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20U199 jj,~ 2, 16 3 9,13 2 7 S/194/61/000/005/016/078 14. OD D201/D303 AUTHOR. Nitsetskiy, L.N. ------------ TITLE. Electrical simulation of three-dimensional contact problems of the theory of elasticity PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Avtomatika i radicelektronika, no. 5. 1961, 17, abstract 3 Blll (Tr. 1-y Nezhvuz. nauchno-tekhn. Konferentsii po elektr. modelirovan- iyu zadach stroi . mekhan. soprotivleniya material- ?v i teorii upru6osti. B.M., Novocherk. politekhn. in-t, 1960, 43-51) TEXT: The problem of electrical simulation of three-dimensional contact problems is related to solving the concrete problem of pres- sure exerted by a die onto an elastic surface. The dimensions and shape of the die are assumed to be known, together with the pressure on the die (or its set) and the elasticity constant. The unknown are the set and pressure under the die, displacements and stresses Card 1/2 21199 S/194/01/000/005/016/078 Electrical simulation... D201/D303 at any point of the base. An electrolytic tank is suggested as the analogue, The elastic potential is proportional to the analogue electric potential satisfying the Laplace equation.. The theory of , the above-, the problem is given as well as the method of measuring mentioned unknown quantities. Examples are given of the use of this method to determire the lines of equal pressure and of equal sets at the surface of an elastic base. The error of the analogue does not exceed 3-1.5%. 3 figures. 10 references. Z_'Abstracter's note: Complete translation_/ Card 2/2 32906 3/194/61/000/011/020/010 0 D209/D302 MUM: Nitsetskiy, L.V. TITLE: The i~nflue~nce of finite dimensions of an electro- lytic bath on accuracy of plotting the dipole type fields PERIODICAL: TEXT: Errors caused by plotting the infinite dipole type fields by means of electrolytic baths of finite dimensions are exam- ined. It is shown that on placing a flat or a pointed dipole in the center of a round bath the field intensity can be determined as an arithmetical mean of the field intensity of the bath with conducting walls and of one with insulated 1galls. Expressions for the errors in plotting the field in a r~-,,ctangular flat bath are given. In order to eliminate the distortion of the field due to finite dimensions of Referativnyy zhurnal. Avtomatika i radioclelctronika, no. 111, 1961, 9, abstract 11 B56 (Uch. zap. Rizhsk. politekhn. inOt, 1960, 3, 107-118) Card 1/2 32YO6 3/194/61/000/011/020/070 The influence of finite di4qnsions ... D209/D302 the bath, application of flat, round baths and creation of an equi- valent medium which extends beyond the walls of the bath, is recom- ~_ mended. 10 figures. 10 references. Z7Abstracter-s note: Complete translation-7 Card 2/2 3/169/62/000/006/019/093 D228/D304 AUTEORS: Nitsetskiy, L. B. and Fokin, A. F. TITLE: Portable outfit for modelling two-dimensional geo- physical problems PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnall Geofizika, no. 6, 1962, 21, ab- stract 6A146 (Uch. zap. Rizhak. politekhn. in-t, 5, 1961-1 15-23) TEXT: It is proposed that special plotters of electrically con- ducting paper, divided by a dielectric, should be used Afor model- ling two-d'imensional geophysical problems. Usually the plotters. are circular or semicircular. The upper and lower layers of the electrically conducting paper are stuck along the plotter's edges with special glue, guaranteeing an electric contact between them. The plotter's lower part is an orthomorphic reflection; this-allows V the modelling of an endless iaedium to be realized. The modelling of irregularities is accomplished by means of electrically conduct- ing paper of requisite resistance or by means of electrically con- Card 1/2 5/169,/62/000/009/037/120 D228/D307 AUTHOR: Nitsetskiy TITLS: Blectromodelling of gravity fields PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geofizik. -a, no. 9, 19629 34-351 abstract 9A229 (Uch. zap. Rizhok. politekhn. in-t, 1961, 49-55) TEXT: Blectromodelling of gravity fields can be accomplished on the grounds of analogies between gravitational and electric poten- tials-or on the grounds of analogies between-the gravitational potential's derivative aad the potential of the accordingly dispo- aed electric dipole. In the first case the surplus maseea are imi- tated by currents in the model's elementary volumes, In ihe 8dcond they are imitated by currents At the interfaces of media with dif- ferent densities. A method of replacing the volume distribution ~f sources by a surface distribution and the elimination of the vo- lume, whose field is readily reckoned analyticallyt are proposed Card 1/2 S/169/62/000/009/037/120 Blectromodellizig of gravity ... D228/D307 ' / in order to decrease the number of the current's leads. Z-Abstrac- --- ter's note: Complete translation-I !. Card 2/2 02 AWVA126 AUTHOR: Nitsetskiv, L.V. TITWi Effect of bounded dimensions of the simulator on the precision of simulation of the Laplace equation in an infinitely extended field PaIIQDfCAL; ',qeferativnyy zhurnal, Avtomatika, telemekhanika,i vychislitel'nays tek)uilka, no. 3, 1963, '1, abstract 3B36 (Dokl. 4s-y Mezhvuz. konfe- -rents1i -po primenondyu-fiz, i matem. modelir-ovaniya v razlichn. otraslyakh tekhn. Bb. 1, Moscow, 1962, 143- - -153) XT:: -ons -Are- E Ilecommandati ount--L-- T of the finite dimensions of simulators in simulating infinite' extended fieldo Jy which make it possible to estimate various configurations of i~he aelection of scale6 of the simulator in design and to enter corrections into the results of simulation. The principle of error estimation consists in representing the po- ~---tential.