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GRIGORYAN, A.V.; 1MVITSUYA M, L - -L-- . Indications and contra inil ications for strFer7 in chronic sup~%ratilve procenses in the lungs campl-'cated by hemorrhage. Sov. med. 28 nc.9: 89-94 S 165. (MTRA 18:9) 1. Kafedra obahchey khirurgii I Moskovskc-,go ordena Lenina meditsin- t3kogo instituta imen! ~'Iechenuva (zav. - deystvitellnyy chlen ~-MN S~;Sft prof. V.1.:Aruchkjv). TETENEVA V.F. (Hurs&nsk); KALYSHEV, Yu. I. (Len Ing rad); GRFBMN:K, V., , I.T. (lAningrad)i HAVIENOV, V.S.; IVASHKEVICH, E.1.1 SAFWNOVA, A.I. (Vitobek); WNIK, M.G.; 0KUXF-VA, r.M. (lovas"hirsk); NEDVMKATA. L.K. (Hoskva)l SENT-M-POV, S.M. (TladiV"tok); FELTAVSKIY, I.P. (Odessa); LIPSKIT, L.i.j NUTRIKHINR N.A. (Arktiangellsk); KERTNDV, G.N. (Boku)i BARAUN, V.Ta. (Sanarkand) Abstracts. Grud. khIr. 6 no.lilIP-126 Ja-F '64. (m"RA P:il ROM, I.Iftj HELITSKAYA, S.G.; BOLOTICHv I.P.; ORDYNSKAYA, V.V.; NEMVEDBRAIA, N.A. Study of silicon oxidation in air by optical pc:arlzation and photographic me-thodn. Zhur. fiz. khim. 39 no.Q:23--')6-23."18 S 965. (M:",,,A 18110) 1. Odesakiy taklmlogiaheskiy irwtitut imen! M.T. ~omonosovs. 'V' 1 4 ,-~=Kil 0 -!-..A-iM WelodomIg pbpimag conolW, od orgWe ahadstry. TM* 36oxyl-W 1%0 (MMA Uj 1) dt----.A- 0 - bd~ bieloosheow Mai - 1 MW I I lk , I I I Utsl~ Inutsus - - -- - - - - MCM) L 23W-" W(11)/W()/I,= IDTAAF GW ACC N& AP6004539 SGURCE CME: UR/0236/65/000/004/0199/0212 (A) AUTBOR: ftigg, IL t Itrzi, ikk". L I. Madvecksite, T. sed-Amlinetim of ItsdiamMi" hwingss. Arffldm~ 1110M I -above- Akabull TME: Tha'ftfi~ of GMA4=2 of me nowd IMMOMU"ta- SOUR CE: AN LUM' th a D. FIZI W3, o, Mmidwaidys, *a", no. 4, INS, Iff-216 P TOPIC TAGS: lower atmosphere, atmospheric radioactivity, radioactivity Measurements webeorokW ABSTRACT: IU authors pros-out relationships between the concentration of radioactive matter in the atmosphere and meteorological factors. Ile work Is based on the results of a 3-year (1"2-1"4) recording of Ow natural radioactivity of the atmospbere over Vfllnyus and Kaunas. A relationship Was obtained between the radioactivity of the surface layer of the atmosphere and the verticel tanperature gradient of the lower 100-meter atmospheric layer for the anticyclonic weather In the rwmer and auhunn and a cyclonic period In the summer. Divisduals am dde nldkm" nallis it possime to evande Go Wausaft of advaction an do do adwa -sdkw~qy# of IWw. It is dwm ftd ahmp MUM02160 L 23985-M ACC Nib APS004M A Ontain hads, an n1ded to Gw "Mdkw to do radiswift P- I- W Is 011MMIsbod betwem So olbnAdc "n of weather, on= one band, and the radioactivity and the amplitude of radloactiviti, on do other. It to shown that when a cloud of "hot" radioactive partidien passes, the relati(maldpa established are disrulted. It Is noted In conclusion that the present investiSation an well an the literature review presented show that no well- defined relationship In obsirved. between the radioactive concentration In the surface layer aml the behavior 61. the Individual awleordlogical factors. 1U 1~ isent author. therefore, makes an attempt to couq*m 69 corapkxes of circulation factors with atmospheric radioactivity; this comparison, however. does not provide a final resolution of the qwwtion, and, hence, the Inve splias of Me r"onaldpa of do weather with at;mospberic radioactivity concentrations m offftvd for renarcL OrI& mt. has: 8 figures, show OOEUMW. 811001"Cals g tou". and 3L bmwass. iBUS COM: 04 -/MMDATR /CRIGRXF: OW/OTHRZF: 034 V RAW :r, & jV 22932 S 'I 23/t 1. ltlk)& A,~34 IA. AMORS: Ourchonkov, VA., Nedvotakly, V.I. TITM High-efficienoy "corn-typo" milling cutter ("kukur,_4znaya "reza") PZRIODICALi Reforativnyy zhurnal, Mashipostroyonlye, no. 8, 1961, t.1, at)stra- 80477 (V ob. "Nokotoryye vopr. takhnol. proiz-va turbin" [Tr. Le- ningr. metallich. z-da, no. ?], Moscow-Leningrad, 19&G, '37 - 3~1- TNXTt The authors deacribo the design of and milling cutters 30, 4C And 60 mm in diameter with rellev*d tooth ("corn-typ*" milling cutter), suggested by LXZ workers. In contrast to the milling cuttors according to r_OCT (GOST) 4675-49 (and correspondingly OOST 4675-59) , "corn-typo" cuttors have a small*r number of tooth corresponding to Z - .3, z . 4 and Z - 5, a larger angle of inclination ~W - .400) and a larger chip groove volume which makes It possible to use higher cut- ting conditions during the machining of steam turbine parts. Thera are and 2 tables. S. A~rjtr. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 1/1 WDYUMMv--1-j SALA?SKIT, V.I.; KZOV, I.V.; FURM, V.I.; SARAMZV, V.1L, takhn. red. [Angular distributlove of2 &(-Particles and total cross sea- tions for the reaction C (t,0< O)DIIJUglo rasprodelentia X - chastits I poln" sochenlia reaftall M(t, 0jpAll. Dubna, Obledineanyl In-t iadernykh Isele&vanji, 1962. 6 p. OGRA 15:12) (Alpha rays) Welear reactions) rfc jg fl Fq b"Am couldib i bmtl~ ot the "1111, Xtil 'flu now= 7 - ff.7) -Z V] 14" Wl~ -X~ IL, STYRO, B.I.; GARBALYAUSKAS, Ch.A.; LUYANAS, V.I.; MATULYAVICHTIS, V.F.; NEDVETSKArM,-jj-.; TOMS, I.S. Secondary dust component of radioactive contaminations In the bottm atmospheric layer. Atom. energ. 15 nc.,:33'~-341 0 161. (MIRA 16:10 IDTOTIC. A,; IDW, B. Coftulability of blood proteins in heart disease. Srpoki arb. cislok. lek. 83 nn.9:954-961 Sept 55. 