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5(2) SOT/78-4-8-20/43 AUTHOR: Nazarenko, Yu. Po TITLE: Determination of the Composition of Green Chromium Chloride by the Argentometrio Method (Opredeleniye aostava zelenogo khlorida khroma argentometricheskim metodom) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganichookoy khimii, 1959t Vol 4, Nr 8, pp 1829-1834 (USSR) A.BSTRACT: The solutions of chromium trichloride are of important theo- retical interest for the investigation of the coordination theory since they are an example of hydration iaomerlsm. Com- mercially, solutions of CrCl, hydrates are used in tanning &nd, in recent times, for chromiu plating and for the production of chromium contsiWng alloye. In spite. of this fact a survey of the publications dealing with this subjeot shows that the constitution of the different modifications of CrCl 30 especially of the formation of the green modification and its transition Into the violot one, is still unexplained* The author de- termined the chlorine contained in the inner coordination Card 112 sphere by the potentiometric titration with AgSO 3 (Table 1, SOY/78-4-8-20/43 Determination of the Composition of Green Chromiu= Chloride by the Argentc- metric Method Figure 1)0 Moreover, the transition of the .1reen dichloro totraquo-ohromium 11)-chloride [CrCl2(R2 4jCl into the hexiLquo-ohromium (III)-ohloride CrOl 3~ 6EI20 are quantitatively investigateds The measuring results confirm that the beparation of chlorine from the inner coordination sphere of chromium in diahloro-tetraquo-ohromium(III)-ohloride taken place graduallye Viret, oh oro-pontaquo-ohromium(III)-ohloride (motivation I 0+ energy 2 J koal) Is formed, which passes Into the hexaquo compound activation energy 27s~+-0*4 kcal)o The green and the violet chromium triahloride have dlff*rort structures and are probably hydrate iaomerso There are I figure# 3 Wiless and 21 references, 7 of which are So-ilots ASSOOIATIONt Institut obahohey I noorgenichookoy khimii AN TJOSR (Institute of Ooneral and Inorganic Chemistry of the AS UkrSSR) SUBVITTEDi may 2eg 1958 Card 2/2 GORONOVSKIY, Igor' Trefillyevich; ~k p~yl, eh; , EK C , ~kRq!!!0_,_juqy qvi '4 RYA H Yevgenly Fedorovich; KURILENKC, O.D., doktor khis. nauk, prof., otv. red.; IMAS, R.L., red.; KADASHEVICH, G.A., takhn. red. [Concise handbook of chemistry]Kratkil sprevochnik po khimli. Kiev, Izd-vo Akad. nauk USSR, 1962. 659 p. (MIRA 161l) (Chemistry--flandbooks, manuals, ate.) NAZARENKO, Yu.P.; BRATUSHKO, YU.I. Dst4ratnAtion of th* aquAtion WA -r ahloropent4alnaOirml chloride based on the change In the slactrio conductivity of a solution. 11kr. khim. znur. 28 no.1:17-25 162. (MIRA 16: 8) 1. Institut obshchey i neorganicheakoy khinti AN UkrS.'R. BRATUSHKO, Yu.I.; UJISM, T.B.; I;AZARK;KO, Yu.P. Determination of tho conduntivity of chlor-.3pen tar.--. ine chromi- ,-hlorides. Dop. All UPOR no.6t799,-j/98 163 (MIRA 17-0) 1. Institut obshchey i noorganicheskoy khimil AN UkrS3R. Pred- stavleno akademikom PJ-' UkrWR Yu.K. Dellinarskim (Belimaralkyl, IU.K.I. GO.--tONOVSKIY, Igor' Trefillyevich (Horonovolkyi, 1,1.j; liAZA~~Zlir.Q,_Iux!X-Iay,12vich; NEEK'7YACH, Ye-;ce.-.i Feio-i:~~ich; KTR110;KO, Prof., doktor khim. nauk, red. [Handbook of chemistry] Kratkii spravochnik po khimii. 3. ispr. i dop. izd. Kiev, Ilaukova dwr-ka, 1965. 235 p. 181-1) ),I oF airlorlds In the pren,----~ Tkr. -'hi-r. 51 no.;-907-915 165, n 3 (pirif khtaii All BFLkTTJSHKO, Yu.I.; NAZARENFO Yu.F. ~-J- Aquation of tmn.-i-Aichloro(ilethylenedianinechronlum chloride in the presancc of bivalent chromium. Zhur.neorg.khIm. 11 no.1:128-133 Ja 166. -- (MIRA 19:1) 1. T-jtj~.i)t, obeffichey I ncorganic,heskoy khimii Ali LrKrSSR. NkZAfmHL0,_",_(Nazarenko, ME.] Organization of milk kitchens. Fed.,, akush. i gin. 22 no-3:31-,32 ,6o. (14IRA 1434) 1. GlavVy pediatr Ternopollskogo obla3tnogo otdola okhrany sdorovlya. (TEW40POL-CIII LDHEN,. -NUTRITION) 15-57-4-5670D Translation from: Referativny zhurnal, Geologiya, 1957, Nr 4, p 221 (USSRT AUTHOR: Nazaretov, Ml. B. TITLE: Pressuring of Water into Heavily Watered Petroleum Deposits to Maintain Production from Flowing Wells (Nagnetaniye vody v sillno obvodnennyye nelftyanyye zalezhi s tsellyu podderzhaniya forsirovannoy ekspluatatsii) ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry on the author's dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences, presented to Mosk. neft. in-t (Moscow Petroleum Institute), Groznyy, 1956 ASSOCIATION: Mosk. neft. in-t (Moscow Petroleum Institute) Card 1/1 NFMaRml IONA -!FFA "rmmq UKABSKIT, N.M.; KIM(ATWV. L.L.; UNAIMIT, L.M.; RABUROV, V.G.; jo.U=97, M..B. Dovoloping now forms of imMistrial t4nd IAbor orpnirAtIons for automatic and remotely controlled oil production procesoos. Neftekhoze 37 no.2:18-22 1 059. (MIU 12:4) (Oil fields--Production rAsthods) (Automation) (RAmote