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ganerm.1-F."lic Experlow with the ova~mU*a of assuLUU~o I& Mdee In 1%1. Topme"'t. pma '19 =AW51-7% 9 W. ZIRANSKU (W WOMMO) IUKOLISBIV, V,F, Yeattires of karat and its control in pit IL'o.8 of a.* Solotyino malt mine. Sbor. nauch. trud. UkrNILSoll no.719-13 064 OURA 1881) =it I.$ sop J.; NINUTS 1 IM OWIAGUS SGROWNIN UO mrmw site of action of a chmical berwelds cismol" FW%M @I Intoxication. Act& physiol. acad. eel, bog. 22 mool&7340 062. 2e 1"Ututs of Pat Medical University bAdapest. MWINEW 9 DUIg In"; 3Wp Jossefy- NIXGLITSt 11=a Furthar studies on the demonstration of the haraW offset of 41 -W - ~r aqw-tie said an Ww normis systome. Kisorl. orvootud. 15 00.115-10 7 163. 1, SaftpeoU Orw"to6cmeW AMtw gw*btftnl latouto. r (MMICIUM) (THKADIMCMU) (RSTIMW rOMATION) (CXUWAL'OMU) min= =I, nuts Ilomf 505. Jossol; Medical University of BWspesto (Budapsou OrvostwWURA Wou", Zmaett" Ockeftes In tm cmtftl owwm System as a Romilt of a Car4lopstbagem" DW.9 ImIapmte 11swIstes Ormstudgmany. Vol IV, No 3, JWW 1963, VP 257-M. MWUWft (Authwo' Rungarlan smoary] Rate were kept on a osifteptWSeds dUt-a-d go autbm observed the following q pt~s by W stWleos a gradv4V Imelftel" amitability, starting frm the tint wesk of the 'I psi- stme am IN the spontan"" activity " WOU so Im the "Wpmm gLvm to elestrIe stball. Conditional renex reopmams starW om to desmome In sots of 4&U7 reinforcommuts. Infarctaid burt d~gem so. 0w"& aft artw the f1m week of UN stoy. Ibereform it to seggesud tftt WO Inernad state at meltment of the omtna msr~ mysUms might aum OW a ftle Im t" 4SW!2*pmt of Owes in the bourt. 5 IMSIAM, 3 WW"m ~ IA D&JI, J., XIIW~LUS~, and SOS, J., of tne Institute of Pathophysiology Medical MV-9ralty, Budapest [Original versici not g1vonj. 'Central Servous Lesions Caused by Cardlopathogenic DistO Budapest, Ack! ft-V5191origs, Acgdamlag ggAentlarum HumarICAA, Supplement to Vol 22, 196); PP 16-17. Atow-act [Authors$ ftlish su:%mary, nodifiod]t It has been Invostigatod whether the oardftpatbogerdo d1ot S-63 wou14 dmajo the heart nusals, or disturbs also the central nervous regulation. It was found that funational nervous cha%*s occurred durift the first week of the expo- rimutp where" the x7ocardisc lesion developed In the fifth week. Home Increased eantral ne"ous excitability may probably have a role in the development of mWocardiao lesions. 1 furl. WA R Y DESI, Illes, NIKOLITS, Ilona, and SOS, JOzef, of the Instituta for Pathophysiology at the Medical University (orvostudomanyi Egyete= Korelettani Intezete) in Budapest. "Central Nervous Effect of Cardiopathogenic Diot" Budapest, Acta phyajologica Acudcmiae scientiaram Rungmric Vol 23, 11o 2, 1963, pp. 205-210- Abstract: (English article; autLors' English su-S, A In rats fed on a cardiopatbogenic diet the electro-encephalogruM showed since the first week of the experiment an increasing excitutorY activity, both sPOnta- neous and in response to electrical stizul&tiOn. In spite of daily re- inforcements, the conditioned-reflex respcnses soon began to diminish. Infarctoid cardiac lesions did not develop until after the fifth ueek of the experiment. It was therefore assumed that the increased excita- tioa of the nervous system, too, might play a role in the development of the cardiac changes. Eight, roferencas, including 5 RunZarian, 1 GerL=, and 2 Wectern. 1/1 _j L: !1ZAMj I.; NIKOLITS- "gggj DF31, I.; GOTIOSCEGEN, G. glectroencephalotraphic studies In experlawntal pulzmary oedom. Act& mod* acad, act. Rung. 21 no.2sl49-157 065. 1. fourth Departwant of Medicine (Director: Prof, G,, Gotts*pn) and Institute of Pathophysiology (Director: Prof. Je Soo), University Vadical School,, Budapest. Sutaitted May 180 1964. SZAMP I ; NIKOLITS, Ilona; VAKII-VI., Berta; PALIK, 1. Interactions of heart Nnction, respiration imd cerebral Woolectrical activity in Valmonary oodems. induced by ammium chloride. Acta. wed. scad. sci. Hune. 21 no.2t 181-186 9659 1, Fourth Department of Medicine (Director: prof, G, Gottsogon),, Institute of Pathophysiology Olrectort Prof* Jo Soo), University Medical School, B;dapest, and Department of Wourololyo Istvan Hospital,, Budapest. Sub- sitt*d July 15,, 1964o =10 L.M. J.1 MIKOUIS, Ilona j wreat an the nemAas apt,sm or the Ocapam4nts of a Samle- pathapmle diet. Act& plWatol, &*ad. set, Am#* 26 noel# 193-197 965 Is bstitute of Pathophysiolea, University Vadleal 3choolg Smarmt, 111,874-66 CI)1"7: jj7J/2r05/65/0r26/OU/0019/0019 ACC NR-. AT6007393 fiLkolits, I:- J. AWHORt DegIL I _L2na; Haj~~ lip /t B,-, da pe a Urst Institute of Pathophysiol?,F-i-p ofjladapest, Inntituto it, FVC); ~,M;T pn cin* ---A--! RupWinn ---af of Xpe ren a! 1 -~~f OMA. Tudorianyon Akademia,-1-fierleti Crvostud nyi. Kutato Intozet) ITLE: Prevent'-on by vitszdn E or thi ri;7r-touo leslons cwzed by triorthocreglp [This rtper vrar, prc-r:rn'1-cd at the 29th Meeting or te fMFa fLn hrild j.n Szp-Fel from 2 to 4 July, 19641 Academia ncientiam-m hungaricae. Acta physiolo-'ca, Y. 26, Supplemont, 10PIC TA.G3t vitaTdn, central neryour) nyotr:n, KIL, r.Lrarophysioloior, clj,ectrophyaloloCr, cato conUtlonr-'. reflex, dri;g effect, p4ar-racolog,7, crgn.