1. Institut me fisikalmi terapiju Modicinakag fakultota u leogradn. Uprevatk: Alsksandar Rotovic. (DIDOD COAGULATION, In various die. heart die., determ. technic A value (Bar)) OMA DTSRASI. blood in eo W lability of blood proteins. deters. technic & value (S*r)) RMVIC, A.; NWIDAK, B.; PWROVIC, D. Iffoct of wars medicinal water of links, I&Aja on electric excitability of serves mad muscles. Srpkl &A. celok. Isk. 84 so.4:455-459 Apr 56. 1. Imstitut, sa modictmaku hi4rologlju I klimtologlju Madialmokog fakulteta u Roogradn. Upravulk: NIlutin lookovic. Institut a& ftsikslau torap1ju Nedicinskag falrultsta u Beogradu. Uprawalk: Alokmandar Retovic. (NALNIDIDGY. Stake Banjo,. Tagool.. off. of warn radioactive water on electric excitability of nerves & wwc. (Ser)) (IMIS. physiol. excitability, off. of wars radioactive water at links Banjo. TWal. (Ser)) (NMLW phystal. game 4m EXCERPTA VEDICA ioc 18 Vol 4/1 Tbc he'art in rheumattild arthritis (%wrhian text) 1,.. I- Jil- i"Uhl. 111111 (vwrv. Forty patient% were exammud ailtj cj;j_jjjj*tl & of lie ts h Ots.c.r, err),, of Ot Ora 'A'cq- r1k. Ort'rjff Ic Prof. "0 (tat 181h.a(Ir Off Nott" Parr torit .A til It-q% 1r,j at rhe'JI "19 W-id% "atir 1"'lfh actrir flit, dw. I Ocrtirr,') BBROVE.Zagarim; MWTIM.Boris; i[ORUMOVIC.Nadosda; Wl'ICIC,jAjubica Cervical spondLrloarthrosls, Srpokl arh. colok. lek. Oll no.1:1-11 is l6o. 1. Polikliniks. gBoris Kidrief u Bsoaadu. UPIMLvnik: prim. Ar Sagorka Berovic. (SPINI &is.) BZWVIC, Zagorka, prim. dr.; IoOPICIC, Ljubtca; MWVIDSK, Borls; KORUNOVIC, fladosda On lumbar gyndrow. SrpskI arh. colok. lak. 89 no.1155-65 Ja 161. 1. Reumstolooko odoljenjo Poliklinike "Boris Kidricm u Bsogradu. Upravnik, prim. dr Zagorka Berovic. 2. Clan Uredivackog odbora, *Sr?ski arhiv sa colokupno ltkarstvo* (for Berovie). (BACKACHE) YUGO!)l AV78% Docent -jr Zlatinir Dr --rrt br Ivan UkkiRT-. :jr Inris and Ur L lubica LCI ICI' Jn~c Medical FA~- lit",t University (K'inika za holc-stl Aed!cinskc. !Leta), l4e."i (111fravnik) Prof Dr 1. S~Y79LVIC; aiiJ Tl-Jr~: an,--ArLx Q;mr. zdriv.)a) -Boris Kldric, Head PrimarIlis ~)r 4. VM,VIC, B,L "Corneal Ch-inE;,,s Yr-,lov?cd -csochfn Trcatm4 --I Brl7radc, 1'edicinaki Glasnik, Vol 1~, No ';, Sel, PA2; rj !4(j4-4';7. A-~-st-ra-c.cs Discussion of the llterat--,re re~;arJlng -ontroversia, dernsits in the cornea following irolonged P sochin t-eatmer., , an~~ review of 41 patienrt, trenrt-d by a~,ihvrs (rrmmatnid arthritis, systmic 1upul and smiLar). only In t) of these :oull any corncal chnn-,es h- found, and syrnrtoms were doubtful, eAcItcd oriy upcr Onu r~otograrh o' specific questionLnZ. dtfFoSft&. 22 'destern references. 19 SUVIDAK, -T1rI; BOSCIUrM. Viktor, HLRUDOVA. ladmils - WMINIM Id~mIolW & clinical picture of ticic-borne enceplialitis in a natural focus of Infection in the region of Moravebw Ostrava. Cook, epidsv6 a1krob. Immn. 7 no-1:9-14 "a 58. 1. ~ v Ostrava, redital Dr J. Verns. Inf. odd. KUM v Ogtrave, prednosta prim. Dr A Venclova. J. S.. Ostrava, No belidle 5. (MICVULITIS. VIMUG' spiasmiol. tick-borne, in Czech. (Cs)) PZOEKA. J.; JANICEK, B.; NEVVIDEK, J.-, SUCHANEK, N.; SKVEUIOVA, K.; MMOVA. B.; VaBECKY, JT.: V-CJMA, H.; VOLAKOVA, B. Immunological survey of Influenza In the Czech regions. J.hyg. opidem..Praba 4 no.4:477-488 160. 1. Institute of Spidemiology and Microbiology in PriCue, Micro- biological Department, Medical School, Brno Univcrstty-, Public Health Departments in Jihl^Ta, Brno and Ostrava. (IffW11ZA immmology) VESELY, J.; SEIFERT, J.; I&DVIDM, J. Some aspects of the pathogenesis of spontaneous and transplantation lymphoid leukaemia in AX nice. Neoplasms 8 no.4:363-370 161. 1. Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry, WAS, Dpt. of Biochemistry, Laboratory of Biochemical Cancer fiesoarch; Chair of General Zoology and Comparative Physiology, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Charles University Prague, Czechoslorakia. (LEUKU41A LDWIMYTIC experimental) VESELY, J.; NEDVIDEK, J.; S&IMT, J. Microspectrophatame try of the demyribonacleic acid in the thymn calls of leukaente and normal Ak nice falloV14 the application of opinopterLn, Asauridine, and phosphorsaide in vivo. Neoplasma 8 ne.4071-378 'bl. 1. Institute of Organic Chazintry wW Bloobmdvtry, GSAS, Dpt. of Blocbwdstry, Laboratory of Biochemical Cancer Research, Chair of General Zoology and Comparative Physiology, Faculty of Hatural Sciences Charles University, Pre' C hoslovakia. (DES&YRIMOCLaC AGID chem. (T*HCM40 GIAND ahem.) r (LEUD20A Lv?fPF0rrPI(' exner.r (AMINOFTWUh pharmacol.) VESELY, J.; SEIFM-G, J.; I&DVIDYAp J. Meroopeatrophot,ometry of the deoxyribowleic acid in the th7ma calls of Isukaemic and normal AK nice. lboplasma 8 no.4:37-386 ,Q. 1. Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry, CSAS; Dpt of Biochemistry, Laboratory for Biochemical Cancer Research and the Chair of Genera.1 Zoology and Comparative "iology, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Charles University, Prague, Czechoslovakia. (DISOIDaBONUCUIC ACID chem.) (THYMUS GLAND chem.) (LEMMIA LYMPHWYTIC experimental) VILIMOVA, Vera; NEDVIDEK, J. GhwWs in =a content durinC awly embryonic development of Rewpum laevis (Daudin) and RAns temporaria (L.). Folia biol. 8 no.60ft-389 162. 