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AP6019648 SWRCE CODEt UR/0368/66/004/006/c485/0490 34-t, '05111ponank-n. A. F.; Granichin, S. 0. "A Ottosoopis, Investigation of a higb current discharge at low 4biweal prikladeog -o"Areakopti,, v.-46, no. 6, 19"# 485.4" TOM TA(Wt plasma d1"bWgQ# gas discharge "o,atrowcopyp thermodynamic equilibrium DAoev",ewe Pkmeej, PAA,3wP*j c~e#Asrr#vr,,OV1 r,&tf3-Tjvrrr AWTRACTt fte spoetroseeple method was used to Investigate an air SISAMS 1?1 POOOK activated at different Initial temperatures T-p 0 = O.'D Vmm i4)# In a disebarg* tube "~*Lally-constructed for the purpose*. Is addition to the temperature, determinations were made of the eoneentration,of the charged particles, the prospect of thermodynaft equilibrium was ostablisba4p and the emissivity of the sirl was. measured. The *rtiole Aives a diumom of the jubso The Integral speatrt with time In the region of 3000 to 7000 A were taken with a speotrqpbotometer- witb a diffraction grid witb a reverse linear dispersion of 51/mi and I& typ4 ISP-20 quartz spestrograpbs The concentration of no electrons IVANOVA F M.I. 0 Insb.; HIXDtAnlXSFIX* Hro lash. I- -,-. .1- - SOW ~ WN Or UA 9lrVW Tati-se - 67a tw Pl"t in sbaftcv* Noorgamm6imetroonLe 7 no.11:46 My F61, CNVA U:8) (TW4AWG) NUMAUNUTO N.F.t - %--- 8~ ~ A-- m p - - at tAw Mwj*vv Tiorbko-pormtor Fl=t Rand arkw S.N. Kuw. zws q 8 20.517 . my qw. WRA 15-.5) comtruction) (Khwkvv-Tvirbtnev--P*mlv and 1 0 N. M. OLabor Prodwtlvlty In t1w Petrolow Industry of t1w USMOO Prolivoditellaost truds, v ptagobleawntl SSSR,, Academy of Sclancoop TAStItute of &-owedca, 1940, pp 16o-163- Trsao 0 M-203P 1 lkr 35 ~E I I lrua~!-' ---v z~~ 1 Y W it I F *~ The sessomils asposto at wafting patrelsom d alto ModLva# Gas. mooke-tdAn. is&-we unimull I - t"U"al 11"o IWA- M P. W"60.9.ft NW,C-'* A. P.0 GL4w-.-,SKITO M. M.9 F.Ifenno ff. F., mucua~saj. 'a. X., l. k. "b 4t I I dtift uw ouw ot retml~ Dep"Itat In CWwtAp"wsfttP 190 - am v? lb. GOP 26 Ow UP Or 52VANO . '1 .1 'AL 'rf. __ __ FN YAtbW Of PIM=dft bM t* 69"1L 6 Im Of 60 40"MUS Wvep a savabBAO-Umso 194- v9 wfU~ol I prm-O"Llmd Ut-ryg 1"2. 103 P. (%-17493) IM.") Una, Ajr. I GMMKX*UT, M.N.; NIMINK. N.Y.;= - Ao --- umffo I A. Us%", of smobw a Woom for Mvelqpbw affestm bwtsmw Is an ftom flown. IPW m 60.12:1540 15 (am 9:0) (IvumqF-ftlrol~ awlsowl"I. "A - - - _ T r- F --,r i- -F Subject I V"ft^MU,6 AID r IT63 card IA M. 76 - - lid Auvor I pulel"Ovewe N. N. TIMS I am* or WIS ~ drillUke dWp PeriodlealIsort. 1608.1, T.33P w-3o 1-7# -Nr IM AbstrSet i %Is Is Wis tUrA artiele palloW in tMe jowml in a series or diseuseloM an UW subject of the pr"er and met efficient orwasation or bureaus supervisuis 011-4rilling operatism. IrAtIftussil saw Modttied t So date 140) AWWAVIS ASWOO&Ima an Iatro6w" Is Mo godftr ft, am IM),, the Poms Oblan j, UW UNUM WAMdW (SWtGUMWft# MA go mw ~ (swirmne ma pqpl%~ I sm)v aw oroobwg Oblaft' ftgmmUumftl),. Vw Crusoftr OW (Ablooft" M),, Uw Chodws- Cntml Mlat Am Somhauas At proomt It Is bel" a"" la munabotm AaMmtlam We bm, owes"M in is- #Avuwm soma (Gronw, Cwt &At&) 91~ Uw todmological ad orwalastiaml 2"01 Is wwraw Uwe this -*lots& 1W Ww ftat Mat cmV thm per 0" at as ~ ou"I" an I"Imba Is uw aws~um pl~e me $@Genic mvwm of ae -Von Imtltuu bw bow Osgood is onswalm romoaff* *two- 1957 ow liam OR We SIM1610" ImIs" smola at aw let in# ?