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-NIXOvN.-~!,r-; RODIRA, N.I. Chealeal study of Aneelica arsins RupreRe. et. Schmal * Zbtwe abekhime 33 nool2t=2-4024 1) '63, (MMA 170) I Vessoyuznj7 nauchno-Iseledlyatal Iakiy institat lekarstyenrjkh 1 :;o;:ticheak:ikh rantcaiy. NIYGN,~Ns G.K. 1'eltoin a nev natural furoco=arin. bokl. AN S-SR 256 ro. 5: P-ID-1212 Je 164. (MIRA 1716) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nwiddio-issledovatol'okly InstItut lekaratvennykh I aromaticheskikh rastenly. Prodstavlero akademikom A.I.Operinym. NIVIONOVP G.K.; KLIVAYEV, '1.B. lactones of Pewedariam zogoltavic-= Kcrov. Zhir. cb. khJz. 34 no. 3:1020-1024 Mr 164. (MIRA 17:6) 1. Ilse twpiznyy nauchno- Insledo-,at,ilk I ski 7 'Anstitut 11,3~arot-eerriyki, i armatIcheskikh rastenly. p;WY PEFEL'SON, Yu. t , Tu Stru-ture of xanthogalo~d end zosimol. Dckl. AN SSSR 1.49 no. 11154-1.57 1; 064. (?CPA 177:121 1. Vaesoyusnyy Inatitut lekarstie.-.nykh I arouatichaskikh rastenly i Instit,.ill khimli prirodnykh soyedinenly AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom M.M. Shemyekinym. NIIWKOV, G.K. Natural cownrins. F:npirt No.l. Apt. Jollo 13 n-.7.30~1-70 14,f-.Je 164. (~q:tA ip-3) KOI' p WDINA p I ~Oxjll G-K- 21 ntr% enilp - smalmove G.K. ~thcgalfo, a now cousarin frce lanthogalts parprmcme Wles. Zbttr, ob. khlxo 34 no,nt3653 9 164 (KMA IS e1) lo Vboaorimyy cauchno-deslodmatellakly Institut lekarstreanjth I aromtlahesklkh rustenly (TIUR). RIKOKOVp G.K.1 MAMAUSr4ITS, D.I. W-0- . --am Caumrins of Somisla absinthifolla (Tent.) Unk. V=. olp. khla 34 no.110854 1 161. ("A 19g1) lo Tamoyumnyy nauabno-Isiol"ovatell skly Institut lakarst- vennykh I arcuaticbeskikh rastaniy (MAR), I-SETWIT, A.L.; HIKONOV, G.K.; 811TAREV, I.F.1 PIKWOV, K.G. Antineoplastic activity of natural cowwrine. Rast. res. I no.4: 507-511 1 65 (MIRA 19d) 1. Tesitoyuznyy nauchno-4seledovatellakiy institut lektirsOwwnfth i arounticheakikh restenly, Moskva. Sabaitted Jt;rrll 6, 1%5# GEMIMENKO, LLLEMOL~. ComparstiYe study of Sellnum rmnlerl L. of OUrqxe ard rar FkAtam origin. R"t., rea. I no* 0549-551 1 65. (41PA 1911) 1. Tmeaoyuznyy nauc~mc)-ts!ilodoyri~.oltr,.Kly Inntitut lekn!-5t- vemykh I aromaticheakikh ra3taniy, Kbikva. Submittel. Ck--- tober 1, 1964. J, YAr BASTILYt F,V,; KM*l&4AE- Coumarlae of the roots of Mloiodicarpus villosus xcz. Khla. prlrod. amde no*5&153-356 165o -A 1ASIZ) 1. I.Xosk4vWdy arda" L4mdAa- additelaskly Inialtut imai I.M. Soakeviews I Tsawyaw7y nauehao-Isalodovatollakly lastitut lakaretvomVkh I aramatichaskikh rastanly, Subaltt*d Karch 29,, 1965. .ilx6w #- It t rj,. r * Tho gydbmulle moUr opwator in opon met mime Wsimas, Ugl*fAkhiz&t, 1951. 95 p. (52-15964) TWI .55 NIKOSOV, G. P. Raur botka ta g1drasocitorud &crkIvg the grourd with a fWdraullc 4xca::tor./-9,~isoskva, Garj&rstvencas tzd-vo Itt-ry po stroltellstvu I , arkbitekturep 1951. so3 Kaythly JApt of Fusslan AgcessigUs Vol. 6 No. 8 November 195) .1111 K I G. P. Wdroefthiazation in the ecal industry., Moskva, UCl&Ukhiz&t. 195Z. 250 p. (54-1753a) TNS13-15 sw ftl~ 6C 1A "w r1o"W UL wimm aA ImissUsm m~" UmA am twl&Am wImUtIg ifts, pwqdar selft- UM baMop =4 % a m-, i bm, bow v*adtW fw, somrwUtUw The KALIn Mum fW Us Yw ~ LM M& 1953- (jR!MM 01 No"wr 1b. 22JWI, 20, TO, - 3 Aor 195h.1; an Zhurin, V.D. Idashkint .I. Shchalkanov, V.1. 'Iei)orozliniy, P.S. Deynago, Tu*Bo ivyanskiy, 13.3. I vgurtsov, A.I. Nikonov, G.P. "Popular Scientific ana Technical Serios for nginaertng and Tachniral, I *orker5, amd 'dorkers on Larre Hydraulic ~Inrjnuerinj: ConS true! tions" All-Union 3cientiric ncLieerin!7 and Technical SOCiO" Of GO.19trucixrs Lj Oft -.9-30"s T JNdy 190 VV90- lfwa U-1wva Wk. Kk'-'MoM)' 1~ ur.11 le-!kI, FL,-ro-M), Dec. 1955, Ul. An q V-x 'r ale te -1-ft vlobt, MMISIRIV. N.V., rodsk KISPW pip FffLo Ur; RAMSMU. L.A.. reiskiw. C*tr~bwxatlam or opsm-mt mislac WOW fts suremommisatell **rylM prog rabot. ftd red. I.T.Ibl'albom. IW*kva. OkUftldo- Is"$. 19%. 62 P. (am 94) 1.0bles4earrespadest AN IM (fw Kellalkov). (wtmltc slaim) AKLUTIT, -'0 ; ; NIZA& &Z,-pauctwyr rodoictor.- FWDNIXOTA. K.9.. mda"o ; Mummufmall. 1.1.0 tokhaEchookly rodaktor EffiPdromcbmalvation in the aiming and quarrying of tadualriml bldUbg materials] Otdromehhamleatetla as inrlemkh promy"IenaftO. strottoll- urkh matertalove Kooky*, Goso tjrd--v* Itt-rr po stmEte matertalowe 1956. 1" p. Nm 7 c 12) (ftUdims materials industry) (Rldraulto ainloC) DOCUTSUr, Dmitrijr Ukbarolrich, inthemer; IL1092T. Oemsix Pavlovtch. inshe- n4r: WAMWICH. Tekat*rima Borivowna. Immemr: SMWVIKIT, Mikhail Ktrosawtob, inshaver; MUNI, Alskeastr Ivemarich, taxboser; IAZAWO INN. 9%votetvemW redaktarl OMUMID. V.