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r /V f (~- /-T f 1, I\ - ~-- ZHDAVOT. A.K.; HIGAT, X.G. Solubilities in the system: potassium chloride-glucose-water at 250 0. Zhur. ob. khim. 26 no.8:2134-2137 Ag 156. (MLBA 10:11) 1. Sradneasiatak-iy goeudaretvennyy universitet. (Systems (Chemistry)) (Potassium chloride) (Glucose) ZHDILNOV, A.K.; HIGAT, X.G. Solubility in potassium chloride-urea-wator systons at 25'. Zhur. ob. V-.him. 26 no.10:2679-268o o 156. NM 11:3) 1. Sradneaziatskiy Gouudaretvannyy universitat. (Potassium chloride) (Urea) (Solubility) KUSIMYCHEVA, Z.T.; NIGAY,, K,,G, Alkali metal fluoborates. Solubility in the system RbB~4 - RbF - H20 at 25 . Uzb.khim.ghur. no.2:38--43 ;61. (IURA 1-4:10) 1. Tashkentskiy gosuniversitet imeni Lenina. (Rubidium fluoborate) (SolubilIty) TALIPOV, Sh.T.; NIGAY, K.G.,,;__ABRAMOVA, E.L. Extraction-photometric detarmination of copper in alloys as a N-acetylanabasine-thiocyanate complex. Zav.lab. 29 no.7:804 163. (MIRA 16:8) 1. Tashkentskiy gosudarstvennii universitet im. V.I.Lenina. (Copper alloys-Analysis) (Complex compounds) TALL1,011, Sh.T.; NIGAI, K.G. .-.SP of ll-acF.~yliinabas!nf; for tr.;~ determinaT.ion of titantim. Z~xr. anal. khim., ALP 178-181 F 1~1. ( MISLA 17 : 10 '; 1. Lenin State 'Jniversity, Tashkent. Q'- . k..I.- , 71~ ' .1 'M TI.L.M079 ': 1,, J~ ",, - I~ - ~, A - u51,10VA., F~ L. y d,.-t-~rujination ~f am,"13 motaits of copp4r ti,L a r-:)mrjiex. Ntuch.trudy TashOU uoc263.YJ,i-m.z;,,-ul:~ 16~. (MIRA 18:8) 11 1'. 1 1 1 NIG'Ay X. .- 4.L:f~Pj -~'.ANOVA, I.Tal Phot;-m-exxic -i-n ~n of blsimith uzairg thyla- nab" inaz &-resor --,, incl. Nauch.tnurly fashGU no.263~,Whim.naukl no.13--,6-1-68 164. (~ff-RA 18.8) AccEssim NR: Ap4o4oW a/m/64/019/006106WOT00 AUTHOR: Tallpov,, Sh. T,; Nigay,, X, 0, TITIZ: Complexonometric titration of thal 14 inn (M) with the use of 4-(24i-methyl- anabasineazo) renorainol SOURCE: Zhurnal analiticheskoy Ithimii, v. 19, no. 6, 19&, 697-700 TOPIC TAGS: tballium,, bis=th, quantitative analysis, complexcacmetric titration.. color reagent,, Indicator,0 mathylanabasineazoresoralnol,, selectivity, complaxon III titration ABSTRACT: 4-(2-H-matbylanabasineazo)resoreinol was used as an Indicator for the direct visual c titration of TI (=I) In 211 acid solution. The indicator C"d 213 Acamw NR: AF4oWM /'-, /~j H, (N )ONa OH crimson in a3kal I and yellov in acid solution, forms a bright red complex with Tl (III) which breaks down with excess complexon III. Thus at the end point of the direct titration of TI (III) with complexon III there is a sharp eolor change fz red to yellow. Fe (III).. In (131)., alkaline metals, Sa (IV), As (V), Ag, and Cr (III) do not affect tho detemination df T1 (III). The T1 and Bi conteht of mixtures of these two el-ents can be determined: the total of TI (III) and Bi is titrated, and In another portion of the solution the Tl (III) is reduced with sodium sulfite and the Bi is titrated with complexon III with the samo indicator; the differ- e of the two titrationo is in the T1 (13:1) content. Ccmple~etrio titration Ath this Indicator is higb4 selective# rapid, ve accurate, and does not require the use of buffers& solutiowe Orig. art* baw. rK UWes,, 1 fiWire Card 2/3 AccEssicm NR: Ap4d4o668 and I formulae ASSOCUMICU., Tasbkontokiy Gosudwetvenny*y univemitat Im. V. 1. ranina (Tasbkent state Unive"ity) SUEKETZED: 08juI63 ENCL.