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i ti 7 n ~ ;f; 1, , F, , N M karit, . teXhn. TIaL-( y;l ... . 11, zf. hFi 7-ac ~p - 9 -2 -poig"linct rqkt . J go h r, zma s n o . o!i v ~, Y, i y t r n u e ~,i 0. vFi v f, t i,-!il or L,-., k ~,,ja K v zil 'Jo. 30 i a r '~hpo i ALIESANDROV. Boris Sorgeyevich; AIAKSITBV, jL.P.; SABOWTSKlT, F.D.. KONMKOV. A.Tu.; HIGOWIT, V.I.; RTBITEV, I.A.; SA3SAMKIU, P.I.; CRAWTS r,;"A--. .; SHOMINOV, 1.S.- RABKOV, Y.F., doktor tokhml- cheskikh nauk, professor, redaktor-. GRVANOV, V.G., redaktor; N&LIKO- VA, N.T., takhnichookly redaktor. [Elan4book for road foremen) Spravochnoe ruirovodstvo d1la doroztLnogo master&. Pod red. V.Y.Babkove. Moak-va, Nauchno-tekhn. ltd-vo ayto- transportuoi lit-ry, 1954. 450 p. [Microfilm] (KW 9!2) (Roa do ) MCDATXV V.I.. Inshener N-- I--.- Mechanical device for air funnels. Avt.dor.17 no.3:26 I-D'54. (Road machinery) (MWA 1: 10) YMODAYEV, V.I., insh. Construction of a highway in h4:h mountains. Art.dor. 22 no.32 28-29 Kr '59. (MIRA 12:4) (Tibet-Road construction) "GODICAO. V.I. . mnyor mod It -;I r,Li~( Ltrsi,,ronchlai .,: - *.f . . 1.rea~lrg acute ~, . Lao rib ry ~ibsr- as i4oa. . . , . I . I : ~ i - C , (KIRA 10:12) t IAJNGS - -A BSCE ~).li ) ~ iC, ) L 27834-" EVA(h)/Efr(l) ACC H&MOR154 moms oms =/ol"/"/021/0D2/0055/0069- 37 AVMJ L ft*MMokb I IF~ To. (Astive mobw) I Mmomm, I.L."ptive Mobw) I maw) =I "i"Ma ad "Oks"a fteuty of IMID &4imwft Md a A, -A-S-A T=s Ww"Im of fUm tm-tendul netwofts wift fttribeW PWOMIUM 0 To 210 We 20 ""s UM tun fllm almitk eirouit microolnUtwintIm le 4 MMMs A tblnp-fM& distrHated-U-strmtwo (am flpm) AM ~Mwsd. Dialeatris buklm I Im 19 0 "tour ve" with rml0i" MA 2'0 d1slectrie Ma 3 &*1 4"Utive flU 411 a" fUm -5 wo IntaiM for momot- I" wtu"I elradts. TAm strwtwv Im r"lac" vith eqalvalmt dlWm o~ Utift of Wo rwlatme od me serodtwo VM4~ IN= Itlaw of thwo elsoll" 710" ~1tow.419forON& too iondma ftnftuw ror ad(a4, bd(-rA). tg ft q"valmt parametwo f br au ke am tab%UW " are rl for Uw a so for ~Iml "Is" Orlgo wto Ws 2 figums 4 gZaNwoo did: 4 t4 jft last souldi am wrt ON fam we 003 423 31 Old III 0?'ii'7-1"7 F,'iT (," VFW P( t ) /r.'r I kIfE- N _R-A P 60 3 3 2 18 SOURCE' Ck),)E: UR/014,',166/009/004,105()110509 AUThOR: Prozorovskiy, V. Ye.; Negodenko, 0. ORG: none I TLE :LosseEi i-I L11JU-ijin, Lapa, ,i - .4. t;i trip d ,,, eL** ric SOURCE: IVUZ. Radiotekhnika, v. 9, no. 4. 196t), 503-509 TOrIC TAGS: electric capacitor, thin f Ilm circuit > ABSTRACT: Formulas are derived for calculating the loss tangent of thin-film capa- citors with rectangular alu-min ~~Iat es and with silicon monoxide as the dielectric. tg 3 10.11 4 Fig. 1. Loss tangent as a function of frequency I - Dielectric film thickness, 0.03 u; 2 - 0.06 1j; 3 - 0.29 4 5.6 Card 1/3 5 6 (.qf c p 5 UDC: 621.319.443 L ON87-67 ACC NRI AP603)218 It was assumed that the relaxation losses in the dielectric, the permeability of the dielectric, and the surface res',stivity of the plates are known. To check the results of the theoretical analysis, several capacitors were built and tested. Lielectric films were obtained by evaporating a compressed mixture of one part silicon and two parts silicon dioxide. 'Me (Ilelectric films thus obtained were highly stable and losses in them varied only slightly with thickness. The frequency dependence of the 4 Fig. 2. Loss tangent as a function of temperature to I - d - 2.3 w, f - 100 cps; 2 - d - ".3 a, f - 10 kc; 3 - d - 2.3 f - IMc; 11 4 5 - d - 0.03 f J 03 f - 100 cps; - I k - d - . c~ 6 - d - 0.03 u, f - 53 kc. 0 IQ 40 60 80 toc -Card 2/3 W~r ~fuux--~~ MAL L 02997-07 ACC NRi AP60"$3218 loss tangent in capacitors With dielei:Lrics (if different thic~uo-s,, i1i i11411,Lrat'-d In Fig. 1; its temperature dependence is shown in Vii~. 2. Ti-inpv r at ki rv r ~ia r a ( L v r I!) t I cfj are given for two capac[Lorf; with diviv(trit lilms 2-~ oand 0.03 ~ thick, re,;pectively. Generally, it was noted that capacitance was aff#-cted onlv slightly by frequency, temperature, and variation in voltage. Orig. art. has: 19 formulas and 7 figiiret3. SUB CODE: 09/ SUBM DAIE: 21JanOS/ OPIG REF: 00)/ ol') i FF. F :00')/ ATD PRESS 5099 'Card NECODov" B. M It'll PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION WV/61TT Akadomlys nauk 83SR. institut nertekbinicheskogo sintoza Radiolix uZlevadorodovl nakotoryye fiziko-khImIchdakiye problmy (Radiolyals of Hydrocarbonsi Some Physlooqhomical Problame) floccoV, Izd-vo AN S35R, 1962. 