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SOV/ 137-57- 1 1-ZZ409 A Study of Wear in Tractor Antifriction Materials (cont.) wear both of steel and of bronze, particularly in the presence of 0. 1-0. 15% D and more. If the lubricant contains 0. 15-0.5159 D. the maximum influence upon the rate of wear is that presented by the fine D fractions. During the process of wear, bronze is transferred to the steel surface, and this may distort the results of the evaluation of its resistance to wear. It is observed that the data obtained are of major significance for a correct analysis of the effectiveness of air cleaners and that in order to attain a significant drop in the wear rate of such couplings in tractor engine@ as between the connecting- rod small-end bushing and the piston pin (OT*SS-5-5 bronze and Nr ZOKh steel) and between the crankshaft and its bearings (Br S30 bronze and Nr 45 steel) it is necessary to strive for a reduction in entry of fine D fractions. A. M. Card Z/Z 1: t (till A firs! AUTHORz Misnevich, A -?,I -B-71.143 TITLEs The Anplication of toir ..,-i"tai,ation Counter-to the 3tudy of W"r PrOOSSWOM (Praneaentye staintillyatoionnago schetchAKa d1ya izuchenAya protsessov iznashaveniya) PERIODICALs Zavoiskaya Laboratorlya, 1958, Vol. 24, Nr 9, pp. 971-974 (ULisa) ABSTRAM In measuring the amount of ralloactive disintegration products 'tic, greattat sensitivity to obtained by using a scintillation counter to measure the/3-rlidxatton mal especially the g,-radi- ntion. Very small amount3 of raliomctive products were measured in the 3tulies rqportel in this paper using axpli- tude discrimination. A special apparatu, 0 -2 was dowlsel which consisted of a broad-batil amplifier, an aaplituJe lis- criminator, a repeater, anI a r4ctifier. An exact description ani a schematic Aiagr4z of the set-up are given. 'the results obtained in theie 3tudias show that this counter Increases the spPqd of counting. although the scintillation counter has greater advantagas. Th- LTD , appa.-atus used counts 1C times faster than the Geirer cvun;qr mnl counts 40 times faster in Card 1/2 registering the is()tope .;b A n,;zbcr of studies rere The Application of the 3cintillation Countar 30V/5~.24-8-21/45 to the 3tudy of Disintegration ~,rocesses carried out to confira the superiority of the scintillation counter. In these studies the stool 45-aluminum intifriction alloy was testel with neutron bombardment an) activation with F059. To thte pure alloy lifferent &=unto of natural dust were aided, 2eaaurezento were =do on on* side with a coubt- nation of 6 UC-4 counters "I on the other side with a scin- tillation counter. It was Observed that in the pure alloy (without dust) the Geiger counters registered no disinte- gration, while a disintegration curve was obtained from the scintillation counter. L,V. lakov participated in the exper- iments. There are 5 figures ani I reference which in Soviet. ASSOCIATIONs Gosudar3tvcanyy soyuznyy nauckno-in3ledovatellskiy traktornyy institut (State Union Institute for Scientific Investigation Of Tractors) Card 212 7v c 41- f f" st I If Ilk, '2~t &LI ivr c It. t Hill Num"M, A. I. Ifluouess of the machining of sarfaceg of tractor-engine parts. Trudy kitchpoverkh. no.4:164-167 159. (KIRA 13-6) (Natal cutting) MMICK. Aslag TYBMKIT. D.I. -..:-~.--.111-114-11- I SolemOute led tochalmal Gomfw%we on "A um of radlowtive too- topoe and ratleactIve amitoolous In antemettle md tractor ewSlww- ino Alow.mwc 6 no 3:34L.342 Mr 159~ , (MMA, IZA) Ifflicatimm) Aston magrixg) $16XVICH. A.I. Qmatlty of radiation necessary for studylac thv wear of machine parts with the aid of radletestows. Zav.lpb, no-11:1341-1342 159. (MINA 13:4) l9Qoevd&rstv*uiWy trAIctoriWy inatitat. (Vachisery- Testime) applications) MW 3/170J60/003/071/075/016 0019/0056 AUTHORS'. gionevich 1. TITLE: The Use of RadloactiTe lap 0 sk1for the Purpose of Solving L-ke the Problem of Increasing the Serrice Life of ifachine, Parts and Kochaniess PERIODICAL: Inthenerno-fizicheakty zhurnal, 1960, Vol. 5, No. 11, PP. 113-119 TEXT; In the introduction, the ase of radioaotive elesents as indicators for wear is diecusaad AM & general manc*r. In this connection, the aotiva- tion.of the parts Investigated in described to in essettial problem, i.e.. irradiation in an &tonic re&ctcr and the appi4-ing of radioactive aubatancea, onto the surfaces under investigation. The adv&ntages of an irradiation in. a re&Gtor art compensated bjr the disadvantages of the change of various physico-machanical properties of the material an!*r investigation. This mothod in only very, little used in the, USSR. The difficultles In the case of the second aforementioned xat~ad consist in the fact that the radio- active elenonte, which are used for this pur;cse in form of alloys with Card 1/2 The Use of Radioactive Isotopes for the S/110/60/003/011/015/016 Purpose of Solving the Problem of Increasing B019/BO56 the Service Life of Xachine Parts and Xachanleas Fe599 Cc 6o or Za 65 hav4 a low activity and that the pr*ductfon of equal or similar alloys with these elements Is difficult. Lnother fact of great importance Is the quantitative measurement cf the radioactive particles, which is mostly carried out with acint!l1ation Counters. Le an 60 example, an investigation of the operation CCndjt4Qn9 of a tractor toter with respect to the wear of piston rings is dealt with. L scheme CA' the experimental **tap is shown; the contact surfaces tort activated ty means of a co6O an4 za65-containing alley. It is found that at a defi- nite number of rotations of the crankshaft wttr Is the greatest. The in- restigation of the wear of further motors to partly dealt with, several details are briefly dinauased, and firally, tes;lng in practical operation is described at an *spoci-A advantage. From the investigation of a tractor of the type fLT-54 (DT-54) the results obtained are shown In a diagram. Piston rings show the greatest wear among all parts Investigated. There are 4 figures and 10 Soviet references. S UBM ITTIM - February 8, 1960 Card 2/2 S/122/60/000/011/00,4/020 6000 A161/AI27 t Nianevio'n, A. L, Caididate of Techn1cal Sci-ences TITEZ: Novelties In the application of ralicactive isotopes for wear studies of machine parts PERIOD7^ALs Vestnik mashinostroyeniya, no. 11, 190, If,-22 TEXT: The artiole gives a suzzarized review of the lates. In wear testing by mean3 of radioactive isotopes, brj~.h in the USSR &nil aLzo.