control) UZARDrOV, M. B. ---- - - Characteristics of the edge water flooding method; a topic for discussion. Neft. khoz. 38 no-10:31-35 0 160. (MIRA 1):9) (Oil field floodirc) CILMOVSKAYA, G.1u.; REPIM, W.L.; MZARETOVu~!!At- Using field data to determine the coefficient of oil receovery with water drive. Trudy GrozNIT noilO:86-102 161. OURA T2) (Oil flelda-Production methods) .1 CHEKHOVSKAUP G.Yu.; UPINA,, V.L.; MAUREKOV9 H.B. Effect of some factore on the coefficient of oil receovery. Trudy grozNII no.10:103-110 161. OMU 15:2) (Oil fields-Frudection m4thods) K. o K APRYATKIN, S.S.; MAZAUTIOV, M.B.; TILTUPO, V.A. History of ardprospects for the dovelopaent of tte rjrozryy oil industry. Haft. khoz. 42 no.9/1001-56 S-0 164. (M114 17112) AMERIK, B.K.; IIAZAqETOVA, N.D.; HASHIIA)T, A.A. On the la7out for the remodeling of the fuel division of Grozcrl petroleum refineries. Trudy Groz.%I no.4:40-48 159. (KIRA 12:9) (Groznyl--Patroleum--Refining) IWAUTOVA, N.B.; BASKIWV, A.A.; VEM, B.K.; KRECHSTOTA. P.1.; . ~ OMANMMOV. F.V.; SUMI-EMIKOV. A.P. Industrial experinents on the destructive distillation of fuel oils. Trud7 GrozIU1 no.4:4P,59 '59. (KRA 1219) (Petroleum products) (Distillation, Destructive) UZAMOVA, N.B.; SUMFOV. V.P.; RASHILOV, A.L.; MIDV. P.K. intermeiiato distillate fractions In Viermal cracking imite. Trudy ()ro%NII no.4:130-141 1119. (KIU, V.:9) (Cracking procoose) HAZARSTOVA9 N.B.; KAMOVW 0 AA. zmeient type of tybular beater. Khia.l takh.topl-.1 xasel 6 no.4s5l-55 lp 161. (MM 140) I*,Uroznenakiy nauchno-issledovatellekiy neftyanoy institut. (Furnaces, Heat treating) 11AZARETOVA, N.B.; GOIDWS11TOK, I.S.; BAS11IWV, A.A.; FUZ1,1-1'TSOV,, A.A.; STLPUROP S.I, Certain problems involved in the recovery of solvents. Nefteper. i neftekhim. no. 11:18-21 163. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Groznenskiy neftemaslozavod i Groznenskiy neftyanoy institut. USSR/Pam Animls. Cattle. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Bicl., No 17, 1958, 78700. Author Nazarets, P. M. Inst Title On the Desirable Type of Dairy Cattle. Orig Pub: Zhivotnovodstvo, 1957, No 9, 50-55. Abstract: on the basis of an analysis of mterials of zootechnical recording and qualitative evaluation of cattle for a nur.-ber of years in the Pivmnkov and Chupakhov breeding farms of the UkMR, a de- simble type for the loebedin cattle breed was detemined. Cows imst be of strong conBtitution with a live weight of 600-62o kg; milk yicia per each 100 1,4),, of live weight 900-1000 kg, milk fat contcnt 3.rj evaluation of con- Card 1/2 Q 15 USSR/Pam Anir-als. Cattle. Abs Jour: Faf Zhur-Diol-, 110 17, 1958, 78700- atitution and confurnation 60 and nore points. Q Card : 2/2 IJTHOR: Nazaretskiy, B.V. SOV/19-58-6-599/685 TITLEi A Method of Processing Copper Mold-Cylinder3 of Deep-Print Machines, and Attachmentato Lathe-Type Machines for Putting it into Practice (Sposob obrabotki formnykh mednykh tsilindrov maehin glubokoy pechati, i prisposobleniya k atanku tipa tokarnogo dlya osushcheetvleniya sposoba) PERIODICAL: Byulleten' izobrateiny, 1958, fir 6, p 132 (USSR) ABSTRACT: class 67a, 9. Nr 11336o (585118 of 28 Oct 57). Submitted to the Committee for Inventions and Discoveries Lt the Ministers Council of USSR. This method eliminates jamming of abrasive tools with copper and distortion of the cylinders, with the use of superfinish bars of green silicon carbide of "100-11,126" grain size performing about 550 do-able strokes (of about 5 mm) per minute, with a longitudinal feed of 20-100 mr. per revolut- ion along the axis of a cylinder rotating at a peripheral speed of B-20 m/min, gradually increasing the work pressure from 0.3 - 0.6 kg/cm2 at the start to 2-3 kg/cM2 at the end of the. operation. 'he method requires two lathe attachments: 1) A frame for the superfinish he.,Ld, with gniides parallel to Card 112 the lathe frame; 2) A carriage saddle with a swivel holder XV/19-56-6-599/613~ A Method of Procesping Copper htold-Cylinders of Deep-Print 'VachlrjoB, nnd Attachments to Lathe-Type Machines for Putting it into Practice for the cutter and the superfinish head (first the cutter, then the superfinish hand), moving, on ioparate guides in the tarning and the superfinish oporations. Card 2112 3/122/~,G/~C 0/0-3.-,/) 13/015 A14,1/A13O AUTHOR% Nazaretskly, B.'/., .1andidate of Teonnicai SoIences TITLEt Superfzn!shing cop;sr PERIODICALI Vestnik ma3h!nos1.rYjen!ya, no. ), 196C4, 69 - 72 TEM It is a known faot that g-41nding -f ccpper 1.3 extre:-,A.1y diffic-alt because of glazing of grinding-wheels. C.-pper print cylinders in printing In- dustry art being fir.11shal, r,% a mpeilal :raahlne kp'.atee of slate In grinding heads and im.1ta"Ing --hos hmri m-it-mer.'s !,f ritn-_A_ w-~rk, nat tris pro,)tas is long and the iyllnisr imna-pm Im affem:,,&a. tae Ir ox;.,~wrlrrenta that s~jpArflnishllng with. green s-111--in ~arb!j-~ a:-,d water f)r -g mf%ar.!! f-ir i~~,~n r, de, i (, apite rr -,E- ad :~ f uEu a' sor is the best rra~hlr.!.. 4 -kerosene with oi-,, f~)- oil I-,e In Vlt',4 !