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BX=IKT0V,I.A.---(continued) Card 3. Y19MINOV. N.G.. akademik, aauchnyy redaktor; SAZONOV. N.A , doktor tokhnicheskikh nauk, nauchnyy redaktor; NIKANDROY . inzhener. rutuchnyy redaktor; KOSTYAKOV, A,N.. akadem k, nauchnyy redaktor; CHINKASOV. A.A.. prof easor. doktor takhnicheskikh nauk, nauchnyy redair- tor; DAVITAYA. F.F.. doktor sell skokhozyaystvonny1ch nauk. nauchnyy rodaktor; IVAHOV, U.N., professor, doktor tekhnicheskikh nauk, nauchny-y rl3daktor; ORLOV, P.M., professor. doktor tekhnicheskikh nauk, nauchnyT rodaktor, LOZA, G.M., kandidat ekonomicheBkikh nauk, nauchnyy redaktori CAMOV. A.V., kontrolInyy redaktor, ZAVARSKIY. A.L., redaktor; ROS- S13SHANSKAYA. V.A.. redaktcr, FILATOVA, N.I., redaktor; YAMIYANOVA, S.I., redaktor; SILIN, V.S., redaktor BRANZBURG. A.Yu., redaktor; KAGNITSKIY, A.V.. redaktor terminov, LORYAVTSXVA, A G,. redaktor terminov, AKSRNOVA. A-P.. m1adshty reciaktor. KALYAVSKAYA. 0-A.. mlad- shiy redaktor; FIDOTOVA. A.F,, tekhnichaskiy redaktor (Continued on next card) BMXDIXTOV, I.A.---(continued) Card 4. (Agricultural encyclopedia] Sellskokhoziaistvenaaia entaikolopediia. Izd.3-e. parer. Moskva, Goo. izd-vo salkhoz. lit-ry. Tol..51. [T-IA.) 1956. 663 P. (KWA 9.9) (Agriculture Dictionaries and encyclopedias) PJ I r~ 8 P,,~_b e j v , I~r I - CHAYKINA, Tatlyana Georg iyevna tnzhener-arkhitektor, red.; SHNLYANSKIY, V.A.. red.; BAIJAW, A.L. [Structures for cattle] Postrolki dlis krupnogo rogatogo skota. Pod red. V.I.Rkandrova. Mosk7a, Goa. Izd-vo sellkhoz. lit-ry, 1957. 215 P. (HIRA 11,4) (Barns) . glf. Plans for renovation of housea for fattening awine. Sell. stroi. 12 no,3:30 Kr 158. (NM 113-3) 1. Direktor instituta "Giproselikhoz" Kiniaterstva sel'skogo, khozyr-y- stva MR. (Swine houaes and equipment) Max= WAMOVOLGIN. V. g KUZMSOV. N.; RWTSIVA. A.; VOROMIN. A.; 31111GEM, To.; PICHATKIN, I. labor canpaign in honor of the coWeeip. Prom.1mop. 12 no.12:4 D 1513. (NM 12:2) 1. Predsedatel' pravleniya moskovskoy arteli 'Tol'prom" (for Hikandrov). 2. Sekretarl partorganizatsil moskovekoy arteli "Tollprom" (for Volgin). 3. Predsedatel' pravleniya arteli "Rembytahvey" (for Kuznetsov). 4. Sekretar' partoorganizallsii artell "Resbytahvee (for Ityabtseva). 5. Predeadatel' pravleniya oblpromeoveta Tullskoy oblasti (for Voronin). 6. Zamestitel' redsedatelya pravleniya obl?ramoovets, Alma-Atinakoy oblasti for Sergeyev).* 7. Sekretar partorganizateii krasnoslobodakoy Y arteli im. Kuybysheva Mordovskoy ASSR (for Pechatkin). (Cooperative societies) NIKANMOV, B. ~.., Structures for drying and storing corn. Sell. stroi. 13 no.6:19-21 ja 158. (KIRA 11:6) l.Direktor *Gtpronallkhoz&O Miniaterstva sel'skogo khozyaygtva SSSRII (Corn (Vaise)--Drring) (Corn (Maizey-Storage) MIKANDROV B ris Ivanovich- DUBROVSKIT, V.A., red.; SOKOLOVA, N.N.,; ZN39. V.I.. [Livestock buildings] Zhivotnovodcheakie postroiki. Koakva. Goo.isd-vo sellkhoz.lit-ry, 1959. 270 P. (KIRA 12:9) (Farm buildings) NIKAYMOV. B., inzh.-arkhitektor;LZSOT, ff., inzh.-stroitell Raise more animals on the same acreage.lauka I pored. op sellkhoz 9 no.lotl6-19 0 159 (KIRA 13:3~ (Stock and stockbreeding) AIRTH ISKIY. P.Ye.; BRUSETM, A.M.; BYIOV, N.A.; XBOACH, M.L.; IL'YASMSKIT, Ya.A.; KIRMWV, A.A.; K02WVSXIT. A.S.; KRYLOV, N.V.; L3WV, N.M.; KARTYNOV, P.T.; T.Te.; RUDANOV, H.L.; SINTAKOV, V.K.; FALIKOR, O.G.; PITRTAKOV. A.L. red.; BALLO, A.I., Nanual on the construction of farm buildings] Spravochnik po aellskokhozialstvennomu stroitalletvu. Moskva. Gos.izd-vo sellkhoz.lit-ry, 1960. 704 P. (Farm buildings) (KRA 13:12) NIKANDROV, Boris -Ivanovich; YELIZAVETSKAXA, G.V., red.; PEVZNER, V.I., - - teklfi.- red. (Fam buildings]SellskokhoziaistvenrWe postroiki. Moskva, Sellkhozizdat, 1962. 271 p. (MBA 15:9) (Farm buildings) TOPGRIT9 Dmitriy Nikitich; NIKANDROV B I I retsenzent; KUZIMIN, U.S., kand. arkhi ry, O.S., retsenzent; ZUMOVA, M.S., red. izd-va; GOLIBERG, T.M., tekhn. red. [Agricultural buildings and istructures]Sellskokhoziaistvenriye zdaniia i sooruzheniia. Izd,,2,, perer. i dop. Moskvaj GGq- straiizdatp 1962. 398 p. (MIRA 15-12) 1. Direktor Gosudarstvennogo instituta po proyektiroganiyu sell- skokhozyaystvennykh sooruzheniy (for Nikandrov). 2. Rukovoditell kafedr7 prouWshlenrqkh, grazhdanskikh i sellskokhozvaystvennykh sooruzheniy Novosibirskogo, inzhenerno-stroitelinogo instituta (for Kuz #min). (Farm buildings) AUTHOR: Nikandrov, V. S. 43140 8/18 62/004/011/046/049 BioeyBiM TITLE: The influence of aluminum oxide on the electrical conductivity of alkali-free magneeia-calcium glasses PEhIODIV^AL: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 4, no. 11, 19629 3342-3343 TEXT: It was found earlier that partially substituting SiO 4 by Al 203 in alkali glasses increases the electrical conductivity of the latter. This paper is concerned with similar studies on alkali-froe glasses (diopside type). Glass of the composition CaO-MgO*2SiO2. xAl 203 showed a decreasing electrical conductivity when the aluminum oxide content was increased. The carrier activation energy increased from 0.8 to 1.3 ev as the content x in Al203 increased from 0.1 to 0.6. The decrease of conductivity is explained by the substitution of Si+ 4 ions by Ai+3 ions. However, this is possible only when at the same time an equal amo"t of MS+2 ions is replaced by A1+3 ions. This process reduces the number of ions in the eighthcoordination and thers~fore reduces also the conductivity. Card 1/2 S/161/62/004/011/046/049 The influende of aluminum oiide ... B106/B186 Consequently, the higher numPer of ions in the sixth coordination gives the glass a simpler structure which manifests itAelf in the energy of the carriers. There is 1 figurq. ASSOCIATION: AlleningradsKiy nektrotekhnicheakiy institut im. V. 1. Ullyanaft (Lenina) (Leni4hd Electrozechniaa,l institute