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"Mom- NAREBSKA, Leokadia, mgr;,,NAREBSXI, Wojoiech, dr Complexometric analysis of Al-Z*.Kg alloys. Rudy i metala 8 no.10098-400 163. "Investigation of CentrifuzF1 Separators r Fneura- 0 tic Transport." Vin Higher Er!ucaticn USA Ceessa Technolof-fcal Inst irreni I. V. Stalin. Odessa, 1951~. (Dissertation for the Pagree of CandlOate in Technical Scienc~~s) SO: Knizhnaya Letopis', No 1, 1056 124-58-6-6876 Translation from- Referativ-nyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 6, p 88 (USSR) AUTHORS: Platonov, P.N., Naremskiy, N.K. -------------- TITLE: Investigation of the Functioning of Centrifugal Cyclone- separators (Issledovaniye raboty tsentrobezhnykh tsiklonov-otdeliteley (raz- gruziteley) PERIODICAL: Tr. Nauchno-tekhn. o-vo mukomol. i krupyan. prom-sti i elevat. kh-va, 1957, Nr 5. pp 3-32 ,ABSTRACT: The investigation of the functioning of a cyclone was performed on an experimental installation by means of measuring the hydraulic resistance of the cyclone (energy criterion) and the amount of material collected by the cyclone (performance criterion). It was found that the hydraulic resistance of the cyclone diminishes with increasing concentration of the solid phase. The least amount of material carried off was found at inlet speeds of the flow from 11 to 18 m/sec. For bringing the trajectories of the air particles and the solid phase closer together, which promotes better pre- cipitation of the solid phase, the inlet angle should be equal to - 120 - The least carry-off of solid particles took place at taper angler, Card 1/2 of from 160 40' to 240 50' - Increasing the height of the cylin- 124-58-6-6876 Investigation of the Functioning of Centrifugal Cyclone- separators drical part of the cyclone lowered its resistance somewhat without affecting its collection efficiency. The optimum ratio of the diameters of the outlet and the cylindrical part of the cyclone was found to be 0.6. By increasing the diameter of the cylindrical part of the cyclone, its absolute resistance is in- creased. A number of empirical relationships are given for determining the basic dimensions of a centrifugal separator for pneumatic transport installations, .U.Ts.Andres 1. Centrifuges--Performance 2. Materials--Separation' Card 2/2 BENDERSKIY, S.N., kand.tekhn. nauk; BURSIMI, V.R., prof., kand. tekhn. nauk; VASILIYEV, P.N., Inzh.; DORFMAN, E.Ye.., inzh.; ZHURAVLEV, V.F.j kand. tekhn. nauk; KESULTMAII, Mi., inzh.; KRUGLOV, A.N., dots., kand. tekhn. nauk; KUKIENYY, A.A.p dots., kand.tekhn. nauk; LEVACHEV, N.A.# dotsop kand, tekhn. nauk; LEYKIN, A.Ya., lnzh,; jLABRL%jLJ..I_, dots., kand. tekhn. nauk; PLATONOV, P.N.p prof., doktor tekhn. nauk; SOKOLOV, A.Ya.p prof., doktor tekhn. nauk; KUTSENKO, K.I.p kand. tekhn. naukp dots.0 reteenzentj VERR4EYENKO, Ye.l., inzh., retsenzent; KOVTUN, A.P., inzh., retsenzent; SEMENYUK, A.I.p retsenzent; KASHCHEYEV, I.P,p inzh,p retsenzent; PALITSEV, V.S., kand. tekhn. naukj retsenzent; XHMELINITSKAYA, A.Z.,, red. [Conveying and reloading machinery for the overall mechaniza- tion of the food industries] Transportiruiushchie i peregru- zochrWe mashiny dlia kompleksnoi mekhanizatsii pishchevykh proizvodstv. Moskvap Pishchevaia promyshlemost', 1964. 759 P. (MIRA 18:3) (Continued on next card) BENDERSKIY, S.N.- (continued). Card 2. 1. Odesskiy tekhnologicbeskiy institut, imeni P.V.Lomonosava (for Kutsenko, Naremskiy, Veremeyenko, Kovtun). 2. Starshiy ekspert Upravleniya po avtomatizatsii i oborudovaniyu dlya pishchevoy promyshlennosti Gosudarstvennogo koudteta po ma- shinostroyeniyu pri Gosplane SSSR (for SemeiVuk). 3. Glavnyy mekhanik Gosudarstvennogo instituta po proyektirovaniyu pred- priyatiy mukomollnokrupyanoy i kombikormovoy promyshlennosti i elevatorno-skladakogo khozyaystva (for Kashcheyev). 4. Zaveduyushchiy laboratoriyey Vsesoyuznogo nauchno- issledovatellskogo instituta zerna i produktov ego p9rera- botki (for Palltsev). 5/858/62/000/001/003/013 D296/D307 0 .'AUTHOR: Narepekha, 09 M. TITLE: Study of the protein fractions in the brain after expo- sure to x rays SOURCE: Llvov. Universytet. 2roblemna 1yaboratoriya tadiobiolohi-. yi. Biologicheskoye deystviye radiatBii, no. 1,' 19621 26-29 TEXT: The author studied changes in the water-soluble proteino of the brain in 10 adult rabbits exposed body radiation by means of a dose of 800r at a rate of 16r/min.-After the exposure, ''the brain was cleaned of blood, meninges and blood vessels, and was homogenized with an equal volume of normal saline. The-homo- )X genate was frozen by means of liquid nitrogen and left in the deeg freeze for 24 hours. The homogenate was then melted, and centri- fuged for one hour at 15,000 rpm. The supernatant liquid obtained had a protein content of 1.8 - 2~4. To increase this to the concen-. -tration of serum protein (7 8cl1o) the solution was precipitated Card 1/2 S/858/62/000/001/003/013 Study of the protein ... D296/D307 -.with tannin and the protein was liberated from-the protein-tannate !.complex with.caffeine. The,pH adjusted to 4.7. After' ten minutes, the solution was-centrifu~ed, the supernatant liquid was discarded and the centrifugate washed twice in normal saline and redis *solved by the addition of caffeind. The solution wap centrifuged for 36 minutes at 15,000 rpm, after which the centrifagate contained the protein liberated from the,proteiri-tahnate complex. The solution obtained had a proteih concentration of 9 .10%o. ]This was then in vestigated by electrophoresis on agar gel in a veronal-medinal buf-.-'/-' tD (pH 8.6),.at a voltage of 220 v. In the control rabbits, el- ectrophoresis of the solution obtained in the described manner yields 9 - 11 fractions, one*of which was a pre-albumin fraction, the second an albumin fraction, and the others corresponded to va-. rious serum-glob~ilin fractions. In rabbits exposed to radiation the number of 'fractions increased to 13, mainly fractions corres- ponding to the serum-albumins. There is 1 figure. ASSOOIATION: Kafedra fiziologii cheloveka i zhivotnykh Llvovskogo universiteta.(Department of Human and Animal Physio- logy, Llvov University) card 2/2 Country USSR it Catc3ory: Cultivated Plants - Grains Abs jour: F=icl., N-.) D., 1958, No 488W tuthor : Chkhankeli, 11. 1.; Haresheli, T.A. :Georgian izr--;cult-i; Inst u -; ~15 Title :Density of Corn Stand in Square-Pocket SrwinL;- OriG Pub: Tr. Gruz. S.-Iji. in-ta, 1957, 46, 245-253, Abstx--ct: No abstract Card 1/1 m4o Naresheli, T. A.,, Cand of Agri Sci (diss) "Comparative Effectiveness cf Mineral Fertilizers-Applied During the-Primary Flowing and the Fre-Sowing Preparation of-,the.-Soil for 5ugar Be~~tsp* Tbilisi, 1959p 23 pp (Georgian Agricultural Institute) M, 8-60, 118) IV,q V, EXCE~FFTA .-'DICA See 13 Vol 13/2 Dermatology Feb 59 510. PENETRATING ULCERS IN LEPROSY (Russian text) - T o r a u e v N. A.. --j'kqresh&-y-Q-, Kiryukhina A. 1. , Kirshfeldt E. P. , Onikul Ya.-G, , Stepanov V. 1. , Sysoev, Udovenko V. 1. , Tsok- honts T. A. , Che rnyshova L. M. and Shevtoova. Rostov/Don - SBORN. NAUCII. RAD. PO LEPROL. I DERM. (Rostov-na-Donu) 1956, 7(180-220) Tables. 20 Malum perforans is considered to be the most serious and the most common form of trophic disturbances In leprosy. 