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NAZARENKO, B.D., dotsent (Molomna)
Diesel engines for the prospective loco=otives. Zhel.-dot.tranap. 45
no.12t55-57 D 163. (HIFLA l7s2)
"Investigation of the Work of the Span 3tructures of 3ectional Feinfor-ce,-
Concrete Bridges." Sub 22 Feb 51, Moscow Automobile and Fload inst imen't
V. M. Molotov
Dlssertatl=6 prerented forsclence and enrincerint, det-re,?s In
Moscow during 1951.
.;0: Sum. 1,o. 4'0, 9 May 55
.;,KAZARX 0, Boris Favlovich; ZAYCHKUO.
ROSSIYSXff, Vladluir Aleka9yevich
R.N., wadmehly redalctor; 1--a*6-TM-V-r"e%4Ftor
[Precast reinforced cpacretel ZbIrnyi sallsobston. Wv. Derth.
vyd-vo telchn. lit-ry URSR. 1956. 60 p. (KM 10:4)
(Precast concrete construction)
SOVI/111.11-1,18-1 11,011%
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurndl, Mekhanika. 1958 Nr 4, p 148,'USSR)
TITLE: Span-structure Design Calculation of Reinforced concrete Bridge
Framework Assemblies With Account of Elastic Loact Disir'~)U-
tion (K raschetu proletnvkh stroyenty sbornvkh zhelezohetetriyki,
mostov balochnykh sistem s uchetom uprugogo raspredeleniya
PERIODICAL: V sb. : Khar'kovsk. obl. nauchno-tekhri. sowcshchaniye po
zhelezobetonnym konstruktsiyain 13-15 dek. 1954 g. Khar:~o,,,
1956, pp 93-101
ABSTRACT: Results of design calculation are gi,.en for the action of a
concentrated symmetrical load on a girder trantewcrk unit
without consideration of girder twist. In the proposed method
of calculation of the girder framework the trans%erse load
distribution for each three trans-.erse girciers is done bN
spreading the load along 4-5 longitudinal girders. No sub-
stantiation of the method is given. Mention is made of the
agreement between the calculation and the experimental
Card 1/1 results. 1. Bridges--Design 2. F~elnrorced 1. K, Sr.'.t~o
concrete--Performance 3.
4. Plathematics
flow metho4s for training highway engineers. Avt.dor. 22 [i.e.231
no.9:29-30 3 160. (HIRA- 13:9)
I. Dekan dorozhao-strottelloogo fakullteta KhADI.
(Road cons truction-Study and teaching)
ROSSIYSKIY, Vladimir Aleksayevicf, prof.; NAZARFMO, Boris ftvlovich
kwd. tekho. nai*;- swimskir, kFailiy Aleksandrovich, km ir.
tekhn. nauk; GIM-FVANI Ye.Ye., prof., doktor tekhn. nauk,
retsenzent NALMYKOV, N.Ta., doktor takhn. nauk, prof.,
retsenzentid'sceased); POLIVANOV, N.I., prof., doktor tekhn.
nauk, retsenzent; HRILLOV, V.S., kand. takhn. nauk,
retsenzent; BASOV, S.Ye., inzh., retsenzent; FANKRATOV, V.M.,
inzh., red.; GANYUSHIN, A.I., red,,izd-va; BODAROVA, A.P.,
takhn. red.
(Examples of the design of precast reinforced concrete bridges]
Primer7 proaktirovaniia sbornykh zhelezobetonnykh mostov. Mo-
skva, Avtotransizdat, 1962. 494 P. (MIRA 16:2)
1, Glavnyy spotninlint po mostam Kharlkovfikofro otdelonlys Gooudar-
stvennogo pmyektnogo Inatituta po promyshlennomu tranoportu (for
(Bridges, Concrete--Design and construction)
NAZAM~KO, Boris Pavlovich, dota., kand. teklm. nauk; KHAZAN,
"'" Ye.S., red.
[Reinforced concrete bridgen) Zholozobatonrqo mosty.
Mosh,ap Transport, 1964- 427 p. (MIRA 17:12)
,0) Nr~ 17 j~~e
N. Leontlyev, Avtornaticheskaya
D K G. Paved, and'N
~!_r 88-H, S/125163/000/03/010/0t2
Tr~.- -tUtL, irnLni Ye, 0. P,ton has developed an experi-
fcr N,,,cldinc~ in v.,hich the vacuum chamber is di-
In t1he weldinr comoartment a vacuum of I-10'I
of 1_10-4
to 2-10 mm, Hg
r_--,_~,.cd. A hifhcr vacuum.
J:~r C'Ilaclron-gun zone. Experiments with 1X18H9T
nn- 1~ Ck sho,,,.,ed that co.-nolete penetration can be achieved
-.%nf- voltazlcl and a beam current of 350 rna. The dcpth-
was fo-_iad I-r, be lower than with welding in a higher
-focus ing
_desiga, -for the
I o c a tc o r away from the we',d, (N D
Card 1/1
Straticraphy amd Paleageogmphy of valley deposits on the left banks
of the -Addle Dnieper, the uIddle Donato, and Don Rlwars. Neb. cap.
KhOU 61:101-129 '55. (HLRA 10: 8)
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geologiya, 1957, Nr 12,
pp 45-46 (USSR)
AUTHOR: Nazarenko D P.