imeni V. 1. Ullyanov (Leni'91 SUBMITTED: July 16, 1962 Card 2/2 L 44778-66 VIT (d) ZEYE (-n1./pi-,p (V /E'~lip(t)/ETI/F-',,,'P(k),/F!2(h),/P=(iI ACC NR,-Ap~ 013263 SOURCE CODE! UR/0413/66/000 /008/0053/0053 INVENTOR: Gorokhov, N. 1. ; Nikandrov, I. L. ORG: none TITLE: Semiautomatic vacuum device for making selenium photocells. Class 21, No. 180715 Iq SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy. tovarnyye znaki, no. 8, 1966, 53 TOPIC TAGS: photocell, selenium photocell ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate introduces a semiautomatic vacuum device for making selenium photocells featuring a turning arrangement fur moving the blank- photocell in to a position with respect to the vaporization source. To improve the efficiency of the device and the uniformity of the layer applied to the photocell blank, the turning device is made as a drum consistin#,of a set of prisms whose rotation axe 1/2 UDC: 621. 383. 42. 002. 5 L 44778-66 ACC NR. AP6013263 are parallel to the surface of the vaporization surface. The external side of the prisms are designed with position retainers arranged for the photocell blanks (see Fig. 1). i Orig. art. has: 1 figure. [Translation] LD1 SUB CODE: 13, 20/ SUBM DATE: 11Oct63/ Fig. 1. Semiautomatic vacuum device foi making selenium photocells~ I-Drum; 2-prism; 3-externs~l side of prism; 4-position retainers; 5-vaporized surfac 6-photoc ell blank. Card 2/2 E',.'P /FWT (ri) 'WH ACC NRj AP6013272 SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/66/000/008/0070/0070 INVENTOR: Nikandrov, V. S. ORG: none TITLE: Glass for the second cover of a Ii ht guide. Class 32, No. 180771 9 [announced by the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Glass Fibers(Vse.- soyu*7.nyy nauchno-'issledovaf(~Vskiy institut steklyannogo volokna)] SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarryye zraki, no. 8, 1966, 70 TOPIC TAGS: glass, image contrast, light guide i ABSTRACT: An Author Certificate has been issued for glass for the second cover of a light guide. Its base is SiO21 B20.., Na 0, Fe 0 and CaO. To ensure image 2 2 3' contrast, the components are taken in the following quantities (weight in Card 1 / 2 UDC: 666. 189 2:666. 112. 7 L 4418g-66 ACC NR, AP6013272 Sio 52. 5-60; B 0 1. 6-18. 5; Na 0, 9. 5-10, 5; Fe 0 19-21; CaO, not 2' 2 3' 2 2 3p more than 3. [Translation) fNTj SUB CODE: Ii,.?V,(*UBM DATE: 290et64/ 2/2 s/r.29/62/000/C06/005/032 E039/E435 AUTHOR: Nikandrov _L_V - S.- TITLE: The effect of sintering temperature on the stability of the bond between silver and dielectrics PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Fizika, no.6, 1962, 25-28 TEXT: The physico-chemical processes occurring when metals are bonded to dielectrics are complex. The stability of the bond depends on many factors such as the nature of the metal and the dielectric surface compositions etc. The silver is applied as a paste to the degroased dielectric surface, dried at 1200C and sintered in a muffle furnace, the temperature of which is controlled to I to 20C. The applied layer of silveris then copper plated and tinpied. Stability of the silver-dielectric bond is determined by soloering a brass rod to the tinned silver surface. This rod is supported in a special holder and the breaking strain for separating the silver from the dielectric can be measured directly. Layers of silver are applied and sintered at different temperatures. It is shown 4at the optimum sintering temperature Card 1/2 S/139/62/000/006/005/032 The vffect of sintering ... E039/E435 is 6500C. The maximum breaking strain measured betwoun ailver and crystallized glass is 285 kg/cm2 while t)ie average of ton experiments is about 160 kg/cm2. A comparable figure for silver to ceramic from the literature is 300 kg/cm2. It is shown that the coupling is not mechanical and dendrites are not formed. Ii is suggested that the bond is due to metal ions in microdefects on the dielectric surface. There are 2 figures and I table. ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy elcktrotekhnicheskiy institut, i,-.Ieni V.I.Ullyanova (Lenina) (Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute "meni V.I.Ullyanoy (Lenin) SUBMITTED: August 15, 1961 Card 2/2 NIKVIDROVI V. 17. inveatigating the cataly-Lic crystallization of Stakloobr. sast. n,-..1.174.--,L-77 16~. 1, V : 1,~ - - 0 " . I ACCESSION NR: AT4oI93I5 S/0000/63/003/00110174/0177 AUTHOR: Nikandrov, V. S. TITLE: An investigation of the catalytic crystallization of alkali-free glasses SOURCE: Simpozium po stekloobraznomu sostoyaniyu. Lenitigrad, 1962. Stekloo- braznoye sostoyanlye, vy*p. 1: Katalizirovannaya krlstalilzatslya stekla (Vitreous state, no. 1: Catalyzing crystallization of glass). Trudy* 5impoziuma, v. 3, no. 1. Moscow, lzd-vo AN SSSR, 1963, 174-1717, insert facing p. 178 TOPIC TAGS: glass, glass cry5tallization, alkaii-free glass, diopside, apatite, catalyzed crystallization ABSTRACT: Crystalline glasses having the chemical composit,'on of ii pside were invest:qated because, first of all, t,)e clar;ficat,on ot the con i! ons and characteri stl cs of the crystal I i zation of Lhi , type ol (j:~Jss jou i~l P05 s ; 1) : C oro(~.