207 p. Errata slip Inserted. 5000 copies printed. R08P. Eds.s A. V. Topchlyev, Academician, and L. S. Polak, 3 Doctor of Phyn1cs and Mathematigal Zd.i L. T. Bugayanko; Tooh Zd.t Ch. A. Zentsel'skaya. FMOSE: This book is intended ror physical and induatrial chemists Intareatod In.the properties &M behavior of Irradiated hydro- carbons. COVIMM This book gives a systematic presentation or the results of research an the radiolyals of hydrocarbons carried out 'fron 1957 through 1961 at the Laboratory or Radiation Chc#stry, Inst1tut neftekh-saheskage slAtesa AN OSSE (InstItute of Petro- Card 1/16 Radiolysis of Nydrocarbons (Cont.) SOV/6177 chemical Synthesis, Acadomy of Sciences USSR). Although the results wore obtained for individual compounds, they may be generalized and applied to other membors of the same homalogoms sorion. The following persons participated in making the exporlr-nts and In writing the texts V. 0. Beryozkin. V. Oluchnty, Yu. A. Kolbanovskly, I. N. Kustanovich, E V. Po-po--v-;) A. Ta. Temkin, V. D. Timofeyev, V. Y&. Chernyak, D Sbakhrqy, R. D. ShlIkhter, A. S. Shcharbakava. A - 0' A. Z. PeryshkIna N. H. Rytova, T. A. TegIna, "LAC.-OC~ Yu. A. W. Brodskly, V.~J. Voyevodskly, P. Y&. (;lazuwv, B B. Smlrnove6, and Yu. L. DAM Rersrenoes, minly Soviet and j:nsiIsh, renow inavidvma ahapters. TA= OF COZF2- (Abrldgedli Foreword 3 Ch. 1. Phyals"hemleal MWWteristids of lydroeaftsla va"Olysle card 2/4 SOV/58-59-5-10414 Translation fromt Reforativnyy Zhurn&1 Fizlka, 1959, Nr 5, p 87 (USSR) AUTHORS: Boykov, 0 -P , Negodyayeva, N.N,, Nikola TITLEc Quasi-Stationary Heating of a Plate In the Presence of Supplementary Wal 113 PERIODICAL: Izv, Tomskogo polltekhn, In-ta, 1958, Vol 101, PP 55 - 58 ABSTRACT- The authors Investigated the quasi-stationary mode of heating a plate through supplementary walls and from a heater without suPR~ ementary walls. By analyzing the equation of thor-al conductlYl )to they derive an expression for the flow of heat for the case where the supplementary wall is made of the same material as the uniform wall and for the case where It Is made of different material. Using an expression obtained earlier for the temperature field in a plate (A.B. Lykov,Theory of Thermal Conductivity. Moscow, Orm, 1952), the authors derive the value of the constant heat flow acting on the surface of a plate made of the investigated material. They submit the numerical results of heating a steel plate without the use of supple- mentary waJ,ls and in the presence of an insulating lining made of Card 1/1 asbestos. L,P. Kholpanov C/ Pic RUMANIA //ChoWcal Tochnology, ('homical Products ani Their H-2p Application. Food Industry. Abu Jour : 'Rof ZWr - KhWyn, Nn Author : Nogooacu 14. M~~ Inat : 0 given Titlo : Effect of Broad Baking Ir. Tumel OvunA on the Aut=.nt!-L nf Aread 'Inking Oria Pu~ : Teh~n. roua, 17-1, No 16C, 1p AbFitrac'. : No abstract given ard 1 NIMS~U~---C, The maize-wrinkling phenomenon. Studii ap,,r TWsoara 8 no.3/4-187-194 JI-D 161. ~U, D., ing. 0--mm- Methods of multipl7ing and graduating the selectors. Telecomunicatii 5 no*3 n123-127 Ky.- -Te 16-, iiEGOESCU 0 D. - ing. Designing auxillar7 lines for the interconnection between urban telephone exchanges. Telooomunioatii 5 no.5s23O-236 S-0 161. NWESCU, -We Detersining tha dimensions of the circuits in urban telephone neWorks. TelecomunIcatii 5 no.6:268473 M-D 161. NEGOS-SCUO W', ing. Economic otudy an the introduction of building exchanges in the urban telsphone network. Telocomunicatil 7 no.2s?9-83 Ar-Ap 163. NF.G(ZSCU,, Dan, ing. Sam problem of interurban telephone autmation. Telecommicatii 7 no.6s268-273 N-D 163. I 3,153c, I -'k E,'rF (d P ( I ACC NR, u [60~166[666166Vo116 /oi2l V31 SWIM, AUTHOR: 1!ogoosau, Dan_(Pnrinoor) 0-11G: none TIM-3: Codes used in automatic uwitchin,,- SOLTW,~: Telocomudcatii. no- 3. 