-n1c phvophorus compoturl it wa!; L-ho-wii in rarli,~r, sijbaclitp- ~-tn- Vlat - fUnct1ord c~.,in,,c- in cpntral ncrIOU3 activity wre Induced 4!)(, rx- I. I -,I,. n rapldly b7 TIXP. An Increas-, foLlo--~inl by a nzxkod deornease In L~ft frequency or p"Inatrical activity and in thq contljtlow~d ,1'r-j,;pncy of Plectrical activi- Car'l 1/2 L Iq474-66 ACC Mi AT600739 ty wan in?AkQatpd by the anI a rapill In[V%Jmpft. oll' ItYm v~'~-,Aish#d VA- P:-rarl com.,etiomi could tr~ noteei In norelitl-),-i-n rr-,"Irx ~xp,!rl-vqnts, 31nce is known to have a favorabl-r~ inltrnce on VCP intoxic-ation. Itz. 17,11unnc~? on the npr;oun chan,-.- W.1 3 stutilrd. %~r, stLu'lles Wre carri-1, out on cjut5 trented with 7 PV,/100 g vitamin 9 before, simul- tozmousl:r, an well A!; for lor..-,!r p,,rIod:; aftor poisorAN; with TIOM Tho! truatment pi-vioun to thq poiiconln,-, pvAuend th~! I>Is'. rP5ult--. -r,,atl)r di- m!,jii:ihIn, the and conditioud reflox diif.urLirccn, -inn prot,"ctir, effect O~' --itn was lpss mar',,.rA ArO of briof duration wh,!n a, AnistA?md sLrul- j 6~3 frPT3 ('01US 1 06 SUOH DATF: Card '2/2 "RID - 1i Emma, I MR - vil ~INZ. T~ M I ACC till: AT6007401 5OURCE CUE: 1fU/2-505/65'/Cr26/OGX/0)4/OOV4 AMCRI Szam, 7#.j1?Yyq Varga, Berta; Palik, I. OlW: M Departrzy.,nt of Mndicirinl Inntituto of Futhophysiology, Fed1cal 1 74 97e -1 Unlwrsity of Budapent, PWapeDt (Budnrxiati Orvo:3tudo= n - E tev 0 IV. E~-Igyogpszati Tanszek 'ea Korelettard ); Departm-rit of Neurology, Ist%an 11~jspitalt Budapest (Istvan Korhaz, 1deggyogyaszati Osztaly) TIME I Interactions between heart, fimction, respiration and cerebral electrical activity in experimental pulmonary ederra (This Paper was presented 7at the 29th Hooting of the Hungarian Physiological Society held In Szeged from 2 to 4 July 1,)641 5OURCE: Academia scientiarum hungaricae. Acta physiologic&, v# 26, supplawnt, 1965l A TOPIC TAGS: rat,,-EEGp respiratory system, circulatory system, cerebrum, suilmal physiology, olectrophysiolopyo neurophysiology AWTUCT: Accordin,; to eaffl~nr jr~pultfi, ,FuVona ejvm is preceded and accompa.-AW by marked al".rations in the ry a r1b .To determine whether thi, con. conyulsionao bractypnea and bradyt. Ivulsions and.great dacroase in the respiratory rate-, would be raqp~,nnible L 14333-66 ACC NR--- AT6W71,01 Ifor the pitholonical chinces in thr~ combral electrical Activity, bradycaMik 'At-A ZEC alterations, th,.- mtor w.-m.- rwftn:-~. wrl, blocked vith tuboo-irarine, --'In -r-ats-.-Artificial respiration- wa- it. was -found thAt -thrj_ j'atho- t logical chan-,es In cerebral activity eomtituta a- -primary occurrence Absolu a-- ly imlepnndent of tbp rropiratory chan~,,e:-, heart rati., And conyulsS,ono. The Inhibition of convulaims by curarizatlon and artificial respiration did not proV~ct arainst the plilnonary ede'--rwi imfuced by Nflt.-Cl, but prev-ented th,3 rel-pkratory paralysis. They AffovlA, how-vnr, no protp-ction agikinat the cardiac repolarization djenturbirx,~-. SUB COM 06 SUM DATE: nonn Caj-1 2/2 L 32229-" SCTa DD ACC Nit, XF - OGV am, Istmi vibunts. namax AVZUXts 3 moo IT mdiftl CUMS /Alroew IW Dr.. P"f. GyWW Q*ttSaqpM/O 2&MA-02 11-4 6~ t.Adfim" Eamotsm, IV. 804- WOOMOU h taw 0 LAIreow 1w Dr Prof 0 40 ssfjlx~w- 02SUMA, In" Tl=s Chmpa In the biweelestria Gouvity of the bralm In q Immmul Imparatia 30UI=s no. Is TOP TAGSs blise2satric phenomenon, BZG, rat AMTRWTI Flogistered btr Implafted oortima *Imatrades. rom&. mom-specifie chances In amplitude ad ftvpomW as W*U " WJw brarsts eom3A be observed an the SiG of rate MP"" to OMM wdew- a 34 ato. press". Itis appearance of mG *Amme Pir"Odag th~ rOSPIrStOrY and C4IdiAQ AVWtIWA1 d&JMV AM 6.180 VIN QW1106t SUCO Of dsle2opwnt of "IWprodc" pulnxuwy edemal the 02 saturation of the arterial blood Is also norml at thU surp, mading of tue coZ pro&wwd br ow animu. thereby inahi. bitift Its -mm i Idudatim del&" the M OwCas wA In part 1AMbits the develop. Mont of 6PAIN Potentials* IRMirmut to the bloelacWa activity of the brain is tlw earlIept 9uptem of mWgen one OrIgs arts hams 2 f1gues &WI,2 tables. DOW SUB C=s 06 / SUM DATSs mm / CRIG Ws 005 / Oril Wj 030 ma- t2ma. NU long Im- anon=# - 9d- !!W- - km GOAUW d a;-wa~RiWlmpwt)* ad ago "ou-sa-S& niume tm swuse losse-SWI)s u sdomes with ftbwnm As w se m It postue tMt SA 00401 "Olmlow o"Ved at Sam somad tv qp~lwmt se I aim iwmwi 14F awwm_ bw~, is own" Wall we guth imw* andswu Mo is 4o="& Pd- "all lw so sadmiewom As Ong Wo-mis a dopl oftboomme &A ACC Nkg AT6033363 XXJt1,-r'E COME: 1 /5 AU'rHORs Desio I.1 Soso J.; Mikolits, Ilona OROS Institute of Pathophysiologyo Nedical University of Budapest (Budapeeti Orvostudomsn,yi Naotem, Korelettant Inteset) TITIZi Effect of the components of a ciardiopathogenic diet on the nervous system [Paper presented at the symposim of the Hungarian Physiological Society held in Budapest from 2-3 Ju1Y 19631 SOURCE: Academia ocientiarum hurgaricae. Acts physlolog;Lcao Y. 260 no. 1-2. 