= om"t'). =a camoub in Twow Aunwaft mt ammoi-M 1101" 14). so ambumum od~ rm tbaw cotinsim laslaft go mdr-10 02690 cwtv C&A 2/2 l--- HAMI UT N.N-. - --- lbwr of pfwol~ pmemossm ftow ml U81#34-629 #18. (ftl ft"m - - tam wthea) O= Us)) oasd%l -.11 skm 4~A asewma a ON sommm"s of an pelrdm ba Vat 8903amw $A "10;ZwUll) %;=4 sm"Oly) NIKOLATIVSKIT, 21kolay m6tve)vvjQh; KURA&W, V.A., md.; LWwVIKA, M.D., - Izabor pmemetivity in oil "ll dmluaej PrOIST041101,209%, tro" v wmmi mnua*h *"sun. i"in, G*v.mnchas-ukm.j"-vo ran. I corso-seplivaot its-17, Ig.". JL06 P. (Ulu 13ol) (011 tMll drilling-Salsor proftativity) -1190JAYNMY. N.M.; DUaUNDT, F*T. Does"s jwtlfts&Uos of Uw -robwtloa wocr~ for No Shbormg flold. troor MI ".mow-50 0600 (on 1319) (~Mmpove region-ftl fielAo-Mmdutlea metkods) K-N.'. DMUMV. JP-T- motersisims the striciew or a pro&wtim prowas, ter m oti rism volog the motbnl or a ustalved reservoir pressure, wady Tut W.26151-Q 060. (Km 1319) (on r1olds-Prodastion motbods) % ON.; BMIN, A01. CionserwAss aw stalwan jvIsIA of as oil mll. fttdr VMS woakqG-la 960. (unit i3sq) (all flous-fteduction notbods) IWWV,, Aleksamdr P94covIch; ALASH, Pavel VALk&IwvIckj "ADV, Yurly Potmmisho kod. tokba. wmkj NJCMX# A]Aswdr NikoloyevIch; TODW, Viktw UktorivIchl, MAWMM,, Port NUMAOTIOs KAXMT,j Ylkhall lvwmrfteh XIKOYMIM~ ELkpju L%tyffevich daktor ekm.'vAnk; UM=Gp r7ali-Nirwiftvicb; SAVZAO ZT-0 ndal POWMAO A.&,, tddw. rid. (Pngnmmbq Uo doolopowt of oil floUs; principles and sethods] ftookUrs"We ramraboWd mftiMkh twetwododudl; pristelpy i W404. sediwas, Goet"tows"to 19620 4n pe (MM l5s6) 3.02ok-kestespoods stedmil unk SM (for Krylov). (Oil ressmir mWissert") MIKOLAMSLIr, N.M. Problemis rolatirs to tho Iml,ruveant of tho glovfloptant of oU ad gas flolds. Hoft. khos. 40 P4.709-35 JI 062. (MIRA 1713) I i ir 1go"TmaT., W.N., TOUNKUKrtr. L.X.j. TArMoi r. U.j, Miln't K-X-t vmwp N*ss - f seemom" aspeou of pnop"" "d dmlspmmt of OU flel" In Us =2 bpwt fA* be oob&%UA for Us Slxtk WWU Mrolme 0 no v llnmMft 1646 J~ 63. XULOVO A.P., red.; AMA51YEVA, A.V., kard. tek1_,n.rauk, red.; "TIDY$ Tu.F.p doktor tekhn. nauk,, red.; WRISMAN, A.A., redep kand. tokhn. nsuk; BUCHIN, A*11.p kande skono rAukp roual MUMMY, A.S.g doktor tekhm. nauk, prof., r9de; 73W.T.TVIV. Tii.F.. karA. tekhn. nauk, red.; MAKSMOV, V.I., kande geole-nim1% -m,virp r*d.s MRKOVSKff, G.E.v inzh.# red.# XMU-PAfiNAM.V.S,*4ekt*r Cool.-ninor. neuk, red.; I'MM544 LA-- MVV.,.Vr skon. naukg profp red.; OVSKMAI A.B., kand. geole-miner, vauk, red.; PILATOVSKrY, V.P.,, doktor fix.-vat. neuko red.j h'jM1DMG, ?I.D.p doktor tekhn. nauks, red.; 3AFROSOV, S.V., kand. tekkm. naukp red [Petroleum production; theory and practice. 