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MASURKA, Vladiair; NAVRATIA, ft -- _ . XtIl-CEMOCII, Zdenok; ERMI, Josef; KVASNICKC-j-JYI Surgical treatment of renal hypertension. Sborn. wed. prae. lek. fak. Karlov. Univ. 8 no.2t269-275 165. 1. 11. chirurgicks, klinika (prednostar prof. MUDr. J. Pr-.- chazka, DrSc.); Urologicka klinika (prednoatt.1 doe. MUDr. J. Svab, CSc.); Radiologicka klivik- lorednostat prof. MUDre J. B&atecky, DrSc.) - I. interni klinika (predrostai prof. MUDr. F. Cernik) Lekarske fakulty Karlovy University v Hradel Kralove. Havratils Ro N&vr&tU# R. Aluminum in building. po 448o Volo 49 no. 12a Dec. 1956 POZMI STAVEY TECHIMIM Czechoslovakia So. East European Accessions,, Vol. 6. No. 5. may 1957 ILUATILLt Stanisuvo ins. nowlin a transient pb~da in "Wh-Mme wohines by me= of dynamic characteristics, 91 tech obow 52 na*5t262-264 Ny IV* NAVRATIL, Stanislav,, inz, Contribution to information on the virus mosaic dig"80 Of poplars. IA9 cas 9 no. 121 1125-1134 D 163o 1. Vyzkmny ustav lesniho hospodaretvi a myelivosti, Zbraslav-Stmady,, Vyzkumna stanice Ko3telany, VE7,NIKt Zdanek, MVDr~ CSc*; LOJDA, IA(Iislav, MVDr.; NAVMT1L, Jtanislay, HVDrO Evaluation oP oome phyvicoc~emical criteria of the cervical mucus in breeding cowa. Vater medicina 9 no.5:321-328 0 164, 1. Department of Phyeiology and Patholojq of Dwastic Animal Breeding of the Renearch Tnatitute of Vaterinar7 Medicine, Br- -~-Meilanky. of the Njxrtment i [MVDr, We. ) Zdanek Ve znik. Submitted February 28, 1964, IIAVRATILP Stanislav, inz.; SUVA, Slavomir, inZ., kandidat tachnickych ved Model of the C-0-Mrol circuit of a synchrcnous generator. El tech obzor 52 no,10:533-537 0 163* 1. Statni vy2kumny ustav silnoproude elektrotachniky. NAVR.ATIL,, Stanialxrr :Lnzo; SITLC, rdwak, inro Modoling a s~mchronouz alternator b7 mew cf analog computers and reactance models. KL tech obzor 53 no.7:392-393 J1164 NAVRATIL, Vilam Gasting high,.speed steel instrments in sand molds made by higher pressure squeeze moloW. Slevarenstvi 10 no.3ls421-425 N l62. 11 N"i,, nopep savod Hulin. ;Z UT- DI Aly-1 - - RL A 7 77. 3.51 V RM=Mh SW2*i 6, IW-611 0 9-i itt d 71" '0., pwotvlot tyrill. .44 ri (cf. f7A. 0. A ir,14'I;- wadt !m-4 Aint virt! vvith in bumox. Which c"ritairvs 5p tir, 10) st.p m. P. 7 T- Rf- Ak r lk: &Mai U IVAVRATILGVA, L. "RehabUitation of blood cimulation after scarlet favor." p. 253. (Casopis hekam Cesk-yeh. Vol. 93, no. 9, Feb. 1954. Praha.) SO: Monthly _Lk& A fiLA EMopean Accomalong Vol. 3, no. 6, Library of Cong., 000 1954 Uncl, NAVRATIIDVA, A, Our experience vith the conBervative trestnent of pulmonaz7 abscesses by eyulobronobtal administration of antibiotics. Can. lek. cook. 97 no-33: lio6-lll3 29 hug 58. 1. Vnitrni oddeloni Co. nemocnice v KUM. (LUMUS, abscess ther., antibiotics, endobronchial admin. (Cs)) (ANTIBIOTICS, ther. use abscess of lung, endobronchial admin. (Cs)) C ZEC" .'OSLOVA.K1A NAVRATILOVA, A., TTD; SEDLAK, B., Engineer 1. Second Intemal 7111edicine Clinic of Parkyne University (II. vnitrni kliniky University J.B.P.), Brno; 2. Laboratory of Patiophysio1o,.,,y of the Circulatory System, Connected to the Second Internal Medicine Clinic (Laborator pathofysiolo,~,-iQ krevniho obehu pri II vnitnii klinice) 9 BITLO Pra-1-uc, Yr4trni lekarstvi, No 11, 1)63, pp 1065-1070 "Serotonin and Urinary Excretion of 5-Hydroxy-indol-acetic Acid in 3oma Diseases." AV L U V 0 1 )--1, CZECHIOSLOVAKIA SOUSEK, 0., MD; NAVR&TILOVA, H., "M 1. Ward of Infectious Diseases of the Hospital (Oddeleni infekentch zloutenek nemocnice), Motol; 2. Chair of School Hygiene of the Medical Faculty of Hygiene of Charles University (Katedra skolni hypieny lekarske fakulty hygienicke KU), Prague (for all) Prague, Prakticky lekar, No jQ9 1963, PP 369---M "The Diagnosis of Acute Stage of Hepatitis Infection on Country Calla." ZAVAZAL, Vladimir; 1AVICKA, Josef; stasticke hodnoceni MALY, Vladimir; technicka spoluprace NAVRAT=VAv Jin Serological diagnosis of progressive arthritis. Cas. lek. cesk. 101 no.35slG49-1055 31 Ag 162. 1. Ustav pro lakarskou mikrobiologii a apidemiologii lekarske fidmIty KU v Plzni, prednosta doe. dr. J. Zahradnicky. KLinika chorob vnitrniah lekarske fakulty KU v Plzni, prednosta prof. dr. K. Bobek. (ARTHRITIS RHEMIATOID) RAVRATIIDTA Sarka, ~ First stag* of the reconstruction station is finished. Zel dop tech of the Be railroad 11 no@ 12s 364-365 163, KMGELIIAEDg LDELIKHAYD [Higelland,, Adelhoid]; HAVRATSELI (Rawrateel, Monica! ------ Cultural work in a trade-union group. Sov. profsoiuzt 17 no.18tA 8 161. (MIRA 14:8) 1. KAftorg profsoyuz~oy gruppy brIgady aotsialinticheskogo truda Unna Frank 10 na narodnom PrGdPrUgUi - B*rli=km elektrolampovom zavode (ror Navrateell). (Socialist competition) (Berlin-Trade unions) IIAVRAYEV, J'I. 1'. "A Study of 9pecial Showers' of Uosmic Rays with the P-ld of a iiodoacope, r Dok. AN, 68, No. 2, 1949. Mbr. Physics lnst. im. P. N. Lebedev, Dept. Physico-Math. Z)clle, Acad. 6ci., -cl949-. NAYWHINO P.-e-=w"w -~wo "Modern nothods of cleaning tanks of oil tankerse by G.Zlbes, B.Sushkov. Reviewed by P. Navrosbin, Noreflot 19 vo,4:44 Ap 159. (MIU 12:6) 1. Starshly tushener TSentral'nogo proyaktnogo byuro - 2* (Tank vessels-Cleaning) (Libee, G.) (Suililco-r, B.) ~ N Cnuntry C a t ry ,.bs. JGur Au L ~io r institut. T 1. t 1,-.t (Drit" Pub. Ca r~ SH :Gonovil blclogty. 13 Imilvidual Covelofi-ment. ~hbryonic Dev.~lol.,.nnt. :JIX733101., "'0. a7a, L. F. Devalo,y:-~11-tit of 'in 'Ain- 7sb.., Q IA 1") ~ a 2hn giitmmonlus -,f tlr- 1 nth:: eyou,inc,,'. .~o, ---nircle f,~ear c' mo ,-rq in a new A"or--. dire narrow and tne lat-1ral 3triation is ina.-tly noticonble. aff~iient t`~An axial cylin~l-rs -ir,- at the Here U.a vrirnopla~i,.~, 1- ol it lar',-er color Inuclei arri amar-j-,1u,' in it, The muscle flber3 of a .hree montr,n old Infant are thic;~or, thp latural itriRtion is 1/3 -22- CATZOORY ABS, JOUR, t Rzt-Bialop No, 1959, No. AU111CIR MET. TITLE ORIG. PUB. APSTRACT s morQ clearly defined, 'The torminal d1lationg of the ax1al cyl1nAqrq ar-3 oval or orbicular wid prosent a fibrillar ntructure; sometlme3 thoj, are sickle-shapod, it fact which cortifies the beginning of the t,.rrrinal branch formaticn. At 5 months 2-~~ branch-c. an,1 granulatiovi of sur- rounding, narcoplaim my be di!~tlngulshcd In some of the terminals. Vie muscle fiber3 in one year old children are dilated and havo .Yfll defined Aranswa-stan," longitudinal striat-Jon. 'inie CARDt 2/3 COUNTRY s CATEGORY t CABS. JOUR. : RZhBiol. p 1110, 1959o ~,o. A 117POR INS 1' 11 1 T TTL2 , ORTO, PU D, APSTPACT motor norve tc-rmlnrils Ilffer fr(,rl, the en(- 1--it- of m adult by crlall~-r liriens-lom as ,wll nq Icy a smaLl,-!r nunbor of trpne.-ixts an,] ni.iclot; lattor arch arranced in the form of a crown within the dark srinulax-j protoplasm. -- 1. 