&., redaktor Isdatolletwe; AUNIA. To.t., tekhatebeekly redaktor [Menual for the ektUod worker Is 4joa-cut cost aluse] Sprevochatk: Cormege met*ra ugollaAh karleraw. tx4* 2-ono tepr. t porere Kookwe. trCletekbisdat. 1956. 372 p. (Mm 9:11) (Goal stane and status) PA J. ~f!;V.. 'Will I tk~ I P., myt nto-I Z40 1:04"'D f.01-W prprs bole It 15-57-7-1(~260D Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geologiya, 1957, Ur 7, p 236 (US'JR) AUTHOR: P. TITLE: Investigation of the Overburden in the Hydr-16lic Working of Coal Deposits (Issledovaniye razmyva vskryshnykh porod pri ridromonitornoy razrabotke ugollnykh mestorozhdeniy) ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry on the author's dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences resented to the Mining Institute of the AS U~Sri In-t gorn. dela AN .5SSR), Moscow, 1957 f ASSOCIATION: In-t gorn. dela AN 555R (Kining Institute of the AS USSR) Card 1/1 BANAT. I"if T4Cj"qtcb. kagA!,d&t tokbutcho%kikh nauk., UISHIT, Irledtair nikolareviek, lubesev; DOMLATSKIT. VIAAIAIr Soesteatinevick. kwadidat tokswitcusictith mwk.- SIUCKW. Tudtair ravateatteovtoeb. koadidat fAkbstck*okUc% mak; KONSTRY. Ortgorty UsIstak. kasAtd4t takkalebwaktkh Mak; OZIMOF. least& 106111yevich. Imbonor; UK=. Mbras Griger'lowtob. knudidat tokhatebeeMb muk; EIMMIMKIT. 4kergty Mat"yovich. knedtdat tokkatabook1kh mask-, ~~, Game ftvl;gA& tubmaorl OMOMWLCN# Sagettim lootfe*ve. t mmrg-~. kositiat teifttalwokikk vaskg WMIKA, trim Obifavae, kandidat tokkatchoaktkh mik; WA. Me.. tuabover, retasuzoat; WITAMMSKIT, A.O., prefessoei radaktar; MMUIM. IP.L. "ddt4At tokkatelkeektkh wak, redektar; XMISS, S.L.0 tankener, roUlctor: IFATWZYRIFAo ToeC, tokbal,dwatty radettar; VISMOV, &.1as, tokkataboatty "daktor LFreteat-4ny Minting and couvoying techaotea ta, foreto conatrtoel a survey of the Itterstam] Sevrevianate rodo4sio-traxopertanta tokbalks to rubechow; obgor literstury. Pod red. A.0.5pivokewskogo I ire lkakve, Oes. asuckno-tokhmetsd-we wahtaostrott.lit-ry, 1957. 306 P. (KM 10:6) to Oblew-kerivopondoat Akedomit wak SSU (for SpLvokovekti) (Notating webtrary) LQUATIM, t-lGkg&ndr Daltriyovich, kand,talchn.aauk; ITAUGIr, Constantin Ivattovich, Inch.- PANOY. A.D.. kaad.tekho.nauk. red... A- otvetstvenayy rel.s OXMINNUO. V.A.. rod.ftd-ova; XOROWMOTA. Z. tekhn.re4. [Fqdroulic sintag of thin and sodium thick coal beds] Fo4gewsia dabycha uglia Cidraylicheakis sposabox as plAstakh todkikh I areftel moshchnostI. Pod obahchot red. A.D.Panova. Kooky&, glatekhtsdat, 1957, 324 p, OIEU 110) (Fqdroalia mlalqg) (Cool atnqa and mining) SISMYS GOP*, Inhomr. ~W Uslac 4trimuc oxcavators in slaisc witk prollmistry sou rt Itage womestral. 14 0003tts-17 Kr 057* (an locisr (UMtOd StAtOO-4drataic staisc) (vidavestac mckisery) AUTRORi Ptkonov, G.P., Engineer SOi-218-56-7-0/7c TITLEs The Application of Hydro-Vochanitation In Strip Mining of Co%l Deposits (Privenentys gi4romakhanizateli pri otkrytykh razra- botkakh ugollnykh nestorothdeniy) PERIODICALt Uekhanizat8 Iya trudoygmkikh I tyazh*ilykh rabot, 195B, V7 7, pp ?0-22 (USSR) ABSTRACTs For the first time, hy4raulic mechanization was appli.0 Pt strip aining operations at the BogooloveMydad at=# In "kIne. Since that timepmany big hydro-sechanteal open pit cnq! -- hays been constructed (the Baydakov*14(1940-10049), tbA Po*- rin 1951 , the Pcgoslontly kly (1943), the Krasnotellsk*1949 : j Xr (1943-1945), the rermlareveldY (1951 1955~ , the Nararovskly (1949) and other open pit coai mines). Hydro-raeohanization of coal nines is moro widely applied In the Soviet-Union than in the USA and Germany. Continuously taprovIng the quality of hydronanitors, Soviet Industry to now constructing the OWN hydrosonitors which possesses good hydraulic properties and is @may to operate; the CUP has a disaster of 300 = with no%zles from 90 to 140 an In diameter and a prearure head of 15 &to, At present, the Zavod ugo2ino4o mashinostroyantya I=. Karla Card 2/2 CarksaIrkutskago sovnarkhosa (Coal Mining Machine Building SOV-118-58-7-9/2-0 The Application of Elydro-Rechanization in Strip Mining of Coal Deposits Plant Is modernized sure head. 2,000 cu a electric from 16 to schematic Karl Marx of the Irkutsk auction dredge of the Technical datas water per hourl head - from motor - from 400 to 570 16.2 tons. There are drawing, and 1 table. Soynarkhoz) is pro4ucing a type ZGM-2c with higher pres- discharge.