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a 1R 0~~Uott~a J?troa its Tresc^A~% IiD m ESORT I USSIAV4 u OR5 /V Z04 4mmom. ~ww qmmmmwmmlww - mmmmd9w q:p S o itty, u IS F I lwwK 1$ 4T TV4 IS IN UtmACK*%4Hl and F'Ap4A\l%:SlON* 0 HITT" THEt*i mQtlc tAy 5 TRO 4 mm wo1momh re Is A A^Als P)act T p 's 5 0 0 -mm- om e.-M. h e. t e. to A & e. emma. P-I r.1 4; ar US. &W do f~ wl Fk CA11T 0 THOQ'S ht4 b1:> IN ORWbER RLip"As Cft RIOM1016fo FZVZILRO Z.1.j MGIAUVp A.G.j VOYNAUDVICH, M.V. Characteristics of the caking properties of coals of the central ,mmier of the fan,-&Agnob deposit and the qualitative indices of coke. Trudy Inst. khIm. AN Tadsh. SSR 3&99-124 160. (MIM 14:12) (TaJIkistan-Coal-4malysis) MAKAWWO46601 JIM11111"D :;.M*; ?Am"# L. UrUbUlty of this chemical characteristics In ftntha sachallsom- also Trudy p6 Min prirod aced. no-5393-104 162o (KIRA 161ll) 1. losboratoriya. biAhimit efirowsw/ Kishinavakogo gosudaratyerp- nop universitstao Tn9N, S.R.; CRUMOT. A.Yq.l VAKUUJV. P.7.1 W"CKW, a.l.; VUOUTW, A.A. vNestresimst st malatlea dart we the f1uht of the second camde reelmst, ne.5s2li-29 060., (MIJU 13:5) (Immar probes) Oadtatles--Nmaurement) J1. 9000 67908 ,3..2000 M9 (0). " (9) 9/020/40/130/03/009/065 AVIRM: -"an Corresponding BM4/W4 seater As ~, Chadakew, A. Te., TWMIOT, pe V-# Lapotevq Tu. 1.t_~IMIW TIM: NAlation Reasur~at During the night or the Secop& Cosmic Seeks, v PRIODICAL: VOkledY Akad"ll a6uk $981ko 19609 Vol 130t St 3t PP 517 - 520 (unit) ABWUCIP: Me equipment of the latorplazatary rocket launched *a Septenber 121, 1"9 was designed for wasurlag the - a"- Sim-box$ at the Sartko tow recording soode re"atins m Its 9110S from me a so the mom an& a potential radiation, belt of the lkoa%o isdividual Parts of the avparst!~,Dv shick consisted of-e-IT sea -41 *shares wA four eclat il I atloallounters, are described in detail. varthornore, this paper contaise re- sulto of the first evaluation, of date obtain*& for the raw of frG,% 9,OW "Gio 120,000 ks away from the oestor of the 11arth and 12 Me aolgbberhood of Me Sees* Figure I Illustrates the tra- j"torles of the first md cocoa& lnterpl&aotu7 rocket@ re- CAN 1/3 ferred to Me terrestrial sagastic field. Iont satim mossure- 67906 Radiation Ro"Uremeat During the 7110t of the Sooond Cosmic Sooket 99MITTS: S/02;aO/I ,,,0/03/009/065 5014 14 of about 20 how and 106 ow oloctrome. The energy or the first Cr"p is ales@ to the so" esergy of the solar corpuscular radiation sad allows to asause %be evistence or a thermodramIc equilibrium bGte*os protons mA elect"" an their posetration isto the terrestrial awatis field. Is Is pointed out that the elootrea momenits of the 800004 Croup are oleo@ to the Pro- ton mo~ta of earrocular radiation and to the memosts of the sleet"" arislag from Us desay of Ike ronoet*4 aeutroas. The 6216temse of a lazar radiation belt could not be Proveas Constant ra"atlea lateasitr a" Measured at a distance of TQ#000 ka from the Martke The" are 2 figures# I tablep say 2 referomees, I of which in Soviet, November 20, 1959 card 5/3 IND AUTHORS I Vakulov, P. V., Vernov, 5. q., Corchakov, To. V. , 1,ora9hav, Yu. In., NIV) V~a Plearenkoo K. F., sav~nico, 1. A., MITWOV, A. To., ant Sk-avrin. P. 1. NTLEi Radiation stu,lioo during the fliphte of wasollitoo, spaceships an,J rockets Pi;RIODIVALs Akademile nquk S33R. IzvontilA. Serif* fiticheakays, Y. 26, no. 6, 1962, 750-78, TE:~T% This report deals with radiation neasurewnts a,'%4e bir the seennd and the third Soviet spacqship, by the rocket Aauiahvi toyari the Tenis on February 12, 19(-1, and by the thirJ SovWt earth satellite (August 15, 1959). The spaotwhips were eqqippoi eith scintillation counterog gas disot-argo counters and olonvOg for storing data thrwgh 24 ?-ours. The northern and southern son#9 of Inorea4ed -&;Iiation intensity are undoubtealy linked by the line* of force of the roomagn*tie field. The Inarw&mod re4lation Intensity to due to electrons of the outer radiation b*IS, slowed down In Oe jacket of the spaceship. Tbo WIr Card 113 RrOintion stuiles during the fliphta boundaries of thin belt were Isterninei ror" &c,4rn%*l7 t,y th . .... r o~ebitinj; toviat apnoeship. At 16 li~ijrn -tftpr tl~e chrn2nx:-);#ro fl4r* of Jine 17, IM ha-) v4nlophel Lut still * '9v houra h-f,~rv tY:o -,inotle storm, chargal dartl~lo Intensity lnrr4?a~ol. ',na n;qr1rjm .of the outer rti-tiation bell does tkot 6--irps wjc-n ott an 41%1t-;1o nf 32,000-40,000 km, nor .114 the vv4rnatin shich r-c-irtfal livinir. the flight of the third 3oviet opmcofthip have nny oAst-intinj offset on Us ou*sr rtidiation belt. Fxqopt for n to* prr~ont, the ,rcton in%-!natty of %he Inn(er radiation belt rt~-.&inei conn%nnt J,irinr, thq thr-it %,oqk4' flight of the third Soviet nitvllita. 7he Increftool raiiation L~tonWy over the Drazillan anomaly, obsiorvei on 1,,)ard of the secon4 apmoo4~h1p at an altitude of 320 k=0 was lue to the Inner reiiiation bclt. In thin &nonsly, the proton aomponont of the Inner riiintion belt is pr*4olminant at rnall geomagnetlu latitudes. The portion of X-ray* Incrortaps with Increasing latil0s. A tons of lover bromnatrahling Intensity separates the Oitor from the Inner -adiation belt. This zono to lractically at~sent In the region of the irazMan anoruily. -he allator of coanjo rays determine$ by the second an4 the third Soviet spaceship zes*vbloo remotely a &in* curve running between 110 of northern and 110 of southern Carl 2/3 A= us MOW. Nonagnph Vlt/- ~ff-ar merem"lebI INVtsoj, Ask abou"WiL SAO& as Uou of therml radiation at radic, r-mieney, glossm r if M-'AAfiWf20j0ftt~&PISj9W0lVna radlelokstelyal Wascove To %iletsum M199- 03 Illue.s blbllo. Tv3OO copies TP prissed TOM VAM passive reftr..mdar antenna, rear cosponantp r"ar det;eetless Wwrinal radiation, radio eulselonj= redlatIons radl~two rediomtryp rear u"ser swerbigh rrequency, reder target SO A ~Iftb s Ibla book Is concerned with Un Wwory and application or passive rader. The basic prInelples or utnization or naterslammsuradiatim at radio rrmponey ror the doterminatlm of an coominstes said physicei pro rtion or targets am describeds and