-il. 'rhe advantages of the scintillation counters of high counlIng effic-lency over ths Gei- ger counters when used for the measurement of radloact!ve particles of wear In tte lubricant during stand and work testing are emphasllztd. Th,~ high ,oantlng efficien- cy for gamm radiation provides for the requested measurprren'. presli!lon and aftul- taneously allows to reduce sharply the radioactivity of tiie par.*, b-ing tested. The counters of this type are very sensitive to the slightest chwigei cf operaAonal parameters, an quoted in Rer. 1: [Primenenlye racioaktivnyki, i yaclernykh tzluchenly v mashinostroyenli (Application of Radioactive Ino,.oT" Lnd lhiclear Radiation in Mechanical FEngineering), TsITEEI, No. 13, 1960). 11,e ambient, ~eTpera- ture of the surrounding medium, however, considerably Influences the operational Card 1/5 S/l2:2/60/CQ)/O1 1/004/M, Novelties in the application of radioactive... Ai6l/A127 Instability of sointillation colunters (10C leads to a 1-3% Orango of realings). Therefore, special measures have to be taken and special lnstrumente have '.o be used to ensure constant temperatures when scintillation counters are used for the determination of wear in internal combustion engines, eepecially when sncowritering a wide range of temperatures In the lubricant to be meatured (5r,-120 0C). A special crystal - photomultip-lier system, primary elements and auto-vatic thermocontrollere have to be Incorporated. A Soviet test technique levelope:1 f~r tes-.Ing mach.Infea under actual operating conditions with r%dlotracers and for pr^21re establishment of operational conditions is distinguished W the following f~w;uros: It Is eezy a) to d6termine the prevailing kind of wear and the reasons for the swce Cad b) to check the measures which were taken to Increase the life time of par's under actual operating conditions. For instance, the wear of p1ston rings of a 68-hp gasoline automobile engine was tested with a special scint.11lation counter arrangement dur- Ing starting procedures and at various speeds of the automoblleduring a period or 3o minutes for each speed. The test arrangement included the following MaJor itemst an auxiliary electric pump for pumping the oil from the crankcase into the count chamber, whIch was put In the lugeage comp&rtment, a hemispherIcal oil res- ervoir into which the lower part of the counter casing, containing a soditLI iodide crystal,was submerged. The counter casing was se;arated from the oil chamber by a Card 2/ 5 2509.1 S/IZV60/000/011/004/020 Novelties in the application of radioactive... A161/AI27 - 5-mm air gap, provided with ribs and (tooled by the alr from a fan. The temperature in the counter was only 3PC higher than that of the surrounding medium. The photo- wltiplier was powered by a 12-v battery. The radlometrio and recordIng instruments were fastened on the automobile seat. A radiome%rlc meararIng devi:e w1th a scin- tlll&tLan counter, type C Pri- 4,v(sRP-i a) for field tests, w2s us-4 by NATT for stud- ying the wear of piston rings of the DT-0 tractor undir operating conditions. Various activating methods are recomsendeds Irradiation o! p" In *.he reactor (automobile engines) or by memo of rsAloactive inserts (-.ra2tor engines). Great difficulties 'in redlotracer testing aftse froe contaminations !-n *,,he air wicked in, abrasive partleles from other parts, Y&Mcmw med"n1c,&l. &d='.'x'%tLres and ex- o*ssiv* quantities of lubricants, e.g. used 1a'dTe&el-91e.2*,r1c IccomotIves or stationary combustion engines. Earge-afte parts sbemld nol. b- irradiate-A at once to keep tho rddlation rate witAin certain safety llzit-s. Of great interest Is the application of radiotracers for measuring the wear of the surface of friction of a single part at different places at the same Ume, or simltaneous measuring of friction surfaces of coupled parts, or even of Uffe"n'. assembly units. In many canes foreign experiencoa wd studios am ref.'arred to. RoAto-activation &nalrslx was used by the Russians in analogy to Western patterns '.'(;r *-he combint-A study of Card 3/5 ZSOSL S/122/60/000/011/004/020 Novelties In the appllcatLon of radioactive... AL6L/kt27 cylinder liners and piston rings of the D-35 tractor engine, z" referred to a study bF R& Srapenyants [Ref. 121 RadIoaktIvnyy* lzotopy I nauchnyye lasledo- vanlya v oblastl mekhanizatsil (R&dlcaotive Isotopes and Sclentlflc Researeh Used In Mechanization), Tokhalka v ser'skon khozyaystve. No. 1. 1S,60). 0,- great in- tereat is also the radloaatlve deterudnatton of wear of roller bearings In a spe- cial test stand. Results showed that It is possible to determIne the wear ofglf- ferent bearing parts if the weight of the worn particle does not exceed 1.10 g. The field of application of radioactive Isotopes -Is not licilted to parts of ma- chines worielng under the hydrodynamic conditions of the lubricant, but may be ex- te'ded to measurement of wear In electric contacts, of aulomobile tires, ate. A radioactive method for the determination of wear of automobile tires, developed in the USSR, is base&n the following prInciple; the values of absorption of the bota-raitlation of TI change in accordance with the wear of the tire tread. A m~W11c Uuallum rod, measuring 0.3-0-5 M In diameter is Inserted In the tread to a depth of 1.5 mm. The absorption curve of thallium Is drawn experimentally. Measurement was carried out wIth an end counter mounted In a special casing. Road tests of tires of the M-21 type futomobile proved the rel!abllity of the wear nessuromt with a precision of - 0.1 mm. The radioactivity of the thallium wire Card 4/5 sAu/6o/ow/W VOW02o Novelties In tho application of radioactive- A161/A127 was about I millicurls. The test results allowed in particular to determine the.kind of,wear In different sections of the tread while the internal pressure In the tire was charged. Ref. 14: Mistody I app&r&tura dlya eksperimentaltnogo Is- sledovanlya. avtidnoblley, dvigateley I. Ikh aaegatov (KetWds and apparatus for r*searah too" of automobiles, engines and their subassemblies),, Reports, outlined at, an All-Uhlon Scientific and Technical Conference. KAMI, M. 1960. PerfeatIonat- Ing of the methods and development of more precis* Instruments might help to con- eldorably Incr*aw the efficiency of radleaetive wear measurement techniques and to reduce *be rate of radioaetivity required and oosurring In these procedures. There are 4 figures and 14 reforenaest 7 Soviet,-bloo an1 7 non-Soviet-bloo. Four most recent Engl.