TITLE,. Zolian and Fluvioglacial Hypotheses of Loose Formation
on the Left Bank of the Dnepr River in the Light of
Geomorphology (Bolovaya I flyuvioglyatsialfnaya gipotezy
obrazovanlya lessa levoberezhlya r. Dnepr& v geomorfolo-
gicheskom osveshchenii)
PERIODICAL: Uch. zap. Ktuarlkovsk. un-ta, 1956, vol 73, pp 185-199
ABSTRACT: Submerged submoraine loess formations are widely dis-
tritkuted along the valleys of Pselo the upper courses of
Khorol, Sula, Desna, and others. At some places they
reach a thickness above 10 m. Fluvioglacial and allu-
vial formations of the loess origin also evolved in the-
upper part of the Belopoltakiy-Chapakhovskiy terrace
wh1ch was formed at the time of the maximum spreading of
the Dnepr glacial tongue. A considerably smaller amount
Card 1/4 of submerged loess formations are distributed on the
Eolian and Fluvioglacial Hypotheses of Loess Formation on the Left
Bank of the Dnepr River in the Light of Geomorphology
outskirts of the central Russian uplift and of Donbass which
have not been affected by glaoiation. Alluvial, dejuvial-and
lake loess-Itke argillaceous soils were evolved here. TLie
thioknqss of a loess mantle in the Dnepr and Don Basins de-
creases on younger terraces, which fact contradicts the delu-
vial and Fluvioglaoial hypotheses. S. S. Sobolev's opinion
(Pbahvovedenlye., 1937,, vol 4) that the loess blanket deposIt of
nonglacial. regions Is of a fluvioglacial origin and that'it is
of different ages at different altitudes, does not concur with
actuality, A well developed hydrographic net existed here al-
ready during the Likhvinskaya epakM (#pcmk)j and ymvenW the fluvi6-
glacial currents from reaching the divides* Fluvioglacial
loesses are easily distinguished by the presence of a strati-
fioation or of fine gravel, while true loesses are character-
ized by mole-holes. Moreover, glacial waters were drained off
by glacio-obsequent systems. which originated, one after another
as the glaciers receeded. To judge by the remnants of the
Belo oltye-Chupakhovka terrace, such a system at the time
Card 2
Zolian and Pluvoglacial Hypotheses of Loess Formation on the Left
Bank of the Dnepr River In the Light of Geomorphology
of maximum development of glaciers, passed from Bryawk down the
Ehisna River to the Sev River near the village of Suzemka, up the
Sev River and over the divide into the Svana Valley below the town
of Dm:Ltr:Lyev, then Into Seym River below Llgov -up to Korenevo, up
the Snagost' River and down the Lok3za and Sudzha into Psel River.
The last, barred by a glacier, flowed along Tashan' over the
watershed of Oleshnya into Voralda, Orel' and Dnepr. A similar
system can be seen along the edge of the Don glacial tongue tram
Bryansk down the Resseta and Zhizdra Rivers,, up the Oka River to
Lllchvin,, along Upa to the town of Tula, up the Shat' River and
through & valley into the Don (Belopollye-Chupakhovka ter-
race corresponds to the third or the fourth terrace of the Oka).
Moreover, there exist the systems of glacio-obsequent.valleys
developed during the four pauses in the receding of the Dnepr
Glacier, There occurred also'some more frequent and shorter
pauses In the receding of the glacier; these were responsible
for the wavy moraine relief seen on the Gradizhak terrace. It
follows from the presence of the valleys which intercepted the
Eclian and Fluvioglacial Hypotheses of Loess Formation on the Left
Bank of the Dnepr River in the Light of Geomorphology
fluvioglacial streams, that the main mass of loess was primarily
of eolian origin and mainly under the steppe conditions, al-
though the primary "swamp loesses" were formed at certain places
In marshes, lakes and bogs. Cracks formed by drying and by
frost could have been originated in such marshes.
Card 4/4 N. I. Kriger
KarCIn&I troughs and characteristics of the transition tons between
the Harcynian folds and Russian Platform. Gsol. sbor. (Lvov] co.5/6:
557-562 '58. (MIPA 12: 10)
l.Gosuniversitat Iment A.H. GorIkogo, KharIkov.
(Geology, Structural)
MAZAMM, G., Inzh.
*- -0 * ,
Improving the utilization of automotive transport. Makh.strot.
14 no.8:22-23 Ag 157. (NMA 10111)
(Transportation. Automotive) (Building materials--Transportation)
iMUMBUTIN9 I.; KEM19 A.g prepodavutelf; MALMKOt (1,,insh.
Now v1sual aids for the training of pliatererep painterst and
g2arders. Prof.-tekh.cbr. IS no.2:24-16 F 162. (KM 14:3)
1, Direktor remeslennogo uchilishcha No. 429 Leningrad (for
Mak1hu'Un) . I
2. Remeelennoye uchilishche No.42, Lenigrad (for Fatareako).
(Building trades-4ndlo--visual aids)
DVORKIND9 H.H.0 lnzh. V rabote prinimali uchastiye: VASIYAS, I.P.;
Behavior of open-hearth furnace crowns under the effect of
feeding oxygen into the burner flame and into the bath. Stall
20 nosW17-~,121 F 160. (KEU 13:5)
1. Vostochnyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy.institut ogneuporov.
(Open-hearth furnaces)
a 11
AUTHORSs Delimarskiy, Tu. K., and Nazarenko, G. D.
TITLEs Chemical galvanic chains in borate melts
PERIODICAL% Ukrainakiy khimicheskiy zhurnal, v. 27, no. 4, 1961,
TEXTz The authors studied the thermodynamic characteristics of lead and
bismuth oxides dissolved in borax melt by measuring the e.m.f. A platinum
electrode was used as reversible "oxygen electrode". The e.m.f. was
measured with aTTtrTb-1 (PPTV--l) potentiometer and a mirror galvanometer.
The determined thermodynamic functions of PbO in Ma 2B407 are given in
Table 3. At low PbO concentrations, electrolytic dissociation takes place
11 o that the Pb ion concentration does not deviate too much from the PbO
concentration. The activity decreases considerably with rising PbO con-
centration. Metaborates and polyborates seem to form# The results for the
system Bi/Bi20 3/02(Pt) at temperatures of 900-9200C are given in Table 7-
Card 1/ 5
Chemical galvanic chains in borate melts
The chemical interaction between B1203 and borax melt was shown to be lower
than that between PbO and the melt. The chemical reaction of bismuth is
probably based on its formation of unstable polyborate-type compounds with
borax, the composition of which has not been clarified yet. There are
5 figures, 8 tables, and ig references: 7 Soviet and 12 non-Soviet. The
most important reference to the English-language publications reads an
follows' Ref- 15t R. Didetchenko, go Rochow. J. ka. Chea* Soc., 16,
3291 (1954).
kSSOCILTIONt Kiyevskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. To Go Shevchenko
(Kiyev State University imeni To G. Shevchenko)
SUBRITTEDs February 11, 1960
Tablo 3. Thermodynamic functions of PbO In melts of the system
Card 2/ 5
NAZARS1,108 G.D.