1965, 193-197 TOPIC TAGS: nervous system, circulatory system disease ABSTRACT: The cc Voo nts of the complex diet S6 which has the effect of thm stablishment, of a state of excitement and increLed irritability of the nervous : ystem resulting in the development of infarctoid cardiopathy, are lose detrimental when admisdatered one by one. The complete diet S65 was found to cause considerably more serious lesions in nervous function than the t6tal of the effects caused by the components th 9. Consequentlyo the damaging effects are synergisedo the components or the dist potentiate their mutual effects. Origo aft. host 5 figures. Carig. art. in am.] WMI OWSt 06 / SUN DATE s none IntradwivC slectro-rinntowtic single-solenoid cram. at the Wcocow UkhAr-hay PlAnt. BWl.tekh.--,qkon. inform, Got. nauch.-isal.inat. mw-h. i tekh. inform. 19 no.607-39 :* 165. (KIRJL 18j'7) gagineor $01/99-58-10-6/13 0 at Porous Concrete (1401940vantys filltre Is porLetogo botoma) M XODICALs Oldrotskkatka I selioratelys, 1950, Ir 10, PP 36-45 (USSR) A28TMCT# Since 29569 THIGIN has boon exanjaing the properties of porous concrete used for filters of wells. The author d*- scribes the structure, strengthq porosity and specific weight of porous concrete, and the sanufactur# of filters s&4@ of this material. He analyses a number of formulae and mention@ the nano* of A.Z. Atap1n, N.Ya. Tolisoyov and Petere*n. As a result of the studios made by VNIGIN, he arrIvoo at the following aoAcluolanot 1) the str*ngth of porous cencrote to reduced withtr Increase In the also of the filler at the 0"W quantl of comatl 2) filler@ In the rolled form of poise quarsatto a greater strength than crushed fillereg 3) at the van* quantity of comentp the porosity of porous concrete on crushAA filler* proved to be such better than that an graln-shwOn filloroo 4) the filtration coefficient of porous conor-ow -,wooed* the filtration coWiciont of the @oil by two VA 14"" time; 5) fillero with r*lled or non- card 1/2 rolled grain: 4M be used for the menu mature of filters aessarch on rilters made of Porous Concrete soy/99-58-10-6/13 from porous concrete# 6) the optimm ratio (f or hemagessous send*) varios from 7 to 10, obs"s DAVIN di"Otsr of the p"tioles of the filler INS diameter of the partioles of the send& 7) porous ooncrot* with a hateregeneauv filler shows lose filtration properties than aoncreto with a homogeneous filler# but the strength of b*th to the ease. The compooi- tion of porous concrete for filters 44s rooommonled by the author and explained by graphs. There are 4 sets of graphs, 2 table@. 1 diagram, 1 photo- graph and 3 Soviet roforenaes. 1. Porous filters-Developmen't 2. Concre%*--Properties 3. Ikthamatles Card 2/2 NIXODODYSHElt I.S.9 " Toob M -44ids) "4luAy of porous cement as a Co�r 1 0-- 1959. 25 PP With ~A 'In 4m~ me wwt-L; I-1 Im A.M. lostyakow). 100 copies (IL938-589 117) 14(10) SV-r/ ~)19;1 - 55 AUTHOR: Nikolodyshev, 1,S., Exglneer TITLE: The Manufacture of a Water-Resistant Filter From Porous Concrete for Shaft 'Wells PERIODICAL: Gidromekhanika i molloratsiya, 19599 Nr 5, pp 19-26 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The article describes 2 types of porous concrete tubing to filter the shaft wells$ the "K-1" and "K-2", developed by the Vsesoyuzn3rj nauchno-issledovatell- skiy institut gidrotekhniki i melioratsii imeni A.N. Kostyakova (All-Union Research Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and Melioration imeni A.U. Kostyakov). Both models are to be cast in a vibrator mould. The 11K-l" model is I m in diameter, 1.6 m in height,, and the wall is 8 cm thick. The model's joining method was devised by the Giprovodkhoz LSKh SSSR. The rimgs are joined by 4 coupling rods with ring-shaped ends. The latter protrudc 6 cm above the upper rim and Card 112 cause trapezoid-shaped apertures which are located SOV/99-59-5-3/9 The Manufacture of a Water-Resistant Filter From Por,;us Concrete for shaft ';#'ella on the ring's base. The ring's central part, 76 cm In height, is made of porous concrete whereas its upper and lower parts AK each 12 ca high, consist of solid concrete. The -2" model differs from the "Z-111 model insofar as it lacks the trapezoid aper- tures. The joining is done by 3 to 4 pairs of cover plates. Both models are cast in a vibrator mould with subsequent dipping in a special asphalt-bitumen var- nish for impregnatione For speedier drying as well as increasing the shaft tubes$ porosity, i.e., their filtering capacity, they must be blorm through at an approximate rate of 9-10,000 cu m of air per hr. This is best done by a ventilator of the Hr 4-type manu- factured by the "Sirokkoll Plant. The varnish for dip- ping is of the GOST 6531-51 or 1347-41 type3, that of the solvent- GOST 1928-50. There are 4 sets of dia- grams,, I photo, I graph,, and I table. AZSOCIATICIT: V111IGi14 Card 212 - " a-$ I.