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WALEDY, N.V., kand. nallakokhozyaystvennykh nauk June in the.forests-of,?Starstan. Priroda 47 noo6t3.26 Js 158., 1 leTataralmya lasnaya opytnays stantelys, Kazanf. Wak 11:7) (Tatar A,S.S,R.-Sumwr) NkPALKOV, N.V., kand. oel'skokhozyaystvenn7kh nauk - In the northeastern wooded steppe. Priroda 47 no.9:124-125 S 158- (MIRA U:g) l.Tatarsimys lesnays opytnaya stantelys, Kazan'. I (Russia, Northeastern--Steppes) MONASTYRSKAYA, Bella losifovna, prof.;.NAPALYXV,,N,P,, red, (Age-related and functional morphology of the endocrine system) Vozrastnaia I funktalonalInain morfologiia ondo- krinnoi sistevy; sbornik statei. Leningrad., Meditsina., 1964. 156 P. .(MIRA 18:2) 30) AUTHOR: TITLE: PERIODICA.L: PSTRACT: Card 1/2 SOV/26-59-2-53/53 Napalkovt NeVot Candidate of Agricultural Sciences February in Tataria -(Pevrall v Tatarii Priroda, 1959, Nr 2, p 128 (USSR) The author presents some principal data, partly based on data obtained from the Kazanskaya meteostantsiya (Kazan' Meteorological Station) on the weather and climate in the month of February in the Tatarla. The Wean temperature in Kazan' in0February ib winus 1381 C. in 1957 it was minus 6.6 C and oin 1941 minus 30 0 with instances down to -45 and -50 C. Similar fluctuations were observed with respect to the preci- pitation. In 1955 the total precipitation in Febru- ary was 80 mm or 381% of the average total, while in 1952 it was 2 mm or 9% of the average. The mean snow cover at the end of February is 1 to 1.2 m thick in the forests and 30 cm on the open fields. The difference in thickness is due to the strong winds that sweep the open areas and accumulate the snow masses in depressions and ravines. Consequently the February in the Tatar SOV/26-59-2-53/53 ground may freeze to a depth of 90 cm in open areas and to 30 to 40 cm in the forests with spruce and pine trees being the characteristic trees of these forests. The over-all weather picture for the month of February in the Tateria is characterized by an alternate sequence ot spells of severe frost and snowstorms, Towards the end of the month the frost periods cease gradually. ASSOCIATION: Tatarskaya lesnaya opytnaya stantsiya - Kazan' (Tatar Experimental Forest Station - Kazan') M~~ va~. I, -WALKOV, k&nd.s9l'~kokhoxy&ymtvswykh nouk In Chuwashla. Prlroda 49 no,5:127-128 My 060. (MIRA 13:5) 1. TaUrskays lesnaya opytn"s stantelys. Kazan$. (ChuWasbia"dWing) NLPAIKOV, N.V., kand. eel I skokhozyaystvennykh nauk Climax of summer. Priroda 49 nO-7sl25 A 160. (MINA 13:7) 1, Tatarskaya I snays opytnaya stantal", Kaww', Mumor) l:QIAPALKOV, N.V., kand.sellakokhozyaystvennykh nauk Shedding of leavoo in the Tatar AoSoS'oR6 Friroda 49 no.10:117 0 160. (MIRA 13!10) 1. Tatarskaya lesnaya opytna;ra stantaiva, Kazan'. (Tatar A.S.S.R.--Autumn) NLPALKOV Val~abls aatural monument. Priroda 49 no.11:66-67 N 160. (MIRA 13:11) 1. Tatarskeys leswWa opytnaya stantsiya, Kazan'. - (Tartar A.S.S.R.-Arboratumel HAPALKOV, N.V... kand. sellskokhoz.nauk (Kazanl) I . ..I - 4-- - September in the Tatar A#S.S.R. Frircda 51 no 9z127 S 162. 't (KMA 15:9) (Tatar S.S.S.R.-Autum) --N- -A-P-A- -LK Ov,- -P PROF PA 4/4975 PA 10/49TFO NAPALKOVI~-F. N.j PI~Of 10IMP _-'stap,hyloopool, SWOON 010hr 48 Radiotherapy ~."A Generalized Chronic and'Purulant Staphyloooooi _...Woction-of a So-called Ketastatic Nature.,* P *.'Napalkor,, Prof Faculty Surg Clinic., ~...i;rdngrad Sanitation'4glene Ned Instp 8 pp T."t .,EhirurgLI"_ Vol IXVIII, No 2 Desdariben course-df d1semes -GiTes eight case histories. Treatmenb should Include, not only local and'radiotherapy but also means of in- aIrmaing vitamin 'and hydrocarbon metabolism, auto- r'b*therapy.. blood transfusion, autovacoination, #,m'tbe . PenLaIlUn-adsiinistratioa is man"terye rapy 1069280 Jul/Aug a e saicletleso medical aceedings'.of the Plkogav Surgical Socriety," Prof 11 3/4 PP "Ysst"~xhirurgie vol i=:rq No 4 Imports mass lons hold 14 Jan, 28 Jan 11 Fab and,-2,5: SOM Of Feb'~I the demmstrations vere:..blu--t cheav: comiplicated with bilateral qnsunothorax, results in mandibular osteoplasty with exterlorlhalf of : a: rib,Land two,cames of surgical treatomt for ~perioardial adhealm. Anoog papers read vere:~ "Gi-afting of Dissected Gmtrlo.LSOCt'M. With Thin, 4 23-AqT83- MR/Jiedicine, Surgery (Cmtd) Jul/Aug 48 Pleas, of Intestizial Tissue," "Tuberculosis Of the neceecal Regim and Appendix,* OX-Ray Therapy, of 0stoodistrophis. Fibroma," "Burns In Peace and War," and ~*Uningrad Surgery In World War n." 