Galvanic concentrated eel-Is in fused borates. Part 1: Lead
and bismuth oxides in borax. Ukr.khin.z1zur. 27 no.5:618-.624
161. (MM 14:9)
1. Kiyovakly gosudarstvannyy universitat Am. T.G. Shavohenko.
(Lead oxide) (Blsmuth oxide) (Electromotive force)
Thermodynamic prop-~,rtie-3 of 1;~C "n 7-lDlten t~,rax.
Ukr. khim. zhur. 31 no.8:790-793 '65o lp;g)
1. Irwtitut, obohchey i moor,ganlche~;koy k1ii-irli AIN UkrSSFI..
Jollubilltv of meml oxides in moltun boreze Ukr, khlm& zhur, 31
noo8:81,-817 165. (M-IRA 1819)
I* fraititut obahchey I neorgantchetskoy khWt AN UkrSSR.
WARENKO,.G. F. ~ .
USSR/Medicine Yeast
- Chemistry Fusel Oil
Apr 1945
"Utilization of the Products of Autoclave Hydrolysis of Protein for the Nitrogpn
Nutrition of Yeasts and the Production of Fusel Oil," I. P' Zakharov,' G. F.
Nazarenko, All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Distilling Industry, Moscow,
6 pp
"14ikrobiologiya" Vol XIV, No 2
Autoclave hydrolysis of proteins presents definite advantages as compered with the
open hydrolysis method in every case In which a large quantity of hydrolyzed proteic
substances or individual amino acids is needed. Autoclave hydrolyzed protein
forms an excellent source of nitrogen nutrition for yeasts and may be so used. The
unpurified leucine preparation obtained from the autoclave hydrolyzate is a very suitable
material for producing rusel oil and its utilization can provide high fusel oil
yields. Still higher fusel oil yields may be obtained if conditions for a more
intense nitrogen metabolism in the yeast organism are created.
NAZARV-IKO,G.F.. Inzhener
Design for contRct system pole foundptions set In rocky soils. Transp.
@trot 5 no.5:18-20 J1155. (KMA 8:12)
(Electric lines--Poles)
IIAZARMO. G.1f.. inch.
": -: - -~- ; t~-
- #recast reinforced concrete conveying trestles. Blul. strot.
tekh. 15 no- 7--7-8 J1 150. (MMA 11:7)
1. Rostavetty filial GiprotransbrOyers.
(Pracast concrete construction)
Dynsve.cs of some biochemical indices of thiamine metabolism
in children with tuberculosis. Pediatriia 41 [i.e. 421 no.2t
79-85 F 163. (MIRA 1634)
1. It kafedry gospitalinoy pediatrii (say. - prof. V.P.Davydov)
Rostowkogo-na-Dorvu maditainakogo inatituta.
DAVVD(YI V i'. prof.
Effectivenc-oo of neuroplogic Y,rr,,,l;arr,.tLrjr,.,j in 1,i-
ment of toxic forms of acute gaotrolnto."Alrial dl:;eases and
pneumonia In very young chli(.lren. Sov. r:vd. 2F no.8:75-'/`~ AF
1. Klinika gospitalIncy pediatrii (zav. - prof. V.F.Dav~dov)
Rostovskago meditnimkogo in2tltuta.
u s S it
~'Chiknvj cA lht- lumb~l"Vlvll
v ii ,r
u I wer-
st~vlicl!. TI:- crit, tv%o. wws
p -Aar' vlitil 11
,v,ri; ihr;k~nj, rA,-~oiru-.,ui0scolm :j; -i --- - -''
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958. Nr 9, p 158 (USSR)
AUTHORS: Davidenkov. N. N. , Nazarenko, G. T, , Batyaykin, V. G
TITLE: On the Spontaneous Failure of Alarm-clock Springs Made of
7052KhA Steel (0 samoproizvollnom razrushenii budit'nikovykh
pruzhin iz stali 7052KhA)
PERIODICAL: V sb. : Vopr, proyektir. , izgotovleniya i sluzhby pruzhin.
Moscow- Leningrad, Mashgiz, 1956, pp 254-266
ABSTRACT: The spontaneous failure of spiral (band-type) springs, in the
authors' opinion, is occasioned by the successive propagation of
microfissures which appear on the t.-nsion side of the tightened
spiral. The time elapsing up to the failure point varies sharply
as a function of even a moderate (of the order of 30-400C) change
in the anneal temperature. A decisive influence on the fissure
propagation is exerted by the humidity of the air. In humid air
springs failed after days or even hours, whereas in dry air no
failure at all was observed.
1. Clocks--Materials 2. Springs--Failure 3. Springs--Theory
V. 1. Feodas' yev
Card 1/1
AUTHOR: Yegorov, G. Ye., Nazarenko, G. T., and Maiseyev, V. P.
ME: On Evaluation of Conversion of Residual Austenite in a
Strip of Spring Steel (Ob otsenke prevrashcheniy ostatochnogo
austenita v pruzhinnoy lente)
PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya Laboratoriya, 1957, Vol. 23, No. 1, PP. 52-55 (U.S.S.R.)