( 2 i nex pens;,/ e, reidi I y-flis; o h-, I I a 55y-crys t ane Ttatv, ; ~, s an~, secono,y, beca'se t'to. inform,ltion u~tained on this 'yi)e of crystal ;;zjt;o~ c,~, a.50 D.2 used r other glass compositions. The chemical composition (Y. by wej~;nE) of Lne in- vestigated diopside glasses was: CaO-24.4, M90-17.5, SiO2-52.5, and AIZ03-5.6. For initiation a mixture of Ag, Cu, Cr203, Ti02 and apatite were added kO.Oi-5% by Wei ht). The best effect was obtained with TiO2 and fluoroapatite. Their Card 7/2 ACCESSION NR: AT4oI9315 effect on the crystallization process is discussed in detail. The best effect from Ti02 was obtained over a temperature range of 920-940C. The range of cry- stallization of glasses containing fluoroapatite, however, is much wider; i:.he maximum rate of crystallization is at 960C and the at;inimum rate Is at 8,10~. The crystals obtained from glasses with Ti02 and apatite are compared. A of the crystallization process with different additives showed that the ;nys;co- chem;cal properties of the additives exert a substantial effect an tne gro'wth of the crystals. This effect is greater the inore the additive changes the 5ur- face tension crystal face of the growinq crystal with respect to the medium- The degree of this effect is determined by the ratio of the lattice parameters of the additive and the growing crystal. The parameters tabulated for diopside and apa- tite show good agreement. Orig. art. has: I formula, 3 figures and I table. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: i7may,63 DATE ACQ: 2JNov63 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: MT' NO REF SOV: Oo4 OTHER: 002 Card 2/2 NIKANDROV, V. Ya. Central Geophysical Observatory, (-1943-' 11 On the fore-transition state of ,,~Aer-steam In the atmosrhere", Iz. AK. Nauk SSSR, Ser. 7,eorraf. I Geofiz.1 No.1-6, 1944 War '60 I ", , -- '.. . .11 .~. ~ , "'. 1 1. . Science Problems of the physics of precipitLitl-)n; collecti-)n of ar-tlc~es, Pod rud V. IA. I-likandrova, I-eningrad, Gidrometeoizdat, 1911~1. I I Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Deceipber, Y~12'. UT"CLASSIFIVT. NTDNMOVI Y--x&-Mk Interaction of supercooled water drops and solid particles. Trudy GOO no.570-18 '56. (MZRA 10:1) (Precipitation (Keteorolog7)) NIKANDROV. Toxft-1- Charge of particleb in clouds and fogs, TruAy GOO no-57:36-39 '56. (KMA 10: 1) (Particles) (Atmospheric nucleation) kand.fts.-mst.nauk, red.; SHISHKIU, U.S., doktor ftz.-mat. nank. red.; SHMIN. K.3,., doktor fiz.-nat.nauk. red.; SOLOVITRV, V.Aq, 1mnd,ftz.-wt,nauk, red.; PISARRVSICATA. V.I., red.; SOEOVITCHIK, A.A., [Uvestigations of clouds. precipitation, and thudnerstorm electricity] lealedovante oblakov. asadkov t Crozovogo elektri- chestva; abornik dokladov V Kezhvedometvannoi konferentaii po voprosam iseledovaniia oblakov, osadkov t grozovogo alektrichostva. Leningrad, Gidroneteor. izd-vo, 1957. 214 p. (MIRA 11:6) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.SA.) Glavnoye upravlaniye gidro- meteorologichosko.v aluzhby. (Maude) (Atmospheric electricity) (Precipitatiou (Meteorology)) VOSKUSANSKIT, A.I.; RMCHEVSKIT, T.G.; HIMMOT, T.Ta. Use of dry ice for cloud dispersal In the Arctic. Probl. Arkt. no-2:133-139 '57. (MIRA 11:12) (Dry ice) (Arctic region~-Weather control) NIX-MOV, T.Ta. Standardization of the nue of solid carbor dioxide as applied to tae seeding of clouds,* Tftdy OW no.67W~1,1-'43 157. (KMA 11W (Rain making) (DZ7 icO) PHASE I BOOK EXPWITATION SOV/3904 SOV/2-M-73 Glavaaya geofizicheskaya ibservatoriya Fizika atmosfery (Physics of the Atmosphere) L-eningrad, Gidrometeoizdat, 1958. 130 p. Errata slip inserted. 1,300 copies printed. (Series: Its: Trudy, vYP. 73) Additional Sponsoring Agency: USSR. Glavnoye upravleniye gidrameteorologicheskoy sluzhby. Ed.: V.V. Bazilevich, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics; Ed.: M.M. Yasnogorodskaya; Tech. Ed.: O.G. Vladimirov. P11RPOSE: This publication is intended for meteorologists and geophysicists. "OVERAGE: This issue of the Transactions of the Main Geophysical Observatory of the USSR contains 1-1 articles on problems in atmospheric physics, par- ticularly in the reglan of the ground layer. Individual articles discuse: the meteorolo g~cal conditions surrounding the formation of winter evapo- rational fogs,'the possibilities of using radio-controlled aircraft models for Card 1/3 Phys-1-as of the Atmosphere SOV/3904 aeroiogical investigations, the effect of. turbu-lence on sound propagation, and the physical properties of fog droplets. References accom- pany each article. TABLE OF COITTENTS: NikAndrov, V.Ya. Nature of the Formation of Droplets and Icicles Under ___C_o_nd1tTd-hZ of-Supersaturation 3 Kz-&jikov, P.N., and G.M. Bashkirova. Meteorological Conditions During Angara Winter Fogs in the Area of the City of Irkutsk 12 V~~rontacrv.. P.A. Aerological Investigations of Evaporstional. Fogs of the Angs-ra, River 24 Bashkirova, G.M., and P.M. Krasiko-. Some Kicrophysical Characteristics of Angexs Winter Fogs in the Area of the City of Irkutsk 37 Bazilevic?-J, V.V. Effect of Atmospheric Turbulence Upon the Audlbillty of ScRuidB in the Atmosphere 50 Tverskoy, N.P. Acoustic Characteristics of tne Turbulent State of the Atm.osphere 54 Card 2/3 p.jysics of the tmosphere SOV/39o4 vorcintsov, P.A. Aerological Investigation of the Boundary Layer of the Atmosphere Over the Hillock Relief of Virgin Lands 61 Vorontaov, P.A. The Breezes of Lak Ladoga 87 Voroxmtov, P.A... V.M. Michell, and A.A. Erler. Use of Radio-Controlled Aircraft Models for Aerological Investigation of the Lower Layers of the Atmosphere 107 Makhatkin, L.G., and V.A. Solov1yev. The Role of Electric Charges in the Coagulation of Fog Droplets 116 T-verskaya, N.P.Experimental Study of Collision wd Fusion of Charged Droplets AVA-ILABLE: Library of Congress JA/dvm/gap Card 3/3 8-1-6o Nm~',N)ROV, V & 3(7) ~ >- PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION' SOV/1720 Leningrad. Glavnaya geofizicheakaya observatoriya. Voproay razrabotki meteorologicheskikh priborcv (Problems in the De- velopment of Meteorological Instruments) Leningrad, Gidrometeoizdat, 1958. 