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NA141TOKOV, A.A. Incidence of epidemic hymenolepiasis among school children in Alma-Ata. Zdrav. Kazakh. 21 no.5:63-66 161. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Iz kafedry biologii s parazitologiyey (zav. - Irof. A.M.Aloyev) Kazakhskogo meditsinskogo instituta. ' (A.UIA-ATA-TAFEWOP143) NAMITOKOV, A.A. Cycle of development of the dwarf tapeworm. Zdrav. Kazakh. 22 no.9:54-57 162. (MMA 17:2) 1. Iz kafedry biologii s parazitologiyey Kazakhskogo medi- teinskogo instituta. Naucbnyy rukovoditell - prof. A.M. Aleyev. NAI-LITOKOV, A.A. in the epidemiology Of hymenolepiasis in the kinder- gartens of Alma-Ata. Zdrav. Kazakh. 21 n0-9:52-56 161. (MIRA 14: 10) 1. 17. kafedry biologii a parazitologiyey (zav. - profes3or A.M. Aleyev) Kazakhskogo meditsinskogo instituta. (ALMA-ATA-WORMS, INTESTINAL AND PARASITIC) IIA141TOKOV, A. A. ~Superinfeatation and intraintestinal autoreinfestation in h~menoplepiasis. Zdmv. Kazakb. no.4:53-56 162. (MIRA 15:6) 1. Iz kafedry biologii s parazitologiyey Kazakhskogo moditsinskogo instituta. (TAMIORMS) 14911TOKOV2 A.A. Resistance of the eggs of the dwarf tapeworm. Zdrav. Kazakh. 23 no.2t65-66163. (MIRA 16:10) 1. Iz kafedry biologli Hazakhskogo meditsinskogo instituta. (Fauchnyy rukovoditell - prof. A.M.Alayev) (TAPEWORMS) IUTOKOV, 'AsA. Functions of the embryonal hooklets of the Ilymenolepla narja embryo. Med. paraz. i paraz. bol. 34 no.3:354-355 My-Je 164. (14IRA 18:7) 1. Ustf-labinskaya rayonnaya bollnitea Krasnodarskogo kraya. SOV/112-57-9-18976 Trans!ation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika, 1957, Nr 9, p 139 (USSR) AUTHOR: Namitokov, K. A., Alesandrovskiy, N. N. TiTLE: Electric-Spark Method of Preparing Hard-Alloy Dies, or the "Method of a Reverse Gone" (Elektroiskrovyy sposob izgotovleniya tverdosplavnykh volok "po metodu obratnogo konusa") PERIODICAL: Inform.-tekhn. sb. M-vo elektrotekhn. prom-sti SSSR, 1955, Nr 84, pp 9 -14 ABSTRACT: It takes 15-20 electrode-tools and 10-20 hours of work to broach a die hole in a hard-alloy billet. At the Kharkov Electromechanical Plant, a new method has been developed, called the "method of a reverse cone, " in w1h-ich the ejection of metal from the anode simultaneously destroys the cathode during the process of a discharge machining. This method considerably Increases prodi~ctivity. - The process is explained by an example, and a method is indicated of determining the size of the electrode-tool, depending on the proportionality factor of the discharge destruction of the pair of electrodes. Card 112, SOV/ 112-57 -9 -18976 Electric-Spark Method of Preparing Hard-Alloy Dies, or-the "Method of a . . . . The equipment necessary comprises a power-supply rectifier, a capacitor bank, and a washing -and -duplicating machine with accessories. A circuit diagrarn and basic parameters of the rectifier and capacitor bank are given. The washing -and -duplicating machine, with a rigid spindle suspended by flat springs, secures the necessary accuracy of broaching. Basic performance in coarse, medium, and soft treatment is indicated, as well as a table of pxoportionality factors of electrical erosion for various electrodes and conditions, and also formulae for determining dimensions of electrode -tools. Processing in the preparation and remodeling of hard-alloy dies is described, and photographs of the dies prepared are presented. The "method of a reverse cone" can find applications in individual production. In mass or batch production, special press molds should preferably be prepared for the billets. Card 2/2 B.P.N. NAMITOKOV, K.K., inzh. Experimental determination of stresses in the tightening of the stator and rotor packs of large electric machines. rest. elektro- prom. 27 no.8:61-63 Ag '56. (MIRA 10:9) 1. Kha'rlkovskiy elektromekhanichookiv zavod. (Electric machinery) (Strains and stresses) NAMITOKOV, inzhener. Measurnme of,,axial pressures on the thrust bearing of a large vertical iotor. Vast,alaktroprom, 27 no.12:64-66 D 156a (MLRA 10:1) 1, MrIkovskiy electromekanichaskiy savod. Oelectric motors) (Strain gauges) NAMITOMV, K.K.; ALEKSAIIDROVSKIY, N.N. 40~rv Efficient method for broaching irregular17 shaped holes by electric sparks. Vent. mash, 36 no.6:51-53 Je 156. (MLRA 9:10) 1. Kharikovskiy elaktomakhanichookiy zavod. (Electric spark) (Broaching machines) NAMITOKOV, K.K.; GANAPOLISKIT, Ya.M. th-somwWwwwMOM Dynamometer for measuring metal cutting forces. Vast. -jash. 36 no.8:47-48 '56. (MLRA 9:10) (Dynamometer) (Metal cutting) AUTHOR: Namitoko K.K. Engineer. ilo-6-21/24 TITILE: The application of inspection methods employing penetrating radiation. (Primeneniye metodov kontrol-la sispollzovanyem pronikayushchego izlucheniya.) PERIODICAL: "Vestnik Elektro-orom-vshlennostill(Journa1 of the Elect- 1 Industry) 1957, Vol.28,No:6, pp.72-?5 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT: This article describes briefly theapplication of X-rays and gamma irradiation for purposes of industrial inspection with particular reference to the electrical industry. The main headings, most of them illustrated by figares, are as follows: inspection of welds; inspection of castings; inspection of soldered joints; the detection of foreign substances in insulating materials; the inspection of insulated wires (to see if the wire is central); and. the non-destructive inspection of parts. In each case one or two simple Card 1/1 examples axe given. There are 8 figures. ASSOCIATION: KhEMZ SUBMITTED: Au .gust 13, 1956. AVAILABM: X&MITOKOV. K.K.,inzh.; CIDWUPA, V-F-.RGBt- Heaeuring vibrations and linear displacementso Izvevyssuchob. zav.; prib. no-3:129-130 '58. (MIRA 12:2) 1. Khartkovskiy politekhnicheakiy institut. (Vibration--Measurement) AUTHORS: Namitokov) K K , Engineer, 105-56--5--19/28 Gh#,-p_jra, F. , Engineer (Kha p-v)-- TITLE: A Device for Studying the Shape of the Surface of Commutators of Electric Machines (Pribor d1ya issledovaniya fomW poverkhnosti kollektorov elektricheskikh mashin) PERIODICAL: Elektrichestvo, 1958, Nr 5, PP. 78-80 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In collaboration with