1966, 116-121 TOPIC TAGS: switching circuit. puluo coding, coding evaluation ABSMACT: A discussion of the principal typos of codor, usod in automatic witching. with ey=iplos, in folloved by an analysis of the principles of error detection and c2motion in the pj1Ae-"ceiXbja cizouita. Qrig. art. hass 13 figures mid 2 tahloss LBasod on author*@ Sng. abst~&/ LJM, S: 36.6441 SUB CCDF.-. 09 / SUIN DATZ: none / SDV RZ Fi 001 / OTH Wi 005 "W41-Al Distri 4E3d/4E2c(j) IS, astiou of It drocarbotismixtures bi thermal dif- f, M.. HJC-~z ~Ja!ncawllplg I" N Lg"rdrde inst. "urells . gate "urells 3. 17 The datil given W=Ous works on selm- of %Atd. antl rw I cnil;lhy&r~ from petroleum finctioms by the-21511h i ca rina diffiojon nre dixtissed. Rom cxl)tl. %vfltk with 3 app. it has betn finitul that: (a) s1mces greater th in 4.5 min. glo ndot prixim-c wpn , (b) thcruml jiffusion app:,'vin be used for LiqLwal'tc- fining. (i) Iii the iipii. of lictrhiculn fractinns the jwrvcllt.1gc h- of alkanci i1ccrenscs along tile column (ram ttop to tMAtolls. the petctntagc of aroinatics Increa5cs, while tile Perccniage il !)(CY.!.1t11l1kcllC3 Increws slightly. -R. 1). j /VC L C-" Distri 413d "' Lowes* the inteditcl-al tension of wtiter and jrWle. V. Cercliez und G-NS&fjcxu" Aiad rep parolare Morn Audii'tercirld,ii X77 J. 200 -il(HISFix ~Fem~ . sulunlat)). - The surface tenskm at the water-crude ,it interface. nicut- uircd on a it(- of crude oils, was found v vary notably asi A function of their purity. Of several usents a . . (benic acid i-ollis., sulfunated cail-w oil, salfonic acids, iind Na 9ullonates). the Wt two had the largest effect on the Outface trillion. Ilev"llelaphospliatr had a $light efit'-I. liful Na.50. had no effect at all. The presence of c1 y ap- parently (Ikl not affect the Intrifacial tensim ~q Z~I I (-- L 17 MCCERM MEDICA 6ec.3 Vol.11/9 Sudocrinology SePt57 1648. NEGOESCU I., FIETRESCU C., COCU Fl. and RAMAN .41. *Contribulii Is -ITUMT-1-cVU-nn prometazinel tn hypertirodism. Not& 1. Efectul prometazinei asupra aellunil calorigene a tiroxinei in experinientul acut. T h e a c t i o n of promethazine in hyperthyroidism. I. ENDOCRINOLOGIA (Ducurelti) 1956, 1/1 166-69) Graphs 2 The HMN decreased following a single dose (1.25 mg.) of the drug in rats. Prome- thazine treatment also reduces thO calorigenic action of thyroxine. c IrILI MYSI I _y (N r.~al nnd Pith I .jc-.1) Intemal Secn-ti-.. Myr, J ~l Gland s J, ur: Rof Z)iur-T.i I , ri 17, 195,9, 79740 ,',uth(,r M.Lku 33htefri.; Lupulcsku, F L. Inst T i tl (har4,,(! f Abs,-~rpti .. c f Radi ictive I, Jir.~ ( I U:Aer t)-.c- Ii-.fluL-,-,c(- -f Thyr-tr,pic Tlrr-. rc Mlethyl- thl,,ur%cil in ',l-.irr-ls -,iil-jected t~ Irdine St.-trvlti n ()ri(_ Pub: Zh :.(!I. nnuk, _k%d ill;i- 1956, 1, N 2, 4,)-(,(,) .,tstr,Lc-.: F- r 3 r,- nths, rdult r-.t:; (80) gnat i x-rti(,r. with -t 1-w I C rAent (rrts with -. vei~,`,L -f 100 1,7 -,Lt-tinud C -61~, ! a diy) Me weie~it rl' t~lu thyr,-id Fland (TG) in- cre,as4Erl rill-.rst twice; .icr,f llicrular hyyc-rl-lasi-. Cari 1/3 USSR/Ifunan and Aniral Physiology (Norml and Pathologicu) Internal Secretion. Thyroid Gland. Abe Jrur: Ref Zhur-Diol., No 17, 1958, 79740. and broadenint; ~.,f the vessels of the TG were f(und. The absorption of 1131 ~f TO decreased. With the adrdnistration to the rats of 0.25 LC a day of Liethylthiouracil (I), the weight of TG increased almost 4 tiraes, while the absorption of 1131 of TG decreased sharply; aderiorntous hyperplasin and broadeninC of the vesecls of the M were found. With aftultane-us intrcduction of I nnd of the thy- riotropic homone (TII, 40 units for 10 days to the end cf the test), the weight of TG Increased still raore sharply than with the introduction of I alone; the absorption of 1131 of TO increased sorvwluit- In the TG, ri f urn of ncdular g-)itre was f vuna Card 2/3 e- O.MlIMMEHROW119 IOUG dpAutbU14, its Al KIM- ,q'T.4 64 kil Sthym vaI j1d tbv EMU "391 T.- 6-- W _4 Mr, I's -.Ike t1till !811. Vi"I"tauclulit" !MVIR I-. W War Winn, andi; "2uff' ';-nU vAis we a studshd oo whka fithWe '01 wnl=10037 ~wv )41PO "A t" "I 10 vq-xhtd dar dwins 2 ~jCj b =tous itiltdim. Four v9up s of 10 tr. v b ~ flO *JV vikin. to the CCI,*fkm on 14th wtkv '~Tu j, bU -r, And 100 -1 thl fox! nit lwa 31, 4141,11 'Ys, and.100 Y-4 2 ~vvp_ Durfrtg the '~tnl whIdt M r -oll olbw- we" "Attd, shdg6l ;t marked eat I wt. Them wiumfjo with toile all hep& Iv ~Amlisuldni..tb e Am a h " pseous txcbange p* 85.5 W to lite oorutm;s). Inthii b1mals 1~0. t t y I vcr vwt Ytd cm] y th 0 1 0.67 to 1*70 ~in J n-v. 1U,VJ?IA/1hu-nn and Animal Physiology (Nurml and Pathologtnl) Internal Secretion. Thyroid Gland. 