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NIMLUBOVICS, Jan; MRZIM. Boleslaw.- PISTRASUMICS Intramplenic portal radiography. Polski tygod. lek. 9 no.20: 612-615 17 KV 54. 1. Z KlinikI Chirurgicznej Akad mit Nodycznej w Warszavie. dyrektor prof. dr T.Butkiewles, (TAINS, PORTAL SYSTIN, radiography, Intrasplenic admin. of contrast media) (ANGIOGRAPHY, portal, Intrasplenic admin. of contrast media) NIALUBOW1020 J.; PBTRASZKMICZ. H.; PLVnWZKINWICZ, R. Detection of microorganisms in clinically normal auscles. Polski przegl.chlr. 26 no.11 Suppl.i6O-72 1954. (MUSCLES. bacteriology, detection of microorganisms in clinically normal muse. in non-muse. dis.) 913MUROWICZ, Jan "I,- ~- Causes of failures in treatment of cholelithtaxis by excision of gallbladder. Polski tygod.lek. 10 no.17:565-569 25 Apr 55. 1. Z I Iliniki chirurgicznej A.M. w Warszawie; disrownik: prof. dr T.Butkieviez. Varsvewa. U1. Wido*k 19 m. 6. (CHOLIKLITHIASIS. su'rgery, cholecystectomy, causes of failures) HIMIUBOWICZ, Jan Causes of therapeutic failures in cholelithiasis with removal of bile vesicles. Polaki tygod.lek. 10 no.22:735-743 30 MY '55. 1. Z I Kliniki ChirurgicsneJ A.M. w Warszawie; kierownik prof. dr. T. Butkiewics) Warssawa. ul. Vidak 18. (CHOLBLITHIISIS. surgery cholecyatectomy. causes of failure) MIELUBOWICZ. Jan; MARZINKE. Boleelaw; PIMASMINICZ, Digealusz. Assumed role of the hepatic sphincter in shock. Polski przegl. chir. 27 no.7:653-663 July 155. 1. dr. Z I niniki Chirurgicznej A.M. w Warazavie Kierownik: prof. T.Butkievics. (SHOCK, physiology role of hepatic sphincter. physiol. aspects) (VMINS, FEEPATIC hepatic spincter. role in & physiol. aspects) biochem. histopathol. & shock, biochem. hiatopathol EXCUiPTA 14MICA ~.CvJ4 Vol.11/2 Radiology ieb 57- 1 -C 296. NIELUBOWICZ J.1 I Klin. Chir. A.M.. Warszawa. *Badania do.4wiadrzalne nacr p mwzdqria. Experimental investigation on the pathomechanism of tympanites POL. TYG. LEK. 1956, 11/1 (20-28) Illus. 11 After radiological investigations the author agreed with the views of Wangensteen that intestinal gas to chiefly derived from air entering the oesophagus at the in- spiratory phase of respiration. For this to take place there must be a dysfunction of the oesophageal orifice which becomes wider In a variety of different patho- physiological conditions such as pain. fear. paralysis, narcosis. etc. In these cases some of the inspired air enters the stomach instead of the lungs. Over 3 consecutive days the author made radiological observations. On the first day screening showed how the empty stomach became filled with air after the subject had breathed deeply 3 times and then held his mouth shut. The total air in the stomach increased with further inspirations. On the Znd day of the test under the same circumstances a column of air was seen passing from the oesophagus to the stomach. On the 3rd day air was passed into the stomach by a tube to give a feeling of 'fullness' and the X-ray tube lowered progressively to the lower part of the stomach. These investigations confirm that the aspiration mechanism is the foremost cause of intestinal gas In normal and pathological states and notably post- operatively. These tests can also be used to estimate bowel function in consti- pation (Zawadowski) and they demonstrate the main cause of tympanites, Smigielska I Gda&k RTOWSKI, Henryk; KARZINRK. Bolealaw; KOBUSZWSKA, Karia; NIELUBOVICZ, Jan Experimental transplantation of lyophilized arteries. Polski tygod. lek. 11 no.25:1105-1108 18 June 56. 1. Z I Klin. Chirur. A.K. v Varazawte; kier. prof. T. Butkiewicz. z odds. chirur. Supitala Zelazna 90 1 z Zak. Anat. Patolog. A.M. w Warsz., kier. prof. dr. L. Paazkiewiez, Warszawa Nowolipki 15 M. 33 b1. 46. (ARTERIMS, transplantation, exper., of IyophIlized arteries (Poi)) (TWSPLAI]TATIO14, experimental arteries. lyophilized (Poll) C- i c- I C -L' -T-0, L BOBER, Stanislaw; WQXIG& -'- amp-,, JUSTYNA, Misegyslaw; KRZENINSKA-L" ""'aEWA, Izab*ll&; KAMINEK, B01081aw Electrocardiographic changes during orperimental hypothermia is dogs. Polski tygod. lok. 12 no.1:1-7 1 Jan 57. 