1. Gutner 3/3 -23- P-u tr- t- y CULTIVATED PLAVS. FWITS, Berries. iba j - Ir REFZHUR-1310L.,21.1')5i;.PJO-9,e,152 a vr od s;-_ 1. Y, _-v Methf,,d of Plrn,l!.n;- rraruo :A IT V0.), )0-31 :Thj Al-i-11rlor, StstiCn has SUI?PeSte~ R Ai!iw method of"noohanizod plantinj: the p1gritting holon Tixj rifidti w1th v. hydr,iulic borc by nx~,~n-, ,)f which i 9trown of *'/Rtul' MOi3tens the 9~tlj Lh~ J,,tpt1l, of 01"he -S,:!adllnf,,s are drop- p.A into ttia ,.olG.3 (their ridilptobility Is at lon3t 95%). The averRge productivo output of the agpro- gate sy3tem (Pnnolin,! drive -,:Ith tank nnd ) hyd- rqullo boras) was 800-900 buahon in one hour.-- C) V 31.-, --Yo.T. 7huj, ayF ,"Ird, T. NAVROTSKAfA,, A,IL; DROBOTOVA, YeA.; TAMBOV7SEVA, A.R.; SERGEYEVA, A.F. Zfficient utiltzation of hope in the brewing industr7, Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; pishch. takh. no-4s8O-85 163. (MIRA 16:11) L Zhigulevskly pivovarenw kombinat, isoledovatellakaya laboratoriya. NAVROTSKAYA , A. M. --.- - --,T ~, -.. -1 - Efficient utilization of hope in brewing. Izv,vyo.ucheb,ziLv.; 2:65-69 164. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Zhigulevskiy pivovarennyy kombinat, iseledovatellskaya laboratoriya. XCM1, A.A. RAVROTSUYA, B.S. 3140trOaftillogra0le chmWes In chronic hydrogen sulfide poisoning' Trach. delo no.79755 J2158 (NZRA 11:95 I*' 11yevskly institut gigiyany truda I professionallnyi& xaboloventy. (EMOGM SULFIDS-MLOITCOLOGY) (BIRMOCARDIOGRAPHY) WC I r. O.S., 4oteent; KAVROTSKATA, F.R., vrach Sucessful Ohaonl therapy to rhitiopbyw,&. Zdrav. Belor. 5 tio.Ilt57 If 1590 (KIRA 13:3) 1. Is kafedry rentgonolQgll I radlologll (savedMushchly O.So Luchenok) Kinskogo moditoluskago lnatltmta I Respubllianskogo onkologichookogo dimpausera. (#-.I&vayy vrach T.T. Pbdftbu&ya). (NOMI--DISPAUS) (I RATS-TMMAPSUTIC USN) KULIK, Valeriy Timofeyevich; IVAKENENKO, A.G., profs, retsegizent; IVANOV, V.V.# kani. fiz.-matem. nauk, red.; JA BOTSKAYAA L.BLV lnzh.# red.; STARODUD, T.A., tekhn. z-&d.;-kiivS9vICj4, S.M.# tekhn. red. [Principles of algorithmation and construction of control machines] Printsipy algoritmizataii I postroeniia uprav- liaiushchikh mashin. Kievo, Gostekhizdat USSIp 1963. 309 p. (MA 17:2) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN Ukr.SSR (for Ivakhnenko) CULKAW, I. I. IXAVROTMUYA, LAS. Rapidity of protein renewal in eye tissue. Oft.shur. 12 no.2:71-75 '57 - (MIRA 10:11) 1. Is Ukrainakago mauchno-iseledovatel'skogo sksperiventallnogo inatitala glasnykh bolosmor i tkamovoy terepti iment ak~4. V-11. Filatove (dir. - prof. N.A.ftchkovskoya) (M) (FROMIN KWABOLISM) CHIKM, I.I., starshly nauchrqy sotrudnIk;-F1. QMKAYA,-L_.Te., aladshJ7 nanchM notrudnik Influence of the implantation of haterogenous skin on the con- dition of proteins In certain tissues of the rabbit. Oft*shtLr. 13 no.8:480-482 158. (MIRA 12:2) 1e Is Ukrainskogo nauchno-looledovatellskogo skeparimentallnogo instituta glasnykh bolesney I tkanevoy terapit In. aked. V.P. Pilatova (direktor - prof. W.A. Pachkovskays). (TISSUE XXTRACTS IN METABOLISM) CHIUW9 I.Lp kand.blologichaskikh nauk; UVMSKAYA, L.Te.p namohnyy sotrudnik ' -------- Fossibility of the protoolytic action of the aqueous hmor an the corn" In penetrating kerstoplasty and penetrating wounds, Oft. shxw. 15 mojs259-264 160o (MIRA 13:9) 1. Mcralukago nauchno-Issledovatel'skogo sksperimentallnogo instituts. glanzykh bolemey L tkanevoy terapH in.akabmiks V.P. Fliatova (director - prof. W.A. Puohkovskays). (COMA-TRAMPUMION) (PROTSM98-PlISIOLOGICAL MECT) Al 4 W~O T5* /< 411 j .Country : USSR ,O&fA6orV'_MItIv&ted Plants. Grains. ,i'.bs.Jour*. RZhB1ol.* No 22# 1958# No 100251 WN Athor I X&jrot*kfiTA&__ Inst k"'Marpatskaira &last' State xxosirlmouts St&tIon# Title Coft., Brooding and-_56ed Growing., Orlej Fubs~ 6b., nauchn. Ar. Zak&rV&tsk. obi 6. se-kho 0 *to-,-;:1950-1955 11957) 1; M57. .'-betracts.-Zakarpatakaya Experinent, Station. has been ~eftgmged In -corn. breeding since 1947; It'has 4ollected-and studied,& large col.laction of -speolmend q.;WhIch ~ Is Iming utilized for Ahe I*Varatlon of straUts for -the -purpose ef iareitlng'valuablo double arose hybrids. Card i '1~ 1/2 M-32 MYROTSKILYA, R.N. Imediate and late results of cbwoul therapy in skin cancer. Zdrav. B*Ior. 5 no. 3:43-44 Mr 159. (KIPA 12:7) 1. Respublikanskly onkDlogichookiy dispanser (glaynyy vrach T. T. Poddubnaya). (SKIN--GAN04 (T. RAIN-PHYSIOIDGICAL Vir T ) LUCHMOKO 093-0 &tsent,;,_~~VRIDTSUIAV R.f* Sucossoful *ul therapy in rhinopbpo. Vast. rent. I rad. 35 no@ OU-73 h-ij 160o (MM 14W lo Is kafodry rentganologii I radialogii (savo - dotsent O.S, Luottinak) Minskogo moditoinskago instituta, (direktor I.M. Stell- wishowk) i Respublikanskogo cnkologj~heskogo dispannera glALVtwy vrach ToTe Poddubnaya), (ROBACZA) (X RAM3-TIMRAMTIC USE) !jP(C) j TD/ JG/G 22 11,1~. AT098403 A (J asvlotskiyt T V. Navmtskaya, V. A. '-T T7 Reae.,Vions of nitrilotriav~:tic acid with indium, gall'ium and aluminwi ons 50'j-;(V- AN Kivilmi.; chessklj, k~a'jijj7-fS=Vjt -'k jov (C c, ny i redki h m3tal heri al analy~;is of nor-ferroui and rjre matals). Novosibirsk, Redizda-t Sib. otd. AN GSVSR, 1964, 38-43 n, e"), a_11 -try, che TC -nit--Alotrlacotic aci-e-, titrim U. V ABBSTRA!,"N ~he 12 vt:eraction of nit-rilo-triacetic acid (1) 'witb indilff;-i, gallium and nd pli of aqueoua c were studied by mea!~brlng the specific condu--tance '- ;olu- 'th )f iso-molar sc-rics and of aeries -on, In P, ccn,;tant ccncentration :~f io.G th, ~nvc~ti,',,ated, metal. 11he electricall conductivity wras measx~ed witti a vridge cipuiz ~-i 7, It Was u, "I a fre-quency of 000 cpa. Earph,7niz- were ussed as the null detector. a Lhat a-1 three mwa-a-ls fo= it! Onich mx pro&-cts of 1 1-hree hy&-o.en atouz in nitrilotriacetic acid molec7iles. Complexez of miore I 'a'r (:- compos J t i on were no loun A -aao shf-mn t-hat dixe(--c ck,elcrmetric titra- r1ion of indi= with. ic iz Lhe prs~sence of aluminw.- M= 11 Vi~s -.00 -1- MMMF&MM" 7-- V~ 'S-.;'2; WITC."ST 11 14:' AT5000403 DE:rl~ .4 m. f LL'LIIV/7LD FIANIs. Otineral Problons. A83. JOVE. REF ZHUR . BIOLOGIYA, NO. 4, 1959, 110. 15546 - - 01,,Lj - ?Ttaxvv TL 0V t, a k ayr a AUTHOR 14 Ingt. on 0 Icat on of In c f D r0 U ~': t 0 RI G. RT L. Tr Cdegak. gidrntaateorol. in-ta, 1957, 7n. ~1 121:-129 APSTRAIIT I, Is ~-Iven for determInIn.-7 ti,e water losses from tt e tilled layer clurlnCz, t., e ralr,- les;; period for tl,e 10i.RFPS: SprOute - forma- tion of leave-F and formation of ears and w t-, r s. hnowin., t;.c- InItIAl reserves of Productive -i.0113ture, tne )er:r1soible duration of drouFI.t zan be calculated by V,e IndIcritec f o rl.,~u la. CARD: I / 1 IFAVMWAYA9 V.S. I- - - 'w-.- NV* -4f.1 , ---JM- i-t. A- I &M bmvdd periods In the steppe of the Black Sea reglon. TrWW OM1 no.11:131-142 057. (KIRA 11:3 ) (Black fta, region-ClIvists) a J: P 0 &jig AIg 0. .5. let, i t; uld .0 gig CIA oo -.0 as ~ g 2" 1 id it A at --a -1 0 cu a go u it a V. v x 1 1" -1 1 - 1, M I , I I 10 4. 