1,.ba Jour: Ref Zhur-13iol., Nc 17, 1958, 79733. Author Negoescu, I., Petreecu, C.; Cocu, Fl. Inst Title On the Pharmcodynatdca of Pibrouthyrosine. Orig Pub: Studli si cercetari enO~,erinol. Acad. RM, 1956, 7, No 3, 325-336. Abstract: The introducticii ~,f dibri,nthyrosine (I) caused a decrease of the basic ,xtabolisn In ncrTnl and hyperthyroid anizials; bLdv weight increased; the quaritity of collrids in the thyroid gland increased. I in riore active than diiAthyroslne and less active than thyournell. The crUnnic cnLip,,unda of Dr tire r~ore nctivtj t~,,m the Inorganic. It is pro- Card 1/2 KILCU. St.-M.. ACOL40mician: MIGOICS : I.- LUNGU. Al.; P&TRISCU. C.; COCU, Fl. Iffort test of notaboltsm in endocrine diseases. Bul. stlint.. sect. mod. 8 no.3:799-827 July-Sept 56. 1. Cowanicaro prezentata In Sesiunsa general& stlintifics, a Aea,domtel R.P.R. in sedints. din 30 tunte 1955. (ZID)CRINIC DISUSES. metabolism effort test of ga" exchange & pulse. comparison with banal metab. test) (BASAL KWABOLISM in endocrine die.. comparison with effort test of gas exchange & pulse) ' ~:-3 - - ,4 .4 MljjCTJ, St. M.; !rZGOr.5CU, of t,,,yrPornthl, ---:demir flyatrontzy (Pndemi,- Poitre) In tie Ppr~nle'a Hermlilic. -.+iranlan M. Rev. 1 Jai-May 17. ( 'rOl7Xq, pre-7. & nontrol e-idemir!. In fbi-manin) r MlIcu ~i., Negoescu I., Lupuleecu A., Crcu F. Base rp I ne lak.ibltlon of the Act!ori of Thy,-otr(,pir Hormone. Ccm,n. Arad. RPP. 11?1~7. 7, No. 4, Reserplne (U. 12' mg) Inhibit@ tte effect of thyro- tropic hor-mcne (1(-' units) on metabollam. The (ontenl of -,h.7rcld hormcne In the thyroid glAnd after Inlection of reBerp:ne nnd thyrotropic hormone 'a 3esu then In normsl an'mnls. Reaerpint- doen not effect the hj-per- !r-phy of the thyro'.d gland prodLwed by thyrotroplc hormone. The fahlbItIon of the effect of thyrotrop!r hor-mcne -eaults fror. the diminut.!on in the ionun of the a.;tonowlc nervous a7stes under the !nfluenre of reserpine. reserp'ne choijld be used In the In!t!ft! rmuro- pbth!r etage of 1~yper-, hyro!d lam, when eul.rnfA77ir Jistij: r ~(umn n 14 m Humnn find Animal fte!-,1'op7, Internal Emcretion Ref ZbUr BI011, no, 2, 19,9, No. 822f, unt ry : PLumnle T C.-,t jg iry : Humsn and Animal Physiology, Internal Secretion ,%l',3. j ur. Ref Zhur Mal, N,). -2, ]Q',9. No. 822C I'L 1, L . r~ r Ir R, t . bAncee are present. lqeuerpine in contra Indicat e4 In hyperthyro!d1ar with manifestations of edrenocort!nml Insufficiency.-- KIIZU. S-..X.; ILMM-SCU, A.; BOJPrASCU, Al.; T"WbCU, I.; COCU. 71. Nffect of' low-iodine diet an radioactive iodine 1-131 TIPtake and otmoture of the OWroid gland in rate. Rul. stitnt.. moct. mod. 9 no.l-.153-162 1957. (IODM. deficiency eff. on radiolodine uDtnke A otrwturo of thyroid glandq in rate) (?HYROLD GIAND off. of iodine defic. on structure & radloiodine uptake, in rate) MANUSCU, S.; NEGOF.'ICU,I. ; LUPULESCU, A.; DIACONESCU, Mona-Lieia hivestigations on the goitroigenic action of manganese. F, Rev. no.308-90 161. (THYROID GLAND pharmacology) (WGANS.','S pharmacology) N&GO&SCU, I. i BALLN, M. ; STANCU, H. ; NICOLESCU-CATARGI, A,1.; FETFMCU, C. The value of metabolic, hormonal and functional testa in incipient hyperthyroidiam. Stud. carcet. endocr. 14 no. 3013-325 163. (THYROID FUNCTION TESTS) (HYPFRTHYROIDISM) (ELECT ROENCEP HALOGW IfY) (THYROID HOMOMS ) NEGOESCU., I.; BALAN, M.1 STANCU, H. Endemic cretinlemp eribryofatal farm. of endemic thyreopathic jyfl- trophy, Stud. cerests Ondocr. 14 no.4/5/6:609-617 163. MILCUP st.m., Ficademiclan; IIFQ)ESCU, I.; KAXIMILIAN, C.; GAROIU, M.; AUGUSTIN, M.; ILIMCU, Ileana Boy with hypospadias fknd kayoty-pe XYY. Stud. cercet. endocr. 15 no.4047-349 '64. NEGOESCU , I .; BALM, 14. ; STANCU, H. ; VOIGULgr, fl.; PETRMCU, C. Data on the feedbac( mechanism I hYPBVtF/ cAdism and Baaedowle disoase. Stud. corc9t. endocr. 15 tl,.r,&)41-553 164. MILCU, StwM.; XMODMCU, I.; RkL4JI, M.; STANCU, H. A new cl,.nical form of hyperthyroidiszt exophthalmic hyparthyroidlzal goiter. Stud. cercet. (mdocr. 