-,f PT.:'Z'eE31ng)- S,~vls~t atandnrl green zar)!dei 11COC 1~' 1~.,. V2 220CM 1V &nd A"'M 1801 14 (ial(DOSIX, KZI~05-AK, FZ2203MUK a.,:1 KZM2;,,_cM.!F) a vjrfa~-e with micrz~i-,pln of 3.',7, 3.2, and 1.~ Ing wi-th 6.9 a.-A F.3 gettlg clog- ged with ~~npper). Tne efren--~ -.f grae:-. slli~~.In :,&rtlde .3 ex;~Iafrei '03, the Card 1/4 Superfinl8hing eje,ppljr Oftp&olty rt Its grA!r.A 1,) ALnd si %!.at s%ar; FT41nx are permfinent.17 pro~mtnt on 4.6 w~-rk A-jrfa~irt, tL%d wati~r niiclng & pst-~ 1.1 r,,r%Tnl,~d off grainn. Tt Im t-i lig" tWi 6;M:14"rY.113 - %*.ign and fine. A nolil fir ~,o;j:fsr IM (Flg. best rea,_~Itte we-!t~ thls !-.oNal 14,UX V,~Atla travil.4 a Mtnute ~ lr.,~ -ravil. D-rIZO and brat"S 1:7;,4 1,e R,;Perf "n-1 SA iz:,01 as oopper, en-A 11 in epxpt:~,,fil ti- 'tt w-11'. Le. al;'11-Atle. for an well. Suparfin!Ph :13ti r:.t dltl_,ql~ tht, Anor,-, (-,f pr-1,ntlang from The eirall special W&A l!'Pt"llet 1n a ',&'-he tcol holder InI AIA r.,)t require removal of the t-iil slide-) whic.'% is ne~,,!~n!arj -oi!th *,he extattzig saporfinish heads. .Its -operation 48 desarited In Int An eleotr!c manaal dril. (I) drives change goart (2) And (3) and snaf-j (4) wl'h t,te gear ()) ; oh.OL-,S,~, ahaf-.11 (4) have neake (5) Ahllftid frw ~ne 6hetf-, 4-mla for a dist%nom. that Je*,s".inan the travel of the work blo2ks. A ball b"aring (6) on the neck (5) is inside a groove in the slide (7). 'nie necks of the slide are held in bronze b-ishes In bosses (8) on the gear box. A thriat plate (9) on the elide (7) bears V.4shes (10) for guide pins (11) of the block holder (12). No leaf springs (13) on the thrust plate transmit alanping effort from thq lathe too! slide cross feed aorsw to the work blocks (14) hold In the holder Ly the sarew (15). The springs (13) are preloaded Card 2/4 S/122/W/OOOAONb1YO15 SuperfinishIng copper A161/Ai3o with the guide pins. A dynamometer (16) Is used for adjusting the pressure Oxert- ed by the blookA. The blockd (14) are clamped in theholders, but they may be attached by bakelite-glue on metal plates whichwould then be clamped. There are 5 figures and 4 referenoest -3 Soviet-bloo and 1 non-Soviet bloo. The refer- ence to the English-language publication reads as follo;tai Superfinishing, "Maohiner-i v. 165, 1949. card 3/4 TITOVA, A.I. prof.; GOLTKOIIA, T.M.; VOLKOVA, A.V.; POKROVSKIY, S.A.; DAVYD07, B.N.; NAZAIRKSM, F. Ye. Clinical aspects and trea'Urient of chroric Fneumunia in children. Sbor. nauch. trud. Ivan. gns. med. inst. no. 28:3-11 1 63 (MIPA 1".-I) 1. 1z kafedr-y dotskikh lx)l,~znoy ( zav. kafedroy - prnf. A.I.Titovu) Yaronl,ivskogo gomidnrijLvenn-go medJUInskogn iiirAituta (rfkLor - prof. N. Ye. Yarygin). got Au - ----------- 7SKI'THSK 0 A,B.; RAZAIMSUT, LA.- Underrunning the ship's ongim at oceawgrephic drift statlovA. Tray MI 19&103-1U 9609 (MEIJRA 14 s7) (Deep-sea sounding) I-LAW(MAII, A.M.; i-.K. Sulfite cmPlex of ailv6r. Ur,khim.,"Lur. 29 no-5:484-487 163. NIM 16:9) 1. Marlkovskiy poll tekhni chenkiy institut Lm. V.I.Lonina. NAZAREVYAN7, E. A. Dissertation: "Clinical Characteristics of flemolytic Diseases DurinE Chilling." Cand Med Sci, Acad I-led Sci UESR, 23 Jur, 54- (Vechernyaya Yoskva, Morcow, 1L Jur 5L) C. SO: SM 318, 23 Dec. 195h 4 -1 J USSR/Riumn and Animal Physiology - Liver. R-7 Abs Jour Referat Zhur - Biol., No 16, 1957, 70688 Author Bondar, Umzaretyan, Prise Title The Treatment of Several Hepatic Diseases with Lipocalne. Orig Flub Probl. endokrinol. i gormonoterapii, 1956, 2, No 1, 51-68 Abstract EigUty-two patients (76 with Botkin's disease and 6 with fatty degeneration of liver with different etiology) were given daily 2-3 tablets of lipocaine (L) containing O.lg (10 units) of active pancreatic liptropic factor and also 200 g. of cottage cheese with a large fluid intake. The administration of L vas conducive to a more rapid shrinking of the liver and spleen size; a return of the biochemical indices and functionsl liver tests to normal, and also to general improvement. In a few severe cases there was no effect of L shown. In 5 out of 14 cases of the chronic form of Botkin'a Disease,,L gave a beneficial effect. In fatty dystrophy of the liverL raised the le- vel of phospholipids in the blood. Card I./I Morphological change3 in chronic grfmosan poisoning, Sud.-med. f:*.;,.s-,,ert. 1. no.4:38-4,3 0-1,~-D 161. (L-:I;-A 14.12) 1. Iz Byuro glavnoy sudobnomoditoinskoy okaportizy !.Iinisturstva zdravookhranoniya Armyansko;r SSR. (MERCURY U0.1-IFOUNDS-TOXICOWGYY~ V AcdVI7 of strawNbrry-tMato propwratims, S. A. Mirzovan an R. A. Naxarc~ an ~!!ed, Inst.. Erenn). parsaakol. i straw-,, b"7-10= epti. Cn"talul ascurbic " OM' carotene 0 174-6%, and significant atnts. of alkaloids. .1. fruit a, The 10% ale. tit. Is diuretic (min. tflective dose in mice, 0.6 (A-r. SAS.); in medium dams up in h Mai. of 2 gjkg~ the in- cream in diuresii was 45-123.3%. Chlnrjkinc~4 was IfiteaM (40-90.579 rb-c In Cl out ut). Tests with the total alkaloids (rcm the fruits sho=that they WjVIY sic responsiblo for the diarrOx actlau. Julian F. Smith - MAZARETYAN, R.A. Pharmacology of the alkaloid-containing plant, Vinca herbicea. Trudy no.11:59-67 t6O. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Kafedra farmakologil (zav. prof. S.A.Mirzoyan) Terevanskogo meditsinskago instituta. (ALKALOM) (DOGBAME) NA 7, A 6 r14 &,/ V -.4. Twor, k.G.; MCM10, I.M.; UDODOV, K.G.; KOMMTSXV. P.I.; ANINOV, T.D.; ROKANOT, B.G.; MAZARMAN. V.A.: PNMOV. V.A. Introducing abundant radio facilities In villages. Test. eviezi 14 a9.346-21 My 154. WAA 717) i. Ilao'hallulk Swerdlovskoy MTS (for Texhov); 2. Machal Inik Mlya- novakay MTS (for Karchanko); 3. Machal 'alk Belyk1syckoy Icantory svyasi (for Udodav); 4. Machal'alk Rovenskago oblastnogo upmvle- n1ya svy&zI (for lonoutsev); 5. Glavuyy inzhener Alm-AtlnsW dir*ktsii radlosypst (for Amlaov); 6. Machallaik-SWingradakoy IRTS (for Romanov); 7. lametitell nachallalka Talinakoy rayonnoy kontory avyasi Armyaaskoy SM (for Mazaretyan); 8. Nachallaik Stavropolickoy krayevoy IRTS (for Petrov). (Radlo-Receivere and reception) (Radio In agriculture) mi ., . t - -, ,, ~ 1,-"I " .. , ,., .. . I I- I p .p I MAZIEMTW, To. L. ,"W KW*WjexftWvv Clinical aspect of hemolytic disease due to exposure to cold. Sovete mad. n0.7:22-24 July 1951, (CLML 20i11) 1. Of the First Therapeutic Clinic (Director - Prof. Ye. M. Tareyev), Moscow Oblast Scientiflc-Research Clinical Institute Imeal M. F. Vladimirokly. " . - . . . --r " Y -r! " " - Q . . . . . - .. . " ft, . - , , . 11; . a . 1'. ; ", Irif-C IL If'ri I~L, c :) ' ."A :~ !- ~,~; :' cried -- . -- v. ~ -, ~ . , " , ;,~ . , , 1 ":7 -). LI.A o' ~Lu---i,%n Accet3i-,L~nn ~~ f ~ . -rial . r. . L i - --- I I =66~- :-' )ec 6 Vol 13 1? Intermal I ed. 'iily 3423. SPECIFIC INTRACUTANEOUS TEST IN EPIT)FMIC HEPATITIS (Russian text), NazAzc-tvan E. L. , Ananev V. A. , Nevraeva 0. G, and Butyl-gina A.--17~~vanjiv-skit Inst. of Virol., USSR Acad. of Med. Sct, Moscow - SOORN.'BOIA.ZN BOTKINA' J%Ioskva) (Eds: Tareeva E. %1. and Shubladze A. K. ) 1956 (229- 234) The test was used in 5 1 patients and in a control group (41 pattents with other diseases and I healthy subjects). Specific embryonal cultures, controlled 1)3 CFT with immune serum. were used as antigen, Positive results were obtained in 18 out of 51 patients, the test being positive mostly at the peak of the illness (in I I out of 25) and considerably less frequently so in the convalescence period (3 out of 17). In a number of patients with the avute form of the disease the intracutancous test was positive as early as on tho Oth day of the illness and on the 3rd 12) of jauAdice, a fact enhancing its value in early diagnosis. The test was negative in subacute liver atrophy and in patients with the chronic form, %with transition to cirrhosis of the liver. It was on the whole negative in the control group, being positive In only 2 patients in whom the diagnosis was doubtful (? toxic hepatitis in one and ? infectious hepatitis or opinthorchosis in the other). Gugeva - Moscow (S)--- 7-4; BONDAR'. Z-A-(Kozkva); NAZAMUN, Ye.L. (Koskva); FRISS. I.S. (Moskva) Results of lipocaine therapy in some diseases of the liver. Probl. andok. i gorm. 2 no-1:51-53 Ja-F 156. (KLRA 9:10) 1. 1z kafedry propedevtichaskoy t gospitallnoy terapit (sav. daystvttellnyy chlen AMR SSSR prof. U.N. Tareyev) manitarno- g1glyeatchaskogo fakulltets I Hookovokcgo ordena Ionins malitain- skogo institute. (LIM. diseases. ther., lipocaic (Rus)) (LIFOCAIC. therapeutic use. liver die. (Run)) IFAZARMTTAU Ye.L.; AnNIYZV, V.A.; PUZMOVA, TO-M- REMINNARSUMPMW Activity of aldolase arid the haterohemaUlatination reaction la Botkin's disease. Sov.ma4. 20 no.5:66-71 Ky 156. (KLn 9:9) 1. Is laboratorii doyetvitallnogo chleas Akademit neditsinakikh nauk SSSR prof. Ya.M.Tareyava i Inatituta vimsolagit Akademit meditsinskikh nauk SSSR. (MCFATITIS, IMYNCTIOUS, blood in. aldolase & hemagglut. (Rua)) (DJISKOLISXSP aldolase in blood in Infect. heoatitte (Rua)) (BLOOD. a1dolass In Infect. hepatitis (Rus)) (AGGIMINATION. in various diseases. infect. hepatitis (Bus)) 7 7 1 - ------ , -~-jz7 NAZAMUM. Te.L.; SOKOLOVSKATA, Te.M.; MISS, I.S. ; VAIAJTSXATA, U.N. Practic6l significance of general work of the epidanioloj7 squad and. the therapeutic sectioa of a polyalinic in the early detection of Botkin's disease. Soy.ned. 20 no.12:33-37 D 156. (KLRA 10tl) 1. Is laboratorit deystvitallnogo chlena Akadanit ne4itsimakikh nauk SSIM prof. To.K.Tareyeve. polikliniki No.10 Shcharbakovskago rayona Hoskvy i lantituta virusologii Akademit maditsinskikh nauk SSSR. (HIPATITIS, IMGTI(XJS, diag. early diag.) MAUR TYAM, Ye.L.; ARAWYMV. V.A.; SHLYA12iOV. X.M. Clinical and epidemiological achievements in the prevention of Botkiale disease. no.):103-107 kr 157. (MIRA 10:7) 1. Is laboratorii daystvitollnogo chlena Aimdemii malitelaskikh nauk SSSR prof. Ye.H.Tareyevs. Institute virusologii Akademii eaditsinakikh nauk SSSR i Institute apidemiologii, aftrobiologit i gigiyeny Holdavskoy SSR. (WATITIS. ItWYCTIOUS. prev. ani control) Z.A.. doktor mad. Wuk.; NUARITTAN, Ta.L., bLad. Wed. owdr- Clinical STaluation of a microbiological Lnygstigation of the blood in Botkin's disease. Gov* mad. 21 no.7:105-112 J1 157. (KRA L2:3 ) 1. In kafedry obahchey I goopitallnoy terapii (zar.