0 0 80 10 XJMNIYA. I.1.; NAYMSUU. V.S. Some data on effective precipitation in steppes of tbA Black: Bes, region. Trudy OGNI its.16:31-41 '58. (KM 12-9) (Black Sea region-Precipitati*n (Neteorology)) (Crops and climate) ZUMBADZB, MI.; IIAVROTSKATA, VoS- Comparability of the results of studies on dr7 vinda nbtAlnod on the basis of different criteria. Trudy OGNI no-19:31-34 ,59. (141RA 13:5) (Winds) NAVROTSUTA, V.S.; TISHCHEIIKO, I.11. Arid periods in Olto Russia durin4-, 1950-1952 and 191,554. Trudy OGIG no.19:35-39 '59. (HIBA 13SO (White Ruasia-Droughts) ~ I -- I - -- - -11, L~~4 1, GNEZDIWVAp Ye.Ij DMITUNKO, I.J.; IARIONOVAl V.S.; HAVROTSKAYA, V.S. Characteristics of the temperature regim during dry periodo 1n the steppe of the Mack Sea region. Trudy OG141 no.21:21-26 160. (141RA 14!10) (rlack Sea region-Droughts) ~WC NR, AR022460 SOURCE CODE: UR/0169/66/000/003/BO43/8043 AUTHOR: Zaslavetaya, F. V.; Navmtskaya, V. S.; Tolmachava. 1. A.; :tITIX: Aerological patterns of foehns, as observed In the Rion Valley OGMI expedition during September-Octuber of 1962 SOURCE: Ref. zh. Geofiz, Abs. 3B278 REr SOURCE: Meteorol., klimatoli gidrol. Mezhved.nauchn., vyp. 1, 1965, 17-22 TOPIC TAGS; weather forecasting, weather station, matiorologic observation 0. -.,.~~,'17RANSLATION: An account is given of the res,,j.~s of Investigation of the wind and tem- atterns in the atmosphere, which vas conducted by members of this expedition perature p .,7,.,The purpose of the expedition was to invest;gate the foehn winds on the Surah Pass which rises to 1242 m above sea leval near the Mta-Sabueti station. The investigation lasted from September 19 to.October 12. Supplementary data were obtained from Kutaisi ..."Tbilissi and other points in the TransCaucasu3. At Kutaisi the easterly wind, having a velocity of 5 m/sec, lowers the relative humidity to 50% in some 60% of the cases. Such wind could be classed as foohn. However, the foohn characteristics are seldom i observed and its velocity is usually lose than 5 m/sec. The relationship between the temperature and the air humidity on one hand and wind velocity on the other was found to be complex. As tke wind wel"ity increases, the relative humidity decreases and UDCa 551.555.3079.2) Card 1/2 CCN the temperature of the air rises. The foehn effect Is sharper at nighttime, when the directions of the foshn and the mountain wind may coincide. In the daytime. a vallei wind might develop In the Rio Valley In a direction opposite to that of the foehn. As a result, the velocity of wind frois the east Is increased and that of the foehn, weakened. On the days of the foahn wind over the Sursh range . an Inversion or an Lao- therm way develop. The wW fras the east may be falt as far away as 2 ko. Occasion- l ally at the Kut&UL Pow. the winds fm the seat were stronger tbAn at the Surah bass. x. DAVV*w. !SUB CODE: 04 NAVROTSKAYAO V.V. Cocqmmtive evaluation of synthetic materials used in plastic surgery an the wall of the esophagus Khirurgiia 39 no.5:82-87 W 163. iMIRA 17:1) 1. Is kafedry operativnoy khirurgii i topgraficheskoy anatomii (zav. - chlen-korrespondent AM SSSR prof. V.V. Kovanov) I Moskovskogo ordena Lenina meditsinskogo insti- tuta imeni Sechenova. ROZHDISTMSKIY, LeK., student VI kurea.-NAVROT'-KATA. V-T-. atudentka III kurea A; LEBUNA& NeD.# studentka III Kurd&-. Experimental surgery in providing a pInstle tube for the trachas. Yest.oto.-rin. 20 no.3:105 MY-Je 158 (KIRA 11:6) 1e Is kafedry operntivnoy khtrurgli i topograficheakoy anatouli (save - prof, VeTe Kovanov) r Moskovskogo neditsinskogo Instituts Iment I.N. Sechenova. (TRA M.M--SLMMT) NAVROTSKAYA, V-V. Formation of an experimental nodel of esophageal diverticulum and methods of its correction. Trudy 1-go 109 42:263-2r, 165. (HIPA 19:;) 1. Kafedra operativany khirurgii i topograficheskoy &natomii 1-go Moskovskogo ordena Lenina meditsinskogo institLta imeni Sechenova. ACC NRs AP60082B4 SOURCEGODEt L 'R[0109[651011 00310471104761 AUMORt tkshenkoyf V. KO ntin, T. S.j, Ravrotakaya, Tu. It. Mal nond Tr=t c4laulatinc natural frequencies of axiaUy-symetrima resonaton and critical vt~volengthz of regaUr wa"guidts Soma t: L eUktronikal Y. 11# w. 5# 1966# 47t-4T6 Tw3n."a Cwtore 48"Ola ist;ructure in nomperiodia wa"guides -is such that description of the Bysteitic with, if, * 0 and Sr w jr t can be reduced to consideration of the resonators,. as configuration Is determined by* the geometry of one section of the delay eystek., Ifence, thedelay-systes dispersion equation can Ve used for calculating the naturat~frequencies of such resonators. In an extreme case, when the radii of the delajr a3vtom approximate infinitr, the: axially-symmetrical resonator Hdegeneratest into a shapsed regular waveguide. Authorst formulas developed earlier (Rad. L elektronikap ~ Ig9g6;, r. 13 s no 2 269). for axially- -trical deIV systems ars, adopted for. ti ''e-ridge w;;;gades I thiu metbod Mustrated by- a calculation of fundamente-I U-mods in such a waveguide'* Drig, art. hast 3 figures, 35 forwlas,, and I table. BM CM9f [~dW DAT99 181*Y64 MM RM 004 OM Mr, 000 UWI 621-372.�M.()O-t. NAVRGISKIY, A.K. Unit for the preparation of spozide ~Compounds namt.mmay no.10i 63-64 062. imm 151n) Plmtics industry-kulymat and supplies) (EPGZY CCUPGUU&) N.%VROTSKITp B.S.9 kand.tekhn.nauk iiiect of basic technological steel castings on lithes with 29-31 Mr-Ap '62. factors On cutting forces in machining various feeds. Ya3hinostroenle n0.2: (KM 15:4) 1. Kiyevskiy politekhnicheskiy Institut. (Turning) -NAVROTSM, B.S,, kand. tekhn. nauk Strength of cutting tools made of the TIM alloy during the turning of 45L stool castings. Hashinostroonle no-337-10 Hy-Je 163. (MIRA 16:7) 1. Kiyevskly p?l1tekhnicheskiy institut. kMetal cutting I 01s) - NAVROTSK!Yt B.S., kand. tekbn. nauk Increasing the strength of the T5r,10 cutting toolu in tv=lng steel eastInga. Mashinostroenis no.6g4l-42 N-D 164 (MIRA lgtO a " .~fff'p P ? p loft W lit f fife, ifff`~ ffir' I 111 J, I A a mo J, u.m. OWCAlmlip" of tiger" Imf low Latem iftedleval %e4m 0 a 40M 1114"" Jim", Wrldifov Ito S. 11147~ p to. Is -Ill Ou, J 'iAll . mettliculatical fitialyAls 44 11W As C Strem distributictl m life 3011011mill.a. ; wom of a spot welded )nlnt Vormu as ubtal wd prreff t driermilistim nt ' ti 0 ! d f go fit 4,1111 e tie i"ti ftia . ji -ILA if O'l. fat~)Olj it 0.1 Off W 4 T 4 4 _ v -6 , -I' 1014,110"Ito" malls "a AR 16 0 = M Oili 0i 0 ; 00 .00 so go 00 *&*AMY WINk Near&& I tt n i, 1), 1, Navrolskil. (Weldinij), lfi~ A new f1jetiret(cftl jIjej?I,,d f, $,a det#rtninatitin. FarmulAs Nr calru OIS -3 latim mr.4 1nf#rprrtAij,,n 0* .4 the Pro,.,= equationa. S ti, SON-34i "it 0" 4" 6 IF S I Is 0 0 Is 00 00 60960*0000*4 zoo :00 des too tool LiV ami 81440, *4 a-- lot IF W1. I. JIM a 0 Is 0 ; g* 00 0, 0, 0' 0 000*00-0000*0090*04 A lo " ,f - n- 'I 't W IS 16 It 10a a - - a so 6 is u a 0 a 'S I 11-AL.