-(P-ac-tually twasured on the simulator by the sum cp - (PO + u, where CPO i a 'the Ootential-~o-rr~-i-po-ricfi-rig-t6-the--kn~almulated-field--under condl------i tions of an lnflnitely extended medium, and u is the pote-atial of deviations Card 1/2 S/271/63AW/003A)P-4/049 Effect of bounded dimensions of the simulator .... Ao6o/Ai26 cbaracterizing-the errors arising on acaount of the finite dimensions of the simu.1ator. The deviation potential Is determined from the solution of the La-, plari3~ equation Au - 0 with boundary conditions on the surface.(contour) having one of the following forms: tir Yor correapondin,$ to on ideally du conduotink realization, of -the simulator b(jundary, or Correa- ponding t6~&n isolating boundary. Expressions-are-cited for the errors In the-- casea~-of Aolving: the fun~ntal peoblen for circular simulators and idealized sources, for truncation of an inflnice strip, for simulation of infinite homogen- _-eousfI9_1ds.__ G. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] card. Z/2 0 MITSETSKIL-LIVO Simpli ied extensions of circular models for the 961tAftq of Uplacels equation in infinite regions* Mate mod. i elek. tsepi no.1:136-146 163. (MIRA 16:11) M& ARGO18965 SOURCE CODE: LW0271166/000/O02/B002/BQ03 Sim': Hitsetskiy L. V. %~t=: Analog and difference methods for the solution of external boundary value prob-' Rafe zh. Avtowat telemalrA L vychial tekhn, Abs. 2316 49MWE: Uch. zap. Rixbsk. polftachn. In-ta, v. 12, 196S, S7430 .V STAGS: boundary value problem, Laplace equation, ferrite, magnetic pumping. bramce method u=0*4: The monograph la'dovatod to methods for the solution of Laplace equati= dad ragions; it contains; a brief formulation of the general statement of the '%!!.. an evaluation of the effect of the houadad region*v dimensions on the accura- f the external b6undary value problem solution for di&erent variations of the re- 'e t o ~2' In bouadary (shapes) and a survey of the methods for acmkling urAKnw4ed.rejIons. Possibility aad techniques for applying coordinate transfwmatiou of tho total re- or that of -the most remote portion with preservation of access to the points of nf2actad region. and t:w poggibilfty of applying octensions for the conversion of remate portion of the region without acoexs to Individual points is Investigatede I analysis, of the possible- wluti=s to the external boundary value Mobloma Is 11- UDC: 691.142.33.001 N14 ARSOIS96S z-aud with a largo number of examplas of sclutiow for practical problems, e. g. computation of grounding resistances. InvestiIgation, of b.Egh frequency beatinz. da- In.ation of magnetic parameters of ferrito cOMPMonts. in~weatfgation of magnetic 1n, and problems of allwticLty. A sorks of analog.models for tho solution of dems In geophysical proqwating is described. U7 fICUL'"p .167 references. 1. V. =E: SITSITSKIr. T.T., aspirant. - ". Calculation of p a verillonal electric fields In cam antsotrople nedia. Trudy KNI no.18:70-82 056. WRA 10:1) 19.4afedra teoreticheakikh asnov'G14ktrOt4khnIk0 (Zlectr1c fields) NITSF.TSKIY, Ve V. Cand Tech Sci -- (dies) "Spatial reflections in the modeling of potential fields in electrolytic baths." Moo, 1957. 11 pp (Uln of Higher Education USSR. Moo Order of Lenin Power Xng~neering Inst. Chair of Theoretical Bases of Electrical Engineering), 100 copies (KL, 45-57, 98) -13- 1W7 V. CAMMATIONS: GRAPHIC MMODS "Application of Image Theory in the Simulation of Electromagae,ic Fields", by Engineer V.V. Nitsetskib Izvestiya (Bulletin) of the Acad~y of Sciences LaM =an SSR, NO 6,71-19-F1957, pp 07-94. Discussion of geometric mapping whereby an anisotropic inhomogeneous medivia can be replaoed by a solid isotropic and homogeneous me-dium, pro- vided certain conditions relative to the field and to the metric ele- ments are satisfied. It is shown how a combination of an electroly-tic bath and a grid inteGrator almost completely cliainaten the distortion due to the walls of the electrolytic bath in the simulation of fields extending to infinity. Card 1/1 v" c AUTHO: Nitsetski , Vill e~llrn Vill,evich, SOv,' 161-58-1-6/33 KI 1" 'nic "' '" ' ' 'M "~te al"~Sciences? CaMil'a oof ~Technical Sciences, Assistant at the Latvim State Univernity TITLE: Optimal Shape of Rounded Electrodes (Optimallnyye formy zakrugleniya krayev elektrodov) PERIODICAL: Hauchnyye doklady vyashey ahkoly, Elektromekhanika i avtomatika, 1958, Nr 1# pp. 29 - 37 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Figure 5 This invostigation was conducted at the Institute of Power Engineering under the supervision of Professor A.Y.Netushil. The known analysis of the field of a Maxwell (Maksvell) condenser is not applicable in some cases, for example in an arrangement of the electrodes, which is used in the transverse Card 1/3 high-frequency heating of dielectric cylinders. In this case Optimal Shape of Rounded Electrodes SOVI 261-55-1-6/33 E >, i is assumed in rder to determine the shape of the rounded electrode. Tht whole system is assumed to be plane- parallel and therefore the side surfaces of the cylinder are rectified. When the problem is idealized in such a manner it is useful to apply the principle underlying the method of securing a sufficiert electric strength at the edges of a Maxwell condenser. Th.I.s 2rinciple reads as follows: The rounded electrode is pr(duced in a shape, which is closest to the fundamentpi bl.zpe of the electrode following an equi- potential surface. Then the electric strength is investigated at the edge of the plates within a right angle. Hence it appears, that c should noi lt~~_ below 1,82 a and the rounding of the electrode edges in the danger zone is to be taken according to the curves in fioiire 5 or according to formula (9). The optimum radius of curvatuze is considerably smaller than ia the case with the Maxwell condenser. The next section deals with the optimum shape of roun6td electrodes in the high-frequency heating of dielectric jylinders. Figure 7 contains the dimensions of the design of the recommended electrode shape. When the dielectric Lonatant of the heated material is not Card 2/3 very high, it is expedient to use an air gapt which is not Optlad Maps of PAunded MActrodes 5OvA6L-5&1-6/33 covAtmat