-lang. publications includes 1. Thlery (Ref. 6c PAdlotracers In piston ring wear - an original French-mt,6hodi *Automotive Industries", vo. 121. No- 2, Jul 15, 1959; Ref.Tt Irradiated cylin4*r liners allow contluous monitor- Ing of lubricating, w3clentifla rabricatlono, vol. 12. No. 3, 1960; Ref. 9s Radio- tracers applied to engine wear studies, "Scientific LtAbricallon", vol. 11, No. LO, 1959; D. E. Cooper. R. L. Cou--tny and C. A. Hall-(Jtef. 10: Radioactive tracers cost now light on fuel distribution, *SAE Transactlons", vol. 6T, 1959. Card 5/5 W1110FICK. A.1. Ybasurommut of the redloactIvIty of IlquIde by eclatillatlos smateme Zavolabe 26 mesVI75-177 '60. (KM 13:5) 1. traktorl" lutitat. (SCIVAIllattOU CQuRtq"j7' 04*14iatlos and lawicasts) F-UWTr L.t insh.j ZUB=OVI, K. inibe; VY-LICMUN, I., kandtekhnonauk; ESIMCK A, kam 0 i0ma". IMIlk :-=L-=f &- .Steel a1l control piston riape Tokher sell PON. 22 na#81"3 . Ag t6l. (K= 141) . (Piston riW,) RIMMIM Aleksandr Isaakorvich; KOKOW,'S; L.V,,, red.1 wwovt L.V.t ."7Z:7-~-;; ~.T ~, U. II., tekbn. red. (Using radioisotopes for etudyine tho durabilitr of mcbUw p&Asj Primenenis radioaktivMkh, itotopoy dlis. irucheniia, dalgo- vechnosti dat&lai md2in. Yoskya,, Gos&tomirAat,, 1962, 182 OaU 1597~O (wiolsotopee.-IndustrIAa applications) I (vischmical mom) VZLICHKNP I.m.0 kand. tekhn.. n-,-A; UAY~' ~', Te.V.; 4LSNECD, kmnd. tekbn. nauk; FVSmVt-TV, 1. Iffect of various hoWng--c-thrds on the weer of piston of a tractor diesel enRlre. Avt. mm. 29 no./06-8 An '(3. (MIRA I~o,) 1. Gosuclarstyennyy sayusrWy trrAt.,..,,,y Institut. (Diesel e,-4,Innm--Tq,3tIng) ISAMIt TeS.; UISNEVICH, A.I.; PUSTOVALOV, !.V. Measurments of wear bF radioactive-tracer technique Zav. lab. 29 no.c)tllO/.-1106 f63, iMIRA 17s1) 1. Ifauchno-Issledovatel'skly tmktorrw Institut, VELICHKII., U ., kand, tekhn, naukg_j, ,Wij~ICI . teklu-,. 1"J., karxi .nauk; IXBUMVA, V.P., kand. tekt4. muk; h.S., doktor teklm. rAux. retsenzent; iZWKIN, inzl:. red, [R&ptci uear tests of diesel angines) UskoreWe tal,7tanila dizellrtykh dvigatelei na izno5ostoi~ovtl. PoffAva, Izd-vo 'I'lash1nostruenia," 182 p. (XIHA 17:7) ic! it EVP YG.V.P ivxh., EL-li'lli !"R, t", . 7 . ; kfj~r,14 . I. i~~J in. li-~ "I -~. P Salootion or parametera for engine supercharging taking inta account the wear resistance of the parts of em sleeve &-A piston group. Trakt. I sellkhozaaah. no,10s" 0 164. (IGRA 17j'i,2) 1, Cosudarstvennyy sqyuznyy nauohno-issledovatellskly tr&ktornyy institut. FORGULISO YU.B.; mlsNulch, A.I. AU-Vaion rr4lustry-Wlde Conference of Tractor &L-" Iders. T~rakt. i sellkhossashe no-1:48, 3 of cover Ja 965- (MIRA 18:3) 1. GosudarstvenMy soyuznTy nauchno-losledovatellskiy traktornyy institut. TSLGC,WV, e.0.96; RVA"I As% Uso cO& the ga=--trovAtrole rvsv~cl in t-ho Ocultarecue estp.:y-nitation of' VW urear of tvo mc~in.* partas, ""ALvoub. 31 no,,0464-465 165o (MRA 2802) I@ 'IseaoyutW naachnc~-Iweladmtallakly institut makkAmitateli sellskogo khoticyawee VISNEVIClij- A~ L. 4kp~rimnt&14(brphologic&l rnyestiOtiOn Of tht Eff'*Ct Of & B'Opgr on th&. Growth and K*t&st&gjs&tjcn of Tumors.m sub 26 Im 51g lead Ned Sci MSR. Disnertatlons preventod for sc:Eonc* and ensimering dogrees Ln Moscow durIng 1951. Sol Sm. No. we 9 M" 55. - 11 SVWI CH, A.L. aver"We"l-morpholwic lareettgations on ths, offset of HOW OR the growth and metastasizing of nalignant tumors. Khtrurgits., Kosk- va, Io*Zt45-5G Feb, 51. (CIAL 20 161 1, Of the raborstorr of Oncoloor (ff*~A--Prof,L*XAhAbs4, Corrospin.. ting Neaber of the Ac&4eW of Nedical Sciences-),, Institute of Nor- nal. azd Pathological Korphologr (Director-Acadmician, A.I.Ab:.*ikck.. sayl of the Acod*W of Kedical kloncet VSSI. Effect of 1ArTsy m tte ('trrvtl mrid :orratl, -, of cf ExTer1rental Tm-rra (pxTerirontv OV Jrduc-d -ind sj-rtarecus , 11 'A VnT)rosy rnknlot-11, Vrj 7)f A40 .1 elm s:nm iaim' rrf averrdln.,'. tr 0-n -iT r~- I.- i'n rJ.-,n vf tbmir H tiv.~ora. 1 b1olay wis je~rfoqj-PA rm onn (f t~e 1-16oi *~-n r-e-n,; -iisr- vic used vi ccntrol . I'Ve al sc-s-ses t -rf, I-Aixed in tte i-i" -At' 11 , Jr- diretlvl-l 1-len7antbr-tcone (pOnted on tt-n skin twice a va-0- In a O.C;5% solution of fenrene) . NoTnlea were rerrcmed rAt voirl,us atrun-.s, I.e., TirAllma, InclT'Ient c2neer, ind clInic-illy exprease! e-mc,~r. -to "a-. r-r- cincers vere iderceireincras of f~e rrxrl-ir~v Flinds. NoTF~Ins wqre Terformed 1-1.5 mnt~a %fti.%r. t~,t le.-innim, of 9-.. circ-ra. Eurricil or Induced cincers in nice. NoTsy did rrt Intonsif-,- or -tec-.1er-it, '(T-m- tion of retastmes. (RZI-tiol, No 6, 1954) SOS SUM. 110. 