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SOURCE: 'Chi-micheskove I neftya;ioye mash inostroyentye, no. 2, 1965, 27-3(.; TOPIC TAGS: air fractionati6n. ar&on recovery, nitrogen production, oxygen pro- duction A-BSTP,kCT: On the basis of thorough experimental investigations at the VNTTKIMASh, an exact equilibrium diagram of the system oxygen - argon - nitrogen w&s plotted, It was shown that this diagram can be used tn calrulate data on the dintrtbutton of camponent5 or, the pLAtes of air-BeparaLlon columna that are close I,- the act'iai experimental data. The article gives rhe results of calculations of the fractiona- tion process i.-. 4 typiLal double -fract 1-Rat ion apparatus performed for high--)res- sure units discharg'ng the products In the gaseous form at atmospheric prP5-.-~. the rp!:-n-r~ rif Argon are c0MP8FPd fDT the same ox'?ger. or, - Card l,'2 L. 38519-65 ACCE.SSION KR: AP5007135 prodeisaw'' ASSOCTATMN: None SUMC=D-. 00 M) ELEF SOV -007 figums sa I tAbLes ENCL: 00 OTMER: 003 SUB OOM GC ?,2 -nm 2 L 61819,.,r65 EV1T(m)/EPF(c)/EMP(t)/EWP(b) Pr-4/Ps-4 IJP(c) JD ACCESMON NR: AP5018282 UR/0314/65/000/007/0009/0012 66.048:546.217 AUT116R Narinalki G Vt( . Candidate of technical sciences) y TITLEt Thermodynamic analysts of a high-pressure at r- fractionating device with a liquid oxygen_guEp SOURCE: Khimicheskoye i neftyanoye mashinostroyeaiye, no. 1965, 9-12 TOPIC TAGS- air fractionating device, air fracttonadou thermodynamics, air fTacttona- t n npurnp lo , ljlqy~io 6-ex t- BSTRACT The resent article outlines the theory and describes the determination of I losses, duG-to- the, irrevzTaibility of dw process in vaexous aeparaW .4ementa of high- -devie don 'sure es taining air thirottles. the two schematic diagrams shown in Figure I of the Enclosure represent devices with an oxygen compressor and with a liquid oxygen pump, respectively. Results are summarized in a table containing 24 separate loss entries. Orig. art. Ims: 23 formulas, I figure,and I table. MSOCIATION: None SUBN=ED- 00 ENCL: 02 SUB CODE: CC, TD NO RE F SOV: 003 OTRER: 002 Card 1/3 ENCIA 01 -61 ,--,~'-,--T.ACCESK0N`NR.i lAT5018982 011 cornpress6d L: 02 aM,gen E NO Figure 1. Schematic diagram of the high pressitre air fractionating devices: a - with an oxygen corivressor; nj- air tro- ~ai r b - with a liquid air pump; rY p gen I - air conipre8sor; 11 - heat exchanger; FVff supercooler; VM - container for compressee. oxygen (devices f for air purification are omitted). ap ~Aad 3/3 Aloal 267-66 IDN (d)/ WT (m)/KdP(k)1FA4P Jjp(c) WW/Jd/JD _2~: - ACC 11R. AT6016840 (A SOURCE CODE: UR/2800/65/000/010/0003/0046 AUTHOR: -Yepifanova, V. 1. (Doctor of technical sciences); Gorokhov,-V---S- (Engr.); Chernyshev, B A. (Engr.')-*, Narinskly, G. B. (Candidate of technical sciences) ORG; Non6 TITLE: Th6-,VNIIKIMASh BR-6 n!!~itro en~\ oxyge I aratus SOURCE ---T-Vsesoyuznyy rtauchnAo-isaledovatellskiy institut kislorodnogo mashino- stroyeniya, Trudy, no. 10, 1965. Apparaty i mashiny kislorodnykh ustanovok (Apparatus and machinery of industrial oxygen plants), 3-46 TOPIC TAGS: liquid nitrogen, liquid oxygen, chemical plant equipment, chemical production ABSTRACT: The authors d escribe in considerable detail the VNIIKIMASh BR-6 ap- paratus developed by t e All-Union Scientific-Research Institute of OxypR._f,.quip- went Buil4LnA (Voesoyuznyy nauchno-issiedovatel'skiy instLtut kifl; ro-nogo mashinostroyeniya for the production 3/hr of nitro- .