- from 1,600 to 40 to 50 m; capacity of the kwl weight of the dredge - 2 photographs, 1 graph, 1 1. Coal sining-USSR 2. Hydraulics-Appllcations Card 212 3OT-1 Z7 -56 -10- 27/29 AUTE[OR3s Rellnikov, N.V., Coorresponding Menbar of tho LS USSR; Krasnikoyt Potapor, K.G., Sinkin, B.A. and Chasnokovp M.N,, Candidates of Technical Sciences and Belyayev, A.A., Mining Knginser TITLEj B.P. Bogolyubov and B.P. Tutatov, "Mining Kachines" (B.P. Bogolyubov I B.P. Yumatov, "Gornyys mashiny") PERIODICALt Gornyy thurnal, 1958t Sr 10, pp 78-79 (USSR) ABSTRACTs This Is a roview of the above mentioned book. 1. Mining Industry-Equipmnt 2. Literature-UFZR Card 1/1 11JUMOT, G.P., kftnd.t*khm.njukv PROZOROT. L.R.. garW insh. 1101q%ttf to and tachatell coitforwace an devolopInC almeral d*;mmits and miniaC in difficult hydrog**IoCfCml and gtological eagineertrg conditions. Vol' 3) no.3:45-47 Nr 'SR. (KIRA 110 (NIVAIC Gagimertag) i glow* fair#* boado mmk. or expausleft md lowny of hydr&uUo 0"a offnive safts". V " w.6t34 Ze 159. (AKrwad allive) .(KM Us6) HIKOKOV, G.p _,.'~ekhn.nauk I.... 1. Conference on the hydrmechanizatiun of earthworks and minine opera. tions. Nauch. soob. Inst. gor. del& 4:123-127 ".0- (MIRA 1':,: 1) (Hydraulic enrinoering) law"wo, Germa Paylovichp-kand. takhn. nauk; ROMM, S.Tol raaucbn* rodcl KUU&LqfSL&IA, L.Log. red.; TOKM, A-K.t tokbnt rod, [Hydraulle oxcarator oporatorl Cidroma!torabohiko Koakwar Voss* acheboo-pedagogAtd-vo Proftakhisdatv 1%1. 159 p. (KMA 1402) (licavating mebiwr7) IGNATOV,, Hikolffy Nika2rfavich; NIKONOV,, German Fav2ovich) TWKHOV, S.D.0 otv, red. (UP"ding 10drgulic mining in coal mines of European socialist countries; review] Razvitle gidro=ekhaniza- tail n& ugollu7kh shakhtakh ey-ropoiskikh stran sotsia- listicheskogo, lageria; obtor. Koskvag Gosgortakhizdat, 1963. 34 p. WIRA 17il) IMOWN. G.P.t kafd.tokhjt.nauk; ISMHUX, I.G., kand.takhn.nauk CatimtIng the fracuwablUty of coal by a 4droulic giant lot. 74o11 40 no.lt27-31 Ja 065. WRA lSt4) 1. lastitut gornogo dels, in. A.A.Skochinakogo. &BUJOVp S.A.p insh.1 ALIYA14OTo I.K.p insh.; K.ARPOVV k.F.p insh.; KOROTKOV9 A.P.p Insh.; KOWSOTj, R.P.p Insh.; KVZIMMV, T.S,t Insh.1 XIEDPOIr G.V#p Insh.1 REPINO PLI.0 insh.; SCMYUCWJUWp G.P., Iftatt.; SLOSOMKOT, LN., Insh.1 TSUKANOTp To.Y.,, lash.; SHIFRINg M.G.p lush.; SOLISHAKOVp A.S.t lash., retmensent; KISELETA, X.P.t lash., redq USgXKO,o L.A.,, tekhn. red. 11ID45 diesel locomotive) Toplovasnyt d1soll U045. Moskva,, Trwmaheldortsditt, 1963. 95 p. (MIRA 16:7) (Diesel locoo*tlv*s) I 'lox Ob 'Irv- Ii-qA ~47 P=P f'or an "~2 M40 Author Cortilioat4 PrGUM1,9 8, for sa ints=al oalWxtot !AV 809 Fig. I an the Mw lot= If)V Thc~ a cataind with a roUzy V-alvoQ t"0, r. Ijtd~ OPQMte4 ittMUMed .oc~ to tha niumear, ma a a can with a r*tuzm pr!--,C tho pII=zr,-. '~C StA Lncraaipa the effim~,snV, 1ho plar4pr La car,-ioat~~A '~y a doc M%d a toothing to th* imriclwai= mamte4 in a foz--nad 'ie~ of t-p wh-Itt wtxpWrts the cam. bast 1 figure. V, Tirr'b7shove IE SCITI 000 CM 1.1306-65 Im, grat4ams ol~ PLC. 1 osutinZ; 2- pluxWar YELL"; 4- aUximar needle; 5- returm 7- log; 8~ toothIng; 9- r=v" lid --i Z/2 i HIM-W, 1. j, podpolkovulk I The tank In an offenziye. Voon, vast 43 no,1955-59 Ja 64 11aft IM) ~!; i p I. ~ ---. . This or,,,, ryf r cid tat.,iior rr . ~ 'e-ttvse Mb 0 9 nri'llaY y? 11 1 (X=12) +0 of Wedorm mmM wet re of MA soluative fam, Vast, "so L &orso a*,,3tlfr-lls 1" 154. (X= 7t6) 2, Is ullovqv vosidloymosts Um"bW elblastt vwaek lowellhomov) g'A"WTQ=AffIWAL DIM"", is agrididt prow.) 9 vital tou MA GNAW.' eta Iffla wedcors) N=" III=@ episdarm I& mrtcndtv='L westerse Pt*We) k JU(NOTO, 119. OrgmIzatim of prophylaxis ad thmpr for skin diveamm In rural maws Ustdernei Tn. 31* w*6;30-33 060~ (=A 13912) Is U NLIlmovikogo kesbw recorolftleboakoco 41apmem (glaw" vmek r.K. Rkmov) Notawskoy oblmstL (XIM-M&OW) 11M.1111V 1.11-10 .1 1. 114 Kxperlmr,e In the orgafiltatirm cf tpll~ftl ri!l 4/, intiffitl wlt% dermntologl~ ani ven,.gral d1mombos in riral arefo5o 7o'Clit. Gfrm. ! ven, 37 no*12:"/-49 D 10)3 W!PA 18:1) 1. Hillarovskly koz)Lno-irmorologli-h,?skJy dlDr,:-xscr vra % I.M. Nikonov) Postovskoy- otAastl. m n t*rb 'IKG',r,'I, I-7AN 11,11KITICH L: CUM~ G,t(13 , CIL ~ i L r, POR. FA'!L';CAI)5 191,114 NI-KONOV-, 1. P. MOWT. 1. P. - *Investigation of the Processes of Automt1c Three- Phase Welding with an Addittonall Wire Food.0 Kin Higher Mucation USM. Oral Pulytechnio Dist Lanni S. M. Kirov. Sverdlovsk, 1255. (Disaerta- tion for the %Cnw or Candidate of Technical Sciences.) 