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REKRASOV, F.M. Initial stsige of perturba~lons in a plamm di`ua~-td In Rn external magnetic flpld, Znur. ecip). I te-)r. flz. 4,1 n-.Z-:4R3-44-, Ag '62. 'KRA (Plasma (Ionized gasps'', 'MagnPlIc Ne'lis) r ), 18~6M3 EWT(1)/EWG(k)/BDS/EEC(b)-2/ES(w)-2 AFFTC/A5D/ZSD-3/AF"WL/ 0 0 Ns., AP3003943 IJP(C)/SSD Nb-4/Pi-4/ S/Or,57/631/ 33/ 07/076 77 Po-4/Pz-4 AT Nakrnsov, F.M. . ........ T.'TLZ: Class of non-linoar nolutions of the kinetic equation without the knla collision integral SOURCE: Zli-rnal takhnicheskoy fiziki, v.33, no.7, 1063, 769-775 TOPII~ -,.GS: plasma, kinetic oquatiwr. ABSTPUZT: iome nartic,jIlar one-dimensionil steady stato Sol f -cons istont solutions are oUta"nod of Naxwoll's equation.& the iciactic oquation (without the collisicn integral) for a fal~~lion~izodd plasaartd a uniforn external magnotic field. Only such solutions are sought for which all quantities that vary In space and timo are functions only of the phase of pl-Ino waves propaCating in the direction of the ap- plied field. The solutions are further rastrictud by the assumption that the ion and electron distribution functions can be oxprcssed as products in which one fac- tor depcnds only on the lonf;itudinal volocity ftlio velocity in the direction of the applied field) and the other factor doponds only on the remaining variables (the transvorso velocities and the phase). This loads at once to a Maxwellian Card 1/2 L 18~68-63 d I s t r 4 jul of ho 13rg,.tudnal iclocities. Four cases are d-,sting-u4-;hed, dopend- ing 'In w'iuti-r t:,e appliod field cr thu ;-~,haso velocity of the waves in the rest Syst4j'I C-' t:.o pl~isi:in doon or does not vanish. Fur the case that neither the plase Vclucity :--r the applied field vanishes, a sulutlon is obtained that represents a ,artlcul.,r,- ,f t.'ie propagation of %Ifven t-.,avus. The expressi n ottained for .hr-. phaso vL.,--,)cit), a:i a function of tho applied field and the temperature aniso- tropier ~!Jlffcrance between tho longitudinal and the transverse temperatures) roducos VIV LISual axpression for the volocity uf Alfven waves for the case of low phase ve.ocity and snall temperature anisotropy. For the case that both the phase ve I oc I t y'lie rest systerr. and th,:! applied field vanish, several solutions are ob- tained. .-;io (.1 these the plasm% is conlf,nud to a finite layer by p1rch forcos. In conc'--c.-.:,- .ht, ~.uthor thanks Ya.B.Faynbcrg for suggesting the topic." Orig. art. has:'i~ :'QA-V11 1 15 . WOCIAT'.011: nond SUBMITTED: '-2Jul)62 DAME ACQ: 07Aug63 ENCL: 00 3 M CODE - PH NO REF SOV: 009 077MR: 001 Card2/2 L J1760-66 Eldr(I jEjQ(J)&M(.M)&PF(n)-2 IJP(c) AT ACC N21 AP6004696 SOUM CODEi UIV0051/616/036/0-01/0191/0i93 A-1171109: KORty To Nakresew F.U. 70 019;: now 2) -vat, S~;~ TITL9., On the linear theory of the excitation of oncillations In a plons by a charged particle bem SOURM Shurnal tekhainhaskoy flaiki. v. 36, no, 1, 1966, 191-193 TOPIC TAGS: particle Was, electron besm, plasma beast Interaction, plasma oscillation plasma electron temperature, plasma heating , Maxwell *quation, charged particle ADSTAWT: In this I'short communication" the authors briefly discuss the initial staCes of the excitation by a charge particle boom of oscillations in a plossis that to of limited extent In the direction of the be= and is located In a unifors magnetic field. The discussion to based on Haxwell's equations and the kinetic equation withou, collision Integral and is limited to times short compared with that required by a plasma particle, owing to Its thermal motion, to traverse a distance equal to the wave length of the excited oscillations. The kinetic equation Is first solved by the mom of. characteristics, and temperature dependent terms are dropped tram the resulting expressions for the charge and current densities. After substitution of these expres- alone for the charge amil current densities Into HaxwelVe equations. the OquatlaMe are L 21760-66 Aie-Nif-' A-P60048-M , 0 subjected to a Laplace trareforuation awl thoir solutions are discussed. It is found thai resonant excitation with linear Increase of amplitude with time can occur at c*r- tain frequencies depending on the system nnd the Initial disturbance. An equation 12 derived for the resonant frequencies In excitation by an electron been of the extra- ordinary wave, propagating parallel to t1w external magnetic field In an electronic plasma. The excitation of these w-ve to due to the component of the bass velocity perpendicular to the magwitle f leld, It to suggested that beating of the plasma elec- trona can result from such excitation of the *ztraft4leary mov and Its subsequent alworption as a result of the thermal motlaw of the elect Orig. an. hass 9 formulas. SM CCD0s 20/ $MOM: 241ky"/ Wo W: on/ OM W: 000 1, K r~ 1, LIE:A n vn A ZILP znm. 9 av. red I-'EL 11, Ags v 3 1 rl ciecoase(a); TEYVE, A.V. lle-.