1. Departwnt of Experimental Zomology, Faculty of Scieneq, Charles University, Prague. (DNA) (EKBRID) -NEDVIDEK, J.; ASPERA, J.; SEMMA, B. Results of a study of col.lective imminity ofainst tick-borne encopha.Utis In Ostrava region. Cesk. spidem. 11 no.1:62-64 Ja %2. 1. Krajoka hygienicko-opidemiologicka stanice v 09trave. (ENCEPHALIT15 F.PIDEUG imminol.) NEDVIDEKP J.; JANDA, V. , -r --. r'ytophctrnet,-7 of deoxy-r!bor.-,;c.,-ic ac',,' ~n :-:-,-,7 '--r nucloi. Folta biol. (Praha) '.1 rnOzZ46-2-40 Itz 1. DnTn--tzrrir:t of Rxperimprtal F,ir%.ty , f Scl,!- -:1, Chii r 1 P:~ -~ ! - --~- ' ' v, P-ai,-u;-, so so Doe 00 00 10*180 A of A E ra C~ mild 1--i 0 41 00 I I : 0 1., A-AL w0, 0 -.Poop0 .09 .00 -00 400 -.00 .00 MI I IMA- .00 B. L Kan" doe 400 "609 as* 6*0 doe doe goo Ives 100 1 Soo* 0 a 000000 awftoafa~.-* k. 44 Istortwomm"j, OPUS lostrAmmots, Plessaring w2otlectiag Gas laterferameter With Coopre"Loo Compeamator,m P. U. Redwiga, Uporoft Imst of Agr Nook slag, 5 PP aftwed JU" Vol IN, ft 7 IJI - 3 Uvft 4esigs, c=wtructloo, ad tests for a refleaUra OW-Laterferometer with oampressiou ocapeamstar. vww~wpww projecting aptem comists of comave mirror ad h-sperts" Alaghwups. AUmt &U c9tima is- pmffvfu~ hwe bow 011SAM4446 we VOISUVOI mt "freaval'A&L. SMUPO a" 0090 93ately Indepeadeat of atmospheric pressw* ad Salmorsture IITAVRM A J7, H, ~ it lfelviCa, i- T": T C-i t~. a 11 j-,i me tcro ~a I I t y f s t r I:, D I (C ~ar-L. io, tra:-..'. *, ac I ie at.,- e ri t, r I t r,~ v, C' ., , ..RIC DI CAL: Priborost royeniye , 1 :Tr 1 1 '173S R) A'13T AV T I f a , a r a' 1 s i r.ii h c ' 'a e ~, nt rQcc 3 a rr r,-i, the processes t;i.':in-- klaco In t~.,~ -n~- ts.:rin-, ~111i-jrl Irl" the ;rocess of moas,:ri.%, it Is foun t'-t t'. - 4-lity t -.,easurin,- :-,ucl-ani3m 1 -i~,s a lecisive ;art. CV-.(!r !o-n. nt (.~f the levict- 1--,y the Li o f an L,,:c i I function. If we assume that we measure V:e amount f (X11.1U ... 11, I d depends on the basic ijarameter x anI on the fL.ctors t,u.. tie find that the factors t,u cause the neasurin(~ rs!sult washed out. Let It be assumed that, %fter IevElo:~;i-ent in series which is broken off already after the first fl-- .7 t r 3 , the following functional form applies: f- fo(ax + Pat + -"&U . ..... ) The relative error of measurement t-,iay then be ex~rvsse! Card 1/4 On Vie Parameters of 4uality of SOVI 1 19 - 5 8-5/ 1 Ileasurine; Devices Sat + lau t ..... U or b~, stptt + + U. xx where Sx ~Ienkotes actual sensitivity and Stv 3 .... t h'! parasitical. sensitivity of the functica f to the of the correspondinE parameters. In the nu-.ierator of the equation (3) we find the eum of the parasitic m,.dificitio.7 of amounts, actual values allicarine in the lenoninator. The inversely 1roportional amount to .. -71:10,. rei;resents the accuracy of neasurement, c:.aracteri,.,.~s U.4; quality of the measuring result by the equation: ax A. 3At + yak, . ..... It in therefore advisable to determine the ratio of the .:aounts Card 21.1 mentioned in formula (4) as parameters of the quality of a;-,,- On the Parameters of Quallty of Measuring Devices SOV/119-56-8-5/16 measuring mechanism. Modifications must be effected In accordance with the con- struction of the measuring device. If,,for example, the angle of rotation of the system is intro- dud4d both in the numerator and in the denominator of the equation (4), and if a, 0, Y denote the moments of force, the energy characteristic of the device will be G~ a Ey Am Vf + Lt + 2;u. ..... where Bx denotes the work of the useful moment and Et. E denote the work of the idler moments. There are 3 references, which are Soviet. Card 3/4 On the Parajusters of Quality of Measuring Devices 1. Ms"urewnt-Errors 2. Measurownt-Analysis SOV/119-58-8-5/16 3. Mathematics Card 4/4 83984 13, 2-?ao S/11 60/000/CIO/008/~14 BOI 2yn63 AUTHOR: Nedviga, P. Ya., Candidate of Technical Scienrea TITLE: Crterion for the Calnulation of Parameters of Measuring Inotruments N"N PERIODICAL: PrJborostroyeniye, 1960, No. 10, pp. 21 - 22 TEXT: The present article shows that the criteria for the -alrulation of parameters of measuring instruments are the values ef the figures of merit A a - Myy/)~ and A x - Q/MT, or the errors A aT ' HT/M Yy and AxT - VT/4 at the. critical points. The quality charactqrlsti-~s LaT and AxT differ in the.t they take account of different demands made -n t-ho- instrument, but otherwise they are equivalent. K is thq specift, Yy stabilizing momer,t of the effective power. K T is the tot&: am-,-int- -,f the parasitic moments of resistance causing the Jnd,.catirn err')r f *-re' Instrument. AaT Js the angular error due to the a,~tlon of the parasti7 Card 1/2 83984 CrIt,3rion for the Calculation of Parameters 8/-.1 6o/ooc/'cic/xa/o*,,, of Measuring Instruments B012YB063 moments of resistance. Ax T is the error in measurement raused 1,y 1-ha action of parasitic forces. Q Is the reading of Lhn maaeurelt %tilup. / , There are 4 Soviet refeTen,~es. Card 212 IEDVIGAY F.Ya.; S-hy;lj-q"N. 11.1&. fiaticmter with -~onoleutric counttira-tive momnts. x ri barns truerille no.70L-10 Jl 16*31 (MIRA 16:",) AFANSENKO, P. F. ; M4MV, ill. M. ; NEDV IGA, R. A. , r.7 .. -- - , -:,, -- - t . . "Fiz I ra-.