1. (Z Fracowsi Chirurgil Doewiadczalnej; kisrownik: doe. dr. mod. J. Nialubowics z zakladu Patomorfologli Pol&kioj Akademil N&ukj dyrektor prof. dr. mauk mod. L. Paszkta-fics aras z I Ilintkt Chnrnb Wswastrznych A.M. w Warasawie; ktarownik; prof. dr. sauk mod. A. Biersacki). Adres: WarikoWa-01tocis. u1. Kazimiersa Wtelki8go 20. (HYPOTHIRMA. exper, ZCG changes in dogs (Pol)) (=CTROCARDIOGRAPHY changes to arper. hypothermia in dogs (Pol)) U B 6' W / C 7-') ,3-/) /V, BOBIM, Stanislaw; NIFUM-WICZ Jan- MINCZYSLAW' TUStyna; nZIMINSKA- U LAWKOWICio*~ ~zae ji7, INEK, Boleslaw Volume of circulating blood In experimental hypothermia in dog. Polski tygod. lek. 12 no-10:346-i48 4 Mar 57. 1. (Z Pracowni Chirurgii Doswiadczalnej: kierownik: doe. dr. med. J. Nielubowics. Zakladu Patomorfologii Polskiej Akademil Nauk; dyrektor: prof. dr. nauk med. L. Paszkiewicz oraz z I Kliniki Chorob Wewnetrznych A.M. w Warazawie-, Kierownik: prof. dr. nauk mod. A. Biernacki). Adres: Warszawa-Okmcim, u1. Kazimierza Wielklego 20. (HTPOTHERIIA, expar. determ. of cire. volum in dog. (Pol)) (BLOOD CIRCULATION, determ. circ. volume In exper. hypothermia In dog (Pol)) 'VI BOBER, Stanislaw; NIIKLUBOOWICZ. Jan- JUSTTYA. Niacsyslaw; KIRZEMINSff--L~WKOVIC=A',-Ts"&Tela-, KARZIUK, Boleslaw Behavior of plasma proteins In experimental hypothermia In dogs. Polski tygod. lek. 12 no.15:543-545 8 Apr 57. 1. (Z Pracowni CbIrurgii Doswiadczalnej: kisrownik: doc. dr. mad. J. Violubowics, Instytutu Patomorfologii Polskiej Akademil Nauk; dyrektor: prof, dr, nauk med. L. PaszkIewIcs oraz i I Kliniki Cborob Wownetrsnych A.M.; klarownik: prof. dr. nank med. A. Biernacki). Adres: Warszawa. Okocle, u1. Kazimiersa Violkiego 20. (BLOOD PROTEINS off. of hypothermia in dogs (Pol)) (HTPOTHE RMI A. off. on blood proteins in dogs kPol)) I C, 4-) BOBER, Stanislaw. Hiecsys law.; KRZEMINSKA-LANOWICZOW, Irabella,"I,KAWNW, Boleslaw. Behavior of blood electrolytes in experimental hypothermia in dogs. Polski tygod. lek. 12 no.17:627-631 22 Apr 1957. 1. Z Pracownt Chirurgii Doswiadezalnej; kierownik doe. dr med. J. Nielubowicz z Instytu Patomorfologii Polsklej Akademii Nauk; dyrektor: prof. dr nauk med. L. Paszklewicz oraz z I Kliniki Chorob Wevnetrzvch A. M. Kierownik: prof. dr nauk med. A. Biernacki, Warszawa-autora: WarRzawa-Okecie, ul. Kazimlerza Wielkiego 20. (HYPO?HNRKILA. exper. blood electrolytes in dogs (Pol)) (ELECTROLYT35, in blood in hypothermia in dogs (Pol)) NIzUR(-i,,ICZ,Ian Narm , ul. Widok 1".) Rwa 3ertain asuects of Dkvsioloey of the liver. Polski t7god. Lek. 12 ne.12: '1250-1255 5 Aug 57. 1. (Z I K1. chir. H. A. w W-wid; kier- prof. dr mod. T. But',iewicz). (LIVIR, physiology. review (Pol)) NIEWBOWICZ, Jan;BOBER, Stanislaw;SZCZM14. Jerzy. Ernerimental stud-tea on the effect of novocalne on cardiw reflexagenic centers in dogs in normal temperature; preliminary cosmanication. Polskie arch. mad. wev n. 27 no.5:643-651 1957. 1. Z Pracownt Chirurgil Doewiadozalnej Ilerownik: doc. dr mad. J. Nialubowics Zakladu Patomorfologit PAR Dyrektor: prof. dr.nank mad. L. PaszkiewIcz I z I Kliniki Chorob Wevnetrznych A. M. w Waragavla Kierownik: prof. dr. nauk mad. A. Biernacki. Adres autora; Warszawa. Widok 18 m 6. (HMAn, affect of drugs on, procaineo on reflaxogaule zones in dogs (Pol)) (PROGAIRS, effects, on heart reflexogenic zones in dogs (Pol)) NIBLU-SOW ICZ. - .Jan-,(Warezawa, ul. Widok 18) Surgery in chronic peripheral arterial diseases, rolsk-ie arch.ned. wewne 28 no.5:633-649 1958, 1. Z I Klinikl Chirurgicznej A.M. w Warazavie Kierownik: prof. mad. T. Butkievics, (VASCULAR DISIASr.S, PhERNAMa, surg, indic. & technics in peripheral arterial dis.. raviev kpo)) BOWKILFWICZ, Jnmmz; 7-GLICZYIISKI. lesze1c; IQMIUA. Boleslawi-Pq _jauj,__ Technic and diagnostic possibilities of oplenoportography. Polski przegl. radiol. 23 no.3:175-190 May-June 59. 1. Z Zakladu Radiologii. Ikkarsklej nauk mod. W. Zawadowski. Z I Kliniki Warssawie Kierownik: prof. dr nauk (AUG IOGIOGRAPHY, splenoportagraphy, A.M. w Warazawie Kierownik: prof. dr Chirurgicznej Akndemti 14edycznej w med. T. Butkiewicz. technic & diag. value (Pol)) BOWKIWICZ, Janusz; ZGLICZYIISKI, Leezekg HIMMOWICE. Jan Abdominal aortography. Indications, technic, studies and prevention of complications. Polski prozegl.radiol. 23 no.5:299-311 3-0 '59. 