-de7stvItel1rqy chlen AKS nan SSSR prof. Ye.K. *Tareyev) sanitarao-gigiyanichaskogo fakulltsta I Kookovslcogo ordena lanina Ke41tsinskogo instituta Imenl 1. N. Sechenova. (HKPATITLS. IUMT10tS, nicrobiol. streptoc., isolation In blood (Bas)) (SrRW OCOCCUS infect. hepatitis strain, isolatton in blood (Rag)) AMNIMVp V A.; HARSKIY, S.V.; BMPJIOZVMIXY-0 S.K.j IU7AJWUH# Ye.L.; Pa, I.S. .1. ... Experimental study of infectious hepatitis in dogs. Report No.2t Cliniqal and laboratory findings in infection. Vop. virms.5 no.4: 466-473 J " g '60- (HIRA 14:1) 1. Inatitut, virusologii imeni D.I. Ivanovskogo AHN S M t Moskva. (HEPATITIS9 INFEGTIOM) HAUMUN, re.L. Some clinical aM epidemiological f6atures of Botkin 'a spid-me-dic hepatitis, Sov*med. 2/+ no.30740 Mr 160. (Km 14:3) 1. Iz kliaicheskoy gmppy deyetvitellnogo chlen AMN SWR prof. Ye.M.Tareyeva. (HPATITIS, ifarzmous) NAZARETYANO Ye.t.; SaSIMAYEVA, Ms. Scientific session on the problem of Infectious hepatitis (Batkinig disease). 25 no.0149-154 A 161 (HIRA 14;6) (HF.PATITIS,, IUFE6I~i) NAZARFTYA11,, Ye.L.) SEWDYARVA, M.Ye. Out-of-tadn scientific session devoted to problems of intestinal Infectlons (held] In Alma-Ata. 26 no.7t147-152 J1 162. (MIRA 15:11) (INTESTPES-DISEASES) MANIMP V.A.; BAILINSMY, I,F.; TKAGNEV, P.G.; FLA:~"IUUKHOV, Yo.F.; - NAZARET'Llit p Ye. -L. - Evalwition of aomo. diaimoztic tuats in Botk..-r.,'O ZI-air. mikrobiol., opid. i Imun. 33 no.3:3&.39 Mr 162. (ML~A 1. Iz Instituta virusologii A11.17 SSSH, kafodry infeltoionnyl--h bo.lczney TSentrallnogo instituta uaovershenstvovaniya vracley i Krannosovetskoy infektalonnoy WlInitay. (JEFATITIS, I?IFI,',rTIOUS) (E !,,ir i ut to c'm! s ) TARZYEV, Te.M*; NAZARETTAN, Yo,L.j SEMNDYAYEVA, Me.; TARZYEVA, I.Ye. Current problema of the clinical aspects of epidemic h9pa- titie. Test. AMN SSSR IS no.6:42-49 8639 (MIRA 17:1) itic.;TY hilp Y0.1'. (;hft ran terir, fAcs of the ietsfou of come orgariv anei ! :;1.~: , , - y 1.1 1, vj,.,,al hopat-.' ~Is. Vop.mad.vlrus. no,9z2jI--218 16/.. ip'S4) AFROSINA, Z.G,, kand. rived.. twik; AFf~U33YEVAp K,A., kand. med. nauk; A.F., AKER12-1-ArITO-10VT I'll P ?,M- prof.; BIZUGF.R) doltor med. nauk; dritib-Alt', Z.A,., prcf,; VAOILENKO, V,Kh., prof.; KIKODZE, 1.A. pkand. riied. r,n,,ik,, LAIKD~IBRATEN, L.D., prof.; WGIII01i, A.S.P kayid. :.:el. naixk- Wi%.1JROVP Kh.Kh., prof.- kand. me,!. nr,-,ik,- l,'OaAl,l---R, A.M., prof.; FLO"ATIKOV, pr-)f.-. SINFN1,110EVAI. M.Ye.: kard. red. nauk; TLREY---V, ~e.m., prof*.; it~IEYEV, kaill. red. nawk; TER-GH10-1-MA, jxrf.,~ (JiMlYSHEVA, Ye.V.. kand. nod. r-atAic.- SMURIS, L,.'3-, PYASNIFOV, A.L., prof., za.T. otv. red.; B-DG;,-L;L,'-.VS.KTY, r,~A.; ZE2-.ENDYAYEVA, !-*.Ye., red. [Multivoiume manual ---n Intornal diseases) Mnoguto=(je ruko- vodstvo J'c vulus,:nIm boloniam. YoAva. Fedltoim. Vol.~. 1965, 74 (MIFIA 16:9) 1 - j)oy2tvItwj'!,yy chlen A.1,11 !;SER (for Tareyev, Yc.M., IUZAREV and frMlITSEV,, A. 11. ._j U. S. "Oceanography.," Moscow., 1954. 163 pp. IVA -~? A PE 6 US.~R / Phamacology, Toxicology. Chemotherapeutic Agents. U-7 Abs Jour iRef. Zh.-Biol., No 2, 1956, I'lo 6160 Author iKuzovleva, N.P., Nazareva, E.M., Yegorova, I.N., Shatskaya, Tell. Inst -& Title iExperiments on the Use of Laucine and Tyrosine Sulfite with Other Drugs in the Treatment of Tuberculous Hen- ingitis. Orig Pub iTr. Konferentaii Po Proizv--vu i IspolIzovaniyu k7dnokialot V god, Me, MGFJ, 1956, 127-234. Abstract iIn the treatment of tuberculous meningitis, the authors used leucine containing preparations (Compositiont 5% elyoine and laucine, 0.5% glutamio said, 1V,. glucose, 5% aorbose and 1% NaOl) and a Z% solution of tyrosine sulfite Card 1/3 course of the disease, especially in its chroni4 fo M, improved the sense of general well-being, shortened the Card : 2/3 USSR / Phamacology, , Toxicology. Cherriotherapeutio Agents. U-7 ,Abs Jo-ar t Ref. Zh.