*;.t ~ e ~f-te , K ~ :,, za rci~ . :~q~ I If- e po s It mitte 1 'c,r 't.,. Irit. , r ~ "krlt ~. I., i,- . - a'. " F t , .:, ~- . C, W , , 'A-. -:, ... , - rt r Mc)b--clw, . Aliw I - . NEDVIGA v 1L.A. _ Itromic features of the furniture of kindergArtens in the City Df Pnowl ;coliminary report. Sov. sdray. N'r. no.ls36-38 Ja-.-' #62. (K V 15: 4) 1. Is kafo&y gigiyany saniternogo fakulltata (sav. - doteent O.A.GWsovWdy) Kirgizakogo gosudaretvennogo moditains:ogo inAltuta. OmwSz.-Kilax 2~4 (mm-nils vwwirj~t--) NEVVILA, R.A. Content of saw mineral @alto and trace elewnts in meat w2d =If- products of KirgMsistan. Saw. zdray. Xir. no.2:32-34 Mr-Ap 162. (KIU 15: 5) 1. Is kafedry gigiyany sanitamo fakullteta (sav. - dotsent G.A. Gudsovskly) Kirgiukogo goaudarstyennoip meditsln3kogo instlwta. (KIRGRIZISTAN-FOOD-ANALYSIS) ~ThAGE EMMITS) U3DV I C-A, S . N. :'!as t o-r To! ch S( ~ ( ! , 8s) -- "Th.- , - [ -ct i i --, - .-, .. ~F ; .~ th~ methane c.miLent of mimis In the central rk-~~ion 4,t the :),,t+as . 1.. 1 vka, 1q58. 27 pp (M in H i ~,,her -'dij( 'Jkr SSR, rr,vsk i rl , r ! ; at) r ~ - I Banner Mining [nst i m A r t em) , j ~ 0 ( (,p to! % (Vi., No : I , 'M. . 20 ) MVIGA, S.P.. lash. ..60- Relation of the "ethane content im imines the Donate Basin their water lo=tng t. Ugoll Ukr. 3 no.R.19-22 Ap *59. GAgnets Basin-Coal geology) (Mathano) of the C*nt-al part of and the depth of erosion. (MIRA 12:7) (Vater, UTAorground) ROTOTIC, A.; PAMVIC, D.; NIMIRM, B.; KILICNIC, L.: T0141C. B. The first results of the research on biological off"icts of the sestatortm at Ntsks Banja. Srpoki arh. colok. lok. 83 no.4: 444-451 Apr 55. 1. Institut sa modicInsku hidrologiju I klimtologiju Modicinskog fakultota u beoCradu. Direktor: Milutin Nookovic. Institut as fiziltalm torapiju Nedicinskog fakultsta u Boogradu. Upravnik: AlskeaaW Rotovic. (RADIOTHIRA", in smatortus Itska Banja. Yugool., biol. off. (Sor)) (BALMM(ff , Make, Ranja spa, btol. off. of @sanatorium (Ser)) MUMOPT --& a; Va Treatmovat of chroale arthritis. Ned. glass. 10 W.I: 29-33 JAM 56. 1. Follkltatks 4orle Ildrieg ( gprwatkr rmf dr. 9. Berevic). (ARMITTS. EMNMID. ther. (300) CHEBOTARI, A.P.0 Geroy SotaialiLiticheakogo Truda, zvenlyeveya; NZDVORAGnIA, 0.1, otw. za vypusk; WRYAC12SKO, F.p tekhn. M-0 -- - - (Ifigh corn yields every year] Kazh4i god - vyaokle urozhai kukurusy. Kit;hirev,, Imd-vo sallkhos.lit-ry VSKh M-03h, 1962. 9 P. (IURA 15:7) 1. Kolkhos im. Kotovskogo L:pkanskogo rayona (for Chebotarl). (Holdavia-Corn (1-laise)) REDVORYAGINA, 0... red.,- PANIN, V., red.; AKSYUK, A., tokhn. red. (Lectures on vegetable CardestaglLocktail po ovambehavedstvu. Kish1mv, Isd-vo "Ilkbes.1it-ry, 1962. 158 pe (MINA l6t4) L NoldavUm S.S.ILKWaterstvo pmIsvodstva 1 sagotovok sell- khosproduktov. (Moldavia-Vegetable gardening) NIKOWENKC, Matvey Step6ncivi~:h; NEDVORYAGINA, 0., red. (Dw.rr vardens are our pride] Karliko-7ye sady - natha gor-iost'. Kinhinev, Kaxtia. mcAdmeniasket 1965. !6 p. (MIRA 180) 1. GIP -"yy agrcnom kolkhoza "Krasnyy sadovod" Tiraf -poll skogz, rayoru , aelo KitskaM, ~'onldaviya (for Nikolayenko). GONCHARUK , N. I.; NFII%",:'y A G INA, - . , rt,.,j . (our succes -in 3 . r *.ne d,j -,wi. o~ a pnt of rj(,r' ~ c ~, . *u:,,! . ~ us pokh, v ra iv' L ',I s;~,ovods ' ,- . Hzl~,Awv, Fartl-i molo- veniaske, l9f,~ , 21 p. ( l/. IRA 19, 1 ) "The 'Veprmiin or t I ir Av~i le :-1 3 For jrr-,,-n :,'(,rt!I!wr n,V ~-p ;r, 'n ,",r, Pr Benin A ric dt,-,ra.' Apr j-ir-ve- o~ -;c ent, :`.C ;1:14: ec j. 3f 31-n. NO. 701, .;ov ical al. 'J,S;R ;Ii.-her 7,4hicational ins;. 1J L!A ions (I- ',. K UDRYAVTSEV , N iko lity V Ind i - I --v I c h; L~ i l' A I N , A I o k jo.~ I v anov ic h; PANKOV, Ye-igeniy A. )llyevlclh; T.7MINOV, r.V., red.; siumlaw., -e(j. [U~ersticn and repaIr of ships on underwater aing: Ek!~ - pluatatslia I remont iudov na jorivodnykh krvll~i~k:i. ,!o- skvn, 1'ran:-,,,ort, i(4-4. D18 j . 1. 1 1:1 1 P x: -,7 5 v rF--- 7.,-7 F. - xv- 4;Lf W I , - ~ -i~, -~ - ZIA thit. bulL sA& tbgt- vA ."HSUU7-1. out: Ne, 7~m i~kf~V %I NW41MW4 ffff MEWd ~Mm4mffmm ~Wlmwmm~ --7-- :r7~ T--. i17 r 7 17-7 PY-5 It ~,rV TE. 43, A-5 ~tz-. 3V TI ~iF; q e mw "- jq~~ P"ll.;* .0 CCUNTRZ CAj'MOP'f I if,q r w 1, a: - .1 c. NEDYALKOV, A. mmm__A~_ 7p_mwnLoGY Periodicals XHlD:iCf7,KHNI?-A I MELIORATS11. '101. 3. no. qv 191~8. NU.IALKOV, A. Constrtcting the foundation of the Gomotartsi Pump 5tation by using iron-grooved enclosure. P. 114t,. Monthly List of Fast European Accession (EF.Al), LL., Vol. 8, no. 2, February 1959, Unclass. NEW J-P iim -91-1-1 tin PO A~Bna on- j-~AG*L~ -4pC Asiatic., cobra has eac T or*w siokfis is les n r~, rayp nder-uormiV-cor&Uurw-a enakwe., - r~_77 gab& a- Z-11- i(acuUmig MTAIMV, A. I Unote control of goarb,)xes. Ze rul. I? no.11:14--16 1 59. (KM 13:4) 1. Todushchty inshenor avtosobilloogo otdola Gosudaretvennogo ayusnogo ordeas T-u4ovogo grasnogo Summeni nauchno-looledovatol'- :kiy avtomobill I avtomotorayy Institut. Mutonobtles-Trammisslon devices) IEDYALKGV.9 1. (Nedirilkov, 1. ] lica-uniqu(ness of c rL-" -werse prr,',,.Ieas Ln potenti&j ~kklady BAN 17 no.~,:7fe.L-'Y' 164. 1. 3ubmltted Aprt. 1,,, 1964. xn%LROVO 1. For a single plan and accourt in construction building orgarizati-t. Strolteletva, 9 mo.6:26 161. 3. -C-: L. t L li !C IA SUMIC-17., niven Nam Comtrys 3-1 ~ .