&, imb. %Www"m of bolus filsm IN Ims r -S ourfam walls. StAr. I ML 12 ".203-38 jp 60. (mm 1316) to vesseramy Imatitat sid"sm"alki 101114MIA11o (911two MA tiltmtioa) (Valle) KRUBSER, O.V.; VASIL'YE7A, T.A.; NIKOU=PsnTl- A. .; OGIFOVA, &.M. Pnololgw for~tatlou of P"Iellum dw-lvocv~.. TEN* Lmolume-ftmoumto n0,151%.61 062. (KMA 15111) (r9AICIIA4uA) i i 7 177 C rj C. C! 1P 41 110 111: Domichov V U.: "Ikclcrozolki-, v v U1 Plasma bent in cur,,,,)rl -,n,!,net1c f Jela 3 M"T, G* &Atori-maya onorglya, v. 3.9, no. 41, 1965, 35i,'~)-335 TOPIC TAGS: plasma electror,,wivAics, Plasma dY11qM!.cr1, plJ31-1a w LAj k0l't An TV16T., One 6f the dso'Lul tocliniques foi10j-,urifyinr-*, ',)ursts I sI ~o wo-q a curyed raFnotic field f'rw romoval f 56 7-W-i T diflcusolorl of mnthod~q er,ployc(I I t1-73 wifho-ra d,~-,lcribo tl-.,~ir vilth. a plasma movinE,, around a 1100 bond in a curved quadrupole lNeld Lormod by a syctom of' fou.- porallel conductors. Thio device wa-3 pro- po.iutl to the authors by L. A. Artaimovich. Its nrran~,,.,mont ia ichonati-I C1,111:,r shown on Fig. 1 (card 2/3). Wio 30 c,,-i lonF, f~uide N-31do ire interuoftnuctod by a bent field with a curvature raCziun R = 30 cm. The map ,notio system is fed from th-3 capacitov bank of 1500 microfarads. Tho p-lanma waa produced by a coaxial olloctrodynamic gun. The greatest fiald Intensity in tho slit oonductors "na 6 kilo co rs I'lod. ',,'h 0 nqxtium front velocity attained a rate of 107 cm/L]ec vl,,Iilf) th(I 1010cityl --.fl~ ft TV i. X-. r-I ACC Mi 50,21 6 43 5 lit 0 r - P) 7 Ifl . ~ 7 t CO C c 0 r :3 ,1 a r 2 . ~~F ft* Is uldwift ve Is Our works plae~ 26 00.314" 1*155. (S= 812) (20=4102) V,1.1 dkAi.; Nlt.'4CINV, dzts.; bl.1- Ye.L., data.I 5.B., dots.; L,~UDi, prepW.; ROTLEIDIR, A.Ya.p dots.; 'USHkKOVA, L.N., prepod.; DURQlAr Z.K. t rod. [Camney circulation and credit In t1w U.S.S*Ro) Denesh- we obraahetwrde I kredit SSS-R. Moskva. Vysshala &bk*l&,j 1965. 4.58 p. (141.RA 18t8) 1. V#*xoyuzM zaochW,-I finaniovo-skenwIcbeskly Inatiltut (for all. except Dubnoya). 111KOWTOT, Sergey likolayevich, dotsent, kand.ekonom.nank; BUZIRZT, T*K#t land.skonou.nauk,, MOSETITIZA, L.P., red. ECTedit refora in the U.S.S.R.; lecture on the course Voney circulation. and credit in the VOLS.R.11 Kreditnais reforma v $=;~ lektaiia po kmrsu Meneshnoe obrashchanis 1, k"dlt SM.' Isd.2. Noskya,, 196C'. 29 p. (KIRA, 14M (Credit) NMO&7191-1 ~T-N ~ Insh. systhatle lat4rt&lo and pumt1ce In track loint4omwe Pe 'I put.ftes. M.7.0" JI 159. (lam litiol (Puwttes) (wastresu--frWO AIMFUAMOVO V.V.1 KONYTJKHOV, V-V.; NIKOLOTOVA, A.S.; TPSYMAN, V.V.0 pror. 0"*" Sam "ta an =41cal service and UO Incidence of dicoame, with Unporer7 dimbillty of workers and empl"s of the lkyssan Cmbtno of Artificial FIberse Nauch.trudy inst. 23084A 063. (KIRA IM12) lo Uredra orgaMsateli s4mv*okbrwwmLym I Istorli. meditainy (sav. kare" - pror. v.Y.Treymn) Wasanskcwo meditainskogo instituta Imeni akadeRika I.P,Pavlova. g~jogftkjwsysyvtvsafth ask.; MMONs L.A.; swe"Iss of bow duriffs their tint Y"r of lmwlwa 6 ". 712&)t A *56. (MM U: 8i Gletowebw psissuriks (for OMNPG). I. weeewwwy sladmw-usledentelookly lmtifnfi ptilownnbs"FlUbow proweblemooli I . (romilly bmdIffs) Plume W.T.0 "ter soleabou". ulks NIULM X. To stambly ..5 0 mudbw astnwlaiko FAROMAO MICO ~* ml * MiAk 20#4 of varl~ Id2roviolat waftatUm As=& m the produaw. uvlfq at 04" Iffift %us Tn* UNIft "75-79 162 Podta rowwm&) 0m IQ liftedous IV*--Pwdawml orrost) I NIWWWA- Ly-ootmhly nuebMy-soU-udvdk; ORWY, P.A.1 --- 0 T0414,6 Ut"t of tin varlfts 112=imftm ssmftfA~ at padtry b~ m 09 P-Mm tr at saw& I"ft b~. Tn* mm"s gossm 162. (MM 1686) (r*atw bvw~s wd equipmall) ES)ZEN, A.M. It NIMCLOmilt Z, Extriation capacity of organic compoune4 as dependent on their structure and the electronegativity of gmup-substituentao Zhur. neorg. khim. 9 no.731725-1743 Jl 164. (MIRA 17:9) RMEMp A-K,; MKOLOInVAO Z.!.'. MROV, K.Ae; SKOTNIKOV, A.5.; TSMIII, E.G. ktnetian sepwity of arg"1-2 ecapoun& derevAlng on thoIr vtruav4zv &W OlectrmngativIty of autwtituting groups. Part 29 Effect or elestramegative groups* P&41okhWl^ 7 ace51517-533 165e (MIRA 18110) M7 47 Oft 0*00 MAIM 00 lMdWM TAUP Od 00 " 6f 09**' - - a to mmawo bared ow Radom at 4~ IW%o M. A. 6*9 A* 16 ow sew ~p a 9 'r. --rrf-~r AW M19 lb 5., &mMW gf dot Ww bmM Avot 00 Mftd st valb a ad sew a nas LY-TINSMITY, N.L.: 91101AMSKOA, NA; USKMTO WIL mrPorimmetal sts4tee by mosse of the wd*l for veltVa reeterstles on eirntt-breaker contacts of leag,-distance electric pover lion, Traft LPI vo.l"171"54 4s. (ICAt 11110) (21*etrte circuit breakers) (Sleetric power distribution) (Owerveltage) ACC Nitt AF5027024 d1l d (o) o wm1ci- are solved nwi.01-iculy on Uri c(,m4)ut,.,r Urnl-l. f!v3 rc,;,.)"A3 plu!Acd An a ut vraph for vAuc:; of tv"M paran,~t-~r ~j, It is slio"M uat for 0.114 (vylitc), ttle C-pt'J11-1;:1 rvi:1r,,j is dv,:inrA ~y the c-c-Aliticn, A ;~ )0, whero I 1krzit. c,.,jrrp..,A, a:!ylitu~ie eq%al,; of to ',ho Ai'd IIMU '& - 91;cil-lation'), and ti,,e S'~ord, 1 :3 "Ic-w-or by a:) ort.or if r;,.gnittulu. e are verified r;YpiinUifntally cri a 13D-.rr-, dia:-.otLr, t,-,ick "wilito" i; !nr, turran" dcnqltic~- aL,~ndr,y-i i-n t,~-,u circtlit wern a,, "l."i az~ 1 tc 1.3 7.2 n t if thu 01-ik 1.,7 curuncf-r,(A ~n paral-lol. ~o t,",o Arcuit. i -I arL. hal;. 