-, ',AmOrymp , L.), ral.; :,A,.APIA-~ T" vt)o . vy i u A aY Uhl~ , I u.Y prcf.,r~d. BA: ky I rea ~f tho of 7 AUVIOR: Nekrasov, G .M. nee.- TITLE: Burning of Brown C (Szhigani,ie buryen PLRIODI-,AL. EnerUr(~tik, Nr ABOTRACT: Th,~-: i.-; de~;cri; *.i - n iua, i t The Sorskaya thermoelectric pover -)!ant n 4 i,~,: h (.i of T 1 -C/ output ,/h each at 4~ alm 4'~~,00 tr e ,, -1 ~ - -1: * - .-n z, bo r o Ev-ry ~0~;lel- ?~.,Js mil-s of th IAL I , 000 /'~" C ,7 "1; 'ic i ty. 7 -in t In; I Car,! 1/.' b, -~, f~(? rs , vo el b-, a r-,Ic- -~~l a On-mils-RAM Burning of Brovn C, :j ~:,7 r - v s b "Sibtyazhmaeb" o U 0;" ra 0 n ;tl"Q (~X~ on:.v 'OC to 14CC C LrinF iistal.',:-d in I;n, 1. :n-, t o f st I ii i tp -m,l -;n,.- ,~ ~-j; wc-~k. 30me of I.-r. i-,'. a ---~mm~mn 0-mmom"NEW Burning of Prown I.: I . I NWRASOV. G.M.. insh. Rational liagram for autematic control of thn fe"d and te"rature of ivtmm supirhmaters tn ~dlum-preusuro boilers. glek.sta. 30 no.1-88 J a 15 9. (MIRA 12:3) (Sup"rhoaters) (Automtlc control) MIMSOV, 1', gornyy dispetiher Traveling &-rose the Plaritime Territo.-y. PASt.UgI. 9 ao.6:A-27 J,i '60. (MIRA 13:7) '. Shalchta No.1, +resta Artemugoll. Primorskogo kraya. (Maritime "erritory-Description and travel) NIKRLSOVP G., gem" dispetcher; IKIT U, A.1 DEKINA, A. Nim,re and their lodging houses Smahakht. 10 no.8:34-35 Ag 161, (MIRA 14: 8 ) 1, Shahta No,8 kambinata Prizorskugoll (for Nskrasov). 2. Imendant abstcheshitiya shakhtop.-okhodehookogo upravleniya No.2v Popawymakiy rayant Ivganskaya oblast' (for Damina). 3. Neahinist vodootliva shakhty Ineni Stalina v Wganakoy ob2AAt (for Kilepu). (Goal miners) :ABORCIIIS.Ki YA , X.b. , : `W,, j Xk Kf 'f) M.S.; ':# ',uneo lei of trIG ',-v *,A revull I*. ',i,re a of 'a a ~-er. a. r"(, o to k tor. 1, k A no . b Ito, f,~C. '~C~A 'zi- , 1. leolop,chonAly 'no*ltut AN .,.~Jh . goo:o- R I t,efIKCy(- uj 71AV :0111 :rr. . ~".htl ' ' ' Oki YAJ ' , . 41 -1 R- V F , Iq , , . ; N F? ~"., I ,, , I . J, . c 0 -, s. -) ~ - r. r , " -1 1. :: it, IV- -tI" . , f, I I ~e ~:- I. 1, . . I , 11 1 . 4 - ;-,- I ., .( v -I I, ( " ' r, . ,, .1. 1 "'. 1 1. 11 . - .1 "'1 1 a 'I. (). - i : I - --a I r~ - I ,-~ -.'- , o ;~ --d7.-' -.1wr - - " .*. - -) .'. - . - :-84 .,.- I 'I (,, Ayr I *: -' -: ---- ~ 9 Prr - i r '.,- '. I c ) NEKIWOV, I.A. A new geocryologlml map of Alaska. 12V.VSeO.9&Og.Ob-Va 93 no.5s44&-450 S--O 161. (1111j~A 14 1-1, (Llmska,-Frozen ground--14mps) IFEKWOV, 1,A. (lakut3ki PolymyaD on rivera of the Ghukehi Peair-sula. Meteor.i giur~,- M08:35-38 J-1 [i.e.Ag.j 162. 1 -l-, - 7 ) (Chulcchi Peninsila-Ice un rivers, 1&kea, etc.) UEKRASOV, I It. Perm&f'rost study, the s,:Ience of frozen ground. Pr1ro-da 51 no.2:19-26 F 102. (MIRA 15 2) 1. Inatttut morzlotovedeniya I,-,. V.A.Obnicheva Akademit stroitel*stva ~ arkhitektury SSSR, Moskva. (Frozen ground) NEjm,UiUvp I.A. Origin and history of the Lake KlIgygytgyn kwin, Geol.i gecf.z.. -, 47-59 163. (MIRA it;,) 1. Institut meraloto"deniya imeni V.A.Otu-ucheva Sibirskogo otdeleftiya AN 3,I)SH, Yakutsk. (ElIgygytgyn, Lake regi D-Ceology) 3 3/V)G/DG,/O(A/rK)7 R.") Nekrasnv, 1. A., Fiat,donls, P. A 7 E Meteoric ~!raters i Prlrodn, no. 1. 11#6j, lo.' After -nnurieratIrg a r,j,-4,tr t %ries, the auttiors poirt out that not vpr, evOry met--ir:L, r-ti. the for-lation of a crater. Tv) typon f oratt-r-ri ;ir,~ 1Ir ji,prt,t rraters and ex;,Iosion Praters. M-reover, t:.o ,nrisis In the IMA in 1951 Fuid tne f I.-i t:1- ;,r!" r,h r.-itP7 It-, libG, Pan be Fli ~ r', n r t.,, e r whicii proved that coesite meteoritic craters on tne Ear-trl and, later, in 7oon. IT, ,Ot, I Ir zse, r r, w, r, was started In the Soviet Union for Idert1l'yIng ,rators itn(l 1~nv ;i.A?-,,,r! re-purt (n a number of cases where, hy the anson,e of eof~slte, crat,-r-snapod de- prpsplons e!ould be Identified as ordinary tootonic formations. There fire i f"gill-ON Card 112 Yotporic orfttnrq V ".'6/6 ki:i(XIATTON3. fr..-.t I Uit A, ri-qt I ti~ *; 9f',) I OKI I- MJ(InYr-~~ I AvtoKrilmlll 'Tnstl~tiMe of co-2- ~jrj r Xj:j-!c.i, MInoralogy ann )oorheml~~try/ f Achtie7i )f '~ojejjrw; Mos C,)w . 14TRTSTW.)V. A. F. ; 919RASOV. I. A. Ways of developing old Ural plants. Stal' 16 no.7:631-6)3 J1 '56. (XLRA 9:9) 1. Ministerstva chemaj mmtallurgii SSSR. (Ural Mountain region--Metallurgical plants) AUTHOR: nekrasov, I.A., Engineer. T In LE: Soviet Blast rurnace Practice and t.I.e F., o:, ict, - n L, f .1 (,Sovetskoye domennoye proizvodstvo) PERIODICLL: Stal', 195/,' 7NO-11, P'1-1- 965 - ')68 (USSR). ABSTRACT: The state of "lie Soviet iron "ndustr-,, Firid t~p ~evs-i -f production at the teLin-riiiiF of 1941, as wel' 1 f~:; u st -w a r developments are outlined. The daz-aE,e ca,;sed ty tl.e last war was repaired-! -i-r. 1q4';-50, vil.en tie pre-war !evel of ::)di;ct~-Dr~. was achieved. develo~aents 8rp ci.a-act-r-sed t-i the constructicn of larger furnaceS, introdi.ctio:. ,f .