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KIRILLOV, A.A.; NIXIFOROV, le.G. Conference of research workers from Arctic observatories. Arkt. i Antarkt. no.12s139-141. 163. (Arctic regions) Probl. (MIRA 160) Sele,~-.,on of ra~lirna-' ~,r me a su-, 4~n R Clk epun -~ I NIKIFOROV, Ye.G. Nonstationary phenomena Ln baroclinic seas and tne problem of currant foracasting. Okeanologiia 4 no.59914 ?64 (MTRA 18ti) GUDKOVICH, Z.M.; NIKIFCROV, Ye.G. Model study of the nature of water ciroulation of the Arctic Basin. Oceanologiia 5 no.103-83 165. (MIFLA 18 t4) 1. Arktiahaskiy i Antarktichaskiy nauchno-isaledovatel'skiy institut, GUDKOVICH, Z.M.- NIKIFOROV Ye.G. Some important characteristics of the formation of water density anomalies and their effects on ice and hydrologic conditions in the Arctic basin and bordening seas. Okeanologiia 5 no.2v250-260 165. (MIRA l8s6) 1. Arkticheskiy i Antarkticheskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut. f! 'Golt- CC W. 6213/66/06/001 s a Tool 19076i ~'l 4_1 AMOK: H -ORG- sea (&*tlcheikb 1. Ant ti ns Y.: -kh theisk Y- astern pdrt~ uthe, f eavo ya I ,TOPIC:; TAGS:.', -sea'm er~._qxean -cur"A--; - 6ci", At iroperty ide~tifi' d: itaifetce j OR e deep 'd* W 'in, AW" dy d- L ttom:'W tu 1'943' and =a e An nVel ous_~cm t*,,q e'47,'bf.,'Jf, 6 mom and - others ave reveale d d t (1446 A Ypv~. .''siater pe. V. -,a d ~~Trdshn dv~U9594--and hd ies, Mi" ated.'Atret q.~ -4ter" c- aract4prid _-ahd:e_st Us ed tht ~_eidstl ence 9 _.. - - .;~ _o I . a~l '~~ ~- ~- '"' - 4-:4i A L-t and -A wid hat A!W t lc` 000 Y_~Fla p_: *t ...t. he.e-- --ilie"lidfid Orean atigin; 2 fig olf 'G~' 064 ~11*:Arqt d; b" ats 04 ...... P_ of,"Im"An, It t- J NIKIFOROV, Te.l. (Sverdlovsk). Diagnosis of gastric calculi. i rad. 32 no.1:83-85 Ja-y 157. NLRA 10:6) (STOKAGH, calculi diag.) i yc m YAKSIXOV, Vasiliy Kikhaylovich, dotaent, kand.geologo-miner.nauk: ASATUH, X.G., dotsent, kand.takhn.nauk, DAVIDOVICH, V.I., dotsent, knnd. tekhn.nauk; ALBUL, S.F.. kiind.goologo-miner.nauk; PAUKRR, N.,;.. inzh.-,-,idrogeolog; OSTRMOV, B.P., -4drotekhnik; ZAYTS-n, I.K.. doktor goologo-riiner.nauk; TOLSTIKHIN, N.I., prof., doktor geologo- mineral.nauk; RSZNIKOV, A.A., kand.Ichim.nauk, starnhiy nauc?inyy sotrudnik; MERSHALOY, A.F., assistent; VOROTYNTS-ZV, V.T.. dotsent. kand.tekhn.nauk; MARKOV, I.A., dotsent, kand.geologo-miner.nnuk; IS, Ye.Ye., dotsent. kand.goologo-miner.nauk; KHITROV, I.N., inzh.-geolog; BOROVITSK17, V.P., kand..veologo-miner.nsuk; RAVDCKIKAS, O.T., kand.geologo-miner.nauk; ORIN, i K., kand.geologo-miner.nauk; BASKOV, Ye.A., lnzh.-,,,ldrogeolog; NOVOZHILOV, V.N., dotnent. kand. goologo-miner.nauk; PEKELINYY, I.S., inzh.-gidrogeolog; NEVU 'SifTEYN, Tn.G., inzh.-gidrogeolog; BOSKIS, S.G., inzh.-gidrotekhnik, NIKIFOROV, XR,.K,,-inzh.-gidrogeolog; GATAL'SKIY, M.A., prof., doktor -eologo- miner.nank, nauchnyy red.; DOIYLATOV, P.S., vedushchiy red.; GEN.- NAD'YEVA, I.M., (4drologist's handbook] Spravochnoe r,,kovodBtvo g1drogeolopra. Leningrad, Goe.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo neft. I gorno-toplivnoi lit-ry. Leningr.otd-nie, 1959. 8)6 p. (MlaA 12:4) 1. Vsesoyuznyy geologichaskiy anuchno-issledovatel'skiy institut (for Reznikov). ~Rydrology) ',n-J. NiKYOROV9 Sv a I ui, t. on of -1n-f i uerce of the f.-j rl',.' Of Ito r s'- -,n vi bra ~' ', r, ; and finltene93 )' 3h-p length on the ,&Ice nf the inertla .,n,)m(-.n*6 :~f an added Ilquil masq. 30 no.!!: 16-18 N 164. (f~-RA 9 1, AUTHOR: Nikiforov, Ye.P., Eng`neer TITLE: Control of Ice and Ho;ir,".-ost Formini- on '_':ibles of Electric TrLinsmilolsion 'Lines (Golo'Led I i--moroz, na provodakh. liniy elektropepeclachi i bor'ba s nimi) PERIODICAL: Energetik, 1951), Nr 'I, p-! M;SR) ABSTRACT: The author describes th, ce formatio n on cabli~s of electric power tr;;nomission lines and a-naiyzes the factors causing ills fo.L-m~,tion, such a s vcloci~y of wind, tempurature, air humidity, and diameter of cjble. The USSR is divided into four ice-for minc- regions, de- pending on the thickness of ice shell formed around the cable, 1,e.: I - reCion with ice shell u,- to 0,`. cm; II - up to 1 cm; III - up to 1.5 - (-,-n; IV - up to cm. Also, tl~ert_. arx~ regions in USSR havin., ice for- mations above 2 cm. In c.':enpral, tl-ie ice formatlons ~iG not exceed 4-5 kg/m. however, in s,.,mf? reFi,)n:; they Ire UP to 50 k-/m, e.g.: Beshtau Mountain 0 in The Card 112 most efficient way to control ice for mations i3 by the S C V / ~~ I - 7-1,1122 Control of Ice and Hoa--frost Fo.-m~n~ on D.' e c Transmission Line s use of an t~lectric curren'- to i%elt 'I~e ice The fol- lowing basic methods are used to obtain necessary cur- rents for rnelting: 1) short-circuit; :~) revei, '- i n -,7'.3 f -') redis; " . -utio of loa-11 an,.' phase connections; , r ~ ',- n change of the network, connectJons; 4) tne connection of additional e.m..f. in series with the h,~ated cable; 5) a reactor circuit. Among oth,:r 7iet',;ods, th-~., author mentions mechanical means, still in use in soime power systems, and the pL-eventive coating -;;ith hydro,,-.,obic _,rams and C) circ'.iit,_-_ components. There are 6 diag I Card 212 IZRAILEV, R.A.,, iwLh.; NIKMROVt U.P., inahs lAwice for signallng the appmmance of ice cruat on electric pw,or tranazdasion lines. Enargetik 9 no.9:6-9 S 161. (MIRA 14:9) (Electric lin83--Overhead) NIKIFCROV, Ye.P., inzh. Zffect of an &.c. field on the weight of sleet accumulation on overhead electric power transmission lines. Elektrichest,,-o no.6:52-57 je 62. WRA 15: 6) 1. Vaesoyuznyy naucbno-iseledovatellskiy inBtitut elaktroenergetiki. (Electric lines-Overhead) NIKIFOROV, Ye.P., Inzh, Effect of the height of overhead p(.wer transmission lines on the weight of the ice crust. Elek. sta. 33 no.4162-66 Ap 'o2. (MIRA 150) (Electric lines--Overhead) IZRA.ILEVY R.A., inzh.; NIKIFOROV, Ye.P., inzh.; IGLITSYN, I.L., red.; PAVLOVA, T. I., tekhn. red. (Distamme-tqpe device for signalin ice crust formation or. overhead power transmission linea.1 Distantsionnyi signaliza- tor gololeda na liniiak elektroperedachi Moskva, Gosenargoiz- dat, 1960. 26 p. (Moscow. Vsesoiuznyi nauchno-iseledovatell- skii institut elektroenerg-et.1ki. InformatBionr- materialy, no.48) (KMA 16i8) NIKIFOROV, Ye.P., inzh. Effect of the twisting of a wire on the weight of thn ice crust formation. Trudy VNIIN no.l5s220-227 163. (MIRA 161l2) NIKIF( ".C~ Ia, Ye."