data ft Ible type or Wismal radiation Inaluding wellWs ror dounar" a* seeminates or Use radiators an given. Slieple Aft I ftr dSUMalne an pfi turf Orr U. foutisoft F ftnotlowl ole- omits or Milo by = and deftetion goo billty orIW Nis u~;im By or lostes are derived. verism sips- or w1veres aft UWlesters us" In passive redas am doserl- IT IlsaUM of I radar rer qdIltmT sod sessoMe pwpages is ""On" to =IL. uw be* is um"N rw exonsers A= 00 MPJO129M and reder speelallstop as well ftr andlum ad elm"nu UkUM aftefted oft~ In vedlo TAM or "lures pmft" IA,A.B"MNMklyl re ems- - - 9 List or "abols 11 i -Is of the theory of poselve radar VA. I. OWMI Mdl&tlon at redle treqwmey - - 17 Cb.'U. Det"tIOD of radlo Ir OQMDSY sIgnale Owd ---- t Se Moir . Int"Wity. Omperblab fftquomy redlemet" ~ Ch. UZ, fteelVe radar Wtheds. DetermInatleft ot 060rdIMUM at rAtuml radle "Ifflon @game lIT TGdmlqw ON application of pa"ITS I%dw gate - 11T Applimuen of Passive nder - - VERNOV, S.N.; CHUDAKOV, A.Ye.; VAUMOV, ?.V.; GOI;;C!!AKOV, Ye.V.; Yu.*,.; LYUBIMOV, G.P.; IIIKOIAYL-V, A.G. Inveatigation of radiation duximil, the flic.'A of au',onntic Interplanetary 9tatlons "Mars-l" and "Moon-4." Kosm. isal. 2 no.l.:633-640 ;1-Ag 164. WIPA 17: 9) L 2112"5 VTIOWIWS AVYWONo Verney -9-1 CkedGkofs-Am-106 TAIPANTo-t- T-8 4094hdk*vo _Vk.~ we I I to -I aftsesteove So f.s Lessaboue To. to Liu Gotd,__ iiilyi UXIUP~~-,AAMS 0 1 M& 14. v0 ItUgs . %diatigg study 67 C#MjL_Ill lasporl. Ovesestod as the wee- 0074"ovo a4vookeboal7e p* 6"w (Att-wasea, Coulereage 00 the lphyside a# ftsaid sale), bead as sesame 4-10 Sea- Me. lev*461re. levird 11444bashalree we as, so. Is* 1964, Sess-Sel* ITOftc T4461 radiett 44or"Nsto spossicne. doodeassea, GOOSICONS6, .Vriaafy "Sala wadi O:aio:o. XUAOIL4 w 49606dres of"4491 ITI-2 G" diddhawas o"Otow, comes-&? ANITAACTO The arliels 446496644 equip"Ge seed to-the flight of Cow"o-11 (*posed, M kel "figG4, I" bol low t"4461466186 am Batch*@ radisties belts sad PrAftowl 40"14 C44646"Ge. no 646firowe Goomfisted go two 941saillosles oftesece (vtob net god set 411466141 sod Aged- 114 16 All"$ AMMON M APS462106 STS-3 see-discharge 44mater. The aftiodele4i 541 coveter (to a 20 am) as Devoted UGGOW the sketl of the satellite Gad was littail Utah 1401668 ableldise (I elm ). am &as nbassal it reseeded toei"4100 : Predated to she arystal by wedidet"S es, the two oebefee is weelecolod .the sysibir *I pulses with Godley welesse to &be slystat over $be dp*461164 thresholds (So how -md NOW)w'. The allosetwo Gross .0064600 of 04 not arystal for powtisloo registered items the 104166- igloo 444,11fat threshold thomwelo-was appwon..%.? on I for the sod"C !absasm&# St was wsme;U7 H "allow lot powsletes vlab quadesple toot. iasslaa sed Sea @*tiger for relativ6stle pareselooo 11" STS-5 Sao-diosbarse op"gor has as ollostfive seems *sovtom *I 4.2 Mae It was 1144*4 &*aide the device mmediates she esteetaleages : "eager 604 we* 004 listed wigb day opedial proteelifto VP 4140 fte ammeter vosistered to$ rates ON I a to, Virtually P46614140o .40 b141149 94404b 6010 Owst b-b- NO 1400 901646140 The flat Cos Seemse. farrovel dleastow, # me cateba"oe a sal wee *"&"douses&* "a "6"6469 a (9*9 29411446944, ism liskst am orpoess- ~Weo savaged With alumsess, l* a melesB)o CC reassesses asofiess c4wd - aft'. ACCASSION NMI APS993186 bjr4onstrauluals the pbstemettiptior 484 the crystal were shielded wish 5 sto of load and It = a# Olusimse, except low the great of the photomaltiptior, which bad a 406144L @tests$ low particle Socidoese (apsroare seaw, W). This sommaor carried *us fiesis4saos matevroo east* &*a pardal* relistrattes as @newly Coleco* to ob* Offesol of 45 sod 160 bor sad 5.4 "d 6.5 ftwo. each (&gooses@ Gad process "Old be wagissered slooll the fireit we (43 Gad 140 Nov) 0-jusele. Aloug gibe other two 0.4 sad 4.5 fto 4%6000160 sko seves was viatoll of pro- coast as as, eleetwes park perves4fioulaw to the evve-41. seclese oa*get! 'use* 4ed. obtfilso-vathe 164 .461146- %losses voco,about l. ose* of the obselaimpa* 10416 1 of abo-Sooloo.v ~twe~ a&* ases"11419 portLils oseftias, hotesior",by Lobe tab I*# - 6", 4 - lowvm&*$ J. "NOCIATINI 40s* 'card am- I L ACCMIN M ATMI610 WMMI !LA WW lll~ 111- jdm- vqq, TITI&I dommAris positift MA PWM419 emossitim se me ow"Im rafteftim ballks 1963. Isolodowmiya boamia-- sims! ve (Spose wassairob, I truo bmfwqaw I al"W, 1"-" amm", log. "41- Me IM same radation, "m Smatilm-wS, somas nw, swne 1. UA--, AWN&WIS As andmative stow to waft et an" roowftd IW ww*z:4"rmm-I we fe"U10"s liago vers loodwe sm 30 sawasor 106. GM%d a" we slow Is Toole I of the fteldows. Us fir" souto own pottima 00 Us ft"Illum page" "Mr #Vwo as altsma 3 *0040AGA6 la"t "a. as se as foosiatim %do sin am was"d at 4"A viodot at $via as dams I -A-- - faun womb st as out. as vass"No ww" "M Imew 1~4 74~'-Gmwo atdbbvm4o or I due od UvMmmfo OW dMO 6 MW in Us Ab4r gw&s& MGW-wr ftd SALL- L 1553-*,6 ACCMIM W AT3023610 troo-I and .2 av" 6"Irped with Sladler lwLrommt"im. is fams comme. Somm-W. the" were difft-Immes to anver ILM6~061 A dMIM MONSOMIS14 dM 400 401000 ft *1*"*" m4 prot-M flumme ot "Mrast smarties to OA641044rtfil 91400 Me t*f "T"goom gives IMP-1 A"a. The fallowlas casclustome cam to soft from Me ceparta %Ialit of aftifically lojected el"U"S ValM 44 Maleness Glemost So on ear"'s cent The mutame of aw bait is r*bnwy 190 Gas *4 L a 1.32. %* flea of *Iftt~ vub somw abeve, a WT 44 t" monlamat fte abft% I a 107 2) *"raw ouroeted rim of proseme with sm ,OUST Of 45-76 av aa as mudammi of 1* laser belt (L a 1.45) wee Wbm* 1.9 a to' 4 amap tosew 1040. " apackno at protem qeOq0to m1em 90 MW vqm ob$W"G as L a I.V& Um ayeqtv~ of tbam Oswego is to U0 Press" of butmalaso ftimb amid be emplalmod %v Us tb*M of fibs& antross. 3) "m SWIGI matrivates of page" wtM aft omega of ago to ~ovona mV difft" rim UNA of MW 410"ream. Ibm to a AstivASS ro& ularity to this didtf$lmillso of pro4som mewdift to awtv smarties. as ev~ dirogtod ilia of pmum with m amw abom a am fam afta 6.9 a us are-*Wt. #$GIo,' Is Mw equolorl" plame me 16 o SA It depearm Uo Me a*JMIW of Wo z proton to SW amw "W mas ariambed IV I m -- afto with paqPUS to us manage tie" U0009 b) A Wt of WO"WW QUAftiels ova G%M"d at L a LIV its viab Go U6,11CM-9110 dud 491444" am W f - 1 0 sionw~ L 1553-" ot oisetromm, or above m bov awra was oboorved to "0 "Ods "sumen L The altitude Intammilty sbifL to sibJect to large nwtvm&iMw is tim sad Outer belt to drop at timme to Negligible nowitudes. 