almg the alrounfccame, lut which Imrsames towards the edges. The ~mblleatldm of tlds article mma recommended by the Chair of Theoretical Fomdatlonx of Electrical Engineering at the Nosaaw Tmatitmte of Pdwer Engineering (Kafedra twmtlcM- skah oswv ---ktrotekhn4" Naskovskogo energeticheskogo institrite). There are 9 flaares aad 4 referemes,, I of vhlch Is Soviet, ASSWUMON: Latviyukiy gcvi&rstve=jFy universitat (L&tVi= SlAte UhiTeTGitY) SUENITM: Decadwr 19, 1957 Card 3/5 IMTUSRIL* AeTev prof. doktor tekhnenankg HITSITSXIrv T.Te, insh, InvestIgating the growA-conn4cVftV"r`e`6_Istanae of a, system of cylindrical electrodes by mans of models. Izv. Vs. ucheb. gave; slaktromakhe noel-.99-106 158, (KIRL 11:6) 1,Kookovskil anargetichaskly Institute (Electric currents--Grounding) 8(2) AUTHOR: Nitsetski Vill,el m Vill3revich, SOV/161-58-2-5/30 -Ua-n ate of Technical Sciences at the Lat'vian State University TITLE; A0MQjW of a Two-Laminate Electrolytic Bath MKM~W~- Mae Acally Conducting Paper (Analog dvukhlloynoy elaktroliticheskoy vanny iz elektroprovodyaahchey bumag ) PERIODICAL: Nauchnyye doklady vyashey shkoly. Elektromekhanike I avtomatika, 1958, Hr 2, pp 40 - 45 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Electrolytic tanks and models of electrically conducting paper show the same behavior and differ only In regard to the conducting material. For this reason, the application of electrolytic taaks with conformally transformed boundaries can be extended to models of electrically conducting paper. In this connection, the author developed in analogy with a two-laminate electrolytic bath, a model of electrically con- ducting paper for representing plane parallel fields in regions extending to infinity. The model consists of two conductive plates that are joined on the rims by means of metal clamps or an adhesive material but are insulated from each cther for Card 1/3 all the rest of the surfaces. The model was used for the a of a Two-Laminate Electrolytic Bath VW& Of S07/161-58-2-5/30 M Electrically Conducting Paper representation of a field at high-frequency heating of dielecW.c cylinders. The model was inserted into the teat circuit in accordance with the dual system of electric analogy (equipotential lines and lines of force interchange their positions). By unification of the field with the inverse field the real field of the system: electrodes - air - cylinders was obtained. (Fig 6). The corresponding represen- tation of the equipotential lines and of the lines of force in the real plane is shown in figure 8. By comparison of the figures 6 and 8 it is to be seen that diminishing the dielectric constant of the material to be heated causes an increase in the heterogeneity of the field in the air-gap and within the cylinder. For small F, cylinder values it is, therefore,advisable not to choose a constant value for the air-gap but to let it increase towards the boundaries. The work was conducted by Card 2/3 Analogue of a Two-Laminate Electrolytic Bat): Made of SOV/161-58-2-5/30 LUectrically Conducting Paper Professor A. V. Uetushil. There are 8 figures and 8 referenceat 6 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Kafedra teoreticheakikh oancv elektrotekhniki MoskovskoGo energeticheskogo instituta (Chair for Theoretical Principles of Electrical Engineering of the Moscow Power Engineering Institute) SUBMITTED: December 19, 1957 Card 3/3 HITSIMSKIT. Y.Y., nspirant Numerical calculation of the electric field of crlindrical electrodes of finite length. Trudy M no.27:164-178 '58. OqRA 13-4) (Ilectric fields) (Blectrodea) '..'WT(_1k)/81WP(b)/FWP(t IJP(c) ;4 JW ACC NRt AP5027208 UR/007 8/6 57UV61'i/2~7 7M46:~_ SOURCE CODE. AUTHOR: Fiidman,, Ya. D.; Moshkina., V, A,; Gorokhov, S. D.; Ifitsevich,, E. A. ORG: None ~J TITLE: Pormation and thermal decomposition of yttrium. fluoride and carbonate SOURCE: Zhurnal neorganicheakoy khimii.. v. 10, no. 11, 1965, P-477-2483 TOPIC TAGS: fluoride, carbonate, yttriu;-n compound, thermal deeomposi- tion, sodium compound. ABSTRACT: A study was made of the reaction of yttrium fluoride with I qodium. carbonate in the temperature interval from 150 to 900 C, and of the thermal decomposition of yttrium fluoride-and carbonate, The reaction was studied by thermogravimetric and thermographia methods. In the thermogravimetric investigationsi weighed amounts of the salts were mixed in a platinum crucible and held in a muffle furnace at a given temperature to constant weight (from 15 to 25 hra). The decomposition products were analyzed and their composition determined. The thermographic investigations were made in a Kurnakov p7rometor using- platinum-platinum, rhodium, thermocouples. Weighed portions of the salts Card 1/3' 'UDC: __546.643'l6l+_5h6_._6h3_12 IL L 8146-66 ACC NR: AP3027208 0.5-1.o grams) were m.ixed inasliver crucible into which the junctioni of the thermocouples were inserted directly. The heating time to the maxiiirumtemperature was 3-5 hours. Results showed that yttrium carbonate dissooiates in the temperature interval 155-700 C according to the following scheme: Y2 (C03)OH26 YI(COS)S-Y10S.0,2CO2 Y103 Yttrium fluoride dissociates in the temperature interval 450-800 G according-tb the scheme: C YOF Y203 with the formation of intermediate products. Results of the reaction of yttrium fluoride with sodium carbonate permit the deduction that in the temperature interval 550-700 C thereaction in-the system corresponds to the overall equation: 2YPs + 3Na2COj YzOs + 6N&F + 3COs Card 213 8146-66 ACC NRI AP5027208 In the temperature interval 800-850 Cs with an excess of sodium carbonates Na2CO, reacts with yttrium oxide with the probable formation of compounds with the composition NaYO2. Orig. art. has: .10 figures and 5 tables. SUB CODE: GCj IC/ SUBM DATE: 21Apr64/ ORIG W: OOQ/ OTH MW: 0031 NITSVICH, V.S. (MitseTych, V.S.], traictorist (celo Kaydan Terbetskly, LetIchovs1cogo rayons, Khmalluitskor oblastl). Haw to prevent the waste of oll and fuel. Makh.sill.hosp. 11 no.2:9 r 16o. (MIRA 13:6) (Tractors-ruel consuzption) (Traetors-lubrication) i In ACCESSION NR; AP4030643 S/0O48jG4/G28/bO-!