`Lol-, tol, pressure, 5teaz additions to t1ast with irirreRse in the blast temperatures (Ma~,:-.itoEorsk Combin- QOC '11;G C) Rnd burden preparation. As a result )f ar. i.-xrpase ti.e workinC volume of blast fu:nacei, ti~eir 9nd ,,eneral Iml,rovemerit i,,. tl.e tecl.nolo.-,7 -f :rod-~cl~.-r., tLe lal-r productivity increa.,.ed from 1 8(-3 ton.3/rian/year ir. 1 -13 to 2 4.44 tons/man/year in 1~56- (0i, tl.e 1MaL,-,itor,,crs'f%- Cimll%-, ~~t was -/ 140 tons/man/year in V AV A I LAI LE: Library of Con~-ress ,-,-ir,l 1/1 AUTHORt Nekrasov, I.-A., Engineer 4 TITLEt Coke Fig-Iron (Chugun paredellnyy koksovyy,' PERIODICALs Standartizatsiya, 1958, # 1, pp 42-43 (USSR) LBSTRLCTt The article deals with the new "GOST 80"-57"-standard for pig-iron, which, since October 1957, has replaced the "GOST 805-49" and requires low manganese content in pig- iron for the production of open hearth steel. The Magnito- gorsk and Kuznetsk Metallurgical Combines were the pioneers in this matter and achieved, respectively, 2.6% and 4% economy of coke, 3% and 41% higher productivity of blast furnaces, and about 20 r ubles economy per ton of pig-iron. All plants of the Eastern region of the USSR followed suit. In October 1954, an All-Union conference of blast furnace specialists decided to try the method at one of the plants of the Southern USSR which works on highly sulfurous coke. The Central Institute of Iron Metallurgy also met with success at the Metallurgical Plant imeni Dzerzhinskiy in 1955. Blast furnace productivity increased by 3.45,(, coKe limestone, and mangqnsse ore consumption decreased by 3.42%, 6.3%, and 80%, respectiv4tly. Practical experience has proved, Card 112 that the manganese content in pig-iron Joes not have tne Coke Pig-Iron 28-58-1-15/54 technological importan:e in the open hearth melting process as was believed before. It was found at the imeni Dzer- zhinskiy Plant, Viat in order to reduce the sulfur content in pig-iron, it Is necessary to increase the basicity of slag, and an increased magnesia content in slag keeps it fluid. Additions of dolomitized limestone can be made for this purpose. Satisfactory results were also obtained in the open hearth scrap process (with 52% of 1,1g-iron and 68% scrap) at the Zlatoust Metallurgical Plant. In 19115, an All- Union conference of steel smelters decided to accept low- manganese pig-iron, and a corresponding technological in- etruction for steel smelting was considered. The articIR in- cludes two charts illustrating that the manganese content in the liquid metal of open hearth furnaces Joss not depend on the manganese content in pig-iron and does not chanige. There are 2 charts. ISSOCIATIONs Gosplan R3FSR AVAILABLEi Library of Congress Card 212 SHUR, Alaksandr Borisovich; NEEIASOV, I.A.9 Inz.b., r*d.; ROZENTSMG, Ya.D.t red. isd-va; EMSON, I.M., tekhn. red. (Smelting pig iron vitb a Miniz= cons=ption of coke] Vyplavim chuguna a minimalInym raakhodom koksa. Moskvat Goo. nauchno~ takhn. isd-vo lit-ry po chernol i tsvetnoi metallur i , 1960. 51 P. 19RA 14:7) (Cast iroD-44et&Uurgy) NURASOV, I.G.Jpzh. Concerning A.P.Mamet'a article "Relfitiv water." Elak.sta.33 ro.101 Ja 162. (Food water) (10mmt, alkAli ~Ortent of fped (V-F.A 151~) A. P NEKRASCV, IG,, jnzh.j tMACHINA, A.P , tekhnlck Determination -f the ralt contert in feed vater. Elek.sta. '13 nr.e-: 85-86 F 162. (MIRA 15:3; (Fecd vater) TSVMOV, V-11-; HTCHKOVA, V-TG-; SAVVOI'- S-M-; L'MSOVI "" Intramolecular interaction and negment anisotropv of chain molecules in solution. Tysokom. soed. 1 no.9:1407-1415 S leg. (MIRA 13:1) l.Ingtitut vyookomolskulyarnykh eoyedlnenI7 Ali SSSR i Leninrradokiy posudarst,wennyy univereitet im. A.A. Zhdanova. (Macromolocular conpounds) (Prop-pne) (Styrene) dp~ TSVETKOV, V.N.; KALLI."'I"OV, O.V.; KOPIMEVA, Ye.V.; I.K. 3terearegularlty and optical anisotropy of ,ol7prr-,P7~'~rA. Vysokom. soed. 5 no.10t1538-15i.2 0 10. ( ~,~~L-A -; - . ~ 1. Institut s-nit AN PERAPELKIN, V.S.; ZABOLOTNOV, V.I.; VORTYNTSEV, D.I.; NEKRASOV, I.L. Coil enteritis in adults and the carrier state of en"rrpatchgenic Escherichla colt. aur. aikrobiol., epid. i Immun. 40 no. 81 122-125 Ag 163. OMIRA 1719) NIKOLAYEV, Aleksey Vaevolodovich; NEKRASOV, I.L., otv. red. [seismic properties of soils) Seismicheakie avoistva gruntov. Moskva, Nauka, 1965. 