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29406 S/055/61/000/005/001/004 D205/D303 AUTHOR: Nemytakiy, V.V. TITLEe Some methods for a general investigation of the characteris- tics of the equation 4Z = 9-(X.Y) dx P(XYYY PERIODICALs Moscow. Universitet. Vestnik. Seriya I. Matematika, Mekhani- ka, no. 5, 1961, 25 - 43 TEXT-. The author considers the system dx dt - P (X,Y), (X,Y). dt assuming that it has no more than one singularity in the domain G whi_~;.t is being studied, and placing the origin of coordinates at the singularity. He takes some function Z = V(x,y), and continuously differentiable on the whole plane (XY), V(O,O) - 0, belonging to one of the following typeas 1) so-cal- led elliptic functions, whose level lines V - constant are simple closed 1i- Card 1/ 3 x 2 1406 S/055 61/000/005/001/oo4 ~D( Some methods for a ... D205 D303 nos if x2 + y2 j Ot 2) so-called hyperbolic functions, whose level line V (Xqy) - 0 consists of a finite number of branches, beginning at the oAgin and dividing the planG into several unlimited domains; other level lines consist of several branches without cammon. pointst 3) parabolic functions, whose lines V - constant are representations of a straight line and divide the plane into two parts. V is-called Lyapunov's function with respect to (1) in G if dV/dt - P 3 VO or 40 everywhere, dV/dt -0 at singular points, V is called Lya novts function in a weak sense. The follo- wing theorems are establisheds IrIf there is a Lyapunov function in G ( containing not more than one singularity) at least in a weak sense and there are no elliptic or periodical characteristics coinciding with branches of a level line, G does not contain any elliptic or periou*ical characteristics, 2) If a domain G is-given, filled with level lines of some normal Lyapunov function (the latter being defined as one, whose level lines do not coincide with characteristics on any segment), it contains only characteristics that are parabolic or hyperbolic with respect to it. 3) If there is a Lyapunov function in G having an additional property dV dt > mp, if x + y > p, G cannot have any improper saddle point. 4) If t4ere is a hyperbolic Lyapunov Card 2/ 3 4 6 S/055 I 000/005/001/oo4 Lome methods for a ... D205 D303 function on the whole plane# all characteristics are either yarabolio or hyperbolic, the number of parabolic curves is not lose than that of bran- ches of V = 0. If dV/dt -)- > 0 outside of the circle of radius R around the origin, the number of q5a~olio domains is equal to that of the bran- ches of V = 0 and there are no improper saddle points on the characteristics The following applications are oonsidereds 1) Equation of non-linear oscil- lations, 2) general stability and situation of saddle points for systems where P and Q are of the formCA(x) +15(Y), 3) equations of automatic control 4) disturbances in linear systems. There are 4 figures and 10 references: 7 Soviet-bloc and 3 non-Soviet-bloc. The references to the English-language publications read as follows: L. Marcus, Global structure of ordinary diff- erential equations in the plane. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. , 76, 127 - 148, 1954; L.P. La Salle, Some extensions of Lyapunov's second method. I.R.E. Trans. Circuit theory, 4, 520 - 527, 1960 SUBMITTED: June 10, 1961 Card 3/3 A V Vechaaics Department, cbnical Institute imeni H. 1. ad Kalinin 11961 position] - "some applications of classic variational methods to probiems of control systems" Leningrad State University f1961 position] - "Variational methods for solving linear and nonlinear boundary value problems aJONNSKEY V. V., Director-, Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, Macow State University EL961 pocition] - "Some methods of qualitative examinatiov in the large for systems of ordinary differential equations" SOBMEV, S. L.j Director of the Institute of Vat&;i~ end Computation Center, Siberian Departmentp Academy of Sciences MR.(1961 position) - "Sow nev problems in the theory of partlal differential equations" r*PcWt to be GuUdttAd for tbs C6nfn"" om Diffowatima ;TMtjwG MA t1w1r AMAUatima, T D251/D308 AUTHOR: Nemytakiy, V.V. I TITLE: On the problem of the qualitative analysis on the. whole by the methods of Lyapunov's function PERIODICAL: U'oscow. Universitet. Vestnik. Seriya 1. Matematilca, mek4anika, no. 6, 19621.26-28 TEXT: The central problem of the qualitative analysis of differential equations is the analysis in the neighborhood of a periodic solution or in the neighborhood of a"singular point. Aftet reviewing the investigations of A. Poincare, A.M. Lyapunoy, 1. Ran- dikson and G.D. Sirkoff, the author points out-that the second meth-i od of L.Yapunov may be generalized. The opinion of N.G. Chetayevit K.P. Persidskiy and N.D. Hdiseyev that the topological map of the distribution of integral curves can be investigated in the region where a positive-definite Lyapunov function existst was confirmed by N.N. Krasovakiy whose theorem is higrhly'praised by the author, '.It is probable that there are 'surfaces on which the derivative of 0 ard 1/2 On the problem ... S/0.55/62/000/006/002/006 D251/D308 Lyapunov's function becomes zero. The author mentions the develop- ment of his own ideas in the papera of Ye.A...~Barbashino 11.14. Papush and S.M. Movshovich, and draws attention to the works of A.R. Efen- diyev and I.L.B. IWdayev, to be published in the next mober of Vest- nik kloskovskogo Universiteta. ASSOCIATION: SUMMED: Rafedra differentsiallnykh uravneniy (Department of Differential Equations) 6 January 19, 1962 Card 2/2 affmi *V* CO-Oforeftes, an Differential EquAtions and theIr AppUcations hold in Ovechoelavakla; IMrossione of a partiolpant In tka ftiferencs* Uspgmtonauk 18 no.lt232,234 JA-F 163. (MIRA 16s2) (Czaqhoolovaida"4fathematics--Congresses) (Differential equations) W-MITSKIY V.V, (Hoskwa)) MALYSW.V, Tu.V. (Moskva) 0 U Weak structural stabIliky of homogeneous systems. Izv. v.