- 00 -UB OWE: a No mw sm: oo6 OZM: 001 Card -3/3 TALOPOV, Sh.T.; NIGAY, K.G. Complexometric titration of bismuth using 4(2-N-methylanabasineazo) resorcinol. Zhur. anal. khim. 19 no.7:F51-855 '64. (MIRA 17:11) 1. Tashkent State University. TALIPOV, Sh.T.; A.BDULLAYEVA, Kh.S.; NIGAY, K.G. . /+(2-N-metbylanalasinazo)-resorainoI as an analytical reagent. Uzb.kbIm.zhur. 9 no.1:34-37 165. (MIRA 18:6) 1. Tashko-ntskiy gosuderstvennyy universitet imani Lenina. FWBR FarosUw,_ -NIGER, Idgar. SE71MA, Hiroslaw. OLWHIK. Ud%Alryk Experiments on serum transaminase activitY In heart dlseqsea* Pblakis arch.sed. wewn. 28 no.2:191-199 1958 1. T III Kliniki, Chorob Wevnetrsnych Uaiwersytetu in. Kasaryka w Brute. Kierownika. prof. dr med. J. Pojer z Zaklndu Chemii LekRrskiej U.N. Irisrownik.* prof. dr med. Wagner oras a II Kliniki Chirurgic%uej U.N. Rierownik: urof. dr med. 11%vrAttl, Adren autora: J.P. , 111. Vnitrini Klintka Kasarykowy Untvers.*tetu. Brno. Czechoslowaoja& (H2 DISUSE. metabolism serum transaminane activity. det4irm. (Pol)) (TRANSKIMASES. in blood in various henrt dis., determ. (Pol)) T&W, Yu. Kh.; NICMEN, U. Y. Role of vater in the spread of Trichomonas vaginalis. Med pdraZ. i paraz. bol. no.6:699-703 161. (MIM 15: ~) 1. Iz eaktora protozoologii (zav. - kandidat meditainskikh nauk Yu. Kh. Teras) Instituta eksperimentallnoy i k-linicheskoy meditainy (dir. - kandidat meditsinskikh nauk P. A. Bogovskiy) Akademii ne-uk EBtonskoy SSR. (TRICHCMONIASIS) TERASOilu,KhIi,-C-Taras, J.); IRYYGAS, E.M, [Roigas, E.I. kand. mad. nauk; YAAXF,F,E,S, Kh-P. Paakwea, 11.1, kand, mod. naukl T(MPEL', Khaa. (Tompel, ft.). kand. mad. nauk; RGESEN YA kand. med. nauk Effectiveness of metron'4dazole (flagyl) treatment of urogenital trichomonianis. Akush. i'gtn. 40 no.506-98 s-o #U.. (14IRA IW) 1. Estonskiy institut skaperimentallnoy i klinicheskoy meditsiny (dlr. prof. P.A.Bogovskiy) AMN SSM3 , Tallin. SIMO. Kh. S. , red.; KAYDALOVA, M.D., (Lumbering industry] Lesnaia promyshlannost'. Khabarovsk. Khabarovskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1959. 67 p. 1. Kommunistichaskaya partlya Sovetakogo Soyuls. krayevoy konitet. Otdal propagandy i agitotsii. (Lumbering) (KMA 14: 1) Khabarovskiy SHEIN, Anatoliy Ivanovich; NTGFY_ FAdor Mefod'vevIc ; REZNIKOV,Yu., red. Karatau. Alma-Ata, I3d-vo Kazakhstan, 1965. 91 p. (MIRA 18:6) ACC NR, AP6025615 SOURCE COW: UR/0413/66/000/013/006()/()060 11=14TOR: Nicin, E. R. 1 ORG: none TITLE: A method for drawing a fiber out of a stream of molten inorganic material. Class 32, No. 183335 SOURCE: Izobreteniya, pronyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye zrtaki, no. 13, 1966# 60 TOPIC TAGS: fiber, inorganic plastic, glass ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate presents a method for drawing a fiber out of a stream of molten inorganic material such as glass. The stream flows out of the filler apertures of the feeder. To