-l'. Academic Degreems AffillAticni L Sources 4, DjLta s c n o r C t 1'r Q.j PU r e L Urv b 0; -ILMWMVI, Ins Mro-leb, SHCHURAK, V.G. (Shalwrkak, V.H. ], red.; NMJIDTICI~-S. L. (Ible roqfft, S. L. j ) takhm. red. (In Ww laterest of poseel elgaifleance of the oonquest of @pass for Mw establiskunt of peace]V interesaft Vm; pro ~bewda savoluvamla koemmu d1la spravy myru. K35v, Dorsbpolltvydav URSR, 1962. 90 p. (HIPA 160) (Astrowntics) ONWCO) _Ak 00 ---ow _by~ al 4kti4 Wd- WOW _41 loco"- and 0094* *w7l:_ NOUN, r alm PA h ieft. Westin NO 5461 c~a. r t4 "04 pavity Ail Jjg)8r ii di~"4d4wUll Tili A~b6-- jRu*er -%Ala ~,Pro*ept t 64ii ~_, on Wft Atsuohi M A, -01 Sao= Alition - -- z " " - '. I~i* -papor Tlkbonay rx =4l4. h MUM, 44 4ed W o__r_ ite- -duti"- boxe AWUble W p p 2 ,u amp& lkrt sm,p C Orbbl r liolution 0 ia a lu=e Pap0 1" -01*0 -oblem~ W4u_b8 PT#48Asd_ oli Abis Atspgas of pi V 21 lN -CODES- ZN .7, All .N M 0 J Vg& AL o-1 vie U.3 "IM . ".4 14; P 21 FIT A I L 32221-66 F5D GWIWS-2 ACC NRs APk20836__ SOURCE CODE: Bu/oollA5/018/006/0509/0512 AUTHOR: Nedyaj42X,.JL Kal-Aany, K ORG: Astronomical Sec~io;2x BAN- Institute of &Xsios BM TITLE: Hypothesis of crqasi-stellar radio sources IV SOURCE: Bulgarska akadenLiya na naukite. Doklady, v. 18, no. 6, 1965, 509-512 TOPIC TAGS: cosmic radio source, scintillation, galaxy, star ABSTRACT: The d15Covery of powerful st;&r-like radio sources of the 30273 and 3048 type resulted in the formulation of various hypotheses aiming at the explanation of their characteristics. Basically, all the hypthe- sea may be classified as scintillation and nonscintillation (gravitational collapse) hypotheses. This paper presents a new scintillation-type hy- poLhesis which, under certain assumptions, describes well the physical characteristics of superstars (such a star is assumed to consist of a thin plasma shell in equilibrium with a photon gas filling). Results seem to indicate that the superstars are formations connected generi- cally with explosive galaxies (E. M. Burbidge, G. R. Burbidge, V. C. Rubin ApJ., i4o, 196,1, 942). Orig. art. has: 11 formulas. [Orig. art. in Eng.] [JFRS) SUB CODE: 03, 20 / SUM DATE: 15Feb65 / OTH REF: 012 / SOV REF: 003 I C rd 1/1 30%= cows BUT0-0WV5r03-fiT00F06631o603' AEMKRs 10djuUms I* ORGs none TITIE t KqalUbrium stAta of a spherical gravitating shall SOMC3s %lgarsks &We," Y.. naukite, Doklady. Y. 18, no. 1965. 603-605 TOPIC TAGSs spheric sheill structure. shell design. structure dynartic stability, gravitation offoatq thin shell structure ABSTRACTs It' Modern astrophysics scene to accept the Idea that aviiaWle objects with msemo* greater then same critical was Ncr cannot oulat Is a state of equilibrium, and that this critical mass deteraLsed by vibrational Imetabilityp Is Nor 2f 100 M 9. The author proposes a thin shell model of material ftrestlon ukese critical me@ to much greater then 100 We * The aliell boa a sonstant wall thialwase, contains a photon Ve of negligible mass it Is nentransparent for the shaten Ve, and boa a negligible ,beat espaeltye Its redius Is assumed such greater then the grevItatlenal radius of its was-e UrAer eirommatitncos the Nor Of the wdsl tends Von to Infinity* this wi1ol seem to agree with the shell of was N a 50109 NO observed rowntly Is the N a2 galaxy (0- A. Lynda, A* As. Sasdages A?J~ Wo 19659 1"). This paper Was PlInnted tw Acadeal" A. Datsey an 22 FebnmT 1965. Orig. artO hass a formal". 1.0rige farte in Ev4W LJPRSt 33.%ff MM COMs 20 / SHN DAIRs now / ORIG REYs 002 / SOV PAYs 002 / 05 REFe W4 0 NEDTALKOV, I.P. Algebraic equations for moon-nucloon scattering in the a ,pproidmistion of the two-particle m1tarlty. Dubna, ObQ- ediumnyl in-t iadernykh Iseledovanit, 1960. 10 p. (No subject heading) S/035/62VO00/008/0r,2/09U 17V V/00 A001/AICI AMMOR: Ne4alkov, I. P. TITLE: On the iwerse problem of the potential for n bodies PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, AsLronomlya i reodezlya, no. 8, 196:0. 9. abstract -3Aql ("Izv. Geofiz. in-t. B*lg. AN", 1960 v. 1. 69 - 76, Bulgar.; Russian and German summaries) TEXT: The author maintains that it 13 possible, under certain conditions, to calculate by quadraturen potentials of fields of n bodies being not in contact from the known potential of their common gravitational field. without knowlefte of shapes of individual bodies. [Abstractor's note: Co-nj'.'e1,e translation] Card 1/1 REDIAL.KOV, I*po ftwtantUtLan of the SeWddt priselple. GodishnLk mah elekt 8 no.140!-112 '60. (Publ. 161) S/058/6?,/OOC/009/050/069 AOO6/A101 ALFMOPVS Nedyalkov, 1. P., Tenchev, Kh. G. Trru: Checkir4; the accuracy of a device for automatic plotting of eleo- tron trajectories In an electrostatic field PERIODICAL: Referat:lvnyy zhurnal, Fitika, no. 9, 1962, 45, abstract 9Zh265 ("Godislinik Mash.