1. Z 7akladu Hadiologli Lekarsktej A.M. w Warasawle Klerownik: prof. dr Muk med. W. Zawadowaki a I IlinikI Chtrurgicznej A.M* w Warazawie Iterownik: prof. dr ned. T. Butkiewicz. (AUGIOGRAPffT) k'&~Icz 9Jad.; IOWA, Josef; WIECKOWSKA. Wanda Bioelectrical activity of the intestine (electroenterography). Polski tygod.lek. 15 no.31:117G-1183 1 Ag 160. 1. Z Zakladu Chirurgil Doewiadesalnej P.A.N. (INTBSTINES physiol.) MARZ113K, Boleslatro, HIELUBOWICZ, Jan Prellminary experience with experimental stiidies on vascular grafts produced in Poland. Pol. przegl. chir. 35 no.10/11, 1100-1102 163. -L. Z Zakladu Ghirurgil Doswiad-;zalnej PAIN Kierownik-z prof. ~L-- J. Ni6lubowicz. kBLOOD VESSEL PROSTHESIS) (AORTA) NIEWBOWICZ, Janj WYSZNACKAp IWandaj ZGLICZYNSKI, Ioazek Results in surgioca, therapy of portal hypertension. Polski przegl. chir. 33 no.12:1285-1298 161. 1. Z I Kliniki Ghirurgloznej AM w Warssavie Kieronik: prof. dr J. Nielubowicz a 11 Kliniki Ohorob Wesnetrznych A14 v Warssavie Kierowniks prof. dr D. Aleksamdrow i z Zakladu Radiologii AM w Warszawis Kisrownik: prof. dr W.Zawadowski. (HMRTMION PORTAL surg) CMMUS, H.; NIELUBOWICZ, J.; RAJSZYS, R.; WYSZIIACK&t W.; ZGLICZri,'QKIP L. A cage of Z~Gtejnlq anomaly. Pol. tyg. lek. 17 no.29:1151-1256 16 ii #62. 1. Z II Kliniki Chorob Wownetrwych; kierounik: prof. dr med. D. Aleks'androw, a I Kliniki Chirurgic=ej: kierownik: doe. dr med. J. Hialubowics i a Zakladu Hadiologii Lekarskiej MI v Warazawie; kierowniks prof. dr nauk med. W. ZavadowsU . (EBSTEINIS UWALY) NIELUBOWIGZt Jan ~~ I,! Ganalization of arteries. Polski przegl. chir. 34 no.6-.473-1.83 Je 162. 1. Z I Sliniki Chirurgicznej AM v Warozavie Kierownik: prof. dr J. Nielubovicz Z Zakladu Chirurgii Dosviadezalnej PAIT Kierownik: prof. dr J. Nielubovics. (THROMBOSIS surg) f R15DARY RYKUiK1, H. Dr,, F011FAI A cad I tmy of SoAencpn, Kyporivienta` Institute, Inititute for Omduate Medical Training, 11, :iurgla Department (Lengy,~l Tudomanyoe Akatvimia, Kiserlo-1.1. Sabe.-3zeti LrAtj;,et, Orvostovabbk,~arz~- Intezet., fl. Zebe~-,zt~ii i..Dr, 1- Warsaw. "P~xnerlmental homoic- Ano Heter*%rar-,plRntation of Bloo,l Vev-1-cz Stee-117,L\1 ty Gfuula Budapest, 0,-vof!i Hetlj,~;j, Vol, 1",c ,16,'16 :~-,,v 62, ;AKeE Ab&A,ractt ~.kuthor'-. stLmnary- Previously infected arter-iec --,an be stmF[Mized ~y gamra radiation'. Treated thusly, -,heir histolog4cal ged, A-he cim-r- q, -Irp,, Cc: structure of elast-Ici',r rema-ined WiLhani . re, 1i stcrilization was minutes for strong, 45-91: m~xu'~ef, _;t,-r radiation. TransplantaLions with thb irradiatoo 3tfterles were !iuLcc~-_ ftLl. Use of blood vAs3eis kept in a bacterial C%Iture for 2L~ '"our-s ),i- fore irradiation w., not sultable. in splte of tt-, ~_ 5 e were destroyed in 5-1.1 &,ys al ter t1rie trarspl."ntat-,or. 'he :~Orpl!_ cation was probably ciao to th-~ prot-riolytic 2i feet t! the enzyme-c of the bacteria on th-a ar--eriAl wall. LThis paper is published as rart of LekarLki L ~'k Wes re L:dn exchange program from thci F-Iski jjZodnk,- rr., ? j Pollsh reference&'. Waldemar L.; SZYFELBEJN, Stanislaw; NIELUBOWICZ, Jan OLSZEWSKIN Expe -imental portal Yvpertension and aocitea following Parti&l obstruction of the common bile duct. Pol. tyg. lek. 18 no.13: 457-461 25 Mr -63. 1. Z Zakladu Chirurgii Doewiadczalnej PAN w Warszavie; kierownik: prof. dr Jan Nielubowicz. (ASCITES) (COMMON BILE DUCT DISEASE) 1POLAND WASOWICZ, Barbara, STASIAKOWA, Lucja, and NIELUF30WICZ, Jan Neurological Clinic (Klinika Neurologiczna) ~41pjarno Dr. mod. Irena HAUM4ANOWA-PETRUSEWICZ), First Clinic of In- ternal Diseases (I Klinika Chorob Wownetrznych) (Directori Prof. Dr. mod. Ar4drzej BERNACKI), and First Surgical Clinic (I Klinika Chirurgicxna) (Directort Prof. Dr. mod. Jan NIR- LUBOWICZ), all of theAM [Akademia Medyczna, Medical Academy] in Warsaw "Neurological Symptoms in Insulinoma Pancreatis." Warsaw, Polski Rgodnik Lokarski. Vol 18. No 21, 20 May 63, pp 750-753 Abstracti [Authors' English summary modified] Authors de- scribe a case of a woman with frequent onsets of unconscious- ness and psychomotoric agitation while fasting and sometimes accompanied by paresis. Blood sugar during the incidents was low, and the glycemic curve was flat. Incidents dis- appeared on the administration of glucose. Secretive insu- linoma of the pancreas diagnosed and treated eurgically with success, as they usually are. The 11 roferences comprise four (4) in Polish and seven (7) Western. '10 -A 171 OLSUWSKI, Waldemar; NIELUBOWICZ, Jan Causes of recurrence of symptoms following cholseyetectomy. Pol. przegl. chir. 35.tLo.7/8:857-859 163. 