/P681/0682 AU1.110R: Iferts, TITIX: Ferroeloctricity in S13SI and other compounds of Group V, vr and VII ele- ments 61eport, Synposium on Forromagnotism and Forroelectricity hold in L&ningrad 30 May to 5 June 19627 1 SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izv. Snr.fiz., v.28, no.4, 1964, 681-682 TOPIC TAGS: SbSI, forroelectricity, photoconductIvity, photoconductivity scnsjtivity maximum, absorption edge shift, piezoelectricity, dielectric constant temperature dependence, spantineou-4 polarization temperature dcp~ndence, coercive field, first order forroalectric transition, super Curio point hysteresis, double hysteresis loog polarization switching ABSTR,kCT: A numbor of properties of SbSI arc r4ported. Soma of them jr,! remarkable. 17he material crystalizes in long needles with cleavage planes parall I I.o the long (c) axis. It is both photoconductive and forroeloctric. The maximum photoconductive 6ensitivity occurs at about 6350 9. Vie temperature coefficient of dio energy gap is extraordinarily great (0.0015 eV/OC). When an electric field is applied parallel to Card 1/2 Acciismff Nit: AP4030643 uhe c axis, the crystal expands in this direction and the absorption edge shifts to shorter wf-velengths. The absorption edgo displacement Is much greater than and in the opposite direction from what would be *xpocted on tho basin of the Fr-%nz-Keld)4,ih effect (W.Fratiz, Z.Naturfornch. 13,484,19313; toor.fiz. '34, 1138,1958). 71ie material hao a forroolectric Curio point at 22oC. No relaxaCton wan observed at frequencies tip to 1011 cycles/noc. The dielectric conatant parallel to the c axis is 50 000 at the Curio point. The temperature dependence of the dielectric constant in typical. At 00c the spontaneous polarization is 25 microcoulombs/cm2 and the coercive field is 100 V/cm. The square of the spontaneous polarization is a li- near function of the temperature. Although there are many indications that the fer- roelectric transition is first order, n-) double hysteresis loops were observed above the Curie point. The polarization reversal time is 3 microsec at 1400 V/cm and is approximately inversuly proportional to the cube of the field for fields between 70 and 1400 V/cm. 2 formulas. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED. 00 DATE ACQ: 30Apr64 SUCh: 00 SUB CODZ:'EH MR REF s0vt 001 (YMER: 002 Card2/2 WJJZRI, S-ru.; MWJXOV, 1-?-; KMMNs, L-G.; U36s, I.S.; KIRTSYN,, L.F.; NMUTO Z Ke; "M ~A. re.l,-.; - , ZMETa IMOLISKAU: T.T.0 mooRizamillf, V.S.; PMRM, G.ID.; RaBSOLIKOV L.L,; SILtMTROVt S.I. lkvid LI-vwlah Ar=Mfs 60th birtbAlay (1905-). IST, AN SSSR. Ser. geog. zto.6tl4l-W " 165. (MM is: 11) C.': NITSIWIISKIY-, S. G. Cand Biol Sai. -- (dLns) "'A"he Stat" of --- - A 'Pisciculture in the-NaMi-A Water Reservoirs of the Prut Iliveri _4 el md Ways of Improving- It." Kishinev-, 1957. 16 pp 21 cm. (Odessa State Univ, im 1. 1. Mechnikcv), 100 copies (LrL, 191-57', 86) - 5 - NITSKANSM S G kand. biol.nauk; SOKOLM, A.,, red.; GORYACMMO,, F.p (Use of cybernetics in natural sciences]Primazienie kibernetiki v estestvommnii. Kishinev,, Izd-vo eellkhoz.lit-ryo 1962. 40 p. (14M 15:9) (Cybernetics) (Science) 29831 IV~ j,)0 S104 61/016/005/003/005 C1 119444 AUTHORSs Korolynk, V. S., Nitskaya, E. R,. TITLEs Note on the algorithm for the construction of the boundary layer PERIODICALt Uspekhi matematicheskikh nauk, V. 16, noo 5, 1961, 171 - 176 TEXTt Let L C and Lk be linear differential operators k (X) d u Lk u M K a -k W 0 0 for x 6 [0j 11, (1) j-0 dxj Lr u -=~ LkU, + Erak+r W dk+r u a (x) * 0 for x EJO, 1), k+r k+r ral dx C > 0. (2) Searched is the solution of the equation L,, u,(x) - U(X) with the main boundary conditions Card 1/3 298 1 S/042161 016/005/003/005 Note on the algorithm C1II/C444 d'u& 1 0 (1 W 0, 1, ... k0 1), (3) dx X.0 dJ UP-1 0 0 (j W 0, It ... 9k 1$ k k k (31) dri X-1 0 and the additional conditions k +r d up, 0 (r 0, 1 k +r 0 09 (4) dx 0 IX-0 dki +9 dx I X.1 M. J. Vishlik and L. A. Lynsternik (Rafts Regulyarnoye vyrozhdoniye i pogranichny sloy dly& lineyaykh differeatsiallnykh uravaeniy a maly'm param*trom fRegular degeneration and bouindary layer for linear diffe- rential equations with small parameter] UMN 12, v.Yp- 5 (77) (1957)) Card 2/3 card 3/3 1. LROVEiSp D. V., NITSKE'ITC11, N. 1. 2. USSR (6Y)) 4. Chemical Reaction - Mechani.,n 7. Kinetics of trunsfcrmations of polymorphic mo~lific.--Alons of rirnordwr nitrate. P~irt 4. Transformation of '1114-1,403 (III).-'-'v14NO3 (II), Zhur. fiz. khim. 27, no. 1, 1953. 9. Koathly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, MaY .1953. Unclasstfied. IAZAREVO L,Ya.,, kand. takhno nauk;,_~j~,,YIPI,.,.V.11.r inzh. Study of the effect of co=pressibility and vlEcosity on the aerodynamic obaracteristics of turbine lattices. Teploenergetika. 12 no.7:51-54 J1 165, (MIRA 18:7) 1. Haskovskiy energeticheskiy institute ;0:64P * wow WWW_W_V_"W_* - - -AL. W 16.~ ~ W. 3 - 0:0,0000919 0o600 . of tv,;- C, 4- ! A- Is it U N is 16 if0a It aa 3, it lta RUN& ickv Swc ot. L, t. 0 a atca a-r* L _- -.1-1-1-1-1.."", 1-1 "O.~ 0 PecKetsts 4-0 o : t g 27213. "1 T 11, L ~'Ar IF A-'r v, T ~LV-r~; F A Ni (ZA Ek l onom . . IM J -TALL yu t 800 -10 Toilive, 194U, 3, I!o. 1, 9-14) the :se of blast furnace gas alone for hc-atin- t)cilers lowers the of Goa posatbillty of foralng the btoiler b; 35-40," go C as comi~sred to coal Just 61so th te:~.perctire OOC of the e7hauat gase3 Is 6 _Or; this Inilcates low age 0& -5 eco 0" and creates the ha ard of ovt hectini; ths~ My 0 steam. Tne preVerreJ i;r:,c,~ re Is t-j se r '**a mlyturn of blazt furnace gas and to-nd-reJ coal. oew Y The .air shculd be preheated and the ar.,rblisticn Coe 90t till ( too ..... CA 0 U a 03 '1 ! a, CIC t19 Ir 4d 2 a1 W, 4 0 0 e 0 l 0 & 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 o 0 0 9 0 a e * 0 0 00 0 so**** Go- 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0000 mlmrumt E.A. The utilization of shaft furnacda In the ferrous metallurgical industry. Moskva, Goo. naucho-tekhn. W-vo lit-ry po chernot. I tsvetnoi metallurgij,, 1947. 