na predpriiatiiakh tselliulozno- bur.azhnoi i derevoobrabatyvaiushchei promyshlennosti. K>- skva., Goslesbumizdat, 1962. 23.4 P. (KIRA -15:10) (Woodworking industries-Fqgienic aspects) GRABOVSKIY, V.A., kand.tekhn.nauk; NAME-STNIYOV I.V., kand.tekhn.nauk Effect of pressure differences in the diffuser on the washing of sulfate pulp. Trudy LTITSBP no.8:105-108 161. (MIRA 16:9) (Woodpulp) / j'- /,'., , I : TOPCHIYEV, A.V., akademik; NAMETKIN, NS., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauke I Practical use of silicon organic compounds. Trudy, KNI no.11:196- 203 '51. (MIRk 100) (Silicon organic compounds) ulds. A. V. Topchity, N. L,~g 1=.d&NaS=NW!tkfn. "Us' * Khms. 20, 714-A. 1) -RcvPW7w-tM-17r-cTe-rence.,~edkehafling with structures J1~1-14IM6n.-of the- Kos~~Pq~--, Coot JiLrect syntliests ot pnenylbromostisnes. A. N . T,,p- ~'llirv. *~. S. Nallirtkill.allif N-M. Zlltllvkllov.i (L W.Gilhkill Pvtrul. hW-Nfl'v-~-uw 1. P41ady. Mid. Notk M. 78, 197 --'~ Ok 19,51 ). cf. Rcit-b ... v. C-L 39. ;17KJ'. Hills- -1- I 4.-C. I over IV I X. sialld 15 j. It lillit-I I 1 14P%% I L Of fe.11 I o I %a IV ,1,1%!Y liclow 41W; -it 41111 19 .14"1, S1 -kri-, (will, .ith Iliv lm,t r"tilt. at 411) 241' ulms U711 i(. Milli i- vi-A .,%vr tile reactant oter 't licti.1.1 ill *.41 1 ht,I. Di'lls. gill, 33% j'kSIrV,,, 2X% ill 111--lild. 'c at 110 Ill'. At the i-idt.olt --i~t Id 44 -7, % I Ill `4 B r4, 1117, Pit ,;i I It!, I, I. I I 1 1 -1. 1 ill. fkmic 11-17% Sillr. i~ forillell, I'lliv 1,00". 1,,. 1311 1 ir-h'son". 1,,. 114) 4'. Di~tus, J the combim.1 iv,ulur, tjvr 114"vi If,, I" LNO) LN I% fit. 114 I-s", pv. I - act, sivrr illoollph-ttly id'-wilivIl, 1,111 .1 111 :".*Al "MW alul Cmits. 49ct, III, .- i-ht,,I. AU lInaji- ,ilallc~ luille ill [tic air will arc -%ily IIy4IFq,Iv;-I hy 11;0. G. M. K-L.I-fy AWM ~kftylmagaodtmz Istwolde an totrastboq- sUaac A V - , " and N. B-Natne". DobkJy Akad. Nook s3M. so, W4093O.-Slow adda, of mixed Mir, (HIMA, and RhOM30-VIONS."low"Iby clism. of the IttiO and beating the r"Mue with MIPPII 3-6 bre. at IW' gay* the following results: %%qtb a 1. 111 mol, rail* of reagents U-10% PhSKOH(~. It, 234*. was obtained, Wons with S-110% "Oftt)j. b. 2WO. Risher product% wovenatfoumi. Ala2MIrrageatraflowe"formenlIV MoRth. tID4 "% P142WHI. McIpbsi(ORt~. 40-311 p m SO N 2W7 . At a :3: ratio W,2% MovROItt), ami il~*j Ph..-*)Be wer*VocmM. Vioally at . 4:4:1 ratin, M-41% Ph.&OUt was formed. TU formation of Ph.Si PUCTecded only when (Rto).-M was Slowly to p PbUlIRr with a reagent ratio jPbBr:~j;M:(HiO)r) -4-4,1 arki the mint. was heated 6 bri. at I(X)*i 63-6% ii;Altt and 3 -81 P4% m. 2341, lit M' wft (omM Pits alwoys formed. to stmt. Increasing with 11; darlition ~i cue. 4nd with hKT"w of tht.lPhitr ctmen. G. 161. K. USSR/Chemistry - Organosilicon Com- 21 Feb'52 pounds "The SyntbeSiB of Organosilicon Compounds From *;Methylene Chloride and Silicon Dioxide," A. V. Topchiyev, 1q. S. Nametkin, V. N. ZetIdn Dok Ak Nauk SSSR" Vol LX=, lqo 6, pp 927-929 ~on ;The reaction of methylene cbloride.vith silic Idioxide under variouB conditions vas studied. Pre- Aiminary eXptB indicated that below 3000'tbe reac- :tion does not ran vell. The optimum temp range is :between 320 and 3500. The yield of organosilica. tompds decreases significantly, at 4000 in the 1st ~10 hours of operation. In the following 10 hra, 214T23 ~,theiyield of SiC14Idoes