1, Z I Kliniki Chirurgicznej AM v Warazavie Kierovnik: prof. dr J. Nielubowics. (CHOLECYSTEGTOKY) (POSTOMUTM C%IMCATIONS) HARNIG, Wlenty; IIIETZBMIICZ, Jan Bilateral adrenalectom7 in Cushing's disease and syndrome. Polski przegl. chir. 35 no.9t997-99c) r63. 1. 3 1 Kliniki Chorob Wcswnetrznych SDL v Warsaawie (kierow- uAt prof.dr. W.9artwig) i z I Kliniki Chirur icznej AM v Wkrs2mwIs.(kierownIkt prof. &. J.Nielubawlc2f. +1 _F4VBP J~p; FOLGA, Jozef; WIECKOWSKA,, Wanda . WX~CZ, ~ SUctroonterograpby. Pol. przegl. chir. 35 no.10/U:1131-U33 163,, 1. Z 7.akladu Chirurgii Doeviadczalnej PAN v Warazavie Kierownik: prof. dr J. Nielubowicz i z I Kliniki Chirurgicznej AM v Warssavie Kierownik: prof. dr J. Nielubovicz. (INTESTINES) (ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY) NIELUBOWICZ, Jan; nLSZEWSKI, Waldemar; LUKASIEWIGZ, Hanna; MICHALSKI, ~-,, A,ndrzef4, ROWINSKI, Wojciech; SZYFFLBEJN, Stanislaw; WIECKOWSKA, Wanda Pathomechanism of meteorism. 1. Composition of intestinal gases j .Ln paralytic ileus. Pol. przegl. chir. 36 no.5:707-715 W 164. 1. Z Zakladu Chirurgil L-oswiadezalnej Polskiej Akademii Nauk (Kierownik: prof. dr J. Nielubowicz). TOLLOCZKO, Tadousz, f:IEU;B0WEIZ, Jan, ~rof. dr. mpd. Gastrac Juice ~r li- ' 0 w-' th ~~ -- ---, '- ' - 1(-.wing gnatri c rnoect i .,r. EIF.Cl .ragl- I';,' . tyr. ~ f!z . ~` : '*~' t 299-301 1 Mr - 1 t 5. 1. Z K11n;lAd Chir-irgif:zrip' Akadeinji w - j w I*t dr. Jan (kierowriAt il f. NIEWBOWICZ, Jan Profuse bleeding from esophageal varices Oter splenectomy. Pol. tyg. lek. 20 no.24i895-897 14 Je 165. 1. Z I Kliniki Chirurgicznaj AM w Warazavie (Kiercwnik: prof. dr. mod. J. Nielubowicz), OLSZEWSKI, Waldemar; SZYFZLBEM, Stanislaw; RUMSKI, Wojciech; NIM .gPqVICZ, Jan. Healing of experimental wounds of the pancreas. Pol. przegl. chir. 37 no.4t322-325 AP16r, 1. Z I Kliniki Chirurgicznej Mcademli Medycznej w Warszavle (Kierownik: prof. dr. J. Nielubowicz). $ of. dr.1 WYSZNACKA, Winda; ZOLICZYNSKI, TAszek, doc.dr.; Jaz~ pr OLSZEWSKT, Val4emax, KACKI, Jane Surgical treatment of hypertension due to the stenosis of renal artex7. Pol. przegle chir. 37 no.4s343-345 Ap165. 1. Z T Kliniki Chirurgioznej Akademii Modyoznej v Warazavie (Kierownikt prof. dr. Je Nielubowioz)j z 11 Kliniki Chorob Wewnetrznych Mcademii Medycznej v Warazavis (Kierowniks prof. dr. 17. Aleksandrov) cram z Mikladu Radiologii Xkademli Medyeanej w Warsyawle (Kierowniks doo. dr. L. Zgliczynski)a ROWINSKI, Wojciech; MICHALSKI, Andrvej; UIKASIEWICZ, Hanna; OLS7EWSKi, Waldemar; NILUIBIIW!~L,-,,Ja,, _ Studies on th4- pathogenesis of acute pancreatic necrosis. Pol. przegl. chir. 31 no.5:490-496 My 165. 1. Z Zakladu Chinirgli Dof,,wiaeczalne'J Polskej Akadern-ii Naiik (Ki.erownik: prof. (Ir. J. Nieliibowlcz). hy-,-ertenslcr. Fc Lnet --men. oll renaa: 35 rc..-1:935-93'.' 165 aurgical procedures in the lureatmenL (;f renall vascular hypertpnsior.. 'Aa-.izawle -1:-. mea. j. N.1o..,ubowlcz;. NIEAWBOWTUZ, Jan; 9olesinw; ~)1~37F'~-JJKI, Ivilklie.-wirl. Plirl'a Aneurysms of the atylom-' na I aorta. Po-i. tyg. 1-1: - ~. . --, : - t 26 Ap 965. i. Z 1 Kliniki Chi-irgicznej At,j w Warszawie. med. jan Nie)--ibowlcz). CHWIIACKI, Jonef; EIELUBOWICZ, Olga I Integral thermal expaTision of' the phane (with an anomaly Of eaTansion in the range of , ' 040 1 transfor- 4ation). Archiv hutn 8 no.3t243-258 16~. 1, Katedra MeWogaZi i Obrrlbki Cieplne j # Akadeiria Gorn1ff~zo- Hutnicza,, Krakow. ~~.; J,LKC-L K." lource materials to k-nowl.pdf,e of the F~rite siiale Jeyosits in *,-,ie6cis-,oij;ct- and their origin. p. 303. Wt=-,LALL~ -101 . 5, '-To . . I 7, j-,ily ~arszawa, zoland) I SO: !,.onthl:, List of Z-ast ~,,-,rorean Accessicas ' :. 7o1. 6, ';o. l-,, c,, ber I ~nc].. POLAND/Chemical Tei~hnololu - Chemical Products and Their H-7 Application. Ceramics. Glass. Binders. Concrete. Abs Jour : Referat 2hur - Khimiya, No 1, 1958, 2072 Author : Hielubovicz Ryszard Inst Title : Use of Gypsum and Anhydride in Industry. Orig Pub : C nt. Wapno. Gips, 1957, 13, No 4, 78-84 Abstract : No abstract. Card 1/1 PINSON, Jakub; NIMMSZUC, Stanislaw; KOSZCZUM, Zof la Modifications of qualitative content of serum proteins and erythro- cytes sedimentation during trichinosis. Polskle arch. wed. wownstrz. 