90: -- I . No. 4, &scow. 1956 M-ST-T-14M Translation (rom: Reierativnyy shurnaL, Clektrotelthaila. L957. Kr T. p 65 (=it) AUTHOR: Mikonov, I. P. TITLE: Automatic I-Phase bath Welding at Kaybyehavg1drostray (Avtomaticheskaya, traWasnaya, vannaya evarka, na Kuybythaygidrostroyel, PERIODICAL: Sh. statey. Vral'skiy politekha. in-t (CoUection of Articles, the Ural Polytechnic InstiNtel, 1956, Kr 6z, pp 41-50 ABSTRACT: At the present time, resistance butt welding is the fundamental weld- ing method for end-to-end joining of heavy reinforcement rods used in hydro- engineering projects - Despite Its high productivity, the metho4i dots not satisfy today's requirements because: of the high cost and short life of welding equip- ment, complicated equipment operation. and a high electric-energy consump- tion. As a substitute. a 3-phase bath welding. developed and tested, by the Chair of Welding, the Ural Polytechnic Institute, in cooperation with Kuyhyehev- g1drostroy. is worth attention. As distinguished from an early welding method using an expenstye and, short-lived detachable copper mold, the new method permits welding under flux In a welded -on &test clamp by means of an auto - Card I A F T-' r, T '- A r1 i-- I 'j k - V ~II PHMZ I BOOK E(PLOITATION SV/4263 Krutlkhovoklys Vadlu GetrovIchs wd rgor, Petrovich 91konov Kontrole ovarnykh soyedInertif (Inspection of Welded Joint$) Moscow,, Mahglz,, 1959, pe (Serleas Sawhno-populyarnaya blblloteks rabachogo-avarshchIka, v", 25)., 22,OW copies printed. Rev1sweri B. Po Zakharov; No: Ke As Yealkovs Docent; Tech. FA.t X. A, Dugina; 3"40 5d, (Ural Slberlan Dlvlslon,, Kashglz)g A. V. KaletIna, Zngineor. PURP=t This booklet Is Intended for welders, COVMUGgs This Issue (the 25th) of the Popular Science t1brary for the Weldor serles contain* a description of various methods of Inspection used In the prodactlon of welded structures. The atAthors, d1scuse the b"Ie principles wd operation of equipment used to Inspect welded seems and structures. No personalities are mentioned. There are 6 roftrencess, all Soviet. GALAKTIONOTp A*Ial DIMOT9, TuAq KMTOV9,, G.To; KASLOT,; Th.Aq XZXOI;GT#, I.T.; KOCHKYA , G.K.F xuzxmorr A.F.; LRUIM~r-- i.KeF inizor, i.r.; amnow, T.T.; STVAXOTp B.T., 3TWAMTp*i kod, tokle. mk; SMM=Tp Moo; lull Wp G.P.; M$XOT, K*A.p dote.p mtemsmt; BAKIMp O.Aop doU.p r*tewjmt; HUMMINO, IP*Woo. dote.p retamuout; PA"nVICH, I.R.Aote.r retwmtumt; IMMOY# A.S.p doft.p ratemamt; M I fit ToBer inshot r*Uen- sent; KWSTA=q LeTaeg Jashog rateewmt; MTMOTSKr-Tv T.G., Insh.9 red. WSROVr Te.l.g kaud. tokbn. naukv red. DUGUrig N.A.0 tekhno redo [I(oldift hudbook) Spmeehaft mhombego-ovemshchiMo lFcd red. T.ToSt*p=wmo Kookwat gas. amobno-tek"4- o"him"tralt. lit-470 19600 640 P. (NM 24t6) L 16759-6,~ EWP(k),tWF~,j)/WT(M)/S7)S AFFTC/A&) D ~ "M Z7,: 3.2 DO.-O."eywi, A Ukor.O."I i. 7L'S't -Vibratiom strength o.f clectrorivc't~Cd ,,IS I of the r.-xiber of olectrorivats in a lonEitudinal rorn z--IC,'DT'XL% FWerativnyy zh-arr,.al, ro. 4, 19611, r,7, P-~5'ract /47482 54 0) (31,* muchn. tr. I-Iallski.y Politekhn. in-t rrp. 12-2 2 -2 Z. - - - - ucca data on .e tUstrilbutlu,-) of force.-i In lcin- cn=isting MX Z: ~he liuthors aced .CI arto irot welAdin Ic 1, na. ' hey r each a conclusion ZP'V points disposed L-i a sing - --T,-ith jee-Tir C-quatiog in finita differeace5. conclusion ~"., 1,0 tho effect. Ul-,at s-i incr,~we in the nxibor of ;.*intiD in a at-:)';O 5 rr 6dova not load t'l-le c:4.Itxq:7e Pointa, and that t.!iere-fore :Lnc-.oasin,-,, 4-~-tia nu-,7,ter 'A, unclc3n- If intlended t~:) inc;roaso the strength of th? joint's. C_"3 an c7psri-~,--sntal L 5t,idy o4,' svmplt~5j these sh"~ tr-at. lcn~ln7z at cyclo, r 0.4 -e t-h of 1~)O:Lnts greater tII--Ln s6-ven, the bearin.7 ca:~acity of t-,,, joint is lowered tn comn1ri.,pol with the Optiz-41 of -,x)Lnt~ ral--o-at 5j. ',';It'n a =all of thiji be-u-Ing capacity c~C a ioint. in incrca3c~'. idnc;.~,ely az: they increase; 17-at a meiater than 4, this incraa-,a dro;s off sh:~rply, loirF, by tin actuAl docreana. G. A. "rikolayov. 110tel. C07TI,11--le HWVEDEV,, Tu*P*; NMWJV, I.P*; KHOVAMS,, V.K. Automatic control of a three-phase are w*I&UC muhLae* kytome evar. 16 no.5t49-54 VT 163o (MIRA 16t11) 1. Ural'skLy po lite khnicheskiy inatitut immi Kilowe NIE01407, I.P.; STEMN07, V.V.; KASLOV, Yu.A. Secmd editlon of Q.4 book by A.A. Chaskan Veld!ng a. llru tp-m- peratures6e Avtotn* srar. 17 no.6:94 Je 164 (MIU 18:1) DOROFETEV, A,N., dotsent, kand. tekhn. nauk; NLFMZ,_I.F -nt, ,. dotsr kand. tekhne n%uk; KALYANOV, V.D., agsistent Vibration strength of electric rivet welds as related to the number of electric rivets In a longitudinal raw. Stor. npiuch. trud. Ural. politekh. Inst. no.122t254-267 161. (MIPA 17:12) Y N'; SOURCE CbbE: URY-O4135/66/DOO/001/0018/0019 AUMOR., filkonov, 1, P. (Candidate of technical ORG: -UK_qj.JE2kyjsSjAic Instit te im. S. ~1, KiroN sciences); FrfCx~an, L. N_ (Znginrere-,~ inatitA (Urallokiy ;,olitekhnicheakiy TITLE: Consumable-electrode three-phase arc weldinZ SOURCE: Svarochnoye proizvo d1tVo' no. 1, 1966, 18-19 of Amts aluminum alloy plate TOPIC TAGI: arc welding, altutinum alloy, welding electro4o, power velding aquipxent, fabririnted structural metal/ A114tr; ttluminun alloy ABSrRA(-r.