9 equationa, and j table:;. iV I, " , j, -,~ r, 1, ~ f I ~,, - I , ~~ I - ~ I Tf , ,, , .;- x1muffmu 0 T. P. ONAterls2s em fttbagemals ard Treatment of Oo#m,,* Mln Pub2le Umath RSFS, Moscow Medical 3tamtologto Insto Nomarg Im. (DIsmartattem for Uw Dop" of CwWidete In Medical Sciences) sot II-955p 26 irmb 56 J111c"YWAKU, I.P. ~ksnlsn or the *mooisg renex. TrWly Vs. noweb,-lool 9 last *vM&, awlis I won. 6s2q&30 '55. (NM 12 s 10) Is, So OU61A fisIG10411 (mv, - Geow"- stven*p novilchno-Iseledwratallskop Institula ukfaq gairls I llama (~4 U=/Pharmcology. ftarmcomposy. Toideology - T-9 Cksmthempoutic Preparations. Abs Jour Beforet, Zhur - Kologlym, no 16, 195T. 71W Auth3r xikolaevs!!~Lyft, V.P. Inst Title : The Treatment of *Ozem" with Stre~ La. Orig Pub : Ir. We. 5. 1. In-ts, Ykhap Gorla L No"O 1956, TYP- 7, 152-158 Abet-act, : "Osema" patients were treated with strqytoWcLn I vas injected into the amcle La the course of 10 days in doses or 5oo,,ooo units twice dany, ad simAitameous- ly the nose area vas sprayed with 2-3 &1 solution con- taiming 250,,000 usits of I. Me, gmeral condition vas imrmvsd (doerea" La incrustations, La try"" or tke %M upper respiratory trmt,, Una or odor) in 55 out or 6o patients. So Improvesimat ap- peared on the Ttb-10tk dWLy or treatsimet; a distinct hem"m offset cou1A be found 30 or more " after the Card 1/1 - 86 - ad of the course of treatomet. Tape uvdfte~ of the ~~ umdwaaw. of fte S~Gsffr simmum of an ~* Is fte vessullem of mlaul realrallest, ftal.41".blem 8". ".4117-21L At I% (s= U111) U vatenstsuclabselow Ubmatowil (saw, - ka*A.GW.Uak some sladerleb) luditals dOM4 ewla I soft Mr. - sssl~beuwr 4evatell uw&U Prof. Tot. tmtow). lb fku . a 68yowtoll"m ableses Am ab"als"*16. (MOUNIM 0"191.) (alum" Imm A"101.) -N. 116 Defeaded his Usadidates dirsortetlom in the Goaa-mrky F%calty of M"4w Sttkts Uvdvgrsit.v on 7 April 1952e Dissertations OCreation And Investigation of Cmplix Xaps in a Complex GeogrRphicsl Inw9ttigatios (The Experience of the Work of thip Ccuplax Exp-dittoo of the Scientific Research Institute of Goo6rpphy, Morcow Stite Univ,srsity,, in the Costral Chernozem Kelton)." 30t VastvAk Moskovskogo Urdyersitotm,, Soriya F1?,1ko-XAtmAUchs9kikh i Yoste3tvenaykh NAuk, No. 1. Moscow, Fob 19530.pp 151-157; transl. in 46-29732t 12 April 54,1MONIMMEM18=6 I;IKOtAymrAut U. v. mmw. T.F. I us, X-Te.; - "?WdrATA. T9.1s.; =99NUU. LAO.; ~~&, N.V. -- --- - -MA404 030mitimtus or Ps -@I U~ tom of smi". :". " M aw.ow& r#,-4 154. (oft Ts?) (mrse"o Gm %dw d 9mIA papipOW mW owtqp -php Is comostism with the resoUttes of the GMSes6or ploom of the Gootral domittee of the ammmaell boy of She dowlee ftles Iftswures for the Owther amlsp- got of qpIeldblis of %be UAA-2.0 TO.reg. ao-360" 154.(UM 7:12) (lospopOW. lbo~lo) (ASrlmdtw* - - lilft'j p 'I', RI r r F " r T, -r- --f ~ P., \rU-Urc r-jiv- 1 -f LIDOW. T.P.; DIX. Ms.; RIKOLATRYBUYAL, U.K.; MMULTA. 9.T. Still more abftt booWkiries of pogmphical rodems. law.loes. 06 jo-I 154. (Em 7: 2) (G"gnow) LIDOT. T.P.g SA-SO. Tig.D. ~Ouftgmpp--~ Pftctiwa PUM for stuwvs wesiom fectort ad predle" me osmrr~ of Wfol"o 99 J6-P 157. (KM is, 3) Orestes) 30) PUS 1 9009 UKAIMATION SOV/1779 admiya sink 1"titut Seeparil. Ispollsovanlys topegranchooldhit kwt Pri lsslode- Tow"a. (goe or xwwwawd AWNS In al, Onpleration) Mossaws Ud-ve M SMORR ', lisp. to a Is* prIated. map. not w.r. &*sat,yovp camaidaus or t*dmfti seloweas u., or ftbligh"S on": T.S. Teirtakwa; MI awkwak --- I Yale book Is lateaded for r - or 41 1910 US0 PPIONOM-0 OW In C~M--Mls book to a Sollootleft or ------ giveit at Ww later- wwruw~wal confamse OR V& falled by aw zmatitute or.. w As ftismaost =80 In IMO Ibe &is or SAW 0 0VON to d some aud solve problems In the 1190 of aw sed to ruw wans or improwuAg take contents or wWa,, hwlu"d In Uw popers we 41museleas or No eshdag aoww",p coistents or Soviet WWG# the use or nag For-;;-F;reo- cmd 1/4 ta Of Topogrgale map$ (Cost.) WVATT9 Mobs"Tr U.S. S~ rnbl~ in the W" of T"0~16 NMff fOr WW PIW~lca]L feegMUe Staft of the 37 M_ 9 mlb!!