'WU jl~llv, ,-1' 0 4 . 1 1 U-,(-1'r-,/V,cdicine - Surgery J,, tiedicine - Societies, Medical "For the Attention of Surgeons of the Periphenj cf the USE,,' Prof. S. GixTolav, Prof. P.,N. Napalkov, 1/8 p West Khirurgii" Vol MIII, No It Directorate of the Pirogov Surg Soc in Leningrad has organized a consultaLlon renter for L7'U as M va problems on scientific and practical surgery confronting subject doctors. quiri ay .-, addressed: Leningrad, ul. L. Tolstogo, I '"Surgical Clinic, Docent 1-. L. Stukkey. i-ned) -S. Girgolav, Pres) Pirogov Eurg Soc, P..11. Napalkov, Secy. ZComplete translation7. 21/49T85 UmAbdicine - 1661cal Societies jjjy he Medicine - Surgery "Minutes of Meetings No'998, 999, 1,ooo, 10001, and 1,002 of the Pirogov Surgical Society," PrOf P - N - N&P&lkov, 151 PP "Vest Khirurgii" Vol =VIII, No 5 Session opened 10 Mar 48, Vith 347 persons -attending (217 muber'3). N. N. Samtin acted chairman, S. L. Libov as secretary. A .number of reports vere read and discussed, including Ya Arlyev's -Clinical, Pathological, and Anatomical Aspects of Modern Methode of Treating Aso 57/49TTIO ism/kedicine Medical. Societies may, he, (Contd) Chronic Osteomyelitis From Gunshort Wounds," and I. I. Shaferig nProblem of Intestinal Imper- meability Caused by Ascarides. Session opened May 48; S. S. Girgolay, elm,, G. A. Gomyakov, Secy. Among reports read and "Result* i in discussed were V. A. Goykbmnls Using Organic Glass in Plastic Surgery of Cranial Defects," and Z. Ya. Lisnyanskayals "Treating Acute Pmaent Diseases With Penicillin." NkP)WXOV, P.N. Treatment of fresh cranial injuries, Xhirarglia, Moskva no- 8:33- 39'Aug 19320 (OLKI, 230) 1' Professor. 2, Of the Y~culty Surgical Clinic (Director -- Prof. T:16 Napalkov). Leningrad Sanitary-Hygienic Medical Institute. KOZHIRA. V.G., studentka; YAKOVLEVA, G.K.; NAPALKOVo P.Ne, professor, zaveduyu- mhohiy. ------------ Iffect of the patient's position on the operating table upon the activity of the heart and lungs. Vest.khir. 73 no.3:50-55 MY-Je 153. (MIAL 6:6) 1. FakulltstsWa khirurgicheekaya klinika Leaingradakogo sanitarno- gigi7enioheakogo meditsinskogo inatituta. (Surgery, Operative) IOYKO, 1.0., dotsent; ITAPAMOVT!~~., professor, zaveduyushchiy. Streptomycin therapy of renal tuberculosis. Yest.khir. 73 no.4:3'~-35 J1-AG '53. (HLU 6:8 ) 1. Falvaltetskaya khirurgicheakaya klinika ]Leningradakogo sanitarno-gigiyeni- cheskogo meditsiunkoggo instituta. (Streptomycin) (Kidneys-Tubercalosis) SHAKHANOVA. B.A.; NAPAIKOV, P.N., profeasor, saveduyushohiy. Investigation of chronaxy in surgical therapy of ulcers of extremities. Vest. khir. 73 no-5:20-22 S-0 153. O(TMA 6:11) 1. 7akul*Itetskaya khirurgichookaya klinika Leningradekogo oanitarno-gigiVeni- cheekoga vediteluskogo Inetituta, (Log--ulcers) WAPALKOV. P;N.. profegeor (adres: Leningrad, 124. lovgorodskaya, d. 7) Diagnostic gantrotoaq. Vestokhir. 74 no-3:43-48 Ap-Ny 154. (KERA 7:6) 1. Is fakalltatokoy khirurgichookoy kliniki ( P.N. Napalkov) Laningradekogo sanitarno-gigiyontchookogo mditsin- skogo institutaf* . (STMACK; Aeoplalms, Odlag., gastrotomW) T- V" 7.711- T N"ALWV. P.N., profeseor. Leningrad, Novgorodekaya, ul. D. 1/11, kv-7- Detection.of sepsis at a surgical clinic. Yest.khir. 74 no.8: 58-63 D '54. (MLRA 8:10) 1. Is.Ifakulltetakoy khirurgicheakoy kliniki ( P~N. Mapalkov) Leningradskogo sanitarno-giglyenichaskogo med.1- tsinskogo Instituta. (IHMTION, diagnosis) (SEPTICIMIA ARD BACTMMIA, diagnosis) NAPALVDV, PH.. rrofessor. a M 0 a 0 0 2 0 MWW-- WOV Surg4cal treatment of patients with &cuts cholocystitim. J[hirar- glia Kooky& n0-5:23-27 my '55. (XLRA 8:9) 1. Is fakalltetskay khlrurgtcbsekoy k1talki Loningradskogo smaltarmo-giglysmicbeekogo maditsizekogo lnatitut&. (CTIOLMYSTI TIS, Burg. Cholecystectomy, India. In acute cases) NAPALKOV P.N., professor. 'Xndoulc golter.0 A.T.Lidskir. Reviewod by P.M.Upsilk", Tolot. khir-76 no.9:11A-143 0 055, (MLRA 9:1) (OOITICR) (LIDSKII, A.