-t!!. ucj~eb. zav.; mat. no.3:13,1-345 165. (MIRA ISO) ACC NKt AK603581~- Byloy,, Boris Fe4orovLeh; Vinagrad, Robert Ellyukomovich; Grobman,# David Katveyevich; AMUM40- -Vic ~Rr-v h- LyapunovIs theory of exponents and Its application to problems of , stability (Teorlya pokazateley Lyipanovs, I yeye prilazhenlys k vaprdsam ustaychivosti) Moscow. izd-va "Nauke l966. 576 P. bibliol, Index. 8= copies pr:Lnted. TOPIC TAGS: math~matlc,method, mathematics, mathematic transformation PURPOSE AND. COVE40: This book is intended for students, fellows In mathematics departments, d thematiclans, It is concerned with a study of the quallta- tive behavior f a differential equation system. New findings relative to the stabIlIty of equilibrium state and the asymptotic behavior of solutions are included, as I as the conditions which assure the stability of these cbArac- terlatics. book's contents can be considered a developwnt of Lyapunovts' ideas. There 131 refuvwes,, 92 of which we Soviet. TABIZ OF COMWW (Abrid4pd) Foreword Symbols and terzel'.x- 6 Ccwd 1/2 ACC NRI AM6035815 introduction -- 9' Ch. I. General tb~ory of exponents -- 17 Ch. 11. Diagonal jand triangular systems -- 76 Ch. 117r. Evraluatibg the development of solutions. Central functions and exponents -- 90 Ch. IV. Linear uqwrturbed system exponents -- 1-02 Ch. V. Linear system with first-order perturbations -- 157 Ch. VI. Linear system with hiefter-order perturbations -- 232 Ch. VII, Linear system conversion. The Lyapunov systematization P-43 Ch. Vill, Systews~of differential equations, resembling linear ones -- 291 Ch. IK, Results' ~xwples, ad problems -- 382 Ch, X. Topolag:W4 classification of differential equation systems -- 425 am COIE: 121, DAM 09JUn66/ Mack MW.. 091/ on Fjw: 039/ VASILIEV, D.I., kand.tekhn.nauk; NEMR, A.M., Inzh. Unballasted bridge road on reinforced concrete slabs. Sber.trud.ffil mostov no.7t5-25 062. (KRA 16:12) VASILtMV, D.I., kand.tekhn.nauk; NFMZCR, A.M., inzh. Study of a bridge road on wooden cross beams. Sbor.trud.NII mostov no.7t26-57 162. (HM 16:12) VASILITEVO D.Z.v k%nd. takha. ndUk; MCM, A.M.0 inxh. Bridge road laid an relarorced concrete slabs without the ues or ballaat. Zhale dor. tranape 46 na.U40-42 J& 064. (MIRA 170) VEMM I A.Yu. Hydraulic method of laundry wringling in rubber bags. flauch. trudy AKKH no.32:170-182 164. Effect of laundry wringing in rubber bags on the wear of underwear. Ibid.:183-186 (~,IRA 19:1) ROVGMCDSUYA, X.M. 25061L I ItLolog7 of acute lateatinal diseases in infante. Top.okh.mat. L det. 1 no.2:25-30 Xr-Ap 156. (KLRA 9:9) 1. Ix lastituta epidemiologLi, mikrobiologit i giglyany 4-ment Pastera I Detskoy infektaloanoy bollnitsy Iment B.P.Til-itova. lAningrad. ( INTISTIIM-DZSYASZS) (CHILDRMI;..-DISMASIS) NMZJR, G.A.; WSAVA, A.G.; XWSIW, U.S. Naterials on clinical and microbiological characteristics of Salmonella 1cfections in childrea. Vop.ok-h.nat. i det. I no.2: 53-60 Kr-Ap 156. (KIRA 9:9) 1, Ix detakoy bollnitay Imant Y.F.Pilatova (glavWy vrach Z.A.Savellyeva) Leningrad. (CHILDRNN-DISMSES) (IIITXSTIIM--DISX&SXS) MWMO G.M. Reducing the'unevenwas of semifinished products and yam. lzv. vys. uchebo zav.; takhe teks, prom, no, 2:63-70 161. (MIRA 140) 1, Ivanovskiy institut pavysheniya kva2ifikataii i perepadgotovki rukovodyashchikh i inobanerno-tekhnichaskikh rabotnikovo (Spinning) 4t= Lev_Axtatq~ln ch- KONSTATINOVA. ABaUU30T, Anatolly Petrovich; Ye.A., red,; N36movir [Dictiona'ry of Japanese geographical nameag 60.000 Words] Slowarl Isponskikh geograftchaskikh nasvanil. 60000 slov. Moskva. Gos.izd-vo Inostr.1 natsIoaal$nykh slovarei, 1959. 577 P. (MIRA 12:11) (Japan-Namea, Geographical--Dictioaaries) (Japanese langmage-4rausliteratioa) GMRKOVICH,p S.M.; SOROKMt L.Soj, H=t M.P. Hoorganizaticm of tbAs SYstOm Of lafirm=7 carO fOr cbil&en with goastroln-testinal d1seasese Tcp~* okh.~ ant. i dot. 5 no. 2t6944 Xr-Ap 160. (KUM 23:10) 1. lz Nurmawkoy detakoy infektai=oy bollnitaY (glavnyy vrach M.P. Kemzer) i.DIMSTIVE CRGANS-DISFJSES) - (INFAM-CARE AM HIGIENE) QWSHKOVICH, S.K*; 19,MUp Me?. Chmaterlstias of the lauccaytes in children of the Hurimak Aratia Regions ftdiatriia no.7s36-40 162. (MnA 15t12) 1. Is ObuZedinamoy detak Infaktaiomoy bolluitsy Hirmanska (gUnyy rx-ach We Samar . (rMCOGYM) (MDMWSK REGION-ARCTIC MEDICINE) BELOGORSKIY, V.Ya.; Development (differentiation, of tiie asseous system in living in the Far North. Pediatriia 42 no.9:6D.64 St63. (1411-11L 17:5) 1. Iz Murmanakoy ob"yedinnoy detskoy hollilitsy (glavnvy M.P. Nemzer nauchnyy rukovadiftel Ideystvitel fnyy chlen S~ SR prof. A.F Tu--). M. 1-1 . ; WENZER j M,-,TCGL.,~'-KI-Y, V.Ya. Vitamin D deficien-v ;n Fre-s~~h,)ol chi2dren .2-i-ving in tihe North. Pediatrila 42 no.9:55-59 31630 (Mllii, 17:5) 1. Iz tharma skoy ob"yedinennc)y detskoy ty-,I'nJtsy (,,Iavn.VY vracth M.P. Nemzer, nauchnyy rukovolltel' - dpy--tvitellnylj c~"len ~MN SSSR Prof. A.F. Tur). NWIR, S. lebreign books. Teplaenargetika 4 no.4:64 Ap '57. OCRA 10: 5) (Bibliography- Power engineering) ACC P" A1160112~9 "01MCII.; GODN. ljit/()/.13/(,6/()OC)/006/0099/00()9 %; A. I.; I'Darkhov-)"Iy, .1J. S.; Nfcmzor, S. it. O"iG: none T ITLE: A pnomaatic mILItiplior-div-idor device. Class. 1,2, No. 179992 Za-nnounced b- Untral Scientific Rosoarch Institute of Total Automation (Taontrallnyy nauchno- issladovatollskiy institut komploksnoy avtomatizataii) _7 SOITiCE: Izobratoniya,, proryzhlonnrro obraztay, tovarnyyo znaki,, no. 6, 1966, 99 TOKC MGS: pneumatic device, automatic control sytem .