6) IM amaissms of Uw Ity shift itioned. on Uw average. at L w %.8. 7be amaimmom altitude 141*4100 in- 41cator 0 - 0.3 q,0.3/-O.2*w�tkI6 a wide Few of L. 7bere 16 0 Sharp lote"itf jmW .00 the SisM side at L e 7 0 0.5. On the 410raillf 81499 4 01" sommsexte " , Of iNISMilky M ONSIV906. "Is STOW1~0 ~31`96%44 (IM Of 6100"08 WAIAb Go 4111SWIF of over TO kew 44 Wo sesim of as wAor belt Is ~ 9 v W markess-1-ow' and em cbaqp IW am Moss sm mew of mpmftft. as oloulml "WIF GPM% :ob*410- 146" ts*~~~:iawqft-dv" it 41144W,710- Ifeardwro. so ouwww qpm~ IS-sew somm" be Ganom"We In a - - mwwmw" c owummr rearm. 00,041. -.8%. 1 A110CUInat some New M at TrIUs Pasm"eme at wo Sam's mom"Id flem. toss~ uw ums zle"TOO-3 91"WSO .AMES) ks~Mc"dwp mosomm, led-we Nowas. TAOS$ amooluts do" SION&FOUP VVIM ommamr, piles, awwswo Pd" ADIVACIS Us satellite. lownewd as J"r 11 ad a son with a forrilm some BAPS" com Sam sell two or~uud I* w0 &V"tF&w efirldiwo M tw Me md of 1.10 op, aw OMW ow 30--w0 41""to rommefta ad PLUM V" alrusudw woodift T. ftm a wou awmo at be am on"= am Wo wousafte IIKOLAYEV, A.., inshener-polkovnik 'i Rockets sgainst-troops (&i'?Jr*v*alsd tri foreign press 4,.4). Starsh.- sersh. no.702 Jl 162. (KLRA l616) (Uniied States-Rockets (Ordnance)) NIKGIA70,_.~. , ~olkovnik P&#A to outor space is paved. Voen. vest. 41 no.5s8-10 MY 161. (MM Usl) (Astronautics) 0 T r r LAYN9 A., kapitan Tbvl"oo I rMe 12 no.7t7 A 061. (MM 1416) likovie, gwthers.-ALr Yam) SOV/25-59-4 _7 2144 AUTHORs Borisov, V., Nikolayev, A. P-~ TITLEs An Underwater Ejection Seat (Katapullta pod Yodoy) PERIODICALt Nauka i zhizn', 19599 Nr 4, p 6? (USSR) ABSTRACTs The author describes experiments carrie4 out in the USA and England with underwater ejection seat3. Card 1/1 BM SOW, T.; NZGIATIV. A. lock's capsule, Sauka I shIsnO 27 no.3s68-69 Ur 160. Oft IM) (some obips) NIKOUTZTIP A* G y Sovetakogo Sopse, 2*tchlk-koomavt 3-Sbf( - ,-.q!Lro Oor satentifle pe&coful objeatives. Av. I kowL 45 no.9145-49 162. (KIRA 15:10) ~Space rikht) Mikelaev, Andriian Or.lWlovleh, 19290 l Fopovich, Pa"2 Romwwvtch,, 2930-) N AVVW- AL - over, letchlk-kommawt, c6my sevoteks" S07"al POPMCIP Pp pedpolkovalko letchlk-ko~mvtt Corey se"toksgo si Arsued the earth IV time. &w. L keen. 43 se.9s7l 162. (NM IL5 110) (Ppes nubt) _111WAZZly-A., mayer, l~tcMk-k*mwmvt SSSR, Gorey Sevetakage -Sayum The %Ounlw. (to be sentimod), kwe I komN 45 me,902-76 162. (Him 15110) (Iik*2&w,, Au&lbm ftigarlowlebg 2909-) RIKOUTEtf A,; mVw# lstcbik-kcmm&;vt SMp Gorey Sovat"Op Sclua carsides" (to be ocatUuod). Avl bma. 45 w.20s2145 062. (am V 120) (NIAwkew, Adrim GrUwfovlsk# 192%.) RUMUM, A., mayw,, lotchik-kaommavt SSSIt, GqM So"takago So7uft < AlUtefte we esUlft, Av. I kas. AS moUsl&20 162. (KMA 25o11) (UhWkWo AnMift GrWlodgk. 1%9-) NUCIAYEV,, A.G., letchik-kcamonavta POPOVICHo P.R.# 2ot.-hik-kommoviawt --a- We lived and worked In outer space* Mroda 51 noo9sIO-26 S 162. (MM 15 r9) (Astronautics) jvoas/6Ypcvwi/oo~ OAWAtai At"W"I NIgImposi-Ar-46, 11tValcho F. R.. Astronauts of Ow LMPO Norqso of the Soviet Union I I 11=1 Now does Ow Zarth look tram outer space? MIOVICALs Fr1roda. nii, 1, 1963, 1 - IV 4MI 2%o two Soviet astronauts give a description of how the Earth lo~kod from their space-ships Ond present a number or colored photos of coast lines, rlv*m, mountains and the bowkiary between, day and night, Won during the niot. they point out that continents and oesons were clearly to distin- gulsh, that the relief of the continento could be made out d1stlactlyl, even the single ridges or mountainous massives, such " tho Tyan-Shen' and Himaloya. ItAy saw from above thunderstorms and lightfibgs end could see the difference-betwoon cr- iulum ond stratue clouds. When the space ship can out of the Earth's shadow, the horlson aso rather contrasting, while nearor to the vin, the contrast was loop pronouns". In 24m*Ift 6am vertically, the colors appeared nearly In the am@ wow " an Bulb. 9w authors ocnolude in on ling an the possibilities of OfAIIISIN OW yVrAU of V" obsorvaticno tar ruisioer asummou"i niou Caft 1/2 4 --AWAM/-- 01. VMS Maim or" commumew ~t 'Saone site sommumt tnial" MUMS Comments almol"Wes and Few Oble tralatme vV* ta on was stews a weral Sam 2m& a somereft vm-ftw "leap laft1vtom MY 41100t also. 3afAlse of ruot aft"Mant udis"Lolegis" ammimattimp tmfttn ta somm- 21011tum 04111"M# @US a ma at ops" som %* spoeffloolly "Ited ter somonsms au umas belp. vmmft b" spose nw ulmalm"T M owsaft opmul PFO.Plamma ~ftm ftetand to Gamete, M434 14110. amt wtse"IM' is Paid to fit&" Walaft in =mm Imm"ll plamosp asseta - flloft mod in 1 -0 So" 91th aslap* spol" at aw on -16 t MING SMIANO 00 now VAU ACQ: 2.4 Jun 63 00 No MW son 000 GMAJUNp furlyt latchik-komp"Tt, Caray SamU*ogo Soyaw, podp4kgvviki TITW,, Gausn, podpdgkownik, letehik-kamoontl _VIXCMW. &%*Apn, wyarl, I~Wklk4m=navt; POPOVICH, ftvel, podpolkwalk, letchik- VTO TWo speft yews* Avel komm, 1*5 no.4#2-4 163o (NM 16 t 3'1 (*so* gabit e NXIOLAW.