-I.) NAPALKOV, F.H., prof.; MARTYNOVA, N.V., klin.ord. game and clinical claseification of aPontaneous gangrene. Trudy ISGMI 33:71-81 156. (MIRA 10:12) 1. Fakulltetiskaya khirurgichaskeya klinika leningradakogo sanitarno- gigiyenichaskogo meditainskogo instituta (zav. klinikoy prof. P.N.Hapalkov) (GANGRIINIg nomenclature & clin. classif., review) ZHDAKOV, D.A.; MOROZOV, G.K.; XMITANOV, P.A.; MILINIKOV, 13.; SMIRMOV, A-V-*; UFALKOV, F.H. Arkadii lUltanovich Sozon-lAroshavich; obituary. Yest.l:hir. 77 no.5:132~-133 )W 156. (MIRA 9:8) (SOZON-UPOSBXVICH, AIRU II XULIANOVICH, 1894-1955) ngrad, bolinitea im, Rechnikova); SHAM, I.I. .,Clinical and anatomical classification of appendicitis. Test,khtr. 77 no.8:114-120 Ag 156. l..Iz fakulitatmkoy khtrurgichaskoy kliniki (zav. - prof. P.N. Napalk6v) Leningradskogo sanitarno-gigiyoutchaskogo seditsinakogo Instituta (APPINDICITIS alin.,&-anat, claself.) _ILI INSK&YA. O.T.. 4;i6 ion,it -1 -a periefio-le6c6alimi [with mummary In MAglish]. (MMA 10: 6) plrqrgi~tt 33 no.3:53-60 Mr 057. fak-411tetskoy khirurgichookoy kliniki (say. - prof. P.N. lapaiio-v-) Leningradekogo sanitarno-giglyonichesko'go maditainskogo Instituta. (LYWHAMMITIS'. bile dwts. clin. manifest. & the, (Rus)) 9 dig. Icholedochoalis. cl2n. & ther. (Rus)1rr vjt~ sit M&ff, w 17TT7) -T T-L-7-~ NAPAIKOV# N. prof Prevention and management of complications ia strangulated hernias [with summary in Inglishl. Khtrurgila 33 no.10:84-90 0 157. (XIRA 11:2) 1. Iz fakulltstakoy khirurgicheskoy klinikiki (sav. - prof. P-11. Napalkow) laningradnkogo son its rao-gigiyaniche ekogo meditsinskogo inatituts. (MNIA# compl. strangulation, management Otus) IRD NAPILKOV. P.N. .,prof. (Leningrad) Forty years of achievecente in Soviet surgery. Yest.khir. 79 no.10: 3-7 0 '57. (KIRA 10:12) (SMURY, hist. in Russia, develop. (Rua)) P M WE % A_M~ ~_MMMWMM NAPALKOV, P. 17. -Diagnosis and therany of chronic cholecyatitio. Trudy LSGMI 39.*317-324 '58. (MM 12!8) 1. lafedra fakulltetakoy khirurgii Loningradekogo sanitarno- gigiyanicheskogo meditsinskogo instituta kzav.kafedroy - prof. H.P.Napalkov). (CHOLF.CYSTITIS,,,-. diag. & ther.,(Rus)) prof (Leningrad) ON.ItFirogov and foreign medicineff by S.A.lAkobson. Reviewed by Profeesor IP.N.Napalkov. Vest.khir. 80 no.1:144-145 Ja '58- (MIRA 11:4) (PIROGOT, NIKOIAI IVAIIOVICII, 1810-1881) (IALMSON, S.A.) NAPALKOV, P.N., prof. (lenthgmd, S-124, Novgrodakaya. u1., d.1/11. kv-7) The diagnostic value of gestrotomy in precancerous gastric disease. Vest.khir. 81 no.9:83-90 S158 ~(KIRA 11:11) 1; Is fakulltetskoy khirurgicheskoy kliniki (sav. - prof*' P.N. Napalkov) Leningradskogo sanitarno-gigiyonicheakogo meditsinskogo instituta. (STOMACH IMOPLASMS, dingnosis gastrotomV in precancerous condo (Rua)) NAPALKOV, P.N., prof. Seventy-fifth birthday of Professor Vasilft Kikhallovich Nazarov.- Vest.khir. 81 no.11:158-160 N '58. (KIRA 12:3) (NAZAROV, VASILII KIIHAILOVICH, 1883-) NAPALKOV, P.N., prof.; REPIN, Yu.M., kand. mod. nauk; ASOGIDVA, S.M., kand. tied. Ireatuout of heart wa=ds. Test. khir. 82 no.5:118-122 Yq '59. (MM 12:7) (MMW--WOTX]Z AND INJUHM) 'g AMINEVI A.M., prof.; BEREZOV) Ye.L.,, prof.; BISENKOVj N.P., kand. Med. nauk; BRAYTSEV, V.R., prof.; DEYNEKA, I.Ya., prof.; DYSKIN) Ye.A.,. kand. med.nauk YAZPIISKH, V.I., prof.; KARAVANOV, G.G., prof,; LEVIN, H.M., prof.; MUS11,01KOV, A.H., prof.; YAYAT, V.S., prof NAPALKOV P.N. prof.; ROZP1;OV, B.S., prof,; RUSANOV, A.A., prof:, 'i!.K.--.-'kand mod. nauk,- FILATOV, A.N.., prof.; J. CHUKHRIYENKO,, D.P., prof.; SHILOVTSEV,.S.P., prof.; PMOVSKIY, BeVe., profe, otv, red.; MELINIKOV, A.V., prof... red. toma; SUVOROVA. T.A., dots., red.; FIROTVORTSEVA, K.S., red.; RULEVA, M.S., tekhn. red. [multivolume manual on surgery] Mnogotomnoe rukovodstvo po khirurgii. Moskva, Medgiz. Vol.7. (Surgery of the abdominal wall and organs of the abdordnal cavity, the stomach and intestines] Khirargiia briushnoi stenki, organov briushnoi po- losti-zheludka i kishechnika. 1960. 746 p. (MIRA 15:3) I* Deystvitellnyy chlen Akademii meditsinskik-h nauk MR (for Braytsev,, Petrovskiy, Mellnikov). 2. Chlen-korres~ondent Akademii meditsinskikh nauk SSSR (for Maksimenkov Filatov). (ABDOMRT---=GMY) NAPALKOV, Pavol Nikolayevich; alIPJIOV~ AlokBandr Vasillyevich, zaal. -na ~prof.; SHRAYBER, Mark Grigorlyevich; Prinimali uchastiye: ASOSKOVA, S.M.; ILOINSKAYA, O.V.; REPRI, Yu.M.; SHAFER, I.I.; SWUMER, B.A.; ELIBERG, G.A.; RUSINOV, A.A.., red.; LEBEDEVA, Z.V., (surgical diseases]Khirurgichesl:ie bolezni. Pod red. A.V.Smirnova. Leningrad, Medgiz, 1961. 