5369 1(1 Jun 55 S/047/60/000/006/003/004 BOOO/BO77 AUTHORf Misnevich, A. Id. (Stalinek) TITLEs Calculation of the Rise and Set Period@ of a Celest--al Body PERIODICALt FizIka v shkole, 1960, go. 6, pp. 45 - 46 TEXTs The calculation of the rise and set periods of a star is c practical application of astronomy. In the literature, forFaulas t,re mentioned which require a knowledge of basic spherical trigonometry not taught In hIghschools. The authoy shows a method to derive a formula for calculating these periods with the cathevatics demonstrated in the tenth grade. The concept of an infinite sphere Is not used, and the earth rotation is neglected. A figure shows the projection of the earth on the meridian plans of the observation point where the star is in its upper culmination. In the figure, P stands for the plane of the matheiLttical horican of the observation point 8, and BZ standa for the verticitl on PI BS1 represents a sunray; NS to the earth axis; QQ I is the earth equator (here called QJ,I by alatake); BCB ICIB is the geographical latitulp of the Card 1/3 Calculation of the Rise and Set Period& of a S/047/60/000/006/CO5/004 Celestial. Body BNO/BO77 observation point; ACA I C, A is the boundary of the earth surface facing the star; R. is the earth radius, and r is the radius of the parallel circlet V is the geographical latitude of the observation. potntl 6 is thu angle between the equatorial plane and the direction cf Incidence of Q,e sur rays, This angle is the same as the declinattcn of 0,e our, C &nd C I ar~ the points of sunset and sunrise; t is the angle of a. half-day et,rth rotation. This angle is equal. to the hour angla of the oun. at sunrise, The ar,gle 6 is positive going from. the equator to the narth ani reg&f.fve going from equator to the south, The figure nhowo that the, part CBC I w, the, 1. parallel circle is facing 01 hS2alar. The anglo t iD d,?terminthl from, *~hp triangle 0 1Co2t COB x - r - Using. the triangles 01.002 and 0101 it, follows that coo x - tgq.tgb, anIsince -ccg r - ccq t, cn~, ottafrin coo t a -tgg.tgb. The".tronomy instructor car. t~.ia formult anI &ISCL calculate the time of set and rise of a star, an,! th,~, length of the bright day. 15 angular degrees ropronent one, hc.ur TKer~- is I f;g-jrp. x Carl 7/5 NIS AEVICH.. A.R. (9 &-wolmsnetak Kemerovskai obl"'a) Dwivivg a speed foraLla of a hemnly body, Flur ahkale 22 w.1 t61-60 Xw-IF t62. NUIL 150) (Astrononw-atudr ad t*"hLn) RTABM G.A.; PIPITA, V.I.; NLS-lUllC!;, Anesthesia L-i 7artous methods for rq.,,,ijvirg lsclstp,4 stercsis of '(6be pulmonary artery. Elkspor. ikhir. i sinist. 3 JI-Ac 163. O'll."A 11 It 5) 1. lustltut af.,rde ai=c-eiosulis toy (dlrek*;t~r - Ir ir 3 A. Koleaftikay; nauchnyy rukawoditoll akade=llk A.% Mkrtil~,-Y) MEYTINA9 R.1.1 MLWWVA, Ye.1.1 HISMICH E.D,l SHAPGVAWVAO V.Ya.; SKERDUKLLOWA, L.F. A-= -.1. - New vothadology for the detervAnistlon of aold-baso tqulllbrlun of the organics wd Its use in open-heart surgery. Eksper. khlre 1 an4st. 7 no,,5c29-36 S-0 162, (MIRA 17110) L Is laborstoril funktalonallnoy diagnastiki (zav. G.G. Gellshteyn) Dwtltuta serdechno-cosudistay khIrurClI (dir.- prof* S.A. Kolsonikov, nauchrqy rukayoditell- aW*vdk A.N. Bakulev) AM MR. NrSI(EnCH, my. Pmpiratory funetion of the blood and aci&alkall belance In operations an the opan heart under conditions af hypothermLis. Omid. Mr. 5 nc*640-0 1;~-D'6) (KIRk 17tZI 1. Is labomtorii funktaional(noy diapostiki (&&y, - kand. c*d,. nauk, G.G. Gel'shteyn) t otdoleniyvt zabolevanir aerdtoa i ec- audor u; deter ( zav. - doktor mod. nxuk vaaurakovskiy) Incti- tuta serdechno-soeudiatoy khirurgii ( direktor - profm S*Ae XDIeenikov) AM SWR. Adres artorat Y"kya;, 7491p tominakilr proap., d,8, Inatitut aerdechno-coaudistoy khirurgli AW 3SC-14 F.CV,ASHCJVP F.?I.j KAUSFi, I.S.1 TERDT'TEVA, L.Y.1 SHPUGA, O.G. A A Use of isolated coronary perfusion for "he xLt--.;r!rg0 &4 rial septal defects mder noderate hypotl,',,~rml&..Kh',rurvlla ni.10:4~-48 164. ()GRA IM) 1. Otdeleniye vrozhdennykh porokov (%4v. V.I.Bavtkovakiy), laboratoriya anestoziologii (zav. G.A.Ryahov), lal-ratorlya, funktoionallnoy diagnostiki (zav. G.G.Gellshteyn) Instituta serdechno-sosudiatuy khirurgii (dir. - prof. S.A.Kolesnikc,v, nauchnyy rukovoditall - akadomik A.N.baknlav~ A.'!?,' Mkakva. OPreparation of goda-sulfate [41t and Xts, Use in. Glass 941ting., 1. vj. P011'rak,-"- 9 MCM-34". &A 4. Ta. Raf. Stokallamqa t rerm Yrom L91L,5, To 415 pp 20. (SO: lust. rusect/Auw. in ra. To Samorlaw) SO:. U-237149, 8 AW11 1949 I YAthsv-aticol Rrviewe F., (In tho rebo-a of ~%rkoile urns. Unpebt Vol. 14 "a* 11 vat^-m. Ilauk N.S.) P, no. 2(54), Ili-114 (1951)- Pvc. 1951 (Rurv- i, n) f Mr%'xinv ur-r- of thq tl,,Por(-.r of' PlynMn Cien the Trovirus rpvi,,w7 Oin n0lirr -Ivin 9n irrr. at-ho", '~7 ul-if-h cno~ cAn 1 ril-A I rn of a rry Beqmnc" of ca.,itv-11ont. 0-n, v-!riqHo.,% .rl,i(,h inkp only thp vqlt-8 IT. ra, N# YO)* k. evic 1, And Bryz,-,a1riv,.V- I.. On a Problem of; d I I -pf I it ~ I, oi m. Nat i~~ (N in) Mqthqma1:icnl Rovirms In w v; dtm~ ji h,l: in 11!f-tr giv(,n n! flottif t:,r, fjj. ..o.. with t(-qjxc6%, Val. V; TIO. 2 , ~11 Feb* 1954 1, f;"Oj~- I I Or A 171 M, "I _ M, ;What 13 the om"ll Ile ili-it thf.14, ;,r1 1.1111-11.1ce L. il, v.111,11 111v -"'Oto~ Ail.-,n, havp ptnjectif.ll, (if c(lu"I If-ii;- t It I 'I It, ;m f I.-,r a r,.w, r wit It thr. t1w4cm! I hr. iirrf.~ and i,fh.6,nt c,mditj(~-n That exi-ot; is that 1, 2, W. E Milme. uss"'Athematics - Stochastics Yar/Apr 53 IlUrn Scheme of Karkov,,O L. B. 111snevich 00-""N 0--" - UspeM MatmeM Rauk, Vol ZO No 2(54)s PP 131-13L Generalizes the urn schaw.or A. A. 'e'laricov ("Certain Unit Formilas of Calculus of 1tvbability,," lmr='Oom Ak Nauk SSSR(6), 11 (1917), pp 177-186)t initially an urn contains aj,a,2,..,&, balls of the 1st, 2rd.... a-th color respectively, ,from which balls are drawn at randon; after each draw the withdrawn ban Is retiumod to the um with c wre of same color (the case n-2 was considered by A. A. lllarkov,, and by S. 11. Bernahtayn). Subm1tted 16 Jan 53. O~, the n-.,n";Af a jalir-tx ~4 1:1 $i;4 ft 5f . ' N S mix; Tb a u t ho - n i i it~ F -4 it if: 1,1 o 01~ r--Iw n-(R~ n;d prr,. h* I ,,' Atj n~uf r,' hwa On-rr~rr-f~ i -j~m V J is Ity fnhe!.l-'0 -4 c art-Oi-d Ibv A W-0 It KISXMCRg L.B. Plbdel of a st&n4ard perceptron for scanning continume imps. WTI no-5t25-27 163. (KDtL 16til) -Wo AM Nal AR6020789 SOURCE COD6 AUTHORI KeponuWashchlyo A. Z.; NtenevIch. L. 8. TITLE: Forced teaching of perceptrond with threshold elementA SOURCE: Ref sh. Matem, Abse ZV396 REF SOURCEt Nauchno-tekho. Worm. 9b. Wee. In-t niuchn. I takha. Worm., no. 10, TOPIC TAGS: computer element, adaptive control, porceptron ABSTRACT: The authors investigate the adaptive devtces!