Ye.111. Ganapol'skiy the authors in 1955 elaborated the construction of a similar device developed by Ryan and Swmers (Ref 1). In this case, however, the device operates with a longer wave for the purpose of utilizing standard tubular conductors and standard klystrons. The method employed by the authors is a further development of that developed by Ryan and Summers. Work is here based upon measuring the phase difference of two radioiraves, of the centimeter range, one of which is reflected by the commutator surface of the machine in operation. Measuring the phase difference of two signals is based upon a property of a double-tubular conductor T-iron (Ref 2), which is described in detail. The scheme of this device Card 1/2 as well as its description ani data concerning its efficavy are A Device for Studying the SIL-%pe of the Surface of 105-58-5-19/28 Coymmitators of Electric Machines given. By means of this device investigations of the shape of the commutator surface of various types of electric machines viere carried out. According to the o3cillogram obtained the nmimum height of the unevernesses on the surface of the commutator can be determined. By comparing the ba3-.0 width of the pulse vrith the length of development it is possible to estimate the number of protruding lamellae. There are 4 figures, and 3 references, 2 of .which are Soviet. SUBMITTED: September 16, 1957 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress 1. Connutators--Surface conditions 2. Radio waves--Applications 3. Phase measurement--Applications 4. Phase measurement--Equipment Card 2/2 SOV/110-58-11-9/28 AUTHOR: Namitokov,, K.K. (Engineer) TITLE: An Investigation of the Coefficient of Friction in tiie Thrust Blocks of Submerged zlectric Motors. (Issle- _dovani-ye koeffitsienta treniya v opornom uzle pogruzlanykh elektrodvigateley.) PERIODICAL: Vestnik Elektropromyshlonnosti, Nr.11, 1958, pp.33-35, (USSR) ABSTRACT: Vertical induction motors types rED and MAP are used to drive centrifugal pumps type AP and work submerged in deep wells. It was decided to study the coefficient of friction in the thrust blocks of these motors. The method developed by the author for this purpose is based on the use of a special elastic element with a wire-type strain-gauge In the motor thrust block. The device was required to measure independently and simultaneou5ly axial and tangential foroes In the thrust blocks, and It had to be sufficiently sensitive, strong and reliable. The equipment used is illustrated in Fig.1 and describeld, Card 1/3 The method of calibration is explained. Formulae are SOV/110-5&-11 -9/28 An Investigation of the Coefficient of Friction in the Thrust blocks of Submerged Electric Motors. given from which the coefficient of friction in the thrust block can be calculated. By way of example, a particular pump and motor working together are considered. A general view of the 6-segment thrust block is given in Fig.2; its construction is described. Experimental determinations of coefficient of friction as a function of axial stress on the thrust block of this motor are plotted in Fig.3. It will be seen that the coefficient of friction increases with the load, whereas if lubrication were hydro-dynamic it should decrease. It was evident that, for loads of more than 200-300 kg, the coefficient of friction corresponds to semi-dry or dry friction. it was then discovered that the actual loads on motor bearings were often much greater than the design figure; it is doubtless for this reason that bearing failures have been experienced. Design changes that should improve matters Card 2/3 are suggested. There are 3 figures. SUV/110-58-11-9/28 An Investigation of the Coefficient of Friction in thb Thrust blocks of Submerged Electric Motors. .SUBMITTED; September 15) 1957, 1. Electric motors--Performance 2. Electric motors--FD~ction 3. Friction--Analysis 4. Strain gages--Applications Card 3/3 110-t,z8-5-22,/';)q 2, AUTHORS: Mateychenko, V.S., and famitokov, K.K., Engineers 4~~~ __' TITIE; An Experimental Investigation of the MechanicAl Parameters of Fans for Diesel Engine-driven Alternators (Eksperimental'noye issledovaniye mekhanicheskikh parametrov ventilyatorov dizellnykh generatorov) PERIODICAL: Vestnik Blektropromyshlennosti, 1958, Vol 29, Nr 5, pp 68 - ?0 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This article describes experimental determination of the mechanical parameters of fans of different constructions intended for operation under identical conditions in diesel 7 driven generators. The tests were made on a special vibration rig which imitated the torsional oscillations of the back-plate of the fan relative to the outer rim and also oscillations of particular parts of the fan under conditions corresponding to those arising in service. The vibration rig is described and consists of a motor driving a crank, oscillations from which are applied to the fan back-plate. During the test, the fan rocks to and fro, imitating torsional oscillations in service. The rethod of determining the tangential displacement of the rim relative to the back-plate by means of an induction probe is described. The measurement of dynamic stresses in fan blades Cardl/3 by r~eans of strain gauges is also explained. 110-50-5--22/25 _ An Experimental Investigation of the Mechanical Parameters of 1-ans for Diesel Engine-driven Alternators The natural frequencies of fan parts were determined by applying impacts at various points. This set up damped oscillations which were recorded on an oscillograph by means of strain gauges fixed to different parts of the fan. The measurements of frequency are somewhat approximate. Resonance oscillations of different parts of the fan were determined by a piezo-crystal method. Using the various procedures described, the works has tested different designs of fan for diesel-engine-driven generators. From these experimental investigations, it was possible to evaluate the main mechanical parameters of the fans and to decide suitable consturctions. Tjpical data are given for two different constructions of fan, as sketched in Figure 4. The fans differ, only in the number of blades, their shape and arrangement. The test results are tabulated. Tt is concluded that in one, tangential oscillations are much greater than in the other, and the corresponding stresses are calculated. There were no marked resonance effects in the frequency range observed. The construction of Figure 4B is by far the most rigid. Card2/3 There are 4 figures and 1 table. 