~Slsv lowsp TOOK. T" wNis ftt Poo for alllll~~ u C~tlm Wlth ftt~6rGM*4eo6rqoklc s7=Fe's*u*f Smalm ftalow In WAS sp I= VUR 46 mmwtmmp Q-A* me fee of -1 -1-16 mope in the study of Tlroa md vamdolvat" 56 me-&-b"Yah"j, Too A* Us ftqwlr~ts for T"O*aolo 77Z in Gemorowlegioda studies 62 P"joryov, uo c1mgIrleatl~ gr 1"9~10 ftpg Md ww V~ or "Wir Coatmto T5 Vads4ftehnsidyo, LOT' S~ Comolderstlaw for loproviag 2*po~lc lisp@ la coam"tion Witb "Wir I" la IPIN=d Wat" wtlllxatlm hvj*etg ST card 3A LIDW. T.P.: OZ, We.: NlgnlAYMFAU~ To.,Xe: =AMA* 9.10 lotlem aidlies and ftoir d~WOIOVXOM; WMA 02 6tudift is k4w areas of tho riot mpaske of oe ban. %lor Isoulaw #A$ 101-137 159. (floe valur-Amles) (N=A U09) KOVILLISKATAt C.U.; VAKUMIKAv A.A.; KIKDLAMSKArAt re.M. gm-- ~ ~ - - Diplow project themov In the CoagreWeal FdwAlty of Mmem Valvereltro Test, Mmko w. Sero 5s Gm. 19 uo.34349 wl,ft 064. (NM 17 A) 1. Wefts ekosamishwhey geogratil SM9 Mfedre flalchoWor gesSWIl SM I kefedre kartqrmfli Maskawskago mlvmlt~Ue Ymopplat wttlh a reducod blowbod woo&plp coutouto 9~- prme W-71&8 J1 016. (CM 98 10) ftakffskly ftlial 29ontraltwV imtttuta Vm%ftl (for llkol~MskW*) 2. Goolitisdat (for bablubtars). (sweprist) sixamrs"Ou. TO.To I I ow" to it#$ at pul"Olor" pqw. sm.prom. 32 WAS7-10 (~ 1017) AP 157. IL. nnkwdtW fillet Umttralluqp saudoo-teelodowlatellskago IMUSI" bwamt, (p4w-v"tivd) (color) lily" !,UYIX~XAYA a : . , -, : ~ -i ; ~ I . -1 _- -~ I - , . - . llikolayevs~-.aym, Z. A. -- gReservoirs in F--.rks o,,' the Landrca-ed T,,-I-a. (Irch 4 - I,- Itectural FlannizkT Qwstions).* Acad of ~rchltectare U.~SR, ,~ovcow. !,)-.r5 (Dissertation for Decree of Candidate in /,,r2hitectural !7clemes.) SO: Knizhrwya Letopis, . No. 23, 1,101cow. Jun 55. pp P,7-lc4 MDTALW. A.U., karAidst arkbitaktury-, - r.A., ka--41Ut arkbitaktury. Greater attentles to IsmiscAping of the capital's aw districts. Gar. kbos. Hook. 30 soASS-12 As '56. (OM 9t 10) (Moscow-LawAscape architecture) JrAU Ll'kmd.Gfk"t~ktwY v9~0wonuut N.; . - 1"Ve edw bo%Wr *a of sideUms vwdwe. Udl. swal, W..41 2" 162" (lam 1505) (rots) - - HER mms, G.L., La 2y-1, 114.9. *Awr able P40 fw Uvwteok MOM, UWL I me 20 woula 6 $a. (XM 15$2) (Pipet ROW FEMKOLky-mvi"U, Z. to MOIAUMUo L So - MW ChOwAbOMW Of - I Asewwost TIA Ty*M.O AS" FAd got "So LUt Or Njt*MIA&44W SM N"r*U*I"W INNA NWAMY Asai"alm I. F. aw"We. 20---- 1 1955. (KoewtAlon for the Degm or cafts4ste or fteleglad S44 0 901 so. 4, mooem. 1936 NxakmUlzA4- Q~ at ~la as um of "ISO" nwlslftll~ ume moc mn. pm. sesap-i" Iss. (am ms I (Playm Ing-4knob"Iftl sefteft) 15-1957-3-3654 Translation from: Referatlvny ahurnal, Geologiya, 1957, Nr 3, p 168 (US3Rj AUTHOR: Mikolayovolkly, A. A. TITLE: Determination of the Average Velocity of Selsmic Waves In the Carbonate Rocks of the Russian Platform by Com- bined Use of the Records of Reflected and Refracted Waves (Oprodelonlys arednoy skorosti v karbonataykh otloshonlyakh M&sskoy platforay pri so"nstnon Ispoll- zovanil godogrefoy otrashonnykh I proloulannykh voln) PERIODICAL: Reaved, I promyel. goofitika,, 19550 Or 140 pp 7-13 MSTRACT: A method of using different records Is proposed for determining the effective velocity of a layer lying be- tween a reflecting and a refracting horizon, For this purpose# the use of direct and reverse records of re- floated and refracted moves obt*lnod for the same sog- sent of profile is recommended. It Is assumed that the Card 1/2 outer reflecting and refracting surfaces are flat and 11 A cl jT !91 ii Is X- Xd MMUN, G.Dj MANUMOV, G.I.; UMM, A.Z.: DOUAUKO. V.1.; V"IL$Ulo A~ww 1.60; 1 0; ~rwl ==I. gones. T, to 0 1 113090 , __ 111,111W V". I ~~, B.A. 0 fftol*gw, md oil od p6 poteatials of too Taint AOILS.A.) ago- I~Adodm stromio i mftqpsesosmwtl IA1mt**1 ~* Nd mdo T.O.W"llows. swakwo. wn. I cars@- topliv"s lit-ryo 190. 6" pe (plu 1)111) (ToWtIa-Mrst~ polea) (Takatia--fte. Natu"IL-.4below) nou"t K. I.; ow data Ga ow 001W of tow Wilm graftlift. d"l" wtu I am 10 welill-le Ja 1600 (NM 13818) 1. soass~~" opmIslov. 3m a -ftolqr) wtW@) WM 9 10,,G, I MUMARIM p K. Bs I - - 11 A.A. covadum od ftmtwe of mw ba~mt at Ow MMAMS aborlm piwas. G"I. I @axis* M.0841-10 1420 OM WIG) . -I ]L, 1"Sut pougu Takutdow rinau sibirebw etal~lyft a mom* (Kbwim Platr . arystanim mm astww*u) Nigouraim, A,A,LTmv, If.w. am a of So - do --ftes V~UV of do Nwite- on* ~114 -bmd m P"kvlml ats. a". VOL 6 20091936-M W #63. (MM 1&0 1, ft"re-SMUdig" hmpUka" ~dme-IMUdMialsoldy imut"o (VMIL - -0 9, strwswul) NIKOILAYEVSKIY, TYI!;i',lj e.%. , Materiqla on the UrVric regicnnlli totirm, of the 10chaly regicn, based -in g*ophysical dpLta. Hat. p-n g,jj-'. i pol. Iskop. lUzh. UraIR no.305-62 162. (ICTRA. 17l?) '0~ TOKIRDIARO, G.V.j GGLIDIT(AN", V.G., nauchnyry red.; SPHILO, red,; KkRTASHOVP I.F., red.; DIKOV, N.M., red.; DUMN, I.Te., red.; ZILIBSWI=p A.V.v rod-LNIKOLATMK.Ily,; FIRSW, L.V., red.; TAMOVSM, V.V.,, rel.'-- [Thersoosleulations of foundations in the r*cions of permafrost.) Teplovye rasehaty oanovinii v rsionakh vochnoi wraloty. Yagadang 1963. W4 P. (Akadewils. nauk SSSA. Sibirskos otdolente. Severo- Tostochayl komplakmnyi nauchno-looledovatellskil instl tut. Trudy, no*4) (MIRA Igill) ACC NZ AP70054-62 Itizatio.n.. New deap sei=io sounding ckta in the ro&ion of tho Kuril* !a" IrAlcato a complQx block character of deep crustal structura czusad to a greater degree by dtwigo of the composition of Ito rocka than a ah=" of thicknesse The velocity of propagAian of elastic vvaa at the-X discontinuity :in the aouthorn region* Is considerably :--ca4or"Uhan in the region a&-' the undarwater Vity"' RWe - 7.84.2 .