571 p. (MIRA 15-.12) (SURGERY, OPERATIVE) NAPALKOV, P*N.p professor ------------- 7- Treatment of heart wounds. Vest.khir. no.ltl2/+-IZ7 162. WRA 15:1) lo Iz fakulltetakoy khirurgicheakoy kliniki (zave - prof* P.N. Napal%ov) loningradskogo oanitarno-93'. iyanicheskogo inBtituta. (I&M-4~0UNDS AND IWMES5 NAPALKOV, P. N., prof.; KOSTIN, E. D. Changes in potassium metabolism in various complications during anesthesia. Khlrurgiia no-402-19 162. (MIRA 15:6) 1. Iz kliniki khirurgicheskikh bolezney Leningradskogo sanitarno- giglyonicheakogo meditsinakogo instituta. POTASSIUM MKABOLIM) NESTHESIA-COOUCATIONS AND SEQUKAE) R NkFALKOV, P.N. (Leningrad, 41. Plutalova, d. 18) W KRASM., A.U. ---------- Surger7on tbie-cardis, and lower segment of the esophagus with preservation bf,,tho arcus costarum. Grud.khir. no.402-89 Jl-Ag 162.- (MIM ait 10) .1. Is kliniki khirurgichookikh bole Loningradskogo sa~f"rno- giglyenichookogo maditsinskogo inst kta (sav. - zaelysbenW.. deyatell nauki prof. P.N.Napalkov). (ESOPHAGUS SURGERY) (STOMics-SURGERY) NAPALKOV) PX., zaaluzhennyy doyatell nauki, prof. Indications for and selection of surgery in liver cirrhosiB. Trudy I.SGMI 74:23-47 162. (14PA 17: 10) 4 POPOVIYAN, I.M.,, prof.$ otv. red-(Saratov)- NAPALKOV, P.14., zaal. deyatell nauki prof., re4 ,; ZAKI&~#---G.'~.-;-prot,, red. (deceased]; BELISKIY, A.V., dots., red.# KOSHELEV, V.N., dots.,, red.; GORCHAKOV, L.G.,, red.; C~~IYSHEV' N.V.t red.; BLINER, M.S.9 red.; ANDREYEV, P.P.J. red. [Transactions of the Second Congress of Surgeons of the R.S.F.S.R.1 Trudy vtorogo s"ezda khirurgov RSFSR. Saratov, Vser. nauchn. med. ob-vo khirurgov, 1963- 583 P- (MIRA 17s8) 1. Sllyezd khirurgov RSFSR. 2d~ Saratovo 1962. BLINOV, N.I., prof. (Leningrad); GROZDOV, DJL~ prof.(Moskva); GOLIDGAMER, K.K., doktor med.nauk(Mosku); DRACHINSKAU, Ye.S... prof.(Leningrad); KORNEV, P.G., zasl. deyatelf nauki, prof.(Leningrad); LEVIT, V.S., zaal. deyatell nauki, Prof. [deceased]; LIDSKIY, A.T., zasl. deyatell nauki prok.(Sverdlovsk); -MPALKOV, P N - zael deyatelf nauki prof.(Laningrad); PETROV,B.A., prof.; PRIOROV,, N.N.Cdeceased]; SAMOTOKIN, B.A.v dots.(Leningrad); SELITSOVSKIY, F.L., prof.Cdeceasedj;-FRUMIN, A.P., prof. [deceased]; KHOLDIN, S.A.,, prof.(Leningrad); SHAKHBAZYANp Ye.S.v prof,(Makva); SHLAPOBERSKIY, V.Ya., prof.(Moskva); YUSEVICH,Ya.S., prof.(Leningrad); VISiREVSKIY, A.A., prof., red.; GOLIDGAMMER, K.K., red.; EELICHIKOVA, Yu.S., tekhn. red. [Specialized surgery; manual for physicians in three volumes] Cbaatnaia khirurgiia; rukovodstvo dlia vracheiv trekh tomakh. Pod red. A.A.Vishnevskogo i V.S.Levita.-Moakva, Medgiz. Vol.2.[Abdodinal cavity and its organs, spinal cord, spine, pelvis,, urogeniiall system] Briusimaia polost' i ee organy, spinnoi mwzg, posvonochnik taz, mo- chepolovaia sistemal 1963. 717 p. (MIRA 160) 1. Daystvitellnyy chlen Akademii meditsinskikh nauk.(for Kornev, Priorov). 2. Chlen-korrespondent Akademli meditsinskikh nauk (for Lidskly, Petrov, Kholdin). (SURGERY) ITW 1.1APALKOV ?.Ii. prof.; T1laA-flH' V, A. do t:-, en t armlo pancreatitis. Yflinlrurglia 39 na.11:11-17 D 163 ('~aiv' 38:1) 1. lz kliniki kbirargicheskikh bolezney (zav. - prof. P.N. flapalkov) Luningradgkogo zianitarna-Eigiyenichaskogo meditsln- skogo irstituta. ..Illlplllllll Rill W ~MIVMWMO NAFALKOV,'P.N... prof. (Leningrad) Areview of reports of value to the surgeon read at the Eighth International Cancer Research Congress. Vest.khir. 90 no.3:131-136 Mr'63. (MIRA 16:10) (CANCER IMSEARCH-CONGRESSES) NAPALKOV,_Z.A.,,, prof. (Leningrad, F-136., ul. Plutaloval d.189 k7. 11) Surgeri in Aronic duodenal otasis. Vest. Khir. 91 no,10: 43-48 0 163. (MIRA 17:7) 1. Iz kliniki khirurgicheskikh bolezney Loningradekogo sanitarno- gigiyanicheakogo maditsinskogo instituta. 'NMRIMS!"I Unfit-E. fl; NAPALKOVP P.N., zasluzhennyy deyatell nauki, prof.; IL'INSKAYA, O.V. Control of complications following surgery In thyrotoxicosis. Khirurgita 40 no.12:11-14 D 164. (MIPA 1,03:3) 1. Klinika kh irurgichoskikh bolezney Leningradskogo sanitarno- gigiyenicheakogo meditsinskogo instituta. .1M :T Ri OP93012- i DEEM H OBIASTYA VA IZD-VO OIROSHENIYE MEL? V TSMITRALI ITOCH. 'U 'YY t Kil FWK MA111YE, 1952. 23 D. TABr--S (VS~~,OYMZIMOYE OBSIICIM,"~TVO PO POLITICIMKIKH I NAUCMAKH ZNANIY. 1952, SZKYA 3, 110. 8) -0 Water gateway to China. Vokrug eveta 3;33-39 Vq.'53. OMRA 6:6 ) (Shanghai-Description) NAPATKOV, S. %VMTW From the mouth of the Thames to London. Vokrug oveta no.3:18-21 Mr 1.54. (KIMA 7:2) (Thames River) iXTMR Mimi" I W~ NAPALKOV, Sergey Rik&Wevich; HIMIN, Ye.I., redaktor; SRIBNIS. N.Y., 'MM* ftc-esTl; r;Lktor [A story of distant land*] Rasekas o dalekikh stranakhi Kooky&, Voen. izd-vo Kinisterstya. obor. SSSR. 1956. 254 p. (MM 9:7) (Voyages and travels) RMIRNMRR' sm mum"MAN-RAW-M IM NAPAMOV, Sergey, moryak; IVANOVA, L., red,; KUKHIN, Yu., - [In Till Eulensplegel's country] V strans Tilia Ulenshpigelia. Koskya, Goo.izd-yo,polit.lit-ry, 1959. 