23 no.5:683-688 1953. 1. Z U Kliniki Chorob Vownstrsnych Akademil Kedycznej w Gdansku. Kierownik: prof. dr med. J.Penson. (BLOOD COAGULATIOV, In various diseases, *trichinoole) (BIM MIMMATION, in various diseases, *trichinoai&) (TRICHINOSIS. blood In, *coagulation & sedimentation) NIBLUBSUC. Stanislaw; 30J, Ewa, 14M=02, Janina A Case of Hodgkin's sarcoma. Polski tygod.lek. 10 no.13:402-405 28 Mar 55. 1. 2 IlIrliniki Chorob Vewnetrznych A.M. w Gdansku; kierownikl prof. dr mad. J.Penson i z Zakladu Anatomit Patologtcznej A. M. w Gdansku; kierownik- prof. dr nod. W.Ozarnocki) (SARCOMA, MVICULIJM CELL. otiol. & diag., cytol.) (CYTOLOGY, in diag. of reticul= call sarcoma) STAL2WSKA. Iron&. KMIZWICA, Janina: UINMSZYC. Stanislaw Rentsolon of &cut@ loukomis associated w1th tuborculools, Folskis arch.sed.wown. 25 no.2:369-376 '55. 1. Z III KlInIkI Chorob Vownstrznych A.K. w Odanska. Klerownik: Prof. dr nod. J. Ponson. Odansk, III Kliniks, Oborob Vowastrzmych A.K. u1. Sluza 9/10. (TUBMCULOSIS, KILIAXr, In infant and child, with leukemia, myslold) (LWMIIA. KYZWCYTIC. In infant and child. with tubarc.. disseminated) EZQ;R,PTA,SED See. 6 Vol. 11/6 June 57 i _ (Ad , JC~ . 3740. NIELUBSZYC S. III Klin. Chor. Wewnqt. A.M., Gdailsk. *Zmiany objqto�ci krwjT_rfzacej w przypadkach nadczynno.4ci tarczycy. Changes in I he volume of the circulating blood in cases of hyperthyroid- ism POL.TYG.LEK. 1956, 11/25(1108-1111) The investigations were performed in 25 cases of hyperthyroidism and in 10 con- trols with Gruesbach's and Harris' staining-haematocrit method. using Congo red. The maximum error of the method is stated to be 556. The increase in the volume of circulating blood in hyperthyroidism depends on the severity of the disease. In mild cases the difference in blood volume before and after treatment ranges within the limits of the method's error. In severe cases the increase of the total blood volume may be 5 - 1516. A correlation was observed between circulation time (decholine) and circulating blood volume. The greatest increase of tile latter was observed in cases in which the decholine test exceeded 9 sec. No correlation was found between the increase of the BMR and that of the blood volume. CTHOWSKI. Lucjan; ZYWHSKA, 14onika Arteritis wdosa. Polskie areb. mad. wewn. 26 no.6:949-956 1956. 1. Z III Klin. Chorob Wewn. A.M. w Gdansku. Kier. prof. dr. mad. J. Penson, Z Zakladu Anatomit Patolog. A.M. w Mansku. Kier. Prof. dr. nauk mod. V. Czarnockt. Z Klintki Neurolog. A.M. w Gdansku. Kier. Prof. dr. mod. Z. Majawska. Gdansk, ul. Sluza 9/10. in Klinika Gborob Wrwn, A.M.G. (PERIARTZRITIS NODOSA, case reports, (Pal)) NINUMUC. Stanislaw; STOIARCZYK, Julian; ZBIAI(SKA, Barbara Case of lupus erythematosus disseminatus with a hemolytic syndrome & renal failure. Polskie arch. mod. vewn. 27 no.6:819-822 1957. 1. Z III Kliniki Chorob Vewnstrznych A. M. w Gdansku Klerownik: prof. dr med. J. Penson i z Zakladu Anatomii Patologiczuej A. K. G. Kierownik*. prof. dr nauk med. W Czarnocki. Adres: autora: Sopot, ul. Biela 7 m 10. (LUPUS UrfalfATOSTS, DISSEMINATED, blood in L. B. phenomenon with renal failure (Pol)) (ACMS MAL YAILMIB, etiol. & pathogen. lupus erythematosus. disseminated (Pol)) STALEWSKA. Irena; NIEIIJBSZYC. StanLelaw Hyoaardlal infarction in the course of 3uerger's disease. Polski ty,god. lek. 14 no-40:1788-1789 5 Oct 59. 1. (Z H Kliniki Chorob WewnetrznVeh A. K. w Gdanaku: kierownik: prof. dr Jakub Penson). (MYOCARDIAL ESFARCT, e~liojj (THROMBOPHIA3ITIS 03LITERANS, romDl.) NISLUBSUG, Stasislav - - - -------- Ce-exiating rheumatic disease and ondarteritis nodosa. Pelski* rah. mod. vownstrz. 30 no.11: W7-1435 160. : . Z II Kliniki Chorob Wownetrznych A.M. w Gdansku Kiorownik: prof dr ned. -T. Penoon. (PERIARTERITIS NODO~A etiol) (AMUMATISM compl) A/P/Z- ~ ~/- 5 :62 Y L, ) .,-) , Pulmonary blood volume in 2 7 TT KI itt!M r~-rjre)h Wewrie t Nlr-IBBSZYC., Stan!slw. Auricular parnxymal ta(,hycardia w4th 07--vent,11- cular block irt digitalis poleaning. Pril. tyg. If-k. -119 nn.2~: 1005-1006 22 Jet(4 1. '" II Kiii-ilkii Chorob Wewne'rmych "tdemii !. Gdansku; kierowrik: prof. dr. J. Penson. MICZYVSKI, Leon, MALECKA-DYMINCKA, Stanislawa; jTjEWBSZYCq PtaniBlaw, PIKIEL, Leonard. Three cases of endocardial fibroelastosis in adolescents. Pol. arch. med. wewnet. 