ABSTRACT: The authors describe their studies of structural changes
taking place in a strip of metal during prccessing by ob-
serving the changes in the magrtetization of saturation Iris
and the coercive force Hc. By the magnitude of the
magnetization of saturation the amount of residual austenite
A was determined in accordance with the formula:
A - a-b - 100%
where a is the highest value of 41rIs for a given brand of
steel and b the value of WrIs at the tempering temperature
being studied. The various steps in the process dre described
with diagrams and graphs: schematic section of the electro-
magnet, circuit of the device for rmasuring the magnetization,
circuit of the device for measuring the coercive force, and
Card 1/2 graphs of magnetization and temperature curves. There is
On Evaluation of Conversion of RetsiduAl Auntenite in
a Strip a Spring Steel
1 Slavic reference.
ASSOCIATION: Leningrad Polytechnical Institute imeni M. I. Kalinin
(Leninpyadskiy politekhnicheakiy institut im. M. I. Kalinina)
Card 2/2
T~ v
i lit%
I a I ; -.-
BIN it. I
il Ila, -4 A v .1 13 OUT
" vise, :i g!
ova 0 .6 it I
jJ I. u
ljg 111
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - L------------
4; a
AUTHOR: 1jagazenka.-G-2-.4 Candidate of Technical Sciences)
TITLE: Relation Between the Structure of Steel and the Yield-
Point Plateau (Svyaz1 mezhdu strukturoy stali i
ploshchadkoy tekuchesti)
PERIODICAL: Metallovedeniye i Termicheskaya Obrabotka Metallov,
1959, Nr 4, pp 27-33 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Various authors state that the yield-point plateau is
characteristic only to below-eutectoidal steels in the
annealed state. However, on many occasions this was
observed also in the high temperature tempered state, and
the author of this paper observed it in annealed U 12
steel. The aim of the work described in this paper was
to obtain additional information on this point and for
this purpose the following seven Soviet grades of carbon
steels were investigated: 20, 35, 50, 65G, U-8, U-12
and U-1 7. The tests were made with specimens of 5 mm
diameter, 36 mm length, and from the recorded elongation
curves the relative deformation at the yield-point dip
was calculated. Furthermore, the tendency of the
material to harden after exceeding the yield-point 'N(10.5,
Card 1/3 " the initial coefficient of hardening", was determined.
The investigations were carried out on specimens after
Relation Between the Structure of Stool and the Yield-Point Plateau
hardening and tempering according to regimes, data of
which are given in a table on p 29, and also for steel
specimens in the annealed state. On the basis of
obtained results, the following conclusions are arrived
at: (1) The yield-point plateau is a characteristic
feature of all carbon steels including the steel U-17,
whereby for any steel the length can vary within wide
limits by varying the heat treatment regime and conse-
quently also the structure. (2) The tempering tempera-
ture for which a yield-point plateau was observed for the
investigated steels amounted to 300 - 5000c; with
Increasing tempering temperature the yield-point plateau
gets longer. (3) After tempering at 680 to "OOOG the
length of the yield-point plateau has a maximum value and
Is equal for all steels irrespective of the carbon
content, whilst in the annealed st.Atq its length decreases
with increasing carbon content. (4) With increasing
hardening temperature the yield-poinij plateau after
tempering becomes shorter and the higher the annealing
temperature the shorter will be the yield-point plateau.
Card 2/3 (5) The here-described Invostigations confirmed that
Relation Between the Structure of Steel and the Yield-Point Plateau
I there is a relation between the length of the yield-point
plateau and the tendency of a material to become work-
There are 6 figures, I table and 8 roferencest 6 of which
Card 3/3 are Soviet and 2 English.
ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy Politekhnicheskiy Institut
(Leningrad Polytechnical Institute)
AUTHOR: Cand. Tech. Sci. G.T. Nazarenko
TITLE: Temperature Range of Decomposition of the Residual
Austenite during Tempering of Carbon Steels (TemperatuTnyy
interval raspada ostatochnogo austenita pri otpuskE;
uglerodistykh staley)
PERIODICAL: Metallovedenlye I TeMichaskaya Obrabotka Fletallov?
1959, Nr 5$ PP 1-28-30 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: On the basis of nalysis of dilatometric curves, Gulyayev
(Ref 1) and Koiftorivich (Ref 2) concluded that die,-compo-
sition of the residual austenite proceeds in the tempera-
ture rang3 200 to 3000C. Hove'ier, they did not consider
data obtA-'ned by other more sensitive, particularly
magnotic, methods. In this paper, the author gives the
results of inv-stigating the dependence of the magnetic
saturation on the t9mpering temperature, relations which
are similar to those of the curve published by Maurer and
Schroeter (Ref 3) in 1929. Analysis of such carves leads
to the conclusion that the literary values on the lower,
boundary of the temperature range of decompositlon of the
Card 1/3 residual austenite are too high. The investigations were
carried out on the steels U-12A and U-9A and also an steel
Temperature Range of Decomposition of the Residual Austenit"'e during
Tempering of Carbon Steels
containing 1.7% C. A method of measuring magneti,~
saturation was used which has been described in an earlier
paper by the author and his team (Ref 4). The specimens
were of 1+ mm diameter, 60 mm long. The steel U-12A was in
the form of a strip of 0.3 x 8 mm; specimens from this
steel were quenched from a temperature above the Acm
point, whilst the 1.7% C steel was quenched from The
11000 using in both cases oil as cooling agent.
tempering time was two hours, In Fig 1 the determined
dependence of the magnetic saturation and of the speed of
variation of the magnetic saturation on the temperature is
graphed; In Fig 2 the dependence of the magnetic satura-
tion on the tempering time at 150, 175 and 2000 C Is
graphed for the steel U-9A, The following conclusions are
arrived at: 1) The magnetic method Is more sensitive than
the dilatometric method and permits detecting the depen-
dence of the austenite decomposition at lower temperatures
(about 100 OC). 2) For a tempering time of two hours the
Card 2/3 decomposition of the residual austenite during tempering
proceeds in the temperature range 100 to 275 OC, whereby
Temperature Range of Decomposition of the Residual Au3tenite during
Tempering of Carbon Steels
this process proceeds at its maximum Intensity at a
temperature of 200 OC. With increasing tempering tlmE~
this temperature range narrows owing to a displacement, of
the upper boundaTy towards lower temporature valuez. Tno
author disagrees w1th the vlow of Yu.A. Geller (Rei 5)
who stated that the residual austenite becomes tramformed
in the temperature range 220 to 270 OC~ 3) Disorepan.,ies
between the results of dilatometric and ma'-,notic met!')od~,
are attributed particularly to the higher speed. of heatln~
the specimens in d1latometric tests ( *for instance., 400 OC
per see) which is equivalent to short heating tinas~
There are 2 figures and 5 references, 1+ of which aro
Card 3/3 Soviet and I German,
ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy Politeknnicbeskly
(Leningrad Polytechnical Institute)
of residual austenIts during the tempering of
carbon steel. Trtdy LPt no*202:99-101 159. (MA 1202)
(Steel-Ketallography) (Tempering)
Kagnatto metho4 of Investigating tho tampering of steel, Trudy LPI
no.202tlO2-107 139. (KIRA 12:12)
(vagnetic testing) (Stael-Testing)
_y,kZARENKO G.T. [Nazarenko, H.T.); fAROSHEK, A.D.