110-58-5-22/25 An Experimental Investigation of the Mechanical Parameters of Fans for Diesel Engine-driven Alternators ASSOCIATION: Kha-rlkovskiy elektromekhanicheski zavod (KhaAov Electro-mechanical Works5 SUBMITTED: May 9, 195? Card 3/3 NAMITOKOV, K.K., lnzb. Studying the axial pressure on the tbrust bearing of an immersible electric engine caused by hydraulic foads of centrifuq-.1 pumps. Vest. ma9b. 18 no.9:19-23- S 158. (MIRA 11:10) (Centrifugal p6pe) (Bearings (Macbiner7)--Testing) BRI,;ZIIZKIY, Vladimir Georgiyovioh, mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; KATS, Benya Borisovich, starshiy inzhener; NAMITOKOV, Kemal! Kadyrovich Fiffoct of the resistance of the brush contact on the aommutation of enclosed d.c. machinery with organosilicon 'insulation. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; elektromekh. 3 no.9:138-142 160, (MIRA 15:5) 1. Khartkovskiy nauchno-issledoviollskiy institut alektrotekhniki (for Brezinskiy), Kats). 2. jukw~'ioditell laboratorii -:M=- )OM~kovskogo nauchno-issledavatellskogo inBtituta elektrotekhniki (for Namitokov) ZElectric machinery-Direct current) S/115/60/000/05/12/034 BOOMBO11 AUTHORS: Namitokov K K. Chepura, V. F. - - 72.9 . A TITLE; Measurement of Vibrations Ond Longitudinal Displacements With the Aid of Superhigh Frequency Radio Waves PERIODICAL: Izmeriteltnaya tekhnikap 19609 No- 5, pp. 20-21 TEXT: On the strength of an.idea given by A. H. Ryan and S. D. Summers (Ref. 1) concerning the utilization of centimeter radio waves for the investigation of vibrationsplAthe authors designed and built an instra- ment,'erhich is shown in Fig. 1 and described. Ye. M. Ganapollskiy lso 00-O'part in the work. The instrument serves for measuring the amplitude and the frequency of vibrations In individual parts of different systems, among them also rotating systems. The instrument consists of standardized assemblies and parts. It can be also used for the investigation of vibrations in nonmetallic parts. There are I figure and 2 references: I Soviet and 1 English Card 1/1 NA14ITOKOV.4 K.K. Electron-microacope and X-ray diffraction study of products of the eleetri6 erosion of metals. Ukr. fiz. zhur. 6 no.4: 556-564 Jl-Ag 161. (MIRA 14:9) 1. NDIElektrop z~. Kharkiv. IrEl,~ctron microscope) (X-ray spectroscopy) (CorrosibWOW Aft-1corrosives) NARITOKOV, X K.- Prinimali uchastiye: BRENER, V.N.; KRYTSYN, G.M.; `Z~~~VAJ Ye.V. Using ultrasonics in electric engineering. Avtom.i prib. mo.l: 72-76 Ja-Mr 162. (MIRA 15:3) 1. NIIelektro. (Ultrasonic waves--Industrial applications) (Electric engineering) KAMITOKOV, K.K.; EMINSKIY, V.G.;-XWCHENKOp L.P, Hall-type e.m.f. tra*ucers and their use# for "ying magnetic fields in electrical machines and apparatus'. Energ i elektrotekh. prom. no-028-32 O-D 162. iMIRA 16%2) ., (Magnetic fields) (Electric machinery) (Electric measuremi4s) I 42772 S/135/62/007/0 I D234/D303 2-6, - 2, I*i.UITHOR: -famito:--ov Thu rciation 'ju-G.-lecii vapor and liquid phases in ,.-o- ducts of electrical erosion of metals PERIODICAL: Ukrayinsll%-yy fizyc4'1nyy zhurnal, V. 7, no. 10, 1962, 1136-1139 TEXT: The above relation is 111vap (C T + melt M 3 0 1 a lict. C Ac )T + Kc T xP + A - 1 Q L( uolid- 1' liq Inelt liq boil' .Card 1/2 V135/62/007/010/016/020 The relation between ... J234/D308 where K io a coefficient !;Iowin-P the par-,, of metal mass ejoctled from the electrode :3urfuces, -~he I)LL-rt of discharge energy ac- cumulated in the for;j ol' 11out Lit the '_'Lrfaces, excludin.:,, 11-he energy inside,by heat conduction, L,.-,,d /t and p are lateat heats of. meltin6 and eva~arazicm. if -v;~e ellergy I I io fi;-.ed, the ratio ~4 or MvaV "L i qis found :~io ducreu~;e 'increasing d,8c',Large dura'.- up to 0.004 see and tl-,en to incretoe slowly alain. If the duration n is fixed and the ener~ry increases, this ratio _chows a tendency zo- wards decreasing. Thure is 1 figure. ASSOCII'LTION: NDIEL_~-*i~TIN ra. (IiDIELEKTRO, Xharkiv) 6'U B'DI 1T T 1~ DJuly 5,1962 Card 2/2 ,'i.UTHOR: TITLE; P,7-'RIODICAL: 42773 S/18 2/007/010/017/020 D-'--'3 4 YJ) 03, 0 a Namitokov, X. K. -he Structure and composition of separate cavities in 46 destruction of electrode surfaqes by pulsed discharge Ukrayinslicyy fizychnyy zhurnal,v. 7, no. 10,.1962, 1139-1141 TEXT: The purpobe of the present work was possible confirmation of the thermal hypothesis of electrical urosion. The results confirm w6li-known facts but do not ulways coincide quantitatively with theoretical data, which is attributed to n.eglect of the metal ejec- tion coefficient. It is pointed out that the latter should be de- termined experimentally in order to solve the problem. DiffereAt form of cavities on the cathode and anode is not explained by the- he cavities no appreciable quantities,of the a~ry..At the center of ti %I ~L n 'I material of -the oppouite electrode io observed, which coflicts with the- conclusion of uo-me authors' that erosion processes are slow at the anode and instantaneous at the cattiode. There is 1 figure. Card 112 Structure and com~ositiori ... W135/62/007/010/017/020 --- D234/.D308 ,A.SSOCUTION; IiDIEL;~K'I'AU :;i. Khark-iv (NDII~-UEKTIRO, r"'harkiv) SUBMI'l."TED: July 5, J-,)62 Y t Card 2/2 3) KUTHOR: Namitokov, K. TITLE. Tran.9fer pheaomena PERIODICAL: Ukrayinsl;cyy 1141-1143 42774 S/185/62/007/010/018/020 D234/D308 K. in low-voltage pulses discharges fizychnyy zhurnai, v. 7, no. 10, 1962, TEXT: Effects of the molecular properti6s of electrode surfaces, of interelectrode distances and of surface changes following gas dischar6e are discaused. For instance, if the surface is covered by a thin layer of ~.