183 p. (MIRA 18:7) I v ,IEISASOV,__I. P., CIMMY, G. .5., RAM-ZMTKO":-H, ~. ~-'. ~14-1- '.) "huuroar-y Layer .;epa:7v I -i a - .~ Ie %. ! . reporl. presew.- I u, *.h(- ?',4r!;- A-! I - Un, r, [10:.- - . :, .:., "" , . 11. It:. 1 "; , ~ mechanll-s, 14(j.; -, ., 1-1( Jurl - -~ '-t, , 00,4 . UZRASOV. 1. Ta. Gemotic t"es of %in deposits in the Polausnyy and Selennyakh Rmgos. Gool.rud.mesteroah. ne.1:77-89 J&_P '59. (KIRA 12:5) 1. Yakutakiy filial LN SSSR. (Folousmyy Vange-Aftim area) (Selannyukh Range--Tin ores) M&KRASOVS I.Ya. Gold potentW of the northwestern part of the Verkboy"k--Kolyma foldeAF area. Nauch.soob. IA.FA.N SSSh no.21lO-15 159. OUU 16:3) (Yakutio--Gold ores) NIMSOV. I.Ta. Specific features of the oxidation zone of s.lffile ores In a polar climate. Uch. zap. ROU 44:219-221 159. (MIRA 14:1) (Pblar regions-Sulf Idea) NXXRASOV, I-Ta. New type of beryllium Ydner&lization. Geol. rud. sestorozh. no.2:32-4) Kr-Ap 160. (MIRA 13:8) (Beryllium) V1iAiZ1AtL_ f V .-- - I 4-44L.- Some petrographic problems of the Pre-4,ambrian crystalline formati(n In the ;ole-ryakh Range of northeastern Yakutia. Mat.pc geol.i pol.inkop.lAk. ASSR no.2 85-105 1 60. (MIRA 15:10) (Selotui.vakh Range-Petrology) 14EKRASCYV J I. Ya. Igneous activity and problems in the laorthwesterr; part of the Verkhoyansk--C"akchl folded region. Zakon.raz=. polezn.1okop. 3.,475.-524 160. (1,URA 14 - 11 ) 1. Yakutskiy filial Sibirskogo otdeleniya Ali -qWR. (Verkhoyan!ik Ran-e nri daDosLt- (Chukcl,- '/ '1-11 1 4.coa--Gre depasit-9, NEKRASOV? I.Ya.; YkBLOKOV, K.V. Basic met&Uogenic characteristics of the Ulakhan-Tas Hange in northeastern Yakutia. Geol. rid. mestorozh. nc.2:79--FQ Mr-Ap 161. '141-4 1405) 1. Takutskiy filial Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSH i Institut geologii rudnykh meatorozhd--ieiy, petrografii, mineralogil i geokhimii AN SSSR. (Ulakhan-Tas Range--Ore deposits~ NEKRASOV, Mae; Conditions of formation of some Un deposits in northeastern Takutia. Geol.rudematoroth. no*308-50 Vq-Je 161. (KMA 14:6) 1. lakutskiy MW Sibirskogo otdeleniya IN SSSR. (lakutia-Tin ores) NEKRASOV, I.Ya.1 RDZIIKCV, I.S.; BORODYANSKIY, A.I. Gold deposits in the northvestern "Verkhoyansk-Chukchi folded area. Geol. i geofis. no.4:64-73 161. ()MA 14:5) 1. Yakutskiy filial Sibirskogo otdoloniya LN SSSR. (Vorkhoyansk Range region-Gold ores) (Chukchi Plange region-Gold ores) %FXRAS,)V, I.Ya. TrIdY VITR 1 ~ I - rin deposit in keratin)u5 (Y:.~L^ ,~:9) (Tin )rps) (Shale/ NEKWOV, I.Ya.; IPATIYEVA, I.S. 14Lmralogica.1 and geochemica.1 characteristics ~f metal-be&ring granitea as revealed by the O=htkandya --gai-f. 14at.po geol.i pol.iakop.lAk.ASSR no.5:32-50 161. OUHA 15:7) (Yakutia--Granit.e) YABLOKOV, K.V.; NEKRMOV, I.Ya. Geology of the Ulakhan-tas Range. Isy. AN SWR. Ser. geol. 26 no.5: 58-65 MY '61. (M.T-RA 14: 5) 1. Institut geologii rudnykh mostorozhdeniy, petrografii, mineralogii i gookhiaii AN SSSR, Mookva i Yakutskiy filial Sibirskogo obdelAniyn A,W 33SR. (Ulakhan-Tas Range--Geology) NEKRASOV, I.Ya. Mooozoic vnicanism in northeastjz-n Y,~kutia. lzv.,~Ii Ser. geol.26 no.20i"-96 0 161. fMIRfi. 14:r,) i. Institut geologii Yakutskogo filiala Sibirskogo otdolonlya AN SSSR, Yak-utak. (Yakutia-. - noes) NEKRASOV, Ivan Yakovlevich; SHATALOV, Ye.T.,; SMCLIN, F.i., - red.izd-vR; VOLKOVA, V.V., tekhn. r,!d. (Igneous activity and ore potential of the rorthweqtern ~nrt of the VerkhoyanBk-Chukchi fold area] Magmatim i rudonomnost' severo-sapadnoi chasti Verkholano-Chukotsko. skladrnatot obloisti. Moskva, Izd-vo AkRd.nRuk 3SSR, 114b2. 331 p. IA~qdo-ml'Ln nnuk SSSR. IAkutskli filial, Yakutsk. Trlidy. Sprlia geologicheaknia, no.12). 'MIRA 11j:7) (Yakutin-Rocks, Igneo,is) ' fn,, i + ti-,)r- Inposi ts) iffriwov, I.Ya.j GAKUNIN, G.N. Mineral aesociatiow and conditicna governing the formation of cobalt deposits in northeastern Yakutia. Geol.rud.mostorosh. d, no.6:54-73 N-D 162. (MIRA 15:12) 1. Institut geologii Yakutskogo fili&la Sibirdkogo otdeleniya AN SSSR. (Yakutia-Cobalt) OZOLEVSKAYA, G.V.; NEIR%SOV, I.Ya. Petrography and petroch~M-'3*.r-,' Of lrach7rhyoUtes, tr--ch7andesitpes, and monzonites of Polevaya :.iountain (northeastern Takutia). Trudy IVAII SSSR.Ser.Gool no.11:3-15 162. ("LU 15:7) (Alazeya Plateau-Petrology) BROVKIN, A.A., AJ.FXS)ANl)l(('V, ~%M.; NEKRASOV, I.Yn. X-ray Finalysis - f ir, I npr a Is In ,.hp I urlwip I tp-vrnv-n- ' , i . Rnnt.min.sjr. n(-,, 3: Ir-34 '~3. 'WIRA !":,0 1. Yakiitakiy filisLI Sibirskogo otdclenlya AN IIEKRASOV, I.Ya.; PAKHOMOVA, ~.S. Distribution of rkenium in taB rocks Fmd Solybdewites :,f skarn and hydrotbermal deposits in nortkoastern Yakutia. Trudy IAFAN SSSR.Ser.Geol. no.16:49-55 163. (MIRA Ib.-14) ITL F, %-,~ , ~ . ! , . 