-A.,-polkovnik Navy supersdide aircraft, AvA kom. 4*10 no.401-95 Ap( 163. KMA 160) (Airplanes-Design and construction) L-1 1-67 jill -sai -fla-ddo- -99--1 iWO-0-20-1 U-11-69/0 0-3-5-3co- AZC ~NRAF663000 AUTNMs TIM Ybaswumt of Istowity (paw pnowt" at the &rw"h AMC 3=31 a one ftlas To 1"o mr TOM UM =09 MMUM 101~11 malbor An s= MUM iradaucs mrem~vo is eum hv3A in V&~ in ft IMP 1%4-1947 IMW PFObOg ndblift =WWNM%1 AMSUACTs The Imw proto "L IM:r lawmMd by the SovIst %den 4a 30' =aft a sM landbg m Sw Mom m I Februwy at 24 br, 46 oft, 80 we (monow um); it was oqdppsd with m inarwasm codaiwft a 6 z lo-~ diedwp esuftr to waswe fte isMadW of rodkUmi. Tbe'mdmi~ ~dbg of fn com4w =wAftd ftsift 00 prdw now Its jodws vu 0#1 ON/ewe, "A Worumad w" adtdwd an --dhftly aftr Nlm~-Ow wu put too W40 md um boo in opwatka wAn So I A I IA tmmumdq~ "0 data an On Lai -113 debobd vft 'So - - -T-. -W- -vw I I Ume Inswvda we d~ is L olu two MOW Amlwvdo wo, ewe ter *A Tlus of 148dism Nosevromesto ded asecomeas do flism to on 110~01+02 the Noes MocoL The next (sixth) interval ir Oftst for the night war the Moon (beghming with at a dis- too" of %501000 km from dm Moon): dw lawift. and the first 5 minvies dim Useal a W OW lWarvals are related to opvrau~ an the memo 9 surface. TONS I shows the - no- -A ~ Values of so time Intervals and the mm- comM rates recorded ia ohom luterv"' 11he basic orrove to determlinift lbe count rate are "isticAL Its. 1. as go~e-gowt rate -of "LOW40, "W ftu in T" I ohm So ft smosm-co" Me i "a on 69 Mom''s ---ftm mm m" O%oflhe esuid raw ofthe somme cow~ In Iftespese. befterwa gifemAyprimaryessioders"bedbeem ow CoW*W W to movmi~s surflass, W"m beve sommmed ad qdft MU as mob -W to Not to fte a"". 7% dooss"d sm"Oshme ftillstim CWd ME- - - M L 04701-tO Interval boundaries L-Cr Aver"Ing j"ar"I wan-count race Mate, 31 JOB 19" Is k M aim 40 sac 10 h 12 aim 30 age 3.229*0.010 Duties so MGM 1 M it" 04 h 31 aim 10 sac 10 h 54 aim 20 sac 3.21780.010 1 13 b Onto 30 see 23b 01 ale 45 sac 07 b 16 eta 15 sac 3.26760.011 2 Fab IW 16 b 29 ids 00 see 17 b 27 aim 15 sac 3.27640.007 3 Feb IM 15 h 34818 15 sac 23 h 05 min 13 age 3;26620.006 21 b 30 imis 00 etc 06 b 15 ate 43-64c 3.2434.012 "or am IN mew M 1"G 00 b 06 min 54 sac 02 b 16 Met 34 sac 2.06540.016 O N an IN= 06 b 35 aim 04 see 06 k Is ads 10 see* 2.069*0.010 17 k 41 eta 00* Doc 10 b 26 ate 56 am 2.07460.0041 it b 52 WLS 30 See 02 b " min 30 C 2,01709.014 5 14 1966 04 b 00 "a 44 am N b Of WAS 10 oft 2.05090.0" It b 01 as 40 a" 15 b 01 aim 00 am 2.05980.0" 20 b 37 "a 39 see 01 b 35 ale 90 am 2.0*49-080 n b 43 a" 30 a" 02 b 44 am So on a 3.0"04.011 t "to awl" as nig" to 3.27340.9" as MU."W$ n" I" M U G ~ I 'N I - 15 7 ACC W, AF640%6~__ Is 0.43 count/see or %20% of half the coarAc-ray Intensity. 'Mis excessive radiation may be due to the radioactivity ad the Moon' a surface and to the secondary cosmic raftetionprodam by" primary cosmic radiation in the matter an the Moon? a surface region closest to the @Milan (cosmic-ray albedo). UrAU now, no experi - dal data have been availikbje on the radioactivity of ** Mom' a surface. 7U "Luns-g" measwoments make it possible %o evaluate the radioacUvity of So Mocal a surface In Me la#WUW ares, mar dw Ocean of Storms. Assumbe That the total detected additional radiation to dw! to the radioactive Sam=& radiation from the loon* a surfate, the radfo- activity of the Moont a surfaw'may to % 30 times greater than that of Ow Earth's surface 41he count rate of "Low-r from the natin A radioactivity on Earth was 0.03 cowA /see$. However, the reMoselivity an the Moong a surfam has ban. ewfidw4y overestimated, beceass the 95W ot mult4ake- tion of dw otamiry comWe re"m predweW so coontle-ray albode pairucle Asses nor OVUM So nQor pan or ~ is sU st On "Wisnal radiation deleM & VOWS the date hvm se ewlier godet pope, it cait be shown thist On sUmb particle Ow to 30 of 69 tobd cosmic-ray 12ax or 40% -A 49 lkau *A om-nw Amm Addfflind =Z aUGG$ ohm V" 14 lose An aw rosks of fte %ma-l" lwdft W~ a www- Wal bs* so wAk Nam 047C3-61 .Of radiaUen hazar4l and that the radioactivity an the surface of the NO= 14 jelose to dw radioactivity 60 surface of the on zarth. It wag ghmn during the flight of the second Sovkt space probe In September lp$q that at the distances greater than 1000 km from the Noon' a aurfmw, the intensity of dw radiation trapped by a possible lunar magnetic field does net *mood 10% of Ow cosmic-ray intensity. no "Luna-S" data make it possible to evaluate the fluxes of the trappdd radiation at distances lose than 1000 km from the MOOD, 0 surface. The mem-acunt rate just before and during OW f1ret minutes after the landing W" 3.2% A 0.0 12 count/soc (w* Table 1). It this count rate is corr- cted for Ow geometric shielding of 6w counter by ** Moon during the approach of the station to do Moon and during the period oC radiation do- tactics an dw Noon's surface (this correction to at-vat 114, the resulting count rate is 3.W count Jose. This practically coincides with preview measurements. 1%6 UNW ReqOft for dw "Luns-r to omr Ow last 1000 ku *egIvmftftrvaL At aw wassu*4 *awa" vm3md Aone = hmews of 90 to 4w sawit raft do Ing This dae fmkwvdl wedd be xvUmaW. L V47(3-67 "M Mg-VWj%"&%F 3 I`hus the uppep limit for the possible radiation flux penetrating the I'Lvna-9" jacket and trapped by the hypothetical magnetic field of the'Moon st the altitudes below 1000 km from dW Moo' a fortsce is not more then half -the primary cosmic-ruftation flux. The variation whichwould decrease go intensity of cosmic rays might somewhat change the evaluation of the upper limit of the hypothetical trapped rogation mar the.140on. bet the main con- clusions that the Moon has m radiation belts and conseqvently no markad magnatic field remain unchanged. Fig. 3 shows the nwan-c=nt rates in free space and an the Moon' a surface. 1U intensity In d.w. transition interval boo been corrected for the geometric AW14bg by fn Mom It can be seen from FI& 2 that the . cosmic-ray intensity undergoes slow gradwd changes (saUd curve) similar to those ree= during the filad- of !Wft- wyaw UMMO it pass"* to seesme thow-44'WiNe-ps of :dw gj~ e app a A to to Not% w appreaMW voiriatioss In eeamlcorW intensity @a@ m I IUsIvier 9W OWWWO Sao " ~tlw do" aw OW ts Mourbarta daft so IL k (IMP160 Ushs* reveded mW VISMOMMI in OW 460019--s -an some/am Tivie of 1664146 do Nedgeremeals ? ng. 2. no gems rsia of as dlo&Mr'&s counter defteg the "Lame-g" IU In Eces *pace Said as the Mmes "..'sese I" woomm-somoc cocoa so Cbe N"S 9 surface bas beem wedge" to the woon-coust rate dwing Uw (110t, and the -scale boo boom to two rtiom to the asa*.4mt ratem durims tim flIght and So dw Neemse owtome. The absolute dux at Ow cosmic-rarpWtiews delmalss by "Lana-l" was aboduftAime Is due to *a 10% umwtsiffAY is ow eWeadmd dimmmodow of Ow menier Awdepw mamftmmft trm stsuaw p w1wnp- m 4-4 Oddwr md " DMI -1 Ibm dwas 61 :Pwudo O~e lobe M ad LO smalmses ... .. ... ... TrACRUM. 