~BSTRJICT: Thia Author Certificate presentz a pneumatic n-altipliar-divider device. Tha dGvico includoa a pulse "anorator r--do from a throo-diaphragm relay with a coil in the feedback circuit. A correcting device and two pulso-irldth dividers are also included in the multiplier-dividor. To increa3o the-procision, the output channel of the pulse generator is connectcd with the control chanibors of t1lo two pulse- width dividers. The second control chambora of the pulse-width dividers aro con- nected with the input channel of the astatic correcting device. This correcting device is mada with a five-diaphragin comparison element, with a variable coil. The posit,ivo chambor of the comparison element is com-lectod through a constant coil with the output of'ono relay of the divider. The offuzor chamber is connected with the 1/2 UDC: 681.142-525 - L o8943-67 ACC NR. AP6011259 first input channel, and the second input channel is connected with the negative- chamber of the correcting device. The third input channel is connected with the offuzor chamber or the second relay of the divider. i SUB COLP"i,: 13/ SUB14 DATE: 1914ay64 0 L'~ ,,j 2/2 ' 11 NMERY V.G., inzh.; KOHDRATENKO, V.G., Inzh. Vibrational cleaning cf a convect-Ive superheater from sludge and ash deposits. Elek. sta. 35 no.9:6-8 S 164. (MIRA 18g1) B=ICH, K.I.; BC W-OVp B.Ya.; NWER.. T.Io; RUSET.. M.K. Anode-4mchanical machine for cutting large Ingotx for in"stf- gating their strmaturs. Nashinostroonie no'.j.-17 W-Jo 163. (MIRA 16t7) (Cutting machines) POPMI V.S.0 kamd.tekhn.nauk; PON014AMI&Oj, YO.P., inzh.; LUSHCHMKIY, B*10P inzhq; IIEWAP Vol. Inzh. _'--i 1~~.; VOKSHINO Iz.1 . onze by bimetal inserta in rolling mill spimnes. Stall Paplacing br 22 no.3:255-256 Mr t62. (HIM 15:3) 1. Zaporozhakiy mashinostroitel'W institut i zavod "DneprospetastallA. ~(Rolllng milla-Equipment and supplies) Bimetal bearings for no,1:33-34 Ja 163. (Rb1ling: mills) MMM V I - VOKSHIN, Lit, proizvo ($M 16:3) ing metals) NEHADAL, Ko. inz, Effect of the supply of electric power on the econo-ndc efficiency of an enterprise. Bul EGU no. 6:14-18 163. Comparison of the Czechoslovak electric power plants with those abroad. Ibid.:18-23. NENADAL, Karel - -A- -6 .... Prospects of energy balance in the world and in Czechoslovakia. Ropa a uhlie 6 no. 6slOI-167 Je 164. 1. Research Institute of Power Engineering, Prague. Z/039/60/021/07/005/037 E140/E535 AUTHOR-. Nenad;~I. Zdenek, Engineer Doctor TITLE., Fff~-_ering in Time-Variable RMC Circuits PERIODICAL: Slaboproudy' obzor, 1960, Vol 21, No 7, pp 398-402 ABSTRACT: The author deals with optimum filtering of useful signals of the g(t) = a tk type in filters composed of variable resistors and Axed capacitors. The possibility of realizing filtev,'~or optimum filtration, i.e. minimum noise valu:_3n_thR filter output at the required moment if the useful signal is constant and the noise on the filter input is stationary, is shown for the case that VK its spectral defigity can be expressed by a fraction of the polynomials in w and the denominator polynomial is higher by one degree than the numerator polynomial. For filtering useful siqals varying in time according to the relation :(t)C= a~t the useful signal is at first transformed into 0. . a gnal by means of differentiators:and is then filtered by a system of R(t)C filters. The solution of the time-dependent change of the R(OC values does not Card.1/2 depend either on the value of the useful signal or on the SPIA2,6 Z/039/60/021/07/005/037 E140/E535 Filtering in Time-Variable R(t)C Circuits value of noise. However, it does depend on the noise parameters (autocorrelatIon function, spectrum density) as well as on the duration of the filtering to be carried out. The author further points out that the use of differentiation at the inputs to the filters may cause a certain theoretical difficulty. The differentiator outputs could be easily blocked by noise which can increase very rapidly with successive differentiation. V'r However, actual differentiators containing D.C.amplifiers are limited by parasitic capacitance which introduces amall integrating time constants. These limit the magnitude of noise at the differentiator output. Therefore, the theoretical assumptions are only distorted for very short time Intervals at the beginning of the filtering time and have negligible influence on the result of the solution. There are 7 figures and 5 references, 3 of which are Soviet and 2 English. SUBMITTED: April 5, 1960 Card 2/2 AUMOR: --NenadAl. Zden6k 43334 S/044/62/000/011/036/064 A060/AOOO TITLE: On the problem of filtering by variable-parameter filters PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Matematika, no. 11, 1962, 25, abstract 11VIO9 (Souhrn.pvaci o automat. 1959, Praha, 1961, 155 - 172; Czechoslova- kian; summary in English) TEXT: The problem is considered of determining the characteristics of a filter with variable parameters which realizes the optimal*filtering of a signal s 9 M 2~ ak tk 0 with respect to the sum g (t) + n (t), where n (t) is a stationary a' (,hastic process with rational spectral density. The filter considered is an R_ Ircuit with a variable resistance R M. It is demonstrated that for such a circuit the pulse transfer function has the form: K (t,%) - f' (S)/f (t), where CR (t) = f (t)/ f' (t) and C is a constant capacitance. The integral equation for the Card 1/2 S/044/62/C( tained as result of realizing it. The possible circuits of the optimal filter are described in detail. V.P. Yakovlev [Abstractsr's note: Complete translation] Card 2/2 MADAL,, Wenak, Ins., dr. ArtIficial satellite guidance in the orbit. Autczatimas 6 11-14 A 163, PODZIIEK,, Tirl (Prague); WADAL, Zdenek (Prague) The AZI, automatic digital recorder of shaft poeitionn. 31roj na zprac inf 10s285-302 '64 MrADIOO Craniotabas as an early symptom of rickets. Srp arhiv Iet- 82 no.2.0190-194 Ir 154. (ML 3--7) 1. Dociji dispenser u Valjffu, upr&vutk dr. R&djko Sonvue. (Rad je Vrednistvo primilo, 17-MI953 god.) (RI So compl. (MIMM, dim. *craniotabes) *eraalotabas in rickets) TASOVAC , Borivoje; )j.P~ADIC, I jRo; RISTIC, Jovan; JAKOVLJEV, Dusan; , . ?a BOSKOVIC, Radoo-lav; RANITI)VIC, Spanoje Acute viral encephalitis and meningoencephalitis in Pozarevac. Epidemiology. Clinical picture. Changes in the cerebrospinal fluid and blood. Srpaki arh. celok. lek. 91 no.12:1117-1127 D 163. 