1) ,, , - , - I . - I I ~ . . I I , . . . , - . .. t - . . I . . v . .A . : , , . 1, ; I 1* - ,, ACC NRI AR6017248 SOURCE CODE: uR/oo58/65/O0O/()12/Do45/D045 AMOR: Kovaleva, L. T. ; Nekraoov, I. Ya. ; Arkhipenko, D. K. ; Brorvkin, A. A. ; Gri- gorlyev, A. P. 7 TITIX: Study of minerals of the ezaibelyite-ffussexite series by Infrared spectro- scopy and x-ray diffraction methods SOURCE: Ref. zh. Mika, Abs. 12D380 REF SOURCEi Tr. rwals. po spektroskapti. AN SSGR, t- 3, vYP- 1, 1964, 6o4-61o TOPIC TAGS: mineral, ir spectroscopy, x ray diffraction study, absorption band ABSTRACT: The authors studied minerals of the series MeB2Oq()H)2-M2B20-3(011)2- The parameters of the unit cell'were calculated for the entire series. A dependence of the parameters, position, and intensity of the absorption bands on the chemizql com- position ic established. The possibilities are discussed of crediting the ir bands to vibrations of the B-O-R2* and OH-Mg, OH-Mn groups. The formula (Mg, Mn)2B205(OH)2 is proposed in place of the formla (Yg, Mn)HB03, since it has been established spectroscopically that the B20~j groups and free OH are present. These singularities are characteristic also of the natural minerals. (Translation of abstract) SUB CODE: 20', Of/ 1- KOVALEVA, L.T.;_LJTKRASOV, I.Ya.; ARKHTPENKO, D.K.; BROVKIN, A.A.; GRIGORITEV, A.P.; KOMAR, L.V. Study of the minerals in the series of asc~~arite-pussex! b " C, .r infrared spectroscopy and electron diffraction mt~. !F. Zhur. strukt. khim. 6 no.lt79-82 Ja-F Ir)5. 1. Institut geologii i geofiziki Sibirskogo olvielenlya AN S,6R, Novosibirsk i Institut geolowli Yaku,'Bkwo fl'I'la.11 SibirBkogn otdelenlya AN 3SFR, Yakutsk. Submt -ed Or-tobq--r- 28, 1963. Y.A I YR AN r '-,I L KARLINSIATA. N., kandidat tokhnichaskikh nauk, laureat Stalinskoy premil; KAU- SICHKINA, T.. tuuchnyy aotrudnik; YZFMOV, Z.A.; 91XWOV, A.A.; GAVRI- LOV, X.A., doktor tokhnichookikh nauk, prefews*r,ceoi~Atbat. Time-impulse system of pressure telemetry for liquids and gas,-*. Shil. -kom. khoz. 3 no-3:5-8 Kr 153. (KLRA 6:5) 1. Akademiya kommvinal'nogo khosyaystra, Laboratortya avtomatiki (for Ur- linskayft, Kagnichkina, Ifremov. Neirrasov). (Pressure gages) Usmsov, K. A. I M=KEVICHN 1. A., Inih. iq KARLINSKAYA, M. I., Imu"t Stalinskoy Premi ' Ka-nd. Tekhn. Nauk)6 YDT&MV, Ye. A.0 Insh.p NEKRASOV, K. A., Inzh. Akadewdya Komwnallnogo KhozymWetva IM. K. D. Pamfilova Tsentra.Usovannoye uprawlenive magistrallrqmi setywd gorc,dskikh vodoprovodov Page 57 ~ollr, -,,i,)n of Annot -i*.;c)r -,ien,jifir "."os-ow, 101 NRKRASOVY K.P dglaggat XIII m"yez,2a profefisi3nfk' 'nyfh 3(,y-iz , - ;' . lapart.ant bualasaa of tne traie ujL:.-)ns. NTO 5 n,)..i . -, j. %C .-,~ . r, . ~ ~ 1. Prodselato-i ' Vo~gogr-idnkogi I _ ob],i~- , pr o f 9a a Lo na I I nylch -9 o y-uza v. INIMASPI,,L., doictor takhn. nauk; TARASOVA, A.. kmad. teirha. nauk; FE)OROV. kmad. takhn. mauk Using healproof concrete in lining tunnol kiln cars. Strol. mat. 4 no. 7t9-11 JI 158. (mm 11:7) Oft 1n9) (Concrete) MCKRASOV, 1.. d3ktor takhn. rmuk. Man,ifacturtne cc- crete bricks for wnl.s a,-.,, f Iloorr, . - -,, str rt,.r~r, ptrle. Strol mnt. 14 nr,.P,: V A,- ' ;,. ( y . 'LA. , ~- : ~ , (Geruviny, Wnst--I,,ilow bricks) KARTASHCV, K.; fIEKWCV, - K., doktor tekhn.nauk, prif.-. ~EPNIKCV, F.. kard.tekln.nau~ Heat-resistant concrete and reinforced concrete. ml'tr Di tell - no.5115 MV '61. OURA 1410 1. Deystvitel'nyy chlen Akadnmii stroitellstva i arkhitektury SSSR (for Kartash7v). (Refractory concrete) .... ..... . ..... 0*4 &"_AJ -00 00 .00CO lo 4.0 so 000 040 L) NO 00, I.J IL S' a I to we fl. 008 1, vi wilb a miti ~it &a-"ra m0 b4l'AlMOMS b-AlefillL 00 # ;., 11 %1 T~- ' so f; 00 1 .0 1 NOS, 003 me* 004 000 g00 0*0 .00 4*0 0#0 -t9 It 4 OVOklUOUKAt OT160104 (*K&T000 to** - , 1 f I T 1 I 1 too a a of 0 a a : . 0 0 0 1 a 1 . s . 2 0 * 0 0 0 0 *1* : : : : : : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 so 0 * 0 *1* 000 0 0 00. 0-0-0 0'o 0 0 o a 000000000 4 .11 ood 00 0 so j 00 00- .J 200 moo SO S L 6 d~fG!&�6MGMC6L. Ifff"IW# CLIS$rKITWIF -i~0090644"w 000000000 t 1. 1-06- * Jo~ 40 1 IOL ---- -A-- #0014" of -00 Add4wd~ hum V. Id. 00 & T. ~ 0 lee %tv, 1. (f. C. A. W, Was.- .0.0 sirm *mew pwom=wA�Awwm- frabsom I" GWFIM lee =10"b feww" Or" Md on am is -00 'afaudwith --W-. dodwowwwom r~ th" w" a van- -00 -00 moo i I IF a a 1, 11 1 ;.1 : j .1, 1. -0 0 Ibis :mvem, . I *go**; o0 0*01;;;;00:0 14 000000*0 0000000000*00*0000*000 1'7YT . It . . oz Uov K Root If I-o mill' I' l . " I V,I -mit .1 1. . ! I , .1 qTI It If , , I "' j,l I "' 'I'i k 'If )if IWI "Of I I "re I I I - ..1 . ..-I .-.I- --..I. I .. , I . .. - - - - - . .. . .. . 9 MEYRAXV, K. D. 26328 ngnsupornyy beton na portlandtaemente a mikronapolnitelyarni. Sbornik nauch. Rabot pa vyazhushchim i%nterialam. !