*1'(,The results of ann tj ation of this method of velding-25-30 t= thick plato of Axts altMI gm _ ip% U'ral Polytechnic Institutp are presented. A too- W1--a" . _U_ __AU9 TH-3 threa-phase arc welding installation was used for the experi"nts; it vits fitted with a spscial electrode holda,,! including a clamp for keeping the elec- Lrode in r. properly centemd popition (Fig. 1), and a low-voltage three-phase trans- formftr as the power source. Specifications: electrode diaw-!ter 2 m; welding current 350-300 a; are voltage 30-37 v, electrode feed rate 380-440 m/hr; welding rate 8-12 m/*or; flux thickness 13-14 m. The electrode was also made of Amts aluzlinum alloy (1.31 Mn, 0.37% Fe, 0.232% 51). Mechanical tests shoted t1wit the stress-rupture Lc _-, d - i L3_ 715 ACC NRi AP6003283 Fig. 1. Design of elactrode holdor: I holder; 2 clamp; 3 *Iectri r ACC N9, AP6003283 of the-void metal in the direction perpendicular to the weld axis to greater than the strength of the. metal of the near-weld zone. Compared with single-phase sub- I' I Tnerged are voiding and nonconiuInctle-electrode three-phasi arc welding, this new me- thod of altmiinum welding displays the following advantages: %) the use of AC makes it pag3ible to markedly Increase the efficiency of the weldiNg InstalIALion (to 0.9 CO'jpajLoA wLth an efficiency of 0.3-0.6 for DC); b) the weldiag of plate 25 = thick and thicker is accomplished in a gingle operation, thus greatly accelerating the welding rate; v) the use of an outomotic current regulator makes it posaible to ra- pidly ad4uat the welding head to the specified current regimm without altoring tile current in the electrodes; d) special operations to pickle the base wetal and elec- trode art! not recptired. Ong. art. has: 3 figures, 3 tables. SUB COM 11, 13/ 'SUEH DAM ncias/ MIG REF.- OGO/ OM RM 000 Card U '-/01 5/651-006/006/0051/0053 R -Ai -4 'ke F ILI ~Y1111~18 "ItA Aiii a0 its- il6yt iio.' 8 1965, 5.1-53 etro~ Arc.vel ding.. three-phase a:c velding, are velding~ N"M %A.OS 1~ a zirc ~iieldi6g,- fustoll"Velding, buiLd-up factor, alt"Minum alloy, p*vtr sfqijung, 'w'diding Orodqc tivi t)" L #,'cb4trac to rized by-the Rr*'~Utllt: 6~f jrivu~l ~W*Ided per tLue j~.nlt. - Vie three-phase ar.; weld-Ing of &.YuTjLnizm and ''x4jnI -of a Conq=41le -e.1-ectrode is, tbaractorl,tt(I by. -tbe following 44., or 0. Lz ividic t - . thabuild-up factor rt~~,: Oie fufjicn depth-ta;tor' hiroviprall.. roductivity -bf ~ha W, il s Xf, P d-up - nd fmqLon pruraiRVII POVO 'thd vercqat-~- llov 0 :and ~ #pattor, - the- upt t - pqver coi--sumption -per ka lot built -up fee tal.. K pg:ef- ~1414- K~___ _wvId X In veldiug with o"te-I CWd 7 - ---------- F i;mu AP5021225 to -12*0,tjt~h taup-4r#4- troda i,*Llra I for-'01. jild 'Idlog *10telliptroden of the sam d I sae tz tr., Thus ithitt ilk -11~- 01; hia6tic,thign in Singlo-phaso WeW i"V, At -thri h I a :Thai iist n tead ot-jim -of fornaiUmv, p sse cte Curt" 4 t 7 P111itity, 0-thiee-plmse vildinj of 75mv thick AtLet~~th* welding-vat* It- .24 kOr 1 It, it I Akg/h- for iiingle-phaal -deldinp, orul the 1->0114-up fx~crvr In threo-phaft i; S/a-hv agoinst C- gh -hr for r. ingi e- phomA wa I di rig. -In short, this cow- of rvo mathodo of con ;,c trokle n,-, voldirg ceiJi M-a the technical ,i~ ~fccacmllc 4dVantogris of th.-ee Woldiag ovpi wel4in.R. Orig. f1l hao; 4 figures. I table, 4 tormiiaa. s X Vi T 100 11rrWskiy p*11tvkhtiebv4tJz-iy institut in. S. Kirova (qy~& t; TS m IMri) MK L - 00 SUB CODE: Is. M !-JoD RRY WVt OD3 Ord=, 000 W2 IMAXOTA. NOWITIU. L.T.; KIKMT. L.K. All-Vaim State Itavidard ror printivC paper, I=, pro*. 32 no,7rl) 11 1570 (Kt" lot1l) 1, Zonlogrodskays tlpftmflys OftebatWy-Dwor.g (Papet'-standards) VXLDWg for Um Nfruprating wumor. Iwo Tywo vomfoo "W*t pldwll~ toft. W~lw-ldr (an use) 1"Utis plsbdwTGwr2%wvkU=W~%l. teed= (491 Laamtrus) owrfvrattoa MA refrigo4tisc awkimry) S"TUMt R.A.1 ZEMSKM#. U.K.; NIXMOT, IS. Experience in aublimUm drring *f concentrated sorbed anatadner. Zbur.mLkrobLol.*jdd.l, Im-n. 32 no.ltII7-122 A t61, (KIFA 14t6) (TETAIN) - (TCKM AM ANTITOXINS) - fil -Aguat-ILY.- Ustum of Intadcatlon in cueroblc Infactlan. Zhur. mlkrablol.,, opid. I Imm. 32 no.9tI37 0 16L (MI.A 15:2) (Imalom) MIKOHOV lj~ - - V REfect of clostridim perfriuMs tp3dn on the formation of antiUmic Lummity. Zhur. aikrobiol., epid. L L=w. 40 no.3:72-75 Xr t63. (MIR& 17t2) 1. RIK010T I.TA'. toeel'it 2. USSR (600) 4. Testile ftetartes ?,, rrpr*vinc Inter-plant trvtt,%r*rtfttton to enterpriges of the textile ta4urstry, Makh.trdareb. 