1. Decje odeljenje BoInice "Dr. Vo.ja Dulic" u Pozarevcu (Sef: prim. dr. Rajko Nenadic). TASOVAC, Borivoje- ITEVADIC, Rajko; RISTIC, Jonn; JAKOIIWZV, Dusan; BOSKOVIC, IV Spasoje I Acute viral encephalitis.and meningoencephalitis in Pozarevac. Clinical forms, analysis of cases, prognosis, therapy. Srpski arh. celok. lek. 42 no.ltll-22 Ja 164 1. Decje )deljenje BoInice "Dr.Voja Dulic" u Pozarevou (Sefft. prim.dr. Rajko Nenadia)* MMMOVIC,Borislay; BOCIM,Branko Prolonged antlaos4plant therapy. 5rVvkI arti. celak. lak. 87 no.6015-526 Js 159. 1. Interuo odoljanjo bolulas "Dr. Dragiaa Hisaviall u Beogradn, so-Z: prof. dr Arana Dml1c. (ARTW.MGUUNTS ther.) oaa ric. r. ; MADIC, T. UJIG. 'r. ratassitm mwt&bollmn In corebroopinal fluid In tuborculo= mantacitte treatod wtth straptomWain. Glas arpske akad. nauka, cdolj nod. 211 no.7:173-18) 1953. 1. Prlidjano na V111 skupu Odoljenja mod. nauka 28 T 1953 god. (SWPIMCIN, off an pot"stum in ON In usningsal tuberej (TUMMOUMIt, IGNINUAL, Car in pOtasel=.,4ff. of stieptoarcia) (PMASSrW, In' CEP In tubere., peningeal, off. of streptoarcla) (CEMEEMPIM YLUED poUsalum In mentageal tubera., off. of streptomqola ther.) DIKLICJ, Dragomir; FREKCIU, Josip, dr.; MILICEVIC, Milan; LDIGP Vem;.- BAJIG, Verics. Diagnostic value of the bromide test in tuberculous meningitis. Srpski arh. celok. lek. 89 no.3-005-307 Hr 161. 1. Klinike. za infektivue bolesti Kedicinakog fakulteta Univerzitsta u Beogradu. Upravniki prof. dr Milorad Milosevio, Bolnice za placne bolesti u Uovoj Crkvi. Upravnik: dr Josip Frenoiu. (TUBMULOSIS MKNINML diag) (BROMIDES cof) KOSTE, Aude4ja; PEMOVIG, 141lon4; NEMADICA-lera . ~- Treatmnt of typhoid fever an4'reamTences. Vajuamalt. pr~gL 19 no.).,.14-19 Ja 162. 1, Hadicinski fakultet u Heagradu,, Ilinika %a infektivas baleati. (TTPHOM ther) .9 TODOROVIC, K.; NWADICK&, V.; BAJICXWA. T. Studies on the metabolism of potassium in the cerebrospinal fluid In tuberculous meningitis treated with streptomycin. Bull. Acad. sarbe ac., classe med. 15 no.3:5-6 1956. 1. ftamens effectues a la Clinique des Maladies Infectieuses do le, Faculte de Medectne a Beograd). (POTASSIUM, in cerabrospinal fluid, off. of streptamycla in tuberc. meningitis (7r)) (CEMROSPINAL FLUID, potassium in tuberc. meningitis, eff. of streptomycin (Fr)) ther. (TUBIMCULOSIS, METTINGEAL, carebrosvinal fluid in, potassium. aff. df streptomycin (Fr)) (STREMMYCIN, effects, on CSF potassium in tuberc. meningitis (Fr)) NMLkDKv-.'VI IIH K. A. PA 4-163 Cobalt ~.*Aiz Mmatroxytic method Of Sexamurg Nickel =A K. A. Sm~chp 3 pp Amd get- Val X=.. No 1. 31-33 Of th* UumarOUS f2parlawnts on -Ow 01"trO27tic "juratim =thcd based on the amter AftUllity of cobalt-apnido ccoplexes ami ccupmed with amiog'ow nicivi mat., an& cf tho sel3aratim pro-_ It4wif. W a ,e A -- 6140ft sno- k.-No-sawlicavicti and &*rb"SL Zkw. Avd. -NWM.~IW; cf. CA,40.MW.- Thic mdh*l of iielm. swt drut, a( Cef and NI k bond on the awy of C41 too (am ASAW creakk V11011 k Wkt' 'Wjtjil:~ WhRle Sit C.414#0excit ilklump. Viol Ca ty4umt mmoks mait Wi(k bftv-f- "Wtats to (am imod. hftvv "W(4t Cc cyaldife Itt-to. Odtaw for gmvtuwttiL detus. In tht descriffrit triethimil. At" to sold wbkb To a Gutm. of, CO a" -M n1tra ( I Irl a gowedaft dm imId KCN *do. C', tin Gm PPt rartaid dhaskm Kvdp. on 0 water ( I Ce to the (Aw"t iitatc TaW up the dev to MO. Add (0 val. of [INUM.1.42) aad ON- TU evalms. ,ky Va. the KeXI( %to I 'ANWO VA removes the eacm (9 CM. Talmit tz the tivividat vMb bet IfoO and to the ads. add ZVO ffmal. Ag.*40f. CAgm with gkqw. last an a water both for I be.. IfUttv cbrmth a weighed ccucible. w6A wilb, bat KO. dcY FA is), to cma. *I.. mW vrekh at Ag"CNIe. The mjto. to the Nbudir dot. .0 bY bwm tmthmW. 'Pov thcccafipoc imortbaft in boad .00 (SO (Ut C1104 SIM NI CYGOW Ow4pkC difeampl. d1offiffit Amody* VA tAwk M 01W cemirls sit the &am* Irbifir thoCatmoogikit' ma&ctc4brefectcubrok. TOP--c of g~c~ N's OW Ce on the emithade. a de- dixtrailte: t4.. *"a chru- P-me Is added to the m1w. Stat with a *a1m. pirckcably of -Vitimt* add tnt&ATW* C1,41*01FICATM few 21".irif* a 0 VP loon as flit 1919at 1909 0 0 0 0 0 0 & 0 0 0 0 0 0 ---- -'r We"ra-=t-va- t" " .1 6(j.W 1W. of ft okdral"O "t . a oz. 0c %(I md Co metto k g jou-qd. weigfiat td sm:c"O(KOR r- &M d0polairfaiw #fA thidlAyle, at (t.1-1 amp. mod 24 V. Whim twirdrAit k comp6exed, Mcf, fruit. tect4ir Cke futeir back 41(cem; Pt ffi%hi iguite. srul. w0itfs. riwatcate cautat" all at the Co fin CYSAWO Ckwat4ex. Neutirmilizir KOH with It%", "ify shahtly. ppe. with Ac%(1t. and det. 0% as AcA~biC% tit. sc;. 1 :100 lot coo too too ISO* BORNEHANq I.D. Konstantin Avtonomovich fienadkevich 18806-1963; obituary. ----~> f zv. (MBA 17:5) HENADOUC, LJMOMIR P. Putopisi. Zagreb. Zora, Drzavm izdayacko poduzece Hrvatska, 1950. 249 p. (Jugoslavenaki pisci) (Description of travels. port.) CU Not in EM. Yugoslavia SO: MOMMIX IIMEX OF EAST EUROPEAN ACCESSIONS (EM) LC. VOL. 7. NO. 1. JAN. 1958 YUGO=VIA/Chenical Technolo&r. Cheideal Products and Their H-6 Application. Safety --nd Sanitation. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khin., Ito 2, 1959, 5215. Author Ilenadovic, Milija. Inst Title Concerning the Queation of Individual Protection in Industry, from Noxicus Effects of Chemical Substances (Gases and Vapors). Orig Pub: Tehnika, 1958, 13, Ho 1, Hera. ind.) 12, tio 1, 4-6. Abstract: A discussion of Mic qucation of individual protection from effects Of rQLXJ noxious gases and vapors in the industry. Results of cozTarantive expuriments --re presented with a view to determine the comparative effcctivencs3 of tae purification of air fron ganea and vapors using locally mde and iLTorted activated carbon. - Ya. Matlis. Card Vi HMOSLAV. Osnovi aerodinamickih konstrukcija; aeroprofili. B60gradl, Hauchna kniga, 1945* 2 ve (v, 1: 364 p,,9 illus., tables, diagra; v. 2: 6o8 p. or tables and diagrs.) At head of title: Univerzitet u Beogradu. Title tr.: Fundamentals of aerodynamic design; airfoils. Contains data on Soviet aircraft design. TL574.Wlh SO: Aeronautical Sciences and Aviation in the Soviet Union,, Library of Congress, 1955. I MIRGSLAV L&NADOVICO Yugoslavia (430) Technology Osnovi aerodinamickih konstrukcija: elise. Beograd, t ,Taucna knjiga, 19149. 