lower the snapping tendency of the fiber and to improve the productivity of the installation, the molten stream is drawn into a fiber and the latter is carried by a moving liquid directed toward the stream of the malt. Uater or hydrophobic glues and other liquid materials imparting the desired physical and chemical properties to the fiber may be used as the drawing and carrying liquid. SUB COM 131 SUBH DATEs 1611"(4 1A UDC: 666,1436t666*189.21 NIGIN. Ye. R. 0Investigation of the Temperature Condition of Turbine Blades in Connection with Material Selection and Strength Calculations." Sub 7 Mr 51, All-Union Order of the labor Red Banner Power Xngineering Inst imeni F. 9. Dzerzhiaskiy Dissertations presented for science and engineering degrees in Moscow during 1951. SO: Sum. No. 480, 9 MY 55 k~: rx. /?. 4 ;) /'). '4* KUDROV B.A.,. inzh'ener; RUMW, A.P., inshener; NIGIYAN, A.A., inzhener. ImprOTIng the accuracy of measurements of electric power. Elsk.sta. 25 no.12:35-37 D 154. (KLYA 7:12) 1. Komitet standartov mer i ismeritellufth priborov Ifor Radnev). 2. ZaTod elaktroschetchikOT (for Nigiyan). (Ilectric meters) ILYUKOVIQII,A.M.; NIGIYAN,A.A. Instrument for determining the torque of a single phase counter before its final assembly. Jl-Ag 155. (MLRA 8:10) 1. 14ytishchinakiy zavod elektroschetchikov (Keasuring instrumeats) 8 (2) SOV/U2-57-5-10497 Translation from; Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika, 1957, Nr 5, p 138 (USSR) AUTHOR; Aigjya~n, o~_ A- TITLE: Line-Production Method of Meter Adjustrrents (Potochnyy metod regulirovki schetchikov) PERIODICAL: Inform.-tekhn. 9b. M-vo elektrotekhn. prom-sti SSSR, 1956, Nr 1(85), pp 12-17 ABSTRACT: Among known methods of meter adjustment, the most productive is the stroboscopic method in which the disk rotation speed is the adjustable parameter. The adjustment is made at one stroke, without a gradual approxi- mation. The disadvantage of the method is its inapplicab 'ility at small loads, as it is difficult to obtain an easily visible stroboscopic pattern with low disk rotation speeds and as the rotation speed is nonuniform within one revolution. The essence of the stroboscopic method of meter adjustment is this: notches are made at regular intervals along the entire disk circumference. If a Card 112 SOV/112-57--5-10497 Line -Production Method of Meter Adjustments pulsating luminous flux is directed at such a notched disk rotating with constant rpm, a stationary ring of notches will be visible in case the frequencies of light pulsations and notch changes are equal. If these frequencies are unequal, the notch ring will rotate in one or another direction. By adjusting devices, the disk is made to rotate with such a speed that the stroboscopic pattern becomes stationary. A circuit diagram of the stroboscopic outfit is presented in which the light pulse frequency is coordinated with the power fed to the meter, and the operation of the outfit is described. The high accuracy of meter adjustment by the disk stroboscopic method permits not only dividing adjust- ment operations but also disposing with some of them; labor productivity is increased by 50% and adjustment quality is higher. A comparison is submitted of (1) meter adjustment procedure by the method of the reference meter and spots, and (2) production-line adjustment procedure with divided adjustment operations as permitted by the stroboscopic method. T. M. V. Card 2/? N:GIIYE'V, M.F.; KARAMCIN, .';,YT'3h7)A, Z.A. 