-ater, the- transfer changes zubbtantially. In- Uerelectrode distance also aff"ects transfer. There is an optimum distance for which the transfer c."fect-is strongest (e.g. about lop in air discharge 'of a 1200/uP condenser at 200 V). Increa~se of Ulle int,:irele c trade distance decreases zhe total ::rosion of both cathode and anode. Breakdown of intucrelectrode gad occurs at.dis- tances about 10 - 100 times smaller if the electrodes have already beeli treated. This exd1ains ti.e fact that transfer ceases in spark treatment after reaching com,)aratlively small coating thicknesses. Card 1/2 j/185/62/007/010/016/020 Transfer phoziomend ill ... D234/D308 There is I table. 61)( ASSOCIATION; m. A A -Qi,ur'-iv (N~IELBKTRO, KIvirkiv) 8VBDIIYTI,,D: July 5, 1962 'Card 2/2 42775 S/185/62/007/010/0,9/020 D234/D308 AUTHOR: Nataitokov, K. K. TITLE: Low-voltage electric discharges t.~- PERIODICAL; Ukrayins"Kyy fizyclinyy zhurnal, v. 7, no. 10, 1962, 1143-1145 TLEXT: A special ultramicrometer with vemote electric control, based on magnetoatriction, was uued. At 100 - 200 v breakdown oc- curs with 10-4 _ 10-5 cia gaps. or with 10-2 _ 10-3 aaDs if the bras in the gap contains impurities. Blectron-microscopic studies of electrode surfaces Ghowed that: a) under -asual industrial condi- tions, at 100 - 3QO v and with ga,,,s of 10-4 _ 10-5 cm, particles of various shapes and uneven distribution appear a few Miflutes af- ted, par- .ter voltage has beeh aiplied; b) if the medium is pollut ticle,s or complexes appear in 1/100 - 1/10 sec; c) if tfle ~;uzrfaces are smooth and the medium well purified, solid growths appear in 10 - 20 min at 200 v witil jo-4 gap; d) if the ends of electrodes Card 1/2 S/165/62/007/010/019/020 Low-voltage electric D234/D308 are mechanically sharpened particlea with sharp ends and torn od,,,,es are sometimes oboerved. ~;ubstant-ial changes occur with Very short voltage pulses and are often accompailied by breakdown, even if the medium is pure gas or vacuum. The author attributes low-volta-e breakdown under workinur conuitiono to 'strange' particles, bo-Gh in tile gap and on electrode ourfaces. ASSOCIATION: NDIEL-'-'XTIR0, m. Kharkiv (NDIBLBK'IIRO, Kharkiv) SUBIMITTED: JuiY 5, 1962 Card 2/2 42776 6/1,35/062/007/010/020/020 Ib 11~ D234/D30,3 YWThOR: xd'amitokov, K. TITI~;; Dynamico o'L' the electric erosion of metoals PERIODIC#'L: Ukrayinslrzyy fi--ychnyy zhurnal, v. 7, no. 10, 1962, 1145-1147 TEXT: In order to otudy the traces oil brosion products on linings, a special installation w-a s designed whvre linings moved with a ve- locity oIL' about 2 x 104 cm/sec.-The velocity of ejected particles, estimated from their traceti, is not less than 105 cm/sec, or 104 to 105 cm/sec for macroscopic (1/100 to 1/10 cm) -particles. Very large traces of liquid ,-iota! are sometimes observed 15 - 20 cm from the center, indicaZint, that liquid metal can remain on the 'ele~ctro- des for about 1/1000 sec, while discharge lasts about 5 x 10-4 sec, and then are ejected. 6eparate dezQrmination of e -L ectrodynamic and 'L none' ec trodynam ic forces acting between the el C-4- -L e Urodes (based on compensating the forilior by u~livf ~~Iectrodynamic -forces) 81-lows that Card 1/2 Dynamics of Uie D2 3 .4 ',,1) 3 j6 with discharge CLIrfcln,,L~; 1:3(14-.- '5,000 L. -~ iii~ f orm~; r f-orce s car, a t 411~ain 300 - 400 G) While 'Uhe lattta,l, do not jyceed 100 - 150 G. Consecuent- ly, mechanical impulses i.~,,pearin- some-cines during discharges can- riot be explained without elec .~rodynaia c ;orces. ASSOCLILTION: JN'harkiv) S'UBMITTED: July 5, l-)0`2 Card 2/2 ACCESSION 11R: AP4033656 S/0304/64/000/0C2/0074/0075 AUTHOR: Namitokov, K. K. (Candidate of physico-mathematical sciences) TITLE: Ultrasonic roaming of irregular holes with a singlq setting of '..he instrument SOURCE: 14ashinostroyeniye, no. 2, 1964, 74-75 TOPIC TAGS! ultrasonic machine tool, mechanical metal cutting, mirror inverse copying ABSTRACT: The ultrasonic method of mirror-invorse copying is based on tile constancy of the ratio between the volurro of tile natal lost by the teol and the voluma of the material removed from the product per unit time. For studying the possibility of roaming irregular holes by a single setting of the instrument., the author considered a few simple designs. One of these was in the form of a truncated cone with a cylindrical tailpiece, shown in Fig. I on the Enclosure. The process of roaming starts with the tool as shown in a, and continues as shown in b and G. Similar designs are given by the author for roaming other irregular shapos. Orig. arib. has.- 3 figlwes- Card 113 ACCESSION NR: AP4033656 ASSOCIATION: nono SUMMED: 00 .SUB CODE:- IE NO REF SOV: 000 ENCL: 01 OTHER: 000 Card 2/3 ....... ACCESSION NR I AP4033656 b Fig. 1. Scheme of ultrasonic reaming of conic&l recess with a single setting of the tool by the mirror-inverse copying method. ENCLOSURE-. 01 Card 3/3 NAMITOKOVS K,.K.; CHEPURA, V.F. Profile meter for studying the surface of the collectors of electrical machines. Energ.. i elektrotekh, prom, no,1;53 Ja-Mr'64. (MMA 17:5) NAMITIOKOV, K.K., kand. fiz.-matem. nauk (Kharlkov) Concepts of electric metal erosion and forms of its appearance. Flektrichestvo no.10:26-30 0 164. (MIRA 17:12) durinar a ha rt-cir cults t7 SOURCE- Klek-trotekhnika, no. 3, lq65, 31-33 V1, Corl~ 2 / 2 ,NAq'~qKpy, Kemal' Kadyrovich, kand. fiziko-matemat. nauk; BREZINSKIY, Vladimir Georgij~vichf MITSKEVICH, Gennadiy Feodoslyevich Measurement of traction forces in selective automata releases during short- circuit currents. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; elektromekh. 8 no-5:592-Ok 165. (MIRA 18:7) 1. Nachallnik fiziko-tekhnicheskogo otdela Nauchno-issledovatellskogo e1ek-trotekhnicheskogo instituta ("NIIFlektro") (for Namitokov). 2. Nachallnik laboratorii elektricheskikh i magnitnykh izmereniy Nauchno-issledovatellskogo elektrotekhnicheskogo instituta ("NIIElektroll) (for Brezinskiy). 3. Nachaltnik otdela alektriche3kikh apparatov Hauchno-isaledovatellskoge elektrotekhnicheskogo instituta (NIIElektro") (for Mitskevich). (Engineer); Kats. B B. 1Fng:neer~ SOURCE. Elektrcjtekhn'-k,~, no. 4, p"A't .14 L 07123-67 EWTM .ACC NR: AP6017163 (N) SOURCE CODE: UR/0144/66/000/001/011110114 AUTHOR. Namitob2X-'...K'. ~_(Candidate of physico-mathematical sciences, Section headY.