196' yearbook) Dobycha neftil t*ortia i praktika. Zzhegodnik 1,,63, Y*skvap Nedra, 1964. 302 p. (MIRA 170) 1. Chlon-korrespondent A11 SSnd (for "lov). 2o Voesoyuznyy ntftegagovyy nauchno-issledovatellskly Institut (for Melik- Pasheyev, Rozenberg). 3. Inatitut mekhAnlki Ali = (for Nikolayevakly). ~HJKQLAWdEJUX, N.JK.# DALALIT.07f, T.V. X4q.a4alcglaal teafs md calculAtiona of specific r,-qm~tal in- vestnants In thi pm,,~N*Uon of r,#)trr!,wz for fuel. Trudy 'i7nl no*39t3-19 163. (MIRA 1700) IiTKOL-Ayvisny, NJ4-. Nethad for establishing an economic criterion for the selecticn of a oertain type of fuel for an enterprise. Trudy VWII zw.)gs 19-25 163. (MIRA 17t 10) Sconowic criterion for the distribution of petroleum production enterWsoe. Ibid.126-33 NUWLAWKIT. ~.& . . --.-Owwf I;.-. lbohmlobw Um ditftsiss mow of V11W tortiflostlem* Jim woo sabot. mv.1 plwwbo toft. "o 2:67-70 056. (KM lizio) 2, gma*ljp inesions, Istodm Well I tommeleal gel I SkAbos"Yetvasafth pvoftkwf, (Vies &A4 vim Mkise) AUTHOR;._~~~~V- 'F., Zngineer SOV/122-58-7-24/31 TITTA: An Artificial Tropical Climate Chamber at a Machine Construction Factory (Kaaera iskusetten.nogo tropichostogo klimata na sashinastroitellcom zavods) PMODICALs Tostnik Moshinostroyeniya, 1958, Hr 7, Vp 70-73 (UM) ADWIACTs The chamber has been built for testing large &*chinos such as compressors, so that they can be run under tropical conditions such as at a temperature of 50 * 5 C with relative humidity of 95 1 3%. A supplemenfory room provides conditions which *#courage mould growth aud is hold at a temperature of 30 0, with a relative humidity of 10016. The chamber is located in a brick building and is approached through a control room and air lock. The air in the chamber is re-circulated by a fan capable of 1 000 Olh delivery at 50 = w.g. The air is heated by a calorifier taking waste steam from the Setory. The air is then humidified by water spray and taken through a drop catcher the water being provided by condensate from the calorifler. '!he air is filtered before entering the fan and chamber. Cardl/2 It was found that forced, circulated air did not provide 0 SOP* 0 1060 1 glum t -to T F, o0 SIAPOSIM(Mv AoKop lash. Mwe " of dissol-levemouve ooffp.*~ mite, lostsamumostr, (=A 1695) 43 ao.9#W)o IV 163a (Kesel loadmu"o) RIKOLAMISITt V.Y., inth.; VklSrrLID, so.l., in--,,.e -.-- TAMIng the com*ctlWrod wit of a diesel loeamoti" crapresnor. Vbstimuftinastr. 4) no.907-39 3 163. (MIRA l6sIO) - lop is&. Empoulawalwi. T.N.] &wsovaml ssvwt~ of Vw *~$W of Aw~$ (Nallservis owe"m k). QW.Ves.shw. 16 W.5165-" 1". Om 13SO 1. TIoUsardmrs samleasmilerstivaW aUstairs. TWIGIAM. sibelarowebe bum (60% ti. swrt) (Dotaw-Aftuw) 2MLaWsM etu4qat blalog. fabdtt*ta: # Wl- 0 0 ~bay, rubm"4411, &*to. ftufttew of stvwbtr Islad (Sm of &am) mad their role Is as life or am red &we PnIal 06.wso SbIr.sted.rob. I" W-5119761" 159. (IGIPA 13SIO (Sir*Afr lalmd-4k1aftses) (244 Amer) ~--SUWAnMIT. T.G. [21kola love I kyl. T.H.] misseebodidal obse"Oslaw on %be 41moolutlom of starch in cons of