1.A.. irEsholfter; DIESWIMM, Te.I.. Inchener: VARMTSKIT. A.IP., tashooor: InoWmar; GOW.TAM=ff, A.U., Imshmusr;,XjgQAAw CKMtNWXUD. P.G., Jusbomor. to Top mott" 9f stool throoo We 4WppW luboo. Ibtallwg W.5129-32 P, 6360 (mm 9:9) I.Whottoop!-ftly "fallurgichookly knoldast. (ftelting) AUTE01 i BOUOVSKIY,S.N. and NlK0LAYEVt-A,--G-, T1TLfv-- Durability of Molds 'G-r-Tt-eef resliviki stall, Russian). M10DIUM St&10, 1957, Vol 179 Nr 1, Pp 20401veds 5 / 1957 eneineers PA - 25rs6 Pauring. (Stoykost' tzlozhnits dlys 84 - &S (U-3-8-H-) leviowe4s 5 / 1957 an"MCRI to the aftne of tavestiatio" Is W" "eased that the tooksolow of #oaring &sd the ebaresterieties for vasto remain asekasged. First@ the Influsses, *xoreloed by 40metrastion OR the strength of the wide is doeoribed. Vb* 6 types to op*ratiom and their charms- toriatiost via. sonstrastiolml drovings, a table sontalaing the $""Marietta*$ &wd a table shoolva the depeadesee of Us strength of Us solds @a the Gi- and lk-oossteat in fte east irsa an at- tea"s Investiestion shoood that 1) a "14 the fall@ of shlob Unease so" heated when the sold Is filled with stool Is Interior to ot~b to tkooe Is ubtak the valld beams lose heattit 2) that a sold with rootanolar erase aeotloa Vamoose* I**@ strength the& am with & e2uarg @rose e9stiong 1) that a muld for the posting of quiet steol# It headpiece@ for toodboade are need pose@@@@@ lose strometh, aosditions otborviso being equal, than thee* was& for boiling stool. Nextp the lmflueza* exercised 'by the chemical desposition of cost iron and Its alcrostructure on the strength of **14a Is "scribed. two kinds of cast iron are soode from *%pole foreseen, with a ferrite-porlits structure, and from t,fto fire% men Effa=01391T# T,Vg TWIMM V.A.. bass. Whs. nanice starobir macahaWy robetaft; 6 P-Te., bud. Sewhe. maft ZNL#ml=. 2.41 UPIVIMO Vote* P"Ce 49"Of 6019M6 MOOks FILIP"N. O6V-; NEIDUM9 A*I~q bud* ftMim6 M6 fttool UJ 109 A,Toj ~~ITS 1-1-9 WAL t6kft- SOk ~DGMKIT* MS.. 40046: ~e ToSeq pzvt.* 4610or ISION6 aldcl WN~W. Votes NOW. Lane aladdily madwql oetrahilk; XGLAW9 Nolee Wool =~~q Aspe; P 0 Me To.As i RAIMINg 1boA6, MwA. toMmie =die 4"161 0 1-1*9 bAwLe 141616 man% ,13 W* I UP ~~* 6.101 a 1P-T-v PGC*q &OMW tolba. asvft IOWA# Coles mjmvl~q M.: Wi~q P.L8 ~=W* A.14.9 prof.0 ddftr jd*m6 am*g ~Urddy aw~ "traftUS 2UMMO 20808 &., '.-!Y,WAAIN A,~~e Slosuffideas. Bill* 20111M ae.18/1914"6 057* (XIM ne4) le AMrAly lashmmor 4=1awtoolaid 11ladesoretva oboMW EA&Ilw- ell M1 (Mor lbe6hav 2- %MOO ~~ (for Tefimv). 3. 21- refter 2MMIddafto mi4ollurediesbW lantift" (for lboodw). bdmdoft U6oratorll *do- me so (for Zmmk*vUb),, 1, 0- 1 -11 WO&W alimmil d&U IMIN getrwdep moUdInclAodimp imilOW"a ( or 1"i0dily). 6o Xbdwl$x" U&SMSM11 OlProo"ll (for Allip1w). 70. 6*3#01&- ddy p*Utddwidwddy imoslova (for abyepayw). (to g""j%jk dkedor laborateril Oppordw OGMdmp =woft Oar aaafflow. 9. Swooslool, aadmIlalka, fammilaw laomtorli mahmew motalluftlakedme - ma~ (for Som=mamr (~"*iwmd on am* owmal KKDAKOWKIT, I-T.-(Ooatixmd) Cut 2* 10. fttlrddy wvWIvw4dtsddV las4ital (for Modshlbosbdcly), u -000 0 - NOWMNP=*e 9 =Ullwol ot&U glpwdwV poUtd6a. abodopladiftu (for room). u zopo lubs~ IbIwOdop uoUUwddwdmw kwhim" (for 23* Iftenown awmblw-l~6u4wftt9l,ddF lmtl$W =*&U lwel*Adow t I ~- ~ (for td=M&). 14. Vn]Llddy p*U$sMM- abodgly IMMIt" (for mpbuw). is. Sumakitext am"Ismum %*I*. teMMdwdtw labemtwll ftd~-VsAllsbw softileffodw~ bmalmoa (for crubm"). 16. ff"b"%m toplet4muddwdw Ubo- ratoril IMNOMI~W SOMMMY lAbOMt*rll SWrW6 1�6 TOMMI'M (flor )e 170 .,v m"llurgidaddr ImAIW (for gliunla). 18. bmlftt mmalwol in. *JIM - m ~ (for M*M). 19. lmiWfmdk b6orateril EmUmmakM pedwr Toosopm- no towsm (for adreww). 20. wwwodWUy Ud"m oUlbwdl 8W2 Vnd'dM* poUlelftlebeebw im"Isum (for vmmma), no 168b"fmdk wo*4dlurglebodwy I"ore*orli flbatmllaW m"~ U6wa$wll Zmbw%=dnc* w1allar0abodwo swWls (for Sedwm). 2& amelltell CUNNOCO Imbomm smods in. ftovwdwo (for gMddla)e 23. Nbdlafalk marlsawdoMe tftkM namtdwv wtal- lurg&Aodfto bmbla&U (for Endow). 24. botital =441wal in. ajqwm AN ~ (for naebmkw). 25. Glavw lasb~r Mrowdo. OdWo =UllwodwdMe mm"s (for 2mmavw). 26. ladmill- alk tsd&a Nvasl%qprsbW mUllswedwakMo buolmsa (for lawlaw). Opowaawsh preftes) ,4/13171-59-2-11/26 AUTHORS., Ryabov, Z.Io, Chernogrid, I-,t;. ~-ia Pugachev, DoK. Engineers TITIA: An Improvement in the Surface Quality of Rimming Steel ingots (Uluchaheniye kaehest-ri poyerkhnoati kipyash-,hPg(, slitka) I -, 119RICDIOAL& Stall, 1959,-Nr 2. pp 123-124 (USSR) ABSTRACT: One of the main defe%:ts of rimaiing steel ingots on the Magmitogorak Works wexe surface films. On the proposal of F*D.Vormov (engineer) filling of the ingot moulds fitted with sleeves was terted. Cylindrical (dia 400 Am) and rectangular (500 x 600 am) sleeves up to 710 sm high made from sheats from 0.5 to 1.5 mn thick were tested. As a first step the solubility of the sleeves in the steel was tested. It van found that complete solution of the sleeves is obtained if they are aude from shoots up to 1 mm thick. The effectiveness of th* application of sleeves was tested by tapping heats into two ladles and teeming one ladle into moulds (7 ton) with sleeves and ',-he other *adle into moulds without sleeves. The ingots obtained were rolled into slabs and their surface quality Card 1/2 was evaluazed on the basis of the produztivity of 31ab BOD.Mssliciv A.Gest i:iz:i. Influence o,^ osparatc Lr,,,:vt mold 3actions 03 U-3 cost 0.&' CA ingot, Stall 20 no.6:502-:04 Je '60. (~:LA 2432) 1. Magnito orskly m9ta11ur,;1c.',.u.-Uy kazbirat. 6n-ot rzolds) procesc-Accountin ',Ifbw th."MrAll (,t%,zvltvljM t,",'atlf ~..i of On I.-I i I ti L "mA C. N, (.', 4. V4 5,4 f, 11 !x-$ Ps ~-trj~ "A'.) fif- 'All USSR/Culttvatud Pl:intr,. ilediclail, Ethor Olcagimu:;, J! -m(I Poisunour, Pl~~nt:',. Abs Jour : Tlcf Zhur-3tol., I'c ill, ic,*5,' , 63397 Author : Nikolayuv Ae rU4 Inst I Kisninuv ifnirvc~s~t,7- Titl i Ethor Oils of tiio Guosofoot Sp-cto:;. Ort- Pub Uc',l. zm).Kishlnovsks uzi-t, 191j71 2C, 03-97 Abstract In -Ln r.