-. , -~r ~;. . , -, ~ts- . . , " -,- - * : ... -, ~ ;' , I " --. ? - 1.11~ ::- : , '~' ~ - , I- -'- . - f. -i , -- -,7 r-: . ~-. ~ f : . . I - - - I -, I "_ . .,w . rp s . T T- ~ -.- , " . , ;.( .. : . , _ SOLOVIYEVO MI. ZUKHOVITSKIY, M.; NIKIFOROV,__Xu_,, aspirant Iarge panels made of foamed polystyrene. Na, stroi,Roo. no.4:26-27 Ap 161. (MIRA 14:6) 1. Leningradskiy nauchno-isoledovateltakiy institut polimeri- zatsionnykh plastmass (for Solovlvev). Nacbaltnik laboratoril Domostroitellnogo kombinata, No.l.-.C;lavleningradstroya (for Zukhovitakiy). 3. Leningradskiy inzhenerno-OtroitelInyy institut (for Nikiforov). (Plastics) S/1'~7/62/GCO /CC 5/G. -1 /150 A006/A 10 1 Amfop's: -,Nikiforov, Yu. A., Ponomarev, V, D. T17-E: ~.!n the interaction of ca.1cium oxide with sulfurous anhy-~r!de at elevated te.-nperatures PE7310D'CAL: Referat!vnyy zh-,irnal . 'Xpta: 'urglya, no. a:--.,;tra,t ')A-i ("lzv. AN Kazf3SR, Ser. metallurgii, obogashch. i poll. no. 3 ('12), 27-14, Kaz. sumimary) T7",7, For the p-.;r-,)03t- Of -,r--)CeSSeS Of MPta'. f~ztract',-'r. f'rc.m which are formed durIng the pyrometaliurgict' processing off su.-de 'I'lian" '~j concentrates, the authors invest1gated Interaction of Ca-) at ',00 - ' -- w I " ~-- sulfurous anhydr1de, at (".5 - concentration of the intter I:i gas. -nlt'ai Materials were CaO of -2+1 mm ~;Ize, and gas obtained by mlxlrW, purifl,,-d argoli with SC, The experinents were made witt-, Pg-batches ;)11acpd In a tubular f'urnn(:(! on the grid of a 0quartz reaction tube, A beginning lnteracti~jn )f' CaO with wan noted at 100 C. An Intensive increase of the proces:-, rate wa:, -'-~~,eiwpd on-Y at > 4000C. 502 contained In the gas incroaso!3 the degree cf CaO trannCormatloi,. The necessary duration of the contact Is 5 - 15 minutes under 1pboratory Card 112 3/i-J,7/62/006/005/010/150 On the interaction of calcium ... A006/A,,,',l conditions; during this time 8019 of the theoretically permissible .'~ amount are reacting. Gas humidity at 21000C does not affect the degree of Interaction between S02 and CaO. T- Kolesnikova Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 212 NIKIFOR~ .~. PONOMAREV, V,D. Interaction of rhenium heptaxidp with calciim oy.lde ir, -,~-;e presence of sulfurouB anhydride. Trudy Inst. met. I obog. AN Kazakh. SSR 6-51-54 163. (MIRA 16~10) MENZHULIN, Yu.N.; N:KIFOROV, Yu.A.; SHABDENOV, B.A.; pONUVAREVA, Ye.I. Alkali processing of flue dust. Trud-T InEt.met.i obog. "I' K-azakh. SER 11:145-149 164. (MIRA 18:4) 141KIFOROV, Yu.A.; SHABDENOV, B.A. Decomposition of inltum phosphata In caustic ecda aolutioni3. S Inst. met. I obog. All Kazakh. SLR 12.23-25 165- (MIRA 18-10) SAZOIIOT. AnatolAy Yefinovich; HIKIFCROT, Tu.F., inzh.. spetared.; DENISOV, X.N.. inzb-. red.izd-va; XOTLTIFC)rA#- G.I.. takhn,red. (Electronic digital coqmters and their use on ocean-going vessels] Zlektronnye taifrovye vychislitellnyo mashiny i ikh ispollsovanis na morskikh sudakh. Leningrad. Izd-vo 9(orokoi transport," 1960. 107 p. OGRA 1):5) (Electronic digital corMiters) (Electronics in navigation) - ..-I I II ? C-~' tr, ~ N 1 " 66 2 i~ ~ ~ ~a-653�3 136 D 2=~VO23 ~NN uployA16611bdbl&~Ii6 !AUTHOR: Nikiforov, Yu. F.; Filippay, Yu. M. 71TLE: D-ere- "'o*f dimensions of the range and bearing strobes in the case of :automatic operation of a radar station with a digital computer SOURCE: Ref. zh. VodrWy transport, Abs. 9V166 REF SOURCE: Sb. Vychisl- tekhn. na morsic. transp. M., Transport, 1966, 62-66 iTOPIC TAGS: navigation radar, digital computer, gate signal 'ABSTRACT: During automatic tracking of the target with the aid of circular-scan radar, an increase in the strobe dimension leads to an increase in the probability of obtain- ing the vessel and simultaneously to an increase in the probability of a false signal, and also to a decrease of the resolution of the radar. To increase the probability of correct observation of the target, the strobe should include both the last determined point and the extrapolated point. The dimensions of the strobe are determined by the semi-axis of the overall error ellipse of the measurements, equal to the sum of the measurement-error ellipses between the point of the last observation and the extrapo- lated point during one revolution of the antenna. After choosing the coordinate Sys- tem,'ohe ~~ecords'the measurement-error tensor (ellipse) in the form of a matrix, in which- UJ' !7 b~iHFAia of the last determined point still remain unknown, and the semi- ~axes of the error ell1pses remain constant. We calculate the values of the major and Iminor semi-axes of-the error e1lipse, characterizing the position and dimensions of the 2 UDC: 621.396-969-3: 347-799 AR6035393 t;trobe relative to the last determination of the ship initial and final limits in bearing, the initial and of added error ellipses, and the length of the radius 'Lative motione 1 illustration. Bibliography, 2 titles. abstract] position. We then determine the final limits in range,, the nunbar vector in the direction of re- V. Makarov [Translation of CODE: 09 1 17 NIKIFOROV, Yu.L. --- Cytochemistry of nucleic acids in the process of the development of archesporial cells of the cotton plant anther. Izv. AN Turk. SSR. Ser; biol. 4&uk no.6:7-17 161. 0-1111A 15:1) 1. Institut botaniki AN Turlaaenskoy SSR. (NUGUIC AC1DG) (PLOT GELIZ AND TISSUIZ) (COTTOV) NIKIFOROV, YU. L. Dissertation defended in the BotanicbLl Institute Imeni V. L. Konarorv for the academic degree of Candidate of Biological Sciences: "Several Cytochemical Characteristics of the Development of the Cotton Pollen Grain." Vestnik Akad Nauk No. 4, 1963, pp. 119-145 NIKIFOROV, Yu.L. Significance of the Intermediat-n layer In the ;Lntber of plant. Izv. AN Turk. SSR.Ser. biol. nauk no.2:6.1--65 162. (MIPLA - -. -' 1. Institut botaniki AN Turkmen3koy SSR. NIKIFOROV, Yu.L. Cell differentiation as a key problem of cytology. Izv. AN Turk. SSR. Ser. biol. nauk no.3:18-26 '~,3. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Institut botaniki AN T-urkmenakcry SSE. NIEFOROV, vlu,!.., N~-, Concernlmg M.I. -; 7 .- '705-706 N--E ;o3. . !I: 1~ .. ILL, i . ..I . I I LF, . ... r,;.Mp - ' I ' "' - I , rit of .., : , i -,. . 1. 7. . - : - ~.- , ,.. . . .