- . (Candidate of technical sciences, Senior research); BrezinsIdy, V. G (Head of laboratory) ORG: none TITLE: Device for measuring dynamic variations in the shape of commutator surface in electrical machinery SOURCE: IVUZ. Elektromekhanika, no. 1, 1966, 111-114 TOPIC TAGS: electric machine, commutator ABSTRACT: Even the best available mechanical gages (J. Dietrich, El. Bahnen, no. 9, 1953) cannot reliably detect commutator roughness due to centrifugal displacements of individual bars during the machine operation. The microwave- teat method developed by A. H. Ryan et al. (EE, v. 73, no. 3. 1954) requires complicated equipment and has limited resolution. Hence, a new electronic devici, Card I UDC: 621.313+ 621.3.047 L 07123-67 AdC has been developed whose operation depends on frequency variation of a 1-Mc. oscillator due to variation of distance between the commutator surface and an inductive (or capacitive) sensor. The inductive sensor comprises a coil on a ferrite core with an airgap; the sensor is firmly fastened to the machine, near the commutator surface. The coil forms a part of the oscillatory circuit. The resolution of the now device is claimed to be adequate: oscillograms show the profiles of the entire commutator, of a one-sixth part of it, and of an indiyidual bar. Orig. art. has; 4 figures and I formula. SUB CODE: 09 / SUBM DATE: 07.Nov64 / ORIG REF., 003 1 OTH REF. 002 (661000/0OU/003G10032 AUTHOR: Namitokoy K,. . (Candidate of physico-mathemaical sciences); Profatilova, X. I. (Eng car ORG: None TITLE: Variation in the magnetic properties of transformer steel in a b-oad tempera- ture interval SOURCEI ElektroteXhnika, no. 8, 1966, 30-32 TOPIC TAGS: magnetic property, magnetic permeability, transformer steel, magnetiza- tion curve, magnetostriction, magnetic induction ABSTRACT: The authors present a method for determining the magnetic characteristics of various grades of transformer steel and givedata on the effect which temperature variation from -86 to 750'C has on the magnetic characteristics of hot rolled E13, E31, E41 and E42 transformer steel and cold rolled E310 and 3100 steel. The t(Mpcra- ture was measured at 1000C intervals. Static magnetization curves for direct current and residual induction were determined at each temperature interval. The study was carried out on annular specimens stamped out of standard sheet transformer steel 0.5 EM! thick and toroids with a 53 mm outside diameter and 40 mm inside diameter coiled from I band 10 ran wide and cut in the direction of rolling from the same sheet metal as the Card UDC: Oj~,2 .- ~ _113i__ - _ _t_Q_ ACC NRt AP 6 -0 3-3 375 :others. Specimens made from E310 steel were pre-annealed in a vacuum to eliminate the ~aftereffects of processing and to produce a grain in conformity with GOST 802-58. High temperature ineagurements were carried out in a crucible resistance furnace. All specimens were cooled together in the furnace. The specimens studied at -86 and -300C :were placed in a cryostat. The induction and magnetic field of the various spe c imens ~during heating are quite strong with a continual reduction in.residual induction In 'heating steel from room temperature to 100-2000C, induction decreases only sl Iin a 150 erg field. Further beating up to 7000C in the same field produces a sharp ;reduction in induction. Residual induction decreases over the entire temperature trange UP to 7000C much more uniformly. The overall nature of thermal variation in the agnetization curves of transformer steel is shown by E13 steel. The d&ta gathered from E13 show that the region characterized by a sharp increase in induction shifts 4 itoward lower field intensity for all grades of transformer steel at higher tempera- tures. At higher temperatures, saturation is reached in weaker fields 4-spite the faclu that saturation induction decreases. If hot rolled transformer steel -is magne- itized in a weak field, induction increases as temperature is raised to 7COIC. It is :shown that increased silicon content reduces the growth of induction in r weak field during heating with a concommitant reduction in field intensity. The effect of tem- Z rature on induction curves is the same for two sets of steel: E13 and E31; E41 and P E 42. Variation in the induction of silicon-iron in weak fields is deterrined to a I 'great extent by grain.. Temperature has'qualitatively similar effects on the magneti- `-1 lzation curves of stamped and coiled specimens made from E310 steel. Maximum mrgnetic Card ACC NRC AP6033375 'i, per.,.icability for El" and E31 steel increases innit;nificantly a& tc-mperaturt: i~; it,- icrellacd tuid rices sharply at 700'C. Maximum magnetic permeability for E)41, D12 and iE3100 steel decreases insignificantly up to 5001C and increnocs obarply at 7001C. it lis apparent that induction variation and magnetic permeability of E31 [Lrd _E1.3 !;,.eel 1r, weak fields is determined by the temperature variation of the magnetic anisotropy cor,-~ stant. Magnetostriction is observed in the case of E41, E42 and E3100 steel. For this reason, maximum magnetic permeability decreases up to the temperature correspond-; ing to maximum magnetostriction during heating. A comparison of magnetization curves taken for specimens made from E42 steel which went through preliminary -Md secondary heating cycles shows that maximum magnetic permeability of the second cycle increases by a factor of 3 up to 6001C as compared to the first.cycle for the same temperature. A significant increase in the slope of the magnetization curves is obse.L-ved fOr the second cycle as compared to the first cycle for the " same temperature. The differences heated above 6001C I between the first and second cycle become less as and completely disappear at 7000C. Preliminary annealing does not chanil,e induction saturation, although'it is lower for the second cycle. It is interestiag to note the effect of preliminary heat treatment on the properties of coiled and stamped specimens made from cold rolled E310 steel, The magnetization curves taken in the -86 to 700'C temperature interval for 'annealed specimens are much higher than f(r corresponding unannealed specimens. Preliminary vacuum annealing shows up significwj'.