-Biol., 1111o 2, 1.958, No 8160 y effect on the cer- Lbstraot z fnbrile period, and had a seLlutar ebro3pinal fluid, o3pecially in rases where anti-bacter- lal thorapy I'miled to influence the Inflam=%tory meningeal procos3ea. Me problems of indications, contrmi ndi cations, dosages, as well as the umthods of &minoucid therapy deserved further study. Card : 3/3 IAZUKOV, G.I.; IWARINICH, D.P. IC-- - Sedimnts of the Lover quarternary glaciation in the lower Obt Basin, Vest*Hoskun.Ser,4: Gool. 17 no.2*60-66 Vr-"bp 162. (MI-U 15 - 5) 1. Kafedra obshchago zemlevedeniya i kafedra geologii i geokhimli goryuchikh iskopayezykh Moskovokogo univeralteta. (Obt Valley-Glacial epoch) SERKIN, A~Ifq klOUOV6KAYA, V,N,,i MAALLV, 14,P.; JIMMINA, Yu.A.; NAZARLYICH, I.A. Anniveriuary of Professors 1,A.Koniukhov, VeBt.14osk.un.Ser-4: Gool. 17 no.1.79-80 Ja..F ;6/, (I-IMA 15:2) (Kordukhov. Ivan Aleksandrovich, 1911-) 77- V "'~ I - -7- 1 -112 AUINIOR: Kal Is ka K S ?Tazarevych, K.1% ant, fluJimenko 1 .0 . .9 - (Kul,skayap 0. A., Ns,7Arevich.,-.Xe.-.S. and Gudymenko, K. TIT". ~inre-Parth 'I'lements It Spectral ~nalyri~ 6f PERI',DI'.AL: Dopovidi Akademii 7auk ITkrainslkoi T"'T, 1 -~ r- nr 7 pp 7~9-7-' (Tlkr7-71 ABSTRACT: opectrochemical method 'r-,.qs been r-~eveloped for (!etr~r- 7,inin[: rare-e,-rth elements in artificinl rmi7tures con- forming to the menn chemical composi+ions of -1-.e of the r~ire-enrth oxi(les or of cerium Crouy. ""s method is br)sed on tl7e three-stnCe ;re-4,ioO.. 7,irconium is issued as an internn-1 stand-ir,~-. 'Pho-~oi~r-phs are taken on ~ hiCh dispersion spectrorrnph. I Iirf-,c- current are serves as the e)rcitation source. T)etpr- minntion TiMitS: Y 0.01'f - Yf Fd - 0 - 3' - Yf C. Ta - 31/ .;M - n. 10~ - 3-f Gd - ~74 - 3"' Dy - 3f 7r - n.()J~( - jrf Card 1/2 )pec'ral Analysis of Pare-rarth 7lements Tlie error is vlthin limits of Tj,orn rtre -11 tables and 11 references, 6 of-vihich Fire -ovlet, 7 American n-' 2 (lerman .,'LSSOCT-'I~TIO": Tnsty"u-ut heolohichnyl,h nauk M' URSR "notitute of t' TTkr"., ,eolo~;ic I~ciences AS PRESENTED: V.H. 'Pcn(rrch,--,.k, "ember Ukr')-'? SUPT.'ITTED: January 6, 1959 Oard 212 HITMVICH, B.P.; MAZARVICH. Te.S. Daterminatioa of some rare elemonts In natural waters. Gidrokhim. Mat- 30%177-180 160. MRA 13;9) 1. Institut geologicheakikh nauk AN SSSR, Kiyev. (Water--Analysis) (Ketals, Rare and minor) RAFALOSON, D.I.; KULAKOVA, M.N.; KR,UIW#OT.CVA, F.M.1 TETERTNA, Z.K.; LAZAREVA, M.S.; ORLOVA, N.N.1 EARANOVP, L.P.; NAZAREVSKAJA, O.V.; SHIBA, Ye.P.; MELICUNYO, K.M.; ZEU31KWSKATA, A.U. Significance of blood transfusion in the transmission of epidemic hepatitis. Zhur.mikrobiol., epid. i i=mn. 42 no.9:81-85 S 165, (MIRA 18:12) 1. Leningradakiy institut perelivanlya krovi, 1-ya, 2-ya i 3-7a gorodskiye stantaii perelivaniya krovi I Leningradskaya gorodskaya aanituno-epidemiologicheskays, stantsiya. Submitted February 29,, 19Q.. NAZ&MSKIY, G..a., (Moscow). --.- ...... - - --.- Development of spatial representat Ions during geometry classee. Kat.v shkole no.3:24-33 KY-Je 153. (Iff-RA 6:6) (Geometry, Solid) XMITEV,Pyurwya Hachka7evich; VMNKB, U.1a., prof., retserizent; .-_FAZAWS=j-OiA.. uchitt3l', rotaonzont; RCWXI,11, K.I., uchitell. retsenzent; OBUKHOVSKATA, Ta.U.. uctdtoll, rotsahzent; HOLCHANOV, M.P.. red.; KRETS. I.G., (Comparison and generalization In t~w tuaching of mathematics; manual for teachers] Sravnenie i obobahchenie pri obiichonii matematike; posoble dlia uchitoloi. Houk-ia, Gos.uchabno-pedagop izd-vo, 1960. 11+9 p. (KIRA 13:12) (Kathanatice-Study and teaching) -L NAZAR-E VS K-IY,,-L.-i SlILTRYGIN, P. Grain purchasing In the Russian Federationo lluko--elevo prom* 27 no.10t:~-4 0 161. (1.111RA 14: 12) 1. flinisterstvo -Pazotovok RSBSR. (Grain trade) HAZAREVSKIY,_j"; SHEVRYGINO P.; SKOROVAXOVP M.; HMUYWVP A. Receiving, cleaning, drying, and storing beans. I+ik.-elev. prom. 28 no.5;14-18 My 162. OaRA 15:5) 1. Hinisterstvo proizvodstva i zagotovok selIskokhozyaystvennjkh produktov RSFSR (for Nazarevskiy, Shevrygin, Skorovqrov). 2. Minister-stvo proizvodstva i zagotovok se1tskokhozjay9tvennykh produktor Kaza~hskoy SSR (for Ihnuylov). (Beans) HAUMSKIY, L.; SWJRYGINp P. Receive and preserve gmin of durum and strong vheats in an exemplary -nn-. Muk.-elev.prom. 28 no.7:3-4 JI 162. (MIRA 15:9) 1. HinistArstvo proizvodstva i zagotovok sel'skokhozysystvenrkykh produktay RSFSR. (Wheat-Ztorage) NAZAREVSKIY, L.; SHEVRYGIN, P. Receive and preserve efficiently the grain of groat's Alk.-elev. prom. 28 no.8:3-6 Ag 162. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Ministerstvo proizvodstvn i zagotovok sallskokliczynystvannykh pro- duktov RSFSR. ZArHAROY, Ye.T. (Simferopoll, billvar lo-nina, d. 95/7, kv.~) ; NAZATOIT.11, 11. G. Surgery In cardiac efhinococconle. Grudn. khir. 4 no.5tlO6-lCY7 S-Ot62 (MIRA 1793) 1. Iz gospitallnoy khirurgicheskoy kliniki (zav. - prof. Ye.I. Zakharov) lechobnogo fakullteta Krymskogo meditsinskogo Instituta. ZAKHAROV. Te.L. prof. (Simferopol'. bnl1var Lenina, d.5/7)-. RAZAIMTSKIY. 