248 such cases (142 men and 106 women) were kept under observation. The lesions were more common in patients over 30 years of age and were always preceded by other dystrophic manifestations. in 5% of cases the ulcer had existed for under a year. in 34% for 1-5 years and In 61% for over 5 years, and this period was not influenced by the type of leprosy. In 123 cases the ulcers were single while 122 patients had 2-6 ulcers. In one third of the latter group the ulcers were located on both lower limbs. Multiple ulcers were more common in women. Ulcers were met with twice &soften In the undifferentiated form.of. leprosy than In the pure maculo-anaeothetic form. The total duration of Film 'V1 S-10 the disease was 5-15 years in 48.8% of the 248 patients and 15-25 years In 34.9%. The tendency to penetrating ulcer formation Increases with the duration of the dim- ease as a result of progressing changes in the peripheral nerves. The ulcers were round or ovalin7O.51%. irregular in 17.1% and fissure-like in 12.4% of cases. The edges were callous and indurated in 72.916, moderately so in 21.4% and soft in 5.7% of cases. The co.lour of the edges and floor of the ulcers was bright red in 23.3%. greyish-red in 31% and dirty grey In 32.2% of cases. while In 32.1% of patients the floor was covered by greyish discharge. In 14% of cases the floor of the ulcer rested on the underlying bone. Second :ry pyogenic infection was present in 45.216 of patients. No discharge was ever ob erved from the ulcers of 13 cases. In 54.1% of cases marked neuritis was present. In 65.9% of cases of ulcers of the feet the posture of the latter was abnormal due to the Involvement of peripheral nerve trunks. In 129 cases the ulcer@ were accompanied by deformities of the toes. MushkUleison Jr - Moscow (S) ,A GARBUZOV, Z.Ye.9 inzh.; IUMT, G.B., inzh.; SERGEYEV, A.I., inth. The RTN-122 excavator. Makh. stroi. 15 no.4:6-8 Ap '58. (MIRA11:5) I (Xxcavating machiuery) rIU -a-MM PUIM~, I& K h NARET. G.B.#,,.inzh. Rapid transportation of soils in machines of continuous operation. Stroi. i dor. mash. 8 no.11:17-18 N 163. OURA 17: 1) ACC NRs M6027781 Monograph Garbuzov, ~..' YE.; Illgisonis, V. K.; ~u~t~ev, G. A.; Naret, .. Podborskiy, L. YE. Uspenskiy, V. P. Continuous excavating machines; design and construction (Zemleroynyye mashiny nepre- ryvnogo deystviya; ikonstruktsii i raschety) Moscow, Izd-vo "Mashinostroyeniyeill 1965. 275 P. illuq., biblio., tables. 3700 copies printed. PURPOSE AND COVERAGE; Me book describes the basic type of continously operating excavating machines-, such as chain and rotor trench excavators, chain bucket transverse excavators, open-cut excavators, elevating graders, as viell as excavating machines used in irrigation and reclamation construction. The discussion of design'i includes determination of the basic parameters of machines, povnr values of drive mechanisms, gener-al statistical and dynamic calculatiais, and load conditions of uni:ts and assemblies. The book is intended for engineering and technical personnel; of design offices and machine building plants.' It may also be useful for Students of civil engineering and machine building. There am 54 references, of which 52 i are Soviet. TABM OF CMUNS [abridged]: -Introduction -~-. 3 Ch. I. The field of application and the classification of continuosly operating excavating machines 5 Card 1/2 uDc: 621.87g.:4.002.2 ACC NR, MUTYdi Ch. II. Interrelationship betvieen the operating machine and the soi-1 " 10 Ch. III. The drive mechanism and the automation of operdting proces6es 23.' Ch.'IV. Conveyer installations - 33 Ch. V. Chain trench excavators - 53 Ch. VI. Rotary trench excavators 97 Ch. VII. Chain bucket transverse excavators 1311 Ch. VIII. Rotary open-cut excavators 156 Ch. IX. Elevating graders 200.. CH.~X. Continuous excavating machines fbr the construction.of irrigation and drain- age canals - 228, Ch. , XI. Different types of continuous excavators and pmspects. of their develop- Ment, - 263 Bibliography - 271 SUB COLE: 13 SUBM DATE: 15APr65/ ORIG RW: 052/ OTH HU: 002 Card 212 GARBUZOV, Z.Ye.; ILIGISONIS, V.K.; MUTUSHEV, G.A.; N~ET,_.qB- PODBORSKIY, L.Ye., kand. tekhn. nauk; USFENSKIY, V.P.; FEDOROV, A.P.p inzh., retsenzent I [Continuous action earth-digging machines; designs and calculations] ZemlerobVe mashiry nepreryvnogo deistviiaj konstruktsii i raschety. [By] Z.E.Garbuzov i dr. Moskva, Maohinostroenie, 1965. 274 p. (MIRA 18:7) NARETS, L.K., doteent, kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk (Tallinn) Comptometer solution of canonical eqaations in structural mechanics by the Gauss-mashine method. Iseledovantia po toorit sooruzhenii. Sbornik statei no.6:413-424 154. 7:11) (Structures, Theory of) (Strains and stresses) (Ilastic plates and shells) NARETS, L. K* "Computation of Statistically Indeterminate Systems by Machine Methods". Tr. Tallinsk, Politekhn, in-ta. Ser. A No 54o'PP 1-52p 1954. Several methods of solving systems of linear algebraic equations are expounded in an elementary mwmer, with particular attention paid to methods that permit the effective application of the calculating machine,,- and also the problems of,organization of computations and theirchecking. Application of these methods tothe calculation of frames is considered in detail., particularly the problems of the coo- putation of frames without calculation of the numerical values of the unknowns of the algebraic system.. A large number of concrete examples is presented. (RZhHekh, No 10, 1955) SO: Sm No 884, 9 Apr 1956 PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/147(1 Narets, L.K. Raschet staticheski rieopredelimykh sistem na malykh v-ychislitellnykh mashinakh (Calculation of Statistically Indeterminate Systems on Small Calculating Machines) Moscow, Gosstroyizdat, 1956. 60 p. 4,000 copies printed Scientific Ed.: I.K. Snitko, Doctor of Technical Sciences; Ed. of Publishing House: N.O. Yegorovaj Tech. Ed.: N. Borovnev PURPOSE: The booklet is intlended for designers in structural I engineering, scientific workers and students at vuzes. COVERAGE: The booklet is concerned with applications of machine computing techniquea in structural engineering. The mathematical principles are gJ.Ven in elementary form and modern calculation methods of structural mechanics are presented. By means of numerous examples, computing techniques using small calculators for the Card 1/4 Calculation of Statistically Indeterminate Systems (Cont.) SOV/14702 solution of syste,-as of linear algebraic equations occurring in "L the design of statistically indeterminate structures are demonstrated. There are -C6 re-Le.-ences, 21 of which are Soviet, 2 French and 3 German. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Preface 3 Ch,-I. ,Necessary Fundamentals of Mathematics 1. Chio rule (pencil rule). First variant of the elimination of variables 5 2. Chio rule (pencil rule). Second"variation of'the elimination of,variables 9 3. Elimination of variables according to Jordan 11 4. Method of principal coefficients (elements) 12 5- Ge'nieftlized Chio rule. Assembling of operations using accumulative mechaftism of a computer 15 Card 2/4 Calculation of Statistically Indeterminate Systems (Cont.) SOV/147a 6. Simplifications in solution of symmetrical equation systems 20 7. Caclulation in -a compVte=anal table. Setup of checking In basic stages of calculations 21 Ch. I I. Calculation of Statistically Determinate Systems on Small Computers 1. General concepts 25 2. Performance of a calculator of four basic operations with positive and negative numbers. Accumulation method 26 3. Calculation of frames with computing of unknown values 30 4. Example of framO calculation by ON (Gauss' mechanized) method (with calculation of unknowns) 5. Machine method (method of calculators) with computation of unknowns for the calculation of frames by the force method 6. Calculation of an Inverse matrix Influence numbers Card 3/4 Calculation_of Statistically Indeterminate Systems (Cont.) SOV/147CL 7. Calculation of frances without computation of unimowns. Application of the algebraic Jordan-Eitkin method. 