Studying the fatigue process in rolling frictirm by the mthrA
of eddy currents. Dop. AN URSR no.3070-374 162. (WRA 15:5)
1. Institut makhaniki AN USSR. Predstavleno akademikom AN USSR
F.P.Belyankinym (Bleliankin, F.P.].
(Metals-Fatigue) (Friction)
Dependence of the contact fatigue strength of ShKhl5 steel on
phase transformations in the surface layer, Metalloved. i term..
obr. met. no.10a12-18 0 163. (MIRA 161lO)
1. Institut, mekhaniki, AN Ukr6SR.
LUTHORt Nazarenko, G. T.
TITLEs The part played by the boundary effect in contact fatigue
tests for rolling friction
PERIODICAL& Zavodakaya laborstoriya, v. 29, no. 2, 1963, 205 - 208
TEXT: Studies were made of the distribution of deformation and surface
hardening during the running in of steel bearing rollers of 50 mm diameter,
10 am wide, hardness 62 RC, and of steel rollers, 55 mm diameter, 10 mm
wide, hardness 30 - 62 RCv in bearing races 4 to 8 = wide with spindle oil
lubrication. The testing apparatus was as described by U. A. Puzanov
(Povysheniye iznosostoykosti detaley mashin [Inorease of the durability of
machine partej Sb. trudov Instituta mekhaniki AN USSR9 no. 22, Izd. AN USSR
(1958)). The distribution of the plastic deformation over the width of the
bearing race was determined by measuring the change in the distance between
the imprints of a diamond pyramid. Surface hardening was determined on the
basis of the increasing microhardness. Resultso (1) the relative deforma-
tion E - L111 % is distributed irregularly over the width. At the rims of
the roll it is about 20%, but in the center only 1%. Deformation in the
C a r d 1/ 3
The part played by the boundary ... B101/B186
center is elastic, at the rims it is plastic. The mean value E mean , there-
fore, is not a reliable characteristic. (2) Hardening too is distributed
irregularly. At a pressure of p/b ; 185 kg/mm (b - width of the race in
mm) and ~~rdnesa 46 RC, after 20-10 cyolest the microhardness increased
from m 425 Irg/mm2 to-530 kg/mm2 in the center of the roll, but at the rims
only t0-500 kg/mM2. Hardening increased with pressure. At p/b - 110 kg/mm
it is approximately 15/a, at p/b a 185 kg/mm it isj25~- (3) In rolls of a
hardness of 31 RC, in races, 4 mm wide, crumbling was observed in the center
of the roll after 1-10 6 cycles, at P/b a 70 kg/=. The sides of the crumbled
surface formed an angle of 450 with the direction of rolling, which indi-
cates the action of tangential stresses. With equal dimensions and equal
shape of the specimen, the shape of the crumbled surface depends on the
hardness of the material. (4) When the race is narrower the boundary
effect depends on the.angle at which the narrow ing takes place. For speci-
mens having a hardness of 62 RC, at p/b - 205 kg/mm, the durability was
1.3-106 , 3-7-10 6, 2.9-106 cycles when the angle of transition from the
wide to the narrow race was 15, 30 or 450. Conolusiono the boundary
Card 2/3
The part played by the boundary**. B101/Bip,6
effect differs as between narrow and wide specimen3p so it is not possible
to compare the results of durability tests performed on specimen3 of the
same material but having different widths and shapes of the race. There are
4 figures.
ASSOCIATIONt Institut mekhaniki Akademii nauk USSR (Institute of Idechanics
of the Academy of Sciences UkrSSR)
Card 3/3
jxt~- f~-7,
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Aca-wim rm. APW37op 8/0129/04/000/005/0056/0058
AUTROM.-Nazarcuka,, Go To
TITLE: Steel bardeuing by electronic be=
SOURCE: Metallovedenlya I toxmicheskaya, obrabotka, matalloV# no. 19&s
iTOPIC TAGS: surface hardenings electradc be=j, vacuum Irradiation microbardnesao
ABSTRACT: Surface hardening by a powerful electronic beam was tested under vacuun
jin 10-cm wide "SM15" steel rings vith 40 ma OD. Highest hardness was obseried
after an, appreciable fusion of the irradiated surfacao The atebability of the
zone affected by irradiation was much lower thm that of the base metal. Acceler-
lating Noltage was 35 ky,, current 35 lat. amp; beam 1.2.kwt, specific paver 1.5
kwt/= . Irradiated specimen were tempered at 275,0.4w and 525 C for 90 mlautqso
1~4-crahardnesa Increwed with the depth reaching H,4- 9W at 0#1 to 0*2 mue The
bigh-intensity heat lasa in depth observed during =91d quenching caused mart4s2er-
;ilngo origo art* baa: 2 f1gureso
~,iASSOCXATION-. lastitut -ekbars4kl ANSM Qnstitute of Kacbardcsp AN SSSR).
BUMUTM: 00 05aM64 ENCL.- 00
ip 6 M C MS.: m NO W 002 000
T tiLlin(r)
-1 z, r ril,
L: A il- j "M JU I I u
I f PI N if: A P 4 M 33 G ri
1j__ C___ I- "A ;"- -- ,
'If 4' n
1 11; 1 T I i"J i -1 `i~t-
S/ q 198/6 AA) 10/002P) I GG/0172
p st*rnlti curve. dnforinnUrm,
Ccrd 1/,',
n., AP4,023360
1. IrAttat lonFlb of the swnple. elm ration cor-caponding to and af vield ftd
Auo~s (2)
-Osm sectional nren (If fhP rMITZIDIP Wid "IflOT'c! A i. t- it _i i
i?, '. -;q
~T 13 Alf"402`366
r, .7
77, msriuc r-,PvT;irini
22, PS ~Uyhll OYMIL-m
IL-l I- - mm - - - - - 11 ...- ~11 14 Elutween Ll:lj
i .:v
Port operations shrjidd te org~inizc-d on a A" I c ba 5 f s
Vor.flot 26 no.ltl3 Ja 166. MIRA 19ti)
1. Nachallnik nomativno-is4ledovatel'skoy stELnlsii po portp-,n
Ghernomorskogo parokhonstva.