102 p. (KIRA 1Z--5) (Belgium--Description and travel) Sergey-, ZABIROV, B.Sh., Ted.; VU,,ENSKAYA, E.N-, [The ship in mailing west] Xorabl' idet na SaPad- NoBkva, (~6s.isd-vo geogr.lit-ry, 1959. 107 P- (MIRA 12:8) (Burope, Western-Description and travel) UPALKOV Sorgey Nikoloyevich; MIRONOV, T.V., red.; KATVEYZV, A.P., [Pree Vietnam is welcoming friends] Svobodnyi Vietnam' vatrecheet drusei. Koukra, Izd-vo "Sovetsksia Rosaiiag' 1960. 76 p. (MM 14:2) (Vietnam, North-Description and travel) W ALKOY, Bergey Nikolayevich, moryak torgovogo flots; IT, X.L.0 red.; p TeAso [Meetings in Onba; report] Tatrechi no Kube; reportazh. Leningrad, lanizdat. 1960. 182 p. (KIRA 14:3) (Cuba--Desoription and travel) BADAIASHIN, E.Z., APA '~~N Petroleum prospecting in the Vishnevaya Polyana and fhwlat-Ahimbaevo -structural zones. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; neft' i gaz 4 no.9:3-9 .161. NIRA 14: i2) 1. Kazanskiy osudarstvennyy universitet imeni Ullyanova-Lanina. (ttar A.S.S.R.-Petroleum. geology) TROYEPOLISKIY, V.I.; BADAMBIN, E.Z.; NAPALKCIV, V,,_N. Outlook for finding oil in the Kama-Fdnell Depression and method of prospecting it. Izva v7s, ucheb, zav.; neftl i gaz 6 no. 4 111-14 163. (MIRA 16:7) t 2, lazaziskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet Imeni V.I. Mlyanova- Imnina, (Yam-Kinell Depression-Petrolaus geology) TROYEPOLISKIY, V.I.; SMELKOV, V.M.;-BADAMSHIHv E.Z.;-!!~ Petroleum potential,and methods for petroleum prospecting in fractured resenoire of the carbonaceous section at the eastern edge of the Aksubayevo-Melekes depression. Izv.,vys. ucheb. zav.; neft' i gaz 6 no.8:3-8 163. (MIRA 17:6~ 1. Kazanakiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni Ullyanova-Lenina. TIEIIVIVSKIY, Studying the relief and the palsoatructure of the permian buried land with a view to bringing about more efficient structural- prospecting drilling.,,~eol. J. 164.(MIM 17:9) 1. Geologichaskiy institut Kazanskogo filiala AN SSSR. ----NAP.AJY,OV -V -.P-. 6nd:-VIZGDT-,-K-.A-.(D6~e-nt. "The Analysis of the Accuracy of Geodetic Leveling." ~o I report presented at theAScientific and Technical Conference, Novosibirsk Inst. of Engineers of Geodesy, Aerial Photography, and Cartography, 15-22 Feb 1958. (Geodeziya i Kartografiya, '58, 4, 79-80) RYABMDI, L.A.; NAPALKOV, Yu.V.; PUTIMTSEV, G.N. Apparatus used for recording the controllable directional sensitivity of seismic vaves. Trudy MNI no.18:76-107 157. (MIRA 10:11) (Seismometers) 2.410 WMN MR -09 RYABISM, L.A.; WALZOV, Yu.V. Methods for the interpretation of data obtained In controllable directional sensitivity recording. Trudy MNI no.18,.108-127 157. (MIRA 10: 11) M-A NAPALKOV, Yu.V. On the resolving power of the controllable directional sensitivity recording of seismic waves. Trudy NNI no.18:39-75 157 (MIRA 10:11) (Seismometry) VAPAIJIOV, Yu.V. Accuracy In the determinntion of SPPArent velocities in controllable directional sensitivity recording. Trudy Or no.18:128-139 157 (MIRA 10-:11) (Beismometry) BrABINKIN, L.A..; NAPALKOV, Yu.V.; FUTIMTSEV, G.N. Modern apparatua for the controUed directioml sensitivity method. Tmdy MIWWGP no.26:28-39 160. (XIBA 1);6) (Beismometere) S/552/60/000/027/0021008 'HOOO/HOOO AUTHOR: Napalkov,, Yu. V.- TITLE: Seismic pickup grouping theory SOURCE: Prildadnaya geofizika (sbornik statey),. no. 27, 1960, 12-34 TEXT: The author disputes F. M. Golltsman's introduction of a "cutoff" frequency in the frequency characteristics of continous groupings of seismic pickups wnen the latter are converted toidiscrete groupings, and attempts to discuss the sensitivity distribution functions and directivity patterns of discrete groupings without reference to frequency or time limitations placed on the functions. Using the delay theorem, he derives the directivity pattern directly for a discrete grouping having an arbitrary sensitivity distribution-, the curve obtained represents a function of a generalized argument. The sensitivity distribution for a discrete grouping having a given directivity pattern is de- termined from Fourier series coefficients obtained by the least squares method. If the Fourier series is not infinite, the accuracy with wnich the given pattern Card l/ 2 NAPALKOV-SOFINSKIY, rU. V. Dissertation defended for the Aegree of Candi4ate of Technical Sciences at the Institute of Enrth Physics imeno 0. Yu. Shmidt in 1962; "Investigation of the Resolving Capacity of the Controlle4 Directed Procedure (OP) for Seismic Waves.' Vest. Akad. Nauk.SSSR. No. 4, Moscow, 1963, pages 119-145 A 0 PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/6278 Ryabinkin, Lev Aleksandrovich, Y_Mri ( Viktorovich Napalkov- Vladimir .Vyacheslavovich Znamenskiy, Yuriy Nikolayevich Voskresenskiy, and Miron Borisovich Rapoport.. Teoriya i praktika seysmicheskogo metoda RNP (Theory and Practice of of the Seismic Method of Controlled Directional Reception). Moscow, Gostoptekhizdat,, 1962. 