8. Application of Jordan-Eitkin method to calculation of frames by the force method. Group diagrams and group forces. Orthogonaliaation of diagrams 9. Application of Jordan-Eitkin method to calculation of frames by the method of deformations. Application to generalized method of deformations. Connection with the methods of N.M. Bernadskly, Hardy, Cross and other relaxation methods 10. Other applications of the Jordan-Eitkin method References AVAILABLE:. Library of Congress W~v Card 4/4 5-14-59 42 50 56 6o dot NARETS Lev Karl_ovich _do s., kand. tekhn. nauk _Sh (New problems in the statics, dynamics and stability of beams arising in connection with the appearance of computers of continuous and discrete action) Novye vopro- sy statiki, dinamiki i ustoichivosti balok, voznikaiu- shchie v aviazi a poiavleniem vychislitelInykh m8shin ne- preryvnogo i disIcretnogo deistviia; uchobnoe-posobie. Tal- linn, Tallinskii politekhn. in-t, 1963. 87 p. (MIRA 16:11) 1. Tallinskiy politekhnicheskiy institut. Kafedra stroitelf- noy mekhaniki (for Narets). (Beari~ and girders) (Electronic analog computers--Programing) lwt?z I it jli Reconull tioninz- Ir' "M f~q!O IPF- by g7razti-.'!: I fi=,r- proi4v. nr,.7:38--o'39 UT). 165# 4 1 PU 8 ai" 1-17ZP IRIN-45MIWO NMZHNIY, S. CharW,e the system of conpensating grain procurewnt statiow for marketing expenses. Den.i kred. 17 no-9:53 5 '59. (MIRK 12:12) 1. Starshiy kreaitnyy inspektor Stalingradskoy kontory Gosbanka. (Grain trade-Finance) ,~_-AMHNIT$ S. The most important task of grain procurement stations in-to lover operating costs, Muke-eleve promo 25 ne.5:8-9 Mir '39. (MIRA 12:8) l.Starshiy inspektor Stalingradekey oblastuoy kontory Gosbanka. (Grain trade) HAREZHNIY, S. Analyzing the financial results of state farms. Den. i kred. 18 no.9:5942 3 160. (MIRA 13:8) (State farms--Finance) NAREZHNIY,, S.; OGDANETSP N.; MOSUNOV., G. Credit-payment service to collective and state farms. Den. i kred.-19 no-3:37-48 Mr 161. (MDU 14:3) 1. Starishiy kreditnyy inspektor Stalingradskoy kontory Goebanka (foij Narezhniy). ~. Nachallpik otdela kreditovaniya i Tlifan- sirovaniya sellskogo I,.hozyaydt-vd Stalinskoy kontory Gosbanka (for Ogdenets). 3. UpravLrayushehiy Novo-Torlyallskim otde- Ieniyem Gosbank4 Mariyskoy ASSR (for Mosunov). (Agricultural credit) (Banks and banking) Y;/ NAREZIIIIYY,) B.G., inzh, Studying heat exchanges In gas turbine combustion chambers vith air whirl cooling. Sudoetroenie 22 Ii.e.231 no.10:17-20 0 157. (Heat--Transmission) (Marine gas turbines) (MIRA 116.2) 24(8) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV13118 Narezhnyy E G Issledovaniye teploobmena v gazoturbinnoy kamere agoraniya s zavi%hritelem okhlathdayushch6go vozdukha; avtoreferat diss"ertatsii na soiskaniye uohen6y stepefti kandidata tekhnicheskikh nauk (Study of Heat Exchange in Gas Turbine Combustion Chambers With Swirling Devices of Secondary Air Flow; Author's Abstract of a Dissertation f6r the Degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences) Leningrad, 1958. 16 p. 150 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: Leningradskiy korablestro;tellnyy institut. Scientific Ed.% V. M. Antuflyev, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Docent. PURPOSE: Thio booklet may be useful to scientists and engineers designing gas turbine engine's or doing research in the field of heat transfer in gas turbines. COVERAGE: This is an author's abstract of a dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences. The author reviews Card 1/3 StudY of Heat Exchange (Cont,O) SOV/3118 3. The position of the wall temperature maximum in the com- b0tion chamber is stable and does not depend on operating parameters. 4. The type of fuel atomizer has little influence on the radiation temperature of the flame, except for atomizers which substantially disturb the aerodynamics of the-combustion chamber and consequently the temperature field of th*e flame. 5. The investigation of'heat exchange~in a combustion chamber with a cooling air swirling device may be simplified by deter- mining the"convactive heat transfer coefficient 6n the basis of consecutive isothermic blowings through, eknd by measuring the temperatures of the combustion chamber walls and of the cooling air in combustion tests.- 6. The calculation of the maximum temperature of the itall 6f-the combustion chamber irith a cooling airswirling device should be'made according to the method suggested by the author In this article. No personalities are mentioned. There are no references. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress AC/ec Card 3/3 3-21-6o I If 84483 -9/112/59/009/014/015/085 A052/AOOl Tran8lation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika, 1959, No. 14J.' P. 32, 28754. AUTHORS: Kuznetsov, L. A., Lamm, Yu. A., Narezhnyy, B. 0. on Chambers of Gas-Turbine Installations TITME: Combusti PERIODICAL: Tr. Nevsk. mashinostroit. z~,da, 1957 (1958), No. 1, pp. 227-244 TEXT.: The results of investigations of combustion chambers for liquid fuel and low-calorie gas are reported. The investigations were carried out'both on models and on 6 test gas IVirbine installation NZL GT-550-1.7-tThs cyclon oembiis- tion chamber with a cup proved to be the most promisIng one for liquid fa-41. It represents a combination of three swirlers, 2 of which are used for the pri- mary air supply and the third for curling the secondary air. The amount of primary air secures combustion with an average excess of 2-2.5. The intermixing of combustion products with secondar7 air is performed by an S-like mixer which reduces the total resistance of the combustion chamber by.,-10% and enables one to obtain any temperature field behind the combustion ch-amber. Coefficient of Card 1/2 84483 S/112/59/000/014/015/085 Combustion Chambers of Gas-Turbine Installations A052/ ",001 Ir resistance rAferred to the velocity at the inlet is 8-10. Diagrams show tempera- ture fields under various operational conditions of the combustion chamber * The advantages of cooling the combustion chamber with a secondary air swifler are shown, A blast-furnace gas combrastion chamber has a 2-stage swirler with opposite angles of curl. Gas and air are supplied through the both swirlers in alternating layers. Fields of axial and tangential velocities at cold and hot blowings are presented, as well as temperature fields at t~urnirg liquid -Pael in -'.he combustion chamber.: Gas combustion with QH - 600-100 kcal/nm3 is secur,-.d only in a combustion chamber with a standby liquid fuel flame. The developed combustion chamber designs are used in the serial installation OT-600-1,5 as well as in PO-50 000 and GT-600-6 installations. V. S. P. Translator's note: This is the full translation of the orIginal Russian abstract. Card 2/2 q 67489 SOV/21+-59-5-21/21+ AUTHOR:, E.G. (Leningrad) TITLE: A Method of Calculating the Maximum TeMerature in the FlamefTube of a Gas Tuj?bine Combustion Chamber -j PERIODICALi Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR,Otdeleniye tekhnicheskikh Luk, Energetika i avtomatika, 19597Nr 5,PP 