-elektrotekhn. in'-t", 1960 (1961), 8, v. 113 - 118, Mlgarian; summary in Russian) TEXT: A methol is described of checking the accuracy of an electromechan- Ical device for finding the trajectory of electrons In an electrostatic field. The device consists of an electrolytic bath and a-computer for the solving or equations of electron motion. In the case of a one-d1memlonal notion vice yields an error of it 4%. (Abstracter's notes Complete translation] card 1/1 -NMAIJOV, I.P. Progress 1w* bv*lop".nt of socialist &dWia. lauka j shyttla 10 no.9:55 S 160. (MIRA 13:9) (Bult,pria-Industries) S/044 ./62/000/008/042/073 C I I I/C222 AUTHORSo Nedyttlkov, I.P.,B"rn9v,P.Kh. TITLEs Analytic continuation of an harmonic function which is given on a straight line PERIODICALs Heferstivnyy shurnal, Matemattka, no* 8,1962, 29-309 abets-act eVI54. ("Jav. Goofis. in-t. B"Ig. AN", 1961, 2, 117-123) TEXTs The following problem of the theory of harmonic functions is consid*red i The harmonic func.ion TJ(x,y) is assumed to have given values on the axis Ox ard to be regular in the half plane y>O. Determine the values of U(XOY) in the half plans y> 0 as -well an in the half plane y--0 for which U(X$Y) is regular. The authors reduce this problem to the following auxiliaty problemst a) by inversion the straight line of becomes a circle K and the harmonic function becomes another hormonic function b) With the aid of the formulas for the solution of the Dirichlet problem for the circle and with the aid of Fourier aeries the values U( are determined outside of K &~ well as in a part of the interior of K. c) By reciprocal inversion i to transformed into Ox, Card 1/ 2 3/04 62/000/008/042/073 Analytic continuation of an harmonic ... CIIIYC222 where from the obtained values tl(X,,Y') one obtains the nought values of U(x,y) in the half plane y> 0 as well as for a certain part of the half plans y< 0. In practice, this method can be applied very easily and quickly, if one uses monograms for the inversion, and Fourier analyzers and synthesere for the solution of the Dirichlot problem for the circlee A ntimerical example is given. This method can be applied to the geophysical interpretation of the cases, where the values of the harmonic function are given on the surface of the earth (vertioal gradient of the gravitational field) and the values of Viis function are sought on the earth or in the interior of the earth. Abstracter's note s Complete translation.- Card 212 NEDIALKOV, I_&.; PISARNV, A.M.; CH&SHANKOV, B.I. Differential equations determining tbo form of a shaft with ainim= weight in saw given critieal revolutions. Godishnik assh elekt 907-60 161. (Publ. 1621 1. Prodstavens, ot data. Iv. Kislov, rukawodital n& kat. OTekhni- cheska sekhanikaw. 3/044/62/(M/009/032/069 A060/A 000 AUMOR Nedyalkov. 1. P. TTTLE; on an Inverse problem In mathematical physics PIMIODICAL: Heferativnyy zhurnal, Matematika, no. 9 ,' 1962, 64, abstract 9B310 ("Izv. Ftz. in-t a AMM", 1961. v. 9. no. 1, 185 - 205, Ehilgarlan; s%smimaries in Russian and English) TEXT: The Inverse problem In the theory of potential is considered for the case of a plane region. It is assumed that the perturbing body is a disk. A method Is prcposed for the unique determination of the parameters of the per- turbing body. A. 0. Sveshnikov [Abstracter's notes Complete translation] C~rd 1/1 3 _1b') ? AUTHOR: TITLE: S/124/62/000/005/015/048 D251/D306 Ne~jya lkov, I.P. Mode-Iling revice for determining resistances and other aerodynamic character-istics of wing profiles A. J. PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. 11'ekhanika, no. 5, 1962, 29 - 30, abstract 5B151 (.1zv. ?-4z. in-t s ANEB, 1961, v. 9, no. 1, 207 - 222) TEXT: A descripticn is given of an electromodei'Ling device for cal- culating the aerodynamic characteristics of a profile. This consisto of the com"3ination of ar. electrolytic bath, in which is determined the velocity of the flow round the wirg (by means of the solution of Laplace's equation) with an a-,,,1'_Jance for calculaiing the profi- le resista:ice by the :63r-nu-'a of bound~Lry Bayer theory# In the bath are modell-ad the lines of flow which correspond to equipotential li- nes, the contour of the wir.6 consisting of a line with equal poten- tial is modelled b.-)- means of a large nunber of electrodes, connec- ted at one general point. The velocity of flow round the wing Is de- termined b:( the magnitude of the cu.-rents flowing betweezA the else- Card 112 Q/124/62/000/005/015/048 Yodelling device for determining ... ~251/D308 trodes and tne 6eneral point an~ _~s given by a commutation device in the form'Df a function of time, a,-cording to which are calcula- ted the resistance, the lift Iforce and ot.-,er aerodynamic characte- ristios. An example is given Df the 'Lnvestigation of a profile with the breaking free of the boupJary layer from the surface of the wing. 4 references. [Ab8tractor's note: Complete translationjo Card 2/2 BYRNEV, F.Kh.j INESHCHMAKOV, V.A.; NWYALKOV, I.P.; SLUNTSEVA, V.h., takhn. red. (A *,5aundary value probler. of dispersion relations', Ob odnoi kra- evoi zadache dispersionnyM sootnoshenii. Dubna, Obffed!nenrWy in--t iadermykb issledovanii, 1962. 9 p. (MLtA 15-6) (Boundary value problems) (149sons-Scattering) UDIAJACV t 1y. Reduction of the fields with cluster structure. lzv fiz atom HO 9 no.2tlJLI-127 162o Wwu~w J-Iv. Amlytio contimatim of the folutiovi Of SWPtIc differential equations in the direction of their peculiarities. 1-my fis atom RU 9 no.2sl29-151 162. NOIAL&Mp Ive j BURWV# Pe Amlytic continstion in the direction of tkw peculiarities of a har-mic function defined on a line or a plans. lay fis &ton B&N 9 no.2tl53-166 162* jlr)?'~10114410'410'~'V' -4 A'j T;; "-edyalkov- I P T IT "E: 7ioluction of the solutions of elliptic 1:ffer. rt,, il -,untians P: . 