34 no.3073-382 164 1. Z IT Kliniki Chorob Wewnetrznych AM w Gdansku (kierownik- J.Penson); a I Kliniki Chorob Dzieclacych AM w Gdansku (kierowniks prof. K.ErecLnski) z Zakladu Anatomii Patologicznej AM v Gdansku (kierownik2 prof.dr. med W.Czarnocki [deceasedl). Nielubazyc, Stanislaw; SCHWAN, Stefan A case of circulatory insufficiency in acute myelocyt--*Ic leukemia caused by leukemic infiltrations in the heart muscle. Pol. arch. med. wewnet. 34 no.lltl489-1492 164 1. Z II Kliniki Chorob Wewnetrznych Akademii Medycznej w Gdansku (Kierownikt prof. dr. med. J. Penson) i z Ziakladu Anatomii Patologicznej Akademii Medycznej v Gdansku (Kie- rownikt prof. dr. med. V. Czarnocki). IIIELUBSZYC, Stanislaw; 1-bIDZIMISFI, Czeslaw A case of uremia cailsed by reral inf-J! *,rat-* or ~~,f lym"cEarccma. 34 no.12:1697-17nO 't4- Pol. arch. med. wewnet I 1. Z 11 Kliniki Chorob Wevnetrznych Akadrmli Medyczneli w Gdansku (Kierownik.- prof. dr. med. j. Penson) 4 z Za~ladu Anatomii Patc-logicmej Akademll Medyezrej w Gdanskil (P.o.Kifmrovnika: doc. dr. med. E. Boj). MAYZA, Jerzy; RALINOWSKI, Zbigniew; BRUZINSKI-WETWER, Hanna; KOLODZIEJSKI, Tadetwz; MAKOWSKI, Andrzej; VIMIAVD, Dorota. Evaluation and indications for the treatment of neoplasms of the extremities with the aid of perfusion. Vowotwory 13 no.3: 245-252 J1-3163. 1. Z Oddzialu ChIrurgiomego Inatytutu Cnkologii im. Marli Sklodowekiej-Curie w Varsaawis ( T.Koazarowski) i ZELkladu Izotopowego (kierownikz W.Jasinski; dyrektort prof. dr. med. W.Jasinuki). ra w I!fl rs 7, ~~I~AND, Dorota Respitatory obstruction following excision of a part of mandible in cancer. Pol, tyg. lek. 20 no.36.,1368-1370 6 S 165. 1. Z Oddzialu Chirurgicznego Instytutu Onkologii w Warszawie: (Kierownik Oddzialu: prof. dr. med. Taderusz Koszarowski). NIEMAND, L. Some remarks on polytropic gas flaws. P 93 ARCHIWUM BUDOWY MASZYN. (Polska Akademia Nauk. Kemitet Budowy Maszyn) Warszawa/ Vol. 6, no. 1, 1959 ~~ , ,, 4-b Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC. Vol. 4 no. 7. JU-Iy 1959 Uncl, Amom - -- .---. -_- -7:1- -,, -'- --, - -- : 1. - - . - -,. , -- , , ., . L ~ 777777777777t77777r 7((7) POL/7-60-11-33/37 AUTHOR: Niemcewicz, J. En:Z.-)ineer; Trusz, W., Engineer TITLE: Modern Precision Approach Radar "PAR-211 PERIODICAL: Skrzydlata Polska, 1960, Nr 11 Supplement "Revie%,,, of Civil Aviation", Nr 6, p 3 0 ABSTRACT: The authors describe the "PAR-211 precision approach radar produced by the "Tefefunken" firm in Western E~irope. There are 2 photographs, and 2 figures. Card 1/1 N134CFAICZ JULIAN UPSYN. fL--- , - Podroze po Amer7)rce 1797-lPO7. Z rekopieu wydala, wstepem i obilasnie-niami opatrzyla Antonina Wellman-Zalewska. Pod red. Emilia Kipy. (Wyd. 1) Wroclaw Zaklad Narodowy im. Ossolinskich, 1959, h59, P. J11ly Monthly list of East Europem Accessions (EEAI). LC. Vol. 8. no. 7,/1959. Uncl. NIEMC&I W. ^- ~-- * The problem of industrial safety and hygiene in the track service. p.57 PRZEGLAD KOLEJO!,-N DROGO',,,'I. ('APydawnictwa Komunikacjne) '-Iarszaw-.t, Poland Vol.11, no-3, Wir. 1959 Monthly list of East European ACCe55ions (EF.~I) LC, Vol.6, no.'j, July 1959 Uncl. NMCZ&K, W. Method of training in industrial safety in the track service. p. 77. PRZEGIAD KOLEJOVIY DROGOWY. Nydawnietwa Komunikacyine) Warszawa, Poland. Vol. 11, no. 4, Apr. 1959. Monthly list of East European Accessions Index, (E~AI) IL, Vol. 8, no. 66 June, 1959 Uncla. NIENCUR, Wjad iaw Management of packIng petroleum products. Przegl kolej drogiSuppl.0odatek d1a torom majst mostown 14 no":87-E9 Ap t62., NMMZAK, Wladyslaw The supplying of petroleum products, infla fuels. Przegl kolej dzrog Dodatek 14 no.5--100-101 My 162 IEW�U*--Bq&pan inz.; BIERONSKI, Andrzej NB =L-= Difficulties and obstacles of the inventor. Przegl tech [841 no.8:4 24 F 163. I!IN' :GZ7T, -- . "e,o:2',,,'bution tv Research on the Septlcc-~-,~ Df :~e~s, " OWYC"T.;A ',I;TNRT!,TARYjWA, Vol. - , -;'o. 11, Nov. 1952, -, '-DL, -:~) SO: bloat-l~, Li t of Bwopea., Ac essl-s, E-AL), LO, 'iol. - , j. 5, may 19551 UaCl. POIAND/Farm Animals j Honeybees ~-6 Abs Jour :Ref Zhur - Biol.., No 1.1, 1958, No 5o116 Author :Niemczuk Rudolf Inst Title The Effect of Royal Jelly Upon WorkinG Bees Orig Pub Pszczelarstwo, 1957, 8, No 8, 229-231 Abstract For a period of 14 clays the following mixtures were fec'_ to young working bees ,diich have been placed into cells at a temperature of 320 (C) (thermostat) in groups of 20-40 bees each: 1) stwpr syrup (1:1) with royal Jelly in doses of C10217-0.5 mg per 1 ml of syrup; 2) 1 part of water plus 2 parts of honey and royal Jelly in doses of 0-005--0-5 L;r per I mC of honey solution. Royal Jelly did not reduce the mortality of bees.