151 v. (49-14334) TP320.N6 1f1TSFzvis,qj, -YE. A. ing Boilers Blowers *Blovers for Boiler Works#" Ye. A. Nitakevich), 6 Vp Oft Xkmomlyu Topliva" Vol 1Vj, No 9 deals with locatim of blowers and t"e, tf'blmer conetz-action vh1oh catrbe used in varlow tnmis bf furnaces. So= of these constructions are Illustrated. Sme of the conclusions are that tvO blo*ws are necessary in boilers vhich generat* an exc3sa.-of -15 I= -per hour (of bat vater)j, the tm- Omt=*,_of cmsp~ oming out of the shal'i =xxt batvam 1W and 130P 0 for coal md 600 and 7A0 C aum types of fuel. 2YM NIT.M-WICH, YE. A., Er~r Pit 35/149T]IO SOP, he Fuel Conservation Reating, IrAustrial Teat Utilization and. Autcmatic Regulation of Ifoating. Processes in the Metallurgical Industry," Ye. k. Nitskerich, Xngr, 5 PP "74 Zkonomiyu, Toklim" No 9 Details &etallurgical irAustr7ls accomplishmnta im fuel conservation for 1947. Absolute expenditure of fuel rose only 6% empared with 1946, with 0 proIuction. rise in steel, 15.% rise in rolled iron, 24 increase in pipes, wd 12.5f increase in re- Motories. 35A9T4O ITITO'KEVICT! F- A- Pa vAr Mitallurgical Plants OUUII;atloa of Secondary Power Raeourcee In KwtalXqrgjcal Jhterprleas," E. A. Nitakevich, Kin, of Ketal lad USSR, 3W.0 4 pp "Prew Zherset" No 3 Mroqtq under: (1) heat balance of (a) Verrouir and,(0) nonferrous. metallurgy plaimts. and 019alf - icauce if'oecandaxT power resourcea, (2) pool- t1dM 446'Frospects of uttlIziug physical heat ai'Ketallargleal plantai and'(3) conclusloas andL tanki. rholvidea-fmw tables. Boilers P)U, Mac go "The Combust-Ion of 'Waste ~Ixoduotv of Coal Jk- riclament In Sh&ft, Hill Pur=weoyw Ye. A.' ~.'.Sltsk#vich, tl~, B. A. b6mlyanyuk, IV OZ& Ekcm Top" No 6 ircng canditiccis found foe combustic'n* ver*%" ~,,Ah milling fineness equal to that of the tesidue in a No 70 sieve; twostature of tho h7ing agent not to exceed 40000j and scroon- Jtjg of the cb or calculated vith allowsm* 4332. mmarrcw oF a= MOM= MM cOAL-WSHIIG PLWS IN E A d i h t V b . w s ov c . WrM SWT FW MUM. k* , lupc= OWWUW'Ak# B.A- (94 WWWi" TOPUT6 (Ftwl soon.), 1949, 00 00"' -'0o MYCOATWO (LAUNK410241 9 1 too :I - e- -T- 4 o - 1 G s ' i 0m,1.4, a.. a 9 " id 4 4 a ;-V w I t l 1 a, ; ; ; a, " 1 Id am 0 so 0000 00 i * ! 1 0 0 0 0 0 : : 0000 00 ! - .A* * 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 a * 6 0 k a 16 0 It C) v c C. C. 4 ~19 L A--X--P t T M A I ff Y p6mclics A.0 pacwt 41,91 16&-66, UTILIZATION OF SWOKWT XXIMT It "'IURM IN TIM #0 MMAL INDUSM. (In Ru"Ua.) E. A.. NLtskevtab. EM- 00 x&jk&WMM jMCsgjU& (IMustrial Pawr), v. 6, Mar. 1949, -60 7-21. i-06 go comprohmalve study of the Present statue of utulsatlom of *0 094 o4GQn&ry-mwrgy roccum4a In ferrous ad am forrous mt&UuM Ln the USSR. Ikeda problems lawlvvd in utUlsation or guah Kbans of lWrovine utillsatlon and lindto of practlemalty. for :00 .00 J. Koo 6 1 IF a to a Ia EP It IM ig L49 14 419 99 C9 tl4 AT= left, yi.' i.' p 33151 Zemena Mazuta Ugollnoy Pyllyu Dlya Otoplaniya Metallurgichaskikh Pecbey. Za Ekonomiyu Topliva, 1949,, No 10,, a. 3-9 SO: Letoplat Zhurnallnykh Statey,, Vol. 45t Yoakva,, 1949 T9. 'A. 36163 R&tslnnallzatstya toplivoispoilzovaniYa v prokatnyKh taeKbaft metallurgichesKiKh predpriyatty. (Po materialam toveshc'hanlya energatiNov mtellurg. prom-sti. Iyun' 1949 g.) Za ekortovdyu topliva, 1949, go. U, S. 25-30. SO: Latoplat Zhmnaf r7kh Statey. No. 49, 1949 -WWWWWWWWWWWWWOWWWW 0 p S , 0 is a a 59 #6 % tr IF P rA IF j it L &_A_r m lot V*,~.(Sffs v proefelIcs 5CO5, COMMSTION OF WAM MMS Or 8SWICIATION IN FULMIZW fog ih COAL FMACZS. Dmlyanyuko B. A. and KitskWah, K. A. (ZR Xkca. 49 9 !;1 Toplive (Fuel 9600.)p 1950v (2)v 943). Rocults of C'Ull somas trW* 998 a' I in which boilers ucing anthracite duff were changod *,war to VW=ts "so 00 havim aoh contents up to 4M OpomtIon was satisfactory. raproved offictanalas were obtdln*d# partlaularly where blast furnace gas 994 1'' was used In aonjumtion with the solid Cuol. (L). goo few see so* Coo go* too *00 go* U a AV 10 as 0 6 4 1 V 0 9 dt 4 r 0 0 & o 0 0 er 0 0 f, 0 o 0 a Oat #W0 to owto*oo wa- W.- G 6 1 *fc (S (f, (IM a it A" at 14 U a W a ft it ft 4 44 W 41 at 4ce S-t,-,*-r . GOA 410 00 A 0 (OZO. DRY 14UFXCUING OF COKE AND UT ILI 7AI ION OF ITS JiYAT, LXtjkovichs Ee A* ( Za Ekon. Topliva (Fuel Loan.' Out* 19b0, 21-21,). -40 so The advantwe or dry quonching should not be evaluated from. the joint or view oC heat accucay. Nor* isportant Is the mprovement or pjantv. in addition to containing lose moisture, dry juanchad coke is &Igo lose a i dusty, firmer, norot resistant to abrantn", and more amenalAs to acragalt,g. qtkovichtag wvoids the 6rqvision of a 14enching tower, and corrosion of ::,r ~ D" , =04 Z motallia construattons is sitzinated. by Its offset on coke quality. It o*J reduces the co"tios.or coke In : last rurnaces. The economy so 000 obtained is freater than that affected b- the utilizaticn of the he* t or coke. The heat lost In quenching by water amount to 4-4.6% of the total Gov ra4ulred for producing dry coke. goo 'Igo* so 9 00 .19 Ogg W U, It go 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0: 0 0 6 0 oie a 0 0 0 0.0010 so 0006 900000 0-9-909 t00-000000 too w v - w - 0 so A-I. I V f Q t I t V-f- L J X. 4. A 10. GC 09 IE i ckt:.1 0...!$'#i.V roloft. 