=/sea arA 7.0-792 ka/see respectively. Specialists of the Sakhalin Zr,tweZrated Scientific Research Institute have forAulated a model of the .ozeth's upper mwtlo with four asthw4sphorlo laWers 4 depthq of 65-90, 120460, 230-300 mid 370-430 ks,, alterrxtir4g with laors of high strenSth o&-' mattar* The asUmospheric lsyers are charaoterized by high absorp- tion of truwarso seismic wavei,, irAicatIng a plasticity of the matter of thosc lVars. 74* Yale&nooo of the Kuril" &ro projected onto the saacad zsta-.wAsphsreq which must be regarded as a sons of aa~p& forms- wion* la "stem Kaushatka &M in the Kurlloo there Is & syvt4a of ;'m1ts associated. with the oonUnwA-oosea bwad&W sons which dKtwA~ to a depth of SM ka. Us wates of faults assoelatedidth the tramb 2. is traGed Mir to depths or 200-M hue Orls. SAG bass 71:0L' SUB CMt 00 / MM DAM CWd ONOIAMffsglT,A.Ve, imAeadw (Arleallural balldlqp; Met ImOb"k for eoutnwtloa as ke s "d wildmi seltakdomialelvan" strotoolosswo; krokkee ro- se"* AlA& streltallwa raboamb I "Jasalka, NIM"On. ft.11 CftfMSWM PMOI CMAU 8AM11. 106. 32 P. (OU 9:3) (yen witu") la spil4m, Somr.newo I polkho (spumm) BAUCN# V., prof., doktor takha, rsuk; G., dotsent, k&nA-. takh-n. mauk RM6168% 4~IV of autemsWe ves'. TOM. "t. 2 so.6s2A-25 Ag 165, (MIRA lSj9) L Nmkwskil avt4ScbUlaO-dor*shW lmtltut (for labkov)o 2. Kharskov- skiy awtmobillaso-49rosbayy imutut (for likolayevskly). ~Smwwq IF04- , . - - -;-,j "k -901 *mousse Ar* Voiag m slostrollft In 4pbW for Us slow of lasolOls aft "so Wmtdd6oW. (M] seJOW-17 156. (~ 11811) (as are) (Kq~l%w) TARABUKRUA, SIMItensou tmtmnt of sett" fabrics with Iststes and fixing assets. Tekst. prm. 25 no.10M 0 $65. om istio) lo ftehallaik otd*loahno& prolevedetwa tkatsko-otdolachnoy fabriki Uwr4 rebockop F, Zir4vfvova (for mikolweveltlyje 2, Pachal0alk khIslabookoy laborstaril tkatsko-otdolachnay fabriki Imi rabookep F, Zinovlyeva (for Terebukhlm). lromat"Uwvloh; PANOV, Vladimir Stepanovichi TOPARPSWA, T-o-ettyn qtAnrnovnaj sITIIJIMV, Vladimir MpanavIch; CJWV&--IjKHIHv h.F*; ;,,~';MgUs V.Cl.; MMIMUMAg Z.I.; THVIMI, A#M.; MZWg G.J.1 To.P.j otw. red.j IUJRIUXA, T.ILv red.; A&S.9 red.1 As G,Pof tokkMoredo floquIM p4wtioe work In descriptive geometry) Oblaw tolOiWl praktikom po mebartateltuot Sm trile lbarskovp lhorlkovokll psowdv., 1963. 122 p. (NM 17#1) C furnaca crarins). T"', I..,-,j A-. t~ r - lopoU of maw SqUIPWA Vaekwat Gas. mudmoo-tekbo. Isd-we lit-i7 po akwwl L -A moft2lwtta 0 M5 Wo 53-3") Nid"Wils T-9 .!~ I.% I, -I- - 01 1 ., , - .-- - . Dissertation: "Investivation of Reslotnnees to the Miotion tf a T-ravellirr Crano." Moscow Order of the labor W --anner Tec~nical !cbool 1,7wr.1 27 nn 0. SO: 'fegh=,ypZk Monkla, Jan. 1947 (Prcject J178316) of tr,-,vrl';--,~- ri:,.nr SO c-f f:on,,r-rnj 2. U=- (6W) 7. InvwUpting locantlon ~hanl~ fbr travellft enms,, (Iod.) TWIPTYAW no. 1. . M. 9. 'Mmth Ust or Rupolan Accessionsp Library oi Conopreest --APM -1953, Uncl. If Ft NIXOt4vs; _gt_M. An G. A. SSFSA.RrV ...... Ispoltsovat' reseM v konstruktaii kranov- (veaw. Mash.# IM, no. loo P. 25-30) DLC: T?da.V4 (Utilization of reserves in the crane constructions) Sos Manufacturing and Mechanical Nginepring In the Soviet UnIonp Library of CongrOss, 1953. Ir T I %jo nK,14"sK,-Y M The saintonam ofhoisting machinery in olling.*Ills Isd. 2., perer. i dop. Moskvaq Oos. muchno-takhm. ltd-vo lit-ry po dwrrd i tsvetnoi mt&U-,,zrvti, 1952. 157 s 3 P. Q1GK6f,kmmjjd&t tabutchesidkh unkg SRUMSKIT, K.B.0 td*aiaboemy radmimer ($*waft e~e "a Is roubw usual ftelvatwomis bm NP oftnAsmile pnbdWft tomm. us. 3.40 Power. I dep. mookwas "so Oman Wwas led-we 114-47 pe -W 6646116"ol, I" P. (Somellml (=a 7210) .0fteem. dervidia. at*.) (Bain" 211116) dateente k&ndidat t*khAicheakikh PAuk,, NIKOLATXYSXI'tt O*X~t bmil"t UWmrAdwddkk wok. -.W--aftwa (Odwalsol oqdlpoat of r*llift adtlel NoMmlOadm oberadmale pwasto" twkb*V. lk*Wso 4". amok"-mus. is&-" litry pe dMMA i tefOfti V&fA&3=*&o 190, "9 (MM ?t6) (Isulmv~all owbbwvy) !2"lyo G.-,,.p karid. tekh;,* GOMY-1yo IM, jj.A.,, Inzh.p rod. rots*nsont; K011010.1 SlArllirno- ochl*wm46 "k'- e: -1 [ilinge-JOintsd crane jib! 1965, 182 ps sirq krancTo vAshirostroani (Y'lRjk 180), [Tedhai4sel wesitlasslaw for dookmin olostric trovellse was@*] Uftlebodde volowils as preektirmais mostowykk olaktrietwokikk know. Seekwo, smehimostrelt. lit-ry. 1"T0 ab pe (NIZA IW) I* lbowe Issawass" wavokso-loolods"tal 'ably lostites pefieFeems- SMWVGVftW GHh1a0GWWSlP~ 2s 2169049#98hAlf VMODWSF lObOft- torw lesswummew measks$-lool"oveselook"s Institute poleyame- tMoMpWN -9~ 00oldameWWORiVe (ter ltbalffevskly). 