15 no.6t533-539 164. ~EGORSCU, 1. ; h. ; 1 '~E"hE6("U, (, ; BALAIJ, M. CoLl.r ibLtInn .o tr." study of the role of tho pituitary gland in hent prrA':,ctinn. Stijdii cercet. enlocr. 16 no.2t99-111 165. STOIA,I* dr.; VAIMM,C-dr.; STROE3CU,I. dr.; NEG(MCUI Mo dre Glinica-I and therapeutic nonsiderstims on /,50 cases of lumbosciatica. Mod. intent. (Bicur. ) 16 no.6t659-&4 Je'64 1. Encrare ofectuata la rAmtrul metodologic de reumatologie, Bucureati (directort dr. I.Stoia). MEGHEA,C.; DACU, Gh.; CCESTAITTINIZ0,M.; GAlljj[I,S.; IVLKESCU,V.; I;ErjOESCU,M. Our experifmce with the one-stage complex gurgical cure of complicated thoracic tuberculous spndylitis. Rmanian med. rev. 7 no.3.- 70-73 Ja-Mr'64. 44- 917T. 4t Itftl '40 iimtpaslod InU] Amf -palklod u1? -11nul JOqAtm, #W: P 199S I -A---d -4wtP 4061) Igw--Tsv jimaj uomqaH,Aq PQAb3d xl:tu aotjda? o3~ IL(Lmod pl,-tepuk poq 'qrv,-,Aq puc~d *n~a AjqtpR;03u, *,4q _uq>- 03 1q 's o1 Zjua d ~rj 9t6t] IV, -44iw,$am3v 06 4-144i Jq., 4k; ~~4,jit t'$ ~,Pos lqwjv" jwwtv ~,,vdaj OPI ~m;po q 1,1111 7A Iz, 4- RICLUIXEM J -77 r q: WKIT, -I 40 F_Al 56 Ili 001 -%p ~1~ 7 "Aar, 4L -VIA doit ntinft* -i~6, "Pond f. 7. PZOCRSCT', w1cloae rho Sorel method in the problem of asyinotric opproximticM. Stud.'.-' wat Iasi 12 no.2-195-204 161. 1. Universitatea "&1. 1. Cuza," Semirarul matematic "A. Myller.0 NEGO~Vscuo. Generalization of the Dirichleto Vahlen, aad Hurvits-Borel Theorems for the approximation of irrational numberm by rational numbers. Studli met ;asi 13 no.2s;!19-228 t62. REGOESCUP II.C A theorem which leads to the determination of some relations ~etveer arithmetical functions. Comunicarile AR 13 no.3;2436--21+7 Mr '63. NEGOESCU, Onoriu, ing. Improvement of the C.S.U. uriver,;,il, .91.-) - of Its utilizati-m illth The 6~ hp Trft-*,or. M,,, ' agric 9 no.300-';~ ',,4. 1. Station of Test I ng and Homnlogat Ing Agr'cii ~ , u:-i I ~'-,chlnefl, Moara E)omno-,agca. NEGOITA9 A. NEGOITA, A. For technical progress In conatruction. P. 3. Vol. 7 no* )05, Nov. 1955 CONSTRUCTURUL Bucuresti, Rumania So:; Eastern European Accession Vol. 5 No. 4 April 1956 NEGOITA, A. I BJU~DJ.A, i~. I In fact4crif! -, . ~ . L. . EGOITA, A. ; B. ADiA, L. ~n worYmen's centers N Vcl. 7 no. Y5, 11ov. 1955 CL'I'16TRUCTUEUL bucuresti, hurania So: LaBtern -'4ro;ean ~tcc~ss~on %o1. ~ No. L April 195( NEWITA. A. ,activities of the institute for 3clartific iesearcn on - rritrjctlon In ln~r-lucing new constr ictlon techniq a. p. 4. (1NDU-')TAIA CJNjT~iI'CTIIL4Jh 31 m MAT6AIALWii :)F ',0N,3TC CTE. TYA SI A .V:)1. 7, no. 1, Jan. 1956.) -3J: Monthly I.Dit of East Furopean Accessi,)ns ~aAL) X, Vol. 6, no. 7. 'alY 1957. Uncl. I NEG01TA, it, i TABU, ;. ';ome sA a pec' s cl, -- be hnv' m r f b., A A',ngm cf !Arge ,Ight concre 'e . w I a in is eism-' , -egl cmr . 8u' s t' I r t. Tjollt Clu., no, .,143-156 s0-,4 DROGF&I.7U, N.; NKGOITA) A.; S(VONIC1, M.; POPiZU, M. Studies on the bearing capacity of trin brick-works. ~ atUnt polit Cluj no.5:119-141 I&e. 1, InBtitutul rie Conatructli Burureatl (for Dropeanu). 2. Institutul Polit,ifailc Cluj (for Nodgoitz)- 3. Institutul de cereetari in constructii si economia conatructiilor (for Simonicl, Popes:u). NEGOI,TA, A.; LUCAP V.; UCIMUSCU, D~ Laying polymer carpets on floors with a moist support stratum, Bul atiInt. polit Cluj no.5:171-183 162. 1. Institutul Politehnic Cluj (for M~ita). 2. TruBtul 1 CaiwtrLctii R,.-uresti (for Luca). 3. Inatitutul de cercetari In crnsL-uctii Bi economia constructiilor (for Teodorewx). NEGOITSES A. [Negoita, AJ, prof., inzh. Modern types of floors. Zhil. stroL4 no.1:23-24 163. (MIRA 16:2) (R-niao-Floors) WfINRIGH, Gunther; MIRLILESCU, loan; NKGOITA,-Qa~~; DORE LLNDAU, Ioan Constgwtive achievementis of tranaistor blocks in the unified regUI&Ing system Cor the UNIDIN electric proceadir43s. Problese automtis 4:247- 260 163.' . la~GOITA, C., ing. Thickrwas majurement by me&rz of turbLdent flaws. Metrologia apl 10 no.7016-322 JI 163. NBGOITA,C..-dr. Ph.vsioT)atholo&v of &uricular fibrillations. Ked. Int. Bucur. 11 no.11:1613-1623 N '59, 1. Uicrare efectuate, in Clinic* I medicala I.K. Iasi, director prof. Gh. Tudoranu. (AURICUIAR YLBRILIATION. pathology,) ENESCU, I., aced.; NEGOITA, C,; NICULESCU, paula; IMACILSO, C.; PINTILl."