-,ly only in the magnetization curve of the coiled specimens at 7000C. At temperatures above 7000C, and close to the Curie point, all specimens studied showed Hopkinson's aaximum. Orig. i .art. has: 7 figures. CODE; 11, 20/ SUBM DATE: None/ ORIG REF: 004/ OTH REF; 001 ACC NR- AP7001193 SOURCE CODE: UR/0407/65/000/05-/UO35/0039 AUTHOR: NAMjto_kqv Char-kov); Brener, V. N. (Yhar'kov); (Y :Rovinskiy, V. I. (Khar'kov) ,'ORG; !TITLE none Interclectrode-gap regulator for electrospark machine SOURCE: Elcktronnaya obrabotka materialov, no. 5-6, 1965, 35-39 TOPIC TAGS: electrospark machining, metal machining, automatic regulation ABSTRACT: Two new gap regulators developed by NUELEKTRO are briefly described. In the first model, the regulator drive motor is connected with the i ;electrode-feed mechanism via a differential reducer and friction clutches. The ;regulator is directly supplied from the power source of the electrospark machine. !The friction clutches are controlled by voltage and current solenoids containing ;thyristors in their circuits. This regulator requires certain remodeling of the I .electrode-feed mechanism of standard machines. Hence, another model with Ithyristors and a reversible electric motor was developed. The motor positions the Card* 1/2 ACC NR: AP7001193 ielectrode depending on the ratio of voltage to current in the spark. This regulator !can be mounted on existing machines without any remodeling. The efficiency of ,operation of the above regulators was tested and compared with that of an older' Abyratron, type: .Average number of To of total work ~Ul6es per min. number of pulses Thyratron type 4300 17.9 Solenoid type 11519 48 Reversible -motor type 12834 53 ~The table shows the advantages of the reversible -motor-type regulator. Orig. art. has: 3 figures and 1 table. :SUB CODE: 13, 09 SUBM DATE: none ORIG REF: 008 o NAMHADERZHI , 0. Traces of giant lizards in Ko4golia. Priroda 44 n0-5:110- 111 MY 155- (KLRA 8:7) 1. Komitet nauk Hougollskoy Harodnoy Respubliki (Ulna-Bator) (Kongolia-Lizards, Fossil) VOROBIYEVI G.G,; HAMITANWRZT19 Oe Mongolian meteorites. Heteoritika no.16tl34-136 158. (nn 111.8) Ofoneolia-Matoorites) VOROBIIEV, G.G.; WaNAMOIGH, 0. spectrocheiaical investigati6n of the Iloyan Bogdo meteorite of Mongo2ia. Meteoritika no.21:6o-63 16:L. 6) Q-Jiw. 14: 11) (Noyan Bogdo region-Meteorite 14. 4'.IOIT A.Yu t.1 BONDAREVA, IM no Water solubilitY Of za,90n dnd its mj.-4turep with , -thana- at high pressures. Trudy V14II no.3/,-.2-10-222 162. OURA 15z7) (Argon) (Methane) (Solubility) A-11 1717 t~ ~ ~_O /V ej V_'_/_A BRONSHTEYN, L.A., kandidat tekbuichaskikh nauk; HAKAWC&_Kjpg, shofar; SHIRN07, O.S., rateenzent; LIVITANT, T&,A., retsenzent; NIKITIN, ,V.1., shofar, reteenzent; SALWAY, ZX. inchaner, redaktor; TIKHONOV, A.Ta,, takhnichaskiy radaktor [Improving the operation of trucks and lowering the cost of trans- port] Uluchshenie Ispollsovantia, avtomobilai i enizhenia sebe- stoimosti parevosok. Moskva, Goa. nauchno-takhn. Izd-vo mashino- stroit. i sudoetroit. lit-ry, 1954. 146 Pe (ALTIA 7:10) (motor trucks) (Transportation, Automotive) GUDKOV ~ V.G. . BA~,,,Uji)v 2"I'll!"I H.". I----------- --! I Eech,nlzaLior, of tKe, !-,Crchins~ Ore Administration. J. c;'fll-h. redx 30 no.9:55-56 S- "i--4. 17:12) 1. Irkut--Viy nauchno-Issledcvatellskiy institut rodkikil !-wAal-lov (for G,adkov, Namolw). 2. nudoupravieni-ye (for San in) . BOGATSKIYI V.V.; FEDORCHUK, ViP.; OZEROVA, N.A.; BRYZrALbV-,---N.A.; GLADKOV, V.G.j jj~~OLOV_t V.A.; SANIN, B.P. Reviews and bibliography. Geol. rud. mestorozh. 7 no.lill3-123 .Jal-F 165. (MIRA 18W 1. Srednea2iatskiy nauchro-issledovatellskiy,institut geologii i minerallnogo syrlya, Tashkent)-i Institut geologh rudnykh - ., mostorozhdeniy, petrografit, ueneralogii i geokhimii AN SSSk, Moskva (for Fedorchuk, Ozerova). RAYMADZE, A. G. NMORADZE, A. G. "The Problem of Investigating Electrical-Inertia Pressure Feed of a Tractor Diesel Engine." Min Higher Education USSR. Order of tabor Red Banner Georgian Polytechnic Inst imeni S. M. Kirov. Tbilisi, 1956. (Dissertation for the regree of Candidate inASciences) TECHNICAL So: Knizhaya Letopis', No. 17, 1956. A uygmMl~~TA -ACCESSION NR:---A' R4031o86- S/O04k/64/OOO/0O2/VOl3/VO13 -SOURCE: Referativny*y zhurnal. Matematika, Aba. 2V77 AUMOR: Namoradze, ff. Z,; Chavchanidzep Ve V.; Kumsiahvili, V. A. TITLE: A statistical-probability simulation for making linear polymeric chains conformal in strongly qiluted openings CITED SOURCE: Tr. In-ta kibernetikit AN GruzSSR.. v. 10 1963j, 93-103 TOPIC TAGS: statistical-probability simulation) conformal linear polymeric chain,; polymer configurational statisticap binyl polymer chain TRANSLATION: The authors consider a new method for studying the configurational. statistics of polymers and they demonstrate the fundamental possibility of a statistical-probability simulation for polymeric chains. They compare an algor. ithm for calculating., by means of the Monte-Carlo methodj, the conformation of separate chains of binyl polymers with massive weights* kuthors' abstract DATE AcQ: 19mar64 SUB CODE: CE ENCL: 00 NAMORADZE, T. D. "The Secretory Function of the Stmach During Prolonged Mechanical Irritation cof the Pylorus," Cand Med Sci., Tbilisi State Medical InBt, Thilisis 1953- (RZbBiol, No 8 Dec 54) q of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended At USSR Higher Serve FAucational Institutions'(12) SO: Sum . No. 556 24 Jun 55 Human ann iticavi. ztrij I stion. Abe Jour Rof Zhur Biologiya, No 13, 1958, No. 6028 Authcr Nam~adze, T. D, Inst to~ri State d6gogical Institute Title Ontogonooin of Gastric Secretion In Dogs Orig -Pub Tr,'Gorlysk. gos. ped. in-t, 1956, 3, 205-216 Abstract A study was conducte d on 35 PUPS with isolated stomachs, according to the methods of Pavlov and Heidenhain; six of them were operatedon.within 3- 6 days after birth. ,The alizentary.excitants used were broad, milk and breast nursing (2 min.). As early as in the third day,'acidity was found in the juice of pups with Beidenhain stomach. During the first week of life, the total gastric -acidity was 35) free HC1 - 20) during the secorxi week 70 and 45, third - 80 and 50,'and after 30 days - 156 and Card 1/2 73 USSR/Pharmcol-)L;y and Toxicoio -a - Hi-etaraine and Antihistaniniz. V-5 Dru ~'s Abs Jour : Rof rlliur -; Biol. , no 14, 1953, 66329 Author : HamracIzop T6-D, inst G:)ri State TeachersT Llstit'utc. Title One Effects of Hist~mdlic on the Gastric Secretory Activity in Puppies. Orig Pub : Tr. Gariyako gos, pcd, in_t) 1956~ 31 233-237. Abstract : "L st&~y was mde, on 12 puppics, of the influence of his- '11-amilic (1) on the sccrQti.