[~ j !, L t u 1, : - "M. " ~ NIKIPOROV, Tu.N., agronom High pea yields gn the Il'ich Collective Farm. Zemledelie r' no.1:81-82 Ja 60. (MIRA 13:4) l.Kolkhoz imenl Il'icha, Ibrasinskogo rayona, Chuvashskoy ASSR. (Ibreal District--Pens) NIKIFOROV, Yu.. N., inzh. Motorboat for kimAteur boatbuilding. Sudostroenie 28 no.10: 31-34 0 '62. (MBU 16: 1) (Boatbuilding) (Motorboats) NIKIFUROV, Yu.N.,, mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik Automatic correlator. Nauch.-issl. trudy TSKIILV 16:138-150 162. (MIRA 16:10) inzhener, laureat Stalinskoy premii; ROMASHINA. N.F., -V'! ~zWener. Comparative tests for wood glues. TrudY TSNIS KM no-9:130-135 '53. (KLRA 8:1) (Adhesives) (Woodwork) NIKIFOROV, Yu.N., inzhener, laureat Stalinskoj premii. Investigation of mec),.anical methods of gluing dc,,- n c T ~ce ~.'e e6. Inidy TSN'IS MPS no-9:136-151 '53. INLFU :1:11 ) (Glulng) (Woodwork) POPOV, K.A., professor; , inzhener, laureat Stalinskoy premli; TIMOMEVA, O.G. Inventigation of a method of deep Impregnation of wooden boards by means of a preliminary injection. Trudy TSHIS MPS no.9:154-164 '53, (Wood--Preservation) (MLRL 8:1) I!!", " - ,inzhener, laureat Stalinskoy premil, Gluing wood impregnated with water and oil repellents. Trady TSNIS MPS no.9:165-174 153. (MA 811) (Gluing) (Woodwork) , inzhener. laureat Stalinskoy premli-, SOKOLOVA, T.Ye., inzhener. Gluing metal to wood impregnated with an oil repellent. Trudy TWIS HM no.9:175-178 153. (KM 9:1) (Gluing) (Woodwork) NIKIFOROV, Yuriy Nilcolayevich. kandidat tokhnicheakikh nauk; KALTHICH. UYXASHEY, A.A., lazhener. re"k.tor, BOBROVA. Ye.N.. tekhnicheakiy redaktor [Tsc~uiology of woodworking] Takhnologtia obrabotki drevesiny. Koiskva, Goo. transp. zhal-dor. izd-vo, 1956. 243 P. (MLRA 10:3) (Woodwork) 11 "I I ~ U A , ,, .1 11 NIKIIFOROV, Yu.N.; RORASHIMA. N.Y.: KIRAKOSYAN, A.K. -- -- ------ Experience using glued girders. Put' i put. khoz. no.7:9 JI '57. (Girders) (mlaiL 10:8) BELOZEROVA, Anastasiya Sergeyevna; MRYUK, Vvft Martynovich; GODILO, Petr VUrtorovich; ZUBABEV, Georgiy HikolWevich; KOVALICHUK, Leonid Mikhaylovich; KSYUNINA, Nita Grigorlyevnai NIKIFORQV, Yuriy Nikolayevich; -PARINI, Yevgehiy Pavlovich; PATUWYEV Va-enly -Vasillyevich; PETYCY,Igorl Stepanovich; CHERHYY, ipris Grigorlyevich; GUEENKO, A.B., daktor tekhn. nauk, red.; SAKHAROVO M.D., red.; MAKSAKOVAt A.M., red.lzd-va; GRECHISHCHEVA, V.I., tekhn. red. (Glued wooden elements and techniques for their manufacture] Kleenye dereviannye konstraktaii i tekhnologiia ikh isgotovleniia. (By] A.S.Bolozerova. i dr. Moskva, Goslesbumisdat, 1962. 180 p. (MIRA 16:5) (Gluing) Ij -N.Jkolayervich; 14ALYNICH,Vyacheslav losifovich; DURANIN, S.I., inzh., retsenzent; BRAYLOVSKIY, N.G., inzh., red.; NIEDVEDEVA, H.A., tekhn. red. (Technology of wood processing) Tekhnologiia obrabotki drevesiny. 2. izd. Moskva, Transzheldorizdat, 1962. 215 p. (MIRA 15:5) (Woodwork) (Rail-roads-C&rs) BARAKS, Aleksandr Markovich; 4i-KIFOROV, Yuriy Nikolayevich; POPOV., YOU K.A., prof., retsenzent; F.-NIN, G.P., inzh., red. (Deep impregnAtion of wood by the use of incisions] Glu- bokaia propitka dreveciny putem primenenlia nakolov. Mo- ,jkvt,, Izd-vo "Loannia proTn,,-shlnnnostl," 1961- 155 p. (Mili-A 17:5) Ui i I C) c fuir~. t: pr,- AO L t t T.,311 I ILV) s iy 'nst'l, t ~li I v i XOGANI L.S.; NIJKIFOROV, Yu.V. Effect of some factors on results of testing cements in auto- claves. Trudy Giprotsement no.24:3-13 162. (MIRA 16:4) (Cement-Testing) (Autoclaves) KOGAN, L.S.; NIKIFOROV, Yu.V. Problem f the permissible magnesium oxide content in portland cement olinker. Trudy Giprotsement no.2700-106 163. (MIRA 17t12) KOGAN, L.S.P kand.tekhn.nauk (dece-ed]; NIKIFCIROV, Yu.V., lnzh. Specifications for the manufacture of portland cement with -acreased magnesium oxide content. TSement 31 no.2:9-11 ja-F '~~5 ~MiRA 18:4) 1. Gosrudarstvennyy vse:3oyuznyy irwttu'~ po ~~roy,!'Ktirovilniyu 1 nauchno-issledovat.ell5kim rabot,,u% tserentn~~y iromyshlennosti. A 9655B AUTHOR: Nikifo - L -rO-VL _YU_-_V _. -TITLE: A],-,orithm for the processing of radar information and analysis of the possibil-~ !ity of colving the problem of drift of ships in a sea ~SOURCE: Ref. zh. VodxW transport, Abs. 9VI65 :REP SOURCE: Sb. Vychisl. tekh. na. morsk. transp. M., Transport, 1966, 53-62 !TOPIC TAGS: algorithm, navigation radar, ship navigation, computer coding, gate signal, i,maan square error I ABSTRACT: In automatic detection and coversion of the incoming navigational informa- tion into digital code, use is made of mathematical manipulation that increases the accuracy and reliability of the inserted information. The entire information is di- vided into measurement groups, in which the range, bearing, and time are averaged In accordance with a sequential-calculation formula which is suitable for the digital comi, puter. After the format-ion of the group is finished, the mean-square range and bearing errors are determined and used to obtain the distance of the shortest approach with specified accuracy and reliability. An analysis of the possibility of solving the problem is then made, the elements of ship motion are calculated, and the actual shortest distance is calculated from the increments of the differences in the bearinp and of the running values of the range. The program of the obtained algorithm mak a it possible to analyze the presence of a ship in the gate with visual indication, pro.- C.,d 1/2 uDc: 621.396.969-3: 347-799 ACC NRI AR6035392 cesa the radar information, and calculate the relative course and elements of approad The synchronization of the operation of the radar - navigational computer system pro- ceeds In a programmed manner: the algorithm for the processing of the initial inform tion is executed in the form of a standard program; provision is made in the tracking system to permit readout of the numbers from the circuit which carries out the ship- target gating in bearingp by assign' to the circuit a definite address In the can- verter block. BibliograPhYs 3 titles* V. Makarov. [Translation of abstrut] 60 COM 090 17 LIPOVSKIY, M., kand.tekhn.nauk; HIKIFOROV, Yu.Ye., inzh., SPIVAKOV, M.S., Inzb. For further lowering of the weight and construction coEts of apart-ent houses. Biul.tokh.inform. 