49 p. (Series: Its: Trudy, vyp- 83) 1350 copies printed. Additional Sponsoring Agency: Glavnoye upravleniye gidrometeorolo- gicheskoy sluzhby. Ed. (Title page): M.S. Sternzat, Candidate of Physical-Mathematical Sciences; Ed. (Inside book): M.M. Yasnogorodskaya; Tech. Ed.: A.N. Sergeyev. PURPOSE: This issue Is Intended for scientific personnel engaged in the construction and use of meteorQlogical instruments. COVERAGE: In general, this booklet covers descriptions of new instru- ments and problems encountered In their development. It also de- scribes methods used for selecting the optimum Interval for averag- ing the velocity of the wind and for determining the aggregate com- position of fogs. 1he Instruments described in detail Include a new Card 1/4-10 Z_ Problems in the Development (Cont.) SOV/1720 automatic condensation hygrometer, a simple device for determining the composition of fog, a field radiometer, a device for measuring temperature, apparatus for actinometric observations and a device for measuring winds of high velocity. No personalities are mentioned. Bibliographies follow each article. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Fateyev, N.P. New Automatic Condensation Hygrometer 3 Andreyev, I.D. Selection of the Optimum Interval for Averaging Wind Velocity 20 Nikandrov, V.Ya A Method of Determining the Aggregate Compo- 31tion o a Fog 25 Aleksandrov, N.N. A Field Radiometer for Measuring the Relative Concentration of Radioactive Particles in the Atmosphere 27 Skachkova, I.F. Apparatus for Actinometric Measurements 36 Card 2/0 '-2- ,1I P A3E I B,)Ob EXPLOIT, SOV/3936 Nikandrov, Vladislav Yakovlevich Iskusstvennyye vozdeystviya na oblaka I tumany; mikro,0-4zicheakiye osnovy (Artificial Modification of Clouds and Fq; Microphysical Principles) Leningrad, Gidrometeoizdat, 1959. 169 P. 3,000 copies printed. Resp. Ed.: V.V. Bazilevich; Ed.: Yu.V. Vlasova; Tech. Ed.: N.V. Volkov. PURPOSE: This book is intended for meteorologists, geophysicists, and students at hydrometeorological institutes and in the physics di- vision of universities. COVERAGE: This book contains an analysis of the physical processes generated by artificial modification of supercooled clouds and fogs. The theoretical-physical and experimental principles behind modern methods of cloud seeding are discussed. Problems of the physics of the formation and growth of water droplets and ice crystals Card 1/0 2__ Artificial Modification (Cont.) SOV/3936 naturally in supersaturated conditions as well as around condensa- tion and crystallization nuclei are studied. Comparative estimates of the consumption of solid C02, silver Iodide, and lead iodide by various methods of nucleation are presented. The author thanks V.V. Bazilevich, P.N. Krasikov, I.I. Gayvoronskiy, A.P. Chuvayev, N.S. Shishkin, B.V. Kiryukhin, G.M. Bashkirova, and T.A. Pershina. 1%ere are 340 references: 230 Soviet, 76 English, 18 German, 4 French, 1 Bulgarian, and 1 Italian. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Introduction 5 Ch. I. Nature of the Natural Formation (Without Nucleation) of Water Droplets and Ice Crystals From Water Vapor 11 1. Energy of molecular forces 11 2. Interaction and combination of the moleoules of water vapor 19 3. Growth of molecular association into condensation 32 Card - /- 1=14F ZI/ 85904 S/1-6-9/60/000/0. 1/t 13/t 16 6, (,ebs 1,99-3) AO05/AOO1 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geofizika, 1960, No. 11, PR. 171 - 172, # 14499 AUTHORS: Morachevskiy, V.G., Nikandrov, V.Ya. TITLE: The Effectiveness of C02-Particles and AgI-Fume for the Dispersion of Supercooled Lower Clouds and Fogs 121- PERIODICAL: Tr. Arkt. i antarkt. n.-i. in-ta, 1959, Vol. 228, pp. 135-145 TECT: The authors report briefly on the mechanigm cf the artificial crystal- lization of a supercooled droplet cloud or fog by means of dry carbon dioxide ice and AgI-fume. The appearance of crystals In the cloud causes the diffasion of the water vapor from the droplets to the crjstals and leads to rapid growth of the latter, which causes the dispersion process of the cloud and fog. Twenty-five research flights were carried out for clarifying some questions of the application method of AgI and dry C02 during treatment the clouds and fogs with them; the flights served to determining the optimum expenditure of the reagent. The tests were performed in the Arctic region of Tadibe-Yakhi. The equipment and facilities Card 113 85904 S/169/160/boo/D I 1 /0 13/016 A005/AOO1 ITie Effectiveness of C02-Particles and AgI-Fume for the Dispersion of Supercccled Lower Clouds and Fogs are described which were installed in the aircraft for producing the dry C02- granules, the AgI-fume, and for photographing the clouds treated. Uniform inter- nal clouds with the vertical thickness up to 500 m were treated. The schemes are presented of sounding and flight during the action, and the a-Durse of maneuvering of the aircraft according to the scheme mentioned is described. A compilation table of the action results from 20 tests is added. On the basis of the da'~a ct- tained, the authors conclude as follows: 11 the action of dry C02 upon clouds and fogs is ineffective at the temperature of the latter hik4er than -4'C; 2) ~he vertical maximum thickness of the cloud capable of being dispersed by spreading C02 from one level amounts to 600 m. It is pointed out that under arctic condi- tions an accelerated process of phase transformations In the clouds Is obsorved in comparison with other regions; this is explained by the lower water content of the clouds. Data are presented which characterize the cloud transformation process until full destruction due to dry C02 treatment under various meteorologi- cal conditions. A graph is given of the dependence of thedry C02 expenditure per 1-km flight on the cloud thickness when treatment is performed from one level. Card 2/3 85904 S11691601000101110131016 A005/A001 The Effectiveness Of C02-Particles and AgI-Fume for the Dispersion of Supercooled Lower Clouds and Fogs A table is presented of the specific C02 dosages applied by various investigators in dependence on the cloud thickness. The results of two tests are described in detail, which were performed in the Chelyuskin Cape region, and conclusions are drawn from the results of all other tests. One of the tests on the action of AgI upon layered clouds in the Tadibe-Yakhi region is described more in detail. Micro- photographs are presented of the ice crystal samples in a layered cloud after the treatment of a supercooled cloud with AgI-fume. V.A. Sorochan Translator's note: This is the full translation of the original Russian abstract. Card 313 RIKAIMMV, V-Ya-- Some data on the water content of fogs in the Arctic. Trudy AANII 228:146-148 159. 