~a of Mcstric juice (Gi) dv-.r-;.nc: 'iarijus stages of p~)staatal C,.evelopiiont of the To collect the GJ, aa )purat:koa was perfomed dturLi."! first days after birth ta ic..)Iate the storuch witIl I'll- tact in:1.ervation. (I) s:~lutioas were injected subcr,*kl,'I- ncously (0-3-1 ml of 1:2000). (1) had no effect .)n -'--'.c Card 1/2 - NAt-iORS, -.., Ile "r 'Cw- ; 7~al-; I , I - ! , ~ 1 - , -! - - . W!~. : C. ~~ ", -, " - ~ . ". !,. - '. , - ;: , - ~ 185 '63. NAMORS, Marta Results of the treatment of exudative pleurisy of tuberculous etiology with tuberculostatic drugs and corticosteroid hormones. Tuberkuloza, Beogr. 12 no.4:455-459 160. 1. Grudno odeljenje Vojne bolnice u Ljubljani (nacelnikt potpuk. dr. L.Repe) (ADRENAL CORTEX HORMONES ther) (TUBERWLOSIS PULMONARY ther) NAMOV, Vetseslav Devin) Stoichiometric calculation in 8th grade. Biolog i khim no.6: 28-33 161. fill[ 1 Hl AI ON 0 A 4 IN 'ZO )or, -0 'f~ MIS Is- -0 0 how Iran wo doposill of 1119 K&ftIO-FinI;h'SSR, 4-11. (.t,rmvl v "A"A"41 fivir"Ovs, wr In thr IALC Itevolly discover -f b- deposit- Is Outlined- region. The P-I IjillinAlry tictus. In%, it in ogle jwt of tile drpmit A 1-1&1 .00 I.-, content 15-2h) land %A. Ile '.k7,17%, the By, !; Content . fit anuthrr twt (d tile 4100"it tile 00 atut P tixv~. it tile IMA. Fe it zoo I l,td Ile 6 M.O.'--W-25 A" is Similar to tile Ile Oct III tile KMA 0 0 be Oro 1104ch pcnin,ijbi and of Scioiduutvia. 0, -00 90 00 00 *0 zoo No 40 AS.-%L- -II.LLUNG K.L LM144.1"-t CL.S%IFK 4110N 00 It u If 00 to % cr tv it a a a a It it K a .1 It I, I ;o 1 0 0 0 a 0 0 * ~! ~ .T.d:: 0*0 00 0 ::::::100 6*0 *000000:::: BBLIKOV, LT.; GCRBUNOV, G.I-,;- IVANOVAO TsNo- KOZLOV, Te.K.; WUROV, 11.K4;, NAMMSM, V.I.; SAKMROYP A-S-; D.D,; GMUNOV, Go I. bind`--~geol.-Minerilo nauk, red.-, DOTAaO, Vol*, tekhn. red,' o Exineral wealth of thi, Lola Peniumilal Bogatetya nedr KA'skogo polnostrovao' Murmansk. Mdzhnaia redo *Poliamoi pravdy." 19Y7. 128 p; (NM 3-ItIO) (rols Peniumda-Mineralogy) 'et, -- - V.F. -- -- RAMSARAY - Be- - -- - - - --- --- ---- - - - ---- - --- - - -- ----- BOEHKOVSKIYD I Accuracy of clinometric data. Trudy geofiz. inst. no.22:3-18 154. (Clinometer) (KUU 8:4) PUREVj Zh.; KRIVELI, A.; TKACMiKO, A.; ~I~AM NJKOVETS, A., red. [Youthfulness of ancient Mongolia] Molodostt drevnei Mongolii. Moskva, Pravda, 1964. 262 p. (MIRA 17:12) N)143RIY, D. "A Comparison of Various E'als of Breeding Ibngolian and Fine-fleeced Mongolian Lamergeyers in the Conditions of the Mongolian People's Republic"; diesertation for the degree of Candidate of Agricultural Sciences (awarded by the Timiryazov Agriwltura:L Aeadmy., 1962) ( Timiuazmkoy Selliskokhozyaystvennay AkademU, Moscow, No. 2, 1963v pp 232-236) 52-14&-65 scy,~ut'cns and -5-anhs Of (1) a SM"I NO- - wi Mlula gl. H Y M. 4 SaM L p4O3-67 'EwT%i ACC NR- AR6021873 SOURCE CODE: UR/0'124/66/000/003/AO08/AO08 AUTHOR: Nam TuWP TITLE, : Effect of braking forces on the center of mass otion of a satellite in relation to the SOURCE: Ref. zli. Mekhanika, Abs. 3A45 REF SOURCE: Byul. In-ta teor. astron. AN SSSR, v. 10, no. 5, 1965, 77-83 TOPIC TAGS: braking force, satellite motion, satellite, motion equation, aerodynamic force, center os mass A13STRACT: The rotary motion of a satellite exposed to the action of gravitational forces, aerodynamic pressure and braking forces is analyzed in relation to the center of mass. It is assumed that the center of mass moves along an elliptical orbit. The system of motion equations is solved by the method of successive approximations. Only secular perturbations are considered. As an example, the motion is discussed. of the third Soviet Earth Satellite in relation to of mass. R. Yeremenko. [Translation of abstract] N~~- (AM] SUB CODE: 03,20,22/ Card 1 /1 FESHCHENKO, I.I.; NAMYATOV, G.H.; VISHNEVETSKIY, M.L.; GLOVATSKIY, A.B.; I KHAVKIN, Putting into operation a sintering department at the Karaganda Metallurgical Plant. Stall 24 no.8-.676-678 Ag 164. (HIPA 17:9) ii i y TA 1 1 karaganda Parr, c, m--m.not. S n-,,.8:2?--33 ITAMYATOVA, L.Ye.;,11AMYATO~P. G.N. Practice in dust utilization In the FIntgrirg &hop of tbee Yzragar4a, Metallurgical Plant. Biul.tekh.-ekon.Inform.Gos,ria~ich.-issl.insto nauch.1 tokh.infom. 18 no.5-.6-7 my 165. (MIRA 18j6) -NAWATOVA, L.Ye.; ITAWATO~, G.N. Practica in duet utilization in the einturing chop of tYR Yaragarrha 1-btallurgical Mant. Diul. takh, -okon. Inforn, Cos. nauch. -Ics 1. irs t. nauch.i, tokh.lnfom. 18 no.5:6-7 MY 165. (l,,IRA 18:6) - ---- - - --71-- -- --- - -I --~ --- ---- -- --- ---- ---- - --- -- --- Tonsils - Abscess Treatment of peritongillary abscesses. Vest. oto-rin. 14 no. 1, 195Z. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Anril -195A Uncl- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 *To -A.-A-a-M J a a A V VIT-4--y-LA 1141 Cc IV a &.1i I-A-It I I I J 1 0 0 .0 ~fi A 100 O.-P ('001II! A Carbohydrate metaboUirn (a adr-al dfibetes front 6- .? ariglostossized N. A. Fednrov and A. M - 406 1 t . s. s. R.) 39. 491 n1yatui%he". Aff -I (in English 494)(IM).