3. levedW Addy Islareserim massUsbanstroklely Tamsemame samalwo-loolode- valell'skage Imesitsto PWY=~-tmmmpwtm"e usauumu4pmus (rer segualoveldr), 4#, Ileveft"homy Imbovaterldw Vgs~gru$Mo lossituse pod6yono-Inamport- mass somblafts"Weave (for makier) (Gromem, torriels, *to.) UUT, AMU ToClowich~ koadtdot takkatchookikh mask; UNUT, TUAtatr NUmIsMieb, iubmt; MMIATUIT, WWIsIr ff~WrAiwvtcb, ho"tass "WoldmWkiab a"*.. n"hdr ffewiftn"W1460 km*"Wt "Noldwskuh @"at orlsody ses'suft. beatuas sobbdakesuft GN&I MIN", ugau T"IllpVt4b, Immewl Gruoromiek boodues am*: G~fr bosamwo seftelebaskibb meek$ v - ~ 11-0 t - ~ ~Mcffe Amplaim ~Oslrvoft. 1~0~aWj INWe Illy@ S=WISVId4 &DUU40% fAk&aUbMddft 00: WMUA. bl" estom , beadius tommisbakila am*; am. Y're.0 tmbmwg wotsommat: WIVANWWT, &.0.0 pmtes"iri roftktwg , 1P.I., b"41"t tok"idwakikk md6 1"Sktars ~~q A.L, ladwom, isdiAftrI NAVOWS, IbAm, toklaidwskir re"Irsorg lioww. A.1b., "maleb"kip Poftktw Lftoss"-4W balsolve @a4 "a ovum t"molqw is to"94P comtriess a Gum of as Ittem""I ssv~~Im pwome-oftwoortmis SoNmus on r*osbml Obeer 111jeftowe ha veto &.0morivamebw t drq Wask"o 44me wu*Ww-tekkmAs4-" ~ht~troi%-H$-fr* IL"Te 306 1po (an 1016) Is suse4orm"Osbas momweli mak ~ (for arivebove it) Oblesiss memory) irandidAt tekhmEabeett" rAuk; ALALUJWRCT, K.P., "Now =5~wwomi7A.&., Imadiams temalabook1kit mIkI ZOUNS Z.H.. lashemor; TOWNW. G.M.. lasbwrl ITANUM, I.I., beedidat tommichoddkk mvkj PMOUMM, I.S.0 beeduat takkalebooklith a"k; ~00 S.I., tlommicheektr re"Itter Eftimiations for onme lemahmalm am parts for bototise as& o"Veylas wommal Smachetv kmaqvyft vokkeat"OT i detelet PGARme-Snesportwoft moble. Nookwo, Goo,moubme-takkaAst-we moblaostmiteut-ty, 1957. 05 P. (KM lose) 10 *94WO womeorunwy limine-148"do" tell ekty Inatitat ped4vemap. lknasp4wfAqp imehimeatm, vatya (Gramee derridwe lito.) r i i r-, WISOUTE" T a appeleve"a &met= er~ SgaoSr"Slea. beep.truila T PM06 I ".11225-a 1 '57- (Ulu tells) t.,ressermoy uWadog.1"Istomeallddy lostiftl PWI~- wowprommp MOMMOSTOYMAYS. (of"". aprrido, etc.) v t- y E (onstmuss at M SdotbW MA 13-owums so 19604 93 p. (@@nest swe~ A-MIUlommus v to agi" prlafAL ot ami4wi 1.1. ftoftus NLt M.P.' ftlw,, ftsl~r; mmt~t IA. Z*Wao al r; m=ost" ML tar ubmustus m S~r MUM" ftildint S.Ts. Gelfflas Bmgbmr; ft. 4C PWbUWkbo ll~t LA* ftlpwat Tafte Vd-a 2*19 Noftllo : ftle boddet is Lafte" Ow the Someml reoftz # COMM So boddet m- I Ow pup W fm the dmlmpnt at holoUnd ft& tv~vwuftft sombl"a awtralum &wlng luw yea" 1"9 - 19"j, I& SOONG. ~ with the reselmum at the Ul comp"s st vw somades ftr%Y at the SM10% adm., "a be* 4180~ aw %"e t"No at todsoLeaml GMIMPM% of that I ot MNWLONY onst"Welm sm4b powlaw t" ~ at U*dMlgi% *14 BAUTp IY*,; DITACHUNP VI-Kal KUMp A.Ga; ozmixp A.Me; 88"Vp I.S.F SFITSNA, 1.0.$ FUVNSMF Tolep r*C; CRAMMI, Ll.p red*; 05IMAt L.A,-p rod. imd.-iml TISKUMI, A.Ta.# t*kbc. red. ["m&ft StAtS Of the balatlug mad conve'rue mabinery isduftyl sew- rommm mcstol=ie padvenw-transportnogo mahinastrosuila, W KOI"k- tiv gwot&kMl chakhaslawatakikh I Dewtakikh mrtarav. Yoakwap Namwel Procom# WL; mer"at 'To lquo = po (Km 248 U) (solause subl"ry) (comeybe smishimy) pjWUt,V$,'IYv G.F. , Sms proUsm In Ua de"lopmt of UO VW&Ctk" of a*"$- Dose.%"" T prm. 5 ro.lclu-14 0go* (IMM U820) %, (CMWO derridtat ou.-Tochmiadmi lownuens) XljjOjAYLVSKjt, G.K., kandi.tekhn.nauk: BIMMIT't Vr'%V-r inf-h- Twk-lift craftes. Toot-sash. 41 n0.8:34-30 Ag *fl- (KIRA IWO (Cra"O's, derricks, etc.) AW'Mq A.A.1 1ANQ# A.G.; MUM, I.S.; 11 IMMU, G.H .JL- lq* MLSTOMp V.V.j rUKM'SW,, A.Lp y"f,, daktor =. nmks red.1 KOWq Me.,, kmA. tehhu. swokq rotesesentl ,BAZANY, A.F.9 lush.p retsousestj SMIMCII, P.A., kud.takhn. nauks,red.; TAMvMAOV.P.qx,~deJUd-vaj PZTZRM^N.#to~Jft*rvd* NvAbook an po krosamo ?ad rod. A.I.Dukell. skap. Moftao Mosbos. Tol.2,[Cr~ mcbmim, tbelr =Its ad parts)Irsomp mekhaaluW, IM usly I detall. A.A.A~Iov I dr, 1962. 351 p, (Crams, derridws ete.) 12FINVA 15118) NIOU , r To a.m. I slarul", T.T. ------ rlu" WUP 0~8- No-, I 11"ll W.U164 9 062, - (KIRA 15812) (OMMI as# ou.) AISINIMp A.L.1 ANARIM, A.A.1 KOGAN, I.Ta.1 LAMp A.G.; �~~&6&&v n&vmuwv, 9-u#. ~Wv A.-T.0 Imb.. mtomm"s ~ojmp Alp pf"t-0 hblev Idda. n*# PW.l P1 P-M wt A.T.0 WWI twfto m0 ad.1 WTA~,, C.L# n&1~6w%l VOSILITNA,, T.F.0, nd.lm6ftl BPMMwuut O.T.0 town. Md. P6 ftd "A- A-1. PS bM* D"Idwv. mwkftg 4116 1*1,83. ainstmistl" of 0~0 malwt~~ Md Usteftorlatiki knmvo tommehm6s" doplutoulle I mousho, 196). 340 P* (111A 16s#) (cm~, derr"Wo o".) MURKISTRCW# ?*L; SWOYLAXICH, S.D.1 UWCMV,, G.M.1 KWKGV, V.A.; IMCHIKq S.D.; WODOTSKII,, X.Rol FAVMp SXI 803=0 A.A.s BAOKIN, A.Z.1 SKKDLINIFX. 8.A.$ TAIULITZWg R.K.1 SMIRWO A.B.; RIWAlp N.A BLUAWT T.A.1 VI"IMT, A.P. I RaKa ;92u~v red., CNIAMMAO Teelop takhme red, (Neebmizatlm of loading, malosdIng end storing opers- tlmw in indastriel enterprises] Mokbudeatmila p%pumeboo- rawusftbmwkh I akladoklkb rabot m proWshlemeM p"d- prllatilakh. Moskva, Zkoumlsdatv 1963. 276 p. (MIRA 17s2) fi1KQ,llAYi-.V5FrY. Georgly- kand. tekhn. wiuk; hURRIS111OV, Y.I., kaal. t6khn. rAukj, red. fliew desigm of crameal l'ovye konrtruktali krawv. Li--- ningrad., 1964. 41 p. (HIU 17:7)