6 nev.12. 1957. 9. Mog= hAst 2f jhLqvIgg- Agce~sloa_*. LIPirary of Concrete. 4pril 195), unalass. -T VK- - LL[t-, I fl. - v . A I I - ----o , - -.- UUQUOV, 1. Ya.-ffAnmlysis of hearis of Lach.:~aizati,,n of 'Ir-n3;-crt aA of H e.vy a-4 Labor-Conrming '4brk in the Textile Industrjo" Und Tech dci, Hoscow Textile Inst, 28 Jan 54, (Vechernyaya hoskra,, U Jan 54) SO: Sum IM v 22 &4 19 54 HIKONDY .? I.Taor kAnd.tGkbLn.n&ukt dateent Some problms in the tboory and practice of conveying devicea witlt a foreed arkd gravitational action, l%T,vyirueh*bei&v*j mashimiltr, no.5t153-166, 162. (MIRA 15:10'1' 1. Koskawskiy takstil Inly instituto (CouvWng vAchLnery) HIKCUOV I Ym,# kand.tektin.notak, dotsent 3omc problem-3 in the the,~ry ani praf-tice nf conveying units with a forced and gravitational movemnt. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; ma3htnostr. no. 12t80-% 161. (KIRA 17:9) 1. flookovskly tekatillny,, institut. ITTKWCVt r, Ya,, kand. teklr,. nauk, do-tsent IfWan of loads w. the currilLnoar section c,," a roller ew.- . reyar. IzT. vya. ucEeb. zav.; mashinostr. no. 1M161-168 t65 (Y-1pi, i9cl) 1. Kozkovakiy tekstilInyy instittit. SUbmItted Sovw-ber Z7, 1964. Kom, (Ma" ramufactum Caa"hw fedlog MW fsn~ dwV, 9Wk, L k4ro 9 a** 4# '32- 9. Manthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congressp -195f; Uncl. lumv, I.Te. I Donuoir. Tu. 1. , ~ 40 -4411 la4kldx.**J* Reatria wtor for a ri"w ~bor of revoluttow for batak siaws. ON*. I kw. 11 se.9t3Z 9 954. (XIM 7014, . Ms" s~tsstwol Omeatrta mters) III010TI. X&D., lashener. + Orpaising the, production and oupplir elratm of parts for mve conemptlowe Otandartio-stsita no.L40-4Z Nr-Ap 1.54. (MUU M) 1. Uprawlealipe pa standartIsateli. (Iton"ria, Sallnowrine) U HivertUOneous --Standardization 1/1. Pub. 128 --24/32 Authorn s Mkonov, K. D. Title a Concerning the fundamental stageo of do-ve!oTmnt of the Federal standardiza- tion in Soviet machine construction N,rI,cd4-CAI 2 Vost. math.. 11, 861-90, 11w 1954 Abf;tract I A narrative report is presented concerning V)a history ox '-',is develoTmnt of Federal standardization procedurvs in the vAchine construction lndustr-~ for the period from 1918 to 1953. In3titution i U15-CR/ VnGrlripering r;jtrd - 1/1. Pubi--12q-- 1,/25 Authors. fflkonwr) K. D.-, Engineer Title Dispute over the stand~Lrd project "Xicro-Nonunifermities (surface ro,.,&h- nensen) of a Currace" at the International Conference in Leningrad Fnrlodical i Vest mash. 35/14, 71-75, Apr 1955 Abatraot 4 )UnuLas are presented from the Internationil Conference held in Leningrad during Nov 16-20, JL954 at the Inst. of S,;andardn, Weights and X"gurea for the purpose of discussing the Soviet introduced atareUrdi7At'Aan projects regrarding tnilcro-norrunlforrdtieB of metnl surface3 (mAcro-gemetr7 of sur- faces). It is stat(!(, th,..t the knt-~rr,-itjorvil otandardization plan, ln*rc- duced by the S(rriat delegation, wis basod on data obtaint-d from Lifte ar-lly- *in of alrendy exIsiting national st-incUirds of the USM, Fzgland, UZA, 5witzerland And ItAly. Tablvaj graphn, 1n!ft1tu!;L)n off,** 1110mv. K,D. , - - - , In as Tadalwa commomw of the zatermattoma standaAs oirsweastes. SUwAartleatella ao*3:78-79 YI-Je 056* (MM 9:9) lAsellot stadarlbow, wr I lz"rltollaykh prIbereve (StandardIsatton) ItKONOT. Only StaWaMf Orgamfgattom Council. S tandartf sate I I't eo*602-74 W-D 1560' (KTAA 11:1) (Stamdardication) 17 , ~Af- ~ ,- ,,- I I TV AUTHORs Hikonov, K.D.___ 28-1-55142 TITLE3 Sessions of ISO Technical Committees (Zasedenlya tochnichtakikh koultetoy ISO) PERIODICALs Standartizatatya, # 1, Jan-Feb 1957. p 81-85 (USSR) ABSTRACTt Tne article presents a review of International Standard Organ- ization sessiont4uring the asiond halt of 1956, which war* hold in various countries. It to itated that Soviet delegations took part in 18 sessions of techni,ial coanittees, subconsittees, and work groups. AVAILABLEt Library of Congress Card 1/1 AUTHORt Uikonov, K., Engineer !S!-,V-29-59-4 - 5213", TITLEt A ~Sessl~on the Council and Ceraral Assembly of the I'SO (Sessiya Soveta i general,naya assa=bleya ISO) PER70DICAL: Standertizatsiya, 1958, Nr 4, pp 90 - 91 (USSR) ABSTRACTo Information given on a Session of the 130 Council in 1950, and on a General Assembly of ISO which took place at Har- rowgate (England). Reports on the activity and financial situation of ISO were delivered. A now chairman was elec- ted as well as three now members of the Council to replace 3 members whose mandates had expired. 