carbon Plants tresUK with berblelde 2,4-& Qw, bfte saw. 17 44.10190-m %0. (MU 13:9) 1. OtooWdy g1drovisteerologickeekly lumt1tite We&* beftalkle (294-9) (Storeb) OVAnKUMv N.M.; NUOUMUnp T.G. - "UUM batmess st"em of a* Qrgsws~ls at ~ ri-IsHIMM ad W wt mt grevU I& am, Tr* =U m*4#29-)) 160. (NDA UsIO) (C*n Oume)) (Grego (12mm)) Nil Y."MIkolalovalkyl, V.H.] Sams pscu~laritiea of the mmtaalc structure of the commm reed (PhrapdtAo commamis Trinj grwAng on saline *oil@. Mr. bat. shiar. N ev.5s216-34 161. OaRA l7t2) 1. Odsmakly gidrommiteorologictosikiy Lnetitut, kafedra botrinlkl. oventmume I.*. Eowe"tow, N-K-h vmoumsm, V.0. Esikolaievacky', VON.] ft ------------- am"@ in tm watodd euwtwv of own no IN an the plan of their fWastion as plmt. is nu.,-Ktl6-Z3 Ia. (am 15, 3) golookokh"YWOOOMW Iratituto karedre figlolacil (asou (motaw)) (Com (ftile)) OVCHlgl;,&Kvvp U.S., prof.; A.".; MIKO'"MMITO It. v --.- ~ - I v G. Prodletion of the ba4ming of the st"em of the formtion of the rapadveUve orpme of ewe Od"skqp 27. Trody OGIa so.251 43m" 161, (KIRA 1616) (Com (Okise)) (Plants-Improdution) VIKMAMWM Introop"Itis rals"amm" at tv &WIng nrly pwisdo of pvwLb- KV1, jw'O at&, Uda. " well" A4 161. (Pam U13) I--- ANA?om (amot-mmm) I. I ~';'F-Jj "I., istles at Wo ~t~lo fu-wtwe of creopuq stow at Wo reW ftrowltAs omwmls Tria. Owk. dda. shbolvi MoL udd w*2oU)i-l27 162. (NiA 15, 5) I., Wedroy betadh Odle"kago gWowtowelogichookago 1"tultula. (no (WTMI)) (NIAKZ-AMTWT) NIKDIAYEVSKIT. V.G. SP*ClflQltY Of Me *ff*Ct Of 2011 B&Iiftit6V on the &n&t'oale&l struetwoo of wood of the falso acacia (Roblnla pe*Woacacla L.). ftwb.dokl.vys.stJolyl blol.naWd so.AaW-W 162. (MIRA 15slO) 1. RobomsnAmm hafedroy botaolki Odoeskogo g1drvastoorologi- Chookwo Inatitulso (PLANTS v EFFEM OF SAL75 ON) (ODESSA PEGION-IDCUST (7PEE)) JIMIASYSCITt T.G. Ellik"Ovilowt V.11,1 --.- --- -- dwelops" MAW the to- Auslade S~Ws st abo" "M f"U 94polim &W. 19 t62s no"" ot Uw bwUelo 2#4-& off* W* (KM 2507) inauutp bd*&a botaxWe is 06" ""Y ) (C.M oubw)) T27X) ~=WtISWW)-~ Anvvw,, Y.00 Lawlalawlkstv NJ-) r fta--0 0- A !, 14408 at 460 destals"I awseftm at 1"Vve of lbrapatm - SUMM" W& vv%ft 4w MUM Sol"* Oro Wt. SbWo 19 aq.6ffj6&V M 16 V- (lam 1682) L " .--- --~ ISAM"I'dwa stalwip Inebselp I in ~ - (imm sau*) (nas". wapes at mau W (19" Oeuw)) stmLial an. V.06 _--, 93 00.51nd IM djjj~ 14" 1"fou m - ---No ser"Oloodwebaft o ., .. W~ - t "t 161'. (mm 1785) ustelya, norom"ban 1~1~.%Adr-;EKTT, V.G. ter M,1,077 nri th'a rt7~~ irf* t!a Stec% cr Frre-;~-t nf wa r r ml - 4~ reocl 7~-'F,'# , c,-l-,4.-0,vyr,r~--kt-!yt 3f. . - '. I r.rl- . /~ t loc, - 1~ I ~, 165. MIRA lptlci) 1, Re,KomarOlcva:-a TSInui,in.