14 Al so so 00 vi 19146 Small Reedge-Tyew Reempers(mv and plechuds (cw of TIWv De~ (to Rtmian.) F. A. Nhtskm-kh. Prom4sAknowea Exerscct&a (IndttOrtist klt-v). Mw Iwo, P. 6-11. lite 0 ' I't -scals A 04111116 llwftwitl soi foe c&-ufatka of theis operating pArametevs tut tdihiAikcs of l watte heat Mackmfi( of fmUrs Itre Use tit the chuts to iffuttrated SNAV 4f4.f4$tq "I a coutrucckm of a typk4I crCur-cratm. If .00 -00 :,zoo zoo goo goo .00 goo s fA A 6 4 ew 0 a a I It to -s -a it i s v m 29 K 4 8 In 444. w a 0 *of 00 :210 & 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Op 40 0 0 0 00000 00906 o 06 0 60001 A to a 0,099 a* 00 goo goo 000 00 a 0-000090 so 0*06 oostA '71, .1 e 1 .J . I -,. :e . .. Technology Design of boiler units of sm,11 and medion capacity. Moz~kva, Gos. ererg. izd-vo, 1951. M'onthl-v List of Rus-sian Accessions, Library of Congress# June, 1952. jx~ =!Ld Oux. fuel can ,.P-dvc Ueda" 11, 616 a- haw= .;d;n c at h ar bclr wd = of P"hmx- [:z, ==W=tug =vftdTv CWU tatut.i. Uakora sk to 350'. Ek(W SPEOC ,"b puced 0 gma~iclc an't-- ;* -C 3200. PWARANOld ANJ USE OF FINELY QRUJUD rULVz&&D ML. RUMIL44J..A. (Za. Mcon. lopliva (Fuel Econ.), Key 1952, 9-11). IiE4-8 Awl and air pass through a ball &III and am theik separated In a cyclone, the finest particles ramin in the air. A ashow In preseaWd for using thm separately, e.g., in a gas turbine. (L) oa-- - - HITSKEWICH. TO. A. Open-Hearth Process Regenerative steel furnace., 7A ekon, top, no@ 2v 1952 Month List of Russian iccessions Library of Congress,, March 1052, Unclassified. NITSY"EVIVIlit YE. A. (T4&tnear) Coal, Pulverized Preparation and uae of coal duot from fine milling. :'a ekon. top. 9 w). 5 (1952) Monthly List of Russian Accensione, Library of Congress, August 1952 UNCLASSIFI.M. Yv- it. Electric Power Econ,xdcal us(~ of electric -.amr by industuriLd heat utilizin.- -Fro.-.. energ. ~), No. 51 1952 Monthly List of Ruspian Acce~;sions, Library of Con-ce;-,3,, 19'1~2. ;~ .,T-T-,-,,- Hrmnlus Te. A. Blast Fumase Steel recovery hot-blast stoves of a blast furnace draft. Za skon. top. 9, no* 6. June 1952. 2 9. Monthly List Y Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, August -1956, unci. IN IT.-I'MWICH j YE. A. Loilers til-lax-ming and development of boiler installations." le.A. Nitskevich. Reviewed by L.I. Gladkov and others. Jzv. VTI, 21 No. 5, 1952. 9. Monthl List of R~ saian Accessions, Library of Congress, Oct4r 1952 V333, Uncl. ITIri-MVICIr" ILE. A. '*I r "t " 1-35.1 -h73 Szhiganiye Otkhodov Ueleotogashcheniya V KotelInykh Ust.-novkakh of Coal Dressing Waste Productt5 in Eoiler Units, By) Ye. A. 1:itskevich I N. V. I'Ashin. '~oskva. U-letekhiz&t, 1954. 153 P, Ulagrs., Tables. "Literatura": P. 151-152. JrlTsuyrcz,, reragau Uw Irevick; Kwum, v.v.. redAktor; mpoxxrAmw=, Rove* reaAmlor; A=umvl(;N, K.Xe, td1michesidr redaktor. [Use of ftel In Iron ialustr7l 1"I'tavanLe topUma v chmml mlaUurall, Nomkwa. Gen. wachao-takhme lxd-To Ut-Ty po ctorzol I twetual metallargli, 1954. 622 P. (Nicrof IW (MM 8:5) (Iron Industry) 137--1957- 1 Z-23358 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1957, Nr iZ, p 73 (USSR) A.1UTHOR: Nitskevich. Ye. A. TITLE: Methods of Raising the Temperature of the Air-Blast and Trends in the Design of High- Temperature Blast-Heaters (Puti po,.,ysheniyl temperatury nagreva dut'ya i napravleniya v proyektirovanii vysokotemperaturnykh vozdukhonag re vate ley) PERIODICAL: Tr. Nauchno-tekhn. o-va chernoy metallurgii, 1956, Vol 8, pp 357-378 ABSTRACT: The heat capacity of blast heaters (BH) may be improved by increasing the velocity of the gases which heat the checkere and of the heated air-blast to 2-3 and 6-9 m/sec, re- spectively, in order to raise the heat transfer coefficient; empluying a heat recuperator to utilize the heat of the gases which escape from the BH at a temperature of 55G-6000 for the purpose of heating the air and the combustion gases to tempera- tures of 3500 and 4500 respectively; raising the initial tempera- ture of the combustion products to 1450-15000, and employing highly refractory brick in the upper zones of the checkerG Card 1/2 work; installing flameless burners for the burning of ga3es and 13 7 -- 19 5 712 - 2 3 358 Methods of Raising the Tqmpreratu~ei-of the Air,~-Blast Trends (ccnt. utilizing larger ventilators. The temperature difference in the cheakert; may be . increased three-fold by pre-heating the gas. Excessively high temperatures in the combustion chamber may be prevented by equipping the chamber with evaporator:; and steam superheaters, designed to heat to 4500 -5000 the steam used for the humidification of the blast. The Author suggests that new blast-heater designs be based on the following conditions: the blast rate; 3.5 nm3/min for each m3 of useful space of the blast- furnace; the blast temperature: 1100-12000; the blast pressure: 2.8-3.0 atu; the blast should be humidified by superheated steam at 450-5000 at a rate of 50-60 g/nm3. The operation of recuper- ating steel BH's is discussed in the light of data obtained from Swedish practice, and a design of a combined radiation- convection BH is proposed for the purposes of heating #,he blast to 700-7500. Also suggested is a system of a two-stage recuperative- regenerative BH, capable of heating the blast economically within a range of 300-11500. L. Kh. 1. Blast furnaces-Tenrcv:turc control 2. Gascs-Velocity control Card 2/2 3. Refrrctory mir t erir ls-,~.pplicn t ions NITSERVICH, Te.A., redakvor; SA?AIIOV, B.T., radaktor; LAYOVSKATA. H.4, stva; URWY. A.P*, tekhnichaskly redaktor. (Waste-heat boilers used with open-hearth furnaces; a collection of articles] Totlr-utilizatorr martenovskikh pechei; abornik statel Kdoky& . Goo.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po chernot i tevetnoi metal- lurgii, 1957. 229 po (MrRA 10: 5 ) (waste heat) (Boilers) -NITSMIGH, TO.A.o lnzh. I ~ .)mplex utilization of the heat of war-to gages aw! of-cliz - water C, 4- In opan-hearth furnaces at metalliwgiaal plants of '-.h,3 krmn Paderal Ripublic. Blul. TSNIICMI no,15tl.9-22 157. (MIRA 11:5) (Germmy, West-Opea-hearti. furnaceii) NITSMICH, Tm.A... referent. I I AL now gas-turbine unit for ferrous mtallurgical pj,=tgj,, BLIZ19 TSNIIMM no.16:58 057. (KIRA 1195) (NstallUrgiCal Plants-Iquipment and supplies) (Gas turbines) RITSKUNFE, Te,A,, referent Xvupporation cooling of open-hearth furnaces. BluLTSMICEN no.17:50-52 (325) '57. (Open-hearth furnaces) (Cooling) (NM 11:4) NITSWICH0,,Ts.A,, inch. parlflc%tion of e2hauAt gases la open-!hearth furnaces abroad* Blul, TUIVMK no.21:1-7 15;7- (mm 11&5) (Open-hearth furnaceO i-__ ,-, V / 7' /--- /- -,/// /" "-- i / I !