-ffort to fin( r,, for ch(;nopodi= oil Jhich is i vi:.;ry offecttiv,-- modiciml mr,~k-ns in th~j stviGglu :-.Criinst r~s- cari,isis ind njc--~torVisis, ~i study v .9 n4,41- o-:' soii,; othor-oloagincus --s raj)rosun- ;4--oh tud bY 2(j goosofoot forma L- Sou-'U'harn Europ,~. T,,1-. pl.-.nts !.-era gro--;:-, o r, s e a d o n f i e1 0 3 n, - r~r I-,o:; c o-. i :-~ n,,' -i1 1 c) I 11 - diwi-i. Aft~,r th(~ xk-rv,~Acd T)1-.nts rl-. Criod, Card 1/4 UGSR/CulLiv.,.tud Plants. I!,Aicin-J. Ztii,.r Olwigiriou.-, M ,in,. Poisunou- Pl-.nt:;. 1 .1 Abs jour i Rof Zhu---Biol . 9 I;o I1(~' )"C" f.)ot. Thci gre-t-1-st qu-intity othcx oil is 'oun6 in th.--, r:-~comos, but "hoir -.scari- diol c,--ntant dcpondin upon t',. c.,r)- dition.,; of tho -u~ir. 14ithin --ny p-rtici-1-.- SP-'eicsi the v-,.ri-'tions -.n,,)n- tho tivos 0.- difforunt countri,~s .ro v-,rv slivht, th- w-ri-tions th~; sp.-C--,.;:-, -r- raore prin uncud. Th, oil o-' f-)llo-, ing, cluS form:; p--rticul-.rl-, highs c,aridiol c-ntuat: Ch. -.nbr~,si,Ados L. -:ith hig.'-i '~Jc,xidiol c-nt.-nt (771'u'.") p,.rc,"110 -11r1 Ch. Chilinso Schr-d i1:;- Ith i hi,-,h -.:,c,.ri- diol cc ntt---Ait (76-33 percr-.,nt) Ch suffruticc- suu-i 11illd. .-.nd Ch. -inthalmintiCIIA'*r. Card 1 3/4 USS/CultLyated Plnnts - )4MIciLni. Esac*.,tial oil-Bearii S. 20XVI - jIbs Jour Ref Zhur Blo-A.., No 18, 1958o 825a6 A--ithor Pikolayev ) It 0 Yellin, M.N. Inat Kishi:.ev thliversity Title On the Essential Oil of Vat 14serwort (Laserpitium his- pid.w M. B.). Orig P6b Uch. zap. Klehinevsk. im-t, 1957, 280 99-106 Abetract IsseatLal oil of the ftAt of L. hispidum, growiig I;. Crima cnatalne vp to 640 of SamAol. Sowmr, Qje oil of Lie plmts growing in different regious of Crtzm dif- fers co;-Alderably In qpallty. The oil of Ua fruit of the p1mits grown In the vicii4ty of KLshii-,cv vas st,Aied Li comectioa with the developmeat of work (m iatroUcLia L. hispid,.-m into coltivmtioa In Moldavia. Methods of Card 112 176 - NIKOLAMV. A.G.; NIKOLATUA, D.A. Sm source of senthol. Sed.pros. 12 %6.4:21-24 A* 150. (NmA 11:5) 1. Kishtnevokly goeudarstyennyy universitet. (MM (WfAST) (ISSOCZS AJM RUMIAL OIL$) NUQLAM,o AeG. ty at choolad sharecters In OnUm swAmlimmis. bipwt lbo4s Twiewor il& PNO~UOa OF 000fte VIW PO Mdae Prit"o -~=4* NOJ~ U'A. 9W (mm 1&12) to Umbiwwskly gesuderetwoMy rnivereltate laboraterlys bldddW or"Vomm" (mat (281w)) smal"18) (botanw-varlaum) XIMLAM# AeGej ULLUWM# X.I. TwIeWlty 9C ohudftl sharesters la RmUs - 0 Ampwt 3beal voldwity in ftes k, W. - .- ?"Be p9 o prim* se"s W032 "44 1 do* om 1612) I* gesedwetvmM7 mlvendtoto labwatorljm blobUmLl ofumks"Te (Nuat Obtaw)) (naat&.cmm---, smipla) (Ibtamr-Twistion) NIKOLUNO A.G.; ULAMMI L. Tmdauuty of ebomiw d~torw is MMU& a rapm lb*)$ TarldUUty Is s*lfvVWIwt1am. Troo pe k" plM. a"* WON 121-2V#40, (MM 16s2) 0; M t*t. Ldomtwlya blakMoLl b~r(DD4M))s""o W-CIA 1 %7 =L= *MLIPI*) (lotamr-Vartation) MMATUp A.G.; RIKOIAIUAg D,I&. miw~l Sal$wIla peppomlmt In the "lscti~ of pappawint varleUes wl#A a UP monUwl ~tomt. Mdo p~o ~ 24 w*Usl7-%M 9 1160o (Kn& 23012) 11 y gmnad=-stwswqr mivwsitot, (ps"Wiff) -IIIKOUYFV. A. 0., NIKOLAYFVA, D. A., (3,000L. r. I... K"FI.Jr. Y. 14.. and HrCCNINA, 7. S. (U55R) "Chemical Vaftibility in sore Essential Oil ?lan*5 as a Result of IntPrhrer4- ing." Report presented at tile 5th lnt,rn-~tional Biochemistry Congress. M03COW. 10-16 Aug 1961 6 Ift bup~ is wbdo or uw ow opwmw. 0 top% nbutuld ftr an I NIMP &d ---. vfw*wt~ as go -ohmalow se malou - of Pmwo opok-0 27 sag - a so de NIKOLATEV, Andrey rArleorlyevichl FZR7-rf)V. Serstev Vikt-orovich; rEREmAulso 5.T., m5immat; MIN, V.T.lp retz*nzent; D"VSKIT, A.A., prof*, doktor t3khn.usukp Imuchn. red. MASMOVA, V.G.0 red. (R&44Lr detection of th*rrnl racilation; passive rad&rl Ra- dioteplalokatalia; passivnaia rediolokataiia. Mo3kva, so- vetskoe radl(, 1964. 334 p. (HIRA 17sl2) 1. MIKOLAYE70 A. 1. 2. USSR (600) 4. Sheep 7. Developwnt of the brooding of fine-wool and somifine-wool sheep in the Trudy VIZh 20 1952* ,j, Library of Congress, March 1953 9. fttW 11pt gL ka" AlSpIpLan - Unclassified. AMMLAIN, ILIBJMIL Iyawricli, profeasor; ELMIPMEOT.'s 9.L., JAM, GaAe. UMIaboakly rodaktar; GLUM=, P*Go, takhaicbeddy rodakfowo Mel: ce~cIal guide] T~ovedeale sharsti,, X*NoOw- cbImIkmo Moskva, lod-wo tokbas I okon. lit-t7 po vopro~ s&- gota"k, 1"4o M ps (Km as Q (Wool) A.L, professor. SUGAM41 --- Golden. floose. 3"Ims I shies, al W.12110-11 9 154.(MM all) 01901) P I il, - I h .1 V ., -, - Ily- j xMrAUTJIU. A.L. professor; KLIKTAUOVA. To., MAW; STSUFAIIAVA. I., -- Wr [I" bn"ifel A"Chkohadealls, Nloko 911anhe "d-" M, M. M P. (W& IN 2) (Gboipp) DIAAP n jf"-L-A- -f-' X IL -ik-r- 4 eV 4 711- 7-4 Ilvfv I raft I- j'n-o*? .1-a 1 v v n -I, n n T" --NF"n1 j7 A&M-AI&I 0 t t z emtt -1-e 9;~ t Uh s aul- 4 Q - -f roost-rch, Tha high ionattivity. (110-- 76 foZ 4111, Cu, C1 0 t i fy-., o f fn v, f 1 f! -i a 1 r. p n r o nn t 4 in i n an n ww 7 11 P-r. T.--, i- ;~~e, gj~, 44~Lt, 4i!;~v -ff-'F FW-7 T1 T- T3-1 r-1 1: H L 7~EE tU let I --ow 1A. t t w, Imalyn LP p rocedurok car, bi~ c o n v -iot 0 a-3 C 0 m A tC 4 card ' 1,1; NR: AP4044791 A C ]~U4 t, z -Ira -ilat na, LIE t jzj~ -L_ -a_ e ing, d a t a and ling have ^Ireadv deval6pnd. T h R 'or, 4 1 c D r n ID 'A e m , IL n thl-, an;slyng.8 Ir, the aeparaLLon or unu autIvity vi. a Aim, ._.rft be 31-40d bv m. 1 c a 9 Q ~1 .1 r A L L tn cat Ion r r o r of tbil sampl-j-*_ Tito authors used activatiot, snalyjis tq stijdl the _iof-hi~alt - I -th hy -and cinccroui;- ratt, - irradi-Atin- P, e t1i'lue r 10 ~ & ~ in Jn I 01 3cm-2 gjc and 1 . Z x iaeu~roft flux U.3 X 14)lz - r- .m o _ r in 1 0 R I 'j Q 11 U b .5 n. F; V- -c ff f xi - v 4,p f: a h C~ - il 'alls IT, tile ~-Inz 1 qrt,--; ~Ifc ror & o'. T whit f t wr irr~4iacian, mad by Zhe Use Of Athti"in- in 4f1:flf1--tj3G 24mol u ri c ih auud- L4evA_"n4q r v -purp-jzei ~~n 4i t] c an a v z a r a iplc a mq n t,, 4 1 r r a, d I is C i or, e r. c Orig. art. h a a t ACr:!2-11-510H 11ki -MP-4-UA-4-7~11 ASI Oil i lisatitut yaularnov L'iyiki -AN V%S..:-,R (Instcuts of Nuclest t~v a t c;;:, An-us R) Lee N OTIM R 1 004 ATD ;)9Z39s 3128 No RICY IIOVI 002 WINDLATW. Aal ,- rVWv of fgrt%or developing a" raislag to Oe Uslolosel Putt daltusUbew reavitita owleavemalma 9 UU. lbdma, smote, 1"0' 36 P. (weemetumme absUbse"O PC respraltrealfalls pnlt%tc%*vktk% I sanebrot% Ossatto lkwits I moo3l). (CIA 12it) (fteer Onsfifte) USSR / Farm Animals. Sinall Horned Stock. U-3 Abs Jour # Mf thur Biologiya So 16, 1957, No 72061 Author # ftkolaov, I Iritle of Shoop Brooding in the Soviet Union. Orig Pub o Vokl. Moak. S. KH. Akad. In. K.I, TWryazeva, 1956, Vyp. 25. 