-- V.A. Kanzyuba Card 1/1 POLAND/Farm iknimls. Honeybees Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol.,, No 11, 1958, 1-10 50132 Author : 4,i(?mzuk Rudolf Inst Title The Effect of the Spritz-Hormit Herbicide Upon Adult Does Orig Pub Pszazelarstwo, 1957, 8, No 9, 230-232 Abstract The patented preparation called SH which is, apparently, a r) -6 soO.iuo salt of biochlorpheuuxiacetic acid, is widely us&. in aoses of 0.003-0-005 gr per 1 nl of water. When 'idult bees were experimentally f&. wit1i syrup to which SH was added, the above quoteO. (Iosa,,es of the preparation prove,'. to be non-toxic for them.-V.%. Kanzyuba Card 1/1 - MIEKCZUK, R. (Wroclaw) The inrluence of antibiotics and oulfonamides upon the Bac. larme White in vivo and in vitro. Rom nauk roln wet 70 no.1/41287-288 160. (Em 10:9) (Bees) (Bacillus larvae) (Antibiotics) (Sulfonamides) NIIO(CZUIK,, Rudolf The effect of sodium sulfathiazole on Nosems apis Zander. Viadomosel parasyt, 7 no.2:333-335 161. 1. Katedra gpizoejologii Wyft. Wet. WSR, WrocUv. (SULFATRIAZOLZS pharmacol) (BEES diseases) NIEMCZUK, Rudolf Evaluation of therapeutic properties of the preparation "Fumidil B" used in conjunction with supplementary winter feeding In nosemosis apla in bees. Wiad. parazyt. 10 no.1t5l-58 164. 1. Katedra Epizootiologii WSR, Wroclaw I Wojewodzki Zaklad Weterynarii, Wroclaw. NILMGZEKA , Teresa Preliminary results of studies on the Jurassic sediments between the Vistula and Bag Rivers. Kvartalnik geol 5 no.4-.817-830 161. 1. Zaklad Geologii Nizu, Instytut Goologiczny, Warszawa. NIMMUCKA., Teresa Jurassl# formations between the Vistula and Bug Rivers. Kwartalnik geol 5 no.4.-932-933 161. 1. Zaklad Geologii Nizu, Instytut Geologicznyo Warszawa* NI94OZYCKA, Teresa; ZZLIGHOWSKI, Antoni M. Notes on the possibility of occurrence of naphtha and earth gas deposits in the Carboniferous strata of the Lublin depression. Prssgl geol 9 no.8S417-422 Ag '61. 1. Instytut Goologiczny, Warszawa, ul. Rakoviecka 4. NIEMZYCKAO Teresa origin of dogger material in tI# Lukow - Vismice elevation. Kwartalnik geol 6 no.4:621-630 162. 1. Uklad Geologii Nizu, Instytut Geologiczny, Warszawa. NLMMU, Alfons . mgr; URUNGZU,, Jan. dr A nov export chance for the Polish zinc industry, Rudy i metals 6 noelO:02-453 0 661., V, W, - Yf. NMOZYi, A. mgr. A catalog of non-ferrous metals and semi-products. Przegl techn no.13:5 AP 162. WOZNICKA, Wanda; NI NjfAijg~MWSKA. Zofia Attempts to find now antifuqgal antibiotics. I. Red. dosw. mikrob. 9 no-I.-57-62 1957. 1. Z Zakladu Antybiotykow Panstwowego Zakladu Higiemy w Warazawte. (STREMWCES Isolation of new SPOCiOB & determ. of bacteriocidal & fungicidal activities (Pol)) 1, 1 ~!. I,!: ", '~` - ' WOZOICKZ. Wanda; KOWSZYK. Zuzanna; MAKAROWSKA, Zof ia; NIMCM, H-anm. BOROVIBM, Barbara; SZCZESNIAK, Tadeusz; TINJEW&GZAA.' ta"n~-, WILK, Xbta Studies on antiVeotic antibiotics. II. a new antibiotic. Red. dosw. m1krob. 9 no-3:293-308 1957. 1. Z Zakladu Antybiotykow PZH w Warazawie. (ANTIBIOTICS, alloaqcin, antif'ungal properties (Pol)) wdkIG-K&,' ian(t~; ~bvszm. Zusanna; BOROWISM, Barbara; CWJNOWSKI, Wawrsyniec; BOBRZANSKiL, Rosa; UMDISKI, Olgierd; MUROWSKA, Zofiai NIM PASZKI]WICZ, Alim; RUCZAJ, Zbigniew; SOBICZICWSKI, Wojci c S=ZESMIAK, Tadeusz; SZ3NIAWSKI, Piotr; TIRL-&CKA, Janina; WILK, Zdyta; WITUCH, Krystyna AlovIcin; a new antifungal antibiotic. Red. dosw. mikrob. 9 no.4:441-450 1957. 1. Z Zaklada Antybiotykow Panstwowego Zakladn, Higieny w Warazawle. (ANTIBIOTIGS, preparation of alomVcin, fungicidal properties (Pol)) KOVS=-GM"U. Zummm; PASMINICZ, AlinA. REOCIMMIK, Zof la; lnKCZ7K, Hanna-, RUCZAJ, Zblgnlow; VOZVICKAl, Wanda Oncostation BM produced by StroptomWces sp., strain IRA 16/58. Ned'domwealkrobe 12 no.3:281-300 160* : Instytutu Antiblotykow w Warssawle 1. (ANTIBIOTICS) (SUNPUNTUS) WOZNICKA, Wanda; NIEWZYK, Hanna; PASZKIZWICZ, Alin& ---- --- ---- Okaostain C. I. Biological part. Med.dosw.nikrob. 