1. standardization-OSSR Card 1/1 1=13T. K.D. Vievatherived "tio" of the wwrellary general must be earrestedo Sissaftrussuits IA# w-3:59 Ne 160s (UNA 130) (latermstional *too) CAUTSOY, In tochnical comaittees of tho IntarnationaL StamUrdisation OrdpLatrAtion. 3tand- tisataii&24 na.409 AP 160. (au Ogg) (Stan"rd isat Lott) InIONDTO K.D. -- Can.foreftel of tacbmteal comittes of the r;t-sni&tfeW Standardtcation Orpaleatteve StandwrtigatelkAk se.7t58 JI 1600 (KIYA 13:7) (Stan4ardleatton) NIKOHOV,..X.D- ---, Session of the Council of the latermation4l Staodardiiatica Orpnization. btandartizateli& 24 no.S:%-57 Ag 6o. (MI" 13:9) (StandardiA&Moo-Con,gre sees) ILLONOT, X.D. Work of the International StaMards Organization in metallurgy. StaWartizateila, 24 no.M6547 0 l6o. (XLIkA 13: 10) (X* t&Uurcy,-S t&ndard is&t Lon) ~' KIWOOTO Ago - - ~ - - -- Omforem" m tbA ualfleatim of standards In Pragueo ltawA&rUs&tqUA 25 W.1955-56 A 9616 , (KIM 24J) (Pracoo-Standartleation-4omne"*) 11 MIKOIqCVt K.D.-. -. 1. Onslopment of the recomen&tions of the Tatomtlowl SUmdarft Orginamtlon. Standa tivatleLia 25 no.241,-Q Ir t61. (KIRA 14:3) (Stan4ardizatim) * HIKOF(cyt X.41 Draft recomendations of tht rAt*rr-atioul Studardfution Organization. Standartimtsii& Z5 no.4961-6Z lp 161. (KIPL, 24:4) (Standardization) 111KONCY, K.O. Sessi,ma of the technical cosmitt**& )f the, IntarnatOnal StaWardizaUm Orguizatl7n, StArdartizatsiia 25 no-9-:5(,57 Ag ,61. (Standarditation) (MIR& 14:7) RIKOhOV, X.D. Confere=e on the unification of standards in socialist countries. Stands tizataiia 25 no.lls49--50 11 161. (H M 14 - 11.) (Cmvniot countries-6tandardization) Ai4ovoyr K*vO The 17th session of t~e Council of the Iaternational Stan&rda Orgwdsation. Stardartizatailla 27 no.10953-55 0 t63, (KIRL 16%11) ESDIDTo KA, ratbemUma dictations In the 5th grsAo. Mat. v abkole ne.5c 44-45 " I" - (XMIL 13t2) (mmthematle"tuor and teachIme) 8(2), - , WV/11Z-57-5-10343 Trow"ou from: , Referativayy ahurnal. Elektrotekhnika, L9 57. Mr S. p L09 (XISSR) AUTHMZ' Nikmov, K. N. TITLE: InVroved Emergency Switch on the Mixing Rolls (Usovetreheowtvavantye avariynogo vyklyuchatolya ua ameattat'nykh val'teakhl PERIODICAL: 5b. rats - predlosh. M-vo eloktrotekhzi. prom-sti SSSR. 1955, . Nr 54, pp 13-14 ABSTRACT: A brake magnet with s, magnetic starter and two special-design emergency switches. one on each machine frame. have been Installed for mochanical disconnection of the rolls from the drive. Each switch It attached to the frame by uprights and consists of a spring lever, a detent connected to a rope., and a two -pair -contact pushbutton. The rope: can lift the detent causing the shutdown; the released lever presses against the pushbutton opening its upper contacts and closing its lower contacts. Opening the upper contact& cuts. power to the, motor starter and stops, the motor. Closing the lower contacts T VwT(I s's 4; CC I-VOKIN NU: AR4047552 IE)r t! m ~'Itf kiltrASOUPO !~'I I 11WAd ')v IhO flOw M4-thofi F, SOMCM 8b. Prirnenen ye uj'Irmak.s,-,t %,v-t;ihchep~%,A Yy*p 16. A aiinvWif-6 rr -.h-1 %F T N., "1141 the VISC(litly ,-4 taw ~t pad ~1~1 ti, is Q.~i i`~WV Oc i F, tb Flat 1-1~ r -17, rh A flarnipLmatinn I U= LL, a itr ei ven du;ttmces ti) the radiatbi,~ ifl~~ivc,nt m thki tot-, ~-Ilv varr~,.-i a; i r F11"..jun c tell of 1 3, i 1401~ T-tw ;IhArretor CA Lho tubw -as --.;o rn Ij :mna. wul thO of tle c y w;4.q ~3. MIM, ;~P if LI imoarmnml of the r ~_ v OR ry tk~ri I u-tor 1-it to I u-ne anti ol ~ v IIc, oho I ay r, p r ,~Pww#wl tr, two tab I mg 11-s rnejusuring 1j, )r(jell t,f I~I~I ~'010, -Ir va.% )Iacod in a lh-rrno)la~ I rr,, r~rlfv any oCennal inflom,,)eo A i-~ la ; itlijdy was ruade c4 the 1 i4juld m a -bti, h."A r kc Ptpf, ~,A,Iqi ruiAtKI ~~y tbo i~ pf f(-cf!) , at varj()tm fw qitjons of t0k. ;.Apv. 'Lr'n tkw of Oc of thome oa.p ~u rurtjazAm, a graph i I r lt(14-t I thl' 41otwndrtwe -if ~h'a f"01V Velocity on 4 jjq!wr!i~ cJ ~.ho voltago >!n the ~n. o0vil airohol were, C~M- fer of 5A rim It was e t III I rVquM1vy III : 30) Ulf of, f4 O~cI I a t 1-4,f 'A 1, t~ i1 flip, f, 1qT;te-1j a heat f1w- wai - :7.bservod wohin 3-4 minuiun imil t t~aOle.,J' a ate-My-atatt rondtUAM wi ffidn Ix -45 nilnt;W. F ~r the sa" ut 1_uurf-xS ;Iul~~Uf-zwj 2 the Aielk~citly Waa tootod ai -4 ith -5-. UffeTent radia 'tvr -Yoltuges - TvWng-of tba rwilattng element tD W on WaSV (ound to Lave a idef Inito. dfOct on flow vdocity. Me repultio of Wbonme tiring the uptari 01 We e4 the, the 11W1011 --thd f1w. MOVIOdIfAt bvpoxsble-t6 avoid. WWZ6-it---_-7 jold by dAufti1w