-,/ 11 - l NITSUVIC~ TsA., referent. .1 - .", - Air preheaters using coal dust (from foreign journals). Blul. TSMICHK no.23:57-60 '57. (MIRA 11:2) (Germany. Wast--Air preheaters) MSKWICK, re.A.. referent. I M ^ Combined prodnction of gas and electric power. Iful. TSKIICHK no.I: 5840 158. (K13A 110) Waotrlo power plants) (Gac power plants) InSKIMM, Te.A., lash. trw of natural gas in opem.-hearth furnaces abroad. Elul. TWIICHK no.4tlz-21 058. (KIRL 11:5) Oas natural) (Open,-hearth furnoces) IQTBMI(Dfs relAo "- - Nsw pumps used In recupamtorm with forced alramlation, Blul. Tallma no.4t61 058. (ML 11::5) (Svvinc Mactilam) NITSMICH, Te.A., referent Gas turbine equipment in metallurgical plants abroad (from OBrown Boveri Mittellungenw nos. 4 - 5 1957). Blul. TSWICHK no.7:60--61 158, (MIRA 11:6) (Gas turbines) MAXOT, Nikolay Tevgenlyevich; $1ZELELCH, Ya_r1!,.red.; TAGIN, A.A.. red.izd-va-. ATTOPOTITH. K.K.. (Itponsion of the proftotion and use of gas In metallurgical plants] Razvitie gazovogo, khostaistva metallurgichaskikh Savadoy. Moskva. Gos.nauchno-tokhn.Izd-vo, lit-ry po charnoi I tavetnol motallurgil. 1959. 210 p. (KIRA 12:4) (Metallurgical plants) NITSMN9,-rP-v FRIMN. I.H.. red.; LAKOVSrATA. N.R., red.lzd-va; rARAM, A.I.. (Farroun metallurgy of capitalist nations] Charnaia metallurgita kapitalistichaskikh stran. Koskva, Gos.rauchno-tskhn.Izd-vo lit-ry po chernot i tavetnoi metallurgii. Pt.10. EHeat engineering] Teploaaargetika. 1960. 456 p. (MIRA 13:10) 1. Moscow. TSentrallnyy institut taformateli chernoy metallurgii. (Steel industry) NITSKEVICF;t Ya.A.9 referent Birners for ftring open-hearth furnaces with fuel oil and cold coke gas (from "Stahl " Eisen," no.21, 1959). biul. TSIICHM no.10; 52-54 6o. (MIRA 15:4) (Germany, West--Open-hearO furnaces--Equipment and supplies) I-TITSFEVICH, Yo~A.p referont Savi-ng fuel in metallurgical plants, in "England [from" British jownals], Bful. MICIN no.1:61 J61. (KM 14:9) (Great Britain-Motallurgical. plants) NIMK~~ ~I dots,; KIIMVSK119 G.N., lnzh,, nauchuyy, red.; FRIDW# I.K., insh.,, nauchnyy red.; SAUNDV,,ALV.,, dots.0 hauebw red.; TMHKDV, S.Bp, lnzb.,, nauebayy vid.; FILIPIYZVI, O.T.I. kande takhn. nauk, nauchM red,; VWELKOV,, N.G.0 insh.,, nauchnyy red.; TLRNLVSXI'E,, I.L.,, insh., nauchnyy red.; IVMVA,, k.N.v inzh.,, red.; USAII&YEVA, E.I.,, red.; LANOVSKATA9 MR.,, red. izd-va; DOBUZHINSUYL, L.T.,, (Heat anglueeringlTeploenergetika [By]&.A.Nitakevich. Pod red. A.R.Ivanova. Koskvmv Metallurgizdato 1962. 348 Pe (MIRA 10:2) lo Moscow. TSentrallnyy Institut informatali chemoy metalluign. (Metallurgical furnaces) (Power engineering) PEROVY N.1 NITSKEVICH, Ye. -, Efficlent utillzatcr ol' conve-ter gas, Yetallurig 1C rr.,312--1-22 Mr 165. (MI -it 18,15) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/2056 Nitakevich, Z.A., V.T. Pirogova, and Ye. A. Levita& ------------------------- Plasticheakiye massy na oanove poliamtdnykh smal; obzor otechestvennoy i zarubezhnoy literatury (Plastics From Polysmide Resins; Review of Domestic and Foreign Literature) Kiyev..1958. 36 p. 2,000 copies printed. Sponsoring4gencies: Ukraine. Gosudarstvennaya, planovaya komisslya, and Nauchno-issledovatellskiy Institut mestnoy I toplivnoy promyshlennoati. Resp. Ed.: A.I. Shapiro. PURPOSE: This brochure is intended for industrial chemists, technologists and other persons concerned with synthetic materials. COVERAGE: The brochure presents data on the properties and uses of polyamide resins including methods of utilizing them as casting Card 1/ 3 Plastics From Polyamide Resins; (Cont.) SOV/2056 materials. There are 16 reference*: 8 Soviet, Fnglish and m. aerman. No perrinalities are mentioned. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Introduction 3 I. Properties of Polyamides 4 Physicochemical properties 4 Mechanical properties 7 Thermal properties 10 Dielectric properties 11 II. Use of Polyamide Plastics 12 III. Modified Polyamide Resins 2-> IV. Accessory Materials Used In the Processing of Polyamides 25 Plasticizers 25 Card 2/3 Plastics From Polyamide Resins; (Cont.) Fillers Dyes V. Making Articles From Polyamides Injection molding Processing with extrusion machines [worm-type] Application of thin polyamide coatings Casting films from melts Casting films from solutions Cementing and welding polyamides Utilization of waste products Bibliography AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 3/3 SOV/2056 27 27 28 28 31 31 33 34 34 35 38 TM/Jmr 8-25-59 NITAUSP I. I. NITSKUSO I. los *The development of production methods and studying the properties of cast structural material of fuel slag from the Kaunas Electric Flower Station". Sverdlovsk, 1955. Min Higher Education USSR. Ural Polytechnic Inst imeni S. 14. Kirov, (Dissertations for the degree of Candidate of Technical Science.) SO: Knizhnaya Letopis' No. 50 10 December 1955. Moscov-, - MMIAUMM I . Volunteers of the health army. Sc-v. proficoluzy l8iwol9:36-37 0 162. WOM 15:9) 1. Starshiy inspektor-,vrach otdela Vsesoy=nogo tsentrallnogo soveta professionalinykh soriallpropo gosudarstvenno= sotsialinomu strakhovaniyu. (Public health) (CO=Mnity life) NITSMANEt A. K. NITSMOE, A. K. - "Hidden form of Mastitis As A Source of Infection of Healthy Cows in the Latvian SSR.0 Latvian Agriculturai Academy, 1955. In Lat7iaa (Dissertation for the Degree of C-ndidate of Veterinary Sciences) SOs Izvestiya Ak. Nauk LaL%~!Lskoy SSR, No. 9., Septp, 1955 NITSOWVA, S, Device for collecting motion. Mat i fiz Bulg 7 no. 2t58 MY-Ja 164, 1 1 NITSOWVA, S. (Sof ia) Teaching rotary -.oticn of so!-'ds 'r, 9ih grade. Pat '- .-'.'z 3u!g 7 no.029-34 Jl-Ag 164. NITSOLOVA, S. (Sofia) For interesting and wall-considered review or lessons in physics. Hat i fiz Bulg 7 no.6:25-30 M-D 064. IAO-moul S. St. (5ofia) Iakov Illich Frankell, 1194-1952. 