not exceed 18-19%. At 3000 17the yield of organosilicon compds is increased vhen the rate of entry of methylene,abloride is in- creased, but at higher temps, there is little di.f- ference. However, when the metbylene chloride sup- :Ply,rate is increased, the yield of gaseous prod- :ucts is increased. Hdxacblordisilanemethane, bp 76o = and 640 at lo mm, one of the liquid products, fumes slightly in air. tt USSR/Che-m-istry - Organosilicon 21 Mar 52 "Preparation of Hexalkoxy Derivatives of Dis- ilanemethane," Aced AS. Topchiyev, N.S. Nam tkin, V.I. Zetkin I'Dok Ak_-Naiik_SSST1,11 Vol 83, No 3) pp 423 - 425 Hexachlordisilanemethane was prepd from silicon and methylene chloride. This was used as the starting material for the synthesis of hexa- propoxy, hexaisopropoxy, hexabutoxy, and hexa- isopentoxy disilanemethaneB from the correspond- ing abs ales. The reactions were carried out in a stream of nitrogen. 227T7 0 C1 A CD 0 0 0 A, 0 to 0 CA p 5A ,4 ~A A ct o d 00 ~%A lot 0A VA to e i4 4 A 0 W co 0 d4 5% 1 0, u cIr ck C) to CV, id tf 'P- I j,-A 0 vi 41. 0- rA ,V 0 PA !s -CA 0 a P .0,4 0 0 0 VA Uk 0 t me d 0 tf t4 o 0- 0 sA V;& VA 0 id 0 Ct 0ct j4 0 r4 0 rl V- % co ,j-d fj 0 0 Oj om d Ct O.V7;A 0 0 V* Ct ca -1, 0 C', vo~ 0 to NAMMINt N. S. U&9R/Chemistry - Organosilicon com- 21 May 52 pounds "Hexalcoxyderivatives of Disilanemethane," N. S. Ham- etkin, Acad A. V. Topchiyev, V. 1. Zetkin "Dok Ak Nauk SSSR" Vol LXMV, No 3) pp 513) 514 Rexalcoxyderivativeo of disilanemethane were ob- tained.through the reaction of hexachlorodisilaneme- thane with the primary normal hexyl, heptyl, octyl -and nonyl alcs. Hexachlorodisilanemethane had been derived through the reaction of methylene chloride with silicon. All hexalcoyyderiva of disilaneme- thane are oily liquids. 225T4 (15 It R P ',r3: TKI:-, N. S. USSR/Chemistry - Organosilicon Compounds ll.Jun 52 "Preparation of Hexalkoxy Derivatives of Disilane- thane," A. V. Topchiyev, N. S. Nametkin, V. 1. Zetkin "Dok Ak Nauk SSSR" Vol LXXXIV, No 5,pp 979, 980 Hexahexoxy-, hexaheptoxy-, hexaoCtO?cy7,,and hexan- onoxydisilanethanes were prepd from the appropriate primary normal alc and hexachlordisilanethane. 223T16 1. NAMIETKNI.N. S.. Acad.: TOPCHIYE-1, A. V., Acad., ;Z.'Z'TUN, V. I. 2. ussR (6co) 4. Silane Derivatives 7. Certain aromatic pnd hydro-aromatic derivatives of hexo-qdi-jlanethane, Dolkl. ~11 SSSR' TkNo. 1, 1952. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, February 1953, Uncl. USSR/chemistry - Organosilicon 21 Sep 52 Compounds Itnexamethyl and Hexaethyl Derivatives of Disilan- methane and Disilanethane,ff Acad A. V. Top'chiyev, N. S. Nametkin, and A. A. Shcherbakova DAN SSSR, Vol 86, No 3, PP 559-560 Hexamethyl and hexaethyl derivs of disilanmethane and disilanethane were prepd by treating hexachloro- disilanmethane and hexachlorodisilanethane with Orignard reagents or Li-organic compds. The follow- ing were prepd: hexamethyldisilarimethane, hexa- ethyldisilanmethane,*hexamethyldiailanethanep a d hexaethyldisilanethane. 2PT9 USSR/C~emistry Organosilicon 11 Oct 52 Compounds "The Preparation of Organosilicon Com pounds From Unsaturated Hydrocarbons," Acad A. V. Topchiev, N. S. Nametkin, and 0. P. Solovova -Dok Ak Nauk.SSSR" Vol 86, No 5, PP 965-968 Refer to literature of recent years which indi- cates that aromatic hydrocarbons, in their re- action with trichlorosillcane or its homologs (in the presence or the absence of the catalysts, B73 or BC13), yield aromatic halogenosilain B. Add, ib~at. the*Y-synthe'sized7.