293 p. (Series: Moscow. Institut neftekhimi- cheskoy i gazovoy promyshlennosti. Trudy, vyp. 39). 3000 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: Ministerstvo vysshego i srednego spetsiallnogo obrazovaniya RSFSR, and Moskovskiy ordena trudovogo krasnogo zPameni Institut neftekhimicheskoy i gazovoy promyshlennosti im. 1. M. Gubkina. Editorial Board: Resp. Ed.: K. F. Zhigach, Professor, I. M. Muravyev, Professor, E. I. Tagiyev, Professor, E. A. Bakirov, Candiate of Geo- logical and Mineral Sciences, M. M. Charygin, Professor, F. F. Dunayev, Professor, I. A. Charnyy, Professor, N. I. Chernozhukov, Card 1/y Theory and Practice (Cont.) SOV/6278 Professor, Ye. M. Kuzmak, Professor, V. N. Daklinov, Professor, G. M. Panchenkov, Professor, N. S. Nametkin, Professor, N. A. Almazov, Docent, A. A. Tikhomirov, Candidate of Economic Sciences, V. L Biryukov, Candidate of Technical Sciences, V. 1. Yegorov, Candidate of Economic- . Sciences, and V. M. Gurevich; Executive Ed.: Ye. G. Pershina; Tech. Ed.: Z. 1. Yakovleva. PURPOSE: This publication is intended for engineers and geologists concerned with seismic prospecting for oil and gas. It may also serve as a manual for seismic exploration with the method of controlled directional reception. COVERAGE: The book outlines the method of controlled directional reception of seismic waves (RNP) used in geophysical prospecting. Problems connected with this method are analyzed with special emphasis on the problem of resolving power. There are 126 references: 114 Soviet, 11 English, I German. Card 21A'1-- NAPALK(YV ru*V, Using groups of, different sensitivity in seindc prospecting. Prikl. pofis. no.32 ils-IL 162. - (MMA 15:7) '7Seismic prospecting) "M M? -M I- PYINSM.-a912-3-y"ll :l% -iK-XvT'M-W0;R!MA rl ANN M-ORNMIT."I"m SION RYABINKIN J. Lev Aleksandrovich; NAPALKOV, Yuriy..Viktorovich; ZNAWISKIY, Vladimir Vyacheslavovich; VO~KRESENSKIY, Yuriy Kikolayevich; RAPOPORT, Mron Boria6vich; ZHUGACH, K.F.., prof.,; PEPSHIIIA, YZ.#.~ veduBheh%red.; MURAVIYEV, I.M., *af.,, red.; TAOM11, E.I., prof.., red.; BAKIROV, E.-A., kand,geolp-min6ral.nauk, rea.; CPMGIN, M.M., prof.$ Apd.; DUNAYEVI F.F., prof., red.; CIWUIYY, I*A., prof*, red.; CHERNOZHUKOV N.I., prof., red.; KUZMAK, U.M., prof. Y 4- .9 red.; "I DAMIOV, V.N., prof,) red,; PANCHENKOV, G.M., prof., red.; NAI-UftIN, N.S., prof, reo.j ALMAZOV, N.A., dotsent, red.; TIKHOMIROV, A.A.., kand.ekon. nauk, re4~j BIRYUKOV','V.I., kMd.tkehn.na4, red.; YEGOROV, V.I., kand.. ekor*.nauk.'red.; GURETICH, V.M.,, red.; YAKOVI"VA, Z.I.,, [Theory and practice of the controlled directional sensitivity methqi] T'ebriia i praktika seeismicheskogo metoda RNP. Mskva., G6s. nauchno- tel-hno, izd-vo. neft. i gorni>-taplivmoi -litU. 1962. 29j p. (~bscow. Institut-.neftekhimicheakoi- i *=61 prpyahlenaosti. Trudy, no.39). (MIRA 15:12) (Seismic prospecting) Conteming fle rafl".tlori of saismio -.,,.tvea from refIv.,ting rough'b=jdaries. Tiud;r M'DIM01-1 no,!~415-20' IU NAFALKOVA, M.P. Blood supply of the trachea in the human fetus; Trudy LSGKI 45 t199-204 '58 1 (KOA 11:11) 11 Irafedra normallnoy anatomii Leningradskogo sanitarno- giglyenicheskogo seditsinekogo instituta (zav' -kafedroy- chlen- korrespondent AMR SSSR, prof. D.A. 3hdanov); (TRACHNA-BLOOD SUPPLr) SUR," -0 'T WI~trl~,wv~~amw~ll-~gi-t-r"$N-!Fi-ril~1.1,ltl~~,'~~~"~w",Trg4r,;314h KOSTRIN, K.V.; KREYIER, M.L.; MALIKOV, F.Kh.; GALIPERIN, B.M.; NAPALKOVAJ, S.A. Refining sour oils in the units and plants of Bashkiria. Trudy BashNII NP no.7sl9-29 164. (MMA v: 9) r, P't NIM 1-11-,PM ~7 v ~~~~VIYSM FS 0-~ PIN 0 A, re IN mj RM W-M affino, M39 wa W -j ~.-Y HAPALOV, PIN. " rof' Result of radical surgery in stomeh cancer&' Sovo'med* 22 n0-1113-11 immAilm) L Is falmlltetskoy khlrurgicheskoy klinild loningradakogo manitarno- g1glyenichookogo meditelaskop institute* (STONAM MWWWO surg; radical resectiong results (RUG)) r, D lv*r- ,;:;u p 1, i a A ",T- A.