'0 fj~
--' --- "
Dissertation defunded for the degree of DocLar uf ~hilusophicLl 3ciences
at the Institute of Philosophy
"Struggle of T. G. Shevchenko for Revolutionary DeiaQcratij.-i and 41aterialist
Vcstnik Akad. Nauk, No. 4, 196), pp 119-145
Important contributlin to historical science. Nauka i zhittia 11
no.10-4-5 0 '61. (MIRA 15:1)
1. Direktor Instituta istorii partil TSentral'nogo komiteta Kom-
munisticheskoy partii Ukrainy.
(Ukraine--Communist Party of the Soviet Union)
11 A v k F 7 1. N K;- II * r0
P".."aty tt~usand -parts U~~? "., -fYxj,r4nt;el wood.
striit,e-13 no.-,i4i-42 X-1 Ok,"PA 17.,p)
1. KL-LIKOVI AN.3.,Dig.: INAZARE.W, 1.1.,Engo: ZL'HOY, 1.7.pEnc.l
2. L-SSR (600)
L.. Ydlns, Rotary
7. Problems concerning the further Improvement of rotary kilns.
TSement 18 No* 5p 1952*
9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Coagcess, Jinua,-j 1953. Unclassified.
Card 1/1 : P,;b 129-ig/24
Author : Nazarenko, I. I.
Title : Profecsor 14atvey Afonin and his struFZle against the ent-mics of pro-
grecsive Ruzcian science in Moscow University (mid l'JOO's)
Periodical : Vest. Mosk. un., Ser. fizikomat. 1. yest. nauk, Vol 9, No 2, 139-152,
Mar 1954
Abstract : Historical account of a contemporary of Lomonosov and Linnaeus, who
van a defender of Russian culture..
Institution : --
Submitted : AuGu-&t 31, 1953
Advances in the chemistry of complex compounds of selenIt:m and
to]-lurium. Usp.khim. 33 nr,.1:108-123 Ja '64. (MIRA 17:4)
1. Institut geokhimii i analiticheskoy khimii imeni
V.I.Vernadskogo AN SSM.
RAZARIUFXO, I.I., kandidat vellskokhozyaystvaaafth nauk.
- --plaft"Atedemew*
VAdical handbook on horses by Vereshchagin. Yeterlaartle 30 co.5:
62-64 Ky 153. (HLRA 6:5)
MT" ~
Some 17th and 18th century manuscript works on eootechny.
Vop. Ist.set. I takh. no.1:235-241 '56. (KLaA 9:10)
(Stock and stockbreeding)
K"AnUO, 1,
Veterinary measures to animal hnsbandry in Hallmd. Vaterinarits 33
ne,Wq Ag 156. (Kn 9: 9)
(fletharlands-Taterinary medicine)
%berculosis In cattle In Finland. Irsterinartia 34 no.2:87 r 157.
(Flnland-Tuberculosto In an1mals) (KMA 10:11)
C AT'l
1959, irlo- 1-1052
(,or~:kayElp :"* Ve
j,,, Ar - 1, C, L r ft ormation.
t :~o F,:,s ti. a c c or al lir, t o
r o r.-f I n iYnv-in rl~ Ilo
-.-i~.h. inforn., 19~6, ~;o 5,
'I-) .I n
"o A!;F: :,tic V'.
Poultry statistics in foreign couatries. Ptitsevodetyo 8 no.10:33-33
0 '58. (MIRA 11: 20)
Artificial inzo~izaticz& of cws in the United States of America.
Zhivotnovodstvo 23 no.701-94 Jl 161* (MIRA 16:2)
Walted $tats"rtificia.1 insomination)
T n Twoo^w4nh n^hml MKM,, Andray:
v ova
imentlys - k A jmw, sevxwze nail nauchn.sotr.;
WMITSKIYO S.[U=ytal 3.1, rod.; NDLOMOVA, T., tokhn,
(Bass and oropaIRIsholy i vroshal. Odesa" Odselke knyshkove vyd-
lot 1960..,~29'pf (MIRA 16s2)
lo Kolkhos In. Tatarbumarskogo vosstaz;tya,Odesskoy oblasti (for
Nazarenko,, Smekhun). (Fertilization of plants)
U s J~
Cd 1.
pH W.
USSR/Coamochemstry - Geocheaistry. Hydrochemistry. D.
Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Xhimlya, No 9, 1957, 3o362
Author : Borodin, L.S., NazarenkoL IJ-., Rikhter, T.L.
Inat : Acadeqj of Sciences USSR
Title : The New Kineral Zirconolite -- A Ccmplex Oxide of
AB30 7Type.
Orig Pub : Dokl. AN SSSR, 1956, 110, No 5, 845-848
Abst : In 1955, was discovered, in a nameless pyroxenic massif,
a new zirconium mineral which has been named zirconolite,
by analogy with other zirconium minerals (zircon, zirke-
lite and cyrtolite). In the marginal portions of the mas-
sif extensive development of nephelinization processes
had occured. By action of solutions infloving from nephe-
ailization zones various metasomatic rocks were formed
and replacement took place of titanium magnetite, the ore
mineral of pyroxenites, by perovskite, sphene and garnet.
Separations of zirconolite were observed in metasomatic
Card 1/3
USSR/Cosmochemistry - Geochemistry. Hydrochemistry. D.
Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Khimiya, No 9, 1957, 3o362
calcite-pyroxene-amphibolite rock with perovskite and
sphene, In the form of aetamictic separations up to 1
eta in dimension. Single crystalline forms have the sha-
pe of depressed octahedrons twinned along (.1U). The
color is grey-brown to black (grownish-yel.low streak);
color distribution is uneven. Hardness 5.5-6, specific
gravity 4-017 (brown) - 4-237 (dark brown). No cleava-
ge cracks. Fracture rough to shelly. Decomposes on
heating in SM and H~SOy. In polished sections yellow
or brown, isotropic; refraction index 2.06 10.05
(brown) - 2.17 i- 0.03 (dark brown). X-ray and thermal
analyses established the amorphous structure of the mi-
neral. Chemical composition of dark-brown and li6ht-
brown zirconolite (respectively, in %): ffb.,O,- 3.26,
2.86; TiO_ 31.69, 29.91; re_oj 5.49, 4.6o; Aiao,
1-03, lx4; tW 0-45, 0.50; ZrOa. 32-84, 31-17; UjO8
1.53. 1.75; ThOz 0.58, 0.4,6; ceAo.3 6.22, 6-oo;
Card 2/3
USSR/Cosmochemistry - Geochemistry. Hydrochemistry. D.
Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Kbimiya, No 9, 1957, 3o362
CaO 11-05, 10-79; FeO -, 0-36; Kno m6, 0.13; Na 20
0-37, o.46; SiO,,,2.05, 4.50; loss on calcining
3.35, 5.66; total 99.98, 100.20. TR composition, accor-
ding to roentgeno-spectral analysis data, is the same for
both varieties (in %): Ce20 2 5 ffd203 2.0, %03 0.7,
Gd2O2 0.4, Pr203 0-3) La203 MY' Y', Eu, Tb and Dy n . 10-2.
Crystallochemical formula: (Cao.76COO-151'aO-04UO.02ThO-01)
0.98zr 1.03 (Til -53 FeO -2-~bO-09Al0.00g0-04)2.01.07*
In the opinion of the authors, zirkelite from Ceylon (Bla-
ke G.S., Smith H., Kining Hag., 1913, 16, No 77) and zir-
conolite are, respectively, the uranium-thorium and the
rare-earth varieties of the all mineral species.
Card 3/3
Tranilation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 7, p 310(USSR)
AUTHOR: \_~azarenko. 1. 1.
TITLE: On the Problem of Determination of Niobium and Tantalum in
Ores (K voprosu ob opredelenii niobiya i tantala, v rudakh)
PERIODICAL: Tr. In-t mineralogii, geokhimii i kristallokhimii red.
elementov AN SSSR, 1957, Nr 1. pp 188- 194
ABSTRACT: The work is dedicated to the verification of the application
of various coprecipitators for Nb and Ta in tannic-acid treat-
ment and to the study of the effect of the Ti remaining after
the tannic-acid treatment on the results of colorimetric det-
er7gnation of Nb and Ta. For the determination of 0. 01 -
0*176 NbZ05 a 0. 5g test sample is i sed. The specimen is
decomposed with a mixture of FIF and H?S04, the resulting
reaunt mixture is treated with a 10/6 soitition of tannic acid
in 5 7o HC I with an addition of I cc of lu7o gelatin solution.
The Nb precipitate is filtered out and fused with K;,S;107,
the melt is leached out with a solution of tartaric z~crd and
read color imetrically. It is shown that the presence of
Card 1/z 0. 050/o Ti does not affect the results. In determining Nb
UZAREMM, K., Inch.
Increasing production of local building naterials. 5111.bud.
7 no.6:21 Je '57. (HIRA 13:3)
1. Temopoliskogo oblastnago upravlenlya po stroitelletwu v
(Bolobozhnitea Dintrict-Building mterials)
V.D.; PATU V.L.;
Irt!rensing the outr-rt ~)f n(.o7.iiv mills. Trudl Inst.chern-net
Ad URSIL 11: 175-11 31 157. (MLAA LC; -4)
kRol-,ing mills)
.. HAZA ~
Results of state variety tests with f aril crops. Agroblologila
no.4:496-509 A-Ag '60. (mMA 13-8)
(Field crops-Tarlati9%)
(L I HN X, ri
T, non r
RAZAU1110, L.r.
Birds with colonial nesting habits in the
and their ecomozic significance. Kato pa
severocap, rrtcher. no*2:151-163 '53*
(Dniester Valle3r-Blrds)
lower Dniester Valley
gt4robiol. t rybol. Its.
(MIRA 12:8)
UZARI~!FQII. Altra, ,
Attracting Wiculturally useful birds to the for"t plantations
of Odessa Provinces Pratei Od. nn. Ser.biol.nauk no.B(vol.147):
zoi-m6 '57- (MIRA. 12:4)
(Odessa Province-BIrds. Injurious and beneficial)
Crorest fauna)
ITAZ.AMKOi-,-LT;-;'TUZ xr, x.r. [iusefik, K.r.)
Resting of the cormorant Phalacrocorax p7g asus
Dniester Valley* Pratai Od. un. Ser.biolonauk
207-206 157.
(Duteater Vall~Y-COrr-orants)
Pall In the
(MIRA 12:4)
NKO, L. F.: Master Biol Scl (diss) -- "Ehe ornithological fauna of the
lower Dnepr region and its economic signiticance". Odessa, 1959. 20 pp (I'lin
Higher Edue Ukr SSR, Odessa SLatc U im 1. 1. Ilechnikov), 150 copies (KL, No 6,
1959, 136)
Recent discovery of the co=on eider In the Black Sea.
Ornitologila no.3:440 160. (HIFA 14:6)
(Black Sea-Ducks)
Affect of synoptic conditions on the passage of nigratory birds
In the environs of Odessa* Trudy.Frobl. I ten. sov. no.9:136-
145-160. (NIU 13:9)
1. Odeeskiw Cosudarstvannyy universitat.
(Odesfea region-Birda-Migratlon)
PUZANOV, I.I., prof.; NAZA16,11KO, L.F., kand.blolo.r.nauk
Eider on the Black Sea. Friroda 50 no.12:&4 D 061. (MM 14:12)
1. Odesskly gosudarstvennyy universitet im. I.I.Mechnikova.
(Black Sea--Ducks)
Acclimatization of pheasants in the nortkrdestern Black Sea
region. Ornitologiia no.61477-478 163. (WRA 17c6)
C. ; Y
Forestr,,7. Forest Biology and Typology.