256-258 Abstract t No abstract. Card 1 1/1 - 10 - t'-suamo Ll. (as" lld*200 prwo fts. IS&MO ut-ryt IW. 301 P. (amp Wv"I") 1= lbdmt usQ WINOWN, A. 1. Su#Wtiew fol. wool standayde published In 'StamdartligatsUO are usfit for the propmed rovisloa of th*se otarAardo. Standiartizatella 216 no.2-.10-35 7 160. (NIU 13-5) (Wool-Gr"Ing) INIKOLAW, A.I., akademik Saw essential problWW of the further donlopont of Sawiet fine--wool sheep farming. Izv. TSKHA no.2t7g-ft 162. (KMA 15-.9) 1. Voosoyusnays akademiya selIokokhozyaystv9nnykh nauk imieni lanina, (Shoop broods) -T USSR/General Div isioa History. Classics. Personalities. A-e Abe Jour Ref Zhur Biologlys, No 7, 10 April 1957, 25673 Author Nikol -ey A Inst Academy of Agricultural Sciences lawni Tiairyazev Title In Memoriam of Academician N.F. Ivamov. Grig Pub Izv. Tiniryszevskoy a.-kh. akad., 1955, No 3, 119-120 Abst Zhivotnovod. Sec. Referat Zhur 1955, 15766 Card 1/1 USSR/General Division - History. Classics. I'er3Dnalities- A-2 Abe Jour Ref Zhur - Biologiya, So 7, A.0 April 1957, 25674 Author Nikolayev,-AJ., Inet Title In Memoriam of an ftinent Russian Scientist, Academician M.P. Ivanoy. Orig Pub Zhivotmovodstvo, 1955, No 11, 46-52 Abst No abstract. Card 1/1 BMWIC70W. L.A.. redaktor-, ORLTSXMXG. A.W.. redaktor-, ILI IM. N.A., taxosti- tell glawnogo re"ktora. LAPTZV.I.D.. LISKUH. Ye.F.; LORAMOT. P.P., Slawary rodaktor; LTSMKO, T.D. -, SKRYABIU, 1. 1. -. STOLMTQV. 7.1. -, MLM, G.I., kandtdat sell skokhosysystirearqkh nauk, nauchnvv rodaktar: SOKOW. I.$.. professor, nauchcyy rodoktor; ANTIM-9ARAWNW, I.I., dektor sallskokhotyaystvanafth a&uk, nauchayy rodaictor-, KARIMSKIT. 5.1P., kandidat sellst-khotyaystyeaufth couk, amuchWy radaktor; SKMWAKOV. A.G.. doktor liellskokhosysy0yeaclkh nauk, professor, naucb- iWy rodaktor; RUBIN, B.A., doktor s*llskokhosymystyeanykh nauk, nauch- Wy redaktor-, KOPARNITSKIT, N.A., dots*nt, naucha" rodaktor-, 1,TSMO. T.D.. akedenik. neuchayy rodaktor: POLTAKOV, I.N., professor. neadwry redaktor; SHCHINOW. T.M., dnktor sellskakhosysiyetwenny" neat, professor, muchzWy rodaktor; YAKUSKKIN. I.Y.. scadesik. nauchayy re"ktor; LOIN, I.T., professor. doktjr b1ologichmakikh asuk. nauchuyy re"Mor; SKKA)V. S.F.. profesdor, doktor biologichoskty usuk. nouchawy redakler; ADALISOTWX, V.I., professor, doktor eel I skokhovyaystv*niWkh sank. muchiWy rodaktor; SHCKMNACKMV. D.N., professor, dektor wedi- Sainskikh sank. nsuohcyy redektor; COOLMRS. G.S.. kandidat sollairo- khoorWetweapykh nauk, nauchqyy rodaktar; YMOTUW. P.C. skadenik, moyebW rodaktor; TIKINOT, V.P.. &groom. rAuchnyy redaktor rdeceenodl. MIN=. G.IP.,, professor. doittor sell skokhosysystwounykh asuk, nauelb- ofy re"ktor; TDWATW, X.N., professor. nauchW rodal:tor; TUROW, M.I., proteasor, d9kJor blologtchooklkh nook; TUDIN. T.N.. akadftiko .7uebW redektor; LISKUY, T*J,o aka4ovilk, nouchn" rodaktar: TIff, V.. Orafeso*r. daktor *ol'skokhonyaystvsncWkh nauk. nauchiWy rodak- tar: MLIMIX. V.1,.. kondidat eel' akokhosvsvv%v*nnykh asuk. mucNary relakow (coatiavad on neat cord) BARAD1001. I.A.-- (continued) Card 2. Gain=$ v L,K. t skademik, nauchnyl redaktor; yjj2jAXjX,_". professor. dokfor sollelrokhoxysystyenafth nsuk, nauchayy rodaktor; RADIKIN. A.P.. professor. daktor molt sirokhosyaystvonnykh rA2k. nauchW rodaktor: SM01101. 6.I.. profaiisor, doktor s.1'skokhozy&ystv*nnykh nauk. asuch- mWy rodaktar; POPOV. 1.S.. professor. doktor sel'skokhosymystivenofth nank. immuchoWy redaktor; VANTIMU1. P.A.. prcfessor nauchnyy rodaktor; INUUM. G.S.. professor, doktor khtnichaskikh nauk. nauchnyy rodaktor: ANUM, A.S., professor, nauchayy rodaktor; GUBIN. A.7.. professor. doktor eallskokhosymystvonnykh nauk, nauchayy rodaktor; PODTAV. W.1.. pr4temser, doktor vaterinarafth nauk, nauchnry rwlaktor; LIMB, V.I., protwor, doktor tokhnicheakikh nauk. nauchcyy r*Jaktor: CXMW. D.1., professor, doktor biologichookikh rauk. nauchnyy rodaktor: SMOLISM. G.T.. professor. Leuchnyy rodaktor. AV?0MTOV. D.K., professor, doktor veterinarnfth neuk, nanchuyy rodaktor; ITANOT, S.T.. professor, doktor biologichanktkh nauk. rauchW ro&aktcr: VMTCROV, K.F.. professor, doktor Y.-tortnarnykh nauk, nauchnyy redekt3r; KOLTAKOW. TA.To., professor, doktor voterinartWkh nauk. nauchnyy ro- daktor; ASTIPIN, D.N., professor, doktor Yeterinerafth nank. nauchoyy redektpr; IQUOT, A.A., professor. doktor votertuarrqkh nauk. osuchW re"ktor; DaWACKMW, ).I., professor, 4oktor voterinartWkh nauk, amiuckmg7 rodaktor- OLITKOV. B.M.. professor. doktor vol-rinarrWkh nauk unobW rodaktor' (deceased) ; 1FL�MTOV. N.A.. profesect, doktor ve- torbarrekh asuk. mauchzWy rodaktor; BOLT INSKIT. V.S.. professor. dektor takhnichoskikh asuk. nauchayy rodaktor; VILITANS. Vl.P.. profes- sor, doktor tekbnlcheskikh nauk. nauchuyy rodaktor; KRASSOV, V.S., kandUat tokhnichookikh nosuk, nauchW rodairtor; BOM100W. I.A.---(cout Inumd) Card 3. TWUNW, N.G., akadmik, nauchqff rodaktor; UZOMOT, N.A., doktor leiWebeek1kh asuk, nauchayy rodaktor; VIIANNOT, D. I.. lashover. asuabW redektor; KOOTTAKOW, A.M., skadealk. nauchnyy redaktor; CRAW". A.&.. professor. doktor takhaicheskikh nauk, nauchrwy rodsk- tor; NATITAYA. F.P.. doktor 9*11skokhosyaystwennykh nauk. nauch#Wy re&kter; ITANOT, N.V., professor, doktor tekhatcheskikh muk. asuchuyy red"tw; ORLOT, P.M., professor. doktar tokhaichieskikh nauk, amuchm re"kSer, LOU, G.M., kandidet ekonomichaskikh nauk, nauchowy redakurl CHEM, A.T., kontrollnyy redaktor; UVARSKIT. A.I., rodaktor; 106- SOBIASMU. V.A.. redaktcr; FIIATOTA, V.I., rodAktor; TAMITANOVA. 