- I. A. -AA 0 CC 0 UAS I I 10. I_$4 A an IRIAN? 4f Ow Italux" Wpm#"* It 1 .00 ."J "1 11'. 1-"#. 00 *00 .00 00 00 00 go .00 set -09 00 00 1** 60 .00 go I life 3"t- - - , - W) iA L 4 a owa a V 4 6 9 to it if a a0 Of of it et 14 N W2 of 1 94 0 0 0 0 0 & 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 : *1* 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 e * O's 0400*000*0000*000* VeMiN& stresso 70b 90, ftsetmetion, Velded ~*Itfect of 'Welding Stresses on the Strength of Volded Con4tructions," D. 1. Navrotskiy, Chair at AVOIding Production, Leningrad Polytech Inst Imeal OUL11nin, 51 pp ~Avtogen Delo- No 2 Reerizents for determining influence of velding *Uesses and methods of relieving them demonstraft Vat, veLdIng stresses, Iz c"es ot metals vith our- ~1914a~-j4wtlc:Ltyj, beve so buuM street on! Otrdbtwbl awbbm wdw elt3wr statle or inset loads. "Mwerbre- &M operstIon for elWastion of those ftreeses is rnaecessary. 16M9 IN 4 1. D. 1. NATtOTSKII 2. USSR (600) 4. Bridges, Iroh and Steel 7. Ancient Tiflis bridge across the Vera. I. Z. Gzelishvili. Soob. All Gruz. 3:i.iil 11 no. 2. 1950. 9. !Lov~~ List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April 1953, Uncl. UMISMMV.. M.K.. professor; ORTHO. N.G.. redaktor; MYRDIMT. D. L, redaktor; FWOW, K.Te.. redaktor. [Blectric and ve welding In shtpbuildift and ship rqmIr] Xloktrl- obeeksim, I Mpsovalm evarks. v utdostro-sull I un4oremouts. 2 Ind.. dap. I perer. Zealc4pud, UA-vo HInIsterstva, sorokogo I rechnogo flats, SM. M. 397'P. OWL 737) 1 (Reatrie welding) (Qs7acotyleue welding and cuttim) (3hIpbu1ldIM) i T 1 ~0- in Oic mv7t rj- 4f 75 I HWR~,T3~ fY, D. 1. 6399 I'lavrotskiy, D. I., Savellyev, V. N. j Luchkin, P. N. lssledovanvw-, raspredeleniya napryazhenly v uzle s dvustenchatoy fasoakoy. A., Tranczlie2jorizdat, 10,54. 12s. s chert. 22sm. (,-TS SSSR. Nauch. - is!31ed. in-t mostov pri HIMT. Soobahchenlya No 16.) 50.,,, ekz. Bcapl. -(55-1735) 62-i+.2.034.057t621.7914621.791.D56 SO: Letopial No. 6, 195, SLYROTSKIT, D.I., kandidat takhnlchaskikh nauk Investigating the stronrtb of main truse oaumetions in an-4mld opma structures. 3var. prolsv. no.7t4-7 A 1559 (Km 8..g), 1. Nauchno-inslodovatelloldy inatitut mostav pvl Lonlogmiskm Institute inshonerov sheleanodorolhalkay. (Trusses-welaing) MAYMBUT, Me, kandidat takhnichaskikh nauko k impact tests of weldinge. 5var.prolsy. ne.6.'14-17 A 156. (KEBA 9:9) 13saingradOdy politakhnichookiy institut Iment R.I. KOLUSIMA. (Volding-Tanting) lubject., : USS"ngineering AID P - 5271 Card 1/j Pub. 107-a - 7/18 Authors : Jagotakiir. D. I.*Kand.of Tech. Soi. and V. YU. Shi3hkin, Enna. or 79597M. (Leningrad Polytechnic Institute Im. Kalinin). Title : Surface metal-structure in butt welding Periodical : Svar. proizv., 9, 22-23, 3 1956 Abstract : The authors describe the automatic butt welding procedure from the view point of the constantly vibrating load or vibrating loading facel by the welded joints. The Importance of the surface metal structure on the base metal, and the sharp transitions from surface of the seam to base metal while butt welding is done are particularly underlined. Two formulae, I drawing, 1 table and 1 GOST standard. SOV/ 137-58-7- 15007 Translation from: Referativnyy zNrnal, Metallur~llya, 11/58, Nr 7, p 150 (USSR) AUTHOR: Okerblom, N.O.,,zNavro"6*r-l~- TITLE: New Approaches to the Problems of Strength and Ease of Manufacture of Welded Structures (Novoye v voprosakh proch- nosti i tekhnologichnosti svarnykh konstruktsiy) PERIODICAL: V sb,: Svarochnoye proiz-vo Leningrad, Lenizdat, 1957, pp lZ5-14Z ABSTRACT: An'examination of various a!~pccrs of employment of com- bined welded structures (WS), the influence of the structural shaping on the strength (S) of the WS, and the effect of stresses induced by welding on the performance of the WS It is noted that the replacement of cast elements intended for turbines of the Kuybyshev hydroelectric statign at the Leningrad metal plant by combined welded components resulted in a reduction in the weight of parts from 527 to 338 t, a reduction of standard man-hours from 21,542 to. 14,664,and a reduction in cost from 2,479,000 to 1,563,000 ruble3. The following data are provided: a) characteristics of mechanical S of joints composed of cross Card 1/Z members; b) the reduction in the value of (rb under the SOV/137-58-7-15007 New Approaches to the Problems of Strength and Ease of Manufacture (cont.) combined influence of abrupt stress concentrations and extremely low temp- peratures; c) the critical brittleness temperature of specimens (parent metal and butt, T-, and bead joints) made of ste_-1 St 3 and NL-Z; d) S and plasticity under impact and static loading; e) vibration S of butt joints of steel M16S, etc. It is pointed out that, according to static and dynamic data, welded joints are superior to riveted connections. Endurance character- istics for various types of steel and different welded joints are given as a function of the stress -concentration factors. It is recommended that the standards for vibrational S be established on the basis of tests perforined on specimens and structures after these have been subjected to loads rather than on the basis of tests carried out on specimens in their original state. A. K. 1. Structures--Welding 2. Structures--Mechanical -properties 3. Welded joints --Effectiveness Card 2/2 Vq v /-~ D t -~ V I (/, )) . L SUBJECT: USSR/Wolding 135-5-2/14 1UTHORs Navrotekly, D.I.# Candidate of Technical Sciences. TITLEs Strength of Joint-Widenings under Vibrational Load. (Prochnost' uz1ovykh ushireniy pri vibratsionnoy angruzke). PERIODICALt "Svarochnoye Proizvodstvo". 