11-0- Radical siLrgery for a hydatid cyst of the lungs, Nov.khlr. arkh. no.1:145-49 J&-JF '59. (MIRA 12:6) 1. rafedra obahchey khinwgit (zav. - prof. Ye.I.Zakharov) Krynskogo neditainskogo Inatituta. (UTIMS-HYDATIDS) 11 ZAKUWVo fe.I., proC.; IIAZAILEVSKIX, 11-0-, dotsent Comento on A.B.Kheifital letter on "Radical operatiOn3 in Pchinococco3iso. Uov. khir. arkh. no-4:119-121 JI- A er 160. (MIRA 15;2) (HWATIDS) (SUitGLityl (KH&IFITS, A.B.) *Aev 706cbnoloa in tke Proauctien of Mqpatic ~D C1,roulta for TransforbarejO Yu. S. Xftmgauzo TAuvate of Stalin Prize., N. 1. Matarevskly., Moacov Transfo2bar Yactory IwmI fty- vp ,teat suktro-prou" No ll 3*9cribes nav 'process fcr maufacturing power Utnaformor shoots developed an& Intft&uoe& 'by t** Xftcow Trmxmfoftwr Plant IwnI Vabrsh6v in Uto 3.947. Nov Taveems is nw* sconfft4cal for UM/~Cloctriclty - Tranemmaroj, Pdwr N*i 48 tusse, I-easotes cembines witting sz2L ydnehino Vmw,ons; =kois grixftug of ak&eta automatic by "GoIal grbAlng bawkInOB; Inereasee uwawr of Aweta produc6& sinultswouBly; eliminates immal vivk In stacking Wieets on fraws (autmatioaW dilve the shoots rrcft the Press VIMAN t0 the Om- ".yer belt); zweheMiMs Interpladefis trbaeportatIca * oonveyor bAtm; eleetrame tic er=e, us#& for ftrap removal. xr) a It a 0 a a a d 4 A go p '& "flAZARMKI As so, -as of 9 -to 00 d go a 94 .60 00 91.1 .00 001 1 1 am mm I d mis4aft #w Ale 04 a"qmw. 1% 364 0 00 4) 00 00, cwmw wft too PWwdm Iran awkwok "PON606 almousk" sw boldn" A" coo am dw VIEW I I ft bra drawaf 49 too 41' as 0 ;i too Ir -'-#'?A lit IIAZAMSKIT, 111. 1. Concerning II.N.PavlovIts article "Puncture-ty-pe c~itoutr,." -tvt. Aor. 23 no.1:51 Ja 160. (14IRA 13:5) 1. Glavnyj inthenar ?4n!)V-nvskoro transformatornopp zavndix. (NInctric (,!itouts) (Pavlov, N.V.) BLRYUKOV, V.G.; BRITCHUK, V.V,; KCZHUKHOV, V.K*; KRAYZ, A.G.; KAYASHKOV, I.S.; -4k7A~~q4P(s FANCV, A.V.; FIETROV, G.N.; k-N RABINMICHp S.I.; SAFCZHIIIKGV, A. . Emmamtil Abramovich Manikin, 1905- ; on his 60th birthday Elektrichestvo no.1-1:86-87 N 165. (MIRA 18:11i ___aL&Q ; Britch-uk, _ V KQztjukhc?v, V._K.; ~,ry7 .1jr- _y, -hko,.r I S.; Naz ;~o; flaa67-1.. 'novich, S. I.; _Z,11.~;,TnK .L*A6 _A.._V.; Petrov, G. I OV '0 4 -V V. Z 4n nj ORG: none ,ITIF: io A. Man'kin, on his 60th birthday '0*Ji;CE': Elektrichestvo, no. 11, 1965, 86-87 ,'OPIC TAGS: electri6 4~ngineering personnel, synchrotron AMTRACT: Emmanuil Abramovich MANIKIN. who after )5 years of SCIentific-engineering work rankn as one of the senior workers in the transformer-building field. was 60 years old on 28 May 11963. After graduating In 1927 from the electrical machine build- Ing Institute In Moscow he became an engi-nee'r 07f tkie" Moscow ~-ransformer 6otory (presently Moskovskly elaktrozavod; Moscow Electric Factory)o He constructed and headed until 1934 -the transformer te t7ing station. During the 1935-1942 period he was head of the bureau for the design of special transformers, and during these years carried out numerous theoretical inveati- rntions concerning electromagnetic transformer caloulatlonn. Us methods for the calculation of transformer leakage earned Card 1/2 UDC: 621-314.21 L 221032-66 ACC NR- AP6013618 It., I,: A. -~ t. 1^. .L~'tZ i-a 1-947 he %ras dleplitj 'he of' 71-rtro- fucAciry. itud 1?%7, 'n,-y %onr,* Cvn~,Lvuctlusi Bureau) lie hLis 1ject-, ono~ of ;-,alr. o A, t-i wurl(lls CIrut 280 IMV synchrotron. From 1955 t0 1958 Z. A. LAN"XIN zleaaed the group or desIgners working on the 400 kV transformer -equipment of the Volgograd-Donbass povier line. Since 1960 he has been head of the transformer laboratory of the Vsasoyuznyy clektro- tekhnicheakly Institut (All-Union ElectroteohnIcal Institute) I= Lenin. In the same year he obtained the degree of Doctor of En- gineering Sciences for his works "Electromagnetic design of trans- formers, reactors, and charged partial@ accelerators." In the course of his engineering and researah aotivity he published more than 30 papers. Orig. art. has: 1 figure. [JPR51 SUB COM 09, 20 / SUBM DATEs ncne Carci 2/2, VAYEHATUXlY, 0..I~i, Produetion of bleuched woodpulp fr.-).., aspan In digusterv. vita contiruou3 actione LAM* i ders I,rom. no.3:18-21 Tl--S 165. 0,,,m.,- 12.9) SUBJECTt USSR/Geography of the U1 C-5-4-13/34 AUTHOR: Nazarevskly, O.R, and Freykin, Z.&., Candidates of Geographi- cal-Sc-Te-nces TITLEs Sunny Uzbekistan (Solnechnyy Uzbekistan) PERIODICALs Nauka I Zhlznl, April 1957, No 4, Pp 29-52 (USSR) ABSTRIM After a geographical description of Uzbekistan, the country is being analyzed with respect to Its Induatriol development since it was taken over by the Soviets, Uzbekintan is the second largest producer of cotton cloth in the USSR. The cities of Samarkand and Kokand have each their superphosphate producing plants. The chemical plant at Chirchik is the largest producer of nitrate fertilizers and the one at Kuyasay is specializing in toxic chemicals for agricultural needs in the USSR, The city of Begovat has the only metallurgical plant for ferrous metallurgy In the whole of central ksia. Charac- terlatic of Uzbekistan Is the fact that Its nerly built up Industry in equally spread across the whole count.