11'. D 1 C ', L Akallemiya nauk 33jR. Doklady, v. 14.4, no. 4, 1116', 71 - 754 7 ',AT i Formcr results of the author (Izv. Bolgarsk. AN, ser. Ferifiz., 1 (1-,60",) are :encralized. They mRj be useful in the detor-aination of rr;ivitational fields and f,,eophy31cal anomalies. For c -~' the revular soluti-)r of the elliptic lifferential equation ,.u - 0 either is a con- thc, rep Thp :.tant crattains its m~ixitnum value only at the boundary pf ginn. operatoy N is conjurate to the elliptic operator N1. The surfacts J cnn- fine tht "nests" G,, j - 1, 2, ..., n, in which u is not lefined. The rerion G 0 contains all the closed regions G, 4. 3 J, The solutinn n n U - 11 U must be regular in the repion G + G and qny 0 1 0 0 J-1 i up j 1, 2, ..., n is a solution of Mu - 0 regular in G0 - (G j + Card 1/3 .3,1020162/1441r,641-Ir 1,id,-ictior of the . . . 3125/BV~6 iepr--.z.entin.c u as -~ sum of the reduction components u 0, . . . , 11n1 !3 , a 11 *-d reluction. ?iv-tj thr~oz-Qms are established: 1) If a Green functinn exists for the equations :.,u - 0 and Nu 0 in C + S , any non-con3tant q 0 0 snlution -f :.'u - 0 (reFulqr in G 0 + S0 J-1 Giis rpducible. "nier certain c-nditions, ull u" for any point outside the surfaces in6 confinin; the repions G anI respectively. u and u are o7iven hy UO(P)= 'a[v'(P, Q) 0"-Udo*~P' Q) 4 buv' (P,' Q) I d-,. WV -av (it (P) (P, Q) L - u 4 buv- (P. Q)j do, (All O%v %,here j is replaced by S and 3 respectively. 3) If u is rFrular in the region G k confined by k' Uk G- 4) If u is relticed bv %,e;ins c~f tne functionl U o, ui and u0 , u for a given system of nents, tl.e soluti,,is of Carl ?/5 ,e 'Iuct.on of th(-. -Vo2o/62/1 4410()4/0,- ~jj'-)24' B 1 -'5/ B I -,,a %lu 0 f r r r re ro-ular in G and ooinnide with u. - u. in G 0 ib th,~ radiua of the sphere jo. A ',r--?(.,ri'E; f inction (j- x 1 s toC u and the reduction components tend to zero. "'hen u is uni-iuely re lucible. P R i-'. i i T E;) i January 16, 1~6;', by N. N. Bogolyubov, Academician STIBUITTE)i January 12, 1962 Card 3/3 L059 S/l 96/6 3/000/001 /02 3/0 3 5 f. xjJ 10 9073/1435 AUTHOR: Nedyalkov, I.P. TITLE: Ribs with'inininum weight PERIODICALi Roforativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhniks I onergettka, no.1, 1963, 9, abstract I G48. (Godishnik Mash.- *Iektrotekhn. In-t, Bulgarian: Russ mummery) TEXT: Thirty-fiv* years ago Schmidt set himself the took of finding the shape of ribs which, for a 'given cooling ability. would have the minimum weight. The solution of this problem in called now the Schmidt principles the rib has a minimum weight only if the heat flow remains unchanged throughout the entire length of the rib. This principle in frequently used without questioning its validity. The author gives a strict stathsm~atical formulation of the problem of calculating a rib of wInImux# weight finding that the problem to of the variational Lagrange type. The solution dome not contradict the Schmidt principle although this In Itself is imot a proof of the Schmidt principle. (9xtract from author's summary.) Abstractor's notes Complete translation ~ ard 1/1 REDYALKOV, I.P.; BYRNEV, P.Kh. Analytical continustlon of gravity anamalles. 1ST. AN SSM. Ser. geofis. no.6o922-935 Je 16). (MMA 160) (Gravity anomalies) J_:. _--pe-A lip. (a) --_3/2503/fi4j012/0l-fdi4 3/0151 Ito cat4o ution-0 ous class'o nonlinear intsiril' -Aii 1.420. pors. pn- ypo 'W' a 4,61i, t i hjft -4 4 qk it 64 Its" 11 A a - btek Lyt"~ 1641 t I tu t 0 US B__ 12 U2 19649 no '14 3;,;- 51,1-- lot* tt n alit I r'i ta t :_i(qu#cLosr- lop n0'111 Ikesim 'I aqVA gu a a Srs e44i-a'mm 0__-Chow~- kow eq dat Lon -ad batli-i qRs"Ce Utco ------------ - --------- 7,17 .,a --Of tb*' Che'w- ow- MW t WCCO the ~"-'uwl itoil i vti i resu d ''n -ithod -ii jlkss~ntsd v.4 ualou~zvliwiiie ;Pteltiand isation) ca 4-Isr-.0ittv, LOW. ij~p* a tegra"I 44-4,-U- h 44- Lo w itions-the;cl lit; 4s a dribo Voga t as rcft:~~ho picu-nucleaft V I Fb djq 4 a 2 ~:,f I irtirii 466 d lzv~-A Clio L W QqU&t 0 a r tv i db yc h 94 716 A II&Lnat Int., the L C"S' t- ltd. -T Tilt. -40 thoke d, I -i I 't-18-6hafou that. t a h m the: -couilth a r e .0 tau x*A L !Z7, ACCESSION IR: AM19233 s/0056/64/046/002/0663/0670 AUTHORi By*=*V9 pe Mj. Xeshaheryakovq V,, A.; Body&lkov, 1,P. ITITLE: On a set of algebraic equations equivalent to the Low equa- ition .SOURCE: Zhurnal sksper. I toor. fiz., v. 46, no. 2, 1964, 663-670 TOPIG TAGS: three particle reaction threshold reaction, two pion production reactiong pion proton oolilsion, different W cross section, %bird order torsi ABSTRACT: In view of the shortcomings of earlier methods of solving the Integral Low equations (G. P. Chow and F. Z. Low, Phys. Rev. v. 101, 15700 1956)g in which the determination of the singularities In the complex pla;ao Is laborious and leads to Inaccuracy, the authors have derived an algebraic system of equations, which Is equivalent to the low equations, by oonforaally mapping the physioal~' plans Into a circle and by expanding the scattering amplitude In a power series. set of algebrflo equations also expresses tho" relations between the coefficients of the series which guarantee that the unitarity sanatione and thecrosel".rolations.are satisfied. .Cow ACCESSION,mRs-AP4019233 The algebraia System offers advantages both