182-185(USSR) ABSTRACT: The paper is a continuation of previous work (Ref 1). The-temperature of the metal in a gas turbine combustion chamber is a result of equilibrium between the flame and the wall, and between the wall and the cooling air. The processes occurring in the chamber, working with liquid or gaseous fuel, and with forced air cooling, can be described approximately by equations which include those of continuity, viscous fluid motion7 constitutiont energy, material exchange, homogeneous combustioni radiation exchange and convective heat exchange. Applying the theory of similarity, it can be shown that the ratio (R) ofthe radiation -oer unit area to the maximum possible Card radiation at the same temperature is a function of the 1/Z Boltimam. criterion (B), the blackness of the flame (01 and a geometric factor. Experimental results for a 67489 SOV/24-59-5-21/2)+ A Method of Calculating the Maximum Temperature in the Flame Tube of a Gas Turbine Combustion Chamber chamber with a mechanical atomiser show that if 35 < B < 120, then R/e = 0.008 BI and If 120 < B < 200, then R/C = 0.96. Similar results are obtained with an ejection atomiser. Card The wall temperature is found from these results, in 2/2 conjunction with the heat balance equation for the walls. The calculated values show good agreement with experiment. There are 4 figures and 3 referencesg of which 2 are Soviet and 1 is English. SUBMITTED: April log 1959 DUEROVSKIY, O.V., kand. tekhn. nauk; MENETSOV., L.A.,, kand, tek" nauk; NAREZMU,, E.G.0 kand. tekhn. nauk E"rimental study ofa model of a three-regioter combustion chamber of a gas turbine system operating on liquid fuel. Teploenergetilm 10 no.701-36 JI 163- (MIRA 16:7) 1. Nevskiy mashinostroitellnyy zavod i Leningradskiy korableBtroi- telInyy inBtitut. (Gas turbines) ACC NRi ARG035220 SOURCE CODE: UR/0274/66/000/008/B087/B087 AUTHOR: Narezhnyv. E. G.-; Sudarev, B. V. TITLE:- Effects of certain heat parameters on the degree of overheating of a single micromodule cooled under natural convection conditions SOURCE: Ref. zh. Radiotekhnika i elektroovyazt, Abs; 8B613' REF SOURCE: Tr. Leningr. korblestroit. in-ta, vyp. 47, 1965, 81-90 TOPIC TAGS: parameter, heat conductivity, heat transfer, module, micromodule, printed plate, printed circuit ABSTRACT: The micromodule, fastened vertically to a printed plate, contains one. heat-releasing element connected to the plate by wire leads; the plate is cooled due to natural convection. The differential equation of heat conductivity for this design is determined in a general form and the temperature of the heat releasing element is expressed in terms of basic thermal and design parameters M. An analysis of the relationships shows ihat since the heat transfer from the module is limited by conditions of external heat transfer from the surface, more effective measures of 1/2 UDC: 621. 396. 6-181. 5 _ACC_Rk~ A:~6035220 its amplification are the development of the surface M with the aid of ribs, the increase of the printed plate, the use of unloading, metal plates, and the place- ment of the working element in the upper face part of M, if the wire leads are directed downward. Orig. art. has: 8 figures. Bibliography of 1 title. (Transla- tion of abstract] [NTI NARGIELLO,,Januez; DYNSKI, Wladyslaw An installation for the removal of die-stamped materials from the molds. Meehanik 35 no.6:340-341 Je 162. NARGIZYAN, E.A. Method of determining the capacity,.and energy of long-range regula- tion in relation to the number of hours of use. Izv. V4 Am. SSR. Ser. tekh. nauk 14 no.5:67-72 161. (MIRA 15:1) (Transcaucasia--Electric power plants) STYRIKOVICH, M.A.; NARGIZYAN, E.A., insh. Concerning-;e ch ~'jeof thermal electric power plants for systems with long-range regulation. Teploenergetika 10 no.1:64-67 Ja 163. (MIRA 16:1) 1. Energatichaskiy inatitut pri Gosudarstvannon nauchno-okonomi- cheskom sovete Soveta Ministrov SSSR. 2, Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Styrikovich). (Electric power production) (Electric powor plants) NAROIMN 0. A-. -------- NARGIZYAN,, 0. A. "Clinical as~pects of rheumatic and chronic septic endocarditis." Yerevan State Medical Inst. Yerevan, 1956. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate inASciences) Yedical Sot Knizhnaya Letopis's No. 18s 1956 MHATSAXAMOV, T.S., zasl.deyat.nanki, prof.; X&TANTAN, A.A., Aoktor med.nauk, doteent'- DARBINUN9 G.L.,;. G.A. Clinical observations of the c&rdiovaecular reaction in patients with hypertension of the first andiscond stages being treated at the Dzhermuk health resort. Vop.kardiol. no.1:37-48 '56. (MIRA 12:9) 1. Is Pak.terap. kliniki Terevanskogo meditainskogo institute. (CARDIOVASCULAR STSM) (HMPMMIISIOII) (DZHVDM--MROTH3WT) HYATSAKANOV, T.S., XATMAN, A.A., WARGIUAN, G.A. I Iffect of Dzhermuk mineral 'bath on hemod7namice, Vopfizioter. i loch. fi-z.kullt, 23 no.6:498-502 N-D 158 (MIRA 11:12) 1, Iz fakulltetskoy terapevticheskoy kliniki (sav' - saslushemw do7atell nauki prof. T,S. Knatsakanov) Terevansko;; mediti3inskogo instituta; (CMIOVASaTLAR SYSTFX) (DEMMUK-MINERAL WATERS) KIATSAKANOV, T,S,, prof.; ]KATANW, A.A., prof.; XMIZTAH, G.A., kand. med.nauk Carditozin treatment of patients with chronic circulatory insuffies- cy. 24 no.1:8M3 J& 160. (NIPA 130) 1. In kliniki fakulltetskoy terapil, (sav. prof. T.S. Sbat"kILROT) TersTausiwgo meditsinskoge Instituta. (DIGIMIS therapy) KATANIAN., A,,A.j, prof.; WARGIZYAN, G*A*, kandomedenai* Prolonged anticoagulant therapy of patients with coron817 athero- solerosis and stenocardia. Terap.arkh. 32 no,10:55-58 160, (KMA 14:1) le Iz terapevtioheakoy kliniki (zav. - prof. A.A. Katanyin) - fakullteta usovershenstvovaniya vrachey Yerevanskogo me4itains- skogo institutab (CORONARY HEART DISUSE) (ANTICOAUGLAM) KATANWO A.A., Prof.; NARGIZYAN., ~-A--ykand,mednauk Study of the functional state of coronary circulation during the'process of treatment in coronary ahteroselerosis. Terap. arkh, no.8t58-61 162. (KIRA i5:32 ) lo Iz kafedry terapii (zav. - profa A*A& Katanyan) fakulfteta usoyprehenstvovani7a vrachey Yerevenakogo zeditsinskogo institata. (CORCINARY HEART DISEASE) (ARTERIOSCLEMIS) NARGIZYAN,, G.A.; KANDARYAN, M.S. , 1--al--l State of the coronary circulation in patients with anemia during the process of treatment. Zhur. ekep. i klin. med. 3 no.4:35-39 063 (MIRA 16t12) 1. Institut perelivaniya krovi. Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya Armyanskoy SSIR. NARGIZYA,N, G.A, Clinical course in coronary atherosclerosis. Zhur.