1,%t i fiz Bulg 7 no-5:-,'O- 52 164. NITSOLOVA, S,. St. (Sofiia) On the independent work of pupils in physies in the Sth grade. Pt. 2. Hat I fiz Bulg 7 no. 1: 21-26 Ja,-? 164* 1. 2am. g1. redaktor,."Matematika i fizika". ?N'.Y.WIf)VAP S. St. A new device in mechanical engineering. Mat i fiz Pulg 7 no. 2: 62-63 164. 1. Deputy Chief Editor, OMtematika i fizika". HITSOUWAJ S.St. (sonSA) Teacblzg an the gmUjact Meatrio current in mcdconductorsl in the 22th grade, Met I fix BaIg 5 na,5:28-35 3-0 162, I* Chlon ma, RedaktaLonuata, kolegiia,, OKKtsz&tlkA i fisikO, -St. Nnsol .044,lr~ Coufarence an the methods in physicxg, hold in Frape J=e 2-4p 1962o Kat'L fis BaU 5 no~6:~7-58 If-D 162, lo MLIena n& Radaktsiamata kolagiiam, "Matematika i fizike.0. NITSOV 9 M. (Bolgariya) Bulgaria,, country of health resort*. Vop. kuxr., fizioter. i lech. fiz. kult 26 no.4:358-362 JI-Ag 161. (14L?A 15:1) iBULGARL4-H&ALTH &ZORTS, JAMING PLACES, ETC.) IANCWAt B,j DANG79 Atej ZHEWAP H.; NITSOVA# Pe; MIMSTAKOVA, Tov.; KSARSKI, H.j MIRCfMVAO H. Antigeni* content and I-Mj"Ogenja aot4lity of typhous suspensions obtained through submerged cultivation with aeratioas Nauch trud Inst kontrol, lek 101-29 163. 1. Scientific Research Institute for the State Control of Drugs, Sofia (for Unoheva, Danov, Zbelevap and Nitoova). 2. Sol6ntifio Research Institute of Epidemiology eM Microbiology, Sofia (for Khrlstanova, Mesaraki, and Hircheva). sov/81-59-10-34056 Translation froms Referativnyy zhumal. Khimiya, 1959, Hr 10, P 32 (USSR) ATYMOR: -Nitsovich, M. . % % IV IV TITLE: The Theory of the DiamagnetisT of Electronic r-as in Crystals PERIODICAL: flauk. zap. Chernivetstk. un-t, 1958, Nr 34, pp 67-77 (Ukrainian) ABSTRACT: The statistical sum of an electronic gas being in the magnetic field is considered with an accuracy up to the terms of' the H2 order. Feynmants procedure for disentangling the operators is used. The expression for the stationary part of the tensor of the magnetic susceptibility of the elec- tronic gas has been obtained. This expression consists of the following parts: the principal part coinciding with Peierds-Wilsonis formula in the isotropic case (Peierds, R., Z. Phys., 1933, Vol 80, P 763; Wilson, A., Kvantovaya teoriya matallov. OGIZ, 1941), the part which is analogous to the atornic diamagnetism (it corresponds to Wilson's formula in the aniso- tropic case) and several other terms. A. Almazov Card 1/1 AUTHOR: Nitsovich, M. V. SOV/126- --7-5-1/25 TITLE: the Theory of the Diamagnetism of an Electron Gas in Crystals (K teorii diamagnoetizaa elektronnogo gaza, v kristallakh) PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, 1959, voi *.7 , ur 5, pp, 641-649 (USSR.) ABSTRACT: A new derivation of the formula for the diamagnetic sus- ceptibility of an electron gas is given. This derivation is claimed to be more general than those given in Refs 1-4. This is done by calculating the statistical sum ror an elec- tron gas placed in a magnetic field. All the terms proport- ional to H2 and an exact expressio'n for the diamagnetic susceptibility of an electron gas have been found, The re- sults are applicable t9 any anisotropic crystal. The =ag- netic susceptibility tensor consists of 5 parts, as follows: 1) This part is identical with the formula given by Peierls and Wilson (Ref 3) for the isotropic case. 2) This part is analogous to "atomic diawgnetism" and is a generalizatioa of the Wilson formula (Ref 3) to the aniso- Card 1/3tropic case. It is of the form: On the Theory of the 2 (E) - 8 =Ma ~f 3) A term of 2 e2 ~ dkZ 2h2c2 SOV/126- - -7-5-1/25 Diamagnetism of an Electron Gas in Crystals (b "0 6(XY%)# +- 6(xY-O OaVO )Z 04 sun dT dk n the form: af (6a?v~=Y,;4+-6(xYj 6 WZn M ?V %13a sEn, un S a 'un d-r. which is small. Sk v 9k _j Sk a. 5jrm 0 4) A part containing These terms are zero in all real cases. Card 2/3 SOV/126-.- -7-5-1/25 On the Theory of the Diamagnetism of an Electron Gas in Crystals 5) fhIs part contains terms which cannot be su=ed up and although they are small their effect cannot be estimated. Card The complete expression is given in Eq (5.4). Acknowledg- 3/3 ment is made to Professor A.. G. Samoylovich. There are 7 references, of which 4 are Soviet, 1 is German and 2. English. ABSOCIATION: Ghernovitskiy Sosudarstvennyy gaiversitet (Ghernovtdy, State University) SUBMITTED: November 28, 1956, after revision I&Y 13,, 1957 NITSOVICH, M. V., Cand Phys-Math Sci -- (diss) "Theory of the dia- magnetism of electron gas in crystals." Chernovtsy, 1960. 7 pp; (Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialist Education Ukrainian SSR, Chernovtsy State Univ, Chair of Semiconductor Physics); 150 copies; price not given; bibliography at end of text (10 entries); (KL, 17-60, 140) 3/181 6~j/002/02/30/053 vt 7.9400 B X067 AUTHORSt Samoylovich, A. ., Nitsovich, M. V. TITLEs The Problem of Magnetic Susceptibilit o Metallic Lithium PERIODICALs Fizika tverdogo telaj 1960, Vol. 2, go. 2, PP- 371-373 TEXTs The present article is a continuation of a previous paper (Ref. I) f in which general expressions were deduced for the orbital magnetic sus- ceptibility of an electron gas in a crystal. These expressions are here employed for calculating the magnetic susceptibility of metallic lithium. Pines (Ref. 2) has already analyzed the experimental data obtained for lithium, and he represented them theoretically by the formula Io ' Is + Xd + )(,; here, Xo denotes the total magnetic susceptibility, is the paramagnetic spin susceptibility with regard to electronic inter- action, Ya the atomic diamagnetic susceptibility, and Xd the diamagnetic susceptibility of the conduction electrons. The author now attempts to give a better description of the experiments, and he demonstrates his method by the example of lithium. He sets XI ' 12 + X3 + X4 + 15 for Card 1/2 * F-eika MeWtov '1 MCf411SVCjeVi'IYC' q~511 V,11.7, ler.S, pr 941-64-161SSC)