1450 1). (Ibeory of aerody . namic constructionc; propellers) East Suropean Accessions List, Librai-j of Congress Vol 2, Nos 1 & 2, Jan - Feb, 1953 UNCLASSIFIED NERUMC K The 4th European Congress of Asroiumtics; Colops, September 1&22# 1960. G3Aw BAKU 12 no.2:261-262 160 [Imbi.162). 1. Dopioni oUn Srpoks akademije nauka L =stnosti, Beograd. NEMOVIG,, Hiroslav, dr inz... redovai profbaor ( Boogradt Kralja Kilutina -- - . System of linear eq0t2tw as applied in engineering, Tehnika Jug 19 no.5:796-802 ffy 963. L, Musinski. fakultot Universiteta u Bcagradu. JANKOV, Kirko; DAMOVIC, Cedica; NENADOVIC, Menad; KMKOVIC, Dusan Isolation of tubercle bacilli from the menstrual blood using the method of the inoculation of guinea pigs and cultivation in Mwenstein's medium* Tabekuloza 16 no.5409-411 S-D 164 1. rnstitut za tuberkulozu SR Srbije# Beograd (Urektor: prof. dro Milic Grujia); Kikrobiolooki institut Medicinakag fakulteta,, Beograd (UpreLvnikt prof* dr. Hilutin Djurisic), M NIUMIC P V. Reports and proposals of the commission for Technical Cadres to the 4th Plenary Session of the Union of Engineers and Technicians of Yugoslavia. P. 655. TEHNIKA (Savaz inzenjera i techi-c-ara Jugoslavije) Beograd. Vol. 11, no. 5, 1956 SOUFM: East Europe Accession List (EEAL), Library of Congress, Vol, 5, no. 11, Nov. 1956 NEIIAWVIG, V. Progressive and obsolete techAiques; on the occasion of the 3rd Congress of Economists of Yugoslavia,, P. 549. TWUMA (Savez inzenjera i tehicara Jugoslavije) Beograd,, Yugoslavia. Vol. 14, no. 4. Apr. 1959 Monthly List of East European Accession EEAI LCO Vol. 8, no. 6. June 1959 Uncla. ,, MENADOVIC, Vladimir, inz. (Beograd, Uzicka. 16/a) Apropos of the 4th Congress of the Association for Popularization of Technological Knowledge, Tehnika Jug 18 no.5:8Q4m--804r Etr 163. 1. Potpredsednik Saveza inzenjera i tahnicara Jugoslavije, Beograd, 44t-t- -v u1 t 7 -,1 ilqu,J f V. The index of refraction of liquid net"M-anilir, r P~ri""'-' al-C C conylexr-6 ccmdos of t f J,.un- SO r. h e n M;R/MemietrY Watmas, IbndC Aeld Sw 48 OpAtrw,tqe lUdW Ot I%YAld KXUln8t T# SYSW-A Ath Fbnde 4al4a" 16 A* ~Imhlz6 y4tamalf RyWvddyv 4 Ammkvwid4 I pp 0zhur Obabob. ragout 1*1 m a. a 1b 9 lWftGtU4" r*fMOUVO iOl:b= Of UqUld M*tA=& Of fQnILC AC14 WL US a GUilWp Wtb~FlAaUlft 41WUWUaUn% "rUdmp *W qtdwItme Shme it to Idglay prol7abla tMt, cowl" O*Pww&.*f tv* f*Md* 4,tdd mleamus ad Om mine malecolos wdst 'MbCWX An Lhasa Ad 26 &d lj,* %#0 SUbodtf PA 30/U 13 221(l) SOV/3-59-3-1?/48 AUTHOR: ffenadykh, I.A. TITLE: We Continue the Discussion on Seminar Methods (Prodolzhayem razgovor 0 metodike seminara) PERIODICAL: Vestnik vysshey shkoly, 1959, Ur 3, PP 34-38 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Instructors have a different point of view on the question: what are we to understand by the "creative character" of a seminar? The general opinion, shared by A.V. Netsenko and L.L. Ellyashov, instructors of the Leningradskiy politekhnicheskiy institut (Lenin- grad Polytechnical Institute) Z-Ref 27t is that the main thing in a creative seminar is the lively, active discussion of the theme. This view seems to be some- what one-sided. The concept of a creative character of a seminar embraces, in the author's opinion, se- veral substantial elements, such as the form, the students' activity, interestoin the discussion, high scientific level, ideological trend, and the educa- Card 1/3 tional influence. The author examines each of these We Condinue the Discussion on Seminar Methods SOY/3-59-3-17/48 elements. The creative character of a seminar also depends on whether the students' interest is concen- trated on disclosing the scientific fundamentals of the course, and the ideological sense of the studied problems. The most important task of a seminar is to instill Communist ethics and culture in the stu- dents. An important condition is that the students be properly prepared for the seminar. This depends on a number of circumstances, but primarily on the quality of the students' independent work. Much im- portance is also attached to the plan of the se- minar, which should be drawn up with thought and not by one person only. The purpose of the plan is to he,lp students in their independent work, and praqtice has shown that an excessive number of questions raised distracts the attention. The author disagrees with Docent G.A. Malyy who does not consider it Card 2/3 justified to compose the concluding remarks prior to 4 We Continue the Discussion on Seminar Methods the seminar. That part of the remarks which is de- termined by the character of the theme is at any rate prepared beforehand. There are3 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Saratovskiy yuridicheskiy institut imeni D.I. Kurs- kogo (Saratov Law Institute imeni D.I. Kurskiy) Card 3/3 WJaGMM, Ye - ! MSHCHMR, Ya. T"ft trial annex of the "Pravd&4- Combinoo % atrot*fts. no.3:28-31 mr t6i. (MM 14:6) 1. UpravIyay=hchLy treatcm Mosstroy 96.14 (for Ifenaglyadov). 2. Naebaltnik takhnioheakogo otdola tresta Kcastroy No. 14 (for lashchiner). (Moscow-Printing plants) NENAHLO, Cenek - i--l- ------- -- - - - "Angel measurementO by Berndt, Trumpold. Reviewed by Conek Menahlo. Stroj vyr 13 no.2&157 F 165. TSUXCRBM, Solomon Kakeinoviah; ZAIOWOV, Sargey Petrovioh; VWwo Boris Viktorovich; ABRMOVA, Illa Yefiwovw; MIMKO.A.W."O' ' [Tires for Increasing th* roadability of automobilsel Wduyv povynhalushchis prokhadinast' avtomobilia., Mookva, lfauchno-takhn. iad-vo K-va avtamobillnogo trausporta I shosselaykh dorag ROSR. 1959. 