--., 1949, s. 33-96 -- -;-ib-'iDgr: 9 aazv. SO: LETOFISI NO. 35, 1449 ?4URASHEV, V.I., daktor tokhn.nauk, prof.; LULMKIN, N.I.. laureat Stalinmkoy promil; IMKRASOV. K.D.. imnd.tolchn.nuuk; 131UGLYAK. S.I.. insh. Now designs of foundations for blast furnaces. Stroi.prom. 27 no.10:1-9 0 149. (MIRA 1):2) (Blast furnbcas) Onundations) MASOV, K. D. The production and use of firo-resistsnt Ooncrete in heating plants and furnaces Moskva, Goo. izd-vo stroit. lit-ry, 1950. 31 p. (51-24826) TY677. K4 1. HEKRASOV, K.D. (Dr.), TKMSOVA. A.P. (Enpinser) ------------ 2. USSR (60n) 4. Floors, Concrete 7. ffeat restating concrete for hot shop floors. St. roi. prom.. 3n. %,. 4, 1952, D-P Tekhn. Nauk TSNIPS 9. Monthly kjLt gL Rumpj&n Accessiong, Library of Congress. Aug-ist. 1952, Unclassif ied. Mg~JL K.D., doktor tekhnicheakikh nmik; DOINATOT. V.Ta.. kwididat - "TeMO&I'cbeskikh nauk; TARASOVA. A.P., inzhener Hoat-resistant concretes for factor7 floors exposed to heat. Rats. I Isobr. predl. v atroi. no.95:3-8 154. (MI&A 8:7) 1. Takhnichesko" upravloniye Hinisterstva stroitelletva. (floors, Conaretim) KBIRASO , K*Do, dektor takhnichaskikh nauk; OJAMAA, N.G., kandidnt chesid1rh nauk; ROSTOTTSJU, M.P. , redaktor; ?OKKR. A.M., tekhnIcheski.y redaktor. [investigation of waste blast furnace sl&O m aggregates far heal-reefstant concretel Issledovanto otvalInykh domeWkh shlakov kak zapolnitelei zharoWamogo betona. fMoscow.?Sentralln-vi nauchno- 2maladovatellskit'112stitut promyshlennykh sooruzhanii. NanohAoe soobahchanie, no.19) 1955 52 p. (MLELA 9-4) (Slag) (Concrete) BARANOT. Austolly Tisofeyevicht- Majoy, 1.9.0 loucbw re"Irtor; G(JRTICH, 0 N.A., YO&kt0r; LTUDAUVWATA, M-JL-,-"%%kbulch**kU roUirtor [Pmm amarete and f~ ellicatoe] ftaobetm I pommillkst. mosk-va. Goo. lad-vo lit-ry po stroit. mtertalms, 1956. 79 p. (KM 10:1) (Li&tw*lght conarets) (211teates) F r i Fi, i n f r - rn R v t v t~ r ['-',S R) A U T H U R S Nek r i K 0', TT1.. E, rITI-E rht, Uli W t f F, re Re - C, i, rf Pr I., h ~ic(- i h r ipt t I Tyi PER TUD!C A L. V 1) D r7 - i r-. ~ . - r, pr, A I~S FR AC- I A pre vnt f (I I I I, T t - - - f ~ T , 11 f. (it t, Jill I I T I n (1 1) r pt r I v ! I I - - f R , I h ,x, f ry, , f) , 1) . K- M I p,,. no Dri, p! (i i , , p "I. h- rn -, ! . 'f, rn Pt u T 41 f I (), .., FR( f !A, ~ w .. , , - rr 1) r R 0, h,, m, 'I, 1~ Fh f Tvp hu I p r - (,n,~ C Ill C,, rd p,rten, ~f 'he gh- ( f 4 Fhe Ut I i I W -v 11 F-, sddilio- It fit, P, r, .-id m- 4011 'Oh P. III I r t . . " , ~ 1) ,7 1 1 t T1 p 'I rT) r u ri t 11 q f g ( , T-T I , . T-11 P t ri d I M ;00 f f"' tT'. pf 1, ti du g r v t- t -i d ni I v ni pt, r,, i Ty fit, ti, f r V .it 'he 1) r D' -.1 C i r d HEIRASOV. lonstantin Daitriyovich, doktor tokhn.nauk, prof.; YXGOROVA, N.O.. red.lzd--va; BMTHIT. N.K., DxPerionce in using heatproof concrete in furnace units] Opyt primenentia zharoupornogo betona v teplovykh agregataich. MosIrva, goo. tsd-vo lit-ry po stroit. i arkhit., 1957. 41 P. (Akademlia stroltalletva i arkhitektury SSSR. Institut bet,)na I zlieletobetona. Perova. Nauchnoe soobshchenie, no.1). (MIRA 11:4) (Concrete) (Refractory materials) HIMSOTt Konstantin Dultriyovich, doktor takhnich-39kikb aauk. Drofensor; Afiffo-r; PTATAKOVA. N.D., tekhnichesirty redairtor [Host resistont concrete] Zharouporayi baton. Moskva. GosAid-vo lit-ry po strolt.mstp7lalam. 1957. 282 p. (MIAA 10:7) (Concrete) T rari s I at ion f rom Rcfvrati%t~',~ AUTHOR7 Nekraso% , K D FIT I ~E: Refractor% C(m( r,-I(- a!,(i Its uscs 11. (Zharokipor-iiv~ !ivtori t ~vgc primetict;i%c PERIODICAL.. V 55 Materialy So% vsht hamyd po % opr metallu:-gii i -az%itiya pirometailuri, protse,-,w R I fa 1 0 1 1 ABSTRACT T~.v author dvs~ rihe-, tric phNsi(a; aj~d nict ref racto r-~ ( oti( retes (C) Lised it) The C were prepared %xith various bir,dir.g agent, C Aith a finc-grutind additi%v and j %%()!-klfLg 1.) to i-'O()'G, awl watc i-vla.-i4 C %ilh N'a 11"os'llit ate a h to 100f)(-) Tiiv akilhoi- examitiv-s thc uff'vit cil (-mitrcr-f`il:t--s ') on turi~rctc under Itic a(tio:. of tures arid also the relation of the amount of ii;,, to it-, typt. ifirt.( lay, magnesitt., ( hromitc, o.'hh. of fig. I- 'i )Wal 4- r-W. Ia j4 m C ~,k it h f i ret la y f i I I v i- , i i, I,,- .,~ with a neutral or a( id niedium A dest ription is (,t i-- t--. C :.(I I i:) de~. elopment work cin othe r C " hi( h a re sturdic :- lk(-f ra( torv Cor,~ retv arid Its Uses it. SO', ;,(- , i stam to highe r I cryipe rat ii re s , a IT) Of, III d -a of a,)ph( ation of rt-frat torN C and its ad,..inl~gvs Ly. t- S:.a~wfl '1' acldu( cd . riaint- i N Filf-ria( e-t mist rut t ion t ost i S reduk ed t 11.L' I ~' Ir c a s u d I u 0`9 , e t c s I, S u nc 11 S I r C f u :i, t c , a rc cluot ed A S kJ r \ V N (If I 'It' a JJ~)~ 1at 1 LI:. k)l "1. 