-Thtangingtomy method o(B.S. Lorulon pennits the withdrawal of blood, thmlh canulse, .00 frems iniernal blood vensels. in thew e'p"* b" (fain the Ixtrial, hepatic and fernortil weins, and the femoral tiery we* withdrawn simultaneously before and after 800 00 43 :dremlineinjections. Sugar. led ic acid WW glycogen were =00 drid. in the blood from these 4 Yewh and the following 0 0 vonclu~ious are offered: The adrenalute injection1l increase 400 :40 hepatic glycogen fortnadon which parallels the consump. Coo tion of guM by the intestinal wall and the striated muqclts 00. ard i4 accompanied by an increaue of lactic acid in the too eyst ernic blood. The lactic acid and blood glycogen are reinurrd by the liver. The striated muicles and intestine, 00 z Y"d bu-MA" amto. of I to the blood which Is W-0 probably due to the mQKU11Z of liver glycogtn by 40 41 the atirrasline and caming the Increvised glycogrn imns. ter from the cut and skeletal musicks. W. A. Pedsweig see 00 boo a I L A CTALLMICAL L119RATWE (LASSIFICATIC01 Woe I a (W 0 4 1 or of I a 4 it 1 0 11 11 11 11 11 IN It It 9 OF it Z9 If Is 40 n 1 14' a So 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 111 0 X-4043 0 0 0 0 0 0 0000 Foo7es-.4s, 6 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 6 0 4 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FFMROV2 N*A.9 prof.; WAMYATYSHEVA, A.M.; KAKHETFJJDZE, M.G. Z we stigation of the hemopoietio factor of the stomach with the aid bf hemoaulture, Problegemat.i perelokrovi 1 iaool:10-16 JTa-F 156. (MIRA 3-4:1) 1. Iz TSbntrallnogo ordena lenina instituta gematologii i perelivaniya krovi (dir, - eblen-korrespondent AMNSBSR prof. A.A. Bagdasarov) Hinisterstva zdravookhraneniya SSSR, 'TICS (GASTRIC JUICZ) (MEOPOIF YSTEH) MOROT, N.A.. professor; DULITSIX. H.S.. professor; ROXONOVA-TSKHOVREBOVA. O.D.; NAHTATYSHEVA, A.H.; XAXMJILID%N. H.G.; ROZAKOVA. X.S. UgW4;~-- , P"-~x " Jffact of spleen extracts from 3aukosis patients on hemopoissis in rabbits; proliminar7 report. Fr.3bl.emat. I peral. krovi 1 no,3: 9-14 W-Je 156. (MlRA 10: 1) 1, Is TSentrallnogo ordens, lanina institute gematologii i peralivaniya krovi (dir. - chlea-korrespondant ANN SUR prof. A.A.Bagdaearoy) Minioterstva, zdravookhrananiya SSSR. '(HEKOPOISSIS bysiol. I an extracts fro*-leukosts patients on hemopoissis luff;o'bilpele (SPIM" extracts from laukosle patients, off. on hemopolosis in rabits) UKMIA laukoals, %p eon gxtra5to from patients, off, on hemopoia is in va bits -NAMYATYSHEVA-i-A~-H~-,-FEODCROV,,-N.-A.--(Hoscow)-.--_______ __ _ "The Influence of the Antithrombocytic Cytotoxio Serum on the HematopoleBia and Blood Coagulation." Report submitted for the Eight International Congress of Hematology,, Tokyo,, Japan,, 4-IOSep 60e FEDOROV, N.A.; NAM)ATYSHEVA, A.M.; KAKHETELIDZE, M.G.; ROZAVCVA, N.S.; ZHIZIJ.IKA , Humoral mechanisms of hemopoietic changes in acute radiation sickness. Frobl. gemat. i perel. krovi 5 no- 4:13-19 Ap 160. (MIRA 14:1) (RADIATION SICKNESS) (104ATOPOIETIC SYSTEM) NAMUTYSHEVA, A.K. (Moskva) KffeC~ of antithro.mbocytic serum on hematopoieoio in dogs. Pat. fiziol.i okap,torap. 5 no.1:24-432 J&-F 161. (Miju V": 6) l.. Iz patofiz~ologicheskoy laboratorii wiv. -i chlen-korrespondent W 'SSSR prof. N.AXedorov) Tsentrallnog'o ordena Lenina instituta. gematologii i perelivaniya krovi (dir. - deyetvitellnyy ohlen AMIT ,SSSR prof, A.A. Bagdanarov (BLOW PIATLILETS~ (SPUM) (I~MOPOWf IC SYSTEM) NAMYATYSHEVA, A. M.; GORBUNOVA, N. A. Specific effect of antithrombocytic cytotoxic eam an blood coagulation in dogs. Probl. gemat. i perel. krovi no.1:28-34 162. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Iz patofiziologicheskoy laboratorii (zav. - chlen-korrespondent AM SSSR prof. N. A. Fedorov) TSentrallnogo ordena Lenina insti- tuta, gematologii i perelivaniya krovi (dir. daystvitellnyy chlen AW? SSSR prof. A. A. Bagdasarov(deceas;dD (BLOOD-COAGULATIOTI) (SERUM) FEDOROV, N.A.; KAKHETELIDZE, M.G.; NAMYATYSHEVA, A.M. Quantitative hemopoletin changes in the gastric juice of dogs following repeated bdoodletting and blood transfusion. Biul. eksp. biol. i me4. 53 na-5:28--32 My 162. (MIRA 15.7) 1. Iz TSentralln4go ordena Lenina instituta gematologii i perelivaniya kro#i Ministarstva zdravookhraneniya SSSRp Moskva, (BLOOD-TRANSFUSION) (BLOODLETTING) (GASTRIC JUICE) ~FEDORUI, 11. ft.; -HAWARU =1, A, -A. M.--- "The effects produced by thf~ antitbrorwocytic i=ine sertLm of hemopollesis." (An experimental investigation) report submitted to 10th Cong, Intl Society of flermtology, Stockholm, Sweden, 30 Aug-4 Sep 64. KAKHETELIDZEV M.G.; NANYATYSHEVA, A.M. Modified hematopoietic activity of the gastric juice following the interference between food and defense reflexes in cats. Pat. fiziol. i eksp. terap. 8 no.4:63-64 JI-Ag 164. (MTRA 18:2) 1. Patoflziologicheskaya laboratoriya (zav.- deystvitelInyy chlen AMN SSSR prof. N.A. Fedorov) TSentrallnogo ordena Lenina instituta gematologii i perelivaniya krovi (dir.- dotsent A.Ye. Kiselev) Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya SSSR, Moskva. NAMYATYSHEVA. A.14._;FEDOROV, N.A., prof.; KOROSTYLEVA, V.A.; RUDASHEVS YA) M.M. Effect of antithrombocytic cy-totoxic serum on hematopoiesis in dogs. Probl. gemat. i perel. krcrvi 10 no.2:19-25 F 164. (MIRA 19:1) 1. Patofiziologicheskaya laboratoriya (zav. - deystvitellnyy chlen AMN prof, N.A. Fedorov) TSentrallnogo ordena Lenina insti- tuta gematologii i perelivaniya krovi (dir. - dotsent A.Ye. Kiselev) Ministerstva. zdravookhraneniya SSSR, Moskva. 2. Deystvitellnyy chlen A14N SSSR (for Namyatysheva). AWKOV.9 F.; MMIMOVICH, V.; NMffATYY, A.; PEWIYY, S.,- TARAPATA, N. Materials for the establishnent of time norms for rest periods cf miners in the coal mines of the Donets Basin. Biul. nauch, inform.i trud i zar. plata 5 nn.206-43 162. (MIRA 15s2) (Donets Basin-Coal mines and mining)(Rest periods) 4 I .1 mmuny, H.P. i r---4~v ~'- ~~- Treatment of peritonsillary abscesses. Test. otorinolar., Moskva 14 no.1:53-55 Jan-Feb 52. (CWL 21:4) 1. Of the Clinic for Diewwas of the Ear, Throat, and frome (Director- Prof. S.F. Ietnik), Stalino Medical Institute. I 't JEDROSZ-HMIUSOWA, Danuta, mgr.,inz.; VAMYSLOWSKA-BRYIIIARSKA, Jadwign, mgr.,inz. Factors influencirg the Smprovement of the properties of retorts. Rudy i metale 7 nool:15-19 162. 9 -NW*f-z---Mr5n ' Problem of national production of cotton fAbrics in the light of achievementn of the German DOmocratic Republicj p. h5- (PRZF.M.YSL MKIENYZY, Lodz, Vol. 8, no. 2) Mar/Apr. 195h.) SO: 'Monthly List of East European Accessions, (EEAL), LCp Vol. h,, No. 61 j4fn. 1955, Uncl.