5 no.1:6-8 Ja 159. (Miph 12:1,.) (Pro-cast concrete) - NIKIFOROVv Y inzh.; SOLOVIYEV, Mikhail Ivarovichl ZUKHOVITS- IY, Moisey Yefimovich; KCMAROVSKIY, M.F., red.; GVIRTS, V.L., red. izd-va (Using foamed polystyrene to insulate exterior wall panels) Opyt primeneniia penopolistirola v kachestve ute litelis, naruzbnykh stenovykh panelei. Leningradt 1961, 14 P. Reningradskii Dom naucbno- tekhnicheskoi propagandy. Obmen peredovym opytom. Seriia: Stroitellnaia promyeblennost', no.9) (MIU 14:7) (Insulation (Heat)) (Concrete walls) (Styrene) NIKIFOROV, Yu. Ye., Cand. Tech. Sci. (diss) "Inves~1-1-ation of Assembly Method of Manufacture of Three-layer ReIr.forced C_crete Wall Panels," Leninrad, 1961, 17 up (Acad. Con2truc. and Arct,,itec. U33R, Lenin~gad Branch) 20i') copies (KL Supp 12-61, "71). GAY SANTYUK, Vasjjjy Fedorovich, A ijOVSKi-Y , 1: lad i - YEROPEYEV, Valentin Ivar:ovich, LIIU~qRPV, Yuriy Yef1iflovi-h, [Improvement in the prepa~-atian ano pan - ;!* Kockir,~,,K` el Duildings; practico- Construction Combine in ~nta shensUovfinle proizvod~;t-,% zdanilij; q7t raboty nata v g. Krasno i ar ske t r i J 1. Moscow. Nauchno-is-- -,-A*-~~, '-,~.,Iy inot mekhanlzatsii i tekhnici.t,~./.,,,, ior,,.ohchi TSentrallnoye byuro tell nachallnika Glavn,q- grazhdanskomu stroitellstv.. Abovskiy). 3. Glavilyy nogo kombinata v wor-ode K-,-a~,. a:6ku 4. Nachal Ini) Korkinskogo a tt,~ rorode Krasnoyargke (fc,r poli tekhnicheskiy in~ t ~ i--,t i NIKHOROV-DUISOV.9. 1 -1 We =at train thougmuds of now athletes. Prof.-tekh. obr. 12 no.5:24-25 MY '55. (MA 8:8) 1. Zamestitall prodsedatelya ?Sentral'nQgo soveta dobrovollnogo spartlynogo obahchastva "Trudoy"s rezerwyO (Physical e&cation and training) do, tent. NIXIi t" 'im ornfessor tennlcri,al and hi-t - -a n"racteristice of t me - t' - n f rNrturpd bone and it., - ' to the introduction -f an ir,~M- -ned-.'.'pT7r rod Tade of SL~'.-T ~:'ainlpes steel. Ortoo .' rwr- I e2 1~ !IC Le -lR ~tv-Je I Z I K 'nIKI roaDitalInvy rrti (1.~,.tav. - dntsoril P-A ? tologi i ( 7e A Alikiforova ) Oms~ n i I t-ta Im. M. 11-. - dots. A.N.Yuf1Ynevj %f;t'- suri-. rea-tIon of b-).~, tc bolt from stair'less 3 - I y-- r c 'J'Isl: Mdlcrt' I ~-s L,-! t" . Morphol-DI-Jcal Cha.-.L,-C~s Ccrobin-1. C-r-:: by tho .',ctl ;2, r:~f ~-',-.:.oxi~lc Und,r rature J. !'uL' Tr. n.. ulh 21, 20-1, 2C), N-- pt~r i i A-: t!,i wu n: -rvri e-', .,,ut ra, s f - r 2 r.o..ths t,, f !ii~;h J.! s (32- 35' C) f-,r -,r: -.('3 -f' `.','.~rg/24 !.ours (th~ first ~~r-,up); t , pc'! s -I.., -'- --Y il. '."Z; 'f 1.2-2-2 nt -A ',"- -X 18-2)' f--r :f' 30 daily (tile --r-u!)); t"- cffk-':!~ - f i.. So z 1 1/3 V-48 WSR/Phar,.iacology Cuid Toxiccl,)LY. Toxicoloa. Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., TV, 19, 1958, 90012. 32-350C for 30 Llil'Wteo daily (the third Group) - The expc.-riments were carried out at intervals Of 1-2 days. IlistoloGical investigations of the brain of the animls of the first group showed hyperemia of the vascular cerebral meribranes and of t:IC W',IitL and gray cerebral imLtcr; in the secoi,a ~,roup, looseninG Of the pia un-Ler m-id an inemasc , ' ,ts strata of cormcct~.,.-~- t ssue; a rartifica-,.,-: (if the capillary )ctwc)r!. a.-id Ei-InIl :ier..orrhaCes a Zjie deep Laycra; chaaGcs -i the foni uf the py;~aiL-ds; in the cLrebral rjatz~.:r and now a:-.d theiz, of nL:uroi,qjha,--a. In ~~..c third group, -- :ior,~ i'.tenscly mnifested vascular rcaction iii the -,-a iztL-:7 ---id in all the cerubm). Layurs; a lcucocytic S '~trnt-i ~,n Card 2/3 SINIFOROVA,A. -1. -1111.1, ~ ~ . - , - I . Factory broadcasts in the effort for technical progress. Radio no.7:12 Jl'55. (KLRA 8:10) 1. Redaktor zavodokoy radioinformetaii zavoda "Dinamol (Radio) A 00 KIM 7 "4611 -1 .1 .1.161F .1 Itizillworced NAticauird. A',anv?o I It.W.4 I NOf 5 JIM; , lor 44.4 . Arww'W" Preakork NK All, Kamer (Asmaloot ( Eekkgooof. # (Ngdoiltsaps, Ill,041loodlim I$ A:ksm. Roftral. Zkoor. 19W, N'.. ms K & 3 V-An. Of ZILVA), 4 IM11,4 I pit 4 0 lu CA, twath warip jaw .,vo*# sea p 'MI IN' , It It I Wil 0 It It A 008 ::;1 adlill. 4 mts. atut utolfg. twigul u Got Ns J.6- m 2.7-umphthatoramt6ultuoullor t 1WS1 temlits. nw purity of tile CkIct"Ayl ant for "bright" Pule. **a rbftv typors of ft 1kl vumook~ w"v: Zti At --41.5%) 1%len 'I"11 Z" .111' l1w 011111 00, 0 , ... ipytd- ", ll vcv umt e wxk=-= IWO VU di; 0 #i it it 0 0 0 0 0 Fee". o" xt 7 .". ' t , % 7 -.1 N., ~'. fl. tin P,n- ('Amraw . 00 vol"I M, 4, 71k 494. awl N ' t % &.10 1, 1 ujjj..j,, , .1 .1 I tW V11" t. 1-1 llawwottd. thiawsm SItIve go* 0, + lig (^41.3%) I-It" L 0 goo 1 logo I.00 200 -09 fw 0 or a I III Ill a -8 VA 0 0 see 00 0 le ~ i o 0 *so * *so 0 0 07000-0 -Ott wooo or - 4 -00 00 *64,444p%vo, 1. OA it 6" lkv i4f4s) XAL a t-S ..r, I -'Ion lie I paA__"A!9 0 09m, 00 00.6 Ox -00 slect,091,11 Wo W, wd A N r KU41 f", 06 *gal A4" 01 54 id 'n i age nS ~btuizeed by 11COrPOIst thk,,1isdf0nMT a 00 2.7_Ga0 ZOO Zoe zoo 000 :1 see 1 49 44V Get 4414dej Wit 411441, i64 4.. u a to to al', 99 It I a noa 0 0 1 IF a I a a a v j ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ! t a 4 00 00 000 0 so 0000*0000060000*00 4-er/,, but. *'. T, kudrT*tftv omd A. 4L Nikifame (Awymiyu o lAw'bo s Vd lCOM-AND 4101 MA F4& AfWAO 11). 100.71KI31). W421 NOWSM TCkA%4. Pmvs 01"vw Vpr*.rkn" XNAP. K TaAmot o OrpuLamm"i Prou-co"to. IlN., .k.fcrui Bar- 190. (21. 98; C. Aim.. 1942. AC Woll.- (in ku-auj K. atid.V wk-ct-rd 4 JIN-solutoom of U80, + -t p. 41,04-3, both tormpl-mitwe >25' C.. catboik ed. 31-7, starag Willi rc,mprrdmd &a. The voccu of fan addakes of od UXWPS-Iil .rwu were Lovestigated. Na 2v& or 2:7 =&C &w thm>. !re- gave lwan msulta. I-bo panty at Lbm~ ekeWvte is very itapoguat fix hnight - plate. Thnv trwo a( sxkK�*4 wome tr*d; the best Wave Zn - A, -u I'm brigbt*n duD &We dolwmL. dil, tk~ru mi.- Otis 1150 M1, lit; ."t itrso, , A I I L A h Is A i I.- A At 1040' No 7, In, . I i I IS, 00 01 AW111; list nlailintne Uldfil "00 00 In ifetiossits, from acid Ckvirtaylem, with frulively [itch v _90 J. list Vtlf Aq-l. *list relatively "brfatill- dr1-41. I 1o liatil, Im Owl A.1ret. ... 4-10-1 '00 00 111 Ill /(,it Islas: jw~~W. A On, will. .40 4 'amil. , lentil I'm 4 11w ,%~lskl- 1., 111. -11-1, & 0 00 losillitud with (Cm.1so:- 11.4-rh%ifislyls, '66 00 pfopOpCdkp.znSO.7IlA)")S.l lipprox IN,.Ai,- as ISO.). 