7, 1(' 7 C (I ILUM80r;- prof., doktor tekhn.nauk: SALUMOV. G.D., kand.tekhn.neuk, tarshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; TARASOVA. A.P., kand.tekhn.nauk. : tarshiy nauchmyy notradnik; MaOVA, T.V.. red.izd-va-. PWSMOVA. ?.A.. [Instructions for mmking and uoing heat-repletant concreteeJ Ukazanlia pa prigotovlonilu i primeneniiu zharaupornykh betonu;. Koslcva. 1958. 48 p. (MIRA 12:3) 1. Akadenlys stroital'stva i arkhitairtury SSSR. Institut baton& 1 shelesobetons, Perovo. 2. I-aboratoriyn zhAroupornifth I khImichmski stoykikh betonov Nauchno-imeledovatel'skogo instituta betons i sholosobstons Akadsmii stroitelletva i arkhitektury SSSR (for Vskresov, Salm9nov. Tarneov-j). (concrete) A z 4 J~ V, KRIVITSKIT'. Mikhail Yakovlovirh, kir~d.tekhn.nauk, VOLOSOV. Naum Semenovich, Inzh ; IIERABOY,,X.D., doktor tekhn.riauk. nauchriyy red.; KRUILOV. S.A.: r6l.;-61UZON, P.','., [Plant manufacture c,!- f-lens-nts from foam cement s3nd foam silicate) Zavodskoe lztotavlani" izoolli tz penobetona i Denootlikmts. Kosicvs. Goo. izd-vo lit-ry po ntr(-it., arkhit. I strott. nq-,rialam. 195P. 158 P. (M1RA 11:5) (Precast corrrntp) NAKRASOV, K.D.; TARASOVA, A.P., VOMD11i , V.Ye., rod.; DR13114, L.P., red.. SHPAK. To-.J.. (Chemically stable hent resistant does] Unroupornyl khimicioski stekle. Pod red. V.7".Volodinn. Isd-vo khim.lit-ry, 19")9. 149 p. proizvodistvrikh I mnoinby zpinhr'Aty. (Connroto) (Solub"a concrete mride with stolkil baton na zhidKom Moskva. Gos.niiucano-tekhn. (lorr02,'!,) v 0,imlr-hfisklkh nc,.Ill (MlltA 11j:', ) gl'ias) NIMSOV, K.D., prof., doktor tokhn. nauk Utilization of heat-resistant concrete in sodium h7droxide recaver7 furnaces in the Chinese reople's Hepublic. khm. prrom. no.5:27 Mr '59. ~KIRA 12:6) I.Rukovoditall laboratoril z'iaroupo-nykh i V~iimichsslcl atoykikh betonov Hauchno-iosledovatellskogo Institute betona i zholazobotona Akjademit stroitel'stva i arkhitektur7 SSSR. kChina--Yaper industr7--Squipment and supplifis) kConcrets) 41 NIGMASOV. K.D., do Ictor t n1chn. m, I k, prof. ; IYRV,.Cjll() ', 7. 1., f n.nwik -_:f- I r" Heft 't-real otrint qtb es t 06 roment . Tnidy 11 A' IIM .c . 7: ~ - 'J 1. M IR'. I - : I - ) (Aaboutos com"rit ) MIMSOV, L.D., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof. Using heatproof concretes. Nov. bkh. mont. i spets. rab. v strci. 21 no.8:20-23 Ag '59. (MINA 12:10) l.Hsuchno-is~l*dov&t*l'skiy, institut betons I zhelnzobetona Akademii stroitel'stva i arichitektury SSSR. (Concrete blocks) (Metallurgical furnace&) NZXRASOV, I.D., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof. Using heat-resistant concrete$ In industrial conttrwtion in ',bin&. rrom. strol. 37 no.6:514.-59 is '59. kNIRA 12,B) I.Mauchno-iseledovatel'skiy institut betona i zhelexobetona Akademii strottelletva I arkhitektury. kUhina--oletallurgical plants--Design and construction) kConcrete) S/081/62/000/012/043/063 YJ B156/BI44 AUTHCRI -Nekras9v. K. D. TITLEi New developments in research into heat-resistant concrete and its uses. ?!~R!Ojl~ALs Referativnyy thurnal. Khimiya, no. 12, 1962, 417, abstract 12K374 k'Sb. "Str-vo prom. pechey i dyoovykh trub". M., 1960, 16 - 24) The work of USSR scientific research organizations on improving the technology of heat-resistant concretes (HRO and their utilization is re- viewed. A method of producing heat-resistant cements which up to 1000 0 do not lose strength has been developed, based on portland and aluminous cements. This consists of introducing 0.5 - 3% of boron oxides (figures converted to elementary boron) into the &luminous and portland clinkers whilst roasting, and 1-7',- of boron oxides into the fireclay, subsequently milling,the clinker ~30 - 70%) and firoclay (70 - 30%) together. A HRC efficient up to 1600 C has been produced on a portland cement base, using finely Around chromit* or sagnesito as binder and chromite as filler. HRC Card ~_1~2) 3/081/62/000/012/043/065 New developments in research ... 5156/B144 male by using phosphate binders, particularly alumopho8phate, and various 0 different fillers have been studied; these can be used at up to 1900 C. Research Into the use of barium cements as binders, barium-aluminoua cement in particular, is described. The compositions fog heat-insulating and con- structional HRC wish waterglass (usable up to 000 C) or portland cement ~U sable up to 1000 C) as binder and with vermiculite or "karamzit" bstracter's notes presumably keramzit.] I as filler have been found. t^ - Abstracter's notet Complete translation Card 212 - SANOTLIM10. W.V. Us* of beat-resiataat concrete for cathodic armagements is &Innisum electrolytic cello. 