(eksp. I klin. sad. 5 no.lsl22-124 165. ' MIRA 18110) NARIBOLI, G,N, 11mixed boundafy value problems for rectilinear plates. P. 507 (Archiwum Mechaniki Stosowanej, Vol.9, No. 5, 1957, Warsaw, Poland) Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol. 8, No.1, Jan 59 Mixed boundary value prob e JqtttLoll, G. A. I ms r ret 11. Arch. blech. Stos, 10 (1958), 129- 1142. (Polish and Russian summaries) The author here extends the results of his earlier paper (Arch. Mech. Stos. 9 (1957), 507-524; MR 12; 11071 to the roblems of buckling and free XiLb2r-.jL!!ionafbf some recti-.: inctir plates. F By use of the analogy that the Laplacian of deflection of a supported rectilinear plate corresponds to the stream function due to a vortex in a cylinder of the same cross- section, the Elate prob!em is reduced to a two step harmonic pro lem. Here this solution is used to obWn the deflection due to unit moment applied normal to the edge. The solution Of total deflection due to distributed - edge moments along the boundary of a supposed plate is then represented in an integrii torm. L he conclition tnat the, slope must vanish on the clamped part leads to a homogeneous Fredholm integral, equation for moment distribution. This is reduced to the solution of an infinite set of algebraic equations whose solubility condition leads to the characteristic equation as the vanishing of an infinite determinant. The cases of right-angled isosceles triangle, right-angled triangle with 30* angle abd equilateral triangle are treated in detail. Numerical values of the first eigen-value are obtained in each case, and compared with the Values under supported boundary conditions. The results show that ifor the same boundary, the rise in the parameter giving the least buckling load is, higher- than that giving fundamental frequency and the rise increases with the decrease in angle. B. R. SeA (Kbaragpur) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 it n a L r 6 4 J A L 9 n x` 0 Ad 9 'siege go adj a 4 0 . - - ,J- lit 0.6 JW 4 - 0 A% a cut -& .-P ". - -- 11 1 ~ - _ - ------ ret'(81M Soo PINCO161,11 .04, 0 .00 00 00 00 00 1 : Mitchalawas expowt eat halt of in. sartoritut resulted both in the typical .0 N.P.Natiluishviii. 1J*M.Nal.nAd.Pj V- I Contracturt WA go In sevecall rapid twitebrit bith 1 I.. it 3,;. S. OMP-MOsh); cf. C. A. IMF *0 d lusuallycaused in giftedtoovirdtheotficirbalf. greater the "nervatia" then In the "s*rv*Ivn'* i i .00 tit. jj,~ 52 IMI MUK in. partoriu. (noritunic) an I n tfn n cocitract 1l i i f 00 so *IV,' abdorninalis (timicl I were so clamped in ots le vot a or f regions of hoth riftwirs. The reasms . J~S ~ X middle that propustiori 44 the impulse It= we hall in the Intensity will duration of coittraction fmm am Soo 0 * J,- , to she other was but tweveriltd. If half the mutck- wit. muscletoanotheraretwitown. "Took"inuarles (e.g.. I W d 00 0001 itcated with acrty1choline (1) (mas. cuncn. 1:50M), ovily the irralod hall r#*111241rol. II in. m. pectoralls pus abdorulantlij an "!, Ireful Shilominis) never showtd any r*Z,,ar= z I = Go* so . .0 .,, I giudkia of the cown. of the I anin. The claim d b . Os of so y ild- muscle contraction Induced by tire. stimulation an n mini%orstion of I iq apparently Identical. Put with eke. goo o* - ~ stimulation and rapid twitches the contraction of the tion. OO 16 Is go 4 p tonic muscle I- evoked by excitation, while with I it is dor. S not to the enritatury process, but merely to a local Inc am the Iseferischrosavas en- b q (I h l 00 9 . C.. asa . proce" bk in t e x itable i l d i roe . le e c restorat on ti f eymic provelit 0 soltitng an " " l kk l i Musc i rseent e) w v7stells which IxTufs in the 4u see gives, iLse to an Increased accumulation of the "comirwrt- " l h f 00 on o t e SuWancrs and so causes local coritrad Ing Ruth fler ten ' gs muscle. 00 to D woo O &L U U a , me WO 00 0 W o ,* d 0 10 a I oilz .5 t e foe *i* 0 0 0 0 6 00 0 0 r 0 0 0 0 00 a 0 o : l o * Q 0 0 4 0 of 4 *so** 0 0 so of 0 0 00 4 0 a so a 0 a a 0 1 0 0 * a 0 0 0 0 0 *to 4 a 0000 0000'' I I at 1 4 f I I is 11 u is w a it 0 a it it a a x b x Ap 11 1 U n us psi/ *,*.a at awslatingo 03' a v A ta at V 04P oc 00 Acety1choll" contmactuve Of & MUK1911 00 0: bralife. S. P. NariLattlivili, Bull. bid. O"Al. expl. -00 R. S. X, file threabohl 00 emsens. of wetyk-hWine (1) anal nwotine (11) foe Contrite- -00 tuft of the untx)th mumcks c( the inmicbrale4 Aroxicitho 66 j M4?i*4, CUC11104kid fiPliddid anal StYPI(j Fiditicts aft. Hy -00 es at and I.ItY, 1:101 anal 1:20, atul 1:101 and 1:11.1A. rrop. $90 The circular rnuwk- ftl Cyvitrowt irche,o, the adfluctiar tit 00 .3 X400 Padre Wandkoij anal the imm-W a-( the 4atmovittitt and 00 Allot the invertaffmale muwlc% weir in-mitive tit 14ctk, acht .1tid Clicl., S. A. K,ariaLt 00 ices 00 go 4 .00 ::so see $00 we* 1:10,41 tit t 14,161 S.110.4 -L' tPa. Catt 4181,111 a" -3-1 tit go 00 U 191 A 9 an It 1 4 00 0 a 0 1 w 61 S A 00 It p 09 11 Is If K 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0g 0 6 0 0 e 0 0 0: a 0: 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 a of go 6 0 0 , 1 t I 1 0 0 it Q 11 m U It 11 a " A 11 ;W a m so a u Id x III v 0 P a 43 a 40$ 4 5 09 A A -A 11A.M.CC-0. K it- -V.-A~ L-A--L-&-. k- A A POOCIII I Its 1.1-11 00 00 A -00 00, .00 .00 00 -00 oil a Tfie or vs of K*tykbdhw coalvadwo.'11. C406- Lw&dl* Me MWO of twilldws MW c lt I -00 09 oa r" m .00 4 .Narik&Avlli- 1:2. ~ I Owl. b". ma. I U, R S ; 7. 2*~ 8%IIK;9)IsTI English); cf. treatment 0 14 muwk& with lwOnJc.N;4Cj swn, incllcases the effect of 00 acetykholine (1). nkotine and Wtic acid an the numle. 000 0 i 00 apparently by incressing metabrane penacAbility and &Wwing rapid pgnettatkm of the sub3tencri. Ivitouk see 00 CaCl, solvis. decreage permeability and inbibit the ciffect 500 1. S. A. Kwjala 00 800 T 00 1 '00 0 400 1 SO 0 If 'Go 1jc%t 110.1 8041mv vise ~ /1 181,281) .10 L%V oat M111 Ow cow All u It IV 00 AX II, w tv P it a Al K a w a it a a 't An I s a Od a N a I if IN 2 a a 3 9 w a I so go Goo : : I 0 0 0 00 0 0 9 * 9 : : : : Is -D 0 9 0 0 g 0 9 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 . 0 o * 4 C 0 0 0 0 -410 0 0 0 0 0 *i 0 0 0,04 0 0 0000000 0 0100000 61-96`2-9'6~ 9 1$ 11 a - 4 11 m V is " d 41 &1 11 61 0 0 004 PROC44141 AIW -00 A Ogg .00 /lift 004 ON ki. -00 L -j- wftvq~ ;oo any OCUM.00 0~1 MOS. - moot" -00 In .,Noe aw 1.00 go-so 'Y Wow. Goo 004 .200 goo gee AL 2600 no* goo go 0 %see ago ~C;--IFA' 1AUVOWAL t"Isal"I Ck&%WKAIOx %Dow ii-91-6 I A -To, woo v islasa Kip cmv deg oil A 0 AV a ASI; ;~j ' ; ; a I a fm a it v I W s a 4 3 a T RX ~% - I a~16-41; IISA 0l "i 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 : 0 64 0 6 0 0 0 * * 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 O's 0 0 0 0 0 9.4.4 0 O-P. 0 0 0 9~0 0 0.0 0 0 a 0 0 40 0 0 0 0 A q a so** ***Go *-woo oe oe I 0 9F 9 N X L 0 0 0 P9 0 S T Ulf ., I al!", X.O.I. 1 0. V 01 0l ! ! 1. a III AND PID LITIll ND AND.4TH OODCRS I&OWS hul"t moll kIATI NIALI ONE Gen mmuvxm"" WIVIllul lv3m"lvkw wig-tow ww lk 00 0011.3 'j-W 7,00-9 r Doe P0 000 , 00 9011 00 P . eel.. 0 0 00 too 00. *90 s0- 1.00 talk" IS-0�06d 641, 4"Woff 00 d Bakuradze It. and V'arikashvili S,:Spontaneouo electrical activity of the brain during sleep Tran-sactions of the Beritashvili Physiological Institute 1945, 6 (3?7-1,01) illus. 6 The electrical activity of the cerebral cortex was studied during norma). night sleep in 10 male subjects aged 18 to 40 years. Potentials were led off bipolarly along and across the brain. Two cortical regions were recorded simultaneously by a Mess- schleif oscillograph every 10 or 20 minutes during the whole night's sleep. The alpha-rhythm recorded from the occi,rito-parietal and tem.poral regions decreased and became irregular during the drowsy state disappearing with the deepening of sleep. When sleep deyeloped gradually the decreasing alpha-rhythm was replaced .by weak and irregular potentials. When sleep was deepening quickly the alpha- #Vtbm disappeared without a preliminary decrease. During this time the cerebral cortex produced weak and irregular potentials Vich generaily occurred in the absence of the alpha-rhythm (basic electrical activity' after Beritoff.) The basic activity recorded from the occipito-parietal and temporal regions showed periods of weakening, 'silent periods', lasting sometimes till awaking in the morning. In the frontal and central regions, where the alpha-rhythm during the walking state is