11111100 30 Ig.A., Na'FA), 1011t(Is N) IN, is I ~ 2.11 Of 2,7-C#Jf4(W)lNa)t 3 to A .,I , vellip . ",it hilthet that, 00 211", The pH Is 4.11, 4.6 anif the . if 3 9 it at '1111 ,:) a), still., The am) the so be lavulfullml Willi FAMI& hqvfol~ &.1,11111 them In sit. 1.11, 60 Dusluill silvelrAysis the elft-itolyte t- -tow"I --ill - --m lervinvil &k. This, hath -.ut #m it-d (,so pfisimS vm 'A'P.O. will) .10111,8r 00 AL. hm an.1 adher" Well to (he litims flivial 111110 Ill plate i-an be #01 3- 10 K%' Ill I'llghICaM by tfelliting It At 1011111 tOllp -In coomkint o(CrOm 111(land lg~111 Tbeswiifa~ 'be p"ta .1lbrij bias) acts 1~n triwiM in CsOp mdn 1w -ur, dull all" .1 4 'law. I"gral"I place fentstlft~ us, 1lLng"ts:vrn&flrF!,%dAv~ Illetwilghtmincandsticin "raw al the Commsin re-4*14tice o# /a plate treated Willi stir Cr(]~ ~dn, us aimbused to the paL,-iralm of the olffares by the frill"al front this ~uffssr 4 l1wilvithisil m of -v.l 1001. .1.411 farilitAls, o1 ti, N II.-no j .1, .1 .1 Is is 1w I is a 0 a 11 is 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1:00400000900410 0 *00* 00000000* 000 10 o3i 1 4. , 0 1, 17 to lf, is 1, r, ) W , I, a Is 1, is III IS Am UO it U 'L A, A A f Q I I I - 14 ~t A " A 411 0 cr - _ - 14g, pktb4 Itam IfUtalictit skttsulpteo N I k ... 1. 00 KWrasym I avtwv find A. A. NAdmovs, 1 d. C. A I&W. -The aWbW Pm' 4"(IM) ' No 2 -00 00 It , , , powd peadam Wkkt. dem ZO dePamill, quit& uti&tt(VT .00 o0 A In, industrw tm. The own to" 0 ace new 4 It9f 00 6 is the plemace of So in". The reuti" C&O Cd " a %n' %Ott- miclZet -00 o h..'alshly 14MIffminj "W 1*01 rTmAllf. Wert ObtaitWT, 14m Or- 4 III I A N ; 141 b .4 If, it VA N, K ON W: $ I. "I mic. 1. U1114ted I" kv 0 ~Wwn. ra a 0.1 1) W it /I'as itwo,IIIA. Vs, 114 and P', galu t"SYT-added with law reptalts, dithm"k clifelt 4 *0 te"i toe is ko tun IbAt of to, very ~Md 4111111POW", r, - *0 13 mil when ba4b So OW Pb Ulu 01" M"t- in ttw dMiselytefs dwa with Sm redum the quablY Ts"011111~1114- nd Th t l . r ei epr 9r. MthovZo4positshebt 4"d I~ -4 tht vatums Z" both* m temp" , d~ and 00 rmiap" of Ow r1svirtAytv we. Vtudmi r1W sm A ml .1k f -- .-Imfortlyt" vrv~. rompated with ach dl, a-) w-sh i 0 Vant,tr bacht J'h~ thfoWing pt~# ~'# jhr JIL :Wth. 4. titterawdticle timitemn that of It. &*I and that d 0 hr cyam4r laths. fivPvcWhI04 (fir laicv( Ub'wr .1.-Iv 60* Fbe thsasing Pawer W" dt(d. bY trwissuring -fit, - 11v flit thickmas of The Un " diffe"I arms Off the WTI., 300 Both 4&s of cbe cadiade awe thms inv"tipted. t:q tiefil U 116 AV .0 1% 0 0 0 0 W411i CV It 41 0 of -,.r 00 00 0 0 0 0 0 it W so s a 0 00 0 0 s * 00 000 0 o * 0 0 00 o 00 00 1 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 00 0 0000 go*** Alr0ec4e, dppos otteo, -Zoo rmuft h*n Alkajim RkdaWatim N. T KtPley-t to-% And A ~k I Ifti(wuve 41foortmVe i 1&o'62 a Md (C%rn.#*m and Mir IV" All.- 19441. IL 11), 14- 40 j C~ Ak, 104S, 1% 3714). 1 In ItwMan. I UI " ".. p. m. mo WAtbW jWUt*Md J."AWO. LWGOO~ Wit MIW&cU*y W kWWACW Mr. Tlw Raw (&L" in u tin 1=1 ?a" on tbu quimlity at tbr drytrit. wmA th-w-ughly kov-u . 11%. twA moultA wt-m obtdimd with a p6taw Wit a( suic 0 253 1111i, I CV. tin fktl gna.,11itim. Thr bctw&-W ~fft~ i of tat -it. w linso.- C to 1b,, .1tow'"Irs"al rmw of 11-1 015 porns. film as "U'ligilot, Its, mcf.., and km, .114 usti) to M"4 .,Ib Itm.1 .111.xwb thme 6- 1&.W that 0( tat. Very KUW J.-Puatis n-sit - Wit I-El. : :11" act, phvtut- (1), atW 804 * to CbK- ckct"yt x 4tong with (a., .,I- tim- quJit of the tuk- tk-puiiit dilthtly. 11m- deppritkme uf thir thrutoo pu.rf ut tL var".111 haugms "',tmwl'alurv. .,I timl cvm"tbn of it, cimin.I~Niv. W" tamistd. 11W "id &IWUW A~ tn)dytc. ,.Cr mmir., sigh ~-b .,ILdT Atmi will, the cyanj& buths- Thi, obn-U.,v p~r .1 IL Ist,"lo WbA id intaimtdisit betsivs, that d th, rul and tht IMOW. approut-king The lauer Rim" 0--k-1. 11- thiv.11"t I- a" d"W"UNk-C) Ily ON-11941fligg di"Ttly th" 111011- 1'$ 1).' fill" -f JOV JLnum so 16A. Wrift- IkKb "I" of the vath-l'. r" t6- al-twa" See 0~0 ' I' - ? -a-, JIL L-A-M 004 Owtibetw a noel 4~ tho fad"s a (k4 4(606 in 00 dA"ts OWCUOIYSU -N I l,u-hy-,,,twv nd ~, A, 00 zb., P"U.'I hk,m , Aj-~.ftl Own. k 00 I'litr diotillittkino met -;VTf A %h-t 00 Iwill twor .41 ..&1 81, ,1 r.) 1ACIS nica-ureflicut~ 1.-1 .111 1%, FAV I t IV - 1 11 j pItill on the Simi part 4 file c..tbvJr, lit V JiCJ , Nil,. - I' w + CuS(I.-Alijo 7 S.A. reputed (it N(h M fi~ I In%. gave '15. The flip). ing power P J,,-vines~1 hy I Ii Sete ttw intio Hill the thwkn--,.tt Iwo clircule 1.1illt "'t fill, , -thattle - n fr.t 1. ind f~yl b-I IF-, the am 4- tht, kfel. i c "wi Ilistribut- 4 fhicki~, In rf~- 00 "Oli"its c"Istli- Zn 4) 15-4) 5 N, frev KOJI 1,2:i I.X% A, -j lli,:W fl d Sn Imt it 2.1, is I . lenath ill cWtrwylj.~ C-41. d. %I A- tO ~ fire deposit al-tat a, 0 kit the lic-drinit I"llt. P 1, 1- 00 1 1, incrftwvl content ill frm KOII. Thus, at 'W. VA. 11.1 , cd of amp./sq. tim. with - "thode of X c"l mdr 1"jith i if fit,- - . Sk" 0 regular tylantle, distance of the Corner 11) the notle , c1l) , inde mcmAse of KOII hmn 1.215 (,j I ~6 V raled P froul 21 1,, :.*J' ; 41 1 Anip , q Jill - invr"sc 4 It" K I )I I froul I ~!j to 49 N -4~1 P Ip-tu 8 5 to 23r; ~ I iighci temp. (Nj *1 P, higher d t p-- it --n-h,t At --j.1 " 1, and c 'J., P mcm.- with 111~fe-llitll( ZH n 1 I itellt, thu" at c .1 r. it- KOJI 1 4 3 N, Zli ulp ith ft AIII~ ,25-11.5 prudVialy 5 1 L A MIALLIFIRGICAL LITISAYWR CLAjillORKATIOP --T tilids-3 "it any (210 is I , I . f a --D-131-11 U a IV to "I* & & 4, * a a it It of a' ; Z# ; F. .0 01: :100 00 00 *0 100 0000 SO 0 so 0 0 0 :10 : 00 0 00 so -a a I*** ego y s 1 , b V W-* *-L, k 11, 11 11 0.1 l, a m a 1 e 111il I i 1 a, 0-01 -1h In., IIn- m-0. 1 xm A, Tt :." 111,11 1".. [-p sq Jill A f-knot lt-ml, Zn 0.15 A The vt.f 711~l -*6 A1,04M, 18110:W. Natq). )OW 1,701.0-1m, It's ' -V. At -lin 3A 4 3j h.ts 4 much lostf I CA 1 Altill-W4. (Jill ) Ill.- high P "I it ...... tr I l,v their high v.Ath-Is- %. irl , A 't =0 + '-l Fnnn the 1-int 4 4 thir-ing 1--. ill 1111tifill -1( A ziniatr cl~tpilvtv t* Ztl 10 1 4) 2 COO Al I I I -, N, "ith A 1~ruii-ihl,, ~ it up 1 41 Stirring -ill 1wrtim a -incith I t tocill tellill but .111 11 %kit(, m Al 0 x I it !W. fit,- Aef--lf 5, ll),l 114111, of .4 tht, llmkn- I him zoo 0 see - .11kil Ga a., 11, 1 1 49 0 0 9 1 Is a do 4 3 1 v j 000 0 00 *sees 0 0 9999900 00 00-9 0-00 fee 00 Off 0006 Oi I,, tmistic Produrtma of Bmtht ZLnc Ciputs on Av &LL '', , , " .. , . .. .., " I , 1.A I 19-10, 1., It 194w, 13'. 34, f f-w r,.t,t &a,, -I- 1-a, w1- 1, tri-I i~ :,,I 6,,;W -I. A .I,ji, (~. r,- d- tA.-I. lki.,W mi w t- imi, _rw- -I ~irw tun- %itlz a ti, finste --it titi-in 4 r4, . 