43 P. (MIRA 12:12) (Amtomobllex-Tires) TSUIERMG, S., kand. tothli. nauk; VXnMV B, Insh. 1.90~ Tire* with air-pressure control. Ayt. transP. 37 no.10:47-50 0 '59. (KU 13:2) (Automobiles- n-res) OLS71M, Ivan Ivanoviah; TSUKyMBxRG, solomon Kaksimovich; RENA OT Boris Tiktoravich: KCMSUIK, P.A., red.; SM [OVA -1c~d-va;-QA-jkM-1-0-N-GbVA, U.N.,; DONSUTA, G.D::* EXaqms for prolonging ths life of tires] Puti nvelichanita probega avtcmob1Vuykh shin. Moskva. Avtotraasisdat, 1960* 47 po (KIRA 1339) (Tires. Rubber-Wntenanco and repair) IM13RBERG SA. -. UUWROT, S.P. t MH t, ABRA AIUM,B,,T - ru.s., red. KUPMWK. IF. To. red*; #%3XRlNMTA# A#A* Iffigh!-reldablIft V, 61res for motor vshialisl Shiny 411a avtow- 14161 p rokhodinasti. gookwa, Gos.nauchno,-t9khn,L%d-vo khlm.lit-~y, 1 71 P. (KIU 14:4) (Notor- ishicleff-TIMS) TSUKERBERGO S.M.; MMMOVt B.V.; GORWN, R.K. Nov kind of t1rea for truckao Uuch. i rez. 20 n0,904-38 S 161, (MIRA 15:2) 1. Nauchno-4asledovateltakiy instAtut shiandy promyishlennostio (Notortrucke-Tires)- BIDERHAR, Vadim Ltvov:Lah; GUSMSER,, RUVIm LIvovich; ZAKEFAROV, Sergey Petrovich; WMARR Boris Viktorovich; Smzm 1, Ivan Iv'an-o-V-I-CH-;TSUI n- Hakalmovich; BUKHIN, B.L., red.; KOGAN, V.V., tekbn. red. [Motor-vehicle tires; design, construction, testing, and operation] Avtomobillnye shiny i konstruktaiia, raschet, ispytanies ekspluatatsila. (By] V.L.Bideman i dr. Mo- skva,, Gookhimizdat, 196j. 382 p. (MIM 16:12) (Motor vehicles-Tires) TSUNMERG, S.M.; ULWHOV, B.V. Testing of autmobile tirea, Kauch, i rez. 24 no.10:40-43 165. (MIRA 18tlO) 1. Nauchncr-issledavatellakiy institut shinnoy promyshlennosti. NEWAKHOV, Fetr Zdkbarovich- KOHISMOV, A.D.,, inzh., retsenzent; ORWV, p V.Mip Insh.2 red.; SHISHMOV, U.S.# inzh,, red.; BOBXVA, U.N., teklm, red. (Mamial of the baggage-veighing and issuing attandant]Spra- vacbnik vasovshchika-razdatchika bagazM. Foakvap Trant3zhel- dorizdat,, 1962.(1,210 P. (MM 15: 11) allroado-Baggage) IrEENAKHOVI V.A. .......... - , We shail n.r-.~vlde for un.~-at,~rrluutp,;, worf.- w4nter ""e. Put' - I - i - /~f7- I p'it. khoz. e ncj-*l,',j--l-4 '64, ~ RA 17: 12) 1. Zamestitall nachallnika Glarnogo putl 1. sooruzheniy kinisterst,va putey e--,ob3hcteni~.m. NENMGVy V.A., inzh. I -, -:~- --- Reinforce the application of sarety measures. Put' i put. khoz. 9 no.11:34-36 165. (MIRA 18:11) 1. Zamestitell nachallaika Glavnogo upmvleniya puti 1 sooruzheniy 14inisterstva putey soobshcheniya. USUAK907A, U.N. - --- Declination corrections for so=a stare of the JX3 system. Astron.tair. no.202:6-7 Ja '59. (MRA 13:4) 1. Glavnaya astronomichaskaya observatorlya AN USSR. (Stars-Obeervations) NEUMOVAs Te.M. Relative determinations of declinations of 64 stars in thO Program of the Kazan zenith telescope. Im. Glav. astron. obaer, AN URSR 3 no. 2:16-26 161. MERA 1-4:5) (Stars-Observations) DIYACHKOV, N.D.; NENAROCHKP., V.G. Automatic machine for manufacturIng poly7inyl chloride name- plates. Mashinostroltell no.1.1:4 N 164 (MIRA 18-.2.) YOU, M.A., redaktor; SHAIMOTA. L.I.. redatt 11 l9rva-* -Dau INA, A.M., takhatchaskiy redaktor 9 [China's forest economy] Leence khoziaistvo Kitaia. (Koskyal Goolesbunisdat. 1957. 135 p- (KEaA 10:9) (Chim"Foreets and forestry) Iq'V. USSR/Forestry - Dendrology. K-3 Abs Jcur : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 2, 1958, 5870 Author : 'Nenarokomov, A.V. Inst : Title Kunningamiya Orig ftb~ Le'sn-'kh-vo.- 1957, No 5s 88-90 Abstract ra this article a tree-husbandry and botanical characterisa- tioa -of O=In tamia sinensis CR,?Br..) Richard is given. is a.fastt,, growing - species common ot the moist subtropical-regions of Chiba-~Wchxttains a height of 45 metiws,, with a diameter of two meters, In va= regions with very high humidity. It reproduces in a atmOber of ways: from seed, grafts, stump divisionp and green sprouts (the technical aspects are described). When grown from seed it is big enough for cutting in 30-40 years, fron shoots in 10-20 years. In 16 years these grown fron grafts give 178 cubic metefs of wood, and in 36 years 340 cubic Card 1/2 Card 2/2 14MNARIOX0.14TY, -fl.A.; 51,FPCHi-TY0, !,(;, of extrac".1-sn !Z f-or, 5-d L J, I ... .;-; solutions with diisnarnyl. ".r' inr.,tt,ilphosphini-! hc-,7., !.tr . neorg. khIm. 8 no.12.,278~-2"Ag 1) lf~,3. ~1411,A 17:9) 5(3) SO'7/89-7-3-6/29 AUTHORS: Shevchenko, V. B., Slepahenkov 1. G., Shmidt, V. S.; ~enarokomov, E. A. TITLE: Extraction Properties of Di-isoamyl Esther of Methyl Phosphoric Acid PERIODICAL: Atomnaya energlya, 19591 Vol 7, Nr 3, pp 236-243 (USSR) ABSTRACT: By hithertol known methoda the distribution coefficients af WO 3 and uranyl nitrate in solutions of nitric acid and solutions of DARPA (di-isoamyl esther of methyl-phouphoric aoid) in petroleum were determined du the basis cf he DARPA-c-ontent in the extractive and on the U02(NO3)2 and HN03-content in the aqueous.phase. It could be shown that, especially in the aqueous phase, small uranium-concentrations can be extraoted with DARPA considerably better than with TBP (tributy! phosphacte). The extraction mechanism develops according to the equation H+ + N03 + DAJMA;;-,= UNP)DAMPA (1) where HNO3DARPA is a compound extracted entirely from the o--garLc phase. The rules governing the extraction of uranium from Card 1/2 solutions containing nitric acid by DAMPA-solutions may be SOV/89-7-3-6/29 Extraction PrDperties of ai-isoamyl Esther of Kethyl Phosphoric Acid explained by the following extraction equation: jo2+ 2N0 + 2DAMPA 1 2 0 2] (2) E 3 IU 2(N03)2 (DAMPA) where UO2(NO 3)2 (DAMPA)21 is a compound extracted entirely from the organic phase. The equilibrium constant of reaction W by using 10- and 2CV* DARPA-solutions is 0.30 + 0-03 (measured value). The