1xv. wye. ucheb. say.; tevet. at, 3 as. 6:74-79 160. (NMA 14: 1) 7 ftuchno-Leeledows,telOokly tustitut betoma t sheletobetona h-doull strottel'stva I arkhttektury SSSR. (Aluminua-Blectrvantallurgy) (Bloctrolyels-Rquipment and sUpplies) ......... RCLC .. . ..... ft, * - : ::7' g i n -p-a 's ,9 TV -1-TV "411-1 L!1 F." I" ILI ---go Opt ..-j -Ts"r- . In L 7' CA P-M ... .... ... nt ~r t-1.4 '10~j :.%I- 01 PA C), 64 '.-.Ttupl 'dd 'L..d ... So TV= CLU MU ............. .. . .... d" I r%.u& twonj" 01 rw.' a DO! I 6 It N"OVI 9,D,,- SMPONOV, G.D. Use of refractory ani heat-resistant concrete in industry. OgneuPor7 25 no.5:219-221 160. (M:RA :A.-5) 1. Nauchno-issledava-.ellskiy inatitut batom I shelezobetona Akademii Btroitellstva aLrkhitektury SSSR. (Refractory mitteri&la) (Congrete) YA'-HKMV. irizlj.; 11,11wSX, EA.. prof., dokt.or 6HPAY~.lh, A - L. , r ed . I.;z --ra, I -NA-, 'YEV, V A . I-er, an. rer I Hea t, re 9 : 5 tan t aB tie E tos ement ~ &,Sr~~Upormyi 14r)skva ', uno.:.zd--vo III ry po struit., arkiiit.i st.--it.materia!%M, 17A, . 71 P. (AkgJen,iJ,a 3trolfelliqtva t So-ilt. J.r.;lAt,ut. t;~n)itel'ny~h kjistr-xl.tAl. flaur rmye s :-s tic h e: i' I it NFJMMOV9 K,D*p profedaktor -wkbn.nauk; KASIMNIKOVAl N,Gt inah, -ie&7~-resistant ligbtv-,ight concretes. Bet. i Wwl.-bet. no.2s63-67 IP 161. (MIRA 14 s 2) (I.igbtweight concrete) '~o 8/600/6 1/000 /0 2 2,100 2 ' 00 02-17/L)10,1 Au rHoR Nekremov, K.D. Doctor of rechni(til 3cieri(es I-r(.fv~ r f I ME' Stability of refractory concrete in agp-essive inedia at elevated tesiperatures SOURCE Akademiya vtrt,itel stva j arkhItektury b*tans i zhelorobetona. Trudy, no.22, 1961. Zashchita strottol- nykh kenstrukt sty ot korrozii. 151 156 'rFIXT The strength of refractory concretes depends on the density of water glass, particle size of filler, sodium fluosilicate content, water glass modulus and firing temperature. The temperature of firing was studied for, largICnumber of specimens and it was found that in gene6a) heating to ~01400 increased the strength, whilat firing at 400-600 C tended to reduce it, propgrtionally to the sodium fluosilicate content. Further heating up to 600 C, produced no change. The strongest toncretea were obtained using chamotte an a filler anq heating between 100 WOO aC when compressive strenKthn of 200-400 kg/cm were recorded, Concretes Card 1/'3 S/600/6 11000102-1,, 002) '002 Stability of refractory D227/0304 with chrom4te filler when heated to 400 aC suffer8d a 20% reduction in strength As compared with specimens heated to DO C. Specimenseith inag,, n*sits filler showed a gradual deterioration of strength between 100 1100 C, due to the thermal expansion of the filler. Dunite and talc filler* proved unsatisfactory while andesit* gave similar results tQ chamotto. In the ma3erity of Lefractory concrete& the strength tended to increase when heated to 1000 C. The temperature limit for concretes based or water glass was determin,gd by the temperature of deformation under 2 kX (w loads. The temperaturo of the onset and end of deformation was found to depend on the nature of filler, sodium fluosilicat* content and water KI&AB modulus The highest temperature, under the above load was W-th stood by specimens contiiining crHobed magnesite brick filler. Only 4% deformation was observed at 1280 C and the saflening occurred within a 2400C interval, By increasing the sodium fluosilicate content from 10 20% and reducing water glass modulus from 2.8 2.1 it was possi1le to lower the temperature of deformation by 100 aC, The air setting of the refractory concrete containing water glass occurs on heat ng lo 2000C C ar d 2,'3 ; 13 , S/600/61/000/02-2/002/002 Stabil ity of refractory L)227/D304 at hirher temperatures expansion occurs and the coefficient of thermal expansion depends on the texture of the filler, rhe modu 11 of e I a8t i c it y of the refractory coRcretes ivere I*ound constant when the temperature if drying waFi below 600 C Gam permeal,i ) i ties were I ound I o I,P 0 001) for chamotte and 0.013 for slag -contnining unfired con(retek Mos t ( on( Y e t ep- based on water glnsm ivere found to resitit mineral acids (except HF, and corromive gamen such as 60, but not alkali and (arbonate soltitions, nor a prolonged action of wate? and steam. 'rhe resistance to water and steam may however be increase-i by introdticing organosilicons in the form of emij) sions or GKZh solutions in quantities of 5% based on water Klass. At below zero temperatures concrete mixtures hased on water tend to freeze rather than set. However, their strength is unaffected if allowed t o ? haw and t hen set at 15oC. Optimum temperature of hardening is 15 -100C, C,ird 1/1