041RA 13:2) (Arctic rogions--Fog) 41172 5/169/62/000/009/091/120 D228/D307 AUTHOR: Nikandrov, V. Ya. TITLE: Simple phase transformation processes for water in the atmosphere when supercooled clouds and fog are active- ly influenced by means of solid 00 2 PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhutnal, Geofizika, no. 9, 1962, 72-73, abstract 9B447 (In colleciion: Iseled. oblakov, osad- kov i grozovogo elektriche8tva, M., AN SSSR, 1961, 7-9) TEXT: Regarding water vapor as a mixture-of individual molecules and complexes, formed through dipole attraction,.it is possible t estimate the number and sizes of separate complexes, consisting of a definite number of molecules. Under favorable conditions -- for -example, when the temperature falls -- fixing of molecules occurs in complexes as a result of the transition to more stable hydrogen bonds. 'During this traneitiont which causes the tetrahedral arran- ~_gement of interacting water vapor moleculesq to wit (H20)nAt in Gard 1/2 8/16 62/000/009/091/120 Simple phase transformation ... D228YD307 amounts sufficient for the formation of simple water (ice) nuclei, the structure of molecular complexes approximates to that of water droplets (icicles). During their formation complexes with sizes larger than those of simple water (ice) nuclei acquire the property characteristic of solid and liquid water phases -- surface tension. Under its influence the pressure on particles is higher than that on a flat water or ice surface. In consequence of this it is only when sufficient supersaturation appears that complexes of molecules dd not dissociate during the time of their possible existence in the gaseous phase. The supersaturation attained favors the develop- ment as the nuclei of a new phase of molecular complexes, previ- ously"'formed in water vapor and playing the same role as condensa- tion nuclei. In connection with ideas, developed in the work, it is indicated that the problem of artificially influencing super- cooled clouds and fog by means of solid carbon dioxide is to create conditions which favor the development of molecular complexes as. the nuclei of a new phase and their subsequent growth to critical sizeag when they can leave the supplementary co6ling zone and exist --in the normal saturated media of liqui4 drops. jbstracter's note: onl0i translation../ ar B NIKANDROV, V.Ya. I- I ---. . -- -- --- ---- - Use of hygroscopic salts in hail-preventing rockets. Trud/, GGO no.126:8-9 162. (MIRA 15:7) (Weather control) 43062 S/63lj62/000/126/003/004 1053/1242 AUTIMP. NIkandrov, V.Ya. TITLE: Dry torchns as a moans of Introducing nuclol'of crystallization In ground mista 01MCE: Leninfri-nd. Glnvnayn goof Izicheakaya obsorvatorlya. Trudye no. 1~6. 1962. Voprosy f1zIkI oblakov I alctivnyl-ch vozdeystvly, 22-24 TEXT: When n mixt,tre composnd of a combustible combination (BaNO A1 powder,, motal chips) and AgI Is applied on a metallic stem, a torch capable of blivning for I riln is obtaineds Tho torch acqttor3 smnll pnrticlos of smolce and 31MrICS which partl- cipate as nuclei of crystallizatlon in' the transformation of a sli- poreooled mist to ice. The numbnr of particles In a linit of volume is cFtlcijlnted according to the formila T where 14 = the mans of Ico-forming aiibatqncna, D = the coofficTent of turblilont difflinion, f = the apned of the wind, m - the moan mass of a single particle of AgI, nnd t = the burning time of the torche There Is I tFkble. Card 1/1 BATTAN9 L.J., NAQVI,, S.N., MIKANDROV, V. YA., VITTIORI-JUMISARI, 0. "Artificial increase of rainfall.0 RePOrt submitted to tho conf. for the Bsn0fit of the Lass D on tha I-PPIic&tIOn Of Sciame a-ad Techmiogy aveloped Are2s,, 0eneve., Switzerland 4-20 FebxvM 1963 ACCESSION MR: AT4002179 S/2922/63/005/000/0129/0137 AUTHOR: Kraslkov, P. M. (Leningrad); Nikandrov, V. Ya. (Leningrad) TITLE: Studies of means for artificallY modifying. clouds and fog SOURCE: Vries. nauchn. meteorologich. soveshch. Trudy*, v. 5. Sektsiya fiziki svobodnoy atmoslery*. Leningrad, 1963, 129-137 TOPIC TAGS: nl~teorology, weather modification, cloud seeding antifog technique, cloud seeding reagent ABSTRACT: The authors review Western and Soviet research on methods for the seeding of clouds and fogs to induce dissipation or prccipitation. Dry ice and silver iodide are discussed at length. A method for seeding clouds with all aqueous solution of lead iodide from a plane Is described briefly. This method doer, not require complexequipmentor heating apparatus, and is effective for inducing precipitation in cumulus clouds 2 kyn high, having temperatures below -7C. A table is presented showing the results of tile use of 52 chemical reagents to produce ice-forniiqg nuclei in supercooled fog. Silver iodide produced the beat yield of ice particles (10" crystals/g at-10C) and is the most effective to -4C)/for ice formation. Orig. art. has: 1 reagent in the upper temperature range (-3 ALEKSEYEVA, 0. S.; BOKIN,, P. Ya.; GOVOROVA, R. A.; KORELOVA,, A. I.; NIKANDROVA, G. A. "Structural variatiow in lithium silicate and lithium alumosilicate glasses In the process of crystallization and their effect on machwical properties." a report submitted for 4th All-Union Conf on Structure of Glass, Leningrad, 16-2:L mar 64. Ntw $l ,42 i 7cv, (densityo hardness.. elastic con- 42, :''l -- 'a#-#vA4mA, gtmi,~ i2 **~M-4 n- - AV 881CRAM: ~---425013395 -"d.:surfAc_e strength,.