genera---ly weaker, the replacing of the latter by basic activity potentials was more evident than in the occipital lobes. From the very beginning of the drowsy state a progressive increase of the irregular potentials of basic activity was noticed, sometimes associated with temporary silent periods. The increase of basic activity in the anterior half of the brain continued parallel with a decrease of aloha-rhythm in the posterior half. The potentials of basic activity soret,mes became regular in frequency ranges from 1 to 3 p.s. and from 12/ to 24 P.S. Such alibw potentials of great intensity (100 microvolts and more) have been termed delta waves (Loomis et al., Blake and Gerard, Davis et-al.). Quicker potentials (12 to 24 P.s.) have been termed by different authors tsoindles'. Therefore sleep does not lead to a general decrease of electrical activit~of the cerebral cortex, as has been assumed by many authlors on the ground of the weakening of,al~ha-waves. One form of cortical activity (the alpha-rhythm) is merely replaced by another (the basic actiltity). The latter even increases during sleep, becoming more regular (delta like waves and spindles). The increase of basic activity sets in earlier and is more pronounced in the anterior parts of the brain. Contrary to the statement of Loomis et al., simultaneous arising of delta-like waves and spindles could be observed. During sleep all potentials in symmetrical regions of both henispheres were found to follow a synchronous course. In different regions of the same hemisphere the synchronism was observed only for more or less intensive alpha-waves whereas the basic activity potentials showed for the most part a lake of synchronism. The gradual increase of the cortical basic activity with the deepening of sleep in apparently caused by turning off or diminution of the flow of afferent impulses from different receptors (especially from proprioceptors). This leads to a decrease of excitability and turnigg off of the corticothalamic nerve circles. Thus the self-exciting nerve circle6'of the cerebral cortex begin to work more synchronously, and hence the potentials of basic activity become more intensive and regular. Dzidzishvili-Tiflis Page 3 So: Physiology, Biochemistry and Pharmacology, Section II., Vol. 1, /11-6 NARIKASHVILI, S.P. Blectrophysiology of the brain atom, the cerebral cortex, and the cerebellum Is a &*a-sarcotized cat. Trudy inst. fisiol. AN Gruz. M 8.'135-187 050. (NINA 9:7) (JUCTWPHYSIOIOGY) (MIN) kt~ Ritlr E4-MI-4y LgllkAfz~1,12~.~~-~b~~~-~~-7~~~y*n~~r NARIKASHVILI, S.P. Mechanisms of the conditioned reflex activity. Zhur. 77s. nerv. deiat. 12 no.4:613-622 JI-Ag 162. (MIRA 17:11) 1. Instituteof Physiology, Georgian Academy of Sciences, Tbilisi. NARIXAMILI.S.P. Iffect of stionlation of waboortical segments on the electrical activity of the cerebral cortex. Tra4y lust. fisiol. AN Grus. SSR 9:133-154 '53. (NM 8:9) (Cerebral cortex) Nq kq Category: Georgian 6811/General Division. History. Classics. Personalities. A-2 Abe Jour: Referst Zh.-Biol., No 91 10 May 1957) 34897 Author !!E~ Inst not given Title The Leading Georgian Scholar, Academician I. C. Beritashviii OrIg Pub: Metaniereba da tekhniks, 1955, No 6, 10-13 Abstract: The article is devoted to Acad. Beritashvili (born, 1884), a Georgian physiologist, founder of the physiology school of Georgia, leader of the Institute of Physiology of the Academy of Sciences of the Georgian SSR. His work In the field of the physiology of the muscu- lar-nervous system attain d great renown, particularly on the central nervous system (his research was devoted to the contracting ability of various muscles, the interaction of the processes of sti-Istion and contraction, to the unifying activity of the cortex of the large hemispheres, etc.) Beritashvili is the author of a large number of scientific works; among which is the two volum -rosal "General Phy- siology of the Muscular and Nervous System). (1922) Card -21- USSR lluaan and Animal Physiology. Nervous Syntem, Cerebral Cortex. T Abe Jour Ref Zhur Biole, No 15, 1958, No- 70527 Author :Narikashvi i S. Inst :Ac emy of Sciences GSSR Title :The Interaction of Responses:of Varioue~Rece]prtor Regions of the Cerebral Corteac Orig Pub In the callection,,Probl. sovrem,%fizioa nervn. tuphechn. sistem. Thilisii AN.GruzSSR,.1956j,.225-241 Abstract ln~experiments.:on cats-.under Light nembutal narcosis or on-Ilencephale.isoI61-1 preparations, studies-were made of the interaction of rhythmic light.(IS) and sound (SS) stimuli. The addition of the SS to the IS suppressed the responses of the visual zone of the cortex. Some- times there was also a facilitating action of the SS on the IS. Upon combination of in-frequent SS ani ISY it was possible to observe that the SS changes principally Card 1/2 126 USSRIHuman and Animal Physiology - Nervous System V-12 -Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Riol.i No 11 1958, Nc 4453 Author i SOX. Narikashvili. Ifist Instittte of-.Phy.siologyy:Academy of Sciences) Georgian SSR Title Bicelectrical Response Potentials in Various Areas cf the Auditory Region of the Cerebral Hemispheres of the Cats. nd Their Variations Dependingon the Strength and Frequency.of'Auditery.StImuli Application. Orig Pub Tr.,In-ta Fiziologii) 1956,,1o, pp.73-101 Abstract Auditory stimuli applied.for 5 milliseconds prcdu- c ch in the ced a p~rinary,response'--,positive os illati. back~of,:the ectosylvian'gyrus (PSG) of the.'cat when put, under light nembutal narcosis. Fetween the middle and ESG the response was triphase: negative Card oriGinal responses in all sections cf the auditory regicn, Card 2/4 USSR/Human and Aninal Physiology - Nervous System V-12 Abs Jour Ref Zhur Diblei-No 19581 No 4453 in some.cases high tones exerted greater influence on po- sitive oscillationewhile low tones influenced negative os- cillati6ris*,to,'a:..great6r,~.e.xteiit,o , A.slight masking sound ldd~.to_~an increase.. of the ldtGnt -period and'a, -continuance of.,_,6riginal responsesIA prolonged action-of the masking 6oundlw"e4ake'n-ed~its'-cffect.- Increased'frequency of auditory stimuli (from eight to ton per second) led to an extinction of the secondary negative oscillation in the beginning and to an eventual disappearance of the positive oscillation; finally,, when stimuli were applied very frequently) the original negative oscillation became extinct. Increase of sound intensity was accompanied by increased amplitude of original responses and expended continuance of the positi- ve oscillation, in cases of rhythmic stimulation increa- sed sound intensity may have caused decreased amplitude of the original response. it is therefore) assuned that the Card 3/4 GIJGUHAVA, Ye,; NABITIRI, V.; URIKASHVILI, S.P., prof., red.; GIORGADZI, 0., k-, red.lzd-va; TOMIA, A.# Ivan So;PwnvvIch Beritashvili. Vstup. stattia S.P.Sarikashvili. Bibliogififtia mostavlena X.Gugunova i V.Mebieri. Tbilisi. 1957. 127 p. [In Georgian, German, and Russian.] (MIRA 11:4) 1. Akedenlys nauk Grazinskoy 80, Tiflis. (beritashvilt. Ivan 3olomonovtch,'l8a4- (BIbItograptW-Physiology) URIUSHVILI, S.P.; MONIkVA# E.Se Interaction of diffuse.mid specific thalamocortical projection systems. ;oob. AN Oruz. SSR 19 n0,3:347-354 3 157. (NIM 110) 11 AkpAemlya nauk'Grazine6y SSR, Institut fisiologil'im. akad.' ZS. Beritashvill, Tbilisi. Predstavleno abdevlkn IS'S. Beritashvi.11. (ONJEW CORTU) (OPTIC MALMS) (SUM AND SUSA?ION) 5S j~ L) '/-, ' ~~" P__ -.-----.