in the theoretical Inv*4- tigation of'%M Low equations and for nUmerical work, since It does not contain any OsuoV Integra.1*6 and can be conveniently solved by Newton's method. the solutioss obtalzed correspond to rapidly decreasing scattering amplitudes. Orig'. art. has: 31 formule.e.and 1 table. ASSOCIATION: ObMyedinswey Institut yiLderny*kh Issledov"iy (Joint Institute of Nuelear Reseq6roh) 1 SUMITTBDs IOJU163 DATZ ACQ: 2TX&r 64. IMOLt 00 SUB 001)33 PE 190 UP SOV 1 003 OTMMt 010 2/2 ---Card. Do--00 ENT (d )/T/'E6 i ~ IIJ~~c ) ACC NRs AP6010015 "OURCE CODE: UR/0387165/000/011/0048/0062 AUTiriOit: Nedyalkov, 1. P. F 47 ORG: Institute of P"ics, Bulgaria (IrAtitut fiziki) TITLE: Comprehensive interpretation of potential fields SOURCE: AN SSSR. xavestiya. rizika Zmli. no. 11, 1%5, 46-62 TOPIC TAGS: perturbation, gravitational field, electromagnetic field, magnetic sus- ceptibility, electric conductivityl 60clPHY01(15 2 moirpoom&vrie. ~004-, .7 vi rr on /C ABSTRACT: A quantitative mathematical nodal to applied 'to the study of geophysical field3. The logic and mathematlem of the method, an derived from met theory, are IM imarized for nonuniform bodies In x, y, s coordinate systaims. The significant variable included in the analysis am: density (a), conductivity (1). surface was (SO). grs_ vitational ai~omsly (A ), elnetrical anomaly (9 ), Dirac function (6). potential func- G G tion (U) and surface potential of the earth P#aS~ . The shape, densities, magnetic susceptibUitles md slectrocomiductivittes were determined for soilld bodies calculst- ing the various w4molles Aleb occur to bodies of different shopes. rw ammimple 't viestric, geomilectric and sagmetometric sets won derived by complas lateivretatLes and applied to tto sisiple cue of a circalm cyllader In the field of a linear dipole, Cam 1/2 UDCI MASI # WAso L 3aba-66 ACC NAs AP6010015 'for which the anewolows potential of the geoelectric set wee gives. The potential function (U,,) for the cylinder me plotted as a function of radius, reagiag from 0 -2S to 2.00, for a height hz2 and a dipole angle saw/2. Geoelectric sets for concentric regions of vary high symetry such as spheres and ellipsoids were unsuitable for com- prehensive interpretation; these were treated by selectively reducivg the symmetry, us-~. ing A-V diagram. A perturbation in radial symetry (A) use plotted am a function of volume M-for the actual body V(O) corresponded to AwO. The author expressed his ;gratitude to A. 1. Zaborowakj for useful consultations. Orig. art. ban: 2 figures, 1 '13 formulas. 'SUB CODE: 08912 SUON DATE: O6JuIGI#/ ORIG IMF: 00%/ am sEr. ooi 50V REF: 007 C rd 2/2 )414~ NEDYALKCV, I.P. Division of potential fields. Izv. AN SSSR. Fiz. zem. ro.l;: 31-" 165. (MMA 19: 1 1. Institut fIz:kI, Bolgarlya. Submitted Aug. 8, 1964. 1?7"2-66 1WTtd)/'3,,A W 1, .0-~ ACC NR: AF600703 (;!,f)E: HU/0011/65/rild/006/0517/0520 Mi J D/'EW/GDWdU . i AUTHORt "_qkoy,,_ i. ORGi Institute of OV-.;ie~s or Sciences TITLEs Stability nf t,,' i -'Aimmd 17 riydn)dynnmIc forces SOURCEI Bulparqka ikatjf-aLiva na ioxja(ly, v.IP, no.6, 1965, 517-520 TOP',r TAGSi f" li,I ~r-l riti. r. -i, hydroayt, -.i, Pero- i r i ty, eel, _~jpace stru, *.,,i i ABSTRAM The 1'; r! ic 1 -!, fluid filled tubes at near Cri ti Cal flui, J v e 1, c ~ t , - !. .'he nuthor studied enrlier a similAr effect leadijii~ t,) t,w i ir, I I. F. Nedyalkov, Godiahnik na Mashinm-elektr ot4'Khi,,(- t,,!,~v,,,y- t';"(1, 19521 2). The two priblemn are closely relALetl !iinr.- ' _~- y !,, I )-,-, , f O,nni I ity in Fieroninstic systems. However, since uw :tvv,~_ i, -iyulmetrlos nnd Ii ensler to Lront, mathemptically, Uitj : ~ ' f . -, . i ri. -L r -v --ierit~q .1 more complicAted tnak. A method for deri vin,- %ro ~.i I i-rnrtti ti o-, ~ cti describing the effect i-n cylindrical tub as r i i i - w- i-ii is presented. This pnper was presented by A. I-,rq,,r:( 1965. OrIg. art. nase 2 figures, Card 1/2 L 31?722-66 ACC NRt AF&KRI493 and 13 foxvulats. /7, p,c, 7 SUEU CODRI 00 / SUBM 1,Ali., Gard 2/2 ~4 - I ~, -! OUl / SOV REF t LX)l L 05400-67 'ACC Nts AT6031508 SOURCE CODE: BU/2503/66/014/000/0085/0088 4/ I AUTHOR: Nedelkov. 1. P. -- filk-ilkov 1. P. A ORG: none TITLE: Lijrhtyeloci!yintnteripl~gqtgUqpace,~ SOURCE: Bulgarska akademiya na naukite. Fizicheski I fititut. Izvestiya na Fizicheakiya institut 9 ANEB, v. 14. 1966, 85-88 TOPIC TAGS: sun, solar eclipse, astroncmic unit, solar corona, general relativity theory, light velocity, electromagnetic signal, Venus, radar ABSTRACT: Variations in the deflection of light rays caused by the sun and observed during various total solar eclipses are difficult to explain by measurement' errors only. The deflection appears to ae a function of time. but according to the general theory of relativity, it it; a, onstant. The present work introduces a hypothesis according to which mla~ acti vity affects the propagation of electro- magnetic signals. Some deductions of this hypothesis can be proved by experiment. For instance, a belated signal In the Shapiro experiment should show a 27 day and t CWd 1/2 L 05400-67 ACC MR' AT603 ISDIF an 11 year cycle and depend on !iolaz- flares. The astronomical unit obtained must n how the same cycles, if light velocity is constant. The author uses a chart of the