~, si-~ Lh-slicichardneis, - Youitg 0:4 Modulus -A still Lomas Lim, "Usity,-*V AM- and above i--.-Amsoc ted with-,a declLne In greater-, LIM -6t"i 114tic to solid solu- by -. the ionlatioli as -is cause rypti me pa props "mi it' is -concluded.. a brittlo, an, g -that the Method more -arm Ou ff1d] all: t 4. "ch df,:~tcjttal Axat on - and in a natu -ad 149144_'~ a Ili" O-Proces wt q";p V_11`6f7,_t1i41"`ix tt 4d by th I !"Ans,1ft" as Psum. ~A fitent,:pod. t onc at" Ireatmanti" co 0 ~aqy crystallUke pha" Lft the', no du Is e:appea;an of . cterLat1c:of this4 Mae &to a-In~1urn-Ax- mumifesto ~b -dhi ni_,~ 1W, ~tijreiintlng the ad a-curves aF **rsue: ~~a t6iiitl treatmnk~, Orig. -and :-tables - --- -- 3.. as' SC0094. Ht 8 Al BUSHMAKINO I.N.; MOLODENKO, P.Ya.; NIKANDROVA, G.I. Determination of liquid - vapor equilibria with the aid of a rectification column. Zhur.prikl.khIm. 35 no.6:1260-1265 Je 162. (MIRA l5s7) 1. Leningradskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. (Phase rule and equilibrium) (Distillation, Fractional) 111KANDROVA, G.T.; CHUVAYBV, A.P. Role of Intercepting layers In solving problems of precipitation. Meteor.l. g1drol. no.4:12-18 Ap 136. (NLRA 9:8) (Precipitation (Kateorology)) -Al- SHIMOV. 3.A. Interdepartmental conference on study of clouds, precipitation, and thunderstorm electricity. Keteor,i gidrol. no.5:64-66 My 156. (KLU 9 . 8) (Meteorology) XNAM)ROVA. G.T.-, CHUTAUT,, A.?. ........ Investigation of the change-over of cloud microstructure following solid carbon dioidde treatment. 2~-~ M no.67:104-lI3 IY7. (Mouds) (Dry tee) (Fain making) (KIM 11:4) - j 36-72-11/13 AUTHOR: Chuvayev, A.P., Tarasov, A.V., Nikandrova, G.T. TITLE: Experiment in Controlling the Development of Powerful Convective Clouds aver Large Areas (Opyt regulirovaniya razvitiya oblakov moshchnoy konvektsii nad znachitellnoy ploshchadlyu) PERIODICAL: Trudy Glavnoy geofizicheakoy observatorii, 1957, Nr 72, pp. 127-133 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In July 1956 a laboratory of the Main Geophysical Observatory (CGO), in cooperation with the Third Division of the State Scientific Research Institute of the Civil Air Fleet, conducted a field experiment in the dispersion of storm centers in powerful cumulus clouds with super-cooled tops. Dry ice particles, 0.5-2.0 cm in diameter were seeded along the edge of a field of clouds, whose individual summits rose over 5,000 m. Seeding, which lasted 20 min., was executed in three straight lines, running 6 km apart and 40 km long, covering an area of 40 x 15 km and using 65 kg of dry ice. Activation resulted In an almost complete disappearance of clouds in the entire zone of operation, without precipitation forming and reaching the ground, with only a few insignificant traces of clouds Card 1/2 remaining. At the same time nearby masses of powerful cumulus clou0s 36-72-11/13 Experiment in Controlling the Development of Powerful Convective Clouds Over Large Areas (Cont.) and groups of frontal clouds continued to develop during and after seeding. There are 7 figures, consisting of a synoptic map, a weather chart., and photographs of clouds taken at various points during the experiment. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 b/ PHASE I BOOK EX?L40r=ON SOV/41T3 Leningrad. Glavnaya geofizicheskaya observatoriya SM/2-5-102 Voprosy fiziki obliakov Problems in the Physics of Clouds) Leningrad, Gidrometeoiz- dat, 196o. lo2 p. Mries: Its: Trudy, vyp. 102). Errata slip inserted. 1,150 copies printed. Additional Sponsoring Agency: USSH. Glavnoye upravleniya gidrometeorologicheskoy sluzbby. Ed. (Title page): N. S. Shishkin, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics; Ed.(Inside book): V. S. Protopopov; Tech. Ed.: M. I. Braynina. PURPOSK: The publication is intended for the scientific workers in meteorology and aerology, as well as for graduate students in these fields. COVERACE: This is a collection of 6 articles published as No. 102 of the Transac- tions of the Main Geophysical Observatory imeni A. T. Voyeykov and dealing with the physics of clouds. Individual exticles are concerned with convective clouds and their radar characteristics, the microstructare of supercooled clouds,0 radar characteristics of thunderstorms, and the problem of the optimum radio wave for detection of cloud systems and precipitation. References accompany each article. Card 1/2 Problems in the Physics of Clouds TABIR OF CONTOTS: SOV/41T3 Selezneva, Ye. So, and No P. Churinova. Some Characteristics of the Condition of the Atmosphere During the Formation of Cumulus and Cumilonimbus Clouds 3 Shishkin, No So Investigations of the Brealcup of Convective Clouds During Unstable Stratification of the Atmosphere 21 Kikandrova, G.