1957, # 5. pp 6-9 (USSR) ABSTRAM The Scientific Research Institute for Bridge Construction, in coop*ration with the Leningrad Polytechaical Institute inv*sti- gated the strength of joint widening@ of different designs in welded bridge trusses. It was established that the transition area from a bar element to a gusset is the most dangerous spot of the joint and consequently tho configuration of this transi- tion area will detere Xh!n !h: trangth and durability of the joint an a whole. :h p 4 the joint widenings was defined according to the span designs as suggested by the Scientific Research Institute for Bridge Construction and the article con- tains detailed descriptions of the test samples. Ia order to prove that the quality of welded joint widenings is not inferior to the riveted onseq samples of riveted joint Card 1/3 widening@ were also tested. The experiments showed that jolat 135-c~-21'1, TITLEs Strtagth of Joint-Widenings under Vibrational Load. (Prochnost' uzlovykh ushireniy pri vibratsionnoy nagruzko). transitions of riveted connections under vibrational loads are considerably Inferior with respect to strength when compared to those made by welding. The relative strength of riveted joints amounts to only 44-46 %. The article concludes with recommendations concerning the de- signing of welded joint transitions of bridge trusses as followat 1. Joint widenings must have an even configuration. The curvature radii of the outer contours of gussets within the con- tact area of stretched elements must not be lose than 100 mm. 2. Butt welds connecting separate profile parts of bar elements fastened to gussets must be carried away from the start of the curvature of the gussets (or other stress concentrators) at a distance at which an even streas distribution is achieved. For two-wall gussets, this distance in not less than 50 mm; for ainglo-wall gussets it to 1 w B, whereby B is the width of the flange of the bar element. 3. In order to increase the reliability and strength of joints, and to simplify their design, It is dedireable to select a profile of stretched bar elements with narrow flangen for those Card 2/3 cases in which singlo-wall gussets are to be used. When bnr 13 5-5-2/14 TITLEs Strength of Joint-Wideninge under Vibrational Load. (Prochnost' uslovykh ushireniy pri vibratsionnoy nagruzko). elements have wide flanges, the irregularity of stress distribution at joint transitions increases and joint designs become more complicated. 4. In order to increase the strength of welded joints, besides providing the necessary uniformity at those areas where the shape changes, it is suitable to increase the profile area locally, which may be achieved by increasing the thickness of the gusset. ASSOCIATIONs "HJfjj#1KTO8,, (Research Institute for Bridge construction). PRESENTED BYt SUBMITTEDt AVAILABLEs At the Library of Congress. Card 5/3 t N'T"_ MORMIXT, D.I., kandL.tekhn.nauk -1. -_ I.. .. ~ . Comparing the strength of welded and riveted joint# under the offset of dynamic loading. Sudoetroenis 23 no.8:7-11 Ag '57. (MIRA 10-11) (Welding--Testing) (Rivets and rivetiW-Testing) (Strains and stresses) SOV/1 37-58-11-22610 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 11, p 113 (USSR) AUTHORS: Savellyev, V. N. , Navrotakly, D. 1. , Makurin, V. A. , Shishkin, V. Yu. T IT LE: An Investigation of the Vibrational Strength of Welded Connections in Low-alloyed Steel of the NL-Z Type (Issledovaniye vibratsionnoy prochnosti svarnykh sayedineniy iz nizkolegirovannoy stali marki NL-Z) PERIODICAL: Soobshch. N. -i. in-t mostov pri LIIZhT, 1957, Nr 55, 28 pp, ill. ABSTRACT: In order to obtain more accurate parameters for technological pro- cesses of welding of steel NL-Z, and to establish the conditions neces- sary to obtain welded connections (WC) which, under operational condi- tions involving alternating loading, are equivalent in strength to the parent metal, the effect of the rate of cooling (RC) on the Rand ak values of the weld and of the adjoining zone was investigate~_together with the effect of various welding-rod materials on the mechanical properties df the WC. Preliminary to testing, metal plates (600x4OO-- xZO-30 mm), which had been welded with UONI- 13/45 electrodes in an automatic welding machine as well as manually (seven combinations of flux and welding rods were employed), were Eubjected to an X-ray Card 1/2 examination. It was established that butt-welded connections made of SOV/137-58-1 I -Z2610 An Investigation of the Vibrational Strength of Welded Connections (cont. ) NL-2 steel can be as strong as the parent metal both under static and vibrational loads. By appropriate selection of welding procedures the shape of the weld may be controlled so as to produce a connection which is equivalent in strength to the parent metal without requiring any additional mechanical treatment I machining] If the above condition is not observed, or if the welding conditions are not carefully observed, local mechanical treatment I machining) of the connection becomes mandatory. The NL-Z steel lends itself to welding at conditions ranging from qn/V=7000 cal/cm to qn/V= 13500 cal/cm. i. e. , conditions which produce cooling rates in the weld zone ranging from 5.6 to 18.30C'/sec. WC equivalent in strength to the parent metal may be obtained by employing the following welding materials: a) AN-10 flux in conjunction with welding rods of the Sv-08A, Sv-08GA, and Sv-IZM types; b) fluxes OSTs-45 and AN-348 in conjunction with welding rods of the Sv-08GA type. Since the NJLrZ steel is sensitive to stress concentration, it is essential that in the course of future investigations the effect of residual stres- ses on the strength of the WC be verified, the technological and strength charac- teristics of WC'of 30-mm thick sheets be de.ermined more precisely, and that additional TUPIM-sv-55 technical welding specifications be developed for the design and fabrication of welded-bridge structures. V. S. Card Z/2 SOV/ 137-58- 8-17051 Trans lation from: Referativnyy zhurna I, Metal I urgiya, 1958, Nr 8, p 121 1 USSR) AUTHOR: Navrotskiy, D.I. TITLE: An Investigation of Tensile Strength of Welded Conne( tions Under Independent Action of Residual Stresses and Lo(al Plas- tic. Deformations (Issledovaniye pro(hnosti svarnVkYi soyedi- neniy pri razdel'nom deystvii ostatochnykh napryazhenly i mestnykh plasticheskikh deformatsiyj PERIODICAL: Tr. Leningr. pol)tckhn. in-ta, 1957, Nr 189 pp 43-50 ABSTRACT: Variations in a-W occurring during testing of ( ruc iform structural specimens with various residual stresses tRSj were investi ated. A cruciform specimen of St 3 steel I(T b 42.6 kg/mmT) was prepared by welding together (with the aid of UONI-13/45 electrodes) two side plates jl4xl50x350 mm, with slots into which a central plate (9xl50x300,f rni was inserted and welded against the side by means of ( 6 ner welds with a K=8 mm; a small gap was left between the side plates. Exper- imental and calculated data were employed to construct a dia- gram showing the distribution of stresses in the ( ritical ( ross Card 1/2 section of the specimen under the action of loads SOV/ 137-58-8- 17051 An Investigation of Tensile Strength of Welded Connections (cont 'i acomputed 40.? kg/rnrn2 in the central section over a length of approxi- mately Z5 mm, 2o-exper 4 kg/mm2 nearer to the edges of the plate, and T = 11.4 kg/mm throughout the emire cross section. After welding, the mean specimen was annealed for a period of two hours at a temperature of 6500C in order to relieve the RS due to welding. RS were also introduced by means of cold forging of the edges of the central plate (b = 20 mm) with a pneumatic hammer, as well as by heating them locally. In the first instance, tensile RS were calculated for the central portion of the specimen ( a computed 12.7 kg,/mmZ); in the second, compressive RS were computed ( a c omputed 15.3 kg/mrnz). In symmetrical fatigue tests employing N=Zx106 (.ycles, the Crw of specimens without RS amounted to go= 400 kg/cm2, for specimens z tensile RS, r;' 285 kg/cm , and for specimens with (oinpressive RS, Cris 535 kg/cmZ. A diagram showing how the ()~t, of the specimens varies with RS was constructed together with a simplified enduraii(e curve. Form- ula employed in the computations C, WI is =' 'T 0 - "resid '~ c/ 11 b It is shown that the RS combine with stresses due to external loads and, depending on their sign, they exert a positive or a negative influence on the tensile V.T3. strength of the specimen. 