., St. Electrocardiographic alterations in the cour3e of attempts at reducilig and after reduction of strial fibrillation by quinidine. Ruruviian 1.1 Rev. no.3sl4-18 JI-S 160. (AUR1CULA,R FIBRUUTION therapy) (QUINIDINE therapy) (ELECTROCARDIOGRAPHY) NEGOITA, ~ , , i;1. ~~ 1~ no. I r, n, T,~--dlca-ia (d,,rroj~ pro f T,l It t ~31NCti, , i "G,W-J,A Y DISLASE) ( T 1U, CEBOAN I T I S OBL; Kk215 H-f 9, N, S " 0 1 , , .1, (ARMJOSCLEROS~TS OBLITFRANS, MURLUA MkWITA, C., Lecturerl HIOILL=, Paula, MD. Ngacal CLInjo 1, institute of UwUcine and Fhamag, Iasi (clinics, I vi*dicala Iasi) - (for all) Bucharest, Vista Meacals, No 15, 1 Aug 63, lip 1059-1064 wfborapautic Attitude in Acute Diffuse and focal Gloasrulo- mephritle.8 NEGOITA,_C WEAGA, Ortansa, dr.; NICULESCU, Paula, dr. ; POLLIDGH&R, B. , , , conf.; BE dr.; MSCOVIC1, RaBela, dr.; P111TILIE, St., dr. Problem of the diagnosis of secondary axteria-1 hypertension. Med. intern. 15 no.2:191-197 F 163. 1. Luorare efectipata in Clinica I modicala, Institutul do medicina, Iasi (director: prof. Gh. Tudorekwa). (HYPERUNSION) (HYPERTENSION, RENAL) (MAGNOSIS) (KIDNEY DISEASM) (RENAL ARTERY OBSTRUCTION) (ADRENAL GLAND LEMMS) (COLIAGO DISZASF.S) (VkSCUlAR DISUSFS) L- 1048c46 EaT(d)/ENP(l) IJP(C) ACC Ws AMM396 AUMs., I-Or-l", Cs=&KU06 ILOWSIMM) Y-11 OROS some TTIUs Some %a sob In the stIlluttm of SC=t Antematiss al electrmics. ve 9. se, 1. 1965. 3,e.39 TOM TAGSI di4t&l 00MOtOrt dUpDaUs twtnmnt. therapeutics, compater app3l. AWIRWFI A brist redw of rosent work an the use of sompsters In establiablM M.Mmbfta6am sqlavift the --AA- 11OL4M wadi"I ths- - -- * The prograndAg of the 00"W as won as for the *0 of statletleal eamempts in tms mrs& a" s" CMI 09, 06 sm gmt an are on / m a?, W6 3" ml a" - /4 Uj MOITA, C., Ing. Static commutation with magwtic alamnts If, Lh#3 cow.rol rif-r-u'tfi of the reading dovicos of tho digitfil mna3urlng n~joirwiiq, Motrologia apl 10 no.6.25', 261 Jo 16-1. 'Pt NEGOITA, G., Ing. Superson-ic method of transit timo in,blooi t ow ty me,%s remento Metrologia apl 10 nc,.11:508-5i2 N 63. -:., IrW. Pr~,Frqs!i In ,., !!,,C~ - ~ i i,-!- ;, r- . . - . apl I I n,. . I (,, -. -, 3 SF~R;,liE7. : , Inp , N;-,l',C,,TA, I R , ;rg, 'ttaining an" 'leveloping a ~,ire r!wjll.,ire of aed'ment for t?~e manivif'ri-ture of rodder yeast from residual bler-ilfl'ic sclUt.17r.9 qt the Cellulos~l and Ptpf)r Flart, /ArnesL.'. '~~' nirtle 13 no.11112;0~-431) N-r, '1,4. rmkrr"' - . F-ii1blic Inopertion, mians for '-riprovement jf work safety. I . 4. ~ N3-R'j-7-T;L. ('~'inis.erul C~~n3*ructiilor si Inlustriei 'iiterlalelor 1e ,onstructli si Jniun,-n -Andicritel6r 1e ~rllari ti lin tre;,r.ndPrlle of a , n C ~nstrur-til i T~ururestl. Vol. 7, r.c. 3o4, Ncv. 1955- So. East European Accessi~-jns List Vr). . 5, No. 9 Sej,,emter, : 5' POPOVIGI, G.G., prof.1 14DISA, Lucia; N~ZOITA, Margareta; ~WOIIA, Virginia; TUDOR, G. - GoncernitX, the phenowna of innibition and adaptation of interoceptive reflexes to the aCLion of antimals ial drugs. Rumanian M Rev. no.1z 231-233 Ja-Mr 161. 1. Medical Institute, Jassy, Ukboratory of Pharmacology, Dir-ctor: Prof. Gh. Popovioi. (REFLa pharmacology) (ANTIMALAUIALS p1wrmacolojy) POPOVICII Gh.Gh.; MOISA, Lucia; WGCITA,-Htr&wrqta j_ MANOILA, Virginia; TUDOR, Gh. On the phenomenon of braking and adapting the nonconditioned Inter- oceptive reflexes during the action of antinalarial substances. Studii cerc fiziol 6 no.1:47-.62 161. (EEAJ 10:9) 1. Institutul de medicina, Iasi, Laboratorul do farmacologie. CONDITIOIMD RESPONSi) (VISCERL) (RUIMES, QUININE) PALUDHINE) (QUINAGRINE) CHLORODDMTH!rIAMINCIO' TqWUTYLAMINOQUINOLIM) kSEDAT-LVEJ ?OPOVICHP 14U:Li~, Luclliya [Mloisg, M,.); Margareta Qlepilg, M. Reaction or-some unconditioned interoce~tivc rf?.,Ilexps as a result of the application of tetracycline at the level of spleni~ and intestinal interoceptors. Antibio-.iki 6 no.12:1063-1(Y70 - 161. ~,-"A 15:2) 2. Maditsinskiy institut lasnf RLjnyniya. (TLT,iAC'KLI,i, I (SPjzzII-IIPariVAT IUI.) (INT-il 1I4Z-INifL-:fVA-, ION) TUDOFWIUO Gh. , prof.; DEWTZAGA, Ortansa, dr.; TURCANU, 11. , dr.; NTGOITA, Har reta, dr.; VACARU, Olimpia, dr.; MARINESCU, C. , dr.. -IM-R-GO-VO, Lucia, dr. Experience of tho Medical Clinic I of IaDi in the problem of bone marrov transplantation. Med. intern. 