~Iementary perceptrons by Rosen- blat and the continuous pe-rceptron Introdti-ce-d-G-U rejijWr of L. P. N(snavich with A-etemants of the threshold type. under the condition of forced learning. It is shown that the average rt- action of Rosenblatts perceptron to the Input Images depends (for normalized tmageo) only an the scalar pro&cfA of the pattern being recognized with the pattern of the learning sequence. It 71s proved that for a continuous perceptron with A-elements of threshold type It to possible (f9r the preecrlWd compactv nonintervacting class of Images) to select threeholds such that t4aperceptronqwsopardetheclao"s, (Translationofabstractl SUB CODE: 09 UdTtd' ) - -"' A "I --,.C-, AR6021345, SOURCE CODE. L',11/0372/66/000/00-&/VO601VC)6'1 I AUT11014 Kepomyssibchly,, A. Z.; Man 71TLEt Forced bubft of a perceoron with threshold elements SOURCE: Rd sk Kibern, Abe. ZV396 REF SOURCE: Havelks-teklin. Inform. Sb. Wes. In-t. nauchn. I te*hn. fform., no. to, 1964, 19-22 TOPIC TAGS: perceptron. pattern recognition, a&ptive pattern recognition, class theory ABSTRACIN The article waminee learning devices -- the elementary Rosenblatt perceptron as well as the oontinuous pereelAron. introduced In L. B. Misnevich's wrkwith threshold-type A-units In the forced-learning mode. It is shown that the average respomw of Me Hosenblatt perceptron fa the presentation of a pattern depends (for normalized patterns) only on the acclar product of the recognized pattern and tho learning- sequence pattern. 17he statement of the possibility of selecting the threshold with respect to specified compact difloint classee of patterns in such a way that the perceptron would separate these classes Is proved for the con- tinuous percepitron with A-units. (Translation of abstractl sun D E: UDCt 61:661.14:155 ; ~ - 3- vIt"'a, i- L . - ~L. - - -- -- - - t u1snevich, Le kit w3me awitc-nical datri cn the cnrdiAc rmrtrn* (Ch the Cr Cardlac cancer), SbornIk trudovo poovyashch. prof. Sevinykh, Tomnk, 1948, P. 94-1("5. Sot U-3261, 10 April 1953 (Letopis 'Murnal Inykh Statey, No. 12, 1949%. mislowy 2 -W-MOPM i ~ 11 kwaxely ich t 18 97 - -59- - lik" A"- C"lasm,.their recocuitiou, troatmonts out propt7laxial Opukhalis ikk rompossavacto, lachente t proftlaktika. Kostwe. xwgtz, 1957. 165 p. (KIRA 11:4) (fumm) . I rj".LdKet professor Iwwry or the tasew not ts. caacer Evtth summary to SwItsh]. Rktrurcita 33 ne.5:10e-107 IV 157, (KM lots) 1, Is NakavskcW jersdakeW onkologtebeekey bollvitry (Clsvvjy vreeb IP-T*.VhI&Wwtcft) (TOID=0 se4plame root timmors, surg,, tachnia (Avs)) XISIKVICHp L.K.r prot.1 UKUBOVSKAUl, dotsent 1. -..- - --------- iE f Treatowt Of Duaf&tran a eactracture. Sbor. -, h,.Pmk,reb, . Fc-ftkUn,im.1r.l.)iTs*rsh, na.ZiM-129 f61. (WA MtO (DUPW"19 COWMACTM) KSKIMCIP L. K. , prof., P"canoor &nd eancer of the breastir. Kh1rarctia 311 se.71lyl-139 Jf 162 o, (MIRA, 150) 1. In NoskorrokoT garodskoy- ankologlebookor bol"nitay- No. 62 (glavVy ymch T. D, Vkrgolin) I(ORMT-CAMIR) 11=T,LCXI1"No'. peof-I MWtrAKTfft E.g. (Kmkwal Wm of tbo mUtdatic aurmt1a In mallpmt meoplwti* pm""w, ELInawd. 40 aa.Wl-25 I* t62. (mm 15t91 * 1w. Mmkovsk.oT carodskoy ockologicbeekoT bolluttay fro.62 CavWy vrach T-D- Ksz~p "dw"birmk*I&C prof. L.K, RLWWW160. (AXTMIMJ.%N-) (GO=) WISUMBp L.H.t AXOPtYMIZ, S.S. .. Gmbined us* of vjr=tln with rj*.or thempoutic mtbod4 far patients vith maligmnt neoplam a Antibiotiki 7 no.h, f.2%d 1 J1,62 (KML 16t lo Kaskarek" onkologicheskaya bollnitaa ra.6Z. (g,&Tzzyr vrach V.V*NLrg:olin) (AMBIMICS) (CANCER) (GITMMC MWGd) riSh-EVICE, L. V. 2. USR- (600) 4* PmbablItties ?a "cWto pattem for %me Vsp. PAt. naukg, 61, no. 2g. 1951. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library or Congress, April -1953, Unct. UWANDT, 1. Talunietria weight of rock products. Strolo mt., todel. I Imestr. 2 ao.8:16-17 Ac 156. (am 9CIO) 1. Zwedwwabahly laboratarlysy keseemVft strattellmWft watertalaw Vaesayusnage machna-lealedffatellsko" lastitata sUlasobstom (for lisaffich) ze Zarodwmauchly labamiariyw Ctdzo Whaallatelt vasawnsafto Muchoo-taGIO&Vatetlebw lastitata shelasobotam (for Stapamav). (ftlIdInC eatertate) MISMIGH, K.L -., kand.tekhn.nauk; TIFLEENYO, N.Y., inzh.; EIR."O"W'At L.K., TJUAMIKOU, T.V., inzh.-. J.UVKUAv V.V;.* InO. Dr*csing limestone found near Moscow so as to obtain hifh-quality .agfregates for concrete. Sbor. trud. HIIZHelezobetons no.3:3-41 160. (KIRA 15:2) (Linestone) (Aggregates (Building materials)) r aAFMMHCC-V, A.A., insh 0 ; SPXOL'Sfdl U.I., in;&h.; YIFZ-v'V.', L.I.., in-ah.; TIMCHEMKOr, I(A.V inil,..; EP~SMICK, kwid.tekhnmuk goncentrative lijwstone with the aid of 4L mc%aaic&L classifier. fftroi, mate 7 bo.4123-26 Ap ~61* '(KI' PA 14~ ( 5) (Limatom) (Sprtine devices) TDCHMO, R.K., inah.1 KAIASHMIKOU, T.V.,, inzh,L-LIS-SV H.., kand.- tekhn.nauk Davelopwat of rapid nsthods of datersinine the strwqrth of stoner crushed ston* and gravel. ~ Sbor. trud, K112blesotatona, no,"t 87-1U, t620 (;;;~ 1611)" I (Store-Testing) a NISNMCH, M.L., kRnd.tekhn.nauk Sms problem of the theory of seleatiTe cruahing., Sbor. trud. . KHWslesobetma' no.71l25-140 162, (MIRA 16 r 1) (Stone,. Crashed) SISNIVICH, H.-L.f kand.tokhn.nauk Treating ometructlon gravel in heav7, owdia, Stroi,mat. 8 now)OT-0 Mr 162, (KOU 151t.) (S" &M gravel plants) WISMICH X L , kand.takhn.nauk; MASHNIKOVA, T.V., inth. Rapid method of' detendrdng the content of' dusty and clays;r particles in crushed stone and gravel. Stroi. mat. 8 no.12i 13-15 D 162. (PGRJL 16 t 1), (Storo, Cmshed-T#sttng) (Gravel-Teating) R&%(ZE5., Bjaq MISIMUCH K.L.; GLLAErIONOV,, V.I., insh., retsersent; insh., nauchn. red.; KOYABOVSKATA, L.L., t$WIR. MA. [Quj4ity control of crushed atone, gravel, and said for build- ing work) Kontroll kschostva shchabnia graviia i peak& Gin stroittlInykh rabot. MoskTs, Gosstra7isdat, 1963. 