1. Welded joints-Stresscis 2, blelded joint~s- Card 2/2 Tensile properties 3. Weldcd join ts- -Deforu~--i tion 4, 'Aress an,'llysis SOV/ 137- 58 -8- 17044 T ran slation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metal ltir-,-ya 1958, Nr 8, p I 20(USSR) AUTHOR: Navrotskiy, D.I. TITLE: Low-temperature Tensile Strength Tests of Welded Structural Members With Abrupt Variations in Profile Subjected to Var- ious Degrees of Stress (Ispytaniye prochnosti clementov 9 rezkim izmeneniyem formy pri nizkoy temperature i razlich- nom napryazhennoni sostoyanij~ PERIODICAL: Tr. Leningr. politekhn. in-ta. 1957, Nr 189, pp 51-57 ABSTRACT: Changes in (Tbof welded c ruciform joints were investigated earlier under various str,?ss concentrations (SC'1. Variation of SC is brought about by means of varying the distance between the end ribs which transmit the loads onto the central flange. It is shown that within a sufficiently wide range of distance varia - tions between ribs the (Tb is unaffc( ted by SC, but that when the latter reach a certain value the value of the ')'b is redu( ell], the reduction being more significant at low temperatures, Abrupt SC roupled with ~-.:ry low temperatures result in brittle fracture accompanied by a sharp decrease in over-all tensile Card 1/2 strength. It is assurned that under these conditions the effect SOV/137-58-8-17044 Low-temperature Tensile Strength Tests of Welded Structural Members (cont.) of residual welding stresses (RWS) may be definitely established. In order to verify this assumption, tests were carried out on welded cruciform struc- tural members manufactured from steel St 3 (0.165o C, 0.6% Mn). The spec - imens were prestressed to various degrees by means of welding followed by one of two methods for relieving RWS: Preliminary elongation (P= 70 t, a ean 2000 kg/cm?-) and subsequent annealing (at 6500C for a period of 3 hrs, fofn- lowed by a 10-hr cooling period in the furnace to a temperature of 1500). The specimens were subjected to tensile tests on a tensile -strength testing mach- ine (200 t) at temperatures of 20-680. It is noted that the cr of specimens with abrupt SC decreases sharply within a definite interval ohow tempera- tures. The tensile strength changes sharply in the critical -temperature range (-49:h3O). Under conditions producing destruction of specimens at temperatures below the critical rang2, the effect of initial RWS is consider- ably less than the influence of temperature changes. This makes the evalua- tion of the influence of the RWS on the tensile strength of specimens more difficult and shows that the tensile strength of a specimen will not be in- creased as a result of removal of RWS under these conditions, and that the employment of such a procedure would be of small practical value in the present case. 1. Welded Joints-4tresses, 2. Welded Joints-Mochanical V. K. Card 2/2 properties 3. Stress analysis SOV/1 37-58-10-2 1001 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 10, p89(USSR) AUTHOR: Navrotskiy, D. 1. TITLE: Determination o Stresses in a N% elded Butt Joint (Opredeleniye kasatellnykh napryazheniy v svarnom stykovom shve) PERIODICAL: Tr. Leningr. politekhn. in-ta, 1957, Nr 189, pp 58-67 ABSTRACT: A description of procedures involved in computation ut tangential stresses in a butt joint; in the course of the compu- tations the contour of the true weld reinforcement was replaced by a contour with rectangular projections (P) and P formed by inclined plaves. The formulae derived for this case may be employed for determination of stress concentrations (SC) in butt welds. An analysis of these formulae reveals that when the P are sloping the SC are considerably smaller than in the case of a rectangular P. A reduction in the height of the P and an increase in its width also reduce the SC in the butt weld. Card 1/1 1. Welds--Stresses 2. Stress analysis 3. Mathematics V. S. --Applications Pan I DWK Mawl"ME SOT/3692 NevrotakLy,, Dmitrly Ivanovich Priummiye nwmyM kmatruktaly I& st&U porishennoY Prachmosti Application of Elgh-ftxwgth Steel Wel&mts) -jm-A 1"15. 22 p. gerles: Imformstalowo-tekhmicheekly llstokj, Sm, qjt9k; avada I pay") i 6p200 copies printedo Sponsoring AWncies: Lismingrad. Dm asuohmo-takhaidmakay propagmAyp and two po, rappmtramenlyu politidwskikb 1 navchayM suanly MO. 2d.: Z. M. Ry&bU,, Raginmerl Took. 9d.: D* P. Froger. PURPM: 2h1s booklet Is intmAed for velderso 0OVERAM fte author discusses the Import4am, use and nature of lxw- alloy steels for varlovA types of voldwats. So Also deals vith sms aspects of the velding process. No personalities are mentlonede Siam are 7 roferences,, all Soviet. 2kKX OF OOMTOM: None given. The booklet Is divided as fonowat QLrd 112 Application of U&b-Strength (Cant.) Mr/3692 1. Importance and characUristica of low-&Uoy steel vel4mute Use of low-alloy steels In val4ments Advauti4ps of low-alloy steel coustructionro Chwacteristicts of low-alloy steels for veldmtrO 5. Detox-dn4ng paromtors of the process of welding im-alloy steals 6. Zvalmtlng the effect of welding stresses on strength 7, Vibration strength of v*14*4 joints Conclusion Bibliography AVAIIAKX; Library of Congrelin Card 2/2 3 4 6 10 12 16 19 23 24 VVWOQ 7-U-60 NAVROMNITt D. 1. "ot~h of Vold" Conmotiono In Which Residual 8trowoos we Promat,O p. 61, ft!goh of Wel&A Structures Ibecow, Mobglt, 1958, 1147pp. Sbornlk, Namcbmo-Tokh. Obabohmetva, ~hlnostroltellnoy prow-.--- ti., Im. 48. The book amtalm the prlwlpal roporW of a conforome bold in rAnlWad and apdmonA by Imningved kwwh, of All-Unton Sol,. Ingimesdog an& Technical Soc (um) of vaiders.. N~Mj'T-' K%Y, 1) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION 927 Mezhvuzovukaya konferentsiya po avarke, 1956 Sbornik dokladov... (Reports of the Interuniversity Conference on Welding, 1956) Moscow, Mashgiz, 1958. 