-2ontaining n of 15,000 m 0 industrial46k 002% 02, 7840 m thr.of ygen with a concentration of 95% 02, and 1;0 M 3/hr of 99.5% pure 02. The apparatus operates with a single low pressure circu t, used previously in technical en6ti~nimV. The paper discusses Ccrd ~2 L 36287-M ACC NR: 'iT6016840 the basic features of the apparatus and the selection and development of the technological design of the unit and technological diagrams. The following main components are treated in detail: regenerators, carbon dioxide freezing traps, fractionating columns, condensers-evaporators, supercoolers, N and 0 reheaters, technical oxygen column, block housing, armature, compressed-gas motor, and the remote and automatic control system. The results of a test run of the apparatus are presented. The article concludes with a brief comparison of the apparatus with the characteristics of the "Linde" (West Germany) and "Kobe-Steel" (Japan) devices. The BR-6 is already in use in chemical enterprises of the Soviet Union, Rumania, Hungary, and Bulgaria. Orig. art. has- 16 figures and 5 tables. SUB CODE: 071 SUBM DATE: 00/ ORIG REF: 007 i;~Card 2/2_. ACC NR' AR6032311 SOURCE CODE: UR/0081/66/000/010/LO07/LO07 AUTHOR: 'Kepifanova, V. L; Gctrokhov, V. S.; Chernyshev, B. A.; N G. B. TITLE: Nitrogen oxygen plant VNIMMASH BR-6 SOURCE: Ref. zh. Kbimiya, Part 11, Abs. 10L55 REF SOURCE: Tr. Wes. n. -t in-ta riogen.. kialorodn- I knmpreg&orn mashinostr., vyp. 10, 1965, 3-46 TOPIC TAGS: nitrogen, oxygen, oxygen plant, nitrogen plant ABSTRACT: The technical characteristics of the equipment are given and its basic features are pointed out. The flow chart in presented and the basic equip- ment is analyzed. A comparison is made of the VNIIIaMASH BR-6 plant with those manufactured by foreign firms. Orig. art. has: 7 reference items. M. Gusev. (Translation of abstract) t SUB CODE: 07/ LC NARIN'-,", 1, -1 '4pma. tekhn. npuk; MkYOV.SKIY, B.D., Insh.; KAZUKOVA, - _,_51 inzho Studying,the pracesa.of air neparation with recovery of crude argon aa applied to low-pressure units. Trudy VNITKIMASH -.i---,.l0147-68 165. (MIRA 180) IT L, 3.653-66, E7e. :I~CCESSION NR;"-APS021421 UR/0076/65/039/000/2009/2015' 541/.545 'AUTHOR: Narinskiy, G.._,B. ITITLE: Apparatus~ for st*ing liquid vapor equilibrium in an oxyge argon itrogen system SOURCE:'-7Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, v. 39, no. 8, 1965, 2009-4015 TOPIC TAGS: oxy ibrium V1 %A -V gen, nitrogen, argon, phase equil ABSTRACT: The.dxperimental setup and procedure used fJstudying the liquid vapor ilibrium in the tern'ary system 02 -Ar - N? and in the corresponding binary sys- e qu tems at low temperatures are described. The circulation method was employed, and liquid ~oxygen and liquid nitrogen were used to.maintain temperatures of.90.5-1350K and 80-90.50K respectively in the cryostat. The analysis of the binary and ternary samples is fully described. Experiments.conducted at pressures close to atmosphericl- in the equilibrium,vessel yielded good results at a circulation rate.of 0.65 1/min. lIt was found that'in order for equilibrium conditions to be reached, the circulation, irate should-be Inversely pro'portio,nal'to the square root of'the pressure in the rd 1/ 1653-66 --------- -- -ACCESSION NR: AP5021421 ~equilibrium veseel. Thus,~thefollowi ng basic parameters were selected for the , study of the liquid vapor equilibrium: circulation rate, 0.4/,Yp, I/min; amount of liquid phase in the equilibrium ves3el, 60-65 cm3; circulation time, 50 min; rate of w thdrawal of liquid sample, 0.3-0.5 X/min. The correctness of this choicy n i p)tpon- 'I i d b fi h d ~ L was con Aitions rme ermodynan e treatment of the data.15 V G. i . E i0a, E. y " i#Pr i w Ardasheva,. N. S. M and I. I. Tulyanck participated in the work. nay Orig. art. has:: 3 figures and 2 formulas. 'ASSOCIATION4 Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovaitellskiy,institut kisloroAnogo, mashino- .'stroyeniyajAll-Union Scientific Research Institute of Oxygen Apparatus and Machin- e Y SUBMITTED: .06Hay64- ENCL: 00 ..SUB CODE: GC NO REF SOV: 013 OTHER: 001 i Card. 2/2 ACC NRi AR6035070 AUTHOR: Yepifanova, -Narinski G SOURCE CODE: UR102821GG1000/008/0052/0053 V. I.; Gorokhov, V. S.; Chernyshev, B. A.; TITLE: VNIIIIaMASH BR-6 nitrogen and oxygen plant SOURCE: Ref. zh. Xhimicheskoye i kholodillnoye mashinostroyeniye, Abs. 8.47.369 REF SOURCE: Tr. Vses. n. -i. in-ta krioger,, kislorodn. i kompressorn. mashinostr., vyp. 10, 1965, 3-46 TOPIC TAGS: nitrogen, oxygen, ammonia ABSTRACT: The All-Union Scientific -Research Institute for Oxygen Equipment developed a VNIIKIMASH type BR-6 machine designed to produce 15, 000 M3 per hour of nitrogen with a 0. 00216 content of 0 ; 7840 m3 per hour of low-purity 2 oxygen with 95% 02; and 160 m3 per hour of high-purity oxygen with a 09, 5% concentration of 02, As a basis for thG development of the new equipment, the designers used the G-6800 air-fractioning unit with production capacity of 5400 m3/hr of nitrogen with 0. 02-0.0516 02, and 1400 M3/hr of oxygen with a ~._Ca.rd __ 1../ 2 UDC: 621.59 AR6035070 90-92% concentration Of 02. The latter did satisfy the industrial demands for ammonia with respect to both quality and quantity as well, or vAth regard to the flow chart and equipment. The new DR-6 plants have been providing adequate supplies of pure nitrogen and technical oxygen to synthetic ammonium other chemical plants. The BR-6 plant consists of several air turbocompressors an air-fractioning unit, turboexpanders, a controlling and measuring instrument panel, switching mechanism, preheaters, and other equipment. UnliLe the G-6800 machine operating at two pressure levels, the BR-6 nitrogen-oxygen plant is designed for a low pressure level, a system used earlier only in technical oxygen plants. The low-pressure system makes it possible to eliminate reciprocat- ing engines, chemical air purifiers for removing carbon dioxide from the air, an ammonium refrigeration unit, and reversible heat exchangers for freezing out the moisture thus resulting in a highly efficient unit, simple in construction and dependable and convenient in operating. The principal considerations in designing: the DR-6 plant were (on comparison basis) a flow chart with an improved organiza-, tion of heat exchange, removal of air impurities, rectification, and refrigeration cycle. Orig. art. has: 7 bibliographic titles, and 16 diagrams, (KPI SUB CODE: 07/ Card 2 / 2 I~t I-Pn- ------ : , - :--.- -. - - 1--.- --,!---.---- - , --- - - -. . -- "'. --- " .- -. jl::~I~jz~~-- :;- - '. I qo~** 0 fmb