~__Z., and No A. XhimLch. Characteristics of the Kcrostructure of Supercooled Clouds 50 NllmnAr~ovap G. T., and Yu. S. Frid-n. On the Problem of Method in Determin- -Eg--fFo-C stics of the Distribution of Droplet Sizes in Clouds 58 KDtovp ff. F. Radar Characteristics of Cloudbursts and Thunderstorms 63 saltman 0 Ye. M. Problem of the Optimum length of Radio Wave for the Detection of Clond Systems and Precipitation 94 AVAILkU: Libi-ru~nj of Congreso JA/edw/fal Card 2/2 9-9-60 )43061 5/5-31 / 6Z / 000t12 (0 100.21001# 105 3 /,r 2 S-,3 AUTHORS Gromova, T.N., jCrasikov, Lon3hin, V.T., 111kandrova, G.T., Kh1mach, M.A., Shiahkin, N.S. TITLE: Experiments on the application of PbI2 In water solution to alipercoolod clouds SOUPCE. Leningrad. Glavnnya goof Izicheakaya ob3ervatort.11ra. Trudy. no. 1"G. 196.". Vorrosy fi7ilct oblRkov I aktivnvkh vozrlystviy, 1C-21 T EXT :Clouds or mlata nro fronted with n combustible water 3ol-,xtion -of PhIn aprayed out of an air-plane nt a prossure of 3-4 atmosphere thro,q-,t~i aprarnro comprising 32 nozzlos 1.2 mm In diametor. The effect hns bnen observad from an altitude of 0.5-1~0 km over the uppor cloud limit& in c,unulun clouds with a vertical. oapneity of 2 km and over, precipitntionn hnve been obtained below -70C. Com- -Pnct atrnto-cumul,ia clouds vilth a enpnolty of 200-460 m were dis- sipated below -150C., At -%-, -290C both the Pb12 solution and the water itself produce cloud dianipation. There Is 1 table. C Wrd V 1 43063 S/531 ,/62/000/3.26/004/004 1053/1253 T IT Tho cht,.ngo In the microstruc Lure of the vnrlr;txs t, ypas of cloudo with r1ti't-'%do SOU11Cz: Lonln,-,rad Glsvnck-s gecflzich(W~rtya obq-ervatorlyA. Trudy. tin. 126. ~QCIP. ;O'proay fizlki oblal(ov I a'rt1vn'ykh vozd(3:-stviy, 70-78 Vi o radlun accordinr to the vinter contont, ro., Y)nd the r. nd t! ij of qpneif1r-wjrfnrn ogulvalonco of a drop, r, , have been cal- cii3atccl b,%,- representln- the gamina distribution of cloiid particlos b.,r th n f iine t Ion -br f(r) r o where [' (M+1) *= the gamma function, r :~ the radius or drop, ane n., b are pnrnmoter3 of distribution. These rwkn- .titles serve to char-otorize the chnnge wIth the altituda of the f1rop sj)cctrum in al.oiids of Cu cong., C" sImPl-, Rttd Sc t7PO- T11O 0-~r-rnaos- of poreinctorri m nnd b with the altitudo was detertrinod. Cqr(I I/-- S/531/62/000/18016/004/004 1053/1253 'III,) nhallGo 1r thn r 2)in I'mitinC, radiiin of a Jrnp In a cloudy oi- uondonnation s,)entrum I-) ?M~t . Tho (71oud- or con(Innnnttnn anoctrum of tho drops Is rils- Lz tinjm1ahad from tho spectrum of drops forminF, by a coagulatlon mo- chanIsm. It was establish-id Rn Lho bnols of the value of radiolo- entive rofloctivit7 (Z = 2:nr ) of all clouds of Cu cong. and Sc typo, drop diameter iip to GO), , that the diot34ibution of drop3 of all dimensions has Its nnximal- value ip r-tddle region of cloud, where the reflectivit,r reaches 10 :9/m,3. The value of the rc-'lectivit, d y Tnust charpcterize thn maximal probable imension of the drops. There are 4 figures nnd 1 table. card 1/2 M.-!; -7, : 1. '.*~ : . -, .1' " , ' - r - - , -1 ~ - . . - . 4 - , - 7 - . . 1. 1 p , . ~ . r r5. i- . ,N' ~ ~, ! * 7',7 : .1. - . . t , , , - . . c - , ~f- " .. . . NIKANDROVA,. G.T, Stochastic errors in determining the FarametQ~rs of the distribution I function for droplets in fogs, clouds, and precipil-ation. Trud GGO no.156:46-59 164. (M~-RA 17:10~ 193LIKOVA:~ G.I.; NiKAIMROVA, G.T.; PETRUSHEIVSKlY, V.A. ,~~,,curacy of m--asLri-?ig the bounda.-i6s of clouds by ra,,:~-. Trudy I no.173.9--18 165. (,IJIRA 18:3) NIKANDROVAt K.A. Clinical evaluation of the determination of sensitivity to antibioti4a in microbial flora of sputum of pne=onia patients. Trudy LSGHI 48t481-486 '59. (MIRA 14t2) (PNEUMONIA) (ANTIBIONCS) (SPUTIsl) NIKANDROR,k. 1. j GERASIMOVA, M., IVANOVA, L.V.; KONDRATOVICHgG.A.; KRUGUNAt Ye.G,, red.; ERLIKH, Ye.Ya., tekhn. red. (Analysis of electrolytes and solutions for electroplates and chomidal coatinga]Analiz elektrolitov i rastvorov, dlia gall- vanicheskikh i khimicheakikh pokrytii. Leningrad, Goakhimisdat, 1963. 310 P. (MIRA 16:3) (Electroly-tes-Analyals) (Electroplating) NIKANZIOVA 0 N.V. --- Determiy-tion, of the profile of a correction p2ate. Geod. i kart. no. 5:",I*g MY 162. (KUU -15--7) (Optical instruments) .et -of- beat "And M Uagurr NIKANDROVA, V.N.; SAFATINOVA, V.A. Mr, idavi an ve mou th. Trudy WE ~ P 4 12 8- 37 164. (MIRA A.8-, thi vttU f _u-r *r n sulfide~at:the Initial-t' to ihci'~. -t hi itacte ~viith -is uvstz)-.~w cW a ge-&-o-f- ith-polyathy1rsne-!-- Ahe 'rzactim -The-surp~ys-clemental s or-reacts-w in thd uava way. In a m ture of polyethylene, sulfur, mercaptobengothLazole 'G M Emm ':-ratio oxide-16: utereap-to enx-of~i. 6i7 i&ii- ~C-zinc--,-"ide---'ebnten1 -,does not. ex~eed.'that needed for ing the added mereaptobenzothizzole convert the Sline-marcaRqde, -it exerts no appreciOble effect an &e teactions tha "'O'colir -in the-_ systeii.: th ;--'p,re-se'n-- t' h- the bo d::t -,6 nd -a t- he-'ratesi: - f th ~r ii, ru tura on prooess. - nor ef f icien an 6 eac ons i L e'a e. J3 cy -Zinc befizothiazy1mercaptide exerts the same e-f f ect on the reaction of poly- ethylene i0ith sulfur as a combination of mercaptobenzothiazole and zinc oxide.,-In.a mixtur-e-of-polyethylene, sulfur, merce2tobenzothiazole, and zinc oxide, -the -moat -rapid reactio'n, -in that of zinc -oxide with'the accelerator, sulfur than reacting:With the iine wercaptLds, forming zinc sulfide, and apparrntly-raditals.of the mereaptobenzothiazole accelerator, which# in contrant-to mercaptobenzothiazola, are capable not only of cleaving the cyclic sulf ur Moleculei-into'redicala, but'also of -dohydrogehatin% the polymer. i moleculea.,- has ar t - 5"_Oapha# 3 less 3 formaUS ASWCTATIONt 9~84MIrs* inatitut tonkoy khimicheskoy tekhmlogii LM6 M. VO Iomonosova.(M68COW Ustitate,ot Fine Cherdoal Technolosd SJ E24ITTED a. 22JAnW. ENCL: . 00 SUB OODSt OCO W NP. Ru sovs. oo6 OTMI OD5 JPRS NIKAIIORKDI, Anatoliy lgnatlyevich; TARAN, G., red.; ISUPOVA, V.9 --~ tekhn-.--r-e-d-. (People of great deeds; Sunrq town, Doctor without medicines, Scalpel versus sword]Liudi podviga; Solnechrjyi gorodok, Doktor bez lekarstv, S'Aallpell protiv mecha. Simferopol' Krymizdat, 1962. 178 p. (MIRA 15:111 (PBYSICIMIS) MMMM, V.M., kandidat takhnichaskikh usuk; MIKAWROV, A.A., tashener. ___~_WAMW On the probleve of joints between shell-slabs. Gidr. strol. 25 no.7:16-18 Ag 156. KRA 9: 10) (Concrete slabs) DEMBOVS G.K.; NIKANOROV, A.A.; Prinimali uchastiye: R(SINA, G.D.; ZHIVTSOVA, V.V.