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NIKITIN, I.F. po"M Kiddle Ordovician Terkabidaik and Angrensor series it the Chinz:z- Tau. lzv.AN lazakh.SSR.Ser.gool. no.3-14-34 160. (MIRA 13:11) (Chingiz-Tau--Goology, Stratigraphic) III-KITIN, I.F. Upper Ordovician Zharsor series in the Chingiz-Tau and its south- western foothills. Trudy Inst. geol. nauk AN Xazakh. SSR no-3: 87-102 160, (MM 14:1) (Chingiz-Tau region-Geology, Stratigraphic) ABDULKABIMUt N.A.; ALE-KbANDROU, M.I.; J*J~ONICHSV, N.P'.; B,'JDki-~~TCV, S.M.; B.,of-ALOV, V.F.; BOGDANOV, A.A.; BO-OVIKOV, L.I.; BORSUY, B.I.; BORUKAYEV, R.A.; BUVALKIII, A.K.; BYKOVA, D1,1011TSOVA, K.I.; D1,24BO, T.M.; ZHUKOV, M.A.; ZVONTSOV, V.S.; IVSIiI]-,, N.K.; KOPYATY,~,VICH, R.A.; KOSTENKO, 1-1.1%; KUMPAN, A.S.; K111YUKOV, K.V.; UVROV, V.V.; LYAPICIEV, G.F.; 14k,I)RELVICH, M.V.; 1411U~YLOV, A.Ye.; MIK11AYLOV, N.P.; MYCHNIK, M.B.; EIDLENKO, Ye.N.; TKTTJ-R- T-P IFOROVA, K.V.; 14IKOLAY67, N.I.; PU1,1SIEV, N.A.; --- I -z-j NIK RASUTOV, G.I.; HEETGL-U---T, P.A.; SAVICH-VA, j~.Ye.; Si' 'LIN, B. A.; SF,VRYUGIN, N.A.; Si-XXOV, jI.I.; CU'RNYAK1JCV3KIY, A.G.; CHUROW., V.G.; SHLYGIN, Ye.D.; SHULOGA, V.M.; ELIGSR, YAGOVYITI, V.I.: NALIVKIN, D.V., akademik, red.; PERMINOT, S.V., red.; MAF-USTUN, V.A., (Geological itructure of central and southern KazLkhstan) Geologicheskoe stroenie TSentrallnogo i IUzhnogo Kazakhstana. Leningrad, Otdel nau::hno-tekn.informatsii, 1961. 496 p. (Leningrad. Vsesoiuznyi geologicheskii institut.)(aterialy, no.41) 0 (Kazakhstan-Geology) (MII~A 14:7) KNIPPER, A.L. -,_NI*KIT1f1, I.F. Now data on the Ordovician atratigraphy In the southern Ulu-Tau (central Kazakhstan). Izv. AN Kazakh. SSR.Ser.geol. no.l: 23-29 162. (KRA 15:5) (Ulu-Tau--Geology, Stratigraphic) APOLLONOV, M.K.; NIKITIN, I.F.; TSAY, D.T. Ordovician deposits in the southern part of the Selety through (central Kazakhstan). Izv.AN Kazakh.SSR. Ser.geol.nauk 36-53 163. (MIRA 16:8) 1. Institut geologicheskikh nauk AN KazSSR, Alma-Ata. (Kazakhstan-Geology, Stratigraphic) K.IlztikY.s+,ari. :z-.,. AN ~Ssp. ."Pr gec, Ina t -1 tu I 2et-.-, " og i ~-he s kAh na uk ; m - K. 9 f- a A N K A L,.-,a -A ta BA%i'-)A I E'I'C,V, S.M. ; B C.F. --KiTIN, I Upper G-rdov,(-',tr and Ir.;,.-r 5edirnentf3 in t~~e .-z ':im~ Mountain reflon -,f th#) f.hJnglV,w, 'central Kazak~.sLfi.,, . :Z,.-. AN Kazakh. S';R. ':,Pr. gecl. 22 no.1:35-44 Ja-F '65. 1. Institut ge,-,'ngicheskikh nauk im. K.I. Satpayeva, g. Alma-Ata, Vsesoyuzn-P, ra, ch -no-igsledovatellskiy geologicheskiy instlt~A, g. LeningraJ., NIKITIN, I.G. Rapid-acting spring-pneumatic check. Blek.i tepl-tiaga 3 no-5:28 vq 159. (KIRA 12:9) (Chucl-15) FEEDOSOV, N.kf.,- B~CG~i~N, '.N.; N l.. Contact, area d%- -'rg -n -,.- sq,uBre end ri-a-j tt~ e2g-';_rg -~zv. -uiheb. -~- 7 . . -- -- f. I . met. 8 no. I L', -7 L -79 36~. ( - ~ . , , ) 1. Moskcrvskiy in~t-.',~,A st,li -' S/184/62/0G0/0G1/'-- , L~ D04!/Dll 4) Nikitiri, !.I., Rumyantsev, V.A., Enginee-S AUTHORS: Zaks, Yu.I-,-. TITLE: New desi6ns of hermetic rater ring vacuum j.umj;s -Lnd co.--p.-e-- sors PERIODICAL: Khimicheskoye mashinostroyeniye, no. 1, !962, 4-6 TEXTs The authors describe the design and operati~..i of tne neyiBBM-~'-., (VVN-50) hermetic water ring vacuum j,ump (fig. 1) 11.1.11Ufactured -'t the Sumskiy mashinostroitel'nyy zavGd im. M.V. Frunze (Sumy Machine- Hui rle~- Plant im.M.V. Frunze), and compare it with t,ePMK (RY4) water ring ,-.,ump (fig. 1). The VVN-50 pump has a capacity of 50 mj/.min. ---nd ca.-, used as a vacuum pump and a low pressure compressor (to 1.5 at). The a;- vantage of the new pump is that it can be more easily used for explosive and toxic gases. This is due to its ~tutornatic self-re'~-ulatir,g hydraulic packings which prevent t.,.(-- gas from str-amin'~- out of t~ie working space and the sealing liquid from flowing out of the system; since tri~- C ard 1/i 5 /1 --~ 4 ` 6 -- /0 -,~ , /'~ -~ i / '~ 0 z, '~ I ;-- New designs of hermetic... DO-411,7D I i shaft packing is located near the liquid und nut near tne gas as ir, tional pumps, the system is otill more air-ti6hr- E,,ectors as booster-pumps can be uned to increase tht! vacullln. As comparpd tc '~V , t" r rin~5 vacuum ~uaipa pre.~lently utied Ii, ttie USSR, the VVN-5C iullli; h;- t k" following advantages; (1) specific oa~acity red-iced to 24~o; of 7: w ter delivery reduced to 50%; (x) weight ;er 1 M3"M4 to 21~b and (4) required f1cor space reduced by 2211yo~ T r, -_~ rre and 2 tables. C a rd 2/~ NIKITIM, Ivan Ivanovich;_ 1 110. I.M. CIAmnichanko, I.H.); FOXROV34KYA, Z.S. Mkr'ov's"M"",*~~ S_ _r~ izd Fo k; . ~r~,.,z -va; K&MYCHUR. 0.0.. T [Upper Cretaceous belemnites in the northeastern wing of the Dnieper-Doneto Lowland] Verkhn'okreidovi belemnity pivnichno- ekhidnoho kryla Dniprova'ko-Donets'koi zapadyny. Llyiv, Vyd-vo Akxul. midc Ukr.RSR. 1958. 90 p. (Akademlia nauk Ma, Kiev. Instytut rgeologichayt