-i"~1 izuchontyu troutnii4o ACC-ta jjoga~* IQUK2 -Owtt-tAV03W/66/Wlo~Wok56/d461-i. wo Gwel% L 16; Tj 1"WWOM bn* tr~fwr Is a MISOGIM-tbawl Arms p a I in a we of MASONUM to aw pevamwo of a waged Is tie" SOUNCSt dMIPWIMEO"Oew I teoroUdbedw f1sud. PISOMS v redfiftei.3%. IMC 2"S bmt bim ewwttr,, ow tbwp MMIMMIW f3ow* =Wgw%O attrewwo ergwi~ e2ectrus spin AUVACTt IM =Own sqW WW ~dtl Of MWWIMMtS OWS to *U*M tbG tb*CO- xvtla&W predlew bmt r1w PWPWIAICMIW to a wapettle MIA in ttleb 8 t4mvemtwe gnk"~4 Is I In a direA140 p" ewur to Uw Magmette fi*14. IMS f1w ShWAIA be pa to bou Us field ad the tewfemtwe gmillent, mid should do Mass "0 NapaAk flou directift to soon VOW of aw errftt a rnn the t4ow dwwtAw at Ww bmt eple-AnUce of Ww Vs In tb* field. TM - A a wwre waGe In a dww1ber In *d& Mw &empoftwi e gre"mt was p. by me "t of b"" vim ad the trenevem bset trampwt "a Utendad bv a seen& an 4c bmw VIM. ow twt pace"We Is A a 0 DW .10"atemente more No& In anwe A pre"inva I - 25 = 74p Iw revubs dww that (Mw r4s*14:jdwW J~ Wn b" *apwIIW On to Vaa a" effm ) Is a Ametion of [cod 44b /V //< 40 1, S /< I Al' AWNCUs-Nikolayevoklyl, V. M. (Hoscow). 2441-W34 TI2=: On calculating the--Rditional filtration resistance of wells wMak are imperfect so regards their dogr*9 of baring. (0 roschote dopolultolluago filltrotsionnago soprotivlenive okwashIn. nesovershenn7kh po G%epsni Takrytiya). 0~4 Mkp2jkj*nL e Te"cheskikkjjAw P2210DICAL: 01svestial (Bulletin or th Sc TechnIcal 3CIeneee 5*Ction)9 1"79 NO-89 IPTP 6 -i65*~TJ.8.S.JQ , AINTRM: Us ain of tho paper is to eztend'tb* field of application of-the calcuiation proposed by &meet, N. (1) for determining the additional filtration resistance (if a well with an imperfect degree of baring of the stratum and with an inflow fron the bottom. 2114re are 3 figures, and 6 refer*ac*z, 5 of which are Slavic. 80-1 -1 IND: January 179 19,57o 1 U%MF of ca"Wess awl %A. L/ - AUTHOR: Nikolgovskix V ff. (Moscow) 24-10-20/26 TITLE: On accurate and approximate solutions of a plane problem of seepage in the case of intermixed boundary conditionz. (0 tochnom i priblizhennom resheniyakh odnoy ploskoy zadachi filltratsil pri smeshaWkh granichrqkh usloviyakh) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR Otdoleniye Tekhnicheakikh Vauk, 1957, No.lOt Pp. 102-105 ?USSR) ABSTRACT: An approximate equation for the additional seepage resistance caused by constraining the stream at the outflow silev ell Eq.(9)9 p.103 and an accurate equAtion for the additional seepage resistance, Zq.(15). p.104 are derived and the results calculated by m*ane of these two equations are compared for the case of L - h (the meaning of the symbols is illustrated in Fig.ll p.103) in the Table, p,104 and in the graph, Fi 4 There are 5 figures, 1 table and ti;fersnces, 4 of which are Slavic. SUINI i :uly 16, 1957. AVAILABLE: Librar,.7 of Congress. Card 1/1 24-58-3-32/38 The Influence of the Inclination of an Oil Well on its Yield. w1lere A - f, - - To evaluate 1q.(1) we use: ?0101111- 4^T(hA6-- - -- - RAt 1 + 1,/2 (h/R) tr,+ fn(R/ro) T%-(R/rO) h tg a 1 - 1/2(h/R)te a h2t. "g2o, + (2) 't. ( 2 4R2 The ring element near the top or bottom of the element gives a greater inflow than the element in the middle of the layer. A vertical well with eccentricity h/2 tg (x gives a yield: Q+ 2Md (3) tn[(Rlr,,, )coo ct (I _ 1/4(b/R)2tg2(xl] The aotual yield of an inclined well 0,_