- New design of the extruder head. Kauch.i rez. 20 no.7:43-46 i1 161. (MMA 14:6) 1. Yaroslavskiy shinnyy zavod. (Rubber machinery) ACC NRt Ar%6035374 SOURCE CODE: UIV0271/66/OOO/OO9/BO4O/BO41 .".U7HOR: Ivanov, M. N.; Kadashavich, V, I*; Kondurov, 1. Aa; Nekhay, A, P.; Nikolayev, Petrova, V. 1. t. .17,12: Central system for gatherinC and processing infonnation (SOFI) SOURCE: Ref. zh. M-tomatilm, teleme1rhanika i vychislitel'naya tekhnika, AbG. 9B320 REF souRa: Tr. 6-y nauch-no-tekhn. konferentsii. po yadern. radioelektron. T. 3. Ch. I. M., Ato.-razdat, 1965, 1-io-136 TOPIC TAGS: . CXW~- tA Q"4; n, information processing, inform;-4tion* storage and re- Minsk-1 computer ABSTRACT: the'aiAicle describes a system developed at the Plqsicotechnical Institute im. A. F. loffe AN SGGR for time analysis in 500 - 1000 channels in the J*nvest igat. ion i of neutron spectra, for two-dimensional amplitude-time and anplitudc-a:7,pii4tude ana- lysis, and for pulse-height analysis with 100 - 200 channels. 'The main units of the systen are: the input units (amplitude and time analyters) which transform the in- formation received by them into a digital code that determines the address of the memory cell; the- memory unit (magneti~5. cReFa~iye memory of. the "Minsk-l") for storage :of the codes; the control unit, which scans the input units in sequence and extracts ,the numbers from the memory; output unit for the readout of the numbers from the I memory to the printer unitj, perforator, or cathode ray tube screen; movable control Idesk for remote control of the input, blocks. The input plocks of the system can oper-'. I ~Card-3/2 uDc: 681.142.4 ACC NRi AR6035374 ete independently in the following raodes: operation, observation, verification, and erasure. The technical characteristics of the system are as follows: m=ber of channels 2D48; channel capacity 218; number of input units 6; inquiry period 5 psec; and maxim= registration frequejwy 12 000 pulses/see. 10 Illustrations. Bfbllcgragiy~ 11 titles. V. Zh. (Translation of abstract) SUB CODE: 09 Card 2/2 TOROFAM, M. M.; SAMUSOV, D. S.; NIKANOROV, A, . Morphological pulmonary changes and the surgical technic for [cases of] foreign bodies of several years duration. Khirurgiia 38 no.5:28-33 My 162. (MIRA 15W 1. Is 2-go khirurgicheakogo otdeleniya, (zav. - kwAidat, medi- tsinakikh nauk M. M. Voropayev) i otdola patologicheskoy anatomii (zav. - doktor maditainakikh nauk. D. S. Sarkisov" Instituta khirurgii imeni A. V. Vishnevokogo Wir. - daystvitelinyy chlen AM SSSR prof. A. A. Vishnevskly) AMN SSSR. (LUNrft9--FORF,IGN BODIES) SHITIKOV, L.ItLIJI-KANGROV, AJI, Concerning the possibility of using high-pressure gas for displacing oil in the Khayan-Kort field. Neft. khoz, 40 no.4:35-41 Ap 162. (MIRA 15:5) (CaucaBus, Northern--Oil fields.-Production methods) NIT,ANCRn-V A.M. Underground wat~7s rf the Fbvalynll~m and K~-zzz,~,-r sedimen.!~ cf eastern Cisc,-ui, !~ ~ - Tzvovys. ucYiph. mv. ; nef " i gar. ~ nr,.5:9-14 t(3 (MIRA 17:71 I. G-r(- zn ona, ~, 1 y n a f ,~ y :'_-i s t i tu t . TAFWIUKHA, Yu.K.; NIKANOROV, A.M. Prine..'pals of paleogecthermal InvestigatIcns. zv. vy:3. ucheb. zav.; neft' i gaz 6 no.?:3-4 163, (MlRA 17:8) 1. Groznenskiy neftyanoy institlit. NIKANOROV, A.M.; TARANUKHA, Yu.K. Hydrochemical types and factors influencinz fo=p--ion of the chemical composition of the waLers of the Khvalyriian sec~ments in eastern Ciscaucasia. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; neft' i gaz 6 no.10: 3-5 163- (MIRA 17:3) 1. Groznenskiy neftyanoy institut. KOSACHEV, A.N. Three cases of fibroma of the maxillary sinus. Stomatologiia 42 no.20.103-104 Mr-AP163 (MIRA 170) 1. Tz kafedry khirurgicheakoy stmatologil ( zaveduyualiddy A.M.Nikandrov) (hskogo meditsinskogo institutaimeni IM.I. Kalinina. NIKANOROV, A.M. Certain now data on the diecharge of watern cf thr- Meso2rlr! sediments in the region of the Buzginakiy upllft, of the buried F 'nsk Range. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; neft' i gaz 7 no.l: 4211,8 164. (M]FA 17:6) 1. Groznenskiy neftyanoy '-nsLitu*,. , ZY j 07 r,_~, T ,hPANUMA Y,,i K. ; N [!.I' M,~Wl I I 6ome proulems th, 3' Watef 0 C If Lt~e Hel '-:nertS ~;f eaa Lcrn _i-- cat, cas i a. z y9. zav. nqfil i jaz I rc.F:33, 38 164. I v. v, r o z n e r. sye NIKANOROV, A,M.; VLA30VA, 3.P. - -I,,---- Ge. 3therma I f of -,he : 1- o- --) e 9 &r4 :)' Ciscaucas!i~L. izv. ucnt7'-, z4".; -- gazz ' 11.1.~,, .- --.. 23-26 16,4. - , 1. Groznensi(y reft~4ay N.K. No- p NIIANOROVI A.M. Underground vatere of the Akchagy-11 stage in eastern Ciscaucasia. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; neft' i gas. 8 no.5tl7-20 165. (MRA 180) 1. Groznenskiy neftyanoy inatttut. NIKANOROV, A.K., tekhnik Portable device for checking relay protection apparatus. Pron. energ. 17 no.S-.8-10 Ag 162, 04L1 16 ;-.4 (Electric relayo-Testing) NlWalOVO A.N.9 tekhnik Device for waauring aM ragulating to"sperature in tranaformor drying operations. Mergetik 11 no.Wl-23 Je 163. (Electric transformers--Drying) (MMA 16:7) HEMOROV, A. S. - I Generations-amd tyiWo -5'f in uBtrial mwcovite. Inform. abor. VSz(ZI no.9t67-76 159. OCIRA 1,3:12) (Mascrovtte) ,- NIEANOROV. A. S. - Relatlowhip between biotltes and mecovites in micabearing pegmtltes. Inform. sbor. TS=I no.9:77-83 159. (KM 13:12) (Biotite) (Hascovite) (Pegmatites) IUKANMWV9. A.S. "-~~irfs~rent ege of mica-bearing pegmatites in Mama-Chuya District. Inform. abor. VSEGZI nos 20:29-34 159. (KMA 14:1) (MM-clup District-Pegmtites) NIKANOROV. A.S. Mica-bearing peg7atites in the zone of abtmdant injections in Chuya District. Mat. VSEGEI. 0b. ser. no.29:83-99 160. (MIRA 14:7) (Chuya District----%-u,,) (Chuya District-Pegmatites, NIKANOROV, A.S. Some defects of muscovite crystals. Zap.Vsps.min.ob-va 90 no.4: 391-399 '61. (MIRA 11.4:9) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-isslpdovatel'skiy geologicheskiy institut NSEGEI), Leningrad. (Muscovite crfstals--Defects)