'heOT7 of reactors operat~Jng wl,th. the recycling 3yq~em (on ttemperatur,~ gTadient,'. Azprb. K-him. zhu:-. ncci.", 105-110 'A4. (m-FA. 1-:C, L 0100-67 EWT(1)/EWT(M)/FWPQ)/T TJP(c) W/GG/RM ACC NRi AP6019535 (A) SOURCE CODE: UR/0190/66/008/006/0969/q9,79 A AUTHOR: Mkhaylov, G. P. ; Borisova, T. I.; Nigmankhodzhayev, A. S. ORG: Institute of High Holecular Compounds, AN SSSR (Institut vysokomolekulyarnykh soyedineniy AN SSNRI - TITLE: Dielectric relaxation in copolymers of n-butylmethacrylate lith styrene SOURCE: Vysokomolekulyarnyye soyedineniya, v. 8, no. 6. 1966, 969-979 TOPIC TAGS: dielectric property, dielectric material, methacrylate plastic, styrene, C~Opoz Y177,pp- I-V ABSTRACT: Molecular cUelectric Lmlaxation and polarization of copolymers of n-butyl- methacrylate with styrene (100-19% styre _e) were studied in the 1400-2900C range and at frequencies of 20-5-108 cps. The object of the work was to examine the effect of the methyl groups in the main chain upon the overall dielectric relaxation of a copolymer and to define the principles which govern dielectric relaxation in copolymers at tem- peratures of 2000C and more above their glass points. It was found that there is a motion of the C=O groups within an n-butylmethacrylate-styivne copolymer in the glass state. As the content of styrene in the copolymer chain increased, both the relaxa- tion time and the activation energy of the kinetic units gradually declined. On the same time, no additivity was found in the cases of the composition dependence of the copolymer's glass points, activation energy of relaxation, and the maximum dielectric UDC: 678.01:53+678.13+678.744+678.746 1/2 L-0100-67 ACC NRi. AP6019535 relaxation angle. These effects are attributed to the decreasing steric interference of the CH3-groups in the copolymer main chain. At temperatures of 2000C and more, above the respective glass points, dielectric relaxation time and polarization were found to be independent of the copolymers' composition. It was found that the effect- ive dipole moments of the dipole-group polarization were independent of temperature while the dipole-segmental and static field polarizations were found to decrease line- arly with temperature. Orig. art. has: 7 figures, 1 table. SUB CODE: 07,1.1/ SUBM DATE: 07May65/ ORIG REF: 011/ OTH REF: 007 awn 2/2 USMAM. Xh.U.; NIMA HOWA&YWA, H.S. W Mechanics of fibres of certain selective varieties of cotton. T2'Udy InstAhim. AN Usb.SSR no.5:3-22 154. (ICOU 8:4) (cotton) USKtMVe Kh.TJ.,- 2HLI0MM~IW*ffAYMZTA. HaS. a Nachwdcal properties of ,lot callmlose fibers. Ixv. AN Uz. SSR Ser. khIm. nauk no,1:41-47 157, (MIRA 13:10) 1. Ohlon-korrespondent Ali UsSSR (for 'Ummuov). (cenalase) (71bers) V IGKARKHODF.HAYEVA K. S. - VSHAKOV, Kh.U. Deformation of the cotton cellulose by stretching. Dokl.AN Uz. SSR no.4:15-18 157. (MM 11:5) 1. Chlon-korrespondent AN UzSSR (for Usmanov). 