-WTC 1, t I /,ww p v Aww p /PW p CiM SOWCE: Tr. 7 VgeE;* tuinobm-tekhn. konferentail po poroank. metallurgii. Yerevan, 1964, 2W--S(Y3_ cly, D'a, 7,)F. Te+A, L ~, ' ~ -. - - - ACCESSION Kr~ AR Ol -- I n 3 Card - .-.. L ,;L" GOURCF Por,~)shkovaya meta.'Iuirglya, -TOPIC TAGS: iron powder, chromium coated 1)cwder, rovder coatin chrom-iij -M steel p(jv(ier iron al loy. chroirium --)n' aining q, ~y 1! .' -v -).-,Wip r ABSTBA~n': x r ime nS ~_rjve teef, ~n ri: n r-r. 5~w~-r vi'_nA card , ~ C r- i~ ~~S I rj N N A~- : r v a z- 9 7--n w.- w 1 2 r r, m m. tri x+,,-, re wa s -n--I A~ q --n~',~-nl I r p--iw Ir I y 4 r, hp m i an ~K v p lp 1 pe,wle r-; -w n -.r ml rp. -jn t r. 7:: f- r to ontain various crimmium comenTs in ne -,immzea -mn pawaer. uriw- F-r,- . ri~ 3 figures and 1 table . Y. - A,q,c;nr TAT I r)N Inat i twit rrnhl Pin mal r-r i -1-ion i v4, Ali lnst I '-i- p7s Card i ACC M AP6025932 SOURCE CODE: UR/0226/66/OOO/OOT/OOlo/ooi4 AUTHOR: Radomysellskiy, 1. D na, S. G. ORG: Institute of apblems in the Science of MaterialsijAN UkrSSR (Tnatitut problem materialovedeniya AN UkrSSR) TITLE: Investigation of conditions for producing chrome-alloyed Jr-M powde by diffu- sion saturation from solid chromium ontaining charges (report 2) VI SOURCE: Poroshkovaya metallurgiya, no. 7, 1966, lo-14 TOPIC TAGS: iron powder, chromium containing alloy, powder metal production ABSTRACT: This paper is a continuation of a study on the use of diffusion saturatiod for producing uniformly alloyed iron-chromium powders. The authors consider the effec which charge composition and alloying temperature have on chromium concentration in th powder particles. Charges containing 5, 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50% chromium powder were used for alloying iron powder at temperatures of 1073, 1173, 1273, 1373 and 111730K. Holding time in all tests was h hours and the volummetric ratio'of alloying powder to iron powder was held constant with a definite concentration of scarifier in the pow- der. The results are tabulated and graphed. An analysis of these data shows that iron-chromium powders with a wide range of compositions may be produced at a tempera- Ll;-~_dl-2 ACC NRs AP6025932 ture of 13730K using charges containing 5-50% chromium. However, since a denser sponge is produced at this temperature it is preferable in some ca8es to use lower alloying temperatures, particularly for producing powders with a low chromium concen- tration. Alloying at 14730K is not recommended since the sponge is extremely,dense and nonhomogeneous. Orig. art. has: 4 figures, 1 table., SUB CODE: ll/ SUBM DATE: 3.lFeb66/ ORIG REF: 001 Card 2/2 mis 11 11 -... %-/f ./ -- N, 1, -... % ~ If-. % Jr - ..1 -... %~ I- ACC NR- AP6031599 SOURCE COl)V,!' UR/0226/66/000/008/0106/0106 7 IJP (c) JD1,fN1JG1AT1DJ1R1A1WH AUTHOR-.- --Napara-Volgina, S. G.- (3 ORG: none TITLE: Fifth Ukrainian Scientific Technical Conference on Powder Metallurgy SOURCE: Poroshkovaya metallurgiya, no. 8. 1966, 106 TOP IC TAGS; powder metallurgy, powder metal, sintered material, iron powder, sintering, powder metal sintering ABSTRACT% The Fifth Ukrainian Scientific Technical Conference on Powder Metalli~rgy was held 29-31 March 1966 in Kiev. The conference was organized by the Institute for Problems in the Science of Materials jointly with the local administrations of the scientific and technical societies foe toolmaking and machine building. The 180 participants representing 56 organizations and research institutef of the Ukrainian SSR and other Soviet republics heard a total of 35 reports and communications. The principal topics of the papers included The State-of-the-Art of Powder Metallurgy in the USSR and Abroad presented by I. M. Fedorchenko, Academi.cian (AN UkrSSR); Improvements in Production Technology of Iron Powder cc' - 1/2 AP6031599 by Reduction, by L. A. Zhukovskaya (Kiey Plant of Powder Metal and A. N. Ostrika Wneprovsk Aluminum Plant); Manufacture of Friction Type S-intered Products, by N. V. Kolp2kov (Bala-s-fiikha Machinebuilding I~lant); High-Frequency Sinterin~; of Powder Metal Construction Parts, by L. G. Yerchenko rNTITKV-TOPROM); and Developments in the Manufactur of Parts from Refractory_ Materials, by I. A. Koshkin (Kiev Powder Metallurgy Plant). Other papers dealt ~with the production-~echnology of porous sintered materials,, prop erti es of porous sintered titanium,~ dnti