--- ~... ~ 1--- 295. PRIMARY RESPONSE AND SP8NTANEOUS kLECTRICAL ACTIVITY OF THE CORTEX (Russian text) . N a r i k a a h v I I I S. P . 1. S. Beritashvill Inst. of Physiol., Tbilisi. FIZIOL. Z, M57, UTTT 6'W-650) Graphs 5 the relation between primary response to contralateral skin stimulation and spon- taneous cortical electrical activit was studied in cats anaesthetized with nembutal (20 mg. /kg. ) in two sets of experfiments. After transient interruption of the blood supply primary responses appear earlier than slow electrical activity (which gen- erally sets in with the first inspiration). These primary responses are usually low voltage and reversed in phase. Primary responses acquire a normal shape and amplitude after reestablishment o! the basal (Le. that preceeding interruption of blood supply) pattern of spontaneous electrical activity. Alterations of primary responses were also observed during the recruiting response and EEG desynchron- ization caused by direct electrical stimulation of the thalamic reticular formation. The amplitude or primary cortical responses was found to depend on the period of the re cru iting response: it is greater during '-saxing' of the recruiting response, remaining unchanged or decreasing on '~mning' of recruiting response potentials. EEG desynchronization exerts little or no influence upon the primary response. It is concluded that there must be a close relationship between nervous structures underlying spontaneous electrical activity of the cortex (diffuse thalamo-cortical system) and those on which the appearance of a primary cortical response depends (spegUic thalamo- cortical system). Simonson - Minneapolis, Minn. AJO Y A'A 14LUT 111 0 RS C_1_7,2/39 Cha~li ah-lili, 34, F. ; corr~-,To-jinr .1:onber 14, Georgien SM TITLE: A Reutinlr, ./-*Lth tha of t!,ci Tranoca=%oian 'U,.:ricn (V!3trec'ia -. bioio,~~wd Joint Se-,-Acn of V-,,- 3iru- IcC4-oal of Tvc YLl. 20, Ur 1, 1p. 121-121 A 3 Cnt L ;--t- ef the Xif J.:,Ii Cf 0., a- L, Inrf:c 'r-roul. of C i-G.-.ti r,s froL 20 to 3, 3 --l.~rxry ard 4 cuct`c,-~al ,jezjLQr-.~ took piac;e. T-`!u ra,c.A:i -.-.ere 1) 1. S. Cii the pwct i~la~yed by the homiciteri-S cf t",,e crz~,o',-ruim ard tht, in. the F- t i C. 1 0 rt C. tu i 0 n 2) T'i,.; "U-'-claytic reticular :~y,,tei c~n-- -he c. cortex of Vie larr_-a !cvi- caxa l,f4 IT r t ;,~U Bi~.' 0' Tr N-1-32/39 Joint Session (,f T-.7c ACT-dazlier'. 1'timcmuna in tht; cource cif 4) V. V. Illeotric of the d:: of ccr,~i,2uL in z:.nd itur.--uptal xxit~~..ion.-~. 5) Yu. G. 21-~~ cf e1cctroenco,,ha1oEr---, r*-iythLl:, t'e Of L. 1. 0:. c3rtUn peculiaritiuo of Ue "Ligh- or narvcuj aAivit, of -,.,illite under phyjiolo ic 1 pat,!-:)1c---.ica1 conrtitfun~;. 7) G., K:-~. Bun,.,jaty~--n: C~ztain re---ults concerni.16 the ccatrol of t:la COI "Q:: Of :.letabOli3LI. rune, p' uical-c%emical of the 3') G. Y. L 6 .,:r 11.~ cri~atiun unt.1 -,rrp,-j,--a.~rjn of Ln. c-.ecitation over nerve fib-~es. 9) -P. On "lic, chec%in- of the resultz of the causal-emalftical of the dove 1 o n-V of Uhe uryutalline len:~. 10) D. I.I. on tht, part played by the humoral facturs ix-L it-Ilie 1--ube~~cence of arthoropods. 11~ L. I. X~-.-ararld:,c; Ti~: izutpiticn of the vine and chlorozis. 171. . K2az;-U, U A L 4XVZOV; AiltibiCtiC 3U~intance-- and their use Card 2/4 i -.-I t 11,;~ ~).V~:odina of A MeetiriE Jith thu Biclcri~;tn~ of T_-an~.;Cziucauiaa R;~Cioll. 30-1-12/39 Joint Session )f t'h,_ Dx_~xl-_,aut~; of Two 13) V. _-. G-~Ais-~.-%tjij-*- jlL.;It:c,_,.dJc-tory pc-culiaritie3 in tke A. L t, , I hercdit.- c)f :C woc(l and '61,eir iLr, ortance f , r V e develcynient u-- v L-e 14) 1.:. K:-... T;c; cl~,_-.dcal zAimulation of t'ie L;ro-.It-'l arld the of 15) Ya. '% Lililtuut-In. T!-.o tl,.oury of 'Eiu, idcrobe of tl-,o Boil. , 16)) r. A. G,~:,kell: T,,.-- of cclloidal-c%Cn'.ical perties of the for t~u- of -,~lantl ruaiL;tance 17) T. S. 3ulal~_ Grotitl~. ntjl,)rt;-ujCu.-, r.nd tho rez;i.;.F~.-ice agailint froLt i:~f Citruu !.ILLnt~~. 10) U. IN. Chrcluohvili. Tlia ia-.lLT,.L;uce ',y lo-a temper- aturec- Cn the ulatc! of tliu itratificat-Lua ila av~.rcreens. V. 11j. honabdir,; L~7bridizaticuii ari une (,-I' '%-I:ie fac"o-n; of ttlhe enzic!%.,I~aLt a-ad-, Of t'le J,Uock of t,-pej a-itcl Op~:3ic;,j OfA 20) T. 5. IZQz~Ai; Tbu vltrui.;., uf t',%~ l.::_4;lci-a1 Todder (;f fiul"L'. of G:Vli,~Aya. 21) L. F. l1ravdin; Tl'.;. nr~;-.'L '~arj!-- to ')c foront seloctivn 1r, VVIriclu'll cc.,.(Utirullo. d ener~7eticss C ard 3/4 22) V. F. Volobuy._~v: icil-clima'.ic A leetinE: '.7ith -Lhe of Tr-vis;;aucs,~;4wn 30-1-32/33 Joint Session of "he 3icic-i-r-*~-,al of Two jlczLd-e.:~l=-,-. o f 2 1 - f :,xz-, 10 r--. 23) E. M. I Lav.:--hc. The.~- f'rmea3u-c ancl the iaountains of Central Eurulie ia rw;pe,.,t, 24) A. L. C,-, Vte hiitory of uo-,mtuin wrol,layte vcseo- t- , 1, 1 - - -14ioll G- f ~:I- Croa-ju,:. 25) S. V - Zonn- ll'oiqci7,%tive ch--.ract,7-ri!;tic of thu rud earth of Georgia a.,,-,Ll 13-iina. 205) V. Kazvxyan: T,-.-, 1.rianipal poii.-ts of t'~e thoory of the increaointe contradiction imi plant ontol,,oneois. L. !;.h. Davitaihvili: The theory or. the ;ro,,.,re;;3 of evo- lution -:,nd the tajk;j of modern birulogy. AVAILj%BLE: Library of 1. Biolo'gy-Conference 2. Scientific reports Card 4/4 NARIKASHVILI, S.P.. BWHHUZI, S.M. IWMWVAtfttO-4_ Relationship between descending and ascending effects of the reticular formation of the medulla oblongata, [with summary in Znglishle TizIol;zhur* 44 no,9t848-858 S 158 (MIRA 11:12) I; Institut fiziologii AN GruzimkV SSR, 7bilisis (MULLA OBLONGATA. physiol. reticular form*, relationship between a3cending & descending eff.'(Rus)) Pavlovich; SARA HISHVILI, F., red.; VOLKOVA, I., red,izd-va; TODUA, A., [Some problems in the hysiology and pathology of the reticular formation of the braini Nekotorys voprosy fiziologii i pato- logi~ setevidnoi formstaii golovnogo mozga. Tbilisi, Izd-vo Aked.nauk Gruz.SM. 1959. 76 p. (MIRA 13:7) (BRAIN) All till I 1.1 s lit, 11 It J.. 11 fl] l lit it N"IUSHVILI, S.P.; HOIIIAVA, E-B- Correlations betveen thulamocortical projection systems. Zhur.,wye.nerv..deiat. 9 no-3:461-470 MY-Je '59. (MIM 12:9) 1. Institute of Physiolo&v, Georgian AcadwW of Sciences, Tbilisi, (CAMBAL CORM - physiology) (.TH&IAHIJS - physiology) NAIIIKASHVI LI, S.P., prof. (Tbilisi) Panction of the reticular formation of the brain stem a-ad certain clinical problems. Klin.ved. 37 no,9:20-27 S 159. (MIRA 12:12) (BRAM STIN, anatovW and histology) e,-XARIKASHVILI, S.P. Niorpholog7 and physiology of the reticular formtIon. Fiziol. zhur. 45 no.11:1398-1399 1 059. (MIU 13:5) (nkrff SM physiol.-) 9;a ~fWVA Y1r8T4:%FP1-2 W--~ ---l R 41VWF--'Tv-~.*~ r, [~Ww* -kRv K-RfX-1 MUMS EVER -'N-11~1 V, -4r. 11% ~~ 711 br-~ 9 Ir"_ ~~U al; r ~ fz rKIVU CZ.-M UM --W Tik~ 4~ BTJTKMI, S.M.; WRIKASHVILI Olikk ON eaw". I'M Significance of anesthesia in the inhibiting effect of the bulbar reticular formtion on spinal activity. Biul. eksp. bipl. mod. 47 no.2:3-9 7 059. (WHA 12:4) 1. Iz Instituta fiziologii AN Gruzinskoy Or, Tbilisi. Predstavlons deystvitellnym chlenom ANN 555a I.S. Beritashvili. (KIDULIA OBUNGAU, physiol. reticular form., off. of anesth. on inhib. off. on spinal cord (Rua)) (ANJSTMISIA, effects, on inhib. off. of medullar reticular form. on spinal cord (Rua)) (SPINAL CORD, physiol. eff. of anesth. on inhib. off. of modullar reticular form. (Fas)) HARIKASHVILI, S. P. (Tbilisi) 0 korkovoy regulvatsii deyatellnosti nespetsificheskikh obrazovaniy golovhogo moz" report submitted for the First Moscow Conference on Reticular Formation, Moscow, 22-26 March 1960. 