-cert, bydrogen-containing halogensilanes and disilanes by the direct reaction 6f"'alkyl bromides, mt~ylene chloride, and dichloro- ethane with silicon. 'State that they became intereste, in 'preparing new organosilicon compounds by addition -of the hydrogen compounds 'of silicon to unsaturated hydrocarbons. Since tribromosilane is obtained:as a secondary product of the direct synthesis of alkyl" bromosilanes (in insignificant amounts), could also prepare it directly from hydrogen bromide and silicon The yield of hydrogen compounds from hydrogen bromide and silicon does not exceed a few~percent; the. main product obtained is silicon tetrabromide. Authors state that the rate of flow of HBr has a decisive effect on obtaining good yields of tribromosilar A weak current of HBr leads mostly to a formation of silicon tetrabromide, whereas an increase in the rate of flow of HBr to increased yields of hydrogen compounds. The authors also found that hydrogen- containing disilanes, analogously to hydrogen con- taining silanes, when added to unsaturated hydro- carbons, form the corresponding alkyl-halogeno- disilanes. LV 1k.0 . A 0 (3) 245T6 NADIETKIN, S. I " ii A.V. Topchiyev, G.L.I. ?anchenkov fi.S. "ametkin, A.A. Gundyrev and hu Ch'ang-li, "Temperature Dependence of the viscosity and Ibensity of Certain 6ilicon- Organic Qompounds. Report presented at the Second All-Union Confer,_=e on the 6hemistry and Practical Application of -5ilicon-Organic Uompounds held in Leningrad from 25-27 September 195F. Zhurnal prikladnoy khjlnii, 1959, pp 238-240 (USSit) RAWKIN, N.S.; TOPCHIYU, A.V.; CIDUUMHFAVA, T.I.; DURVIAWYAN. S.G. Synthesis and properties of Bilicohydrocarbons of the disilano- propane series. Trudy WIII no.23:22-30 '58- (KIRA 12:1) (Silicon organic compounds) 14AYETKIN, N. S. USSR/Cbemistry Organosilicon 21 Oct 52 Compounds "Some Aromatic and Hydroaromatic Derivatives of Rexahydroxydisilanmethane," Acad A. V. Topchlyev, N. S. Nametkin, V. I. Zetkin "Dok Ak Nauk SSSR" Vol 86, No 6, PP 1133, 1134 Hexaphenylmethoxydisilarmethane, hexaphenoxy- disilanmethane, hexacyclohexyloxydisilarunethane, hexacresoxydisilanmethane were prepd.from. hexa- chlorodisilanmethane and benzyl a1c, phenol, cy- clohexanol, and m-cresol, respect. 234T29 FA 234T29 (C Ft t~j 14 0. r-K-1 VV Some aromatic and hydroaro;natic derl, At -;t -thane, 14 "'d, 'Innof 'A. V. TIOI)Chiev,- and V-LzAwd~'. Doklad~ylkad. MtksinA.377 =,-G0 (10& ).-ilddn. of 40 g. CI,SiCIf2CIr:.SiCIs to 145 g. Ph- C11,011 gave an ttnstat~d yield of f(Ph(71j0),SiCII2jj, bi.o 335-0', t!zc 1.5522, n1j, 1.5679. Similarly cyclohexanol gave ((Cirri 10),.Ti C11,1,, h.- 299-302*, d:, 1.02142, n',,' 1.4863. 1110H at 50' gave j(Ph0)jSiCII.-j,, bi.j310-13", fit. 90* (from C11,01). While III-INI(c,11,011 gave I(n-Irecii- 11.0).