111 p. M RA 16: 7) (Sand amA gravel Industry-7Quallty control) (Stone,, Irwhed) NIaWIq, Kark L'vovic44-AAT'KGVSK1T, Leonid Petrovichl KLAS=j- prof., doktor tekbn. vAukt retsensont, KBOLINy K.D.r prof.,, reteenwn-tj RODIN# R-A.p kaWt tekbn:1 naukt retsenzentl BOGOSIMSM , V.A-,, inshop retsenzentl IVANOV#, I.K., inzh,p reteenzentl TROITSK31p A.V.p inzh.p naucbqy red.; MURAMLOV, BA., kwid. tekbn. nauk,, nauchn. red.1, GCEOZOU, NA., rod,.izd-va; SHERSIML, N.Y., tekhn. red. (Dmgsing nometall1c building materWa) Obagashchenie no- rudrqkh stroit4ltzqkh materialay. Koskya,, GoestroUsdatp 1963. 292 p. (MM 17t2) WISMICH, K.L., kae.tokhn.nauk; KASAB(N,, I.A., inih, D"amine Of llrav*l by the jigging mathod, Strol,mt. 9 no,,gg " 8 16). (KMA 16v 10) N" i tI Ammsium int i APW43535 S/0258/64/004/003/0589/002, AUTHORt Hisnevich) K, Z, (Loninrrad) TMSt Gwputatidn of a moftontless conic shell with, gkol"on SOURG91 Inshanernm shurnal,, Y. hp no- 3j, 1964o 589-592 see shellp conic shell, internal pressum, tr&nBvw, so skeletonsi TOPIC TAGSt. momentl elasticity modulus, deformation,, Poisson coefficient$ stressed st&t4 AMUCTe The author s+udiss the effect of internal presnwe an a. moctertless conii shell with transverse skeleton to determine the arising stresses, The transverse stresses cannot be defined by a simple forsula because the initial'Imigth of the oircuarerence of each transverse section is different, where d2 are.tranoverse stresses in the material with dinemion force~hsnsth, Ti is the ordinate of the curve of the surfsee o^ the shell bw r& R in t lius of th Bho.U in the unstressed state, and 3 In the modulus of elastioltyp of~ dimension force/length, 3 is asr.=d constant, the Poisson coefficient is tot equal to 1/2 RINIVICH, X.L.t kend. takhm. nauk sm An-union State 5,Umdards for gra"I and gmet rubble for buildine matorla1g, M)or. trad. IMMUsobetces nc.6t M7-176 f63 (KMA- 19d) HISKMCHt K.L.0 kand. tokbn. navkt WIMT-p I.A.v in*. ...... . .................. Ibriching gravwl b7 the jigffing method for the parpmo of ob- taining filler for hig"tmingth conerstoo Dore trade WIMIssobstma no*80-4 163 (KM is 11) r-tulk; ZD711, R.A., kimd. tviim. Exten v lye ' - trr-du c t i rm of th (- r".3 (r c rt, 4 c ar -ch offerv great 'osairAlitleo to Sirt,'. nrt. io nos9dF-20 S 164 WD 5/258/62/002/004/019/019 8 E0 1/E135 AUTRORt Aisnevich, M.Z. (Leningrad) TITIZo, On tho strength or a cylindrical shell PERIODICALt Inahenernyy zhurnal. Y.2. no.40 1962, 364-368 TEM An approximate method of analysis of reinforcod, elastic, momentleas shell subjected to internal pressure Is d-tecribed. The displacements and strains may be larg*1 it is assumed that the elasticity modulus 9 is cotistant, and that Poisnon's ratio in zero. The case of a shell. w1th. rigid longitudinal voinroreements in considered first, and for"las are obtained for the parameters of the shell, In particul-ar the number of reinforcements required and the load carried by, them. For a shell with rigid transverse reinforcements in the form of rings fixed to the cylinder, a differential equation is detived to describe the behaviour of the shell. This equation is difficult to solve and utilize but approximate integration @nobles the distance between the reinforcements and the maximun transverse and meridional stresses to be calculated. Num*rical comparison Card 1/2 AUTUM Ifisnevich M. Z. (Laningra,J) ORGi nono PA~ Y A~k_t _L BotMeR CODE: UR/0258/63/0051006,1112211123 TITLY: State of stress in a weL*rane shell of revoluti,)n SOURCE- In2henernyy zhurnal, v. 5, no. 6, 1965, 1122-1125 TOPIC TAGS: shell of revolution, sholl stress, shell strain, membrane stress, mem- brane &hell ARSTPACT; An analygiff of stresces ccused by the internal pre-asure Which zon-vax-v along the axis) ina_vembrane-stzessed shell of-revolution generated by a 3w3th curv -i,,--prcsunted-._ -We shq!tl has either cne or two bottoms, or it has a rigid nystem of transi-erse stir B"arge deformations of the shell raterial are considitred. A m,thod Is presented for deriving one third-OTder differential equation (instead of the four fiyst-order equations derived by A. S. Grigor'yev, MM, ~r. 25, no. 6, 1961) fro= which the'change in the shape of a givtn shell and thus the change in associated stresses caused by applicatiou of the interna~PJC93ure cnn b det ned. The basic differential equations for a cylindrical shell and a conical :hell can be diduced as for paTtIcular cases of a shell-Of re~R_ution. Nonlinear stress-strain relationships and Poinsons ratio distinct from zero are considered, and Hooke's law is t:orrexpond-j- ingly reuritten for atrems-strein relatim along r*ridiAns and parallels. The ab Card UK: 539.374 ACC NRr 06002629 meutioned differential equation Is d !rived from equilibrium coaditions at the shell cross sectioa and by consideration of the strain cha nges caused ay the application of!, pressure. The effect of the distanco between the bottOM3 (or of the spacing nt paral-, lel stiffencrg) on the stress and Otl7ain parameters in briefly discussed. The proce- dure In obtaining t-he basic differencial equation to illustrated by treatilg a shell" having the form of a paraboloid of revolution before the appAication of internal pres- sure. A simpler method developed by Y.,_~ktn (1xv. AN '.',SSR. K-khanika i mashi- nostrayeniye, no. 2, 1964) -~whtch,yields lower valu4 9 for the def-tections of the shell. is mentioned, and a comparison of the deflections talculated by the proposed and Uqyi9tin's methods vith experimental data is discussed and shown in a diagram. Orig. art. has: 2 figures and 18 forwulas. JVKJ SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATS: Mep~4/ ORIC REF- 0041 ATD PRtSS- 9/.76/. Card , - 'r;'1 VEVA I I 4 ji#q.1vaLovua; Si'IPVI?cDT, Boris Gustavovich; 'I 'LA- . 111. 1.1. p red. (botkin's disease In childron] P-otez:,' &--tkira -,; c*- - tol. Moskva# Y.-oditsinn, 1965. 