equilibrium constant of reaction T2) with a 20% DAMPA-solution, however, is 2540-+ 200. The values determined during the various'experimental 97tages are represented partly by tables, and partly graphically. Theie are 10 figures, 5 tables, 'and 20 references, 14*of which are Soviet. SUBMITTED: December 11, 1958 Card 2/2 SIMVCHMO, V.B.; SHKIW* V.S.;,_.IEMOXOKOV, I-A-: PSTROT, X.A. Ixtraction of nitric acid with tri-n-oatylamino. Zhur. asorg. khlz* 5 no.8:2852-2856 Ag 160. (MA 13:9) (11tric acid) (Oatylamine) 0 S 1 /005/010/019/021 /07 B004rBO67 AUTHORS: Shevchenko, V. B., Shmidt, V. Sot NenarokomovA E. A. TITLE: Extraction of Uranium(VI) by Means of Tri-n-octylamine From Nitric Solutions PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii, 1960, Vol. 5, No- 10, pp. 2354-2362 TEXT. The authors wanted to make a detailed study of the extraction of U(VI) by means of solutions of tri-n-octylamine (TOA) in o-xylene and carbon tetrachloride. In an earlier paper (Ref. 10), it had been found that in the presence of free nitric acid the entire TOA is contained in the organic phase as TOA-HNO3. Therefore, the authors write down the following equation for the extraction of uranium: TOA.HNO + UO 2+ + 2NO- - (TOA.H)UO (NO (1). The 3 org 2 aqu 3 aqu 2 3 3 org dependence of the distribution coefficients on the concentration of free TOA.HN03 in the organic phase was studied at concentrations of 4.3 and Card 1/4 84M Extraction of Uranium(VI) by Means of S/078/60/005/'010/019/021 Tri-n-oatylamine From Nitric Solutions B004/B067 .5-4 mole/1 HN03 in the aqueous phase. In this connection the fact that, according to Ref. 10, the concentration of TOA-HU03 varies in the organic phase as a result of the reaction + + TOA.HNO ;;~~ POA. HKO~ (5). was taken into %qu + N03 aqu 3 org - M103 account. By using o-xylene as solvent the constant X3 of this reaction was found to be 0-13. Table I gives the values for the distribution coefficient af Fig. I shows that with K 0-13 the distribution coefficient a increases linearly with Ue'concentration of TOA HN03. At 403 mole/1 HNO 3 aq, and 0-470 mole/1 TOA.HNO,y m is 1.81, at 5:4 mole/1 HU03 it is 2-50- Fig. 2 shows a as a function of acidity of the aqueous phase. a passes a maximum at 6 - 7 mole/1 HN03. The decrease of a with higher aoid concentrations is explained by the formation of (TOA.M'03),HN03 and by the occurrence Of U02(NO3)3 iins. In Fig. 3 a is represented as a function of [H+1 , in Fig. 4 as a function of the uranium concentration. o-xylene and carbon tetrachloride served as solvents. With very low uranium concentration in the aqueous phase a is almost independent Card 2/4 8h219 b /078 Extraction of Uranium(VI) by Keane of J601005101010191021 Tri-n-octylamine From Nitric Solutions B'J04/BO67 of the concentration. It is, concluded therefrom 4-1---. no polymerization occum With high uranium concentrations a deer(-ases. This is explained by the reduction of concentration of free TOA 'HHC as a result of the extraction process. In Fig. 5 the equilibrium disiribution of uranium between aqueous and organic phase is shown at 0-47 mole/1 TOA.HN03, dissolved in O-C6H4(CH3)2 or CC14. Table 2 gives the dependence of a on the concentration, of uranium in the aqueous phase and the values for the stability constant X, of the cc p1axA(TOA.H)UO2(NO3-)3 . These values were sufficiently constant only at uranium concentrations in the organic phase up to 0.10 mole/1. They amounted to 2.02�0.12 for 0.47 mole/l TOA.HNO 3 in CC14 and 2.88t0.11 in o-C 6H4(CH3)2 . The absorption spectrum recorded by a C~ -2M (SF-2H) rec'ordizig apectrophotometer of the organic uraniuml solutions in TOA is shown in Fig.'6. It considerably differs from Me- spactrum of uranyl nitrate, it is similar-, however2 to the absorption spectra of the trinitrate uranyl compounds. The optical density of UO 2(NO3)2 solutions in methylisobutylketone was measured at different Card 3/4 Vxtraction of Uranlum(YI) by Means of S/MJ60/005/010/019/021 Tri-n-octylamine From Nitric Solutlons 8004/Bo67 c.oncentrations of TOA.HN03 (Fig. 7). The optical density attained a maximum at a ratio UO 2(NO3)2 : TOA.HNO 3 =I : .1 which was also conf irmed by the composition-(TOA.H)UO 2(No3)3* The authors mention a paper by V. M. Vdovenko, A. A. Lipovskiy, and M. G. Kuzina (Ref. 11). They thank .L.~V. Lipis for having carried out the spectrophotometric studies. There are 7 figures, 2 tables, and 19 references: 6 Soviet, 6 US, 1 British, 2 French, and 1 German. SUBMITTED: July 6, 1959 Card 4/4 22992 S/L86/61/003/002/002/OL8 0 9142/t435 AUTHORSt Shevchenko, V.B., Shmidto V.50 and7Nenarokomov. B.L. TITM The extraction of UVI and U1V with the di-isoamyL other of methyl phosphoric acid from HCl solutions PERIODICALa Radiokhimiya, 1961, VoL.3, No.2, pp.129-L36 TEXTs During the last few years di-isoamyl other of methyl phosphoric acid (DE14PA) has been used as a satisfactory extracting agent for uranium. The authors mention briefly their previously Published'results on the effectiveness of the compound and on the stability of the hexavalent uranium complex, extracted with DZMPA, &G compared to the stability of the complex extracted with tributyl phosphate (TBP). The present investintion deals with the reaction mechanism of extracting' UVI and U 'with DE14PA fkom HC1 solutions; the stability of the uranium compounds, extracted from the RCI solutions with the two aforementioned reagents Is compared. Of each reagent 20%soLutions, in carbon tetrachloride, were used. Details of the preparation of uranyl chloride (U02CI2) and of uranium tetrachloride (UC14) are given. EquaL volumes of the 2 phases (10 ml each) were used for the extraction process which lasted 10 minutes; this time sufficed for attaining Card L/2 22992 S/186/61/003,(002/002/018 The extraction of UVI and UIV EIWE435 equilibrium. The solution was allowed to settle for 18 hours (UVI) and I hour (UIV) respectivelyj thereafter the phases were separated. Each phase was analysed for its uranium content and the dispersion coefficient defined as the ratio of the concentrations of the element in the organic and in thp aqueous phase.UV,During the extraction of hexavalent uranium it was found that is extracted to an appreciable degree with a 20% solution of DXMPA in CC14 at acidities > 2N HC1. The tetravalent element is extracted satisfactorily with 20% solutions of D9MPA and TSP in CC14 only at concentrations of HCI/'*4 -5 N HCl. The complex U02CI2,2DEMPA was formed In the Inveitigated acidity ra.