11 ~fllj ilb It, 'Ictr 7 1 j I.. st i,Xaj4 .1 to.1, 6Tm. fitm ; trnilmrAture n,ot ii,;Ler !a I it _h, I 'I ami the cA. S-n mup. dw.1 i ' I- w.1 10-111rith"A *41) k~l& tK'f'WV Bli~ltnj 141111 I'l 1"o"w .6.1tvivvt the Is 41111.1M h, -fuPn,.,j if ".4 iymu~tnml .11h 'I. tA--m.: 1-irr F~ 1'.., Z,j" p1m, ht'. I -3. . . .,.I Al to Fitt, i... It, .".Ijrw If, at r"'I't tcfuj~rAlll"- 11'r ,j 1 11, J:At Wj,j lfm), 4 4mu lorr I ii, .-Itt, --i ,,-I i-1, In I"j us f It IF -lutum 6' 'mt, . 0,111 1,.,r .1 I n '144 1.1,1, n-joallm ujwb4IIww "ril all, r ~'~ .1- -11j. ".4 11'. in, I. - d Olt, ..:I"_ln-r,-ittAFsm W "ne 11"I'l .3111 11'. I IF 1, -lullon Is attirliputI4 tv tht. 1~vuvatlun of tht surum bY tbe mm- .1 firl,spi the -urt- oi misvislual rntitallint, fomalturis ur ut in,,tal fA.-- __77 *iV4 Nl*t o! 1 6 1 1 Is 11 Is Is Is is ft Is 0 Is Is a if u u a# a ?s v a of 40 0, a zi roi. v ! A z--A--k 6 m is If 2 1 A_J_.V IF i IF 1___A1_JAA K a. A - Is, 1 4 At A a to 4r cortq*s - - - ..- ... '.0", Mna Madne in AUWim XbdMy%~~ 1. t. Kudrymt., Awl A. A Njiufuana iK,~a.qpa I Aw*bq It V,y. MI), 4. 15.61. 1 91. 111, It,& 1 11right. am-th. dow. wof mitwivoit most. "WWIK. .". obtww~f (-'%. 1-1111040- If .11.4111 (JUAIR1119t. of men-ury (UgC1, stud 1111c,11,1. it,, o4t,vl, sssad Mi%). anti k,&A O'bolist 'I H)jv) mits' 4~ J'A I., t1it. 'wi~% Th., f.4hm-mg anti IIIII I"Im n. Zjs Ii-12 0-5N, fn~ X011 w . I I .It V . S., 1) 15 1, 215 of III", WRIJI.Tatun. !W C".d. 41-4 2-5 anti)- mi. '1111 S. A. zis '3 c goo .00 lie* 00 6 bee too 1 40 a ow o Is 6 1 so Its a 111a Ra 00 00000000 0 9000000000*0000000 906990906690999*99 6 C 0 OF 6 0 A L A 01 0 PW I 1 7 W 6-W g o .... do -2.2 eon 0 Oda, 002 000 0 00. OR 00. 00000000*000000000090 $0000090000006000*9006ONNO 30 It 3 hl x h IV a so a 41 a a at a ty CP AV 0 TS off. JL-� # . ..... ..Itol4t,tZ" 7t. al"Awyall? ?"941117VAIN wit-of, 00 00 00 of 00 00 Ire j4uLnqS 9 vlw"al wo 10A pa Ml ni zu -(1161 ItAln 'a IS.= 00 of., V -W 1110 AMIASAJIM71 '.L 'N 00 00- 001. 0 !~;I, - 1.0"o IWO -T-0 - #0 6- v *t 7 IT 44 p 0 a It a is I is 0 0 0 e J 0 0 00 00 00 i. Alt - - .4 - IF It IF 7 IF so o o i 00 000 0 0 0 go 0000 0 ol~ 000000#0000000000000 pff Wff It t# I I 4 m. 4 .'k 6. S a a 1 1 41 OoAr 00, - - ._'-~KMII A- A 9 so I - so4l iPPO 00 0 a WINIFI&Q. 4 t k F "i'mrgab 00 of Di"boilim c1 S" iM CUM& ftsbm ia so N T all-( A ,so 1zhurrial Khm-. IS449, -1. 22. Apt, *Oz ki~l'3447 310 fin Hummij; fAllatrw-l 1 0-111,1111 of if-- firitwh F~Mvv. mmala It-mmil A-tAtum, 1949. Orl. so p. 4231 Ill,, timmitil Im,arr 4 tkw im,fi,,h :-rlt4lr'.j it 25 0-6 jr. I t4r, t., Itt'[wo- Ifir INtollin-a. so,) W.At V. Ami of the drimmilt) w4p In-disat-i 1'~ 111~11rilIg if.. thwkn- of the 4'pmut at varimix 1-int. of th, 'attumle, 14 *trip Ilrld is) form a I will) do' rornem). T)~ mth-'.. 'A twith -ml-llum ifn~ alkali, title). '-rmll .1"ImlY - .1"I 'W* fl,r clat ... 1. -A Wl. an. Ifirl ... 1.1 -00 '00 so see 4t* so V4-1 -'0o 6 nd 0 1 w u 4% &1 .0 L1.2, I X4 An p it 1~ m d 411 a It It 19 a a Is It 0 1-0 00 0 00000000 0-06 0 Oslo 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 *MktbWw d NOW an 1W Cadmb Swim in Ems& 2%drobtaL N. T. Kudfyavtwv and A. A. Nilitibrovs (Zktsr. Pri". Kkem.. 1949. M J41. 367-va). -lin Ruai6-nj7-Ti iiud the throw, power (P) of the baths, a y K. &M X. uwd Z-alispoif cathodell formett blModing T-4 - 24-cm. trim AMIN IWUv- of (4) . An disiodr wast pimvml mi either vido 4 the rath-ir. which isas oil diolKord that the bentle %.M'VvCtIv&i al"t all the all (a.- .vn'nl4.4rk&Uv plik"I with felatinvi it) the anWes, After rkwtemkinwitwn. t6 custinig thickness was determined (by mesaurmfg the mim.,d of diuKAutwon in N-111 I uniftAkting 71) g.11. INH N08, 7 C-41 CuM.Allsth at 3 ;wxnta 4~mw 4 face, 9PSMI 1-4 CRA. SPILIFt. we;; plott"i d"Asing the variatil"" in thicknefis with 4histance (nxn a betwi, and 11 wag calculat"I a* this perventage ("isting thickwais as pts(M farthest from sivide - 11111lAthichrivas at P4111 neareet to Gamfol. Using Who a M OBN In Kim. I -M-4-33N in five x off. and contain* -0-24 S.1 tin, as BO-W' C. and 0.5-10 fimixidni.t. K. and N. found that 10 increems with an increase in free KOH concentration or in c.d., but drensafew with Increase in zinc conoentration tw bath temp. Zim ~m,,"trstitm has the mcat inducam. P Varied from 84) tO 4j,%-W~ f(W the ratigr of vtimlitiowi ezaniLn"l, bring grestest (tic it bath of ctmilmottson nor 0-156S. free KOH 1-58S. K '0, WON. tin 0-:M g. 1, of JWY C. and D-3 am 'd I I'his cxmips"M = Values for P of 4A Aftd 33-31% ((W cVanktr b&tL.' Mand of 8-5% fat a bath Mtaining ZnSO, Al (SO ) and Nallso.- Three typea of tincifts bath am recommended. -f relief of the work. -Q. V. E. T. Le ""r; th Sn, A'~-Rv rq_,. Xw -11%99. io-rent Eta vo 7 WOM v", A w4l MAl TL~, bu*14-gut d Tg M60 -ZA 6. ;t GOBBUNOVA, K. M.; NIKIFOROVA, A. A. "The Reduction of Nickel '--y Hyporphosp~ite I and II," JournaL of Fnys,~:al Chemistry USSR, Vol 28, No 5, P 8,83-961, 1954. Academy of Sciences USSR, Institute of Physical Chemistry, Wscow. Evaluation B-84491, 26 Apr 55 of Ph sical Chemistr7, MOSCOW d Sii 30, 1953 ~o .I 'v SKI P7"-Id-1--Ts J. _n:T T-t-V-Q J~ "I *T "I -n-M ~l X~Tlv In;x 9-In-T4 -39.3 "RT..rc 'I . I r- -_;2~3 I .I .,TTqm 60 '17 ftw-q _Tp~j q, J~ -nll--12 'ndm .1 .v *T 'N '-2"Tv t" -TA P" wt-V T"-W J- ft;q-TT~W n'.1T-n-[2 -9 *bf "X-MT~47JI ---TV 7--Q -A-TTV n1 P- OTH 'n -ftll-o Y-rp-v 30 J. t0'6 T '(_~7 901 -T%~-v "lot .-M T.4T-M OZVTTY -T=TT .0 V=nvti~~-Ts -TP.2 -trIdTl -1 v v--Z-V r-Tq.-a J. -.ryv---c '-V -W as -1c-7Tv ry J. ft"-w -dd.0 Le fti-Ti ..ddc ..-oNa "qM 'M 'A_F- T-M TAT-dp~-Tz -(-.Cu) -.-Jrp-.o SL I' --TM T-P'41'r J* PT-.-.o -v -V PM-K 89 V~M-TJ T~11 T-T---O JO "vPTT"O ..-In I-,- J. -m-a "1 -7 -*Aoo I . ; T,.11i j~ -T-d.C rLA'r~-TX J- A~87-4 i I 1-44J3 '-a.TT-M T-p-= n-wq-q3 's -t-CA.--m ca N1 J. 11M 1111A T'.P TTq 'TtM .1 -.dd C3 71-W -n -7 .1 T-q TQ 139DMM V,4..g -7 -A (-Xgg- :-,.a Timm J. 'Ts -rnvtd -d 16j! '6~61 (-T-*-A -W --j'Ad -L-X-"fU A-=jQxrLd= Vow VFvw IgIC/A09 !