5.I., re"ktor; 311*19, I.S., r*"ktor NA12BURG, A.Tu., redaktor; WANIMITO A.T., redaktor terminov; %*U-kT&AT?SWA. A-O.. r*daktor torminev-. AKSMOVA. A.F.. aladshty redaktor- NALTATSKATA. O.A.. @lad- shly rodaktor; TA)MOVA, A.F., tekhn..hssk~ redaktor (Continued on next card) NOWWOWO j.A.---(cqntjQW4) Card 4. [Agricultural owelosidlal Sollskokb"Isletwommola quisikolop"lle. led.3-o, perer. Moskva. Gas. Isd-wo solkhos. It%-ry. 101*5. 1"6- "3 p (NUU 9:9) (agriculture-JIctionsries and omWelsWias) MSR/General Division - History. Classics. Pervocalities. A-2 Abe J(mr : Rf Zbur - Biologiya, go 7, 10 April 1957, 25675 Author Inst Title Mikolarm, A. 1. Acadedclan k1khail Fedorovich Ivanov- 85th Anniversary. Orig Pub : Agrobiologiya, 1956, no 4, 108-1-10 Abst : So abstract. Card 1/1 UON, A.1,19NOTANT, Ms MOOMMMUNWOM Usteg the Wl propamsion rer piwesslaS petaless Is ordw to reterd sproull" du4mg ster"p. Items, I eq. was. 12 8*03839-41 up 157. (0" lo: 5) 1. lsulnpm&*Iy lutIftS sevotdwr twomll (for Orba). 2. lallalmakWa kessom 10.0 .'-10600"emb (ror vtkolaqw) ww (1pXtese-fter ) ITTKOLOV Alsksmy Ivanovich, profeesor, doktor tokhnichookM nauk; teklintchesk1kh nauk. redaktor: KAPLAX. N. Ts. redaktor; PMOKIIA. Te.A. tekholebaskiy red*ktar. [Protection of submirfsee building structures fron %he action of "Isture] ZmAchlta seaWkh konstruktoll sdanit ot vosdel- sOtta vlaSt. Lonlogradlos. 10-vo lit-ry po strottelletvu i arkhttekture, 1955. 174 P. NLIA 8:0) (Water, UsdargrouM) (Waterproofing) NIUMUT, Arsomir Ivanovichi- FOOMMA, I., rviaktor; ONDOW - t Aunor (maimes "Wormatim is the sixth five-y"r plsaj lklltebd~ streitelletwe v wwatel pistil**@@ mookwas one Is&-To polite lit-ore M6. " P, (am 9111) . (11mmiag) Agemstmeties IrAustry) UVA &low IveacovicbS TOMOOMIT. N.V.. nWWktor; SHAKWTA. Z,.I.. 4=kmbw xMisave"al SHVIO I.P., tokbotebeektr rodaktor (adulval siftitells" del*$ Nmkvao ftel"UMsdIst. 1"6. W (RdIdivs) (NM 10141, MSMYN, AVOMM fm-- . prof., daktor tekhn.o&uk-. KaM, K.Z., kand. faMemask, -M*dW M.1 KWUN. KJA., rmdls4-9s; MOKIM. Ire.A.. takta."d. ClProtoottam of above ground etrratures from moisture iond corrosion] fashchits wAdseWkh kocalrWdelt sdmntl at persawlashoesitte I korreatte lealagrild, Goes Isd-we lit-ry pe strolt,, arkhit. i strotto matertalas, 1956* 181 p. (Ulu 1115) (Dasposse to buildings) (Vaterproof led) -.I,IKOLAYEV, Alskowv Ivanovich, SMb1hO';jCH, P.11.p karA. tekia. r"uk, retionsent; HARTYNOVA, A.P., red. [Building) Stroitellnoe delo. lzd.2., parer. Moskva V *11j' shaia shkolap 1964o 485 p. (F.IrtA 1?t Is VsssoyuwW zaochMy atroitelfMy Institut (for Serbincvich). ~ f- f ~--. IIT- .*lrJ.rWklrATt k. L. MINDIAM, A. r. Me problem of the nature of the antigenic functlon.0 Min flealth Usbek SSR. Twhkent Pharmaceutical last and Chair of Pdaroblelogye Tashkent State Reacal Inst Lomeal 1. N. ftlotowe Teshkento 19%. (Dlssert&Uon for Ow Dignme of CAndidate In Sclams) ~Aical Soo Knlsbmp latopislq No. 160 19eA u L "m I I Kurk TXV, A I. Competition of hapt-nes in artificial ontigease Stuleekepeblole I mods 42 no.10:54-56 0 056. (NM 9zl2) 1, Is Tashkentskogo fammatesyticheekogo IssitteU (Air. - dotsent 591LBekbimov) (ARIA, mptenee in artit. actions (RUN)) TURMI", ra.9h,j NIKWAUT, A.I.- SQUAIM. V.N* I .- Istawlty of the lucluslon of wthtoalw-&35 in pretsing of mte'la brps- anit hMr%hrr*tdl9m~ Isv~M UseMoSeremele no.6137-" '58. (NUIA 12 s 5) I* lobwatorly% bleWell, lastItul iomyevoy anditelay AN Vag= I Usklm %skly rarmtsewticheakly lastitut. (NWMCWIM) (THYROID QIAJW--DISRUM) (rROMIU) Nmmff&=, 4*1 bwd*o"ov&vk q 4wifto *memo at Allow"s sommed OW alerts aboadool subs"mose. ft4.G%wv*. W.Ut7ow?o a $Is. (N=A Or?) 1. ft wow alwalouel (ow. - pow. P.P. &swam) Imalb. bmebw dowder Tomew maltsl~ luoutuma, CAU~) VINOLATP,V. A. 1. al~~ Nature at matlesole functions. AmpOn No.l: Investigating the anticaule activity of various substellese by using the lommallatlea method. Sboir.41krobial. Ovid. I isomm. 29 se.3:48-52 Mr 058. MU 11,0 1. Is .4shkentskoge Institute I katedry albrobiologil lashkentakege goesdarstvessego wediteluskago InstItuta. (SUUMMEM 0 effects, astigoole activity, date". by imoull. Seth*& (*as) (AIRIUM, matleftle settvtty of ImIronamides, deters. by imma. mottled (am) NIMUTW, A. I. ---------- Shadles on Omlemeg of antibedtoe with $be ald of aserrololes. plux'sksp,blel't, UW4 48 W,1237944 a I", (Kw 1315) 1. to %Gbbmtskw ftrMts"llabod"O la"itu" (air. - &*to"* N.A. Ants"). Rv4dewum der"Visolswu sbu~ Am ~ I.I. v -FM - -VW wr W- -M ma I b 0 wm (Anne=) (F~nm) NIKOLA)UX, A.I., k&nd.mOcj.nauk Chemical nature of the antigon function and i=-unologicql sincif Laity of-, Froteins. Mod. shur. Usb. no.305-39 Yr 960. (KLa 15s2) 2. Is ftwhnowlsoledowateltakago instituta rentgonologii, radiologil i Misistaretva adravookhraniya UsUR (dir. - pror. D.M. Abdur~~Zov) i kafedry mikrobioloj;ii (saw. - prof. P.F.Sewonov) TaoWwatak o gosudarstwomogo maditsinskog* instituta. o11MWNWMUSTA1 FBUZD FiMUNj) MaGuirif, L. 1. Chom" In tho anUgorde propwties of blood "rt* followl" the parenteral a6dialstratlan of m I toln odistanses, Kul. dwp,, bial, i Wed. 49 ae.1187-" Js 160e (=A 1397) 1. Is --L kop ftmotoewtishookage ImoUtuta (dir. - doteent NA. Ulww) I kefeft a1kroblolool (=v., - prof. F.F. Samecow) - miltalte" nsfttolmskogo Ustituta. Predstwvl~ de"tv. chl~ M SUR T.N. Cbendgavokla. (ANfIGM AND ANTIOMIES) (99F=) NI .AYEV. A. I., Doe X d Sol - ChenlaRl of t,-.e anti- ~O genie properties of proteins and the genesis of antibolles." ux-cu Tash~~ent, 19-61. (I'lln, of '.-!e,,,lth Ybd=. T:kst,'f.e.,it St-te 'Died Inst) (KL, 3-61, 25T) - 413 - UrViTaNs A. T., ',. "The Mechani%T of Antlbo-ly Sy~nl. tesis. 11 Ilei"rt pmsented at tlie 5th Intornational 31-)Clie-.-%trf Con-,rems, Moscow, 10-16 A i!u!;t D61 kaMi.mad.nmuk; MIE-KMAIRI k-v'fCj: K-IR-AWUUA; A.M. law"t1gation of the permeability of mmseimp the sorptivo COP"ItY Of ti"09109 and the "c"tory function of the body Is Irradiated nice by means of labeled sodium sulfate (s35). Made daws Usb. so. 2s5o-53 F 161. (KUtA Us2) Is Is Mmuohno-Imaledaratollskago Jagtituta son nologe's M1102061 1. amimlogil. Ninisterstva afte. mi6raseniya ljs&qR (direktor - pror. D.N. AbduravAlow). (Dwiv mmus-PUMMILITY) (TWUSS) (RADIATION-PMIOLCGICAL SM:CT) (SCIDIM SULFATIC)