~*e (up to' 5N HCI); tetravalent uranium forms the complexes UC1412DZWA and UC14Z2TBP. The ratios of the stability constants were calculated for he complexes U02C12.2DEHPA and U02CI2.2TSP (113 + 16) and for the complexes UC14.2DEMPA and UC14,2TBP (approximatei7y 3oo). There are 4 figures, 5 tables and 7 references: 5 Soviet-btoc and 2 non-Sovist-bloc. The 2 references to Znglish language publications read as follows: K.Kraus, F,Kelson, J.Am&Chen aSoc.0 72,3901 (1950)1 R.Setts,.R,Leigh, Canad.J.Res., 285,514 (i953). SUBMITTZDs April 30, 1960 Card 2/2 14 67 876 5/1,93/6o'1000/005/003/007 -1 16-56-110 -,7Q0? B028/B054 AUTHQRS: Kudryai-tsev. G. I., Kator,-hnov. N11. D., Voitelev, Yu. Golubova, Ye. V., jLWjr2joM=, 1. TITIZ: Effect of Inorganic Salts on -,he Heat Resistance of Caprone Fibers kERIODICAL: Khimicheskiye volokna, 1960, 110- 5, Pp- 16-20 TaT% The present paper describes investigations carried out 'to increase the heat resistance of caprone fibers byrdditions of inorganic salts. !he authors used water-soluble copi~er s-alt.-3 of nitric, citric, lactic, su,]-Daric, perchloric, acetic, and formic acids. 0.05 - O-Ot-, additions of these cam.- pounds were introduced during the rolymeriz;Aion of caprolactam. The authors further used 0-05-0-01-1 additions ~f water-inso2uble, fatty-;-cId copper " ts in a~ troduced into molten cnmrol.actewi. 0.21,-101.5~3 alditims of co-ner s borate, copper phosphate, rmd copper chromate, af; well Ps thr;--c-cor,.Tilonent :26ditions, namely, cor-er acetate, -ota,-;siuvr, iodidde, -,nd mononubstittited ziodium phosplinte, w;.iv) iiso uo(~d. It th-tt, tsiio s"~-!Clfic v.'*4.";v'O-'Aty reach9s a maximum -Odinv cor er st:~biliz--!m and "kjr-Itim, Mir! f1bgr to P76 2,Pffect of Inor-mic SnIts on th-~ !Ieat afx;i-t,~;nctl Of IF500C. Fibers with iolitions nf cop,-,cr :3alt-- -.nJ conpom--mt add4tions- ..rere f"st.-I for hoit n n c, .7-inv lio-tte"I for 11 15000, and for 2, F, 2-':, ani ~6 hours I, 24, 1,E, 72, and IN, hours to I to iploo'C. Tt was s'llo*,m! that a si,milt.:~-neoun; intraluction of multI-con-yon,~nt aiditi-ons during fiber -oly-merization yielded miyirmun 1,14~_at m,.sist~ancc. 0 . Olt 1_1 copper acetritc, 0.251~ij sodium phosp-hate, md 2 ,~ potassiim 5olide were uned. Dii3 inhibited the decomnogition of the fiber during heating. 6, - ~ or, 14 hours I hea, 0 Resistance to tearinrr J,ncr-as-d by tin,, to ),PQ C. Af ter 90 hours' heating to l'0 C, it had only dropped by 39-2% Zas against 67~ After two hours without addition). Cot)rler salts forn, a chelate mr1pound with the fiber, in which the copp,,,v L,..i hound by secondary valencies: A53WIA-Lia, T1111V (All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Synthetic Fibers) KRITSKIY, Te.L.; NIX4MKOROV, Yu.1r.: ZABIROT, M.G. Regulating the productivity of a mill b]r sound measurement. Gor. thur. no.7:37-W JI '56. (WRA 9:9) L Rekhanobr (for Kritskly. Nenarokoinov) 2. ffortl6skly koubinat (for Zablrov). (Crushing machinery) (Soun%l--geasurement) 137-58-6-1133Z Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 6, p I I (USSR) AUTHORS: Malitskiy, O.N.., Nenarokomov, Yu.F. TITLE: Experience With the Concentration of Copper -and-nickel Ores at the Norillsk Concentrating Plant (Opyt obogashcheniya medno- nikelevykh rud na Noril'skoy obogatitellnoy fabrike) PERIODICAL: Materialy Soveshchaniya po vopr. intensifik. i usoversh. dobychi i tekhnol. pererabotki medno-nikelevykh i nikelevykh rud, 1956 g. Moscow, Profizdat, 1957, pp 116-IZ9 ABSTRACT: A brief description of a proposed process procedure, its shortcomings, inadequacies of the equipment and component assemblies, and elimination thereof. A description*of the de - velopment of the process procedures is given; a new combined flotation procedure is presented, as are diagrams of the func- tioning of the hydrocyclones and of the crusher shops. A.Sh. 1. Copper-nickel ores--Processing 2. Copper-nickel ores--Flotation 3. Industrial plants--Equipment 4. Industrial plants--Effectiveness Card 1/1 SOV/ 137-58-7-14040 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, MetallurgiVa, 1958, Nr 7, p7 (USSR) a AUTHOR: Nen ro T IT LE: A Powerful Plant for Cupro-nickel Ores (Moshchnaya fabrika dlya medno-nikelevykh rud) PERIODICAL: [ Tr. I Vses, n. - i. i proyektn. in-ta mekhan. obrabotki poleznykh iskopayemykh, 1957, Nr 102, pp 174-190 ABSTRACT: The components of a plant to be built on the basis of the Zhdanov occurrence at the Pechenganikel' Kombinat for opera- Vons precedtng filtration and sintering are described. The dressing flowsheet, the designs of the structures, the units of which the buildings are comprised, the use of reactants, the repair. servicing and traffic service, and the automation of control and monitoring of the process procedure are described. A flowsheet for the coarse crushing department is provided, as are sections through the coarse crushing building, the mid- dlings hopper, the medium and fine grinding shop, and an equipment layout flowsheet and section through the main build- ing. 1. Industrial piants--Design 2. industrial production--Control Card 1/1 3. Copper-nickel ores--Processing A. Sh. VMMKOMDV. IU*re sk- Reorganization of the Zyryanovsk Ore Dressing Plant. Obog.rud 7 no,1:24-28 162. (KM 15:3) (Zyryanovsk-Ore dressing)