13 no.1:47-52 161. 1. Z Instytutu Antybiotykaw v Warnawis. (ANTIBIOTICS pbarmaeol) PLOCIENNIX, Zofia; RUCZAJ, Zbigniow; KOWSZYK-GINDIFER, Zusanna; WOMICIA, Wanda; NljppM, -ftqgi~~PASZKIZWICZ, Alins. Oneostatin C. II. Chemical part. Ned.doew.mikrob. 13 no.1252-62 161. 1. Z Inetytutu Antybiotykow w Warozawie. (ANTIBIOTICS sham) PASZKMICZ, Alina; RUCZAJ, Zbigniew-, KOWSZYK-GINDIFER, Zuzanna; VOZNICKA, Wanda; PLOCIENNIK, Zofia; YIMCZYK, Minna; KURYLOWICZ, Wlodsimierz Studies on gramicidin I, a polypeptide antibiotic. I. Production and properties. Ned.doov.mikrob. 13 ne.4:377-390 161. 1. Z In3tytutu Antybiotykaw v Warazavie. (ANTIBIOTICS pbarmacol) Wtodzla, I erz; Z r." !q r,, " , 1: 1 211('7 YK llarLr--a Appli,~,at ' -r r,' rnn:., -V 1 3 t., 3' R 1 Ing t. ~ 1.1~ - H NIEFCZYK, J. Some problems of transportation in the meat industi-7. ~. 18. GOSPODARKA MIESNA, Vol. 7, No. 10 Oct. 1955 (Polskie Wjdaanictwa Gospodarcze) Warszaua SOURCE: EAST SUROPEAN ACCESSICN.I. LIST Vol. 5, No. 1 jan. 1956 An elecIro7;iFTnqIIc nach~ne-tnol cmpling without slip rings. ~ . 7. ("Jmcnmay. Poland. 7o]. -0, no. 1, Jan. 1?.")7.) SO: Mionthlv List of E;7.-3t Eur-~-e-:~ Icce-si-r. ('~,'E-'L) Vol. 6, r~o. 7, jul-,, Uncl. NIEMCZYK, K. Afforestation of wastelands is in reality not an easy matter. p. 7. LAE POIASKI. (Mini ster-.:4two Lesnictbm oraz Stowarsyssenie Naukovo-Techniesne Insynierow i Technikow Lesnictua i nrze?.mictwa) Warszawa, Poland. Vol. 32, no. 12, June 1958. Monthly List of East European Arcession (EEAI) LC, Vol. 9, no. 1, Jan. 1060. Uncl. r 2602 MINE DAYAGE, S.RFACL AND U-;DBPGFi0 1,D Ae--.OPJ.,ING TO 'BERGSCHANDES. KUNDE (YINE UMACi, SCIENCE)' BY 0. MIMCZYK. DENCEL, L. (W 11INES - - - BELO.. MAR. 1951, vol. 5U. 274- U. C (L) Igoe 00 nee goo 1 To 4 a 'I Nor a I 3 1 ' Jamm-LIP - Scientific and technical prop-me In the field of lAiVmmnts and rathods of photogrammietry and cartography in the years 1953- 19581 froin this debates of Cmdasion 3 oil the Internation Federstioa at, Surveyors at the, 9th Congress in Delft, August 26- Septeubm-h, 1958- P-4' 3()?- FRZMLAD GEODEZYJNY. (Stowarsyssenie Nankov~-Techniczne Geadeto"ve Polskich) Warszawa, Poland Vol. 15, no. 8/9, Aug./Sept. l9eq. Monftly List of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol. %, no. 2, Feb. 1960 4nel. - NIEMCZYK, Pavel,-wgr. inz. (Z A ~Iastlng achievement of the Polish geodesy. Przegl techn n0-38:6 21 S 160 NIEI=MEO Pkwel,, W ina, Activiti-es of Comission In of the Intermtioml Fedsration of-Goodesists (FIG); Lmtruments., working methods.9 photogrametry and cartographr, Frzegl good 35 n*Jr:120425 Ur 163-o 1, Delegat Stowarzyszenia Geodetow Polskich do Komisji Ill.. FIG Warszawa, NIEICZYK, Paml, mgr Inz. Mechanization and automatl-n of survey-ing. ge-7- 3- r,-.2., 41-44 F 165. POLAND NUMM, P"01, mv last Assistant Director of the Office of Coordination of Work and Planniagg Centra.1 Bureau of Geodesy and Cartography (Wicodyr- Ater sium Koordymaji awAt i nwwwwds GUGM [Glowy Urza4 ftedenji i Kartagratil)). Varaawt DMS1.44 Loodogjzwe No 9, September M, pp 351-355* "Achlevessente of the National Surveying Service during the last 20 years, and plans for the next 5 yews." NM4CZVIOW-SLIWOWA,, Grazyna Leucogranite rocku of the Swieradow-Zdroj region. Przegl geol 10 no.10:542-544 0 162. 1, Zaklad Zloz Surowcow Skalnycht Instytut Geologlemy, Warszawa. YIEMCMUEZ., Janusz - --- Production of fireproof materials in the years 1961-1965. PrIeCI tachn 81 no*1802-23 160. 11 IMaQZ*--jSknufkz Pain trends in the technological progress in the fireproof materials industry, Przegl tochn no.19#1,4 13 My 162. 1, Zjednoczenie Przomyslu Mgtariqlov Ogniotrwalychp Warszawa. 1 0 so 1 4 1 0 06 it 11 to 4; to m $I it 0 ly 0 14 At to A. V 01 4 4 4. to 44 it "(I* j I A AA a a: s 0 am Stefan NWmentaivilki. Ptwgfad CArom. 2. cipts. with diam. % M cfe%A ith Th Ai h k il i P l t r t fuc s w e u ms a rrsidues u var and a liml of iml-am- and iu"jtstw as wivrrits, 00 00 00, as* 0. " 1=00 Rik 200 I,* 04-3 ASO iLo MtTALLUPWAt LITWGATLAI LL 049 -.,a- - "I woo %4M., It" 4.- It too IN dt It 11 K to ft 19 S 0 ad a Or to 1 14 0 Wo 00041 0 4 0 0 0 00 4 40 4 0 Z