1"(Zhfto~., Fo. 3 1959, "o. 10748
W the Prohl4w of the Biology and Natural Renewal of
)~;T(',. PUj3.
Tr. aorno-lasn. gos. zapovedn.v 1958# TYP. Is 46-79.
ACT In 1950-1952, the conditions of seed germination aLd
sprout gro-4th of sslf-so~m Juniper were being ascertained
at t4to base of the forest reaerve "GurWh" on the corth-
rarn olopos of Ta.-Kestea Ridge, J=Iperua aeravoohanloal
J. samigloboaa and J. turkestaaica were studied. Partic-
m1ar attention weA devoted to the study of the malsture
of the upper soll horizons and to the variations in the
tempsrature and humidity of ths atmospbaro. Here, the
auture2 ranaual of Juniper proceeds normlly. The prin-
401',R. PZhViol., No. 1959, No. 10742
7' 1 T T
ORI ry. MD.
A T4~)TPA CT n! oal obstacle I'M the renewal of jiaiipor is the divergence
41!. Spring of the optirm vetting ar4 the aptAm- temp,3ret-
ur~:) of the, surf ace War and soil. for tha most part, the
iprouts develop in the forest litter haming an excessive of h=us which contributes t-o their survival. Lol-I
arc-urnod Juniper plantations P-nd those .dth alearings are
characterized by uafavorable *onditiorui of renowal. The
growing over the clearings prooeeds slowly &ad their tranq~
formation into high-crownecl plantatim does not takepla*&
In the olosed-top juniper plantations, the ideroc-linste
fav~~,rs the renswdl imdor tho aanopy. The limiting factor
f Pri. JOUP. 1959, 10748
A 9 A C T in tho moting of aprouto and second growth is tEe dryness
of the noil In *Msumnr. It is reco=anded to gather the'
jtralper berry oozes late in autma or in winter aad scat-
ter f1ham on the snow stexting in February. - V. 1. 0-imov.
BALANINAv O.v kand. sellkhoze awk; UVINAp L., cauchn. sotr.;
.YAZARE~Mj,~.# Fed.; NAGIBINg P., tekbn, ad.
(Practices in growj~ig chicks for meat in Kazakhstan)
Opyt vyrashchivaniia miastykh tsypliat v Kazakhstane.
Alma-Ata,, gazsellkhozgiz, 1962. 26 nos. in I v. 13 p.
(KIRA 17:1)
bUCHNEV, Kirill Nikolayevich; RSDIKO, Andrey Somenovich;
BUKREIEV, Nikolay Vasil'yevich;JjAZL-- red.;
NAGIBINv P.p tekbn. red.
(Rabies of farm animals and its control] Beshenstvo
sellskokhozialstvennykh zhivotnykh i mery bor'by a nim.
Alma-Ata, Kazael"-,hozgiz, 1962. 49 P. (MIRA 17:2)
KHONIN, V.A.; SUCHKOV, V.A.; BESSONOV, A.A.; Prinimala uchastlye
TAVILDA:-MVA, T.F., dcktcr sellk~cz. nauk, prof.;
hA7AEEUW,,1_1,,, red.; NAGIBIN, P.A., tekhn. red.
[State herdbook of Red Steppe cattle) Gosudarstv,2nnaia plemen-
naia kniga krupnogo rogatogo skota krosnoi stepnoi porody.
Alma-Ata, Kazsellkhozgiz. Vol.14 [Karaganda and North Kazakh-
stan Provinces In the Kazakh S.S.R.] Karagandinskaia I Severo-
Kazakhstanskata oblasti Kaznkhskoi SSR. 1962. 410 p.
(MLL4 17:2)
1. Kazakh S.S.H. Ministerstvo sellskogo khozyaystva.
MESYATSEV, Aleksandr Stepanovich, at. cauchn. sotr., Geroy
Sotsialisticheakogo Truda; MAZAREUX0, L.I.9 red.;
NAGIBIN, P.p tekhn. red.
(Pregnant mare's serum and multiparity] SZhK-*$o mnogo-
plodie; 23-letnii opyt primeneniia gormonal-Inago matoda
povysheniia plodovitosti ovate. Alma-Ata, Kazsallkhoz-
giap 1963. 75 P. (MIRA 17:2)
1. Direktor sovkhoza "Chim-Kurgan", Kazakh SSR i starobiy
sotrudaik Vsesoyuznogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta
zhivotnovodstva (for Mesyatsev).
PETROV, Goorgiy h;
[Var I able mn~,.3 flui~i f I ow w! th ! nt.! flow
-ate along the way J.d. r f:V! J~kfk 0'.- OL Zhf'-
I-lie zhirl"'.0AI 1,
'U.,li, Iror I Va.-, I IY
lvai~)vi KAJ I
ot'l. red .; NAZA""I'Fl, A
orl C!; I'M' :11A It !;I I it I i I',)] In
Le lin, Cal se h 0-1 s ojob 1 '1 r... t'l:rlo 1
r. i! 1-,chikh v te khr
skogo gos. univ. 196.1 .
I . K hur I k c)v.,;'r- A y -- t i - o I t el riyy i k 1, 11 r,
Praftloone and prednisolono treatment In Infectious h"titis
(Botkin's disease. Trach.delo no.2tlO4409 F 163. (HIRA 1685)
1. lafedra, infaktaionnykh boleaney (zav. - prof. G.l. Khomenko)
Klyevskogo instituta usovershenstvovmd-ya, vracheye
MAURM -4xi'vev)
Peacetime fractures of the Jews. Probl. atom. 3:347-351 '56
(MT-gr 10: 5)
NAZARENKO, L..V.9 Cand. Media. Sci. (diss) "Fractures of the Jaw
in Peacetime and Their Treatment," Kiev, 1957, 18 pp. (Kiev Med.
Inst.) 220 copies (KL Supp 12-61, 287).