_ /1, './ e-'I'le I -I " 14, 14, GORBUNOVA, K.M.; NIKIFOROVA, A.A. Studying the mechanism of inclusion of nhosDhorus in nickel plAtings by means of the rndiOACtiVe isotope P12 [with summary in English]. Zhur.fiz.khim-31 no.8:1687-1692 Ag '57. (MIRA 10:12) 1. Ali SSSR, Institut fizicheakoy khimil, Moskva. (Nickel plating) (Phosphorus--Isotopes) SOV/123-59-15-59861 Translation from: Referativriyy zhurnal. Mashinostroyeniye, 1959, Nr 15, p 136 (Usm) AUTHORS: Nikiforova, A.A., Gorbunova, K.M. TITLE: Methods of Intensifying the Process of Chemical Nickel Plating PERIODICAL: Fil. Vses. in-ta nauchn. i tekhn. inform. M., 1958, 20 pages, illustrated, 6 rubles. ABSTRACT: The book has not been reviewed. Card 1/1 PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/3951 Gorbunova, Kseni.ya Mikhaylovna, and Anna Aleksandrovna Nikiforova Fiziko-khImIcheskiye oanovy protsessa khimicheskogo nikellrovanlya (Physico- (lbemical Bases of the Process of Chemical Nickel Plating) Moscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1960. 206 p. Errata slip inserted. 3,500 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut fizicheskoy khimii. Ed. of Publishing House: N.G. Yegorov; Tech. Ed.: S.T. Shikin. PURPOSE: This book is intended for skilled workers, laboratory technicians, and mechanics of electroplating and electroforming shops. COVERAGE: The book deals with a chemical nickel-plating process which reduces nickel salts by hypophoaphite. It reviews the general results of investiga- tions of plating conditions, reaction mechanisms, properties of nickel coat- ings, and the results of research done by the authors at the Institute for Physical Chemistry of the Academy ofSciences USSR and other researchers, both Soviet and non-Soviet. The reaction kinetics of that stage of the plating process when nickel ions react with intermediated agents satisfying Card--~ pr A N GORBONOVA, K.M.; NIKIFOROVA, A.A. Fdectrochemical characteristics of nickel in the Proce.~s of i'ts reduction by hypophosphites. Zashcn.met. I no.1:63-69 Ja-F '-,5. (MIRA 28:5) 1. Institut fizicheskoy k','mii AN SS-'-R. NIKIFOROVA9 A.I. (Vladivostok) CarrYing out the Third Conference of Subprofessional Medical Personnel of Health Resortsp Sanatrolums.; and Rest Homes of the Far East. Med. sestra 19 no.5.47 My :60. (KIRA 13:9) (SOVIET FAR FAST-111ERAPEUTICS, PHYSIOIDGICAL) (SOVIET FAR EAST- -HEALTH PYSORTS9 WATERING PLACES9 ETC.) e1Y6 VI-i j -Z W/1 dvo V'VA BATALOv, Vikolay Mikhaylovich; YURIYZV, Mikhail Grtgorl"vich; KUSTIK, Boris Xurlovich; DURTANKIN, Mikhail Petrovich; GCRNOT, Mikhail Kaksimovich; VINOGRLWV, N.T.. radak- tor; LARIONOV',w.xe., TWORTUffWWrodaktor (Fifth five-year plan in progress; activity of the Xtrov "Dinamo" plant In Moscow] Platala piatiletka v deistvii; opyt raboty Koskovskogo zavoda "Dinamo" imeni S.M.Xtrova. Moskva, Goo. energ. izd-vo. 1954. 102 p. [Kicrofilml (MIRA 8:2) (Koscow--Zlectric tadastries) MffWKIMOV. K.A., vrach; NIKIFOROVA, A.H., meditsinskEtya sestra Changes in the vital capacity of the lungs In patients with tubercu- losia of the bones and joints dmring fresh air treatment. Med.sestra 18 no.10-15-17 0 '59. (MIRA 13:1) 1. Iz Tirnarskogo detalrogo kostnotuberkuleznogo, sanatoriya Ministerstva zdravookhrananiya Chuvaahakoy ASSR. (JOINTS-rUMCULoSIS) (MGS) s/o?q/'6o/o 50/007/02 ~/ 0 3 )i XX BOO_1/BO66 AUTHORS: Yur I yev ju_ K, , Z_Q,.y_t a tivu , YQ and Niki! orLv., TITLE: Chemistry of Selenophen ~XXVIII. Reactions of 4-'11 tr,.)- ;A-~i 5-Ni tro-2 -ace tose ienophene PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obshchey khimiJ, 1960, 7z)1. ~G, No p -, ~?C_-?214 TEXT: The authors of the present paper synthesized derivatives of '-nitro and 4--nitro-2-acetoselenophene8 which they had obtained in Refs 1, 2 The former was condensed with various hydrazine derivatives by a method iescrih- ed in R ef . 3 . The f ol 1 owi ng comp ound s re su 1 t ed : 4 - pheny 1. 9 em ic arbaz one (96%), igonicotinoyl hydrazone (60%), furoyl hydrazone and cyano-acetyl hydrazone (83.5%) of 5-nitro-2-acetoselenophene, Bromination of 5-nitro- and 4-nitro-2-acatoselenophene was made with brQmine in glc~a~ acetic acid and with dioxane dibromide When treating ',-nitro-2-aceto- selenophene with bromine in glacial acetic acid at 800", tne authors oo- tained 5-nitro-2-bromo-acetoselenophene (75.5%), but also resinous by- products and, apparently, some JibromiJe Bromination of this nitro ketone with dioxane dibromide at room temperature gave a fairly pure ~-nitro- 2-bromo-acetoselero-h-- A -n i t ro -a e t o. 3e, enophene I i 1-e ac t Card 1/3 Chemistry of Selenophene XXV1 I I. Rear t i ona S/O 79/ 60'/0 50/007/0,")/~, "')/XX of 4-11itro- and 5-Nitro-2-acetoseleriophene 9001//B066 in this way. Its bromination was only possible with bromine in giacial acetic acid (85.5%). Both nitro-2-bromo-acetogelenophenes were allowed to react with urotrop in to convert them to the corresponding a-ami no ketones of the selenophene series. In the f 1-rst stage of this synthesis, the rom, Plex of 4-nitro..2-bromo-acetoselenophene with .1rotropin is formed easily (73%) when mixing the components in an eqLimolecular ratio in chloroform, and when the mixture is allowed to stand fcr two days at room temperature. This was not possible in the case of 5-nitro-2-acetoselenophene since the complex yield was only 38%, When the reaction was carried out in dry c~.'o - ro benzene at 50 0 by the method of Ref. 7. the urotropin complex of 5-nitro-2-bromo-acetoselenophene was obtained in an 93% yield Hydrolysis of the complex of 4-nitro-2-bromo-acetoselenophene with urotropin took place easily with a mixture of alcohol and concentrated hydrochloric acid in the cold within 48 hours (Ref. 7). Hydrolysis of the complex of 5-nitrr, 2-bromo-acetoselenophene with urotropin was only possible witn a [Luch smaller quantity of hydrochloric acid in alcohol and by distilling off the resultant diethyl formal. The hydrolysis of these two complexes ~wi th. sub sequent acetylation, thus gives 4-nitro- and 5-nitro-2-acetyl-a mino-acetra selenophenes. The authors mention a paper by N, 0 'here are 8 references: Card 2/3 Chemistry of Selenophene. XXVIII. ReActions 3/079/60/030/007,'02`)~ '~OWXX of 4-Nitro- and 5-Nitro-2-acetoselp:-j, B001/B066 4 Soviet, 1 US, 1 German, and 2 Italian. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Moscow State UniversIty) SU'BMITTED, July 10. '199? Card 3/3 ACCESSION NR: AR4032165 S/0058/64/000/002/AO46/AO46 SOURCE: Ref. zh. Fiz., Abs. 2A388 AUTHORS: Gurvich, A. M.; Krongauz, A. N.; Lyapidevskiy, V. K.; Mandel'tsvayg, Yu. B.; Ni.kiforova, A. P.; Popov, V. 1.1 Titov, A. A. TITLE: Comparative dosimetric characteristics of single crystals of cadmium sulfide CITED SOURCE: Tr. Vaes. n.