2. Institut khtmii rastitel'iWkh veshchestv AN UzSSR. (Cellulose--Testing) NIGMPMODZHAYEVA, H.S.;FISHRR, P.Z. ---W~~R7=ro96u"O'ver'voltW on electrically deposited 1row-nickel alloys an dependent on alkali concentration. Dokl. AN Uz SSR no.11:25-29 '57- (MIRA 11:5) l.Institut khimii rastitellnykh veshchestv AN UzSSR. Predstavlano chlenom-korrespondentom AN UzSSR Kh.U. Usmanov7m. (Iron-nickel alloys) (Orervoltage) NIGNANKHODZHAYNVA, H.S.: USHANDY, Kh.U. - - Change of mechanical and thermodynamic properties of cellulose in cotton plant fiber. Uzb.khIm.zbur. no.4:22-28 159. (MIRA 13:1) 1. Chlon-korreapondent AN UzSSR (for Usmanov). 2. Institut khimti rastitelInykh veshchestv AN UzSSR. (Cellulose) (Cotton) USMAKOV, Kh.U.; NICKANKHODZHAYEVA, M.S.; KHAIM40V, I.; INOIATOV, H. Effect of the time of defollation of cotton plantson the machanizal and thermodynamic properties of cotton fiber. Uzb.khim.zhur. no.5:21-26 161. (MIRA 1429) 1. Institut khimii pollmerov AN Uzbskskoy SSR. 2. Chlen-kor- respondent AN Uzbekskoy SSR (for Usmazov). (Cotton) NIGNAKHODZHAMAt M.S.,, ALIMBMV,, M., KHAMOV, :L'.M Study of mebanical and thermodynamical propertisio of cellulose in organic solventse Report presented at the 13th Conference on high-w)lecular compounds Moscow, 8-11 Oct 62 NIGI,WIOVAj,_fij,-- Comparative morphological characteristics and yield of some forms of vine crops. Uzb. biol. zhur. 7 no.3:57-61 163. (~LIRA 16:9) 1. Tashkentskiy sellskokhozyaystvennyy institut. NIG14ANOVA.-A--,,-,%uchnyy sotrudnik k Susceptiti-1ity of alfalfa to Ascochyta, disease. Zashch. rest. ot vred. i bole 7 no.11:53 N 162. (MIRA 16:7) 1. Institut I~c zashchity rasteniy Uzbekskoy'SSR. Tashkent. NIGMATOV, N. Respiration of tissue sections of the thyroid gland under different functional conditions. Vop. biol. i kraev. med. no-4037-339 163. (MIRA 17s2) 91014ATMY, I.Y., doteent, kandidat tekhnichookikh nauk. Thermodynamic cycles of combined Internal combustion engines. [TrudY] MM n0-27:5-46 154. (KM 7:11) (fts and oil engines) (Thermodynamics) VIGNATULIN, I.M., dotsent, kandidat tokhnioheskikh nauk. Thermodynamic analysis of Indicator diagrams of internal combustion engine performance. [Trudy] KVTU no-27:56-97 '54. Off-RA 7:11) (Thermodynamics) Oas and all engines) HIGNATULIN, I.N., kandidat takhnicheakikh nauk; WWVITSKIY, V.I., inzhener. . , " a Conversion of high-power two-stroke engines form liquid fuels to generator gas. [Trudy] MM no-35:126-134 '55. (MIRA 9:7) (Gas and oil engines) MGMATULIN I.N. kandidat teldmicheakikh nauk. -kna;"AMP Real cycles of combined engines. [Trudy] KM no.35:155-171 155. (Gas and oil engines--Design) (MIRA 9:7) NIGMATMII, I.N., kandidat takhnichookikh nauk. Combustion of supPlement fuel in the booster chamber of combinad engines. (Trudy] HTITU no-35:183-201 '55. (KM 9:-() (Gas and oil enginas) (Motor fuels) VINOULIN. I.I., kandi"t takhmicheskM nauk. Inertia sqwrchazger. [Trudy] WTU no.51:19-22 155. (JUAA 9: 8) (Gas mad oil engines-Superohargers) VASILENKO, AlekseY Nikolayevich, kand. tekhn. nauk; Di~YZHAKOV, Yevgeniy