14 no.10:1245-1251 0 162. 1. Lucrare efectuata la Clinica transfuzie Iasi. (BONE MARWOW) (11.UKOPENIA) (RADIATION INJURY) I medicala Iasi si Centrul de (BONE MARROW DISWSS) (LEUID-11A) POPOVICI, Gh.Gh.; MOISA, Lucia; NEGOTTA, Margareta; MANOTLA, Virginia; BOTIM, Anilla; HAFNER, Renee; GL"X,-Ifc-mna The influence of some antibiotics on intestinal motor activity. Fiziol. norm. pat. 6t519-527 164 1. Catedre do farmacologie Institutul medico-far-maceutic, Iasi. v popoVIC ir G. G. [ f'r, i OV G. y-' E, F- At 14 L 7alaravu, A. I Eff,CL 0 ,i on t- iv V I" ~rn - r1 f .9 ome a ri L. t, Ant i nr F r. Intororeptive ref)--A. !'A v y" Ir, Ia. NEG N -,CIT,%, N. L.~ck of cc nc-rn !'or ; r~Aemr, :).' In! or T rote cti n. ; . - - - .- -7- - - :- - ("inisterul ~:onstructlllor at Industriei ''ateria-le--or de Cons-,r-t;i '9i Uni,,inea 31nd I cntelor le 3- !art a ti 11,i In'. ro~prinilvr I I e le (,-nstmot I 1, 1. Vol. 7, no. z03, Aur. 1~~55. So. L,,st European Access'. ns '1:~t V- 1 . " , 1(;. 9 .3eptemh-r, NEGOITA, N. Practical activities of graduates of Schools for Foremen of the Union of Working Touth. P. 4 CONSTRUCTORIJL,, Bucurestil Vol 8,, No- 323, Mar.,, 1956 SO: East European Accessiorm List (EUL) tibrary of Congress, Vol. 5, No. 7, July, 1956 nwi.iA, "N in yough workshops. p. 1. GONSTRUCTORLYL. (HUAsterul ConstructWor si Ir4ustriel Mterialelor do Comtructil A Uidunea Sindicatelor do Salariati din IntrepriWerile do Constructii) Bucuresti. Vol. 8, no. 341. July 1956. SOURCE: East %ropean Acessions List, (EEAL), Ltbrary of Congress, Vol. 5, No. U, November, 1956. TA .'e ~--re -,np :o-- a. fu~ f nenl. or leiz 3 n'). 343 V:ont.',.ly Lt~t. oC a~f :v). .),-re-nber 1)5(~ I c tc r: ~T:. Ii - Mpz,rbtA(,nf; for *.flu viinter t,ave p. 2. (COM) TP ~ 1, V! -';0j. ~), Tin. eTt. 1 '7, Purwv.,t,, rwumia, ,,-- 3 Mirn%hly L,_- - c f -as % zww e;- , (, -ez;!~ 11 ~.F L . ~), No. I ', !')I '. 'Uncl . . %~O I TA, N I - --irs s~ onden I.-, F~~Al, I : -,r , .- ni,ondon'. '~,; r) - 1. ~ , ,, ,I , - ~ r. - r O-a r, - *. '. , ~, I F, ft , I , M 1, . -on s !, 7- ', . - ~' t ,~ , . ~ I -, - I Mj- '1)4 . MIAMOU P(j?,-"U, G.- 'LLOITA "itoln- ,;Ah-TLZ(A, Lucretia; B14%lLi"~U, G.; 0 o a. Laborawn, of Galonic Pluirmitcy, Scliool of Plvirmncy, In.;tItute of hImUcLno njid 111vimi cy, jiucharent (Laboratorul do farmacio galonica, FacultatA-a de fanwicie, I.M.F., Bucur,-.,;ti) - (for a1-1) Bucharest, Farmacia No 1, Jan 1964, pp 13-22 "Improvement in the Qunlity of Tablets and Dra(;6ev. Experiments wi th Di sa ,,jgregnting and Lubricating Exciplentx." r-5- ) ~x-ifn, Va.~Ilc. n- - r -11, r)-a7 .111-ino ~',jnrlfrri 'it, v.7i' A Pt, i u n-a 1!'oni H I utl on of Now .%F-rar~ar- 1-ir, t( n- I AJ E GOO! C. low. Aced. no. for 11 aid of I Ix the Pres. wr cam of functional d" of of =49M.- = the beels 4 t"hb Tba reagents m 000M 0 TV* olk 00 the coladmetrie 4ets. CA 1) 6twom"I.46 v4 I Pd .: Pt; T the Prtsm2ompt up to tm ratio 01 Ojr ftkrkmAc deta. of Pd (11) At 6 0 Sa V Pd/cc. and In the Presto" of Pt up to a ratio 0115d;x4opt, sapts. have Dm perf"a W Or th go r1cc- Pd" iKU. (dimnisr 1917- OR:* tit-Mn ift Pulim" PhotmCter, by using a lank "pit, with the ume azut. of reagmt, W Lapkirt- 5(2) S07/7r-14-1-12/29 AUTHORS: Popa, G., Negoiu, D., Baiuleacu, G. TITLE: On the Problem of Functional-analytical Grouping for Palladium (K voprosu o funktalonallno-analiticheakikh gmppirovkakh na palladiy) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal analitiohookoy khimii, 1959, Vol 14, Nr 3, pp 322-330 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The purpose of the investigation was a) the detection of a more general functional group for Pd than that given by L. X. Kullberg (Ref 3), and b) to devise a sensitive photo- metric method of palladium determination also in the presence of platinum. As funotional groups the following are given (Table 1) (X - -110 or -N-N-) and x NsN- (X - -OH or -COOR)o For the photometric determination of palladium 22 organic dyes were Invesilgated (Table 2) and from among them benzyl orange Card 1/2 methyl orange, "Magnezone I" (2,4-oxy-41-nitroazobenzene~ On the Problem of Functional-an.,lytical grouping; for Palladium and methyl red were chosen (Tatle 3). Finally, by a