-y and not cofteentrated around cities and &long r&jjw&ya slons. Uzbekistan's clImate Is hot and dry and extensive Irrigation Is therefore of vital importance in the planes. Rice, grapes, Card 1/2 sugar cane and an abundance of various fruit is grown in the TITLEt Sunny Uzbekintan (Solnechnyy Uzbekistan) 1~ -4 - kolkhozes which cover a surface of over 12 million hectares Cotton, however, Is the pride of Uzbekistan, In 1956, for example, 2,500,000 tons of cotton were harvested, Across the Syr-Darya river a huge dan was built in 1957 In order to form the Kayrak-Kum reservoir with a capacity of 4 billion cu m of water for irrigation purposes and for a powerful hydro- electric station, which will be completed In 1957. Although this power station is erected in the territory of Tadzhikistan, the republics of Uzbekistan and Kazakstan will mainly profit by it, due to their geographical position. (to be continued) This article contains eleven illustrations ASSOCIATIONt PRESENTED M SUBMITTEDt AVAILABLEt At the Library of Congress, Card 212 0OW; V') SMICTS UBW11~14 UOb'GL SSR 25-5-14/35 AUTHORs lazarovskiy, O.K. and Freykin, Z.G., Candidatesof Osographic TITLEt Sunny Uzbekistan (solnechnyr Uzbekistan) PERIODICALt Kauke I ZhIzal - My 19579 No 5, PP 29-31 (USSR) ABSTRAM i Scientists of the Uzbek SSR are busy finding methods of In- provement for all branches of their country's economy. Thq developed methods for earlier ripening of cotton, drought-' resisting wheat, better fruit and grapes. Tho-most Important stage on Its way to higher development of science In the Uxbok SSR is the opening of the Institute for Nuclear Problems at Tashkent. This will be a large scientific center, where questions covering the utilization of atomic energy for peaceful purposes will be dealt with and which will be open also to satentists of the other frloadly Central Asian republics. furthermore, an atomic reactor for ex- pertatntal purposes and numerous laboratories for theoretical and practical research In the fields of physics, chemistry, Card 1/2 IIAZAMVSKIY,, Oleg Rostislavovich [Abut-Ata; on account of its economic g*Wapbyl Al=a-Ata; ekonomlka~- geol:rafichaskii oeherk. Moskva, Geografgiz, 1961. 10elo. (Alma-Ata) 0.4lik 14: U) MD;TSq A.A.; 1IAZAiuVSKIYq O.E0 - --------- -..- - - Regional conference of econordc geo,-xaphers of tl,.e Baltic Regubllc3. Izv. AN S531-11'. Ser. geoe. no.':166-168 Ja-? 161. W-17 12 -2) ..a 4 (Faltic Statets-1:conomic geography-ConfTcsses) HAZAMSKIY, O.R. Conference on the toponyM of the East. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. geog. no. 4t168-171 JI-Ag 161. (KIRA 14; 7) (Asia_-Nanes, Geographical) (Africa--Names, Geographical) ARMAND, D.I,.; GAIRIAN, V.M.; PASHBITS, Ya.G.-, NAZAREVSKIY, O.R.; RYAZAIJTSEV# S.N. On the 8W,, birthday of Nikolai Nikolaevich BaranEk'Al. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. reo no.r:149-11T S-0 '61. (MIRA 14:9) ~Dlarans'kll, Nikolal Ilikolapvich, 1881-) DAVIDOVICHp V.G.j KOVALEVp S.A.1 KMTSp A.A.; NAZAREV5KITj.ORj POMMSHMXIT,, V.V.; POMUSp I.M.01YAZARTSE-Vt S-N-; FREYKINq V.G.; KHOREV, B.S. Rikolai Ivanovich Lialikov; obituray. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser,)geog no,lol66-167 Ja-F 162o (MIRA 151 (Malikov, Hikolai Ivanovich, 1900-1961) NAZW-,VSKIYP O.H. Meeting hcnorLng H.H.Baranskii. lzv. AN 33.S. Ser. geog. ra.2: 150 Kr-Ap 162. (MIRA 150) (Baranskii, Hikolai Nikolnevich, 1881-) NAZAREVSKIY, O.R. Coafereace on the principles of topomm. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. I geog. mo.0131-133 JI-Ag 162, (HIRA 16:5) (Hazes, Geographical-Congresses) DOLGOPOW, G.V.; XAZAVSKIY, N.V.; KRYUCIMOV, V.G.; MAYERGOYZ, I.M.; HINTS,, A.A.; jj!gALILM~KIT ~O.R!j FMYAYEVA, D.A.; PMHISffEVSKTY, V.V.; PMAWVSKAYA,, G.A4 ; PULYARKIN, V.A.; RYAZAUTSEY, MI.; FRMM, Z.G.; KHOREV, B.S. Gemadii Petrovich Hatweev; obituary. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser geoge no.61144-145 K-D 162. ifirm 15:12) (Matveev, Cfmmadil Petrovich, 1926-1962) NAZAREVSKIY, O.R. GeographLic distrLbution of the population of the U.S.S.R. Vest. AN SSM 32 no-5S121-123 Pq 162. (KRA 15:5) (Populaticn--Congresses) NAZAREVSKItf- 94RIG Types and special features of the formation of new settlenenta in Kazakhstan and the Republics of Central Asia. Vop. geog. no.56t73-94 162. (IGRA 15:7) (Kazakhstan-Cities and towns) (Soviet Central Asia-Cities and towns) LYUBDiOVA, Ye.L.; ULZAILE&Kly, Oj!~!__ Conference on the problems of oncrantics and toponym/. Izv.AN SSSR.Ser.geog. no.28153-156 Mr-Ap 163. (MIRA 16:4) (Names, Geographical-Congreasees) ZAYCHIKOV, V.T.; MATibITS, Yd.G.; NAZAREVSKIY 0 R ; MOROVICH, B.A.; FREYKIN, Z.G. I Teaching geography in the secondary school. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. geog. no.5tlIO-118 5-0 163. OCRA 16ilO)