friction properties of metal-plasticeP obtaining porous materials from refractory compounds, chemical and heat Weiatment of sintered materials, and deposition of protective and ornamental coatings.14 The conference adopted resolutions concerning prospective research by institutes, labo torie d related organization for 1966-1970. Production technology, quality ontrol, I cost reduction, new sources of raw materials for metal powders and improvement of the nomenclature for sintered products at specialized plants were discussed in detail. [LJD] SUB CODE: 11, 13/~ SUBM DATE: none/ hs; IC-ard 2/2-!' R AT ',00 3 ?0 AjL num pid ar Ln, iLi. t_ T'.F I v ~_A A S of pe rt c-,, ak_) t or,. dx dl d.r Card 1/2 A 1~ T'. c" roi dA + + 2; (.1 rq 0 X X ASSOCIATION , Universitet druzhby narodov imeni Pacrisa LUMLAaby, moscow (Peoples friendship university) 5 U&M I TTED : 00 FNCL: OG SUB CODE: ME, IE ~O REEF SOV: 002 GMR: 000 Card 2/ 2 I HAPAROINO Yu*AG. Problem of-ths.stability-of.unsteady motion in a finite time interval, Trudy Un, drush, nar, 5 Toor. wkh. no.204-104 14A, Stability of the unsteady notion of a controlled system, Ibid.tlO5-115 (MMA 1819) A he stabili'v of in tab,_, zt?d ziot'Icn in one or' tical op-ae i-T77'i -P., 'Th. nalichn. tr. Permak, in-t, no. pr~~b'.';m ~f the 5~ab- ST13 DOME: UE EN L-L iW Card 1/1 L 57798-65 ACCESSION IM: kR5013969 ~pf. Lh. gekrb-anika, Abe. 4A',X AUTHOR: Napar'in, Tu. A. MLIF.s On the at-ability at the termina.1 time interve.1 ICITED SOURCE: Vch- ZaP. PezMak. un-t, no- 115, 1964, 58-64 TOPIC TAM unstabilized motion, nonlinear Hystem ~-l -A -,r:Fj tormina'. perlcd of ttms stabi1ity of an unstabi.ized motion is 3K& -9-f B t'M0 -.1z. -7Z1 S f t em x~s 'r. - ILI M"C,124/65/'000/004/1015/A.0195 ACC NRs AT502880 SOURCE CODES UR/3124/64/005/000/0094/0104 AUTHOR i Rapar in, Yu. A. ORGI Peo~le I aFriendship University, ecow (Vniver itet'drufty-naradov) a4v TITLEt Stability proilem for-n6nateady-state moti04 finite time- interval. SOI~RCBI Moscow*. universitet' druzbby narodov. Truol-'Yo 51-19646' Tooratichookaya mekhanika (Theoretical.mechanicab'no. 21 94-104 TOPIC. TAGS u differential equationp'- stability AiSTRACTt The author-considers' a "stem dic Pa X1 Ps XA+I + XS (XI* ... I xn"" xx I I -dx dx..~j XM+1 (Xit ... I X4. 1, dx of. equations of pprI~irbed motiow describing a controlled-bbJeot vhose controlling' Aevice halo: an essentially nonlinear nature* Here the right parts of (1) vanish for x 'n+l 0.,, Thefunctions X t) x x (ZI94*eP a mn h+1 Xntl~n+l 0 t) represented in the form,of series in integral powerd'of'x of not less 1 IIn+1 than -second order and converging in region R# Tho-coqfficients of the right parte Card -1/2* SUB CODE:' 12/ SUBM DATEs none/ ORIO REFt 003 Card 2/2 -9/137/62/()00/001/040/237 A06OIA101 Napara:-VoWna' -.S. G. TITLEs Kiyev Conference on Powder Metallurgy,..18'- 20,Oct6ber 1960 PERIODICAL~i ..Referativnyy zhurnal.' Metaliurgiya, no.,.1, 1962, 35, abstract 1G254 ("Poroshk.. metallurgiy~~11, 1961, no.- 1, 111) - TEXT: A short account is givbn df.a confdrence organized-by the NTO of paclAne and instrument design and the Institute of metallb-mro&ramibs and..special alloys of the Academy of Sciences UkrS~R. Over 250,delegiit6s, representing 194 enterprises, were-present-. 30 lectures and_reporta.were heard.' The*principal papers are enumerAted,4: R. Andriyevskiy [Abstracter's notel Complete translationi Card 1/1 NA-PER3TOK, V. 14. 20723.. Zvyagints ev, Ye. P. i Naperst~ok, V. M. 0 edellno - progressivnykh sisternakh oplaty truda. 7GY ornorudnaya prom-st2j. Gornyy zhurnal, 1949, No. 7, s. 6-9 SO: LETOPIS ZIRJFXAL ~TATEY Vol. 28.. Moskva, 1949 ACCESSION NR: AP4023078 S/0251/64/033/002/0271/0278' APTHOR: Napetvaridzej 0. TITLE- Fundamental contact boundary problem in the theory of thermal conductivity ~(presented by V. D. Kupradzet academician, 18, 21 1963) ~SOURCE: AN GruzSSR. Soobshchoniyal v- 33p no. 2, 19649 271-278 .,TOPIC TAGS: thermal conductivity, heat transferf boundFtry value problem, contact boundary :ABSTRACT: The problem of heat transfer between B land B2 is considered. (B2 is a mediumfilling a three-dimensional space with the exception of a medium B Which is" m-bounded by a closed Lyapunov surface S.) A function u(P,t) is Boughtt salisfying ~ihe following conditionst J2 M (P, +�3u (P t) 42 U (P, 1) U M-8) PEBL9 t> o; ay2 + dX2 all at do U (P. I d U lip# -t>o; 2*. PEB3, _dX2 d:e a,' di Fes" t> 0;~ 30. [U V, 1)), [U (P. (P, .Car