compari3on of the light absorption spectra methyl red was found to be the best reagent which was used for the determination of ;%lladium in the presence of platinum at a ratio if Pd : Pt w 1 : 14. There are 3 figures, 7 tablea, und 5 r~-lf- erencea, 1 of which is Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Parhon State UniveraityBucharest,R.umania SUBMITTED, March 18, 1958 CarJ 2/2 *some --To up a ud dil Oplonog"O and e M 400 n2m. with X% ral. in, It, . La+ 'a- SA62 r ch VL of Gh. bl of 91 tioO Star - I 0 S. dot no. at~jntt_- SA a GO oil 4, & imils, ser. VLUO, t 'T Via a, C Yh X&t% GrD " so vin dic rne'l ?"Chon , exi its tag q Tbe IYO " c. .% 9,0M r 0 0" 6i tion In. ,Div. vk~~ ~1) V 0000 of ers 10 lab r i OD is ?LOT ~P. B~- j he ine't 0,1 c, 11 D49 'Jinal 00 60% of detera 90 1,3ti 26, se&iD trio th a '86 04,%b no. i.hed, the ate- .11ine E;ra. rize 00 ) I &jjut ~-* is 0 ate, '0 17,ite orl '010 for 9901,4e& in resOuel ineaq Ln 06 is 1 4, ta &i. tbe 'bt& 8,&djuS itla it Of a j 13 13U 9 to ti 00 0 iter , 0 -T lie for$ 'Ohi Ch O~12 3,01 is 9.66 yie 60 v1 of I a lashed in 01a, 1-0. ioo 64 offf % t () ,jj%a Of 146 ID , , ch Solla 0 10* 1 % ost eous to S.-I, Ile L Sol 0, ". q," 0 4 a 'Ple to irin, 4, t% B'D &I vteotv e`119orstoa 0 OA4 (,,or, 0 fTbe 21) Bo- r Oster to t, a of t t 13 3/081 '62,10001017103211\-)2 Gravimetrio determination of ... B162/B101 warm water and dried at 1100C. The conversion factor is 0.2410. Error !r- 1 - 5,v. The method is also al,plicable to microdetection of In. Paaed on the investigation of the solubility of In and Zn quinaldates, it in concluded, that the change in H+ concentration does not permit separation of these two elements by means of I. [Abstracter's note; Complete trans lat ion.] /i Card 2/2 5/081/62/000/017/031/102 B162/B101 AUTHORS: Popag Gr., Negoiu, D., Baiulesou, G. TITLE: Photometric detection of trivalent gold by means of &nthranilic acid PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 17, 1962, 125, abstract 17D39 (An. Univ. 11C.f. Parhon" Ser. 9tiinj. natur., v. 9, no. 26, 1960, 99-102 (Rum.1 ou~mari so in Rua. and Ger.1) TEXT: Investigations are made of color reactions of AU 3+ with anthranilic acid (1) and with two of Its derivatives: dibromo anthranilic (II) and 4-nitroanthranilic acide (III). The best results are obtained by using 1. 11 and III are less sensitive and the colored solutions obtained are insufficiently stable. The maximum light absorption of the Au3+ complex with I is found at 533 m~t (filter S 53 ), the optimum pH value in 5-4-5. .The Beer rule is valid at Au concentrations from 6.84 to 82.12 elml. Addition of pyridine does not such affect the absorption. To determine Au, 2 ml of 116 sthanolic solution of I, containing 1% by volume pyridine, Card 1/2 S,'081/62/000/017/C)3 1 /1 C,2 Photometric detection of trivalent ... 8162/B101 is added to the solution analyzed which is then diluted by ethanol to 10 ml and photometrically measured, using the solution of the checking experiment as & reference solution. (Abstracter's note; Complete transla- t i on.) Card 2/2 POPk, Or.1 NIGOIUp D.; LUCA, C.; BAIULESCU, Gh. Spectrephotemstric study of the complex combination of Ga(III) with quercitin (i.e., quareetin). Rev chiais 6 no.1:87-9,4 161. 1. Analytical Chemistry Laboratory, Section of Chemistry, "C. I. Parhon' University, Bucharest. - - ~f .1 1" 1 --,U-M --- ~' wry's MI IOPA, Gr.; VILON, D.; 7ASILF.SGU, Claudia Colorimetric determina*.i n of Derylllu= vlth the disod!c of phemylazochromotropic acid, and spectrmetric study of 'hn empolirA foTmed. Studli core chin 9 no.4t629-639 161. 1. Universitatea "C.I.Parhon", Facultatea do c~.ixipo LAhorntoriil de chimio nporganlcA 91 aralitica, bucurqpti. FEGOIU, D.; VASILESM, Claudia Reactl-r b--tween UOV) and the sodit= selt of ~.-w-.Incsallcylllc ac--*d. Studii cere chim 9 no.4 &.1-651 I(A. 1. UnIversitaten "G.I.Parhon", Facidtatea de chimie, IA,orr-torLl de chimic arcri7arica ai anal itica, Ducuresti. HEGOIU, D.; BUMBAC, M. Polarometric determination of lead with -,Icr-lonic acid. Rev ch'.zie Min petr 12 no.12:727-728 D '61. 1. Universitatea, "C. I. Parhon," Facultatea de chimie, lAboratorul de chimie anorganica. (14ad) (Picrolonic acid) (Polarograph and polarography)