-i. in-ta med. instrumentov i oborud., no. 5, 1962, 40-51 IOPIC TAGS: cadmium sulfide, single crystal cadmium sulfide, dosimetric characteristics, therapeutic x ray monitoring, radiation dose power, roentgen ampere characteristic, variation with hardness TRANSLATION: The dosimetric characteristic of US single crystals, as applied to problems of x-ray therapy, were investigated. The Card 1/3 .ACCESSION NR: AR4032165 .crystals used were grown either (a) by sublimation of luminor CdS .by the Grillaud method (Group I) or (b) by sublimation of luminor CdS in a nitrogen-jet (Group II). -Crystals of the first group were activated with indium br gallium, and those of the second group with Cl or with AgCl, with a small amount of Zn introduced. The investi- ,gations were carried out with x-ray equipment RUM-7 ("soft"radiatiora,' tube voltage 20--60 kv maximum) and"RUM-3 ("hard" radiation, 100-- 200 kv maximum). The radiation dose power in air was measured with ionization dosimeter. The sensitivity of crystals of Group I was 7-264 PA/r/min, while-those of group II occupied an intermediate, position. A strictly linear roentgen-ampere characteristic was 'possessed by the least sensitive crystals. The "variation with 'hardness" was measured for the investigated crystals and the cor- responding theoretical curve calculated. The results of the mea- 'surements and of the calculations are in satisfactory agreement in the region of attong absorption. In the region of weak absorption* .the experimental "variation with hardness" is lower than the calcu7 :Card ACCESSION NR: AR4032165 lated value, owing to the inhomogeneity of the employed radiation. it is concluded that in the limited energy range used in x-ray therapy (at a generation voltage of 150--200 kV maximum), the inves- tigated single crystals, particularly those of the first group, can be used successfully as-detectors in clinical x-ray dosimeters. Yu. Mandel'tsveyg. DATE ACQ; 3lMar64 SUB CODE: PH, SD ENCL: 00 Card 3/3 w.fficml' A.Y" (Monkmi)i ~-"N',CdOr, , '.P, i"r, '- .,~ !UWcRCVA, 11.4'. ' -~ ~ I :IT'JV,, A.A. (Mc~kvA) ACtival-ion of 8ing-'s r1r, a ~ri'- '- -i - -. - , . ... nhotuelect.ric prnr~-rti-~s. T-rvAy . nat, 't'. .* - -. ) '-, '. 1 :1 ! :L rad. 11 16,4. ACCESSION NR: AP4042991 s/0051/64/017/001/0137/0139 AUTHORS: Gurvich, A. M.; Nikiforova, A. P.; Il'ina, M. A. TITLE: Luminescence in the cadmium sulfate-sulfide system SOURCE: Optika i spektroskopiya, v. 17, no. 1, 1964, 137-139 TOPIC TAGS: 'uminor, luminescence research, spectrum Luminescence, cadmium sulfide, excitation spectrum, recombination luminescence ABSTWi~CT: Heating of nonluminescent CdS single crystals in CdSO 4 powder at 7001 in a nitrogen atmosphere causes the place of contact between the cadmium sulfate powder and the single crystals to ex- hibit yellow-green photolumin~iscence. A luminor with similar giow (), max = 530 = 540 nm) was also observed when a mixture of C(1,1304 powder with a small amount (2--10%) of CdS powder was heated at 700--7501. It is shown that the only cause of this luminescfnce Card . 1/3 ACCESSION NR: AP4042991 S/0051/64/017/001/0137/0139 AUTHORS: Gurvich, A. M.; Vikiforova, A. P.; Il'ina, M. A. TITLE: Luminescence in the cadmium sulfate-sulfide system SOURCE: Optika i spektroskopiya, v. 17, no. 1, 1964, 137-139 TOPIC TAGS: luminor, luminescence research, spectrum luminescence, cadmium sulfide, excitation spectrum, recombination luminescence ,,',,i3 S T RACT: Heating of non lum 1 ner, cent CdS single crystals in CdSO4 powder at 700' in a nitroqen atm~osphere causes the place of contact between the cadmium sulfate powder and the single crysLalq to ex- hibit yellow-green photoluminoscence. A luminor with similar glow (X max = 530 = 540 nm) was a1ru obscr-,,~.d when a mixture (--)f ~-_!~SO4 powder with a small amount (2--10%) of CdS powder was heated aL 700--7501. It is shown that the only cause of this luminescpnce d , 1/3 ACCESSION NR: AP4042991 I can be the presence of the Cd'j- 1,umiriors of this type ar(- produced only in a n.-irrow temperat-ure raivp 70()--750', and have at room temperaturf, A (-Ilow of niuch s.,,urtier than ordinary phos- 01-, Crj~-,. IU;D~nOrS aCtlVaterl With S111- C;~SO, ex',,I;,-its ittributes of recombination ,s~st:s of a broa--~ ion, S-30cl- r~~ (70 band with s 1. s.-.ow~7 tem- with jl~nor~i 11 whic'h sf--!rves as the su~Dstance. Orig. arc. has- 2 figures . ASSOCIATION: None SUBMITTED: 19,Tu 16 3 1 N C" 0 i SUB CODE: DP,IG NR REF SOV. 007 OTHERt 002 Card 2/3 itcCLSSION NRj AP40429S'L I 144~~ ENCLOSms 1 01 for, - 8c, 20. 200 2y) jog 350 AIM tia ~-Pft 5-pectral con-position o nadiat ion Cd-S.0,4 Cdo-10% C-ds lunincv exr-Ited I LU itroj-,cn tem-onature ,),, ~~ ~ S m Fp-rcur-~ 1 ine , I - roan te7-,~---nature liq id ni I F-igjit excitation Gpectrum of tifo r.-Ampler, of GIfjO,,G-JO.Ccf) ltninor. (tu;hoyll line Ov"s, for campvisari, the E;pecti-n-n of the CkAC 1 2- 3%CcL luriin-r 3/3 ~68umiitibti:-that-,60"Mi6o' w", L -.26,489-66 FNVT(m)/EWP(t)/9T1 IJP(c) JD ACC NRs AP6013072 -SOURCE CODE: UlVO048/66/030/004/0649/0653 AUTHOR: G Ich,-A. U.. Wins, M. A.; Natouina, R. V.; Mikiforova, A. P. s- 0AG: State Scientific Research Roentgeno-radiological Institute (Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy rentgeno-radiologichaskiy Institut) TITLE: Activation of zinc and cadmium sulfides by halogens and Group III elements report, Conference on Luminescence eld In Ria.16-23 Saptember 1965 ..SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheskaya, v. 30, no. 4, 1966, 649-653 TOPIC TAGS: crystal phosphor, zinc sulfide, cadmium sulfide, luminescence. 4--ZA0..'A, A- AiVTR1;_CT_: The work was concerned with investigation of activation of zinc and cadmium sulfides by elements that are usually termed coactivators; however, when the said element is the only real impurity present and is responsible for distinctive lumines- is justifiable to call it an activator in its own right. To clarify the rolel of the heatine medium there were sintered batches of equal amounts of ZnS and CdS with 5% NaCl, all at 9500C but In different gases. The luminescence spectra of the products under 365 mg excitation at -1800 exhibit all three characteristic bands, but with greatly varying relative intensities, depending on the medium. Potassium chloride and; the alkali bromides and Iodides yielded similar results. The formation of ZnC12 (or CdC12) from NaCl in the sulfide Is discussed, as is the solubility of ZnC12 In ZnS. Card 1/2