230 P. (F1:"4 lpg2l, NISHITICE. Rw- GRTAZODYA. Rf I ~ . , A nowhop factory. flov. profoolusy 7 oo.IW" re 159. c lau 12: 9) I*RavVy Inshoiner Unanokor tabschiwy febrtid (for glonsvich)a 2*Prsds~ftt*l* fabrichoW kovilteta Ismavisker tabachnoy fabelkl (for Gryess"s). (Kasanm--Tobaccs industry-labor produativtty) IMVIM", P.V.; OVSFMuNIKGVk, L.A.; LIBMM-, H.L-F X'r=MCH, TS,K,; GRUSHL, A.K. Hygistic evaluation of accupational training in a shoo factory. .Zdraw. Bel, 9 no.308-40 Ptrt63 (KIRL 16t12) 1. rz belorueskaeo nauchno-IssUdovateltakogo sanitamo-Cigly*- nichookogo instituta (dire - kand, mod. nauk A.P.Masyayer) i 2-go kliniche6kago oblyedineniya g. Kinnka (glaynyy Yrdch B.V. Drivotinov). r BROr-M, L.r.;-KIW"v Ott Ta.G. (Kovosibirsk) Klgmtlng soame of Yeatricular =Itatim in ftadwl*qfiv syndrone. T*rap. arkho 35 noo9tlO9-IU 8163 (KIRA 17 t4) ---------- I'll , 1~~ - # 0 , 0 4 * Pig 0 s0m4wk =SOL pc dm &No& am mot to at so. 1. (Alm. low, 4"Imid by "a wt ftm - - ftw" MA dmscw.,~. 'bow d 0%0 moo": ft im"b, .00 go a i C'Mit at ft OL 4L nw 000 in am =IL mmospe Attesm so J go goo i Coo goo I*G, so* moo, no* was as* #4 4 (00 u 0.0"0#60 fto 0 fee 0#909-7 00. 0 q 0 0 0 & 0. 0 '0 1 W MT T T I N 1 Me fj t wt' v#fjw Otis ~;m -Br!sxxb 16:?AX as, Ell " a ar art v wo-mogo -L L A, A -A I I I I t b f "4 4 0 A -1 0#- 0 9, f, x ' ( It o0 A too $I Aft&kv 0" obim lor Ow AmortlF. KMWM4*.(Ikg. c e Wig =,-As CUdft bramoge ke sopa " ( s a r up to i 40!~W~ef SIM!. " We foodamil dieved, qmkmw --m-mmI4 same wadmid *Avwlg a$ CAW q i doop fto the wig. lbr War, fi k a** n ww. be at - law a I-v. - "ask wa.) - 4090 49 -A*--i Ueed 4w, let ' (Imp lot -4 emovemw r i e ft" bwe a " zvw -z T .00 ie, T on" be #M _GMSIP4 ad -dod 9 at S tim see m. tee... @SAW 4km,& l go &0 plot -Comww too see ti . ~AK IL .too. .69 6-9 am Kii~~i of s' Iaw 4e.. ii ' TO "0 '0' 0 0' "0 9 0 0 *go 0 0 0 so 000 0 0 0 *1 A O 04 0 0 9 c 00 0 0 a logo as A 217 00 a Ot c 04P 064 fee see Of A&A ISO got . .. .... ... _!1d iLA vjj&L4~*4 I*HW !!Us too PC I iti, --jig -1, to n- 4 :TIC, 09 0 : 0 a 0 0-111~.~~~~A~ w 11 Ort. Is If Is a 0 9 a A W u 0a 1k V w w OF V GF w a AA 0 U IS Ar - A OF a I=ml ~#W& "r 6.6iff ?c 41* 62=6z. Kom 2 lint. x4efiximme -131POSSA Mew Itm 4. 13*40 ="*Wtbmb far a food b" 44 (be 4102 6"k mok. that ift Ow -Adi-V dMIN (a TIM a0seatmoss; 44 (Imis ;W-,Q sm; tow M&GOUSM of 41m, bow ",welemm" (with qqpm 68 the "ff4d*wmm4 at the Comers 1. Wuh 0 pw,m If :3=116*1 161 scoll lot in V4 The low Im.. fee Aram cpqa e do 16P dpmMW4 fet bevir , summ" "a do see 00 a low' 0 11 r ; (e) a b"Ur wearvatim me tow emb do see wob V&I(Mlv aml oft X64M. balmasm 44 ammommum 40104ma, W Ow vrm*A"*Io #4 0 Ow abirk bF its 406 toweam. am we em Imp ft ~ 6ft v Is r. t see im see Is modcoll (40 '10 ibown tamild. vp Carl, 1) dbmm be 6"; 160 poww" is cwripA of Orwo sm ad or amaimm is - bre, the a"" "a 60 w seed .. 6. I's, LIX 4p or. Tu ce* 4 age too @so 'Kee *4 &#A.CLR act i see u It 41 10 A 9 0 0 a a 0 09 gois o 0 go 0 6 0 0 00 0.0-0 0 0 go 0 **ego* 0 00 g, 0 0 0 0 4 a 0 0 0 0 0 I JILJ -11, it 11 k -11 .6 10 10 .41 1., 00, "tt" of ROPOW gin* kvm ate &A bL_ A- %,"MIJI a" V t. W-Amisul. sea %ft 1 lbrp a DOM tbrbw). sea on an be ppadomd. Do Obw is so so T%rSdk ift so : AS -d M mvmwxubd! TU ItIPIP4 '41111") 4% h : e watt" up on amilAw dmwbwww t - *0 4 1 1be OPIk 60 V is oft, oWsM is iotmeelit age j do 1% 40 "a (A. 1.101 kwd twe low = wo. 40 ti~ ", Two $Awe The 6w Owmw Vail goo M!"Urnif diW%WW III OW MOVAO UIKd 09 GFIIII W 001141110; as* 1.2shm. timp"Ifl-444-co, lvo* wwwww of (60 - A, A "m4tiomat as* age 46s, ego as* its* T'v IrI T Ir i. a It or K K se 0 *is 000000 f 0 010 0000 0 # 00 &*oft 0 090 9 0 0 0 0 se e q 0 0 0 0 gee 6 0 04 0 1 0 o 0 & 0 of t U. it w w Q, w t w 6 C 49 r A 0 Bis I a A 4s i &-a- -4-JL- " I- I t ( -00 Li A cq! c ft"W adec H A. M-orvikh md Is. V.. lkcmdn. Re,*. 10,1^ MO. 3U. 1Q@. TU a**. vqfiw%q4 4 by Ift"s (4 Cut ts-VCCAW ctlWal C~fttc. afica- arCO"awce of wMiractuAsk" ate broIC4 a Ow gq~ msv :0 f1w "I. P. 4A lbe "awalmd fib" MW av (-QL&4 OK(M&,4 1w;NT" see 006 so, 004 of 9 C- 1#t4cl OK 4- it. L I f, N; 11 00 ozo 0 10 4104P0lp,~ es 0* of me 4, : of 0 9 0 41 00 0 W* 0 0 0 : 0 0 * 9: '00 see 600 go* ,00 ,40 400 '00 '90 00 too T.W.W. i ' 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 a f 1, so* "40*0 Moro -7- '6j * U R h j;; ; ow- . pw& S , A- W L 2" - A i Op 0 Olvemor rl I I a a t tx - 00 - - - tool $c tow, meow, Xbor. tw 2. 1 t la c to so *a**" 600 *=:w'f '= 041. et 4 kqm CL - i . 00 1~ .4bom whb pmlkw 19 11 "d VWdke Ob- all- COO W I .%d, ff SPNOW to *ad The adbPOW d'mW4 10 0106ted W-lae Moo to 0 ZV 1 ' "Am Miff" so f4mr), t 9 410046mm too Itcows 6 4d tbe Mim ri 0 to fqdwmd 00. 00 0! 4000 coo coo too 00 r -00 so 0 mte q4 4 ottace.~44 caloatwee (tow-Was of Do too f . . * 1 . t I 0~ a ' IL IR -0 s f., ww 0 it OL ft 6 w 0- or 0 O M. e I 0 0 , 0 0 0 0 0,0 0 0 0 0 0 * o f- 0 0 0 o o a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 as 0 0 6 a f 0 0 0 0 0 4 A T *0 4d ciaUft ~&s IK. A. wW V. NO 0 to 0,19m). The t-l ftvakf W~fq atfai&4 gob ..qwf OVA JA4tav.l *441A a rala t,14144 j&vqq 14 61:11 *00 to 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 coo dco* It- r-u-S-5 V--?' k-r one, iv 40 a,, lot w 0 0 4 1 IF ff Ir 0 * v a a ,-T 11 -9 a 91 00 0000, 9 f f 0. 0 0 9 * 0 # 0 0 0 0 * 0 e 0 00_ -0-14-eo 0 -49 0 0-6 0 6 0 W 4 W IV 0 6 lee I" Ce 0*011104100*09*0000 IF a v a As A A j~ A P a 11 b k 8 b V a 0 e 1 1 1 #A Off fA j6 if of -016 *#A c see IL A- Mkwrmb. - r(Oc* on OW k4dw "atcol smis camw ftmml "d rnqw(br sbak imvall* rAuW4("&. 040 **4., gos off 0 4010"~4K CEGOWK11#09 0 dw do 6 It A K it **4100*4040*41 OT -00 J log 00 =go goo too goo C e- 9. LA too Joe 60 0 W00900000000000 0 00 : : OA I K~ 1 K I K& . A . I ~;v , r.L. AAr,F 1. il~v P.I.; XISHUSSTIK. 1.U.: KIMMUCH. TO.L. EMMONOW LF~s of syntbatic gutta-percha In the lbos Industry. log. am. 17 no.6.-18-20 Jo 157. rNLU 10: 8) (Shoo Industry) (Outft-Wreha) LQM'XILOT9,T-W-, k:an&.tokhA.n&vk-- CHINTSOVA, X.I., hand. tekhn.nauk; f-TBIK, TU.]P'dr, doktor tokhaeasuk; JOCdMOTA, f.g.r ZAKMTAO FjD&v kssd.t*kh&.n&uk;, GDARW, A.S., kand.talcha.sauk; SUMSM, t.r.. iash.; YMM'73TA, A.A., kmad. tokhA. sank; Kl=lr.: rela, ijkah4DC - ikand.takhn,usuk; OCLIDWIM, A,V',, izzh't XIMUIC&-k&~ki ONAKOVA. . *6. lns)41 anus? IM, K.L.