-ViCIIIII, bi MIJ-18% in. 7S-9' (froin lwtr. ethtr). The refractive indexes of the tatter 2 sub0ince-i by iminer- sinii tnethod ivere IN, I.G()II5 and Ng 1.67-1 (at ))I mm) and N, 1.592 and N, 1.701 (at 4UO inju) re5p. G. Al. Iz. IWIETKIN, N. a. PA 245T8 .',IjOR/Chemistry -o Silicon-organic 11 Nov 52 Compounds ,)--riph~nylsilanol Acetate and Triphenylchloro- silane," N. S. Nametkin, Acad A. V. Topchiyev, F. F. Machus "Dok Ak Nauk SSSR" Vol 87, No 2, pp 233-236 Triphenylsilaneol acetate and triphenylehloro- silane were obtained by treating triphenyl- .silanol with aratio of 1:1 and an excess of acetyl chloride respectively. The melting point of triphenylsilanol acetate was established at 970 and'that of trichlorosilane also at 970. CCA 47 no. )-;-)JI .19 245T8 PA - 2-45TI2 - NA14ETKDI N. S. .USSR/Chemistry Organosilicon Compounds 21 Nov 52 "Hexalkoxy Derivatives of Disilanethane," Acad A. V. Topchiyev, N. S. Nametkin, and V. I. Zetkin "Dok Ak Nauk SSSR" Vol 87, No 3, PP 431, 432 ,The preparation and physical and chemical properties of the following are described: hexapropoxy diBilpne- thane, hexaisopropoxy disilanethane, hexabutoxy disilanethane, hexaisobutoxy disilanethane, and hexaisopentoxy disilanethane. (CA 41 no. 7.;L: ,Xj) 245T12 Some houalkoxv derlyAlIves oWpU=WjjALUM.ADd dl- ---AHAQQPUI= N. S. NaniefOr 'A. Y, Tilphi V, U1141 V. 1. Zetkirk* Voklady Akad. uk S.S.S.R. 87, 01-3 kI952); cl. C.A. 47.122?-3f.-Addn. of 05 g. Cif.4sich), over 35 min. to 150 g. abs. MeOlf gave an unitated yield of C1131-50-11031i, bs 92-3*, d., 1.08773, uIV 1.4071. Similarly were obtained: FtO analog, 6,5 114-15', d, 0.9741. nW 4W8, Me~CJJCII,O'analog, 1),., 180-2*, Io 0.9110, nN? '1240; jCI[-Si(Ol1e)jjj, b, 103-1*, (1,, 10187, n',,* 1.4001; 1C,,:Si(OE'tMI. bt., 122-3', cl.~ 0.96CA), nV, 1.4120 let ~-A USSR/Organic: Chemistry - Synthetic Organic Chemistry, E-2 Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 19, 1956: 61589 Author:, Nametkin, N. S., Topchiyev, A. V., Solovova, 0. P. Institution: None Title: Alkylation with Hydrocarb* of Various Compounds r: Silicon Original Periodicalt- Voprosy geologit)-dobychi i pererabotki nefti (Tr. Moak. neft. in-ta, No 13), Moscow-Leningrad, 1953, 158-164 Abstract: A review. Bibliography, 22 titles. Card 1/1 Dirot - _ I I ~f AMW VL~ I . -- 23, 70-W(IOM); el! C;. kV -Th e reaction of SI th organic hawgril 141111% qflulle(l In a #Jibe himace W, M? 51ass T ~ charged with 60 C. S1 and 16 g. re- ~ ar~- fq d . J dore D3% of RX the air In the tubes was -, dimplarrd With Cot: NI c ljr reacts too sluggishly at 2.%- NW and hest ylelds are obtained at M-40% Usually the ld f th t 10 12 h ti i f i - on e s n ter on o e is. operat Pac y tLulle, pos ' ves !~s !bly Ing to better porosity of the man of 6i and I Cu. Under best conditioni passage of 1250 s, MeDr over 42 firs. throu h thc tube gave 018 ff. aLswaasUAcrivs. The prMucts include some 1111r, A1ejSiB?7Y7M, Alex- SiBr, (principal product), b. 112-12.5*p M isiart, b. 133- A.5", and a small Rmt. of SiBri, b. 151'. '171- alitmod-d-, sci corroolvdi on &Iass, The reaction of 111 -Cu with 11hur proceods'only-W slowly below.4000,~ best results are ob- ' dedvs. are ob- talued tit 410-20 when 56.6% orgaft&-Sl 'talntd, Relatively sl,)%v feed of PhDr Is desirable (276 S~ per 20 hm. gave 60 .6% y1eldi 700 S. W 50 hrs 50 ft% L r yield).'f'The rate of reaction Is mtx. at 10-11%. a e which It declines. The reaction products consist of SiBr4 (isolated only fit crude state owing to closeness of b.p. to 130-l' 1904' -70% PhSiB SiB b f b FA rx, .p. it rj, it , t , ~rjjAd'^Sfflri b3 200-20', ra~ 114-180 (the litter forrated 1* yleld). All the Br derivs. am elisay G M . -, , I , 1 -11, 1 - 11 . t.11 - . I U " -~ - , ; 'k I I I f, 1 zfp ~.-- . - . . I 11t" L- : 1, ~. - " I- I;-- - :w: - - . .- I . -- . I t t Ac QAH5Tt