Vasillyevich, dots.; ISAYEV, Sergey Ivanovich, kand. tekhn. nauk-; KORINZYCRTK, Nikolay Karpovi-,-~., kand. tokhn. nauk, dots.1 KOFANOV, Waabv&Uv assistent; KRUTCV, Vitaliy Ivnnovich, dokter toklin. nauk, prof.; MIRONOV, Boris Mikhaylovich, kand. tekhn. nauk; NMIATULIN, Iskander Nigmatule~v#.h, doktor tekhri. nauk, prof.; -N-06W,-1kik~a-il ~-si;ltyevich, prof.; SN..OYLOV, Mikhail Sergeyevich, assistent; SPORYSH, Igor'Pavlovich, kand. tekhn. nauk, prof.; KHVOMOV, Viktor 1winovich, kann- tekhn. nauk; SHISHCTV, Yevgeniy Viktorovich, kand. tekhn. nauk, YUDAYEV, boris Nikolayevich, kand. tekhn. nauk, dots.; KUTY:1,1~-, 1.N., dots., kand. t--Ahm._pau)~, gHU,-rC': dots., retsi~.,nzent; TUFTTSYNA, L..t. ;"177ky~v I*., red. [Problems in technical thermou:%namics and heat transfer] Sbornik zadach po tekhnicheskoi temocinarike i teplopere- dache. [By] A.N.Vasilenko i dr. Moskva, Vysshaia shkola, 19 64. 3 69 p. (MIltA 17:4) 1. Prepodavatel'skiy kollektiv kafedry terro-"iriardki JL tepio- peredachi loskovskogo vysshego tekhnicheskogo uchilishcha (for all except Kutyrin, Shvedov, Tupitoyna, Fufayeva). 2. Mo- skovskiy aviatsionrjyy in~;titut (for Kutyrin, jhvedov). PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/59~5 Nigmatulino Iskander N., Doctor ofTechntcal Sciencess Professor Rabochiye protsessy v turboporshne kh dvigatelyakii (Operating Processes in Turbopiatbn Enginels Moscowo Mashglzr 1962. 314 p. Errata slip inserted. 4000 copies printed. Ed. of Publishing House: D,-N. Ivanov; Tech. Ed.: A. F. Uvarova; Managing Ed. for Literature on Power-Engineering and Metallurgical Construction, Highwayo and Hoisting-and-Tranaporting Machine Building: N. M.'Zyuttn. PURPOSE: This book is intended for engineers concerned witfi com- bustion engines. It may also be useful to advanced students at machinery-construction dchools. COVERAGE: The book discusses theoretidal problemal requirements) and trends in the field of power plants made of piston engines combined with turbocompressors and gas engines. These,power plants, which are of special interest in water and surf=e trans- Card 1/4 Operating Processes in (Cont,) SOV/5965 portation, have the advantage of economys increased power, and Bmall size and weight when compared with the usual internal- combustion engine. The book gives particular attention to features 'connected with the compressor and turbine. Two-and four-stroke engines and the operational balance of the compo- nent systems are considered. The afterburner heat-calcul 'ation method, equations to determine the air-excess coefficient, the maximum and minimum gas temperature,, the,extent of turbine-oper-i ation increases, the combuati6n-chamber heat intensity, and other parameters are given. The results'of experimental investigations of fuel combustion in pulsing streams with admixtures are pre- sented. The book was written to fill a gap in the Soviet lit- erature. No personalities are mentioned. There are 3~ references: 28 Soviet (1 translation)# 3 English, 1 Germanj and 1 unidentified. TABLE OF CONTENTS (Abridged]: Introduction Jj Card 2/4 operating Processes in (Cont.) SOV/5965 Principal Symbols 6 