'OdUKASHVILI, 5- P-; M07TIAVA, E. S.j KADZHAYA, D. V. (Tbilisi) Vliyaniye retikulyarnoy formatsii na otvetnuyu aktivnost' vritellnoy afferentnoy sistemy. report submitted for the First Moscow Conference on Reticular Formation, Moscow# 22-26 March 1960. ARTELIAZE, B.F.; BUTKHUZIj S.M.; XARIKASHVILI, S.P. Changes in breathing related to inhibition and facilitation of 6ignal reflexes during stimulation of the reticular foi-wtion. Soob. AN Gruz. SSR 24 no. 1:81-88 Ja 160. (MIRA 14;5) 1. Akademiya nauk Gruzinskoy SSR, Institut fiziologii., Tbilisi. Predstavleno akademik= I.S. Beritashvili, (RESPIRATION) MONIAVA, Z.B.; NARIKASHVILI, S.F. Affect of stimulation of thalamic unspecific nuclei on the cortical effects of specific nuclei. Soob.AV Gruz.SSR 25 no-5:605412 11 1600 (NMA 14: 1) 1, Akademiya neuk 03R, Institut fiziologii, Tbilisi, Predstav- leno akademikoz 1*3. Beritashvili, .(TFAIAMUS) (CIMBAL CORT]d) NARIKASHVILI S.P. The 21st International Congress of Physiologists. Problems in the physiology of subcoirtical formations of the brain. Fiziol, zhur. 46 no.3:371-378 Mr 60. (MIRA 14-"7) (BRAIN-CONGRESSES) NAETKASHVILI, S.P.;. BUT,MUZI, S.M.; MONIAVA, E.S. Effert. n- 'I'- c-rebral cortex on non specific thalaric reactions. if , Fiziul-z". - 46 no.6:6530-663 Je, 160. WRA 13:8) .1, Froom t4-) In..titute of Pi-ysiology, Academy of Sciences of the Georf,ian"lovict Socialist Republk6, Tbilisi. JfCEREBRAL CORT.--X' (OPTIC THAW4US) 84578 S/020/60/134/001/038/038/77 B016/B060 AUTHORS: NarikashV41i. S.P. Moniava, E-S,, and Karlzhaya, D. V. TITLE: Interaction Mechanism of Analyzers PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, ,960, vol. 134, Ho. 1. pp. 229 - 232 TEXT: The authors Investigated the interaction mechanism of analyzers under 3ombined skin-.and light irritation. 15 non-narcotized cats, kept; immobIle by intravenous injections of tubocurarine, were the test specimena. The potentials were derived from the visual region and other regions of the cerebral surface and also from the external knee-joint region. Their recording was made with an electroencephalo- graph of trademark "Alvar". The skin of the "contra-lateral anterior leg" was irritated by Individual electric pulses. After a 1-2% solution ,of sulphuria atropine both eyes were irritated with light flashes ( I m/sec ) of constant brightness, Under the action of a more or less strong irritation, the corresponding reactions were suppressed both Card 1/3 84578 Interaction mechanism of Analyzers S/02 60/134/001/03b/038/XX BOJGYB060 in the visual area of the cortex and in the knee-joint region of the body. Fig. 1 shows an oscillogram obtained from such an experiment. The overall picture of the activity, caused by skinirritation, of the ,afferent visual system points to the fact that the suppressing action of one analyzer upon:the other takes place on the subcortical level, ,because not only cortical reactions, but also the specific, thalamic Ireactiona appear to be suppressed. When skin irritation is stopped, the corresponding potentials are restored with varying rapidity,. In the vlaual region of the cortex and in the external knee-joint region this restoration runs in parallel and more or less exactly coincides with the restoration of the slow background activity, i,.e., with-the end of EEG desynchronization. Q~aite frequently, the degree of suppression of visual cortical reactions (under the effect of cortical irritations) is higher than that of the reactions of the knee-joint region (see oscillo- grams Figs. 2 and 3). The fact that the cortical reactions are more strongly suppressed than those of the nucleus thalami, seems to indicate that the suppression of the cortical potentials is not only explained by the action of the substantia reticularis upon the afferent paths up to the nuclei thalami, but also by a direct inhibiting action Card 2/3 84578 Interaction Mechanism of Analyzers S10201601134100-,10361038177 B0161BO60 upon cortical neurons. This statement has been substantiated by experiments (Fig. 4). All changes in the corresponding potentials, which follow upon the interaction of different anal3zers, are connected with the activation of the reticular system. The authors are at present carrying out a special experimental analysis to substantiate definitely their opinion of the varying effect of the reticular system upon the cortical potentials arising upon irritation of the eye and the knee-joint region. There are 4 figures and 15 references: 1 Soviet, 8 US, I British, and 1 French. ASSOCIATION: Institut f4ziologii Akademii nauk GruzSSR (Institute of Physiology of the Academy of Sciences GruzSSR) PRESENTED: February 8, 19609 by I. S. Beritashvili# Academician SUBMITTED: January 8, 1960 Card 3/3 MONIAVA, E.S.j. KADZHAYA, D.V.; NARIKASHVILI, S.F. Mechanism of the influence of the reticular formation on responses from the visual region of the cerebral cortex. Zhur. vys. nerv. deiat. 3-1 no.5:868-877 S-0 161. (MIRA .15: -1) 1. InstAute of Physiology Gerogian Academy of Sciences, Tbilisi. (BRAIN) (UM'RAL CORTil) WIa.1 . NARIKASI[VILI, S*P* * MONIAVA, E*39 , --- I --I Interaction'of specific and nonspecific thalamic nuclei Trudy Inst. fiziol. AN Graz. SSR 3-2:55-67 161. iMIU 15:2) (OPTIC THALAMUS) ~ei EMM Mi *W&e vi4~ C2! a?~~ t4Di~ ~`--t- irw NARIK&SHVILI, S.F., MONIAVA, E.S.j BUTKHUZI,, S.M. Effect of tetanic stimilation of the senBory-motor cortex on the thalamus relay nucleus. Fiziol. zhur. 1+7 no.7;863-871 JI 161. (MIRA 15:1) 1. From the Georgian S.S.R. Academy of Scionces Institute of PhysiolV,, Tbilisi. -4- (CEREBRAL CORTEX) (OPTIC THAUMUS) 3/245/62/000/003/00.2/002 1015/1215 AUTHORo Narikashvili, S.P.,_ TITLEs Problems oC the physiology of nnalyzers based on modern data Rbout the structure and function of the brain PERIODICAL: Voprosy psikhologii n0-3# -1962t 56-72 T EXT Modern Rssessment of the role of the reticular formation conforms with Pftvlov's view of -ihe importance of "8ulz- Cortex* for an -.iJequate cortical functign. ' In the brain stem it articipates in activation, in regulation Rt the-origin, Rnd ih p i,propagation of the afferent impulses. The'cortex itself partioi- ates in regulating the analyzing activity of ONS. Perception P 0 Card 1/2 5/254/62/000/003/~02/002 1015/1215 Problems on the physiology of... and analysis are considered to be active processes that involve 'the part'icipation of the reticular formation. An adequate corre- .;lated 'activity of the cortex and subcortical structure is nece- :ssary to ensure the integration of any higher nervous function. The reticular formation constitutes one of the most impo'rtant ..subcortical structures. There are 108 references. ICard 2/2 prof.; MCNIAVA, E.S. (Tbilisi) Changes in the electrical activity of the cerebral cortex in partial injuries of the brain stem. Yop.neirokhir. 25 no.1:26- 33 162. (MIRA 15:1) 1. Institut f Iziologii AN Gruzinskoy SSR. 21(-Mlem-ko AN Gruzinskoy SSSR (for Narikashvili). (MUM.-WOUNDS AND I&TURIES) (CMEBRAL CORTEX) (ELECTROMICEPHALOGRAPHY) IIARIKASHVILI,_qj.; 140NIAVA, E.S. Dynamics of changes in the electric rhythms of the cerebral coriex following lesions of the reticular formation of the brain stem. Soob..MI Gruz.SSR 28 no.l.-81-88 - Ja 162. :L:z 1. Akademiya. nauk Gruzinskoy SSR, Institut fiziologii, Tbilisi, 2. ChlenAorrespondent AN Gruzinskoy SSR (for 11arikashvi-ii), (MAIN-WOUNDS MID INJURIM) (CEFEBRAL C CRTEX) (ELECTROPHYSIOIMY)