266 P. 7,OOU copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: Moscow. Vyssheye '~ekhnicheskoye uchilishche. Ed.: Nikolayev, G.A., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor; Ed. of Publishing House: Mezhova, V.A., Tech. Ed.: Tekhanov, A.Ya.; Managing Ed. for Literature on Heavy Machine Building (Kashgiz): Golovin, S.Ya., Engineer. PURPOSE: This book is intended for welding engineers and technical personnel of eiientific research organizations. Card 1/6 Reports of the Interuniversity (Cont.) 927 COVERAGE: This is a collection of technical papers and reports presented by the representatives of various educational, Indus- trial, and research organizations at the 1956 welding conference. They deal with problems of strength of welded connections and structures, automatic are and resistance welding of steels, and nonferrous metals and alloys. No personalities are menti(.,ned. There are 109 references, 95 of which are Soviet, 12 English, and 2 German. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Nikolayev, G.A., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor. Ways of Reducing of the Weight of Structures Through Application of Welding 5 ,W&U_0_M,L , Candidate of Technical Sciences, Docent. NAyzgS Effect of Stress Concentration on the Strength of Welded Structurus 21 Card 2/6 Reports of the Interuniver3ity (Cont.) 927 Trufyakov, V.I., (Institute of Electric Welding imeni Ye.O. Paton). Consideratlion of the Effect of Residual Stresses in Experimental Determination of the Strength of Welded Connections 33 Pogodin-Alekseyev, G.I., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor. Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of 55 and 40 Kh Steel in Welded Zones in Automatic Welding 53 Mordvintseva, A.V., Candidate of Technical Sciences. Some Ways of Preventing Cold Cracks 61 Makarov, E.L., Engineer. Quantitative Method of Testing Steel and Electrode Materials for a Tendency to Form Cold Cracks in Zones Thermally Affected by Welding 76 Kuzmak, Ye.M., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor and Engineers: Karmazinov, N.P., and Koshelev, N.N. Investi- gation of Welded Connections in Special Steel Petroleum Equipment Using Radioactive Isotopes 85 Card 3A Reports of the Interuniversity (Cont.) 927 Petrov, G.L., Candidate of Technical Sciences. Chemical Nonhomogeneity of Welded Connections 102 Baykova, I.P., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Docent. Calculation Techniques in Designing Manufacturing Pro- cesses for Producing Welded Structures 112 Yuzvenko, Yu.A., Candidate of Technical Sciences. Ceramic Fluxes for Automatic and Semiautomatic Surfacing of Dies 121 Frolov, S.A., Candidate of Technical Sciences. Influence of Weld Deposits on the Strength of a Joint in Spot Resist- ance Welding of Circular Rods 128 Volchenko, V.N., Candidate of Technical Sciences. Techniques of Selecting Regimes for Spot Welding Reinforcing Rods 133 Nedzvetskiy, G.V., Docent. Resistance Welding of Galvanized Steels 143 Card 4/6 Reports of the Interuniversity (Cont.) 927 Zaytsev, K.I., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Docent. From Experience With Welding of Expansion Bends 149 Petrenko, F.I., Candidate of Technical Sciences. Application of Automatic Electric Arc Surfacing in Repairing Crankshafts and Other Automobile Parts 156 Ol'shanskiy, N*A., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Docent. Automatic Unit for Are Welding With a Nonconsumable Electrode in a Shielded Atmosphere and Having a Supply of Filler Metal 161 Frolov, V.V., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Docent. Characteristics of Metallurgical Processes in Submerged Are Welding of Copper and Its Alloys Using Ceramic Fluxes 172 Arutyunova, I.A., Engineer. Submerged Arc Welding of Copper Alloys (Bronze Type) Using Ceramic Fluxes 189 Card 5/6 Reports of the Interuniversity (Cont.) 927 Kassov, D.S., Engineer. Automatic Submerged Are Welding of Copper Using Ceramic Fluxes 199 Chelnokov, N.M., Engineer. Strength of Copper and Its Alloys in Welding 214 Sychev, R.S., Engineer. Problems In the Automatic Welding of Thick Copper Sheets and Improving the Quality of Butt Welds 235 Klyachkin, Ya. L., Candidate of Technical Sciences. Automatic Submerged Are Welding With Pure Aluminum Thin Filler Wire and the Ternary System KCl-NaCl-Na3ALF6 Type IUFOK-Al Flux 256 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 6/6 GO/`hcr 12-15-58 Al~q,V 1~ C, 7-,S /T~~ 14 / 125-58-5-5/13 AUTHORBs Manilovap R .ZOIARVI~ Shishkino V.Yu. TITLEs Investigation of the Vibration Endurance of Welded T-Joints. (Iseledovaniye vibratsionnoy prochnosti avarnykh tavrovykh soyedineniy) PERIODICALt Avtomaticheskaya Svarka, 1958, Hr 5, pp 32-40 (USSR) ABSTRACTs T-joint specimens (automatically welded under flux) in the form of the standard joints used in welded bridge beams, were tested under vibration load. Detailed information is given on the shape and preparation of specimens, the tested metal, and the results of tests. The optimum fusion depth of joints was determined, and the effective coefficient of stress concentration - V was experimentally established. It was concluded that the vibration endurance of automatical- ly-welded-under-flux T-joints considerably exceeds the strength of corresponding riveted joints. The obtained data is recom- mended for use to calculate the endurance of automatically- welded joints. It was found that the vibration resistance Card 1/2 of unchamfered T-joints is insufficient for work under tear Investigation of the Vibration Endurance of Molded T-Joints. 125-58-5-5/13 ASSOCIATIONs SUBUITTEDs AVAILABLEs Card 2/2 stress, and that they should only be used in light stressed bridge joints. Chamfering must be used for joints in critical sections. The main trusses of the experimental all-welded span across the river Bolva, is mentioned as an example of such critical applications. The features of joints in this bridge are briefly described. The specimens for the tests were prepared at the Toronezhakiy mostovoy zavod (Voronezh Bridge Plant). There are 5 figures and 4 tables. NII mostov pri LIIZhTe (Bridge Research Institute at LIIZhT) December 30, 1957 Library of Congress 135-58-8-4/20 Shishkin, V. Yu., Can- AUTHORSt Savellyev, V. didates of Technical Sciences, and Eakurin, V. A., Engineer. TITLE: Vibration Rasistance of Butt-Welded Joints of 'INL-2"-Stoel (Vibratsionnays prochnost, avarngkh stykovykh soyedineniy iz atali INL2) rERIODICAL: Svarochnoye proizvodatvo, 1958, fir 8. Y)P 14 - 18 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The article gives results of irveatigations into the vi- bration resistance of butt and T-weldod joints in "UL-2"- ntqel (composition given in table 1). A detailed descrip- tion of the technology of the tents is given. The followIng conclusions are mades equal resietance of butt-welded joints in "IM-211 steal under static and vibration IoAd can be ensured by the use of "AN-10" flux with "SV-0611, 'Sv-OSGAII, 113v-121P', electrodes and "OSTs-45" and "AN-348" fluxes with 113v-08GA" electrodes. It was possible to ob- tain the raquired seam surface by proper selection of the welding proness parameters without additional machanico-I Card 1/2 treatment (onlj necessary in case of violation of this 135-56-8-4/20 Vibration Revintance of Butt-l"alded Joints of "IM-2"-Steel technology). The cooling rites for zones adjacent to seams are recommonded to be from 5.6 to 18.3 degrees per second. There is 1 diaeram, 4 graphs and 8 tables. ASSOCIATION: NII mostov (Scientific Research Institute of Bridges) 1. Welded jointa--Vibraticn resistance Card 2/2 SOV/1 37- 59- 3 - 5819 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Metallurgiya, 1959, Nr 3, p 125 (USSR) AUTHOR: Navrotskiy, D. I. TITLE: Jr-The ~Strength of Welded Connections in the Presence of Residual Stresses Therein (Prochnost' svarnykh soyedineniy pri nalichii v nikh ostatochriykh napryazheniy) PERIODICAL: V sb. : Prochnost' svarn. k(-nstruktsiy. Moscow- Lening rad, Mashgiz, 1958, pp 81-98 ABSTRACT: The author examines the effect of residual stresses IRS) on the strength of welded connections in mild steel under static, impact, and vibrational loadings. On the basis of an analysis and a survey of numerous experimentj and theoretical investigations the author reaches the conclusion that, regardless of the type of loading, the &q's do not influence the mode under which the welded connections operate. The operational conditions of structures having RS's may be classified as elastic, because the first application of the test load rules out any possibility of subsequent plastic deformations A certain degree of work hardening (WH) of the metal in the vicinity Card 1/2 of the weld results in an increase in the values of a and 'Y b, as .2 SOV/1 37- 59- 3- ';819 The Strength of Welded Connections in the Presence of Residual Stres5es T~.,erelrn well as in the value of aw which is related to these characteristics The favor- able effect of a local WH is significantly greater than the effect of the tensile RS's- Therefore, relieving the RS's by meatis of annealing, which also eliminates the desirable effects of the WH, results in a reduced value of the (T W, RS's may lead to a reduction in strength in certain instances of particularly adverse condi- tions of welding (e.g., welding of rigidly clamped components) combined with high stress concentrations due to live loads and severe operating conditionj which may lead to brittle failure of the structure. However, even in these instances. the adverse effects of the RSs may be completely eliminated by applying approprate technological and design measures. M K Card 212 RATMTbJ14,1~-- Stresses in longitudinal joints. Trudy LPI no.199:5-17 '58. (Km 12:9) (Welding-Testing) (Strains and stresses) gATROIS AW44400, ~ - Affect of residual stresses on the strength of struettwal elements with sharp change of shape under static load. Trudy WI no.199:18-25 158. (KIIA 12:9) (Structural frames-Weldinc) (Strain@ and stresses) UVROTSKIT, Dol.; SAVZLIIIV, T.R. Investigating the effect of welding stresses on thm vibration strength of welded low-alley steel structures. TrWy M no.199o. 53-63 '58. (NIU 12 t 9) (Structural frame-Wolding) (Steel alloys-Welding) SHIVANDIN. Ye.H.; RAVROTSKIY. D.I.; USMNIMVA. R.Te. Fatigue testing of welded Joints In low-alloy and low-carbou stools. Trudy LPI no.199:64-74 158. MU 12:9) (steel alloys-Welding) 250) AUTHORSt Shichkin, V.Yu.t Navrotskiyg dates of Technical Selences, TITLE: The Mechanical Properties of steel"(Mekhanicheskiye svoystva l0G2SD(MK)) SOV/135-59-3-8/24 D.1.9 Savellyev, V.F., Candi- ana z k-urin, V.A., Engineer Welded Joints of *10G25D (IM) svarnykh soyedineniy stali PERIODICAL: Svarochnoye proizvodstvo, 1959, Nr 3, pp 12-15 (USSR) ABSTRACTs The described experimental investigation of the base metal and welded Joints of the low-alloy steel "1002SD(MK)" ("GOST 5058-57"-standard) proved its good weldability, and its suita- bility for steel frame structures including railway bridges. ~ 0 The cold-brittleness point of this steel is below - 60 C. The composition of the specimens (Table 1) was the following (in %)s 0.12-0.14 C, 1.36-1-58 Mn, 0.72-1.0 Si, 0.024-0-032 P, 0.027-0-042 S, 0.10-0-30 Cr, 0,17-0.23 Ni, 0.12-0-33 Cu. The mechanical properties and the details of the welding technology applied in the experiments are given. Recommen- Card 1/2 dations are made as to the combinations of the electrode SOV/135-59-3-8/24 The Mechanical Properties of 'gelded Joints Of "IOGM (MK) Stefln wire and the flux grades to be used. There are 5 talleo, 7 graphs, 2 diagrams and 3 Soviet references. ASSOCIATIONs NII mostov (NII of Bridges) Card 2/2 HAVROTSKITO-P.I.- kand.tekhn.nauk Judging the strength of weld4d elements under dy-tanic load. True,.v 1111 mostov no.5:123-134 159. (PIRA 120) (Weld ing-Teet ing) S/125/60/000/03/007/018 25(1) D042/DO01 AUTHORSs D.I , and Savelliev. M.N. '__~LOM~4 - It I- ~*A4~W_, TITLEt On the Influence of Residual Stresses upon the Static Strength of Notched Specimens PERIODICALs Avtonaticheakaya avarka, 1960, Nr 3, PP 51-59 ABSTRACT: It was stated in previous experiments CRef 0 -IOL7 that residual stresses in welded joints do not inpair strength even in low temperature and under high stress concentration. In described ,tests, notched*specimens with lose stress concentration than in the first experiments were used, and the shape and dimensions of the specimens were uniform, Details of tests are given and the specimens shown (Figure 1). Five series of specimens were. uaedt 1) Reference series free of residual stresses; 2) with indentation made in a press - with heated mid and residual com- pression a rose caused by hoating with a gas torchi 3) with 2100 kg1cm prestretching (1-5 times higher than permissible for this steel in bridge structures) and also with heated edges@ Card 1/2 Part of the specimens was subjected to additional annealing to S112 60/000/03/007/018 D042YD001 On the Influence of Residual Stresses upon the Static Strength of Notched Specimens remove the stress. Residual stresses were measured by cutting and readings of resistance pickups. It was cohcluded that under static load (even under the most difficult conditions with low temperature and high residual stress) the influence of residual stresses is considerably weaker than the positive effect of factors which caused these stresses (local plastic deformation and the changes of dimensions and properties caused by it), hence it can be practically ignored. There are 2 diagrams, 4 graphs, 3 tables and 4 Soviet references. ASSOCIATIONSt Lortingradakiy politekhnicheskiy institut (Leningrad Pol technical Institute (D.I. Navrotskiy); NII mostov pri LIIZhTe Scientific Research Institute of Bridaes at LIIZhT) V.N. Savellyev) ~ SUBMITTED: September 22, 1959 Card 2/2