-, kand.takha.saukt. NOHMOM', G.A., lnshr SURAROT, Z.B., rateassentf, XJGMSTOT. R.K., retoossent; 82=01A, O.P.. retsonsoat; NXIVE. K.I.. re- toesseatt, VUlaw, TJ,,, reteensentli KOGAM, Kal,#, rstsonsontt~ ffVMOT, I.S., retoonseatt IM,, S.W., retoonsoatl, P-021 . I.K.. retsonseatt, TSMUG, L.A., retsons*ntf, TUDIN, A.S.. mtsersent, MIMOTA. Te.T.. ratmonseatt, DUOOSLATKATA. D.A., mteausent: SANTA. A.Z...rateesseatt UNINO N#K~,#,.y*,ts*sg@jt U.S.. rod.: PLUTAINIKOT. K.W.. red,*, GRACMAV &4iolero'de't im'. LOT6.0 tesarod, E&mnkmrlo MMU&I "v"laiie ebwOmmko- TeLel- lkilmso Itt-rr pa logtot VroWskde 1958 54* (laiA l2t4TO 1.6sou"nUesamys Ordess Lealum 1 Moss fraftva" Know& gsmmW abov ya fabrika Olkoraktiaig Iment Ta.Lalialsa (for gaktarov. It&@*- "stave Krmdaae Mmitte guyeve Kasanv, Iftopaa*v ltvszwr# Veystargg hrIbla, ftiruaws, ftPola'Fakays, Gesova. ih:aamlm;. (whoo maufactum) RISUVIM T%A. (Ijus mda, of artificI&I guttaperabs. I*C. prow. 19 no.8tl7-If AC '59- (slue) (auttaperabs) (911L ligg) IMU01094, T*.A* . in the u~faelw" of footowe TrWW hot, loss 46tl&lg 155. (KML UtQ 1, Notrallary amwboo-IgsWoratellddy IsAltut lcowhav mw- obwnw pralwablemosti. (Utu'"raha) (woo wmfmatum) mslwim, 1O.A."O. kand.tekhn.nauv Workw of the Central Scientific and Technical Institute, of the Imather and Foqtvoar Induntry concerning the creaticn, of a chmaical technology for rubber,footwear. ftuch.-isal. trudy TSNIXF no. 30t"9-160, 9504 (FJFA 14:51 (Boots and shoes, Rubber) mmor, KH. Ifiemvp Kh-. - Veheboik po stomanobeten a& TM k1sa as. vrodizite tomnicheaki straiteld. gimmAl. Sofiya (Narodna promta) 1551., 281 p. (Reinforced coneretel a textbook for the upper grades in technical engine*ririg schools.), 90 1 No USt of 9"t Maween Acceevig& Ubrary *f ConMeas Vol. 20 No. go ftt. "530,99"0 WISOL11- SQ*=r TH. froblums of enriching synthetic fibers* po TO TEWUL. (Drust" inzenjem i tochnicam tokatilaca Krvatake) Zarmbo Vol. 5s, no. 9. Septodar 1956 WURM Fast turapsen List MAI.) Idbrary of Congrassp Vol, 6p Iblol, Janury 1957 x1swor. 1~.T. Two-step patleat care =at bocom Vw genral matkod in hosplUdso Sdmv*Jtoe*l*ed4re 3 naeS:13-11* Ag '59o (MINA 12 t U) I* GlAwvWy vracb Swokay prodskay k1latchookoy lsfoktoloaW belOaltay Imal NA.Ismahke. (ramm AIM MRSM) I LsQjlt .,k. a. Jkv katt goo4a asmWactured from synthotic f tbors. Yetst.prow. 20 cto.6955-60 Ac 160. Ou" 13:90 1. SUrobty umter Chmewttakay trtkolaahaar fabrtkt Ilool. (Katt goo") (Ilazttlo Mitre. Iyathetts) slasumlaK, I.T*. 7' Sete"Ifle &wA ToohMma Seelety of the ftwr bduarr, &g. prs~6 60651% IV Is". (Km 110) (ka-d"eftless) tIMUMIN. I.; TMAKTW. L. save lakropill shchik.~ Illaw chik: FMKWLLLN. K.: KM4KOV'fSlffc I.. amehintat-eleldravocs. first steps, Mat* U81. 7 no. W-8 * 159. (NIU 110) (1106tallot compatitton) (Coot stage and "InIng) OITOTW, D*0.1#, SISSZOAM ONDAMYA, x.l. Natwo or hI&b bleamth mid silver aeswatrattow in Caloultes of the bdmka deposit aM soe* problem conooralag Igoisorphism in thev gluten PbS.- Ad~g - IK793,o Gookhiaiia w.5A14-426 16o. (KlU 13t9) L ustitate or tho ascieff or ore Ispositse patrograpW, aiikeraloff md goookowistrr. AosdaW. of Scionoea, U.N.S.1L. *woov. (Digwmttt) (ffilvor) R7*Wt'rA / Human and Anizal Morphology. Nervous Syatem. i-L Peripheral Norvous System. Abs Jour: Rof Zhur-Biol.v No 140 1958v 64767. Author Kraindlor, A., Hornat, Th. Nissia..S.- Inat iinstitute or Neurology, Titlij Corobral Vhscular Innervation, Oa the question of tho Existanaaof.' Cerebral Vascular Raflaxogoa- ous Zones. Communication 1. Cerebral Innarvation of the ixterics Located Outside the Corobral Trunk. Orig Pub: Studil si coreatarl nourol. i.cad. RPR.. last. neurole, 1957, Z. Ito 1, 15-Z4. Abstract: By the argentation zotho,d, a study was made of tho nerve apparatus in the walls of the artery of tho Willis eirala. It has been discovered that it consists or four nerve ploxusas located within the advontitia on the border botween tho outer and the muscular coat, as woll as In its thickness. Card 1/9 Human end Animal"Norphology. Nervous Syste--- 3-2. Peripher&l Nervous systeae Abe ;our: Ref Zhur-Blol.., No 149 1958, 64768. ;Aw;hor : HorAst, Th* or Inat :Institute of Neurology, Rumanlan Academy of Title :Cerebral Vascular Inneration,, On the Question of the.2xistence of the, Cerebral Vascular Re- flexogenous Zones. Co=untaation II. Innerva- tion, of Galion's Tenous System. Orig Pub: Studil ai aeroetari noural. Aoad. RPR. Inst. aeurol. 1957, 2. No 1. 25-34. Abstract: A study was made of the nerve apparatus in the area of the confluence of Gallon's veins and In the wells forming their vessels, It has been dis- covered It lies In the soft aembrana and In the Card 1/2 KHOIT-EM, T.(Ho-.nat,- 7.1; =Salg, F., Changes In the intraimralmural &"ratu-v of the cere!,r&l vessels, in acute divorderv of' cerebral blood. circulAtion. Niuch. trudy Inst. neyr, AM SZIP. no.11426-435 t6O. (yipuk 15-17) 1. rnatitut nevrologii imeni Pavlova Mmdemit Rumynskay, Narodnay Respubliki, BAharest. MaNVASCULAR DISZABZ) I MM-DWOR SUPPLY) DRIGENT,-FT, S. [Drnl-ni-ep c,-, , , I; NIsr P" F. I !77HY. A," i1i I !~ , F. [Ver In Uu , F. I Ppithwarpholo,71,W c~,nnrqs In tho tyrnin near t-ho frc-;r o!' t~A levion and at a d!mtnnce fron it In amite divorderv of cere~--,nl blood c1m:Intion. Hruch. trudy Inst. nevr. VCT SC,5R 436-44) '60. (V.1RA 1. rnstitut nevroloRU iwnt Pavlvm AkAdemil Pamqnskar, Nar-)~noy Respubliki, Buk~Arest. (cs?XBROUSCULAR MSL451) F-Ij_Tg, ~. I AjlPjI,l-T t , ; .1 An o"rimental studjr of opirAl cord synapsea and their cl~A-cex after exporimant&l ew-musive seizures induced by alectroahcck. Rev. aci. nod. 5 no0/4,t219-222 160. 1 (SPIULL CWD physiol.) (C01XULSIO:Z exper.) 7-77 I'M Wh AM1009' I'AtW;t talapbo-le 870twO, tqki'pffm~nt with tl- Ime rf-VAGN liviston, *Md &no I~h,t all;nm'Ure &W basic of nuartrAro"tioi rvitchAng mM WA pr- 'n1*0tronle automatic telephone ?r*--4h on* with 240 ILites l1r,tioln o:w with 600) axe insf:ribf:4. arAg. &.r-t. hse 1.0 rI.TUres. MUMM Ann U13sixt SyjTj& i-. L..-.,_,_.--- I-I...--.----.-.- Taxation systems In the automatto interurban witahing. T*le- commicatil 5 no.5tl98-204 S-0 161,