1. Fundamentals on Combined Turbopiston Power Plants 9 2. Thermodynamic Cycles 37 3. Engine Fuel 73 4. operating Cycles 93 5. Indicated and Effective Indexes 125 6. Fuel Ignition and Combustion in Engines 147 7. Combustion of Additional Fuel in the Afterburner of Com- bined Power Plant 191 8. Theoretical Design Study of the Power Plant 214 Card 3/4 Operating Processes in (Cont,.) SOV/5965 9. Calculation of Working Processes in the Piston-Type Com- ponent System of the Combined Power Plant 247 10. Characteristics of the Internal-Combustion Engine 277 Appendixes 3o4 Bibliography 312 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress SUBJECT: Mechanical Engineering Card 4/4 P.D/wre/lde 7/16/6 P_ NIGHATULIN, 1.14., prof. In reply to G.IU. Stapanov. Fnergomnshinostroenia 9 no.5:46 My 163. (MIRA 16:7) (Gas and oil engines) (Stapanov, G.IU.) NIGMATULM, I.N., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof.; TSFNFV, V.A., kand. ,,3khn. nauk Investigating internal cooling of a two-stroke diesel F,gine with crankcase scavenging. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; maEhi-oatr. no.12:95-99 164. (M-h- 18!3) 1. Moskovskoye vyssheye tekhnicheskoye uchilishche imen" Baumana. NIGMATULIN, I.N., prof., doktor tekhn.nauk Reviews and bibliography. Vest.mashinostr. 45 no.10:85-86 0 165. OCRA 18:11) RMTULIN, I.R.,, inzh. Iaying out pattern sections and making allowances in cutting fleecets Uned fashion garments from sheep pelts. Rauch.-Issl. trudy NIDW no.9:89-98 159. (MMA 14:5) . (Fur garments) 4- AUTHOR: Nigmatullin, A., Instructor 27-11-31/31 ----------------------------- TITLE: The Mechanizers of Uzbekistan (Uzbekskiye mekhanizatory,' PERIODICAL: Profe8sionallno - Tekhniche 11 ko e Obrazovaniye, 1957, # 11, inner page of rear cover (USSR~ ABSTRACT: A short report about the Agricultural Mechanization School at Bukhara (Bukharskoye uchilishche mekhanizatsii sel'skogo khozyaystva) which has trained more then 10,000 mechanizers now successfully working in the country's fields. The article tells about several women operating mechanisms. One of these, Shirinova, has been awarded the Lenin Order and elected de- legate to the Supreme Council of Uzbekistan. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 NIGHATULLIN, V.G. Behavior of certain brands of spring wheat under various development donditions. Dokl. AN Uz. SSR no.12:45-50 '57. (KIRA 11:5) l.Vassoyuznyy nauchno-iseledovateltakiy institut rastaniyevodetva. Predstavleno chlenom-korrespondentom AN UzSSR I.A. Raykovy-m. (Wheat) NIMPIATULLIV, F. G., Cand Biol Sc:i-- (disa) "Effectiof *e condi- -7~ tions of develo-pm-e-n and fertilization upon the variability and inhe- awnhe of characteristics in eoft and hard wheat.' Len, 19-,,8. 18 pp (All-Union Order ofiLenin Acad Agr Sci im V. I. Lenin, All-Union Inat of Plant Cultivation), 100 copiee (KL, 15-50, 114) -2-3- MIGINATULLIN, - . Quantitative inheritance in the first and second generations of soft wheat. Dokl.AN Uz.= no-9:51-54 '58. (KIU 11: 12) 1. Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-lasladovatel'skiy institut rasteniyevodetva. Predstavlano chlonom-korreapondentom AM UzSSR I.A.Raqkovoy. (Wheat) ( Genetics) VIGHAMLI N. F. G. 70-r~won of ear in spring soft wheat. Agrobiologiia no.2:301-303 *-Ap 159. (AMA 12:6) 1. Veasornanyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut rasteniyevod- stva G.Leningrad. (Wheat) ena, b: 9 I pi.r,my ~, - a, - -. h -. - ~. " -1 ! -. -- ~ .1 -r.e . ~' i ~ 3 -, . - I , - , ~ T- ..:-" P~ 1. !.~ , - 'I ~L 1; -S x! rj.-~ :,~r! . - I - - , .! -- . I (MT~pl. -.1, ) ITIGH&TULLIN. HA 4'm, ~ ,,M*ffwVm ~__ "'Wa. Advances in public health in eastern Kazakhstan diiring the fifth five-year plan. Zdrav.lrazakh. 17 no.9-3-7 15'7. (MIA 12-6) 1. Zav.Vostochno-Kazakhatanakim oblzdravotdelon. ( MUKH5W1- -PUBLIC MLTH) KRAKCHANINOV, N.F.; NIGMATULL111, M.A. Providing medical service for stockbreeders in range areas. Sov. zdrav. 17 no.1:35-39 D '58. (KIRA 12:2) 1. Iz Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya Kazakhekoy SSR. (PUBLIC HEALM in Russia (Rua)) NIGMATUIIIN, M.A.; KRAMCHANINOV, N.7. Medical care for cattle breeders on the range. Zdrav. Kazakh. 18 no.1:10-14 158. (KIM 13:7) 1. Nachallnikilechebno-profilakticheskogo upravleniya (for Nigmatullin). 2. Nachallnik upra:vleniya kadrov Ministerstvo zdravookhraneniya Kazakhskoy SSR (for Kramchaninov~. (KAZAMTAN-CATTLE BREEDERSMEDICAL CARE) NIGMATULI,IB,_ 11.4. (Alma-Ata) Medical care for industrial workers of the Kazakh 3---.; an the 40th anniversary of the Kazakh S.S.n. Sov. zdrav. 2'- no.9:27-30 161. (~Il~tA 14:12) 1. Nachallnik Upravleniya lechebno-profilakticheskoy pomoschi Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya Kazakhskoy SSR. (KAZAKIWAN-INDUSNIAL HYGIZIIL) ',NIGHATULLIN,, M.A. Medical radiological service in the Kazakh S.S.R. Vest. rent. i rad. 36 no. 2:74-75 Mr-AP-161. (KM 14:4) 1. Nachallnik Upravleniya lechobno-profilakticheakoy pomoshchi Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya Kazakhskoy SSR. (KAZAKHSTAN--RADIOLOGY, MEDICAL) NIGMATULLIN, M.A.) SABRGALIn-VA, G.S. wider public participation in public health administlation. Zdrav. Kazakh. 22 no.2:3-7 162. (IfIRA 15:4) (PUBLIC HEALTH) ACCESSION NR: AR4035559 S/0271/64/000/003/AO54/AO54 SOURCE: Ref. zh. Avtomat., telemekh. I vy-*chisl. tekhn. Av. t., Abs. 3A303 AUTHOR: Nigmatullin, R. G. TITLE: Realization of quasi-monotonous functions by contact schemes CITED SOURCE: Uch. zap. Kazansk. un-t, v. 123, no. 6, 1963, 119-126 TOPIC TAGS: quasi monotonous function, Boolean function, contact scheme function rpalization TRANSLATION: Quasi-monotonous functions realizable by simple schemes ;,re considere4. A Boolean function f is quasi-monotonous If I ~ j < I ~1, where I 2n-1 for the set The cla3s of ouch functions contains 2n -i-1 functions. Any fi. out of P is monotonous In the conventioi;Al"3ensa. A scheme realizaticn of the quasi7-monotonous functions is consider-d '-n the theorem I. Theorem 1 . Let :-a (at.. - - - a.) be a definite set for a function f out of PIV and be the numbers of orders of the set o, which contain the units (I _-- it 4 is 4 ... ir 46 n). Then, the function f can be realized by this ,Card 113 ACCESSION NRt AR4035559 iteration: f V X VX,, (1, V X,Vxl,~.. VIX/Vx1r- L ( V ri)) ... ). (2)