tt".Of tha 1111414a we Somd, wltbwlt 10'Weritit,the Afturuy of-this tat p'WhWh hoot met Ulf oouod obso ju to -to" Into co" M~Ito of $.In$ dooi~ 10C" flo* o"OldArl Tho ftaftro . of od4t..V (4 wo "; t : )Xt*"w sat L 18,101-63 IIQCESSIOV M AP300498a 3/60703/07/bOO/l 087/189r1 AUTHORst Kudr)avto*vl IF, Be Nikonov, r P TITM Resonanos absorption of ultrasonics in acetic &nhydride-ethenol mixture SCURCEt Zhurnal fit. khimii#, re ~7g no* Of 19630 18071-1891. TOPIC TAGOt coofficiont of sound absorptloir relaxation theoryt ultrasonic &b- sorption A=R&Crt It was *atablished that the coefficient of sound absorption in an equimolax acetic anhydride-ath&nol system at 2CC does not agree with the relax&- tion theory. The erperiment a lly-ob serve& cuch shixTar drop, in frequency depen- dence is nicely explained by resonance abacrption or sound. The ultrasonic ab- sorption in the 09.5-5 megacYcle/sec. range was, measured by the flux metho& or D. Fall and J. lamb (Proc. Phys. Soc. 75, 191.40e, 354). and meatureii optic&lly in the, ~-20 megacycle/Beco, range, Active c=plexea in the, reaction mixture cause additional absorption of sound, rn acetic anhydzidat the anozalous absorption of sound In explained by the relaxation pheno-zenat cauted by disturbance of the equilibrium betveen the rotatory, isocerst Orig. art. haac 5 figurer., 5 equations. Cwd I/*/ KuliRTAVTSEVO H.B.; Rimmov, K..P. Temperature d"ndexce of sound aboorption in a ivIvatation liquid. Zhur. fiz. khIm. 37 no.%2142-21" 3 163. (MIRA 16c12) 1. Moskoynkly oblaiatnoy, pedagogloheekly Institute NIKONOVt L. A. Cand Agr Sci -- (dies) "JI Study of the Areaa cf fx":bq Nourishment of Carrots, Table Beets and Sugar Beets Fron of Germination-Protecting- Paper." Kon, 1957. 13 pp 20 am. (blos Order of Lenin Agricultural Academy ira K. A. Timiryazev-), UO coplea (KL, 18-57t 97) V a"twuVated, n4ats - R-Juvcvo. vu(ptau4s. W-L)US. K AbG Jmr : Set Ebw DI*l-, X3 12, 1956, 53" Author : Numwo LOA* List : Ibm3w A--rieUturml. Aleadez4f froat CA, Titdryatav Title : Gr*wInG U*49datable CUA Comarcial Crop* With tho Use 0C the stripe 0C Sprout-Protactive Paper. Orle Pub : Dokl. K.-sk. ~--kh. akad. in. K.A. Titdrpzava, 1957, Me 28, 333-343 Abstract : Z. nothod of =dcBLu,, seed rows with s;prmd.pmt,0ctjvQ paper vme studied at the Dapartrmt ,>r Vo_-etablo c;rawirk, of Wscov -ILTIcuttural AcadmW. '. special drill, pr-,du. c1a,,, a datted-lina govinc; patt4m*ao wns used for this pur- ;nse. L"ri;-wnts with carrots, auj2r, tabla a.A food boat* sh7wed that the mw wthjd or g0jdr.G pmj3tQg =1 facramso in the yL414, ra tho axWjLmt at gartl a Chrd 1/2 ttIr'k-'Nov, , IFIX KIKCNC-V, L.K. *GaobQtan1.ca1 description of tha :--eadows in the vicinity or Vitebsk and their acono=lc importance",, Vchan. zaplaki (Nelorus. gos. un-t), Issue 7, 1948 P. )3-40. 50s 04261 10 April 53 (Letopin 'Zhurml Oulkh Statay go. 11 1949) NIKO"Ta", -. V. "Repair of Transformers in Agricultural Production," Dissertation far the Degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences, defended at Koscow Institute for Mechanization and Electrification off Agriculture, 15 JanuarY 1954. (Klektrichestvo, 1958, Ur 4, 92-93) ANWANOT, T.N., prof.; DRUJI1119A. N,A., assist4at-0 KISHARIKA. Te.A.. kmmd,,tekha.n dotimut; INMK, I.I.O.Prof... retwamat; =*W."A."A6..kWmnd.t*khn,~x&vk; GIMIKS. TO.A., red.; TOSE19111MY, A.D.,, (Blectrie makime; Instractious and aselgowate for students qwelallstae In the eleetrift cation of aCricalturel llaktrtcheekta MOUSY$ mate"Chaskle ukagaulle I kont"I's.)e gadsalla alla Stu- deatav qmtsiallaostl Relaktrifikatelle "I'skokboulast"nuago prolsvodstva.'g Pod red. Y.N.Andrtanove I A.AAlebovIcha. Moskva. Mask. In-t winkhemlastall I elektrifiketail mell.khos.e 1958. 56 p. (MIRA 1282) (Illectrio machinery) ANDJUAWF, TUder 11kolayevLah. pr*r.1 sumTsur. Dir.; V"ORM&W. MWZKnIU. M.A*; KISK&RUIA. Te.Ao; NUMOV, L.T.; 91XVINA, T.N., md.g mmwfirwA. &.X., tokma"'. EPruetical stuAlem of electric machinery la laboratories] Labora- ton"nktIchodde saalattle pe elektrIcbedda mashlum. Moskva, 26491gd-ve eel I khan, Itt-rre 19we 250 pe (HIM 13c6) (IloctrIc wackinery-Study and teachlug) -r' 11, A.K.; URTLIN. V.A.; AAe Lash.; NOWHOWA. 0.1o, lash.; NIKCW,, K.A,# 'insh.; FRMTv Do lamb.: TSYMMA. A.16. inakg NQMWIMMMUW,~rwo, Lash., rod, (Albasio,oateloc of 4seldme of units. aholm, and construction yards for mkIng larp triek 'blacks] Alltom4wtelog praektow ustanovoke teekhow I pollavaev pa LegotavlevAlu krapayth kirptchajith blokow. Noskwe, Gesstrolisdat 1960, 35 p. (KIRA 13:4) 1. Akadissilys stroltel'stwe I arkhitokt=T 9W. 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